- 2 years ago
- 35
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When I got back to our room, I discovered that Sasha had not yet returned. I took some time to organize my notes from my meetings and called my boss to relay the good news. He was very pleased at how rapidly the negotiations had progressed. ‘Great job, Hallie! We’ve never gotten this far with them before, until I assigned you.’
I had to take advantage of the goodwill I had just secured. ‘Don, if you don’t mind, I’m going to skip my courtesy calls tomorrow. I’ve got some kind of stomach bug and I don’t think…’
‘No problem – You’ve earned a day in bed after pulling this one off!’ he assured me.
Good! I was in the clear for my surprise trip with Sasha.
I had been able to reserve a room at the inn at Samayoko during a break in my meetings earlier in the week. I had seen this place once during a trip through the countryside years ago and had always thought it would make a very romantic destination should I ever return to Japan with a husband. Funny how things turn out…
We would take the bullet train for the short trip north. I wanted to take Sasha to the walking trails on the base of the Mt. Fuji. It was such an important traditional destination for the Japanese who had so much respect for the spirituality of the mountain.
It occurred to me that tomorrow night would be our last night together on this trip. The prospect of parting again made my stomach hurt.
I made myself not think about it. I busied myself with some other work, then checked my e-mail. There were lots of notes from the office, but suprisingly, nothing from Dylan. I actually felt a little relieved.
I decided to get some dinner in one of the hotel restaurants, ate quickly and went back to the room. Still no Sasha. Well, I might as well get comfortable. I changed into my negligee, climbed into bed, and turned on the TV. I fell asleep immediately.
Through the depths of my slumber, I heard the door to the room open and Sasha’s voice. ‘I was hoping you’d be here.’ I didn’t move. I heard him go into the bathroom and I fell back asleep.
The next thing I was aware of was a hand moving over my arm. I opened my eyes slightly, it was dark. The hand moved down to my hip and continued over the soft fabric of my negligee. I woke a little more. I moved my hand to his chest.
‘I knew I could get your attention,’ he whispered.
He kissed my forehead and moved slowly down over my nose to my mouth. He rolled on top of me. Our lips met in a smoldering kiss. We began to caress each other more frantically. He moved his mouth down my chin and neck and down the center of my chest.
‘Let’s get this off,’ he said, pulling my nightgown over my head.
He reached over and took a breast in each of his hands, running his thumbs over my nipples. My head fell back as I felt the erotic waves flow through me. He pushed me back on the bed and lay down beside me. I put my hand lower to stroke his erection. His hips started to rock. I felt his fingers on my stomach, moving down, encircling my clit. I spread my legs wide open.
‘Take me now.’
He positioned himself above me. I brought my knees up to my chest. I felt him slide slowly into me, I gasped from the sheer pleasure of the sensation. He lowered himself onto me, thrusting his tongue into my mouth. I wrapped my arms and legs around him. He moved slowly at first, building up a steady rhythm. I moved my hips and soon we were slamming our pelvises together in a frenzy, seeking our mutual release. A low sound came from his throat, his pace increased and he lifted up his head, moaning loudly. I put my hands on his chest, suddenly, he collapsed on me.
Much to my surprise, Sasha rolled off and buried his face in his pillow. He went to sleep!
At first, I felt angry – what about me? But in a moment, I chuckled. I guess even Sex Gods need to get off without worrying about whether they gave us much pleasure as they got! I also smelled a good deal of alcohol on his breath, so it shouldn’t have been a great surprise after all.
Nevertheless, I was quite aroused and not satisfied. I remembered what was in my nightstand drawer – Sasha’s little purchase from the love hotel! I reached over, opened the drawer and pulled out the vibrator. Sasha continued snoring. I put it under the sheet and turned on the switch. The low hum was hardly audible.
My mind drifted back to that night, to the sights and sounds and feelings I experienced in that exotic atmosphere. I placed the vibrator on my inner thigh. The feel of it sent a shiver up my spine. I slid it up to the edge of my cunt. I started to surge again. I placed it on my clit. It only took a few seconds before an orgasm began to well up inside me. I slipped the vibrator down to my cunt and used my fingers on my clit. I don’t know how Sasha didn’t wake up with the bed shaking so violently.
I got up early the next morning, smiling with the realization we were about to embark on a romantic adventure. I moved quietly around the room, packing my suitcase. Sasha continued to sleep and I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to look at him in the morning light. Even with his disheveled hair and the shadow of a beard on his face, he looked stunning!
About an hour later, I decided it was time to wake my man. I quietly straddled his hips, bending over to plant a gentle kiss on his lips. He stirred and frowned.
‘Oh, Jesus, my head hurts!’
‘Well, that’s what you get for going out and having a good time without me!’ I lightly stroked my fingers on his chest. ‘And — that’s what you deserve for getting me all horny and not making sure I came!’
He opened his eyes wider. ‘Oh, sweetheart, I’m so sorry, it’s just that…’
I silenced him with a kiss. ‘Don’t worry, I’ll make sure your punishment is fitting.’ I lifted myself off him and let him sit up.
‘You know,’ he said, ‘I had the strangest dream. I was dreaming there was a horrible earthquake…’ He stopped, a confused look on his face. He had his hand under the blanket and he withdrew it, holding the vibrator. His face broke into an enormous smile. ‘Well, this explains a lot of things!’
I lunged across him to grab it, but he quickly pulled his hand out of reach.
‘I think we experienced a very localized earth movement, no casualties, no damage!’
‘But there may a danger of aftershocks!’
‘We’ll just have to ride them out! Now where’s the coffee – and the aspirin?’
I stood up to fetch them for him.
As I was coming out of the bathroom, he suddenly exclaimed with a note of concern in his voice, ‘Hey, why is your bag packed? Where are you going?’
I decided I was going to tease him for a little while longer.
‘Well, Mr. Sex God,’ I began with a serious tone, ‘I can’t believe that you would fuck me and not make sure I didn’t scream to the heavens every time. I’m leaving you for — Yaguda-san! He appreciates me! He adores my huge American breasts!’
I couldn’t maintain a straight face and burst out laughing.
Sasha reached over and grabbed me around my waist, pulling me close with my boobs in his face. He rubbed his nose in between them, then slipped the straps of my negligee off my shoulders.
‘I am the one who adores your huge American breasts!’
He pushed them together with his hands and nuzzled my nipples. I grabbed a handful of his hair, yanking his face away.
‘That is good, but we don’t have time.’
‘Don’t have time for what?’
‘Well, I called in sick, so I’m done with my work here in Tokyo.’
‘But you’re not going home, are you?’ He sounded genuinely alarmed.
I slipped off his lap and sat down beside him.
‘I have a surprise. We’re going on a little trip to the countryside near Mt. Fuji. We’ve got a room in a romantic inn….’
He interrupted my explanation with a very passionate kiss.
Within a few hours, we were watching the city
speed away outside the window of the famous bullet train. It is a wonderful way to travel, clean and comfortable and always on time. White-gloved attendants take your tickets and show you to your seats. The lounge car is spacious and elegant. I felt very pampered.
Our journey was not far, so we did not spend a long time on the train. We alighted at our stop and took our bags through the small station building. The town into which we emerged was a different world from Tokyo. After the controlled chaos of the big city, it was pleasant to be in a small town.
We found a taxi and I gave the cabby the name of the hotel. The cabby looked over his shoulder at us and said, in English, ‘Honeymoon!’ I laughed and nodded. Sasha looked confused.
Our driver took us further and further away from residential areas. Small farms comprised the landscape, terraced rice fields decorated the hillsides.
‘So where’s Mt. Fuji? I thought we were going to the district.’ Sasha inquired.
‘Under the clouds, of course.’
It obviously had been raining before our arrival, low clouds hugged the hilltops. It was actually a rare day when the sacred peak could be seen clearly. I hoped we would have the opportunity during our short visit.
We arrived at a beautiful wooden building standing in a small clearing in a thickly forested area. As we got out of the taxi, a small, stooped old man hurried up to the car to collect the bags. A woman emerged from the front door, wiping her hands on an apron. She bowed to us and announced in heavily accented English, ‘Welcome to the inn! I am Mrs. Murada. I have been expect you’
I bowed and replied in Japanese, ‘Thank you for your gracious welcome, Murada-san. We are honored to visit your beautiful inn and your beautiful countryside.’
Her eyes opened wide at the realization I spoke Japanese. She smiled broadly and bade us enter. We removed our shoes at the doorway and went in.
Once my eyes adjusted to the dim light, I saw a delightful, traditionally decorated country inn. Mrs. Murada led us into the living room. Sasha walked around the room admiring the pictures and ceramics decorating the shelves and walls. Mrs. Murada excused herself and returned shortly with a teapot and cups. We sat on the sofa and sipped the fragrant beverage.
She addressed Sasha. ‘Please forgive, my English not so good for big talking. May speak Japanese to your wife?’
Thankfully, he did not correct her, and nodded his agreement.
She turned to me. ‘How does a beautiful English girl like you learn to speak our difficult language so well?’
‘My parents were in the Foreign Service. I learned to love traveling and learning new languages at an early age. But when one discovers a culture as old and as fascinating as yours, learning the language becomes just a tool to facilitate such study.’
She took my hand in hers. ‘Your husband is very handsome. I think you have come to the right place to enjoy him!’ I lowered my head and blushed. She stood up and said in English, ‘So you must rise to your room now and see it is good for you.’
She beckoned us to follow her up the stairs. She led us to a room on the top floor and opened the door. Tatami mats covered the floor and a large futon with a beautiful quilt occupied most of the space. However, the great attraction to the room was a large window and a padded window seat.
‘Come look,’ she told me.
I knelt on the pads to get a better view. From such a high perch, one could see the surrounding farms for miles, and the base of the mountain.
‘That’s Mt. Fuji there’ she exclaimed, ‘but the clouds have surrounded it. Perhaps tomorrow you will have a look. Sunrise is very beautiful.’
I turned and translated what she said to Sasha. He stooped down to catch a glimpse.
‘Do you wish to eat anything now? We will be serving dinner at 7:30 if it pleases you.’
I asked Sasha, who declined. ‘What we’d like to do, Murada-san,’ I explained to her, ‘is to take a walk on the mountain. I have been there before, and even in the clouds, it is a beautiful place to be.’
She agreed. She brought out a map and showed me where we should go. ‘My gardener will drive you in the car.’ She also brought out some ponchos for us to bring in case of rain. ‘Put on a sweater, it is much colder here than in Tokyo!’
Although Sasha didn’t understand the words, he must have understood the tone. He bowed low and said, ‘Domo arrigato, Mama-san!’
She beamed, squeezing his face lovingly between her bony hands.
We sat in the back seat of the small, old Toyota and watched the passing scenery as we drove to the mountain. Sasha held me close, resting his cheek on the top of my head.
‘I love you for bringing me here,’ he said softly. ‘You do know how wonderful this trip has been, how happy I am to be here with you.’
I sighed with bittersweet contentment.
The driver stopped at a trail that would take us around the foot of the peak to the western facing side. Cars filled a small parking lot. We saw people of all ages starting out from the gate that marked the trailhead. I told the driver we would return by 6:00. He said he would wait for us.
The path led through a forest of small pine trees and lush undergrowth. ‘I guess we’re not the first visitors!’ Sasha pointed to the center of the stone path worn smooth by countless pilgrims’ feet over the centuries.
The trail rose gently along the base for more than a mile, and then became steeper. Stone steps and handrails were built into the black volcanic soil in places where the pitch was difficult. We had plenty of company on the trail, it was crowded with families and couples.
We reached an overlook after two kilometers. People posed for photographs along the railing or sat on wooden benches. I looked at a map display.
‘Let’s try to find a way that’s not so crowded,’ Sasha suggested and I agreed. I spotted one marked ‘Difficult.’
‘That ought to give us some room.’
We found the sign that marked this trail and began our ascent. There were far fewer steps on this trail and we often had to scramble on our hands and knees to get up the slippery rocks. The trees began to thin out and we could see we had climbed into the misty clouds.
After about 30 minutes, I wanted to find a place to sit. We looked around and spied a ledge that looked comfortable. Sasha put the ponchos on the damp rock and we sat back to enjoy our solitude in the mist.
‘You know tonight’s our last night.’ Sasha said softly, turning to me and taking my hands in his.
‘Yes, I do,’ I responded. ‘I know I can’t avoid talking about us any longer.’
He looked at me expectantly.
I took a deep breath. ‘You know, I am still very confused and uncertain about how to resolve my dilemma. It has caused me a great deal of anguish. You brought such a new dimension to my life, yet I can’t deny the cost of continuing to enjoy it.’ Sasha frowned slightly.
‘Last night, before you came back to the hotel, I went to the Imperial Gardens and had a long talk with myself. I realized that it was a rare thing indeed for someone to marry his or her perfect mate. If we all waited for the ideal one to sweep us off our feet, very few of us would marry and the human race would have died out a long time ago. So, I guess, the compromises I made when I agreed to marry Dylan seemed acceptable – at that time. Until I ran into you, I didn’t realize how painful those compromises could be. I didn’t realize how much I’d given up until you showed me what was possible between two people’
My emotions welled up in my throat and I couldn’t speak for a moment. Sasha stroked my hair. ‘Go on…’
‘So I tried to analyze my dilemma logically, weighing the pros and cons of staying with my husband or starting a new life with you. I want you to think carefully before you answer a question for me. If I asked you to describe
us in ten years, what do you see?’
He turned his face away and stared out into the white, foggy distance. After a moment, he looked back. ‘That’s a harder question than I thought.’
‘I thought so, too. You know why? Because we’ve never had anything except head-spinning lust and a fantasy voyage as the basis for our relationship.’
‘I know what I would want us to be doing,’ he insisted. ‘I think that after we traveled and saw as much of the world as possible, we would have a family and probably be settled in the suburbs.’
‘But that’s a beautiful dream, not something we can easily do, in reality.’ I interrupted. ‘I have a job that I love, and so do you. I already have a house in the suburbs and a husband who is ready to start a family. I know I’m being way too practical, but is it the best thing for me to give up the things I’ve worked so hard for, to abandon my marriage because we enjoy fucking so much?’
Sasha’s face clouded with an angry look. I wished I were able to take back my last words. He turned away.
He still didn’t look at me when he next spoke, in a dejected tone. ‘Although we have had some great ‘fucking,’ what made it so fantastic was that it was based on love – for me, at least. Sure, we started out really fast, but is it possible for you to believe that it was never just about physical sensation?’
first time posting a story.... grammar and spelling might need some work.... Sasha lay bent over end of bed panties at half-mast and hood on so she could not see anything and could barely hear anything either she wasn't sure how long she waited but it was sometime before she felt movement around her. master was careful not to touch, just looking at her from afar, getting his stuff ready for what he planned on doing, while he stood there gazing at her perfectly rounded ass with her panties at...
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I woke up to a familiar situation, though not one I normally wake to find. My arms are restrained, as are my legs, and I am naked save for a collar and my ever present chastity device. I am no longer sure how long it has been. It is taken off once a week for cleaning, but never by my own hands. Indeed, it has been months since I have been able to touch myself, or had true release.My Goddess likes me horny and wanting. She likes me literally dripping with need… it used to be need to cum, and...
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If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...
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THE DISCIPLE By Jennifer Prowler This story may be distributed freely as long as it is in full and is not used for any monetary gain. This story is an original by me. Any similarity to anyone or any event is not intended This is set in a world of my own creation that is basically like ours but is filled with many Gods and Goddesses. This is my first attempt at writing so please be kind. Any comments would be welcomed at [email protected] I wrote this story as a counterpoint...
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An escaped PoW now living as a woman in Nazi Germany, I had reluctantly become the girlfriend of Count Helmut von Rumstahl. After delaying it as long as I could, the night had finally arrived when he would take me as his lover. THE CROSSING - part 10 by BobH (c) 2015 - 23 - "Does it have to be this constricting?" I protested, as Gerda finished tying off the lacing on the rear of the corset she had insisted I wear. "Yes it does," she said,...
Her lips seemed to have lost an their moisture while she was sucking Rich's big prong. She ran her tongue over their surfaces and stared wantonly into her father-in-law's lusty eyes. Lying on her side facing her husband's father, she could feel her brother-in-law's eyes caressing the rounded cheeks of her ass from behind. She took some perverted pleasure in wagging her white rump at him. She didn't know exactly what she had intended by this whorish action, but she caught her breath...
“Don ‘t wait for the perfect moment to strike, strike in the current moment and make it perfect. Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking. “ – William Butler Yeats Jason returned home to find Julia and Razza waiting for him, but chatting to Gamma, Sheila and Jonathan. “Hi, you guys what’s going on?” Jason asked. “Julia has arrived here with a number of concerns about tomorrow. She worries that if we rely on one computer that we leave behind, we are putting...
hi im 18/male/ukThe past Couple of weekends my mum has started going out on friday nights and not coming home till early hours in the morning ... I asked her where she goes and she replied just for a few drinks in town with her friends ,I didnt think nothing of it until 1 night i heard a loud car come up my avenue and then pull up , i looked out the window and saw my mum get out of the car ,there was 2 young looking guys in tracksuits and one had a cap on , they drove off and my mum come in the...
The next day, Steven drove me home. On the way, we had lively conversation. The only topic left untouched was our love making yesterday. Steven pulled up before my house and helped me out of the car. I waited supporting myself on the passenger door as he brought the crutches along. I tucked them under my armpits. "Why don't you come in?" I asked and headed toward the front door. "I have to go." There was tension in his voice. "Could you please park the car in the garage?" "Of...
However, as luck had it, just before two ours was past, around 100 miles from the coastline, we ran in to a region with calm sea and no wind at all. The Yacht drifted slowly south, the sun was unforgiving and temperature was raising fast, peaked out 98F at around 1PM. We were sweating heavy under that 98F baking oven at Mexico Ocean. I took of my T-shirt and Mom stripped of her tee and short. She said. “Damn, So hot… good thing I wear my Bikini under my short." I told her "Don't forget to...
“We can do it, but it will have to be timed to perfection and casualties on the Daoine Sidhe side will be very high,” Morgana stated to the Alliance group meeting chaired by Verenestra. “You can take out Elphame, Annwn, Afallach, Emain Ablach, Cnoc Meadha, Cnoc na Teamhrach, Inis Vitrin, Niðavellir and Rathcroghan, in one strike?” Draíochta Sinnead of the Craebh Ruadh asked, looking astounded. “Yes, though naturally we aren’t going into details,” Morgana replied with a thin smile. I could...
Tony knelt and stared at the semi-hard cock that twitched in his hand, and as he pulled back the foreskin, the slit in the head leaked a drop of glistening pre-cum. Without a pause, Tony sucked eagerly, tasting the saltiness and loving the way Gary moaned with pleasure. Tony could feel the cock swell and harden in his hand, and as Gary started to grow to his full 10 inches, Tony reflected on how the last 24 hours had changed his life.It had started with him playing around with his dildo on cam,...
The setting sun bathed all the figures in the garden an orange glow. Lila, between gasping breaths could not appreciate the beauty of the sunset, which she hoped would be her last. Aisha brought the cornu from the workshop and gave it to Manu. It was a curved rod of metal, iron, to be precise, tipped by a four bladed arrow of steel. Like a broadhead arrow, the blades shone malevolently in the setting sunlight. The blades would be blunt, Lila knew, to stretch without cutting, to hurt without...
ROUGH Kimiko walked silently into the living room, wearing just a loose, short tank top and panties, and found her husband sitting in his favorite chair. Eric, who had come home from work about an hour earlier, was clad only in his navy blue terrycloth bath robe, the belt untied. His habit was to take a quick shower when he came home, and now he was relaxing with a drink, his eyes closed, listening to music on his headphones. Without warning, Kimi dropped to her knees between his spread...
Hi guys. My name (let it be), I am back with another story which happened in the very recent past. I got very positive responses from readers for my last story “fucked widow aunt after 10 years” and “Bhabhi the sex goddess”. Ladies in East Delhi and around can mail me at privacy is respected. Read the story , am sure you will get wet. So coming back to the story. After I fucked my widow aunt and my Bhabhi, I was on look out for something fresh and hot. I generally prefer married ladies, as...
IncestThankfully the day was a bit cooler than the last few. I like it warm but sitting in the dickie seat in the blazing sun is no treat. Our trip to Bairnsdale had left us with a slight case of wind burn, Dom's mum had given us some cream to sooth the burn and to protect us on the return trip. We were about half the way to Sale when I tapped Dom on the shoulder. "Dom, can we go back and look at that old house?" Dom pulled up and did a 'U' turn and drove back to the house. "What have you...
A few days later, I was asked again to take care of him for my mother which I eagerly accepted. That afternoon, I ready myself for another fun evening with him. I decided to shave my pussy and wear an extremely short mini skirt that barely covered my ass cheeks. And picked out a loose fitting shirt that would fall open exposing my firm young breast each time I bent over. Only being 5’1 this outfit really made my tight 19 year old body stand out, accenting my short brown legs and 34C...
When I was in eighth grade,she taught us mathematics, she had always been attractive for all the boys, we always watched her ass and her breasts with hungry eyes, one we were staying late at school she made us stop at school. When we got lonely in school she made us sit in our class and came herself, she was looking sexier than usual that day, her dress was really clinging to her body, and her breasts forced out peeping through her dress. After she made us close the door, and all of us sat on...
Group SexA few days ago I had a surprise encounter with the hottest girl I’d ever seen. Up until that encounter, I had never met her. We passed each other in the halls, but didn’t take any classes together, so I never really had the chance to speak to her. My roommate Ashton labeled her ‘Triple B’ because she was a busty, blue-eyed brunette. Ashton had objective nicknames for all the ‘7-UP girls’, anyone he considered at least a seven or better on the hot scale. What a charmer.Despite his blatant...
Edie Gerst and her editor published the story about my baby, Summer, George, Crystal, and me on Thursday. They carefully picked the day of the week, because that's the day most of the tabloids get to the newsstands, so it would be a week before they would be able to catch up with the scoop we'd given the Dayton Daily News. By the time they would be able to write about the story, it would be old news, and depending on what else happened during the week, including what flying saucers landed...
I love reading the real stories and some excellent imaginary stories, I am not sure whether all the stories which are posted in the site are true or not but the story which I am posting now is real. To my earlier real stories I had got very surprises from story lovers and they had been my friends as well, the surprising responses are from a couple from Pune, Girl from Chennai, Married female from Rajhamundry, girl from combater and a couple from Hyderabad as well. I had posted on story with...
When she runs up to her parents and hugs them, telling them how good it is to be home, Adam is struck by how gorgeous she is. This is not how he imagined a girl growing up on a farm to look like. He could not take his eyes off of her tight jeans and round ass. It was literally like he was a teenager again, beginning high school. And in some way, she really reminded him of his daughter. He never had thoughts like that with his daughter, but having new, naughty ones about Paula brings on new...
Sinking into the warm water, she felt herself relax, and the abuses of her body slowly fade away as the water cleansed her. Reaching down, she ran her fingers through her openings, letting the water soothe and clean her all over. Letting her sister scrub and wash the rest of her body, she relaxed, almost falling asleep under her sister’s touch. “Yes, it, sounds fun -- I brought everything you bought me already ... anything ... you know ... that Jax would like ... but we can look, you know...
I hear people whispering and giggling, but not wanting to get up, I stay where I am. During the night we’d shifted and I’m lying on my back with one arm around Jehra and the other around Purra. I’ve a breast in each hand, and their nipples are stiff. I wondered what they’re thinking. I feel the bed move and someone touches my legs. A moist pussy slides down my stiff dick, and Judy’s voice softly tells me it’s morning. I lie there in bliss as her pussy slowly slides up and down my dick. I...
Romance: Another country heard from:7. "Medieval Europe?" Sultry asked. "What ever for?" "It's not really Europe ... it's another planet." "We'll go!" said the Seven in One, "Hello Sultry, you're looking ... Geese, I almost said Well Fucked." Sultry grinned. "Didn't Cassie... ?" asked Jack. "She didn't say we couldn't come back," said the disembodying Powers that Be. "I distinctly remember her saying..." Jack started but was interrupted. "She said she hoped she...
A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 22 - 24 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and of...
Michael had been in Havana for four days and still hadn't got laid, despite the assurances of a work colleague (who had raved about Cuba as a holiday destination for singles) that it was 'as easy as falling off a log'.The hookers on the notorious Prada avenue were all dumpy and overweight and clad in lurid purple or orange lycra body suits, and there had been a recent police purge of the more glamorous jinetera amateur prostitutes. So Michael was left with the handful of unattached single women...
TransSo I got to wondering. If me and a couple of my buddies were to offer a service where you could have the freakiest girl around come and do the most lewd activities live right in front of you, would you pay a fee for an hour of live voyeurism? You’d be blindfolded, driven to a location, and then you could watch her naked as she did…. Whatever. It would probably go something like this!!!-------------------------------I flipped on the lights and led the way down the steep basement steps. ...
She didn't want me to mention her name but this is her first time story i was away at college and i was really homesick. there was an older room mother living on the floor with us, and she invited me into her room for tea, and to get me some comfort. I missed my folks so much as I had never been away before.I had just talked to them on the phone and was so blue. I started crying and she pulled me closer to her and just held me like a little girl. I felt funny in my stomach when she did that but...
Scarsdale, NY: Sunday 21st December 2014Two voices, pushing me in opposite directionsI’d had a strange feeling as I’d watched how Sue reacted to Francis as they laughed and flirted in the bar. At first, I’d thought it was all just part of the game we were playing, done for my benefit.But as I’d watched Sue, my gut told me she’d forgotten that the camera was there and that what I was seeing was the real Sue. As they talked and laughed, throwing off a hundred little signs of how she was attracted...
Wife LoversOur benchmark is fucking five times in a day. We agreed during this holiday to stretch our sexual boundaries, and work through some of the items on our bucket list without any jealousies getting in the way. However, we agreed on one rule, no fucking with others, any sexual pleasure apart from fucking was acceptable and left lots of exciting options. I get a real buzz when I tell my man, “Your turn on is my turn on,” and he tacitly smiles back. On our first date a few years ago he took my...