Always Faithful - Chapter Eight free porn video

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“Greg needs me.”

Dan expected those words; he knew he would desperately need Laura being without her for almost three weeks. Dan was not at all surprised that Greg needed his lover. Dan didn’t doubt that his wife needed to be with Greg. He knew Laura hadn’t been deceitful when she said not for a month. When she set the target, not until Greg asked her to wear the red dress, she expressed her honest intent.

Wasn’t there an old maxim about the road to hell being paved with good intentions? Dan also knew that Laura was a sexual woman getting accustomed to having a husband and a lover. Office kisses would never satisfy his wife. Even the office blow jobs, Dan was still amused by her under the desk BJs, wouldn’t be enough long enough. Laura was honest and faithful in her own way; at least she was trying to be honest and faithful.

Laura would not let Greg’s needs pass by unmet. She would go to him and fuck him and satisfy, even more troubling, Laura would most likely spend a night with him soon. Dan had expected this moment, anticipated his wife coming home from work and saying these very words.

The words still hurt.

Knowing they would come didn’t soften his pain. Dan knew of no way, neither trick nor reasoning, to keep the pain away from his being. Knowing and accepting that your loving wife also loves another man does not vanquish pain.

Pain was evident on his face, to Laura it was obvious, as Dan asked, “Have you, or are you going to tell me when?”

“I haven’t, we talked about his need for me today at lunch, but I haven’t gone with him yet. I haven’t fucked Greg.”

“Why are telling me now, why not just be with Greg and not tell me? That’s what you’ve been doing under his desk.” Dan laughed as he talked about Laura’s indiscretions at work. Laura heard a laugh devoid of humor.

She could evade the truth, deny possibly. Laura shunned that route; it made no sense to lie about her affair. “I’m telling you now that I am going to respond to Greg’s need. I don’t know when, but soon. Greg’s needs are my needs too.”

“Are you talking about a red dress date, or just going to his bed?”

“I hope both, soon, but specifically going to his bed as you put it so subtly.”

“Did you and Greg set a date at lunch?”

“No, just soon, I will be with Greg soon.”

“I know you still crawl under his desk at work some days; I guess that’s how you get cum breath.”

“Yes, not every day, and not always under Greg’s desk, but I do suck him off. I do him once a week, more often than that.”

“I know, I can taste him when we kiss, sometimes strongly.”

“When he shoots deep in my throat, I can barely taste him. It goes straight down. I’m sure the really strong times are when I suck him off at the end of the day, he is fresher in me then.”

“Yeah, I get a fresh honey I’m home kiss then.” Dan spoke with an edge that Laura ignored.

“You get the same kiss every day; when I kiss you coming home it is with the love and caring I feel for you and you alone, husband.”

To make her point, Dan got a passionate kiss full of tongue and warmth. Laura’s very sexy kiss brought on his response.

“Does my kiss feel different when you can taste Greg in my mouth? Do you begin to get hard when I kiss you after Greg, I haven’t noticed? I will try to pay closer attention to you; I need to work on that anyway.”

Dan didn’t want to answer the question, but he had no choice. “You taste different; you have his taste when you’ve sucked his cock. You don’t always have cum breath. You could use mouthwash.”

“I know, I could but I don’t.”

“You don’t just to keep his taste on you, or to pass it on to me?”

Again Laura heard annoyance. “Both!”

Laura teased her husband. “What about my second question; how do you react, your feelings and emotions? Do you get hard when you taste him?”

“Sometimes excited, yes I do begin to get aroused at your blatant sexuality. Sometimes not at all, just the opposite, I get pissed off.”

“You never let me know, you are always ardent when I kiss you.”

“I always get off on kissing you, always. You are the one who has been more passionate lately, Laura.”

“Since I have been with Greg”, Laura asked?

“Yes, I haven’t had a perfunctory good to be home kiss since then.”

“You should hope that I continue seeing Greg then. You get some benefits, don’t you?”

“You are amazing, you see with your tonsils. You are telling me I get the benefits when you suck Greg’s fat dick.”

“Dan, I didn’t mean it that way.”

“Just pack a bag and go to Greg for a few days, go fuck him until his needs are met. When both of you have finished taking care of your needs you can come back to your husband.”

“Dan, I am not going to pack a bag and go move in with Greg tonight; I live here with you. I will go be with him soon though.”

Two days later, Laura followed Greg home after work. She parked her car beside his and her body beside his as well. Her body found places under, on top and alongside Greg’s body. Their lovemaking was frantic; both needed to make up for time apart. Office oral sex was great, but not nearly as need filling as raw, full body contact. Their first sex used no finesse, no seduction, nothing coy. Laura and Greg clutched each other and forced their loins together. Each drove as powerfully at their partner as possible. This sex was about filling need with passion. Neither lover lasted long.

“Thanks, I needed that.”

Greg’s cliché made Laura smile, “No more than I darling, I need you too.”

Kiss and touch time took the place of raw passion. Laura’s parade of kisses stopped at the nipple over her lover’s heart. “I’m ready for more, roll over on your stomach and let me get you ready.”

Following her lead, Greg finally was in the position Laura wanted. He was on his stomach, with legs spread, and she was kneeling in between.

Greg felt her touch every place between his knees and his waist. Laura’s touch alternated from a strong massage grip to a feather stroke along his thighs. His hair stood up as bristle. A fingertip travelled down the crease between his cheeks. Greg moaned with stimulation. He felt Laura’s kisses all over each cheek; her kisses were followed by bites. She is trying to get me to rise, Greg thought. He tried to roll over. Laura held him face down. Her hair spread over the small of his back.

Laura began kissing her way to her target. She used her hands on his ball sack and Greg spread wider to give room. Laura kissed along her trail until her lips found Greg’s spot. Greg experienced something he never dreamed of, his love was kissing him right there. Greg felt the sexual heat of her kiss as though her lips were touching his lips.

Man moaned loudly. “Laura darling, don’t stop, kiss me that way forever. Kiss me right there forever, right on my hole.” When he felt her tongue try to French him, Greg tried his best to kiss her back in return.

Laura thrilled at the sensations this kiss brought. She thrilled at her lover’s reaction to her creative devotion. Laura knew this sexual kink would be only for her lover. She had never kissed Dan in this place and in this way. She swore to herself in the instant; she never would. Laura was in a totally private moment with Greg. Her hands slid forward. Oh my God he is bigger and fatter than ever, I want this cock now.

“You’re ready darling, I want your cock. Fuck me now.”

Suddenly their positions were reversed. Now Laura was on her back with her knees over her head touching the bed behind her shoulders. Greg’s cock felt fat and hard in her hands, and now felt even fatter and harder in her pussy. He was a ram above her; Greg fucked hard with his hips butting cock through pussy lips. He kissed hard at her mouth. Laura tried to speak through his kisses; she wanted to urge him on. Her words were a smothered mumble.

Greg didn’t need them.

Laura knew the feeling of getting fucked. She was getting fucked hard and she loved every second of their sex this way. Greg satisfied her need for hard, sweaty sex. Laura knew Greg would last longer this second time. She used her back to punch up to meet his banging thrusts. Her middle finger went where her lips had been and had an easier entry. If this fuck goes on forever until I die, I will die happy underneath my lover, she thought. There is nothing more in my universe but this, Greg and I together. That universe ended with a lover’s version of the big bang. The couple exploded together.

The aftermath of their big bang wasn’t stars and planets. They held hands and panted. Greg finally was able to speak. “Never, darling, never like this, I have never had a woman kiss me there, and I have never had sex as intense and perfect. I don’t ever want anything better than us, what we just shared.”

Laura glanced at the clock beside his bed. “Not bad darling, twice in one hour and neither one could be called just a quickie. Hold me and let’s rest a few minutes.”

Twenty minutes of light kisses and love talk would have to be enough tonight. “I need to get dressed and go home; I don’t want to be terribly late tonight.”

“I would rather you be terribly late tonight, any night.”

“I know, but I can’t do that just any night; I am a married woman after all.” They both chuckled. “Do you remember telling me you wanted me to have a token of you?”

“Of course, are you ready to accept my ring?”

“Not a ring, but I would wear an anklet, an ankle bracelet.”

“We could do that. Dan get’s the top half and your ring finger; Greg gets the bottom half of you and your ankle?”

“No silly, but remember the ankle is connected to the leg bone, and you know where those leg bones meet.”

“Yeah, I like where they meet. Do you want to help pick one out?”

“No, you get whatever you want me to wear for you. You can put it on me when we have our next dress up date.”

“Deal, it will be ours, together.”

“Kiss me, I need to go. If I show up on your doorstep tomorrow will you fuck my brains out again?”


Laura walked through her front door as the sun set. She kissed Dan with the intensity and passion that had become their norm. Dan had champagne chilled in the den; he anticipated her arrival.

“Is this the last bottle?”

“No, we still have three bottles,” Dan replied. “Why, are you in a champagne mood tonight?”

“Just curious, I like this champagne; we seem to have been drinking more lately.”

“You have been drinking more because it is the brand Greg drinks; you know that is why I bought this case, a peace offering.”

“Were you offering a piece of Laura to Greg, or a piece of Greg to Laura? Don’t answer, please. That was just a bad joke.”

“I trust you two had fun tonight, I couldn’t taste him.”

“You didn’t kiss me in the right place; if you kiss me there I am sure you will taste Greg.”

“But the answer to your question is yes. We had a good time together; it was short but sweet, intense. We screwed twice with a lot of passion and then I came home to you.”

“I’m glad you did, I sort of expected you would.” Dan kissed his wife, lightly at first and then a second kiss with greater feeling.

“I told you the other day, we needed each other. We go hard and fast with need. I screwed Greg the same way I would do you if you were gone for a two week business trip. Our sex was just as delicious, maybe even more so.”

“How so more than with me?”

“The sex I have with Greg has a garnish of illicit, plus husbandly approval?”

“I don’t think approval is quite right, understanding, yes I will admit to that. I will admit to acceptance in a begrudging sense. I will even own up to occasional titillation and excitement. You have a big assignment ahead, teacher, if you want to teach me to approve of my wife having a steady lover.”

“I’ll be a patient teacher. Do you want to come to my class room and practice titillation and excitement?”

They adjourned to their bedroom. Laura gave her husband excitement lessons. Dan finally got to taste Greg and Laura together tonight.

Dan didn’t see sunset with Laura the next night. The moon was full up in the sky and bright when she came through the door at eleven and turned off the porch light. Dan did get his heavy kiss, but didn’t need taste senses to know she and Greg had fucked hard for several hours. Tonight Laura must have had Greg give the heavy duty brand of sex she so loves.

Dan could see the sexual fire still in her eyes. Two bruises were forming into hickeys on the left side of his wife’s neck. Dan touched them lightly, “He did you twice, at least.”

“Yes, and there are two more on my thighs, inside near my sex.”

In bed this night, Dan dipped his cock in the hot slick pool that had become so familiar. Tonight was one of his nights for excitement. He wouldn’t tell Laura, but he waited for her, hoping that she wouldn’t stay with Greg until two or three. He wanted the pool of cum Greg left in her tonight. Dan drove his strength into his rival’s leavings. His midnight snack had a more complex flavor, three lovers together. That’s not quite right, Dan thought, the flavor was Laura and her two lovers. Dan took her once more before sleep came upon them.

Laura felt a delicious stiff soreness as she dressed and left for work on Friday morning. I could get to like this, like having both men compete to satisfy me and themselves. My body doesn’t mind being their playing field at all. I am their cheerleader - rah, rah, rah. Greg got his now usual morning kiss. He also got his weekly blow job, this time with Laura fully dressed and kneeling in the middle of his office.

“I think I will offer Dan first crack at me tonight. Can you live without me one night?”

“Reluctantly, I will let your husband have you tonight.”

“Hi Baby, how is your day at work.” Dan didn’t realize it was almost weeks end until his private line rang. He and Laura chatted about their day. Finally Dan asked how she felt, how her body felt after a night of hard sex. “Wonderful, sore in a wicked way, but I feel wonderful. I like feeling sore like this.”

“You wench, you are a lusty dirty broad wench; you know that and love it, don’t you?”

“Yes, are you ready for another night of sex with your very own lusty, dirty broad, wife?”

“Oh, you’re offering first chance to me tonight?” Dan was surprised.

Laura sensed that he expected something else. “You thought I was calling to tell you I would be with Greg again tonight?”

“Well, yes, I actually did.”

“Do you want me to go with him, I am sure Greg will say yes?”

“Ummm, truthfully I am of two minds. Let’s talk about my mind over a bottle of his champagne. I’ll leave for home within fifteen minutes.”

Husband and wife signed off their telephone conversation and began their process of closing the work week and heading for home. As always, their greeting began with a lusty kiss.

“If Greg got his cock sucked today, it must have been first thing this morning. I don’t taste your cum breath tonight.”

Laura kissed Dan again with the same fervor. “Did he, or didn’t he; only Greg and I know for sure?”

Dan kissed her once more for a final taste sample. “I can’t taste him, but knowing you it was first thing this morning and all his taste is gone.”

“I should have sucked his cock after lunch too. If there was a safer place to fuck than in his office, I would do that and have you eat my pussy before your kiss.” Laura paused for a moment but continued before Dan could get his thoughts to speech. “Tell me about your two minds.”

Dan stared at his wife in her red nightgown set, “You look sexy wearing that, very enticing.”

“That is the whole purpose, Baby. I paid for alluring, and I got it.”

“I thought you said Greg bought that one.”

“He did, I paid with my body, I guess.”

Dan twitched. “Okay, I’m glad you’re here with me tonight. That is one mind, the here and now mind.”

Dan collected his thoughts and continued. “I do love being with you, talking with you. I even like talking with you over champagne in our night clothes knowing that some of the conversation will be about you and your lover.” Laura kissed him and reached for the opening to his PJs. “You go sit in the love seat; I’ll stay here and just watch you. If you get so lusty you can’t do without while we talk, reach under that pretty nightie Greg bought for you and diddle yourself.” Laura rose to go to the love seat but Dan stopped her with, “Fill our glasses first.”

“Another okay, I had an immediate thought as I answered your call; I get to fuck a hot wet, well used cunt again tonight. Whoopee!”

“Did you really, a good whoopee?”

“Yes, a good whoopee.”

“You were upset when you told me to pack a bag and go to Greg, what happened?”

“I may get upset in the future, I may get upset the next time. I like fucking your wet, just fucked by Greg cunt. That may sound sick but I like the way you feel after you’ve been with Greg. I even like the way you feel fucked hard and rough and so swollen I almost can’t get my cock in you.”

Laura didn’t say anything for a moment then rose to pour more champagne. She stopped by Dan’s chair for a kiss before returning to her loveseat.

“I could have waited on the champagne, but I had to have a kiss right away.”

“Anytime, Baby, I always like kissing you.”

“Tell me why, what are you feeling when you fuck me used like that. You know I have been unfaithful then. It is obvious.”

“Of course it’s obvious, you don’t ever try to hide from me, at least not yet. I have to reclaim my role as husband. I have to fuck you back to me. I have to fuck me back to you, to be as good as Greg when he fucks my wife. I’ve told you this before, it is a competitive thing. There is also a reassuring part to being in you when you’re used and wet like that. Laura, I know when you’ve been with Greg, but I leave the light on and the door open for you to come back. At least so far, you’ve always come back to me. Those are some of the things I feel inside my head. And don’t tell anyone I said this, especially any other guy but, your puss feels good when it is hot and squishy.”

“No squishy pussy for you tonight, I am clean down there. Take me to bed and fuck me. You can imagine all you want, call me whore names. I am all for you right now, faithful and pure tonight wearing a nightgown my lover bought.”

In bed Laura pulled all aggression from her husband. She told Dan about sucking Greg off in the middle of his office, on her knees fully dressed that morning. Dan called her slut and whore.

She told her husband about kissing and sucking all over her lover’s ass the night before. “It was more than just kissing his ass Dan, I was nasty. I did something for him that I am never going to do for any other man. I worked my tongue inside his asshole Dan, inside his asshole.”

Dan bit another hickey on his wife’s neck to match the pair her boss put there. Dan groaned and fucked on, harder than ever before.

“I told Greg last night that treat was just for him, never for you.” They were close, so close to their peak. “I told Greg that I would kiss his asshole anytime he wanted me to, but I promised him I would never kiss yours that way.”

Dan went over the top with spasms and shouts. Laura joined in lockstep with her husband.

As they relaxed and recovered, Dan asked if she really kissed Greg’s asshole. “Did you do that just the way you told me?”

“It doesn’t matter if I did or didn’t. I will say yes right now, but you don’t know and I am not ever going to tell you. That is a mystery you have to put up with because I am a woman and I am your wife. I may tell you Greg fucked me in a park behind a tree at lunch today. You will never know the truth unless I decide.”

“Laura, intentional deception is a dangerous game. Mystery is one thing, but don’t ever lie to me.”

They returned to the den, it was still early for a Friday night. Dan fixed drinks.

“Greg is probably lonely tonight without you.”

“He understood that I should be with you.”

“How considerate of him; you can call him if you want. You could even go visit now that I have had mine tonight.”

“Visit, how quaint a word, visit is for old or sick relatives.”

“True, but it is more polite than go fuck.” Both laughed.

Laura asked, “Not up for another?”

“This time was great; two I can do, almost any night. The three or four Greg sometimes gives you stretches my limit. He must be one hell of a stud.”

“He is that, Dan, my lover is a real stud fuck machine. I hope that doesn’t bother you too much. He does seem to have more stamina than you.”

“As long as you can keep up with both of us, I can accept Greg’s share of your body.”

Laura almost talked about sharing her heart. She thought better of that notion and stopped herself short. Dan knew his wife’s mind and the way it worked; he saw her stop short and knew exactly why.

“I’ll fix drinks, here’s your phone. Go ahead and give him a call. He deserves it, I won’t make a sound. As Dan returned with the fresh drinks he picked up on Laura’s conversation. .…den wearing that sexy red you bought. – I think I look pretty sexy wearing it, should I ask Dan? – Yes, he is here, he just brought me another drink. – Yes, earlier tonight. – I would like to be there, I could prance around your den, or your bedroom as a vision of red. – Oh, you want both rooms, any others? – Yes darling, I am sure you could. – Hard, but not so fast; aggressive, but not rough – Yes, darling I do, you know I do like hard and rough. – I love fucking with you; I want to be with you right now.

Dan listened to his wife have a love talk with her other man. He watched as she absently fondled her breast. At one point in conversation, Laura seemed to try to pull her nipple through the red of the nightgown. Dan heard her moan into the receiver once when she grabbed and squeezed her crotch. Dan went back to just listening mode.

It was good, very good. – No, not with Dan here in the room. – No Greg, I can’t – I know what you want to hear. – All right, I do love fucking with you because you have a fat dick, fatter than Dan’s, there I said that much. – No, I won’t – It doesn’t matter what I said last night. – Yes, I told him that earlier. – You have me so worked up now I’ll have to fuck Dan again for relief. – I don’t know yet. – I love you too darling, I love you too. Goodnight.

“Was our conversation cryptic only hearing my side.”

“It probably was cryptic. I could make out that you told him we already screwed and then he told you he wanted you all over his house.”

“Pretty much so, when I said we had used his den and bedroom he listed the other rooms where we haven’t had sex.”

“You haven’t used the bathroom yet?”

“Not yet, not at his home, nor in the office.”

“He still wants you tonight, doesn’t he?”

“He said he does, but that was probably just phone talk.”

“Yeah, probably just phone talk.”

Dan left but returned a few minutes later with a pair of red bikini panties in one hand and Laura’s raincoat in the other.


“Go to him now, I want you to go now. Ask Greg to send you home when he has had his share of your body.”

“Dan, no, I can’t!”

“Yes you can, you really want him; I want you to have him next.”

“Right now! I can’t go dressed like this Baby.”

“Yes you can, you can wear the raincoat over your gown if you want; you better take it along anyway. Put the panties on before you come home. Hold his cum inside you.”

Laura took her panties from Dan and just stared at him and then her panties.

“I want this, I want you hot and wet when you get home.”

“I will be late.”

“I know, wake me when you get home.”

Dan held her hand as he walked Laura to her car. “Wait one minute, I’ll be right back.”

Laura was dumbstruck, but she waited. Laura stood beside her car in her driveway at eleven o’clock at night wearing a sheer red gown and peignoir and absolutely nothing else. Dan returned with a bottle of Greg’s champagne. “Enjoy this with your lover in good sex.” They kissed and Laura drove off in the night.

She returned at three-thirty. When Laura left she was alone in her car wearing a red nightgown. She returned escorted by her boss wearing only the red panties. Laura and Greg kissed under the porch light. Finally she opened her front door, but pulled Greg inside for one last kiss. Dan came to greet his wife interrupting the kiss.

“Oh, hi Baby, I didn’t think you would wait up for me.”

“Thank you for seeing Laura home”, Dan said to Greg

“Thank you for letting her come to me.”

“We’ll come by for my car tomorrow, goodnight darling.” Laura continued her goodnight kiss as her husband stood watching.

“You couldn’t sleep Baby, I’m sorry?”

“I slept, but I got up about half hour ago, I guess I could sense you would be home soon. Can I have my honey I’m home kiss?”

“Of course, and I’ll sit up with you if you want to stay up for a while, I am wired.”

“Good sex tonight must have you excited if you’re not tired.”

“I had very good sex with two very good men. I’m still turned on they treated me so good.”

“Do you want to wait up for the paper boy?”

“No, I want you. I want to give you the hot, wet pussy you sent me out to get. I want your cock in the sex pool of my juices mixed with Greg’s.”

“I can feel your heat, and your wet red panties. Greg didn’t make as tight a seal tonight.”

“No, he didn’t bite me shut. He spanked my ass instead.”

“Oh, that too, I don’t do that often for you either.”

Dan fucked into his wife as she told about her lover finding she was used goods.

“Greg didn’t like finding you already in my pussy the same way you find him there. I told him to get over it; you get me that way all the time.”

“So he spanked your ass because I fucked you first? You loved it, I know you did.”

“Yes, he spanked me, but it was after he fucked and filled me first.”

“Priorities are important, any lawyer knows that.”

“He told me later it wasn’t too bad, the spanking was really a game, and I did love how it felt.”

Anticipation of what Laura would bring home, coupled with the reality of her juice filled pussy brought Dan to climax before Laura finished her tale. She continued to sit in his lap holding her husband inside as she kissed him. Dan asked about her oral evening, he said Greg didn’t taste as strong as he expected. “I only sucked him hard again so we could go twice; he didn’t cum in my mouth. You will have to wait till Monday for a cum breath kiss, if that’s what you want.”

Dan’s Monday at work was an interesting mix. The Business Lady account he landed required focused attention. Dan worked at absorbing all he needed for this new business to succeed. At random times, though, work was interrupted with distractions. A weekend of truly kinky sex with Laura tripped through Dan’s mind. I never expected to enjoy sloppy seconds so calmly in my wife. Laura may be with Greg right now, on her knees, under his desk. That thought popped into Dan’s brain shortly after ten. Laura wasn’t.

Dan had the same image an hour and a half later; this time Laura was exactly as her husband imagined her. The image was stronger this time, Dan realized. It’s almost lunch time, she might be there now. Dan leaned his head back and stared at the ceiling. Just then his secretary entered to inform him of a two o’clock meeting with the VP. Dan watched his secretary’s behind intently as she returned to her desk. He imagined spanking her as Greg did Laura Friday night.

Dan did indeed get his ardent cum breath kiss Monday evening. After dinner, Laura owned up to giving two BJs to her boss today. The first was at lunch. Dan smiled broadly. “I sucked Greg again as a going home gift for the spanking.” Dan told of the fantasy image about his secretary and Laura roared with laughter. Then Dan told his good news.

“I have to go to San Francisco at the end of next week. Three days to meet the Business Lady people. The company wants you to come along if you can, on the tab.”

Laura was as excited as Dan when he first got the news. “I’ll have to ask Greg, but I am sure I can come with you.”

Dan grimaced, “My wife has to ask her lover’s permission to go to San Francisco with her husband; I’ll be damned.”

“Your wife’s lover doesn’t have to agree, your wife’s boss does.”

Westbound at 38,000 feet and sipping champagne courtesy of the upgrade Dan bought, an amusing thought occurred. “You haven’t worn any of those dresses I bought for you to wear with Greg yet, have you?”

“No, he has only seen the pictures. I told him a few weeks ago to come up with a time I could wear the red one with him. He has been slow on the uptake.”

“I get to have you first then, first time out in your new dressy wardrobe.”

“You are always first with me, my loving husband.” Both knew, while not telling a lie, Laura didn’t totally speak truth.

San Francisco was fantastic. A female member of the marketing staff was assigned to Laura as liaison. Liaison included a half day tour of the city where Laura asked to be shown a few romantic places to take her husband Saturday. An after work cocktail party was Dan’s final agenda item the first day. Laura outshined her husband and starred.

Laura fit a marketing niche that Business Lady wanted, legal secretaries. She was wearing the blouse Dan picked for Greg’s birthday along with a pair of Business Lady tuxedo slacks. Laura held court with the senior marketing staff. She dazzled them by flirting innocuously, but also with her intelligence and experience. She agreed to critique an impromptu fashion show of styles targeted to women such as herself.

Laura and Dan told about the top she was wearing as her first Business Lady purchase. Dan loved the suggestive irony of bragging that he selected the daring top for his wife as a surprise for her boss’s birthday. “She dresses very conservative for work; Greg didn’t suspect how she looked when the jacket came off.”

Laura continued the story telling about springing her new look when she took her boss for his birthday lunch. She left out the part about Greg unbuttoning the blouse, but she gave her husband a knowing smile.

When they had time by themselves they acted as tourists. Dan seemed to really enjoy just walking, holding hands, and window shopping. Their second evening was free time, and Laura took Dan to the romantic seafood restaurant her liaison recommended. The view of San Francisco Bay in the evening was just stunning. The food was even more delicious. Often, one or the other slipped a hand below the tablecloth in intimate exchange. Laura noticed that she and Dan weren’t the only couple acting like young lovers. Young love continued in their hotel bed.

Friday night at a country club dinner allowed Dan and Laura to sparkle as a couple. The entire senior staff of Business Lady hosted the affair; most had husbands or wives in tow. Laura looked spectacular in the knee length jungle print dress Dan selected because of the wild print colors. A lot of leg showed on one side, when she walked and especially when she danced. One of the younger executives even got a hard on dancing. Laura felt it when he pulled her a little too close at one point.

They stayed an extra day to do sightseeing. Their tour of Sausalito was fun. The quick trip to Napa valley was even better. Several cases of really good California wines would be shipped home for them, one bought by their Business Lady escort. Laura resisted the urge to get a blanket and have sexy fun on the red eye trip home. The plane was just too crowded. First class was full.

Laura glowed at work Monday, “I hope you missed me terribly last week.”

“I did, did you miss me?”

“I was too busy, but just a little.”

Laura and Greg talked about her trip at lunch. Greg was proud that she had so much fun and gave a good account of herself in business matters. “Maybe Dan will let you bring a bottle of one of your new wines to the office some day.”

“I’ll bring one of each; we can do our own wine tastings.” The talk about wines got Laura to thinking; I’m going to have my own tasting every day this week. “Can you schedule our alcove for a Friday lunch?”

Dan’s life was top of the world in the afterglow of his successful trip to San Francisco. His VP called him in Monday afternoon to congratulate him. Business Lady had called first thing in the morning; they loved everything about the service Dan gave them. BL was very impressed with Dan’s wife, her beauty as well as her business acumen.

“I’ll tell Laura as soon as I get home.”

Same as Always Faithful - Chapter Eight Videos

4 years ago
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Always Faithful Chapter Fifteen Lauras Cruelty

Over the next month, Laura sat for her portrait twice a week. Laura hinted and teased both Dan and Greg about sexual activity with Portrait, but she admitted nothing. Even so, every sitting began with sex; Laura could feel his cum inside her and taste him in her mouth when she posed. When Portrait couldn’t evoke just the facial expression he wanted for that part of the painting, Laura gave him her ass as sex toy. As far as Dan knew, everything Laura said about posing was tease. She told Greg...

3 years ago
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Always Faithful Chapter FiveThirty

Always Faithful by BobNbobbi © [Author’s note: I combined chapter 31 with chapter 30 because they seemed to go together in thrust and timeframe – there will be no chapter 31, the next chapter after this will be chapter 32] Chapter Thirty – Laura Abandon’s Dan for Greg – 2 LF had scheduled a Monday evening posing the day following Laura’s return. Greg was not pleased, but he didn’t sulk. “Okay little girl, strip down and let me ravish you. I’ve missed having you while you have been off playing...

2 years ago
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Always Faithful Chapter FiveThirty

Always Faithful by BobNbobbi © [Author’s note: I combined chapter 31 with chapter 30 because they seemed to go together in thrust and timeframe – there will be no chapter 31, the next chapter after this will be chapter 32] Chapter Thirty - Laura Abandon’s Dan for Greg - 2 LF had scheduled a Monday evening posing the day following Laura’s return. Greg was not pleased, but he didn’t sulk. “Okay little girl, strip down and let me ravish you. I’ve missed having you while you have been off playing...

1 year ago
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Always Faithful Chapter TwentyNine

Chapter Twenty-Nine - Laura Abandon’s Dan for Greg - 1 The weather was perfect for brunch on the patio the Sunday after Greg’s birthday. “Dan, I have made a decision about my relationship with Greg. We need to talk about it.” Dan felt a chill up his spine. “You have made a decision, but we still have to talk. Is it talk time or tell time, Laura?” “We need to talk. I have made my decision, but I haven’t said anything to anyone yet. I haven’t talked to Greg about my decision. My decision isn’t...

1 year ago
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Always Faithful Ch 01

Author’s Notes: First and foremost, Always Faithful is a work of fiction, no characters depict any known persons. To the best of the author’s knowledge, there is no women’s clothing manufacturer by the name of Business Lady. This is the first part, about five percent, of a much longer story. I intend to submit successive parts frequently. Since the story is of novella length, and contains minor elements of homosexual, exhibitionism and BDSM sexual activity, it is listed in the Novel – Novella...

3 years ago
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Always Faithful Chapter TwentySeven

Chapter Twenty-Seven - Laura with Greg as Second Husband Laura started her car; she fingered the ruby ring on her right hand before shifting to Drive. Having Dan with me in San Francisco last week was great. Fucking with Dan and Upper Floor in the fog on the balcony excited me the way I knew it would. Strapped to that thing, strapped down, whipped, and then ass fucked by that Mario was crazy, and you loved it girl, admit it to yourself. You loved the decadence of that sex, and you loved that...

2 years ago
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The Bloody Faithful Chapter Four Solitude

Chapter Four -Solitude- "You're telling me he just up and left." Rambo studied me with those hawkish eyes. "Sorry Luv, but that doesn't make sense. Why in the bloody hell would he walk out on what promises to be the biggest thing musically of the fucking twenty-first century? The bloke would have to be a nutter." "He was under a lot of pressure," I said. "His father's ill and he had some other issues he was dealing with. Personal stuff." I wasn't about to tell the group what...

3 years ago
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Always Faithful Chapter Three

Home to Husband Laura managed to get to their bed without waking Dan. She reached behind to zipper before changing her mind. Laura jumped on the bed fully dressed, and kissed her husband as he wakened. She was consumed with love for the man who married her and completed her being, possessed her and set her soul free. Laura tried to express that love with her kiss. Dan opened his mouth and accepted his wife’s kiss completely. His tongue joined Laura’s. When he wrapped her in his arms he...

4 years ago
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Always Faithful Chapter Nine

Always Faithful by BobNbobbi © Chapter Nine - Laura Changes Life At home during the week, life was just as rosy. Dan got his welcome home kiss every night with the same full passion he had become accustomed to these past few months. He was used to tasting Greg on his wife’s breath by now, it was there three times during the week. The only times he missed her lover’s cum on her breath were the two nights Laura didn’t get home until shortly after seven. Dan had sex with Laura those nights just...

1 year ago
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Still Faithful Always Chapter 1

Prologue – from Always Faithful Chapter Six The lady worked in her garden. Her head and face shielded from the spring sun by a straw hat. She wore a chambray work shirt, blue cotton wash pants and tennis shoes. A soft leather pouch that held simple gardening tools hung off her shoulder. She moved from shrub to shrub, inspecting, occasionally using her clippers to trim an errant branch. At flower beds, the woman looked for weeds and dug them out by their roots. The back yard garden she was...

Wife Lovers
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Always Faithful Chapter TwentySix

Chapter Twenty-Six - Laura with Artsy and LF Laura and Dan didn’t return home until Saturday evening. They packed for their trip and went to bed, to sleep. They rose early Sunday, leaving for the airport after a quick breakfast. Laura set off the metal detector with her jewelry; she asked if one of the women attendants could perform a private screening. Dan was curious about her night with LF and Artsy, but Laura continued to put him off. “I’ll tell all over champagne as we wing our way west.”...

4 years ago
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Always Faithful Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Nineteen - Laura at Business Lady Winter days can be beautiful, sunny and crisp with little wind. Winter days can be miserable, gloomy, rainy and cold. Dan and Laura hoped for the former when they made plans to have their Sunday brunch at one of the nice hotels in town. When they awakened, they found the weather gods frowning. “I tell you what Baby, you stay in bed and I will go down and get things started. I don’t feel like venturing out on a day like this.” “How about if we play cave...

2 years ago
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Always Faithful

Chapter One – A Birthday Gift “Don’t bother to wait up for me, Baby. I know I’ll be late tonight.” Laura paused very deliberately for effect. “I could be very late if everything goes well.” Once again Dan heard his wife pause; he was about to interject when he heard his wife continue once again and her final words left him speechless for the moment. “I hope it goes well.” Laura’s announcement as they finished their breakfast coffee did not come as a surprise. They had talked about her plans...

3 years ago
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Always Faithful Ch 035

Author’s Notes: Always Faithful is a work of fiction, there is no clothing manufacturer known as Business Lady. This is the seventh post in a series of Laura’s affair with her boss, Greg, and her relationship with her husband, Dan. The last post ended with Dan and Laura on a date, Dan’s increasing involvement with the art community, and Laura’s introduction to the artists, especially Artsy, Mrs. Patron and Portrait. THREE – BEGINNINGS OF AN AFFAIR – 3-5 LAURA’S DATE A TROIS – DAN’S...

3 years ago
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Those Eyes the Sequel Are There Any Faithful WomenChapter 7

Jake. God, i miss her. I know she bears some blame in what occurred with Jack but she let another man put his hands on her sexually. She knew how I felt about that. It’s been almost 7 months, I guess its time to shit or get off the pot and hear what she has to say. I was in Switzerland. I love it here. The mountains are so beautiful. I packed and headed for the airport. I arrived back in town at about 10 the next morning. First thing I went to see the kids. It had been two weeks since I had...

1 year ago
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Always Faithful Chapter Seven

“You had sex with Greg again today; I thought I could taste him when we kissed. I could really taste him just now, licking your pussy.” “Yes, I did have sex. We left work early, I went to his place. We did it twice.” “I was sure, at least once. I could taste him in you; I could taste you with Greg.” Laura heard their code phrase, “You liked it, didn’t you?” Dan didn’t respond. “There should be plenty still inside me, Greg gave me a lot today. Come stick your dick in me, into the hot pool Greg...

1 year ago
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Always Faithful Chapter Two

Chapter Two - Birthday Passion For Dan, once again ESPN and vodka tonic was vitamin W. On the sofa with drink in hand, he concentrated on a rugby match. Dan didn’t know a thing about rugby, it made absolutely no sense to him, but it wasn’t Laura. Laura wasn’t with Greg at the bottom of that pile. The match ended and Dan went for another drink. The clock caught his eye as he made his next vodka tonic, five after nine. They must be at dinner. Dan heard Laura ask Greg to wear a tux. He knew the...

1 year ago
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Always Faithful Chapter Fourteen Dating Combinations

The art community provided a side outlet for Dan. He told Laura about his plans to incorporate some quality art in his office and possibly at home “I have a dinner meeting with some people Friday evening to discuss my art in the office idea. I think it would be fun if you wanted to get involved some too. Not Friday though, you could be with Greg then if you want.” “You have a date with Artsy?” Dan gave a sheepish grin. Almost blushing he said, “Not really a date, and not just Artsy. An interior...

4 years ago
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The Bloody Faithful chapter five Tourniquet

Chapter Five Tourniquet I'd never been upstairs. I'd been too busy acclimating my self to my new body to worry about the second floor. I did know there was an office, additional bedrooms and a second bath. Rick had mentioned those, but I hadn't been interested enough to climb the stairs to see any of it for myself. That was until Jesse found the ledger. That set me thinking there might be other things in the office I might find helpful. I decided while I was in the house alone, this...

3 years ago
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The Bloody Faithful Chapter Three Just a Player in the Band

Chapter Three Just a Player in the Band Rambo Thor showed up at my door, Monday night, three days after my debut at La Chambre Rouge. He wasn't alone. There was another guy with him, taller, older and not as buff. There were also two girls, both attractive, though the younger one, a bottled blonde, looked a little worn. I thought I recognized her from the university but didn't know her name. All of them smelled like Vampers except the blonde. I opened the door and stepped aside...

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Always Faithful Ch 041

Author’s Notes: First and foremost, Always Faithful is a work of fiction, no characters depict any known persons. To the best of the author’s knowledge, there is no women’s clothing manufacturer by the name of Business Lady. Always Faithful is about half complete and this fourth section tells a story of the most troubling year Laura and Dan face in their married life. Because of its length, this part of the story will be segmented as was three. * Four — Year of Turmoil — 4.1 Laura at Business...

1 year ago
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Always Faithful Chapter ThirtyTwo

Dan’s secretary was delighted to accept her new vice president’s date request. She remembered how nice he was to ask last year when she was down about her failed marriage; returning the gesture was the least she could do. She remembered having a great end to the evening in her bedroom with him last year. I could get used to a once a year do the boss tradition. Dan had been very cautious about presuming anything more than an evening of sex should come of last year’s sexual dalliance. In the...

2 years ago
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Always Faithful Ch 044

Author’s Notes: First and foremost, Always Faithful is a work of fiction, no characters depict any known persons. To the best of the author’s knowledge, there is no women’s clothing manufacturer by the name of Business Lady. The prior post ended with Dan joining Laura’s BDSM play with her San Francisco neighbor. * FOUR — YEAR OF TURMOIL — 4.4 LAURA DEVOTES HERSELF TO HER SECOND HUSBAND Laura started her car, she fingered the ruby ring on her right hand before shifting to Drive. Having Dan...

2 years ago
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Always Faithful Ch 031

Author’s Notes: First and foremost, Always Faithful is a work of fiction, no characters depict any known persons. To the best of the author’s knowledge, there is no women’s clothing manufacturer by the name of Business Lady. This is the third post, another five percent, of a much longer story. I intend to submit successive parts frequently. Part Three is lengthy, about 35 or 40 Literotica pages, so I will break the posts into more manageable size. While the length of the story is Novella sized,...

2 years ago
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Those Eyes the Sequel Are There Any Faithful WomenChapter 6

Debbie We got in his Porsche and he made a phone call. He said, it’s me. Get Miss SMJ ready to take out. I thought what’s Miss SMJ? He called Janet. I heard him say, can you have the kids picked up. I’m going to be out of town until tomorrow. He said Thanks and hung up. I said if we are going out, I need to change. Jake said, I will take you by your house to change and you will need a bathing suit and some casual clothes. If you want to go out tonight, you might bring a dress, heels, etc ......

1 year ago
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Still Faithful Always Chapter 7

Still Faithful, Always – Chapter 7 By BobNbobbi Mrs. Patron and A Future Supporting Mrs. Patron in time of distress and soothing the emotional chasm she suffered was only step one for Dan. Friend had no close relatives; Mrs. Patron was her closest companion, also her executor. Dan assumed all administrative tasks needed under his lady friend’s direction. He called his subordinate, Helen, and reaffirmed she was in charge in the office for the next ten days. Dan had one of Charlotte’s...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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They Bloody Faithful Chapter 2 Songs From the Asylum

Chapter 2 Songs from the Asylum "I've decided to stick around, at least for awhile," said Rick. He sat on the edge of the ornate couch, the one I found so fascinating with its intricately carved legs and the crown of wooden filigree spanning the top of its high cushioned back. Like the other furniture and drapery in the room, the upholstery was deep red. There was only one element that was not the color of freshly drawn blood, the white baby grand piano. I sat at it now my...

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Always Faithful Chapter TwentyThree

Chapter Twenty-Three - Laura with Dan, Plus Artsy Dan answered the telephone in the middle of the third ring: Hi Baby, I am just calling to confirm my travel plans . . . Yes, I am still on the red eye . . . I will see you Thursday morning before you go to work . . . I love you too, Baby. Save a kiss for me and maybe a little bit more. Bye bye. The red eye flight that carried Laura home from San Francisco left on time and benefited from a tail wind. Hers was the first plane to...

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Always Faithful Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Seventeen - Holidays The compressed schedule in autumn always included family responsibilities. Each year Dan and Laura flew home to spend Thanksgiving dinner with one family, and the Saturday following with the other. Thanksgiving with parents and relatives allowed them to have the Christmas and New Year’s holidays for themselves. Both left out details when answering the perfunctory what’s new in your life questions. Their visits home went well, as they always did. “We really like to...

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Always Faithful Chapter Twelve

Chapter Twelve - Dan Fights Back Greg was comfortable at home, and Laura was in the bedroom with him. What they were doing could be called funny business. Laura was exploring methods, ways, and positions to make her bells ring for her lover. Greg sat on their bed watching as she undressed and moved her hips in a circling, bumping motion. As the bells tinkled Laura told about the young lawyer’s reaction to seeing them, and the question her date asked dancing. “That’s really funny. I’ll bet he...

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Always Faithful Chapter Eleven

Chapter Eleven - Greg and Laura at the Country Club Dan learned about his wife’s date Saturday evening. As Greg suggested, he reacted negatively and with surprise. Laura didn’t expect the vehemence of her husband’s reaction. In her mind, she was just telling Dan a firm date for something long planned. “I didn’t expect you to be this way. You should have anticipated our date.” “I know I bought the dress you will wear. This is your red dress date, isn’t it?” “Yes, I will wear the red you bought....

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Always Faithful Chapter Ten

Chapter Ten - Dan and Laura Expanding Relationships Ending their lunch time confrontation, Dan paid their check and escorted Laura to his car. Dan dropped Laura back at her office. Lunch had been up and down. Home, Laura’s one word slip, was the downside. Dan’s parting kiss was perfunctory at best. Alone on the elevator, Laura knew she was the one who fucked up this time. Her afternoon demeanor made it obvious to everyone who came within her space. At three, Greg put an end to her funk. “Laura,...

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Always Faithful Chapter TwentyFour

Chapter Twenty-Four - Other Partners Only a simple action required, open front door with your key and a twist on the knob; Laura’s persona changed from wife of Dan to mistress of her other home, her home with Greg. Less than two hours before, she woke up beside her husband, made coffee in the kitchen, showered in their bathroom, and pulled a simple shift over her head for dress. She kissed Dan as she handed over his first morning cup of coffee, and watched him take his first few sips. Turning...

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Always Faithful Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Sixteen – Exposure in Film and Words Greg returned Laura to her married home Sunday evening. He was sure his cock and balls could no longer function as sex tools. They hung limp between his legs. God knows how many times he shot his load in Laura’s sex holes this weekend. The last two went ass and cunt. She took everything, Greg mused, Laura took all that I have to give. Laura walked to her door still barefoot; she wore only one of Greg’s too big for her T shirts and panties. She was as...

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Always Faithful Chapter Five

Chapter Five - Telling and Trouble Dan slept well, he was sexually drained. Laura did not sleep as well. In telling her story, in draining her husband, she knew she had concealed some important parts of the story. Laura knew she told the physical story accurately, completely. Dan could not call her liar about that. She withheld most of the emotional part. The most important emotional parts were still secrets gnawing at her. In the morning, at breakfast, she told Dan she wanted to talk more...

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Always Faithful Chapter TwentyTwo

Chapter Twenty-Two - Adventures in San Francisco When her flight was at altitude, Laura accepted champagne from the stewardess. She used the four hour flight to go over the week ahead and the past few weeks of her ever more hectic life. Her first thought was Dan is really getting short changed by my new jobs. Laura hadn’t spent a full week with just her husband in a month. She knew she had to take steps to maintain her primary relationship. Greg is showing strain too was Laura’s next...

2 years ago
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Always Faithful Chapter TwentyOne

Chapter Twenty-One - Laura Drifting Away The Senior Partner’s secretaries had their luncheon the last Friday of every month. All held the same title as Laura, Executive Assistant. Old Jacobs’ secretary extended the invitation. Laura knew the women could be catty, even vicious; Dan helped her select clothes Thursday evening. Laura suggested no BL clothes; she didn’t want to build envy any higher. Dan disagreed; he went through her closet. “This one; this is it.” Dan pulled out a charcoal...

3 years ago
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Still Faithful Always Chapter 11

Wedding and A Future With her husband, and just as important Mrs. Patron, on board with a second wedding ceremony no matter if legal, the time to get the prospective second groom involved was now at hand. Laura understood she needed a little more private time on the west coast, either in San Jose or San Francisco, maybe both, than her normally hectic schedule allowed. That corporate jet sure would be handy right now, wouldn’t it girl? I wonder if, no that would be asking too much. Oh hell, we...

Wife Lovers
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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 48 Always Faithful

Hello Everyone, I’ve resisted posting the last little while. At first, it was because I was trying to forget my illness and carry on my life as normal as I could make it. Lately, it’s been because my illness hasn’t forgotten about me. It’s been very faithful. The bitch. My memory issues have gotten to the point I can’t hide them from my family any more. My wife spoke to my Doctor on the phone and the Doc spoke to me a bit. She thinks there may be something going on beside the migraine and...

3 years ago
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Those Eyes the Sequel Are There Any Faithful WomenChapter 3

Janet I went to my room and took off my soaked panties from Jacques sucking my toes in the limo and feeling Jim’s hardened cock through his slacks. I was more aroused than I had been in months. I dropped my dress, unsnapped my garter belt and rolled my stockings off my feet. I took off my rings and placed them on the night stand. The lace stocking tops were wet where I leaked down the inside of my thigh. I stepped in the shower and cleaned up. I went and laid down in the bed nude. Next...

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Always Faithful Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty - Dan and Mrs. Patron’ s Lessons “Daniel, would you come for me at seven-thirty Friday; we are due to meet Interior Decorator at the country club at eight?” Dan assured his friend he would be on time and returned attention immediately to his desk. The week had been a bear at work. When he reviewed his calendar Monday, his first thought was thanks that Laura was in San Francisco. My thought then, and still is, I would have sent her to Greg after seeing my schedule. He still had...

2 years ago
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Always Faithful Chapter Four

Chapter Four – Unfaithful Once Again During her morning shower, Laura realized she had a problem. 'Today is Thursday,' she thought out loud, and then added silently, I promised Greg lunch. Even worse, I promised to wear those sexy things for him. I don’t really want to do lunch with Greg today, Dan seems so vulnerable. How do I get out of here today wearing those things? I can’t let Dan see them. Greg will want to see them, I know he will. I’ll be lucky to get away with a simple blow job under...

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Always Faithful Chapter ThirtyFour

The triad relationship, Laura with her two husbands, began another new phase. Laura once more made her primary residence at her home with Dan. As Dan asked, and Laura replied, her affair with Greg ended in no way, only returned to its original form. Laura’s home life with Dan was as complicated as ever. Laura and Dan did their married couple life maintenance chores together, they ate meals and slept in bed together, and they had a robust sexual life together, often augmented by pools of Greg...

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Always Faithful Ch 05

Author’s Notes: First and foremost, Always Faithful is a work of fiction, no characters depict any known persons. To the best of the author’s knowledge, there is no women’s clothing manufacturer by the name of Business Lady. Five is the next to last chapter and is much shorter than parts three and four. Chapter 4.6 ended with Laura and Greg at their New Years Eve party and Dan at his with Artsy and LF. * Five — Turmoil Resolved — Laura returns home and the rocky road to normalcy A sound at...

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Always Faithful Chapter Six

After Laura modeled all the new dresses Dan bought they retired for the night. Bed wasn’t a play pen tonight, they cuddled and slept. Bare skin molded male to female as though trying to forget and make up for two weeks estrangement. They made love in the morning with bright sun filtering through draped windows. A new day dawned for Dan, Laura and their marriage. Spring weather was cooperating on a beautiful Sunday, winter was gone and the day promised warmth. Laura suggested breakfast on their...

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Always Faithful Ch 033

Author’s Notes: Always Faithful is a work of fiction. This is the fifth post in a series of Laura’s affair with her boss, Greg, and her relationship with her husband, Dan. The prior post ended with build-up anticipation for Laura’s country club date with her lover. * THREE — BEGINNINGS OF AN AFFAIR — 3-3 LAURA’S BIG DATE Dan learned about his wife’s date Saturday evening. He reacted negatively and with surprise. Laura didn’t expect her husband’s reaction. In her mind, she was just telling...

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Always Faithful Chapter Thirteen

Laura looked from the baggage claim area to the escalator where Greg would appear. She had been waiting twenty minutes and everything about her was racing in anticipation. Unbidden, her feet shuffled, dancing. Laura’s eyes searched to capture a first vision of her lover. The most pronounced anticipation showed underneath her light sundress. Laura’s body generated moisture in anticipation of sex with Greg. She could feel dampness under her arms, wet beads between and under her breasts, and a...

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Always Faithful Ch 043

Author’s Notes: First and foremost, Always Faithful is a work of fiction, no characters depict any known persons. To the best of the author’s knowledge, there is no women’s clothing manufacturer by the name of Business Lady. Chapter 4.2 ended with an evening dinner date with Laura, Dan and Artsy. * Four — Year of Turmoil — 4.3 Business Lady and Bitch — men and Women Only a simple action required, open front door with your key and a twist on the knob, Laura’s persona changed from wife of Dan...

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Always Faithful Chapter ThirtyThree

A sound at his office door brought Dan’s head up. His secretary stood in the opening and spoke softly to him, “It’s Laura; do you want to take the call?” Dan picked up his phone and spoke without pause. “Well hello, so good to hear from you, it has been a while.” Dan recalled with distaste the last time he talked with his wife; it was six weeks ago at Thanksgiving when she told him she was leaving to go skiing with Greg. Today Laura was asking if they could get together for lunch soon. “The...

1 year ago
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The Bloody Faithful

The Bloody Faithful Chapter One -Hunger- Drip... Drip... Drip... I awoke to impenetrable darkness. I lay naked on my back with an incredible thirst burning inside me. Somewhere nearby water drops struck something solid, a sink bottom or maybe the floor. The sound magnified my need to drink. In the silence surrounding them, each splat boomed like a small explosion. I was amazed how sensitive my ears seemed to be. I...

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Elizabeth Grey Part 15 I Am Faithful To My Team

Elizabeth Grey - Part 15: I am faithful to my team. By Carmenica Diaz We had arranged to meet the next morning for brunch to discuss our plans and, as usual, I was running slightly late, so the others were already at a table. I had taken time to ring my mother, Sylvia and Janet to let them know what happened when I revealed myself to my friends. 'Your friends sound like marvellous people.' 'Yes, Mum, they do and they are. I'm very lucky.' 'So are they,...

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The Faithful Wife

The Faithful Wife By Michelle Kend A young woman with a secret had been trapped by cruel sexist misogynistic religious and cultural customs for most of her adult life. She makes a difficult decision to risk everything for her freedom. It may even cost her her very life. But what else does she have to lose? Introduction For the millionths time in five years, she wondered how what God she pissed off, or what she did in a previous life for fate to choose such a cruel life for her....

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Always Faithful Chapter TwentyFive

Laura’s four weeks at home were a whirlwind of activity, not totally sexual. At Tuesday lunch with her fellow executive assistants, she floated an idea for modeling Business Lady outfits at the regional bar meeting in the summer. The next day Laura began serious preparatory work for the quarterly Senior Partners Committee meeting. Work kept her busy; she skipped her Friday lunch date with Greg. Her hectic month culminated in an overscheduled weekend before Laura returned to San Francisco. She...

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Scissor Sisters Chapter Eight

Scissors Sisters - Chapter Eight - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Peter(Now Petra); Susan(Susie): My mother; Grandma: My granny; Aunty Pauline: My mother's twin sister; Charlotte: My younger sister(By one year); Persephone & Stephanie: My younger twin sisters(By 3 years); Emily & Judith: My twin cousins(2 days younger than I me); Janice: Grandma's live in maid; Uncle Reggie: Grandma Brother and a Baron; David: Emily's...

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Right from the Start Chapter Eight

Right from the start, Chapter Eight 8 - By: Beverly Taff Simon: The main character; Dorie Lou: The girl next Door; Mrs Benson(Jane): Dorie Lou's mother; Mary and Sandra: Simon's other classmates in school. Miss Webster: Their form teacher. Sophia: Mary's mother. Alicia: Sandra's mother. Chapter Eight Alicia and Sophia flew midweek to visit their daughters. It gave them two extra days shopping for while their daughters were working, their mothers could indulge in...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Eight

Sissy Farm - By: Beverly Taff List Of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy. Janice: My Younger sister Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister. Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist. Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant. Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop. Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle. (Aunty Bev's brother.) James: AKA. Auntie Jamie, ...

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Faithful Sex Chapter 11

Next chapter > Author: Best-Lemon-Writer-in-Training Hits: 801 Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. This is a fictional story.Any resemblance to person(s) living or dead is purely coincidental. His kisses trailed down her neck, not ending until he reached her breasts. He cups one the large breasts in his hand, massaging it delicately. His lips move to her left nipple, sucking on it the second his lips envelope it. His free hand trails down her stomach, down to her pants. He...

1 year ago
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Faithful Sex Chapter 10

Next chapter > Author: Best-Lemon-Writer-in-Training Hits: 801 Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. This is a fictional story.Any resemblance to person(s) living or dead is purely coincidental. His kisses trailed down her neck, not ending until he reached her breasts. He cups one the large breasts in his hand, massaging it delicately. His lips move to her left nipple, sucking on it the second his lips envelope it. His free hand trails down her stomach, down to her pants. He...

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