Magical Mathematical Symptomatical (Mlp/adventure Time) free porn video

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Bonnibel took a deep breath to steady her nerves. "This is the tricky bit." She muttered as a wisp of smoke rose from the tip of her soldering iron. "One false move and its BLAMMO time for all of Ooo!"

As she made the final connection to the live circuit, she kept one eye on the Singularitron scope. If the readings went completely snazzo, she would have approximately ten fifteenths of a second to dampen the fields and shut down the system. The effort would be moot though. Her best time in the simulation program she had constructed was three point two seconds. Putting the soldering iron down in its cradle, she turned to the bank of fine tuning knobs and slowly went to work.

The readings grew ever closer to red line, but the princess kept her head. "Just a little more." She whispered as the screen turned red and the laboratory began to glow with an unflattering sickly green energy. "Keep it together, Bubblegum." She hissed as she continued to adjust the micro controls. "I don't want to show my age!"

Green lightning sizzled and crackled over every metallic surface in the lab. "Almost there." She hissed as her long delicate fingers turned knobs in infinitesimal increments nearly undetectable to the eye. "Don't blow it now, Bubblegum!" she warned as the green light became nearly blinding. She took a deep breath, and grasped knob forty-two. "Now!" she cried, as she viciously turned it until it wouldn't turn any more!

With a loud pop, the sickly green light vanished. The scope screen turned back to its normal cheery yellow. "That was a close one! Just a couple more points and every bit of background magic would have been instantaneously siphoned out of Ooo! Still, it would have been quick. Mostly nobody would have noticed, they would have died so fast. Finn would have been upset though to see every creature in the land suddenly turn to dust around him when the magic was sucked away!"

Bonnibel couldn't help a little grin. "Finn would have positively freaked if he saw my physiological appearance suddenly match my chronological age before I went POOF! He can be such a child sometimes."

Whistling a happy tune, the princess closed up the access panel on the side of her upgraded portal control consol. She donned dark goggles and securely welded the panel shut over the bank of knobs. Finally, she picked up a magic marker and wrote "No user serviceable parts inside. Do not even think about touching!"

Bonnibel stretched luxuriously, feeling fulfilled after a job well done. More importantly, she was more than a little relieved that she hadn't destroyed Ooo in her quest for knowledge.

"Finally, after all of our correspondence, we'll be able to see each other." Her cheeks grew even pinker than usual. "Perhaps even interact, as well!"

"Science!" she said confidently as she turned to the controls. "It's time to reestablish the link!" Her fingers danced over the consol keyboard in the well remembered sequence as she imputed the final coordinates. "Hello Equestria? Are you there, princess Celestia?"

"My dear princess Bubblegum, it has been quite some time since I have heard your voice."

"Heard?" Bonnibel grinned. "You ain't heard nothin' yet!" Bonnibel gently put a finger to the big friendly green button marked OPEN, and pressed. Instantly, a perfectly round shimmering vortex appeared almost, but not quite against the wall. "Ta-da, it's a fully functional portal! Now we don't have to rely on sending written scrolls or having static marred audio only chats."

Celestia turned and was quite surprised to see a portal had formed in her bedchamber, without the utilization of a magic mirror. This was quite a bit beyond Twilight Sparkle's use of science to bypass the thirty moons time limit, in order to open the mirror portal to the human world at will. "Congratulations are in order, my dear. You seem to have a unique new technique for bi-location spells."

"No, there's no magic involved, just a very good understanding of basic quantum physics coupled with a steady hand at building new circuitry. Magic is just science I haven't figured out, after all."

Celestia chuckled. She and Bonnibel had thrashed out that discussion many times over the centuries. She peered through the portal. "Is that really you, Bonnibel?"

Bonnibel stared back at the stunning winged and horned white mare. "I think so. More importantly, would you by chance happen to be a horse?"

"Pony, actually." Celestia corrected with a smile. "You appear to be a bipedal life form, similar to the "Humans" princess Twilight has described to me after her journeys to their world."

"Oh, I know a human. I guess I do look a bit like one." She smiled. "Why don't you come over for a visit, princess Celestia? I'll make us some tea."

Celestia hesitated. "While I would love nothing better than to spend a little time with you, I have royal duties that need my attention."

"Just one cup of tea?" Bonnibel smiled. "I have oatmeal cookies. I could even have the Banana Guards fetch up some plain old oats, if you prefer. Heck, some of the Banana Guards are quite ripe, if that's what you prefer."

Celestia laughed at the perceived joke. "You tempt me, perhaps another time my dear."

"Come on, don't you ever get tired of your royal duties? I know I do!" Bonnibel sighed. "Sometimes you just have to trust to luck and hope your subjects don't destroy themselves while you get a little "me" time. What do you say?"

Not quite sure if the bipedal princess was joking after all, Celestia chuckled lightly. "Okay, just one cup of tea."

The graceful equine strode up to the portal and stepped through. Once fully in the lab, she staggered and nearly fell.

"Princess, what is the matter?" Bonnibel shouted as she rushed to help steady her large guest. "Are you ill?"

Celestia felt something new to her. All her life she had been surrounded by Equestria's strong natural magical field. Now, it was only detectable from the direction of the portal. Her heart raced as she fought to stay calm and keep the unexpected fear at bay. "I had thought this world had magic." She said with a tremble in her voice. "Did you deceive me, princess Bubblegum?"

"No, Ooo has oodles of magic. We're simply dripping with pesky wizards and witches!" She turned to her instruments. The readings were astounding when she aimed them at the open portal. "I never detected such levels before. My Googoomomometer has gone total negative babies! It's never done that before!" The device in her hand erupted in a cloud of smoke. "Glob, now it broke!"

"What does that mean?" Celestia said as she backed slowly toward the portal. "Perhaps I had better leave."

"No, I must study this!" Without thinking, Bonnibel initiated the portal shutdown sequence. She felt a burst of pride when necessity enabled her to shave a whole second from her best simulation time.

Celestia gasped as the strange feeling intensified. She was isolated. The magic she had known throughout her long life was gone! She whinnied softly. "What is happening?"

Bonnibel was to intent on her findings to notice the panic in Celestia's voice. "This is amazing! The neutron flow in Equestrian magic seems to have the reverse polarity of that in Oooian magic! The wavelets mirror each other perfectly! I'm glad I didn't decide to step through to your world. Things would be seriously bad if the portal collapsed and I was isolated from Ooo. Much as I hate to use the word, it would be intensely messy if I were to suddenly discorporate due to a lack of magic!"

"I, I don't understand!" Celestia put a front hoof to her head and moaned. Sweat matted her forehead at the base of her horn as she desperately tried to concentrate. "I can't even cast a simple light spell!"

"That's because you're isolated from Equestria, and your body can not process the magic of my world. It's a good thing you're made of organic protein protoplasm. That gunk holds up fairly well without magic to support it. I'd kinda drop dead, being that my biomass is primarily candy." She cringed. "Trust me. I know what I'm talking about. It would be quite messy. I'm talking "Splat, it's time to repaint the walls" messy, if I were to be so isolated."

"Quick, reopen the portal!" Celestia ordered in a fair approximation of her normal voice.

Bonnibel paused. "Celestia, how well do you understand computer chips and printed circuits?"

"I, I don't know! Is that like vacuum tubes and wires? My world has little need for such things!"

Bonnibel laughed. She wasn't a cruel leader, but this was getting rather interesting. "I suppose you know nothing of Quantum physics either?"

"No! Now hurry!"

"What's the rush?" Bonnibel smiled at her guest and tried to lie with a straight face. "I, um, I need to let the circuits rest a bit. Yeah, that's right! I need to keep the portal closed for a couple of hours, at least so the integrated circuits have time to recharge and regenerate. Besides, we haven't had our tea yet."

"You, you don't understand! My, my thoughts are growing muddled! I feel myself dwindling! I'm trying to hold on! I must hold on! Twilight never mentioned this, but on her first journey she had the magic of her crown to sustain her! On her second trip, the magic within her friends supported her. Even then, she could not cast any spells! I, I was born an Alicorn! Natural born Alicorns need magic so much more than a Unicorn that becomes a princess!"

Bonnibel's heart pounded, but it wasn't from fear. This was strangely exciting! "Princess, are you telling me that your brain needs magic to function efficiently?"

"Yes!" Celestia cried. "I'm slipping! Restore the link so I can leave!"

Feeling a bit ashamed, Bonnibel felt herself growing more than a bit aroused. "It's not anything permanent, I hope."

"No, it will reverse! I need magic though! Without it, my mind, my mind, uh, what was I saying? I'm so confused! Open the portal!"

Bonnibel smiled. "I see. Your neurons behave much as a superconducting metal. Without utter complete cold, the superconductor loses efficiency until the temperature is once again lowered enough to restore cryogenic conditions. Without magic, your cognitive ability will decrease as your dendrites lose efficiency. Your IQ may drop quite a bit until Equestrian magic returns to restore it!"

"I, I must reopen the portal!" Celestia turned to the control console and raised a hoof. "How does it work?" she cried, realizing her hoof would hit many of the small studs designed for "fingers" to depress. "I, I want to make it work!" She peered at the controls and blinked. Although they had traded scrolls for decades before Bonnibel had perfected her first voice link, Celestia found she couldn't understand the funny symbols and words any more! "Make it work!" she whimpered. "Open, open the thingy!"

This was fascinating. The glorious flowing energy nebula of the Alicorn's mane and tail lost its otherworldly sparkle. It was still a lovely pink, which Bonnibel approved of, but it now appeared to be formed of living hair. The visiting princess was starting to sound almost childish, and sort of, well, stupid. "Celestia, how do you feel?"

"Do not distract me!" Celestia begged. "I, I must hold on! I feel my mind slipping! I am unraveling!" She gulped, fear making her eyes wild. "Open the, open, you have to open something! Please, I, I must concentrate! I must retain something of myself!" The pony bowed her head. "Help me! I, I'm, somethin's wrong!"

"Hmm you're worried about a distraction." Bonnibel took a deep breath. "Would you like a cup of tea?" she shouted in the loud shrill voice she used when calling her cat Timmy.

The Alicorn gave a start. Her eyes opened wide as she fought a tremendous inner battle to hold on. The glassy look of terror in her eyes faded. She finally opened her mouth to speak. "Yes please!" she said with a giggle. "I like tea. Can I have lots of sugar in mine, pretty please?"

"Of course you can my little pony!"

Celestia reared up and loudly clapped her front hooves together. "Oh goodie, I like sweet tea!" Her rather vapid smile lit up the room. "Did you say I can have a cookie too?"

"You can have lots of cookies, Celestia dear." Bonnibel smiled. "I might even give you a very special sweet if you're a very good pony."

Celestia nodded her head. "I'm a real good pony!" she announced happily. "Ask Twilight Sparkle. She likes me a whole lot because I'm a good pony!" Celestia giggled again. "I like Twilight. Did you know she turned into an Alcorn too? Twilight's a real princess, just like you and me!"

"Is that so?" Bonnibel smiled. "Now let us retire to my apartment suite and have our tea."

"I know! Your apartment is sweet, because this is the Candy Kingdom!" Celestia laughed like a child. "Wasn't that a funny joke, Bonnie?"

"It certainly was, Tia!"

If Peppermint Butler thought anything odd about seeing a large pony in his mistress's royal bedchamber, he wisely kept it to himself. "Your tea, Princess."

"Thanks Peps." Bonnibel said cheerfully. Her face grew pinker as she continued. "That will be all. Oh, and hold all calls."

"Very well." He cast his piercing white eyes on the pony visitor, but could sense no evil within the rather simple mind. "I will return if summoned."

Bonnibel sighed as the loyal servant backed out of the room. "He can be so formal."

Celestia smiled. "He smells nice thought. I like candy."

"I'm sure you do." Bonnibel said while pouring the fragrant brew.

"Thank you for the tea!" Celestia sat with her rump on a pile of cushions. "The mug is pretty, too!" Using both front hooves, she carefully lifted the large cup to her lips and slurped noisily.

"I thought you'd like the chalice with the palace." Bonnibel said as she sipped her tea. "It's my favorite next to this one." She held up the vessel with the pestle she was using.

A fleeting look of sadness crossed the pony's face. "When I could use magic, I had the nicest tea cups." She cheered up almost instantly and took another sip. "This is nice though. It's big and heavy enough so I won't have to worry about breaking it on you! At home I have a large tankard that the Apple family gave me for when it's cider season. Applejack is really nice. It won't be so bad living as an Earth pony if she helps me!"

Celestia seemed to have forgotten her troubles were only temporary. Bonnibel felt a twinge of guilt, but no harm would come of this. "My, but it sure is warm in here."

"Bonnie, you should take off your clothes then. Even Rarity dislikes wearing any on very hot days. I heard her say that sweating is unladylike."

Would it really be this easy? "You're right, Tia." Feeling a bit nervous, Bonnibel stood and removed her lab coat. When the pony showed only minimum interest, she grew bolder and pulled off her hoodie and pulled down her pants. She had gone "commando" today, so that was all it took.

Bonnibel folded her clothes and neatly put them away. The only indication that this was out of the ordinary for her was a full body blush. Facing her full length mirror, she saw that her skin was rather pinker than normal. Her nipples were nearly cherry red, looking even more than usual like delicious firm gumdrops. She couldn't stop herself from thinking that Marceline would quite enjoy seeing her like this once again. Would Marceline be able to resist the urge to drain the red from her body? Would she stop her if she did?

Lately things were becoming easier between them. Perhaps one day they could once again ... Bonnibel sighed. What would Marcy say about the addition to her body? How would it feel to enter a vampire? She had experimented just last night with a semi-sentient pudding, and had rather enjoyed the soothing chill against her shaft.

Too bad she had to hurry and destroy all traces of it. The pudding had begun to reproduce with alarming speed after she had ejaculated within it. The happy squeals it made during orgasm were quite cute as her spurting fluid tripled the pudding's volume.

Minutes later, the shrieking cries of pain as it gave birth to a miniature princess clone were quite another matter though. Bonnibel had erred slightly in making a synthetic pudding life form far superior to the genetic goo that filled a candy female's womb while she was ripe for impregnation.

Who knew that her sugary seed would bond with and override the simplistic genetic information within the confection? She donned the emergency flamethrower with no time to spare, turning its business end on the screaming, obscenely pulsating pudding before it could produce a second offspring.

After she incinerated the main mass, the hunt was on! It took Bonnibel over an hour to track down and eradicate the miniature Princess Puddinggum clone. The pretty little thing had hit the floor running once the wailing pudding had expelled her. Thankfully Bonnibel managed to locate her in a supply closet.

Bonnibel bathed the pest in cleansing flame just in time. The balance of power had very nearly tipped in the clone's favor. The tiny princess had come within seconds of completing a very small but decidedly deadly laser rifle in a frantic attempt to protect her unwanted existence.

Bonnibel knew that a head shot would have dropped her before she could aim and fire the flamethrower. The clone would have had no trouble finding a way to increase her size until she could take over by literally stepping into dead princess shoes.

The choking acidic stench of burnt sugar had been worth it though. The fresh from the refrigerator pudding had reminded Bonnibel of the delightful chill of Marcy's mouth and, well, other places she had once happily probed with her tongue.

Bonnibel sighed as she watched herself grow even pinker, and tried to keep her mind on the present. "That's much more comfortable." She said calmly as she turned to stand completely naked in front of her visitor from another world.

Celestia looked at her hostess and giggled. "You're smooth all over! I thought you would have a coat under your clothes." She glanced downward. "Oh, are you a stallion? I thought you were a mare."

Bonnibel couldn't help grinning. "I'm a girl, but I'm also part boy." She decided not to mention that this was a recent occurrence after months of study and hard work. "Specifically, I am a hermaphrodite." She boldly lifted her turgid shaft and spread her legs. "See, I'm a girl where it counts."

"Is that why you have those bumps?" Celestia raised a hoof and pointed at a delicate breast. "Ponies have their milk glands in a different place." She giggled again. "Foals suckle, um, down there, up under our hindquarters."

Bonnibel felt her penis give a bit of a jerk. "You, um you aren't scared of me, are you?"

"Heck no Bonnie." She lowered her voice, and Bonnibel saw just the hint of a blush on Celestia's face. "If you were a pony, I'd be really scared because I'm in heat. Stallions would want to do all sorts of naughty things with me if they smelled, my, um, I forget the word, but it's what makes mares smell really nice when they're ready to have a foal."

"You're emitting pheromones."

"That's the word! Bonnie, you're sure smart! I'm glad you're not a pony and want to make me do naughty things." Her voice dropped even lower. "I'm a virgin, so it would be super duper scary!"

Bonnibel chuckled nervously and sat back in her easy chair. She picked up her tea and sipped; slightly worried that she'd drip the still hot beverage onto her quivering erect naked staff. "Well, it's sure a good thing I'm not a pony then, isn't it?"

Celestia very carefully used her hooves to lift a cookie to her mouth, and then happily gobbled it up. "Bonnie, I'm being really good. Can I have my special sweet now?"

Bonnibel nearly choked on her tea. "I, um, why yes. Yes you can." She took a deep breath. "It's a secret surprise, so close your eyes tight, okay?"

"Okay Bonnie!" Celestia squeezed her eyes shut. "I promise I won't peek!"

Bonnibel was certainly glad that she was the only one in the Candy Kingdom that knew about her extensive security camera network. It would not do to alarm her subjects by letting them witness what the automated system was about to record for her later viewing pleasure. "Just give me a moment." She said softly as she picked up an oatmeal cookie.

Grasping her throbbing erection, she pumped her hand up and down a few delightfully agonizingly stimulating times. A copious amount of her pre-ejaculate lubricating fluid oozed from the dilated opening of her recently repositioned urethra. She carefully collected it on the cookie, where it looked very much like a sugary glaze.

Bonnibel forced down the slight pang of guilt she felt and held out the anointed treat. "Here Tia, try this "Special" cookie!"

Celestia opened her eyes. "It looks so good!" she exclaimed. Leaning forward she very carefully nipped the cookie from her friend's hand. She took it whole into her mouth and began to chew. "Oh, it's yummy!" she exclaimed. "The frosting is so sweet, creamy, and warm!"

Bonnibel nodded. Her biochemistry would be quite flavorful to a protein being that enjoyed sweets. Watching the lovely pony unknowingly consume her bodily fluids was very arousing. The lubricating fluid began to flow from her penis, even without a hand stroking it. "Would you like some more?" she asked huskily. "I can make as many as you want."

"Oh, yes please Bonnie!" Celestia said with an eager nod of her head. "That tasted so good!"

"I can give you so much more." Bonnibel said softly. Hand once again gripping her pulsing pink penis, Bonnibel picked up another cookie and let her offering dribble all over it. She heard a soft snort of a whinny. "Oh dear." She said quietly, knowing the sound to be a pony gasp. "I thought you promised not to peek."

Celestia could not believe her eyes. Her friend was doing "this and that" to her pee-pee! She gulped nervously. The gooey stuff coming out was the yummy frosting she just ate! Her heart pounded. "I, I'm sorry!" she said defensively. "I was bad to peek, but Bonnie, you, you're doing naughty stallion things!" The strong magnificent equine used her hind legs to scoot away fearfully from the small slender pink biped. "Can I go home now?"

"In a moment, but first Tia, tell the truth now." Bonnie said, letting go of her penis. "Did you like how my secret surprise tasted?"

Celesta felt her face grow warm. Her wings naughtily spread wide, even though she tried to keep them folded primly against her body. "I, um, I, I don't want to answer that! Can you open the swirly doorway so I can go home now? Please?"

"Oh Tia, you can tell me." Bonnibel smiled. "How did I, um, I mean it taste?"

Celestia bowed her head and nervously kicked a front hoof against the carpet. "It, um, it tasted really good." She looked up, her eyes glowing in fear. "Don't tell my sister I said that! She got mad when I scolded her for..."

This was getting interesting. Bonnibel knew quite a lot about Princess Luna, from her talks with Celestia. "Did Luna do something naughty?"

"I, um, walked in on her once." Celestia said nervously. "Our new guard, Flash Sentry, um, he and Luna, uh, Luna had, Luna was, Luna was sucking on his thingy! She knows I, um, I mean Twilight likes him, but she was doing things only wicked mares do with stallions!"

"Luna was doing what you wanted to do, right?"

"Yes, the little sneak, um, I mean no! Bonnie, you're confusing me!"

Bonnibel wiped the head of her cock off on the cookie, glazing it with her lubricant. "Take it easy Tia. Here, have another cookie."

Celestia leaned forward to take the treat without thinking. She froze, feeling the still warm goo on her tongue. It was so naughty and wrong, but that didn't stop it from tasting so sweet and good. After a moment, she chewed up the cookie and swallowed. "Bonnie, you're so mean to me!" She whimpered. "Can I have just one more cookie?"

Bonnibel took a deep breath. It looked like she had passed a major hurdle. If she played this just right, it looked like she would get some REAL research on what it meant to have a penis! "Tia, would you like to taste something even yummier?"

"I, um, I, I'm not sure." Celestia stammered, while staring at her friend's penis.

"When you scolded Luna, how long did you watch before you interrupted?"

Celestia thought about seeing her little sister doing things with a stallion and grinned. "They, um, were very busy. They never noticed I opened the door." She giggled nervously. "Luna's nasty slurping sounds drowned out any noise I made. Then Flash sort of grunted and thrust at Luna's face until I couldn't see his thingy. When it was way down her throat, she started to make icky gagging sounds. He pulled back until just the tip was in her mouth. Flash's gooey stallion stuff oozed from between her lips and his thingy. It ran down her chin and dripped all over the floor."

Celestia thought for a moment and laughed. "I could see that she was trying, but I don't think Luna could swallow fast enough. Some slime even came out of her nose! It looked so yucky! When Flash finally ran to get a washcloth to clean my sister's face, I quietly closed the door and waited until he left before scolding her."

Bonnibel smiled. "Luna sounds like quite an adventurous pony. I bet you could never do something like that."

Celestia's eyes opened wide. "I bet I could too do it!" she shouted. "I'm bigger than she is, and everything!"

Was it really that easy? "Tia dear, would you like to prove it to me?"

Celestia froze. "Um, Bonnie, I, I shouldn't have said that."

"Oh, I guess it was all talk then."

"Bonnie?' Celestia said softly. "Do you promise not to tell Luna?"

Bonnibel put a hand over her heart, and felt it racing beneath her breast. "I give you my word as a princess!"

Celestia smiled shyly. "I bet your stuff tastes better than Flash's. Luna said something about it being salty and musky while Flash wiped her face off. The stuff I already tasted was really sweet and nice!"

"My semen will taste even sweeter." Bonnibel promised as she reclined her chair and spread her legs. At least she hoped the pony would think so.

"Oh, I don't like being bad." Celestia whispered as she stared at what sprouted up from between her friend's legs. "Mares shouldn't do wicked things like this if they aren't married!"

"How could two friends helping each other feel good be bad, Tia?" Instead of answering, the lovely equine lowered her neck and gave the head of Bonnibel's cock a timid little kiss. "Oh Tia!" she couldn't help exclaiming as gentle lips caressed her glans.

While she had made sure her new penis would be long enough to assure the ability to perform autofellatio, Bonnibel as yet hadn't pressed the bulbous mushroom of her cock-head against her lips. After all, since its appearance on her body, she had been urinating through the thing! Candy biomass notwithstanding, the yellow liquid her bladder released was certainly not lemonade!

This monumental event was completely new to her. Bonnibel thoroughly enjoyed her very first sample of "Oral" as Celestia lovingly kissed her cock.

Celestia pulled back. A shimmering string of viscous fluid stretched from her lower lip to the quivering pink organ. It broke and vanished when she timidly spoke. "Was, was that enough?" she asked softly.

Bonnibel sighed. "Did Luna stop at just one kiss?" she asked in her best haughty princess voice.

"No Bonnie." Celestia answered. "I, I can do this!"

As Celestia lowered her head again, Bonnibel eyed the horn pointing at her face. "It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye." She muttered, before grabbing the horn with both hands to prevent ocular damage.

Celestia let out a moan. "No Bonnie, don't touch me there!" She cried as her body trembled. "Horns are real sensitive!"

"Is that a fact?" Bonnibel said, as she gripped the hard and surprisingly warm spike. "Is it the organ of magic?" she asked curiously. "To be this warm it must have a rich blood supply. I'd say it's a manipulator of magical force, and must tie directly into your brain. Even without magic, the neurons are still firing happily away!"

"I, I don't know what that means." Celestia whimpered. "It, it just makes me feel all squiffy between my hind legs when you hold it with those hand things on your funny looking front legs!"

"Oh really?" Bonnibel stroked her hands up and down the smooth spiral of the horn, using the technique she had quickly developed to bring her penis to joyous spasming ejaculation. She took note of how the trembling equine's wings spread even farther as she stroked. Was that s sign of arousal? It must be. Celestia's breath was warm against her body as the pony panted. Did flying Unicorns mate in mid-air? She had so many questions, but first things first. "Now Tia, take me into your mouth!"

"Yes Bonnie." Celestia said breathlessly, obviously warming to the idea as her horn was jacked.

Bonnie shuddered as her glans passed between Celestia's lips. Moist warmth enveloped her. It felt even better than penetrating a chilled pudding! She tightened her grip on the horn, and laid it across her face. Celestia gasped around her cock as she gave the smooth horn a lick. That lick startled Celestia into taking her even deeper.

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Magical Girl Policy Chapter 2

Cory shook his head. "You're incredible. I know I won't be playing video games for a little while." Robert snorted as he sat at his desk. "I'm not playing. I just missed my guild's PvP night. I'm one of the better players. I can't just ditch without an explanation." "Kind of missing my point." Robert logged into Aspect Realms. His character, a female Deviling Windwhisper he named Bluster, loaded onto the screen. People always asked him why he played a female character. Though he...

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Magical dream I had last night

My dream started off as if I was on a field trip to a magical place. There was a lady, mystical in some way, who offered me my favorite popcicle flavor orange cream? She knew it was my favorite, and suggested towards a plate of lollipops in her hand. I grabbed one that was a rainbow swirl of colors thinking it would not taste like it, sure enough if was that tasty cream orange popcicle flavor.She told me her magical world was endangered by these two guys on my trip. I wasn’t sure how I could...

4 years ago
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Magical Girl Policy Chapter 15

Eli wiped his tears from his eyes as he ran. Rob had told them to get out quickly; the least he could do was comply. He had to focus getting out; if he let his mind drift, he knew the tears would return. He had been so worthless. While his sister was dying, all he could do is cry. Even now, as Rob was sacrificing the entire life he had lead up until now, all Eli could do is run. Worse though was the fact that this thought brought Eli comfort. He wouldn't dare say it out loud, but...

4 years ago
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Magical Hearts chapter 6

Loving and knowing my spouses heart: Chapter 6 In the morning a knock at our door awakens us, I only let go of Isabel long enough to pull the blankets up to Isabel shoulder. She turns her head to look at me. A servant enters the room, on a table, she places a tray containing breakfast, my stomach grumbles at the smell of the food. Isabel stomach grumbles in return, apparently our appetite heightened because of last nights activities. The servant bowing and says, The King request your presence...

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Magical Summer 2

There was a wait before Resi and Akira returned, long enough for them to have a discussion, and then the three of us just cuddled for a while, all of us naked but the focus at first was to reestablish familiarity, not arousal. Both Resi and Akira told me they planned a very enjoyable night for me which included an extended back rub by Resi. I almost thought they were suggesting the party was over for the night, but then Akira went to the toy box and pulled out not just cuffs but a padded bar...

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Magical Girl Policy Chapter 7

Eli bounced up and down in the passenger seat while Cory navigated the dirt road as quickly as he could with his car lights off. "You sure you can drive safely on this dirt road in the dark?" Cory responded with a tone far more confident than his words. "Almost sure. I mean, I've seen it before." Eli groaned and steadied Cory's laptop as he swayed side-to-side. "I really don't know if I would have committed to this part of the plan if I had known that.' "Hey," Cory said...

4 years ago
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Magical Shoe Closet

Brittany turned the shower handle off, and hopped out of the shower. She grabbed her towel, and dried her body off before walking into her bedroom. She smiled at herself in the mirror as she walked past it. Now was when girls would normally do their hair and makeup, but Brittany had something else in mind. Dropping her towel once she was by her closet, Brittany looked in and gazed at her marvelous collection of shoes. Picking out a pair of her favorites, black slip on converse, Brittany put the...

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Magical Hearts chapter 7

Magical hearts Chapter 7 After dinner, the family talks spending time getting to know each other, my father and my in-laws a long with my uncle Justin had a long discussion. My mother-in-law insisted on me calling her Mom, I did not know what else the call her, Isabel only referred to her as Mom. I pointed out the fact that I could not truly leave Isabels side or her me, I said there for I will need to create magical armor for us. Dad, the King, informed me that my grandfather had been a...

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Magical Hearts chapter 8

In our last chapter, Julius and Isabel help root out two evil Dukes bent on the overthrow of King Patrick. Their marriage and coronation bring about many joyful events for the citizens of New Cowan, their blessing seems to bless the kingdom and its citizens. During the first months after my coronation as Prince, I acted as Duke for both Camarillo and Bethany, dividing my time between the two cities. Bethany was in far worse shape than Camarillo and Isabel and I spent far more time there....

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The Liberation Of Father Mortimer

When Father Mortimer checked into the hotel it was eight in the evening.The room was a basic no frills double with a small bathroom. He would never stay in such a hotel if he was attending one of his ecclesiastical conferences but for what he had planned it was just perfect.He got down on his knees and bent his balding aged head over a black gilt leaf Bible he had respectfully placed on the edge of the bed.“Blessed Lord Jesus forgive me for my sins,” he muttered and crossed himself three...

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Magical Mischief

MAGICAL MISCHIEF by Throne Morgana was out again for the afternoon, visiting her friends Tabitha and Jeanie, no doubt gabbing about their silly interest in magic. Bob was much less concerned about that than that her absence gave him a chance to raid her lingerie. He loved to hold it and rub it against his bare body. It always got him aroused and then he couldn't stop himself from touching his oversized endowment, from unhurriedly stroking himself and then, inevitably, spurting. ...

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Magical Hearts chapter 12

Magical hearts chapter 12 The summer passes into fall as we prepare the fortresses on the islands denying their use by any raider of our kingdom. By the end of summer and the beginning of fall, a tower is on all islands that has shown use by Raiders. Justins old teacher has shared with us the enchantment for his gates. Now we need only watchers to summon our forces. We have gathered a few more hundred men. We may need to attack more than one group at a time. Because of Izmiras past treachery...

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Magical Hearts chapter 9

In our last chapter the rescue of Lady Carissa, seem to generate more questions than answers. Why would she not want to go home? Why was her father not searching for her? Why had her father not asked the King for help in finding her? I wanted answers to those questions before I would force Carissa to return home and face her father. Magical hearts chapter 9. A Lady misplaced: As the sunset, I carried my wife back to our bedchambers, on the way we passed Rebecca. Rebecca ran to catch up, but...

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Magical ENM

So I’m just going to be honest, I woke up last night with one of the most insane ideas for a story yet and it didn’t really work with any of the previous stories I’ve started, so decided the best way for me to write it was to make a whole new story. I also figured, why not give the people a chance to write stories of their own if they involve stripping hunky men with magic, so for this story, write about a guys or multiple guys who get stripped naked via some magical means. You could have some...

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Magical Girl Policy Chapter 4

Eli trudged up the hill, grimly examining his paycheck. It wasn't big enough. It was bigger than he expected thanks to the hazard pay he got for handling the monster attack "well" but not big enough. With the arcade closed the next month for repairs, he needed to make this paycheck stretch out for about six weeks until the next paycheck came in. He sighed and scratched his head. How was he going to make this work? At least he had room and board paid up to start the semester so food...

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Magical Girl Policy Chapter 5

Robert laughed as he admired the picture of the blue-haired girl on Eli's phone. "You have to be kidding me? She's friends with your sister?" Eli nodded with a wide grin. "Yeah, her and that Vivian chick are both friends with Kara." Cory shook his head and snatched the phone from Robert's hand. "This doesn't bode well for us." "This doesn't bode well for us? You have to be kidding me! I just found the girl I've been crushing on all summer." "I know." "And you just got done...

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Magical Girl Policy Chapter 10

"I just don't see an urgent need for me to jump into a skirt." Robert folded his arms. Angela sighed. "I really wish you'd quit minimizing it like that. This isn't about gender." Robert rolled his eyes. "Maybe to you it isn't. To me, it kind of is." Angela held her hands out as if to plead. "Robert, this is about the well-being of mankind!" She cast her hand about, gesturing to Kessia City below. "An entire population that has been drawn here by the Circle's empathokinetic...

2 years ago
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Magical Summer 1

Free at last! I had a newly minted college diploma and enough cash to manage an unstructured summer backpacking trip through Europe. My goals were to have fun and discover what the world was like before settling into a job. I was 22, lesbian, and ready to explore! My super el-cheapo deadeye flight from California landed in Dusseldorf where I boarded a bus to Berlin for only 11 euros. Eight hours and 500 km later, I finally reached my youth hostel and collapsed.It was my second night in Berlin...

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Magical Girl Policy Chapter 1

The air was heavy with... Robert wasn't exactly sure. But something definitely felt odd about the air that day. The smell of freshly cut grass tickled at Robert's nose, but that wasn't it. He bit on the inside of his lip, attempting to discern the sensation he felt. He was knocked out of his thinking by the sound of Cory panting up the hill. He chuckled "C'mon Cory. You can't be this out of shape. Eli's been making this walk every day the past few days. I can't imagine he's in any better...

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Magical Girl Policy Chapter 8

Robert stared at the baton he held in confusion. "If I'm not the Knight, what's the point of telling me that long story? Polygal said I'm your ally in some way." His mind started running through the possibilities. They had talked about the Knight's lieutenants being there. Maybe that was possible? Would they be covered under the reincarnation plan? How far sweeping were gods with those sorts of claims? Tenacity nodded. "And you are our ally." "But not the Knight?" The Shrine Maiden...

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Magical Girl Policy Chapter 9

Eli leaned forward and turned his head. Cory's phone had good speakers, but he really wanted to be sure he was hearing everything he could. "HDM Girl?" Eli froze. "Did he just say 'HDM Girl?'" Cory asked in amazement. Eli gulped. "Yes. He did." Both glued their eyes to Cory's computer and waited for the video to catch up. The yellow haze of light faded, and a familiar bluenette smiled at Robert. Eli stared at the screen, unsure how to process what he his eyes had just seen....

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Magical Girl Policy Chapter 19

Trace liked the dark corner booth of Rusty's Tavern. It felt like her own personal guard, pushing unwanted people away. Any time someone looked like they might try to start a conversation, she could just glare up at them and look as menacing as possible, and they normally would leave. The dark allowed her to drink in peace. Platicore was going to be mad. She hadn't gotten his latest failure's empathic capacitor. It wasn't her fault, but he'd be mad anyway. That new Spirit Guard, the...

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The Amazing Mr Mortimer

THE AMAZING MR. MORTIMER My girlfriend Rachel and I had decided to take a two week vacation to PuertoRico. I had first come across the girl on the streets of San Juan. She cameup to me and begged me for some money. At first I was going to say no. ThenI noticed how beautiful this young girl was and I was intrigued. I startedto reach into my purse to get her something, and she smiled at me. She hada very beautiful smile. It was in fact an entrancing smile. I kept her close to me with small bribes...

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Magical Girl Policy Chapter 18

Robin sulked on the faux wood of her desk. She had gotten past the initial heavy crying phase and had moved on to a protracted whimper. It was pathetic that she felt that was progress. She sniffled, her face on her desk, too listless to get up and grab a tissue. She didn't want to move. She wanted to blame all this crying and illogical behavior on a sudden onset of female hormones but knew that was a cop out. She was just being a miserable pile of self-pity and just wanted to wallow...

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Magical Lover

We sat out on the balcony looking at the people walking by on the sidewalk below. I was smoking a cigarette and lying in my lawn chair. “Anything else you need?” the little munchkin said sit- ting across from me, buttoning up his little pants. “Ummm…a real boyfriend?” I said sort of jokingly. “You big fat cow! What do you need a boyfriend for when you have me?!” the little guy said rather irritated. With a snap of his tiny fingers he turned...

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Magical Game Naked and Afraid

Welcome To the Magical Edition of Naked and Afraid. Here couples have been asked to take part in a challenge to brave the wilderness with nothing but their wands and not a stitch of clothing to their name. Their task is to simply survive in the wilderness for a whole month. Now many had asked if they have wand access how hard can it be, well the wilderness in question are all Druid Spots. A Druid Spot is a location in which magic tends to go into flux. Most spells don't work as intended because...

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Magical voyages a VR experience

Sitting down at the food court in the mall to eat your tacos you find your eyes start to wonder around the mall looking at all the hot things shopping in the mall. Aah to be young again and back chasing that gorgeous tail. You can't help but admit to yourself that as you get older your taste in women has never changed. You like hot 18 to 20 little sluts, especially the cheerleader types. Sadly the older you get the less and less likely that is going to happen. If you were only rich you laugh to...

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Magical Moments

I stared in shock at the stack of hundred-dollar bills. They hadn’t been on my dresser that morning when I left for work. Fear made me back out of the room. Was someone still in there? I didn’t have anything of value. More questions tumbled through my brain. None had answers. I ran to the kitchen where I set my purse when I got home. Expecting to see my cell phone in one of the pockets, I felt the panic build when it wasn’t there. ‘Is this what you were looking for?’ I screamed at the...

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Magical Promiscuity

Magical Promiscuity I was, by far, one of the most awkward preteen boys to have ever walked this earth. That was, until after puberty worked it’s magic. It wouldn’t be a far stretch of the imagination to say that I was attractive. The first girlfriend I gotten had been in fifth grade. But girlfriends you have before puberty don’t really count though, do they? My life however was fairly normal. I had a normal name, Mike. I lived in a normal suburb of Seattle, with my mother and...

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Magical Girl Policy Chapter 16

Eli sighed as he opened the door to his dorm. He still didn't know what was going on with his sister or Rob. It was nearly dinnertime, but dinner was a long way off. It seemed wrong, but the Hush Corps was already planning on how to move Rob out. Eli knew it made sense; this was a men's dorm, and if Rob wasn't male anymore, it would attract attention. Attention would garner questions that could prove troublesome to keeping the Spirit Guards' identities secret or maybe cause...

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Magical Items Mania

Somewhere, in some universe, an omniscient being decided to bestow magical items onto one person who caught their interest. These items could do a multitude of things, such as mind control, to reality manipulation, to changing elements of normalcy. From the outside, they just seem like normal items that you'd find laying around in any household. But inside, they're filled with magic that does things that cannot be explained by science. Why did they do this exactly? They just wanted to sit back...

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Magical Doll

A doll has the ability to rewrite other people's beliefs. This doll can only control one person at a time. This doll is activated by attaching the victim's object to the doll No one knows who made the doll. Rumor has it that the devil made it to confuse mankind. Others say this doll is an illegal experiment belonging to an organization. who knows, after all it's just a rumor ____________________________________ One day someone found the magical doll. He will use it for certain purposes. Who...

Mind Control
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Magical Ring Turned Me Sexy Shemale

Hi, guys, this is Rii and you can find me on Facebook by searching Rii Femboi. Now coming to the sex story. I am 28 boy and an absolute nerd, always studying and as a result had no friends since my school days. I thought things would change in the college, but I was wrong that time too. After completing my college I got a very good and a high paying job, but there too nobody wanted to befriend me. I had to move away from my parents to Delhi for a critical project that my company entrusted me...

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Magical Watches

Magical Watches By Stephanie W. Hi, my name's Brian and here's my story. I remember the night it all happened, when my life turned upside down. It was July 13 and on a Friday night. I remember it, because it was the hottest night of summer. My girlfriend and I decided we should stay in due to it being too hot to go out on the town, so I ended up at her place since it was a lot cooler than my place. Alisa had central air. When I called Alisa at earlier in the day to see what...

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Magical Transformations

'Magical Transformations' I saw the unmarked door right off of the street and thought this must be the place where I was supposed to be interviewed. But it wasn't it, I knew. Was it a salon? It sure looked like one, and it sure as hell smelled like one. I picked out the scents of hair spray, nail polish, and perms, oh that lovely smell of the perms gave it away. But, aren't salons usually well advertised out front? I walked around for a minute. There were styling stations everywhere...

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Magical Night With My Bhabhi

Hey everyone I’m raj from Vijayawada. I’m a handsome guy with good body everyone looks for. I’m doing my B.Tech in a reputed college. I’m a regular reader of iss. Now time had come to share my experience. You can keep in touch with me. This is my first story so please kindly excuse for any mistakes. This incident was happened one year back. I had completed my 12th standard and enjoying my holidays. Firstly I would like to say about me I’m a decent guy and I respect ladies a lot. But I’m also a...

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Magical Girl Policy Chapter 11

Robert plopped into his chair and rubbed his eyes. He couldn't believe how early he was to his History class. He had fully intended to show up as late as possible and prevent himself from giving Angela a chance to talk to him, but given how his night had gone, that plan had changed since he needed to get something straightened out. The TA gave him an odd look as she walked in. How often did students get into the room before the TA? Probably wasn't often. He buried his head into his...

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Magical Incest Chapter 1 of 5 The Black Candle

This story I'm about to tell you isn't going to be your typical type of taboo story where a mother falls into the dark desire of having a sexual and lusting relationship with her son, or vice versa, for that matter. No, this story hinges on something even darker than that. A force that has been around longer than incest itself has existed. In fact, you might even think it was more of a taboo since very little has been known of the subject to this day, with only a handful of people even...

3 years ago
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Magical Sex Shop Chapter 2 Demonstrations

A sexy red head with shoulder length hair, pouty red lips, and a body to kill complete with DD breasts, a narrow waist, and amazing ass had just walked in. What were the chances of seeing my girlfriend Ashley enter the same sex shop at the same time as me without us coordinating? She saw me too, but true to her nature instead of blushing she just smiled and made her way over to me and the counter lady. "Hmm, getting groceries huh?" She smiles ass she says it. "Only the...

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Magical Girl Amelia

[Author's note, that's me, - I changed the story and character completely, so if you've read it before, it's probably worth to read it again]. Amelia is, without a doubt, the most popular girl in the Lenian High School. She isn't a member of the school's council or any school club, although she is often pressured into helping them with many events because of her capabilities and popularity, which draws other students. Her personality, grades, looks - they are all perfect, and because of that, a...

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Magical Cum

Our protagonist's cum has magical powers. What those powers are, how they got them, and how they use them are all up to any particular story's author. Please format any starting paths in the following format: Protagonist Name and Info/Cum Power/Cum use case. Also, please tag stories appropriately as they are added. (Author Note: As long as you are within the rules of CHYOA, anyone is welcome to write their own stories or chapters. Including under other people's stories. I would ask that if you...

Mind Control
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Elizabeth Fleming told me some of this story in the years before she died, aged eighty, in 2010. The more graphic scenes are mine but the emotions and surrounding history are hers. She was my Great Aunt, great in so many ways for she was the third family member I ever revealed my sexuality to, the first two being my parents. I had known since girlhood that she shared a cottage in Hampshire with her friend, Portia, but had never known their relationship was more than sisterly. When I told her...

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Magical Checkbook

You already know me, the dreamer and science fiction fan from class. Every High School has kids like me. Science Fiction, Video Games and dreams are my life. Getting home from school to get lost in a book or a game. Would anyone know me, care or recognize me one year after school? I am like many boys and fantasize about sex. I hit the incest chat rooms and wonder. Tina is two years older than me, a 5"3" little blonde bombshell with blue eyes, tawny skin with C cups and a slender body. I knew...

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Magical Girl Policy Chapter 6

Robert sighed as he trudged through the campus grounds and kicked himself for blowing two easy quiz questions in his Calculus class. Had he just paid closer attention he would have seen his mistakes. Robert's mind was just elsewhere; he kept on thinking about tonight's plan. He thought it was a good plan, but when the people you were trying to fool were superhuman cheerleaders, it was hard to be confident. He probably shouldn't worry about it. Sure, he was skeptical, but in the end,...

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Magical Hearts chapter 5

I held Isabels hand as I heard the beginnings of Justins magic, I had time to grown but not much more than that before I am awaken in the morning. The Wedding Day: Chapter 5. Isabel is kissing my hand. She says to the curtain, That was the longest night of my life, even with Justin putting us to sleep. I chuckle and say, I was thinking that just before Justin begin his sleep spell. That was odd I remember dreaming one normally does not dream under a sleep spell. Isabel asked, What did you...

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Magical Girl Policy Chapter

Cory kicked the door frame to Rob's new room twice before he crossed the threshhold. Eli groaned. "It wasn't booby trapped the last three times you walked into it. Why would it be booby trapped now?" Cory rolled his eyes at Eli and spoke in his preachiest tone he could muster. "The ninja girl lives in this room- she is a ninja. As in ninja- ing into a room and booby trapping it in the the short time we went down to Angela's car to get more stuff out is something she could do." Eli...

4 years ago
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Magical Mystery Birthday

"Hello, Marcus residence." Harriett had gotten up from the table to take the call. There's a house rule that we don't answer the phone during dinner. That's why we have an answering machine. My wife violates the rule regularly. "Yes. Nice to meet you. That's nice. How sweet of you. Oh, that's too bad. Yes, he does." Since I'm the only "he" in our house, my ears perked up. Harriett let her vegetarian meatloaf get colder. "I don't think that will be a problem. Harvey likes...

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Magically Requested

Special Note: This is a sequel to my story 'Magically Maid'. I highly recomend you read it first. Magically Requested By Garath Xion: "Dude, that is just lame," the man named Reeve said as he watched his roommate Ken carry in a small stuffed panda bear. Ken was a collector of stuffed panda bears. He just liked them that was all. Though to Reeve it was a sign of being a nerd and to him that was a lame way to be. Ken just sighed...

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Younger Than Springtime

The door was open. I had no reason to have it closed. We were all in this together. So I was sitting in the large chair as my nurse prepared to access my port to begin the first liter of Cisplatin. The cancer center had been busy today and I glanced out the doorway as several people passed by. Then I noticed a woman pausing as one of the nurses escorted her somewhere.It was Katherine. I recognized her at once even though it had been so many years ago. Then I heard her laugh as her companion...

College Sex
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Magical Manipulations

Welcome to a world of gods, quests and monsters… not that you’ll be participating in any of that! No, no, the great creator of this world has a much different plan for you. It is a large world filled with perils like orcs, angry gods, and the occasional natural disaster. There are various races, like humans, elves, dwarves, goblins, etc. Dragons roam the skies and the land is untamed and wild with settlements occasionally dotting the map. In addition, some strange phenomenon present only in...

Mind Control
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Magical Girl Policy Chapter 13

Mallory shoved her hands into her pockets as they passed the fountain in the middle of the food court. She didn't like it. This Robert guy shows up, Eli and Cory end up at a monster attack at Eli's work. Robert is supposed to be alone with the Spirit Guard to explain his glowing, Eli and Cory end up watching from the shadows. Now, Robert goes to get a comic, there could be a monster in the mall, and, of course, Eli and Cory are accompanying him. "Something feels off about...

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Magical SummerChapter 2

There was a wait before Resi and Akira returned, long enough for them to have a discussion, and then the three of us just cuddled for a while, all of us naked but the focus at first was to reestablish familiarity, not arousal. Both Resi and Akira told me they planned a very enjoyable night for me which included an extended back rub by Resi. I almost thought they were suggesting the party was over for the night, but then Akira went to the toy box and pulled out not just cuffs but a padded bar...

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Master of All Timelines

Your name is Edward Richardson. You're 20 and you've been fascinated by history ever since you're 11. You're also good at making inventions as well. As you're growing up, you usually found that at various points in history of each country, things always turned ugly at many points. And you wanted to change that. You decided to use your intelligence you create the device called the T.O.S, abbreviated for Timeline Opener and Stopper, that can make you travel back in time and alter the histories...

Mind Control

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