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It was a typical Saturday morning. My husband Brad and I had lived next door to our best friends and neighbors for over five years now. We had just moved into our new home, young in love and excited to begin our journey in life together. Jack and Doreen had moved in just two weeks later, and we'd been the closest and best of friends ever since.

Like us, Jack and Doreen had decided to hold off on having kids for a while, especially as Jack got his new business started. Brad, my husband was a carpenter by trade, and it naturally worked into the two of them going into business. They now designed and made deluxe beautifully styled wooden lawn furniture. Jack more or less ran the business end of things, while Brad entertained himself with designing new pieces, or improving those they had already placed into production. You'd have thought they'd grow tired of working together, but inevitably, they'd end up out in Brad's workshop most Saturday's, tinkering around with a new product, spending a goodly portion of the day together amidst sawdust and varnish. But just as their friendship had bloomed, so had Doreen's, and mine we were now virtually inseparable.

A year earlier Brad and I had put in a new hot tub, Jack and Brad had laid in the new beautiful redwood deck as well, and then just continued on with the project, building another out back of our friends place. Though our backyards were fenced of course with an eight-foot privacy fence, we had kept the two back yards between our homes together. That made it a lot easier for larger gatherings for one, with each of us invited to the others regardless of who was coming. In a way, we had seriously become family. And that made it a lot easier to hot tub as well, which we did often. We had let Jack and Doreen know that they could come over any time to use it, or entertain in it even if we weren't there. Such was the level of trust and friendship we had all gained for one another. So when the time came to put the tub in, and when Brad announced it would be a "skins" only tub, neither Jack or Doreen had any qualms about doing that whatsoever.

I was surprised at how comfortable we all were when we got naked in front of one another for the first time. There was no real awkwardness associated with it aside from the initial embarrassment, but that soon melted away the more we got together. Just sitting in the tub late at night relaxing, having a few drinks and busily chatting away soon overcame whatever inhibitions about being naked in front of one another anyone of us might have had. I'd never really had nor entertained thoughts of being with another woman, though after the second night of sitting out in the hot tub together, Brad and I had enjoyed a rather wild passionate night together. Part of which had come out of our confessions at being aroused at the sight of our friends. Doreen had slightly larger breasts than my own, and had even confided to me a while back how sensitive her nipples were. Apparently she could just about climax simply by having them played with. Mine too were very sensitive, something that Brad certainly appreciated as just feeling his hands on me would very often arouse me to the point of uninhibited, wild abandoned sex, though normally, I would blush at the mere thought of anything outside of the norm.

Secretly, I had of course enjoyed and gotten admittedly aroused over seeing Jack naked too. And though I certainly hadn't seen him in an aroused state, even flaccid, his penis looked to be more than adequate, and I had found myself wondering, even fantasizing about what it might look like when erect. Doreen had likewise confessed to me the same thing about Brad several days later as we sat over coffee discussing how much fun we had all had together, and how comfortable with our being nude in front of one another we had all become.

To pretend there wasn't an air of sexual tension whenever we got together would be lying. There was, though so far we'd only suggestively flirted in front of one another, while all were present, and never done anything behind one another's backs. Our friendship was too important and precious for any of us to even consider doing anything outside of that. But ... we had the last time actually fucked in front of one another while out in the tub. It had been a very erotic and enjoyable evening for all of us. And though I still hadn't seen Jack's hard cock even in doing that, it was exciting enough to watch them doing it there in the water beside us as we did. We had later, discussed the possibility, though at the time I treated it as more fantasy of thought than anything really serious, each of us wondering what it might be like to extend that erotic naughty coupling we'd enjoyed together, into some mutual touching perhaps.

We'd discussed it, ended up getting aroused by it, and had fucked one another silly. But we hadn't pursued it any further after that either. I had soon learned that Jack and Doreen had been having very similar thoughts and discussions, and it was slowly starting to look like that could become a very real possibility. The following weekend, we'd indeed taken it one more step, though not necessarily a big one. Though for me at the time, it was. I had never done or experienced anything like that before.

We had started out flirting, teasing one another just as we'd done before, but to my surprise, this time when the boys suggested we touch one another's boobs, we actually did! I think the fact that we actually did surprised them both, and they then of course urged us to do more. But neither Doreen or I went beyond that, though we had in fact kissed, enjoyed the kissing along with some additional booby grabbing, much to Jack and Brad's delight. That had led to Jack caressing my breasts to some extent, and Brad playing with Doreen's. It was again all in fun, though it had left us all fully aroused and very excited, once again ending up with us all fucking in front of one another. And this time, I had finally seen Jack's hard cock as he shoved it in and out of his wife, as she had turned around there in the hot-tub as he stood behind her fucking her doggy style. Needless to say, Brad soon urged me to do the same, which we did. Sitting there side by side with Doreen as she and I looked over at one another, occasionally even kissing while our husbands fucked us simultaneously together was one of the most erotic experiences of my entire life.

I was already looking forward to the following morning, Saturday, when as was usually the case, I'd end up spending the morning with Doreen over coffee. It was then that the two of us would usually compare notes, talk and candidly share what we were thinking with one another without much if any reservation in doing so.

"Cindy?" I heard my husband calling out to me. "You have any plans I'm not aware of for today?" he'd asked.

I knew where this was going, as was also usual, he was anxious to tinker around out in the shop. He'd recently been fooling around with a brand new design for a lounge chair, and Jack in fact had mentioned coming over the night before in helping him with it.

"Not until later on this evening," I responded back," Just the barbeque we spoke about having last night," I reminded him. "You promised to pick up the steaks remember? Doreen and I are putting together the potato salad this morning to go with it. So as long as you're still planning on doing that for me, I don't really have anything else that needs doing."

I could see the excitement in his eyes, it was evident he was anxious to get working on it, promising he'd pick up the steaks long before getting together. I had laughed, passing Jack on the way over to their house as he came out the back door of theirs heading over to join Brad out in the workshop. Doreen and I immediately got to work cutting up potatoes along with several other things, and then took a break, sitting down at her kitchen table in order to enjoy a cup of coffee together and have a bit of a chat.

"That was damn naughty fun last night wasn't it?" Doreen began. "I don't think that Jack and I have ever been that aroused, or as horny before," she told me. I was surprised at her candid revelation, though Brad and I had pretty much said the same things ourselves. "In fact..." Doreen paused looking at me, and I could see she was trying to gage my reaction before speaking her thoughts. "Jack told me how erotic it would be to see Brad fucking me while he fucked you side by side the way we did it last night." Doreen let that hang for a moment, waiting for my response. At first, I was caught a little off guard by it. Talking about it, even fantasizing about it was one thing, actually doing it ... was another.

"Yeah, we've obviously discussed that a little too," I told her without coming out and saying it was something we would do, or wouldn't do. "But yes, it really was a rather naughty night wasn't it?" I tossed back at her remembering the way her hands had felt on my breasts as she played with them, and the way mine had when I'd first touched hers.

"You ever done anything with another woman before?" She asked.

"No, not really, have you?"

Doreen laughed. "A couple of times yes. Once way back in high school, and another just before I met and married Jack. One of those girls night out things, not quite a bachelorette party really, as he hadn't officially asked me to marry him yet, though I knew then he was soon going to. But I'd gone out with a group of friends, one of which was an old high school friend I hadn't seen in years. I had always known of course that she had a thing for women, but she'd never approached me in all the time I had known her. Until that night."

I was intrigued, admittedly getting a little aroused hearing this. "Go on ... don't leave me hanging!" I urged her, once again hearing her laugh and smile. She actually reached over, giving my breast a quick cop and a feel before standing up to pour us both some more coffee. I was pleasantly surprised to feel my nipple respond to her touch, quick as it was, and through the material of my bra when she did it. "You're nasty you know that?" I teased her. Doreen looked over the rim of her glasses towards me as she poured our fresh coffee.

"If you only knew," she half murmured, just loud enough that I overheard her.

"Knew what?" I asked taking the bait.

"Can you keep a secret?" she asked.

"Of course I can! But you of all people should know that!" I said honestly intrigued now.

Doreen studied me for a moment silently as though weighing if she should in fact share with me whatever secret it was. I could see however that whatever it was, she was worried about telling me. Obviously even as close as we were, she was unsure of my response, or how I might actually react to whatever it was.

"I enjoy being with women as much as I enjoy being with men," she said softly, only then looking at me directly. "Though obviously, it's not like I'm out there running around doing that or anything, especially since I haven't been with another woman since Jack and I got married. But I certainly think about it, a lot. And then after last night, just touching you as briefly as I had, I knew then and there, I wanted to do more with you. A lot more! Does that shock you? Surprise you?" she asked.

It did, and I told her so. We were too good of friends for me not to. But I didn't tell her in such a way as to have been offended by her revelation. For one thing, I had gotten pretty aroused myself when she had. Added to that, Brad had gotten obviously aroused as well, so much so that we had not only fucked outside in the hot-tub next to our friends, but had done so again after going into the house to bed. We had a pretty good sex-life, always had had, but it was still rare that Brad ever got it up more than once during the same night.

"So that it does surprise me a little on the one hand," I then began offering, "It doesn't really surprise me all that much on the other, after all, I was certainly aroused myself as you well knew Doreen. And I will honestly admit, I enjoyed playing with you too," I told her. She smiled at that, obviously relieved.

"I hoped that you were," she told me. "Touching you, kissing you, turned both Jack and I on tremendously too," she informed me. "Even after we went back inside the house, Jack attacked me again even before we got upstairs to the bedroom!"

I laughed at that, sharing with her our very similar experience. "Obviously, seeing the two of us doing even the little we did do had quite an impact on the boys didn't it?"

"Obviously," Doreen said smiling back at me. "And not only that, but Jack really was horny just thinking about Brad's hard stiff cock fucking me too, and he you as well," she then added. "One of my biggest fantasies in fact, and Jack's, is to have another man fucking me from behind while he goes down on me at the same time."

"Holy shit! Seriously? He'd do that?" I said in surprised wonder. She'd just painted a very vivid image in my own head, wondering what that would actually feel like, let alone look like. But I couldn't imagine for a moment Brad doing something like that himself. Doing the fucking maybe, but certainly not the pussy licking with another man's cock in such close proximity.

"Yeah, he would," Doreen said seriously once again. "Jack's not at all homophobic, he's in fact admitted to me on more than one occasion that he enjoys seeing other men's cocks squirt, things like that. And that as a young boy, he had in fact had a few encounters with other guys his age, circle jerks, things like that."

I couldn't remember Brad saying anything one way or the other that would indicate his thoughts on that either way. I knew he in fact worked with one guy who was actually gay, and said he really like the guy, that he was a natural with woodworking and had hired him on. But beyond that, he hadn't mentioned or said another thing about it. And we'd certainly seen more than one x-rated movie together, and I had recalled him asking me if I liked the way one guys cock looked as opposed to someone else's, but I'd always assumed he was just trying to get me to express myself openly to him, getting me even hotter than I already was, which it had. Still, there really hadn't been anything said one way or the other that might lead me to believe he'd still be ok with doing something like that himself.

"Anyway," Doreen went on standing up. "I enjoyed last night, and I'd enjoy doing that again, and even more if you and Brad would be ok with that," she now openly confessed laughing. "Even Brad told me to go for it afterwards," she said which did surprise me.

"Brad told you to go for it?"

"Yeah, he did," Doreen chuckled walking over to stand in front of me. I looked down just as my dear friends hands came up, resting easily, lightly upon my breasts. At first I didn't know what to think, or even how to react, so I basically did nothing, which Doreen took as a sign to continue. She began to softly caress me then, even beginning to undo the buttons on my blouse, which I allowed her to do as she opened it. And even though I still had my bra on, the touch of her hands through it had rapidly hardened my nipples, enough so that they soon pressed fully, quite needfully through the material of my bra. I felt light headed as she thumbed them, teasing each, soon after lifting my own hands and then placing them on hers as well. We stood there, caressing and touching one another, the heat and moisture between my legs swiftly coming to a boil. I began to wonder where all this was heading, if I'd even allow it to head there, when the phone rang, giving me a much needed breather to think all this through.

But the reality was, my panties were now soaked, seriously so. And I made a hand signal to Doreen as she stood talking on the phone to her sister that I was heading back over to the house, but would be right back. I didn't tell her the reason why, or that I needed to change my panties, which I seriously needed to do. But I was also semi-grateful for the "cool down" opportunity, which had presented itself in order to have a moment to think about what had just happened between us.

Doreen nodded her head knowingly, and apologetically for needing to talk to her sister who had called her at such an inopportune time. Just before l walked out the back door heading home, I saw Doreen undo the last remaining buttons on her blouse, taking it off as she talked, wondering as I saw her do that what she might be expecting, even wanting after I had returned.

Normally, it was a pretty straight shot across the yard door to door. Brad's small little workshop had been set up off in the far corner of the yard, far enough away from the house that it wasn't too noisy whenever he was outside working for me to hear him. And in doing it that way, it hadn't at all detracted from the deck or any of the other landscaping either, something I had insisted on. I couldn't hear either the sander or the power saw being used, and decided to take a quick side trip, check on how the boys were doing with their latest project before heading back inside the house in order to change my now very wet panties. My nipples still tingling with excitement from recently having felt Doreen's hands playing with them. To be honest, I think I was just trying to give myself some time to think about what had just happened, and what I was honestly dealing with here. Arousal yes, but confusion too. Doreen was after all my best friend, and Jack now Brads. The last thing I wanted to do, attracted or not, was fuck up our friendship. I needed time to think.

I crossed the yard, heading towards Brad's workshop. Passing along side of the building, I happened to glance into the small window just before reaching the door. I nearly tripped over myself when I did, glancing, and then more purposely looking in. At first my eyes refused to believe what they were seeing, and I even tried to convince myself that they weren't. And then I looked again and stood there with my mouth agape at what I saw.

Initially, it looked as though the two of them were just standing there talking with one another. But I realized upon seeing them, that didn't look exactly right either. They were standing awfully damn close together if they were. And then I saw movement, just enough to refocus my eyes in that direction. Even then, it took a moment more for me to accept what I saw was in fact what I was standing there watching! Each had the other's cock in their hand, and was standing there jerking one another off!

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. There was no doubt about it either, and though I had quickly ducked down beneath the window, I had slowly stood once again, this time being even more careful before looking in. Sure enough, they really were. The expression on my husband's face was simply put, orgasmic. It was evident he was enjoying Jack's hand on his dick as he stood there fondling it. And likewise, Jack too held a lusty pleasure in it, my husband's hand obviously working his shaft in much the same way. I ducked down, and then walked back across the yard back into Doreen's house.

My heart was beating wildly. I had been confused enough as it was before, and I was even more so now. The emotions that were swirling around inside my head had made me dizzy, so much so that I actually thought I might collapse. I felt a twinge of what..."Jealousy?" I wondered, and then shook that off. I wasn't really jealous, not really ... more like in shock. The thought of Brad of all people being fondled by another man wasn't something I would have ever imagined in a million years. I entered our friend's house, Doreen just then remerging into the kitchen from having come from upstairs. She had changed shirts, instead of the blouse she'd been wearing, she now had on a tight fighting light blue tee shirt, and she was obviously no longer wearing a bra. Stenciled lettering across the front read, "These tits are his." Her twin hard little points were almost obscenely pressing against the front of her shirt, and though my eyes found them immediately, I looked up at her face. My expression showing her when I did, that I was indeed in somewhat of a state of shock.

"Cindy? What's wrong?"

I was seriously at a loss for words, and I basically collapsed down into the kitchen chair I'd been standing there holding onto.

"Cindy?" she said again, now worriedly so.

"The boys..." I barely managed trying to catch my breath not to mention my thoughts.

"What about them? Is something wrong? Something happen?" she now asked with a great deal of fear and concern in her tone of voice.

"Nothing wrong," I managed then seeing the relief in her eyes when I said that. "But they were ... they were..."

"What?" They were what?"

I looked at her and simply blurted it out. "They were standing there jerking one another off!"

She laughed, "What?"

That's when I stood up, finding my legs again. "Follow me," I said simply, and then headed back outside the house, Doreen following behind me. I reached the side of the shop in seconds, and then stood, once again ducking beneath the window, motioning for Doreen to do the same. She hesitated only for a moment, and then did so. The two of us now crouched down beneath the window.

"Just peek over the edge," I cautioned her. "Maybe they're still doing it," It had been less than a minute or two since all this had happened, so maybe they still were. As she stood up, I did, each of us looking inside, literally just in time as we did so.

We were just in time to see my husband's prick exploding. Neither one of them looking our way, too engrossed in one another to be too terribly worried about that. And though Brad no longer held Jack's cock, his was still poking straight out of his pants as he had turned off to one side, his hand however still jacking my husband's prick as Doreen and I stood there watching it spurt. Ribbon after ribbon of his spunk leaping from his prick, landing within the sawdust covered floor of the shop as the two of them stood there watching it.

"Holy fuck shit!" Doreen moaned. I glanced over at her, wondering if she was as shocked in seeing this as I was ... and then was surprised again as she lowered her hand down between her legs, between the Kulots she was wearing. I stood there watching her hand as it slipped up between her legs, Doreen actually now standing there fingering herself openly. I looked back inside the window, Jack was just then giving my husband's prick a final little sperm shake. Having done that, Brad once again reached over, taking Jack's prick in hand, and now began pumping it just as furiously as Jack had been doing to his. To my own amazement, I found myself erotically charged, suddenly aroused at actually seeing this, though I was still a bit dazed by all of it. But with Doreen having thrown caution to the wind now entirely, she'd even gone so far as to lift her tee shirt up and over her breasts. In exposing them, one hand playing with and pulling on one of her gorgeous pink nipples, the other still obviously buried between her legs, I could now hear in addition to everything else, the wet slippery sounds that her fingers were making as she fucked herself with them.

"Fuck!" I now moaned openly, my own sudden arousal consuming me. Whatever emotions, fears, anxiety or concerns I might have had earlier at seeing this, had suddenly evaporated. Now ... the realization my husband, and Doreen's had felt comfortable enough to even do this much had seized me like a vice around my clit. I too began rubbing myself, unbuttoning my shorts, my hand quickly slipping beneath the waistband of my thoroughly now soaked panties, which had I changed, would have been even wetter now than before. It was only a few brief moments longer when Jack's cock suddenly began discharging his spunk. And as he had done to Brad, so now did Brad do for Jack. Aiming his prick downwards, Doreen and I both stood there watching, fingering ourselves as Jack's prick suddenly lurched, he ... tossing his head back in obvious ecstasy though neither of us could hear him. And just as Brad had done, Jack too now shot wad after wad of his white sticky cream into the sawdust of the floor in the workshop.

"Come on," Doreen whispered once again ducking down, and then ran across the yard back into her house with me following closely behind. The moment we got inside, Doreen turned to me, grinning from ear to ear. "Was that the fucking hottest thing you've ever seen before?" she asked.

Admittedly, it had been. But with the rush of excitement gradually diminishing, so too did the previous thoughts I'd had begin to return.

"Should we say anything?" I asked. Doreen could see the look on my face was one of worry, even fear about all this rather than excitement which I had clearly shown only moments ago.

"Why?" She asked. "Are you upset? Angry? Is what we saw them doing upsetting to you?"

"I don't know," I said truthfully. On the one hand, I sort of was. On the other however, I had found it highly erotic, admittedly. I mean after all, I had stood there fingering myself alongside Doreen while she did, each of us watching our husband's jerking one another off! "No ... not really I guess," I then added. "Just surprised is all. Never in a million years would I ever think Brad would actually do something like that, I mean he's never even hinted or mentioned the fact he might be interested or aroused by doing something like that before now."

"Sounds like the two of you need to talk about this," Doreen told me, though she again smiled. "And I will say this, because I DO know and trust Jack, I know that he certainly will. Maybe not today, or even tonight, but I know that he will. And because he will, I'm willing to bet, he's already telling Brad even as we speak, that he should probably tell you about it too."

"Really? You think he will?" I asked. And suddenly for some odd reason, I actually felt better about that.

"Trust me ... he will," Doreen encouraged me. "But ... until he does, you need to make me a promise," she then ventured. "Don't approach him about it first, let him come to you about it. And ... I also think there's a way we can make it a hell of a lot easier for them both to do so."

"How?" I wondered.

"Tonight, after the barbeque, after we've all had a chance to relax and digest our food ... you and I are going to put on a little show for the boys."

"We are?"

"Oh yes honey ... we are. We are indeed!"

As promised Brad picked up some delicious steaks along with a couple of bottles of really nice wine. We as usual had enjoyed a really nice dinner together outside on one of the picnic tables that Brad and Jack had made. As we sat digesting our food, opening the second bottle of wine, my mind was already spinning in wonder at what Doreen had mentioned earlier. She hadn't really gone into specifics, telling me only that she had something in mind, and told me to follow her lead when she felt it was the best time to tease them a little.

Doreen was still wearing her "These tits are his" tee shirt, which Jack had noticed early on, coming up to her, placing his hands squarely around her boobs when he did. He had smiled at the two of us as he stood fondling his wife's breasts. "My favorite tee shirt!" he announced jovially, even going so far as to lift the front of it, baring them briefly, teasingly as he did so before Doreen had slapped his hands away.

"Not at the moment they're not," she laughed, half seriously.

We had cleared away the dishes, the guys sitting out on the patio discussing one of the new lounge chair designs. Doreen walked over to me with a black erasable marker. "X out the word his on my shirt," she told me. "And then write the word hers on it instead."

I looked quizzically towards her, but took the pen and did as she'd asked me to do. "Now what?"

"As soon as they even notice the change, that'll be our cue," she told me. "That's when you come over, lift up my blouse, and start playing with my tits."


"Seriously. After a few moments of that, expect me to start doing the same thing for you too."

"Ok, then what?"

"Just go with the flow," Doreen said her eyes suddenly looking sultry as she smiled at me. "Just pretend that they're not even there," she then added. "Let's see how far we can actually take this, and see if we'll get them to fess up about this morning's activity out in the shop. I'm sure if we tease them enough, and imply that we might do more than just titty-tease one another, if they're willing to do something for us too, we might just get them to spill everything."

I wasn't honestly sure that would really work, but it was worth a try. And surprisingly, the thought of Doreen playing with my breasts again, and me hers while the guys watched, not at all expecting us to do so, was rather arousing as I stood there thinking about it.

"As a matter of fact," Doreen said grinning. "Play with them a little right now, make sure my nipples are all nice and hard before we walk out there, so they'll be sticking nice and straight against the tee shirt. That way, neither one of them should fail to see the change on the tee shirt I'm wearing."

We stood inside the kitchen, the guy's just outside through the sliding glass door on the patio. If either one of them would have looked back inside the house, they'd have seen me standing there in front of Doreen, her now exposed tits in my hands as I stood thumbing her twin points into nice-sized little gum drops.

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It was the first weekend of summer vacation and my girlfriend Debbie was spending the night with me. My family lived in the hills outside LA and my parents let my girlfriends and I use our guest house for sleepovers so we could stay up late and not bother anyone. Debbie said she knew I was as horny as she was and had a surprise for me later. But she said we’d have to wait until everyone in the main house was asleep so no one would catch us. No matter how much I begged,...

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Friends by Vickie Tern i. It seemed to be the darkest day of my life, though now there's no doubt I'm better off for it. Janice, she's my wife, she thinks so, and her friend Melissa thinks so, and they both tell me so often enough. Even my friend Ray thinks so, Melissa's husband, though he always says whatever Melissa tells him, so who knows what he really thinks? I guess it's true. We're all better off...

1 year ago
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Connie and Dave had been our friends since we were at school. We’d paired off. I paired off with Claire. We enjoyed the same things, laughed together and I guess just fell in love. Both girls gave up their virginity at the same party and as soon as we were able, we married, within six months of each other. I guess you could say we were best friends. We would holiday together and took turns in having the others to dinner.In our mid twenties, Dave and Connie moved away so, because of work...

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I'm John and this is my story, a story about me and my friends. It's about how I got closer to some, lost contact to others, and changed my relationships with most of them. I live in a small town. It's fairly quiet here, nothing big ever happens, but I like it. My apartment isn't too big either, but it has enough room for me and that is all that counts. I have nice neighbours, too. My family isn't living too far away from me, so I can easily drive there in a few minutes. I have a nice job and...

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Another story off the web. Enjoyi have been friends with my next door neighbor for about 5 years now. he recently divorced his wife, but somehow managed to keep the house. So, we have been doing the bachelor thing together for the last few months... beer and cookouts on sundays while watching football, getting drunk, fixing cars, etc. my wife complains a little about this, but all in all, she puts up with it. she uses the weekends to visit her sister (who is ill) and go out with the girls. i...

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I did didly squat at school and left under a little cloud after dragging the headmaster across his desk and getting ready to pummel his brains out ... Due to the noise the Deputy head (Monty) stormed in and separated me from the dickhead ... I really liked the deputy head so when he grabbed me I settled down and shut my mouth ... Monty hauled me into his office and asked me for my story ... I filled him in on the background and he paled a little knowing that I had the goods to the the bald...

4 years ago
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If you like consensual feminization (persuasion, no pain, no extortion or blackmail, no magic), this story's for you. If you're under any relevant legal age, it isn't. Girlfriends by Vickie Tern One "What are you doing, honey?" My wife Tracy's voice calling me from downstairs. Tired, but trying to take charge nevertheless. She was home from work late again, after a wearying day. ...

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Nick and Sue were friends all through school. She was a petite blonde and he was a good looking black guy. In high school Sue developed a nice set of tits and she and Nick went out several times. She would let him take her shirt and bra off and suck her huge globes but no further. She planned to go to college and did not want to risk any unwanted babies. Nick stayed content sucking the big boobs. Then when school was over they both went to different colleges and had not seen each other for...

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There was a time when I had to crash at a female friends house for a couple days. It was one of those situations like a quid pro quo. So after a couple beers and some catching up, we entered the bedroom. She changed into these booty huggin' shorts with no panties....I could see the clit and pubic hair through the shorts. Weren't too long before I asked to go down with no stopping I had her legs up, toungue in. She she got so wet she grabbed the chocolate bar and pushed it in, whimpering my...

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Friends By: Fantasy Man Billy had met Stacey several times. His mother worked with her at the fertilityclinic had her over for dinner frequently. Stacey was total knockout. About5.5 feet tall, her dark, straight hair came about half way down her back. Fordinner yesterday, she was wearing a navy blue sport jacket, over a tight whiteshirt. For a young man of 17, Billy was overwhelmed by the sexual image beforehim: massive breasts thrusting against a lacy bra who's outline was clearlyvisible when...

2 years ago
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hi mera naam harshit hai aur mein delhi meni rehta hu meri age 18-19 hai aur mein kisi bhi ladki ko dost banana chata hu qki meri koi storie nahi isiliye dost banana ke mein kisi aur ki storie likh raha hu qki 1000 word se kam to likh nahi sakte aur apni baat khane ke liye 1000 pure karne the qki 1000 word se kam submit nahi kar sakte koi bhi girl mujhse dosti kar sakti hai mera email mobile no 9911624812 plg plg plg plg call me .V serial dekhne k liye or bakchodi karne k liye aa jaati thi. Or...

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It was one of 'those' days. A bad hair day to end all bad hair days. Looking at the devastation in his driveway, Michael reflected that at least no one had been close by at the time. The falling chimney would surely have killed them. The lightning strike itself had been bad enough. They had been quite reassuring: his hearing would come back completely after a few hours. The firemen had covered the holes in the roof with a canvas sheet. The small amount of the chimney breastwork that had...

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I became roommates with my straight best friend, Joe. We shared a two-bedroom condo. Joe was very straight, girlfriends and pussy all the time. Once, I came home and caught Joe watching straight porn and jerking off, as he came in tissues. Joe ran on the bathroom, dressed, and left without a word. I went into Joe's bathroom and found the cum-filled tissues. I smelled and rubbed the cum in my hand. I knew then that I had to deep throat Joe and eat his load fresh!A few weeks later, Joe had been...

4 years ago
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* There is some language in this that some may see as derogatory, it's for entertainment purposes only and doesn't reflect true feelings of the author. *“Dude, are you sure she won’t come home?” Brad asked.“Yes. Don’t worry about it.” I said, as Brad continued to stroke my cock. Finally, he slid off the couch and got in between my legs. He leaned in and took the head of my cock into his mouth and began to suck on the head while he massaged my balls. I moaned as he began to bob his head up and...

4 years ago
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"Are you ready?" "Yeah, are you?" "Yup." "Can you see everything?" "Move the camera down just a little." "That better?" "Perfect." "I'm a little nervous." "Me too, but I think the nervousness will stop once we start." "You're probably right. Okay, let's go. Tell me something." "Like what?" "I don't know. Something that'll make me hot." "You have a beautiful pussy." "That's good, say something else." "Your tits are wonderful too. They're so big....

2 years ago
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I looked over her to my alarm clock “It’s only 11:15, I'm not ready to sleep.” “Me neither but let's put on our jammies.” Vicky and I got off to opposites sides of the bed to undress. Once we were nude, she grabbed her night gown but I stopped her, “No, let’s be naked for a while, I like the feeling of the sheets on my bare skin.” She smiled broadly, “I bet you would like the feeling of Nate's hands on your bare skin.” We both laughed as we jumped back onto the bed, on our knees facing...

1 year ago
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I went to my girlfriend’s house to just hang out. Susan and I had met through a mutual friend a few ears ago. Her husband was out of town and mine was working late. After arriving at her house we chatted a little bit over a couple glasses of wine and a little bit to eat. We wound up in her and her husbands room and I flopped on the bed. I watched as she folded laundry and she started going through some of her clothes. During this I made a passing comment on a sexy little G string teddy that was...

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The following story is a true one, although it may seem unbelievable at times. Of course, I will try to skip the mundane parts and stick to those directly relating to or leading to the sexual acts, but it might still be slow at times. The story is not something im proud of, the 'wild times' led to repercussions for many years. But sometimes I like to reminisce on the fun I had at the time and the carefree attitude of those around me, which is why I decided to put it into writing. I am happy for...

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It's been weeks since I (Ross) have heard any word from my wife, Emily, since she's refused to speak to me because I accidentally said Rachel's name instead of hers during the ceremony. I get up this seemingly normal day the way I usually: have breakfast, watch some cartoons, and then shower. It got to be around noon or so, I decide to go over to Monica's and see what she and everyone else are up to. I get over there and just walk in like I usually do, but there was no one there. "Hello?" I...

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“Take off all your clothes.” Even though I’ve seen Helen repeat this scene hundreds of times, I still marvel at her ability to make people do anything she tells them. Yes, anything she tells them. Why just today she had three sexy looking guys in the office and not one of them was over 21. They knew only one of them was going to get a chance to test for a juicy supporting role in a major Hollywood studio film. And the other two? They get to go back to being waiters, bar tenders, parking lot...

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It all starts when john goes to bens house to stay the night. John arrives at bens house and they are watching tv and ben says to john my neck is sore can you massage it for me? john says ya shure and so he starts they get to talking and ben askes john if he wants to get it done now and john says ya ok. So john lays down and gets a full massage and then bens says don't you find it hot in here john says ya i do then ben says well take of your pants you can just wear your boxers. so he does. as...

3 years ago
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Your friend was getting a divorce, she had come to stay with us since she had nowhere to go. I thought it was interesting since she looked very much like you, it was almost like she could be your sister. Same body type, she might be slightly heavier, but both of you had big breast, nice big butts, and nice happy smiley face. We had a spare room next to our bedroom that she got to stay in. We had a very active sex life and would make love at least once a day, but more often a couple of times....

2 years ago
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Carol was a good friend and she had huge tits and had them from a young age. She also would do anything I asked and one day my brother, Tim wanted to see her tits so I told Carol to show them to him.  Our parents worked so we had a lot of evening just to ourselves. Her globes were so firm and my brother's eyes got big looking at them. I told him to sit by her and touch those big hooters. He ran his hands over them and the nipples got hard. I had Carol arch her back and told him to kiss each...

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Who use to be your father is now my man and all your family wealth out of which I used to request you to support my financial needs as a best friend is now all mine, going this way you are my step daughter but you know I am too young to be a mom so I thought a different arrangement you will be our slave and me and your father will be your mistress and master, don’t bother about your father I have already made him disown you entirely even from the family wealth and gift you to me as my slave now...

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Who use to be your father is now my man and all your family wealth for which I used to rely on you to support my financial needs as a best friend is now all mine, going this way you are now my step daughter but you know I am too young to be a mom so I thought a different arrangement you will be our slave and me and your father will be your mistress and master, don’t bother about your father I have already discussed with him and he has disowned you from the family and its wealth and left you...

2 years ago
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Abbey Alone

She had just closed a deal with a client that would open up a whole new market for her: the self-made female mogul, no billionaire sugar daddies required.In her canary yellow blouse and skinny black tie, Abbey reclined in the desk chair in front of the bay window in her executive suite. She finally allowed herself to acknowledge that the meticulous strategies she had executed over the past decade were paying off.But she had no one to share her success with, not in the way she wanted to, not at...

3 years ago
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Baby fuck my ass

Anal sex was never something I though I would ever do, I always secretly wondered what it would be like though. It was a couple months after my 20th birthday that I started dating this guy Sean. He was 20 years older than me and very freaky. He was everything I wanted in a man at the time; successful, handsome, great in bed and willing to eat my pussy till the cows come home. Back then, I was really turned on by getting my pussy eaten, it made me feel powerful.It was Friday night and Sean and I...

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I Almost Got Caught

I graduated from high school in the spring when I was seventeen years old. I started preparing to attend college in that fall just after turning eighteen in August. I never got any time for myself at home; even in college, it was hard finding time when I could be alone. When I got home this time on winter break, things were still the same as usual. People wandered in and out all the time. This made it extremely hard finding any time alone. Luckily though I finally found some one morning. My...

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GoddessChapter 10 Tuolumne Meadows

I TOOK OVER DRIVING AFTER lunch. Oscar wanted his turn, but in his post-frolic with Mrs. D and post-tuna sandwich stupor he didn't put up much of a fight. Hebe took shotgun, and Oscar tilted the vehicle a little as he settled into the right rear passenger seat. He turned to Persephone and kissed her. "Hey, Persephone." Persephone edged a little away from him, just enough to signal, "Don't touch." "Hey, yourself, big guy." Oscar got the message. It didn't stop him from looking...

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Sex with my sweet Bhabi

Dear readers, I am an ardent reader of the stories appearing in “Indian sex” since the last few years. Till recently, I had no experience to share and as such, I was confined to reading the stories only and enjoying myself thoroughly. But only last week, I had such an experience that I now feel that I should share this with my friends. To introduce myself, I am prabhat (name changes) a Bengali speaking youth, 22 years of age. I am now studying for my msc course at the post graduate...

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The Spanking Of Ann

My name is Steve and I work for a Major Transportation company that provides food service to major fast-food restaurant chains.  I am on a strict schedule every night and it's a race against daylight, the hours of service regulations as set forth by DOT, the weather and other things.I drive and deliver two routes a week, every week, and usually have the same stores.  Occasionally, the volume varies significantly (super bowl week, etc, Christmas Holidays) but for the most part, there is a great...

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Mira 3

I woke up alone. I think it had been the clattering of a helicopter that had disturbed me. The sun was filtering through the drawn curtains of my suite and I lay between silk sheets and remembered the previous evening. My hand moved without my consciously directing it to my pussy where, as my legs spread, I stroked myself languidly. Mira’s smell was all around me and there were still damp patches on the sheets as evidence of our lovemaking. I lifted my knees and my finger slid into me, stroking...

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Finding AnswersChapter 7

I bounded out of bed and ran to the shower when my alarm clock rang. I needed to see Penny as soon as I could. My parents were surprised, but pleased, by the way I hustled to get off for school. I was standing outside at our bus stop in front of my house ten minutes before the bus was expected. Penny arrived a couple minutes after me, well before any other kids. I gave her a hug when we met and whispered in her ear, "Are you OK, lover?" "I'm OK, Kyle," Penny answered. She squeezed me...

2 years ago
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Crapshoot Ch 01

Nick scanned across the lobby, sizing up the guests as they came and went from the elevators to the casino floor. The unctuous smile, ever present, concealed the contempt he held for the suckers that filled the casino in hopes of a quick buck. It was simple, the odds favored the house, not greatly, just slightly, just enough that if you played long enough, the casino would eventually win everything you put at risk. It was a mathematical certainty, and therefore if you played, you were a sucker....

4 years ago
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Me And Mike In The Treehouse Part 2

A couple of weeks had gone by since my first story. Mike and I saw each other once in a while but never had the chance to go “swimming” by ourselves. We have other friends and family stuff to do so it took a while for us to have that chance again. Almost too long for me. The day finally came and we set up a meet and told our parents our plans to go swimming. We just failed to mention our plans for afterwards. We met as usually at the tree house and dropped off our clothes and snacks. ...

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A pair of black businessmen for me

Some girls from the office invited me to a night out on Friday, to celebrate the end of a long and hard week at work.Since my beloved hubby was out of town on his own business trip, I thought that nobody was waiting for me at home, so I decided to join the girls.We were getting pretty loud and laughing at the third bar we visited.Most of the girls were single; but the married ones were just looking at the guys and easy flirting with them. But our aim for the night was to have fun, not to pick...

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Endless Nights At Freddys

*Special thanks to @mr_hyde_06 for making the amazing image you can see for the cover of this story. Stories will show the characters name, age, gender and any other side notes, Eg. Mike, 25 year old male, obsessed with porn. Anyone is allowed to write as well just start it like this too So who are you?

1 year ago
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The Perfect Shot Starring Victoria Justice

The Perfect Shot (Starring Victoria Justice) Join for more celeb Content I was nervous. Today could be a make or break day for me career wise. I’ve always dreamed of being a photographer for a magazine. I loved just flipping through the pages of a magazine, seeing all of the beautiful photos of various people. I decicated my life to being a photographer and today was my big day. I have just landed my first photo shoot for my first magazine....

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weenie in a bottle

It feels like I've been alone too long,With no girls around my mindWas wondering.Thinking of some way,to release it.I looked in the kitchen,Saw some Crisco Oil,And that's when my blood started to boil,Ooooooh yeah.Ow, Ow, Ow!(Uh oh!)Ow, ow, ow!(Oh God! What did I just do?)No one wanted to be with me,Had to make my dream come true,I wanted to hump something,I didn't know what to do.It seemed like a good idea,And no one else was around,I stuck my weenie in a bottle,And now I can't get it...

2 years ago
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Round one good morning

Mmmmm now pretty much every man out there gets morning wood. Oh the fabulous morning wood. The best is when there is a hot lil redhead there to help with this ‘problem’. Me personally start helping before you get up by rubbing on you’re dick at first, kiss on the neck maybe a few fingures in the hair. Pull my body nice and close my titties are rubbing against you.Now work my way down give the head of youre dick a lil kiss and trace the top with my tongue ring on my way down massaging either...

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StepBrothers Shower PART 1

My name is Jim and I am in my Sophomore year attending State College on a football scholarship which I earned as the QB for my division champion High School team.  Between school, football, and working out, I keep very busy almost all of the time.  My mother remarried about four years ago and with that came a little step-sister, (Kathy).  What little time we have spent together has been great.  She is a cute kid who has a fun personality and is very responsible and conscientious.  A couple of...

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Just A Mans Fantasy

Just a Man’s Fantasy!! “A story to my love, Mel; from your love, John” Part One – Unexpected Stop We had been going to the same club/bar close to where we live for several weeks and most at least thought of us as regulars and when we entered the bar staff said hi or just raised their hand in welcome, it was quite a big place with pool tables and live music. We went to the back area which was pretty much secluded and sat down; when the waitress came she introduced herself as Kris and told us...

Love Stories
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What happens in Vegas

I was 33 and recently divorced. I had decided to take a break from things and take a little trip. A couple of girlfriends of mine had invited me to go to Vegas with them for the weekend. I had accepted and looked forward to some fun. One of the girlfriend’s husband was a pilot for a major airline so we got free upgrades to first class. We left on a Friday afternoon and planned to return on Sunday evening. We were staying at the Bellagio. We had fun on the flight out there. We drank champagne...

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A Fathers Dream 8211 Part V The Climax


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Harry Potter and the Shadows of EvilChapter 6 Harry

Harry Potter had a headache. And not an insignificant one either, no this one was a whopper. Dumbledore had strongly suggested that Harry join Prof. Snape for an extended session of Occulmency, and after 7 straight hours, he was feeling the effects. Still, as the titular leader of Dumbledore's Army, it was his role to check up on the rest of the students, so instead of heading back to Gryffindoor Hall, he made his way to the entrance to the Room of Requirements. Distracted as he was by the...

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Sunday Church Bathroom Delight

Jesus Christ the sun went through her dress exposing her fine ass to me who would have believed..She is a beautiful lady as I see many others think she's ugly fuck them ...I seen what lies underneath that dress her tits and ass small but sexy her mind her heart and devotion to the man who dares make her his.That day at church I knew I had to make her mine ..It first started by me opening her car door as she was dropped off by her parents..I was 26 she was 18 in high school senior year me...

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Double Play

I enter their home. They’re James and Margaret but I know them better as Master and Mistress, Sir and Madam or, on occasion, Daddy and Mommy. It depends what mood they’re in. I fit myself to them. I try my best to be whatever they need me to be. By being there for them, I attain satisfaction, completion. I’m like a lock without a key until I see them, until they fit their key into me. There’s no conversation tonight. No wine. No. Instead, they direct me to the basement where they have their...

4 years ago
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Sex With Mami In Tirupati 8211 Part I

My name is Manu. Doing my B.Tech in Tirupati. I’m a huge fan of iss. I want to share my real life experience this happened few months back. Coming to story her name is Lalitha (name changed) a perfect figure with hot body, big round boobs n round sexy ass. I first saw her on the day of my mama’s marriage. I immediately started to admire her beauty. Initially i just want to be in her presence n always talking to her. Gradually it became love. She is a conservative women. Always wears saree at...

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Destinys RoadChapter 31

I felt a nudge against my shoulder. "Cas?" "Huh?" I didn't open my eyes. I had been having a great dream that involved three beautiful women. I was in that semi-conscious state where you can almost remember what was happening and tried desperately to cling to the dream. "Cas." I let out a sigh and opened one eye, "Yeah" Vicki stared back at me with her ice blue eyes. "Everyone is here. It's time for the family meeting." I sat up and noticed I was the only one in bed. Both...

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