Lockie Bi Now 2 free porn video

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***Lockie appears in my Mason series. This is part of a planned series of spin offs featuring characters from the "In'DaMan'd" Universe.***

**This chapter contains gay sex**

Lockie soaked in his bathtub, his hangover from the night before mixed with his conflicting thoughts created a pounding headache. In the past he normally would have done an extended cam show and edged for hours, but recently he had become wary of the cam site as if he was not welcome there. His viewership had quartered. The tips had gone down also. It was his only source of income since his hesitancy to do scenes. It was always his escape, it seemed that a lot of important things had left his life lately.

"You don't know what you've got till it's gone." He mused as he rubbed his toned torso absent mindedly.

He thought back to the night before with Monroe and Carter. He had enjoyed it more than he thought he would. Fucking Monroe while her husband watched as a huge turn on for him. He pushed down the thoughts he had as he remembered Carters tanned, toned body and big cock. He had never met a straight man as comfortable with his sexuality before. He admired him and hated him in equal measure.

"I am over thinking things now." He said aloud, "Just relax and go with it."

He realised that he was speaking to no one, the loneliness crept back into his bones, he really needed a drink.

The water had gone cold when he stepped out and towelled himself dry. He went over to his closet to pick out his underwear and tank top for his cam session tonight. Lockie was trying to distance himself from his usual attire. He felt like a fraud if he wore the "In'DaMan'd jock strap. His cell phone rang as he logged in to his account.

"Lockie, did you get my message this morning, I have had the club rep up my ass all day waiting for confirmation."
Lockie scanned his phone, he had 6 missed calls from Curtis.

"Sorry just seen it now, my phone was on charge. Anyways, don't you be giving me shit for not calling when I have been trying to get you on the phone for weeks. Where are all the scenes you promised me, you aren't giving me any promotion in the cam rooms either. What's the problem Curtis we had a deal."

He could feel sweat form on his brow, it was a result of being angry and him desperately needing a drink.

"Ya ya, Sy and I both agreed that it would be best if you laid low for a couple of weeks just until your online reputations clears up a little, then we can focus on your comeback . Hence the club appearance. It starts at 9 sharp, try not and fuck this opportunity up Lockie, I am not sure how many more chances I can give you." He said sardonically. "You ready for your 7 session tonight, I figured it would be the best time to catch you since you always seem to be on your phone during the stream."

"I am not doing a show tonight. I am going to hang with some friends, you know, lay low."

He ended the call and threw his phone onto the bed. He stomped into the kitchen, the towel still wrapped around his waist and poured himself a large glass of vodka.

"Prick," he muttered as he took a big mouthful. "After all I have given up for his poxy studio."

He quickly posted a message to his followers saying his cam show was cancelled tonight, he took another big mouthful of vodka and laid on his bed.

Lockie began to look through all the old pictures on his phone gallery. Most of the pictures were for his bio for the cam site, it seemed odd to see him smiling on set. It shocked him quick thinks had changed for him. He opened his contacts and scrolled down to M, his thumb hovered over the green phone symbol. He wanted desperately to call Mason and tell him that he was sorry and could they meet for a drink to sort things out.

He knew that Mason would forgive him, he was good like that, but the stubborn side in him made him pause.

"I don't deserve forgiveness. He is doing better without me."

He finished his glass and poured himself another, since he was already naked he decided to have a quick shower to try and shake his bad mood. It did little to alleviate his dark cloud so he sat at his computer to torture himself some more looking at Mason and his scene when a red little bubble popped up on the bottom of his screen telling him that he had an email.

To: LockStar
From: WifeLife

Hope you are Lockie, Carter and I just wanted to let you know how much of a good time we had last nights, it was better than both of us could have imagined. We are trying to enjoy our last night in the city but we got a bit of news today. Carter has been offered a huge promotion to lead the training at a base camp across the country. He will be gone for months at a time again but at least I will know he is safe. He leaves in three days. I feel happy and sad as I just got him back and he is leaving again but I know he loves his job and it's a huge opportunity for him.

I have told him that I will follow him over in a few months but I just cannot wrap my head around all the big changes that will come now. He accepted it today with my blessing.

We had just logged on to watch your show when we seen the message that it had been cancelled.

Are you OK? Anything I can do?

Best Wishes Always

He sat staring at her words for a few minutes. The big glass of vodka was slowly numbing him to his thoughts.

Without giving himself a chance to think, he opened his phone and sent her a text.

"If you are free I would like to say goodbye to you both in person. No dramas if you are busy. Peace.

He heard the swoosh meaning that it had sent. He had just sat the glass down on his window sill when the reply came back.

"We are not busy, come over whenever. M + C


Apprehension crept into Lockie's bones as he raised his hand to knock on the familiar hotel room door, he had already turned back twice since he got off the elevator but he had forced himself to get over it and keep moving. In the taxi on the way to the hotel he was feeling extremely horny, but now as he stood outside the room, the same familiar doubts reappeared.

"Fuck." He hissed quietly and rapped three times on the door.

Monroe answered, her white blonde hair done up in a pony tail, she was wearing a dressing gown with the hotel insignia plastered across her left breast. She had it loosely tied, Lockie could see her giant thigh tattoo, her tits were nearly spilling out of it. His mouth went dry and he felt a stirring in his pants.

"Lockie I cannot tell you how excited we both are. Carter won't shut up about seeing me and you together." She said as she closed the door behind them. "He's just in the shower, we had a celebratory fuck early today and I guess we lounged around too long afterwards."

Lockie sat on the edge of the bed and kicked off his shoes. He could hear the shower going full blast, images of Carter naked and wet flooded his mind. Monroe snapped him back to attention.

"You OK? Can I get you a drink of something?" She said, opening the mini fridge.
"We have wine or vodka, or whatever you want from the mini bar."

"Vodka would be great thanks."

He mentally shook himself, he came here to have fun and not over think things like he normally did.

"I read your email, that's great news about Carter getting promoted." He said as he accepted the glass of vodka.

"Yes, he is over the moon, I am trying to keep my doubts to myself but all in all it will be great for both of us. Any news from the studio yet."

"Yes I have a club appearance next week, other than that it will be a slow couple of weeks." He said taking a large mouthful. He looked at Monroe who was sitting near the head of the bed, resting against the cushions. Her robe had fallen open, deliberately or not, Lockie couldn't tell. He glanced down and seen the small silver ring of her clit piercing.

"I don't know how to ask so I am just going to say it before Carter comes in."

Lockie eyes moved from her pussy to her face, she was looking apprehensive.

"Well...... Carter and I were talking this morning and we both said that it was a massive pity that you and him didn't get a chance to fool around more. We found it a huge turn on. I loved seeing you two kiss, it was a fantasy come true."

Lockie's heart rate began to quicken, he didn't know what to think never mind say. He felt ambushed.

"But only if you want too, no pressure," She quickly added, seeing his face drop, "We are just glad that you decided to come over again."

"What does Carter have to say about this." His croaked, his mouth suddenly drying up.

"We have been kind of focusing on his butt all day. I have pegged him a few times but he has never been with a man. He told me that he wants to try it at least once and after meeting you, he would love it if.."She began to fidget with the rope of the bathrobe, " you fucked him."

Lockie took a few calming breaths and walked to the fridge to get a refill. He could feel Monroe's eyes on him as he took the short trip to the kitchen area. He could feel his cheeks going red, he had his back to her as he opened the fridge door, breathing in the cool air.

His mind began to race but once again he reminded himself that he was here to have fun and chances are he would never meet this couple again. That thought both saddened him and made him relax.

"OK," He replied. "But only fucking, no kissing or oral."

She hopped up on the bed. Her robe flowing around her as she jumped up and down with glee.

Lockie couldn't help himself and smiled, he removed his socks and hoodie before lying on the bed next to her.

He heard the shower in the next room stop. Monroe gave Lockie a cheeky wink as she flopped back onto the bed just as Carter came out of the bathroom with a light blue towel wrapped around his waist.

Lockie quickly looked him up and down, he was very tanned and virtually hairless, his biceps bulged as he wiped some moisturiser onto his strong jaw line. The V shape of his lower abdominals encased a rippling six pack. With the steam from the shower billowing behind him, he looked like a movie star.

"Great to see you again Lockie." He said as he extended his hand. The nerves from the previous night seemed to have left him.

"You too, congratulations on the promotion." Carter shot him a quizzical look. "Monroe told me." He added hastily.

"Oh, thank you, what else has my lovely wife been telling you." He said jokingly, picking up a sock from the floor and throwing it at her.

"Nothing, we haven't been chatting that long, he was keeping me company while you took your 45 minute shower." She replied reaching playfully for his towel.

"Oh,right." He replied downcast, as he laid beside his wife.

Lockie's horniness returned with a vengeance. The vodka was giving him a much needed buzz.

"SOOOO," He said loudly moving forward and looking at Carter. "Are we going to fuck or not?"

Carters wide eyes shot between his smiling wife and Lockie.

"Fuck ya."


"We're really doing this babe." Carter said as he got on all fours. He was facing Monroe, who was lying against the head board, naked with her legs open.

Lockie walked behind him, he playfully smacked Carters tanned muscular ass cheeks, like the rest of his body it was totally hairless. He could feel his cock turn from a semi into a full on throbber. Any notions or insecurities were gone. His mouth went dry, the buzz from the vodka was now coupled with his desire and he felt the best he had in weeks.

He separated Carters arse and could see the base of a red butt plug covered his hole.

"Nice." Lockie muttered as Carter's head moved down and he began to eat out his wife. Monroe's eyes never left Lockie, she was taking in torso and arms. She bit her lower lip and slowly moved her clit.

Lockie reached forward and slowly removed the plug, it slid out as Carter moaned in pleasure. His hoop gaped for a second before slowly closing. His tight ball sack gave a jolt. Lockie quickly removed his underwear and pulled on a rubber. He applied lube to his shaft and a decent helping to Carter's pulsating shitter.

Monroe now had her hand firmly against her husband's shaved head pushing his face deeper into her twat. Her other hand was pinching her nipple. Lockie slowly slipped a finger inside of Carters hole, it instantly gripped him like a vice. He began to move it in and out, he could feel Carter's heartbeat against his finger.

"Lie on your back." Lockie instructed as he pulled out of him and applied more lube. Carter quickly switched and held his legs in the air, one hand behind each knee. Monroe moved forward and knelt over his face. Lockie could see Carter's tongue lap against Monroe's pink piss flaps. She moved forward and planted a wet kiss on Lockie, moaning into his mouth as Carter started tugging on her clit ring.

"Fuck!" She uttered.

Lockie pushed his helmet against Carter's back door, gently increasing the force until his helmet entered. Carter grunted again. His ripped stomach breathing heaving. Lockie grabbed one of his hips and slowly began to move in and out of him.

"I have been fucking him with a dildo all day." She whispered with an evil grin.

Lockie grabbed the back of her head and pulled her into a deeper kiss, all the while fucking Carter. His body was going into over drive, he had never felt like this before. Monroe reached out and began to rub both of his nipples. Carter's hand was now stroking his own cock as he Lockie increased his tempo, the other hand had grasped his wife's ass, pushing her cunt deeper onto his mouth.

They fucked like this for a few minutes before Monroe moved off the bed and slowly behind Lockie. She placed a hand on the small of his back and pushed him forward gently, Lockie had to readjust, placing one leg up on the bed, from this position he could get longer thrusts. Carter's cheeks were red and a layer of sweat now laid on his tanned skin. Lockie was moving his cock in and out of him from helmet to base.

He could sense Monroe sinking to her knees behind him, he then felt her hands on his ass pulling them apart. She spat on his ass hole before probing it with her tongue. Caught up in the fuck lust he reached behind and grabbed her head and pushed her firmly into his crack. The sensation was mind blowing, being rimmed while fucking was his fantasy.

Carter raised his head and took in the scene before him, his wife was licking the ass of a guy who was fucking him, a dopey grin spread across his face as he continued to jerk off.

"Suck your husband's cock while I fuck him." Lockie said, he knew he couldn't keep this kind of fucking up for much longer.

He slowly withdrew from Carter and flopped down beside him. In the spoon position Carter grabbed one of his legs and pulled it into the air. Lockie rubbed his head against his back door before slamming into him. Monroe placed her full lips on her husband's cock before deep throating him, the motion from Lockie's thrusts meant she could suck him hands free.

Hearing her gag on the dick encouraged Lockie to pound harder.

"I need a break." He moaned.

Lockie slowly withdrew and laid on his back, he too was now sweating. Carter walked to the sink and washed his face, taking deep breaths. Monroe continued to rub her clit.

She reached over and pulled the condom off of Lockie and slowly began to bob up and down on him with her mouth.

"Fucking amazing." Carter said. Her husband's approval made her go deeper. He lips were now touching his ball sack, her tongue massaging his shaft.

"Damn, you better stop that or else I'm gonna blow and I'm not finished with your husband yet." Lockie said with a little laugh.

Monroe rolled of the bed slowly, her face showed mock disappointment. She kissed her husband deeply and playfully stroked his cock. They were whispering something to each other but Lockie couldn't make out what they were saying. The both walked back to the bed, hand in hand, Carter handed him a fresh condom.

Once it was on he stood over Lockie and slowly squatted down with his back to him. SLowly, he eased down, he leaned back and placed his hand behind him. Lockie grabbed his hips and began to fuck him once again, he couldn't believe Carters virgin ass was taking his dick so well.

Monroe now stood over her husband, she was rubbing her pussy as she too squatted. The extra weight over her body was pushing Carter ball deep.

"Fuck me Baby." She purred as she guided her husband's cock inside her pussy.

A chorus of 'Fuck' emanated from everyone. Lockie could no longer keep thrusting but the motion from Monroe bouncing was pushing Carter back and forth. The noise coming from the bed drove Lockie wild, he reached around and grabbed one of Monroe's tits, kneading it forcefully.

"Let's take it home Monroe." He said, finding his second wind.

Her grinding became more intense. Carter moaned loudly, his head flopped back and rested against Lockie's neck. He was being pounded harder now. Lockie had pushed his legs apart to give him more room. He grabbed his hips and was flogging him mercilessly. His balls slapping against his muscular ass cheeks.

"I'm coming." Carter shouted. His face going red, his body jerking. His shitter contracted around Lockies cock. Monroe didn't stop she just bounced on him harder.

"That's it Baby, shoot it into me, just like that." She tossed her head back in ecstasy, she remained motionless, breathing deeply, after a minute she slowly stood up, Carter's load dribbled from her gash and ran down her thigh. Carter moved off Lockie, he slowly went to his wife and kissed her deeply.

They whispered again before looking at Lockie.

Monroe reached over and yanked off the rubber. She started to jerk him off as Carter leaned in and began to suck Lockie's balls. After the hard fucking he had just given he didn't last long.

"Fucking hell." He moaned, he felt it surge through his loins like a train. Monroe guided his shaft to both of their faces just as he shot. Thick creamy cum plastered both of their faces. Carter's eyes and mouth were firmly closed as spurt after spurt hit his face. Monroe was already lapping it off her husband's cheek.

"Don't swallow." He said out of the corner of his mouth. She hesitated before spitting it into her hands and rubbing it over her breasts.

Lockie laid back on the bed, spent. He had never felt as weak in all his life.

"How did you enjoy that?" Monroe asked.

"Crazy, just fucking crazy." Carter replied.


Lockie quickly turned on his shower, he had quickly dressed and left the hotel shortly afterwards. Experience had told him that basking in the post fuck glow always allowed the nagging doubts to creep in.

As the water washed over his head, he told himself to just focus on the upcoming club appearance and focus on getting his career back on track. He wouldn't think of Mason anymore. He towelled off and sat on the edge of his bed.
He rubbed his finger against the mouse pad and seen he had another email from Monroe, thanking him for two brilliant nights that neither of them would ever forget. He logged out of his email and clicked his browser. His last page popped up.

It was Mason and his screen test video again. He sighed deeply before clicking play.

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Ridley seldom listened to the radio and never paid any attention to the weather reports. On the way to an exclusive lodge resort he was told about a shortcut that would save him at least an hour of driving. Sadly, this decision proved to be a mistake, well, at least initially. As the snow started to fall rather hard his vehicle began to slip and slide prodigiously. At wits end, he was about to pass the entrance to a smallholding when he decided to turn in and ask for sanctuary. The home he...

Gay Male
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I was finding it hard to concentrate on my picture... the creaking sounds from the box spring grew louder with each passing moment, making it harder and harder to keep my crayons inside the lines. I didn't have long to finish my coloring, maybe another minute or two but it was already the prettiest unicorn I'd colored yet, and surely they'd be happy. I struggled not to wrinkle my pretty pink dress laying on the floor, while also doing my best to keep the knees of my white stockings from getting...

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I screamed desperately into the white veil, thrashing at the blank landscape with the least convincing punches I’d thrown in my life. The cold numbed and bit into my skin, forbidding me from forming feasible fists while my stiff, unwilling arms couldn’t wait to hug me once more. My club-like mittens uselessly tucked under my armpits, seeking any modicum of warmth. Turning back towards our makeshift camp, I could barely see the flicker of diminishing flames even from only a few feet away. The...

Love Stories
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Saoirse Ronan The SnowBunny

I've always had the hots for a variety of different film actresses, ranging from Z-list to A-list, but one particular actress who consistently captures my lustful attention is none other than Oscar-nominated Irish actress Saoirse Ronan.I've imagined her, this meek, beautiful ethereal actress as leading a secret double life as a swinger who exclusively indulges in and beds well hung black men of her choosing. No one would ever suspect this innocent girl could even be lustful in such a way, but...

4 years ago
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"Listen to me. No, no, listen", I paused, sighing as the man across the desk opened his mouth to speak. "Larry, for fuck's sake listen to me. You know me, alright? The studio knows me. The people know me. Have I ever let you down? In the ten years I've been with you, in the...nine movies I've been in? No, I haven't, have I? And you know my speciality, my talent, my...mimicry, right? So come on, just tell me what you think" "I don't know, Bob, it's a hell of a risk. What if you get...

4 years ago
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SNOWBOUND CHAPTER 1I could not believe Danny Boy, my DB, was planning a trip to West Michigan in mid-winter. Is he crazy? People do not travel from Southeastern Tennessee up to Michigan in the winter. It's not done. I'm glad he likes my lighthouse pictures with all the ice and snow, but wanting to travel all this distance in winter weather to see them. Without a doubt, DB is crazy. But on the other hand, being able to once again see my best friend in the world at this time of year would...

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I think of my early life as average for a woman of my time; went to college where I met Dan, married him, dropped out of college and worked mediocre jobs to help Dan get his degree. The plan was that after he got settled in his career, I'd go back to college and finish, but I got pregnant...then we had two more c***dren in quick succession. I became a housewife, Chair of our PTA, volunteer swing instructor at the local YWCA and the cool mom that always takes the k**s out for ice cream after the...

2 years ago
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The World of Fucknowswhat

Hello! Welcome to the waiting room for the World of Fucknowswhat. Now, this is my very first story so I apologise for any inconsistences, (I will do my best to rectify as immediately as possible) spelling errors, (I'm an idiot mostly) and any other flaws within said story, that being said, I hope you can enjoy regardless! Now, onto the good stuff, I shall act as a narrator from now on, I won't be around all too often, I will just act as more of a recapping ethereal figure, now, the World of...

3 years ago
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The oldest daughter, she was the best looking of the three sisters, including my mom. Tall, dark hair, a great smile, long legs, always tan with a smattering of freckles. She had firm-looking “B” cup tits and a nice ass. Smart too, she was the first in the family to head off to college. She had a lot going for her, but I never really paid much attention. Things took a turn the summer of ‘77, after I turned 18, just before I headed off to the Army. I planned on spending a month on my...

4 years ago
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I paused at the top of the stairs and watched from the landing window of our remote cottage at the snowy scene outside. It was a real Christmas card scene with snow still falling hard and each branch and twig of the leafless trees was balancing a ridge of white making it look really pretty. It was an evening when nobody in their right mind would be out driving or walking in the Derbyshire Dales. The fields that surrounded the cottage were blanketed in white and the hills beyond were obscured by...

2 years ago
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It was the Night Before Christmas... "Ladies and gentlemen, if I could please have your attention for a moment." the young man in the neatly pressed blue suit said as he stepped in front of the ticket counter. He had to repeat himself several times before the din of the crowd subsided enough for him to be heard. "Oh shit, this can't be good." Ilyssia Giordano thought as she took note of the all too artificial smile on the man's face. "I knew I should have taken the flight out...

3 years ago
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“Dr. Lombardi, it’s your wife on line two, and your four-thirty canceled. You have no more appointments scheduled for today.” “Thanks, Margaret,” I said to the receptionist. Then picking up the phone, “Hey, Cath. What’s up? “I’m in St. Louis. The airport here just closed due to the snow. My flight from L.A. made it in to here, but my connecting flight is canceled. I’m stuck here, at least for tonight.” “Damn. Well, I guess it can’t be helped. Anything I can do for you?” “No, I’m staying at...

4 years ago
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It had take years to get my wife comfortable with the idea of hypnosis. She finally consented when she began having trouble sleeping. When I assured her that she could sleep better through a post-hypnotic suggestion, she agreed to try it. Once under, she was given a key word which would make her relax and available to other suggestions. That was when the fun began. Knowing something about hypnosis, I realized that the power of a suggestion weakens over time unless it is constantly...

4 years ago
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A Fresh StartAcknowledgements

The list of people who have helped with this story is almost too great to list. However, it would be churlish in the extreme to not at least try. I am using their screen names and could never have done this without them! So, thank you, thank you, thank you to: Rotorhead, N12614, wino, stjoe56, ednelson, wd40, TeotwawkiTommy, HJ, ProxyAccount, and pharang. Any errors are mine, not theirs!

4 years ago
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The Omega TouchAfterword and Acknowledgements

Strum-dum, Strum-da-da Dum! Acknowledgments and Afterword I’d like to thank several people for assistance in this book. First, my proofreaders, Bozo, Greg, Ryan, and Steve. You find the strange little mistakes that I couldn’t see, and gave me confidence when you couldn’t find mistakes. To Lexi, Annie’s sister, for your story of confidence and vulnerability. To SpacerX, for unabashed assistance and advice. To Michael Wex, author of the book “Just Say Nu: Yiddish for Every Occasion (When...

1 year ago
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A Fresh Start EpilogueAcknowledgements

The list of people who have helped with this story is almost too great to list. However, it would be churlish in the extreme to not at least try. I am using their screen names and could never have done this without them! So, thank you, thank you, thank you to: Rotorhead, N12614, wino, stjoe56, ednelson, wd40, TeotwawkiTommy, HJ, ProxyAccount, and pharang. Any errors are mine, not theirs!

2 years ago
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The ProfessorChapter 5 Sex Love and Snowstorms

Since I wasn’t alone in my king-size bed as I returned to consciousness there was only one or two people I knew who could solve my guessing game for that evening. As I woke further I realized I had both girls in my bed, one on either side of me. I worried instantly, because I sleep in the nude and I hadn’t allowed for visitors. As my consciousness level shot up further, I realized that I needn’t have worried, or maybe I didn’t worry enough. Both Chris and Ash were naked too, their warm...

3 years ago
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The Gutenberg RubricAcknowledgments

A heartfelt thanks to the many people who have helped me with this book. Where it shines, it is due to their diligence and help. Where it fails, it is because of my own stubborn bull-headedness. I especially want to thank my wife who read and re-read the story in different drafts and corrected my spelling, grammar, and treatment of women. A second valuable aide was Jason Black, the book doctor, who read the first draft and told me exactly what was wrong, then read it again in time for me to...

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Bukkake Now! Stop the phony bukkake shows! Here comes the real deal! A stream of Japanese cum is in the house, ready to entertain! Meet bukkakenow.com, the site of a pretty straightforward name and one purpose only - prove that Japanese chicks are pros at taking cum all over their faces without blinking an eye. The Land of The Rising Sun, or better said The Land of The Dripping Cum, and this is probably the most offensive thing I have ever written about the land of Samurais! Never mind! Here...

Premium Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
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Today we’re going to take a look at Teen Snow, a website for young ladies and gentlemen with an interest in frolicking in the snow in a wholesome manner. Just kidding. Despite the clip art snowman at the top, this site doesn’t have a damn thing to do with skiing, sledding, or snowball fights. Nah, TeenSnow.com is a porn aggregator that collects teenage fuck movies from all around the Internet.Pretty Girls Living in an Ugly HouseYou want to know my honest reaction when I first pulled up...

Teen Porn Sites
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Javy Now! What’s the fascination with Japanese girls? Well, they are cute, petite and innocent looking, but are real monsters in bed. These women may look soft from the outside, but few women around the world possess such ability and willingness to satisfy even the darkest sexual desires. Some people may not like the hairy pussies, but the special moaning and submissiveness is an absolute turn on for any lover of Asian porn. JavyNow.com is all about ensuring that you jerk off to kinky Oriental...

Asian Porn Sites
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Free Chat Now! Imagine chatting with sexy bitches at a bar. Not only do you have to come up with some ‘out of this world’ lines they’ve never heard (highly unlikely), you’d also have to keep them interested and entertained long enough before you can get between their legs. You’ll be lucky to fuck an old slut that has knocked a couple of beers, but looking for pussy in this manner may as well be looking for a needle in a haystack.What if I told you that you can chat with sexy people and get your...

Sex Chat Sites
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Look At Her Now! What’s better than jerking off to some hot, innocent girl-next-door’s Instagram photo of the new outfit she got for work? How about seeing the same girl with her hair and makeup ruined and sperm dripping out of her smiling mouth? LookAtHerNow illustrates the premise with a couple side-by-side, before-and-after photographs, though I’m not sure anyone would claim Adria Fox was all that innocent to start with.LookAtHerNow.com got off the ground in June 2019, but they’re already...

Top Premium Porn Sites
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Reddit SnowWhites, aka r/SnowWhites! Talk about a niche subset of people who all love a certain type of girl. What /r/SnowWhites is offering is something that I never even knew was a thing. I had no idea that people liked black haired pale girls so much that they had to make an entire subreddit for it on Reddit.com. Anyway, I get that people like different things, so I’m not going to talk trash about anyone. In fact, I might just like what I see here. I’ve been scrolling through this sub for a...

Reddit NSFW List
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Porn X Now! If I know anything about you sex-starved cucks, it’s that you want to get your hands on the best porn possible for the lowest price. Well, how does free sound? Yeah, I thought that would get your attention. Some of you cheapskates probably popped a half-chub at the mere thought of getting your cum-crusted hands on some glorious free content. However, finding the good shit can be a struggle. So how do you tell the shitty sites from the good ones? Well, you don’t fucking have to....

Indian Porn Sites
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Are you ready to Wank It Now? That’s more of a rhetorical question because I honestly don’t get many visitors here at ThePornDude who aren’t looking to pull their puds, usually while looking at some dirty movies. That’s why today, I’m going to be checking out a site that’s just full of sexy girls sucking, fucking, and talking really dirty. You might be thinking, “Well, that sounds like any other day around here,” which is true. However, the big question is always what separates today’s site...

Premium Fetish Porn Sites
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Our First Snowfall

Colorado is SO beautiful! I fell in love with the place as soon as I first saw it with you. The mountains are gorgeous and the air is so fresh! We moved here in the late spring after spending the winter in Florida and I still had not seen snow yet. We heard on TV that the first snow of the season was expected to fall this weekend and I am so excited! You seem as excited as I do even though you have seen your share of it. It is going to be our first snowfall together as husband and wife in our...

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The EndLust In The Snowstorm

Callie awoke a few hours later urgently needing to use the bathroom so she quietly crawled over Doug to the front seat and slid on her jeans and sweater, not bothering to look for her underwear. She then put on her boots and coat, opened the door just enough to slip out and headed across the dark deserted parking lot toward the truck stop. It was still snowing lightly but she felt confident that the roads would be open later this morning.Unbeknown to Callie, she did not manage to slip out of...

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The Snowstorm

The snow is starting to fall harder as I ease up over the mountain in my Kenworth, God I sure hope the worst of it holds off till I get parked. The only thing I hate worse than driving in a blizzard is sheet ice. I've been lucky so far this year, only one major storm has shut me down and that was only for a day. The life of a trucker is not what I had in mind when I was a young, but circumstance has lead me to it. Who am I? Well once upon a time I was a career soldier, a Sergeant First Class,...

Oral Sex
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The Disabled Police Detectivethe Snowstorm

Winter 2014 December 20th 2014 5 days before Christmas Police detective Andy Ironside Ripley a member of the Farmhouse Indiana Police department's special division. Is off duty and doing his best to stay warm because the small city of Farmhouse Indiana is being pounded by a snow storm the kind of snowstorm that happens once maybe twice in a lifetime midway through supper his phone rings. RING!!! RING!!! He quickly answers it "Hello? Yes sir I will be there as soon as I can goodbye sir."...

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Evelyn Blowing Snow

There is something about the words ‘blow’ and ‘blowing’ that puts most guys’ cocks on edge, especially when they are said, in any context, by a sexy girl. Over the years, I’ve worked as a sound-man at a number of TV news stations and one of my biggest thrills has been when one of these gorgeous young weather girls so many stations now have talks about ‘blowing snow.” For me, there’s a particular reason for this. You see, my name is Snow... Charlie Snow. Never in my 20-year career in TV have I...

Group Sex
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Love and Snow

Waiting in this empty world, Waiting for Then, when the life spray cools. For Now does ride in on the curl of the wave, And you will dance with me in the sunlit pools. We are of the going water and the gone. We are of water in the holy land of water And all that’s to come runs in With the thrust on the strand.’ Kate Bush, ‘Jig of Life’ Gabriel viewed the village from a flat rock jutting from the mountainside. A morning storm had covered the land in a shimmering blanket of snow. Streams of...

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Like the Driven Snow

Stephen sighed in relief as the ending credits of the movie rolled across the screen. He’d tolerated the overly sweet romance for Rachel’s pleasure, but a love story between a woman and her husband’s ghost was far too weird for his sensibilities. Stephen would have preferred to see the mafia flick that was also playing, but he could afford to take an hour and a half out of his life to please his new girlfriend. He would do anything for his black-haired angel, but he wasn’t about to let her in...

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