Adoring Mrs. K free porn video

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I enjoyed sitting in Mrs. K’s kitchen, watching her work. She was my best friend Tracy’s mom and so cool. She always made me laugh, not like Mom who kept pestering me about school and homework all the time and was constantly checking if I was breaking a rule. Mrs. K was fun, and she was pretty. Like, really pretty. She had her blond, chin length hair combed back in that wicked style. It looked a bit messy at the first glance, but when you looked closer, it was neatly arranged in overlaying strands. She had gray streaks and sometimes complained about them because she’s only thirty-two, but I always told her they look good on her and went perfectly with her beautiful eyes. She sometimes got a strange expression when I said it and looked strangely at me, and my tummy got all fuzzy.

I always tried to get here a bit early when Tracy’ was at her training, but I totally bummed it up that day because I took a nap after lunch and thought it was half past three already. It was half past two. I arrived more than an hour early, and she looked quite surprised. I blushed madly when I realized how early it was, but she said it didn’t make sense to ride back home and then over again, so I sat in my customary chair and watched her like always.

“Did Tracy tell you about next week, Jessie?” she asked. I could only see her back since she was at the counter and peeling apples for a pie.

“No. What’s next week?”

She stopped peeling, sighed and turned around. “I swear, that girl will be the death of me. She was supposed to tell you that she will be away for three weeks. She will be visiting her grandparents for two weeks, then stay another week with her aunt Sarah.”

“Oh,” I said. It took me a moment for the implication to set in. It wasn’t like I couldn’t live a few weeks without Tracy around. We could call and text each other. We did that all the time anyway since we got our shiny smartphones for our fourteenth birthdays. But it also meant three weeks without Mrs. K, I realized, and my throat grew tight and my eyes suddenly stung.

I think she saw my desperate expression, because she put away the apple, wiped her hands and sat down across from me. “It’s only for three weeks, then you two can hang out again.” She touched my hands and I froze. Her fingers were so soft. I stared at her hands, at the shiny pink nails. Pink is a girl color, Mom always insisted. Mrs. K was most definitely a woman though, and she loved wearing pink. It looked perfect on her.

I tried to calm myself and looked up into her pretty face. She looked so compassionate and worried. My bottom lip started to quiver, and I couldn’t stop my feelings. Tears streaked down my cheeks and I sobbed.

She sighed. Her fingers slid over my hands, making them tingle, and my sobs grew louder.

“It’s only for three weeks, then you two can be together for the rest of the holidays,” she told me softly and squeezed my hands.

Oh god. I wanted her to hold my hands like this forever. Her thumbs started rubbing small circles on the backs of my hands, and my tummy was filled with that bubbling feeling again. I knew I shouldn’t, but I suddenly had to tell her. “It’s not about Tracy!” I sobbed and hung my head.

Her fingers stopped moving. It felt like we sat like this for ages. I wanted to run around the table and cling to her, to cry into her shoulder, but she was Mrs. K, Tracy’s mom. You didn’t just hug someone else’s mom like this.

“Jessie?” she said quietly. I bit down a fresh sob. “Jessie?” she asked again. “Please look at me.”

There was something in her voice I couldn’t disobey. I slowly looked up. My bottom lip didn’t stop quivering. It had to look so silly.

She stared right into my eyes with her gray, knowing ones. She looked puzzled at first. I pulled one hand away, angrily wiped my tears from my eyes, then put my hand back – almost. I wanted to slip it back into her hand and have her hold it, but I wasn’t sure it would be okay, so I placed it as close as I could without touching her fingers.

She kept looking me in the eyes while I prayed that she would touch that hand again. When she finally laid her fingers over mine, I felt like I could finally breathe again. But then her eyes widened and her expression turned strange. I didn’t know how I knew, but I realized that she understood what I wasn’t saying.

“Jessie,” she said, but I was suddenly so incredibly terrified and embarrassed.

I jumped up and raced from the kitchen. My eyes blurred, but I made it onto my bike, and then I pedaled back home as fast as I could.

Mom let me stay home for the last two days of school when I told her I wasn’t feeling well. We already got our report cards on Monday, and we would be off to senior high after the summer anyway. Tracy kept texting me every hour or so, asking what was wrong, but I kept my answers short, panicked I might start rambling and give something away.

Then it was Monday, the first real day of holidays. Tracy was on her way to her grandparents with her dad. I was a bit at a loss what to do.

“Jessie?” Mom called up from the basement.

“Yes, Mom?” I traipsed downstairs barefooted on the cold stairs.

“Emma wants to borrow a few of my jam jars. I told her you’d bring them over.” She was holding the big woven basket with the handle, and it was filled with jars. “Jessie?” she asked when I froze. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” I quickly lied. “I thought there was something under my foot.” I didn’t really have a choice, did I? I took the basket.

“Put on shoes when you ride your bike,” Mom reminded me, and I rolled my eyes. “Emma might need some help with the jam, so I don’t mind if you stay a while.”

“O-okay, Mom,” I said and quickly pattered up the stairs. I was not going to stay. I was going to go in, put the basket on the counter and leave.

“Oh Jessie, how wonderful that you’re here. You can put the basket on the table. I’ve already filled the sink so you can rinse the jars. There’s still quite a bunch of strawberries to clean and rhubarb to peel. It would be brilliant if you could give me a hand with those. Say you will.”

Mrs. K was trying to kill me, I was sure of that. She was wearing a pair of tight, pink teddy shorts and a yellow bikini top. God, her body was so fit. Even in the faded shorts and old bikini, she looked like a model, and her skin was so soft and smooth. I tried to say I didn’t have time, but she had talked to Mom. She would know I had no plans. I couldn’t be impolite. “Sure, Mrs. K,” I said.

She had turned her back to me already and started cutting the bad spots from the strawberries with a small knife. The glass in the basket rattled when I put it down on the table. Her legs and tush looked so pretty. She got on tiptoes and reached for another plastic bowl, and her muscles tightened. For a short, crazy moment I wanted to fall to my knees and kiss her leg. All the way up from her heel to her butt. I felt dizzy and hot all of a sudden. Something was wrong with me.

I reached into the basket for the first two jars to wash, but I nearly dropped them because I was still staring at Mrs. K. With a huge effort, I forced myself to look away and put the jars into the sink. They’d been cleaned before mom stowed them in the basement, so I only had to wipe away some dust. I set them upside down to dry and fetched two more. Mrs. K was quietly working on the strawberries, and I didn’t talk either while I rinsed the jars. I relaxed a bit. It was nice to work next to her. I couldn’t really look, but she was there, close by, and I stole quick glimpses every time I turned around for the jars.

The last jar got a very thorough washing. I didn’t want to leave my safe spot in front of the sink. But I couldn’t keep washing that jar forever. I set it on the dish rack and yelped when my back bumped into something. Someone. Mrs. K!

She said the dreaded words. “We need to talk, Jessie.”

She touched my shoulders and gently pushed, so I turned around. She stood too close. It made me nervous and dizzy, and when she took my hand and led me to a chair, I plopped down weakly. She pulled up another chair and sat too. Our knees were almost touching.

“I can see that you are nervous,” she said gently. “Jessie, please repeat why I am going to say. Can you do that?”

It took a lot of effort to nod.

“Good.” She took my hand again, and heat traveled up my arm. “It is okay.”

“It – it is okay,” I whispered.

“It is okay to look at Mrs. K.”

My eyes widened. She squeezed my hand. “It is okay ... to look ... at Mrs. K.” It sounded strange.

“Again,” she said with an encouraging smile.

“It – it is okay to look at Mrs. K.” Did she really mean it?

“Once more.”

Oh my god. “It is okay to look at Mrs. K!”

“It is okay,” she said and put her right foot on the edge of my seat between my legs. I stared at her pretty toes with their shiny pink nails. “It is only looking, it doesn’t hurt anyone. I don’t mind if you look. In fact, I enjoy it. It makes me feel pretty. You may look all you like, whenever you like, how long you like.”

“Really?” I asked in a whisper.

“It will be our secret,” she said. “What parts of me do you like looking at most?”

“Oh gawd,” I whispered and took a shaking breath. “Your eyes.”

She smiled warmly. “Something else? Don’t be shy.”

My skin prickled. It was a wonderful feeling, like drinking lemonade for the very first time and feeling it tickle you inside your nose, only much better.

“Y-your legs,” I admitted with a blush.

“Anything else?”

“Do I have to say it?” I asked meekly.

“Only if you really love to look at it.”

I bit my lip. “Your tush,” I whispered and closed my eyes.

“Is there more?”

My cheeks were burning to crisps. “Your boobs,” I said, then clamped a hand over my mouth. “I mean, your chest, I-”

“It’s okay. Breasts, boobs, tits. I don’t mind. You really like looking at them? They aren’t quite as perky anymore as they used to be.”

“They are perfect.”

“Oh Jessie, you’re so sweet. You make me feel really pretty.”

“But you are!” I gasped.

“Do you want to come over to watch me more often?”

Did she really mean it? “I’d love to.”

“I’ll find reasons to have you here. You don’t need to do anything but look at me and help me feel pretty. How does that sound?”

I couldn’t form words. My mouth opened and closed a few times. I was finally about to say how perfect it sounded when the phone rang. She fetched it from the cradle, put it to her ear and leaned over the counter on her elbows, sticking out her tush just a few feet away. I would have glimpsed covertly at it in the past, but she said it was okay. I didn’t understand what exactly made me want to look at it, but my stomach fluttered and I grew warmer between my thighs with every second.

I suddenly heard her say a name that made me perk up and pay attention.

“Yes, Renee, she’s helping me. No, not at all. You know I don’t mind. She’s such an angel.” She laughed. “Oh no, you don’t have to bother. She can borrow some of Tracy’s stuff. Take care of your neighbor however long it takes. We’ll do fine. Without Jacob and Tracy, it’s too quiet anyway. It will be just like having my daughter around, only this version is actually helpful and polite.” She laughed again. “Yes, we’ll talk tomorrow.”

I got a dreadful feeling when she hung up. “Mrs. K?”

She turned around and sighed. “Your neighbor Mrs. Wilcox took a fall and broke her hip last night. Your mom heard her shout for help and called an ambulance. Since her son is abroad, your mom is going to fetch her what she needs and stay at the hospital until she wakes up from her surgery. She asked me if you could stay here tonight.”

I didn’t know what to feel. Mrs. Wilcox was okay, if a little strange sometimes. She didn’t pay much attention to me, but I knew she and Mom often talked. “I hope she’ll be alright,” I said. Oh gawd. I’d have the whole day with Mrs. K.

“Your mother is positive that she will recover. Have you peeled rhubarb before?”

“No. Mom never lets me. She’s afraid I’ll cut my fingers.”

“Come on. I’ll show you.”

She demonstrated to me how to peel the hard strands from the stalks. Then I tried, but I somehow either just cut off the ends or missed most of them. I nearly fainted when she stood behind me, wrapped her hands around mine and gently moved them for me. It was like magic. My hands tingled and followed her directions, slipping easily under the edges and peeling away the strands without ripping a single one.

“You have to concentrate, but you need to keep your wrists relaxed,” she said when the stalk was peeled. “Do you think you got it?”

“Can we do one more?”

“Of course.”

I was floating. I somehow did get it, mostly at least. My stalks didn’t look as perfect as hers, but she said they were fine, and I grinned madly when she praised my work. I peeled all of the rhubarb and cut it into pieces. Then we mixed it with the strawberries, added a little water and set it cooking. The air was filled with an intense, fruity and sweet scent. She let me stir in the sugar and sprinkle a bit of lemon acid into it, explaining that it helped the jam thicken.

We then held the dry jars upside down over the pot so the steam could kill any stray germs, she said, filled them with jam using a ladle and quickly screwed on the lid. We put them upside down to cool.

Mrs. K handed me stickers and had me write a label for every glass while she cleaned up the kitchen, saying that I had a much prettier script as she did.

We ate salad with chicken and home baked bread. I overdid it a little and grew tired, so I took a nap on the porch swing while Mrs. K took a shower and rested for a bit herself in her bedroom.

I woke when a shadow moved over me for a second. Blinking my eyes open, I saw a glass of elderflower lemonade on the small table next to the swing. Dew clung to the outside. Then I noticed Mrs. K on the sun lounger. She was lying on her front, and my gaze was drawn to her tush. She had put on bikini bottoms, or perhaps she’d already had them on under the teddy shorts. They matched the top and didn’t cover all of her butt. The two lines where her thighs and butt met fascinated me. The skin looked so soft there.

I sat up and picked up the cool glass. I took a long sip and looked some more at Mrs. K’s tush and legs, and I enjoyed the fuzzy feeling I experienced between my thighs.

“You’re looking, aren’t you?” she asked without looking up. She was reading a dime novel.

My mouth grew dry, and I took another sip. “Yes, Mrs. K.” I couldn’t stop my blush, and I was glad she wasn’t looking at me.

“Good,” she said. “I really meant it. I like it when you look.”

“I do too,” I said in a moment of bravery.

She reached back and ran a finger along the edge of her bikini bottoms, and I licked my lips. I wondered what it would feel like to do that, to slip my owner finger under the fabric and slide it across her tush. I doused the twinge of guilt with another sip of lemonade.

“Is Mr. K going to stay with his parents the whole time too?” I remembered to ask.

“No, Matt will come back after the first week, once he is finished with the repairs he has planned.”

“Tracy told me they have a farm with sheep and cows and apple trees. That has to be nice.”

She laughed softly. “It is nice for kids, but it is a lot of work for the grown-ups, and his parents aren’t young anymore. They have to get up at five, take care of the animals, then tend to the fruit trees, crops and hay all day, check fences and repair them, and in the evening they need to see to the animals again. Then there are all the machines to clean and keep in working order, and hardly any time for holidays.”

“Did you grow up on a farm too?”

“I actually did. I loved it as a kid. It was like one big adventure. We rode the animals and played with them, built forts in the woods and – just don’t tell anyone I told you that – climbed up the hay barn all the way to the roof and jumped into the stack. But the older I got, the more I had to work, and it stopped being that much fun. I’m glad though because I learned so much about gardening and cooking.”

“It does sound cool,” I said. “I don’t know much about gardening. I mean, not about fruits and vegetables and spices. We only have flowers, and all there is to do is pluck weeds and water them.”

“Well, how about I teach you a bit about that this week?”

“I’d like that,” I said and emptied my glass. A small belch escaped me. “Sorry,” I gasped, but she only chuckled.

She turned onto her back. Since she was wearing dark sun glasses, I couldn’t see if she was looking at me.

“I’m going to close my eyes for a bit. Can you wake me up in half an hour in case I fall asleep?”

“Sure, Mrs. K.”

She stretched her body and sighed, then put her arms to her sides and relaxed. I watched her. Her breathing evened out. Her skin sparkled with a thin sheen of sweat. Sometimes, she would make a small sounds. Her legs would tighten every so often and she would arch her feet. I didn’t pay that much attention to them before, but they were just as pretty as the rest of her, smooth and lean. I looked at her shoulders. I loved how they were both muscular and soft. Her intricate collarbones shifted a little when she moved just a little. A coy smile sometimes played over her lips, and once or twice, she scrunched up her nose and gasped a few times, then she relaxed again and smiled softly.

It was so beautiful to watch her sleep that I almost missed the time. It was three minutes too late when I looked at my watch. “Mrs. K?” I said, but she didn’t react, so I got up from swing and touched her shoulder. “Mrs. K?”

She stirred for a moment, but then she relaxed again. I didn’t want to shake her, so I slid my hand up and down her upper arm. “Mrs. K?”

“Hm,” she murmured.

“Mrs. K?”

Her hands moved. She slid them up her tummy and over her breasts. My breath hitched when it looked like she was squeezing them. She lifted her arms over her head and arched her back.

“Oh,” she said softly. “Jessie.”

“You – you fell asleep.”

She giggled softly, making a chiming sound, and I had to grin.

“I was dreaming,” she said.

“Was it a nice dream?”

She pushed up her sun glasses. “Very nice,” she said with a strange tone and looked straight at me. A strange warmth spread in my chest. “Gosh. I’m well cooked and parched. Would you hand me my glass please, Jessie?”

“Sure,” I said and plucked the glass out from under the lounger. I held it out, but she just sat up and leaned onto her hands. When she didn’t move, I put the glass in front of her face and guided the straw to her lips.

She took a long sip and sighed. “Better,” she said. “Thank you, honey.”

I almost giggled when she called me honey. “Do you want some more?”

“No, it’s fine. I need to get into the shade. And there’s wash waiting to be done and a living room to be cleaned.”

“I can help with that,” I offered.

“You’re a gem,” she said.

So we cleaned for the rest of the afternoon, stuck the label to the cooled jars and stowed them in the basement and prepared dinner. After we ate and did the dishes, Mrs. K suggested we watch a movie together. Of course I was all for it.

“Let’s go upstairs and put on something more comfortable,” she suggested and took my hand.

I felt a bit strange when we walked into Tracy’s room and Mrs. K started rummaging through her wardrobe. I knew a lot of the stuff, of course, but it still was different because she wasn’t there. I bit my lip while Mrs. K searched for clothes, and my eyes went wide when she pulled a pair of cute, thin, pink panties from the bottom drawer, crouched down in front of me and held them against my body.

“These should fit,” she said with a smile and put them in my hands.

Mom often handed me panties, and I never thought about it. But this felt different. Intimate. Mrs. K knew that I was going slip them over my naked body, and that somehow made me warm and embarrassed me.

“Oh, I have an idea,” she gushed and opened the closet. She slid a few of Tracy’s dresses to the side and pulled out a bright pink nightgown. “I guess I like pink,” she said with a sheepish grin and held it out to me. It was simple and straight, and it looked like it would end a little above my knees.

“I like pink too,” I confessed, which made her smile.

“Don’t take too long,” she said and left me alone to change.

I didn’t take long. I didn’t want to lock the door, but I was afraid she might come back for some reason and catch me naked, so I changed as fast as I could. I had to wait almost ten minutes until Mrs. K came down, but it was so worth the wait. Her dress was also pink. I wasn’t sure if it was really a night gown or something else. It had shoulder straps in almost transparent pink. The fabric shimmered in the light, and a narrow, oval patch at the front was made from the same material as the shoulder straps. It went from a hand’s width below the collar to her navel, and when she walked closer, it was obvious she wasn’t wearing a bra.

“Do you like it?” she asked, just an arm’s length away.

“I – I love it,” I gushed when she turned around. The back was all see through mesh as well, all the way down to her tush so I could even see the small dimple at its top.

She cuddled into the other corner of the couch. It was still too warm for blankets, and I was happy about it. She put on the telly, but I barely looked at it. My gaze was caught by her chest. Depending on the light from the telly fell, I could sometimes see glimpses of soft skin shimmer through the thin mesh. She had her legs folded under her and was avidly watching the movie. Sometimes she took deeper breaths, and the fabric slid over her breasts, drawing my eyes to the two bumps that outlined her nipples.

Her eyelids started to droop. I only meant to catch the remote when her fingers relaxed and it started to slide towards the edge of the couch, but when I in front of her and took the remote, she let out a deep sigh and slid lower. The hem of her nightie caught on the cushions and slid up, or her body slid out, or however, and I froze and stared. She wiggled and slid even lower, nestling her head against the armrest with a relaxed moan, and her pubes were completely uncovered. She wasn’t wearing panties!

I had seen pubes before. My own, those of my classmates in the showers. Mom’s, when I walked in on her in the bathroom because she had forgotten to lock it. A few on television. But I had never seen ones with a thin, pink strip of short, soft hair. My heart was beating like a jungle drum. I took a glance at Mrs. K’s face to make sure she was still asleep, then I sat down with my legs against the couch, propped my chin on my arms and looked at her pubes. Her pussy. I knew people called it that, but it sounded so benign.

She had a lovely mound. The pale skin looked so smooth up close that I felt a yearning to run my fingertips over it. Her outer labia – I remembered the terms we had learned in sex ed – were thick and fleshy, so different from my own ones. They didn’t close all the way. Mine were nestled tightly against each other, but Mrs. K’s had a gap about as wide as the tip of my pinkie finger was, and her inner lips peeked out between them, curly and rosy, almost matching the pink strip of hair.

I remembered what Kelly-Anne told me about her older sister Brooke. She had walked in on her and her best friend Sally, and they had both been naked and Brooke had been kissing Sally’s pussy. Kelly-Anne had giggled and scrunched up her face when she told it, and gotten me to get me to agree that it was gross.

It wouldn’t be gross at all to kiss Mrs. K’s pussy, I decided. I could smell her body. Behind the scent of rose soap and body lotion, there was something earthy and spicy. It reminded me a bit of the spice garden she had shown me today, and the scent that had wafted to me when she plucked a few weeds from the soil. I knew it was silly to think of kissing her there, but it was nice to imagine doing it. I was sure it would feel nice for her too. I sometimes played with my pussy under the covers and thought of Mrs. K, and I loved the feeling of my fingers gently brushing over my pubes when I did that. Sometimes, when I felt particularly naughty, I rubbed my little pearl until my whole body exploded with joy.

I woke with a start. My body hurt. I didn’t know where I was. Something moved right in front of me. I blinked my eyes a few times and forgot to breathe.

“You’re awake,” Mrs. K quietly said, and a shiver raced up my spine. I almost fainted.

She was no longer lying on the couch but sitting upright. Her legs were to my left and right, and her pussy was straight in front of me. Since her legs were apart, it peeked open wider, allowing me to see so much more detail. I could even see her pearl. It was far larger than mine and darker than the rest, peeking out from its hook.

“Do you like looking at my pussy?” she asked. Her voice seemed a little deeper, a little rougher.

“Yes,” I admitted meekly.

“This will be our little secret, won’t it?”

“Sure, Mrs. K.” It was difficult to talk. My jaw was trembling a little.

“Look closely,” she said. I almost fainted when she slid a hand over her mound and pulled her outer labia apart.

It was like watching a rose bloom unfold. A warm, moist feeling washed through my lower body, and for a moment, I thought I had just peed myself and almost jump up in shame. It was a different feeling though, and I recognized it as the same feeling I got when I played with myself. “It’s beautiful, Mrs. K,” I said.

“Just a moment,” she said with a strangely trembling voice. Her other hand reached down, and her index finger tickled her pearl. It grew even larger, darker, turned shiny smooth. Then she pulled her legs up and put her feet onto the couch, and I could see the opening of her vagina. It shimmered a little with moisture.

I stared in wonder. The urge to kiss here there became almost overwhelming. I pulled my gaze away and looked up. The look in her eyes was so warm and intense that it made me shiver.

“It’s late,” she said. “We should go to bed.”

“Yes,” I agreed, unable to move, wanting nothing more that to stay here.

She swung one leg over me, pulled her dress down and touched my shoulder. I finally could breathe freely again now that the temptation was gone and slowly stood up. My knees hurt a bit, but it was so worth it.

“Let’s go,” she said, stood up and took my hand.

I leaned against the frame of the patio door and watched her go through her Yoga exercises. She was so fit and flexible, and she moved so slowly and gracefully. It was still a bit sleepy, and watching felt like watching the sun rise and it woke me up. The air was still clear and fresh. I shifted my weight between my legs, rubbing my thighs together.

I dreaded having to go back home. I wanted to spend every minute of every day around Mrs. K.

She made scrambled eggs with bacon while I crunched on my cereals and laughed when she had to make more because I was still so hungry.

“You’re worse than Tracy,” she said with a laugh and slid another helping onto my plate.

“Yours taste even better than Mom’s,” I explained. “I can’t help it.”

“You don’t have to. You can have as much as you want. Especially since you’re so happy. Tracy is not a morning person.” She sat down and buttered her toast.

“I saw you do Yoga.” I took another mouthful and sighed in delight. “Can you teach me to do that too?”

“It takes a few years. Well, perhaps not years since you’re still young and fit, but a few months of daily training at least. It’s awkward and sometimes painful at first.”

“I don’t mind,” I promised. “I want to be as pretty as you are when I’m grown up.”

“You already are,” she said.

“You don’t have to butter me up, Mrs. K,” I said sternly.

“Oh, Jessie, you really have no idea, do you?”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re so cute it’s almost illegal.”

“But only cute, not pretty.” I pulled my t-shirt tight over my chest. “I haven’t got boobs. I’m skinny. My hair is boring brown.”

She shook her head. “To me, you are pretty. Full stop. I’m neither lying nor exaggerating.”

Just then, the phone rang.

“It’s Mom,” I said.

She fetched the phone and pull up an eyebrow at my skill at fortune telling, but it was half past eight, and Mom always called around this time when she was away. “It is,” she whispered to me before picking up. “Hi, Renee, how was your night? Oh, that sucks. Two more? No, no problem at all. She’s a gem. She’s helping around the house, so it’s almost like a holiday for me. Nah, no need to. If it was longer, yes, but we will easily make do. I’ll tell her. Take care, Renee.”

“What did she say?” I asked.

“The surgery went okay, but they found a cracked vertebra too and it took them quite some time to fix that. Mrs. Wilcox has been awake for a little while, but she’s a bit disoriented from the anesthesia and frightened from lying in her house all alone for so long. It will take her son at least two more days until he can be here, and she doesn’t want to leave Mrs. Wilcox alone. She didn’t react well to the strangers in the hospital.”

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QVC Julia: The Affair Part 6 – Revenge of the MrsFrom the view of the Mrs.As I closed my hotel door and walked across the corridor to open her door, the anger was still there, but what had surprised me was how turned on I was. Ever since I watched that video and Charlie and Claire, and even bought some lingerie. I felt different somehow. I’d even bought a tool kit and was turned on about what I was going to do with.When I entered the room, I was very quiet. I could hear Julia resting, she was...

3 years ago
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Slutty night out with the Mrs

It had been a few months since the Mrs and I had been out having fun. So we decided that we would go out Friday night to let off some steam. All week we had been sexting each other. So by the time Friday came round we were both hyper horny. While getting ready C asks what should she wear. And pulls out this really short skirt. And a thin black see through top.Instant hard in from me gives her the green light. Ones she is ready she comes down stairs, 6 inch heels holding her high. And the skirt...

3 years ago
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Brief sex 04 Old Mrs

Brief sex 04 - Old Mrs.Brief sex 4But you are old Ms. ..Sometimes meetings are amazing .. Especially when it was the heyday of the Minitel. It was in the beginning .. I was very young and I was trying to meet chicks .. at that time I did not like the guys yet.One Saturday night .. not having a girlfriend for me to chew on .. I started looking for a hit on Minitel. I plugged in quickly .. a false nana .. who did not want to call .. a couple but that was too far, and a woman who announced she...

3 years ago
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Jay and the Mrs

Jay was a good golfing friend of mine from high school. Like many teens, we often talked about sex, and shared intimate details of our conquests (which weren’t many at the time). After college, I married, and Jay seem to grow more confident with the ladies. He would tell me about his conquests, which grew in number, and I secretly envied his sex life. Years later, Jay remained single, which my wife found odd. ‘He’s a good looking guy,’ she’d say, ‘why would he remain single?’ I simply...

2 years ago
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Attention to the Mrs

It was an early night when my hubby and I decided to go to bed. He was not in the mood to have sex, which was not surprising since of late he just was so tired he just crashed. I on the other hand was very horny and I really needed to feel his cock deep in my pussy. I was starving for a good fuck. I decided that I was going to ease him into having sex. I usually go to bed with a night shirt or short nightie, but tonight I was going to put on some white cotton bikini underwear that I knew he...

2 years ago
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Making Love to the Mrs

“Have they made it,” asked Damita Burton.“I just talked to De-John. He said they bout a half hour out.”“Excellent, honey. I’ll be leaving work soon. Do you need me to pick up anything from the store?”“I think I got everything I needed.”“Alright, sweetie!”“You know what? Grab some frozen French fries. The k**s might want them.”“I sure will,” replied the psychiatric nursing assistant.“See you soon. I love you, baby,” the 63 year-old husband said.“I love you too, Willie!”The couple got off the...

2 years ago
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Good times at the theater with the Mrs

My Filipino wife is a very modest lady; the product of a Roman Catholic upbringing. Over the past 25 years or so she has fulfilled my fantasies many times over. We first started by watching xxx videos at home. After a couple of drinks and some encouragement from me; she would dress up in a slutty outfit and parade around the house in very high heels; shoes that she dubbed "living room shoes." While watching the videos she would comment on the performers and some of the really hung guys in them....

1 year ago
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Thank you all I am officially a Mrs

Lots of last minute changed before the ceremony. Brian and Zoe did it with us!!So 2 siblings from Ohio marry 2 siblings from Ghana. All it took was Zoe letting her close friends know so they could show up. Everyone else significant to us was there.Bermuda is fabulously British. A super week. Nothing low end on the island.Now we are on to producing light skinned babies. Zoe is officially knocked up. My cycle kicked on the day before the wedding. I suspected with heavy chest and all. ...

1 year ago
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Attention to the Mrs

It was an early night when my hubby and I decided to go to bed. He was not in the mood to have sex, which was not surprising since of late he just was so tired he just crashed. I on the other hand was very horny and I really needed to feel his cock deep in my pussy. I was starving for a good fuck. I decided that I was going to ease him into having sex. I usually go to bed with a night shirt or short nightie, but tonight I was going to put on some white cotton bikini underwear that I knew he...

Wife Lovers
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Jay and the Mrs

Jay was a good golfing friend of mine from high school. Like many teens, we often talked about sex, and shared intimate details of our conquests (which weren't many at the time). After college, I married, and Jay seem to grow more confident with the ladies. He would tell me about his conquests, which grew in number, and I secretly envied his sex life.Years later, Jay remained single, which my wife found odd. "He's a good looking guy," she'd say, "why would he remain single?" I simply...

Wife Lovers
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AdorChapter 4 The Juggling Act

Winter was a good time. Adoré was going to drop her classes that term. She just wasn't strong enough to come back after only a week, and thought more than that would make it impossible to catch up. Since she was only taking two classes, she spoke with the instructors, who both urged her to continue. "I'll cut you some slack, Adoré," her French teacher said. "You speak and read above this level anyway. You'll do OK." When her English teacher took the same approach, she...

2 years ago
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AdorChapter 3 School and Babies

When they arrived, tired but happy, at Steele Ranch, they found a couple more welcome surprises. Champ had been shipped back to the ranch. And Ad decided that Marty's old jalopy was not suitable for a wife and family. So he'd sold it and bought a new, shiny black Ford pickup, with 4-wheel drive and an extended cab. The truck had a trailer hitch and towing package, just in case they wanted to pull a horse trailer and take Champ along to school. "A bit spendy for a graduation present,...

1 year ago
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AdorChapter 2 High Hopes Olympic Dreams

Entering the ring at the National Horse Show was gut-wrenching. Adoré had never ridden in competition at this level before. But both her parents, good riders themselves, encouraged her. Her horse, Champ, the one she'd selected for herself, was strong, elegant, and well-schooled. The past year had been full of both joy and frustration for the beautiful teen. She'd known transcendent joy when she'd been with her cousin and lover, Marty-the lovemaking was just an added attraction for...

3 years ago
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AdorChapter 6 A Family Summer

"You all ready for the invasion of the Corvallis Steeles?" Adoré asked Hazel in one of her regular, 'touch base with home' calls. The school year was winding down. Monday would start 'dead week' and finals the week after that. "Sure honey. We can't wait. Is Robby walking yet?" "Walking! The little monster runs! It's all I can do to keep up with him... And of course, anything he can pick up in his hand goes into his mouth." Hazel laughed, delighted. "Sounds just like his...

4 years ago
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AdorChapter 8 Seniors Rule

"Good grief, Marty! I never thought I'd look at a return to school as a break!" Adoré was relaxing on the living room sofa of the Corvallis house, after they'd put the horses in the boarding stable. She was happy to return to her home. She'd competed in several weekend horse shows and had worked twelve-hour days with the horses at the ranch. They had a senior year of college to complete, a lively and wonderful son to raise, and more work to do than hours to do it in. Champ was...

2 years ago
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AdorChapter 9 Home

Looking back, that final term felt like a continuous party. It wasn't of course. In fact, both Marty and Adoré worked hard on the books; but compared with their prior college experience, when every waking hour was spent either on Robby, books, or horses, it seemed like a wonderful vacation filled with good times and lots of beer. An active kid, Robby did well in day care, but, though he was always friendly and was well-liked, he seemed to the instructors to be basically a 'loner'....

1 year ago
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Adorable Porn

Reddit Adorable Porn, aka r/AdorablePorn! Are you interested in some free hot adorable porn? Yes, you’ve heard me right. Reddit has a section dedicated to adorable porn, and I am not even joking. If you would like to know what r/adorableporn/ has to offer, you came to the right place. I shall go over all this crap just for you, so take your time and read.Although, I am pretty sure that you will find your way around even without my help. But, if you needed that extra push, you know what to do....

Reddit NSFW List
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Adore Me

Men like me don't get together with women like Aster very often. And that's because on paper it's all wrong. I was twenty years older than her. She was black and I was white. She was gorgeous and I was… well, I had done all right with women over the years but I had never considered myself to be handsome. Now that the age battle was getting the better of me, I was looking at a different area of the spectrum as regards women.I was thinking about grandmas. While young men wanted MILFs who had a...

3 years ago
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Adored 2

“Love,” Shayla said as she busied herself setting out plates on the kitchen table, “is what you and I have together. It’s more than just a feeling. It is a connection, unique and special.”“Okay,” Kevin responded unsurely. “And how does that explain anything.”She leaned over him, a hand on his shoulder and another on the table next to his place setting. Her hair dangled tantalizingly to her right. Her face was relaxed into a patient smile. “It explains everything. You were pushing me. I pushed...

Wife Lovers
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Jason and Kevin had been friendly rivals for about five years. Jason was an Alabama fan. Generally, Kevin’s favorite team was from his cross-state alma mater and any team playing Alabama. Jason was confident of his team’s ability, and their national championship solidified his resolve. It never got ugly between them. But neither of them made any bones about it and enjoyed their friendly rivalry.There was something else about Jason. He never failed to tell Kevin that his wife, Shayla, was the...

Wife Lovers
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Adoration of a transsexual BBW by her Arab Master

ADORATION OF A TRANSSEXUAL BBW BY HER ARAB MASTER My beloved wife of eternity: Every day, when you proceed to me in adoration of Your Master, I admire your round, feminine belly, Its proud protuberance, its luscious curves And your delicate navel That looks like a rose blossoming to the world, Happily springing up and revealing your inner femininity to the universe. And I kiss and caress those curves, Blown away and enchanted in a vision of bliss, because you are MY woman. In...

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AdorChapter 7

August drenched the eastern slopes of the Cascades with sunshine and late-summer heat. Rick wanted to get out of it for a while, before he headed into the greater heat of the Sacramento Valley. So he suggested to Marty that they take a ride-their women were invited. Hazel volunteered to spoil Robby while his mother was gone. He was always a joy anyway, and this would be a chance for her and Ad to do some 'grandparent bonding'. "Truth to tell, Adoré, Ad's worse with the kid than I...

2 years ago
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AdorChapter 10 Hazels New Life

Hazel found herself, for the fourth time that morning, staring blankly out the window at the ranch, tears trickling unnoticed down her face. Ad had not been gone all that long, but it was sure that her sense of loss and grief was deep and profound. So, after washing her face and choking back the sobs that threatened to take her over, she decided she needed a change of scene. "Hazel," she told herself aloud, "you miss him horribly. That's natural and even commendable. But you've got a...

2 years ago
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Adoration of a transsexual BBW by her Master

Adoration of a transsexual BBW by her Master Hail Ophelia, my beautiful, dainty May rose, full of grace and respect, I am Your Lord, the Greek masculine, assertive stud who has fallen in love with your luscious breasts and curves and I am with you always. In eternity. Your navel, baricentre of every woman's femininity, has opened up to the world like a delicate flower, to send the message that you are the property of a man, my exclusive territory. I have embellished...

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Adored 4

“That was quick,” Shayla said from the recliner in the den as Jason entered. “Did you and Susanna do it already?”Jason shook his head. “You need to tell me what’s going on, Shayla. You know I love you. Why is Susanna here?”“For you to love, Jason. I want you to love her like Kevin loves me. I think you two will find the magic that Kevin and I have.”Jason looked at the floor. “You’re setting me up with your sister.”“Susanna’s not my sister, Jason.”“Not genetically, I know. But, under the...

Wife Lovers
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Adored 3

When Kevin arrived home after a mid-July excursion to buy a new weed whacker, Jason sat in the den with a beer and the TV remote.“Our wife would like you to attend her on the pool deck,” he said, grinning.“What this about?” Kevin asked him.Jason shrugged crookedly. “I guess you’re going to get laid. Isn’t that what usually happens when we’re summoned?”Kevin grunted. He stood the box he carried on its end near the door and walked through.Shayla lay with her back toward the door. She was naked...

Wife Lovers
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AdorChapter 5 Rick

Richard Steele-Rick-considered his years at UC Davis among the best of his life. OSU, where his brother was, wasn't a bad school at all, but he thought Davis had the best animal husbandry program in the west. And he wanted the best. He had in mind getting the ranch out of the beef business, focusing on breeding stock for other ranches. Oh, sure, they would always sell the culls for beef, and that would be OK. But he wanted to learn how to breed superior cattle. Cattle that ranchers would pay...

3 years ago
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Jason and Kevin had been friendly rivals for about five years. Jason was an Alabama fan. Generally, Kevin’s favorite team was from his cross-state alma mater and any team playing Alabama. Jason was confident of his team’s ability, and their national championship solidified his resolve. It never got ugly between them. But neither of them made any bones about it and enjoyed their friendly rivalry. There was something else about Jason. He never failed to tell Kevin that his wife, Shayla, was the...

2 years ago
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Adored 4

“That was quick,” Shayla said from the recliner in the den as Jason entered. “Did you and Susanna do it already?” Jason shook his head. “You need to tell me what’s going on, Shayla. You know I love you. Why is Susanna here?” “For you to love, Jason. I want you to love her like Kevin loves me. I think you two will find the magic that Kevin and I have.” Jason looked at the floor. “You’re setting me up with your sister.” “Susanna’s not my sister, Jason.” “Not genetically, I know. But, under the...

2 years ago
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Adored 3

When Kevin arrived home after a mid-July excursion to buy a new weed whacker, Jason sat in the den with a beer and the TV remote. “Our wife would like you to attend her on the pool deck,” he said, grinning. “What this about?” Kevin asked him. Jason shrugged crookedly. “I guess you’re going to get laid. Isn’t that what usually happens when we’re summoned?” Kevin grunted. He stood the box he carried on its end near the door and walked through. Shayla lay with her back toward the door. She was...

2 years ago
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Adored 2

“Love,” Shayla said as she busied herself setting out plates on the kitchen table, “is what you and I have together. It’s more than just a feeling. It is a connection, unique and special.” “Okay,” Kevin responded unsurely. “And how does that explain anything.” She leaned over him, a hand on his shoulder and another on the table next to his place setting. Her hair dangled tantalizingly to her right. Her face was relaxed into a patient smile. “It explains everything. You were pushing me. I pushed...

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Adored wife for group sex 2 years ago

[ب ][/ب ]Beautiful wife persuaded body الممشوق the husband, who married her despite opposition from his mother for being open-minded girl and unveiled .. That the violation of the elves and they therefore have to sleep in the bedroom at night alone until they are cured of this touch.Bring her Senate who treat touch and out of the jinn, but continued to claim that the elves did not leave her and he tells her that sleeps alone and only سيخطف the small daughter and her husband Saove. The pair have...

3 years ago
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Adore me please

I walked into the house and he met me with a gentle kiss with my face cradled in his hands. He grabs my hand and leads me to the bedroom. He tenderly took my clothes off and they fell like leaves on the forest floor. I started to remove his and he placed his hand on mine and guided each deliberate movement till at last his cock was free and unbound. He was already swollen and he whispered in my ear lay on the bed on your belly as his hand slid up my spine to my neck. I moved to the bed and slid...

1 year ago
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Too many black dicks for mr

Too many black dicks for me This time Victor and I had chosen again the warm and sunny Jamaican beaches to spend a nice week, far from the cold NYC winter. Victor had rented a nice little cottage close to the beach.On the first afternoon, after sunbathing during the morning, my loving husband told me he was going to a golf club that somebody had recommended.I stood there relaxing, sunbathing a little more; reading a good book and enjoying the view of a black gardener working at the back yard....

2 years ago
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More Love to ComeChapter 2

Smells of sulfur and grease mixed together as Tim Huntley lit his cigarette. The chef scraped the grill, leaving Tim's barbecued beef sizzling, an isolated heap in the center of the grill. It deserves to be alone, Tim thought, who else would want to eat in this dive? Tim had been eating in greasy diners, and hating it, for as long as he could remember, ever since the night he and his cousin, both thirteen years old, had stolen all those carburetors. It had been Tim's first arrest, he still...

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Watching the Wife Fuck Another Guy

As I hid in the closet of my own bedroom, I couldn’t believe I was about to go through with this. Sure it was my idea to have my wife fucks another man while I watched, in fact; I was the one who talked her into it. And it hadn’t been easy. Ria is a beautiful 40 year old woman that men lust after, but she’d always been faithful to me throughout our relationship. When I first suggested that she screw another man, she was outraged, even going as far as to threaten separation. But I was...

1 year ago
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The third ending of Barb and Marvin story

Please write me and let me know which ending you preferred! I like this one! Barbara had called her husband Tom by the name Marvin as she was having one of the hardest orgasms she ever experienced! It was so hard it reminded her of Marvin fucking her in his car. He hadn’t even bothered about getting dressed. He left the bedroom and sat in the chair in his living room with a very angry and worried look on his face and half a hard on. His cock was hanging between his legs still all wet and shinny...

2 years ago
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The Story Of A Sex Addict From Bangalore Renu Part 2

Hope you all read my Part 1 of the story. Before I begin, a short intro about Renu’s maid. Actually, she is not treated as a maid by Renu but more of a friend. Her name is Chantal and was working with Renu ever since she got divorced 6 years back. They have been having a physical relationship for almost 2 years now. While enjoying the coffee and the morning breeze Chanjal was busy in the kitchen preparing breakfast and lunch. Renu called me in for breakfast after her shower. After that we were...

4 years ago
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THE Harem Tales 5 InkieChapter 2 Tiptoe Through The Tulips

It had been a long trip and Helva’s crew and passengers were ready for a break on a planet - especially a planet as beautiful from orbit as was Azahar. Helva had been with The Good Ship Lollipop - Lolli to her crew and friends - when the two ships had returned their loaner crews to Nova Roma along with the thousands of new colonists promised as compensation for the loan of the two crews. During that portion of the voyage, Lolli and Helva had made several ports of call en route, and the time...

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Tight Gaand Ka Mast Maza

Dosto mera jay hai main Delhi main rahata hoon meri age 22 saal hai  Dikhnay main handsame hoon mere lund ki size 7 mota aur 3 choda hai  Main Delhi ke Karol bagh gaffar market main job karta hoon abhi 10 din hee huai hai yaha job kartay meri shop ke saamnay ek sardaar ki shop hai yah story 3 din pahalay ki hai  Sardar ka hole sale ladish kapdo ka shop taa sardaar ki umar 40 say 45 kee lagbhag hongi sardar meri shop par aata jaata taa kahi baar mere say haath masti bhi kartaa taa mera haath...

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Sex With Unsatisfied Kalpana

Hi ISS readers, this krazy k from tirupati, i came to know about this site from my friends at the age 18 now iam 22 presently completed my graduation. Coming to the story this incident happened between me and kalpana about two months ago in chitivel village, kadapa dist. , six months ago i have placed an ad in free classifieds site about my interest about married aunties by placing my phone number, but days went off there is no response from any one, one day i was in my college library i got...

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Lee Naked in SchoolChapter 4

Saturday, September 18, 1954 I woke up early and cut the grass. I wanted to be sure to be ready in time for Brenda. When I'd finished in the yard, I showered and dress. It would be the first time all week Brenda had seen me with clothes on, so I wanted to look nice. I picked out a plaid shirt, pleated pants, and a pair of loafers that I could wear without socks. I rode my bike to Brenda's house; there was a car out front that I didn't recognize. Just as I was about to ring the doorbell,...

4 years ago
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call girl stories start with her first job intervi

call girl storiescall girl stories start with her first job interview as a paid escort... I remember it was summer before my freshman year at university. My father had just lost his job and money was scarce. My friend recommended a way to earn money to supplement my needs. The idea of working as a hostess in a swinger’s club was never a thought that had passed my mind especially since I was truly inexperienced when it came to sex.The day of my interview I went wearing a short skirt and sheer...

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Gil Comes Back for Seconds

I have to tell the most exciting story, that Judy and I ever did. To this day, every time I think about it, I still get a hard on. It was the first time I got to see Judy with someone else. Gil kept calling Judy at work, wanting to get back with her. He had no idea that I knew anything about their first Tris. Judy called me from her work, to tell me that Gil had been calling her. She wanted to know what I wanted her to do. Of course I wanted her to do something with him again. Our story time,...

2 years ago
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French Maid

My fifteen-year-old daughter Dominique was even sexier that her mother had been. Since her mother’s death two years ago Dominique has been a handful to say the least. My hands were tied and I was at my wits end. I couldn’t beat Dominique as much as she deserved and I couldn’t put her into foster care either. As a last resort my sister promised to straighten her out and return her to me in a few months. I had my doubts but I had no other choice but to take her up on her offer. So I...

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The Submissive Seminar That changed My Life

The Submissive Seminar That Changed My Life Mary Ellen Powers One evening in early October, I was relaxing at home, reading the local paper, when my wife popped into our den and asked what plans I had made for my two weeks vacation in mid-November. I told her, that quite frankly, I hadn't given much thought to what I might do. "Great, she replied. " I have got just the thing for you then. Look at this ad in the Personals". I took that section of the newspaper from her and...

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MelissaChapter 2

“Danny, get that floor jack over there and jack the rear end up. We’ll get those wheels changed,” Patch told me. “Melissa, grab that air hose over there on that reel, and pull it over here so I can use the impact wrench on the lug nuts. I knew they were going to be rusted. I sprayed penetrating oil on them yesterday.” Melissa jumped like she’d been poked, when he called her name to help. But she grinned and ran across the shop to get the end of the air hose from the hose reel. She walked...

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Meister T Sissi Hooking

Meister – T – Mann – Frau – Sissi – Paare Frau und MannAus dem Leben eines Meisters.Sissi "Schwanz und Eier "Hooking"Ein Meister – der sehr strenge –packt die Eier enge –drückt sie – bis auf Boden –haut dann noch – die Hoden,an diesem schönen – Leiden –tun sich gerne – weiden –Sissis – und der edle Mann –der so immer – gerne sann –zu dienen – einem Meister –der auch kennt – die GeisterHeute ist ¬ die große Feier ¬denn erzogen ¬ werden Eier...

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MageChapter 11

When the door closed all three men stood and looked around unsure of their duties but knew enough to wait for orders. Each of us looked to see what we had caught. The surge in power was caused by fully loaded crystals that had been destroyed by good old human technology. It would normally only effect those that could sense magic but a great many could do this without knowing. It was Hassan that had the chauffeur. He was also a vessel used when the need arose. Mordock took the power from the...

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Laura aka The Little Nympho Chapter 11 Part 3 Babysitting Katie

Introduction: Laura, a.k.a. The little Nympho.. Chapter 11.. Part 3..(Babysitting Katie) Laura, a.k.a. The little Nympho Chapter 11 ( babysitting Katie) Part 3 I went down stairs to find Keith on the couch in the living room and plopped down beside him. He rapped an arm around me and said. Nice dump, whos is it? My home room teacher, Mr. B. I take it that it was his daughter watching the live porn show in the kitchen? Ya, dont worry though, shes cool. And she has got the hottie hots for...

4 years ago
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Dragons Flight Pt2

Dragon's first Flight pt.2As Dragon slowly returns to the land of present, I remove the spreader bar from between her legs and decide I need one last taste of her lovely pussy juice. On my way back up to untie her hands from above her head, my tongue finds each of her still perky nipples and gives them a little flick each. Finally, I untie her hands and I help her ease them down to her side. If anyone has had their arms tied above their head, they'll know that your arm muscles kind of go...

3 years ago
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How I lost my virginity

As you know I started sucking my cousin’s cock at a young age. He made me his little cum whore very quickly and I enjoyed every second of it. I learned to swallow cum like a fucking pro. After a few years of him filling my face with cum and fingering my pussy, he decided that it would be good time to take my virginity. He brought me into his bedroom one day while I was at my Uncle’s house. I thought that I was going to get to suck his cock again so once the door closed I went straight to my...

2 years ago
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Adventures of RachaelThe high school slut 2

It's not necessary to read the previous part but i would recommend you to read it first and get a feel about the characters. Rachael was very ecstatic about the homecoming because the captain of her school football team,Michael has asked her on the dance.Being the slut she was, Rachael never had any steady relationship with someone but ever since she had given him a blowjob in his car,she wanted it inside her pussy.Rachael had brought a sexy dress for the homecoming.It was a red and...

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Jay and Deb after a bad day at work

When I got home from work I was pretty pooped, and not in the best of moods. My day had been a bitch, and so had my boss. The wife was doing the laundry, and I surprised her by being half an hour early. We were still suffering from the after effects of an argument a few days before, so there was tension between us. I flopped in the livingroom and turned on the TV. She came in and sat on the adjoining couch. After a few moments, she said "Are you still mad at me?" After brief consideration I...

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The Neighborly Thing To Do

Introduction: New neighbors move into the house next door, an invitation to a barqeque, gives them the shock of a lifetime. The Neighborly Thing To Do! Story: #43 Copyright 2009 Written: March 21 2009 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed By: KaosAngel Story Named By: Ay-Wun Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ******************************************** Noise and the rumbling of a truck coming to a stop can be heard from outside the house, Looks like someone finally...

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