A.N.JIE free porn video

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How did we ever get by without Satellite Navigation computers in our motorcars?

Brian Mullender hadn’t really thought about it before, if he was honest, but the subject came up in a lively conversation at his workplace. One of the snooty sales managers had taken delivery of an expensive rather flash new car the day before and was going on and on about it, particularly with regard to the state-of-the-art onboard computer system.

It was quite an amusing exchange, Brian thought, held between the four employees sitting in the works canteen enjoying a cooked mid-morning breakfast. It was the boss’s rare, in fact virtually unique, treat because between them they had managed to produce and despatch an urgent order in double-quick time. It was the sales manager’s, and therefore the company’s, biggest and best account, so he sweet-talked the boss into rewarding the main contributors to the successful salvage operation. Naturally, the sales manager managed to wangle himself in on the free meal too.

Brian was just a cog in the wheel of the large plastics manufactory, though he was important in this particular instance. Brian wasn’t bright or clever, but he was an accomplished machinist. He operated a machine that moulded and punched out the particular plastic containers that the customer just had to have consigned that day. The company stores normally carried enough quantity in stock to more than cover this client’s usual weekly order, but they needed twice as many as normal and apparently the Sales Department didn’t inform the production department until just the afternoon before they were required.

If the truth ever came out, the order had been placed at least a month earlier by the client, during a rather boozy lunch, paid for by the supplier, Brian’s company. However, the sales manager who hosted the lunch, had forgotten to follow the verbal order through correctly by putting the appropriate paperwork in hand.

Brian just had time to set up the moulding tool so that it was all ready to go late into the night before. It was therefore ready to go when he clocked into work, along with a colleague to assist, a couple of hours early that morning in order to bang them out in timely fashion. A truck was standing by to take the consignment direct to the client’s door and thereby save the day. Brian had been doing the same job for nigh on twenty years, so it wasn’t difficult but he did have to put himself out at very short notice on the company’s behalf. Even so, it was unusual for the company to bother to thank their staff.

His best friend Toby Marshall assisted, of course, and they couldn’t have achieved the result without his help. He feed in the raw materials at one end, then trimming off the tines and stacking the product onto Europallets at the delivery end. Brian was left free to concentrate on keeping up the quality and speed of production.

They made a good team, Toby and Brian went to school together and always remained firm friends throughout their adult life, even though they now lived forty miles apart.

They were each other’s best man when they married, Toby to Sally Moran 17 years ago, and Brian to Marianne Edgar five years ago. Brian was godson to Harry, Toby and Sally’s teenager, along with Toby’s younger sister Alison. Toby had another child, daughter Amy, who was ten going on 18, but she had a different set of godparents.

Brian and Marianne hadn’t started their own family yet. At 29, Marianne didn’t feel ready to tie herself down to motherhood, while at 37 Brian didn’t want to wait too much longer. Nor did he want to rock the boat by pressing the matter beyond Marianne short patience fuse.

Alec, the production foreman, who had assigned his best two men to the urgent job, was also invited to the late breakfast in the otherwise deserted restaurant. Rupert Goring, the sales manager, hosted the party. They enjoyed their bacon and fried eggs, sausage and fried tomato with a round of toast, choice of white or brown, on the side. With a maximum of seven items to choose from at the staff canteen, Rupert opted for the fried bread and the black pudding, while leaving off the tomato and toast. Toby was the only one to add a tasty roundel of bubble and squeak to his plate, reluctantly foregoing the sausage option. Alec and Brian were satisfied with the standard fare.

Rupert regaled them throughout their repast with all the minute details about his fantastic new company car.

“Took delivery yesterday, a reward for the level of orders I’ve been bringing in. What this car can’t do, ain’t even been thought of yet!” According to the self-appointed Motorists’ Bible, it had leather this and titanium that and polycarbonate something else. This wasn’t just the luxury executive car of the year, according to Rupert, it was the creme de la creme of the millennia.

His audience of three looked at one another, when they thought he wasn’t looking, not a difficult task as he rarely expressed interest in the feelings of others all the while he was the centre of attention, effortlessly conveying the universal rolling of the eyeball to signify the message of “What a plonker!”

“As far the onboard computer, it exceeded all my expectations, and would clearly amaze you guys. This computer’s got more ram than the Welsh mountains, it’s nippier than Usane Bolt and more powerful than Obama,” Rupert enthused between mouthfuls. “It manages the engine performance, keeps check on exhaust emissions, oil pressure and lubrication quality. It checks water level, brake condition, reports back on road surface temperature, even the tyre pressures. It can start the engine automatically, timed to simultaneously warm it up to optimum operating temperature, defrost the car and acclimatise the interior to match my house first thing in the morning before I have even finished my early morning cuppa.

“As for the sat-nav,” he continued without interjection, “It’s so ‘super-nav’, it should have secret identities and caped-costume change when I switch it on.”

Rupert went on and on. All this superlative performance was controlled by the driver’s voice commands, he hardy needed to press more than the odd button now and then to enter passwords and destination coordinates or postcodes.

The computer even sent data back to the main dealer, so they knew exactly when the vehicle needed attention and the garage would consequently phone the driver to book the car in at a convenient time and date for the service. Rupert insisted on taking his dining companions out for a spin after their breakfast.

It did look a nice car, Brian had to concede that point, when they reached the car park. It was sleek and aerodynamic, its paintwork shone like a mirror in the sunlight. A quality-built car of European manufacture, inside it was smothered in soft leather and polished burr walnut. It smelt so new it assaulted Brian’s senses.

Brian immediately thought that Marianne would definitely love this car, she always complained that ANJie smelled a little musty, although Brian thought ANJie was fine, she certainly should be as Brian kept her clean to the level of obsession. But ANJie was eight years old and, even though Brian kept the car in immaculate condition and carefully maintained mechanically, while protecting her (he never regarded any of the three cars he had owned since he first started driving as “it”) overnight in a warm garage, she was starting to look dated style wise and she had only been a bog-standard entry-level car bought on a tight budget at the outset. In fact he had originally sought to buy a secondhand car but he got such a good deal on ANJie. She was the last of the old model the dealers had, so they included the sat-nav, alloy wheels and rubber car mats to sweeten the deal.

Brian had always looked after his cars, treating them like members of the family. He had kept his last two cars garaged. Prior to that he had shared his home with his parents, when the garage was full of their junk that they hadn’t the heart to part with.

He washed his car with shampoo every Sunday, rinsing off carefully, noting every small paint defect. He would clean all the windows and mirrors and vacuum-clean the interior, wiping down all the surfaces. Every month he would apply three layers of wax polish after washing, having touched up any chips in the paintwork the weekend before. He regularly checked and topped up as necessary all the liquids, coolants, lubricants, and checking air pressures, and tyre treads for wear. A couple of times a year he would clean the upholstery, even going as far as lightly oiling the upholstery springs. Brian’s wife Marianne’s little car, a two-seat sporty convertible, was totally impractical as a family car. Marianne only used it to get to work or for one of her regular nights out with her girlfriends; for the weekly shop Brian drove her to the supermarket to collect the groceries using the capacious and ever-reliable ANJie.

The couple had argued at length when they first got hitched, about who would get to garage their car in the single space available. This was after Brian’s Dad passed on and his Mum was placed for her own comfort into an elderly care home.

Marianne had all the advantages in the argument, she thought. She worked in a local office, while Brian faced at least an hour’s drive both ways and set out for work much earlier; so he always left first and mostly returned home last. Also, Brian natural inclination was to avoid arguments, preferring a quiet life to one of conflict. So it looked on paper like Marianne would easily win the day over possession of the garage hands down. Marianne certainly thought so as she had initiated the discussion of the subject herself just weeks before their impending nuptials. Although she had moved herself, and her substantial wardrobe, into Brian’s little house some months before, she realised that he had regarded his ugly old-fashioned automobile with unnatural regard, so she hadn’t felt quite sure of her ground before this time.

But argue, cajole and threaten dire consequences as much as she dare, Brian was adamant. Her car had never been garaged, either round her Mum’s or Brian’s house, while ANJie had always been garaged from the day she was brand new, which was why she still looked, to Brian’s eyes at least, in showroom condition. What Brian did concede, was that he would carry her spare car key on his keychain and move Marianne’s cabriolet each time he needed to and would scrape the ice and snow off as winter dictated, before leaving for work.

He also undertook to wash and polish her car just as regularly and thoroughly as his own, including checking essentials like tyres, oil and water, but he was not prepared to clean out and vacuum the interior. He did check the fuel and filled it up every three or four weeks, her local mileage being merely a fraction of his.

Brian loved his car and thought his sat-nav was near perfect. He had only two minor reservations about the device, both of them being roads that ANJie had clearly been pre-programmed to avoid. One of them was a feeder road which went by a scrap metal yard in the middle of a series of tight S-bends, just off the ring road which by-passed Brian’s home town.

Brian had to admit that the route was hazardous, particularly first thing on Mondays when there was often a queue of heavily-laden recycling trucks alongside the road with car transporters loaded with old wrecks for crushing. Sometimes bits of debris would fall off these trucks, some as large as car panels, old exhausts or as small and destructive as nuts and bolts which could damage tyres, windscreens and chip paintwork. However, Brian always drove carefully with his full attention on the road and he decided the risk was acceptable.

The other area the programmers conspired to force him to avoid was the south-west quarter of the ring road on the clockwise direction. That was the last phase of the ring road that was completed about ten years earlier. Brian assumed that the version of the road network loaded into his sat-nav was quite an old one. He had never felt the need to buy an update in the eight years he had driven ANJie.

Alec naturally sat in front with Rupert, being management, for their test drive in Rupert’s car. Brian and Toby piled into the back. Rupert started the engine and was prompted by a disembodied voice to tap his password into the computer which took a moment or two thereafter to load up and get ready to receive input. Rupert tapped in a post code destination, which was the petrol station on the other side of the ring road, apparently. The computer whirred, a box with a slider on it appeared on the screen indicating the progress of calculating the route, then it declared with a beep that it was finished, thereafter commenced instructing the driver verbally, and by arrows on the map, to turn left.

In the earlier animated discussion held in the canteen, Rupert had said the voice on the sat-nav sounded sexy, very much like Joanna Lumley. Brian smiled to himself without commenting, it sounded to his ears like it could only be Joanna Lumley if she was playing the role of a Dalek. It was nothing at all like the smooth much sexier dulcet tones of his own sat-nav, which sounded much more feminine and expressive, definitely unmetallic. Admittedly, both voices seemed to have trouble with numbers, making them sound oddly sing-song-like, as if each individual number had been recorded in a wildly different combination.

Also, ANJie had more than a hint of an oriental accent to her English, which Brian had always found somewhat endearing, attractive, oddly ... stimulating even. Yes, ANJie had a very pleasant voice that he could listen to all day, every day. He looked forward to any opportunity to insert and twist his ignition key again and again. Rupert’s computer voice, Brian was certain, would grate on him in a very short time indeed. Rupert’s computer certainly didn’t have a voice that Brian could tell his troubles to. His journey to work each day was generally 55 minutes to an hour on the outward leg and up to 70 minutes in the evening, longer on Fridays.

His journey hadn’t always been a daily round trip of such magnitude. Brian and Toby joined the company straight from school, when the plastics plant was in an industrial estate on the edge of their town. That was before the ring road about their home town was even started. However, the local plant was closed down about eight years ago and selected staff had the offer to take the redundancy payments to which they were entitled or move to the other plant, forty miles away. The offer came with some assistance with relocation costs, or contribution to commuting expenses for a reasonable, though limited period.

Toby immediately upped sticks and moved house lock, stock and barrel with his young pre-school family, Brian was unable to do so. He was still living with his widowed and disabled Mum at the time. Although his Mum was now cared for in a home and he was relieved of the daily efforts he had been used to putting in all his adult life, he wanted to live in his old family home and be able to see his Mum regularly and be situated close by for any emergencies. His wife Marianne moved in with him about six years ago and she had her work, family and friends locally and didn’t want to relocate either.

So he spent long hours in his car, singing along to the radio or a Blues CD and telling all his troubles to ANJie, who was the ideal listener. As he sat in the back of Rupert’s car, cruising around the ring road of this distant town, Brian smiled at the recollection of ANJie and lost himself for a few moments in pleasant reminiscence.

He had originally personalised his first car, an ancient vehicle, already 15 years young when he had acquired it. The previous owner had put a knob on the steering wheel so he could steer it with one hand as he apparently had limited movement in his other arm due to a stroke. The one previous owner from new covered very little mileage and so the car was in good condition despite its long life. Brian instantly thought his first car had a personality of her own so he christened her Betsy, silly he thought, but he did. And she seemed to fit her name, somehow, being mature, unexciting and eminently reliable.

Brian may not have been particularly bright or well-educated, but he was never stupid. He sensed he would be ridiculed, he only ever told Toby and his Mum that he called his cars by personalised names. They held Brian in such affection, that they understood his action without question or ridicule, they smiled, that was just so typical of Brian. He was crazy, sure, but he was also nice, at the very least harmless, anyway.

That very first Betsey only lasted two years. Although the paintwork was immaculate, the underlying rust had already eaten into the steel chassis and when the implications came to light she had to be compulsorily retired.

Brian then purchased a multiple-owned vehicle that was already six years old when it came into his possession. It brought with it a high mileage but Brian nursed that machine, which he christened “Betsey 2”, for a further eight years, giving him almost trouble-free motoring for the period.

When the threat of redundancy or commute materialised, Brian was forced to consider purchasing his third vehicle. He had enjoyed driving Betsey 2 so much that he had already planned ahead for the inevitable and had saved enough, he thought, to buy a similar model perhaps only one or two years old.

So it was about six months before the time he had planned on upgrading anyway, that he received notice that his plant was to close. Brian weighed up the options and he decided to commute to the alternative factory. He had a few months’ grace before the move but he was very aware that the old reliable warhorse would have to be retired before the move.

So he visited the main dealers to see what they had on offer. His old model was 14 years old by then, was still being manufactured and, although it had gone through an evolution of re-stylings in the meantime, it was still recognisably the same type of car.

His timing couldn’t have been better. The style had just changed once more, the transformation of bodywork so radical that the older models looked boxy and dated compared to the broad, spacious and curvy new design. This was despite the fact they were almost identical under the new pressed and painted shell. The dealers were having difficulty offloading the remnants of the old style that they still had untidily clogging up the lot.

Brian was a godsend to the salesman. Here was a customer who actually quite liked the old style, it was still a vast improvement in looks on his old model. He assumed that he could not afford a new car, he had intended selecting one of the best of the used models. However, he was surprised that the price of a new unfashionable version was so reasonable. He took into account the salesman’s comments that he would have three years of manufacturer’s warranty compared to just one year’s dealer warranty on a used one. Added to that, he could delay having to take a Ministry Of Transport safety test for three years with a new car. As further sweeteners to the deal, the salesman was prepared to throw in a set of smart alloy wheels, rubber mats throughout and the latest Satellite Navigation Kit containing integrated radio and CD player with surround sound speaker system into the basic model, which normally only came with a rather basic radio/cassette model. Brian sat and thought it through. He fully accepted that he may have been a bit on the dim side educationally but he was always careful, never did anything rash or unconsidered. He had already taken a test drive in the car, which he felt very positive about. He quite liked the colour, a conservative blue that looked very attractive with its showroom shine. Weighing it all up, it cost only a few hundred more than the cost of a used one on the lot, which was easily outdone by the near grand’s-worth of additions. To be honest, Brian had no real need of the alloy wheels, although he understood that they would be less likely to look unsightly over time if he was to maintain it as long as the previous model had motored on for. The sat-nav meant absolutely nothing to him, in fact he had trouble programming his VCR and setting the clock on the cooker was, frankly, beyond him, he left it flashing zeros after the first power cut. He was useless with computers at school and only forced to use the factory one to log on for his time sheet.

However, as he had recently replaced most of his vinyl Blues and Bluegrass records with CDs, that part of the entertainment package greatly appealed to him. The salesman was also prepared to offer a good trade-in on Brian’s old car which solved the problem of what to do with her once Betsey 2 was replaced.

“Sold!” Brian smiled to the salesman, who grinned even broader back at him, and Brian happily signed the papers put in front of him and handed over his debit card. Two days later, after the registration had been completed and the wheels, mats and sat-nav unit had been installed, Brian proudly drove away the very first brand-new car he had ever possessed.

Brian had to admit to himself that he wasn’t the sharpest chisel on the workbench. Everybody had always told him that anyway. Even at school they didn’t think he had the remotest chance of getting an engineering apprenticeship, so he settled for his first job as a packer and loader at the local plastics factory. He was a good reliable worker, so much so that one day the foreman asked if he would try out on a plastics extruding machine and, Brian thought, why not? He took to it well and had been doing the same job ever since.

If someone physically showed him what to do, he was fine, and was practically-minded enough to run with it, and able to sort out any problems which arose. He just wasn’t too good at reading instruction manuals. He had to admit that he had some misgivings about what to do with the dreaded sat-nav in those two days leading up to handing over his old car and taking over the new.

So when he was sitting comfortably in Betsey 3 and had adjusted his mirror and fastened his seat belt, he found he couldn’t delay the inevitable any longer and so he switched the unit on. He was delighted that, in addition to the radio, which was already tuned in to a popular music station, a map instantly appeared on the screen showing his route towards towards the by-pass, and he hadn’t even had to punch any buttons yet. He liked this. He’d not slept very well the last couple of nights wondering how he would get the device to work and there it was working without having to do anything.

When he picked up the car, the salesmen were all too busy to show him around his new acquisition. They were inundated due to an enthusiastic response by the public to the flashier new models, and Brian was almost shooed out the door. He went without complaint, never liking to make a fuss.

He had two possible routes home around the ring road from the garage, which was situated quite close to the main road running east. The southward clockwise route around the ring road was fractionally the shortest way around and that was the way he had decided on travelling. However, as he approached the main road, the ring road appeared on his little screen, showing the northbound route as bright yellow and the southbound as a foreboding black, which looked ominous. Brian was uncertain how to proceed. He was a careful driver and hated to be in two minds. He needed help. Then he spotted a button, in a bank of buttons to one side of the unit, that was marked “Voice”, so in desperation, Brian pushed the button, more in hope than conviction that he had any clue what he was doing.

A voice said, “Congestion delays ahead, please take the third turning off the roundabout and head ... North, along the A-three ... seventy ... nine.” The voice was commanding, insistent even, and Brian obeyed without a second thought and even said “Thanks, Betsey 3”.

The voice was mechanical, the road numbers sounded curiously stilted, but Brian got used to the slight idiosyncrasies and in time grew to love the voice. It was a warm definitely female voice, a little on the bossy side and sounded a little annoyed, like the parent of a wayward child whose patience was being tested, on the few occasions he ignored her commands or missed his turning in error. The language spoken was English, but it seemed like the English used wasn’t the first language of the woman who had input all the phrases. To Brian’s untrained ear he thought perhaps she was Japanese, no surprise really as the car was Japanese-designed, although built in Europe, and the installed Satellite-Navigation unit appeared to be of Japanese manufacture.

He signalled in plenty of time and safely moved his new car into the righthand lane and took the turning to the right as he had been advised or instructed. He enjoyed a safe and uneventful journey home to his Mum’s house, a house he later took possession of when his Mum had to go into care. Brian never found out what the problem was with the alternative clockwise route and never gave it a second thought. He put his trust in the machine and everywhere he went his journeys appeared to be much more often smooth ones than otherwise.

So trouble-free were his trips that he was minded to recall that only two years ago, he and Marianne holidayed in Scandinavia for a fortnight. Motoring through Norway and Sweden mainly, with a couple of days in Denmark and then a swift drive through Germany and Holland leading to the ferry home. The sat-nav performed perfectly on the trip, as it had promised to so when he had pre-planned the trip, running through all the proposed routes with ANJie beforehand.

So it was when Rupert started espousing the claim that only the top sat-navs included Western Europe along with the usual UK maps that Brian took exception and spoke up for the first time. This was out of character, he normally never allowed those boastful types to get his rancour up but this time Rupert touched one raw nerve too many.

“Look, there doesn’t appear to be anything special in your new sat-nav that is any improvement over my standard eight-year-old one. I have Europe maps on mine, too, as I took a trip through five countries just a couple of years ago. Mine has a much more natural speaking voice, she also warns me about road temperature, accidents and planned maintenance hold-ups, tyre pressures and brake wear. She even points out where I can find parking spots in unfamiliar towns. I don’t even have to press any buttons to give her instructions or a password. She is so user friendly, she even calls me Brian.”

Well, that reallyput the cat among the pigeons!

“Brian,” Rupert said, angrily, “You better put up or shut up!”

So, as soon as they got back to the company car park, they all bundled into Brian’s HN05 ANJ and Brian put the key in and started the engine in anticipation of amazing his carful of Doubting Thomases. And ... nothing happened. Nothing at all. This was not at all as Brian had expected. The engine started with no problem, the battery and ignition system was in excellent condition, the fuel and air mixture tuned to near-perfection and the car’s electronics performed almost as it always did. Except for the sat-nav. ANJie displayed the map showing the roads but her voice didn’t kick in to greet him as he had told his guests that she always did.

“Hello, ANJie,” asked hesitatingly, ever since he’d pressed the “Voice” button on his first day, he had always chattered away to ANJie as if she was a best friend. And she always greeted him as soon as he turned the key. Today, though, nothing.

Nor did she answer any of his increasingly desperate attempts to communicate with her. He even turned her off and on again to get a response, but to no avail. That had never happened before, ever.

“Well,” said Rupert, “Amaze us, Brian, tap in the destination, your own town for example, and show us what she can do.”

Brian had never tapped in any co-ordinates before, of course, he had never had to and didn’t even know how. ANJie always knew where he was going by talking to her, often narrowing down the destination by a number of questions and answers. He had never once read the manual or even take it out of its shrink-wrapped covering. Of course he had never read the manual, Brian had never read any manual.

After Brian hesitated, Rupert, who had jumped into the front seat, sighed and started tapping the screen, located the library of destinations and found it completely empty. Of course then he decided to take the piss out of Brian and openly laughed at him.

“Brian, you are a joke, you stupid thick bugger!” Rupert laughed, “This sat-nav is a non-starter, it doesn’t work and you have clearly never even used it. You are either trying to make fools of us or else you are delusional, or completely off your trolley!”

Brian was red-faced and had no response to the insults, none at all. ANJie’s lack of response had rocked him to the core. He switched the engine off, mumbling incoherent apologies and excuses for the temporary non-performance of his computer and everyone got out.

Alec and Rupert walked off laughing.

Toby squeezed his friend’s shoulder and told him not to worry about it, that Rupert was full of hot air and not to let him get to him. At least, he pointed out the bright side, they got a free breakfast out of the whole exercise. Brian was a little upset about the result and even more concerned that he had upset ANJie, there was no other explanation, but he had to get back into work. Angrily, he slammed the car door, regretting the petulant action immediately, he never lost his temper like that. Brian never showed any sign of petulance, even Toby noticed, waiting to walk into the factory with him. But Brian did dwell on the events throughout the rest of the day. His production rates were down as a consequence.

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"Dammit, who's ringing the bell at this time of the morning? I've already had to struggle to the door to pay the paper girl." David was not in a good mood. Once more he hopped to the door on his crutches. "Poll. What do you and your friend want? Are you going to be a Good Samaritan and help me for a bit? I'm still struggling to get up. Are you on your way to Tesco's? If so I could do with some things." "No, David. Pete and me are going to take you on a raiding party to recapture a...

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Short cock Big load

I was on my way home from San Diego last week and I got off the freeway in Glendale and went to a Romantix not far off the freeway. This store has some video booths, real small and tight booths though, not really my favorite place, but there is one set that has a glory hole so I was going to try to get one of those. When I first got there, I was the only one in the booths area. I got the booth with the glory hole and flicked through the movies working my cock up nice and hard. Finally a guy...

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DaddyChapter 3

“It certainly looks like they fucked each other last night,” the first voice said. “They’re both naked ... I hope so,” the second said, waking me up. “Good morning, Daddy,” they said together. “It’s 9:30 in the morning. Get dressed and let’s go,” Sarah said. “Do we need to start calling Delia, Mommy?” Anne remarked with a giggle. “No,” the voice came from under the covers next to me. “Just because we love one another, doesn’t mean anything has to change. Leave, we’ll see you by the car in...

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Oops I fucked my brother

The story contains an explicit image below.Samantha Wylde! I couldn't believe my eyes! From all the girls in the world, my brother had to fuck Samantha Wylde! Yeah, Samantha. That stupid cunt!What? How do I know my brother screwed that ugly bitch? Because I saw them. I saw her ride my brother's cock. I witnessed how she sucked his solid cock, and then how he came and flooded her dirty mouth.Anyway, let me introduce myself. My name is Alexis Jones, an 18-year-old suburban teen from Washington...

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The Accidental Watch 8th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 22

A History of Wall Street made for great reading to fall asleep by. It was almost as boring as the King James Version of the bible. Surely there had to be someplace that could make sense of Bonds, Fallen Angels, Acquisitions, Blue Chip Stocks, Coupons, Voting Shares and ad infinitum. One thing kept popping up: British Consols. In 1757, the coupon rate on the stock was 3%. The coupon rate remained at 3% until 1888. Paid Quarterly. By 1923 the rate was reduced to 2.5%. It is still 2.5%. In the...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 9

The last few days of my aunt and cousin's stay were fairly uneventful. We went to the beach to swim in the ocean on Monday and I was allowed to bring Cindy with me. She spent most of the day ogling my brother and cousin, making nasty little comments about what she'd like to do with them. I wore my yellow bikini and Frank kept his camera trained on me most of the day. I don't know how many pictures he took, but it was a lot. That night, after we dropped Cindy off at her house, we all hung...

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Lefones Quest Ch 0103

Here are the first three chapters of the story, please note there isn’t much sexual shenanigans going on yet — this is more setting the background and the character. Please leave any (constructive!) criticism! — Chapter 1 Mr Thomas Lefone surveyed the assembly room with a familiar disappointment curling in the pit of his stomach. The same preened gentlemen, powdered ladies and flirtatious girls spread before him throughout the great hall, the same as he had seen at every ball this season,...

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The FavorWIN WIN

A close friend asked me for a favor not knowing what the answer would be. Apparently her boyfriend of 10 yrs had been asking if I was "with it". Ha! Me...he didn't know we had already had a nite of girl on girl fun before. (That's another story).She said "come over tomorrow and visit me". Knowing me...I went. She offered me a drink and we sat there talking for a while. All of of a sudden her man comes knocking. She let him in and gave him a drink. We all sat around until she broke the silence...

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Hellooooo nurse

Just to start off my name is Justin, I’m 22 years old and live in LA. I’ve always had the doctor. After giving me and examination he told me the reason I was sick was my tonsils. They had to be removed. So we made an appointment with the local hospital and I would go in for the surgery on Tuesday. The surgery went well and they took me to recovery where I’d have to stay for a few days until the swelling went down. When I woke up after the surgery there was a beautiful young woman standing over...

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Another Halloween submission, quite different than most you might read. Thank you to WanderingScot for his editing and making this a much better read. Here I was at Joe's Restaurant. It was one of the few places I hung out and they were throwing a Halloween party. I let my friends convince me to come and here I was dressed as Batman, mask and all. Most of my closer friends knew who I was but I decided I was going to leave my mask on most of the night. The bartender who was one of my...

4 years ago
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A Wet Ride Home From The Theater

“That was incredible!” Amanda said as we walked out of the movie theater. “It was ok,” Matt answered.“Not exactly your type of movie. Thanks for going to see it with me. You know how long I’ve been waiting for it to come out.”“Of course. That’s what a good husband does. Even if the movie is three hours long.”“Was it really that long? That explains why my bladder is bursting. We shouldn’t have gotten the large popcorn and drink.”“Same. I’m gonna head to the bathroom.”“I’ll wait here.”Matt turned...

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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 52 One Night on Crucible

Constance eventually left my arms. Miki was next to hold onto me. My little Japanese beauty had been the quietest over the past few hours. This did not change once I was holding her as she just clung to me and shivered. I just stroked her back and looked at the others as the pod continued to fall through the atmosphere. No one seemed interested in talking so we listened to a faint howl as we waited. Finally the motion stopped. It happened so suddenly that the silence accompanying it shocked...

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Scrolller POV

You may not be able to walk in a hung alpha’s shoes, but you can at least jerk your dick while you look through their eyes. I’m talking about kinky POV action. It’s a hot genre where you’re thrown right into the action. Few other genres can even come close to the fap-worthy immersion that this porn brings. Well, unless you want to spend thousands on a self-warming fuck doll, a VR headset, and a massive door lock to hide away your shame. I’ll take the POV porn over that shit any day.I know what...

POV Porn Sites
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Our first foursome

Having thoroughly enjoyed seeing me wife get fucked by another man and had the pleasure of eating two loads of spunk out of her, we were both eager for more.It didn't take us long to find that the personal column of the local free paper had some very strange ad's in it and we quickly picked up the jargon.`It wasn't long before we were sat in a pub with another couple discussing who would do what with who. Pat was a big bluff guy who was fortunate enough to have a very large cock. He was Bi like...

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The Skate ParkJamie

The Skate Park--JamieSitting on the picnic table at the skate park one day, just struck up a conversation with this dude that I had not seen before. Guess I was “feeling him out”. As one of the regulars, at 19, me and a few of my buds kinda looked out for the younger k**s, making sure nobody came in and started fuckin with them.Im telling “Jamie” that I was kinda like the “ruler” of the park. He ask me “ya, how is that”?Well, as one of the oldest, and more experienced boarders, me and my buds...

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Banged by Buster1

At fourteen, Bri was just discovering masturbation. She had had no idea it existed until reading about it on a sex site. Bri's mom was too uptight and prudeish to talk to her daughter about the birds and the bees, so finally she had taken sex education into her own hands. So far, Bri mused, she had learned that you called your vagina a pussy, and the little feel good button at the top was called a clit. Once in her room she hastily undressed and layed down on her bed. Buster, her...

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Earths CoreChapter 21 Truths Goals And Brining Up To Speed

Zax was on the verge of retorting against the notion of already joining Sinister Chain when it dawn on him that if former Supreme Ruler Gid Chu Takeda declared so, he probably will not budge for any other demand. Thus, he semi officially became the seventy fifth member of Sinister Chain. As Zax showed no indication of asking himself, Gid Chu took his silence as the essential attentiveness he would like him to exhibit before bringing up to speed. “Might as well start from the beginning, won’t...

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Second ChillChapter 8

After another wonderful night with my wives, especially Angelique, and another intensely creative day, especially with Tash, the next evening’s Tales began. I sat with Helen this time, her clones around us except Angelique, who sat with her sister wives. Two large, handsome men sat amongst Helen’s beautiful associates/followers/near mirror images/clones. Stan’s presence surprised me. My Lakota friend had missed the other evenings of the current Tale, having begun his studies at Harvard in...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 5 the Vaults TreasureChapter 5 Nimble Fingers

Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Chaun – The Free City of Raratha I smiled as I glanced at the seven halfling wives roaming the riverboat named The Halfling’s Harem. The memory of each one of the gasping and heaving beneath me, thinking I was their husband, made my dick throb in my leather pants. Captain Natan had no idea I cuckold him with each of his wives. I hoped at least one of the halfling females were pregnant with my child. All seven would be amazing, but I doubted I was that...

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Kunwari Dulhan Ko Suhaagraat Ka Tohafaa Part 8211 2

Dev ne priya ko apni baaho me utha liya. Aurr priya k bedroom me chala aaya. Uss ne priya ko bed pe halke se patak diya. Priya boli “Tum ye kya kar rahe ho?” dev bola ” pyaar…Bss pyaar” dev priya ke hotho ko chumne aage badha toh priya ne use dhakel diya. Kaha k please aisa mt kro. Dev ne kaha k thik hai.. Mera haq nahi he tum pe .. Mai chala jaata hu. Firr nahi aaunga. Priya ne uss ka haath pakad k rok liya kaha k. Tumhare liye toh meri jaan bhi haajir hai. Dev ne priya ko baaaho me kass liya...

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The Ritual

I woke with a dull rhythmic pounding in my skull. My head wasn't sore though. It was the drums. Lifting myself up on my elbows, I looked around, stunned by the very different viewpoint I had of the cave. The ritual was always held here, and I'd been involved a few times before, but then I'd been one of the naked children, cavorting on the outskirts of the main event, buzzing on the aromatic smoke, and grabbing at the boys around me. Tonight, I was lying near the centre of the huge space,...

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Runaway TrainChapter 2

Liz sighed and arose from her chair. "I just claimed I needed a potty break," she said. "Can you stick around? My manager said it might be a couple of hours before I'm done. I really want to catch up." "We need to get back to work," I answered. "We do," Rick pointed out. "You don't. We can cover for you if want." "I drove," I replied. "Even better!" Sarah offered with a laugh. "That means I finally get to drive your car. You should see it!" "Did you finally get the...

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Seychelles Turning Out

I took my girlfriend to the Seychelles for our honeymoon and we witnesses a terrific example of what can happen. I had been to the Seychelles before staying at the expensive Mahe Beach Hotel, which seemed a favourite of the 'jet set'. Having been there I decided that the Coral Strand was the place to go next time. The Seychelles see few Americans, which makes them frankly more attractive to the wealthier Europeans who can afford to visit. The hotel had a number of very attractive Creole...

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No Going Back S1E01 Pilot Part 2

No Going Back By Emily Elizabeth Maltby "Pilot" Part 2 Nothing could've prepared me for that moment. A boy of fourteen, hardly in high school, just...gone. It had been a drunk driver on the other end. The bastard had lost his life as well, which to me made it all the worse; no one to be mad at anymore, no one to throw in prison or hang from a tree. I sat there for what seemed like hours, sobbing more than I ever had. I had lost loved ones before, but for some reason the tears...

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Caught the InLaws

My in-laws had a house on a lake about 2 hours drive from the town we all lived. We spent most summer weekends there, swimming, boating, and doing what people do on a lake. My in-laws would often go there the day before people were arriving to clean it up, get groceries, etc. I was at work one summer Friday afternoon, and the boss decided to let everyone out early. It was noon, and I was excited to beat the traffic. I called my wife to say I was out early, and headed to the lake house. We had...

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Orphan MagusChapter 16

The world spun around me, but gravity only works one way, and it pulled me low. For what seemed like a few minutes, I laid on the asphalt relearning to see straight and clear away the stars. I rolled over onto my back, noted someone standing over me, and asked, “What hit me?” “I did, mother fucker!” someone yelled at me. The voice was familiar. “And if you know what’s good for you, you’ll stay down.” Considering I didn’t think I could stand on my own anyway, I nodded. “Staying right here,”...

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Sexy Shalini Bhabhi Ki Maari

Hiii. Myself Prince Patel from Ahmadabad. I am 20 years old. Mai abhi TY mein hu aur ISS ka bada fan hu. Agar koi girl, aunty or bhabhi from AHMEDABAD, Baroda and Anand mujse sex karvana chahti ho to mera contact mere e-mail through kar sakti hai, my e-mail is Everything would be confidential. Mai aapko bahut khush kardunga. To ab story pe aate hai. Baat un dino ki hai jab mai SY mein tha aur mujh par sex ka bhoot sawar tha. Humne tab ek naya maakan liya tha aur humne third floor ek couple ko...

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Captain GoldChapter 12 Conflict

"Thousands of these specks?" Captain Jeryth glared down at Berniss as though he could change her report by the sheer force of his will. "All through Skryben? That can't be possible!" "It's possible, all right. It's just highly unlikely," she responded. "All through her flesh, in all parts of her body. There are millions of them, but only a very small percentage are of the right size and shape to cause trouble. Those particular metal flecks just happen to be of just the right size...

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Shes PregnantChapter 8

Luz took real good care of me, feeding me and then making sure my balls didn't take a night off to recover. She was an energetic fuck, as opposed to Darla, who was more slow and romantic. She sucked me until I could drive nails with my cock, then bounded on it like a pogo stick, making happy noises until I hosed her insides down with it. Afterwards, she draped herself on my chest and fiddled with the fuzz there. "Boss, you gonna make babies with Luz?" she asked, looking up at me after a...

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Ann and the HandymanChapter 79

By the time I awoke from my exhausted sleep, it was mid-day. I was alone in the bed, the toys had been cleared away and Lena was gone, but she'd thoughtfully covered me with the duvet. For an instant, I felt a moment of panic, 'where was she?' Then I noticed a note on the pillow, it read ' Making us something to eat. Didn't want to wake you, you looked so beautiful and peaceful. I love you. Lena XXX' I held the note and felt a wonderful sense of warmth and affection for her. I clambered...

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The Yearning

Dixie’s husband James groans and unloads his cum onto her breasts and stomach. She sighs and wipes it off with a spare towel she keeps by the bed for just such an occasion. Then she rolls over and ponders her unsatisfying sex life as she hears him snoring a bit next to her. Dixie is still young, just barely into her thirties with reddish brown hair that hangs just past her shoulders. She has a gorgeously tanned athletic body, freckled all over. She has a modest set of breasts that fit her toned...

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You Jackass

‘You jackass!’ She yelled from the back porch as I backed out of the garage headed for work. I waved as if I hadn’t heard her words and kept going. Donna was my wife of twenty years, standing on the back porch of our modest home at the edge of town. She was wearing a pair of ‘big girl’ panties and nothing else. Her double D or bigger breasts were exposed and looking great. I didn’t have to ask why she called me a jackass. I knew. I had given her a hickey. We had had sex the night before. She...

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Quest for the Silver Cleric Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Companions are chosen When I woke, it was morning. A young girl came to my door and led me to the privy. After I finished, I thought, "You don't know how much you appreciate modern toilets until you're somewhere without them." She then led me to a small dining room, and I grabbed a quick bite to eat, making sure she had some, as well. Once we were done, she said, "Lady, the king asked me to give you a tour of the city." "That sounds wonderful. Lead on." Our tour took...

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My Wife Thrills Me

I left my meeting yesterday and decided to work the rest of the day at my home office. Most of the way home I was thinking about the meeting and the work I had to do, but then you slipped into my mind. I started thinking about the last time I saw you in your office, and how hot that was! By the time I arrived home I was hot, horny and wondering if I was going to be able to get any work done. As I sat behind my desk, telling myself I Will Work, I Will Work… My mind started to wander. I started...

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Mutiny on the Bunte KuhChapter 12 Meetings

Personally present in Vivie’s pod were Vivie, Inkie, Wendy, Gunny, and Melody. Avatar-holograms for Captain Pierce Masters, Helva and, Bossie were arranged across from those physically present. Ostensibly there as hostess and gofer, was June – Mom – the sometimes concubine of Gunny or Melody or Vivie as whim and occasion suited. In reality, she was there as an eavesdropper and a consultant, again as the situation suited. It was almost too funny; June had been instructed to chime in whenever...

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Frustrated Cousins II

Recently back from military service, I found myself at cousin Janice's apartment of an afternoon, after not having seen her for about three years, from the time she and her older physician husband had adopted a c---d. Instead of having a nice friendly glass of wine and some lunch, we almost instantly terminated years of flirtation by stripping and falling into a 69 position on the sofa. We managed to run the 69 to almost simultaneous climax, during which Janice hungrily swallowed a good...

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JulesJordan Adriana Chechik Adriana Meets Her Match From Mr 108243 Chris Diamond No Holes Barred

Adriana Check flaunts her sexy body in a sparkly bikini before getting her ASS pounded by Chris Diamond. Adriana shines in the sunlight as she shows off her amazing curves in a tiny bikini adorned with hundreds of crystals. With her short red hair style, Adriana gives us a glimmer of excitement as she unties her top and squeezing her tits before sensually sliding off her bottoms. She plays with her tiny bush as she shows off her amazing holes then Chris shows up to start his own examination....

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Lactating MILF Impregnated by Her Coworkers

For as long as I can remember I have been unconventional. My name is Jackie, and even as a little girl I always dressed and sometimes behaved the way boys do. I liked the more-masculine things like sports, computers and cars. I usually wore jeans and baseball caps, and my two older brothers always included me in their activities, at least when we were younger.Growing up, people always said that I was a very cute girl, with my dirty-blonde hair and blue eyes. But it wasn’t until I turned sixteen...

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Editing Reality Book Two Sultry Fantasies UnleashedChapter 3 Evening of Naughty Passions

James Davies “You want me to draw my ... sister?” I asked in shock, staring at Seth, my hand covering my naked cock. I shifted on the couch in my drawing room at Dreamgirl Delights. “Is she a request from someone?” Seth shifted before me, this gleam in his blue eyes. My nerdy friend smile. “Just for me. You know, Becky’s ... amazing.” I swallowed and squirmed. It wasn’t just me being self-conscious at Seth walking in on me in the middle of playing with my girls that had me off-balanced....

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CommuneChapter 32

After returning from taking Trupti and Melissa back to the dormitory, Jack headed over to the community house. He entered the house and took a seat at one of the tables. They still had to decide if they would offer Trupti the chance to enter the commune. Thinking nothing about it, Jack asked, “So what did you think of Trupti?” “She’s a nice girl,” Liz said getting nods of agreement from Claire and Bev. She was ready to have the young woman move in with her. Of course, half of the reason was...

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PornWorld Zlata Shine Wealthy Blonde MILF Gives Her Ass To New Employee

It’s the middle of the day in the middle of the week and Zlata Shine – a blonde MILF who recently divorced her wealthy husband – is bored and horny at her newly obtained multimillion-euro estate. To pass the time, she decides to jump in the shower and ram herself with her favorite dildo. Her little masturbatory session is interrupted when she hears a knock downstairs. Quickly dressing in a revealing blouse and underwear, she rushes down to open the door. On the other side of it is a young stud...

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The CameraChapter 7

“OH-MY-GOD ... would you just look at these pictures Bobby? They look like they were never touched-up.” The prints were perfect. No alignment necessary – As sharp as a razor, not a blemish. Perfectly placed subjects, with their cocks up their friend’s asses. “Wow, let me have six each of those. I’m starting today. By the end of the week those two dog turds will be ashamed to even come back to school.” “Bobby Joe, be sure and let Charlie and Ginger see these before you put them out in...

2 years ago
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RansomeChapter 8 Happy Ever After

When David came in from work a few days later the attractive divorcée was wallowing in the warm water of the bath in his en suite, slowly allowing her fingers to investigate the depths of her feminine folds under the foam covered surface. One look at her expression in the mirror tiles confirmed her lustful behaviour hidden from view. He stood there enthralled. As she realised that he was watching her she hit that all important plateau quicker than she had ever done before and after that it...

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The Hired Husband

My wife Annie and I have been married for 26 years. We had met while attending the same university and after I graduated took a job with a larger corporation in her hometown. She is 54 and I am 50. Our only child, a son is in the army and is stationed out of state. We are very dissimilar but that does not seem to affect our relationship. Friends often still wonder how we got involved due to our differences, but our marriage seems to have lasted while most of theirs have come and gone. The...

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Bride for the whole familyChapter 4

"She's a very pretty girl, Michael," Lorraine said simply, as she maneuvered her stepson into the mansion's library. "Very attractive," Michael smiled, glancing at the older woman. "She's everything I'd hoped to find in a woman, attractive, intelligent and..." "And sexual..." Lorraine's lips formed a coy, knowing smile and her blue eyes flashed with sudden amusement. Michael didn't answer, but moved away from his stepmother, his eyes darting around him, surveying the...

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Private Alexis Crystal Enjoys Interracial Threesome With DP

Super star Alexis Crystal returns to private.com once again and this blonde beauty has come to Private Gold, Family and Friends ready to put on a real show as she enjoys a breath taking interracial threesome with studs Marc Rose and Mr. Longwood. When her mums out Alexis takes the opportunity to seduce both guys into giving her exactly what she wants, a mouthful of two big cocks as she warms up with a double sloppy blowjob before taking a hard ramming in her pussy and ass with some pulsating...

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Marwadi Milf In The Supermarket

Hi, Rocky here. My age is 26 years,  height 5’11 with a good personality. I’m a medical student studying in Karad, Maharashtra. This is my first story and a real incident happened in my life. Let’s come to the story. The story happened a few days ago. One fine day I was sitting in my room. I thought I will go for some shopping. Near my college, there is a supermarket called – The Mart. So I called my friend for joining. He said he is busy in some work. I went alone. It was a festival season and...

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A Day Full Of Satisfaction With My Lady

I had posted a story just after a quite long time. It was . Many of the readers had loved it and they flushed my account with great comments, sweet replies. Even girls messaged. Thank you so many guys for your appreciation. This the story of one of such readers. Her name was Aleena. She was a housewife of 29 years. She got married 6 years ago, with very little sex. She had messaged because she loved my story. I messaged her just like the others. Then we both started chatting quite a lot, it was...

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