Tequila Shuffle free porn video

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Fuck me to tears.

Even my goddamn hair hurt.

My skin was a thousand pinpricks of sharp pain.

I tried to open one eye, but the painful brilliance of a supernova pierced through my brain, slamming into the back of my skull with all the delicacy of a semi-truck.

With a load of steel girders. And plate glass.

Driven by Ted Nugent. A really pissed off Ted Nugent.

Probably a drunk Ted Nugent.

There was a horrible screeching sound slowly building, kind of like cat nails on an endless chalkboard.

Sweet Jesus save me. Or Buddha ... or Shiva ... or anyone out there...

Cthulhu? Anyone?

I felt myself heave and retch, but there was obviously nothing left in me to come out anymore.

The horrific screeching was slowly coalescing into something ... well, if it wasn’t coherent at least it was recognizable as a human voice.

I forced my eyes open against the pain and unsuccessfully tried to understand the blurry form looming over me.

I crushed my eyes shut, then tried again. A pair of feet came into focus in the dry white dust in front of me: Barbie pink toenail polish and a pair of open-toed slippers that seemed to be made mostly of pink cotton candy.

Okay, a woman’s feet. Well, maybe. Leonard, over in Trailer Six, sometimes liked to feel pretty when he’d been drinking, but this probably wasn’t him. The feet were too small by half, lacked toe fungus, and the well-formed legs attached to them were missing both his many moles and his full thigh tattoo of Rick Astley.

The banshee voice started making sense, after a fashion. I couldn’t fully understand it because it was Spanish, and what little Spanish I’d learned from Sesame Street in my delicate formative years did not include most of whatever was being said. I had picked up a larger vocabulary lately, but, hell, I’d have had trouble following English at that blurring speed. It was probably best that way, because if I was a hearing things correctly, the last sentence that blurred by had included the words for “thirty-two donkeys” and “your whore of a grandmother.” I was guessing that probably wasn’t an invitation to a Tupperware party. Unless Tupperware parties had really changed since my Mom had one when I was a kid.

Concentrating, I realized I had to be laying on my side and probably in the trailer park. The dull white gravel dust was pretty unmistakable.

At least I was near home. Such as it was.

I pushed myself to sit and immediately began dry heaving from a combination of nausea and a headache that had to be among the greatest manmade disasters in history.

The screeching snapped off and those two delicate feet jumped back out of immediate splash range with a yelp.

My nausea subsided and I looked up, only to realize that shit had actually managed to get worse.

Rosa Rafaela Rodriguez.

She was glaring angrily at me from behind her oversize pink frame sunglasses, clutching her nearly transparent pink robe closed with one hand, while pointing accusingly at me with the other.

Her Chihuahua stood, practically vibrating with fury just behind her, clearly poised to tear my throat out on command.

Most everyone in the trailer park avoided Rosa. Leonard described her as “The angriest woman on the planet.”

I’d been avoiding her like a religion since I had first bumped into her at the mailboxes and she’d reacted to my friendly greeting as if I’d attempted to kidnap her. In addition to handfuls of court notices for fees I didn’t have the money for, lawyers bills I couldn’t pay, a reminder to pay my parole supervision fees, and final notices from utilities – some of which I wasn’t even sure I’d ever had – I got both barrels from her. After realizing there was no possible way to break even, I’d just turned and walked away from her, which sent her spiraling to new heights of righteous fury.

I still enjoyed the hell out of watching her whenever she was outside. She never seemed to wear anything other than that near-transparent pink robe, probably to just drive every guy in the trailer park crazy. Still, her exhibitionist streak occasionally brightened my otherwise bleak existence in our mostly abandoned trailer park.

She drew herself up to her full height of probably five feet and launched into me again. Ignoring her, I struggled to my feet, wavering a bit as I pushed some kind of umbrella off of me.

She stopped suddenly, looked me over with a growing expression of disgust and finally lapsed into English. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

I looked down and realized I was standing in the rosebushes surrounding her trailer, which explained those pinpoints of agony.

More disconcerting, I was also naked ... and apparently painted green, white, and red. This was just getting better and better.

There had to be another half- dozen-people standing in a loose amused semi-circle behind my tormentor. Leonard, happily sober, or at least sober enough to be wearing overalls instead of a peignoir, was standing behind her. Also behind her, were Maisie, who vaguely resembled a much larger Danny DeVito in drag, along with Delbert and Tawny, who were wearing matching sweat suits and had five o’clock shadows.

All of them were staring at me.

I snatched up the umbrella to shield myself, which sent the Chihuahua into a frenzy of spins and hysterical wheezing barks.

Maybe because the “umbrella” was actually a comically oversized brightly colored straw sombrero.

“Asshole! You scared my little Liam!” Rosa reached down and snatched up the little dog.

I shook my head to clear it, regretting that instantly. “Fuck, that hurt. Wait ... Liam? Who names a Chihuahua ‘Liam’ for fuck’s sake?”

“She likes Liam Hemsworth, ‘cause she thinks he’s hot.” Maisie volunteered the information, nodding and fanning herself dramatically with her hand, making her calico housecoat flap and wobble disturbingly. “I like that Chris Hemsworth myself, but I wouldn’t kick Liam out of bed for eatin’ cookies, if you know what I mean.” She stopped for a second and gave a gap-toothed grin. “They’re pretty close though, maybe it’d best to test drive them. Maybe at the same time.”

Somewhere out there, I was sure both Liam and Chris Hemsworth shuddered and cringed in sudden fear. For their sanity’s sake, I hoped they would never have a clue why.

Rosa’s sudden shriek of outrage wasn’t really completely in human hearing range, but I cringed from the sound anyway, expecting the glass to shatter out of all the trailer windows.

That’d suck because that Alex kid who used to do all the maintenance had disappeared a while ago. He’d mostly played video games and whined about how boring his life was, but he could at least fix windows.

I was pretty sure if she hadn’t had the sunglasses on, I would have seen the whites all the way around her eyes as she leveled an accusing finger at me. “You think that’s funny?”

“God, no.” I blinked. “And I’m pretty damn sure Chris and Liam would be horrified by it.”

Maisie gave me a sharp “huff” and folded her arms over a chest the size of a pro linebacker’s.

“That’s not what I meant you...” Rosa launched into another diatribe in Spanish. Probably, I judged, not a history of the Spanish-speaking peoples of North America. Unless there is some kind of historical theme involving my grandmother and thirty-two donkeys. It could be, though it seems unlikely.

I couldn’t follow Spanish well enough to really understand what she was saying. Besides, it was starting to sound like she might be repeating herself. To be honest, her robe had fallen open when she picked up “Liam,” so I wasn’t really absorbed in whatever it was she was saying anyway.

She wasn’t wearing a stitch under her slightly too small robe, and the Chihuahua was rapidly becoming my favorite dog ever by wildly pawing at her and pulling her robe even further open.

Rosa was not only built with curves like Monaco Grand Prix, she was also very well-groomed. Into a very pretty little heart shape.

She caught herself, glanced down, then back up, looking me dead in the eye. “Asshole.”

“Hey, I...”

“What are you, a third-grader? Never seen a naked woman before?”

I was really getting tired of her attitude. “Not very many built like you and I really love the heart.”

That seemed to take her off her stride and she snatched her robe closed, much to my disappointment. I kept the sombrero in place.

She glanced down at the crown of the sombrero and I was sorely tempted to drop it to teach her a lesson, but I really didn’t want to give Maisie any ideas.

It probably wouldn’t have actually fallen anyway; Rosa really was hot as hell.

She realized I’d caught her looking and shifted uncomfortably. “You need to clean your vomit out of my rosebushes, Asshole.”

I looked down at the ground around me again. It looked like an entire squad of Marines had lost their dinner in her prize roses. Fuck it, I probably owed her to clean it up, but I was really tired of her bullshit. “I’ll get to it this afternoon.”

Rosa cocked her head in disbelief. “Yeah, right.”

I shrugged. “What can I say, you stole my heart. Just, you know, keep it next to yours to keep it warm.” I nodded pointedly to where the hot dry wind was blowing the bottom of her robe open again.

She tried to get her robe closed but managed to pop one luscious brown nipple loose as she got that delicate, lovely heart covered again. She finally looked up at me. “What?”

“Nothing. I’m just staying until the show is over.”

She gave a frustrated growl of annoyance. Or maybe that was the Chihuahua. Then she raged off, the friendly Santa Anna wind blowing the robe up to expose a perfectly delightful bare butt as she rounded the corner of her trailer and stormed back in.

I stood there for a moment as most of the rest drifted off, leaving only Leonard, Maisie and me there.

“That’s quite a woman,” Leonard muttered, scratching himself through the unbuttoned side opening of his overalls, exposing a band of delicate red lace across his hip. “Sop that up with a biscuit.”

Maisie rolled her eyes at Leonard. “For God’s sake, Leonard. She’s half your age.”

He grinned luridly. “Yeah, she is.”


“Yep.” Leonard nodded agreeably, still looking where Rosa had disappeared.

“Hey, Maisie?” I followed his gaze, but Rosa didn’t come back out.


“Please tell me it’s Sunday.”

“It’s Sunday.”

“Then I’m not late for work.”

She shook her head and looked over at me, puzzled. “What does “Mex-i-cano Hon-or-ario” mean anyway?

“Honorary Mexican...” I looked down and could just make out letters written in black across my chest. “Son-of-a-bitch, I’m gonna kill Miguel.”

Dragging myself over to my trailer, I retrieved my key from under the lone flowerpot in front of my trailer. It wasn’t a very good hiding place, but I had fuck-all that anyone would want to steal, anyway. My living room furniture ensemble consisted of two folding lawn chairs, a thrift shop radio that sometimes worked and a milk crate for an end table. I pulled on a clean-ish pair of shorts, then lugged several buckets of water over to Rosa’s garden. I figured asking to use her hydrant would probably have started another storm, and I wasn’t ready for that.

I spent the rest of the day, fighting my hangover with drawn curtains, four or five gallons of water and enough Tylenol to wonder if I was going to wake up alive on Monday.

Hell with it, not waking up again would probably be a step up from where I was.

I set the alarm on my dollar store watch and went to sleep.

I dragged my ass to the open gate long before the goddamn sun rose and watched Miguel grind the beater former school bus to a reluctant halt.

“Heyyyyy José!” He was grinning from ear to ear.

“It’s Joseph. You fucking asshole.”

He grinned like a hyena. “It’s José now, we made you an honorary Mexican, remember?”

“Yeah, I saw the label, asshole. You didn’t have to use a permanent marker. I don’t remember much, but the way I felt yesterday, I think the ceremony involved replacing all my blood with tequila.”

He nodded solemnly. “And Mezcal.”

“You asshole. You didn’t even get me home.”

“Hey, you said you were fine. We dropped you off at the gate.”

“You took the word of a naked drunk man?”

“You weren’t naked. You had a sombrero.” He seemed very pleased with himself.

I glared at him as I sat down in the seat behind him. “I came to in Rosa fucking Rodriguez’s...”

“You nailed her? Holy shit. You’re lucky you survived, she’s hot as...”

“Shut the fuck up Miguel. I woke up in her fucking rose garden.”

“Is that a metaphor? Tell me that’s a metaphor, ‘cause I bet her rose garden is amazing.” He shook his head and chuckled as we pulled away. “I’d love to be her gardener. Except she’s my cousin and she has that whole “pissed at all men and would probably kill you the next morning” shit going on.”

“It’s not a fucking metaphor, dickhead. She has roses growing around her trailer. And I threw up all over them.”

“Lucky you alive man. She got a crazy-ass hot temper. Her ex-husband was fucking around on her with her sister-in-law. She beat the hell out of both of them. She’s dangerous.”

“That’s kind of my point, Miguel. Why the fuck you do that to me?”

“Hey, it’s a position of honor. You’re the first gringo crew boss we’ve had who doesn’t act like we gonna steal everything in sight.”

“Jesus, Miguel. We’re harvesting fucking tomatoes. What the fuck are you gonna steal?”

“It’s pronounced ‘Hey Zeus’ now that you’re a Mexican. And he’s sleeping in the back. We like that you got common sense. That shit ain’t very common, you know?”

I might have been the designated crew boss, but Miguel ran everything; I just stayed out of the way and mostly just-picked tomatoes with everybody else.

“You know, you could always be the crew boss.”

“No way. I need you to take the blame in case one of these assholes steals something.” He repeated that in Spanish to the rest of the crew on the bus. They roared with laughter all the way to the fields.

We weren’t even three hours into the fourteen-hour day when the Fish showed up.

“Well, Joseph. Here we are. Just checking in on your sorry ass. Making sure you made it to work.” My parole officer smiled at me. The repulsive grouper-like features that gave PO Hennan his nickname twisted in a grotesque parody of human emotion.

“Yeah, well, I’m here.”

“Another miracle Joseph. It won’t last. You know what the difference between a parolee and an inmate is?” He didn’t wait for me to answer. “It’s just one little fuck up. And you’re a great big fuck up, so it’s just a matter of time.”

“I’m meeting my parole conditions. I’m working, I’m clean, and I’m not involved in shit.”

“You’ve had three jobs before this one. Six months and three jobs. Now you’re working with a bunch of wetbacks.” He looked over at Miguel, who just looked back at him blankly, like he didn’t understand a word of English. “Can’t get any lower than this; you’ll never make another eighteen months.”

I glared at him. “I lost those jobs because you fucked them up for me.”

“They needed to know what kind of loser they’d hired.” He looked around and gave a nasty sneer. “Speaking of clean, I think it’s about time to test again.” He looked at this watch. “You have two hours to get to the test center and piss in a bottle.”

“Seriously? I don’t have a car and the test center almost two hours away, as is.”

“You know the deal. You don’t make it or you fail it, you’re back inside, shithead.” He gave a low, sawing chuckle and headed for his car.


Miguel walked up beside me and we watched him roll away.

“You sure you’re not really Mexican, José?”

“Pretty damn sure, unless Mom was banging the gardener.”

“You might wanna ask, you know? Just to be sure?”


“Cause that man really wants to put you on the other side of a fuckin’ wall.” He stared after Fish’s car as it faded into the distance leaving a trail of dust.


“You’re pronouncing it wrong again. Remember you’re Mexican now. And he’s in field three.” He looked back and waved one of his guys forward. “Don’t worry about getting to the test center, my cousin, Alejandro here, has a bus license, he’ll get you there and back. I don’t have the time to break in a new crew boss.”

We made it to the test center with a good 15 minutes to spare. I had to pry my hands from the edges of the seat, since I didn’t know you could actually drift turn a bus. In heavy traffic.

On the way back, Alejandro was pretty chatty, which was great except that he couldn’t speak English. My Spanish was still limited to mostly counting to ten, naming the colors and an assortment of obscenities I’d picked up over the last couple of months, so there really wasn’t much overlap.

When we broke for dinner, Miguel sat down next to me. “Saturday night you started to tell me how you ended up here. But you passed out before you could tell me how a big shot stockbroker ends up picking tomatoes.”

I shrugged. “Not that much to tell. I got caught up in an SEC investigation into the firm. I didn’t think it had anything to do with me, so I wasn’t worried. I showed up, was told to go home and was locked out for the duration of the investigation. Turns out there was an account under a fake name doing a lot of insider trading. It was closed two days before the SEC latched on to us and the money went somewhere offshore. I didn’t do it. Hell, I didn’t even know about the account, much less that I’d been given access to it; there were maybe six or seven of us that had access, but I got blamed. They didn’t have the evidence to prove I did it, at least not enough to take to trial, but they pulled my Series 7 license to trade.”

“You ended up in jail though?”

“Yeah. While they were investigating, they searched my car and found enough cocaine to hand me off to the local police and charge me with possession with intent to distribute. It wasn’t mine, but I couldn’t prove it. And a clean piss test isn’t really helpful if they bust you for dealing. They were trying to use it as leverage to get me to tell them where the missing money was; I guess it was a lot even by our standards, tens of millions maybe? But I didn’t know anything about it, so I didn’t have anything to trade. Got three years. It was supposed to be in prison, but you know how overcrowding is here. Ended up in county and only had to do six months before parole. First-time non-violent offender.”

“You sure you didn’t take the money? If you got millions of dollars, I got a cousin... ?” Miguel raised an eyebrow in mock interest.

“If I had millions of dollars, you think I’d still be around here? Fuck, Mexico’s just two hours away.”

He shrugged. “So where’d the drugs come from?”

“For a while, I was sure they’d been planted, but you get paranoid when everything goes to shit all at once like that, you know? Really, though, I picked up high-end clients from the airport all the time. Gotta give them the personal touch, you know? Some of those trust fund babies and celebs couldn’t make it all the way to the hotel without taking a hit. One of them could’ve left his shit in my car and never even remembered it.”

“Bad luck.” Miguel mused.

“Once that shit starts rolling, it doesn’t stop. Everything fell apart. My wife was humiliated; she kind of stuck with me until I was sentenced but dropped divorce papers on me as soon as I was in prison; stripped our accounts, savings, and CDs. The way it all came apart and how rough the trial was, I wasn’t really even surprised. The whole thing put so much stress on everything. She didn’t want to talk about it, she just wanted it over.”

“What a bitch.”

I shrugged. I wasn’t totally numb to it, but I’d apparently fried enough brain cells with cheap tequila over the last several months to take the edge off it. Time, distance and alcohol. “She works for the same company, but over in corporate headquarters downtown. Honestly, she’s lucky she didn’t get fired just for being married to me. That job means a lot to her, she’s busted her ass at it for years and losing it would really mess her up. I couldn’t expect her to stay anchored to my sorry ass and end up living out of a cardboard refrigerator box.”

He shook his head. “True love conquers all, huh?”

“True love doesn’t pay the bills.”

“So what were you pulling down?”

“The two of us with bonuses? Almost half of a million a year, most of the time. Sometimes more.”

“Now you’re barely over minimum wage. She took all that money?”

“Well, it wasn’t as much as you’d think. We thought we had all the time in the world; we were spending it damn near as fast as we made it. Vacations in Bali, Cabo and the Seychelles, skiing in Aspen, jewelry, thousand dollar a bottle cognac. Lawyers for my defense. But yeah, she disappeared everything we had left when she dropped the papers on me.”

“Couldn’t you find it?”

“She’s an accountant so she was pretty thorough. They’re pretty damn good at hiding money, too. It’d take money, time and lawyers to dig that shit out, and I didn’t have any of those. When I get my feet under me, maybe I can get it looked into and sue for my share.”

He shook his head sadly. “I’ve seen your paycheck; it’s gonna be a long time.”

Against my better judgment, I let Miguel talk me into going to another bar when Saturday evening rolled around. “You need to get out José, have some fun.”

“Like last week? I had so much fun I only remember wishing I could just die on Sunday.” Even as I argued against it, I climbed into the back seat; eight guys could fit in the ancient brown Bonneville as long as nobody worried about seatbelts.

“We’re going to a different place this time. Someplace more fun.”

“I thought you said that was your favorite bar?”

He grimaced. “They didn’t really appreciate us enough.”

“Did we get thrown out?”

He frowned and held his hands up. “Maybe.”

“Didn’t you say your cousin owned that place.”

“He’s a distant cousin.” He shrugged and shifted to a brilliant grin. “Besides this club has dancing.”

When he pulled his beater car to a halt in the parking lot and I unfolded myself out of it, I gave him a sidelong glance. “A salsa club? Isn’t that Cuban?”

“This place is loaded with very hot chicks wearing very little clothes. I’d come here if it was a waltz club.” He squinted at me. “You do know how to dance, don’t you?”

“Yes. I can do the polka. And the waltz.”

The shock on his face was priceless. “Seriously?”

“Yes. But I can also tango, foxtrot, salsa, jive, and a dozen other styles. Beth and I used to hit the dance clubs like it was a religion.”

“Thank God. I thought we were fixing to get thrown out again.”

I laughed. “I’ll buy your first beer. Domestic.”

“Yeah, I know, I’ve seen your paycheck.”

We had an absolute blast. There were at least two huge bachelorette parties and three final divorce parties in the club, which made for well over a two to one ratio of women to men, and most of the women were already in the “feeling no pain” stage before we ever got there.

I’d been dragged out onto the floor by two divorcees, a maid of honor, three bridesmaids and one mother of the bride—who drunkenly copped a feel—so fast I hadn’t even managed to finish a drink.

I finally managed to sit down, watching Miguel get dragged off to the floor by the voracious mother of the bride.

Holding my Modelo Especial, I peered around the packed floor. More bare skin than a nudist colony.

I settled my gaze on what Leonard would term a “particularly full and toothsome behind,” clad in skin-tight jeans. The woman was apparently talking with someone at a table, and was bent deeply over, leaning on her elbows, so she could hear them in the pandemonium.

Every damn time she shifted, I felt my heart—among other things—shift with her. Damn, that was one fine ass.

I was still watching entranced when Miguel stumbled into the table and sat down next to me. “You couldda warned me asshole.”

“Yeah, she was a handful.”

“That cougar got a handful! She got my zipper down. She mentioned she was divorced like six times.” He paused and followed my gaze. “Damn. That’s some fine...” He broke into silence as the woman straightened up and looked right at us.

Rosa’s eyes narrowed and she started right for us. Miguel looked at me and held his hands up helplessly. “Hey man, I just got here.”

He made sure he said that loud enough for Rosa to hear as she marched toward us.

She must have since she came right up to me, ignoring Miguel. “What do you think you’re staring at, you fucking pervert?”

I was probably going to apologize. Probably. But just as I open my mouth, a giggling woman in a toy bridal veil half-fell into the table heavily, dragged by her maid of honor. I assumed it was her maid of honor because of the brilliant pink sash that read “Maid of Honor.” No waste of a college education here.

The maid of honor grabbed my arm and pulled. “She needs to dance with five more guys!”

I was dragged to my feet and gestured helplessly to Rosa.

“I’ll be back.”

The bride was not as drunk as her bridesmaid, was obviously a little uncomfortable with the game and I did my best to be a gentleman.

I didn’t actually make it back to the table for three more dances, intercepted in turn by the other bride, the other maid of honor, and what turned out to be a very pretty trans who saved me from another round of defending myself from the cougar. At least the trans wasn’t like dancing with a horny octopus.

I was trying to work my way back to the table without falling into the clutches of the drunk and handsy mother of the bride when a hand grabbed mine, so I wearily stepped back onto the dance floor.

“Were you ever coming back to your table?” Rosa glared at me as we started the dance, but it wasn’t really bothering me all that much and for some reason, she didn’t seem as pissed off as she had a few minutes ago.

“I tried, I had a cold beer back there, but it’s probably warm by now.”

“No, I drank it. I was waiting for you to come back and apologize.”

Any inclination I had to apologize disappeared. “Bullshit. If you didn’t want everyone to stare at your ass, you wouldn’t paint those jeans on. And you damn sure knew what you were showing off bent over that way.”

Rosa’s lips tightened into a thin line and her eyes narrowed. “That wasn’t for your benefit, pervert.”

I shrugged. “I didn’t see a ‘reserved’ sign anywhere on it and I looked pretty close.”

I expected her to go ballistic, but she pursed her lips and shook her head, a small chuckle escaping. “Miguel says you aren’t as much of an asshole as I thought. He said that it was all his fault.”

“They didn’t actually tie me down and force me to drink.” I paused, trying to remember. “At least I don’t think they did, but he could have not painted me up and dropped me off naked.”

She smiled. “I didn’t expect you to actually come back and clean up the vomit.”

“I wish you’d have told me that. Dragging those buckets around with that hangover was awful.”

All in all, it was a pleasant dance with a very hot woman, and when the song finished, I figured we maybe had a pretty decent truce, at least for now. I watched her walk back to her table. The view certainly hadn’t gotten worse. She glanced back at me, probably to make sure I was watching. Then she gave a slight shake of her head, a slight smile and mouthed the word “pervert” at me.

I winked back and she rolled her eyes at me before sitting down at her table.

Miguel looked me over for injuries. “Looks like you got away alive.”

“She’s your cousin?”

“Yeah. She’s my second cousin.”

“Well, thanks for putting in a good word for me.”

“Kinda owed you that, man.”

I had to laugh at that. “You kinda did, asshole.

I managed to make a whole week without any kind of mayhem. That might have been a new record for me, at least lately.

One call to my PO, six solid days of work and no hangover on two Sundays in a row. The “no hangover” thing was remarkably pleasant and I was thinking of maybe trying to do that more often.

For me that almost qualified as “life was good.”

So, of course, it couldn’t last.

We finished a field early, but not nearly early enough to get to the next block of fields, so we were heading back before sunset for a change.

“Hey, José. Isn’t that your parole officer? Over there, in that restaurant. With the blonde woman.”

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tequila on the beach

We’re in Mexico. We’ve spent the day lounging on a deserted beach soaking up the sun and then danced the night away learning the flamenco and the salsa with the locals in this tiny bar. The sweat pouring off of us as we take body shots of the finest tequila. It’s been an idyllic night as we leave the bar reliving the events, we’ve drunk just enough to be completely relaxed and at ease with each other. The cool night air on our sun kissed skin and the surf on our feet feel like heaven after the...

4 years ago
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Tequila Ashley First Time With BFF

I was so drunk it took me a minute to realize that it was actually Ashley between my legs with my clit between her lips. I was already moaning openly, humping into her mouth as she ate me hungrily. I kept seeing Andrew's face in my mind and couldn't decide if he'd be pissed off or turned on by it. But, it felt so good I didn't want to stop her. Truth is, I'd fantasized about this before but never thought she'd go for it. And, I absolutely loved how her mouth felt on my vagina, though I couldn't...

4 years ago
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Tequila Sunrise Parts 6 and 7

Part Six: Conrad beamed with pride as he saw Adam being led into the living room, escorted by Tiffany. It was now being confirmed that his and Tiffany's instincts about Adam's potential as a girl....were correct. Adam was wearing a majestic purple silky gown that was dripping with sparkly trim. Tiffany had completed the makeover, styled a long brunette wig and adorned him in big gaudy accessories and long nails. He looked like a drag queen about to perform at a nightclub....but it...

3 years ago
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The OldFuck Shuffle

“Nah, I’ve done my bit.”This was Elsie talking, a big, brash widow who held court every Tuesday morning at Jack’s Lounge, a coffee shop/restaurant/bar in this Caribbean community of expats. Jack’s changed its nature depending on the time of day, and in the mornings it grabbed a slice of the too-lazy-to-cook brigade who enjoyed being served.The group was almost entirely composed of widows. Breakfast was their time because lunch meant a few glasses of pinot grigio, down which path lay early...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Virginity Shuffle

Hello Friends, I am Vishal , Male-23 ,I have been following this ISS from last 3-4 years. I had multiple sex sessions within all ages. I am going to write down all stories keeping in mind all the secrecy. This will be my 1st story were 2 lucky virgins made out the best on the bed. Now coming back to the story, I was new to the city after completing my school as my dad got transferred. I didn’t had any friends so used to be at home sitting on facebook and gmail chatting with friends and making...

2 years ago
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Tequila Made her Clothes Fall Off

On a recent trip, after the day's work was finished, we looked around for a local watering hole. The town we were in was not that large, so there was two choices. a old saloon and yes it was a saloon and very old, or a local Mexican Restaurant & Cantina. We chose the Restaurant.Stepping in through the side door, we entered the cantina and headed for the bar, The bartender asked what we wanted as he prepared shots, and my buddy said Pacifico, all around He dropped the shots off at the...

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Tequila Sunrise Parts 2 and 3

Part Two: Adam marveled at the size of the penthouse apartment. By New York City terms, the place was massive. And the view of the lights of the city at night was awe inspiring. But the thing that really stood out to Adam was that Conrad had oil paintings and blown up photographs of himself hanging up in pretty much every room. There a painting of him posing, dressed in a suit. There was a photograph of him punching a guy from one of his fights. There was even an oil painting...

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Tequila Sunrise Parts 4 and 5

Part Four: Later that evening, Conrad released Adam from the chair and walked him over to the kitchen table where he had a bowl of oatmeal and various cups filled with different drinks. He sat a very wobbly Adam down in front of them. "All right. I want you to eat and drink everything in front of you. And when you're done, we're taking you back to the chair. You have 15 minutes." Adam looked over everything. "What......what......what's in the drinks?" He was still shaking...

4 years ago
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The double shuffle

Hi dear readers, after nearly a month your JJ is back with a cock rising story yet another mature love story. Sandhya is the 48 year old woman whom Badri has been obsessing about for the past few years. To a 36 year old horny male, she is perfect!! She was 30 running on 48 with the carnal urges that her husband failed to satisfy. Hearing the front door open and close, Sandhya smiles because she knows it means Badri is home and she has been waiting from their afternoon quick fuck. Laying on...

3 years ago
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Journey OutwardChapter 44 Shuffle

We make our way out of the build now a party of 6 rather than the party of 5 we started with. Gunga din at point, Seth and Gun flanking me and our new friend. Camulus following behind. "Why the hell do I keep end up following you," he mumbles from his place in line. "Universe, likes me," I sing out. "Your universe can bite me," He grumbles. "Knock if off you two," Gunga Din says as we near the area where we last left the rest of the Protectors. But He keeps his tone light, he...

2 years ago
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I am not a total bottom but although given a choice, that would always my preference. I generally like bigger guys and prefer being fucked. When the occasional arse presents itself, nonetheless, I am always up for the challenge. One such encounter came out of the blue one evening when I was on a business trip in a large coastal city.If I may regress slightly, on previous visits to this location I found a reliable camping spot where I had enjoyed a mixed bag of success. The most notable of these...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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My Moms Best Friend Or Is She

Hi! My name is Ashley and I am Domaneque’s older sister visiting and for sure am new to all of this, so please bear with me. I am a 23 year old, part-time college student, who also works as a waitress in a local restaurant. I'm tall, slender, and have long blonde hair. Several past boyfriends have told me that I have a very nice figure. I have blue eyes, a dark tan (just returned from Cancun ), and an olive complexion. . My breasts are medium-sized - not too large not too small - with...

1 year ago
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A Gift for Grampa

Note : This story is completely fictional! I called my grandfather in August, the last opportunity I would have before school started. I wanted to wish him a happy birthday. He was turning sixty one the following Sunday. I asked him what he wanted for his birthday. His answer was short and what I would expect. "You," he said instantly. "Can you come down to celebrate an old man's birthday? I won't be having many more you know." I was instantly concerned. "Are you sick, grampa?" "No, nothing...

2 years ago
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The Innocent Neighbor Girl Part V

My wife had left for the weekend on a business trip. I was going to go with her until work asked me to come in over the weekend. I was a little disgruntled, but agreed to do it. I was relaxing on the couch, watching a movie, when the doorbell rang. I got up and slowly walked to answer it. I was only wearing boxers, wanting to just relax before work tomorrow. I figured it was Nok or Suyin wanting me to come over, but as I opened the door I was shocked. Nok and Suyin were standing there,...

3 years ago
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The Discipline Correspondance SchoolChapter 7

Sunday morning, Tammy is in the bath and I have just finished cleaning up from the fun last night. Tammy called me, "Ray, can you come here please!" I hurried off to the bathroom expecting a problem, entering there was Tammy stood up in the bath with soap suds all over her body. "What's up?" I asked. "Nothing, I just thought you would like to hose me down!" she said with a large grin. "Hose you down, why are you going out in the garden like that?" I jokingly asked. "No, Silly I...

4 years ago
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The Playroom My First Visit

I had never visited your home before. I think it was mainly because I did not trust you, or myself when it came to that. I knew that you had designs on my body and although I enjoyed your attentions, and encouraged them in fact, I also enjoyed keeping you waiting. But then, I have always been a tease.You knew that from the beginning though, back when you first saw me in the club dancing with a girlfriend and wearing my favourite little black dress. Remember that dress? It was a little short...

4 years ago
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Teem ke chudai

Hallo, iss na vaachak mitro, kem chho ? Ek vadhu rasili gujarati vaarta vanchavi chhe ? To lo, neelam ni jaagruti na lekhak taraf thi ek naani bhet. Hi, kem chho? Maaru-n naam chhe neha. Hu-n vis varas ni chhu-n. Khaas rupaali nathi pan kadrupi y nathi. Sauthi vadhu aakarshak chhe maara stan. Jya-n jau-n tyaa-n loko ni najar maari chhati upar thi hatati j nathi. Maara var ne pan maara stan bahu game chhe. E jyaare banne stan ne mutthi ma-n pakadi jor jor thi talla maari mane chode chhe tyaare...

3 years ago
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Beware the RoasburiesChapter 8

Friday 15th May to Monday 1st June 1970 Friday was another busy day and I spent the usual Friday evening at home. Penny had promised she would ring at 7.30, but I wondered if I would get a call after what happened on Thursday morning. A weekend with her was clearly out of the question, not that I wanted to see her anyway. I suspected her, and she suspected me. No call. At 8.30 I left the house to meet Ian at the local for a game of darts. Ian was an overweight round faced man. By...

4 years ago
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Jack and JillChapter 103

I stood up and so did Sara. "Thanks, Jack." She kissed me on the cheek and wrapped her arms around me. We were standing in my new kitchen hugging each other when I heard Jill's voice. "My, my. What have we here?" "Oh, Hi Jill. It's not what you think." "Oh, really? And what do you think I think?" "You probably think this is all innocent and I did something nice and Sara's thanking me. It's really a prelude to going in the bedroom and having mad, passionate sex." "Oh. I...

2 years ago
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WeFuckBlackGirls Nia Nacci Fifth Appearance

Nia just loves the bad boys. Take her new English gangster boyfriend Danny. He works for a Russian mob boss who is always sending him out to take care of dirty jobs for him. Like collecting money and dishing out beatings. So it is with some trepidation she goes with him to meet his boss. Immediately the Russian is transfixed on the young black girl. He finds her quite exotic and has to have her. Sending Danny out of the room he immediately puts the moves on her and by the time Danny comes back...

3 years ago
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Sleep Over With My Inexperienced Bestie

About four years ago I stayed the night and my friend’s (Sarah) house. at around about midnight we were talking and the subject sex came up.  She asked how far i had gone with a guy and i told her, everything but sex and anal. She started asking me questions like how do you hook up and how do you give a blow job and handjob etc. I explained and she asked if i could watch her practice on a cucumber and i thought why not! She was a natural!!!!! Next she asked what it was like to be felt up and i...

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Candice Summer Suck

I half shut my eyes at the sting of the blinding sunset; silhouettes danced against a backdrop of orange and pink hues. I smiled at an inflatable starfish that bounced off into the horizon; the tentacles swayed in sync with the distant sound of house music playing off someone’s phone. Something poked my shoulder; it was a pretty pink flower. “Awe!” I exclaimed in a fog. “You like it?” Jamie looked happy with his sparkling, light brown eyes; they glowed bright against his sun burnt skin....

2 years ago
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Jena and Lisi Ch 2

With a final clang of metal on metal, the First Order drop ship landed inside the hanger bay of the First Order Resurgent Class Star Destroyer they would later find out was called the Finalizer. As they were led down the ramp of the drop ship, the girls could see hundreds of troopers, technicians, flight control crew and other members of the First Order, busy inside the massive hanger. TIE Fighters, shuttles and assault craft lay or hung in various states around the hanger. Everywhere they...

4 years ago
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To hear this story, Click Here. * * * * * I am on a battlefield. A sword rests heavy in my hand. The weapon doesn’t feel right, but the fiery speeches that Wallace spewed ignited an unknown fire deep in my bowels. I had to follow him into battle. But so many of us have died already that once green hills are now dark with the empty life of my countrymen. When Wallace came to my village, I was working in the fields alongside my wife, Meagan. Oh, she was a beauty of a woman: almost as tall as...

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Ana takes care of a stranger on a plane

Ana takes care of a stranger on a planeI had enjoyed a quick trip to Ohio with my loving Victor, he had invited me to go with him and I had been delighted. My loving husband had been very busy during three days and finally we were boarding a plane to fly back…While sitting on the plane I asked a blanket and received one and a pillow. Victor’s seat was in the aisle and I was on the middle. We had to get up to allow a huge man go through us, to his window seat. The man was really huge, bigger...

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Anton Station

Kai, with her long brown, curly hair with help from the breeze, whipped at the back of her neck. Her long eyelashes, whihc almost hid her sky blue eyes, kept the dirt out of her eyes. As the horse reared up in front of her, Kai put her arms up in front of her and softly bowed to the horse. It's quick movements were sharp and Kai didn't knwo if she could break the horse or not. After about a minute, the scared horse started to get down of it's front legs, and bowed back. kai smiled and she...

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Hitchhiking with Dad Chapter One

One I walked to the highway at the edge of town. It was aSaturday, the first weekend in June. I decided to hitchhike toCareyville. It's only claim to fame is that it is bigger than thetown I lived in. My name is Joey. I grew up with my mother andher parents. She had gotten pregnant in high school and had givenbirth to me. Everyone thought I was her little brother, but shewas my mom. My Gran raised me, though. Mom never took that muchinterest in it, although I...

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Can I have some pussy

-= 1: THE BEGINNING =-Ralph was eighteen years old and so glad that he graduated from college. But Ralph was also shy around girls and was still a virgin. But if they only knew what he was packing in his pants he would have lost his virginity when he was fifteen. He was six feet tall and lanky with short blonde hair and blue eyes.Ralph lived alone with his mother Tammy. She was forty-one years old and divorced her husband when Ralph was only two years old. He would beat her and she decided to...

4 years ago
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Chapter 1 Jerome Halleck was a powerful captain of industry, with some 34 companies in his comglomerate of petroleum interests. He even owned some natural gas companies, and was looking ahead, investing in alternative fuels, so that his family would be ready for the change of fuels when oil ran out. He was 76 years old and 4 times divorced, with a track record of womanizing a mile long. Since he had warned the women in advance that he would sleep around, he did not much like their jealous...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 320 The Second Settlement

Thursday, September 7 (Continued) to Saturday, September 30, 2006 The initial media coverage was excited, uninformed reporting of what they could see, but it only took the reporters a few minutes to learn the essential facts. All the Rangers and cops knew the situation, and they hadn't been too concerned about protecting the CIA. Somewhat the reverse, actually. So from breakfast time on the east coast, and through the nation's breakfasts as each time zone got up, America learned that,...

3 years ago
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Life Changes Chapter 4

She was happier than she had been in a while. After admitting her desire to be dominated, we had played at it for the first time last weekend. After that, even without the domination, she had been insatiable all week. As soon as I got home, she would greet me in the nude and attack me. The last two nights she had immediately given me a blowjob, and then after dinner we fucked like rabbits until we were exhausted. Did I mention that I was deliriously happy, too? No need. I got to the...

2 years ago
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Sex Escapades With Rupa Ma8217am

Hi Readers, This is my first sex story. I have been a regular reader of ISS for a long time and wanted to share a real-life experience. So without boring you all, I am coming straight to the story. My name is Rahul. I am 35 years old and I live in Mumbai. This story is about my sexual adventures with my college crush Rupa Chakraborty. Like every normal boy, I too have had multiple crushes on my teachers. But Rupa Ma’am was different. She used to teach us English in class 12 and that was the...

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First Time I Sucked Cock

When I was 19, I was like most guys – thinking about pussy a lot. My good friend Kevin was the same. We talked about it a lot – much more than either of us was getting. Still, he had a few experiences at fucking some pussy…and I had a summer where I fucked another friend’s mom quite a few times. She was the one that taught me what fucking was all about. But then came his spring break.He was in his sophomore year at UCLA and I was working in the factory. We hadn’t seen each other much since the...

5 years ago
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Happily Ever After Chapters 2 and 3

Chapter 2 Be My Baby It took me awhile to get to sleep and I found it almost impossible to remain in that state. Sam wasn't up for any fooling around and drifted off quickly with his arm and leg draped over me possessively. This was what I'd wanted, wasn't it? Why was I having these gnawing doubts about everything? If I had the chance, I'd definitely take a few days and just go off by myself somewhere. The weight of the entire situation was beginning to drag me down. ...

4 years ago
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Bubbles For You

I want you to stand at the window in my apartment and gaze across the river. I want you to feel my lips on the back of your neck, to turn and kiss me, to feel my hands running up your legs lifting your skirt. I want you to be guided back to the sofa, to feel the coolness of the leather on the backs of your legs as we kiss and caress. I want you to feel me guiding your knickers to one side and find you are already wet with anticipation, to gently wrap your legs around my back as I...

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Daughter For Dessert

Hi, I am Ramesh, 45 years old, and I have a wife and daughter. My wife is 42 years old, a bit healthy but still looks young for her age. She is fair. After pregnancy, her assets grew, and they were like that since then. My daughter Riya is 21 years old. She studies in college, and she is an engineering student. She resembles her mom but with a very sexy figure. Well, she is 21 what else can you expect. To describe her, I would say that she is taller than her mother, about 5’5″. She has a very...

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Worlds of ProbabilityChapter 8

The next morning Jason was up early and he started work on prepping for the trip he would be making with Michelle that day. He hoisted the transfer pod onto the truck and secured it so that he could transport it to the remote location from which he would depart upon the inter-nodal trip. When Michelle arrived Jason wanted to be able to just hop into the truck and go. As part of the equipment strapped to the outside of the transfer pod was a second bicycle for Michelle. This would allow her to...

3 years ago
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Friends and family

Joan, my 24-year-old wife is small, being about 5'3" and weighing 114 pounds. She has milk white skin and firm, perfectly shaped c-cup tits. Tina is even smaller. She is 5'1" and says she weighs 102 pounds. She wears c-cup bras but she is really a little too big for c-cups. However she thinks that makes her look even sexier. I can't argue with that. She is a real knockout. Her hair is short and black. Her skin is almost as black as her hair. Her ass is what you would call a...

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The Cowboy Who Didnt Speak IndianChapter 2

The next morning Little Flower pulled him up when she got up. She pointed at his horse, which was some yards away, nibbling at grass. Then she picked up her buckskin dress and dropped it over her head. He was sure he couldn’t climb up into the saddle yet, but he went to the horse, which welcomed him with a nuzzle. He went to the other side of it to void his bladder, and then examined the animal, telling himself he should have done that the day before. If the horse had taken a bullet too, he...

4 years ago
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Lifestyle Resort Breeding PART 2

PART 2Eagerly Waiting After I came down from the sexual high, we decided to get clean and to follow the resort’s dress code. White hubbies were to be nude. White wives were also to be nude but with a little cover of a minimal ballerina’s chemise wraparound that barely covered our derrieres. So skimpily attired we withdrew to the patio relaxing comfortably around a table that had drinks labeled “his and hers”. "What a pleasant surprise. “La Dame de Pique people really know how to pamper its...

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A Fantastic RingChapter 9

While the girls were going over what they wanted and Mom was adding her 2¢ worth, Dad called me to one side and asked if I had any ideas on what I wanted to do with my life. He pointed out that we would now have enough money for me to pick anything I wanted to do, including being a beach bum or a jet-setter. He did say that he hoped that I would not choose either one, but would choose some worthwhile occupation for my life's work. I had been so busy being a teenaged stud that I had not...

4 years ago
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New Pet Part 1

“Mr. Wolfe, your 4:40 appointment is here,” the voice of his assistant Kimberly announced.“Thank you Kimberly, send her in. Send all my calls to the service and call it a day. I will see you in the morning,” he responded.He sat back in his leather chair, behind his granite desk. He wondered what he had gotten himself into. His appointment, a new potential pet for him to enjoy. All he knew about her was that she was needy, or that was the description his friend had given him.The friend was a...

2 years ago
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Scorpio MadnessChapter 5

Rikki was still catching her breath on the bed as I uncorked the ice-cooled second bottle. This time the confined bubbly didn't burst forth in a frothy eruption of pent-up madness, but there was still some excess. I allowed the cold wetness to drip into her prone ass-crack and run downwards onto her exposed pussy. "Rick! JEE-sus... you're as bad as I am! ... I'm just catching my breath. Gimme that..." Rikki tilted the bottle towards her, gulped down a swig, and then rolled...

4 years ago
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Dream a Little Dream of Me Supernatural FAnfiction

There's a knock at the door. Sam heaves a sigh and slams the clamshell of his laptop closed. He makes it to the knob in a few long strides. His disappointment is apparent when he opens the door and sees her standing there. "Hey, Sam," she says in her haughty accent. She walks past him into the room without invitation. That's how she is. She takes. Whatever she wants. He stares after her, watching her take in the cheap furnishings. The cheeky Brit's audacity is unsurprising. Yet, as...

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Mutt and Jeff

This happened when I was twenty three years old.. I got a phone call from a friend who helped me find paying clients with big money. He said he had a couple who wanted someone to role play as a 16 year old babysitter. It paid very well and I was perfect for the part because I looked so young.I was told to go to this high rise apartment building that I knew was full of rich people. When I got there a doorman stopped me, asked my name and who I was there to see. When I told him my name he said "...

3 years ago
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Witch Chronicles 13 Aftermath

WITCH CHRONICLES 13: AFTERMATH By JRD Lois and her two "sisters" walked into the bar. Even though she and one of her siblings were obviously too young to drink, no one in the bar cared enough to run them away. They sat at a table, and a woman who might have been pretty when younger came up and asked, "What'll you have?" Lois said, "Scotch." The woman nodded to Lois's sisters. "And them?" The two had already started fondling each other. "They'll entertain themselves." The...

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Amsterdam sex club

I was in a sex club in Amsterdam a couple of years ago with my wife who was slightly drunk. She is a bit submissive and I enjoy showing her off. She was wearing a short dress, low cut with stockings and a suspender belt underneath. She is petite and slim but has big firm tits (5' but 32E)and keeps her pussy close shaved. Her clit is pierced with a gold bar. We had had a few drinks before we got there and the entrance price included 2 or 3 more.As the night wore on we watched the live show and...

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Grim Fairy TalesChapter 7 The Troubles Continue

By September of 2024, the government was faced with numerous riots and rebellions across the country. Attempts to repair the food and power distribution were hampered by devastating terrorist actions, the most notable being the release of nerve gas in New York City's Penn Station at rush hour. While the Federal Government struggled to cope, it also had to deal with the movement of refugees as an election year issue. Simon and Arabella continued their work with the refugees throughout the...

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East Coast West Coast Part 1

It was a wet, windy New York evening when I first met Scott. I was supposed to be having dinner with my parents that evening but in usual style, my mother had another most important thing to attend to, and so it was to be my father and I. I didn’t mind. To be honest, the only time I could really have an easy conversation with Dad was when we were making fun of my mother.But that evening, he brought Scott. He apologised profusely. Scott was an old friend from out of town who didn’t have any...

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Office Girls At Play

Hi, my name’s Abhay and I’ve posted many of my sexual advetntures on this forum. I’ve been getting a terrific response. Thank you all for that. My girlfriend’s a bisexual and on popular demand, especially from girls who have contacted me, I’m going to post one of her sexual adventures in her own words. My girlfriend attendted a conference to Goa with her office-colleagues. All of them were young girls between 21-24 years of age. Her company had booked their rooms in a hotel, pairing them 2 by...

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Angel of Seduction

Kristen McNally was lost. She had been trying to do the weekly grocery shopping, but had gotten turned around again. It was so hard finding things in a new town anyway. Couple that with having to learn how to drive on the left side of the road, and she was having major problems. Kristen and her husband, Ben, were visiting Australia. He was a martial art instructor who conducted seminars and worked with instructors all over the world. She helped him with the logistics of travel, record keeping,...

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The Life and Times of an Expatriate Chap 13

Introduction: A widower rediscovers young love overseas CHAPTER ONE After a lifetime of work and saving my wife and I retired early to her home country in Central America nearly a decade ago. The reduced costs allowed us to live a comfortable life in the countryside. We built a small home with just a single bedroom as any visitors could stay at a nearby B&B. With wages obscenely low, we hired a local young, single mother as our housekeeper and cook. She was fantastic and her young daughter...

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Didi ko chodne ka mood ban gaya

Mere ghar me meri 20 sal ki badi bahan aur mai 18 sal ka khoob sath khelte the aur der rat tak sath padhte the.Humara basement bahut lamba tha.Basement me ek attach lat bath wale room me palang aur chair table rakha tha jisme hum exams me padhte the.Aur uske bahar hall tha,jisme ek spare pada sofa rakha rehta tha.Pura ghar split a/c tha.Basement me awaj bilkul nahi ati thi.Usey limca bahut pasand thi.Padhte waqt woh chai ya paani bhi peene ki jagah limca piti rahti thi.Ek din jab hamari exams...

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