Subjects 0 - CH 6 free porn video

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PERSONAL NOTE: Damnit! My meeting with the CEO has been postponed till next week. Oh well, the excess baggage will be gone soon enough.


Carol hung up the phone, and heaved a large sigh in relief. Mrs. Julander had agreed to hold off the meeting with Harold for a week, but it had required some fast talking. She was just glad she had been able to break into Harold's files and see what he had been planning.

Reading over his notes, she began to see just what a monster the man truly was. She had known that he was using the substance on himself to seduce women, but had had no idea he was doing other human testing outside the company. Where had he gotten the resources to pull off any of this? Digging a little deeper it was easy to find. He had seduced enough rich women with the substance, that he had virtually unlimited funds at his disposal. The man was corrupt beyond measure, and Carol knew she had to stop him.

The big question, however, was 'how'?

She needed to synthesize her antidote first. If she could get that to Mrs. Julander before her meeting with Harold, then Carol might just be able to keep her job. At first she had thought to present his notes to Mrs. Julander as evidence to what Harold was doing, but there was no way to prove that Carol hadn't planted the notes after she had hacked his files.

Her phone rang, and she answered it before checking the caller ID, assuming it was Mrs. Julander calling her back.

"Mom?" Carol cursed inwardly, as the sound of her daughter's voice filled the phone. She knew she had neglected her daughter worse than she had her son over the last while, but didn't know how she was going to face her daughter. She knew that April and Adam had been sleeping together, had even caught them in the act, but had been so overcome with her own lusts, that she had been unable to stop them. Had, in fact, barely been able to stop herself from joining in on the debauchery. The fact that she had now slept with her son twice didn't help matters. "Are you there?"

Carol snapped out of her thoughts. "Sorry, April, I'm a little busy now. What did you need?" She knew her voice was a little hard, but she needed to concentrate on her work.

The phone was silent for a moment, and Carol started to get frustrated. Why wouldn't her daughter just talk, so that she could get back to work?

"I need my mother," the words finally came, and Carol could tell that they were soaked in tears. She began to berate herself for another reason. Her daughter needed her, and she had been too caught up in her own concerns, to worry about April. Her motherly instincts kicked in, and Carol knew that, while she had a lot of work ahead of her, family still had to come first.

"I'll be there as soon as I can," Carol promised, and then erased all her tracks on the computer. She then uploaded her files to her own personal server. Harold wouldn't get his hands on more of her research; much less know that she had been spying on him.

Luckily traffic was minimal, and Carol soon found herself outside her daughter's apartment. The door opened before she had the chance to knock, and she was accosted by the younger woman throwing her arms around Carol. She could feel hot tears through her shirt, as April cried against her chest. What had happened? Had Adam been ignoring her since he had slept with his mother?

She was both angered and pleased at that thought. Angered that her son would treat any woman this way, but pleased that she had had that kind of effect on her son, then angered at herself for her selfish feelings.

Carol guided her daughter into her apartment, and soon found the couch. She sat them down, and let the younger woman cry for awhile, April's arms never leaving her.

When the tears had finally stopped, Carol just continued to hold her daughter against her breast for awhile, relishing in this 'normal' family behavior.

"What was that about," she finally asked, almost afraid her daughter had fallen asleep on her.

April's arms tightened for a moment before she responded. "I just really needed my mother," she said and looked up. Carol noted how bloodshot her eyes were, and could still see where her tears had left tracks going down her face, but she had to admit she had raised a very beautiful young woman. April smiled up at her, and Carol leaned down to kiss her forehead.

"If you are feeling better, then I really need to get back to work," she said, trying to stand, but April's arms only tightened, refusing to let go.

"Stay just a little longer?" Carol sighed at the pleading quality of her daughter's tone, and resigned herself to staying longer. When April finally released her, and stood, Carol was in for another shock. April was pregnant. She had known that it was likely to happen, but the shock of seeing the small bump on her little girl's belly still surprised her.

"How far along are you?" Carol asked amazed at how steady her voice sounded.

April blushed, and Carol again thought how cute she was. "A few months, I think. Minnie and I are due about the same time. My emotions have been so crazy lately."

"Minnie?" Carol had forgotten about April's roommate. She had assumed that the pretense of Adam dating the other woman had been just that, but now she realized just how naive that was. With Adam's pheromones, there was no way another woman would be able to resist while he and his sister were around each other. Carol knew immediately that Minnie's child was his too. She just marveled that April seemed to be okay with sharing her brother. "Is she carrying Adam's child too?" She asked only to let her daughter know that she knew who the father of her child really was.

April's eyes grew large at the question, and she tried to stammer a denial, before finally asking, "You know?"

Carol smiled, and nodded her head. "For some time now."

"And you're okay with it?" Carol could see the trepidation in her child's eyes, and hear the quiver in her voice.

She pulled her daughter back into a hug, remembering the day she had caught them at home, making love in her son's room, while she masturbated outside the door. She could feel herself getting wet at the thought, but tried to push it aside.

She didn't trust herself to speak, and so contented herself to holding April. She started to rub her daughter's back lightly, consolingly, wanting April to know that everything would be okay. April began to return the favor, and Carol enjoyed the feeling of the gentle touch. A feeling of loving and contentment washed over her, as she buried her face in April's hair.

Carol's hands roamed to further and further places, until she unexpectedly found them caressing April's ass. April moaned into Carol's neck, and even felt lips brush the sensitive skin at her collar bone. Carol let out a moan of her own at the touch, and felt fire take hold in its aftermath. "Wha-- What are we doing?" She asked in a haze, trying to make sense of the situation. Carol tried to bring her hands around to April's front in order to push her away, and found she was squeezing April's ample bosom instead.

"I don't know," April replied breathlessly, "but don't stop. That feels good."

Carol then realized that her daughter wasn't wearing a bra, and that she was thumbing her nipples through the thin cloth of her shirt. She looked down, not wanting to believe this was actually happening, and found herself staring into April's big beautiful eyes. Without knowing why she did it, Carol leaned over, and pressed their lips together. April's tongue immediately sought entrance into her mouth, and Carol was happy to let it in.

A small voice tried to warn Carol about pheromones, and she even tried to summon up enough anger to fight them off, but April's hands found her slightly smaller breasts, and she gave in to the seduction.

Carol pulled April back down on the couch, their lips never parting. As she lay back, April followed, and was soon on top, as they kissed frantically.

April lifted her head, and stared into Carol's eyes. "I can't believe I am about to do this with my own mom!"

April's words struck Carol, and she froze. What was she about to do? And with her daughter! A hand pressed firmly against her crotch, and the thoughts changed. I'm about to get off by my own daughter, and am doing nothing for her in return!

PERSONAL NOTE: Perhaps the delay in the meeting with the CEO was a blessing in disguise. Either women are starting to become immune to the effects of the substance, or my current batch is faulty. Will try a different batch tomorrow.


Carol reached down, and began applying her own pressure to April's groin, eliciting a low moan of pleasure. With her free hand, she reached up behind April's head, and pulled her back down into a kiss. April's hands moved to the hem of her mother's shirt, and started tugging it up. Carol broke the kiss long enough to help, and then removed her bra.

"Damn!" April announced on seeing her mother's chest. She had always wondered what her mother's tits looked like. While April's were bigger, Carol's were soft, and had a wonderful curve to them as they sat on her chest. Unwilling to resist the temptation, she leaned forward, and sucked one of her nipples between her lips. Carol groaned in delight, and then put her hands back against her daughter's covered pussy.

Carol's tit hardened nicely in her mouth, as April worked it with her tongue, occasionally nibbling it to the sound of squeals from her horny mother. Why hadn't they done this years before? April had always thought her mother was a beautiful woman, and often thought that it might be her attraction for her mother that had perhaps been at the root of her bi-sexuality.

April started to work on Carol's pants, pulling them down as far as she could without releasing the nipple, then using her feet to push them the rest of the way off. She slipped her hand under her mother's panties, and for the first time felt Carol's soaked pussy. Knowing that it was her mother's sex she had a hold of sent a shiver down her spine, and increased her own arousal tenfold.

April finally released the turgid nipple, and began kissing her way down Carol's stomach. She tried to take it slow and teasing, but she wanted to taste this older woman something fierce. When she finally reached the sodden panties, she gave them one light kiss, before pulling them aside, and shoving her tongue in.

"Oh, April!" Carol exclaimed, and using her hands on the back of her daughter's head, tried to pull her in more. April was more than content to let her, and began to suck hard. She was rewarded with a face full of her mother's cum, as her legs locked around April's head, muffling her squeals of bliss.

When the older woman had finally calmed down a little, April pulled back, and took off her shirt. Carol's arms shot out to April's sides, and pulled her breasts to her mother's waiting mouth. Carol was obviously new to sucking on a woman's nipples, but she knew enough to make April's pussy gush a little more. While her mother feasted on her chest, April pulled her pants down and off. She then placed her hands on the sides of Carol's beautiful face, and pulled her away. Her nipple suddenly felt naked, but she had other plans.

"I want you," she told her mother simply, and Carol merely nodded in submission.

Taking her mother by the hand, April led her back to her own room, and rummaged around in one of her drawers. She had a few toys from before Minnie and her started screwing Adam, and knew just the one she wanted. When she finally found it, she pulled it out, and grinned wickedly at the older woman. It was a strap-on, with a smaller insert for her.

"I've never..." Carol said nervously, and April found it endearing.

April gave her a soft peck on the lips. "Don't worry, mom. Just lay down, and I'll take care of everything. Carol nodded, and did as she was told, while April strapped the tool on. She slipped the small phallus into her as she did so, and noted that it couldn't even compare to her brother, but was at least something inside her. There was a small part that pressed against her clit, and it moved while she applied a bit of lube to the rubber dong.

April bent over her mother, and suckled her left nipple into her mouth, as she rubbed the head of the toy against her mother's labia. Carol hunched her hips against it, demanding its entrance without using words.

April looked up at her mother and smiled. Carol's eyes were scrunched tightly closed, and her pleasure was written all over her face, in the way she sucked in her breath, and how she bit her bottom lip. April was doing this for her mother, and was receiving her own pleasure in that knowledge. "I love you, mom," she said while releasing the tit and sliding her hips forward.

The phallus slid in easily, and April enjoyed watching Carol's eyes roll back in her head as she mewled in pleasure. April kept moving forward, until their hips met, then stopped.

Carol's eyes flew open as she looked up at her daughter. April felt hands grab each of her butt cheeks, and try to pull her in further. April pulled back however, only to be forced back by Carol's demanding hands. Their hips met with a slap, and both women moaned as their respective phalluses moved inside them.

April moved back again, only to once again be brought down into her mother. They started up a rhythm of this, both building up a sweat, until April heard something she didn't expect.

"Gawd, why can't this be as big as Adam's cock?"

April understood immediately what she meant. Adam's penis was bigger than this toy, which is why Minnie and her hadn't been using it. Carol must have realized what she'd said, as her eyes grew large, and filled with fear.

"That's not what I meant," she tried to protest. "I-- I--" April cut her off with a kiss, and began to thrust her hips as hard as she could into her mother. So she was fucking him too, huh? April wondered how many other women her brother was fucking.

April reached down, and filled each of her hands with her mother's ass, as she kept up her onslaught. She was getting close, more from the friction on her own clit, than the pinky sized rubber inside her, and knew that Carol was too.

Carol came first, and not for the first time April wondered what it would be like to have a real cock and feel a woman cum on it. She followed soon after, as she bent over and kissed her beautiful mother.

PERSONAL NOTE: Same results with new batch. I was actually downright rejected! I couldn't believe it. As if any woman wouldn't give her right foot to be with a man of my caliber. I must get to the bottom of this!


Miss Shelly had been frantic all day. She had failed to catch Adam at home yesterday to tell him the good news, and hadn't yet seen him in the hallways either. She hoped that he was alright, and nothing bad had happened to him. If any of her students had noticed her behavior, they had been wise enough to keep it to themselves.

Her final class couldn't come quick enough. She had found herself snapping at some students for no reason, only to completely lose track of what another was saying, because she was lost in thoughts and worries over her beloved Adam.

When sixth period had finally ended, Shelly had to seat herself at her desk, in order to wait for him. She wanted to wait out in the hallway, and run to him when she saw him. She wanted to wrap her arms around him, and kiss him fervently. She knew that none of this could happen till after he graduated next week. She needed to keep her job.

She couldn't stop a small sigh of relief from escaping her when he finally walked in. All her fears were suddenly calmed, as he looked at her and gave her that special smile that she knew was just for her.

A new worry popped into her head though. How would he take her news? He was young, and still had so much of his life ahead of him. Would he welcome their unborn child, or curse her for it? She had thought she had been careful, always taking her birth control pills, but somehow his sperm had still reached her egg.

The bell rang, and the class immediately went silent. Shelly had hoped that Adam would give her some excuse to keep him after class today, but he behaved exceptionally well. She wasn't even able to create anything as an excuse to keep him after.

Class went by all too fast for her, and before she knew it, the final bell rang, dismissing her students, and her Adam, for the day.

Feeling rejected because he hadn't even tried to give her an excuse to keep him after school, Shelly slumped into her desk, and laid her head on the smooth surface.

Why did he treat her this way? Some small part of her knew that her emotions were slightly askew because of the pregnancy and the hormones, but she didn't much care right now.

"Miss Shelly?" She looked up, unable to hide the hope that suddenly blossomed inside her. Some students were still filing out, and she fought hard to regain control of her facial features. "I was hoping you could help me with today's lesson. I seem to have a hard time wrapping myself around the body of these paragraphs." The way he said some of those words sent a bolt of electricity straight through to her pussy.

She sat there looking at him for a few seconds, admiring her young lover, before she remembered that she was supposed to speak. "Oh-- Of course. Why don't you show me your... um... Work?" He grinned at her, and it dazzled her heart to see it. He would understand. He was young yes, but he was intelligent, and would love her and their child.

Adam placed his book before her, but she couldn't pull her eyes away from his face. He started to make up something about what she had tried to teach them about today, but she didn't hear a word of it.

When the last student finally left, he walked to the door and locked it.

He started to remove his shirt as he walked back, and even though she was sitting, she could already feel herself getting weak in the knees as he did so.

She had to remind herself that there was something she wanted to tell him. Now what was it...? Oh yeah! It was--

His shirt hit the floor.

He wasn't overly well built, but he was perfect for her. He was strong enough to pick her up, and hold her in his arms.

He was back to her now, a curious look on his face. "Is something wrong? Are you not in the mood?" His questions stung her. How could he think she wasn't in the mood? She was ravenous; she wanted to feel him in her. She wanted to hold him in her arms, as he filled her full of his seed. His seed!

"I'm pregnant," the words left her mouth, and for a second she wasn't sure if she had been the one to say them. Suddenly everything seemed to slow down, as she watched the realization of what she had just said, cross his masculine face.

PERSONAL NOTE: Some personal testing shows that it is actually ME that has become immune to the substance. It no longer bonds with my body chemistry to make the women want me. Somehow my body now rejects it.


"I'm pregnant," the words seemed to reverberate through his skull. He stood stock still, stunned by the words. Even though his sister and Minnie had delivered the same news to him not so long ago, hearing it again, and from a different source, struck him anew. He still wasn't sure how he was going to take care of two other babies, and now he had to worry about a third.

For a split second he worried about his mother, but then dismissed it. She had told him she was taking something the morning after that would make sure she didn't get knocked up. But hadn't Shelly told him that she was on the pill too? Just like April and Minnie...

"Say something... PLEASE!" The desperation in her voice snapped him out of his thoughts. He looked down at her, and saw a changed woman from the stern and strict teacher she had been not that long ago. She no longer wore her dark hair in a too-tight bun, but let it flow freely down to her shoulders. Her dark tanned skin seemed to glow from within, and even her eyes behind her glasses and long eyelashes seemed to sparkle as they regarded him with worry.

The only problem was he didn't know what to say. He knew that he would do the responsible thing, and take care of the child, at least as much as he could. He just had to hope he could get a good paying job with benefits soon. So far the job market had been slim, though.

In the end, he decided to cop out, and simply leaned forward to kiss her. Luckily this seemed to alleviate her fears, as she met his lips with passion, standing to press her body to his. Their lips and bodies molded together perfectly, so that even air couldn't find a pathway through. He let his hands travel across her back, then to the front. He undid the buttons to her blouse one by one, and then slipped it off her shoulders when he was done.

The sound of her blouse hitting the floor was covered by her sigh as he nibbled on her neck. He saw right away that this was one of her front clasping bras, and delighted in squeezing her large jugs together in order to free them from their cumbersome prison. She sighed again when it hit the floor, and he trapped her breasts with his hands and mouth. He loved how firm Shelly's tits were!

Adam felt his teacher's hands worry at his belt buckle, and a moment later his shorts and boxers dropped to his ankles. He was the one to sigh now as her slender fingers grasped his manhood, and slid up and down his shaft.

She spun them around, and pressed him back into her desk. He had noticed that she had kept it pretty clear of things since their first encounter on it. He hopped up, and smiled as Shelly pulled his face to hers for a short kiss, before kissing her way lower down. She worked her way across his pecks, abdomen, and then gracefully slipped her large soft lips around his cock. He groaned loudly, as he felt her tongue swirl around his head, remembering too late that he needed to be quiet. They were still in the school.

Shelly looked up at him, and he found that she looked extremely sexy with him in her mouth, and looking up to meet his eyes. He left her mouth with a pop, and she smiled broadly. "I have a special treat for my young lover," she told him, then put him back in her mouth. She pressed her head down, trying to take his largeness down her throat, but failing. It still felt good though, and he appreciated her attempt. She tried a couple more times, and when she finally pulled off him, he noted that he was soaked in her saliva. "That ought to do it," she smiled triumphantly.

Before he knew what to think she stood and dropped her long skirt to the floor, which was then followed by her small panties. She took his hands in hers, and pulled him from the desk. Pulling him into a powerful kiss, he reached down, and started to rub his head against her crotch, but she pulled away.

"Uh-uh," she said, again with that dazzling smile of hers. "I want to feel you in my ass today."

If Adam hadn't had better control over himself, he would have shot his load right then. This was still something he hadn't yet done. To think that he would be able to do it to his sexy teacher was almost too much. Now he understood the reason for all of the saliva.

She spun them around, and then placed her hands on the desk as she bent over, wiggling her rear towards him. He needed no further invitation, and stepped up to her fine ass.

"Take it slow. I've never let anyone back there, before, but I have used a few toys to try it out. I understand some women don't like it, but I thought it felt great."

The thought of her masturbating with something in her anus filled Adam with a lust he hadn't felt in awhile. He pressed his pulsing cock to her brown hole, and had to hold back from trying to slam it in. As it was, as soon as his head cleared her sphincter, she let out a grunt, and reached back to place her hand on his chest. He had a great view of her right breast as she twisted, dangling from her chest, and carefully reached forward to play with her nipples. She smiled at him appreciatively, and then gently pressed back against him. He moaned at the feeling of her tight anus sliding slowly down his length. Every couple centimeters she would stop, and move off him a little, but then push back again, taking him ever deeper into her colon.

He continued to fondle her breast as he felt that last little bit slip inside her. "You're a LOT bigger than any of my toys," she told in, slightly out of breath. "Start out slow. I am still getting used to you. I don't know how long I will last though." She emphasized the last of her sentence with a wiggle of her filled ass, making Adam moan in delight.

Adam heeded her advice, and relished the feeling of her gently gliding off his member till only his head was still in her, then carefully pressing back in. After a couple long strokes like this, he recognized that lusty look in her eyes, as she nodded for him to go faster. He picked up his pace, marveling at how tight she was back there. She began to press back against him, and grunting as she did so, so that he had to release her nipple, and hold onto her hips to keep his balance.

It was taking all of his self control to keep from yelling out his joy at this new sensation, and by the way he sometimes saw Shelly biting her lower lip as she tossed her head from side to side, she was trying to hold back screams of her own.

Suddenly Shelly's anus clamped down hard on him, and he had to grip her hips firmly in order to keep her from collapsing to the floor as her knees gave out on her. Adam felt his own orgasm come on, and started shooting his hot seed deep into her colon.

Shelly moaned her own rapture as he came, and he had to lean forward now to grip the desk, as one of his most powerful orgasms ever ripped through him.

As he pulled his limp member out of her, Shelly spun around, and kissed him furiously. "Thank you for being so understanding! After you graduate, we can move in together, and be a real couple!"

Adam groaned inwardly.

PERSONAL NOTE: All attempts to halt my body's reaction to the substance have failed. It simply no longer works on me. I will not give up however. There must be another way.


Carol was still smiling as she pulled out of the parking lot. She glanced down at the strap-on dildo in the passenger seat, as ideas began to blossom in her mind.

She knew that she had been under the effects of her daughter's pheromones, but for once she didn't care. At least this time she wouldn't have to taste that vile concoction as a morning after pill substitute. What she couldn't understand however, was why her daughter's pheromones had worked on her. With her Adam's, they only worked on the opposite sex, and yet April's appeared to work on both sexes.

Using her daughter's juices from the toy, she should be able to synthesize a new substance, and maybe even get her revenge on Harold. She just had to come up with a plan within a week.

PERSONAL NOTE: I need to find some way to find a new formula. One that my body won't reject, and I need to find it before the meeting next week, or my plans will be ruined.


Minnie sat, reading over the documents before her; everything seemed in order and completely legitimate. Her unborn child would be part of a study, which she would get paid for. Not only that, but all medical expenses would be covered too. The large man in front of her promised that no harm would come to her child, and that she would help many other women out as they studied her child.

Grabbing the proffered pen, Minnie happily signed the documents, and then stood to shake the man's hand.

"Thank you..."

"Jones. Call me Jones," the man told her, smiling broadly himself. "And thank you! If we learn what I hope we can from your child, then many other women will be able to experience the joys you are having."

Minnie wasn't too sure exactly what 'joys' he was referring to. Pregnancy so far hadn't been so bad, but she knew that the worst discomforts were yet to come.

She couldn't wait to get home and tell April and Adam about the great news.

PERSONAL NOTE: With this new DNA I should be able to create a different formula that my body will accept. Also, with access to the growing fetus, I might just be able to identify the genes responsible for the pheromones. If I can do that, I could create the right circumstances to give me the ability to make my own pheromones, and never have to rely on the substance again.


Please leave a comment below. I read them all, and check as often as I can for new ones. Also, visit my forum for pics of my characters as well as info on my stories.

Thank you to everyone who has read this far into the series. I truly hope you have enjoyed reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing these stories!


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After discovering what my coworker had been doing, whom I will call her Sara from now on, I thought I would use the situation to my advantage by now having a man in my life, someone who could give me the sexual fulfillment, discipline, and punishment I needed. Unfortunately for me my idea was not what I expected, Chris turned out not to be the one for the task, so I was left thinking now what I could do. For the next two work days Sara and I just exchanged the usual morning “hello”. But by the...

2 years ago
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Anal Instinct

Amanda: Thanks for setting up this date for me Estephania.Estephania: Don't mention it. It's my duty as your c***dhood friend and best woman to make sure that you'll say goodbye to your life as a single lady and hello to the one as a married woman without having any unfulfilled fantasies and desires.Amanda: If only Bruno could think like you do... To be honest i'm feeling kind of guilty that i'm about to cheat on him the night before our marriage.Estephania: There is no reason for that. He is...

3 years ago
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My Sweet Maid

Hi friends of ISS I’m Sateesh 5’9” well built 42years) form Bangalore I wish to share one of my experience with all of you. Well I was working for a Pvt Co and I was the branch manager of the office it was a small sales office of 7 members We shifted our office to a new location it was actually a 3 bedroom house on the main road we found that very suitable for our kind of businesses also the rent was much less than the commercial office space as soon as we moved in lot of maids came to our...

1 year ago
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Should never have said it 4

Jenny was still leading me by the hand when we entered the kitchen Tim, Jerry and Amanda were standing by the sink facing into the room Tim and Jerry’s cocks though now flaccid hung thick and long between their legs Tim’s knob end looked the size or a egg and a felt a pang of shame as my own cock had deflated substantially from its erect state and hung limply between my legs “finished already” said Amanda and the guys laughed “I don’t know why you bothered” she continued, I said nothing but...

1 year ago
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Unexpected Beautiful Sex With Aunty

I am Ishan from nagpur. I am 23 years of age. This is a real life incident that happened with me an year ago when I was in final year of my B. E. graduation. Though I was an average student I always had good rapport with my professors and teachers in my college life. This story is how I came to love a woman 15 years elder to me. Coming to the story as I told you I always had a good rapport with all my professors may it be male or female. One such professor of mine was Simran who used to teach...

2 years ago
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another romp with my father in law

After my father in law had cornered me topless and fucked me silly in the laundry room our entire relationship of course changed. it was so awkward at first. family dinner, sitting next to him on the couch or visiting with him and my hubby and his wife. Meanwhile my mind was always focused on what we had done. The guilt, the excitement, the longing for more all wrapped up in one.I got into a bad habit of always imagining it was his cock instead of my husbands cock when we fucked. Every time I...

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Nohair the Drive

Several fully naked, actors leaped off the stage and ran into the small, 200 or so, audience. They tapped audience members and lead them onto the stage. My ‘shy’ wife included, but she froze in her seat. I had just seconds to ponder how we got here and if I still wanted us to be here. ~~~~~~~ two weeks earlier ~~~~~~~~ My beautiful wife, Sue, decided it was time for a road trip back to California to visit friends. While I agreed, I wondered what secrets she was hiding this time. We’d only...

3 years ago
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Jenny the horny

The first time Jennifer came over, I thought nothing of it. I was eighteen, moving quickly towards independence, and frankly, not the least bit concerned that my parents didn’t trust me enough to watch over my seven year old brother. I don’t blame them, because aside from occasionally doing some homework, all I ever did was play video games, listen to heavy metal, and read comics. It’s not that they didn’t think I was a total hellian, it was just this issue of responsibility that seemed to...

1 year ago
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Adventures in Satin and Lace

Adventures in satin and lace. By Georgina. Chapter 1 Trembling hands slid the Chubb key into the door of the one bedroomed flat just at the back of Victoria station in London. The door opened and I slid inside and placed my few possessions on the floor, then turned and closed the door firmly behind me. I was in heaven. For the first time in my young life I was at last on my own. I was nineteen years of age and for the first time I was going to live in my own place since the day of...

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Cheating with my friends wife

My friend and I go way back, from the time we were at University. We were very close then and now, fifteen years down the line, we are still very close. A lot have changed since our university days. My friend is now married to his second wife Lisa, while I still have my college sweetheart with our four beautiful kids. At thirty-five years old, my friend and I are still in pretty good shape. For a quick description, Lisa, my friend’s second wife, is gorgeous. She has a stunning plus size body,...

3 years ago
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Nurse and the UPS Driver

I am Cindy a Nurse at a large Doctors eye clinic. I’m 38 but still drop dead beautiful for my age. I am very petite and ever since I was 16 I knew I was gorgeous, with a movie star face, small petite body, nice ass, good size breasts and long chestnut brown hair. Guys were always staring at me wherever I went. So I began playing the part, I always wore full make up, tight clothes to accent my small firm ass, and enjoyed men staring at me. I was a “prick teaser” flashing my body to men and...

4 years ago
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The Tidal Cave and The Comfort

INTRODUCTION The truth? My mom was kind of a slut. I had to grow up more to see it but she left my dad when I was young for another guy and had another girl by him. Then she had a slew of boyfriends which my older sister had caught fucking her on more than one occasion. She had moved us all out to Northern California and a year later I moved back in with my dad and only visited her in the Summer. My sisters and I had been through a lot, my older sister and I faded a lot of heat...

2 years ago
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No More Doctor Nice Guy Part 2

No more Dr Nice Guy - Part 2 I crashed heavily and violently into the firm ground of the grassed nature strip beside the road, Kevin's inertial mass toppling me over and sprawling on top of me. The truck thundered by less than 2 feet from my face. I was momentarily winded and pinned beneath him. I found myself even more scared, and increasingly aware of my vulnerability. Seemingly new emotions I was hereto unfamiliar with. I know what he wants to do to me, and I'm not sure he isn't...

1 year ago
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Working a Sweat

Everything mentioned here happened as described. I tried to remember the details the best I could. I heard knocking at the door. Glancing at my watch, I felt growing anticipation. 2:20PM. I knew who it would be. I swung open the door to see my paramour dressed in yoga pants and tank top. Actually it was the pants I bought her last week from Lululemon, mostly because of how impressive her tight little rear looked in them. They also had the added benefit of having a gusset, so they were built...

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Jailhouse Rock

  “Holy crap, the cops are on our ass. We’ve gotta throw the shit out of the window. Oh fuck, I can’t go back to jail, that place is fucking nuts. The guards are always fucking with you.”  Jimmy pounded the steering wheel and stopped yelling for a second or two. “No, we can’t toss the shit… they’ll see us throwing it out. Can’t do that. I know —“ he glanced across at me, “hide it in your purse, Glenda.”“Fuck, I’ve got to pull over.” Jimmy, looking in the rearview mirror at the flashing lights,...

1 year ago
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My Education Part 1

This story is fictional except the teacher did exist... This was the last few months of my time at the High School, my sixth form years were almost over. Being one of the oldest in the class I been able to go into pubs and drink legally for the last few months, which meant the thrill of being caught here had disappeared, and now I long for something risky again. And I was shocked and thrilled to learn this would come from my History lessons. It was a late Tuesday afternoon, and the end of the...

4 years ago
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Richie Dinken Gets Educated Musings of an Old ManChapter 5

I was out behind the barn nailin' braces against the back wall before framin' in the hole that was left by the tornado when I heard trucks comin' up the drive and honkin' their horns. When I come out the barn door, there was a flatbed and three other pickups unloadin' lumber and men to help get the place back together. I knew some of 'em including B. W. but about half of em' I'd never met. It took us two full days to get the walls up and the roof finished and shingled. Mama came out...

1 year ago
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Anne And Mary Book IIChapter 17 Fourth of July

"Alex, your folks get in this afternoon. Do we need to agree on anything? Clothing, screwing, whatever?" "I've been thinking about it, Saul. I told them they have to accept that we sleep together, and that we don't always have our clothes on. They say they agree to that." "You don't sound all that sure about it," Sigrid said. "I'm not. I really don't see Mom being able to deal with it." "Well, we're going to find out," Heather said. "Let's try to keep some clothes on,...

3 years ago
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Milf Domination

Alex was your typical 20 year old who love living life on the edge. He was a good looking young man who had a prestige body that any guy would want. When he wasn’t at the gym working out he love to just hang out with others. Alex even though good looking also processed another trait that any man would want and that he was very well hung. His cock was almost 9 inches in length and was very thick. He also learned early on that he could hold out from cumming for a very long time and that he...

3 years ago
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Taste Test

"You want to..." "Drink your sperm!" Dan blinked at the girl before him. Then blinked again. You just did not hear girls ring your doorbell and say that. At least not outside of your own male teen head. And this was a real girl. Not one of his fantasies. At least ... he assumed she was. He had never seen her before. Not that unusual in a neighborhood this size, and she definitely looked to be a bit younger than him, perhaps not even in High School yet. "Um ... why?" He looked...

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Keris FamilyChapter 13

Keri looked at Mary and saw that the champagne was having a strong effect on her. She reached for the other woman's glass and set it on the coffee table next to her own and then turned to Mary and slipped one arm around her, drawing her closer. She kissed her lightly, letting her tongue dance along Mary's lips as one hand came up to cup one of her tits. "I saw you in the bathroom, with Steve," she whispered, feeling Mary's body stiffen momentarily. "You ... you saw?" "Hey, relax,"...

4 years ago
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My Boss My SlutChapter 10

I pulled up at the entrance of the scool, got out and leaned against the passenger side door, waiting for Amy to come out. I noticed her inside the main door talking to some fellow students. She turned, saw me and waved; I waved back. She spoke with them another minute or so and then came running out. Her long strides forced her skirt up her thighs exposing her stockings and garter straps, but not quite her panties. She jumped into my arms and gave me a bear hug and a kiss. She stepped back...

3 years ago
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Naukrani ki beti

Hi, Iss readers this is Zain from Karachi, I am an engineer and working in a private company. Mai aap sab ko mera new sex experience ke bare main batana chahta hun. Now main aapko apni real story sunata hoon agar aapko pasand aayey to aap mujhey mail karien. Mai un dino engineering ke padhai kar raha tha. Mujhe hostel mai kuch problem ho raha tha to maine ek flat kirye pe le lia aur hostel chhod dia. Main ne khana pakane ke lie ek bangali naukrani rakh li jiski age lagbag 40 saal ka thi dekhne...

2 years ago
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Dark Star

He was trying to pin her eyes with his, but she wouldn't let him. She didn't want him to see her cry, so she got up off the cheap, wooden chair in front of the bed and went into her bathroom, slamming the door behind her. Her upper thighs were still slick and her body was telling her brain it needed to cum again. But her brain wasn't having it. She turned on the shower and escaped into the stall, her palms planted against the wall as she lowered her head into the spray. Wet hair hung down...

3 years ago
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Club Vice Ch 03

Damien had been stuck in traffic behind Victoria’s limo for far too long. Finally the Fiat they trailed slowed right in front of the local Prestige. The capo bolted up from his seat with a Lucky standing out from the corner of his lips, muffling a touch of his words. ‘Damn… not ten minutes and already she is stepping up to slip behind Daddy’s big desk. Nunzio! Bring us around the back to the lower level garage. I want bella aurita to have ten minutes lead.’ He gritted his teeth loud enough to...

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Headmasters Secretary Chapter III

Liz was beginning that Monday quite excited about what might happen next after what she and Mr. Harper had done over the weekend. Luckily, her order for some new lingerie and office clothes had arrived, and she was busy sorting out what to wear today. Liz kept to the red lipstick but decided to put her hair up in a more traditional, ‘sexy secretary’ tight bun. Then she put on one of her new green velvet push-up bras and matching panties with built-in suspenders. She decided to team these with...

Office Sex
3 years ago
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Cheating Wife and Employee Part II

It had been a month since I spent the night with my supervisor, Lindsey and it had driven me crazy seeing her every day and knowing that I could not fuck her again. It had been the perfect moment when we did it the first time. Her husband was gone all weekend and her kids were staying with their grandparents. Her house was empty and we were able to fuck, sleep, wake and fuck some more. Now, I desperately wanted to do it again but I knew that I couldn’t. Her family was always home and I didn’t...

1 year ago
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RachmaninovChapter 14

Algoa Bay, Union of South Africa Clara was thinking. “Always a dangerous thing, Antonin would say,” she mused. And she’d reply, “Never hurt Winnie the Pooh.” She mentally sighed. Would she ever see him again? The men from the Easy Tyme, were jury-rigging a ramp to get the contents of the wooden crates to the mostly submerged rock-bar. The contents were heavy: one a lead-lined crate, filled of course with the fissile material and another with some explosives, to make the fissile material...

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Maybe I don

ONTO TEH STORI OF TEH HORE! Back ground info: I hate myself for writing this but i'm really pissed off so i made up the dumbest cracker shit to get it out of my head. have fun reading and i hope you understand humor because it uses alot and it was meant all in good fun. If you hate me, you deserve it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As always, a good story must have humor. This story contains random humor and may or may not be to your approval. I find this to be a...

4 years ago
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TV in Drab Travelling in Chastity

This actually happened on Wednesday, I was told by a Dom Mature Admirer that he wanted me to wear my clear pink chastity device for my journey back from the other side of London, into London by train, the underground through London, train back to Lancashire. He knew all my travel details, even what route I was taking, what times my tube and trains were (I had them on an App and so did he) he knew what I was wearing, He would monitor me and set me tasks on the way, he said he had a surprise for...

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Cuckold meeting Wifes Boyfriend

I will never forget meeting Kenny, my wife's boyfriend for the first time. It was about 3 months after my wif began her affair in early 1989. Back then I did not know I was a cuckold. All I knew was that I loved my wife, and I still thought my wife loved me, even though she told me she would not end her affair. I figured I would ride out her craziness. After all we had 2 k**s and had been married for 15 years.I wanted to meet my wife's boyfriend because she wanted to bring our 2 k**s to go...

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Our Sex Cinema Evening

Hey all, I wrote a story before about Carrie, my lady and a gangbang that occurred a while back, was actually horny re-telling the story! Since then, we have both been open minded and always looking for otherthings to try etc...(Shortage of swinger couples in the U.K. South!!)We had a weekend in London a few months back, show,meal the usualetc. On our spare night, both horny, we wandered into Soho and around the sex shops, all getting us in the mood! I got talking to a shop worker who told me...

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It Happened Next Door Part 2

Karl returned home a few hours later and showered. Afterward, as he sat at the desk in his room he replayed the events earlier that morning. He still couldn't believe his actions. It had started out yesterday with his being caught staring at Amy. She was the sister of his longtime neighbor and best friend Brad.Brad seemed to know what Karl was thinking as he stared at his bikini-clad sister's body and issued him a challenge."If you want to do her, you have to do me first," Brad informed...

2 years ago
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Soy hijo único y no tengo madre ni hermanos. Al quedarme sin mamá toda su ropa quedó en casa y éramos en tamaño iguales. Como desde nenita me atraía la ropa de mujer, no desaprovechaba la oportunidad de vestirme y pasaba mad**gadas enteras viéndome en el espejo y cambiándome de ropitas cada rato. Una noche, sin darme cuenta, mi padre ingresó a mi dormitorio y me vio vestida con una minifalda, blusa y botas de mamá. Yo ya me veía como una nena y usaba mi cabello rubio largo. Estaba maquillada y...

4 years ago
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Eating fresh fucked pussy

My wife came home late from work piled straight in bed saying it had been a really hard day! I began to try to massage her back asking if she was alright, she pushed me away saying I know what all you men are about! You just want to get between my legs and have your fun smile and walk away? She said I've had a ruff first day so just let me sleep go fuck yourself. I didn't listen and began again the message this time she was more receptive actually beginning to relax she asked me to rub her legs...

2 years ago
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My First Cock

femdom – anal – male submissiveWhen I first met Jeanette, I thought, what a wildcat. She was beautiful and wild. Our very first night together I felt like she fucked me rather than the other way around. She made it clear that she loved being on top, and truth be told I loved it too. She aroused some deep passion in me, and I never wanted a woman more than I wanted Jeanette.One night after foreplay that I wished would never end, Jeanette began bringing out a number of silk scarves from a drawer,...

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Hot Wife KatieChapter 26 Katie the Good Neighbor

Mrs. Jackson stood in her kitchen and stared out the window towards Phil Dorman’s house. It had been a few weeks since his release from the hospital and while the neighborhood rejoiced at his return; the hot married wife felt nauseated. Every day after her family had left for work and school Phil had called or rolled up to her door. She never answered as she knew what he would say or try to do to her. She regretted that moment in his hospital room as well as every moment of what happened...

3 years ago
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Her Wish

Only one month into the new school year and she was already fed up with it. Not a single interesting person in the entire school and not even anyone interested in her. She wasn’t ugly, by any means. In fact she was very attractive. Dark, curly hair that was cut short and framed her face, light skin, but not pale. Thin, toned, but not muscular, body that would drive most men wild, and deep blue eyes that resembled the ocean. But, they were all the same. Just like the last...

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Crash Bandicoot Warping the Warped

"Yes... yes!" Dr. Neo Cortex grinned as he looked over his newest invention. After months of toiling away in his laboratory, finally, it was complete! Hanging from the ceiling with wires and cables, the enormous purple machine resembled an oversized cartoon ray gun, what with the "barrel" consisting of a single antenna lined with several glowing rings. Near the top was a small man-sized gap surrounded by control panels, serving as a cockpit of sorts. Cortex had not yet having taken...

4 years ago
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Surprise at Harmony JunctionChapter 5

We stopped off at Amarillo for a couple of days. That much time in the saddle just made me sore in all of the wrong places. Bob had it a bit easier, since he was more used to it, but even he was tired of riding and looking for a break. Whenever possible, we had stopped in a regular hotel each night, but some of the time we camped on the trail. I'll never understand the charm of "roughing it," and I admit to thinking that a body is crazy for wanting to sleep on the ground, even if there is...

3 years ago
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The Runaway

The Runaway by Mary Beth Sanford, Sep/15/2005 Players: Joey AKA John Doe, AKA John Dough, AKA Cindy; Julie Joey's Day Nurse; Nurse Tracy Tucker Joey's Night Nurse; Detective Beckman, Juvenile Division; Rose Partridge of Social Services; Dr. Sanders Joey's primary care physician: Helen Baker, Joey's Foster Mom; Carol, Helen's life long partner; Dr. Marcy, Transgendered Psychologist and Transsexual Transitions Synopsis: Joey's abusive uncle forces him, again, to run away. ...

2 years ago
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First day

Introduction: Ok. First story so be nice but please put comments down at the bottom!!! I am just starting collage. Its my first day and I am dressed to impress. I have on a short dress that comes to mid thigh and hugs my curves. It is black and has lace around its edges. With my black strappy wedges and bare shoulders I feel totally sexy ,) my hair is curled and elegantly falls down my back to frame my face. With light makeup on and contacts in I saunter down the sidewalk to where a group of...

1 year ago
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Colette Anya Olsen Joseline Kelly Naughty Yoga Teacher

Anya Olsen is from New York and Joseline originally from the Deep South, but these Colette Girls are united on one thing. They love to keep in shape, as their well-toned, sublime young bodies prove. That includes Naked Yoga, of course. Because they are beautiful, they are used to getting what they want. So when irresistible, blonde Anya takes a look at instructor Tyler and says,”I want to fuck him,” it is a good bet that she and brunette cutie Joseline will not have to wait long for a bedroom...

3 years ago
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An Extreme Cure For Writers Block Part 5

A note from the author: Thanks to all who have shared feedback around my grammar. I'm trying to get better with commas and other areas that were suggested such as proof reading. I do read through everything I've written multiple times but still spot mistakes when I submit them! Hopefully I can continue to improve. I do read all the reviews and I am still really appreciating the feedback. ------------------------------------------------------------ I was ushered to stand backstage...

4 years ago
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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 38

"Anyone seen Draco?" asked the Slytherin quidditch team captain, Montague. Their seeker had failed to attend the last practice, and Montague had spoken to him quite sharply in the common room, warning him that he must help them prepare for the team's next match. Montague was amazed that Draco had failed again to attend practice. It was cold outside, a steady breeze adding to the chill, and the quidditch pitch was almost empty. Aside from the six team members, a few spectators in the stands...

4 years ago
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My Love Of Bushes

Telling my story will be a bit difficult, and some of you may find it weird, some may even think I am nuts. But, I assure you, I’ll be horny when I’ve finished.Not exactly sure how it all started but I think I’ve hated clothes all my life. Apparently, even as a toddler, I would remove my clothes every time mom dressed me. As I grew, I would come out of my room naked and mom would yell at me to get dressed. So, in fact, I stayed in my room a lot! When mom did get me to wear clothes and took me...

3 years ago
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Afternoon Delight

I had taken a brief break to step outside and enjoy some sunlight. A warm summer breeze warmed the air and the fragrances of springtime filled my nostrils. It was another day in paradise I thought as I zoned out on my little stroll towards the back of the office building. As I came around the corner of the building I noticed you, a total stranger, sunning yourself on the stairs a short distance away. Damn, I thought to myself, admiring your boldness. Your dress straps were off the shoulders...

Quickie Sex
4 years ago
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It was 1984, and a beautiful early fall day in Southern Oregon, and Mary (my wife) had asked me to get a few things from the glorified junk shop that was about two blocks from our home. I had finished my shopping and gotten into the checkout line when I realized that the young lady in front of me was someone that we hadn't seen for several years. I tapped her shoulder and said, "Hi Sherry, where have you been hiding?". "I've been living down in Humbolt County for the past three years,...

2 years ago
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BT Sirah get the Egg

Relaxing and listening to the waterfall she sleeps nuzzled by my side, I move out slowly to retrieve something from my back pack. Stretching and laying on her back she drifts off again breathing softly her stomach rising and falling with each breath, my hand brushes her leg and her thigh as she takes a long breath enjoying the sensation of my hand on her soft skin. Sirah has a wonderful sweet smell so I lean in and kiss her stomach and rub her pussy softly coaxing a moan from her closed lips,...

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