Fragments Of Stardust free porn video

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‘Hey, stranger.’

The voice, sharp and crisp as a shard of glass, cut through the air and was accompanied by a tap on his shoulder. Robin jolted, as if he had never felt a touch in so long, but was able to get enough of his composure together to turn around and face the voice.

Her mask was very pretty. Unlike his, which was sharp in shape and color and as blue as a robin’s egg, hers was a simple midnight blue with gold around the eyes. Beneath the mask was a small smile laced in burgundy lipstick, and within the holes of the mask, two shining olive eyes. Before he could even finish taking in the sight of her, her arm was already around his waist, leading him into the dance. Surprised at her sudden approach, he tried to adjust his stance to let her know he was game to dance.

She looked back at him and grinned. ‘Is this your first masquerade?’ she asked. ‘You seem so nervous.’

Robin smiled. ‘It’s been a few years, but I’d like to think I’ve still got it in me.’

‘I should hope!’ she replied. ‘I’ll need someone to keep up with me.’

The next song began, cueing the beginning of their dance, and he grabbed her hand and led her into it. It was a simple tune, a classic waltz song that could likely blend into the next, but was perfectly suitable for a nice sashay and twirl with a woman as intriguing as this one.

Perhaps this was what he needed. A bit of romanticism.

He tried not to think of her, the wife that was certainly not waiting for him back home, the broken hearts and listless fights. He closed his eyes and followed the movement of the song, and when that didn’t work, he placed his hand behind her back and dipped her down, smirking as she yelped before giving a short, chirping giggle.

‘You do still have it in you,’ she admitted. ‘You’re going to be a lot of fun.’

‘This dead old husk could use it,’ he replied, trying to disguise the hint of sadness in his voice.

She gave a quick glance around the ballroom and the scant few occupants it held, half of whom weren’t even dancing, simply observing from the sidelines or indulging on cheap wine. ‘I guess you and I are one of the few crazies who would think to go to a masquerade ball on a Tuesday night,’ she said before she spun into his chest.

Noticing her head by his, he mused quietly, ‘I could use a little bit of that.’

‘The craziness or the masquerade?’ she whispered.


With that, he let her loose, and she pulled him in once again, on whatever adventure the night was going to bring with it. He couldn’t wait to see where it would go. Not even halfway through the first dance, he felt more romantic than he had in the past year.

He had no clue how he was supposed to feel about it.


‘I’m an idiot.’

Jenna looked at herself in the rearview mirror of her car, all dolled up and as regal as a goddess, and realized that she was the woman she was, not the woman she was trying to be. She removed the mask that concealed her face and stared disgustedly in the mirror, her gaze her own silent critic.

Angrily, she threw the mask behind her, watching it bounce off the back seat and hit the floor. She found herself shimmying out of her dress, taking off her heels, and clambering into her day clothes, just a normal pair of pants and a black tank top. She undid her ponytail and shook all of the glitter out of her hair, leaving it a clean chestnut brown devoid of red and golden sparks. With every twist, squirm, and accidental pressing of the car horn, she felt the fairytale atmosphere of the night evaporate, leaving her falling on her ass back in reality.

She looked at herself, a frumpy, normal, unexceptional housewife already done in with marriage after four years and no children. So much for being an undying romantic.

She thought of how her husband would react if he found out about her misadventure, and slammed her forehead down on her steering wheel, letting the long, obnoxious horn of the Lexus vocalize her frustrations.

Finally, she sighed, knowing that everything was about to change.


The dance ended, and it left Robin unsure of whether to dance again or study his newfound companion. She stood near him, back against the wall, arms crossed as she observed the scene. He stood in his suit, holding a glass of wine and taking what was decidedly more than a sip.

‘You want one?’ he asked, gesturing with his glass.

She smiled and shook her head. ‘I gotta drive so I’ll pass. Thanks, though.’

He nodded. ‘No problem.’

She inched closer until her hip was pressed against his. ‘Do you have any idea how much I love your mask?’

‘Thanks,’ he replied coolly, readjusting the lone feather back behind his ear before taking another drink.

‘I really do mean that,’ she insisted, reaching up to turn his face towards her as she observed his mask. In that moment, he smelled something. Something familiar, something that had edged himself into his psyche, but something long lost. It was a scent that only a human could carry, but it was there and it was gone.

He blinked, trying to regain his focus, only to hear that she was already talking. ‘Not many men I know would go with such a bold color. They’re usually the ones with the subtle colors and the minimalism. You, you’ve got panache. You’ve got style. I like that.’

‘I’m flattered,’ he nods, finishing his drink and trying to return to the real world. He realized the predicament he was in with this woman and realized he hadn’t flirted with anyone for years. There was no need, until now. He sighed at himself but put on a smile as he said, ‘I do like your mask, I must say. It fits you. Very subtle and classy.’

‘Thanks,’ she responded. ‘I tried to do a good job at my whole getup. It’s fascinating being someone else, and I wanted to be someone tonight that I will never be again.’

‘You really get into it.’

She leaned her head against his shoulder. ‘It’s a nice escape.’

He nodded, his chin scraping against the side of her head. A pinch of golden glitter got caught into his beard. ‘So who are you tonight?’

‘Luna,’ she responded simply. ‘And you are?’

‘Robin,’ he replied. ‘Hence the feather.’

She laughed quietly. ‘Nice touch, Robin.’

‘As is the stardust in your hair,’ he replied, ‘as well as in my beard.’

She laughed again. ‘I really try and go all-out. At least, in some ways. When I started out I was super garish and over-the-top. I was Liberace plus Mardi Gras times Lisa Frank, you know. Bright wig, rainbow dress, mask reaching higher than my arms could.’

‘Sounds like quite a sight,’ he admitted.

‘It was!’ she confessed. ‘But eventually you learn when to quit. A mask is nice and all, but if you put too much on somehow it turns around and everyone can see through it.’

He nodded thoughtfully, but before he had time to dwell on it, Luna had already begun to pull him onto the dance floor once more. ‘I heard Queen,’ she explained excitedly. ‘Come on, we gotta go.’

Robin’s eyes lit up. ‘Oh man,’ he voiced out loud. ‘Queen. Brings me straight back to high school.’

‘Oh come on,’ she retorted, squeezing his hand. ‘There’s no way you can possibly be anything younger than 30.’

‘I took drama, remember?’ he laughed as she came to a stop suddenly. For a moment, he realized that he never mentioned drama class to her. Had it really been that long since he had met someone new?

The wine kicked in, and it swept all of his troubles away and convinced him to dance. He tripped a bit as he followed her, but she eased him into the dance with a smile. She was a good guide, clearly an experienced dancer, far better than him relying on his moves from his high school days.

She looked back at him and smiled. He smiled
back. He loved the way he was feeling tonight.


There was something about a masquerade that appealed to him. Perhaps it was the mystery of it all. Perhaps it was the fact that concealing your face meant concealing your identity, your past, your pain, your sins, and anything that could incriminate you. Perhaps it was because it contained the fantastic, romantic aspect that he craved from his life, one that had been gone for so long, one that he’d have sold his soul for the return of, one that he’d be damned if he didn’t get. He was never good at knowing how to love, but he was going to try again.


‘That song is beautiful,’ he mused.

‘Oh, god. Agreed,’ she responded, deciding to grab a drink after all. ‘Chills, Robin. Every time. From the first time I heard it. It just… rings true. Just the title is enough to get me going.’

‘With or Without You,’ he repeated. ‘No kidding.’

‘I know! The title says more words than I could explain. It’s crazy how romance can really do that to a person, isn’t it? I could just go on and on about it.’

For another flash of a moment, he thought about his wife back home, and he shuddered.

‘Exactly!’ She noticed him shake. ‘What’d I tell you? This song, just… chills. I mean, I about damn near started crying until I realized what that’d do to my makeup,’ she added, ending her sentence with another laugh.

‘It’s a very big song,’ he agreed. ‘It’s one of the songs where I don’t feel wise enough to discuss the meaning. So instead,’ he continued, feeling a certain spirit in his veins, ‘I am going to dance to it with you instead of standing here without you.’

‘Clever,’ she replied, ‘but I’m still drinking.’

‘Down it,’ he insisted. ‘They aren’t even into the first chorus yet. I promise I’ll make it worth it.’

‘We’re both two glasses down,’ she added, letting the glass fall onto the floor before twirling into his arms without missing a step like the perfect dance partner she was. ‘You better make this a fucking night to remember.’

As he took to the motions once more, he realized that he had every intent to make this unforgettable for both him and this perfect woman, this perfect stranger. As he danced through the night, he forgot the person who he was and the skeletons in his closet, and fell into the person he was trying to be.


Turning the GPS on to find the fastest way to 15th Avenue, she began the trip back home, a short trip drawn out by her struggles with guilt.

As she drove home, she contemplated what she would do with her dress. Burn it? Not likely. Throw it out along the road? That’d just worry people. Find a dumpster? No, that’d also worry people. And how would she manage to hide the hundred dollars off her credit card she spent on a new getup, the makeup, the masquerade mask, and her gold-colored scarf (the latter of which she completely planned to keep)? Would she be able to brush out the glitter in the car that she had just brushed out of her hair? It looked like the death of a galaxy in the car.

Halfway through trying to plot an escape route for her incriminating evidence, she let go of the idea and thought back to the night… the dance, the bridge, the stranger, the masks… that thrilling spark in her chest that she hadn’t felt in so long, craved so desperately, never thought she’d find again… damn it, she wanted him. There was no two ways about it.

It was only a kiss, but it was really so much more. It was the pebble that felled a hollowed wall.

‘Jesus Christ,’ she vented, slamming her fist on the rim of her steering wheel. As Lloyd Boulevard shifted into Fifteenth Avenue, she realized she was just over a mile away from home, maybe two miles. She knew what she had promised the man on the bridge, and she knew she’d have to confess. Just get it over with.

She wondered if he noticed her ring yet. She had left it on her nightstand, angry enough to show him what she thought of him. On her way out she hoped it would sting and that he’d finally get the picture, but now the idea left a pit in her stomach. As if she hadn’t taken things far enough already, that was just a spiteful cherry on top of the shit sundae that their marriage had become.

Would he hate her? He had every right to. He had a habit of disguising his true anger, with a cracked smile or tight-lipped look of forced apathy. He held in so much, tried to be so much more than he was, even though the truth was that he was a young man with his head in the clouds who wanted to do everything and took any slight to heart to the point where he never stopped bleeding. He wanted to make his parents proud and last forever. She wanted to act on impulse and get married less than a year into their relationship. Time and reality would blindside both of them, and it stung.

Had you asked Jenna Kirk if she would have even attempted to cheat on her spouse five years ago, she would have rejected the idea and be shocked that it was even brought up. It was scandalous, loveless, selfish, reckless, and exactly what she ended up doing tonight. Before tonight, she felt as though there was no love left in the world, and now there was too much of it for her to handle, yet she still felt that it was only a shallow thrill she didn’t deserve.

How did others do it? Staying impassioned with each other after 40, 50, even 60 years, whereas they had gotten to a state in less than five years where they barely noticed each other. In between passive-aggressive fights and grudges were little more than silence and formalities. Somehow she expected their inevitable split to be accented by little more than knowing nods and signed papers. There wasn’t even enough passion to fight over a divorce.

Goddamn, she hated being the tragic figure of romance. She thought she was going to be the queen who lived happily ever after. How did they skip over that straight to The End?


‘What a buzzkill!’

Luna’s cheerful laughter contrasted her indignant stomp and crossed arms. Her black dress clung to her form as she walked out into the wind, Robin keeping up with her.

‘I can’t believe these numbnuts!’ Her rant was broken up by helpless laughter fueled by alcohol. ‘I mean, the way the mood shifted when they turned on that song. It’s like they never tried to run a masquerade before!’

He grinned as they strode down Water Avenue. ‘Avicii,’ he said. ‘They turned on Avicii.’

‘I know! Pop music is the masquerade’s boner-killer. It sucks you right back into the real world, and the real you, and I totally don’t think that’s what it’s about. You could already see people taking off their masks and checking their cellphones, right? It really just sucks out all the magic.’


With that, they decided they were done on the matter. As they walked along Water, he felt the chill that came from both the air of the late evening and the industrial zone the ballroom was in. He covered the distance between them and wrapped his arm around her waist. She hummed, content.

‘The architecture is lovely around here,’ he noted.

‘Seriously? It’s twenty fucking degrees out, we’re both still in complete masquerade garb and the thing that makes you slide right up to me like some smooth criminal is a conversation about the architecture?’

He laughed, loosening his hold on her. Immediately, she responded with an agitated ‘hey, get back here!’ before launching herself back into his arms with a crooked grin. He raised his eyebrow, short on a response.

‘Architecture. You were saying?’

He was more than happy to oblige. ‘These buildings. I’ve worked on a few of them.’ He hadn’t, but he’d like to imagine Robin would. He relied on a dropped college course in architecture as he continued. ‘Portland has a thing where they’ll add new streetcars and whatnot in t
he city where they really don’t belong, and when that happens they need to make these old warehouses no socialite cares about into something worth caring about.’

She took a sweeping glance around the avenue and said ‘so they look the same on the outside but they have all new things inside of them, right? You know what they need more of?’ Before he could respond, she continued. ‘Buildings that look nice on the outside, ones that would get pictures taken of them and put on calendars, one that would raise real estate prices, but you look inside and it’s just the same old empty warehouse.’

Robin shook his head. ‘I’m pretty sure it’s been tried before, but, honestly, the world has enough of that already.’

She shuddered briefly, the same way Robin did when he thought about his wife. ‘No joke,’ she agreed before letting him go and taking some distance. He watched with concern as she walked across from him, but thought it best not to press the issue. It would take away from the wonder that Luna held.

He observed her as she walked. The wind blew her ponytail in the breeze, glitter flying off the back and behind the both of them, leaving a thin gold-and-red smoke trail. Also flowing in the wind was a lovely gold scarf, tied around her neck and flapping behind her like a flag. Her steps were nearly stomps, but she was able to balance in her heels. In sharp contrast to her earlier snarky cheer, the Luna that didn’t notice others looking was one who fidgeted a lot, ran her hands through her hair, looked around her a lot at nothing in particular, and occasionally would let out a heavy sigh.

He walked towards her, concerned. When she noticed him, she smiled again and grabbed his hand, guiding him towards the stairs that led to the Hawthorne Bridge.

Before long, they were on the bridge deck, cars passing by them and rocking the deck. Robin was always unsettled by how much the bridge shook underfoot every time he crossed it. He squeezed her hand as she led him directly into the center, where they could gaze at the Willamette River illuminated by the city lights.

‘Beautiful,’ she mused. He nodded in agreement.

She let go of his hand and ran hers through her ponytail, a few specks of glitter flowing lazily through the air. Robin took a sideways look at her, fascinated simply by the way she moved. There was something about her that needed no words to establish her radiance, but her words elevated her into being unforgettable.

Almost out of need, he wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her as close as he could manage. She gave him a knowing smile and reciprocated, standing against the railing of the bridge in front of him. The lights reflected off of the river and back onto her, tracing her smile like the golden lines of her mask.

‘How much do you trust me, Robin?’ she asked.

He didn’t respond. He didn’t know how to. He barely knew how much he could trust himself.

‘I want to close our eyes,’ she explained, suddenly breathless, ‘and take off our masks. I promise I won’t look, I wouldn’t do that to you, because I don’t want you to do that to me. Just trust me, hon. I promise you won’t regret it.’

He nodded slowly, barely thinking through the consequences.

‘Close your eyes,’ she instructed him, and he obeyed. After a few seconds, she said, ‘go ahead.’ Slowly, hesitantly, he removed his mask, and put it in his hands. After a few moments, she simply said, ‘done.’

‘Now what?’ he asked.

Her response was to kiss him.

Once again caught off guard, it took him a moment to reciprocate, but when he had gotten into the swing of it, he was more than ready. Desire took over, and his shy cooperation gave way to hunger. The soft beginnings became stronger, more strident, more passionate. They pressed against the railing, arms gripped around each other as they took more from each other in exchange for more from themselves. He could feel the shape of her mask press against his back, and he barely felt himself grip onto his. This feeling was fresh, it was renewed, it was beautiful, it was what he had been desperately craving for so long. Their faces pressed against each other like two young lovers who had just discovered the power of affection and desire. He felt like a new person. He felt a need to never let go, even if it cost him his final breath. All of the passionate romantic feelings that he never thought he would ever be privy to again returned and he couldn’t get enough of it.

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It all started as a joke. A few laughs with some colleagues about the ethics of being blindfolded and bound as part of the sexual act. I couldn’t see the point of it, but some of my work colleagues disagreed with me to the point of getting red in the face.Then letters started arriving at my house. I couldn’t make out who the first one was from or what it was about, so I opened it. It was hand-written in a lovely curly script. It was short and to the point. The content could have been directed...

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Atha Thirchindi Na Korika

Hi friends, na name lokesh, nenu anantapur and bangalore lo untanu. Na age 24yrs, height 5.7inches. Avg body with smiley face. Edhi na first experience ma attha tho. Edhi mitho share chesukovali anipinchindhi. Anduke share chestunna. If any girls r aunty’s r widowed also can interested please message me Ma nanna ki akka undi valla koduku pallani denganu .Madam paru thulasi(name changed).Figure:34-34-36. Ma mavaya vallu bangalore lone settle iyyaru. Ma mavaya ki attha ki oka abbai unadu, 7th...

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MomDrips Gia Vendetti Jackhammering A Homewrecker

Gia Vendetti is a homewrecker, and with a body like that, what can you expect? She is in the midst of an affair when our stud shows up at her door to break up the relationship she is having with his dad. But when she opens the door, he quickly understands what has his dad so tied up. Gia is a total MILF, and all of a sudden our stud is a lot more receptive to her side of the story. He steps inside and learns that she is pregnant with his fathers child. He is freaked out and wants to leave, but...

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When Court Vacations Turn To Sex Vacations

Hi I am Akash from pune I stay alone here in pashan. I am an hr in an mnc in hinjewadi. you can reply me on the given mail id so that we can have sex all the way .. you know I am like a crazy for sex guy .. I just love sex in all the different styles and fantasies . I was always a regular reader of indian sex stories and tried to have sex but I couldn’t. I had a sexual encounter and enjoyed a bit though. The girl I am speaking about is receptionist in my office . I am hard ad have to wait in...

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Friday Evening

Friday evening, it was a rainy day. Every one running home after finishing their work. I have some more work to do.I decided to sit late and complete the assignment since I am not going home this weekend. I took one cup coffee and continued my coding work. It was around 7- 7:15 PM I finished work and turned off the computer. It was raining outside. I have to walk till car parking center which is in the next building. Hmm I decided to wait for few minutes and walk if there is no other way. I...

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Slave of the OutcastChapter 27

The week after, Sara had recovered and started working again in her own shop. Coincidentally, Charles had been getting text messages from Ivy, as in where and when to meet her. As always, she used him every night in all kinds of degrading and sexual ways. And once more he had to make his Thursdays free for his Mistress. On the Thursday of the last week of September, Charles went to Ivy's house, at around 1PM. She ordered him on Wednesday night to come to her house, by 1PM. He parked his...

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Sarah Goes Down South

Sarah Goes Down (South) By Kimberli Nicole McCarthy This is a continuation of Sarah Smile The sun broke through the windows, pulling Sarah out of her slumber. She lay in bed, running her hands across her panties and bra, and thought fondly about the bathroom at Sbarros, and about how she pleased Billy again on the cab ride home, and how he took her again on the sofa before they retreated to his bed to sleep in each others arms. When Billy walked in from work that night,...

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2014 A 50 Year Sex OdysseyChapter 6 Community Outreach then Back to HQ

I got a shout-out from next door... "HEY, let's go... !" I looked down the hill, and here was this short-haired blond standing on her back porch, doing a little "groove", shaking something in her right hand. Huhh? ... I moved closer to the fence, she walked up the hill. BARB had cut her hair, from near shoulder length to just long enough to curl around her ears. The new hairdo had streaks of brown in it, and she was wearing hoop earrings – damn, very sexy! I was laughing, and very...

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The Tree House Book 2Chapter 13

I figured the trip home would be relaxing and quiet after the rush to get to the apartment and pack it in a hurry. Lindie would drive my car, following me and my "Shotgun" rider, home in the van. I figured Michelle would be tired and fall fast asleep about five to ten minutes into the drive from Stewart City to Rock Creek. Every time we had all ridden together, that's the way Michelle had reacted. Of course, the trip from the Stewart City U-Haul to my apartment after picking up the van...

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Recollections From A DiaryChapter 2 Catching Up

I woke up early the next morning to the smell of freshly brewed coffee. Throwing on a robe, I wandered into the breakfast area and found Julie pouring orange juice and coffee for the two of us. "Good morning," she said. "I hope you slept well. I know I did." Julie giggled. She waved her free hand, "I must have slept half the night on the bathroom floor." "Oh..." I replied. "I'm so sorry. I would have wakened you, but you looked so comfortable there I... I didn't have the heart...

5 years ago
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Suddenly Rich KidChapter 12 Pregnancy

Over the next days, Ashley and Danny were out hunting for an apartment. Marsha had involved a real estate agent to help them, but it still was not easy to find a fitting place. For one, Ashley wanted at least three bedrooms, hoping for Lynn to spend her free weekends with them. She had also set her eyes on a nice Victorian townhouse setting. In the end, they had to compromise. The apartment was in a 1990s five story building, but it had three and a half bedrooms. Danny figured that the...

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my sexy cousin0

I was watching TV when she walked into the living room her shirt half unbuttoned and her skirt half way up her thigh, she bent over to untie her shoes and drop her bag and in the process give me a good view of her budding breasts. As she sat down next to me I got a whiff of perfume and the sweet smell of her sweat. Even though it was 30 degrees she still curled up next to me as she had so many times before, she lowered her head to rest it on my shoulder giving me a good view down her top at her...

4 years ago
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Updated New camera club model

Before you read this story you should first read "Honey poses for the camera club" which you will find in "My favourite blogposts" in my profile here on xhamster. It was written by another member of xhamster called Honey B. Her username is honeybtgirl and she is fantastic and definitely worth a look. This story is basically the same as hers but from the perspective of one of the camera club members. She has given me permission to use her story and text from it.Best wishes from Fran and Vivian.I...

2 years ago
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As Good As A Woman

This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to any real persons or events is purely coincidental. I am reluctantly rating this as "G" for FictionMania, because there is no "PG-13" equivalent here. Actually, I'd be *very* surprised if you'd find anything in this work that wouldn't be found on U.S.A. prime-time "network" television programming. AS GOOD AS A WOMAN By Denise Em copyright 1995, 1996, 2001 Chapter I The barbs were beginning to get to me. I appealed to Diane, "Look,...

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Star Wars

Leia sighed as she walked around her home. Han, Anakin, and Jacen had just left for the Outer Rim and wouldn't be returning for some time. Jaina was spending the night at a friend's house for the night, so that left Leia home alone for the night. Leia knew she would have the whole house for the rest of the night and anything she wanted to do, she could do it. She knew she had a few different things she could do, but she didn't know what it was she wanted to do first? "Let's see here," Princess...

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The Farm LegacyChapter 15

Thirty-six hours later lambing started. It was fairly uneventful apart from one lamb that was born dead and a triplet that no other ewe wanted. Nick had the mother of the dead lamb checked out by the vet. She was kept in the paddock close to the barn until the results of the tests came back. In the meanwhile Diana learned to bottle feed the unwanted triplet. She enjoyed that as Hal had said she probably would. The ewe was declared fit and Nick constructed a small enclosure that would not let...

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Game Of Lust

Hey guys thanks for your mails never thought that I will receive such a warm response here is another one from the Delhi boy Kshitiz read and enjoy don’t forget to leave comments on ISS and on Hey Guys this time I am narrating this story in the words of my girlfriend after we’d discussed it a very long time and I mean, the whole scenario and just how we wanted it to go and all that and I put on this incredibly sensual outfit and presented myself for lack of a better term, inspection. Now,...

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After Five YearsChapter 13

July 2009, Sudan I abandoned the motorcycle behind a ridge next to the road. I slipped into the drivers seat and continued driving south. At night the road was almost empty as it followed the railroad and the river on its way southward. Hana and Pam were sitting in the back with a sleeping Naiya, while Karen sat in front with me. It was only after a few miles when Karen asked me the question. “Greg, we all heard the explosion. What happened out there?” For a moment I kept on thinking how...

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Response To My Story Leads To New Relationship

Would like to thank ISS for making this happened bcoz of your website I met with a memorable encounter with a south India dusky beauty. Well coming to the story which is true no fiction, last year I posted an story and got many one mail appreciation and among them was a mail which looked more impressed and sweet and I replied to the mail and I had waited for nearly 2-3 week for the response and then it all started. I thanked her for the mail and she replied back as well narrated and every mail...

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My Next Door Neighbor Part One

My Next Door Neighbor - Part OnePictures accompanying this story may be viewed on my profile page.My family moved around a lot when I was a kid. I didn’t mind because I enjoyed meeting new friends and getting to know different places. When we moved just before the beginning of my last year in high school, though, it was a little different. At my previous high school I had been on the football, basketball and track teams and was a member of the student council. It was a fairly small school and I...

First Time
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Mary and jack ch 1

This is My first story. Please let me know how you like it. Mary and Jack are lovers, but nobody knows about it. She is 32, he is 17. She is a high school english teacher that is married with two kids, he is a nerd that just so happens to have the biggest cock in the school. Jack wasn’t popular until that day in the showers after his first gym class. As all the boys walked into the shower, all eyes were on the 9 inch long, 4 inch wide monster between his legs. Now he is the talk of the school....

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I never thought that something like this would even happen. I mean – there are some cheesy, unbelievable romance novels and sitcoms that have some pretty “wacky” situations. But I have never actually heard of or seen anything like the situation I am in right now. I don’t know where to start. So I’ll just start from where my head is at right now. “Aww, Liny, you know you can tell me anything.” my mother said, after a long minute of silence. I had told her that I wanted to tell her...

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Sara brought the young man into her playroom and undressed him. She sat him on the chair and stripped off her clothes as he watched. Her tits were huge and full of milk thanks to the potion she got from the Orient. She sat next to him and pulled his mouth to her full tit and he began to nurse. He was just nineteen and she nursed him twice a day. She also fucked him several times each day and night. She was almost fifty and still had a youthful figure with huge milk filled tits and a great ass...

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Doggie DoctorChapter 2

Mimi Spender cried, screamed, kicked, and pleaded to her guardian angels. It did no good. Pinned to the hay stack with that smirking photographer squatting victoriously over her, she wondered how she could have been so stupidly ignorant as to let this man sweet talk her into getting naked. His immense hairy balls were brushing her flat smooth belly, his thick knob of a cock beginning to swell and harden as it dangled beneath his taut stomach. "C'mon, honey, stop playing hard to get. I know...

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BIRDS OF A FEATHERThere is something magical about summer in England. The usually impossibly cold, staid atmosphere gives way to a sunny, cheery ambience. The dead, leafless trees, give way to colourful ones with flowers in full-bloom. The long, gloomy faces that one always encounters on the streets are replaced by joyful, exuberant, smiley faces. Everyone seems cheerful and happy to be alive until the winter comes around once again and the people become depressed and the faces revert to their...

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The PVirus

The P-Virus By JRD Bill went into the strip bar where he was supposed to meet his friends. It was his twenty-first birthday and his friends were buying him his first legal drink. After getting past the door, it took him a little while to find his friends at a table near the stage. He sat down and greeted Roosevelt (a large black man who worked as the manager of the hamburger joint where he worked) and Ken (a fellow college chum who worked as an entry-level teller at a local...

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How To Make A Sale

After college, I struggled to hold a consistent job for a multitude of reasons. For nearly 10 years I bounced between different sales jobs. I had taken a job selling electronic components and was really struggling. I knew that if I didn’t land a big account soon, I’d be looking for a new job. I was having a really bad day and was on my way home. As I was driving home, I happened to drive right by a business that I had been trying to sell on our product for a while. I pulled into their parking...

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A weekend with Nancy

 CHAPTER 1Upon arriving home from work one Friday afternoon my wife informed me that the kids would be staying the weekend at some friends house, and that she had made some special plans for us. She then went on to say that she would be gone for a couple of hours and that while she was gone I was to shower and to shave myself from head to toe. Then I was to get my "special clothing" from storage and neatly arrange them on the bed. You see, for years now I have enjoyed cross dressing and while...

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Brads LifeChapter 4

After dinner I went home. I couldn't wait till Tuesday, I had to talk to Angel. I called the house and little Sara answered the phone. "Hello." "Hi, Sara, how are you honey? This is Uncle Brad." "Hi, Uncle Brad. We're going out to eat with you Tuesday." "Yes, we are, Honey. Is mommy home?" "Yeah, she's talking to Uncle Barry." I was struck. I couldn't talk. Uncle Barry? God, no, this can't be happening. I knew it was too good to be true. I was getting ready to hang up the...

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2ChicksSameTime Ana Foxxx Misty Stone 22551

Misty Stone and Ana Foxxx aren’t gonna let a horrible movie theater experience ruin their night! They had such a terrible time at the picture show that Misty went ahead and called up her little black book and found one of her good guy friends to come over and entertain them. Ryan shows up minutes later and Misty’s ready to jump his bones and show Ana another type of movie! But this time around, Ana doesn’t want to just be a viewer, she wants to participate! Both ebony beauties are wet for...

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Wife and friend give two sailors a night to remember

In Vino Veritas (Part 1). This is another true story of an episode that happened a while ago but just recently came to light. About five years ago a friend of my wife came back from Scotland to spend a week’s holiday here at home with her family. She was married but had no kids. Anyway she had arranged to go out to a local club with my wife and that was fine. So on Sunday night she called to our house and we all had a couple of drinks before they left. I sat in as I had work the next day and...

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Docs Complex 27 The Man With 1000 Brains

Doc's Complex 27 - The Man With 1,000 Brains by Lee Most Copyright 2012 by Lee Most -------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis: Chapter 27 of the FMNaNoWriMo challenge novel "Doc's Complex," in which Lilyan tells Berrry more of Doc's story is told while he dresses up as a nurse for her. She uses a shrink ray on him, traps him in his own clothing, and then plays with him in bed, but it's not what you (or he) thinks that means. Categories and key words...

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Class A hotwife

Friday I got home from work at my usual time and found a note from Andrea on the kitchen table. It read " I'm spending the night at Mike's , have fun jerking off ". I grabbed a beer from the fridge and went in the den to watch TV. The news was the same crap so I figured I'd watch some of Andrea's homemade porn. After showering I went to the special stash of DVD's she made while having sex with her friends, ninety percent are with men but I really love the ones where she and another woman make...

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Naked Lunch

Dani felt anxious as she pulled up to the hotel. This would be her sixth time pulling this little stunt, but even then it always made her anxious before the excitement set in. She stepped out of the car and took the ticket from the confused valet. Danielle probably seemed a contradiction to him–hot blonde driving the cobalt blue Mustang convertible yet wearing sweat pants, a sweatshirt, and flip-flops on this warm summer day. Her lips curled in a playful smile as she headed into the...

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To be or not

My young wife had been begging for me to let her go to work saying that it was boring just to sit around all day. She said besides she missed having her own money without having to ask me for it, and she would enjoy working. I listened to this for several months before finnally giving in, and off she went to look for work asking all her friends watching the papers. After a week one of her friends called and said that the place where she was working was hiring and she had put a word in for if...

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The Ice Breaker

Introduction: This is a story about a fun time we had at a lifestyle resort My wife and I have been married for over 30 years and we finally got all the children out of the house and launched into society. We decided we would go and have a little fun and treat ourselves to a well deserved vacation. We discussed many different options and looked on the internet for several weeks when my wife said she would like to go to an all nude resort. She had never done anything like that but she thought...

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