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“Love,” Shayla said as she busied herself setting out plates on the kitchen table, “is what you and I have together. It’s more than just a feeling. It is a connection, unique and special.”

“Okay,” Kevin responded unsurely. “And how does that explain anything.”

She leaned over him, a hand on his shoulder and another on the table next to his place setting. Her hair dangled tantalizingly to her right. Her face was relaxed into a patient smile. “It explains everything. You were pushing me. I pushed back. I didn’t stop loving you. In fact, because I knew you love me the way you do, it made it possible for me to behave the way I did.”

“You enjoyed it,” he challenged her.

Her head tilted toward the ceiling and her smile became wide. “That was the whole point, wasn’t it? You wanted me to have the experience; to enjoy it, so that you could watch me enjoy it. You enjoyed watching me just as much as I enjoyed the experience.”

“So, do you love Jason now?”

She tapped her chin with a long finger. “I do. But I always have. Just not the way I love you.”

“How is there a difference?”

“I love Jason. Being around him, just thinking about him, gives me a flutter in my belly. I mean, I just love how he acts around me. And, I truly loved how it felt when he fucked me. It was good; really, really good. But you make me swoon. Because I love you so much, you make me complete. And you so obviously love me that you let me have Jason like that.”

Kevin grinned and nodded. “You did look hot,” he admitted.

“And I have noticed,” Shayla shook her hair so it waved seductively, “over the past week, that it has affected your libido in a very positive way.”


“We have been fucking like bunnies, darling,” she chuckled. “It’s been very hot, very passionate, and pretty intense. I think that my Iron Bowl experience has rekindled your interest in me.” She pushed off from the table and stepped to the stove.

“I never lost interest,” Kevin claimed.

Shayla gave a short laugh in the back of her throat as she lifted the cover from the pan and gave the goulash a casual stir. “I know,” she said. “But there’s no doubt that you’ve been really interested since Jason was here. How’s he doing, by the way?”


She nodded silently as she recovered the skillet.

“Okay, I guess. I haven’t heard from him all week.”

“I think you ought to call and check on him,” she suggested. “He could be wracked with guilt.”

That struck him as funny. “Jason?” he laughed. “Hell, all his dreams came true that night. Why would he feel guilty?”

She turned toward him, leaned against the wall and crossed her arms in front of her. “Because,” she said, “To put is somewhat crudely, he fucked his best friend’s wife. What he doesn’t know is that we played him. He was a pawn in our little scheme.”

“Our scheme?” he asked.

“Well,” Shayla shrugged, “Once it became clear what the plan was…”

“So, why did you do it?”

“Because everything just seemed to align perfectly. I wanted to, he wanted to, and you wanted it, too.”

“Hmm,” he nodded. “Because you love Jason?”

She grinned. “Don’t be jealous that I love your friend.”

“Your lover.”

“That’s stretching it a bit. I mean, there was only that one time.”

“So far,” he grinned at her.

“You need to call him,” she said, levelling her eyes on him.

“Me? I’m sure he’d much rather hear from you.”

“In due time. But, he’s your friend. You need to tell him that your friendship is still intact.”

“Are you planning to do him again?”

Shayla smiled. “That’s a possibility, if things align.”

“What if I told you it makes me uncomfortable?”

“Then I won’t. But it doesn’t. It makes you hot. The best part is that it makes you hot for me.” She turned toward the stove, took a potholder and lifted the lid from the steaming pan.

“This is ready,” she said.

“Smells great,” he confirmed.

“So, you’ll call Jason?” she said, pulling the pan from the stove and placing it on a ceramic square on the counter.

“Sure,” he acquiesced. “Any message from you?”

She cupped her hand and waved her fingers in beckoning to bring the plates to her. “You can tell him I love how he loves me.”

“A song lyric?” he chuckled.

“It fits,” she said shortly, spooning the aromatic mixture on the plate Kevin held extended.

“Not particularly creative.”

“You could tell him I loved how he fucked me, and how it made you so hot that we’ve been fucking non-stop ever since.”

“I don’t think he needs to hear that.” He took the filled plates to the table and set them in their respective settings.

Shayla replaced the cover on the pan and walked to the table. She sat opposite him and took a sip of the merlot poured as their choice for the evening. Over the rim of her glass she looked at Kevin and smiled. “The truth is, what happened has awakened both of us. We’d almost forgotten how much we liked to fuck. I don’t mean make love, either. I mean the raw, carnal, fucking that we’ve been doing for the last week.”

“You’re giving me another hard-on,” he scolded.

She grinned wickedly. “You saw him fuck me. You saw how much I liked it. We both rediscovered the pure joy of fucking just because it feels so good. Why shouldn’t he know he’s partially responsible for helping make that happen?”

“I think you just want him to come back and fuck you again,” he suggested.

The grin on her face broadened. “Of course I do. So do you.”

“I never said that.”

“You didn’t have to say it. After seven years of living with you I’ve gotten pretty good at reading you. And then there’s your inability to look at me without wanting to strip me naked and pound your cock into me.”

He picked up his fork before raising his eyes to hers. He nodded briefly. “I’ll call him.”

“Dude,” Kevin said jovially into the phone when Jason answered. “You don’t have to worry about what happened last weekend.”

“I don’t know what to say, man,” he replied. “You don’t know how bad I feel.”

“Hey! It was a fluke play, man. Running back a missed field goal like that? Only the holder and kicker had a chance to stop him. I knew it screwed the season for you guys, bumping the Tide out of the championship game and all, but it was a once-in-a-lifetime play.”

“What? The game?” He sounded completely baffled.

“Yeah,” Kevin replied with a laugh. “A whole season screwed by one fucked up play.”

“That’s not,” he started. “I haven’t thought once about the damned game. But, Shayla,” he stopped.

“Oh, that!” Kevin chuckled. “Shayla’s fine. She sends her love.”

“Dude,” Jason stammered. “She’s your wife, man!”


“And you’re not pissed at what we did?”

“Naw, man. She wanted to.”

“And you guys are all right?”

“Better than all right. Hell, Dude, it’s like you lit a fire in her or something. The past week has been awesome.”

Kevin heard him hold his breath for a long time and finally release it in a long sigh of relief. “I’m not so sure I’d be so understanding,” he said.

“It’s Shayla, man,” Kevin beamed at him through the phone. “Besides, except for her renewed interest in getting laid, she’s just the same. I mean, she’s still sassy, funny, and full of herself. She’s still Shayla, man.”

“What about you?”

“Dude, I’m your friend. I’m flattered you’re hot for my wife. So am I. Truth is, Shayla was totally in control. So, I’m not about to blame you for something she did.”

“Are you pissed at her that she, um, did me like that?”

“You got to know that’s one of the things I love about her. She’s going to do what she’s going to do. But, she really loves me, too. So, it is all cool.”

“You’re serious, right?

“Yeah, man. That’s why I called you. She thought you might be feeling guilty or something.”

“Shayla told you to call me?”

“I would have called anyway, but, yeah. She told me I should.”

“Look, man,” Jason said, seriously. “I promise I won’t ever do that again.”

Kevin laughed. “She’s going to be real disappointed to hear that.”

There was silence on the line.

Finally, Kevin said, “Jason, look. This is a little complicated, okay?”

“How’s that?” he asked.

“She loves you, man. I’ll let her tell you all about that. But, she doesn’t want to screw up our friendship. What she wants is for the two of you to have a relationship together. She’s sure it won’t screw up our marriage. Something about loving me differently than how she loves you. You got to remember, this is Shayla we’re talking about. She’s got some different ideas.”

“No shit,” Jason chuckled.

“Look, let’s not do this on the phone, okay? I mean, the three of us need to get together and talk about this in person.”

“Just sit around the kitchen table and talk about me fucking your wife?” Jason scoffed.

“It’s not like that, dude,” Kevin said with a bit of an edge. “I just don’t want to speak for her, okay? Let her explain it to you herself. It makes more sense when she says it.”

“I don’t know, man,” he said. “That sounds really odd.”

“Look, just come for dinner on Friday. We’ll just take it as it goes. Let her take the lead, you know what I mean?”

“Just dinner, though.”

“That’s the plan. You and I will grill some steaks and drink some beers.”

“But she’ll be there, won’t she?”

“Yeah,” Kevin said easily. “But what she does or says is all up to her, okay?”

“You’re not going to shoot me when I walk in the door?”

“Naw,” he laughed. “You’re my bud.”

“I’m not trying to steal you wife you know,” he said, sounding grave and serious.

“I know. Shit, man. We both love her. It’ll be okay.”

That evening, Shayla and Kevin sat in their living room, Kevin on the sofa and Shayla in her recliner. There wasn’t crap on the TV and even the DVR was virtually empty of anything of interest.

“Did you call Jason?” she asked.

“Yeah, this afternoon.”

“Is he okay?”

“It took some convincing, but, yeah, he’s okay. I invited him to come cook steaks and drink beers Friday.”

“Did you? Good. I guess I’d better call him, then.”

“You’re going to call him now?”

“No time like the present,” she said, picking up the wireless handset and pressing the speed-dial number. She didn’t put it on speaker, so Kevin only heard her half of the conversation.

“Jason? Hello, lover. Why not? You made love to me, baby. That makes you my lover. I like it.”

She paused.

“I know you don’t, lover, but it is okay. I want to make sure you know that.”

Another pause.

Shayla chuckled. “I did. I really did. I loved how you fit in my mouth. It nearly made me crazy feeling the pulsing in your cock as you came.”


“I’m not uncomfortable with it, lover. Don’t tell me you didn’t love it sliding up inside me for the first time. I still get quivers when I think of how full, warm, and naughty it felt when you penetrated me. It was wonderful.”

“Yes, he’s here.”

“He already knows, lover. I’ve told him. Every time we talk about it he gets a hard-on and we fuck. So, I guess I should thank you for that.”

She paused again, then laughed.

“Of course it can happen again, Jason. I want you. I want you all over me, kissing my nipples, sucking them, tonguing me. I want you to come down my throat again, and to feel your cock slide inside me. It can happen, baby, and I hope it will.”

“I told you he could. He said you’re coming over Friday. I get wet just thinking about it.”

“No, it’s not like that, baby. I still love him intensely. But I love you, too. Why shouldn’t I have both of you?”

“I know you don’t understand it right now. But we’ll sort it all out Friday before we fuck.”

“Of course we are. Why else do you think you’re coming over?”

“We’ll do that, too, lover.”

“No, it doesn’t. We’re partners. I’ll explain everything Friday night. Now tell me you love me so I can let you go.”

“You see? That wasn’t so hard, was it? I love you, too, Jason. Now say goodnight.”

“Bye-bye, lover. I can’t wait ‘til Friday.”

Shayla hung up the phone and grinned. “Do you feel like a cuckold?” She burst into a laugh.

“Not really,” Kevin admitted.

“That’s because you’re not. You just love me.”

“What else did he say?”

“Oh, he tried to tell me it could never happen again. I kind of said it certainly would.”

“I heard that part. You probably scared the shit out of him.”

“Well, he’s coming Friday, and we’re going to talk and fuck, so I don’t believe he’s all that scared.”

“I am, though,” he chuckled. “You’re one scary bitch.”

“And you’re one horny bastard,” she grinned at me, nodding toward the hardness tenting his pants. “Wanna go fuck?”

Jason arrived late Friday afternoon carrying a six-pack of beer for Kevin and a bunch of flowers for Shayla.

“Isn’t that sweet?” Shayla gushed. “You brought me flowers.”

“Yeah,” Jason said, his voice sounding a little strangled.

Shayla wrapped her arm around his neck and pulled his head toward her. “You don’t have to bring me flowers, lover,” she murmured. “We’re still going to fuck.”

“Geez, Shayla,” Kevin protested. “Give the guy a chance to get in the door.”

She kissed him on the mouth like he’d been gone for months to a combat zone. When she backed away she fixed her gaze on him to judge his reaction. He looked embarrassed and confused.

“Come on, dude,” Kevin said, pulling him into the hallway. “We’ve got steak to grill.”

“Yeah,” he mumbled, watching the back end of Shayla as she retreated down the hall toward the kitchen.

“I’m going to put these in water,” she called. “Then I’ll join you on the deck.”

“You stay the hell off the deck,” Kevin ordered sternly, “until I call you.”

“Fine,” she said, with the typical female intonation that let me know it really wasn’t fine.

“Come on,” he encouraged Jason. “You and me, on the deck, with no female interference for a little while.”

“Look, man,” Jason started as they burst through the back door and took the three steps up to the deck where the grill and steaks waited.

“Be cool,” Kevin commanded, flipping the cover off the grill. The coals glowed orange and had a light dusting of grey ash. “Perfect,” he said. “Go ahead,” he ordered Jason. “Put ‘em on the rack. Pick yours out so you can cook it like you like it.”

“Medium rare,” he said, carefully placing the three ribeyes on the grill.

“Us, too,” Kevin said. “That makes it easy.” He put the cover back on the grill, making sure the vent holes were open. “Okay,” he said. “Grab a chair.”

Jason eased into the chair keeping his eyes leveled on Kevin’s.

“A word of warning,” Kevin said. “Don’t piss her off.”

“What?” He was obviously confounded.

“Don’t piss her off,” he repeated. “Just go with the flow and let her have her way. It’s going to be better for all of us if you do.”

“Man, look,” he said plaintively, “I never meant to screw around with your wife.”

Kevin shook his head, smiling a little ruefully. “I know. I know, Jason. But, you know what? It makes her happy. I mean, I don’t know what it is about you, but she loves you to death.”

“Yeah, but we shouldn’t be screwing, man. I never intended to hurt you.”

“I’m not hurt, Jase. You gotta learn to accept that.”

“I don’t understand, man. Seriously, I don’t see how…well, you know.”

“One more time, Jase, you have to remember this is Shayla, okay? She’s so completely awesome. If I was to try to come between the two of you, she would be highly pissed. She’s managed to convince me that screwing you doesn’t affect the relationship between us at all.”

“How can that be?” he asked.

“Because,” Kevin explained, “it’s just like dancing, only a little more intimate. She’s dancing with you and coming back to me. Just because she screwed you doesn’t make any difference in how she feels about me.”

“And you believe that?”

“I don’t have much choice, do I? I can accept it or I can leave. I can’t see that happening. What would you do if you were in my shoes?”

“I guess I see your point.”

“So, just don’t piss her off, okay? Make her feel good. Treat her with respect and do what she wants. If you piss her off she’ll think I was behind it and trying to ruin her fun. That will make her pissed off at me, too. Do you really want her to be pissed at both of us?”

“Of course not. I just want you to know…”

“I know, man,” he said, waving a hand carelessly in the air. “None of this is about me, though. It’s only a little bit about you. Mostly, it’s about Shayla, okay? Just accept that and we’ll all be fine.”

“I thought you guys might like a beer,” Shayla called, sticking her head out the back door.

“Come on,” Kevin called back. “We’re done.”

“You might want to flip those steaks,” Kevin told Jason as he accepted the bottle from Shayla.

He stood up and grabbed the handle of the cover. The smoke billowed from the grill as he whipped off the top. He grabbed a spatula and flipped each of the steaks, recovered the grill and sat back down.

Shayla leaned against the railing holding her own bottle. She’d dressed in white shorts, a pink, sleeveless top, and gold sandals. Her hair was pushed off her face with a brown plastic headband.

“Are you through threatening him?” she directed at her husband.

“I didn’t threaten him,” he said defensively.

“He didn’t,” Jason added quickly.

Shayla nodded. “So, do you want to talk now?” she nodded at Jason.

“If you want to,” he answered.

She waved her bottle toward Kevin. “You know I love him?”

Jason nodded. “Yeah.”

“And you know we belong together.” It was more of a statement than a question.

“I know that.”

Shayla took a pull from her bottle. “Did you ever think you’d get in my pants?”

Jason nearly choked. “I didn’t…I mean, I…No, I never did think that.”

Shayla chuckled. “But you wanted to, and last week you did, didn’t you?”

“I…uh…Yeah, I guess I did.”

“How do you think that happened?”

Jason shrugged. “You kind of made it happen.”

Shayla grinned. “Yes, I did. My husband started it.”

“Did he?”

“For months he’s been telling me how much you love me. He’s been saying that I should screw you. The truth is, I gave it some real consideration, but I didn’t think he was really serious until last Friday. When he challenged me last Friday, I just said, ‘What the hell,’ and decided to go ahead and do it.

“You know what I found out?” she asked him.


“I liked it. I loved it. I found out that I really like to fuck, and I really, really like fucking you. And I found out that my husband likes it when I fuck you.”

“I see,” Jason said.

“And, I think you really like fucking me, too.” Shayla took another sip from her beer.

“So what we have here,” she went on, “is a three-way win. You like it, I like it, and he likes it. So, why not?”

“Well,” Jason said, “What about your relationship with him?” He waved his bottle toward Kevin.

“It’s fine. We belong together. We’re hot for each other. We’re especially hot for each other after you and I fuck.”

“So what we do actually improves your relationship?” he asked.

“As weird as that sounds,” she replied, “it seems so.”

“I guess that makes me a lucky guy,” Jason grinned.

“Me, too,” Kevin chimed in.

“It’s important that you know,” Shayla told Jason, “That what happened last week was not a mistake. It was a beginning. We all want more of it. It’s hot, sexy, and full of joy for all of us. Can you relax and be okay with that?”

“As long as nobody gets their feelings hurt,” Jason said.

Shayla stood up and nodded at the grill. “I’m guessing those are about ready. I’ll go get the potatoes out of the oven.” She stepped down the three stairs to the ground and disappeared through the door.

Jason looked at Kevin trying to gauge his reaction.

“Nice job of not pissing her off,” Kevin said.

The steaks were perfect, of course. They were charred just enough on the outside to hold in the juices of the gently pink middle, and seasoned with a light dusting of garlic salt and a slightly more generous dosing of lemon pepper.

Shayla groaned appreciatively with her first mouthful. Kevin grinned. Jason stared into his plate.

“Yeah,” Kevin agreed with his wife. “Perfect. We’re going to have to keep him around if for no other reason than to burn our meat.”

“Should we ask him to move in?” Shayla ventured. “We’ve got that extra bedroom.”

Kevin shrugged. “Sure, if you like. That way you can roam from one to the other as the mood suits you. Of course, I’m not sure he likes surprises like that in the middle of the night.”

“Uh, excuse me,” Jason interjected. “Would you mind not talking about me in the third person? It’s unsettling.”

“I’m sorry, lover,” Shayla said with a soft smile. “Would you consider moving in with us?”

“The problem is,” Kevin ventured, “That would really mess with his privacy and screw up his social life.”

“He’s not going to need a social life,” Shayla argued. “A social life is all about getting laid on a regular basis. He’s going to have that here.”

“You’re doing it again,” Jason said. “Like I’m not here.”

“It’s interesting that he’s more concerned with the verb tense than with the topic at hand, don’t you think?” Kevin directed at Shayla.

“We’re trying to make a decision,” Shayla answered. “All he has to do is agree or reject it.”

“No shit, you two,” Jason said, his eyes flashing something akin to anger.

Shayla laughed and reached out to tenderly touch his shoulder. “Jason, honey, we’re teasing you. What do you think about the idea of moving in with us? Wouldn’t it be more convenient?”

His eyes traveled back and forth between Shayla and Kevin. “A kind of continual threesome?” he asked.

Shayla cast her eyes down. “We haven’t had a threesome,” she said with a sly grin, raising her eyes to meet mine. “Yet,” she added.

There was an uncomfortable silence at the table.

“So,” she asked him, “What do you think about the idea?”

“Which one? The threesome or moving in?” he asked.

“Both,” Shayla said.

“I don’t know,” he said. “To be honest, I hadn’t thought about a real threesome. I guess if you are both up for it, it would be okay.”

“Better than okay,” she told him. “It would be awesome.”

“Awesome?” Kevin laughed at her statement. “Like, just totally awesome?”

“Both of my best guys making love to me? Yeah, that would be awesome,” Shayla said.

“As far as moving in,” Jason said, “I don’t know. I don’t want to be dependent, you know/”

“We could try it, though,” Shayla offered. “Come stay for a couple of weeks and we’ll see how it works. Kind of like a vacation.”

Jason shrugged. “We could try it, I guess.”

“We’ll have to work on the ground rules and such,” Kevin noted. “Chores and responsibilities?”

“You’re going to make me do chores on my vacation?” Jason jibed.

“Always the organizer,” Shayla threw at Kevin. “Please tell me there’s not going to be a roommate agreement he has to sign?”

“We can work it out as we go along,” he conceded.

“Good,” she said, “Because you don’t want to come between me and my happiness.”

“Definitely not,” Kevin laughed. “Doing pretty well so far.”

“You are,” she agreed and leaned over to kiss him on the temple. “Thank you.”

She turned to face Jason. “And you,” she said, putting a hand to his cheek, “Can just keep doing what you’re doing.”

“What’s that?” he asked.

“Stay aroused and keep pleasing me.”

Shayla lay on her back, naked, her knees raised and spread as Jason licked and sucked on her nether lips. Kevin’s duty was to attend to her distended nipples with his lips and tongue. Shayla’s breathing was ragged and irregular with arousal.

“Oh, fuck!” she cried out. “Please, Jason, stop! Fuck me, please!”

Jason swiped the back of his hand across his face and crawled up Shayla’s body. He knelt upright and slid his hands under her ass, lifting her hips until her opening aligned with his swollen cock.

Shayla’s hands gripped the rails of the headboard as Jason’s engorged member slid inside her.

“Oh, fuck!” she moaned. “Yeah, baby! Just like that! Hold it in there and let me just feel you.” Her eyes rolled a bit and fixed on Kevin’s.

“Do you have any idea how good that feels?” she asked.

He chuckled. “I know how good it feels to him,” he replied.

Her left hand released its grip on the rail and she found purchase on Kevin’s hardness as he knelt beside her. She tugged it none too gently.

“I want to you to come on my tits,” she said softly.

“Really?” he asked. They’d never done that before.

Her head nodded quickly. “I want to feel your hot come on me and his inside me.”

“It won’t feel degrading?” he asked her.

This time she shook her head. “No, because I want it.”

“If that’s what you want,” he conceded.

“You can start fucking me now,” she directed at Jason. “Nice and slow to start.”

“You’re so hot and wet and tight,” he groaned, easing himself back so his meat would slide nearly out of her.

Her right hand came to rest on his shoulder right at the bottom of his neck. Kevin could see her gently massage him.

“The two of you fuck me so good,” she murmured as Jason pushed himself back inside her.

After her initial tug on Kevin’s tool, Shayla began an even stroking motion timed with Jason’s strokes. He put his right hand on top of her head and looked into her eyes. They had a brilliant shine and shifted from Jason to Kevin and back again.

“You’re loving this, aren’t you?” he asked her.

She looked at him with a distant gaze that gradually focused on his face. “Oh, fuck, yes,” she said emphatically. “I love having my two guys right here with me. I love you both so much.”

Kevin chuckled again. “You like how we make you feel.”

“I love how you make me feel,” she said with a moan, “But we need to go faster.”

“Pick it up, buddy,” he said to Jason. “Milady wants it harder.”

“Yes!” Shayla hissed as Jason sped up his strokes.

Her hips were rising to meet his thrusts and encouraging him to plunge himself into her. At the same time, her stroking of Kevin’s meat became erratic.

“You want me to take over here,” he asked her, wrapping his hand over hers.

“Yes, please,” she gasped. “I have to…”

Jason grunted and pushed into Shayla as far as he could. “Oh, fuck,” he groaned.

“It’s okay, baby,” Shayla purred, holding him close. She looked at Kevin. “Stop,” she commanded.

She gently rolled Jason off her and beckoned Kevin to come to her.

“You have to finish me off,” she said.

He knelt between her legs and pushed his cock into her sloppy, wet, hot cunt.

“I need you, baby,” she whispered to me. “I need you to fuck me hard and fast.”

Instead, he slowly plunged into her and back away. He repeated the motion, savoring the sensations of her freshly fucked body.

“Do it,” she commanded.

He did it. Pounding harder and harder into his wife, watching her face as it tightened, he smiled to himself with the realization that she really did need him.

“Fuck me, baby!” she cried out. “Oh, yeah! I’m there. I’m cumming!”

Jason lay on his back, his head turned to the left, watching them.

Shayla pumped her hips toward the ceiling and bellowed a victory cry. Kevin continued to pound into her through her orgasm. She took up a methodical shout of “Yes! Yes! Yes!” in time with his thrusts. “I want another!” she screamed. “Don’t stop!”

Kevin wasn’t about to stop. His own release was approaching, but he knew it was under control. He could keep going until Shayla clamped herself on him with her next climax. Only then would he allow himself to dump all his seed inside her.

“Yes! Oh, baby! Yes!” she yelled, her hips reaching for the ceiling.

Three plunges later he felt the familiar burning in his thighs and groaned his release. His hot ejaculate joined Jason’s in Shayla’s deepest recesses as tears of joy and release streamed from her eyes.

She grabbed Kevin’s face in her hands and pulled him to her for a rapid series of passionate kisses while she panted in her post-coital rapture. “Oh, God, baby,” she gasped, “I love how you fuck me. I love how we fuck each other.”

“Me, too,” Kevin agreed between his own panting gasps.

She reached out to tousle Jason’s hair and grinned at him. “You’re good, too, baby,” she breathed raggedly. “My two best guys. Promise you’ll both keep on fucking me like we just did.”

“I don’t see how we can resist,” Kevin told her, speaking for both men as he rolled away from her.

Shayla stood naked at the breakfast bar drinking from glass of water. Her eyes were on her iPad. She touched the screen occasionally between sips from the glass.

“Hey,” Kevin greeted her.

She looked up at him and smiled. “Hey, yourself. What’s with the shorts?” she asked as she quickly scanned his frame.

He shrugged. “I don’t know. Jason is still in the shower.”

“Well, I think we should just stay naked, baby. I mean, we’ve seen each other.”

“Fine with me,” he said, reaching for the button front to shed the garment. “Are you okay?”

“Me? I’m great. Waiting for round two.”

He chuckled. “Liking it, are you?”

She took a long sip at her glass and nodded. “You?”

“I’m good,” he told her, walking toward the cabinet to get his own glass.

Jason appeared with a towel wrapped around his waist.

“Are you shy, baby?” Shayla asked him.

“Yeah, a little bit, I guess,” he responded.

“Madame, the queen has decided we should all just stay au natural,” Kevin joked as he filled his glass from the water dispenser in the refrigerator door.

Jason tilted his head and shrugged. He unwrapped the towel and hung it around his neck. “Better?” he asked her.

Shayla smiled. “Much.”

“Is that all you’re having, water?” he asked.

“Mmm-hmm,” she hummed as she sipped. “Want some?” She held her glass out to him.

He took it from her hand and drained the remaining half-glass in four gulps. “Thanks,” he breathed, setting it down next to her.

“So, are we good?” she asked.

Jason looked toward Kevin. He raised his glass to him and nodded.

“Yeah, sure,” he said.

“What is it?” Shayla asked, folding the cover over he iPad.

Jason looked toward the darkened window, gathering his thoughts. “I just, I don’t know. I heard what you said earlier, and kind of felt like I was intruding on the two of you.”

“You’re not,” she told him firmly. “You have to understand that we’ve been fucking a lot longer than you and I have. It’s kind of a shorthand. You’re not intruding. You’re my lover and I want you here.”

He looked at Kevin again.

“Whatever she wants,” Kevin said. “It’s all good with me.”

“It just feels a little weird right now,” Jason said.

Shayla stepped around the breakfast bar to stand in front of him. She looked up into his face and put her hands on his shoulders.

“You love me, don’t you?”

“I, uh, yeah. I guess so.”

“Why don’t you kiss me like you’d kiss your lover?”

“You mean it?”

“Put your arms around me and kiss me, Jason,” Shayla ordered.

The first attempt was pretty chaste.

“Come on,” she said disparagingly. “I’m not your sister. Kiss me like you want to fuck me.”

Jason made a loose fist with his right hand, placed it under her chin and pulled her close for a much more passionate and intimate kiss. Shayla’s arms went from his shoulders to his neck. She opened her mouth to accept his tongue and sucked it vigorously. His left hand found the swell of her breast and he caressed it, running his thumb over the nipple. She moaned softly and pulled gently away.

“I knew you loved me,” she whispered.

“I can’t help it,” he murmured.

She smiled and nodded, taking a half-step back and capturing his hardening cock in her hand.

“Good,” she said softly. “Now we can go back to bed and fuck like lovers.”

Three-quarters-of-an-hour later Shayla padded into the den where Kevin sat scanning the satellite receiver for something interesting to watch. She sat across his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck.

“What happened to you?” she asked in a low voice.

“I just thought I’d let the two lovers have some quality time together.”

“Thank you,” she whispered in his ear, planting a tender kiss on his temple.

“For what?” I asked innocently.

“For the time. For your patience and indulgence. For being a perfect gentleman.”

He shrugged. “I really wasn’t invited.”

“You’re always invited, my love,” she said. “Still, you chose the path of dignity.”

“I’m not sure I felt dignified.”

Shayla pressed herself against him. “I love you.”

“I know.”

“I don’t want you to feel bad about this.”

“I don’t know exactly what I feel.”

“I am yours, my darling. We belong together. Jason doesn’t take away anything from that. If anything, he adds to it.”

He nodded, not entirely convinced. “Would you care to explain that?”

“He adores me. When we fuck, all that adoration transmits to me. It’s a glorious, exhilarating feeling. And it compounds in me with the love I feel for you. I am overflowing with love for you.”

“And for him.”

She squeezed my neck. “Attraction, gratitude, and certainly a fondness. But the love, my darling, is totally and completely yours.”

“I’m not sure I understand how that works,” he confessed.

“I don’t know how it works, either. I just know that it does. At this moment, I feel so exhilarated, so adored, and so desired that I am just overflowing with emotion. I want you and need you to be the receptacle for all the love that I feel.”

“This is all so much more introspective than my Shayla has ever been. What have you done with my sassy, snappy, seductive Shayla?”

“She’s still here,” she said, tugging at his neck. “I just thought you might need some bolstering and consolation, some confirmation that I am crazy in love with you.”

“My sassy Shayla would have said something like, ‘I’m going to get laid. You don’t mind, do you?’ Instead of all this ‘compounding’ business.”

“Would you believe that I haven’t had enough?” she asked, her eyes twinkling.

“You’re not serious.”

“I’ve told you that I’ve rediscovered my desire to fuck. I really, really like it.”

“And you have done it.”

She nodded, her curls bouncing. “I have. And I want to do it again.”

“Well, he’s still in there, isn’t he?”

“But you’re the one I want right now,” she said. “He’s had his go. Now I want you. So get up off your miserable, forsaken, pitiful ass and come fuck your wife in front of her lover.”

“You want him to watch, do you? Why?”

“Because,” she whispered close to his ear, “I want him to see what I’m like when I’m fucking the man I love, and to yearn to be able to satisfy me like you do. Besides, it excites me to fuck when someone else is watching me.”

“It excites you?”

“It does. I’m already tingling thinking about how I’ll lean over him, kneeling for you to fuck me from behind, and letting him look into my eyes when you make me come.”

“Now there’s my Shayla,” he laughed. “Is that what you really want to do?”

She kissed him on the forehead and stood up, grasping his hand in hers. “That’s what I want,” she said, pulling him to a standing position and leading him back to the bedroom.

Jason moved in the next day and Shayla developed an insatiable appetite for sex. Every evening she will point at either Jason or Kevin and crook her finger. When she’s drained whomever she’s selected Shayla moves on to seek her pleasure from the other. Sometimes, she’ll point to both of them at the same time and summon both to attend her. Weekends were incredible marathons of sexual delight. They never wore clothes except when they went out.

Shayla bought Jason a wedding ring. Kevin got to officiate as she slid it on Jason’s finger. She surprised them both by holding out its smaller duplicate for him to put on her. She wears two wedding rings now and claims both of men as her husband.

“My life,” Shayla announced after one particularly vigorous Saturday session, “Is perfect. I have one husband who loves me, and another who adores me. And I love them both.”

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The girl inside me

The Girl inside me...I with my dolls outside the yard with Amber. What the fuck are you doing you little sissy? Screamed my daddy as he grabbed the doll out of hand and pulled me into the house. That day I learned what boys do and what girls do... but daddy I am a girl I said. Daddy looked at me just shook his head boys he said have dicks like this and girl have a pussy. Daddy made sure I did all the manly thing like football working out...I had a killer body 6 foot 1in... I was totally ripped....

3 years ago
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Special institution for naughty girls 18 to 22

CHAPTER 1. Special institution for girls 18 to 22. It  was a vast building sitting in the middle of 80 acres set in rural England.  It had been a medieval monastery. Now it still had its opposing outward appearance but had been  converted with no expense spared. These conversions had been undertaken by a group of very wealthy people. Also  Associated to this group with the same or similar interests. Were anonymous  political figures, high ranking police persons, judges, magistrates, etc. Now...

3 years ago
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Dart Sue

Sue grew up in a strict Catholic family. Although corporal punishment was politically incorrect by the time she reached high school, the nuns could still resort to pretty horrific discipline when necessary. Of course, her mother was under no such restrictions, and could teach the famed nuns of old some lessons in child discipline. Immediately after graduating, Sue married a prim and proper young man: a 4th Degree Knight of Columbus who often served communion to the parishioners. But Sue...

4 years ago
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Ultimate Love

So a lot has changed in my life over the past years. A few years ago I was a doting wife. Now I’m doing things with my own son I never thought a mother could do. A mother shouldn’t ever sleep or make love to their children, according to the law. A mother shouldn’t love a child more than any other child they have, but I couldn’t help thinking about how much I loved my own son more than my oldest daughter. My own son, the apple of my eye and the father of our new baby girl.It was hard at first...

1 year ago
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The adventures of Acerboy12

This adventure is of the time when I was young and my cock was smooth and it would touch my belly button at the sight of a pussy. My girlfriend at that time was younger than me and the nearest I got to her sweet young pussy was licking it in her back garden, in her tent on a gorgeous sunny day but I was not to concern about not fucking her young pussy because I was shagging her mother silly every second I could get my cock into her delicious fat juicy pussy.I was living at home at the time...

3 years ago
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Cattlemans LamentChapter 12

When Beth rode into the high meadows and approached the shack, she felt completely normal. Everything was right with the world. She would tell her parents about Buford, and then offer to go back to the ranch to mind things there. Her mother came out of the shack, her hands white with flour. She looked at her daughter, sitting on the horse. “What happened to you?” asked Amanda. “What do you mean?” asked Beth. “The Sheriff didn’t come. It’s a long story, but Buford is dead.” “You look...

2 years ago
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Second Time

How much do you know about sex? Oh, Im sure you know the mechanics of it. Its a rare girl who goes through any schoolpublic, private, home, whateverwho doesnt learn about how its done some time around puberty. Even in our supposedly backwards region of the nation, nobody goes to the marriage bed ignorant of whats about to happen. Im not talking about mechanics anyway, not yet. I mean, how much do you know about sex? You know that its what makes babies, Im sure. You know that its a lot of fun. ...

2 years ago
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Dog desire Chapter 7

Marie calmed down after you internet debut. That time of the month arrived mid-week which put a halt on things. On Friday Angela rang all excited. “The video was a smash hit” she said “and we got a flood of extra clients on the back of all the chatter”. Marie smiled and said she would be pleased to do it again. When asked when she looked at me and said “this Sunday”. She hung up and told me that Vern and Angela now had 2,000 followers who were paying $100 a week. I was gobsmacked. I never...

3 years ago
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A Dusty Memory

Cloud looked across the attic, spotting the cardboard box she had been looking for. A sad smile formed on her face and without hesitation, she kneeled next to it, unafraid of the memories she knew it would kick up. With trembling hands, she opened the box like it was a rare treasure. To Cloud, it was just that. This box held her past. The past that she both loved and hated at the same time. After searching through the box for some time, she carefully lifted out an old picture. Gingerly wiping...

2 years ago
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Chapter One Trust and Anticipation

THE TASK:Imagine a large empty room in a large 18th Century mansion. The walls clad in panels of alternating black velvet and antique grey mirror. Grey stained herringbone pattern oak floor, the ceiling decorated with ornate plaster mouldings.The room is mostly empty except for one large white leather armchair, centrered on a wall, mirror behind, opposite a pair of narrow central doors and to either side of the arm-chair, two small black, leather clad chests, each with a central buckle with a...

3 years ago
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Tell Laura Chapter 18

Tommy“Kazumi! Oh. My. Sweet. Fuck!”I just pulled Laura tight against me, holding her with one arm while pulling her towel around her with the other. I kissed her and let her shake through her orgasm. When I looked up, Kazumi was standing just in the entrance to the kitchen, with her mouth open.“Hi, Kaz. Excuse us, come in. Help yourself to a drink,” I said, tucking Laura’s towel in properly.“Tommy! What the fuck?”Kazumi spoke, “I am sorry, Tommy said dinner, I forgot he calls the midday meal...

3 years ago
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A Little Love

When you leave school in Britain everyone tells you how important it is to go to university and get a degree. What they don’t tell you is that these days just about every school leaver with half a brain cell is doing the same thing. As a result, unless you study at one of the great institutions, you qualify in some very specialised field, or you’re an academic superstar, when you graduate you find yourself competing against thousands of other university leavers for a limited number of really...

3 years ago
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Ashley Juggs is Always Number One

Ashley Juggs is Always Number One ---------------- Disclaimer: No one and nothing in this story is real. If you have any questions or like my story, tell me at [email protected], k? -------- Synopsis -------- Jenna finds out why Ashley Juggs will always be the top porn star. ---------------- Jenna thought about the contract she had just signed and smiled. This was it! This was going to be her step to number one. She'd always been number two in porn next to Ashley - that...

2 years ago
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Showing wife sex tape to our kids

Everything change when it we finish our final paper, I asked her to sleep with my best friend, who is Malay. His name is Abdul, he isn't good looking and he is fat type so he get pick on quite a bit. She know I wasn't joking and the result isn't out yet but she played along because she said she love me a lot. I already got lisence at that time and I drove my dad car, an Estima with full Tinted glass. Abdul was sitting at the back seat, my nervous wife was sitting right next to me. I park...

2 years ago
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Sex in a Melbourne hotel

Last year I was staying in a hotel near the airport in Melbourne, Australia. I was by myself and was looking forward to a relaxing night after a long flight. Anyway about 6pm after a shower I was lying on the bed watching a bit of TV and heard some sounds coming from the room next door. Of course the only thing to do was to put my ear right up to the wall and have a listen. There was a load of moaning and groaning and it was obvious that someone was getting a right good seeing to in the room...

1 year ago
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Master Takes Me to a Strip Club Part 2

blonde went backstage. Several of the guys in the club followed us to the car just to see what would happen. I was embarrassed and quickly opened the front door of Master’s SUV. “Did I tell you to get into the car slave?” I froze in my steps, “No Sir.” “Why do you think you have the privilege of riding the front seat? “I always sit in the front seat sir.” “We don’t always have company, and I decide where you sit.” “Yes sir. It will never happen again sir.” “It better not happen again you stupid...


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