17th BirthdayChapter 3
- 4 years ago
- 28
- 0
I woke up early, and met Rhonda at the curb. She said that Susan's parents didn't want her to make a habit of going surfing before school, so it was just the two of us. As we drove, I found that she was easy to talk to, so we chatted the whole way, while listening to the radio. An ad came on for Bell Air, and when he got to the part, where he said that they only use Airflow Filters I let out a loud, "Yes."
Rhonda thought I was crazy until I explained that Christy Malone's dad owned Airflow Filters, and that I'd closed the Bell Air account while working for him over the summer. Even after my explanation, she still thought I was crazy, but not as much.
After we reached the beach, and prepared for the morning swim, we found ourselves in the water watching a beautiful sunrise together. We were out past the breaking waves so the noise was minimal. As the smaller waves passed under us, they gently lifted and released our bodies. Every five or ten minutes a larger set would come in. Those waves would break out farther so we were in the perfect spot to catch them. There were a few other surfers out, but they were fifty yards down the beach from where we waited.
As we waited I asked, "What's the deal with Susan?"
I meant about surfing, and not being able to come with us. I felt surprised when Rhonda answered, "We're doing fine."
"What do you mean?"
"Oh, I thought you knew. We're lovers."
"I didn't know either of you were lesbians."
"We're both bisexual. That probably sparks some fantasies in your mind."
"More like memories than fantasies."
"You've been with two women before?"
"I don't talk about that stuff."
"I love to talk about that kind of stuff, but only to the right people."
"Like Susan?"
"Yes, mostly Susan and my mom, but I might just add you to that list."
"Your mom?"
"She's the one that started it all."
"I'd love to hear that story."
"We'll see."
For some reason she looked sexier today out in the water. It could have been her smile or the bathing suit she wore. I don't know what it was, but I kept looking at her trying to figure it out. She'd just ridden a nice wave, and was paddling back out. At the point when she'd just crested a wave, our eyes met. She smiled, and said, "My ass should have holes in it, because of where your eyes have stared so hard today."
"It's like when your mom gets a haircut or your uncle shaves his mustache. The next time you see them, you know something is different, but you can't figure it out."
She finished paddling, and sat up on her board. She grinned, pulled the front panel of her bikini bottoms to the side, and said, "No hair to cut. I have to think that it's something else."
"I think that we're just getting closer. We're becoming more comfortable with each other. I'll show you mine later if you want."
"I feel closer to you, as well. You seem more mature, but still a kid. I feel like I can trust you. It doesn't hurt that you're cute."
"I feel the same way." I said.
The air was getting thick, so I splashed water at her, and shifted my board to paddle for the next wave. It was a nice one, so I rode it getting a chance to practice my cutbacks a few times before it died. I had some time to think about our conversations, as I paddled back out.
Rhonda said, "Nice wave."
"Thanks. I was thinking, as I was coming back out about what you said on the way to the beach about you and Susan. What's your relationship with her?"
"I told you that we were lovers. I thought that you'd heard the rumors. Please don't spread them; it isn't something we're ashamed of, but don't want the attention."
"You said that you were bisexual. Are you two exclusive or what?"
"You do want to try two girls."
"I wanted to ask you out on a date, but didn't want to seem like a jerk if it would cause problems or be unwelcome. Our friendship is more important to me, but I'm attracted to you, as well."
"I'm attracted to you, as well. Give me some time to think, talk to Susan, and I'll let you know sometime next week."
"That's cool. We don't have school tomorrow, but I was thinking about driving up to Jacksonville to surf. Do you want to ride with me?"
"I think that sounds good. Can Susan come with us? It isn't a school day."
"The more the merrier."
We each caught a couple more waves before heading in. We stopped to shower, so we could wash off. It was similar to the previous day, but she wasn't shy about reaching inside her suit to rinse and when it came time to change, I asked her to hold up a towel, and I changed between it and the back of my truck. She saw anything she wanted to see, and then returned the favor, as I held the towel for her.
She'd packed yogurt and fruit for breakfast. It was probably more appropriate for breakfast than my PB and J, but I can eat a sandwich with one hand, and drive with the other. The yogurt required a spoon.
We ate in the truck on the way to school, and she commented. "It's nice to have a guy friend that isn't afraid of being naked. So many guys freak out with a flash of boob or seeing a girl's panties. You have to wonder if they've ever even kissed a girl the way they cream their pants if one just looks at them and smiles."
"I know what you mean. We're at a time in our lives where hormones are raging in our bodies. Every experience is a new experience. Most of us are shy until we learn that we don't need act that way. It's scary to ask someone on a date until you've done it a few times. I wore braces, and didn't do anything until I had them taken off. Up to the point that I turned seventeen, I was a shy virgin. From that on, I was lucky to have the unique opportunity to play catch up with all the other guys. You can't blame a guy or girl at this time of our lives. We also live at home, so we have our parents to deal with. Some parents are stricter or more lenient with the way they raise their kids. As an example, they wouldn't allow Susan to surf with us today. It wasn't her fault."
"You're right, but we still have to live with their judgment and opinions."
"Don't let it bother you, and be proud of who you are."
"Says the man who doesn't talk about it."
"I'm fine talking about me, but I don't want to make that decision for the other person who I might spend some time. I don't talk about me, because I don't want someone to figure out who the other person is even if I didn't mention her name."
"I think that's honorable, but wish it didn't have to end up that way."
"Me too. I'd love to tell you about all the fun that I've had over the last six months. I could talk about the lady that I picked up at the bar in Miami, because it would be hard to track her down, but I'd be disappointed if I outted some of the women in this town."
"Tell me about the lady in Miami."
"I was making a sales call for Airflow, and was in the hotel bar. The guy I was working with bought them a round of drinks, and they came over to join us. We talked business since we were all in town working. One of the ladies was older, and the other was younger. She wanted to see some of the brochures on my products, so I took her up to the room, and filled her in."
"Filled her in, uh?"
"The problem was the next night. She had fun with me four or five times, but word got back to her 'through the grapevine' that I was still in high school. We didn't have a repeat the next night. She wanted to, but wasn't comfortable with her co-worker in the loop about my age."
"That sucks."
"It did. She was fun. I didn't even whack off the next night. I was too depressed."
"Poor baby."
We made it to school on time, and Susan was happy to see us, but disappointed that she couldn't go with us that morning. After school, I was dropping off Rhonda, and her stuff. She invited me in. I blushed when I told her that I had an appointment somewhere else.
"Who are you meeting with?"
"I have to stop by the house, and then go to play golf."
"You shouldn't have to blush about either of those things. What aren't you telling me?"
"I'm not telling you what I'm not telling you."
"Have fun anyways. What time are we leaving for Jacksonville?"
"Not five in the morning. What about six-thirty? We'll miss the sunrise, but be in the water by nine."
"Sounds good. I'll convince Susan to spend the night, so we'll need some extra sleep."
"Maybe I should stay with you to help out the logistics."
"I think we should skip that this weekend. I have to figure some things out, and talk to Susan."
"I'll see you in the morning. We don't have school, so we can stop for breakfast on the way."
Carrie was waiting at the house, and she most definitely was in a hurry. She was tugging at my shorts, as soon as we made it in the door. Just before that, I'd taken the time to put my surfboard in the garage, and to my utter surprise, she almost took me out there. Once we were in the house, I hurried into the bedroom, and before I knew it, she'd my shorts below my knees, and with me standing upright, she swallowed me. I tried not to disappoint her, and to show her my pleasure with her, I reached down, and caressed her face. Her hopeful eyes looked up at me while she used her hand to softly play with my balls, and stroke the base of my shaft. We were in the house for only ten minutes before we were off to the club.
Tim was on the Driving range when we got there. I soon found out that he was the reason for the hurry. Carrie was trying to convince him to play golf, and wanted to play there when he played. I'd played with Tim a few times, and we got along well. There was another girl from school there, as well. Her name was Michelle. I retrieved my bag, and we all met on the range. Tim hit a second bucket of balls, and Michelle took a few from Carrie and me, so that we all finished around the same time.
Carrie had figured it all out how we'd play together. She suggested teams since Michelle and Tim hadn't played in a while.
To clarify, I asked, "Guys versus girls or co-ed? Best ball or best score? I'll beat you either way."
Carrie said, "I'll ride with Michelle, so we can play together for this game. Do you want to play for the same bet as yesterday?"
"If you can talk them into it, then I'm in."
"You ask Tim, and I'll talk to Michelle."
I stood up on the back tees, and smoked my drive down the middle of the fairway. Tim stood up next, and hit a big shot that trailed off to the right but stayed in play. The girls drove up to the white tees, but I stayed back with Tim. I was driving the cart but didn't move to drive up to where the girls were hitting. I said, "Tim, are you dating anyone now?"
"No, Jill moved away over the summer, and I'm still playing the single game."
"I think that either Michelle or Carrie might have a crush on you. They want to bet oral sex on the outcome of today's match. I've been messing around a little with Carrie but it isn't serious. I thought that she was going to rip my arm off today when she was in such a hurry to arrive at the course. If we lose then we'll be performing but if we win then the girls will be on their knees if you and Michelle both agree."
"You've made this bet before?"
"I lost on purpose the first time. I had to four putt the last hole but she won by a stroke. We haven't taken it any further but I've won a couple of times, and lost a couple of times."
"Jill wasn't into that stuff but I'm game. Which one do you want?"
"Do you mean which girl or if we should win or lose?"
He laughed, and said, "Both."
"I don't care either way."
"I'm in."
We drove up, I gave Carrie the thumbs up sign, and she smiled while Michelle blushed. Carrie said, "We decided to play best ball for the same bet as yesterday."
Tim wanted to throw them off a bit, and asked, "Can you clarify what the bet is for me?"
Carrie took a breath, and said, "The losers will perform oral sex on the winners."
"Will I receive blowjobs from both of you or just one if we win? I'm fine either way but I just want everything clear beforehand."
"Just one. Are we clear?"
"One more thing. Will we be together, so I can watch Don receive his or will we be in separate rooms?"
"I don't know."
I added, "Since we play as a team, let's do it in the same room with all of us naked; just to clarify in advance."
Tim smiled at me, and Carrie said, "Fine. Anything else?"
"No we're clear."
Michelle said, "Let's win."
They had already hit but they were both to one side of the fairway. Tim picked up his ball, and we both hit from where my ball landed. We were back thirty yards from the girls but in the middle of the fairway. We hit on the green, and again used my shot. The girls left it on the slope to the left of the green, and had to hit over a sand trap. We won the first hole, and Tim used that to inflict more mental anguish. He and I had fun. The girls won a few holes but we won the match when we were up five holes with four left to play.
Tim said, "I had fun today. I think that I'll be going out for the golf team instead of getting pounded by a bunch of guys."
I welcomed him to the team, and both Michelle and Carrie seemed happy. They might have lost on purpose or maybe they both had a crush on Tim. I'd let them figure it all out. I was going surfing in the morning, and mom would be home from work on Monday. We had all missed dinner, so we all decided to go out to find something to eat. After we all called home, we met up at Momma B's for some sandwiches. As we sat there eating, we talked about the golf season, and who might try out for the team. We knew that with both Tim and I on the team that the men's varsity team should do all right. I knew a couple of other guys that played most weekends.
Mom said that she wanted to talk to me after my shower but it didn't sound bad, so I took my time, and then met her in the living room. "What's up?"
She said, "I met with your guidance counselor today. I learned that you only need twenty credits to graduate, and you had eighteen before you started the year. If you add the half credits for the first eighteen weeks, you'll have a total of twenty-one. The bad news is that you're required to finish American History to graduate. He'd like you to finish English but you'll already have three and a half credits, and are only required to have three."
"I asked about a work-study program or testing out of the class. He said that either of those requires some sort of hardship. Most work-study students show up for three classes a day. I asked about actors that work, and he said that we can hire a tutor to work with you."
"Can Stick be my tutor or should we find a young pretty one?"
"Watch it. I have to approve and sign off on whatever we do, and I haven't signed off on this yet. Are you sure that you don't want to go to college? Your grades and test scores are good enough to gain entry into any college in the state."
"I definitely want to take at least one year off to build a book of business. Then I can slow down, and collect a check each month. I can go to school at night at most universities or community colleges. I wouldn't mind taking classes; I just don't want to end up as a full-time student living in a dorm somewhere. With my job, I can live anywhere. Hawaii would be nice. You could come visit me."
"Now you're saying the right things. I love you and your brother very much, and I just want you to feel happy. They find that most kids your age, who don't want to go to college, don't have either the drive or direction they need. The rest just want to work, and do something that they'll enjoy. You fall into that last category. You want to make money but you also enjoy what you do, and want to help Mr. Malone. We have a few months to find a tutor. You need to keep up your grades, so that we don't need to keep you in school. I also spoke with our accountant, and we'll be meeting with him next Tuesday morning to start getting your business in order."
"Yeah, I'll miss school again."
"Watch it Kiddo."
I gave her a hug, and packed everything in my truck that I thought that we'd need the next day. I told Mom that we were going up to the Poles in Jacksonville in the morning. She said, "That's nice," not caring what it meant. At least she'd know where I was.
I was on time to pick up the girls. They both were tired but happy that we were on the way to the beach. Susan used her gym bag of clothes, as a pillow, and Rhonda used Susan, as a pillow. The hour and a half ride to Jacksonville was quiet. We paid to enter the park, and then drove to the south side of the inlet to the surfing spot known as the Poles or Mayport Poles. I'd surfed here before, but today would be better, with the tide going out or low tide. The north side of the inlet was better to surf during an incoming or high tide. It was somewhat crowded when we arrived. We stripped down to our suits, and added a quick touch up coat of wax on our boards for grip. I like to take about five minutes before getting in the water just to watch the waves. It's peaceful, but I also can see the size and shape of the waves, where they're breaking, and the best place to paddle out without getting in the way of the surfers riding the waves.
The girls stood with me, as we shared our observations. I felt some concern about Susan possibly having trouble with all the surfers in the water, since there was more than one surfer paddling to catch most good waves. I said something to Susan, and she said, "I'll see how things go. If I need to, I'll paddle down the beach, and catch some of the smaller waves."
We wished each other luck, and hit the gap where we saw the best and easiest place to paddle out. The mood wasn't very friendly when we got out past the breakers. The waves were almost overhead, and that meant that everyone and their brother decided to go surfing today. Since we live in the middle of the state, and are forty miles from the closest beach, we normally surf in Cocoa, New Smyrna, Daytona, Ormond, and Jacksonville beaches on any given weekend. Because of the locations of our hometown, we're never a local, but some locals think that they have rights to the waves. If the beach is empty, they can act nice, but if there's a crowd, then you aren't welcome. I'd heard some comments, but always just ignored them, and did my thing.
We were off to a good start with Tim and me on the men's team, and Michelle and Carrie leading the girl's squad. I didn't know who else was good, but it would only take a few rounds to figure out who was who, and what they could do. The school had a deal with the golf course that we could practice, and play matches free. They even threw in free range-balls for us. I hope they could write it off or see some good publicity out of it. The only things that they didn't cover were carts. We had...
The time had arrived, between Thanksgiving and Christmas, for the end of Golf Season. We had three guys that qualified for the regional tournament. They held the regional's at Bay Hill. Arnold Palmer owns the course, and they play a PGA event there every year. We still had to walk, but we played eighteen holes instead of nine, and we had to skip school. Sean, Tim, and I were representing our school. Tim and I found that we were seated by the members of the Regional Committee in the top ten,...
Vee drove me back to the house, and it looked like her neutral mom had given her dad, and brother a talking to, and they didn't seem, as eager to talk to Vee's new friend. I thanked Vee for the day, and she said that we could call each other, but there was no future date planned. When I called Rhonda on Sunday evening, and she said that she was sorry that she missed surfing on Saturday, but had gone to a party, and was happy to sleep in. I told her that I missed her company, but was happy...
When Stick and I got in around ten, Dad met us at the airport, and gave us a ride. Joe gave Jim a lift home since he had a car at the airport. Stick told Dad that I was doing great, and that I played too much golf and it was starting to cost him some money. When we arrived at the house, Mom wanted to hear about my trip. Dan was in bed, and Dad had to leave for the office in the morning, so he went to bed. I told Mom about all the stops we made on our way out to Vegas, and then about the...
At the end of the week, we had Prom. I'd bought a nice suit that I could use for work instead of renting a tux. Dan wore a tux to make Christy happy. We went from one house to another, so all the parents could take pictures. Earlier in the day, Dan had followed me, so I could drop off my truck at the Park Plaza hotel. The limo picked us up, and we went to dinner at Enzo's on the lake before going down to the dance. It was great with all the girls getting along, and enjoying the group. Dan...
When I called Rhonda, she apologized for being a bitch. She wanted to make sure that she still had a job starting on Monday. She also wanted to know if she and Susan had a place to live at the beginning of July. It made me wonder about her real feelings and motivations. But I accepted her apology, and told her that she worked for Stick. I also told her that she should make sure that she wasn't late for her first day of training. Dan stopped by my room, and said, "Don, what do you plan on...
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My wife Ellen had had her first experience of a swinging party which really surprised me and said she would go again if the opportunity arose. About six weeks after the first party Sharroen sent an email to say she was having another party the following Saturday and we were both invited. She said that a few of the guys were interested in Ellen s they had not had the opportunity the first time.When we arrived at the party some of the previous couples were there and they came over and chatted....
After a little breather, sure enough, I was back at it, stopping the movie to grab Cherry and turn her over the bed so I could enter her once again. She didn't even hesitate to accept me in her cunt, rather opting to desperately fuck me back with vigorous movements of her hips and ass. I felt every single stroke as she frantically welcomed me balls deep inside her. That Latin cougar had long since proven that she could fuck when she had a mind to do it, and ever since she and I hooked up,...
My legs shook as I nervously waited in the Biology room near the window. My peach book bag was slung over my shoulder while I clung my textbook to my chest.“Are you waiting for someone?” I snapped my head up at Mr. Scott who was now standing in the doorway across from me. “Yes,” I said, snapping my head to look over my shoulder and out the window in an attempt to hide the blush that was creeping across my cheeks. I always got weak around Mr. Scott.“Might I ask whom?” I turned my head back to...
TeenMy husband is privileged to be able to watch me self-abuse myself, it's and act, considered very private and personal, that to share it with all men, says something about the importance attached to it.I suspect when men want to have a wank they want a dirty slutty woman to be there with them.Being blond, tall, slim and very horny I also want men, to there in the room with me taking turns to put your cock inside me, but more importantly, for me to be your slutty bitch, so I wear a pair of netted...
This is my first erotic story so be gentile with me I am a virgin, (Yeah in my left ear.) but seriously folks I really need your input and comments. The first chapter was set up but I promise the pace will pick up. So when you get a chance let me know what you think, the reader always comes first. LOL When I came to I was completely disoriented and confused, all I knew was that something wonderful was happening but I could not think as my cock was in a warm wet wonderful place. I opened...
“There is no end to what a living world will demand of you.” —Octavia E. Butler, Parable of the Sower EM FOUND ME in the library when the last bell rang and said it was time to go. Francie was tagging along behind her and grinned at me. Since lunch, I’d been sitting at the carrel mostly reading. My computer was online through the school WiFi but it had a whole bunch of restrictions regarding what kind of websites you could look at. I wasn’t going to be reading any porn here. Not that I...
Cathy had lived next door to Tom and Sandra for five years. They were good neighbours and kept to themselves. Both were in their late sixties and, Cathy felt sure, still enjoying the physical side of their long marriage. Tom liked to flirt with her in a gentle way, nothing blatant, just some laughs and the occasional double entendre.Cathy actually enjoyed the attention, having escaped from an abusive marriage; she had no intention of getting into another relationship. But, at the age of...
Group SexI did a crap load of make-up work for school over the next few days, trying to make up for the three weeks I was out. The teachers were really cool, though, mostly giving me worksheets and easy assignments. I also had Morgan's help, which made everything easy. Dad and Claire were impossible. Dad politely badgered Marcus until he allowed me to return to Claire's, fussing over me even as I fussed over him, which made for some really awkward moments and arguments. But he couldn't stay more...
Cayuse and I, feet up on opposite sides of the sheriff’s desk, were sipping after-breakfast coffee that Rosie had brought us from the Bighorn. He said, “Take a ride, jefe?” Talkative this morning. “Sure. Where?” “Sodbusters.” It was outside our jurisdiction, some miles south of town. But things from the outside often slopped over city boundaries. And if Cayuse suggested it... We got our mounts from Livery Lou and wheeled them left, past the Holy Redemption, past Matty’s Bar, past the...
Vijay uncle pulled me close to him and buried his face into my neck, sniffing deeply. It caused tingling shivers in my body that originated at my neck and radiated all over my body. I loved the sensation. “Ah, Sweta,” he said in a guttural voice, “I have waited for so long to enjoy your body.” I could not help but reply, “Me too, uncle.” He laughed and turned my face towards him. He kissed my lips lightly and replied, “You smell so nice Sweta, like a flower in its bloom.” I giggled at the way...
IncestShe wasn’t sure whether it was the light streaming in from her blinds or the constant ringing of her cell phone that woke her up but she was awake and wasn’t ready to be. She laid in a state of half asleep and half awake shock for twenty minutes gently tapping her fingers on the bed sheets to the ring her cell phone let out before rolling over and making a grabbing attempt for the device. She flipped it open. ‘Speak,’ She ordered lazily. ‘Good Lord, C.K., I thought you had died in your...
Diana I’d made the bed in my bedroom and started a load of laundry before I began to put away the breakfast dishes and was cleaning up in the kitchen when I heard her. “Diana?” “Yes, Deb. How are you feeling?” “What happened?” “Well last night after we got back from the hospital, you just sort of faded away. I got you cleaned up and into bed. This morning, Mick and I checked on you and decided to let you sleep. You were so shocked about everything.” “It was all real? It was ... Paul’s...
Ever since the death of my grandfather, I’ve been visiting my grandmother every week on Thursday. In the beginning, it was really tough for her to be left alone, so after dinner, I would usually stay the night. I didn’t mind because sleeping over at Grandma’s was like getting a mini vacation every week from my family. After a few months, Grandma finally came out of her depression and began to act like her old self again, going out volunteering at the church and visiting friends. Even during her...
The next morning was a pleasant one for Anju. Ajay was his usual and the day being Saturday, he left for school early. Once Ajay was out of the house, she completed all her morning chores and looked forward to meet Satish. Finally when the time approached, Anju went to her room and stood looking at her reflection in the mirror. What she saw was the figure of a robust woman who would pass for a 30 year old rather than of 39. She looked at her bosom and was content to note that she still had...
My sister Mandy was a pain in the ass. She was moody, rude and in my opinion she dressed like a tramp. Our mother seemed to have given up on her. But one day Mandy faced me with the fact that she had proof that I was fucking our mother. I just laughed and said you are dreaming, but somehow I knew that she was fairly sure of her facts.She said. "I might just tell Beanie unless you make it worth my while brother." "You vindictive bitch!" I was livid, but I was determined she would soon...
All names in this story are replaced so that no one gets into trouble, but this is a true story... As a trusted neighbour, I am an 18 year old rugby player and often work out. I don't have an amazing body, but it seems to work with the ladies. I have a girl friend, Jenny, of nearly 4 years- and we often have hot, open and loud sex with each other. But things are getting a little predictable, so we made an agreement to openly fuck anyone we wanted, whilst still in a relationship- a young...
She gave his hand a squeeze as she slipped away to the toilets, it was a great part and she had had a bit to drink but she was starting to get horny now and had a plan to get him to take her home to bed. She shut the cubical door behind her and felt a thrill of excitement as she slid her lacy black french knickers off. She was surprised by herself as she slid a hand up her dress to tease herself, she hadn't realised she was so wet! She slid her finger softly and slowly into herself and groaned...
ExhibitionismThe study sessions with Stacy were grueling to say the least. Everything had to be perfect, every word written, every answer, every paragraph read. It seemed Stacy expected Betty to memorize everything given to her. Period. She somehow managed to zero directly in on anything Betty had skimmed or didn't understand. Her attitude was brusque, almost to the point of rudeness, and irritated the younger girl to no end. Betty thought Stacy hated her. She didn't care much for Stacy either. Things...
I met Carl in high school. He was my best friend then and he will always be that to me. He had transferred into our school during our senior year from a small town in upstate New York. His dad was a supervisor at the paper mill in town. His mom didn’t work. She didn’t have to because his dad was kind of a big shot at the mill. He wore a white shirt and necktie everyday to work and had to go to a lot of meetings. They lived in a big house on the edge of town. Both of my parents worked at the...
It started out innocently enough. Just chatting here on xHamster, working up to some nice cyber-sex. I asked how she felt about older men and she said she loves older men. I said great! I'm old enough to be her father and then some! Eventually we started talking about meeting up in person. She, for obvious reasons, was worried about meeting someone from this site. I told her that I was a bit nervous as well, but was willing to give it a shot. She asked how it would work. I said how about we...
========================================================= Becoming Father Michael part 1. "Have you thought of becoming a priest Michael?" Father Rafferty said after one mass when I just finished my confession. "No father," I said, "I think now I've finished school I'll go and train for an accountant." "Ah but to be sure Michael there's more to this life than figures," he said, "Tis a fine life serving the Lord, Michael." "But father," I replied, "Did I not just...
It was a Thursday night and still being single and a bit lonely, not getting as much sex as I was use to having a girlfriend, I decided to message Cassi to see if she would be keen to meet up for the day. She was indeed keep and as we chatted she said she would meet by my house just after 9 tomorrow morning. She seemed rather excited and we continued messaging each other for a while before saying goodnight. I almost immediately fell asleep after my last message to Cassi. Waking up Friday...
Hi guys. I am Harish, 25 male, 5 ft 8 in tall from Hyderabad. I am going to narrate an incident which happened a couple of years back. After completing my engineering from a reputed college in Hyderabad, I shifted to USA (i.e; United States Of Ameerpet!). I took a room with my B.Tech friends and started attending interviews as well as talking java and C language coaching. Every day I was waiting at the big bazaar near Ameerpet for my friends who used to pick up me to the institute. This was a...
(AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({"serve": {}}); “So, tomorrow is your first day! We’re proud of you. How do you feel about it?” “Daddy, I feel great. It’s like I’ve got a new start, a chance to really do good.” “How do you feel about Darwin being an all girls’ school?” “Pretty good. Boys waste class time, like showing off and stuff. I think it’ll be more serious with all girls.” “Where’s...
Although this is the third story about Sarah, an ex-girlfriend of mine, it’s actually about the first time that I discovered what a horny slutty exhibitionist she was. I hope you enjoy hearing about her exhibitionism, just as her current boyfriend will, once it’s published and I send him a link.Sarah and I were invited to a fancy dress party. Sarah wanted to go as a sexy schoolgirl, complete with a very, very short skirt, black stockings and suspender belt, half undone blouse, etc. I should...
You fucking dog! We all saw you leave last night with Maliah and Mira! Man, this is fantastic. I have to admit I’m surprised they went with you, I mean, you’re 3 decades older than they are. You pretty much know what they like; Maliah is into lots of foreplay. The slower you go, the bigger she comes. Mira is more into getting a good reaming. Spend a lot of time licking them out. Do they both still shave everywhere? Man, those two are the sweetest fuck in the world. Don’t get me wrong, I’m...
I went into the portal low and rolling, just like they do on the movies, I could see two large men walking towards a struggling Genius. The shotgun took their heads off. I then picked up two swords and looked around. There were seven of them left standing, one was holding his arm where Genius had managed to wound him before she had been captured, there was a tree holding her? "Ternus Magure" I said and the tree shrivelled up releasing her. "Obviatatus!" a man said and dark light began...
Hi all,This story is about having fun with my ex girlfriend's sister.She was not my ex at the time.I used to have a dutch girlfriend. To be honest, they are one of the best girlfriends to have!Anyway, lets call them Clara (ex) and Linde (younger sister).Clara is a really nice brunette, nice big lips (mouth), average size boobs, tight pussy lips. A very nice looking girl.Linde was on another level though, nice long blonde hair, amazing looking face. Super thight body, super tight ass and a super...
Hello, maja nav satish aahe,me punyat rahatoy majhya mitra sobat, tyach naav niket aahe.. He majhi dusri story aahe.. Mala roj stories wachayla aavadatat aani me roj story vachun pani galunch zopto…he story me ani majhya mitrachya girl frnd chi aahe.. Me ani niket college che changle mitra hoto.. Doghe hi single hote pan jyaveli punyat aalo job sathi mag aamhi muli patavayla suruvat keli, aami ekatra kothrud la rahat hoto.. Pratyek weekend la jm road la phirna milun, fc road la muli baghayla...