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PLEASE NOTE: There are references to rape and violence - and its consequences - in this story. Site etiquette stipulates that you should be warned, and I agree with that. The author abhors abuse and violence, especially sexual violence.

"You're always there for me!"

Marie, 150 cm in height, or an inch shy of five feet if you like it that way, needed something on a high shelf and couldn't reach it. It was the busiest time of the evening and, although she was deputy branch manager and team leader, she was never too grand to work as hard everyone else. But tall she was not. George - her latest recruit - was. Very tall. At a full 200 cm - or 6' 7", he towered over all his co-workers and positively dwarfed Marie. But he was a gentle and very considerate person and he had a knack of 'being there' whenever Marie or their co-workers needed to reach for anything.

"You're welcome," George replied, accompanied by his sweet, shy smile. He handed Marie the stuff she needed and returned to his tasks at the coffee brewer.

He was only shy in a personal setting, Marie had noticed. Towards customers he was open and friendly - cheerful and even jocular when that was warranted, patient and polite when that was required. But the moment he was with people that he would be seeing on a regular basis he was guarded and reserved. Marie knew a bit about his background from interviewing him for the job, but since then she had learned preciously little more. That intrigued her; she usually knew a lot about her staff - the whole atmosphere was friendly and people generally opened up.

The little she knew from the interview was interesting enough. George was a postgraduate student studying for a master's degree in chemical engineering. She had asked him if he had any experience at working in a cafe. He had replied with a sweet apologetic smile that he hadn't, but was used to advanced machinery and following complex recipes in a laboratory and this couldn't be harder. That had turned out to be a fair and accurate assessment, not a boast; and after a few hours of instruction he could handle all the processes better than anyone else.

She also knew some aspects of his family background. Spurred on by some unfortunate reports from the international cafe chain's anonymous test-customers, Marie had been ordered to ensure her staff was versed in at least English and preferably other major languages, so she had asked him about his English fluency. She remembered the conversation vividly.

"How is your English?" she asked.

"My English? Eh, totally fluent," he replied. "I'm bilingual. I'm half English. My name ought to give that away."

"Of course - George," Marie agreed. The usual spelling in Danish would be 'Georg' and the pronunciation completely different. "And come to think of it, there aren't all that many of the surname Rhodes in the local phone book," she added sheepishly.

George smiled; Marie was enchanted. "No, there's only Mum and me," he agreed.

"Your father doesn't live here?" Marie asked. Not a strictly professional question, but she readily admitted to the sin of curiosity.

"Dad died many years ago," George said. "So Mum decided to move back to Denmark."

"Oh, so you were born and raised in England?" Marie asked. This question could be allowed - 'to find out about his fluency, ' she argued with herself.

"Yes," George replied. "Mum was an au-pair, if you can call it that when there is actually not a pair. Or nanny, perhaps. Dad was widowed with four children. My half brothers are about the same age as Mum, but my sisters were only 7 and 10 when Mum was hired."

"Oh!" Marie said. She was a sucker for romances and it sounded totally romantic. "And she stayed?"

George smiled. "She was hired for a year, but they all loved her and Dad married her at the end of that. Less than a year later I was born."

Marie nearly cooed with delight. "And your half-siblings were fine with that?"

"Absolutely," George replied with conviction. "I have always felt loved," he added. There was a calm serenity about him. Marie envied him the feeling.

"And yet you and your mother left?" she hazarded. She was way outside what she needed to know professionally, but she was eager to hear more.

"When Dad died, things were difficult for Mum," George said. "She had gone to London straight out of high school and had no further education. My brothers were well established, but my sisters were still at university and Mum had no income to support them - or herself and me, for that matter. So she decided to sell the London house - the only big asset from my dad's estate - and put the money in trust for my siblings. Then we returned here."

"Gosh," Marie said. "That must have been hard!"

"It was," George agreed. "I missed my friends and my siblings terribly. My sisters in particular, even though they were no longer living at home."

"How old were you?" Marie asked.

"Thirteen," George replied. "Not the best age to lose a parent and have your whole world turned upside down," he added wryly.

"I can imagine," Marie said mechanically, although truth be told, she couldn't. She suddenly remembered that this was supposed to be a job interview and hastened back to the language issue. "I guess your English would be pretty darn perfect then." She more stated than asked. George just nodded.

Marie asked some more practical - and relevant - questions, but once again her mind strayed. "What about Danish? I can hear you speak it perfectly now, I mean, but back then?"

"It was OK," George said, slightly put out by the question. "Mum always spoke Danish to me and we visited my grandparents frequently, so it wasn't too hard to learn when we got here." That answer was not truthful. He had actually struggled. These were bad memories he wanted to suppress; his new Danish class mates had been a bunch of unruly brats and merciless in their teasing, but it was long ago now.

Marie pulled herself together. "Any other languages?" she asked. "The company is keen on having multi-lingual staff at branches this close to the major tourist centres."

"Oh, I see," George said. He had felt a little uncomfortable about the personal questions, but was keen to get a job to supplement his meagre stipend. Now he thought it had been about language skills all the time and feared that the pretty, dark elfin girl interviewing him must think him a terrible gossip.

That was very far from the truth, but the fear - combined with his shyness - and on Marie's side her embarrassment at having asked too many and too personal questions meant that they didn't discuss anything personal in the following months.

George declared that he could converse in German, had enough French and Spanish 'to get by' and that while he didn't exactly speak Swedish, he understood it well enough and knew where to put in different words to make his Danish intelligible to Swedes.

Marie was impressed. He fit the profile she was after perfectly. He was asked to try his hand at the machinery and two hours later he was hired.

A couple of months had passed. After hiring George, the last in a group of new people, Marie got rid of some of the worst scatter brains on staff. The cafe was doing very well, both during the day time when Simon, the manager, was running it, and during evenings and weekends when it became Marie's responsibility. Another report from anonymous test-customers, compiled during a major conference and involving a lot of foreigners, had praised the cafe's 'outstanding international atmosphere' - a far cry from the previous, damning report. Simon told Marie that the chain's main office had accompanied the report with a letter in which they praised the management for 'the care and professionalism with which they had tackled the previous critique' and stated that this 'exemplary turn-around' would be mentioned in the internal worldwide newsletter. Simon, who was honest and fair to a fault, had thanked the main office and underlined Marie's role in recruiting new staff for the important evening and weekend segments. He adored Marie in a paternal way. In as much as he was easily old enough to be Marie's father, his interest in her was purely platonic. He was gay and harboured no sexual feelings about his deputy.

George did, which embarrassed him, but one cannot control ones feelings, can one? He knew it would come to nothing. He knew Marie was in a long term relationship with somebody called Peter. Peter sometimes called during Marie's shifts - the other girls were tittering that he was a jealous type. George just thought they were being catty; Marie was smart and considerate and clever and beautiful; in short: perfect. George was sure that Peter - the lucky bastard - would have to be equally perfect.

And yet Marie always seemed tense when Peter had called. 'Surely I must be imagining things, ' George thought. 'It's probably just because I fancy the girl myself.'

But no. George was not imagining things; Peter was abusive and violent, manic in his suspicions and his baseless jealousy. He controlled Marie completely. Controlled her by terror. Sex had nothing to do with love or affection; it was rather a case of a nightly rape. What makes an intelligent, resourceful and independent minded girl like Marie put up with an abusive partner? Why don't women simply leave? Or throw the bastard out? It was Marie's apartment, after all.

Marie had tried. She had asked him to leave once when she was so battered and bruised she couldn't go to work for 3 days. Peter had left - long enough to buy flowers, a giant box of her favourite chocolates and pretty bracelet. He returned, contrite and remorseful, pleading that he had been under stress and begging her for another chance.

He could be very charming at will. So the fool girl gave him that chance and took him back in. Three days later he knocked her to the floor and raped her again because she had mentioned the same male staff member twice.

The abuse continued, but it was not constant, so Marie kidded herself into believing that things were improving - until the next episode. And she always found reasons to excuse Peter's behaviour. That he was under stress, that she was not looking after his needs, that she was being careless and giving him cause to be jealous. She censored herself. She spoke very little about her work and hardly ever about male colleagues, fellow students or friends. She mentioned Simon - Simon was gay and thus 'safe'. But Peter was a homophobe so Marie never admitted her very deep affection, and she had to endure, and pretend to agree with, Peter's bigoted outburst against 'the little poof'.

She never mentioned George. She simply didn't trust herself to be neutral about her half-English recruit. Not only was he her best worker - and the real cause of the recent turn-around; his sweetness and helpfulness was a source of almost daily joy and comfort, but she was sure Peter would go ballistic if she mentioned anything like that.

For a few months her situation was tolerable, if you can call it that. Then an ominous change to the worse started. Peter was working as an instructor at a fitness centre. It brought in very little; Marie was essentially the bread winner - working nights and weekends at the cafe and studying for a business degree at University during the week days. Peter did nothing to supplement his meagre income; the work at the gym was only part time, but he spent nearly all his free time there too, working out. He was impatient with his physical development and started using illicit drugs, steroids in particular. Their effect on his already mercuric temper was frightening. He would hit Marie at the slightest imagined provocation and in the end she fled. But Peter guessed she was at her friend Helen's apartment, stalked the place for hours and when Helen left for work, she was an unofficial deputy to Marie, Peter kicked in the door and dragged Marie home literally by the hair. That nigh he raped her in every orifice and systematically beat her, bruising every square inch of her body. No, actually, he didn't touch her hands and face - he was careful not to leave marks on Marie that could be seen when she was dressed.

When she crawled in to work a few days later Marie refused to tell Helen what had happened. She refused to report it to the police and claimed again and again that she had moved back in with Peter voluntarily.

George, who had seen her limp and look beaten up, overheard part of the conversation. When Marie went home - Helen essentially sent her home - George asked Helen what was going on and Helen confided her suspicions to him.

Aghast, George stewed for a day or two but then decided he had to do something. He waited until the next time he had a shift together with Marie. It was a Thursday towards the end of the month and fairly quiet so only they and Helen were at work. Helen was at the counter while George and Marie were going through stock in the store room at the back. They worked so well together; there was an almost telepathic report between them so they hardly had to speak about the work. George finally spoke his mind. Or perhaps more accurately, spoke his heart. "Marie," he said quietly. "There are men who don't beat their partners."

Marie looked shocked. She couldn't keep eye contact and she was mumbling something about 'being all right'.

"We both know you're not," George said - still quietly, but in a tone of voice that left no room for argument. "If you want it to end I'll be there for you."

Marie started weeping. "You're always there for me here, but this you can't help me with. He has said he will never let me go."

"Marie, it has to stop!" George pleaded. "Why do you let him treat you this way?"

In between the sobs, Marie started telling. She was from a broken home and had experienced loss and neglect and deceit from an early age. She didn't know her biological father and had no contact with her mother any more. When she met Peter at the fitness centre where he was her instructor for a while, she was lavished with attention and was taken in completely. When things were not perfect - and, even early on, Peter's true nature unveiled itself - she was convinced it was due to her own failings and she was adamant that she would not run away from every conflict, like her mother had done. She wanted this to work.

George was a good listener and Marie was really opening up. George was fervently praying that business would remain slow so Helen could manage on her own. But just when Marie got to tell about when things had started going badly, there was a sudden influx of 8-10 rowdy guests and the moment was lost.

The next evening George and Helen swapped notes. "I think he is a sadist and closet paedophile which is why he picked someone so small," Helen said.

"How big is the bloke?" George asked.

"Not very, actually," Helen said. "Not much taller than me. Compared to Marie he is a giant of course, but you would dwarf him."

"I dwarf most people," George said with a small smile.

"True, you are a very big human being," Helen smiled back, "but hey! The world is a better place for having Gentle Giants in it!"

"Gentle Giants?" George asked puzzled.

"Yup. That's what Marie calls you," Helen replied. "You are her Gentle Giant."

"I could be hers all right," George said - mostly to himself, but Helen heard him. "If only she wanted me," he added in an even lower voice.

Helen pressed a piece of paper into George's hand. "This is her mobile number," she whispered. "I hope you can make her want you. God knows any sane girl would!" She blushed profusely; she hadn't meant to admit to her own affection for George. Luckily, Helen thought, George didn't seem to catch the meaning. He was nodding, deep in thought.

"George!" Helen said. He looked up. "Beware of Peter. I think he is on steroids."

The next day George called Elaine, the youngest of his older sisters. Of all his siblings, George was closest to Elaine, not just in age. She was hugely fond of her little brother. She was only just 9 when he was born and getting a new mother and a much desired little brother had been a dream come true - or perhaps a bit like waking up after the long nightmare of losing her mother and finding that life was good after all.

"George!" she exclaimed in delight. "How is my Baby Brother?" She always called him that. When he was younger it had annoyed him, but he had come to realise it was a term of profound endearment.

"Not good Elaine," he replied - his tone of voice alone made her sit up and take notice. "I am in trouble. Deep trouble."

"What's happened?" Elaine asked - aware that this was not going to be just another of their rare but cosy chats on Skype.

"I've met this girl," George started.

"That's great!" Elaine exclaimed. She knew George had arrived too late in Denmark to really integrate and he'd never had a serious relationship.

"It could be great, but right now it's catastrophic," he said - still tonelessly.

"Is it Elaine the doting big sister, or Elaine the clinical psychologist you want to talk to?" Elaine asked. Her voice was very serious now.

"Both," George replied. "Oh God, I wish you were here."

The desperation in George's voice brought tears to Elaine's eyes. She had been distraught when George and her stepmother left England after her father's death, but she knew it was for her sake. Without it, she would never have been able to afford university. But the emotional cost was enormous. Not having her little brother near by was a source of constant pain. Even now she missed him terribly and knowing he was desperate for her help made her equally desperate. "Tell me all there is to tell in any random order," she said. "Save the bad bits for last if that helps, but tell me all."

George managed to tell all more or less chronologically. Elaine only had a few questions. "When did you fall in love with her?" she asked. George hadn't said he was in love, but he didn't protest either.

"At once," he admitted. "I guess it was love at first sight. When I found out she had a boyfriend I backed off. Mentally, I mean. I hadn't said anything to her. But I hosed down my own dreams and fantasies."

"But you didn't stop loving her," Elaine hazarded.

"Of course not," George replied. "I never will."

"That's good," Elaine said. "She will need that - once she is through. But it is going to be difficult to get her there."

"Do I stand a chance?" George asked. "And should I wish for that, or is she some weirdo if she puts up with the abuse?"

"Yes and yes and no," Elaine said, "You stand a very good chance - I say so and mean it, even if am biased because you are my Baby Brother. And she sounds wonderful and you are in love with her, so you should wish for it. And no, she is no weirdo. But she is deeply damaged, psychologically. It is very difficult to understand what goes on in the mind of a woman who lets herself be abused the way your Marie is being abused. And thus it is very, very difficult to devise a strategy to help her out. Women in her situation have been known to cut off all contact with friends and family who wanted them to leave the abusive man - or simply just pointed out that things were bad. Are there any parents around?"

"No," George said. "She never knew her father and her mother neglected her." He recounted what Marie had told him.

"Well, it sounds like she has no one who cares for her - apart from you and her friend, the colleague you mentioned. Helen was it?" Elaine said.

"Helen, yes," George replied. "She's still trying."

"Well George, I would be lying if I said it was going to be easy - or that a positive outcome was guaranteed," Elaine started. George grunted agreement.

"But hang in there," Elaine continued. "You should 'be there' for her and get ready to take it to the next level when you sense she is ready for that. You have to play by ear, and you have to expect setbacks. Keep talking to the friend too. Oh, and one more thing: Watch out for the present boyfriend. A psychopath on steroids is a dangerous adversary."

George thanked her. Elaine was right that she couldn't do very much for him, but just being able to tell her about it had helped and he was grateful. "Not at all," Elaine said. "You can call anytime, day or night. Remember that. And give Mor my love - say that Paul and I are planning to come over soon."

She had used 'Mor' - the Danish term for 'Mum'. Unlike her older siblings she had actually made an effort to learn some Danish and still understood a lot. George was comforted by that little word. As he told Marie during the interview, he had always felt loved. Elaine played a huge part in that.

It took a long time for George to work up the courage to 'take it to the next level' and call - so he just kept 'being there' for Marie It was some weeks later - when he noticed discolouration on her neck and throat that looked suspiciously like strangulation marks - that he decided to act. Helen had told him about Peter's unusual working hours, and George rang the next morning in the hope that Marie was alone and able to talk.

She picked it up immediately. "It's Marie."

"Next time he might kill you," George said without preamble.

"What do you mean?" Marie said. She knew instantly who it was and was petrified because Peter could actually be home any moment.

"The marks on your throat and neck," George said. "The ones you had tried to cover with makeup."

"Oh those," Marie said, trying to laugh it away. "That was just, eh, um, me being, you know, clumsy. Yes, clumsy. Ha ha."

"The only thing that's clumsy is the lie, Marie," George said. "We both know that."

There was a long silence. Then George spoke again. "He's a psychopath. You need help to get away from him, Marie. And I want to help you. I want nothing from you; I just want you to be safe. I want to protect you."

"It is really sweet of you George," Marie said, "but I can't!" She realised that Peter was in the room. He must have come in completely silently. She was numb with fear - 'how much has he heard, ' she wondered. She had to make up something quick. "We simply don't do that. Anyway, I gotta go now. Bye." She hung up, blocking off George's confused last comment, and switched the phone off before he could call back.

She looked up, pretending she only now discovered Peter. She made a gesture of impatience with the phone. Peter looked inscrutable. She never knew what he was thinking, or when he was going to explode. George had called him a psychopath. Maybe he was. The silence was oppressive; she was about to say something when Peter spoke. "Who - was - that?"

Innocent and not unreasonable words, but the way he spoke them made her even more fearful. She forced herself to stay calm. "Oh, that was George from work," she said as off-handed as she could. 'Don't act guilty, or he will hurt you. Make it sound innocent, ' she thought.

"What did he want?" Peter asked. Again quite a reasonable question, but it was said in a way that almost made her wet herself. 'Please God, I gotta make up something!' she thought.

"He, um, wanted me to hire his girlfriend," Marie improvised. That should both deflect jealousy and explain why she had said he was sweet. "Very cute; I got a long list of her qualities," she continued, attempting to sound scornful. "But as I told him, I can't; we don't do that." 'Phew - that fitted all Peter might have heard!' she thought.

"Don't do what?" Peter asked. Marie's 'danger index' dipped. Perhaps the diversion was working.

"Hire partners," she said. "It's against company policy. Focus should be on costumers and the company, not personal matters." She was talking herself warm now. True, there was such a policy. It was never enforced; the number of couples was huge, especially amongst the evening and weekend staff. The day staff was much older and almost exclusively female. But her staff was young and mixed and amorous. That is always the case when young people work together. She hoped Peter would not think of that. She rarely spoke about her work to him now - it was too dangerous - and she hoped the lie would pass.

"Do you mean you wouldn't hire me?" Peter asked. The jolt came out of the blue, but she sensed extreme danger now. If she said "yes", everything in the explanation she had just built would collapse. If she said "no", God knows how Peter would react. He might consider it a slight. He might beat her.

She chose a dangerous middle ground. It was two-step deflection and to pull it off, there had to be a pause between the too parts. He would be upset; she prayed he wouldn't go straight to violence.

"Don't be daft Peter!" she said with as much mirth as she could manage. "I wouldn't be hiring you!"

He looked stung - she feared she had over-done it. But although she could see his fists tighten, he spoke. "And why not?" he asked harshly.

"I only hire staff for menial tasks," she said. "A deputy branch manager doesn't hire managerial staff!"

He was too dim to get it. "What do you mean?" he asked. But the edge was off his voice and the 'danger index' once more left the red zone.

"If you were joining the company it would be as a branch or regional manager," she said with as much conviction in her voice as she was able to mobilise. "The likes of me would have no say in that!"

"Oh!" Peter looked mollified. "Do you think I should go for it?" he asked.

Marie finally felt she was on safe ground. "You know, I've been thinking about that." She tried to look pensive. "I don't think you're being appreciated where you are now."

He grunted agreement. This was a pet-gripe of his. "I'm sure you'd be really good at it," she continued. "Only, I am not certain that you'd like the business in the long run. One has to deal with so many idiots."

"Like the twit who wanted you to hire his girlfriend just now?" Peter asked.

"Exactly," Marie said. "They have to have your number so they can call in sick and cancel shifts and so on." That was a lie. No one did. But it covered for George having her private number.

Peter nodded. The lie was accepted, but she still wanted to ward off potential jealousy. 'I wonder how George got my number. It has to be Helen, ' Marie thought.

"And then they call you constantly about their personal problems," she continued her gripe. "You wouldn't really have the patience for that, would you?" She smiled the coyest smile she could muster.

It worked. The danger passed. The nightly rape was almost gentle compared to what she had been subjected to recently. Mercifully Peter came quickly and fell asleep.

Marie was lying awake in the dark. She was thinking of George and what he had said. 'I want to protect you.' The thought alone warmed her.

The warmth stayed with her. Every time she was working together with George she felt warm and safe. Every time she was yelled at or humiliated or beaten or raped by Peter she remembered George's words - ''There are men who don't beat their partners, ' 'I want to help you, ' 'I want nothing from you, ' 'I just want you to be safe', 'I want to protect you.'

George's words provided her with a mental cocoon, a shell against Peter that enabled her to endure the violence without really feeling it. But it was dangerous - Peter sensed that shell even if he didn't understand it and it made him furious. Like the true sadist he was, he fed on her pain - and now she wasn't showing it, not responding with the fear he craved.

The crunch came because she gave her secret away. Unwittingly. One Saturday morning she was being beaten for not having washed his sweaty gym clothes immediately after she got home the night before. Next he raped her - first vaginally, then - because she hated that more than anything - anally. The pain was intense and the cocoon was dissolving. In her anguish she called out the secret name, her secret talisman. "George!" she wailed.

Peter was a psychopath, but he was no idiot. He understood immediately what Marie hadn't even realised herself yet. She was in love with someone else. His slimy dick wilted - he struggled to get it out of her anus. He was sweating and shaking. The control was broken.

Marie got up from the vile bed and got dressed. She looked at Peter completely without passion - no fear, no hatred, nothing. Her voice when she spoke was without emotion. "When I get home from work you will have moved out. I will never see you again." She walked out of the apartment.

Peter's paralysis lasted several minutes, but then his mind, damaged by the steroids, started firing. 'If I can't have her, no one else shall!' was the thought that went through his reptile brain. He got dressed, grabbed a knife from the kitchen and set off for the cafe.

If Peter had been paralysed, Marie was a "walking wounded". Helen reacted with abject shock and horror when she saw her friend. "I gotta get you to the hospital," she said at once when she saw the state Marie was in. George nodded in anguish. "Go! I'll run the cafe."

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We buried Phil and Tim at first light the next morning with the whole village gathered around. I said a few words and then left Michelle and Marie to fill in the graves. Michelle was crying and Marie was comforting her as I left, that was certainly a turnaround from the previous days attitude. I started getting ready for our trip to follow the attackers tracks. Graham had rounded up ten of us including Dan, Stella and Katie. Kelly gave me a big hug as we set off then watched with Harry and...

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Loosening Up Book 8 Decade Remembered Decade StartedChapter 32 Dr Marie Thereaux

Dave did a quick change from his casual garb into shorts and a casual top in his house, and was behind the bar in less than five minutes. He shifted his thinking from working with Marie Thereaux’s students, to helping out at the bar. His co-workers that evening were Nikky and Savannah working the tables, and Chelsea, Tony, and Barry behind the bar or scooting around the patio to nearby high-top tables. Before he could take an order, Kellie and Barbara waved frantically at him, indicating...

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Mother Theresa

You and your cousin Mark are walking home from school to his house. You get there; and mark pulls the key out of the bag to open the door. When he goes to insert the key his mom opens the door and says "Hi guys I'm home today, I hope you don't mind hanging out with me." Mark seems a bit upset, but you cheerfully reply "Oh we would love to spend a day with you Theresa." You have always had a crush for her; she is a gorgeous woman. She is about 5'4, long blonde hair, sexy green eyes, firm C-cup...

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SixChapter 8 Theresa

She was generally quiet, Theresa didn’t push herself forward. She would usually agree with others on any group she was in. That’s why she was there; she had just agree with the others; she had agreed that Chris should not take the blame on her own, agreed to go and live with Martin, and agreed to take her turn in his bed. Now she wondered what that meant. She was agreeing to sleep with a stranger. Well, if not a stranger, then at least someone whom she had not met and dated and fallen for....

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“I’m sorry, Mrs. Kent is in a meeting. If you’d like to leave a message, I can put you through to her voice mail.”She sounds young and sexy and I wonder if you’ve fucked her the way you’ve fucked me, and if you use her the way you use me. Does she desire you, and why the do I care so much.“Ma’am?”So the bitch thinks I’m old and confused and to be smiled at patiently because you’ve fucked her more recently than you’ve fucked me.“Shall I connect you?”Our last connection was in the ladies room of...

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‘Please Cailey? You know Joe is only in town for tonight and if I don’t see him, he’ll kill me,’ Ina pleaded. Cailey sighed. It was her first free Friday in months and she had planned to not do a damn thing but have some alone time. ‘I’ll owe you big time. I’ll do anything you want hon.’ Cailey leaned her head back against the couch and looked over at her. ‘Damn Ina. What is the job?’ Ina gave her a big smile, knowing she was going to say yes. ‘It’s a boyfriend wanting to do something special...

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"Please Cailey? You know Joe is only in town for tonight and if I don't see him, he'll kill me," Ina pleaded. Cailey sighed. It was her first free Friday in months and she had planned to not do a damn thing but have some alone time. "I'll owe you big time. I'll do anything you want hon." Cailey leaned her head back against the couch and looked over at her. "Damn Ina. What is the job?" Ina gave her a big smile, knowing she was going to say yes. "It's a boyfriend wanting to do something special...

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Stripped wet and lathered

“Kari?” She turned at her desk, away from the old-model computer that frequently gave us both fits. Her eyes found mine and she was listening. “Yes?” “That’s — that’s something I should probably say to you,” I said. “Do you mind?” Her light eyes turned quizzical. “What do you mean? Go ahead. What?” Kari had been talking about her shorts. The same ones she had on. A sexy, too-small pair of mini-shorts, just barely covering her upper legs and certainly contouring around everything she had in...

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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 40Adventure at Miss Theresas

Chandra and I were busy for the next couple of days. The only time we were able to relax was when the tailors came to measure us for the new outfits I wanted us to have. Lady Megan had plenty, according to Chandra, so we didn't have that extra delay. I did not let our schedule interfere with her training; I made plans with the Sisters for us to work on our teamwork. We made it an afternoon at the Temple. Chandra and I needed to learn how to work together as an effective team when push came...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 91 Swimwear or Lack Thereof

If Greg thought he was going to maintain an air of modesty around the house with his children there, he was sorely mistaken. For one thing, he still had to work every week day, which left the girls alone in the house. On Friday he sat behind his desk at work, daydreaming about the girls all swimming nude in the pool. Or perhaps "fantasizing" was a better word. It was made all the more realistic by the knowledge that it was probably going on even as he was thinking about it. That didn't...

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Adventures with Theresa

I invite you to my house – where I have screwed four rings into a wall. I give you a sheer silk dress, that covers you from your neck to your thighs. You put on the dress, it’s so tight on you so that it accentuates every curve of your body. Your butt especially looks so alluring. I love that butt. I have some hoops, and I attach one to each of your arms and ankles. Then I attach you to the four wall rings. You have very little room for movement. I cover your eyes with a silk scarf. You can’t...

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“You came here for something. You came here for this,” she said.,voice a seductive whisper of promise. Bumfelt bent down before her, pushed her black skirt up over her hips. Ran his fingers over her stockings. Placed them on her black satin panties and the warm mound beneath. He caressed her through the thin material. She responded, letting out a little gasp, pushing her vulva forwards. “No,” she rasped.“Yes,” stated Bumfelt, circling the pads of his fingers on her panties. In seconds she was...

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Life with a cuckold tiny penis and thereafter

A voluptuous lady married a cuckold person with a tiny asset. But she becomes a mother. How ?? read and find oout Let me tell you about my greatest act of seduction and the best experience of my life. Yes when this happened I was in my mid-thirties. We were staying in my husband’s Government Quarters in Nahur area of Central Mumbai. Nahur is in fact between Mulund and Vikroli. My husband, Sudhakar was working in IOC at Kalanagar, Bandra East. I was a home maker and never wanted to work. I...

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Always Be There

It had been at least 5 months and Jennifer was still mourning the death of her one true love. Her boyfriend had died 150 days ago and it was something that Jennifer was still trying to get over. She couldn't. It was like a big hole in her heart. Jennifer had to get away from this town because it was driving her completely crazy. She was at her apartment cleaning out everything that was there. She was working on closet, which had contained their clothes. She would throw his clothes quickly down...

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Always Faithful Chapter ThirtyFive

Climax and beyond “Damn you Greg! Just damn, damn, damn you! I always knew it would come to this.” Laura looked into her lover’s eyes across their table. She cleared the champagne glasses to the side and leaned to kiss him. Sitting back upright, Laura raised both hands in front of her; she stared at the rings she was wearing. Greg noticed her gesture and thought he understood what must be going through her mind. He recognized turmoil. He was sure whatever turmoil would be resolved; friction in...

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Always Faithful Chapter ThirtyFour

The triad relationship, Laura with her two husbands, began another new phase. Laura once more made her primary residence at her home with Dan. As Dan asked, and Laura replied, her affair with Greg ended in no way, only returned to its original form. Laura’s home life with Dan was as complicated as ever. Laura and Dan did their married couple life maintenance chores together, they ate meals and slept in bed together, and they had a robust sexual life together, often augmented by pools of Greg...

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Always Alison

Always Alison I Vanessa and I were always two separate souls but we were too much in love to understand that. She had more college degrees than I could keep track of and at the age of 28 was an up and coming star at the law firm of Barnes, Harrison and Lynch. I had graduated with degrees in Education and American Literature and at 24 was teaching seventh grade English and Poetry to earn a living but aspiring to become a writer. While Vanessa felt...

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Hot and Bothered

Hot and Bothered By Roy Del Frink Marla Porter was fifty-eight years of age, and felt like she was seventy. Every fashion model's twin enemies, time and gravity had ravaged her once shapely figure. Though she had once been a respectable five foot six, she'd lost a couple inches in height to old age. All her hair had turned brown, then gray, then white. That's what happens to natural blondes. She'd raised three happy children who'd since become successes in life. Poor Marla, on...

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Always Faithful Ch 031

Author’s Notes: First and foremost, Always Faithful is a work of fiction, no characters depict any known persons. To the best of the author’s knowledge, there is no women’s clothing manufacturer by the name of Business Lady. This is the third post, another five percent, of a much longer story. I intend to submit successive parts frequently. Part Three is lengthy, about 35 or 40 Literotica pages, so I will break the posts into more manageable size. While the length of the story is Novella sized,...

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Always in My Life Ch 04

Hi again, Once again thanks to kayli1001 for editing. I hope you all enjoy this chapter Always Always In My Life Ch. 4 The pub was loud, crowded and hot. But Spencer kept me close, which meant I didn’t get hit on once. It was actually kind of adorable that he was so protective, glaring at any guy that looked at me too long. I knew it was going to be a great night based on the mood Spence was in. He was very energetic and attentive. Spencer guided me to the bar with an arm around my...

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Always Faithful Chapter Fourteen Dating Combinations

The art community provided a side outlet for Dan. He told Laura about his plans to incorporate some quality art in his office and possibly at home “I have a dinner meeting with some people Friday evening to discuss my art in the office idea. I think it would be fun if you wanted to get involved some too. Not Friday though, you could be with Greg then if you want.” “You have a date with Artsy?” Dan gave a sheepish grin. Almost blushing he said, “Not really a date, and not just Artsy. An interior...

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Always keep an open mind

Always Keep an Open Mind“Do you ever get that feeling that you just need to find someone for a good, hot fuck?”Kate froze at the coffee machine, hand on the lever. Had she really heard what she thought she’d heard? Turning in place, she directed her best cold glare at the customer on the other side of the counter. “I beg your pardon?” she drawled slowly.The guy gave her a big, unapologetic grin. He looked normal enough: fairly young, average height, slightly shaggy dirty blond hair, in decent...

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Always Being The Other Woman

I don't know why I ever moved to The City. Short words, The City. Short, but big words for a big place, words with even bigger images of hopes and dreams with fame, fortune, and glamour waiting, only steps away for any beautiful and intelligent small town girl like me. Oh, and let's not forget the romances, with dashing and debonair men, so tall and so handsome. Men with sophisticated elegance and charm, strong men with slim tight waists and hips, broad in shoulders, clever talented men...

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Always on GuardChapter 46

It was late that evening, well past dark, when Leyota tracked Jorgarn down. He was meeting with Pernice and Torbert. She wasn't surprised. "A packet arrived on a late ship from your father," she said as she handed it to Jorgarn. He saw it was addressed to Leyota but it was in Denae's handwriting. He also noticed it was unopened. "It is to you," Jorgarn said simply. Leyota didn't meet Jorgarn's eyes when she spoke. "I am wary of what it might contain," she admitted. "Wenta and I...

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Always Faithful Chapter Eight

“Greg needs me.” Dan expected those words; he knew he would desperately need Laura being without her for almost three weeks. Dan was not at all surprised that Greg needed his lover. Dan didn’t doubt that his wife needed to be with Greg. He knew Laura hadn’t been deceitful when she said not for a month. When she set the target, not until Greg asked her to wear the red dress, she expressed her honest intent. Wasn’t there an old maxim about the road to hell being paved with good intentions? Dan...

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Always and Forever Numbers of the Beast Pt 8

Maggie flew up the stairs ignoring the elevator in Nadine's town home with Alexis on her heels. The couple had been in the south of France on vacation when Murine, Nadine's assistant, had contacted them concerned about Nadine's well-being. Maggie knew it was because of Josephine. It had been over three months since Nadine's girlfriend left Paris. "I'm sure she is fine, love." Lord Alexis Bellamont had taken Maggie to the south of France to ask her hand in marriage. He knew that marrying...

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Always Second Best

Thanos was sitting naked on his throne with a bored look on his face, slouched in the seat with his elbow on the arm of the throne and with his chin on his hand, all despite the beautiful blue woman sitting nude on his lap. More accurately, Nebula was bouncing up and down on her father’s massive purple cock, her toned and defined blue stomach impossibly inflating and deflating as the beautiful alien bounced on her father’s cock. It was an obscene sight; the shaft was so big that it had no...

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Always The Brides Maid

The downsides were that it was for the most part mind-numbingly boring work; cleaning the rooms was the worst of it, the personal hygiene of some of the guests left a lot to be desired. But the worst part was the bad attitude that a surprising number of guests seemed to hold against the maids and porters. At times she felt treated like a slave, pandering to the whimsical needs of people with more money than sense, and being barked at for the dubious privilege. Swings and roundabouts she...

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Always The Brides Maid

Introduction: Katie would find that her first time attending to the Bridal suite would be the most eventful night of her career so far. Working at the hotel had its perks, there was no denying it, Katie got her meals free from the excellent kitchens, it paid unexpectedly well for what was basically a part-time domestic role, and she got a significant discount on rooms at any of the other four and five star hotels in the chain that were scattered around the world in far flung and exotic locales....

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Always Faithful Chapter FiveThirty

Always Faithful by BobNbobbi © [Author’s note: I combined chapter 31 with chapter 30 because they seemed to go together in thrust and timeframe – there will be no chapter 31, the next chapter after this will be chapter 32] Chapter Thirty – Laura Abandon’s Dan for Greg – 2 LF had scheduled a Monday evening posing the day following Laura’s return. Greg was not pleased, but he didn’t sulk. “Okay little girl, strip down and let me ravish you. I’ve missed having you while you have been off playing...

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Always willing wife

CHAPTER ONE Angela Perrini watched her husband, Dom, stuff spaghetti into his face while he watched her big, braless tits bounce as she moved around the kitchen. God, he was a handsome bastard when I married him, she thought, and always hard, always ready. Now he's ready and hard only on Friday nights, after he's slopped up enough beer before he comes home and enough Chianti at dinner. It wasn't Friday, it was Wednesday. That was why Angela was so surprised that Dom was looking at her tits with...

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Always Faithful Chapter FiveThirty

Always Faithful by BobNbobbi © [Author’s note: I combined chapter 31 with chapter 30 because they seemed to go together in thrust and timeframe – there will be no chapter 31, the next chapter after this will be chapter 32] Chapter Thirty - Laura Abandon’s Dan for Greg - 2 LF had scheduled a Monday evening posing the day following Laura’s return. Greg was not pleased, but he didn’t sulk. “Okay little girl, strip down and let me ravish you. I’ve missed having you while you have been off playing...

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Always Faithful Chapter TwentyNine

Chapter Twenty-Nine - Laura Abandon’s Dan for Greg - 1 The weather was perfect for brunch on the patio the Sunday after Greg’s birthday. “Dan, I have made a decision about my relationship with Greg. We need to talk about it.” Dan felt a chill up his spine. “You have made a decision, but we still have to talk. Is it talk time or tell time, Laura?” “We need to talk. I have made my decision, but I haven’t said anything to anyone yet. I haven’t talked to Greg about my decision. My decision isn’t...

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Always Caught

BY PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 You’ve probably met my best friend, Alan Davis. Alan always seemed to have a dark cloud hanging over his head. Don’t believe me? When Alan was 13, he discovered masturbating, but of course the very first time he tried it he got caught by his Mother. She walked into the bathroom, where he sat appendage in hand looking at his Father’s Playboy magazine. Mom screamed, Alan dropped the magazine and that was the end of that for a while. About a year or a year and a...

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Always and Forever Chap 5

Three days before my birthday, at about 7 that night, we were getting ready for bed. We were going to bed early since we had a flight to London at 6 the next morning. Including the layovers we were going to be traveling for 20 hours. “You sure you don't want to have sex tonight?” EJ asked after he locked the doors and came into my room. “Positive,” I said crawling into bed. “But Courtney, 20 hours,” he whined. “We have to do this now. No one's here. Entire house to...

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Always Faithful Ch 035

Author’s Notes: Always Faithful is a work of fiction, there is no clothing manufacturer known as Business Lady. This is the seventh post in a series of Laura’s affair with her boss, Greg, and her relationship with her husband, Dan. The last post ended with Dan and Laura on a date, Dan’s increasing involvement with the art community, and Laura’s introduction to the artists, especially Artsy, Mrs. Patron and Portrait. THREE – BEGINNINGS OF AN AFFAIR – 3-5 LAURA’S DATE A TROIS – DAN’S...

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Always and Forever Chap 5

Introduction: Courtney and EJs last night in Jamaica and on the plane. We had been in Jamaica for about 2 weeks. On average, we had sex twice a day, in the morning and at night. EJ started lasting longer and now can last through 2 of my orgasms without cumming, at the least. Three days before my birthday, at about 7 that night, we were getting ready for bed. We were going to bed early since we had a flight to London at 6 the next morning. Including the layovers we were going to be traveling...

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Always Faithful Chapter Six

After Laura modeled all the new dresses Dan bought they retired for the night. Bed wasn’t a play pen tonight, they cuddled and slept. Bare skin molded male to female as though trying to forget and make up for two weeks estrangement. They made love in the morning with bright sun filtering through draped windows. A new day dawned for Dan, Laura and their marriage. Spring weather was cooperating on a beautiful Sunday, winter was gone and the day promised warmth. Laura suggested breakfast on their...

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Always Fi

Always Fi A Short Story By Maryanne Peters There was no voice. With a buzz the gates swung open and the cab continued up the drive to the large house. It was impressive. Large columns beside the entrance. Two storeys with attic rooms visible. Wings extended either side. A fountain in the forecourt. At least one of us has done well, Gary thought to himself. He wondered for a moment whether his war buddy would meet him on the step, or whether he would have to ring the bell....

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Always Darkest For Dawn

By rutger5 Copyright 2016 “Oh, my, my. Mr. McCoy, she’s back again.” “Huh, what’s that Louella? Who’s back? What are you going on about?” “It’s poor Miss Johnson. She’s walking back and forth in front of the bus station and she’s carrying that suitcase again. Oh dear me, the poor thing.” Mr. McCoy put down the merchandise he was marking with the price gun and walked over to the large plate glass window to look out. Sure enough there she was, pacing back and forth while...

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Always and Forever Chap 3

“Me too,” EJ agreed. “Wait.” He stopped me before I put on my panties. “What?” I asked confused. “Lay back down, really quick.” I did what he said, still looking at him confused. He opened my legs and bent over my pussy. He kissed my outer lips and licked all over me. “Mmhmmm,” I moaned. He sucked my clit into his mouth. I put my legs on his shoulder. He pushed two fingers into me. I started to have an orgasm. I pushed my pussy into his mouth as I arched my back. “EJ,” I...

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Always and Forever Chap 3

Introduction: I appreciate the feedback. Hope to get more. This is EJ and Courtneys journey. I really liked it that time, I said. I got up to start putting on my clothes. Me too, EJ agreed. Wait. He stopped me before I put on my panties. What? I asked confused. Lay back down, really quick. I did what he said, still looking at him confused. He opened my legs and bent over my pussy. He kissed my outer lips and licked all over me. Mmhmmm, I moaned. He sucked my clit into his mouth. I put my...

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Always Faithful Ch 041

Author’s Notes: First and foremost, Always Faithful is a work of fiction, no characters depict any known persons. To the best of the author’s knowledge, there is no women’s clothing manufacturer by the name of Business Lady. Always Faithful is about half complete and this fourth section tells a story of the most troubling year Laura and Dan face in their married life. Because of its length, this part of the story will be segmented as was three. * Four — Year of Turmoil — 4.1 Laura at Business...

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Always Faithful Chapter TwentyThree

Chapter Twenty-Three - Laura with Dan, Plus Artsy Dan answered the telephone in the middle of the third ring: Hi Baby, I am just calling to confirm my travel plans . . . Yes, I am still on the red eye . . . I will see you Thursday morning before you go to work . . . I love you too, Baby. Save a kiss for me and maybe a little bit more. Bye bye. The red eye flight that carried Laura home from San Francisco left on time and benefited from a tail wind. Hers was the first plane to...

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Always Faithful Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Eighteen - New Years Eve and Beyond Laura was almost ready to leave; she gave Dan her rings. “I am glad you are going out with Artsy and your friends. I would feel guilty about you being alone on New Year’s Eve.” “My wife says she would feel guilty about going with her lover as she gives back her wedding rings.” “You know what I mean Baby. I love you.” “I’m just teasing; I love you, and I know you love me too.” “I don’t know how long I will be gone, more than just the holiday though. I...

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Always Faithful Chapter Fifteen Lauras Cruelty

Over the next month, Laura sat for her portrait twice a week. Laura hinted and teased both Dan and Greg about sexual activity with Portrait, but she admitted nothing. Even so, every sitting began with sex; Laura could feel his cum inside her and taste him in her mouth when she posed. When Portrait couldn’t evoke just the facial expression he wanted for that part of the painting, Laura gave him her ass as sex toy. As far as Dan knew, everything Laura said about posing was tease. She told Greg...

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Always Faithful Chapter Nine

Always Faithful by BobNbobbi © Chapter Nine - Laura Changes Life At home during the week, life was just as rosy. Dan got his welcome home kiss every night with the same full passion he had become accustomed to these past few months. He was used to tasting Greg on his wife’s breath by now, it was there three times during the week. The only times he missed her lover’s cum on her breath were the two nights Laura didn’t get home until shortly after seven. Dan had sex with Laura those nights just...

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Always Daddy's GirlbyMisterReason©Ed Green turned off the car and sat behind the wheel for a minute, looking up at the split level house and in particular at the window at the far right. There was a faint night light on in there, like there always had been, only after tonight the room would be dark.The room was Ed's daughter Brenda's, and tomorrow night at this time she would no longer be Brenda Green, because tomorrow evening she would be getting married and would become Brenda Pearson. Her...

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