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This whole thing started several years ago. We have all moved and I asked the others' permission to write this, and they actually helped. I changed the names and all that. I also condensed some of the story to make it easier to read. This story covers only about 3 days while the actual events took place over a two week period. I was reminiscing the other day and decided to write it down and later, I decided to post it so you could enjoy the story and perhaps be a little jealous, I guess. I've written two endings, the actual ending and the real ending. I'll guess that you would enjoy the fantasy ending more. Sometimes, I wish I would have followed the course of the fantasy ending instead. It could have easily gone that way. But I'm a pretty happy guy now so, no regrets.

I'm Daniel January, also known as Mr. Dan, Dr. J, or Danny. I wasn't a doctor and most of the kids don't know who the real Dr. J was. Danny worked just fine for me. I don't like to stand on formalities and my kids usually pay the proper respect so Danny works. When we are out, they all called me Mr. Dan. I was a school teacher at a small private school in the south. I taught science to 7th, 8th and 9th grade kids. And math to 7th graders. The two older grades learned earth and then physical science but the 7th graders got my favorite, life science. Each class was small with 18-22 kids and the whole school only had around 300 kids so you got to know everyone pretty well.

Some of the kids came from broken homes. They spent a week with mom and a week with dad or maybe their grandparents raised them. Some of them had never met their fathers. That was the case with Elena Landry, Lani to her friends. She came to us a few days into a new school year. I had talked with Lori, her mom, briefly - to get the circumstances and find out if there were any special needs or accommodations. Lani had been held back a grade when she was very young and I needed to be sensitive of her age since it can be embarrassing and Lani had never met her father.

Now that she was 14, Lori was concerned about the lack of a father figure in her life. Lori was very young at only 31 but she was doing her best by her only child. She told me part of the reason she was coming to this school was because of me. A friend of hers had a kid in our school and she talked me up as a positive influence. A lot of schools don't have male teachers below the high school level. It's tough enough to make ends meet on a public high school teacher's pay. I was earning a lot less but have investments in stocks and real estate, purchased with inheritance money that allowed me to do what I like. Lani's mom, Lori, asked me take the role of father or big brother as best I could and I agreed. It comes with the territory. I liked her and it didn't hurt that she was pretty and only a year older than me.

Lani usually got pretty good grades, working hard for As and Bs came easily and she was always on the honor roll, something she took pride in. She was about 5' 4" and maybe 95 lbs, with fine blonde hair, fair skin and light blue eyes. She went to the beach often enough so that she seemed to have a perpetual tan and it looked nice on her. She has a pretty smile. It was easy to tell she had a lot going for her even without a dad at home and that is no small feat.

The school year was progressing normally, a good year, in fact, with pretty good students that got along together well. Each year at the end of winter, the school has a fundraiser and when it's over, the whole school celebrates with a fun field trip. Lani had been ill for a week at the end of the fundraiser and stayed back from the school-wide celebration. About 8 other kids stayed back for various reasons and this year it was my turn to stay on campus with them. Lani had some make-up work to do and we spent most of the day outside at picnic tables while younger kids played. I was grading papers on external fertilization in animals. The next section was on internal fertilization and that was kind of a crazy section. I always worried that someone would ask a touchy subject question. "Danny, what's a clitoris?" or "What are multiple orgasms?" With middle school kids, you never knew. Some of them were very sophisticated and some were wonderfully naïve. Most didn't want to ask those kinds of questions for fear of looking stupid.

Lani had been working on catching up in life science and she not only caught up but passed the rest of the kids with one question that almost came out of the blue. The study of sexual reproduction in animals must have got her thinking.

"Danny, I have a question", she said and waited for me to come to a stopping point.

I made two more marks and set the paper down.

"OK, Lani. Stump me", a challenge I always presented knowing that if they ever did, I would have to get back into the books.

"What's an erection?" she asked without looking up from her book. I wasn't even sure I hear her correctly. I looked around to make sure younger kids weren't close enough to hear and asked her to repeat the question.

"What's an erection? Is it the same thing as a boner?" she asked, this time looking right at me.

"Yes." I answered intelligently and then I thought about it a minute.

"Lani, do you realize the nature of the question you're asking me?" I wanted to be sure she knew where this was going.

"Yeah. I know. I just want to know how animals do it. Is it the same way people do it? I mean does the guy just stick it in, they hump around a bit and then the female gets pregnant? That's pretty much it, isn't it?" she asked again ever so nonchalant.

I looked at her, dumbfounded. How do you answer a question like that? I mean, really. How do you answer that without getting in trouble? Every now and then I'll get a call from a parent asking if I really said something in class. It's tough to know just where the boundaries are in middle school. You need to be a little on the edge just to keep their attention. I decided to answer pretty much like I always do, as honestly as possible.

"Yup. That's about it. The male gets an erection, the female presents herself, the male penetrates her and deposits sperm that will work their way to her egg and she'll get pregnant. The female doesn't always get pregnant but that's the basic process." I said it with an academic voice and a straight face and watched to see if she understood and the answer was what she was hoping for. Apparently it was.

"That's what I thought", she said and went back to her reading. For all of about two minutes.

"How do you get one?" she asked. Now I was really off guard.

"How do you get one what, Lani?"

"An erection. How does a guy get an erection? Does he just decide to get one or does it just happen at the right time or what? How does he know if he has one? I mean, animals don't have clothes on and they know, but how do guys know if they have one?" She looked right at me as though she had asked a question about geology or algebra, without the slightest hint of embarrassment or mischief.

This is where I could get into big trouble, I thought. I just looked back at her for a few moments. Answering these type of questions could get me fired or worse if I did it wrong. I didn't think she was trying to find a way to get me in trouble. Not that kind of kid. Maybe she simply wants to know and has no one else.

"This seems like the kind of question you should ask your mom, don't you think?" I asked expecting her to agree.

"No. My mom's not a guy, silly. How's she supposed to know? This is what I'm supposed to ask my dad, which, I obviously can't do." She smiled just a little and she sort of prompted me with her eyes. She could tell I was uncomfortable.

"All right. I can't believe I'm going to answer this. Here goes. I can't tell you about animals. I know I'm the science teacher but animal erections are not something the average guys studies. I can talk about guys. Men."

"OK, she said, "how do you get an erection and how long does it last or do you have to have sex to make it go away?" she asked and for the first time I saw a bit of a twinkle in her eye. She knew what she was doing.

"Guys are pretty visual," I answered, trying my best to be factual. The problem was, I was getting an erection as we talked. She was 14 and small but her breasts were developing nicely and stretching the fabric of a slightly too small polo shirt and she had such a wonderful smile on such a beautiful face. I'd noticed all this before but not while talking about sexual reproduction in animals.

"Almost anything sexual can start a guy to have an erection. Sometimes it just lasts for a little while and sometimes it lasts a long time. It depends on what is going on. Different guys respond differently to stimulation. Visual stimulation, I mean."

I hoped that satisfied her curiosity but then part of me was beginning to enjoy this. She was discrete and she was enjoying it too. She had pulled me into this and now, well, now I was just in it. I decided to go with it as long or far as it went. We were out in the open with plenty of witnesses but no one to hear us. What could go wrong?

"Well ... what stimulates you?" she asked and she actually pushed her beautiful blonde hair back to expose her wonderful little neck and now her lips were kind of pouting as she smiled. If she could look under the picnic table she would have the answer to that question already. I had a raging hard-on for this teen.

"That's a pretty personal question, Lani. Each guy is different. Some guys are attracted to pretty smiles or long legs and some guys just like nice breasts." Some guys - I hope she caught that I wasn't going to tell her about me.

"But what about you? I don't want to know about little boys. What gives you an erection? Is it just when you want to have sex? If you have an erection, does that mean you want to have sex? What else is it good for? That has to be it." She said, pretty happy with herself. She had aged about three years in attitude and demeanor and she could tell that she was having an effect on me. I knew she didn't know how much but she was working it.

"I mean, do you have to see a girl naked to get an erection or something?" she asked and now she was back to asking a real question. I was having a hard time figuring out just what she already knew and what she didn't.

"Lani, we are past the science class. I know you want answers but I'm not sure you shouldn't be asking your mom." I said with really my last shot at being respectable.

"Do all guys like women with big gazongas? Mine aren't very big. If you could see my boobs right now, would you get an erection?" she asked, trumping my protest and taking it to a much higher level.

"Doggonit, Lani, you are far too sexy for a 14 year old and you know it. Any normal, red-blooded male that saw you naked would get an erection. That's just the way we're made. You're very pretty and you have a very..." how to say it..."positive effect on guys. Your breasts are just fine" I told her. I knew she wanted affirmation of her femininity and I gave it to her in spades.

She smiled and she pushed her chest forward just a little. "My breasts are big enough to give you an erection?" she asked. It's not like they had grown before my eyes but it seemed that way. I wanted her right then. I wanted the other kids to go indoors and I wanted to take her right there on the picnic tables. Forget the student/teacher relationship. Forget the trust of her mother. Statutory rape? So what? I had a full sized hard-on.

She looked at me kind of quizzically and then it dawned on her. She smiled even bigger and then dropped her pencil. Before I knew it, she bent down to pick it up and I knew she was looking under the table at the bulge in my pants. There was no hiding it.

When she came up her eyes were huge and her smile had changed. This wasn't mischief any more. She now knew that she had the power to effect men, and more importantly, me. She was quiet for a few moments. She didn't know if she should drop the conversation and pretend nothing had happened or continue. She was both happy with herself and I think a little scared of what she had done. She looked down for what seemed an eternity. I knew she would tell her mother or someone and this would turn out very badly.

"Lani, look, I just wanted to answer your questions honestly. That's all," I said.

"Ok. That's ok. Will you answer just one more ... honestly" she asked very quietly.

"OK," I said, happy that this was about over.

"Do you want to have sex with me?" she asked. She was quiet. I thought that maybe she wished she could take the question back.

"It's OK," she said. "You don't have to answer. That wasn't fair. I mean, I'm almost 15 but that's still too young. I shouldn't have asked. I just ... I just..." she trailed off, obviously thinking about where this whole conversation had gone in a few short minutes.

"You just what?" I asked, probably because I didn't know what else to say.

"I just like the idea. That's all."

"The idea of what?" I asked, stupidly not leaving the issue alone.

"I like the idea of being wanted by a guy. I think it would be so cool to hold a guy naked. You know. To do it. To just hold a guy that close and know that he wanted me. I never knew if anyone wanted to do it with me before and it's OK if you don't either. I feel alone sometimes and the guys in class are so little and they don't get it and you do and I thought ... Well, it doesn't matter what I thought."

"Lani. You are so pretty. Your smile and the way you look. Your honest questions. They gave me an erection because you are very desirable. You are. Any guy would be so lucky to have you. You're smart and pretty and you have so much going for you. It's not like I tried to have an erection. I just did, do, and there's not a lot I can do about it," I said and knew I had said the right things. She smiled a million dollar smile and looked me right in the eyes.

"So you would like to?" she said and then I knew I had said all the wrong things. Or all the right things. I didn't even know anymore. I did know that right then, this 28 year old teacher wanted to make love to this almost 15 year old girl and teach her more than just science and that she wanted it too.

And then I went over the top. "My body doesn't lie. I would like to. Very much. I would like to teach you more than science and math. But in this state, they would throw me in jail and throw away the keys. The law says you are too young."

"But you don't think I'm too young, do you? I don't want to learn about love and sex from some little boy."

"Lani, I'll answer whatever questions you ask but this has to be just between you and me. OK? It's probably time to head back inside anyway. We can talk some more later." I looked at her and couldn't hide my desire, even though I tried to look as fatherly as possible.

"I want to touch it." She said. "Before we go back inside, I want to feel what an erection feels like. Do you still have it from before?" she asked and pulled her hair back again. She slid close to me on the bench and looked to see where the other kids were. They were all far away and preoccupied with other things. She reached under the table and felt around. She found my leg but didn't reach up high enough. Her hand was hidden from sight from everyone. I looked her in the eyes and reached under the table. I gently grabbed her wrist and pulled her hand up to my once again bulging erection. I helped here wrap her fingers around the cloth of my Dockers. She held it and squeezed a little, trying to figure out the size of it. I'm pretty normal, but she was impressed and her eyes said so.

"You did that to me," I said and looked into her wide eyes. "You've given me a full grown, adult-sized hard-on. It won't go away for a while because you have excited me big time. My penis is convinced that you and I are going to have sex and that is as big as it gets. Does that answer your question about erections?" I asked this now very adult young lady.

She slid her hand up and down it a little and squeezed again.

"I have just one more question for now," she said. "How does it fit? It's too big." She stood up, grabbed her books and walked away and I noticed for the first time what wonderful legs she had for a little girl. It took 30 minutes before I could stand, let alone walk. I enjoyed the wonderful view of the outside world and wondered what the view in prison would be like. What was the sentence for statutory rape, anyway?

I finished that day, fighting to keep my erection from coming back but it wasn't easy. Thursday came and went without incident although every time I looked at Lani, we exchanged small smiles. We knew something the rest of the class didn't and, hopefully, never would. Friday was half over when I got a call from Lori, Lani's mom. I thought it would be bad news for sure. An evening discussion with Lani and my forthcoming dismissal, perhaps.

Instead, she asked a favor. Her car was in the shop and she needed a ride to pick it up. Would I be so kind as to bring Lani to her work and then drive her to the Saturn dealership? I agreed and she promised me dinner, nothing fancy, and we set a time. It wasn't such a strange request. I'd done something like it before for several parents. The only thing touchy was the cross-town drive with Lani to pick up her mom.

At 4, I walked down to daycare, where Lani had been staying, and explained the situation. She couldn't have been happier but tried to hide it. We walked to the office and I logged Lani out, a practice designed to prevent adults from doing something inappropriate with the students, which, of course was what I really wanted to do. She had changed out of her uniform and was wearing a blue skirt that was a little too short for dress code and a white blouse that hugged her tightly and showed off her athletic little body and developing breasts far better than should be legal. I opened the door and helped her down into my car. I have a little neon but it's fairly new and the tinted windows keep you cool in the summer. As she slid down, she parted her legs a little more than necessary and I caught a nice view of her upper thighs. She caught me looking and smiled. She looked better and better all the time. As I walked around to get in, I wondered where our conversation would go. I didn't need to wonder long.

"Did you think about me the Wednesday night?" she asked and it was a good thing I had a seat belt. Boy had I ever thought about her. I just smiled.

"I thought so. I thought about you too," she said without saying what she meant by that. Did she go home and masturbate while imagining I was there? Instant hard-on. Instant.

"Wow. That didn't take long at all. I thought you said guys were visually stimulated." she said practically purring and looking at my jeans which were having a very hard time controlling what this little girl was doing to me.

"It's not really fair you know." she said without explaining. I turned out of the lot and onto Gibraltar, heading for County Road.

I should have known better but asked anyway, "what's not fair?"

"That I can tell you're aroused by the little tent in your pants but you can't tell if I am or not," she said with a sly little smile. "I am, you know. I was pretty excited the other day. I didn't realize what would happen to me."

"What happened to you," I asked.

"I got wet."

Youza. That's all I needed to hear. She had me wrapped around her finger and was playing with me and what's worse, she was loving it and so was I.

"I was soaked. I didn't know that would happen but it did. I thought maybe I wet my pants or something. I got so wet I had to take my panties off and dry them under the hand dryer. I thought I had wet my pants or something. That's why I left in a hurry."

I thought about that one a minute.

"Ladies respond too. That's never happened to you before?" I asked.

"No. I was scared at first but I looked it up online when I got home. It kinda made sense but it didn't seem like there should be so much" she said without any embarrassment.

She was just so totally honest. It blew me away. Actually, it made me be far more honest than I probably would have been otherwise.

"It was a natural reaction to everything we were talking about. Your body just responded naturally," I told her.

She thought about it for a minute or two.

"So my body thought we were going to have sex and it started getting ready?" she asked and now she was getting embarrassed.

Now it was my turn to smile. "That's about the size of it."

We still had about another 20 minutes to go and I wondered how far this conversation would go and how easy it would be to turn it off before we got to her mom. I couldn't have her slide out of the car when we got to her mom's work and I couldn't walk in with a tent pole in the front of my pants. I made a mental note to knock it off in time.

She looked over at me and her gaze dropped down to my lap. She smiled and then reached across and grabbed without a word. She just grabbed hold as if it were hers. I slammed on the brakes without checking in the mirror. Fortunately, County Road is hardly ever busy, even at rush hour.

"Girl, you can't just do that. You can't just reach out and grab hold of me like that" I said as I accelerated back up to 45. But I was loving it. She had her left hand wrapped tightly around me and was holding on like it was a safety handle. I got even harder and she could tell.

"When I hold you, you get harder, don't you?" she asked.

"Yes. Of course I do."

"Does it feel good?"

"Yes. It feels very good. It feels good that you're holding me and smiling," I said and looked at her and smiled. It was crazy, but my smile encouraged her. She stroked me a little bit.

"I want to feel it," she said. "I want to feel you," she said and started playing with the buttons on my 501s. She popped a couple free and the rest popped open as she slid her hand in. I didn't say a word. She reached over with her right and popped my belt too and then slid her left hand down the top of my pants. Her fingers were cool and smooth and small. She found my dick and wrapped her fingers around it. Her eyes got big as she explored its size with her hand.

"It's wet too." she said and I thought she would draw her hand back but only for a second.

"That's called Cowper's fluid. Most people call it pre-cum" I said. "It's a little extra lubricant that comes out before I ejaculate," I said trying to find a comfortable place between teacher, father-figure and lover and decided there wasn't one.

"Are you going to do it? Are you going to jaculate?" she asked, her eyes wide and her hand holding on to me with enthusiasm. "Are you going to do it without being inside someone? I mean, doesn't your body know?" she asked, and I felt she was trying to find her comfortable place too.

"If you keep stroking me like that, I will explode very soon. There will be creamy white semen everywhere and there is no way we could explain a wet spot like that to your mom. Your hand feels far too nice. It's very definitely time to stop. You've felt me and you have a pretty good idea what you can do to me with not a lot of effort," I said, half meaning it and half wishing she would continue. I was having a hard time concentrating on the road though. She squeezed one more time and I thought she was going to let go but instead, she pushed down on my pants so my dick in all its glory was exposed to, well, to her. She stared at it, eyes wide. She looked up at my face and then back down at the rock-hard penis she was holding onto. Her hand was below the head and she could see how enlarged it was. She stroked it the smallest of strokes and a bit more pre-cum oozed out. For safety sake, I had dropped down to 35 and was breathing heavily. We were both speechless. She just stared. I don't think it would have taken more than two good strokes and I would have lost it. She must have realized I couldn't go on like this much longer and she carefully allowed my pants to fall back into place. She was going to button my jeans back but realized the futility of that, at least until I shrank a little.

She leaned back in her seat and tried to relax a little bit. This was a lot for her to take in.

"My panties are soaked again," she said, matter of factly. "Right now. They're totally soaked. I just thought you should know so it will be fair." She smiled the tiniest of smiles and tried to relax.

"Listen," I said. "You've asked a lot of questions about sex on Wednesday and again today. I've more than answered them and I don't think you would have gotten quite the same answer from your dad. You are quite probably far ahead of your peers in the sex-ed department. No one else in class has done what you've just done, that's for sure. But right now, you need to cool it. We both need to cool it. We have to pick up your mom and we'll be there in about 10 minutes. Just let me relax and I'll see if I can get my pants back together." I said this in my most teacherly voice. "And another thing. Not a word of this to anyone. None of the kids at school can have even a hint of what I've told you. Alright?" I commanded more than asked.

"Alright. No of course not. I wouldn't tell anyone. That would be mean to you and I would never do that" she said with as much sincerity as she had in here. She had always been honest with me and I believed her now.

"You realize how much trust I've just placed in you, right? I mean, I didn't just answer questions. I've given you more trust than just about anybody. OK?" I said, really realizing how bad it would be for me if anyone had any idea.

"Danny, how could I ever do anything to get you in trouble?" She smiled a wonderful smile at me. "Thank you," she said, very pleased with how this drive had gone.

We drove along in silence for a while, each of us lost in our own thoughts and when I looked over she had a Mona Lisa smile on her face. She knew that she knew far more than her friends and she knew that she could never tell them how she knew. She closed her eyes and began to hum. For a moment I began to imagine what it would be like to undress her and then realized how counterproductive that was. I had her hold the wheel and I fumbled with my jeans and painstakingly re-buttoned them, finishing the job just before we got to her mom's work. Lani never stopped smiling.

"What are you going to tell your mom when she asks about that smile on your face," I asked and she tried to let it dissolve but it just wouldn't go away.

I pulled into parking lot of Jenkins-Witherspoon, Attorneys at Law, and Lori was standing out front with an exasperated look on her face. She opened my back door and slid in with a sigh of resignation.

"What's up?" I asked.

"My car isn't ready. They thought they had it but there is some other rumbling going on and they can't fix it before Monday. I don't have a car for the weekend."

She almost looked like she was going to cry. To be honest, I was glad she was preoccupied or she might have had a hint that we didn't talk about school on the way over.

I pulled into traffic and headed for the highway.

"Where to? Back to your place? I'm free tonight and can take you anywhere you need to go," I offered, feeling guilty for allowing her daughter to play pocket pool with me on the way over.

"I'm sorry. That was really rude of me. Thanks for bringing Lani and picking me up. This is so far out of your way but I really didn't have anyone else to call. I shouldn't have dumped on you. It's my car. I don't know. It's just been one thing after another and I thought this would be wrapped up." She paused to take a long breath. "Let's just go back to my place, you remember where it is? Listen, stop at the KFC on Cedar and I'll get us chicken. I'm not much for cooking tonight. Izzat OK with everyone?"

We both nodded approval and let Lori quietly stew in the back. We drove in silence for a while and I looked at Lori in the mirror. She had come on several field trips and I had seen her at luncheons and in the car line before but she looked different now. Or maybe I was looking at her differently. She looked like Lani's older sister rather than her mom. She was only an inch taller and she had the same fine blond hair and beautiful smile. There was no doubt she was a full grown woman though. Her lips and hips were fuller and was a cup-size larger than Lani in the chest. Her business attire would have provided a nice view of her cleavage for someone standing close. She wore just a bit of make-up although she didn't need to. The more I looked at her, the more beautiful I thought she was. They both were.

She looked up at me in the mirror and caught me smiling.

"What?" she asked.

"What, what?" I answered, using my best rhetoric.

"What are you smiling about?" she asked quietly, not knowing if she had missed something in the conversation. It was as though she was joining the real world again and perhaps she had missed a joke or something. I turned my eyes back to the road and pretended I hadn't been admiring her for the last 15 miles.

"Nothing, I was just thinking about something. Sorry. I know you had a rotten day but I had a pretty good one," I covered, hoping it was sufficient. I thought it would be enough.

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Hi. Friends Yeh mera saccha aur horny experience tha . Aasha karta hu Ke aap logo ko yeh story pasand aaye . Aur aap mujhe bata sakte ho ke aapko kaisi lagi yeh story. My id is My name is honey and i am from gurgaon and i’m average in look and my height is 5″6 or mai regular gym jata hu. My age is 18 and sachi kahu to maine aaj tak sex nhi kia.Man to bahut karta hai but aaj tak koi mili nhi jiske sath sex kar saku so i’m virgin. To ab story start hoti hai. To bat us din ki hai jis din main.....

2 years ago
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Susan Storm Lady AntiVenom

All throughout the city, New York had become afflicted by a retroviral plague that had turned most of the populace into human sized arachnids. A plot derived by the co-ordinated attempts of one Adriana Soria, the self-proclaimed Spider Queen, and Miles Warren the Jackal. With his help, the madwoman had introduced a viral mutagen into the drinking water supply of the city, one that would have turned everyone into giant spiders. Suffice it to say, it did not take long to turn the island of...

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Fucking a girl in hallway

This is the story about my first high school sex.I met this girl in school she kept staring at me.So i went in a quiet hallway and asked why she kept staring at me for.She said that she like me.The next day we go to class together and i whisper something in her ear and she noded.I put my fingers in her pants and in her pussy and she started moanining,then i went deeper and fater she was tight and she was tight liped.the next day i talked to her in the hallway i groped her titties and smack the...

1 year ago
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Norton Towers Chapter 5

Part 1Being employed at Norton House general factotum, handyman (fucking helping hand), and my life took on an entirely new meaning and taught me that life really does begin at sixty. Everything was discreet and the tenants very nice and pleasant.One would think they were just ordinary middle class oldies. But the truth was that they all loved sex in every way – literally. It was fantastic.Mr and Mrs Wright were (on the outside) a normal old couple. Sylvia was a very buxom sixty-eight and...

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Sea Adventures

Part IAnniversaryWhen we first arrived in the small village on the island in the Mediterranean, I almost started crying. It looked like a place from the third world, with stone built houses, and so peaceful as if no one actually lived there. My mother knew my wild side very well and I could swear she picked this place on purpose, just to prevent me from staying out till dawn every night.Soon I discovered that the place had just one hotel, one tavern, two small pubs and an open air cinema. There...

4 years ago
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Royal Bloodline

AUTHORS NOTE:  Every now and then I’ll see a picture that brings a scene to mind.  I finally had an opportunity to sit down and write it.  The picture which inspired this story can be found here: 1?Yeah, I scored four goals in just the last six minutes of the match.? The young women standing around the tan, beautiful young male of almost 21 years giggled as he bragged about his polo skills after the match.  The shirtless rider enjoyed the...

3 years ago
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CommunityChapter 27

Alan's Turn: I feel like I'm on a merry-go-round that's spinning too fast to get off of. Not that I want to, you understand. I've never seen anything like this thing that's going on here. Business? It's doing even better than I'd hoped for a start-up. I brought clients. Both Dans brought clients. Jason's name sits in the middle of some of them, and for heaven's sake, that Alabama utility company's regional manager was impressed by the Jason and Susan team. He sent an engineer out...

2 years ago
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A World FoundChapter 18

Dani woke, for a moment she didn't know where she was but it soon came flooding back to her. She was still in the ambulance, strapped to the gurney. She could see out of the back and side windows but couldn't see anything other than stone walls. The bus wasn't moving, either. Dani's panic tried to claim her again, but her mind knew she had to help herself to get away. Panicking would do her no good. She started to think what she had that would help her. That was when she remembered. She...

2 years ago
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The temptation

*this story is an outtake from my novel ‘the Lovely Forsaken’ the scene does not appear in the book but I loved it so much that I decided to post it here. I hope everyone enjoys it!* I watched in terror as Daniel leaned over me and pressed his cold lips to mine. In shock I could not prevent his tongue from entering my mouth and it was an automatic reaction to let my own twirl around his. I would be lying if I said I didn’t want him. I had wanted him since that night in the woods when he had fed...

4 years ago
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My Sster

On Thursday afternoon I was running up the path that led to my house, it was raining quite a bit so I was in quite a hurry to get in, take my clothes off and have a nice warm bath. My mom was going to pick me up like she usually did, but was unable to pick me up, due to her being called into work. After fiddling with the keys, I finally managed to get into the house. I quickly slipped my sneakers off and dropped my bag by the fire, in the hope that it would dry out. I then proceeded down to the...

2 years ago
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Tahitian Sunset

It is late in the afternoon. The day is slowly dying all around you. Long shadows reach out like spindly fingers, reaching out all around you as you lay in the warm white sand of the beach. Palm trees sway silently in the breeze. Even though the day grows weary, and evening slowly blends with afternoon, the air is still warm. As it always is in Tahiti. Warm and moist. And heavy all around you. You lay on your back in the warm soft sand. It rises up and molds itself all around your body....

4 years ago
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My Bus Journey Part 66 Final

FP sat down and stripped out of his pants completely under the blanket. He then applied some Vaseline to his dick and then asked me to come over to him and sit on his lap. He then reached under the blanket and applied some more gel to my butthole. Still naked under the blanket, I moved over towards him, standing between his legs with my back to him. I slowly lowered my butthole towards his cock. Once I made contact with his cock, he held his cock in his hand and slowly slide it into my butt as...

3 years ago
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English Speaking Classes

For any comments contact to Hello friends, My name is Preeti, I’m 28 years old, I have one kid age 7 and hubby of age 30. My family consist of me, my hubby and my son. My height is not much it’s about 5’2 and my figure is 36,28,36. Coming to the story , it was parents-teacher meeting and every time my husband use to go with my son,but this time due to some problem he was unable to attend meeting, so he said me to attend. That time i was bit scared because my son goes to reputed english...

1 year ago
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Oh BoyChapter 2

The two girls eagerly bobbed their heads in agreement that they were hungry. We went to the kitchen naked, and nuked the hotdogs while I dished up the baked beans and potato salad. The girls both wanted Mountain Dew, while I wanted a Coke. We went back into the family room to sit on the floor and eat. I used the remote and flipped the TV on and saw that Saturday Night Live was coming on which made me turn to look at the clock over the piano. I exclaimed, "Holy smokes, we played around for...

2 years ago
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Consequences April

Edited by Angel Love. Thanks as always Consider: In most major events, it is the little things that can make or break them. In 1986, the Challenger space shuttle was lost due to a cheap O ring that probably cost less than a few dollars. Because of that, seven lives and hundreds of millions of dollars were lost. Consider: It is often mentioned that a blood clot, sometimes so small that it takes a microscope to see it, can kill someone. Blood flow to a critical part of the brain is blocked and...

3 years ago
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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 35 Brother and Sisterrsquos Naughty Dialogue

Kurtis – The Treasure Box As the Treasure Box sailed from Ankush and the damned Queendom of Naith, I headed to the cabin with my harem. After the fete thrown by Queen Athirmi, I was exhausted. I wanted to relax and recover before the inevitable orgy on the ship. The halfling and human women would be eager for me. It had been a few weeks of them waiting for us to depart while Queen Athirmi created one excuse after another why we couldn’t leave. But I had the ambassador papers. I had a...

3 years ago
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BB and Dra Ch 2

We join our lovers at the beginning of THIS chat… * * * * * Xan: Hey Xan: Guess what I’m wearing B B: Oooo, WHAT? Xan: I took like an hour-long bath then put on… Xan: Your favorite robe, Uncle Chris! B B: Ahh, wonderful… Anything else? Xan: Earrings B B: And a SMILE…? Xan: Now I am B B: oooo B B: How was your bath? Xan: Wonderful Xan: Wonderfully orgasmic *grin* Xan: I shaved and then was running my hand over my skin to make sure I got all the hair… and well, I just...

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Change Part Two of the Brandt Family SeriesChapter 27

Rockie pulled the car into the driveway and pushed the remote to open the correct garage door. She pulled into the garage and closed the door again before turning the engine off, disconnecting the communications with Bobby. The girls were unbuckled and out of the car before Rockie could get her seatbelt and the one securing her purse unhooked. The three walked into the mudroom together, but the girls then ran up the stairs to Katie’s room with their purchases ahead of her. Rockie went...

1 year ago
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As i am writing this i can feel a mixture of four mens cum dribleing out of my once tight little ass,Four hours ago i was sitting in my car at a local dogging spot, fully dressed in blue mini dress, seamed fishnet stockings, suspenders, 4inch stiletoes, black wig(pigtails),sluty makeup, fake tits and matching black bra and thong, it was a car park with toilets off the main road, there where 4 cars and a camper van, two of the cars where empty but the others where ocupied, i got out of my car...

2 years ago
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Came for one thing and instead came for another

I had an ad up on one of the adult sites looking for a BJ. One day, I got a reply from a man, mid 30s, good shape and black who said he loved to suck white meat. I replied, and he sent me his address.I arrived, he lead me to his room, with a king size bed. Pictures of his very attractive wife and k**s were on the dresser. He faced me, took off my shirt, unzipped my pants and let them fall to the floor. He took off his shirt, revealing a flat hard chest with a good six pack. As I stood there, he...

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Choudhary And Sons Episode 10

Unfinished Business Shobha changed her timing of going to the terrace after what happened that day between her and Sudhir. Now she used to go much later when there would be more ladies. Sudhir, on the other hand, didn’t get an opportunity to get close with Shobha because she would always be in her apartment and someone would always accompany her if she went out. One day, Sudhir was in his balcony smoking. He noticed, Shobha’s husband (Suresh) going out. He looked at the at the time, it was...

2 years ago
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Culminating A Long Friendship

Introduction: Culminating A Long Friendship [Thank you for all of the comments on my Sisters By The Pool series! I never dreamed Id immediately make the top rated stories of the month. I will be working on part three soon. I just wanted to take a break and come out with some new stuff. As always, if you want to send me personal comments or messages or anything fun you can PM me on here – thanks for reading!] Every guy growing up seems to have a switch that flips from too scared to talk to...

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You find yourself sitting in front of your screen, in a chat room with your friend mike LEMON.SOCKS-woaaahhhhh maaaannnnn i found a nasty surprise in your mailbox! left on your door step dudeeee you- thate....illegal you get up, going to see what the hell your friend lemon was talking about...and you see...a ring?

1 year ago
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Life Of A Teen Boy Part 3

Tom parked his car at lover's point down by the river. He turned off the engine and looked at Sue. "Did you have any problem with the nudity at Jerry's house? I'm still pissed off at Jane, for embarrassing me in front of my brother and friends." She said, "No. I liked seeing the guys' penises flop back and forth as they walked around. I was wondering, how long does it take for a guy to make his penis hard?""You make it sound like a guy has to do something to get hard? All we have to do...

2 years ago
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Mileys Harem Ch 04

On orientation day, each girl received two things. First, a tiny RFID tracking chip was injected into each slut’s outer left thigh. Then, each of Miley’s slaves received a tiny tattoo of a cursive “M” on the sole of her right foot. When this was done, she assembled her small cadre of sex slaves in the common room. Taylor, Selena, Demi, and Anna stood in a row in front of Miley, all stark naked except for their slave collars. Miley went up to each girl and unlocked the collars, tossing them...

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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 31

Cheerleading practice that day was especially intense, given the importance of that week’s game. But Jackie London found that she didn’t have to do too much; the seniors mostly ran the show, and she could hang back and watch. She got a very warm feeling in her heart seeing what confident, capable young women Kelly, Kat, Olivia, and Ana had become; and a warm feeling in a different part of her body thinking what intimate knowledge she’d had of all of them.Lexi was in a different category, of...

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Not What I ExpectedChapter 3

I still lived with my parents and they were happy to see me when I got home. They asked me if I found Alexandra and I told them I did. I let them know that I was tired and would tell them about my visit the next day. I headed to my room and have to admit I was already missing Alex. I went to work the next day and my boss was somewhat surprised to see me. I buried myself in my work. I tried to think about anything except Alex. That evening I told my parents the story and even showed them...

4 years ago
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Pushing the Limits Part One

Pushing the Limits Chapter 1: The Beginning It all started with a simple job application at the local mall. At 21, Evan was a college student who still had no clue what he wanted to do in life. At some point during the first two years of college, he had decided on a major in communications, with a minor in business, since he figure it might be helpful to have in the long run. Presently, however, Evan was gainfully unemployed and currently living on the money from student...

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Since nothing was coming of her the master had other ideas running through his head. How much cock a very full and ready to burst rissa could take. Several black bulls had also had the masters treatment before and were now waiting for a turn at the fanastic ass and shaved pussy that they where subjected to . 4 well hung black men ,all with huge cocks were chained to the wall across from the viewing area. Some had raging hard ons ,some didnt. The 2 bulls with their medical grade Viagra that had...

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House Slut 26 Interlude

-phenylalanine Note: I had to edit this because for some reason when it published a bunch of random words and errors were inserted into the text - unsure why. Hopefully it’s fixed. -phenylalanine The next week went by fairly sedately compared to her other recent activity, and after that Tegan had her scheduled week off to allow for her monthly visitor. As far as Tegan could tell Brandon and Yeong were progressing nicely and in the brief moments she saw them seemed happy together, in a...

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MagicianChapter 23

No one could remember how the Azura came about, but they were immediately enslaved by demons who bound them to their will as the demons had done with many others they had happened upon. Yet the Azura were different, stronger, brighter, possessed greater willpower and, most importantly, were fecund in a manner that changed the outcome of all others races of men they spawned with into Azura, or something closely akin. And the Azura grew strong and eventually Malakh, their leader, stole the...

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The Tides of WarChapter 4

It was late Saturday afternoon when the train came to a halt at McLeod Station in Karachi. As David stepped from the train, a Mr. Smithers introduced himself as the Prince’s representative in Karachi. In the carriage taking him to his hotel, Mr. Smithers informed him of the arrangements he had made for him. He was booked into a suite at the Royal Hotel, Karachi’s premiere. A stateroom on the steamer Eastern Comet had also been booked for him. The ship, Mr. Smithers explained, was a fast mail...

3 years ago
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The Seductive Secret Sex

Hi friends this is vikram kapoor age – 23 aur ye meri iss pe pehli story hai. Mai iss ka regular reader hun ar mujhe apni story btane ka b man kia. Readers agar apko pasand aae ar ap log b maze lena chahte ho th please mail mei at So now all the ladies keep your fingers on your pussy and get ready to feel wet. Mera dost h ankur vo mera kafi acha dost h infact best friend ar main aksar uske ghr aya jaya karta hun. Dosti th ek wajah hai hi uske ghar jane ki par uski behen shweta sabse bdi...

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Fucking my Little Brothers Friends

When you’re young a difference of five years is a lot. Think about it. Age ten to age fifteen. That’s a huge difference, one’s a kid and the other is a young adult. But think about it like this. Ages twenty-one and twenty-six. It really doesn’t sound that bad. When I was younger I would look at my brother’s friends as babies. They were nothing to me but as I started getting older they started becoming hotter and they were no longer my baby brother’s friends. They were hot teenage boys who...

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Sarahs Submission Ch 20 Ali Has A Rough Week

Feeling tired when she got to school the next day, after the long week with a lot of strenuous sex and more alcohol than her norm, Sarah found herself fighting droopy eyes during the first several classes. She ran into Ali after math class who looked anything put tired, acting and looking instead very nervous. She pulled Sarah to the side and spoke quickly since they only had a few minutes. “You know I’m supposed to get together with Jimmie tonight, right?” “Yeah. Is there a problem? ...

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The bar was crowded, smokey, & far to loud. I had not seen anyone I knew, that I would even want to be with. "Got a light?" I turned tosee the mst amasing woman. 5' tiny, blue eyes, tanned, and a set of tits that would keep going even after she was dead. I fumbled for a lighter! "Here..." I was going to tell her that she could not smoke in the club, she could have cared! "Thanks. I'm Jenni." she held her hand up. "I..I am Tig." Her smile melted me. It was notlove but lust! "I like that."...

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Birthday Party

A few years ago one of my male friends, Tim was having a birthday party. He turned 18 that day and he wanted to give a big party for that special event. His parents agreed, on two conditions : first, no alcohol. And second they wouldn't stay at home so Tim had to take care of his guests and clean up the mess alone afterwards. That last condition seemed no problem at all. I arrived around 9pm, most people were already there. Almost all my classmates were at that party, also a group of boys who...

4 years ago
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Quenched Hunger

The stories posted by me, are actual happenings of incest. I was also involved in one such relation when I was 25 years old. I was 25 years old then. My mother and father had expired I was living with my elder sister whose husband was in Police. I had big boobs and a narrow waist and below that a solid ass. It was overall a sexy figure which invited hungry looks from men but due to my not being very good looking and short height men never wanted to show close contact with me in Public. There...

3 years ago
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GF Trains me Creampie Cocksucker

After high school I went to college at the Rochester Institute of Technology and earned a bachelor's degree in computing and information services. At the beginning of my junior year there, I met a girl named Susan who is my age. She was working on her degree in psychophysiology. I was immediately attracted to that beautiful girl, who just happens to look a little like the actress Scarlett Johansson. And for some inexplicable and happy reason, she was attracted to me as well.Susan is five feet...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Edyn Blair The Bush Next Door

Edyn Blair loves nothing more than to lounge in her shower shampooing and washing her massive hair pie. Well, today she gets a little more than she bargained for when her neighbor Calvin Hardy accidentally sees her and is enamored and drawn to that bushy display of womanhood. Seeing an opportunity for a stiff fuck session, Edyn brings him in and lets Calvin admire her most prized asset. He is immediately all over it, giving it the tongue worship it so richly deserves. From there, it’s...

2 years ago
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Accidental Daddy the NeighborsChapter 2

I had thought about talking to both sets of parents for a while considering one of the three girls involved was a juvenile, as she was only 12, but then I'd lose my status as a cool adult. I checked over the tapes later that morning and other than the trespassing, the other two didn't really do anything wrong. They hadn't stayed in the hot tub, nor had they gotten naked on camera and masturbated in there. I made sure to drain the hot tub after and clean it thoroughly though. My wife is OCD...

4 years ago
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His Little Sister0

His Little Sister Billy was my best friend until he fucked my little sister. Well, a couple of weeks later it finally dawned on him so he told me that I could fuck his little sister. Billy and I were bout sixteen and our sisters were both thirteen. Billy said that he would have my sister Jill talk to his sister Greta about it and set the whole thing up. Yeah, right! That night Jill came into my bedroom after our parents were sound asleep. We could always tell when they were...

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Rules Is Rules

Note to the reader: This story deals with a fictitious football game that never actually took place. So, please don’t bitch that the scoring drives depicted never actually happened between the Cowboys and Giants. If you don’t want to read about a husband watching his wife have sex with another man, then don’t read this story. You have been warned. The start of the NFL season was coming up. I decided to have a little party to celebrate and watch the first Sunday games with my buddies. I...

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Room Service

I suffer from a rare and little known neurological disease that requires frequent massage to relieve the pain. My job takes me to many cities and foreign countries and if I go more than two weeks without a firm massage the pain gets unbearable. I was at that point and needed help - quickly or I would be useless at tomorrow’s meeting. Since I was in a city I had not visited prior I was at a loss. Looking for a massage in a strange city was just inviting trouble. You were more than likely to end...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Soccer Party

On the verge of collapsing, the bell rang. As usual, Cecilia came. She's my neighbor, for a few years. She moved in when I was twelve, she was 18 then. Now, she's 23. She met Brad in college, and they've been dating ever since. Cecilia brings Brad home occasionally, means we knew each other before he became our coach. Cecilia, she's a girl which brings fantasies to men, she's full with a pair of C's, and she makes people wanna tap her ass. She's into modelling, and she has a bright...

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A Memoir of a Rainy Night

As evening approached on that spring day, Ian took my hand and we walked in the rain. It wasn’t long before the soft showers had turned into a hardened down pour. Our bodies were quickly soaked and we sought shelter beneath a lush elm tree. Kneeling face-to-face in the wet grass, the blades gave way under our weight. Clothing became like a second skin and our hair was dripping and hung close to our heads. My breasts were visible through the saturated white silk dress that hugged my body....

1 year ago
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Nurse Jane Part 2

Nurse Jane Part 2 By Cheryl Lynn Based on the comments I have added the final chapter and hope it meets expectations. Must read Nurse Jane or this will make no sense. The usual disclaimers apply and unauthorized use strictly forbidden. Not for the sweet sentimental reader so be warned. Constructive comments are always welcome at [email protected]. David awoke his screams of agony echoing off the tin roof of the shanty. In a panic he looked around at the unfamiliar...

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Helping His Mother Get Ready

Note : This story is completely fictional! Sharon Cliteau, a heavily-busted, medium-height brunette with an expansive, hour-glass figure, had entered a taxi dressed in a red, gauzy, gown and slurring her words, directed the driver to a riotous sports bar. After kneeling into Sharon's thatch to slide a stocking up her smooth widening thigh while her breasts bobbed with swallowing from a cocktail, her horny mom?" "Yes, baby, I sure hope so. It's part of being a woman, an you know I'm all woman."...

4 years ago
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the wife as ghetto meat

This one started out as a fun experience. She had arranged for a cheap motel hook up with two black bulls. Finally I was allowed to watch, however I was to remain hidden in the closet. She made it sound real, if they were surprised by my presence she didn't know what they would do to me. Usually she goes out with these two and I am left to imagine what she's doing to them, with them.She dressed nicely, a skirt, pantyhose, silken panties, a nice bra and blouse and a pair of nice boots....

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The Protoss ran with such speed that the trees and foliage were nothing but green flashes around her. Imnok weaved through the dense forest with the fabled grace of her people while still maintaining a pace that outran any who dared chase her. She ducked under low branches and hopped over gnarled roots that sprung up without stalling. Pausing in her chase, she sprung up 3 meters and landed smoothly on an overhanging branch. With a short turn of the head she scanned her surroundings in seconds,...

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