A House In Disarray7: Bootyful Evidence free porn video

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As the phone by her bed shrieked, Em wanted to bury her head and return to sleep, but couldn’t. Not in her position.

Susanna cracked one eye open and peeked at her from the shelter of a pillow. “Are you—?”

Em rolled over, grabbing the receiver. “I’ve got it. It takes me a minute. I’m used to waking at a specific time.” She leaned away from her girlfriend, trying to keep her voice pitched low.

“‘Alo? Detective Rules here.”

“Em, this is Mike Eddleson. I’m calling from my home. You need to get here immediately.”

“Mike? What the hell time is it?” She flicked her wrist, lighting her watch. “It’s only 5:20!”

The commissioner sighed, not ready to discuss nonessential details. “I like getting into the office before anyone else so I can prepare for the day without interruptions. If you knew how many I get, you’d appreciate it. But I discovered a bomb in my car. I’m about to call the explosives removal squad. If you want to examine the evidence before they demolish it, you’d best get here fast.”

Em sat up, her sleepiness flushed from her system. “A bomb? Was it attached to your car? How did you avoid setting it off?”

“It’s a bit involved, but it wasn’t fastened to the car. Instead, it was in the trunk. I’m guessing it was set to go off via remote control rather than through the ignition or a timer.”

Em was up and dressing. Susanna, having caught her outburst, sat up and rubbed her eyes, listening in. Being a detective, Em couldn’t keep from asking essential questions. “How’d you discover it?”

Mike sighed again, clearly not in the mood to humor her. “I was bringing my golf clubs to work. I like to visit Drive 495 near the office to work off my daily frustrations. I figured knocking a few balls would vent some of my annoyances with this case. I planned to take my private car and let Nathan meet me there. While wrestling the clubs in the trunk, I discovered a knapsack which isn’t mine or my wife’s. Not knowing who’d plant something in my car, I decided prudence was the best call and left it alone.”

Em sat while pulling on her pants. “No, playing with bombs is stupid. You did the right thing. I’ll be there as soon as I can. Hopefully there shouldn’t be much traffic this time of the morning.”

“That’s why I called. Once you hang up I’ll phone the bomb squad. I’ve already cleared the area. It’s a mid-sized but heavy package. It won’t damage the house, but would have injured me if I was in the car when it went off. Grab a pen, here’s my home address. And use your siren; it’s important you get here before the evidence is compromised.”

He recited his address as Em entered it into her phone so she wouldn’t have to wrestle with a map.

“There’s a bomb? Why would they contact you?” Em was surprised by Susanna’s inquiry, but turned and spoke in low, calming tones, not wanting to awaken or upset anyone else.

“They called because it’s my boss’s car and may be related to my case.”

Susanna scratched her head, still trying to wake up. “Why would a murderer uptown plant a bomb in your precinct commander’s car?”

Em leaned in and kissed her as she finished buttoning her shirt. “I’ll explain when I get home. However, I need to head out. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. The explosives squad handles these kinds of things all the time.”

Susanna shot her a look, but shrugged and snuggled back under the covers. Finished dressing, Em tried to slip out without waking anyone else—which prevented her from turning on the lights.


“Oops! Sorry Becky,” Em whispered, kneeling beside her niece. “I forgot you were lying here.”

“You stepped on my arm! But when I went to bed, I was over there,” she said, pointing by the couch. “These floors are slippery.”

“Normally, the only ones silly enough to sleep there are too drunk to notice.”

“Em? Is that you? What’s up?” Francine asked.

Sighing, Em fumbled for the lamp and switched it on. “It’s an emergency. A live explosive. I need to be there when they defuse it.”

“A bomb?” Francine asked, covering her mouth with her hands.

“Neat!” Becky exclaimed, clapping her hands. “Can I tag along?”

“Absolutely not!” her mother insisted. As the two argued about how appropriate it was for young girls to monitor explosives at crime scenes, Em slipped out, running down the six flights of stairs.

Em had no trouble locating the commissioner’s house, as it wasn’t far from the city. It was in an upscale set-aside in Astoria, Queens. As she drew near, she noted police cars with their lights flashing, cordoning off the block. Parking in front of a random house, she was exiting the car when an officer approached.

“I’m sorry, but you’ll have to park elsewhere. This area is closed due to a bomb threat.”

Em flashed her badge. “I’m the detective in the case. The commissioner’s expecting me.”

“Emma Rules? Yeah, he asked us to escort you in. He wanted you to examine the scene before the explosives squad sets it off.”

“They’re not going to defuse it?”

The officer shook his head as he guided her past the yellow tape bisecting the street. “They wanted to, but the commissioner refused. He said no one is gonna be injured on his watch and it’s better being safe than sorry. Lucky for you, the bomb squad is still setting up.”

Despite the shortened daylight hours, the sun had risen enough for Em to survey the neighborhood. The heavy rains had finally let up, and while it was still cold, the weather was clearing. The surrounding homes were older brownstones, which meant they were tightly packed and bordered the road. Although it was a side street, it got a lot of traffic. When they closed it to traffic, it attracted attention. There was a single news van as well as numerous gawkers from the community. Several people were milling around, held back by the police barricades, though many had their cell phones out, hoping to record some destruction.

“Commissioner,” Em called once she saw him.

He motioned her in. “I’m glad you’re here. They’re almost ready to go. Here, toss on a blast shield and see what you can spot with the device and the car.”

She waved him off. “No thanks. I’m sure the explosives squad has taken plenty of photos. You realize, allowing them to demolish the bomb might compromise evidence which might prove your innocence?”

“You’re right, but I couldn’t live with myself if I allowed officers to risk their lives just to cover my ass.”

“Your choice. It’s admirable, but I’m not sure how well you’ll do in jail.”

“I doubt anyone would leave anything proving my innocence right under my nose. That’s just too damn lucky to believe. There’s got to be more to this.”

“Maybe, I don’t suppose anyone dusted for prints?”

“No, the explosives technicians and I forbade it. I’m more interested in preventing casualties than preserving evidence. With luck, there will be enough left. My car is fully intact. They didn’t have any problems removing it from the trunk, but as you can see, they have it set to remotely detonate in front of my house.”

“It seems like a brand new generic bag. I doubt they’ll get anything useful from it. The best we can hope for would be chemical residues or pollen which will allow us to track it. With luck we can lift fingerprints from your car.”

“Yeah, but they probably used gloves when planting it, whereas they might not when packing the bomb. Don’t forget, you’re more likely to drop something wearing gloves than you are barehanded.”

“We’re set, Commissioner,” someone from the explosives squad shouted. Mike signaled he was ready. The cops stepped back while the crowd behind the barricades edged forward.

The bomb technician commander pressed a button, there was a bang and the bag popped ... but didn’t explode. Instead, something fluttered above it.

Mike shielded his eyes, staring hard at the scene. “What is that?”

“It seems like paper,” Em suggested. “I think—”

“It’s money!” someone shouted. Suddenly dozens of people behind the barricade surged forward and rushed towards the ruptured bag. The cops hesitated, caught between restraining the other onlookers and chasing after those advancing. The bomb technicians were stuck in the middle, forced to intercept the incoming rush instead of securing the evidence.

Em leapt forward to preserve their evidence. If everyone started grabbing bills, they couldn’t isolate fingerprints. She was wrestling with a couple of young men when the commissioner’s voice bellowed behind her. “Enough!”

Surprisingly, his low gravelly voice caught everyone’s attention and they paused long enough to listen.

“The cash you’re after isn’t lost. It’s part of a crime. Anyone taking it will be arrested for theft, obstruction of justice, hindering a criminal investigation and I’ll toss in being a public nuisance. Now back away and allow the officers to do their jobs.”

Everyone stood in limbo as the police involved considered how ugly the scene might turn, when a few of people backed up a couple of steps. That was the turning point. As others moved back, the others hesitated and more joined them. The first to hesitate shrugged and retreated, going back to their normal activities. Those at the front of the crowd realized they were merely a handful of individuals rather than a nameless mass of humanity. They too, backed down, hunching up inside their windbreakers as they hurried away.

As the citizens edged back, Em left it to the other cops to handle crowd control as she turned to the corrupted evidence. She peeled her jacket off and tossed it over the torn bag and then donned gloves to pick up the bills lying on the ground. She figured grasping for those fluttering in the wind wouldn’t accomplish much and would make terrific fodder for those anxious to humiliate the police. They would drift back to earth eventually. If they lost a few, it was beyond their ability to contain.

“You have this under control, Detective Rules?” Mike inquired as he stepped up behind her.

“Yeah, I think we do. Thanks for assuming command like that. I’m not sure the rest of us could have spoken so convincingly.”

“You can thank my deep baritone more than the public’s respect. The same thing happens when I sing in church. Everyone around me stops mid-sentence until they miss the remainder of the stanza, and hurry to catch up. It must have something to do with pitch shock or something.”

“I don’t believe that for a minute, sir. You’ve earned a lot of trust, or at least a healthy leniency. By getting the different warring factions to work together, you’ve restored the public’s confidence that the city can function. Despite how much everyone wants to get ahead, they have too much invested in a functional government to throw it away too lightly.”

“Maybe, but if those people hesitated a few moments longer, we would have had a full riot on our hands, complete with live video of us bashing civilian heads in. We were lucky. That’s all there is to it.”

Em paused collecting spare bills to consider her boss. “Uh, I hate to ask stupid questions, but why would anyone put a bag of money in the trunk of your car?”

“If I knew that, I’d have called someone other than the bomb squad.”

“You realize everyone will assume this was some kind of pay-off, don’t you?”

“Yes, I understand. A city official found with a large sum of unexplained cash always raises questions, and with good reason. Clearly, I have no clue why it’s there. If I’d put it there myself, why would I call the police to remove and examine it for me?”

Em stared at him for a second before the wind launched another couple hundred dollar bills into the air and she rushed to grab them. “Uh, because you realized you wouldn’t be able to hide it any longer and needed a convenient way to cover your ass?”

“That’s also not an unreasonable assumption,” he conceded.

“You know, I’m guessing this bag is about the right dimensions for fifty-thousand dollars in hundred dollars bills.”

“That’s a reasonable assumption.”

“That’s the exact amount Martha Adams removed from the bank before she went missing.”

“It’s more than a little strange. Seeing as we’ve just discovered it, I haven’t had time to consider a reasonable response. You’d best examine it and find some answers before I have to face a full investigation.”

“About time you showed up.” Doug smiled as he leaned back, swiveling to face his partner. “Must be wonderful having a cushy job where you can show up whenever you want.”

“Hilarious.” Em plunked the coffee she’d bought on his desk. “Were you able to run any of those bill serial numbers I emailed you?”

“Yeah, but as you suspected, nothing showed up. I know where they were printed, but they’re old with no recent accounting of their locations. All I know is that they weren’t stolen from any banks. Most likely, they’ve been used to launder foreign funds so haven’t been through many domestic banks.

“Although Martha’s withdrawal was large, it was electronic and we lost track of it after it was filtered through numerous banks in countries which don’t cooperate with us. We don’t know where the final withdrawal was made. According to Bob Wellis, the trail ended at a couple banks which refuse to comply with our request for further routing information. The banks, as you might guess, are in Russia, so the current political troubles with Washington aren’t helping our case. The serial numbers on the bills you picked up are older, meaning the currency’s been floating around the world for a long time. There’s no way to trace either one.”

“Damn politicians, always making things harder for us rather than getting anything accomplished.” Em sat behind her desk and took a sip of her cooling coffee. “So there’s no way to pin it on the commissioner or clear him?”

“None I can think of, though it’s unlikely anyone would channel money through so many sources only to cash it here in the city. If it was converted into dollars in Russia, it would eat up a huge sum, and shipping it back would be a logistical nightmare. Odds are the funds are separate, but they may be from the same people, essentially shoving the funds in one pocket while slipping an equal amount in the commissioner’s trunk.”

“Well, as well-connected as the commissioner is, he’s unlikely to have access to the Russian banking authorities.”

“I’m not so sure,” Doug cautioned. “He could have established connections with the Russian mobs here who could pull strings for him in Russia.”

Em snorted, waving her cup. “Yeah, I’m sure the New York City Russian mobs would go out of their way to launder cash for a public official with no financial incentive for themselves. Still, try running down the commissioner’s past cases and see whether he had any run-ins with Russian mobsters.”

Doug shrugged as he keyed in some commands into his computer. “They may not be case related. It could have been at a social function or even a fund raiser. We both know the Russian political elite likes to invest overseas. What better investment than purchasing the support of a rising political star?”

“Well, we can’t investigate every possible scenario, so let’s focus on the most logical connections. What about the other potential leads?”

Doug tossed a folder on her desk, almost spilling her coffee. “Frank Macks has a complete forensics report. One interesting finding; there were semen stains in Commissioner Adam’s office, along the staircase and mixed with the blood at the scene. It appears their play was pretty extensive.”

“Cute, but if there was semen in all those locations, it implies the murder was carried out immediately after Mike had sex with Martha. But we know the murderer took his time and was there for hours. It would make sense to toss on some pants or underwear. The fact the semen stains are there at all suggests they’re a clear plant, rather than extraneous evidence. I mean, would you hack someone to death with a machete in the nude?”

Doug squirmed, wrinkling up his face. “No. Aside from the mess, it would be too easy to do permanent damage to my favorite body parts.”

“Exactly, plus, it was freezing that night. The brownstone’s heat was old and couldn’t adapt to the changing temperatures that fast. If he was truly nude for that long, he’d be hypothermic before the actual crime occurred.”

Doug nodded. “Good point, but still, it’s like the cash. Those details don’t clear him, while their mere presence hurts his reputation and implicates him in everyone’s mind.”

“Anything else of importance?” Em pushed.

“Yeah,” Doug lifted and tossed over another manila folder. “The city’s Domain Awareness program provided a list of possible vehicles leaving the areas. Those are the addresses for each. Most are locals. The local cops are tracking down the others. It doesn’t make sense for us to do it, as several of them are across the city and would take us days to track everyone down, especially if they’re not at home at the time.”

“Jared Dubrowsky? Pardon me for being cultural insensitive, but that doesn’t sound like someone from the neighborhood. I’m sure if they were snooping around, someone would have noticed.”

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"I don't know if I ought to trust you... leaving you here alone with Julie. You'd better not try anything." Joan was lying naked and well fucked beside her husband while, behind the mirrored wall, her sister massaged her swollen pussy. "God, lover, you stay hard so long. Did I satisfy you?" "Great, Joan... You're all a man could ask for." "Well, remember that while I'm away. Don't even think about Julie." "Don't be silly, Joan. She's just a child... she's a nice girl and...

3 years ago
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I was twenty-three and this older guy asked me out on a date, I agreed and he took me to a new experience. He had taken me to a gay bathhouse.Gary was a gray-haired bear, he was just a little taller than me, he was about 5' 10". He also had piercing blue eyes and a deep voice that made my knees weak and an urge to have him deep inside me.I had gotten ready for my date after I got off work. It was a Friday night. He liked his men young and smooth. So I shit, showered, and shaved everything. Then...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Koena Bold And Bootyfull

Hi guys, Shaumit here back with another story. So about me, I am 21years old from Mumbai. I am a media graduate. Got average looks, a bit muscular body and pretty good sized dick. So, the story is going to be in Hindi. Ye kahani jo main aap sab ke saath share karne jaa raha hu ye kuch bhi planned nahi tha. Jab ye sab hua tab mujhe khudko vishwaas nahi ho raha tha ki ye sab real mein ho raha hai. To sab ladke apne lund ko pakadke hilane ke liye aur sab ladkiya chut geeli hone ke liye tayar ho...

2 years ago
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RoadhouseChapter 12

Sitting back with my cup of tea I was patting myself on the back, I'd done a bloody good job and I knew it. My bubble was about to be burst. "Tony, the guests are calling for the chef, they would like to compliment you on the meal." "Jeeze Sally I can't do that, what would I say to them?"
 "Of course you can Tony, just tell them you enjoyed cooking for them and you appreciate their compliments." Sally led me into the dinning room or should I say I floated behind her? Then my...

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RoadhouseChapter 19

Thankfully the day was a bit cooler than the last few. I like it warm but sitting in the dickie seat in the blazing sun is no treat. Our trip to Bairnsdale had left us with a slight case of wind burn, Dom's mum had given us some cream to sooth the burn and to protect us on the return trip. We were about half the way to Sale when I tapped Dom on the shoulder. "Dom, can we go back and look at that old house?" Dom pulled up and did a 'U' turn and drove back to the house. "What have you...

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RoadhouseChapter 20

Another evening meal over, Jess, Cheryl, Dom and I were sitting back relaxing in front of the oven and talking. There was a radio playing in the mess hall and a few of the boys were playing cards. Ernie, Fred, Wally and another chap were playing whist; I felt contented, this was 'My family'. "OK Tony, let's talk about your 'Road house' idea" said Jess, "You told us a bit about it coming back from Bairnsdale, now's the time to tell all." "Like I told you, when I did my National...

2 years ago
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RoadhouseChapter 29

The paint on the inside look smart and fresh, Dom suggested we do the outside next. "We did well with buying the café stuff so there's still enough in the kitty to buy some paint, what do you think?" "Good idea Dom, let's talk to our designers and see what colour scheme they would like." We caught up with the girls who were up to their elbows scrubbing the tables and chairs. "We need to talk about painting the outside of the building girls. Would you two get your designer hat's on...

2 years ago
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Madhouse Chapter Five

Madhouse Chapter Five I was standing in my ballets and despite a months practice in six in heels, my toes were simply killing me. My feet, I was sure, were not meant to stand en pointe. Inside the latex mask and suit, sweat was running rivers down my back and thighs and collecting down in my toes: With everything tight on me, from toe to neck, the puddle there was rising up to my ankles. The only consolation of my boots were that they looked awesome. I would love to have seen them on...

3 years ago
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Madhouse 6

Stories, you see, change limits. Of our perceptions, and our barriers. Reader, you may think, this is horrible! It is horror, to be sure, but it changes your limits. And what you see. And know. This is why we read. I, personally, like to read the web of fire from the space. It's called a fireplace, for some reason or other. But I also like reading here, and contributing, a lotta bad, a little thought. Something said. I received many bad reviews with the first chapter of this. They...

4 years ago
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Housewarming Gift

Susan noticed the cab pulling up next door. “I think our neighbors are back.” I walked over to the window to join her. Sure enough, a handsome black man was helping the driver pull suitcases out of the trunk, while his beautiful wife, a light-skinned black woman, was digging in her purse. When she looked up to pay the driver, she noticed us watching through our living room window. Susan waved and the other woman waved back. I gave a little wave myself, feeling very much like a...

2 years ago
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Housemaid in my 50 Part 4

HOUSEMAID IN MY FIFTIES By Monica Graz PART 4 CHAPTER 9 It was nearly seven when I finished tidying up the kitchen. I was quite nervous anticipating the arrival of Pam and Tania. I was about to face them dressed as a housemaid, a 'boy maid' as Pam called me earlier on the phone. I was wearing my dove grey dress covered modestly by a full white apron. I thought the grey dress would look a bit more formal and certainly the...

2 years ago
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Housemaid in my 50s Part 6

HOUSEMAID IN MY FIFTIES By Monica Graz PART 6 CHAPTER 16 Monday morning, two weeks later... I was sitting in a back seat of a public transport bus on my way to attend Miss De Laurentis housekeeping seminar. I very much tried to keep to myself, avoiding any eye contact, holding firmly my hand bag on my skirted lap. I was modestly dressed in a blouse and skirt outfit, light green shiny cotton blouse, and dark green...

4 years ago
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Greenhouse Cruising

GREENHOUSE CRUISINGbyChristopher PierceI was laying on my back on the ground, my legs in the air, a sizzling hot cock reaming my butt. My vision was filled with the sight of the gorgeous man above me. He smiled down at me as he fucked my ass better than anyone else ever had.All I could see around him was the green of plants. Huge tropical leaves dripped with moisture, voluptuous blossoms sagged sensuously on their stalks and tall tree trunks disappeared into the bright sunlight above. A tangled...

4 years ago
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Greenhouse EffectChapter 2

Diane leaned out of her window as her vehicle sat perched in the nursery's sandy parking area. Jasmine stood facing her friend, with her navy blue leather handbag dangling from a strap that wrapped an elbow on one of her folded arms. Jasmine's swarthy legs were braced apart in a taunting, yet argumentative posture and she unconsciously flexed her gluts to accent her points of the discussion at hand. "Are you sure it's all right?" Diane asked with a whine and a squint. When the two...

3 years ago
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Are you dissatisfied or frustrated by your current living situation? Do you wish that you were the one making the rules in your house? Do you make the rules of the house but wish your housemates would follow those rules without question? Well now you can! You have been randomly chosen to receive the HouseMate app absolutely free! There’s no need to give your credit card number or your personal info, we have all that stuff already! How do you think we found your phone? ;) How does the app work,...

1 year ago
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Boathouse fun

It was getting late and we had all had quite a bit to drink. Everyone had gone except for Jen (my wife), me, and Jason (wife's best friend's husband). We were still out in the boathouse throwing darts. Jen and Jason were flirting a bit and it was making me horny. So when Jason went out to take a piss, I decided I was ready for a piss as well and followed him. While out there I asked him if he would like to join us in a 3-some tonight and he said SURE! I told him I'd work on getting Jen naked...

4 years ago
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The story I’m about to tell to place nearly forty years ago. At the time, I was living in a shared house with three other people. One of my housemates was a good friend, a tall Welshman called Ned with red hair. We all shared in the house running and often eat together, cooking communal meals. As close friends, sharing seemed natural though I didn’t at that time see how far that might go!My girlfriend of the time was at college outside of London and so we didn’t see each other as often as we...

2 years ago
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It was the start of my third year in college. This year, I was finally moving out of the dorms and living in a house. I really procrastinated the year before when it came to housing and I ended up asking Diana, my best friend, if she was able to accommodate one more at her place. She had already found someone to occupy each room at the house that she rented, but luckily for me, she offered to let me room with her. The two of us have known each other since middle school and have always had each...

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Bathhouse visit

Every time I travel to a city where there is a bathhouse I always try to spend at least a few hours there. This time was no different. Upon checking into my hotel, I ran a few errands and ate dinner.I'm bisexual but my indulgences in that world are rare. For that very reason, every time I do get to enjoy that, I try to make it as memorable as possible. I'm versatile and I enjoy giving just as much as receiving. The bath was only a short distance away from the hotel, so I decided to walk. The...

Gay Male
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Clubhouse of Awakening Desires

It was the beginning of Summer Vacation from our first year of middle school and my best friend, and neighbour, Clark, and I were hanging out in the clubhouse we had just finished framing up in the woods behind his house, when his father, John, payed us a visit. We hadn't heard him coming up the trail, so it was a mad dash to put our shorts back on when we heard a knock at the door. Thankfully we had thrown the door's latch and had the window shutters closed, or we would have been caught right...

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Firehouse HeatKelsey chapter 1

This story is a work of fiction. The characters are based on real people in my life, as well as real locations and events. Names have been changed to protect not only my identity but those of my friends and partners. This story will have multiple chapters, focusing on a couple different people, with each relationship being a separate "book". I hope you enjoy!     It was a quiet night at the firehouse, though I wouldn't dare say it, because everyone knows the minute you say the...

2 years ago
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Treehouse Adventures 2

This summer has brought me many things. I have gotten to experience things that I had never gotten to before. As you all know, shortly after I graduated high school, I ended up losing my virginity to my brother. Some of you may be okay with that and some of you may have some problems with the event that took place. I can not take this event back, because well, it changed my life. Had it not been for my brother, well I would not be the person that I am today. So what happened after the night in...

1 year ago
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Farmhouse Fun

Hi, all ISS readers .I am Rohan from a small town from south Maharashtra .I am 26 yrs old, a well build, 5.9 ft tall & little bit heavy Person. There are three members in my family, my self; my father & my mother bina, now hear let me describe her she is 42 yrs old, a short heighten, fair in complexion, not so bulky body, but having perfect bulks where needed, & actually she looked very younger then her age. So I come back to main story One day I got a call of the person who mention our farms,...

1 year ago
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Housemaid in my 50 Part 3

HOUSEMAID IN MY FIFTIES By Monica Graz PART 3 CHAPTER 5 Linda's last day was quite sentimental. Even my wife delayed her departure for work and stayed an extra half hour to talk to her. I made some extra coffee and we all sat around the kitchen table reminiscing about the years she was with us. We gave her a very nice present followed by a slightly tearful farewell with Pam. After Pam's departure I said to Linda not...

3 years ago
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Housemaid in my 50 Part 5

HOUSEMAID IN MY FIFTIES By Monica Graz PART 5 CHAPTER 13 I was kicked out of the master bedroom! That was the end result of what Pam called this morning ?a slight rearrangement of our living conditions'. I was working for five hours and still I had a lot to do. The instructions were to remove all my clothes and other personal belongings from the master bedroom and install myself to the guest room that had a small adjoining shower/WC facility....

3 years ago
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Housemaid for a Week

Housemaid for a Week A personal encounter By Monica Graz PROLOGUE Last Christmas I had a unique experience working as a housemaid for a week in a Victorian mansion in Melbourne which belongs to family friends that know and eagerly accept my 'domestic situation'. A few words as a prologue, to explain my 'domestic situation'. For a long time now I work as part time maid/housewife in my own house! It is a mutual agreement with my wife/employer and we both benefit from it. Every...

2 years ago
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Housemate Wanted Room for Rent

Student room for rent. Southampton, UK. £270 pcm Please ring Naomi Peterson, Holly North or Lottie McGregor But before you call us, please read the following so you know what to expect. We’ve each written a little bit about the house. Naomi says: Heya, we’re looking for a new housemate, but there are a few conditions. First, you will have to love the sound of me fucking. Sorry if that sounds a bit forward, but it has to be said. I’ll be in the room next door, and I’m told that I’m very...

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Housemate Sisyphus I live in a cabin in the woods that my wife and I built several years ago. She moved out last year and we got a divorce after twenty-five years. We’re still friends but just drifted apart. Life goes on. I’m a writer and have a couple of books published and a collection of poetry. I have a little following but nothing major by any means. I teach writing at a local college and a few on-line courses. I’m sixty-one and in pretty good shape considering I love to eat and hate to...

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Houseboat Incident Chapter 2

I could hear the shuffle of the rest of the group scrambling about the houseboat in the distance as I pulled a small black t-shirt over my head. I shook my shoulders to straighten the shirt so that it would hang properly across over my curves, the bottom of the shirt hung just below my waist line; it only covered the waist of my bikini bottoms. I slid my feet into my flip-flops and headed to the bathroom. I turned on the light as I entered. Looking in the mirror there was still dried streaks of...

College Sex
3 years ago
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Clubhouse Part Five Stud with Trudy

I walked all the way home from school. I had stopped at the gas station and washed my sticky cock and balls clean. I still smelled like cunt though and went to a phone booth and called Trudy.She was surprised and happy to hear from me. I asked if she could come pick me up in her car. She said 'yes' right away so I waited in front of the gas station for her. When she pulled up I hopped into the car and said, "I fucked my teacher about forty minutes ago. I have the smell of her cunt all...

2 years ago
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Housekeeper pt1

1.PreludeAfter almost 20 years of legal profession, I was now an accomplished lawyer: I had my own firm, several younger lawyers working for me, big and important clients, a sports car, and a house on the hills overlooking the city.But my personal life was a mess: I had no friends, only coworkers and clients, and most importantly, my wife left me. We met during college, and had a very torrid relationship at the beginning. We were virgins when we met, so we discovered everything together. And we...

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