Stacey Ch. 01 free porn video

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This is the third and final series from a group of nonfiction stories that began with ‘Angelina’ and continued with ‘Sisters.’

~ ~ ~

Sometimes there is no way to explain or even justify life. It simply assaults you, absolutely at random. Things happen that are so utterly cruel, you realize the gods must have it in for you. Then, just when everything seems completely hopeless, and crushing despair is all you can feel, life often changes its fickle mind and blesses you with something equally wonderful.

~ ~ ~

My beautiful wife of six years lay dying in a hospital bed. Christ, she was only twenty-seven, way too young to be on a fucking life-support machine. Still, there she was, slipping away, and all I could do was hold her hand as I cried at her side.

The EKG monitor finally went flat. My angel had lost her battle to survive, and we never even got to say goodbye.

Some drunken asshole had passed out at the wheel and crossed the center line, effectively ending two lives when he crashed into Angelina. She was just driving home from the grocery store, and suddenly she was gone. I may as well have died too.

The asshole drunk driver? He hardly suffered a scratch, and didn’t remember a thing.

I was lost. I didn’t want to live any longer.

One dreary Wednesday evening I was sitting at the dining room table writing my suicide note when my older brother burst into the kitchen.

Scott was like Kramer from Seinfeld in that he never knocked before he would just come barging in. He lived in L.A. with his wife Monica, but he was in San Francisco that week on business so I had him staying at my place.

He sat down at the table with me, and before I could even do anything he snatched my paper away. ‘What’s this?’ he asked casually.

Once he read the first few sentences, he slammed the paper on the table. Pissed off, he shoved me in the chest, knocking me to the kitchen floor. ‘This is bullshit!’ he roared. ‘You are not going to do this to Mom! You cannot fuck us over like this!’

He expected me to fight back, or at least attempt to explain myself, but I had no fight in me, and nothing to say.

When he finally calmed down, he made me tell him everything. We talked deep into the night, then he called Monica to let her know what was going on. Long story short, we agreed that the only chance I had was to move somewhere far away and try to start a whole new life.

‘Here’s what’s going to happen,’ he said. ‘I’m taking you out of here. You’re coming to live with Monica and me, and we’re leaving tonight. We’ll worry about the rest later.’

~ ~ ~

The months dragged by. Life went on. I didn’t care, so Scott managed to sell my house. I was staying in one of his extra bedrooms in their modest, well-kept home in L.A. He and Monica tried to keep me involved in things, and I did my best to be courteous and friendly, but mostly I was just existing. I would get up and go to work, then come home and watch TV with them until it was time to go to bed. On my off days I’d help around the house and otherwise just try to keep busy somehow.

I wasn’t still thinking about suicide, at least not constantly, anyway, the way I had been before. I sure as hell wasn’t thinking much about living, either. Like I said, I was just existing.

I appreciated all their help, so I gave Scott $20,000 from the sale of my house. He didn’t want to take it, but I insisted, and I put the rest in the bank. I felt the time had come to stop being a burden to them, and I had at least regained enough emotional stability to convince them that I wasn’t going to kill myself. I’d be okay eventually, was the working plan.

We decided I would get my own place. That was the whole point of moving away, wasn’t it, to start all over? At some point I was going to have to try, and they grudgingly agreed it was time.

I didn’t want another house. I didn’t want anything other than an apartment, or maybe even just a room for rent. I wanted as few responsibilities as possible.

A few days later I was browsing the local classifieds over breakfast at a coffee shop. I circled a fairly promising ‘Room for Rent’ ad: ‘Single woman looking to share a small but nice two-bedroom apartment. Good location, clean apartment. Male or female, either is fine. Pets are negotiable. No smokers and no flakes.’

I called the number and was shocked to hear my friend Stacey answer the phone!


‘Dan? Is that you? Hey, whatcha doing? We haven’t talked in, what’s it been, a couple of years now?’

‘I was…well, I was calling in response to your room for rent ad!’ I said, laughing.

That was the first time I’d laughed in I don’t know how long.

‘My room for rent ad? What happened to your house up north? Where’s Angie?’

‘Stacey, can I come and see you? We need to talk.’

‘Definitely. Come on over,’ she said, and she gave me her address.

‘I can be there in about an hour. Is that okay?’

‘That’s fine. It’s so great to hear your voice again! See you in a bit!’

Two hours later I was sitting on her couch, and I’d told her everything. We cried together for a long time.

‘Oh, Dan, I’m so sorry. I can’t believe it. I just can’t believe Angie is gone. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you.’

‘It’s not your fault, Stacey. Things happen, and sometimes people just fall out of touch.’

~ ~ ~

Stacey and I were best friends growing up. We were next-door neighbors, so we went to elementary school, junior high and high school together. She was a tomboy, always just ‘one of the guys.’ Though we were never boyfriend and girlfriend, at nine years old we were each other’s first kissing partners. Hiding beneath the stairs in our apartment complex, we played ‘I’ll show you mine if you show me yours!’

We always sat together in class, and she would cheat off my work. We did homework together too, and when we were in high school we went to football games and movies as part of a larger group of friends. We were inseparable. We remained friends throughout high school before heading off to the same college.

By that time she was no longer a tomboy, and I definitely noticed the change. She had become a very beautiful young woman.

The thing is, during all that time we never managed to date. She had her boyfriends, I had my girlfriends, and it became difficult to keep seeing each other.

Although we promised to stay in touch when she moved on to grad school some 3,000 miles away, our contacts became much less frequent. Because we did at least manage to keep up with each other via the occasional letter, she came to our wedding when I married Angie, my on-again/off-again girlfriend from the time we were eleven years old. The three of us were friends in high school, but Angie and I ended up taking it all the way.

Stacey always seemed to be okay with it, though there was often an underlying current of tension between us whenever the subject of Angie came up. ‘Dan, I’m fine with you two being together. I like her a lot, and she’s good for you,’ she told me one day during our summer break before the start of college. ‘Besides, it’s not as if we’re boyfriend and girlfriend, right? I get it…we’re only friends. Look, I admit I sometimes feel a little jealous about you being with her, but I know I have no right. Let’s not make a big deal over it, okay? Just let me handle it on my own, and I’ll manage.’

‘Really?’ I asked. ‘You? Jealous? I never knew.’

‘I never wanted you to know, alright? I’m just ‘one of the guys,’ remember? So can we drop it now?’

The last time I had spoken to Stacey she’d just earned her master’s degree and was looking for a job. She was thinking of moving back to L.A., where we all grew up together. That was more than two years ago.

~ ~ ~

‘So how long have you been back in L.A.?’ I asked.

‘About a year now,’ Stacey said.

Why didn’t you call or write to let us know where you were?’

‘I don’t know, I guess I just thought it would be best if I left you and Angie alone.’

‘Were you ever going to call or write?’

‘What about you?’ she responded defensively. ‘It’s not like you kept writing me either.’

‘Stacey, you know I would have always made sure you had my new address and phone number if anything ever changed.’

‘Well, I’m sorry. Now I’m really sorry,’ she added, hugging me.

‘Anyway,’ I continued, ‘what’s your story? Why are you renting out your second bedroom?’

‘Oh, well, my last roommate was a total flake. She skipped out on me with no notice. She didn’t even pay her final month’s rent. That’s why I put ‘no flakes’ in my ad,’ she laughed. ‘I’m still paying off my school loans, and while I’m working and doing okay, I still need to be pretty frugal about things. Besides, you know me, I was never into money, flashy cars and all that fancy stuff. This place is fine for me. I’m always working, so I’m hardly ever here. I just need a reliable roommate.’

Of course we made the decision that I’d come live there. She was thrilled, and I was at least relieved. We talked about how it would work living together, especially with her place having only one bathroom. We agreed there would probably be times when we’d need to share the bathroom in emergencies, and that knocking first would be a good idea. When necessary we’d throw on a towel, and if worse came to worst we would try to avert our eyes.

The idea was to keep things really casual and low-stress.

The same held true regarding the way we would dress around the apartment. Neither of us typically wore much at home anyway, so we wouldn’t insist that the other wear a fur parka just for modesty’s sake.

‘What about dating and bringing people here?’ she asked.

‘There won’t be anything for you to worry about there with me. I won’t be bringing home any girls. Believe me, that’s the last thing you have to worry about,’ I said, sullenly.

‘Oh, Dan,’ she frowned, taking my hand.

‘What about you?’ I asked, changing the subject. ‘Dating anybody?’

‘Nothing serious. I date here and there, but mostly I just don’t have the time. If I ever do bring someone here, I promise I’ll try to be discreet.’

‘It’s your place, Stacey. You do whatever you want.’

‘Uh-huh,’ she said, eyeing me closely.

Finally we’d talked everything through, and I moved in the following week.

~ ~ ~

To be honest, not much had changed with me. I’d moved in with Stacey, but I was still working the same job. A couple of months had gone by, and I remained sad and withdrawn. When I wasn’t at work, I was mostly staying to myself in my room.

Well, okay, one thing had changed. My brother Scott had decided that I needed to start looking at women again, so despite my protests he hooked up a new computer in my bedroom.

‘Porn, you idiot. What else would you need a computer for?’ he laughed.

He also decided to start taking me to strip clubs almost every Friday night. Just to humor him, I went along with it. We went to the clubs, and I watched the beautiful dancers. I even browsed various porn sites, both the soft and hardcore varieties.

I really did try. I had some lap dances. I attempted to jack off in my bedroom. I did all the usual things that used to get me excited.

Nothing. Absolutely nothing worked. I couldn’t become erect, certainly not enough to cum. I never told Scott that, though. He was trying so hard to help me snap out of my doldrums that I just didn’t have the heart to burst his bubble.

The first crack in my ice occurred one morning during breakfast, and it was over the silliest, most mundane of events. While enjoying a rare day off from work, I was sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal when Stacey walked into the kitchen.

She was wearing her usual ‘relaxing around the house’ clothes: little jogging shorts and a t-shirt. Nothing out of the ordinary, it was pretty much the same as most of our mornings together.

For some reason, though, I happened to notice her legs that morning. It wasn’t like I was leering at them or anything either. No, I just happened to notice them when she reached up to grab a glass from the cupboard.

‘She has really pretty legs,’ I found myself thinking. I also noticed that she had an incredibly great body. Despite her loose t-shirt it was obvious that she had nicely flared hips, a flat stomach and large, firm breasts. She clearly had a great ass, too. I mean an amazingly great ass.

‘There is just nothing wrong with her body,’ I thought. Then I noticed my cock starting to stir a little. ‘Hey! That’s a first!’

I hadn’t gotten hard since Angie had passed. We’d shared a fantastic sex life, and once she was gone I basically ceased to be a sexual being.

Stacey caught me looking at her legs. Giving me a sweet smile, she poured herself a glass of juice before pulling up a chair beside me.

Like an idiot, I just kept staring.

‘What? Dan, you’re blushing,’ she grinned.

‘Nothing,’ I said, quickly looking down at my cereal.

She gave me another sweet little smile. ‘Okay,’ she said, still smiling as she got up to put her glass in the sink before walking out of the kitchen.

I noticed her legs again, and her ass, too.

‘Why haven’t I ever noticed her ass before?’ I found myself thinking. It suddenly dawned on me that Stacey truly had a fantastic ass, really, a world-class ass. That was also the first time I noticed her blonde ponytail, which was bouncing prettily as she walked away.

‘Hmmmm,’ I smiled to myself.

That evening I was watching a movie when Stacey came home with Chris, a co-worker she occasionally dated. She had brought him home twice before, and we all got along just fine. They’d hang out in the living room, I’d go to my room, and he would leave a couple of hours later.

That night Stacey asked me to stay and hang out with them. She said it was my apartment too, and that I didn’t have to run off and hide in my room whenever Chris came over. Chris said the same thing, inviting me to stay and watch the movie with them.

I was in our little love seat facing the TV, and they were together on the couch. Eventually I turned off the lights so we could watch the movie better. After a while, I heard shifting sounds coming from the couch. Glancing their way, I noticed that Chris had moved. Having pulled Stacey close to his side, he had his arm around her shoulders. He was watching the movie, but Stacey was watching me. I quickly looked away.

About a half-hour later I heard more rustling sounds. Chris had dropped a hand over her shoulder, onto her breast. He was trying to undo the top buttons on her blouse, and Stacey was quietly trying to stop him. When she saw me watching, her eyes went into a brief panic.

Wanting to give her some space, I got up and went to the kitchen. Taking my time, I grabbed a glass of water before returning to the living room. ‘Thanks, guys, but I’m heading off to bed now,’ I said.

They were still on the couch, and Stacey had managed to close her blouse buttons. She looked up at me with deep sadness in her eyes. ‘Okay, sleep well,’ she said softly.

Chris said, ‘Have a good one.’

I went to my room, where I took off my clothes and put on a pair of shorts.

Noticing another slight stirring in my cock, I thought, ‘There it is again.’ I was maybe halfway hard. ‘Okay, let’s fire up the ol’ computer and see if I can’t find something I like….’

I logged on and browsed around for a while.

Nothing. My half hard-on had gone away.

I heard Chris leave, and I was about to log off when I happened to stumble upon some pictures of a pretty blonde with a ponytail sticking out of her baseball cap.

‘Mmmm,’ I thought. Okay, that girl did a little something for me.

I heard a quiet
knock on my bedroom door. ‘Dan, are you still awake?’ came Stacey’s voice.

‘Yes, come on in.’

When Stacey walked into my room, I noticed right away that she’d changed her clothes. She was again wearing her little shorts and t-shirt, and her long blonde hair that she had been wearing up was in a ponytail.

‘Chris went home,’ she said.

‘I know. I heard him leave.’

‘I sent him home. I thought he was making you uncomfortable.’

‘Stacey, no, you don’t have to do that. This is your apartment, and you have a life. Believe me, live your life.’

‘It’s just that I know you saw…well, you know….’

‘Stacey, it’s okay. What, because I live with you now, you’re not supposed to have any fun? I don’t want that for you.’

‘Are you sure? I can always take him to my room, or maybe we should just go to his place instead. I hate that you feel like you have to hide in your room whenever I have company. This is your place too now. I want you to feel totally welcome here.’

‘Stacey, look, if it’ll make you feel better, I’ll try to not ‘hide in my room’ every time he comes over. Okay?’

‘I’d like that.’

‘The thing is, it works both ways.’

‘What do you mean?’ she asked, raising her eyebrows.

‘Stacey, I saw you. I saw that look of panic in your eyes when Chris had his hand on you and you knew I was watching. You were far more weirded out over it than I was. I took off to give you some space simply because you looked so uncomfortable with my seeing him touching you.’

‘I’m so sorry about that, Dan. I really am. I’ve never been in that situation before, you know, with another guy, and you…watching me. I guess I can’t help but think back to how jealous I used to feel whenever I saw you and Angie making out. I’m sorry I did that tonight. I should just not bring him here anymore.’

‘Stacey, please don’t do that to me.’

‘Don’t do what to you?’ she asked, fear showing in her beautiful eyes.

‘Don’t be so afraid for me. You’re a grown woman. I know you’re going to date, and I know what happens when people date, okay?’ I gave her a small smile.

‘I don’t know, Dan. Are you sure? You really don’t mind seeing me like that?’

‘Well, I don’t know that I’d go that far,’ I added, still smiling. ‘I’m just saying you deserve to have fun, and I don’t want to be the reason you don’t have any. Look, let me deal with it, okay? Let me work it out within myself as to what I’m willing to watch. You just enjoy yourself. That’s what I really want for you. I want you to be happy, Stacey.’

Laughing, she said, ‘If you think I’m going to break down and have wild orgies in front of you just because you say it’s okay, then you’ve got another thing coming, mister!’

We both laughed together, for maybe the first time since I’d moved in with her.

‘What about you, though? What are you doing about…you know…’ she asked, grinning as she coyly raised her eyebrows.

That’s when she noticed the girl on my computer screen – the girl with the long blonde ponytail. I realized too late that I’d left the image up on my screen.

I went to click it off.


‘Stacey, seriously, it’s not what you think.’

Again, she gave me a sweet smile. I think she knew she was driving me crazy with those little smiles.

‘I’m serious,’ I said, embarrassed. ‘It’s really not what you think.’

‘Oh, and what do I think?’ she grinned, obviously enjoying my chagrin.

‘I’m sure you must think I’m sitting in here all night jacking off or whatever to porn,’ I said, looking down.

‘Are you telling me you’re not? Then who’s she?’

‘She’s someone I just found, literally only a minute ago.’

Stacey went over to sit at my computer. Still wearing her beguiling little grin, she studied the picture of the blonde girl. ‘Dan, you can’t even see her face, much less her ass or any of her body. She’s not even naked. I don’t get it.’

‘That’s because there’s nothing to get. That’s what I’m trying to tell you. Nothing was going on. I happened to see that picture, and I was just trying to figure out why I like it so much when you came in. That’s the whole truth, I swear.’

‘Okay,’ she teased, still smiling. ‘Look to your heart’s content at pictures of pretty blondes with ponytails. Whatever floats your boat, sweetie!’

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We got to the party at about 9pm, had a few drinks and mingled with the crowd. There were so many sexy outfits there it was nice to be wearing the mask as no-one knew where I was looking. I also noticed the number of guys who were checking Jen out. The drinks continued to flow and Jen was enjoying the compliments that she was getting. At about 11:30 I went into the men’s bathroom. While inside I met a guy called Steve who was wearing the same costume as me. With our masks off, we got...

3 years ago
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Bitchs Slutty Genes Ch 05

“I heard some noises in Alex room, I got closer and I heard moaning and laughing. “I opened the door, the kids were both naked in the 69 position, Alex laying on his bed eating his sister pussy while Miruna on the top sucking his cock. “That was after Nicole told me what happened with you regarding Niky and how she asked you to have sex with her. I were freezed, the kids got panic. “What came to my mind then was Nicole, Niky, and you. “I left Alex room without saying anything. “I went...

2 years ago
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dream of fucking teacher

Every i get a full erection when she leans over to me or someone near me as you can see her breats as there short tops shirts she allways wears or if she bent over behind me or infront i would have a sneaky look at her arse and get a full erection. This had gone on every lesson and now it was about january half way though the school year i was nearly 15 at the time and on that particular lesson she kept leaning over near me and she was wearing probaly the shortest shirt she had ever wore...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Carter Cruise Melissa Moore Abigail Mac Jelena Jensen Georgia Jones Vampires Part 1 Welcome To The Family

How does a blind girl from Boston wind up in a dirty back alley running for her life? It all started when Ella (Shyla Jennings) and her big sister Lucy (Abigail Mac) moved to Santa Clarita after their father’s death. They settle into the ranch house bequeathed to them in his will. Ella unpacks her bags, and Lucy finds a girl online for a quick hook up. Lucy goes out to meet Willow (Melissa Moore) at her family home and the attraction is instantaneous. But the second Lucy mentions her...

3 years ago
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Susies Zoo Submission III

"I am Dr. Elizabeth Stone, chief zoologist of the park here. I understand that one of our more, shall we say, excitable vets brought you here last night and took advantage of you." As she spoke she unhooked Susie's bindings, letting her sit up on the exam table, still naked. "I am so sorry about this. Rest assured that he will be punished, if he even remains in his position here." At this, Adam looked grim, and turned to leave the room altogether. Once the door shut, Dr. Stone looked...

2 years ago
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Taming the Tease Ch 61

Bella was in quite a predicament. The buxom beauty, barely 18 years old, was lying face down on a red satin covered mattress. Her round ass pointed straight in to the air, with a black studded plug inserted deep into her anus. Police grade handcuffs were tightly placed on her wrist and feet. A dog leash tethered her neck to the steel bed frame to ensure that she was completely in the grips of her master. A silk black blind fold took away her most important sense, leaving her completely...

3 years ago
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My First Taste With My Best Friend

Hello. I wanted to share my experience with someone but did not know whom to confide in. Now I have all of you to share my feelings all thanks to iss. Well, let me tell you the story which has been bothering me for all these years. The story of my life begins some 4 years back when I was in college,let me say few things about myself.I am Sonam ,height 5’4″.I have a curvy figure of 34 28 34. Back then I had gone to study in the most reputed college of one of the cities of India and as a result,...

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Fucking My Neighbor Aunt Nisha

I heard a knock on the door, since it was 8 in the morning I knew it cannot be my maid as she used to come late on weekends, I opened the door there was a lady standing on the door with a small vessel in her hand she asked for some powder milk for her child and introduced herself as my new neighbor. I was stunned by seeing her beauty she was around 5”5, dusky and average looking, had tight body and great boobs. I told her to come in and sit and asked when they have come and what her husband is...

1 year ago
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Wifes Fantasy is About to Come True Part 2

A few weeks ago I wrote about an experience I had with a well-hung man in a restroom. Several days later I told my wife what happened and admitted that I was disappointed I didn’t finish him in my mouth. Not only did she like it, but she wants to take it to another level. Within days she had me watching videos and reading how to give blow jobs. Next came the butt plugs - each one slightly larger than the other. She was preparing my ass for a dick. The first time she used the plugs on me I was...

1 year ago
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Iravil Aunty Udan Matter

Hai friends, indru kathaiyil ilamaiyaana paiyan oru auntyai sexiyaaga iravil matter podugiraan. Eppadi auntyai usar seithu matter podugiraan endru kathaiyil paarkalam, vaarungal kama kathaikul selalaam. En peyar Guna, vayathu 26 aagugirathu, intha vayathil naan oru auntyai matter seithu viten. Auntyai eppadi seithen enbathai ungaludan pagirugiren. En pakathu veetil puthithaaga oru aunty vaadagaiku vanthaargal, avargal vaadagaiku vantha udan en veetirku vanthu inipu vazhanginaargal....

3 years ago
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Mayonnaise and Marmalade

Wednesday, June 4th, 2007 “Wanna race?” Mr. Coleston asked as he and Heather walked out of the teacher’s lounge together. He made this joke at least once a month. Quite often, the two of them would find themselves leaving the lounge at the same time. Yet, they both took different routes through the school building and back to their rooms, which were across the hall from each other.  Heather smiled at the familiar refrain and shrugged. As she watched Mr. Coleston take off in front of her (he...

2 years ago
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The Harem Ch 02

Chapter 2: The tour ‘What?!!?’ Judy finally managed to stammer out as she pulled the velvet sheet over herself. She felt so exposed and confused as she sat there naked on the leather examination table, looking at the smiling, topless raven haired beauty before her who had apparently just given her the best orgasm of her life. ‘The Harem, dear child,’ replied the woman. ‘Although of course, you’d never have heard of us until now.’ She smirked a little to the three other topless girls standing...

1 year ago
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Joss Maza! It is not very often that you come across a website dedicated to uploading porn originating from India. There are only a couple of websites like that serve users with the best pornographic content from India. All the contents on the website are of Indian sluts fingering themselves or getting fucked hard. Although they are mostly amateur videos, I am sure you will still get a hard-on free seeing random pretty Indian chicks riding cocks.  Now that I think of it I...

Indian Porn Sites
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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 24

Mary got a big smile on her face and then stiffened up. I leaned over to Jack. "Is that the smell you were talking about?" I thought I said it quiet enough for only Jack to hear but I guess mothers are good at picking up stuff like that; it must be part of the package. "Hush, Jill. Let her enjoy it." I would have probably said something stupid if not for Mom's hand on mine and the warm smile on her face. I looked over at Mary. She was in her own little world and things were good. She...

2 years ago
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Notebooks on GirlMaking part 2

Notebooks on Girl-Making by Salome E Notebook I: Close encounter Chapter 2 It was breaking dawn outside, a dim sunlight starting to paint the streets around the neighborhood, and it was quite cold. I had my clothes just hanging over my body, but I didn't stop until a few blocks away. There were nobody around anyway, a lonesome area and being so early in the morning, so I just walked on and on until I found the first open cafe about two hours later, maybe. It was just to the side of...

2 years ago
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Ladies Room Service

                                Ladies Room Service!                                    TJ Ryder                         The lushly built teacher in the form fitting high skirtand low bustline wasn't out of place at Glendale Academy forYoung Ladies, otherwise known as the finishing school forthe girls of the 'Rich and Powerful', and also to others as'Depraved and Decadent'!    All the rich girls dressed like tramps; were accustomed to treating everyone below...

3 years ago
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Margarets Party

I had just finished packing for the trip home when I heard the front door. "Hey, Trev, are you here?", Margaret called out. I walked to the landing at the top of the stairs and said, "Yes...just finished packing." She set her pirse down, and started up the stairs saying, "I invited a few people over tonight for a small farewell party for you and Pat...I sent him to the store to pick up some some things." As she reached the landing, she leaned over and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. "Did you...

2 years ago
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My BDSM Extreme Fantasy Day Two Part One

Please Read The First Three Parts :) ENJOY!The first day was a success. I had stretched my asshole so much that I could shove my fist in. After my master put the biggest plug in my ass he gave me 50 more floggings and edged me two more times just for fun. Then, as he said, I have him a nice blow job and ate his delicious cum. Sometimes that is all I eat all day. Afterwards we ordered room service. He brought my bowl from home that says "Slave" on it. He put it on the floor (I am still wearing...

3 years ago
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My virgin girlfriend

Okay I've read a lot of shit hear and by that I mean absolute shit. It's the difference between things that are so "porn fantasy" and the reality of sexual encounters - no matter how freaky that are totally true. This is one of those true stories. I was a senior in high school. I had been a foreign exchange student for a year living in Brasil. Many stories can come from that adventure. I was 17 years old and I was a typical teenager - girl crazy. I had dates and fun but to be true I had never...

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The Great Conspiracy

In the middle of the night, almost imperceptibly, a great change has come across everyone in the world. No one knows what exactly caused it. Perhaps a bored deity, or a powerful mind controller with a grudge, or even some cursed artifact. Ultimately, it doesn't matter. What does matter is that every single man and woman in the world, with one exception, has woken up this morning with the same funny thought in their head: that they should work together towards a common goal. Unfortunately for...

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Sisters Wet PantiesChapter 11

Excitement swirled through May's lust-fogged brain. How long had Nick been standing there? How long had he been watching his mother and sister while Kay ate out their mother's cunt? Oh God, the horny woman thought feverishly, look at his huge hard-on! His gorgeous cock! She shivered with desire and she saw her son's grin widen as he realized just how much the sight of his huge cock-rod was turning his mother on. The boy's eyes locked on his mother's and he slowly stepped across the...

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You Cant Take the Pleasure From Me

Samuel navigated his way through the narrow hallways of Tranquility, the Titan class transport ship that he was currently a passenger/crew member of. After about a minute, he arrived at his destination: Elysia's quarters. The crew’s most recent “transport” job had nearly cost him his life, so he decided to finally do something that he had always thought about doing: hiring Elysia.The thirty-four year-old Elysia was a Consort, a type of well-educated courtesan that was held in high-regard and...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Beebe and Petey Ch 09 Conclusion

If you’re just now joining the series, here are the characters: Chad, (nickname BeeBe) age 20, drafted and on leave between basic training and AIT Kathy, (nickname Petey) age 18, College student, Chad’s fiancée’ Denise, (nickname Dene) age 18, Chad’s sister and Kathy’s best friend Jan, age 28, Kathy’s sister Tony, age 26, Jan’s lover/boyfriend—ex Air Force, airline pilot. Dave, age 20, a friend of Chad’s ***** Saturday morning, Nov 27th, 1971 This time Dene and I were up and...

2 years ago
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Losing Virginity For Carrier

My name is Swapnil and the story is about my job experience and how I used my sissy body to help in growing my carrier. I completed my Bachelors of Engineering in Instrumentation. In campus placement I got an offer from a MNC company, which works in Instrumentation field. I joined company and came to know that they (my seniors) were going to send me on-field to some village near vishakha-patnam, where our site was in progress. They threw me to remote place where I could not enjoy anything. I...

Gay Male
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Boardinghouse Ball Busting

Antun worked hard in the giant open pit iron mine in the Mesabi rang in far north Minnesota. It was a relatively good job for an immigrant from Croatia just after 1900AD. Ten hours a day, six days a week doesn’t leave much time for a personal life. Sunday was always looked forward to, after Mass of course. He, like many other men, lived in a boarding house to provide the basics of life. One basic not included in the rent was sex. There was little time or resource for meeting women and dating...

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HandsOnHardcore Mona Sweet Flight Attendants Welcome Home Fuck

Sexy flight attendant Mona Sweet is at your service in today’s Hands On Hardcore premium porn exclusive. This glamorous brunette bombshell is definitely mile-high material and her man, Mugur, has been anticipating her return home from her week of work away for quite some time. As soon as the curvy assed sex goddess sets foot in the house her man is peeling her uniform off and getting pussy to mouth with his blue-eyed babe. Watch their X-rated reunion play out in this 4K boy-girl scene as...

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SweetheartVideo Abigail Mac Sabina Rouge One Kiss

Ivy Wolfe is sent to a gay conversion therapy center after she gets caught in a car with another girl. When she arrives she’s welcomed by Magdalene St. Michaels the therapist and person in charge of the facility. Ivy is quickly introduced to her roommate Carter Cruise. She explains to Ivy the rules of the establishment. Everyone needs to follow them, but Abigail Mac and Paige (Sabina Rouge) like to bend them. At night Paige likes to sneak in Abigail’s bed. Most of the time they just...

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Brother Gets Twins

Both my twin sister and I were in heat for our stud brother. Johnny was only a few years older than us but was well over six feet tall and had muscles everywhere. Beth and I wanted his hung swollen cock deep inside our tight virgin cunts badly. When our parents decided to go on a weekend trip away we acted fast. Friday morning after they left we convinced Johnny to skip school. "Why should I stay home today?" he asked. "Well, because, we both want you to make us your cum dump sister...

2 years ago
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Ladys Last DanceChapter 2

Later, Outside of Akron, OH Cindy's eyes again grew to enormous disks as Paul turned into his long secluded driveway. As Paul drove through the woods that surrounded his home, Cindy could see the huge stone and brick front of his Frank Lloyd Wright style mansion. "Holy shit, Paul, do you live here alone?" "Yep, sure do. See what I mean about having enough room for you not to worry about imposing?" "Yes," escaped her lips in a whisper. Paul went on. "Because of Heather's...

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Chapter 4 Sisters are doing it

“Well,” she added, “I know you know what your brother and sister were already doing at that age,” looking directly at him as she reached down and ran her fingers through his patch of wiry dark red pubic hair. Jem recalled only too vividly that day when he had found out about the incestuous relationship between his brother and sister, it was imprinted on his mind like it was yesterday; as was the memory of Fallon stripping off her panties and demanding he fuck her as they watched Zac and Amber...

3 years ago
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Mami Ki gaand touch ke baad ki chudas1

Hello ! iss reader . Mai janta hun ki aap meri is story ko sirf mere dimag ki upaj batayenge par meri kahani 200 % sachchi hai.mera naam xxx hai aur mai sangam bihar(new delhi) ka rehne wala hoon. meri umr 23 saal ki hai, mai jyada gathila badan ka naujawan nahi hoon, par mere land me bahut dam hai. Baat isi holi ki hai, jab mai holi me apne nani ke yahaan tha(mai nani ke saath hi rehata hoon). Mai aapko bata doon ki jis mami ko maine choda wo meri apni mami nahi hai, wo mere door ki mami lagti...

1 year ago
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SSShotguneagle Part Four

She was already in a state of turmoil when Kenny had left her to complete her task. She hung there, bare naked, by the wrists and knees. The only way out of that position was by Kenny's help. But he stated that he will only help her if she was able to expel the 7-inch vibrator in her ass. Leah thought he was joking. There was no way to take it out as long as her hands were holding her up. Leah knew Kenny meant she had to push it out using the muscles in her ass. It was the final piece of...

1 year ago
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Another Private Party

When I woke the morning after my cousin Ray and I had fucked my mother (see A Private Party), the events were fresh in my mind. As were Ray's last words: 'Dave, trust me on this, despite what she said your mum will give us her body again with barely any hesitation. And I'll prove it to you later'. I still thought he was wrong, but I was more than happy to be proved wrong. Of course all this thinking about my mother and what we had done to her gave me an erection, I decided to save it rather...

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Velaikaaranin Eera Sunni

Vanakam friends, en peyar Yamuna. En veetu velaikaaranudan sexiyaaga eppadi udal uravu konden enbathai intha tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiren. En veetil oru velaikaaran irukiraan, paarva ilamaiyaaga irupaan. Velaikaaran peyar Muthu vayathu 26 irukum. Avanuku innum thirumanam aaga villai, en manathil eppozhuthum oru aasai irunthu kondu thaan irukum velaikaaranudan kama uravu vaithu ooka vendum endru. Avan eppozhuthum velai matum thaan paarthu kondu irupaan, en meethu kama asaiyil oru...

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MomIsHorny Ava Koxxx Taking Control Of This Crazy Situation

Ava Koxxx finds a huge mess in her stepson’s room and freaks out. She yells at him and takes him by the ear to make sure he cleans his room. She tells him how she notices him looking at her tits and shy sam does his best to ignore the question but she wasn’t having it. She’s an aggressive milf and she takes charge here. She shoves his face into her giant tits before she reaches for his cock. She gives him a great sucking and tit fucking before she fucks him. Aggressive Ava sucks and fucks in...

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A Bettered LifeEpilogue

Eighteen Months Later "How's Erica liking her graduation present?" Bob asked, speaking up to make himself understood over the noise coming from the other end of the phone line. "Oh, she loves it," Will replied. "What do you think? We had to extend our stay in Paris for two days because we sort of underestimated the size of the Louvre. You should have seen her--it was like locking a toddler in a candy store." "I can imagine," Bob laughed. "What's all that noise in the background?...

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Fruits of the Forest

An earlier worked posted here simply to see the reaction. The valley of The giants is the most wonderful patch of rain Forest on the face of the earth. As a child I had greatly explored this place and discovered a place I called Secret Falls. The forest opened up to the skies as the tree abutted a gorge. From the heights of the gorge a waterfall sprayed the trees with a cooling misty rain. There was a constant rainbow that gave this place a sense of magic of the unreal, you expected to find...

1 year ago
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First MMF experience Cum on tits

So me, my friend Pedro and a mutual female friend of ours were the last ones in my apartment after a night of wine. She was stunning. She was wearing a nice blue dress with one killer cleavage. Me and Pedro, of course, started taking more notice and whispering to one another in the kitchen as she was outside in the lounge. We mentioned the fact that her tits were looking so delicious and we would love to just suck and tit fuck them so bad. We both wanted to cum all over them. As we were...

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The Making Of A Gigolo 10 Liz SindersonChapter 4

She turned off some lights, to set the mood, and make it look a little more like what a bar might look like. She poured Jeff a bourbon and coke, and handed it to him, before going to the door. Taking a deep breath, she turned off the light. She’d felt Jeff getting hard, while she sat on his lap. She knew he was already excited. She felt her nipples stiffen more. She decided that was because that excited her too. She opened the door, and saw Bobby, standing there, dressed in a suit, his hand...

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