- 2 years ago
- 35
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An hour later, I was alone in our room on the top floor, sitting in the window seat, brushing my hair. Murada-san had provided us with kimonos after our bath, and bandages for our wounds. She brought us to her kitchen table and fed us delicious leftovers from the evening meal. Sasha had three bowls of rice, then asked for more! She seemed to enjoy doting on him and he enjoyed the attention. When I asked to be excused to return to the room, he wanted to stay to chat with her about her family photographs. I didn’t mind, I wanted some time alone to reflect on my decision not to make a decision.
Here in Japan, having Sasha with me was the culmination of my ultimate fantasy. Who wouldn’t experience the thrill of a lifetime having such a handsome and devoted suitor to travel with? In that regard, I was as lucky as anyone could possibly get. Yet his presence with me would be the cause of someone else’s most crushing blow — the destruction of their fantasy. Why did this have to be so positive or negative? Why is it all up to me?
OK, just be with him this one more night, I thought. There must be something that will happen that will make the mist clear and show you the right answer. Just enjoy him tonight without any reservation and maybe it will just happen. It was a calming thought, a very Japanese approach. Your fate has already been decided, just go with it.
I turned out the light and waited for him to return. I heard his footsteps on the stairs and saw the door open. I spoke to him as he entered the room. ‘Be with me tonight, Sasha, without obligation or regret on anyone’s part. Tomorrow will take care of itself.’
‘I know it will, sweetheart.’ I felt his hand on my face.
We fell together in an embrace that makes everything else irrelevant. I don’t know when we shed our clothes, but it felt like we had never worn any at any time. Our skin communicated our feelings for each other. There was no urgency, just passion. Lips became the conduit of emotion. There wasn’t one part of our bodies that didn’t respond to each other’s touch. Our motion never ceased and we could not bring ourselves to separate any part of us for an instant. It wasn’t necessary to only stroke our sexual organs to facilitate arousal – every part of us served that function. It just remained for us to achieve the ultimate penetration to truly become one being.
When he finally entered me, I had a vision of being a vessel in which we could sail to the place that would welcome us, where our problems would cease to be. I moved my body to match his rhythm, to hasten our journey to this higher ground. The bright light grew and grew in my mind’s eye and my body and burst in such an explosion to rival any fireworks invented. Our movement diminished, then stopped, leaving only the sound of our breathing.
I opened my eyes after a deep sleep that night and saw a faint streak of light in the sky signaling that dawn was close at hand. I stirred and realized Sasha was not in the bed. I looked around and saw him sitting in the window seat. I slipped out of the futon and stood behind him with my hands on his shoulders.
‘Look, it’s getting lighter. I think I can see the mountain,’ he said. ‘Bring the quilt over here and we can watch the sun rise together.’
I brought the quilt over to the window seat. I sat in front of him and he wrapped his arms around me and the blanket over both of us.
As the dawn light grew stronger, his prediction proved true, the sacred peak started to become visible, its snowy peak reflecting the pink hues. The birds began to chirp and I heard a rooster in the distance. The extraordinary beauty filled me with hope that my path would be clearly marked today.
I thought about what incredible love we had made last night. I was about to say something to Sasha when I felt a drop, something wet on my shoulder. I was confused until I felt Sasha shudder. I turned my head and saw something that made my heart stop. Sasha’s eyes were filled with tears.
‘What is it?’ I asked, although I knew full well what it was.
He hung his head in abject sorrow, then hugged me to the point where I couldn’t breathe. ‘I am having a hard time believing that this is the last time we will be together. You mean everything to me. It is this simple: I love you. Don’t leave me, Hallie.’
It finally hit me: I have found the true and real thing. Had I been crazy not to recognize it, not to acknowledge it earlier? There was no way I was going to turn away from it. I made my decision at that moment to stay with Sasha.
I knelt in front of him and took his face in my hands. ‘I love you so much it hurts. Yes, I will stay with you, no matter what. It pains me to see you so sad, and to know that I am the cause of that sadness. Please forgive me.’
His tears disappeared at my words, replaced with the smile I had grown so dependent on. He wrapped me in his arms. We stayed like that for a long time.
Much to my surprise, once I had made my decision to stay with Sasha, I was aware of an enormous weight lifted from me. I still dreaded the confession I would have to make to Dylan, but the possibilities that lay beyond suddenly seemed possible and worth the pain I would have to inflict – and endure. I felt completely happy, a feeling that had been so elusive.
Sasha took my hand and led me back to bed. We lay there and he stroked my arm, both of us lost in thought. He lifted his head, I looked at him and smiled.
‘So, what now?’ he asked. ‘When we return today, I don’t want you go back to Denver. Please just stay in L.A. with me. I am so afraid something will happen to you.’
‘You mean you’re afraid Dylan will do something? Kill me? He’s not the violent type. He would kill me with words first before he would physically harm me.’ Of that, I was certain.
‘I do have to go back to Denver. I have to confront Dylan face to face. It’s the only way I can do this, I have to offer him this much. I also want to wait to talk to him on Sunday. Remember, his sister’s wedding is Saturday and he’ll be with all his family and friends. That would be too cruel to break the news to him beforehand. I also want to talk to my boss on Monday. I need to explore job possibilities out of L.A. I think I’m valuable enough to the company that maybe they’ll let me open an office there. We also need to decide if we want to stay in L.A. – there’s so much we haven’t talked about.’
‘Well, now that you’re with me, there’s nothing we can’t do. Let’s dream up something wild we could do. Nothing’s impossible anymore!’
To hear him say that gave me such a surge of excitement. I never in my life felt I could do exactly what I wanted. All of a sudden, I could visualize that there were no demands on me. I would be free to pursue dreams. I pushed Sasha over to his back and rolled on top of him.
‘Do you have any idea how happy you are making me at this moment? I have always been a slave to others’ expectations, to my fear of disappointing others. It’s a bad habit, you know. You make me feel so free. You have given me the most precious gift.’ I kissed him with all the passion within me. I felt the same coming from him.
A knock at the door interrupted our interlude. I rolled off Sasha and pulled up the covers. ‘You may enter.’ Murada-san opened the door with a tray of tea.
‘Good morning, my friends! I hope that you slept well and rose early to see the magnificent daybreak on the mountain!’
‘Yes, we did, and it was truly a blessing upon us! How lucky you are to see it so often!’
She smiled at us. ‘I think the mountain was angry at you yesterday, but you have obviously made amends. It has appeared to us in all its beauty. You must always respect its wisdom and learn from it.’
‘We will, Murada-san!’
‘Now it is time for you to rise. I know you must catch the 12:15 train back to the city.’ She bowed and left the room.
I started to get up out of bed, but Sasha pul
led me back and hugged me close. ‘Just one more minute with you here, please! This is the time and place I will always remember. This is the room where you said you would stay with me. This is the place where I found something to truly live for. I am so in love with you.’
I put my head on his chest and let all my tears of relief flow.
In a few hours, we had our bags packed and were standing in Murada-san’s garden next to the house. She had a great variety of beautiful flowers, especially my favorite, iris. We were chatting about gardening, but she changed the subject.
‘Your experience here has been good for you and your husband, I see. I can recognize how you two have let true love rule your lives. Do I not speak the truth?’
I blushed a little and smiled. ‘Murada-san has very sharp eyes and much wisdom. We have found a happiness I thought was impossible.’
‘When you’re in love, nothing is impossible!’
What a wonderful woman, I thought.
We soon had our bags loaded into the car and were ready to depart for the train station. We said our reluctant good-byes. She embraced me, then turned to Sasha. I saw her whisper something in his ear and he nodded his agreement in return. We got into the car and started towards town. We waved to her as long as we could see her through the back window.
‘What secret did she tell you?’ I asked.
‘Just that, a secret.’
After we settled into our seats on the train, I was wound up and talkative. We had so much to plan, and I couldn’t contain my excitement about finally being able to think about the future with Sasha. After I babbled on for a while, I noticed Sasha wasn’t saying much. He looked pensive.
‘Hey, what’s the matter? I would have thought you would be more excited, more into hatching our wild plans for the future. You’re not saying much.’
He smiled weakly and patted my arm. His expression changed, he looked a little sad.
He said softly, ‘I just want to get you back from Denver first. I am so afraid you’ll change your mind.’ I tried to reassure him that, considering how happy was feeling, there was nothing that could happen at home to keep me there. He didn’t look convinced.
When we arrived at the Narita station, one look at the throngs in the check-in area immediately wiped away any feelings of pleasant anticipation. I took my bags and plowed into the crowd. When we arrived at our ticket counter, my heart sank. I could not believe the length of line to check in. The line in front of the Business class section was a little less crowded, but I knew the wait would still be a long one.
Sasha frowned. ‘I need to go over here,’ pointing to the endless line for coach check-in.
‘Oh, no. You’re coming with me. The upgrade’s on me.’
That got a little smile out of him. We waited as patiently as we could, but it still took about 30 minutes to reach the agent. I pushed Sasha’s ticket across the counter and asked for an upgrade.
‘I’m sorry, ma’am, but your flight is oversold. We would not be able to do that for you today.’
‘Oh, no,’ I wailed, ‘Now we won’t be able to sit together!’
That was an unexpected complication. The agent did take pity on us, though, and allowed Sasha to check in with me instead of having to go to the end of the long line. Small consolation.
We made our way to the gate. I held Sasha’s hand on our long walk through the terminal. My emotions flip-flopped between elation and dread. We sat down in the only two seats together in the crowded waiting area.
‘God, this is going to be the longest flight of my life,’ I said dejectedly.
‘Hey, what are you complaining about? At least you have a comfortable seat and little more leg room!’ Sasha laughed and put his arm around me. ‘Maybe you can come back into steerage and throw me some crumbs.’
‘No way! Everyone would fight over it. I wouldn’t want to cause a riot. I’m sure they’ll have hot gruel for you. Well, maybe lukewarm.’
‘How about coming back so we can disappear into the lavatory together?’
‘Have you seen how small those things are these days? And the filth? Besides, aren’t you worn out after this week? I am!’
‘Well, doesn’t that just figure! Here you are, having just declared your undying love for me, and already you’re tired of sex with me! That didn’t take long!’ He folded his arms over his chest and looked away, with a mock expression of disdain on his face.
I nuzzled my face into his neck. ‘Check back with me in a few days. I might feel differently.’
We waited until most of the passengers had boarded to get up and start down the jetway. Right before the cabin door, Sasha pulled me into a little alcove and kissed me.
‘Don’t forget about me up there. I’ll be thinking of you every minute.’
Once on board, I settled into my seat and looked out the window. I reflected on all that had happened to me in the short time since I arrived.
How amazing! How many times did we have sex? How could it be that each time was so different and better than the last? How could I be so lucky to have found such a man, such a lover, such a love? ‘Thank you, God,’ I said to heavens.
Once the plane was airborne and the seatbelt light was extinguished, I decided to make sure Sasha was all right. I made my way up the long aisle. He was wedged in a middle seat, sound asleep, his head resting on his balled-up jacket. I was glad to see he could rest and hoped he would stay that way for another few hours. I went back to my seat.
It was time to figure out what I was going to say to Dylan. How should I begin? Where and when should I talk to him? I realized that before I began the dreaded conversation, I should have a bag packed and be ready to go. I would be driving to California, which takes a minimum of two days. But what about talking to my boss? That would mean I would have to stay in Denver until Monday, obviously in a hotel on Sunday. Maybe I should call my boss at home. Yeah, that’s a better idea. That way, I could head west immediately. But what should I bring? I thought about it. There were few material things in my house that I couldn’t replace. I’ll want some photos, some books, and my clothes. Oh, but I can’t forget about ‘The Boy’ in my office! I’ll stop by and pick that up. That was something I couldn’t leave behind.
Now what should I say? ‘I thought I loved you, but I’ve met someone who showed me what true love is.’ No, that’s not right. ‘Something happened that I didn’t expect. I’m so sorry but I’m leaving.’ I figured that I would just have to endure the angry outburst, take my verbal punishment. Answer his questions truthfully. Make him see that I’m just not completely happy with him and once that true joy has been experienced, there’s no going back. Try to soften the blow by explaining it’s not him, it’s me, that was the problem. He did his best. Yes, that’s the approach.
I fell asleep without trying. I certainly felt exhausted, both mentally and physically. It had been one eventful week.
I woke up as we began our descent into Honolulu to go through customs and refuel before continuing on to Los Angeles. It was dark and quiet all around me. I looked at my watch, only a few more hours until we reached our final destination. My new life would start soon after.
I felt very impatient waiting in line to complete our customs inspection. Sasha didn’t say much. He seemed lost in thought. We re-boarded and began the final leg of our trip.
I couldn’t fall asleep again because of a nervous knot in the pit of my stomach. I closed my eyes and did deep breathing, consciously willing the pain to subside. I didn’t succeed. I considered staying in L.A. after all. I did not know how I could possibly handle the wedding and dealing with all the relatives the next day. The time spent with Dylan before I made my announcement would feel like torture. How would I ever act normally? Nevertheless, I knew it was essential t
hat I go home one last time. I would never be free if I didn’t.
When the plane landed, I waited for Sasha make his way up to my seat. He sat down with me. We waited for the rest of the passengers to disembark.
‘Are you OK?’ he asked me. One look at his face told me that he was feeling the same way I was.
‘No, I’m a nervous wreck. I feel sick. And from the looks of it, so do you!’
‘Of course I am! I am going to pace the floor until you come home safely to me.’
I looked at my watch. ‘Well, we’ll have over an hour before my plane to Denver leaves. Let’s go somewhere and have a drink. I really need one now.’
I gathered my things and we stood up to leave. As I stepped into the aisle, I felt a lot of pain in my ankle. I stumbled and grasped Sasha’s arm. ‘Oww – my ankle is really stiff. Can you help me?’
He took my laptop case as I leaned on his arm. He helped me down the aisle and out onto the jetway. We walked slowly down the metal corridor. As we neared the exit to the terminal, he bent his head to mine, giving me a tender kiss.
‘Welcome to your new city!’
I smiled up at him. His smile suddenly dissolved. A look of total confusion and concern came over his face.
‘What’s the matter?…’ I said, turning to look at what he was observing.
It took a moment to register in my mind that it was Dylan, standing just a few yards away from us. The expression on his face defined fury. A sound like a growl came out of his mouth. ‘I… knew …it.’
first time posting a story.... grammar and spelling might need some work.... Sasha lay bent over end of bed panties at half-mast and hood on so she could not see anything and could barely hear anything either she wasn't sure how long she waited but it was sometime before she felt movement around her. master was careful not to touch, just looking at her from afar, getting his stuff ready for what he planned on doing, while he stood there gazing at her perfectly rounded ass with her panties at...
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Mr. Black was a 40 year old dark black skinned older male who had started talking to me via chat room. We recapped on our fetishes, his being fat white ass and sissy white boi's. Mine being everything! But slowly starting to enjoy black cock with the help of Mr. Black and the sissy hypno/hardcore IR porn. He enchanted me with his stats of 40 years old, 200lbs. , 6'2, nice chocolate skin, 9in. fat thick veiny black cock. I was amazed when he told me his sexy stats! Especially when I was only...
This story introduces some examples, what you can do with Conditional Branches. To understand the examples, you should be familiar with Conditional Branches and Conditional Branches - If-Statements. There is this story to show the Chapter settings and the chapter source code and another one to show live examples. You can use the examples or parts of it for your own stories or chapters. If you like an example, please like chapters of that branch to thank the author for his work. If you want to...
Non-EroticOnce inside the shower stall, the two girls couldn't keep their hands off of each other. As they lathered each other up they marvelled at the way that their hands slid across their naked bodies. They somehow managed to keep their hands to themselves and finished showering. Then clad in bath towels they beat a hasty retreat across the hall to Julie's room.As they finished drying they chatted about the earlier events. It had started out so innocently, one minute they were playing X-Box and were...
IncestAlyson’s next sexual encounterAfter the bukkake party Alyson began to wonder what Roger had in mind for her. She only had to wait a couple of days when he rang to say he would pick her up at 7.30 the next evening. He also said that Graham couldn’t go with her. He gave no indication what was involved but Alyson was ready for anything, or so she thought. He said she had to make sure she was fully shaved which was no problem because she always was.During the day at work Alyson could feel herself...
September 25th 1994 I hear them pounding on the front door, through the microphones installed in the overhead porch light. A ‘Brrck’ and the interior mics pick up the cops rushing in, as they find the body of my audible gasps as they find the body of my slave, draped over the back of the high backed Victorian chair. Both of her lower orifices stuffed with wine bottles and her neck dangling at an angle the neck was never meant to make! A through search by the cops and the forensic team finds all...
For personal reasons, I’ll be taking a short break. Expect the next chapter in the New Year – VirtualAtheist CHAPTER NINE The results of the board of enquiry were confidential, so of course Paula knew all about it within half an hour via the Nags Network. She pulled me to one side that afternoon and told me that it was all around the university. Professor Deaks was a complete dickhead with his PC head jammed up his PC arse, and that I was Miss Usiku Wa Manane Mwenye, but everyone should just...
No one had a penis like Horse Dick Harry, he came by his nick name honestly. I had heard the whores on the corner talk about Horse Dick Harry and how they never would let him have sex with them twice. When ever they spoke of Harry there seemed to be a twinkle in their eyes. It wasn't until years latter that I had my first encounter with Horse Dick Harry. His nephew Charlie was one of the young teenage ruffians that had attacked me and took my body by force. The three of them, Bruce, Charlie and...
What was the matter with Linda Parker? For these last few years, she had been enjoying all kinds of different sex. With men. She loved to suck and to be sucked, she loved anal, she loved more than one guy... Guy. Yes. So far, guy. But... What about something... Someone... Some girl? It wasn't just thanks to Julie. Sure, when her twin sister ate her, Linda had a fantastic orgasm. One of the bests of her life. But that had nothing to do with it. She had also seen lesbian sex, just in...
I held my breath and waited for the assault as the assembled guys stood hushed and expectant, slowly wanking their hard pricks. I momentarily thought, god, what a fool, how did I ever get myself into this mess, just as I felt the monster nudge at the entrance to my arse. The driver moved to my head and held my shoulders against the force of the huge black prick which was slowly but surely forcing my already stretched sphincter muscles open.I hadn’t expected any pain after the fisting I had just...
Part 1 They were just the average American family. Or so everyone thought. They lived in the northern region of the United States, in a quiet and secluded village near one of the many lakes. They were an attractive family, and were very open. David and Karen met in high school and became sweethearts, and eventually married after college. David is a wealthy businessman and works in the nearby city, while Karen runs a small interior decorating firm at home. They had two kids when they were both...
Hot Summer NightsMF, voy)This story is meant to be read as a sequel to "Summer on the Ranch." Itchronicles the continuing story of Marc, Greg, Steve, and Laurie.Christ it was hot.The August sun beat down on my body as I worked in the hills around theranch. The sweat was pouring out of my pores like water through a sieve. Itook my Stetson off my head so that I could wipe the salty drops of wateroff my forehead, and out of my hair and eyes.Standing back, I surveyed my handiwork along the edge of...
KHOZEM IN COMMAND 11th of Safar 1436 (December 4, 2014) Khozem Bengaliwala sat against the walls of his father’s home in Mecca. He propped himself on the hard pillows which lined the perimiter of the spacious room. He had been through much in the last few years. His beard had grown as well as his belly. A white turban crowned his head, and he had purchased new glasses. He finished university in Cairo in accordance with his father’s instructions. Even though he completed the many years of...
Raj's office, if you could even call it that, was buried deep in the spindle between a foul-smelling fast food restaurant and a secondhand furniture store. Every wall in the office was painted bright white. It held a small desk, a massive safe, and a single swivel chair. Tyler stood on one side of the office, holding his boots, while Raj spun the dial on his safe. "I need to get a few photos of your face to put on your documentation," Raj said as he opened the safe. "This shouldn't...
Als sich mich dann um Dreiviertel sieben auf den Weg zu Anna machte freute ich mich schon auf unser Anal Spiel. Angezogen hatte ich meine Latex Leggings, darüber den Keuschheitsgürtel und darüber eine Jeans damit keiner sah was ich wirklich darunter trug. Als ich bei ihr ankam klingelte ich. Kurze Zeit später kam Anna dann zur Tür und öffnete mir, im Vergleich zu mir war sie komplett nackt. Sie sagte mir, dass wir jetzt in den Keller gehen und zeigte mir den Weg. Als wir im Keller ankamen...
My mouth was super drycan i feel your, luscious, lips locking with mine sweetylittle smooth pussy was saturated with her moistureu separate my pussy lips and drove ur tongue inplese held my breasts against ur mouth and starting sucking on themshall i softly, caressing ur breasts.laying on the bed, hands in her pants,i also rarely wore a bra stuffed her fingers into her pussy She never wore underwear pulling her pants off or by sticking my cock in her hand/mouth three fingers stuffed into her...
Dhojobhongo swami aar sokto sabal babaji ——————————————————————————– Amar nam Jayashree ami 30 bochhorer ek bidhova ekhan, amar 4 bochhor boyser ekti meye achhe Kolkatar kachhe i thaki . Ebar ami amar jeewaner satti ghatna panader ke likhe janachhi. 7 bochhor age amar biye haye chhilo Anontor sathe. Anontor sathe amar biye r karan chhilo tara khub dhani poisa wala aar amar baba garib chhilen. Ami dekhte besh sunder chhilam. Nikhut forsa chehra. golgol pachha aar bhara joubaner malikini mai duto...
‘Hey, stranger.’ The voice, sharp and crisp as a shard of glass, cut through the air and was accompanied by a tap on his shoulder. Robin jolted, as if he had never felt a touch in so long, but was able to get enough of his composure together to turn around and face the voice. Her mask was very pretty. Unlike his, which was sharp in shape and color and as blue as a robin’s egg, hers was a simple midnight blue with gold around the eyes. Beneath the mask was a small smile laced in burgundy...
Alan and Allison were newcomers to the small northern sea side town; they had decided to move north after selling their small business in the south. Tired of the long cold winters they had moved up the coast in search of a warm tropical climate. Travelling in a caravan, stopping at different resorts until quite by chance, decided to take a small road off the highway, ending up at a caravan park close to the beach. It was perfect, not too far north where the summers would be too hot, but far...
Note to the reader: Hi. My name is Angie, better known as Tasty Little Pop Tart to my readers. The condo in this story will be easily recognizable to a select few. Maybe more, depending upon my actual readership. It appeared in my short story Apparition, though with a different cast of characters. This story is similar, in that Matthew has a weekend alone with a sex toy and his mom's lingerie. It is totally different in that Matthew doesn't make it through the night as a boy. He gets high...
a friend of mine who I met in class 13 years ago at georgebrown,,,,,in short talk online facebook, see her once every 2-3 years,,,,,but we talk 1 time a week online or short,, I put on her facebook she posted sexy picture of her nothing revealing just pretty,,,she is 37 5'3 150 little thick thighs, but not a lard, meat in right spots,,,when I first met her I could tell she would get bigger but she isn't a butterball she awas about 120 when we met,, 1st day we met in class, after 1...
Introduction: Wife and best friend Paulene and Chris As the light gently entered the room through the crack in the curtains, she lifted her head and saw him sleeping there. Recalling the events of the night before a big smile came across her face. As she stretched, her arm brushed his side and her hand landed squarely on his manhood, how she had so enjoyed him and now looked forward to more…. Polly knew they needed to rest and ignored the desire to roll on top of him and start where they left...
I stayed there for a minute in a kind of shock. Seconds ago the only things that were registering in my tunnel vision trance were the man above me and the hardness filling my mouth. Now my senses started to come back. My lips, still slightly parted as if expecting more man meat, felt faintly numb. The video monitor flickered its faint light. The speaker next to it produced loud rhythmic moans.Looking up, I saw a blonde, curly-haired, heavy-chested woman, bouncing up and down on a man in feigned...
Rahul was lying on the headrest. He was reminiscing what just happened. He closed his eyes and was coming back to the world, out of the heaven he was in. Riya, on the other hand, was having problems. She felt her vagina burning. She needed to touch and relax. She was craving mom and son sex. But she hesitated to do that in front of Rahul. Also, she felt her breasts getting heavy again. She was surprised at that. She knew that Rahul emptied her breasts, not long back. At the door, Shreyas and...
IncestHi dostoo kya hal chal .Mera nam romantic bajwa .Main punjab se hu .Muje sex stories bohat psand hai.Or hr roj parta hu.Ye story meri or soni ki ha .Jo hamare ghr kam krne ati khi.Bohat sunder thi .34,30,35 ka figer.Oh ajj bi ose yaad krke lund khada ho jata hai.Meri hight 5.7 ha lund 8. Se jada lumba or 3 inch mota.Rang saff .Jada sama na lete hu sida story pe atta hu. Baat ajj se 1saal phle ki hai.Vo or oski behan hamare ghr kam krne ati thi.Muje onme kuch intrust to ni tha pr onke bare me...
This New Year, we had planned to go to a local youth party. Well, we hadn't really another choice, because all the disco's around the city had an 18+ policy. However, in a smaller disco in the city, they made an exception for their New Year's Party. They always rented it out to a local youth movement and this way they could lower the age limit to 16. We were glad they did this, because we didn't want to miss out on the big 1999 — 2000 New Years' event. We would be going with 10 people...
I sat in stunned silence after the love of my life gave up my little secret to all of my friends. After losing a bet with John, I had to dress up as a woman and try to hook up with a guy as payment. Tracy and her friends did such a good job making me look like a woman, that I was able to fool all of my friends into having unplanned, but very much enjoyed, sex with me. It wasn’t until Ross and Steve had their turn with me that Tracy decided to announce to my friends who Jessie really was.Tracy...
CrossdressingBy Tricki x This is my very first attempt at anything like this so be gentle with your comments please, but I would like constructive criticisms so I can improve for everyone to enjoy and not just me. Thank you for reading my first virgin story. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Anna is a typical fifteen year old girl with the exception of the smoking hot body of a twenty five year old, she is only five foot tall but what she lacks in height...
Hi, Guys, this is Kingcock (pen name). I am a regular reader of indian sex stories dot net and I never imagined that such a day will come when I would be sharing my experience here. This is my first story here. This incident happened around 6 weeks ago. This is a short intro about myself. I’m 23 years old fair, tall (6’1) and the slim guy living in Bangalore working in an MNC. Now, coming to the story, one Saturday I was quite bored as my roommates were out of the station and I had to spend the...
The cold evening air blew through Lucy’s hair like needles. She shivered sending cold chills down her spine. As she made her way across the campus quad she hugged her sweater closer around her waist. It was Friday and Lucy couldn’t help but wish she was anywhere but where she was at this very moment. Her roommate Fiona had invited her to go to a party across campus just hours earlier. “Come with us, Lucy,” her roommate had said. “My boyfriend, Carl, has a sexy friend he’d like you meet!” Lucy...