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"They sleep in separate rooms?" asked Stacey incredulously. "Are you kidding?"

"Swear to God," replied Sarah, her best friend and college roommate. They were discussing Sarah's parents, whom they were driving up to Heritage to visit for the Thanksgiving holiday break. "They've been doing that for like ten years now. Since I was in third grade. They just don't get along all that well I guess."

"Wow," said Stacey, shaking her head a little. She was sitting in the passenger seat of Sarah's BMW convertible as they drove up Interstate 5 from Sacramento. They were both freshmen at the University of California at Davis. Sarah had invited her to stay the long weekend with her and her family since Stacey's parents, who lived in Palo Alto, had elected to spend this particular holiday in Hawaii. Now she was starting to wonder if it was such a good idea after all. "Do they like fight a lot and stuff like that?" she asked nervously.

"No, nothing like that," Sarah told her, flipping her blonde ponytail from one side of her head to the other. Her hair was always in a ponytail, except when she was sleeping. And her face, though pretty, had never had make-up upon it. She had told Stacey once that she didn't need make-up since she was not trying to attract any boys. "They just don't talk to each other much. They kind of stay out of each other's way, you know? Don't worry. Everything will be just fine. They're both dying to meet you."

"They are?"

She gave a slight smile. "I didn't have a lot of friends when I was in high school. They..."

"Get the hell out of here with that," Stacey interrupted. "You didn't have any friends? You're rich, you're a sweetheart and you've got a body to die for. You had to have been the most popular girl in school." And this was true. Sarah was indeed from a rich family and she was indeed one of the sweetest people Stacey had ever met. And her body was indeed a nice one as well. It was trim and petite, like a dancer's body, with long, shapely legs and small, pert breasts.

Sarah blushed a little. "Afraid not," she said. "Like I told you before, me and boys never really got along with each other. I never hung out with the crowd in high school. I just kind of kept to myself."

"Hard to believe," Stacey told her, although she already knew about her friend's aversion towards the male sex, an aversion that came complete with a leaning towards the female sex. This had been demonstrated in graphic detail to her their second month together as roommates when, after smoking a joint up in their dorm room, they had ended up first masturbating together and then, at Sarah's initiation, masturbating each other. It was an act that had repeated itself three times since then, always after smoking grass or drinking. Stacey was not sure exactly how she felt about this. She could not deny that she had enjoyed the touch of Sarah's hand on her pussy. Nor could she deny that she had longed to further the encounter, to let her friend suck her breasts or even lick her. But she was horribly afraid that this might mean she was becoming a lesbian. True, her natural inclination was towards guys, with their hard bodies and their masculinity. But what if she started wanting to do things with women exclusively? What would happen then? She had only slept with one boy in her life and it had been an experience worth forgetting. What if she stopped desiring men before she had a chance to experience them to the fullest? Was that possible?

"So anyway," Sarah said, breaking her train of thought, "they're both really excited to meet my best friend. I never really had one before you see."

"I see," she said, feeling the slightest bit uncomfortable with the direction the conversation was moving. She decided to change the subject. "So they're both lawyers, right?"

"Right," Sarah said, gunning the engine and whipping around a line of big rigs in the slow lane. "Dad's a corporate lawyer for Barkely-Cavenaugh. He just made partner a month ago. Mom is a police brutality specialist for the ACLU."

"A corporate lawyer and an ACLU lawyer?" Stacey asked, raising her eyebrows. "Christ, could they have less in common? Where did they meet?"

"In law school," she replied. "I used to wonder about why they started dating myself since they're so different. It was only in the last few years that I started to figure it out."


"Yeah," she said, giving a cynical look that had never been meant to be displayed on someone so young. "My mom married him because she knew he would be successful. He was focusing on corporate law and had all the family connections. My grandmother raised her to look for those kinds of things in a man. The same way mom tried to raise me."

"I see," Stacey said, feeling uncomfortable again. Was there any way that they could talk of neutral subjects for a bit? She was getting tired of these confessions.

Sarah smiled and patted her friend's knee affectionately. "But don't worry," she assured her. "Except for the separate bedrooms and the silence between them, we're just a normal, happy, upper-middle class family. They're gonna love you."

"Are they?"

"Guarantee it."

As it turned out, Sarah was right.

Sarah's parents lived in Whispering Oaks, which was the fashionable part of the Heritage metropolitan area. Their house was a ten-year old tri-level that had been erected upon a premium lot located on a cul-de-sac within a gated community. The back of the house looked out over the Heritage River and the parkway that surrounded it. The front featured an oversized, immaculately maintained lawn. Sarah pulled up in front of this house at just after 6:00 PM on Wednesday evening. To the west the sun had just dipped below the horizon imparting an inky twilight upon the neighborhood.

"Nice place," Stacey said politely as she took it in for the first time, although, in truth, her parents' house was actually a bit larger and in a bit of a nicer neighborhood. She diplomatically did not mention this.

Sarah shrugged. "Nicer than the dorm, that's for sure," she replied, shutting off the engine. "Well, shall we go meet them?"

"I guess so."

The door was flung open before they were even halfway up the walk and out came her parents, happy smiles upon their faces as their only daughter returned to them after her first extended absence. Stacey saw immediately that Sarah took after her mother. She was nothing more than an older version of Sarah herself. She was about the same height, had the same blonde hair, and the same small breasts. Her face was showing her forty years a bit, with the odd wrinkle here and there, but she was, overall, a very lovely, mature looking woman.

Stacey looked at Sarah's mother for only the briefest of instances however before her attention was riveted to Sarah's father. It wasn't that he was stunningly handsome, for he wasn't; he was actually pretty average looking. About 5-11 or so and about 180 pounds, he was not a particularly formidable specimen. But his face was pleasant and confident looking, with deep blue eyes and a small goatee on his chin (she took a moment to wonder how a corporate lawyer got away with that particular accessory). He had a thick mop of short, sandy brown hair atop his head that was neatly styled in a professional cut. His shoulders were broad and his arms well muscled beneath the polo shirt that he wore. It looked as if he worked-out regularly. When he turned around to hug his daughter and give her a kiss on the cheek, she saw that his ass was quite impressive for a forty-two year old. She found herself experiencing a small tingle of arousal as she looked at him. Perhaps it was the knowledge that he was having marital troubles and had been for quite some time. Perhaps it was the taboo aspect of her being Sarah's father. Whatever it was, she knew she was attracted to him from the first moment. And when he looked at her for the first time, after the hugs from the parents were complete, she could see that he was taking an interest in her as well. She saw it in the way his eyes looked her up and down, in the way they took in her large breasts beneath her UC Davis sweater. A connection had definitely fired between them. Of that she had no doubt. She found herself wondering what she should do about it.

"Mom, Dad," Sarah said, leading them over to where she stood, "this is Stacey, my roommate and the best friend in the world. Stacey... Mom and Dad."

Stacey smiled, holding out her hand to the mother first. "Nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Benning," she told them. "Thank you for letting me come visit you for the holiday."

"Any friend of Sarah's is a friend of ours," said Mrs. Benning, taking her hand and shaking it. She smiled and gave a soft squeeze as they shook. "And call me Anne."

"Anne," Stacey dutifully repeated, wondering if it had been her imagination that Anne's thumb had slid softly across the back of her hand or if it had really happened.

"And I'm Michael," said Mr. Benning, stepping forward and almost snatching her hand away from his wife. His grip was firmer against hers, though not enough to be called rough. "It's very nice to meet you."

They chatted on the porch for a few moments, Sarah catching them up on what had happened to her since the last time she'd talked to them, telling them about their drive up from Davis, and sharing a few anecdotes about their friendship. The air outside was somewhat chilly, with a cold northern breeze blowing across them. As the chat went on Sarah realized that Michael and Anne were both seeming to glance at her chest a little more than was usual. She took a quick look down at herself and realized that her large nipples, which were extremely sensitive, had hardened and were poking noticeably through her sweater. She felt horrified at this, but at the same time strangely excited. She couldn't help but notice that the bulge in Michael's jeans, which had been quite impressive to begin with, seemed to have gotten a bit larger. Christ, were her nipples turning him on? She thrilled at the thought that that might be the case. But why was Anne staring at them too? She did not seem upset with the display that was being offered. She found herself wondering if maybe Sarah's inclination towards women might be an inherited trait.

"Well," Anne said at last, giving one more extended glance at Stacey's chest, "why don't you girls go get your things out of the car and come on in. I have a pot roast that I've been cooking all day and its just about ready to eat."

"Sounds great Mom," said Sarah, who had seemingly been oblivious to the entire episode between her parents and her best friend. "Come on Stace, let's get unloaded."

"Right," Stacey said, nodding a bit. Numbly she followed Sarah to the car while Michael and Anne retreated inside the house.

The pot roast was absolutely divine and both girls, deprived of home cooked food for months, tore into it with a vengeance, greedily consuming two helpings apiece, complete with mashed potatoes and gravy and steamed carrots. Between chomps and chews at their food conversation drifted around the table, much of it centered on Stacey. Anne and Michael both asked her many questions about her upbringing, her parents, her major in school, her future plans. Both seemed particularly interested in whether or not she had a boyfriend. Stacey noticed that although both of them talked to her a lot and that both of them talked to Sarah almost as much, they rarely said a word to each other. Requests to pass a particular food item were about it. As Sarah had told her, they were not hostile to each other, just uncommunicative.

After dinner was complete the four of them pitched in together to clear the table and clean up the mess that had been made. This was something of a new experience for Stacey since her parents had always employed a maid for such work. Nevertheless she picked up the basic idea pretty quickly. While Sarah and Anne concentrated on moving the dishes from the dining room to the kitchen she rinsed them off in the sink while Michael loaded them into the dishwasher. As they performed this chore she noticed that her friend's father was standing perhaps a little closer to her than was absolutely necessary for the task at hand. His hip was in slight contact with hers and their shoulders came together whenever one of them shifted their weight. And when she handed a dish to him for placement in the machine their wet hands would touch at the fingertips, seemingly deliberately on his part.

She felt the tingles of electricity again at the realization that he was going out of his way to touch her. He was attracted to her and was trying to show it, trying to be a little flirtatious with her. It made her warm inside to know that she had enough sex appeal at nineteen to get a rise out of a married man twice her age. It made her feel sexy and wanted, a little surer of her sexuality. And she was attracted to him as well, of that there could be no denying. Though she had no intention of doing anything with him, she decided to flirt some with him, just to test out the waters of her powers as a female. She had so little experience with this sort of thing.

She commented on his build as they continued to rub hips and shoulders and touch fingers to each other. "You must work out a lot to get all those muscles," she observed.

He smiled, setting a serving platter in the rack and reaching over to grab a plate from her. "Three or four times a week," he said. "I have a lot more time to do it now that I've make partner at the firm. Once you get to be a boss the workload gets cut in half."

"That's pretty tight," she said, giving an extra slow rub of her hip as she handed it over. "What's up with the goatee? I thought that law firms were pretty strict on that sort of thing."

His smile broadened, his fingers going up to stroke the growth of hair for a moment. "It annoys the hell out of the other partners," he said mischievously. "I never would've been able to get away with it before my promotion. But now that I'm up the ladder I can pretty much do what I want, within reason anyway. I thought about getting an earring as well, but that might've been just a tad over the line."

Stacey giggled, feeling a warm flush as he seemed to fight to keep his shoulder in contact with hers. "Well, if you can't get an earring, maybe you could pierce something else then. That's what I did when I wanted to rebel against my parents. Of course they don't know that I have it, but... well... you know."

"Really?" he said, raising his eyebrows in interest. "And what exactly did you pierce young lady, or dare I ask?"

Another giggle, another rub of the shoulders. Yes, her flirting was definitely having a pleasant affect on Michael. It made her feel powerful and sexy. She slapped at his shoulder playfully. "Nothing obscene," she told him. "Just my belly button. In my family that would be quite an atrocity though. My parents are kind of religious."

"So you said," he said, and then gave a quick glance around, as if to see if anyone was in earshot. No one was. Anne and Sarah were in the dining room, wiping down the table. "I bet it looks real sexy on you," he told her.

She took a glance around herself and then almost whispered, "Do you want to see it?"

"Uhh... sure," he said, blushing a little himself now. "I'd love to."

She turned towards him and pulled up her UC Davis sweater to just below her breasts, baring her smooth, sexy stomach for him. A gold ring was threaded through the top of her belly button. He swallowed audibly as he looked at it. She saw the bulge in his pants actually twitch a bit, giving her another rush of tingly power. She was actually turning him on! He was practically drooling at the sight of her tummy.

"You like it?" she asked.

"It's very nice," he told her. "Doesn't it... uh... doesn't it hurt though?"

"No, it makes awesome tingles when someone touches it. Do you think it's sexy?"

"It's very sexy," he confirmed. Tentatively he reached out his hand. "Do you mind? I've never felt one before."

She giggled. "Not at all. Go ahead."

His fingertips touched her just above the ring, resting for a second on the tanned skin of her belly and then gently caressing the ring itself. Tingles of excitement went radiating up and down her body at the touch. She felt a gush of moisture flooding her sex and rubbed her legs together involuntarily. The bulge in his pants, she noticed, took another lurch and grew a bit.

"Better stop that," she whispered. "Touching it has... well... an affect on me."

"Really," he said, giving it another soft rub. "Well we can't have that, can we?"

She smiled. "At least not right now," she told him, causing another flush to rise to his face.

He finally took his hand away and she let her shirt drop back down. They went back to washing dishes for a moment, both of them silent. Stacey was really enjoying herself now, was feeling powerful at the affect her flirtations were having. She really was a sexy thing! She really could attract men as well as Sarah. She really could play the game. The only thing that she didn't know was just how dangerous the game that she was playing really was.

The lower level of the house had been converted into a large family room, complete with a large-screen, high-definition television set that was hooked up to a satellite dish, surround sound, a stereo system, a pinball machine, and a pool table. After clean up was complete and an after-dinner brandy was consumed by all (it seemed to be a bit of a tradition in Sarah's family) the four of them went down to this room and teamed up for a few games of eight ball on the green table. The team composition was rotated every game. It was always Sarah with Michael and Stacey with Anne or the other way around. Anne and Michael never teamed up together against the two girls, obstinately so that their superior pool shooting skills would not be set against the two girls' more meager ones, but in reality it seemed to Stacey that they just didn't want to play together. And though everyone seemed to have a good time during the game, Stacey noticed that Sarah's parents still never engaged in any sort of conversation with each other. They would each talk freely with their daughter or with Stacey herself, but never did they talk to each other. Sarah didn't even seem to notice this, so used to it was she.

Flirtation with Michael was a little more difficult with his wife and daughter in the room but she still managed to do it in a subtle manner. Looks and secret smiles were exchanged between the two of them when the other two weren't looking, looks full of naughty intention, smiles that were more than just friendly. Several times Stacey managed to brush against him as she moved from one position on the table to the other and once she managed to slide her jeans-clad buttocks directly across the front of his pants as he passed behind her and she bent over to take a shot. It was during that encounter that she actually felt the bulge in his pants against her for the first time. She felt it pushing on her ass for the briefest of instances, felt it bulge just a little bit more at the delicious contact. When she saw the flush on his face as he retreated to the other side, when she heard the stammer in his speech when he spoke a second later, she thrilled again at this power of flirtation that she was discovering. The sensation was doubled, tripled even by the impropriety of it, by the fact that they had accomplished it right in front of Sarah and Anne and that the two of them had not even noticed.

These moments during the pool game swelled her confidence and made her more brazen later in the evening, as everyone settled down just prior to bed. The two girls went upstairs to change into their nightclothes. Sarah chose a pair of rather conservative silk pajamas to wear. Stacey, though she had a pair almost exactly like them, elected instead to go with a knee-length red T-shirt. As an added enticement she removed her bra, allowing her generous breasts to bounce and jiggle in a most sexy way. She waited for Sarah to make some comment on her attire, to maybe tell her that it wasn't exactly appropriate for her household, but if anything Sarah seemed to like the way she dressed.

"You've got the prettiest boobies," she told her, unabashedly staring at them as the t-shirt fell into place. "I wish mine looked that good without a bra on."

"Thank you," Stacey said, a little embarrassed, but a little excited as well. She had already decided that if her friend wanted to finger her pussy for her tonight that she would let her. And the way that Sarah was looking at her, it didn't seem that that was going to be a pipe dream.

Michael and Anne had moved to different parts of the house but both were still awake. Anne was in the living room, a few legal texts spread out before her as she worked on some briefs for her job. Michael was in the family room, working on some paperwork of his own and sipping out of a mixed drink of some sort. The two girls, after briefly exchanging a few words with Anne, found their way back to the family room.

"Do you mind if we play a few games of pinball Daddy?" Sarah asked Michael.

"Not at all," he said, casting a pleased look at Stacey's bare legs.

"Tight," Sarah responded, oblivious to the look. She pushed the button to launch the machine into its cycle and set it up for two-person play. A moment later she was banging the ball around the table while the lights flashed and the buzzers buzzed.

When it was Stacey's turn she made an extra effort to move her body in exaggerated fashion as she manipulated the flippers and pushed the machine from side to side. This caused her breasts to jiggle about beneath her shirt in a way that she hoped would be alluring to Sarah's father. She noticed right away, before her first ball even drained, that it was working. His eyes would keep coming off of the paperwork before him to lock onto her chest and the hem of her t-shirt. The bulge in his pants began its slow growth again and he had to shift from side to side, as if it were uncomfortable. She thrilled once again in the thought that she could give a grown man an erection. She felt like such a woman! Such a sexy, desirable woman.

After twenty minutes of this bouncing and jiggling, the bulge was quite an impressive size indeed, so large that he repositioned the work folder he was perusing so that he could hide it. She decided to up the ante yet again, to give him a view of her that he wouldn't soon forget. While it was Sarah's turn she "accidentally" dropped the coaster that she was using for her drink to the floor. Feigning absent-mindedness she bent over at the waist to pick it up while her rear-end was pointed directly at Michael. She felt the hem of her t-shirt ride up in the back, well over her tanned upper thighs. Had it gone high enough for him to catch a glimpse of her lavender panties hugging her ass-cheeks? The muted gasp she heard from behind her told her that it probably had. She let the coaster slip through her fingers a few times, as if she was having trouble grasping it. Finally she slowly stood back upright, her hem falling back down to where it belonged. She took a moment to glance at Michael and saw that he was flushed once again, a strange, almost hungry look in his eyes. He was looking at her face now, staring directly at her as if he knew exactly what she was doing. Perhaps he did. She gave him a flirty smile in return.

When they tired of playing pinball Michael invited the two of them to join him in a game of three-handed cribbage. Sarah was not too keen on the idea - she said she was tired and wanted to go to bed - but Stacey finally convinced her that one game wouldn't hurt. When they sat down on the sectional couch, the board set up on the coffee table, Stacey deliberately positioned herself directly across from Michael. She made sure that the hem of her shirt rode up once again, displaying about half of her smooth thighs for his inspection. Every once in a while, when Sarah wasn't paying attention to her, she would allow her knees to fall apart just a bit, just enough so that Michael, if he was looking, would be able to catch the briefest glance between her legs. Each time his gaze fell there he would flush again and swallow audibly. He took to holding a couch pillow on his lap so that his hard-on wouldn't show.

Sarah ended up winning the game by more than twenty points. She declared that it was the first time in years that she had ever beaten her father at cribbage.

"I guess my mind just... uh... wasn't completely on the game," he offered, still holding his pillow firmly in place while Stacey allowed her legs to slip open one last time.

"I'll take any victory I can get," replied Sarah, still seemingly oblivious to the tension between her father and her friend. She yawned, stretching her arms out and then turned to Stacey. "Well I'm about beat. You ready to call it a night now."

"Yeah," Stacey said, "I guess so." She actually wasn't. She was quite enjoying the flirtation and the teasing but she wasn't really sure that Sarah would like it if she decided to stay up with her father. And she also knew that Sarah had some plans of her own once they climbed into the double bed upstairs.

They both said goodnight to Michael. Sarah gave him a daughterly hug and a peck on the cheek. As she stepped away to head for the living room and her mother, Stacey stepped up and put her arms around him as well, pulling her body against him.

"Thank you so much for having me here Michael," she told him, her hands touching the muscles of his back. She felt her braless breasts pushing against his chest and she moved her shoulders just a bit, increasing the pressure, rubbing her nipples against him through their clothing. She was actually able to hear the harsh intake of breath in her ear as she did this, as he felt her globes pressing into him. His pelvis, seemingly of its own volition, pushed forward against her, bringing his bulging hard-on directly into her lower stomach. She could almost feel it pulsating there, a living, caged beast that she had been teasing unmercifully. Once again she felt the power of her femininity rushing through her, sending wetness to her sex, soaking her lavender panties.

"You're uh... uh... welcome," Michael managed to squeak, his hard-on still pushing her stomach, his arms around her back, caressing the skin beneath her shirt.

They broke the embrace only reluctantly, and only because Sarah was still standing there, and would begin to wonder in a moment why they were hugging each other so long. When she pulled away she saw the look in Michael's eyes had become almost dangerous in its wanting. For the first time she began to wonder if maybe she had taken things a little too far.

The girls went into the living room and told Anne goodnight, each giving her a brief hug as well. Stacey, still reeling from her encounter with Michael, hardly noticed that Anne gave her a little more than a friendly hug as well, hardly registered the fact that she seemed to enjoy the touch of her breasts against her own as much as her husband had.

"I told you that you and my parents would hit it off," Sarah said as they ascended the staircase.

"I guess you were right," she replied. "They're really cool. Both of them."

Neither of the girls noticed that both Michael and Anne had positioned themselves at the bottom of the stairs and that both of them were looking up the hem of Stacey's shirt while pretending to do something else.

"I'm sorry that we don't have a guest bedroom," Sarah said as she pulled back the covers and slipped between them. "Daddy's been sleeping in it for years now and the other spare room is being used as an office."

"That's okay," Stacey told her, noting that her friend sounded anything but sorry about this and not really caring at the moment. She was so horny right now that she thought she would cry in frustration if Sarah didn't try something with her. "It's not like we haven't... you know... been in the same bed before."

"No," she said with a sweet smile. "It's not like we haven't."

They climbed in and Sarah flipped off the bedside lamp. They lay together on their backs, about eight inches apart, both of them staring up into the darkness, their bodies not touching. Finally Sarah turned her head towards her, her hand creeping over and landing on Stacey's knee.

"Stace?" she said hesitantly. "Do you think that maybe we can... you know..."

"Do it Sarah," she said, opening her legs. "I could really use it tonight."

Sarah sighed in contentment and let her hand slide upward, along her inner thigh and under the hem of her shirt. Stacey opened her legs wider and moaned as the hand touched the crotch of her panties.

"My God," Sarah whispered, lust in her voice. "You're soaking wet girl. Were you thinking about this all night?"

"Something like that," Stacey told her. "Now do me baby. I really need to come."

"Take your panties off," she said, her breathing excited now.

Stacey quickly pushed them down to her knees and pulled one leg out. She used her foot to kick them the rest of the way off. She then opened her legs widely again, resting her right one over Sarah's left. Sarah's hand slid up her thigh again and soon her fingers were slipping between her saturated lips, probing inside of her, while her thumb circled slowly around her clit. Stacey began to moan almost immediately as the joy of her friend's touch worked its way through her being. Sarah's fingers felt so good inside of her, against her. Her pelvis began to rise and fall.

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His prick got a violent, juicy massage. But once more he managed to hold off his own orgasm. Eddie wasn't finished with his horny big sister yet. He was determined to turn their first fuck into a marathon of pleasure. That way she'd be more willing to let him fuck her again whenever he wanted. "Unnnhhhh, fuck, that's so good... so fucking good!" Mindy sobbed. She was coming hard, and it was taking a long time. It seemed that every orgasm she had today was stronger than the last. She...

2 years ago
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Deanne and Me Chapter Four

It was early in the morning when I went to my truck and started off on my mission.Almost a year had passed since I last saw Deanne. Yes, I had been missing her. She really is a wonderful person but I must admit that I had been thinking more about her as a sex partner while driving to the airport. Her magnificent body had given such pleasure to me that I was hoping she would still be interested in me sexually.Having arrived at the airport early, I was wandering around to pass the time until her...

Straight Sex
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MyGirlfriendsBustyFriend Angela White 23015

Realtor Angela White’s looking to get some new headshots for her business, and it just so happens that her good friend and coworker’s boyfriend Damon is a burgeoning photographer. He offers to snap some new photos of her, but when he heads over, Angela tells him that instead of headshots she wants to shoot some sexy lingerie photos because she recently got engaged. The sneaky koala even pulls her big natural tits our right in front of him as she changes, causing him to pop a boner! Angela comes...

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Surprise Surprise

By : I_ranvir Hello all, This is Ranvir and want to share a true story with you all.I live in Delhi. I am having 1 fast friend’s. We shared joy, sadness and problems. We know everything about each other. We both are in same age. Now we both married. Before marriage we make a deal to marry in same year, so we did in 2010. We also made promise that after marriage we will go Bangkok with our partners for honeymoon.  We both look smart and like adventures. By luck we found same kind of partners.As...

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Ashley Juggs is Always Number One

Ashley Juggs is Always Number One ---------------- Disclaimer: No one and nothing in this story is real. If you have any questions or like my story, tell me at [email protected], k? -------- Synopsis -------- Jenna finds out why Ashley Juggs will always be the top porn star. ---------------- Jenna thought about the contract she had just signed and smiled. This was it! This was going to be her step to number one. She'd always been number two in porn next to Ashley - that...

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more from eve 2

  The Manager greeted us with a huge smile and said, “welcome Shilla, so nice to see you again, but where is Ron?”   Shilla introduced me then explained about Ron’s accident and that I had come on holiday in his place.   “ Oh so sorry to hear that, hope he is better soon,” then he turned to me and said,” most welcome to you, enjoy your meal.”   The restaurant had the tables arranged around the dance floor and Shilla and I were ushered to a front row table, right on the edge of the dance...

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26 December 2006Chapter 6

One of the kids at the table next to them threw a toy onto the floor, and the Dad had to lean over closer to Dan to pick it up. Dan’s fingers froze inside Wendy’s pussy. All he had to do was look up, and he’d see his hand between her legs. While her husband was leaning over, the woman looked directly at Wendy. She smiled and waved her hand at her. That’s when Wendy realized that the woman had been watching Dan fingering her pussy all along. Wendy was too far gone to care they were being...

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The Life of John Smith Chapters 3 4

Mother was especially nice to me when I got home. Since it was her day off, we stopped on the way home for dinner. She had me tell her what I had done and seen in LA. I did not tell her about Shirley. When she pressed me for details, I said I was tired. She said she knew I was tired, so she told me that when we got home, I should bathe and go to bed. When I got in the tub I began to beat-off. I was about to cum when my mother walked in. Of course, I stopped and hid my boner in the soapy...

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Many thanks to techsan for editing this story. My name is Tommy Janson and I'm regarded as an average Scandinavian man. Earlier in this year in my early forties, I saw myself to be a man without any personal problems, living in a happy marriage when the events, which got me to write this story, began to happen. At least in my own opinion, I couldn't by any reason be regarded as some kind of wimp though I began to realize that my wife ruled an increasing part of our lives. Much of it was my...

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Waterbury Hills High School Dads and Dudes Fashion Show and Auction

“Mom, is daddy really going to be naked in front of all these ladies?  In front of my teachers and friends and their mothers?  Oh God, in front of me?” Annie demanded to know!“And in front of me, too?” Shelly wanted to know.  Shelly and Annie have been best friends since kindergarten.  While Shelly had stayed overnight at Annie’s house many times, she never got to see Annie’s father naked!  At best she saw him in his boxers in the morning, and sometimes she thought she could detect some morning...

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Eat Me Now

We had known her for almost 20 years. There were reasons I had not approached her years ago, but now we were close friends. She had ditched her abusive jerk of a husband, played for a year, and settled on her high school sweetheart from 20 years before. The problem for them was he lived half way across the country on the east coast, while she (and we) lived in the middle of the country. They aren’t rich or even well-off, so visits are few and far between. We worked close to one another, she...

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A Day of Shopping

My name is Tony (not really but that's what I'm going to call myself for the moment), I'm from the North of England and I'm the eldest of four children - three boys and mummy's little angel, child number three, a girl three years younger than me. The thing about her being mummy's little angel is the key to a lot of things that happened in my childhood. My mother wanted a girl, she got one and she spoiled her rotten. My parents are Irish Catholics from a dirt-poor background - my...

3 years ago
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Used at a gay sauna

I was quite comfortable enjoying gay sex, even taking domination to a certain level, so long as I always felt relatively safe, and had recently begun to find certain guys attractive (see my blog about Picked up on a train, and the Pakistani checkout boy) but I did not consider myself to be gay manDespite that, it was all I could to not to watch gay, bi and T/S porn all of the time, and as most guys do, fantasise it was me having my face fucked, or being ridden by a huge aggressive masterI had...

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visiting my uncle eddie part3

Before you guys read this story,you may wanna have a look at the part 1 and part 2 of visiting my uncle Eddie from my blog.So,the next morning I woke up,we both me and uncle Eddie were totally naked because of the bed rules and because we had sex four times yesterday night. There are still 5 days left for my parents to come back home,I was quite excited.I woke up uncle eddie,"Wake up old man,its 9:00 am on the clock"."Aaargghhh!!! is it morning already? Damn it was one hell of a night!!" ,He...

3 years ago
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Creampie Eating For Fun

I am a fairly normal guy except for I have a problem. Ever since I was a teen, I have cum very quickly. It doesn't matter if I was masturbating, getting a hand job, blowjob or sex. If there is constant stimulation, the longest I have gone before cumming is 4 minutes and most of the time it is 1 1/2 minutes. As you can imagine, this has caused a lot of embarrassment and humiliation in my life. Below I will share with you my relationships and what has happened. The bad part about this is, I have...

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The Gift

"Why are there no roads in this forest? This trail will ruin my shoes! And will this stupid mountain go up forever?" Joanna Styrgon, the auburn haired 40 year old president of aspiring Styrgon Industries, had complained for the last half hour at least. Removing the thousandth twig from her furred coat she glared at her lone company, her 23 year old personal assistant George Mason, who had, of course, no part in his boss's choice of designer shoes or the lack of infrastructure on this...

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Cabin boy III

Going into the cabin Tim said to undress. As I stripped he watch me as I took my shirt off. When I was pulling down my shorts Tim said don't move, stay just like that. Bent over with my butt facing Tim, I stayed bent as he looked at me. I watched him undress quickly and lay on the make shift king size bed. Laying down Tim said come here. I stepped out of my shorts and climbed up on the float. Tim rubbed his dick and balls, putting a show on for me. He reached out and pulled me to him, and...

1 year ago
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BangBrosClips Aidra Fox Aidra Makes A Porno

Who can resist to the temptation of having a new camera, a perfect location and most of all, a really hot girlfriend and not filming some sex memories? No body!! That’s why we are seeing Aidra letting her boyfriend film her being fucked hard, sucking his cock and riding like a champion. She looks amazing on camera and her tight pussy and fucking skills really stand out. We can enjoy the result of this experiment in this hot and sexy tape. Guys, enjoy this piece of erotic film. Nothing like...

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Janes Initiation by a Strict Nun

Janes Initiation by a Strict NunThe blonde bombshell bounded up the steps to St. Monica's School forGirls. Her unusually large breasts bouncing up and down and side-to-sidelike small cantaloupes trapped in a bra. Her petite frame and figure wereidentical to Jenna, except her breasts were even LARGER than Jenna's. Withan easy pull she opened the large heavy wooden front door to the school andwalked in.Her firm tight ass swayed easily from side-to-side and each step caused hershort navy mini to...

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A Moms Sexuality Awaken Chapter 12

Chapter Twelve Just before getting to Kate’s they dropped Peter and Tim off at the motel and let them hold the camera as Sally gave Josh his noon blowjob. Tim also won the coin toss and got to retrieve the capsule from Sally’s pussy. Then in his thick southern voice he told Josh that Tarver from Atlanta, Georgia wants him to flood Sally’s face with his cum. So that Tim wasn’t left out they let him scoop up Josh’s cum with a spoon and feed it all to Sally. Tim told her before they left that...

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SweetSinner Casey Calvert My Sister Fucked My Guy82308230Again

Blair Williams and Casey Calvert are back home with their parents for vacation and Blair sees the new neighbor Tyler Nixon and decides to take dibs on him to make sure she avoids another situation with her sister fucking the boy she wants. Of course, in this Sibling Rivalry, placing dibs is as good as challenging her sister Casey on who can fuck Tyler first. Once again, Casey schemes in order to get what her sister wants and this time it’s Tyler’s cock deep inside her pussy. Blair...

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Witches Toil

Beth’s leaving plummeted me back into the depths of teenage depression, leading me down a long, dark tunnel at which end no light could be seen. Not only had I lost the girl who had become my best friend, but I’d also lost my love. Together, we had shared the most special thing; we’d shared the loss of our virginity. No joy was there for me in the dawning of the new millennium, no sparkle in those celebratory fireworks that punctuated the end of 1999.  Some solace was to be found in the gentle...

1 year ago
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RetreadsChapter 27

She didn't say a word until after downing her first double shot of Turkey and then it was just "hit me" as she handed me her glass for a refill. She was on her third before she said any more. Finally she sighed "I think I can talk about it now." She still had tears escaping as she went on. "That poor little boy, I am so glad that I didn't try anything until I was leaving. There was a big tumor in his chest and I thought I could make it at least start to go away but every time I made...

2 years ago
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My first Crossdresser Part One

When she walked in to the restaurant I knew I was in trouble. It was the end of three long days at the convention and I was tired. I had come down to the NASCAR Cafe for a sandwich, mainly because it was the only bar in the Sahara that didn't have video poker...I lose a lot of money playing video poker. Well there I am with my beer and sandwich, and I glance toward the entrance just as she's strutting toward a table.Convincing she was not, a crossdresser without question. But pretty, really...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 67 You knew

June 12, 1991, Chicago, Illinois “You knew!” I spluttered when Kara and I met Jessica at the ER. “Let’s talk at home, Tiger. Please.” I nodded and we turned to walk home. I’d purposefully avoided Kara’s questions on the way to the ER from the office, and I’d flat out refused to talk to Elyse about lunch before I talked to Jessica. I was able to use her recusal to get past her insistence that I talk to her. No other words were said before we arrived home. “Dinner in ten minutes,” Abbie...

1 year ago
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Incestuous Harems PassionChapter 2 Sisters Nurse Their Brother

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! December 17th, 2026 – Tad Blake I squirmed in the backseat of the unmarked cop car. Detective Salvage was driving, the young woman looking fierce with her mirrored sunglasses and pink lips. Her partner was much older, a shadow of whiskers about his face, his brown hair graying. He had the look of an experienced investigator. The type of man who didn’t fuck around. Why did they want to speak with me? Had my sister talked about what we did in...

2 years ago
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Par for the course

This happened back in 2009 but I can remember it like it was yesterday. I worked at a golf course with a few other guys but one in particular caught my eye. No one knew that I am bisexual and I keep that to myself. But this one guy for some odd reason I just could not keep my mind or my eyes off of him. But I just have to face facts and reality that he would not be interested in anything since I knew he was straight and had a girl friend… until one day changed everything. Let me describe him,...

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Caroline Ch 1401

Hi, If you are new to this series please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will! A short chapter covering the Saturday before the three of them leave the villa for home and reality. More romance and more (anal) sex! Mike’s Tale: Saturday at the villa A busy morning tidying everything up and storing things in one bedroom. I cleared out the office and...

1 year ago
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Asian Sex Slave Part Two

Large hands opened the box and lifted Lara out. Lara looked up and saw a tall, huge, handsome white man who was wearing a shirt that showed of his biceps and a pair of jeans. There was a huge bulge there. "I'll give you ten thousand pounds for this little slut" he was saying. Two minutes later, the men were gone and he spoke to her for the first time. "Hello, what's your name?". "My name is Lara" replied Lara. "OK Lara, for now on, you are my slave. You always call me 'master'. You do not make...

3 years ago
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Bhai Se Choadwa Khud Ko N Maa Ko

Hi dosto I am archana pandey from Faizabad UP se is time mai lucknow mai hu dr.rajendra prasad memorial g collge se kar rhi hu. mai ek kunwari ladaki thi mai apani ek real story likhane jaa rahi hun if u like send send me ur coments I am ISS reader, now let’s topic, mere ghar me meri mom(45) mera bhai(26) aur mai archna (20), mai dikhane me thikthak hun, aur meri body thikhai 32-28/-34 hai, mere papa mai chhoti thi tabhi transefer ho gya tha. bhai ha nam nakli hia . Ek baar mere ghar meri...

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Erica Olafson Voyages of the Tigershark Vol 8Chapter 20 MALAG

The other Farnok in the chamber shouted and sung different chants, apparently in an attempt to stop whatever was happening. They were also quite upset at Lalaxi. From what Shea was able to understand, they blamed him for the sudden activity of these ancient controls. It was also clear they had more or less forgotten about her. When Lalaxi attempted to physically affect the controls by banging on it with his fists, he was rewarded for his efforts with a stinging bolt of bluish light. Much...

1 year ago
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Go Ahead Touch It Sissy Now Suck It Femdom

"Touch it sissy," my wife Julie said sternly when she saw the indecision on my face.We had been swinging for more than a year but we were a soft swap couple. I had no desire to watch my sexy wife with another man and she did not want to watch me fuck another woman. We started swinging because Julie was a bisexual exhibitionist and I was a voyeur who loved girl/girl situations. In addition to being swingers we also enjoyed the BDSM lifestyle at least recreationally.We had been to several...

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A Night of Live Porn

Though I won’t mention the country and place as they will have changed beyond all recognition now. So let me see if I can take you to the best live sex show I have ever seen or been a part of. The day in question there were a group of six going out together. Three lads and three lasses, we all varied in age between 19 and 22 and were all couples. I had been told about this place that put on live shows and months before my girlfriend and I had gone to see. It was like a large auditorium...

1 year ago
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Mom understands my lust for her

I was lying there in bed, naked with the covers pulled down. Being a healthy eighteen year old boy, I was masturbating to the thought of a naked woman. I was a virgin, had never really had a girlfriend, so I had to fantasize about sex instead of actually experiencing it. However, my fantasies were taking an odd turn. Well, maybe not so odd after all, after I did some reading on the subject. For a few months now, I had been thinking of my mother when I masturbated. I read that it was normal for...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 225

The following are compliments of dorsetmike‎ Our lager, Which art in barrels, Hallowed be thy drink Thy will be drunk, I will be drunk, At home as it is in the pub, Give us this day our foamy head, And forgive us our spillages, As we forgive those who spill against us, And lead us not into incarceration, But deliver us from hangovers, For thine is the beer, The Bitter, The Lager. Barmen The following ones from a visit to the zoo The sexual life of the camel Is stranger than anyone...

1 year ago
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Battlemage Nonetheless Book 3 EnvoyChapter 9

After the short break to reorganize the arena the final match was set to begin and both contestants stepped into the arena for the final fight. Even though the Queen had been watching all the matches the announcer called for the final contestants to turn and bow to her Majesty before they began. While Dusty had wrapped his hands before the fighting began that morning, it was just then that he saw how bloody they were from what he did to Joseph's sword. Daniel, before he entered the ring,...

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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 51

We got back to the hotel eventually. I was tired, but too horny to sleep. "Greedy, come here and take care of this for me." I ordered him. "Yes, Boss." Greedy dropped to his knees happily and began opening my pants. In seconds, he had my cock in his mouth and was sucking ardently. It felt like a minute later when I burst into his mouth, growling. I held his face still and shot five or six spurts. Greedy moaned, but didn't swallow. When I finished, I pulled him up and took a quick...

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Secretary Satisfy My Hunger

I’d been running my own publishing company for some time now and had also made a lot of money from the release of my first couple of novels, so I suppose you could call me semi famous, definitely rich and now with the publishing company definitely in a position of power. I had asked an employment agency to send me a personal assistant to work closely with me and because of the amount of work I had, I needed someone who would follow my instructions carefully. The agency had sent me a young woman...

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Karak Mote Lund Mile Makhani Naram Gaand

Hello doston, mera nam gokul hai aur mein imphal, manipur ka rehane wala hun. Yeh chudai story tab kee hai jab mein 18 sal ka tha 12 class pass karke medical ke taiyari kar raha tha. Chota pariwar hone ke karan mere ghar ke upper wale kamre khali rehta tha. Tabhi pas ke dukan wale uncle ke sath lokesh bhaiya mere ghar aye the ghar ke bade me puchne .Papa ke sath baat huwe to pata chala ke lokesh bhaiya dr lokesh sharma hai jo ke chandigarh se hai aur yaha manipur me md karne aya hai, late se...

Gay Male
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The Mimosa

The chance survivors of the sand, thin tall cacti, mockingly saluted the car’s passage as it rushed along the broken asphalt. The vehicle’s tinted windows disguising the broiling landscape and fooling the occupants within. From Phoenix, the smoked glass had been lying to the two travelers, teasing them with comfort until the woman noticed an imperfection-a stuffiness settling over the interior. It never occurred to the woman to ask the driver for the cause of her discomfort. She’d resolved...

4 years ago
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How I Became a Hotwife Ch 01

If you do not like married woman taking on lovers or cuckold theme, please skip and do not proceed on. This is a sexual life story of how my husband, changed me from a shy, naïve girl to a naughty, hot wife. Of course, with some help from this same hubby, I am writing this story to share with all of you here. There is no sex involves in this first chapter. If you want those fast ‘bang and go’ story, this is not. It was written in a slow and detailed manner but I can assure you that those...

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Getting a Room MChapter 4 Oil and Water

It was Sunday morning. Bill was cuddling in bed with Carolyn, his very-new fiancée. They had made luxurious morning love, and the situation couldn’t have been more delightful. “How was your Christmas?” she asked. He mentioned that Vi Robinson expected a baby in early February. “That’s Bill,” Carolyn said. “Babies are important. Get any gifts that came before February?” That led him to consider how hypocritical office gifts were at his level, but Carolyn broke that reverie. “Really,...

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Emerging from the Cocoon

Chapter 1 It was a long flight from Seattle. It gave her time to do a little soul searching. How would accepting her half-brother into her home change her family's life? She hadn't seen Nicki, as she once known him, since he was four. That was eight long years ago. She finished college early, was about to become a mother for the first time and was seeing her father, who was dying of cancer. She enjoyed playing with her brother, a blond-headed cherub with curly hair who reminded...

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HandsOnHardcore Mia Linz Sorry I8217m So Horny Officer

Mia Linz is a brown-eyed Police Officer from Brazil. The leggy blonde with enhanced tits and a nice big ass catches thief Yanick Shaft in the act in today’s epic Hardcore threesome porn vid by the DDF Network. He tried to steal diamonds from a crime scene when she knocks him out and discovers his massive cock. The petite pornstar Officer handcuffs him to a chair and starts riding his veiny boner when all of a sudden her colleague, Officer Erik Everhard walks in. Sorry, I’m so horny,...

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Emmys First Gangbang

Emmy’s First Gangbang. Emmy’s first gangbang happed a few months after we me Stephan. I had been back from Georgia for about 2 weeks when Stephan came over while Emmy was at work. He told me he had a surprise for Emmy that night. He instructed me to stock the fridge with beer, and take her out and get her drunk. After 2 months of fucking her while I was away Stephan Learned quick that Emmy got super wild when you got just the right amount of alcohol in her. On the way back to our apartment I...

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How Big Are My Balls

Some may be asking ,"How big are your balls for real?" Well im very good at math and after many hours of calculations here is the stats on my big huge balls... Following Measurments for one testical only..unless stated. Height : 3" inches Width : 2" inches Depth : 2 1/2" inches Volume of one testical : 7.8569 cubic inches volume of both testicals ; 15.7138 cubic inches Volume in mililiters of one testical : 128.75316 ML Mililiters to fluid onces of one testical ; 4.3536623 oz fl Total volume of...

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The Auction

The Auction. By Jill Bird. Part 1. "But why an auction? It's just making me into a prostitute!" Jill had herangry and hurt look; one, which Mark knew, meant she was about to dig her heelsin. "No, it won't!" Mark had to tread carefully now if he was going to get hisbeautiful wife to go along with the plan. "What it is, er, is instead of theold seedy thing of throwing the men's car keys onto a table and then lettingthe women pick up a key at random, the men bid for the woman of their...

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Blow Job ObsessionChapter 9

The next morning George and Natalia slept in. Natalia was the first to wake and rolled over to cuddle her man. She was pleased to find that he had a morning boner so she slid down and slowly began licking and sucking his hard-on. “What a great way to wake up,” said George as Natalia worked her magic on his cock. He was amazed at how much her oral skills had improved over the past relatively short period of time. Her technique was awesome. Knowing where to touch, how much pressure, her moans...

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The life and times of Heinrich von Faehlmann

The BeginningBorn in November 11th 1903 in a back room of a slum in the docklands of Hamburg the son of a ‘bar hostess’ and an unknown father life did not seem to have much of promise for Heinrich . That he survived infancy owed more to good luck than any loving mothers touch. His earliest memory was of his mother and one of her clients. He was about 5 or 6 at the time and his mother was trying to get her client to wait till she got Heinrich out of the way. The man, in Heinrich’s memory he was...

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First meeting with Dom sissy mistress

I was a longtime secret panty sissy who played in private and only dared dream of finally meeting someone face to face when I met Miss Jamie on xhamster. We had an immediate rapport online and before long she suggested meeting. Of course, with her long experience as a sissy, and with me being an obviously natural submissive, she would take the role of teaching me my proper place as a submissive sissy. This is the account of that first meeting.Miss Jamie's logistics were simple:I was to park at...

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