Irrefutable Evidence free porn video

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George has been set up. College Queen Mandy's pantyhose and panties are in his car. The evidence of his alleged infidelity is irrefutable, at least to Debbie, the shy young pre-law student who loved him and who is now shattered and refuses to speak to him. George has never cheated on Debbie. He adores her – and detests Mandy. But how can he refute the irrefutable?

You'll find them everywhere – the Queen Bees who completely dominate their female 'friends' (and from a steadily decreasing age, also the males). They monopolize kindergartens, they pester primary schools, they drive middle school teachers to distraction, and once the hormones really hit, they become much more than merely a general nuisance – they become uncontrollable pests.

In high school their reigns peak. The boys swarm around them for a chance to be with the Queen. The Queens never drive anywhere themselves. They never buy a soda or a burger or a movie ticket – beau-of-the-week will take care of that in gratitude. They are also the ring leaders in making life miserable for anyone who dares to be different: the geeks, the brains, the misfits, or those who simply will not genuflect to the Queen. The Queen Bees kill. Truly, they do. Vulnerable kids suicide under the onslaught. And only rarely are the tormentors held accountable – how could any (male) DA think badly of such a pretty, flirty girl?

Their reigns peak in high school for several reasons. Partly because even Queen Bees grow up, partly because they are often too dumb to manage college, and partly because most people who go to college are not dumb and also mature enough to see through the Queens and ignore them, thus reducing the extent of their influence.

But that doesn't, in any way, mean that Queen Bees are unknown at colleges; far from it. The smaller and more, shall we say, provincial, a college is, the more likely it is that the Queen Bees can continue the domination.

Amanda Lee Buchanan – known as Mandy – was a very good example. A junior at a small but respected college; she was the archetypical Queen Bee. She was a naturally honey-blond Golden Girl of just over medium height with sparkling blue eyes, long eyelashes and a dazzling white smile. Her 36Ds on an otherwise slender frame made her look positively voluptuous. She was enrolled to study "General Business" – a designation that covers a multitude of sins and is chiefly indicative of indecision, lack of talent or both. In reality, Amanda was only in college to get her 'Mrs' degree and meanwhile having a ball doing what she'd done for 16 of her 20 years: controlling her posse as much as possible and make them do her bidding. 'Posse' is actually a poor choice of word. 'Court' would cover it much better. And while the number of courtiers was perhaps smaller than in high school where she'd been head-cheerleader and Prom Queen, the members of the college court were more interesting. No more pimpled youths with occasional access to their parents' cars.

The young men swarming around her now were independent smooth-faced sophisticated players. Or so they thought. Mandy didn't. Sure they had more money and fewer pimples, but otherwise first and second year college was not significantly different from third and fourth year high-school. She used, abused, and eventually dumped those young men one by one.

Some Queen Bees are, at least technically, virgins. They intend to give up their hymens only in exchange for a wedding ring. They keep the boys satisfied with their hands, mouths, breasts, or anuses. And the boys are free to hint that they have gone all the way. After all, the rumors will only increase the demand for dates. Others have no such reservations, providing their dates with real sex. That is a high-risk strategy: The separation between 'Queen Bee' and 'School Slut' is razor thin. But Mandy had managed to walk that tightrope flawlessly since losing her virginity at twelve. She liked sex. In fact, she liked it so much that the number of dates any guy would get depended as much on the size and prowess of his dick as of his wallet or car. To counter the risk of the dreaded 'slut' designation, Mandy insinuated that 'this was something she rarely ever did' asking the guys to 'keep it quiet for the sake of her prospects'. While the going was good, the guys complied. And once they were dumped, the few blabber-mouths would be met with derision. "As if" Mandy would declare, rolling her baby-blue eyes.

Have you noticed that the Queens almost always have a Lady in Waiting? A faithful side-kick who kids herself into believing that she's the Queen's best friend, usually never realizing how poorly she is being treated? To qualify for side-kick, a girl has to fulfill some basic requirements. One of the most important of those – second only to the blind devotion – is that she must not be too pretty. Never must the side-kick compete for the males' attention.

Deborah Elaine Henderson, unsurprisingly known as Debbie, was the perfect side-kick to Mandy and had been so since they met in Kindergarten at age 4. Debbie was mousy-haired girl. She wasn't overly tall, yet seemed somewhat gangly. She was by no means a dog, but certainly not a stunner. She did herself several injustices in the looks department though. She smoothed her hair daily with a straightening iron, depriving the world a view of her gorgeous natural curls. Rather she gathered her hair in a forbidding bun at the back of her head and her dress-sense was dull. Being so skinny, she wasn't particularly well endowed in the breast department, although she wasn't flat, and she had a perfectly cute ass. But her clothes hid rather than enhanced what was there front and back. She'd had braces until graduating high-school. She now had teeth as pretty as Mandy's, but since she hardly ever smiled, she didn't use that asset either. She, again according to form, was exceedingly bright. Academically, that is. On the personal front she was far from independent.

Actually being at the same college as Mandy was indicative of Debbie's subservience and complete lack of self-esteem. The college was really quite good in many areas, but its pre-law program was, to put it mildly, 'not worth writing home about', as the saying goes. Yet Debbie had agreed to go there with Mandy without even considering that she was doing herself a disfavor.

Not only did Debbie not compete with Mandy in the looks department, she was also so painfully shy around boys that she didn't even do what many side-kicks do: Wait on the side to collect the Queen's leftovers. She was a complete virgin; she had never so much as kissed a boy.

Besides Debbie, the court of Queen Mandy consisted of three or four other girls and a varying number of love-struck young men. They usually hung out at The Durant – a bar slash cafe on the far side of town. Despite most of them still being under 21, they never had problems buying alcohol. The state traditionally had a low minimum drinking age, but had been forced to up it to 21 during the Reagan years (or lose 10% of it federal road funding). However the College President was a co-founder of the Amethyst Initiative. And since his brother was the Chief of Police, the cops in the college town never took any particular interest in the age of drinkers. The behavior of drinkers was another matter – there was a zero-tolerance for drunk and disorderly conduct, and any bartender caught serving alcohol to an obviously intoxicated person would also find himself in trouble quickly. So by and large the town was safe.

Into all this walked George Jacobsen one Friday night early in the New Year. He was tall and blond after his Norse forefathers. His build was sinewy rather than bulky, but at 6"3 he still weighed in at 180 pounds. His short blond hair was almost flaxen and his eyes were even bluer than Mandy's. Unlike the other third year students, George was a relative new-comer in town. Hailing from a blue-collar background of modest means, he'd done an Associate Degree at a Community College in his home town, but shown such promise that he'd won a scholarship to finish a Bachelor of Computer Science degree at a more prestigious college.

Since he'd had to work for two years to raise money for college, George was older than the other third years – and actually one of the few students in the bar that evening old enough to legally buy alcohol. What he bought was one light beer. After that he would switch to soft-drinks. He never intoxicated himself, and if he was driving he wouldn't drink at all.

His aversion to drunk-driving was extremely strong. A bit over two years ago, George had lost his girlfriend when she, along with four other kids, was driven into a tree by her younger brother who was close to 3 times over the legal limit. The small, overfilled car had practically wrapped itself around the tree, and the traumatized emergency crew worked for hours to retrieve mangled body after mangled body. Shannon and Jake were George's neighbors and he still had flash-backs of the pitiful wail that pierced the quiet summer's evening when the police had come to tell their widowed mother that both her children had died.

Alerted by the sound, George rushed over to learn that the wail also signified the loss of his soul-mate. The girl next door who had been his best friend all his life – and his sweetheart since grade school – was gone.

George, irrationally, still felt guilty for Shannon's death. Had he gone to the party too, Shannon would never have been in Jake's car. Even Jake and the other kids might have been alive, as George would certainly have tried to stop Jake driving if he knew he was drunk. But George hadn't gone. Having just started the college education he'd worked so hard to be able to afford, he wanted to concentrate on studying and restricted himself to one party per weekend. Shannon had really wanted him to come – in fact they'd had a bit of a fight over George's refusal. It only added to George's devastation that the last words between him and Shannon had been in anger.

After this tragedy, George froze inside. For the next two years he worked like a man possessed on his education, in the process winning the scholarship, but never so much as looking at another girl. And the first half year at the new college had been the same. Work, work, work. He took no interest in the affluent college coeds, but he did make a few male friends.

George was shooting pool with Tony – another mature junior and fellow computer science student. They were roommates, brought together by chance, but had slowly struck up a friendship that deepened with every passing week – to the extent where they had visited each other's homes over the just past Christmas break. Their backgrounds were not dissimilar with supportive, though not wealthy parents. Tony's folks were small scale farmers so he'd had to work to make it to college just like George. But a small inheritance from a distant uncle had allowed him to take all four years at the good college.

Tony had much the same build as George (so much so that they regularly borrowed each other's clothes – don't think only girls do that), but their coloring was very different: Tony was of Italian descent and it showed in his dark hair, skin and eyes. Said dark eyes were narrowing to gauge how to pocket a particularly difficult placed ball. At the exact moment he was about to shoot, a honeyed voice called. "Hi Tony, aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?"

Tony missed the shot altogether, pocketing both the cue ball and one of George's balls in the process. He straightened up with a curse. "I don't think so Amanda," he said looking angrily at the lovely vision that had appeared in the doorway to the pool room. "As you say, he's my friend. And friends try to keep friends out of your talons."

He turned to George. "I'm leaving. Lucy was going to come over on the way home from theatre practice; I'll intercept her on the way and go somewhere else. I don't want to be with this vulture." He stomped out of the room, almost pushing the young lady aside. A bemused and slightly confused George was gaping at the scene which had shown him a hitherto unknown side of Tony.

The Golden Girl was nonplussed. "I'm Mandy," she intoned. George could almost feel the breeze from her eye-lashes.

"I'm George," George replied with a nod that was just exactly polite, but no more. "Tony's my roommate," he added, meaning to convey a warning that he intended to be loyal to his friend.

"Lucky Tony," Mandy tittered. "Although I think I would get much more out of sharing a room with you." Then she added cattily "At least I hope so. I have my doubts regarding Tony..."

George didn't take the bait. He busied himself setting up the balls for a new game. "Your break I think," he said to Nick – another of his fellow students and a friend of Tony's. It was Nick's idea that they should shoot 8-ball at this particular place, but he had graciously let George and Tony have the first, now abandoned, game.

Amanda, unused to being ignored by men, was just going to make another attempt to get George's attention when a rowdy lot of young people entered the bar. It was her 'court' arriving. They spotted her and came over towards her calling out exaggerated greetings.

"Hi Guys." Amanda said. "I'm just surveying the scene."

"Anything of interest?" Beatrice – one of the minor Ladies in Waiting asked, studying George with interest.

"Not for you Bea," Amanda replied. "The new cutie's mine."

George looked up from the pool table. His facial expression was inscrutable.

Amanda read it as a sign on interest and upped the ante. "Well George, are you going to buy me a drink?"

"I don't think so," George replied with deliberation. "I don't think so."

Amanda was taken aback but recovered quickly to protect her image. She turned around with a shrug and addressed Debbie. "It seems the New Boy is shy. Will you get me a drink Debs?"

"Yes Mandy," the grey girl said resignedly and went to the bar.

The episode bothered George so he drained his light beer, went up to the bar too to get a soft drink, queued up behind the mousy girl and asked her point blank "How come Miss Domineering Personality of the Year can't buy her own drinks?"

Startled, Debbie couldn't meet George's gaze and looked down. "We're friends," she mumbled.

"Are you really?" George asked. "I mean, how often does Mandy buy your drinks?"

'Exactly never, ' Debbie thought – but she didn't say anything. The silence was oppressing.

"Thought so," George sighed – as if Debbie's thoughts had been spoken. Once more Debbie said nothing.

"Well, I hope you're happy," George said.

It was Debbie's turn next to be served so she was spared having to reply. But she did think about it.

Not that there was all that much to think about, really, but it dominated Debbie's thoughts nevertheless. The answer to George's question was an unequivocal 'No!' Debbie was not happy with her personal life at all. Nor had she been for quite some time. Coming to college with Mandy was a bad mistake – the worst in a seemingly endless series of mistakes. She'd had a unique chance to break the dependence of Mandy by going to another college – and she could even have gotten into a better pre-law program that way. But she was scared of being on her own and so she'd chosen the 'safe' option and stayed with Mandy. At least she had something of a social life, no matter how limited, she thought. But in a way she was worse off than an old fashioned paid companion; in fact it was Debbie that was paying Mandy – drinks were not the only items Debbie would provide on a regular basis.

And she couldn't see how her situation would change. Unlike Beatrice and Cindy who were more than happy to have a go with those men Mandy discarded or rejected, Debbie was never going to find anyone for herself. In general she disliked Mandy's boyfriends – past, present and future. Tony was an exception, but he had been scooped up by Lucy when Mandy tired of him and he had never looked Debbie's way. In fact, the likelihood that any of those boys would ever even notice Debbie was remote. So she was at a dead end. Perhaps it was time to cut loose?

She was morosely mulling about those things over her Diet Coke. As usual, Mandy ignored her and was unaware of her 'best' friend's gloomy mood. Mandy had kept up the banter with George a bit – mainly to goad Sean, the beau of the moment. George finished his drink around the time he and Nick finished a game. "That's two all," he said. "I think I'll call it quits and head home. I've got a lot of studying to do this weekend."

"'Kay," said Nick as George left the pool table for a quick stop at the rest room before heading home.

"Time for another," Mandy said – holding her empty glass up to Debbie.

"No thank you," Debbie replied – choosing to interpret Mandy's words as an offer, rather than the demand it so obviously was. "I think I'll head home; I'm not feeling too well."

Mandy was peeved by Debbie's reply – the unspoken insult regarding the drink and especially the unheard streak of independence. "You're not much fun," she said. "I expect more from the people I hang out with."

"I know," Debbie replied. "That's why I'm going home."

Mandy pointedly turned her back to Debbie and didn't observe that George and Debbie nearly collided when he exited the men's rest-room in the entranceway.

"Sorry," George said. "Didn't mean to bump into you that way. Heading home?"

"Yes," Debbie said quietly. And repeating the excuse she'd used to Mandy, she added "I'm not feeling too well."

"Sorry to hear that!" George said – his voice sounding genuinely nice and concerned. "Let me walk you home then."

Debbie was startled "I, eh I," she faltered. "I don't want to put you out..."

"'Put me out'?" George laughed. "That sounds very old-fashioned and genteel! You'd do no such thing; your dorm is right next to mine – it's no trouble at all."

"You know where I live?" Debbie asked even more startled.

"Sure, I've seen you around, "George said. "You're doing pre-law with Lucy, aren't you?"

"Yes," Debbie confirmed barely over a whisper. She was almost paralyzed with shyness. She wished she could make some bright remark, but nothing came.

George didn't seem to expect her to and continued "Tony's my roommate and best friend and I hang out a lot with him and Lucy. I've seen you often enough when we go to pick her up."

Debbie was stunned. 'He has noticed me?!' she thought in confusion. "You have?" she croaked.

"Why sure," George said. His natural politeness made him turn to face Debbie with a smile.

The girl still didn't look up, but George was unconcerned. He sensed her shyness, and since he wasn't on the prowl – or in fact really interested in her as a girl at all, he just kept up a pleasant and polite, if somewhat one-sided, conversation about college matters.

It was a fairly long walk and the conversation became progressively less one-sided as Debbie's utterances changed from monosyllabic whispers to almost animated contributions. But the few times George turned to look at her, she still didn't look him in the eye.

It was also a fairly cold walk. Walking the narrow streets of the town wasn't too bad but once they reached the open areas of the parkland surrounding the campus, the icy winds hit them at full force. Debbie was shivering. "You're not really dressed for this, are you?" George said, eyeing her much too thin jacket.

"No," Debbie agreed with clattering teeth. "I got a lift over with Bea – I wasn't planning on walking."

"We can't have you catching pneumonia, can we?" George said, took off his great coat, and wrapped it around her.

"But then you'll get cold," she started to protest – while at the same time trying to process that a boy, well a man, really, and a handsome one at that, was being positively chivalrous to her. George putting the huge coat around her felt not only warm, it felt like a caress. She wriggled to get her arms though the sleeves.

"I'll be right," George said cheerfully while buttoning the coat – and indeed he would. He would cool off in the icy wind, sure, but he didn't feel the cold; he never did. Besides he had an oversized sweatshirt on as well. "But we'd better get a move on," he added, grabbing Debbie's small cold hand when it – just – appeared out of the sleeve.

They crossed the parkland at a brisk pace and got to the dorms. George's was first, but he carried on towards Debbie's a bit further up. They entered the lobby and stood facing each other. "Better get up to bed quick kiddo if you're coming down with something," George said – and unthinkingly started to unbutton the coat again. Debbie was mesmerized – a man was undressing her! And in public!! Well, OK, he was just retrieving his coat, and the lobby was deserted, but still.

"Gosh, that hand is frozen too, isn't it," George said when his left hand grazed Debbie's right while putting his coat back on. "Keep your fingers stiff," he ordered. Debbie did and George proceeded to rub warmth back into it with both his.

Her hand got warm quickly. All of her got warm, actually. Her face and her neck. And in particular the pit of her stomach. She finally looked up into his friendly blue eyes.

Until that very moment, George's actions had been all natural friendly politeness. Letting a girl, especially someone unwell, walk home alone was incompatible with his upbringing; letting a girl freeze when he was warm likewise.

Thrown into the mix was his intense dislike for people like Mandy whom he knew all-too-well from his school days. He and Shannon had suffered much from the 'in-crowd' throughout middle and high school. Never had they let the Queen Bees get to them, but many of their friends were badly burned by their antics.

And given the grief in his heart over the loss of Shannon, there were no ulterior motives behind George's chivalry. But all that changed when he looked into Debbie's dark brown eyes. The two girls – Shannon and Debbie – were otherwise not alike at all. But the eyes George now gazed into were identical to what Shannon's had been. George was lost.

How long they were standing there, looking into each others eyes, neither of them knew afterwards. Debbie who had never experienced anything in terms of romance was vaguely aware that something had happened to George, but she had no idea what. Nor did she understand what was happening to her. Her breath was coming in short shallow gasps and she felt heat and moisture from a place she'd never felt before. George was in a different world altogether, incapable of processing his emotions – and unable to let go of Debbie small hand, still firmly clasped between his two large paws.

The arrival of other people finally broke the spell. It was Tony walking Lucy home. "George!", "Debbie!" came the surprised outburst when they recognized them. "What are you doing here?"

George turned around, finally letting go of Debbie's hand. "Debbie was feeling unwell so I walked her back. I'm glad you're here Lucy – will you make sure Debbie gets to bed?"

"Sure," Lucy said. She gave Tony a quick kiss. "See you tomorrow sweetheart."

Then she turned to Debbie, put an arm around her, and said "Let's get you upstairs."

George and Tony walked home in silent companionship. Once they got to their room, George sat down in a comfy chair while Tony flopped out on his bed. "OK," Tony said. "What happened between you and young Debbie?"

"I actually think you need to start by telling me what happened between you and the Queen Bitch," George replied, "– and I'll take up the story from there."

With an economy of words that spoke loudly this was a subject Tony would rather forget, he told George how he'd fallen under Mandy's spell in second year. He was a late bloomer and his parents strict Catholics, so Mandy'd been his first – something he now bitterly regretted.Of course being inexperienced he hadn't lived up to Mandy's expectations and he had been dumped quickly and mercilessly with some pretty humiliating comments about his lack of sexual prowess.

"Jeez, man," George exclaimed. "No wonder you detest the bitch."

"Yeah, I was in a complete funk most of last spring," Tony admitted. "But then Lucy came along."

Tony's whole demeanor changed. He couldn't talk about Lucy without going all soft.

George smiled at his friend. "She's the one, isn't she?"

"Yes," Tony with emphasis.

"So what'cha ya gonna do about it?" George asked with a grin.

"Easy," Tony replied. "Valentine's Day is in just over four weeks. I'm gonna buy her a ring."

"Good for you," George exclaimed. "Both of you! Lucy will love that."

"You won't tell her, will you?" Tony asked – suddenly all worried. "I want it to be a surprise."

"I doubt she will be all that surprised, but I shan't tell her," George assured his friend – and then added in a teasing tone "On one condition, that is..."

"What's that?" Tony asked, once more looking concerned.

"That I get to be your Best Man," George grinned.

"Of course!" Tony gushed. "I wouldn't want anyone else."

They were silent again, soaking up the happy mood.

"Hey, wait a minute," Tony suddenly said. "You never told me about you and Debbie."

"I don't think there is all that much to tell," George said after a few moments' thought. "Yet."

The little additional word surprised George as much as it surprised his friend. But he had to admit to himself that for the first time in two and a half years he was having feelings he thought had died completely. Although not certain at all what was going on, he was thinking about Debbie in ways that reminded him of what he had felt for Shannon.

Tony, who knew about his friend's past, was quietly elated. He decided to take a chance. "You know, from what you've told me about Shannon, she wouldn't have wanted you to remain alone for the rest of your life, would she?"

To Tony's immense relief, George looked startled – not pained or offended. "I suppose not – we never talked about that," he faltered.

"Of course you didn't," Tony agreed. "You expected to have a long life ahead of you. As by rights you should have. But for arguments sake, just supposing that the accident had never happened, but that you had caught some deadly disease – say leukemia, or something that kills even young people. What would you have told Shannon? To stay celibate and in mourning for the rest of her life?"

"Of course not!" George exclaimed without hesitation. "I loved her. I would have wanted her to find happiness again!"

Tony didn't drive the point home. He merely lifted his eyebrows in a querying look.

"I suppose so," George said by way of answer to the unasked question. "I've just not felt anything for anyone since that night."

"Until now," Tony added gently.

"Until now," George agreed.

"Debbie is a sweet, intelligent kid," Tony said. "If completely under the thumb of that bitch. I was quite fond of her myself, but she never opened up – she was much too shy, and besides once Lucy appeared on the scene, my interests were elsewhere."

George nodded with a smile.

"What I'm trying to say," Tony continued, "is that you would be so good for each other. Go for it and see what happens."

"I will," George agreed. "To be frank, I don't think I can help myself. I've never fallen in love before – with Shannon it was different; we we're in love long before we knew what it meant. From long before we started school if our mothers are to be believed. But Debbie? Jeez. This 'love at first sight' thing does happen, doesn't it?"

"Yes," Tony replied. "It does."

Kim was fairly unimpressed when there was a hesitant knock on the door just after 9 on the Saturday morning. She was a light sleeper, so she was awake immediately. Debbie, poor thing, was still out of it. She had been all strange when Lucy brought her to their room last night. Supposedly she was unwell – but there was something else about Debbie that Kim couldn't quite figure out. Lucy had stayed to put Debbie to bed – like Kim couldn't handle that! And Lucy whispered something to Debbie just before she left that made Debbie blush. Kim didn't care much for Lucy. Well, actually, she did. That was the problem. 'Another bloody breeder, ' she thought, 'and totally wrapped up in that Tony fellow.' At least Debbie always hung out with Mandy and never mentioned men. There was hope for her still.

"Who are you?" she demanded when she opened the door to see a tall blond man who looked vaguely familiar. He was standing in a restful pose with both hands behind his back.

"Come on, you know me Kimberly," George replied good-naturedly, recognizing the girl at once. "We were in a couple of the same comp sci classes last semester."

"So we were," Kim acknowledged. "You're George, aren't you?"

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Roberta Young Esq did not practice criminal law. So when a high school boyfriend called begging for her to help his son, charged with a capital crime she felt pressured. Rather than a flat no, she agreed to review the case, nothing more.At the local police station, a young blonde haired rookie took her to a downstairs office, gave her the file, & conspicuously put a wastebasket & box of tissues in with her. She looked at him quizzically, not quite understanding. Knowing she hadn’t seen...

3 years ago
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Sibling RivalryChapter 3 Incriminating Evidence

Mindy Chase stopped her dancing when Rick pulled the film tube from his camera. She hoped it was over, but he had apparently brought at least one more roll of film, which he now placed into the camera. She growled. "Okay Mindy, now I want you to turn around. Yeah, face the other way. Okay, now bend over and grab your ankles." Mindy bit into her lower lip as she slowly complied with the orders. She hated the feeling of giving in to these young perverts, but what could she do? She may have...

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For Money or MayhemChapter 26 Hard Evidence

I sat in a food court a block away from the office drinking black coffee and setting up my plan of attack. Someone with access to the company security cameras had set me up by editing footage from security cameras so it looked as though I was making a midnight raid on the manufacturing facility. Someone had also posted footage from my incident in front of the building on a video sharing site. I suspected I was being taunted. If I could triangulate on the two events and the missing ten seconds...

1 year ago
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Long Road to UnderstandingChapter 8 The Last Piece of Evidence

Every year on Memorial Day Marsha and I host our first cook out of the year. We invite a few neighbors and friends from work over and have a few drinks and burn some steaks on the grill. When Marsha suggested that we invite Chilly and Leon this year I almost said no but thought better of it. I had no reason I could give Marsha for not inviting them so I agreed. The day turned out to be beautiful with bright sunshine and temperatures in the high seventies. When Marsha came out of the house to...

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The PetChapter 2 Getting Rid of the Evidence

David found the car right where Tony and Ellen told them it was parked. The car started on the first try and David drove it onto his property and into the barn without being noticed. The car was a piece of shit. It hadn't been washed in several lifetimes, and the windows were so filthy that David could barely see out of them. David grabbed a trash barrel and began cleaning out the car. Obvious trash was going in the barrel; things of a personal nature were going into a small box. Danielle...

2 years ago
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Just my little girl and me camping 2

Reading part one first would be most benificial for any of this to make sense. Just a warning!Excerpt from part one: “There, nothing like a kiss to make it all better.” Bailey said as she stood up in front of me so I could take in more of her incredible naked form and took a long swig from her wine glass. “Would you like another beer now?” “Oh fuck baby that was incredible. Yeah, I would love a beer.” “I thought you might. Mom told me that you would be thirsty after cumming.” Part Two   “What...

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MyDirtyMaid Sarah Lace Anal Surprise Cleaning

The cleaning company sent of a new girl Sarah Lace instead of the regular girl. She got filled in on her work duties. She does a good job cleaning, I wanted more. I ask her to take off her clothes and clean naked. She was a bit nervous. It’s not a regular service. I remind her that I’m a really good tipper. She gets naked and she has nice tits and pussy. She cleans the bedroom. I can’t help to fuck her right then and there. She loves it when I grab her pussy. She begs me to...

2 years ago
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Introduction to sex

Apart from masturbating as often as I could, this was how I was first introduced to sex and the many pleasure associated with it. I hope you enjoy it. My Aunty Leela lives across the other side of the country so I don’t get to see her too often. You know the sort of thing, when there’s a family get together or a wedding or Christmas, that’s when I get to see her and my cousin Tina. I’m now married and have children of my own, but this story goes back to when I was only 13 years old. I couldn’t...

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Good Girls Arent GayChapter 2 My Hand is My New Best Friend

Entering the faculty lounge, I turned toward the one person restroom and bumped into my colleague's tits. Rachel looked at me, and asked, "Are you okay? You look flushed." The strong woman was one of my dearest friends in the department and a few short years older than me. I didn't realize the depth of her concern indicated something life changing for my future. "Feeling a little ill ... something I ate," I said, and then gave her a wink. Closing and locking the restroom door, I...

4 years ago
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Kaseys Awakening

Part 1: Kasey had just turned 18, she was a quiet honor roll student at her high school in VA. Her parents died in a car accident years ago, leaving her living with her drugged out brother who never assisted her with anything, only stole from her to buy more cocaine and other drugs. During long parties at her brother’s house she locked herself in her makeshift room to study and occasionally have privacy to pleasure herself to escape the horrors of her past and present. She didn’t...

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tranvestite in trouble part 2

How could i have been so stupid?Here i was, trapped by a guy twice my size and weight, dressed as a sexy secretary, just as he'd asked me, kneeling on this filthy floor, with his solid 8" cock buried deep in my mouth, gagging me.Andrew was clearly loving acting out his scenario, with his submissive tranny slut, his eyes were bulging from his head. his hips were pumping, back and forth, litterally fucking my mouth, fucking my face.i could taste the pre cum oozing from him, so much, i'd had to...

3 years ago
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Sex on the beach4

I was sat at the desk in my room trying to trawl through some homework which needed to be done over the holidays. At some stage I must have lapsed into daydreaming, I can’t remember what about, but I found myself looking at the rain running down the outside of the window. It was absolutely chucking it down. So with it quickly turning into a lake outside and nothing else to do, it was back to the homework for me. I decided I needed something to wake me up a bit and walked down to the...

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Nicki Minaj is a famous ebony rap artist. She has a big ass, huge titties and a cute face. But could there be something else than just a pink clit underneath her skirt. Only one way to find out ;) Please feel free to continue on the story and wright your own chapters.

1 year ago
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Rachel Crossing The Line Part XVII

Authors note: Thank You to everyone who have left comments or contacted me directly. If you are registered I try to reply to each comment left via your email address given to the site (might wanna check your junk mail folder). From the beginning of this story I knew where I wanted it to go, how so many threads could / might come together and maybe make an interesting garment (story). This chapter introduces, maybe not so subtle at first - but by the end you will know, something bigger...

4 years ago
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Butler No MoreChapter 3

“Welcome aboard this Landership. I am your pilot, but I am also your spaceship, so you will not see me. The ship will be taking off shortly, and we will begin our trip like an aeroplane, using the ship’s aerofoil attributes to rise through the atmosphere. At an appropriate point on our journey, our rockets will be engaged and we will push up into orbit around your home planet. There, we will rendezvous with a larger ship, and you will transfer to it for the next stage of your journey. I will...

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BethChapter 113

December 25, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, [Written December 27] We had an enjoyable, but unremarkable Christmas morning with just immediate family, if by “immediate,” we included all four moms. Sandy did have something of a surprise for the Go5. “I was going to give each of you girls a small box with a deposit receipt, but decided I’d rather tell you about my special gifts to each of you. Part of the reason for that gift is that I’ve been very happy with what you girls have done for my sex life,...

2 years ago
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?Graymangazer2014                                                                       Contrition. A story by Sadiax and Graymangazer.A business woman is kidnapped by a younger woman for revenge. This story is told alternately from the viewpoint of two people, Sadiax wrote as the young kidnapper and Graymangazer as the captive. The plot wasn’t planned, just two people bouncing off one another. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as we did writing it. Please feel free to comment.Part 1. I felt...

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The ProtectorChapter 18

I finally fell asleep after the nurse brought in some pills I was supposed to take. To my surprise, I wasn't bothered the rest of the night. I slept well without the usual dreams that always woke me. When I woke up the next morning, it was to the smiling face of Kat carrying a bag. "I brought you a couple of egg sandwiches I made at home. I stopped and got you a large coffee, too." "You still haven't told me what I owe you for the meal yesterday." "You don't owe me a thing Jon. I...

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Been A Long Time

Once I got married I pretty much gave up my crossdressing lifestyle to lead a more ‘normal’ life.You know,settle down,have a couple of kids. I was a happily married man with two kids,what could be missing? Well one day while at work,I was on the internet and stumbled onto a crossdressing website,and all kinds of memories came rushing back to me. The feeling of sexy panties,bras and hose.The feel of a hard cock pushing it’s way past my lips and down my throat.The taste of a hot load of cum. ...

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Brazzers3x,, aka! I’ve been reviewing a lot of weird shit lately, so I gotta say, it’s a bit of a treat being able to go back to basics. I started out reviewing standard mainstream porn, then the mainstream became niche, when the “step-sisters” attacked, and everyone started jacking off to incest porn. These days that shit’s unavoidable, but that’s irrelevant for this review. I’m here to cover a standard ass, basic ass tube site that’s here to bring you...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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ManoJob Scarlett Alexis The Singing Lesson

Scarlett Alexis is one of your best students. She’s a singer, and there’s one thing you’ve noticed. Scarlett’s been dressing sluttier and sluttier for the last six months or so, and she enough, your suspicions are correct: Scarlett has a crush on you. You really noticed it since your wife divorced you. Today’s the day Scarlett makes her move. The way Scarlett pitched the whole thing? “Well, sir…a hand job isn’t really sex!” Scarlett knows...

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Wrong Place Wrong Time Part 3

Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Body. I took a few sips from the champagne to calm my nerves and it was only now that I realised I was hungry. I looked round and found the intercom button for the driver. "Sorry to disturb you," I said. "No problem miss, how can I help you?" I was still a little unused to being called by female pronouns, but miss particularly bothered me. Inside I still considered myself a man in his mid-twenties, if men were called sir or Mr, then why are women...

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Its a Dogs LifeChapter 2

When I opened my eyes I couldn't remember anything that had happened while being hypnotized all I can remember was watching the watch sway from side to side. Then Martin said "we are all done for today I need a copy of your time table so I can work around it." So I gave him my time table and off I went back to my dorm for the day. Both my room mates asked me where I had been and I told them I was going to be Martin's new experiment. They both giggled and said "well hope your going to...

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Belle The Beginning

The wind blew my hair and I tried to tuck it in behind my ears but it was to no avail. It came loose and covered my eyes and face. I glanced over at the speedometer. Jake was doing close to a hundred miles an hour. My eyes turned to his face. He was staring at the road in front of us, his features hard and still. He must have known I was looking at him but he paid no attention to me. I guess he was still in shock after what happened in Cactus Hill. I put a hand on his leg and slowly a smile...

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Autumn Clematis Ch 03

Introduction This is the third of four chapters in this story. The introduction to chapter 1 explains how this story came about. ————————————————- Part 10 I start the massage by spreading her legs and placing separate small bolsters under each ankle. ‘Are you comfortable Nina?’ ‘Yes, thank you Victor. I will tell you that I’m just a little bit nervous.’ ‘Just remember that you can stop me at any time. This is for your pleasure. I certainly don’t want to do anything that upsets you. ...

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WebYoung Veronica Rodriguez Jojo Kiss The Spanish Tutor

As the sexy JoJo Kiss attempts to perfect her Spanish, she enlists the help of bombshell Veronica Rodriguez. Veronica is confident she’ll have JoJo speaking Spanish by the end of their lesson however, JoJo is not convinced. Veronica decides it’s better to show JoJo what she’s saying so she can better understand the language rather than just recite words for her to repeat. With this, JoJo is told to sit on the table, while Veronica recites erotic sentences for JoJo to repeat....

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PART - 28 HE, ME AND SHE (2) Next day morning, I took permission of Anju's in laws to take her to visit of our farm house along with us. We left for farm house in our car immediately after lunch and have planned to come back in the evening. My husband was driving and I was sitting on the back seat with Anju. There was some traffic on the road and I was little disappointed that we could not do much sexy in the running car. However, I kissed Anju many a times, pumped her boobs, rubbed...

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Ride Em CowgirlChapter 6

He kissed me, grinned at me, and said, “I thought you could use a date night, Misty girl. You have been working like a pioneer woman, and it’s time for you to have a little fun.” He drove south on I25, into Colorado, and turned off at the Loveland exit. He drove up the road into Big Thompson Canyon, and stopped at a little resort with log cabins. Dad went into the office, and came out carrying a key. He got back in the car, and drove to a cabin that was off by itself, and not squished...

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Mr Greens Farm

This fictional story is about the spanking of an eighteen-year-old female. Mr. Green's Farm (M/F) When I was eighteen years old, my parents left me at Mr. Green's farm for the summer while they vacationed in Europe. Mr. Green lived alone because his wife died about a year ago, so he welcomed female influence in his life again. My parents thought that my staying with him would help in cleaning and tidying up the place, and it would be good for me because it would take me away from the bad...

1 year ago
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PropertySex Katie Kush Reminds Me Of Home

I was having a shoot in my backyard when this gorgeous woman named Katie walked up and asked if I owned the house. Katie told me it reminded her of her childhood summer camp, and wanted to buy it. We went inside to talk, and I realized she was local celebrity Katie Kush! She offered me a million for the house, but there was sentimental value… so she offered me seven million, and showed me her pussy! Katie told me I could fuck her if I’d sell, and let me finger her, then lick her...

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cuckolds life

'you stupid cunt why did you ask me to marry you in front of all your friends and family ?' jo shouted'i thought it was the next step i thought you would want to marry me and anyway you did say yes ' dave replied with tears in his eyes'what did you want me to say ? did you want me to tell them i'm only with you for your money that your cock is tiny and you can't saisfy a woman ? would that have been ok with you ?''um well come on thats not true is it ? is that how you really feel ?''of course...

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sexy naughty and horny girl me Alessandra and

Many years ago, when I still had time and needed a little bit of extra money, I would occasionally give guitar lessons. Now, I'm not the best player in the world, but I was cheap, and I guess the people who hired me thought that for a start, I was good enough. One of my students was Alessandra. She was a perfectly normal girl with a very italian look - relatively short, with long black curly hair around her round face, cute dimples on her cheeks and some pretty full lips. Her parents were as...

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Monika Das Abenteuer im Auszligendienst

Monika: Das Abenteuer im AußendienstEs war für mich ein Arbeitstag wie jeder andere auch. Ich ging von Haustür zu Haustür und versuchte Leuten einen Vertrag für Internet und Telefon zu verkaufen. Es verlief an diesem Tag eher schlecht als recht. Die Leute waren auf Grund des Wetters nicht gerade positiv in Stimmung.Ich machte kurz Pause und steckte mir eine Zigarette an, ging noch einmal in meinem Kopf alles durch. Mache ich einen guten ersten Eindruck? Verhalte ich mich nett? Spreche ich die...

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Melissa Me Part 2

[ For Melissa! ]My second time with Melissa was different from our first experience. The first one involved only her and I. I'd watched her fingering her pussy and having a number of obviously intense orgasms, while I, on the other hand, merely observed her and jacking off as I did---but that proved to be an extremely intense experience for us both.This second time Melissa was going to fuck three different black guys. I'd heard about her 'yard man' experiences before, but this time I was going...

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JulesJordan August Taylor Busty Slut Gets Massacred By Mandingo

Busty babe August Taylor takes Mandingo’s BBC as deep as she can! The beautifully big breasted August Taylor is back at JJV for more hardcore fucking. She’s wearing a hot pink fishnet dress that barely covers her amazing assets. August bends over and shows off her perfect ass before making her way upstairs to the bedroom. She pulls out her huge tits and pinches her nipples, getting herself nice and worked up for when Mandingo arrives. Mandingo gets home and immediately oils up...

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The Coils Of Aenictia

"We need to pull back!" Paul Heinlein yelled. Damn, was there no end to them? Physically the twitchers weren't that intimidating. They were slightly shorter than the average man and not much faster or stronger. They only possessed a rudimentary intelligence, enough to wield simple blades or clubs. In the days since the town of Carmel had been pulled into hell-space Heinlein had gunned down dozens of them. What was terrifying about the twitchers was their ferocity and complete lack of...

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Light and DarkChapter 2

Talk about a dream; try to make it real. You wake up in the night with a fear so real. You spend your life waiting for a moment that just don't come. Badlands, Bruce Springsteen Paris, November 21st The first round took the Admiral in the shoulder, spinning him off the altar to the floor, and then all hell seemed to break loose. Sophie dropped to the floor, her hands over her ears, and when the bullets didn't stop she scrambled across the floor to hide in a corner, screaming...

2 years ago
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Las Vegas Vacation

Viva Las VegasIt was a great early summer day.  Oh the weather was hot and humid as usual in Atlanta, and my husband was out of town for a couple of weeks, again, but it was a great day anyway.  My best friend Sara and I were going to Vegas!  School was finally out, how sick I had gotten of chasing six graders!  I started calling the boys sex graders, just trying to figure this idea out, and so obnoxious as they did.  In addition the home situation was not very good that year.  My husband was...

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The wind driven rain slammed into the car which didn’t help my Sister Barbara (or Babs when she was in a good mood) she was already in a foul mood I was late picking her up from uni. Try explaining about the flooded roads and bad weather, Somehow it was my fault just as you think things can’t get any worse the traffic news came on the radio the Motorway was grid locked. I turned off the main road taking a side road which let into the fells I knew there was a road over the fells which should...

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Dutiful Desi Daughter

Aadhya bent over the table and pulled up her sari, exposing her ample buttocks. With her legs spread slightly, the man behind her easily slid his lingam into her wet yoni and began thrusting. She bit her tongue to suppress her moans. It always felt good even if she didn’t have any special feelings for the person invading her. Very soon she felt the hot flooding of male seed and the shaft withdrew and its owner walked away without a word. Her hand sought her pleasure button and rubbed the fresh...

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From Vampire Slayer to Vampire Slave

From Vampire Slayer to Vampire Slaveby Roadrunner, with ideas from BrontePart OneAuthor's note: this story began as a roleplay between myself and Bronte on the Roleplay section of the forum. The forum went down after we did a couple of episodes, and when it was up again the whole roleplay was gone, as was Bronte. I really liked what we had going so I decided to write a story based on what I could remember about the roleplay. Even if I wasn't able to reproduce what she has written, I think...

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Good things come in small packages Chapter 10

The heavy beat of the music thumped through my chest as Christine lead me onto the dance floor. We danced to one song, which then seamlessly blended into another. Tonight Christine was dressed in a thin, apricot-colored blouse, and a short, black mini-skirt, which displayed her long, tanned legs to perfection. Her black high-heels accentuated her shapely calf muscles, and I saw many guys glancing appreciatively down at her pins.Christine was a very attractive lady at the best of times, and...

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NonStop Service Part 6

 It was still a little dark outside when I opened my eyes. I could see the sun trying to find its way through the cracks of the curtain.  As I rubbed my eyes to gather my senses where I was.   I felt it.  Actually, I felt both of them. Two legs are strewn over me as well as two hands grazing morning wood.  Or is it? Maybe I hadn’t slept yet and was still hard from fucking to of the most beautiful I know last night to the point of exhaustion.  No, I thought to myself, I will go with the first. ...

2 years ago
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My Daughters TeacherChapter 9

Sorry for the delay, hope everyone likes the new chapterCHAPTER 9I woke up the next morning and the previous night came flooding back to me. I had been seduced by Sam’s daughter, my student. Seduced, that isn’t the right word, I wanted it and I let it happen. I made her cum with my tongue deep inside her pussy and asshole and I loved every minute of it. The problem now was that Beth wanted to fuck her dad more than ever. I had told her all the dirty details of Sam and my sex life and Beth got...

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Charleys Shocking Over The Lap Experience

Charley had just given his new hairbrush to his mistress, the sweet Miss Abby. He had been instructed at their last date to get one at Amanda’s Beauty Salon. Amanda, a friend of Abby’s and quite a spanker herself, had fitted a nice oval shaped mahogany one for Charley’s ass. To fit Charley’s personality as well, it was pink. The mahogany hairbrush was a good fit, as it only took the imprints from two good swats to cover each cheek. Charley was a bit upset at having to drop his drawers for the...

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PLACES TO HAVE SEXFrom the mind of a SLUT

So I was at another website,which had a question name some place you had sex other than then the bedroom.I read some real beauties.I still think I beat them all.I did not tell them where,but I did say If I had gasoline draws on and ran thru HELL,GOD would be just getting started with me.So here are four places I have had sex in.First my god-brother stayed with family for the weekend.on saturday our family went to a and him already established that we liked each we snuck away...

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Klingmans First Raid

First Lieutenant Thomas Klingman couldn't concentrate on deciphering what all the data and the AI controlled networking link ups were trying to tell him. He was too busy killing 'dickheads', and searching the holo map of the planet for someplace where he could gather his men back together again so that they could set up a portable transporter field and boogie on off this Sa'arm infested rock. He knew it would be hard to find a place that they knew they could defend for the ninety seconds...

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Harry Potter A Captive Love

It was Christmas holidays, and most of the students had gone home. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, however, were away on vacation, leaving their high-spirited red-heads at Hogwarts. The Grangers sent a letter to their gifted daughter sending all their love, but informing her that they had both contracted a nasty flu and that she’d be better off staying where she was for the break. Hermione and Ginny were practically alone in the girl’s dorm of the Gryffindor tower. So much so that they each had...

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Krystenahs Master and King

"Do you have any painkillers?" he asked me. My eyes landed on the small bottom of ibuprofen on the bedside table . "Yes, Sir," I said through the phone. "Better take some now. I'm on my way home," he said and hung up. I set the phone down and picked up the pill bottle. I didn't have time to worry if Master was in an angry or playful mood. It might not matter too much either way; it was clear that he intended to wear me out when he got home. I opened the bottle absently as I walked into the...

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Heart and Soul part 3

All day, Mike and Chen had been making trips between Mike’s apartment and Chen’s house – moving Mike’s clothing, office things, personal items, things that weren’t rented or belonged to the apartment – as they walked out of the apartment with the last of the boxes, Mike closed the door, locked it, and thought – closing the door – this time a good closing – because where I’m going is better – much, much better – it’s going to who I really am. He locked the door, and headed out toward Chen’s...

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