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My legs shook as I nervously waited in the Biology room near the window. My peach book bag was slung over my shoulder while I clung my textbook to my chest.

“Are you waiting for someone?” I snapped my head up at Mr. Scott who was now standing in the doorway across from me. 

“Yes,” I said, snapping my head to look over my shoulder and out the window in an attempt to hide the blush that was creeping across my cheeks. I always got weak around Mr. Scott.

“Might I ask whom?” I turned my head back to face him as he walked slowly towards me.

My textbook quickly turned into a safety net as I spoke, clinging it tight enough that my nails would surely leave an impression on the cover. “Oh, uh… Trystan.”

“Trystan?” Mr. Scott raised an eyebrow and took another step towards me. “Isn’t he a bit young?”

The blush that had just left my face quickly returned. How could he possibly know about my little crush on him? “He’s not young. He’s my age.”

“Mmm…okay.” The man with peppered gray and brown hair stepped closer, now standing close enough for me to smell the scent of coffee that swam away from his body. “I just thought that you liked men who were a bit… older.”

Oh my goodness. He did know. He had to. “I didn’t know that my preference in men was of any concern to you.”

He seemed to have been taken back by my sudden burst of confidence but his stance didn’t falter for more than a second. “It is when boys break your heart and men don’t.” Well, that was a damn shitty comeback.

I smirked, knowing a way to completely throw him out of whack. “Oh, right, because my heart is obviously going to get broken on a trip to the bank.”

Mr. Scott straightened his back and took a step away from me. “Oh uh…”

“Uh…uh…” I mimicked him and laughed. “I needed a ride, okay? I’m not going to go fucking him in the back of his car or something.” It took me half a second to realize why he was smirking and how wrong my previous sentence was.

“I never said anything about you two fucking.”

I rolled my eyes and adjusted the book in my hand once again. I could feel the heat between us growing.

“Don’t you have papers to grade or something?” I tried to avert his attention elsewhere as not to make the conversation last any longer than it had to. I was already picturing my teacher bending me over the counter I was leaning against.

“Papers can wait.” He looked down at me with a grin that set my whole body on fire. “I would rather mess with you.”

I swallowed a lump in my throat. “Fuck you.”

“You would.” 

He was right. I absolutely would fuck him. In a heartbeat, actually, but he didn’t need to know that. I stuck my tongue out at him and then as if it were divine intervention, Trystan came speed-walking into the classroom, his footsteps completely disrupting the conversation. Mr. Scott stepped back and adjusted his shirt. 

“I’m so sorry I’m late, Sasha. I had to help Ms. Lilley with something.” I couldn’t help but feel my heart begin to race when he spoke. His voice was warm and smooth and made me feel safe. 

“It’s fine, I was finishing up a conversation with Mr. Scott anyways.” I glanced over at the teacher who was now sitting at his desk, peering over his glasses to send shivers down my spine.

Trystan was standing between Mr. Scott and I and no doubt could feel the tension growing. “Well, then let’s get going.” He grabbed my hand with a gentle dominance and led me out of the classroom. 

Mr. Scott’s eyes followed me out the door. 

In the short and silent walk to Trystan’s truck, my mind ran in a million circles. Was it possible that I was crushing on Mr. Scott AND Trystan at the same time? I’d never really thought about actually fucking Trystan, but after my intense conversation with Mr. Scott back inside, I wondered if maybe I wanted more than just our playful and sexual banter we constantly had.

While Mr. Scott was a fun idea for a later date, Trystan was real. I wasn’t actually sure anything would even happen between us, but, nonetheless, we were at least the same age. And everything about him turned me on whether I wanted to acknowledge it or not. After all, he’s the first guy my age that has actually caught my eye.

“So what the fuck was that?” Trystan didn’t even turn to face me as he spoke, digging around in his book bag for his keys to the black truck.

I shuffled in place nervously. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

With one sharp movement, Trystan had turned around to face me, leaving little to no space between us. “Don’t act like I couldn’t feel him looking you up and down.”

I couldn’t breathe. I didn’t even know what to say to that but I did know that I was turned on. 

Silence lingered between the two of us for what felt like an eternity before I finally stepped back, clasping my textbook with both hands again. “You sound jealous.”

“I’m not.” Trystan spun back around with his car keys to unlock the truck. “Are you just going to stand there or are you going to get in?” He seemed agitated and I knew then that he was absolutely jealous.

I ran around the truck and opened the passenger door, practically throwing my bag and textbook to the backseat. Then, another moment of silence as the engine let out a purr. 

“Honestly, what right do you even have to be jealous? So what if I have a little crush on my teacher? You have a girlfriend.” The words just kind of spilled out of my mouth before my brain could choose something better for an icebreaker. My heart had dropped to my stomach and I stared at the side of Trystan’s head, eagerly awaiting a response of any kind. 

“Maybe... I just don’t like sharing what’s mine.” He didn’t look over at me and instead fiddled with the radio.

I scoffed. “Oh, so I’m YOURS now? And what does that make Kel-”

“Yeah, between us, I’m kind of over her. And this isn’t about her.” He was now staring me down intently.

“But that doesn’t make me yours. I’m not some object.” I played with the hem of my skirt in an attempt to focus my attention elsewhere.

“Aren’t you?” His hand was suddenly on my thigh, his fingers gripping tight. “I mean, we’ve known each other for years and you always come crawling back to me.”

“I could say the same. This is a two-way street.”

“You’re mine because I allow you to be.”

I placed my hand over his as his grip tightened. “Again, it’s a two-way street and… I think that you need to earn ownership. You’ve yet to do so.”

Trystan snatched his hand back and stared so deeply into my eyes I was fearful that he could sense my hidden desire. He already had me.

He pulled his gaze just long enough to glance around the near-empty parking lot. It was a Friday and most everyone had left - or at least the people who had been parked around the back of the parking lot just hours ago. It was just us.

“You want me to earn you? How about I just take what’s mine instead?” In a swift move, he pulled my arms from my lap and shoved them to my sides as I was now turned in my seat to face him, one leg crossed on the seat. Trystan’s hands were warm and sent shivers up my spine.

He reached into the glove box and quickly pulled out a pocket knife. I was scared and I loved the rush of adrenaline.

“What are you going to do with that?” I held my head high and stayed in my place.

“Whatever I want,” the knife was cold compared to Trystan as it caressed my collarbones, tempting at the neckline of my shirt before he sliced right through it, cutting my shirt in half and leaving the blade to linger just above my skirt. “and right now, I want to feel you squirm.”

I shimmied out of my shirt and let it fall behind me. I’d never done anything so public and it gave me a new rush of excitement. The fear of being caught by someone from school or Trystan’s girlfriend. This beat sex with my ex in his mom’s basement.

“With your whole three inches, I’m guessing?” I could see my breath start to fog up the windshield. My heart sped in my chest as I tempted fate.

Trystan moved the knife from my stomach to my neck, causing my head to tilt back. He got on his knees and leaned over me, pressing me to the door with the knife preventing me from moving. “I know you must be used to that with your old teachers, but I am WAY bigger.” 

His hand slipped down my bare chest and wrapped around to my back, unclasping my 36D bra and tossing it to the backseat. With his left hand still holding the knife to my throat, his right hand was free to work it’s way down my body, fingers stopping only to learn my curves. I wanted to say something but I was left biting my lip as this blue-eyed beauty found his way under my skirt and underwear. I wanted him to have every part of me right then and there but he definitely knew how to keep a girl on edge. And I was loving every moment.

The blade pushed deeper into my skin as his thumb began to rub my hood, tempting me as he slid one finger inside of me. I gasped a little bit at the sudden force. He continued to massage my hood and clit whilst sliding in another finger- and then another. All the while, Trystan had begun to suck on my nipples. The blade was still being held to my throat. 

“You’re so wet.” His voice was gruff and just made me even wetter. It was hard to stay still under his grasp with so many sensations swimming through my body. Every single nerve was standing on end.

Finally, he dropped the knife to the ground and started to finger me even faster, focusing solely on that. The windshield was fogged and sweat beads had begun to form on Trystan’s forehead. I was stunned, frozen, unsure of what I was supposed to even do. I’d only ever had sex once before and it was awful. “Trystan, I- I don’t know what I’m doing.”

He stared into my eyes once again though this time was different - darker. “Obey.”

He pulled his hand out from under my skirt and gave me a moment to catch my breath. “Take your panties off but leave your skirt on. I want to fuck you like the school girl slut you are.”

“Yes, sir.” I slid my pink panties down my legs and over my tennis shoes.

Trystan placed a hand on my cheek and moved to slide a strand of hair behind my ears. “Put your hair up, too.” 

“What, don’t want to risk Kelly finding my hair?” I slid my hair into a quick ponytail and was met with a hand to my throat, pushing me back against the window and cutting off airflow.

“Leave... her... out of this.” His lips were centimeters from mine. 

With a dizzy head, I weakly proclaimed, “Make me.”

Rage flashed in Trystan’s eyes... and then there was something else. He peeled his hand away from my throat and went to unzip his jeans. Hastily, he pulled them down and off along with his boxers. I wasn’t given a second of warning before he reached over and pulled my head down by my hair and forced my mouth onto his half-hard cock. 

I’d seen enough porn to know what I was supposed to do but I hadn’t expected Trystan to actually have six or seven inches. Even partially hard, he was big-thick too. So, I did my best to fit all of him in my mouth which got progressively harder to do as he grew in me. His hand was still tight on my ponytail and was forcing my head to bob up and down. I was gagging and could hardly breathe which just turned me on more as I shifted to sitting crouched on my knees on the seat for better support. I began to take control with my own momentum as he let go of my head. 

I looked up briefly to see Trystan’s eyes closed and his head tilted back. “Fuck,” he muttered under his breath. I was proud of myself which made me get even more into it. I created suction with my lips as my tongue ran circles around his shaft and head, alternating as I moved myself up and down whilst using my hands to cover the gap my mouth couldn’t. 

I pulled my mouth off of his cock and worked my tongue down his shaft and to his balls where I pulled a little trick from some video and took turn caressing them with my tongue. Trystan began to squirm and I couldn’t help but smirk to myself. Who was taking whom now?

“Fuck, babe. I want to fuck you. Now.” Once again, he took hold of my hair and pulled my head back. “Go to the backseat and lie on your back.”

I nodded and did as he said. I guess he was still in charge, not me. I liked it better like this anyways. My skirt folded back and fell onto my stomach as I scooted back against the window to give him room. Then, after taking the rest of his clothes off, my fit best friend climbed to the back to join me, standing up on his knees on the other side of the seat. It was then that I had a moment to drink up every detail from his toned chest to his voluminous hair and his larger-than-average penis. Before this moment, any talk of sex with Trystan was just theoretical. We’d joke but he always had a girlfriend. I never realized how hot it would be to do the taboo and hook up with my taken best friend. 

We shared a dark look, knowing damn well that I was his and this would be far from our last time together. With that, he grabbed my knees and shoved himself into me, causing me to gasp. I was going to try and be quiet but he made it hard. Every pump shoved me closer to the window and for a moment, I couldn’t think. My constantly racing mind was calm and focused on the pressure inside of my pussy. I’d never had an orgasm before but I was sure it would happen if I just let go and gave him all of me.

“I’m- YOURS” My words came through a failed attempt to catch my breath and caused him to pump harder. 

He let go of my knees with his left hand and placed it over my throat, gripping the sides and cutting off blood flow again. I was about to orgasm.

“I’m going to cum in you, baby girl. Cum with me.” He released his grip around my throat and roughly grabbed my right breast, squeezing as he came with me. It was a moment of pure bliss that made me regret every wasted moment before now. 


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The Affair Chapter 3Nena make her decision

I was in state of shock, did I just hear her right or was it the effect of subspace talking there,the last six words that came out of her mouth just prior to her passing out rang deep in my mind.I kept hear them repeat over and over again “ I want to have your baby” Nena had said moment before she had fallen asleep in my bed. God I can’t believe she really said that. I wanted to wake her but she look so damn sexy sleeping there on my bed. There were things I need to get done around the house...

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The Worlds First Futa 06 Futas Beauty Pageant 2 Futas First Sultry Decision

Chapter Two: Futa's First Sultry Decision By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “So you said that most of the contestants just sang songs?” Adelia asked, the caramel-skinned talk show host leaned closer to me. She liked doing that, getting close, her thighs pressed tight, stained with my futa-cum. “That's it?” “I know, it sounds so boring compared to the modern competitions where the contestants try to do the most outrageous solo sex acts they can to win style points,” I said...

4 years ago
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Actions and Consequences Part Six Another Decision

"Next pose," the photographer said. I laid down on the lounge chair by the pool with my legs folded over each other and leaning forward, dropping my heavy hangers down for him to take a few pictures of me. Then I switched again following the routine of the three other women that had come before me. Eventually, I got into the pool and came out slowly. Each picture was taken over and over again. After I finished one set, I would start over with another photographer. A video was taken, then...

Oral Sex
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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 16 Moving into the New Mansion with New Beginnings and Jessicas Decision

Introduction: This is a Fictional Story, Romance, Love and Sex. Enjoy it but dont take it too seriously My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 16 Moving into the New Mansion with New Beginnings and Jessicas Decision Characters Introduced: Maize, 34, 58 Black maid Hazel, 33, 56 Black maid Dominic, 35, chef 62, white, Derrick, 18, Dominics assistant 60, White Charmaine, 14, 52 Black maid, daughter of Hazel Chellise, 14, 52 Black maid, daughter of Hazel Chemier, 14, 52 Black maid, daughter of Hazel...

3 years ago
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Bad Decision

From the moment I saw him he looked like trouble, he had 'bad decision' written across his forehead. Way too handsome by half and very much aware of it. He had this very arrogant walk and stance and his smile reminded me of a cross between a hungry wolf and a sly cat. All the girls in the office went ga-ga over him, even the married ones were flirting with him; I could see he knew it, and he liked it. You could see how he'd smile at them, his eyes would slowly and deliberately drag over their...

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The Postulants Tale Chapter Six The Decision

The next morning, the Abbess stopped Abigail as they were both leaving the chapel after Matins.“Thank you, Abigail, for all you have done for Peter,” she said warmly. “You have fully confirmed my faith in you. His recovery would not have been as quick or as complete without your dedicated care. I have just been to see him before he leaves, and he specifically asked to be given the chance to thank you one last time.”Abigail murmured her thanks and followed the Abbess to the infirmary. Peter was...

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Bangalore Innocent girl Soundaryas bold decision

Hi, all Indian sex story readers. This is Madhan here with a story of a newlywed housewife. First of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for . I am a story writer with many stories published. About Me: I am a Madhan of 28 years of age, 6″ tall, south Indian complexion, broad shoulder, and a normal body with skills of tasting a body erotically. I belong to one of the cleanest cities in India, Mysuru, but currently working in Bangalore (which has all...

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Earths CoreChapter 38 Making A decision

“If back then I discarded the idea of associating dark attribute energy with the sixth and seventh stage, then perhaps today, after following big brother Raroen’s footsteps, I would have uncovered the true lineage of kinetic energy and Kinetic Force”. Zax momentarily lamented, as he really appreciated kinetic energy and was very much curious to figure if it is an independent force or ultimately birthed from the worldly attributes as a specific one’s Nature or Property. Zetsa sighed. Her...

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Desert DroppingChapter 17 Decision

If I wanted to be with him? In this very moment, it was questionable. I wanted to tell Aaron to go fuck himself, and then go make sure Luke was okay; but, I also wanted to beg him not to do this. I guess the bottom line was, I liked Aaron. I wanted to get to know him. I wanted to see where this new relationship was leading--and I wanted him to be able to drive me home every once in a while. Because as much as I hated it at the moment, he had a point. Luke already knew about us, and I...

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The Warrior Caught by FlowersChapter 23 His Decision

Eigis took a deep breath. “Thank you for your consideration, but I’ve already reached my decision. I have had plenty of time to think it over on the way up.” Everyone looked up, curious and apprehensive, waiting for his answer, as he faced Lady Death Eyes. “I want to live. I choose to accept your offer, and discover if I can live without devouring humans.” Bells cheered, her bells ringing noisily as she attacked him with a delighted hug from behind, making them both almost fall. As Eigis...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 10 Chapter 12 Decisions

Book Ten: The Flaming Woman Chapter Twelve: Decisions By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Aurora Xandra – Dominari's Lair, The Despeir Mountains Conflict warred through me as I watched my husband administer Thrak the healing potion. The orc drank the creamy elixir, his wounds knitting together. Elation and anger, joy and horror swirled through me. Chaun lived. He survived the fight with the dragon. He fucked my mother. The images the...

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Sasha Ch 02

Oh my God. Can you believe what just happened? How I managed to make my legs work and my eyes focus sufficiently to do anything meaningful in the next few minutes was an amazing feat. I was stunned by the ferocity of sensations, of emotions that had overwhelmed me within just an hour. My head was pounding. ‘Let’s go to this quiet romantic little restaurant I know,’ Sasha suggested. ‘You weren’t planning to go anywhere else tonight, were you?’ I actually did have a flight home reserved, but...

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Sasha Ch 01

This story was so much fun to write. I ran to the computer every night when the family was finally asleep, ready to burst with all the plot and dialogue ideas I’d come up with during the day. It is the first story I’ve ever submitted anywhere, so be gentle! I wouldn’t deserve to feel nearly as proud of it if it weren’t for the superhuman editing powers of Weird Harold. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. If I could, I’d like to make a suggestion about some music that I think you should...

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Sasha Wanted Oral Sex

Hi, If you guys follow me you must have read my last story “My friends wife on a holiday” with me and Sasha my friends wife. Sasha is damn hot a girl I love her to the core.She has 36 size boobs she is very very fair and pink I love her underarms her short skirts she looks amazing her long black hair her black eyes her eyebrows she is true beauty. After our trip Sasha called me up one day she wanted to have oral sex with me that was her fantasy I told her sure baby I too love you so much that...

1 year ago
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Sasha C Part 1

Sasha C is a woman just turning 19 who already knows she's addicted to black cock. She loved just thinking about being touched by tall, dark, and sexy men. Sasha Collins is 5'5" with long dirty blonde hair and a thin yet curvacious body. Her tight waist and large hips looks perfect with her big perky breasts and thick round ass. Her face hid the cock hungry bitch ready for sex at all times. Sasha was working one day at her secretarial job in a large law firm's office. This wasn't an ordinary...

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Decisions Decisions

Sincere thanks to reviewers of my first story. You were all very kind. Decisions, Decisions by Joannebarbarella An unfamiliar sensation woke me. I am Lady Diana Spencer, soon to be Princess of Wales and last night my future husband Charles and I attended a Ball. It was not surprising that we were crowned king and queen of the event as I was wearing the dress in which I will be married and Charles his full-dress uniform. We were surely the most handsome couple there. It was rather...

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A First For Gracie Part 3 Daddy Makes A Decision

Daddy rolled off the bed and walked to the bedroom door to collect his boxers.  He pulled them on and said he was going to fix a cheese tray to snack on and then they could all talk. “Oh yeah, I want you both naked at all times tonight.” “Yes, Daddy,” they both said in unison.  Gracie looked and Candy and they both grinned. He walked out of the room and Candy moved up and lay with Gracie, kissing her deeply then laying her head on Gracie’s breasts.  Gracie started caressing Candy’s hair...

Group Sex
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Mannsborough Tales 4 Marigolds Big Decision

Marigold watched her boyfriend Thule sleep. Even while sleeping, he managed to look tired these days. Stripped to nothing but a pair of shorts, he lay with on his back with one arm flung across his eyes. At least he was coming back to the house to sleep now. For a while, he'd been crashing in his dorm room on campus to avoid even the twenty-minute drive from there to here. He was getting a full six hours of sleep s night now, too. He'd refused to sleep any longer than that since the attacks...

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Crystal ClearChapter 20 Make Me Pregnant Claires Porn and a Decision

Edie said in a slow, soft, measured tone, "Well, I'm not even ready, but I have so dreamed about this recently. I'd like you to make me pregnant. I want your baby too." I was speechless – impressed and nonplussed. Finally, I babbled out the first thing that came to my mind. "Errr, that's a big decision, and you're young and single, and pretty, and available, and there are so many people you could partner with ... and what do you mean you're not even ready?" Edie kissed me. "Relax....

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Homeowners Association A Big Deal at Sunny Manor BDSMThe Family Makes a Decision

I didn’t know what I was going to do about Lindsay’s blackmail as I climbed down the spacious stairway to our vast living room. The great vaulted ceilings and sky windows made our new living room seem so big compared to our old house. I was intensely conflicted but one thing was for sure, I really didn’t want to leave Sunny Manor. At the same time if I was doing what my sister told me it was probably wrong on many different levels. I would have probably done what my sister asked me to do...

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Pennys Promiscutiy 11 Discovery decisions

“So would you be prepared to help me Penny? To help us?”I was sitting in the bar of the gym club that my husband Peter and I belonged to, having a post-spinning-class glass of wine – okay a second glass of wine with my friend Julie.Julie was a close family friend, the blonde, petite, china-doll-pretty, butter-wouldn’t-melt-in-her-mouth estranged wife of my regular lover, Tony.Tony had left over a year ago because at the time she had started a highly public affair with a man more than twenty...

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Sasha Ch 07

The shriek I let loose must have woken up a few folks in business class, in the whole aircraft, as a matter of fact. I leapt out of my seat and into his arms. ‘How could you do that to me?’ I demanded in a very loud voice. Heads turned, looks of concern abounded. A flight attendant hurried up the aisle. ‘Is everything all right here?’ ‘More than all right! I’m so sorry, I’ll be quiet now.’ She frowned at me, but walked away. I pulled Sasha down into the empty seat next to me and we...

1 year ago
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Sasha Ch 15

When I saw the car’s headlights pull up to the reception area, I thought it was odd that someone might be arriving so late, in such bad weather. It had been snowing heavily and the Japanese aren’t fond of traveling in the snow, nor did the inn get many guests in the winter. I heard muffled voices outside the door, but couldn’t make out what they were saying. Oh well, I’m sure Murada-san will tell me all about it in the morning. I had been at the inn for a few days. A few months earlier, I came...

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Sasha And I Lost Virginity In A Hotel

Hello ISS readers, this is my first real story, I hope you guys like it. Names in this story are changed for privacy issues. Before I start, let me introduce myself, my name is Virat( fake name), I have a darkish body, average built, good height and most importantly the BBC in town for which any girl would die for. My BBC is 8 inches big and I am from Kolkata. I am 19 years of age. So let me go back to the story. The story is about how my girlfriend and I went to a hotel in Mumbai and had the...

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Bikini Beach Pardons and Decisions

Bikini Beach: Pardons and Decisions ElrodW The 'girls' from Midnight Swim are still working in the park, and having issues adjusting, when Grandmother makes an unexpected announcement. Their futures are now at stake, and they have some tough decisions to make. ********** This story is copyright by the author. It is protected by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Prologue...

4 years ago
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Councils of WarChapter 4 Fateful Decisions

Once again, Dorwich House hosted the ton of the ton for a ball. Once again the hostess and Lady Anne Tarleton descended the stairs together. “Are you going to dance all night?” Anne asked Lenora. “I shall save out two dances for rest periods,” Lenora responded. “Look!” She showed her dance card with the fourth and seventh lines filled out ‘sit.’ Seeing those, Anne could also see that the eighth dance was marked, ‘Dorwich.’ “Very wise,” Anne said. She now needed no trickery to know which...

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