17th BirthdayChapter 17 free porn video

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As he dropped off all the girls, the limo driver received a big tip. Karen invited Lauren to spend the night at their place with me. I'd kept some of the pot, so we were all having a beer and smoking in the living room. As I sat there, I felt distracted, and Lauren asked me what was wrong.

"I'm sorry; I was thinking about a problem that I'm having at work."

"What's the problem? I'm studying to become an engineer, so maybe I can help."

Karen and Diane were there, so I didn't want to say anything negative, but I said it anyways. "In anticipation of some new big orders, we opened another plant. What's happened though is that all the big hardware stores want to keep cheaper and less efficient filters, so they can give their customers a choice. As a result, we might have to close one of our factories, and lay off the workers. I need to figure out a way how to sell more filters."

Lauren, who was in the middle of holding in a lung full of smoke, let it out and said, "Make cheaper filters in one of the factories."

I almost fell off the chair, and then looked at the clock. It was three-thirty in the morning, and I was sitting there feeling quite drunk and stoned. I looked to Karen, and she said, "I'll buy anything you got to sell, but you have to fuck me first."

"I'm also serious. I'll fuck you, but would you consider buying cheaper filters from us, or more specifically, can we make them for you?"

"What's the difference?" Diane asked.

"We don't want our names on the cheaper ones, because we sell our better ones for a premium, based on quality. We could make a Home Depot brand filter that is better than what you sell now, but in the same price range. Instead of two layers of our special fabric around a mat of fibers, we could just do a single layer of fabric. It would say Home Depot around the edge."

"At what price?"

"If I could cut the price down to a dollar twenty-five would that be low enough?"

"Possibly, if it was better quality than what we sell now. That's still almost sixty percent off the premium filter."

It was three-thirty on a Sunday morning, and all I wanted to do was call Larry, Jim, Stick, and Cheryl. I decided to meet with Larry on Monday to see if he would be interested, and scope out the requirements for quality and price. If he were in, then I'd call Jim. I felt so keyed up that I took Karen to bed, and dragged the other two along. They were all bisexual, and before I passed out, I had sex with Karen and Lauren. It was humorous that now, I'd been to bed with Diane twice, and hadn't had intercourse with her yet.

Sunday I was on edge, and went for a run around the park. I kept running while I went through the entire set of pros, cons, and components of the potentially new product line. When I stopped running, and decided to walk, I took stock of the situation. I'd been running for over an hour, and just realized that my clothes were dripping in sweat. Although I felt tired, my mind was clear, and I suddenly realized that I now had a plan. I was walking back through the park toward Peachtree Road, and Karen's place when a guy on a bench stopped reading his paper, and said, "You finally stopped."

"Excuse me?"

"You were making me feel lazy after you bolted by here on your fifth lap of the park."

"I'll feel it later, but if felt good for now. Have a nice day."

When I got back, Lauren had gone home to study, and Diane was out shopping. Before I could move towards the bath to take a shower, Karen asked me to dump my nasty clothes straight in the washer. After finishing my shower, I dressed, and we went out. We walked a couple of blocks, and found a restaurant where we enjoyed a late lunch. With full bellies from the good meal, we decided to continue our walk. As we walked, I felt myself daydreaming and enjoying her company. All of a sudden, she broke my concentration, by saying, "Don, thanks for thinking about everyone when you bought those tickets. After work, I don't always like hanging out with my boss, but it seems that our personal relationship has gotten better after Vegas, and again last night. I recognize that it's good for business, but he and his wife were fun, and on top of that, I'm was glad that I could drink a little more, and smoke a bit at the after party. Home Depot and Lowe's both have drug policies, so don't mention it to him that we smoked together. They test you when they hire you, and again if they have cause."

"I won't say anything. Larry is older than you are, but he's a nice guy. I hope that he's willing to listen to my idea about the lower end filters. It could help us a lot, and give your customers better filters."

We didn't party, or go crazy on Sunday night. I slept with Karen, but just held her. We were up early, and I followed her into the office. It was only seven forty-five, and they didn't expect her until eight. Larry was in the office looking at a report, and sipping coffee. Watching him do a double take when I walked in with Karen was humorous, but that was between them.

"Good morning Don, we had a great time on Saturday night. Thanks again for thinking of us."

"I was happy to do it. I had lunch with Karen yesterday, and we were talking about an idea that I had. I wanted to know if you had a few minutes to discuss it."

"I have forty-five minutes that I can spare."

He invited me in, and closed the door. I said, "Larry, I'm going to talk honestly with you; when we got the orders from all the companies out in Vegas, Jim wanted to make sure that we could deliver what we'd promised. So what did he do? He went out and bought a larger factory to bring us to three nationwide. It is now our largest, and has the best equipment available in the market. After you ran your tests, we reduced the order, because you decided to keep the crappy filters so you could offer your customers a lower cost alternative."

"Are you guys OK?"

"Financially we're fine, and we'll deliver your filters as promised. Our problem is that we have too much capacity to justify keeping three factories open. I don't want to see one of them close, and see friends laid off. I want to increase sales and orders to justify keeping it open, and to keep our employees employed."

"I'm not sure what you're asking for, but I'm still listening."

"What do you think of my company producing a low-end filter, as a Home Depot brand filter? It will be a more efficient filter than the low-end one you're currently carrying. However, it won't be close to the one that we're selling to you as our premium filter. I don't know price-wise what we need to beat, but without talking to Jim I'd guess around a buck twenty-five for a filter, which will be three times better than what you're selling now, but with the Home Depot logo around the cardboard frame."

"We just had a price increase from our supplier from ninety cents to a dollar a filter. I think it's because they're selling less filters. We sell it for a dollar twenty-five. If we bumped it to a dollar fifty, we'd make less of a percentage, but the same profit per filter. I'd be interested if you could test it, and could prove the increase in performance. I like that we'd have our brand on it."

"We sell quality, and we can't afford to sell the lower end filter with our name on it. It would still be a step up from what you're selling now though."

"Talk to Jim, and check to see about pricing and performance. In theory we have a deal."

Although I stood, and shook his hand, what I wanted do was hug him, and kiss Karen, but I didn't do either. I calmly walked from the building, and then got in my truck. I drove out of the lot, then pulled over, and screamed. My body felt all tingly, as I tried to calm myself down. Once I felt OK, I started to drive towards Charlotte. I wasn't sure why, but I needed to know that it wasn't just Larry that I had on board.

Four hours later, I checked into a suite at the Dunhill Hotel. I called Cheryl's office, and Debbie told me to say hi to my brother before putting me through. Cheryl picked up, and said, "Good afternoon Mr. Powers. What can I do for you?"

"I'm in town, and wanted to meet with you."

"You told me to expect you in town once a month, or so. My body can't take that type of activity every couple of weeks. I'll try to keep up with you though."

"It is a business call. I can stop by the office, or you can come by my suite at the Dunhill."

"I'm really booked until four. Can we have a business dinner at your hotel? The restaurant is great."

"I'll be in the bar at five, and have reservations made for six. I look forward to seeing you."

She looked nice when she came in. We had a drink, and then sat down for a nice dinner. After they cleared the dishes, and they poured the coffee, she said, "I thought that this was a business deal."

"It is. I have an idea that I want to run past you." I went on to cover the same things that I had just discussed with Larry. She loved the idea, and was comfortable buying at the same price-point as Larry.

I offered her a trip up to the suite, she thought for a second, and said, "Let's keep it special. Call me next time you plan to come to town, and make sure you're here for the entire weekend. I love the endless passion we have. I'd hate to cheapen it with a one and done get together, and that's all I have time for at the moment."

It was about eight when I got back to the room, and I called Jim at home. He sounded stressed, so I asked what was new with him.

"I had someone come look at the Orlando factory today to give me an idea of its worth if I decide to sell it. This is the place where it all started, but it was much smaller back then."

"Jim why don't you think about getting it retooled, so we can ship all the existing business to the new factories. Once we do that, we can run our new line out of Orlando?"

"What new line?"

"The one I just sold to keep the factory open."

"Quit fucking around, and tell me what you did."

I explained my idea, and about my handshake deals with Lowe's and Home Depot. He put the phone down, and then picked it up in his den. He said, "We can do that, because you didn't take into account that with the new process, we can place the fabric straight across the frame, and eliminate the need for the baffles. As a result, we can now build a filter using one-sixth of the fabric, which is the most expensive part. That means that we can eliminate the need for a few people in the process. They'll not be lost though, since we can use them in packaging and shipping areas, because the quantities will be triple what we now do in a single shift. In addition, we'll have to make sure that we have a good supply of the different frame materials for the different companies. We should also arrange to have boxes for them similar to what we now do in our contractor programs. We'll have eyes to make sure the right filters go in the right boxes. Right now, I make fifty to seventy-five cents a filter. My first calculations at a buck twenty-five, show an eighty-eight cent margin before I give you a big chunk of it."

"Poor you. I need an independent test for the performance."

"This is just a sheet of fabric, and I've had it tested a hundred times when they were developing it. I can send over a report in the morning, and then have a sample made up, and tested again. This is great. I'll retool the factory with updated equipment. We'll still have capacity, but will have more than enough to justify all three sites. You've just lifted a huge weight off my shoulders. When are you going to visit Orlando next, so I can take you to dinner?"

"I'm supposed to close on my new place at the beach next week. I'll do that, and then fly to Minnesota and Illinois to meet with our other big chains. If we have small independents that are still offering the cheap brands, we can create a new brand DP filters to replace that crap they currently carry."

"What does the DP stand for?"

"Don Powers, Dumb People, or Double Profits, you take your pick. It is just something besides Airflow Technologies Premium Filters."

I heard him laugh, and could feel his smile through the phone. I had to make the long drive back to Orlando, but broke it up into two days, so I could stop to play golf in Jacksonville. Monday came, and I closed on the new condo. Mom had helped pick out furniture somewhere between crappy, and overpriced.

She explained that what she selected was purely functional furniture that looked nice. In the future, as I found other things that I liked, or found a style that pleased me more, then I could replace it piece-by-piece, room by room, or do a total make over. After we signed the papers in the sales office, the installers, who had parked by the freight elevator, then started moving. Tuesday the cleaning crew came in, and Tuesday night I moved in. Rhonda and Susan moved in on Wednesday. Maggie stopped by with an apple pie to welcome us in as neighbors. We were all happy that we were there.

Thursday morning, the waves were good, so I grabbed my board, and called into the girls that I was going surfing. There was a sand bar about a hundred yards up the beach from our condo. The waves were good right there, so I walked up the beach, and paddled out. I said hello to the two other guys sitting out past the breakers. I introduced myself, and told them that I'd just moved to Cocoa from Orlando. Bruce and Willie introduced themselves, and welcomed me to town. Willie said, "If you need anything, let me know, and I can make sure you're hooked up, dude."

"Well, if you know someone I'm definitely interested. Driving to Orlando to buy some weed isn't in the stars. I'm not a big user, but from time to time I like to relax some."

"I can make sure you're set up there."

I saw a wave coming, and rode it. The feeling of surfing is like no other. Susan and Rhonda were walking up the beach when I got back out to Bruce and Willie. Bruce said, "Look at those honeys walking this way."

"Those are my roommates, Rhonda and Susan. They also moved in yesterday."

"Dude you're a lucky bastard."

I just smiled, and then paddled up the beach some to place me into position for a set that was rolling in. By the time I rode the wave, and paddled back out, the girls were in the line-up. Bruce and Willie had already introduced themselves, and they were all talking. It was great not having to drive back to Orlando or awake at four to drive to the beach, and hope the wave report was accurate. At quarter 'til eight, Willie and Bruce said they had to leave for work at Ron-Jon's, so they caught some waves, and rode them in towards the beach. Susan said that she had some appointments, and had to go, as well.

Rhonda volunteered to keep me company, so we rode waves until ten. As we were walking back to the condo, I asked what her plans were.

"I'm going to settle in my room, and do whatever I need to do to make sure that my stuff is in order."

She worked for Stick, and she can work Saturdays, so I wasn't going to pry. I showered, and called the buyers at Menards and Ace before calling my travel agent to book the trip. I was leaving Monday afternoon, and would be home on Saturday night. It was short notice, but I had to work with the buyers schedules. I'd bring my clubs, and play golf between appointments.

It was later in the afternoon when I knocked on Maggie's door. I told her that I was going to the grocery, and was wondering if she had time to help me. She smiled, and went in to grab her purse and sandals. We went over to Publix, and we walked the aisles together. She helped me pick out the things that I don't know about. I needed to buy all the staples like spices, flour, baking powder, and things that I didn't know what their use was. She had her own cart, so I'd add things too it when she wasn't looking. I paid for her groceries, and then mine. She said that I didn't have to, but didn't fight me hard when I insisted.

She put her cold stuff away, then came over, and helped me set up my kitchen. Rhonda was reading a book in the living room when I carried in the first of three loads from the truck. She didn't offer to help, but she was reading, and seemed happy. The high quality of my appliances and cookware really impressed Maggie. She organized the refrigerator and the pantry, explaining what went where and why. It was later in the afternoon after we had put everything away, when she asked if I wanted her to help fix a meal.

"Free cooking lessons? If you'll stay, and eat with us, I'd be happy to cook with you."

She was a great cook, and we had some of the apple pie she'd dropped off for desert. Susan had a good day, and now Rhonda was finished settling in. I gave Maggie a hug, and she had a tour of the finished condo before heading home. I walked into the living room, and Susan was working on some paperwork. Rhonda was in the kitchen. She said, "We can make a list of things we need for when we go shopping. I think we need some wine, and should stock up on beers, as well."

I told her to make a list, and, as we find things we need, or run out of something, we can put them on the list, and then the next person to go to the store can pick up what's on the list. They both agreed.

Friday the waves were good, so I surfed until ten. Susan was out in time to leave for work by eight, and Rhonda went to work after surfing with me until ten. I wonder what she would have done if I'd surfed until noon. She was already getting on my nerves, but we needed to figure out a pattern or relationship that we were all comfortable with.

I took my coffee out to the balcony so I could sit and listen to the waves, and relax. Susan and Rhonda were both at work, and I was alone. I heard the door open on Maggie's balcony, so I called over to say hi. She stuck her head around the front part of the wall where I could see her. I held up my cup of coffee, and asked if she wanted to join me for a cup. She smiled, and agreed to come over. I met her in the kitchen, then pulled a key out of the drawer, and gave it to her to hold for me if I ever locked myself out. She said that she would give me a key to her place for the same reason.

We sat on the balcony, and got to know each other. She asked about my money and work.

"I work in sales for a company that sells air filters. The dad of my brother's girlfriend owns the company, and he offered me a summer job. I told him that I wanted sales, and he set me up on straight commissions. He thought that if I was lucky, and worked hard that I might close enough deals to cover my gas money for the year. I worked hard, and got very lucky. He has opened two new factories to accommodate the additional business, and I have another deal that looks like it will add a ton of new business to the company. I'll be in the mid-west all next week closing the deal."

"I'm glad you're not some trust fund baby. I don't have much respect for people that aren't willing to work. If you need a cook, or a maid, I can always use a little extra cash."

"I need both. I want the three of us to keep up our own place, but there's a difference between picking up, and being clean. I also don't cook well. If you want to fix dinners a couple of nights a week, I'll eat them, and you can teach us to cook at the same time."

"Thanks Don, you don't know how much this means to me. Living on a fixed income sucks."

"I wouldn't know, but if you need anything just ask. I can sip lemonade while I watch you wash my truck in your bikini."

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We all knew that Aunt Rose was a veteran drinker. I think she sucked up the booze and sneaked the smokes because she liked being on the thin side and would always spend time looking in the mirrors inspecting her pretty ass cheeks to make certain there was no added fat. Little Josie was like a mini-Aunt Rose in that respect and her tight fitting swimsuit that fit her perfectly at age fourteen was still a perfect fit now that she was four years older. I was humping Aunt Rose regular, but I...

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J Returns

It's midnight and there I was, standing on your patio and testing the door handle, locked, you weren't home yet. I sat on the old iron chair in your garden and waited, smoking, the rain starting to drizzle down around me. It took you 15 minutes to get home, I was shivering a bit by then and you pulled me close to warm me up, kissing me and opening the door to get us inside and out of the weather. I sat at your kitchen table as you turned up the heating and put on the kettle for some coffee....

2 years ago
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A Monkey on her Back Capter 2

"Don't try to speak, darling."I looked dumbly at my mother and in spite of her words, I tried to open my mouth.Nothing would work though, my mouth just refused to obey my brain, mum obviously saw the distress in my eyes and reached over to take my hand."Stay still Johnny," she said, her voice threatening to break. "You've got a broken jaw, it's been wired up."Even turning slightly to look at her hurt me, my neck muscles protested, even my shoulders hurt, I made a writing gesture, and she passed...

2 years ago
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My Secret Experience With Couple

Dear Readers , This is my first but true story for you so you can know how I got an ultimate sex experience. I am Man of 36 years with average height, health & look but extra desire for SEX and extra skills for SEX. I have Sex experience with beautiful House Wives, lonely ladies and even wife in front of husband ( unsatisfied couple and husbands permitted) secretly. One of my colleague was from south. He married at later stage with young girl & difference was of nine years. He used to share...

1 year ago
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Curly Head Takes The Stage

Well.. here he was again, at the same old titty bar he was at last week and the week before. Shit, thinking about it he realized he'd been coming here once a week for the past six months, always after the gym on Thursday or Friday night. He rarely got anymore sex at home and when he did it was pretty bland. He'd watched enough porn and read enough erotic stories to know there had to more than bland once a month perfunctory sex. So he didn't feel one bit bad about his weekly visits. He really...

Straight Sex
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The Way Back Ch 08

THIRTY-SEVEN From Monday to Wednesday everything else but the new building was shelved. It was stressful and tiring. Jenny phoned Ann and told her I would not be around until the contract was signed. Jenny and I ate out each evening and then we’d separate to our own flats to fall into bed exhausted. On Wednesday afternoon the contracts were signed and we were the proud possessors of a two hundred per cent increase of floor area. That night Jenny came back to my flat and we cooked a meal...

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Carried away on photoshoot wife gets jungle fever

My wife Nancy went back to college at the tender age of forty eight. She had taken several art courses, one of them was a drama - photography course. She decided to recreate one of those jungle, white explorer in peril type pictures, but what would come of it was totally unexpected.We had a friend of ours who let us use their tropical garden with its palms and dense brush.I took some photos as my wife (dressed in her jungle explorer outfit including pithe helmet) went through the jungle with a...

1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 894

Thank Allan B for the following: What’s long and hard & has cum in it? A cucumber... What is 6.9? A great thing, ruined by a period. Then there was the couple who went to group therapy. The therapist said, “You all should know what your wife’s favorite flower is.” The husband leaned over to his wife and whispered, “Pillsbury, isn’t it?” A cop arrested a speeder and brought him to the lockup. The driver said, “But...” The cop said, “Don’t talk to me, talk to the chief when he gets...

3 years ago
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Goldee Lox the 3 Bears

Introduction: This is a rendition of the classic Goldie Locks and the3 Bears intended for a mature audience so if you are younger than 18, please put this down, and find a Dr. Seuss book, otherwise please enjoy and be safe. Goldee Lox & the Three Bears Once upon a time, there was young girl name Goldee lox. Goldee was a sexy young woman, her measurements are 32-28-24, lips sweet as tootsie rolls and an ass even J-lo would envy. One day Goldee was walking down a street of her home town of...

1 year ago
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Indian Families In A Wild Orgy

Hello, My Dear Readers. It has been some time since I have been trying to write stories featuring a lot of characters. I never felt I had enough skills to compile a decent story, and gave up each time. But, now, I am pleased to present to you an orgy story, with plenty of characters of different age groups. This is the first part of the story. I will try my best to make sure the reader is not confused regarding the names and actions. Happy Reading! ‘Merry Times’ was a 5-star luxury resort...

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Rewarding my Heros part 1

When i turned 18 i got a fake ID and started going into the city on weekends to go bar hopping with my friends at our favorite bar i was approached by a young good looking black guy who offered to get me and my friends high but i thanked him and told him no thank you. He bought us a round of drinks when i turned to thank him he was walking out the door. I didnt see him for a couple weeks then just my one friend Suzy and i went to the city to visit our favorite bar. As we sat at the bar talking...

1 year ago
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Ravinder gulia

Friends this is my first story. , mera naam viney hai. Yeh kahani bilkul real hai umeed hai ki aap isse baar baar padhenge aur ladke muth marenge or ladkian aoni chut khujaingi. Mera pados main ladka rehta hai malha. 24 saal umar hogi uski. Job karta hai par filhal hum dono khali the. Dikhne main to theek theek tha but uske chutad ekdum mast the . Wo mere sath pura din rehta tha kabhi hum cho-cho(corex) pite the to kabhi tambaku.hum log aksar aisi jagah par jate the jahan jyada log na taki hum...

2 years ago
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An overheard conversation

An overheard conversation "You know what transgender is? Well I am in transition " "oh you must have just started then" "huh?" "Its almost a shame that a pretty girl like you would feel the need to be a guy, but I guess you have to go with your heart" "Actually ... I was a guy." "No! Really?" "Really." "I cant even picture you as a guy" "Neither could I" "Well, good luck" "Thanks" End

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Lucys Transformation

Lucy's Makeover They staggered out of the taxi and into the lift up to their apartment. Caroline fiddled in her bag for the key muttering "Where the fuck...." as Paul produced his key and opened the door." Chill dear" he said to Caroline. Caroline dropped her bags and collapsed into a chair. "Cigarette and wine, now!" she exclaimed. Paul rummaged through her handbag and found her cigarettes. He lit one and passed it to her. He went into the kitchen and opened a bottle as had now...

3 years ago
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Discrete Affairs Of Two South Indian Wives 8211 Part 2

I was glad to see encouraging responses for my first report on my sex life and am encouraged to write some more. Those who have not read the first part, do read it before you continue because I will not be repeating what I wrote there again. So, here goes! I and Padma had a wonderful morning with Rishi that morning and then went out for a non-veg lunch. Even though I and Padma were both traditionally pure vegetarians, wild sex always demands some meat afterward. So, we had our fill and all...

2 years ago
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My son with me2

Slowly i was getting more & more closer to my son. Our relation was something like husband & wife in bed & after ward we are behaving like son & mom. In night i was enjoying his fucking silently & he as a young boy fucks me loudly. I allow him to do what he wants & as a young boy he was fulfilling his interest of fucking. Sometimes i was feeling hot in my heart & my boobs & thigh muscles jump like fish out of water. My inner cunt get hot & i imagine his slim dick in my hand. Its hard standing...

1 year ago
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Editing Reailty Book 2 Chapter 15 Angelic Passion Unlocked

Book Two: Sultry Fantasies Unleashed Chapter Fifteen: Angelic Passion Unlocked By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Steve Davies I stared at the army of anime girls rushing at city hall. They were all armed with assault rifles, sleek, deadly weapons. They swept in from the right and the left, their gunshots cracking through the afternoon. The few people who were still lurking around city hall after my inauguration were fleeing into the building....

3 years ago
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No Pleasure With Out Pain

Hi readers.My name is Abhishek, 23 years old with 5.7ft, 63kg, 32wst. Believe me when i say every word i am going to type here is true and makes it a true story (No hyperbole is used). I like yahoo chatting so one day i was on with that. In Bangalore chat room, I got one ID as hrdcrewitme. (I am fond to hardcore and always liked to download that kind a videos). I pinged that guy and after a formal chatting we started chatting about sex and all. He mentioned he likes hardcore and wants to have a...

Gay Male
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The Perfect Slave

Denise really was the perfect slave. The level of submission and compliance was far beyond that of any I had experienced before and I have been training slaves for a long time. The golden rule is establishing a safe word at the very beginning. It can be anything that wouldn't be used in the context of sex so a word like "apricot" is good. Denise had never used her word even though I had taken her to extremes of torment. Never once had she complained when my whip slashed at her skin,...

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Twist Of The Knife ch 7 Part Un

Fall 2016. I've been watching the colorful fall leaves change hue from the small window in my room as the sun sets. I don’t like to leave my room unless I have to, the son of a bitch never comes into my room, but enough about him. Damn, that Nurse Betty was really something, and two days in a row, that was a first. I knew Lori was really getting into characters, and things had been getting pretty wild, but I had no idea how wild things would get, I was about to find out! It will be lights out...

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Mark Smythe Esquire Naked in SchoolChapter 6

“Thank you for standing up with us, Dr. Goldman and Ms. Clarke, but I think that now, I need to just lay down at home and rest. You two have fun if you want. What do you want, girls?” I asked my ladies. “I want to hang out with my new boyfriend, but Mom and Dad are already worried about me, so I’ll head home for now. Still, see you in the morning and I’ll try to put out for you at last if I can. If not, we’ll find another time, but I am going to give you my cherry, papi. Count on that, mi...

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An Ideal Spanking Hard but Sexy Chapter 1 Setting the Scene

An erotic spanking can be hard, but it must be sexy or where's the FUN? I'm not sure whether there's a limit on the number of words in this site's stories, but to be safe that's the reason this one is going to be broken into chapters. Also means I don't have to do all the work at one time - important as you reach my advanced years.It was around age sixteen that I became certain that my bottom was the most fascinating area of my body - one that had found out that a little self-spanking could be...

2 years ago
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World Greatest Ex Mother in Law

This "mother in law Fantasy" ex mother in law actually is more an ex son in law story and differs from most you'll read in two ways. One it's coming from the Mother in Law, two, it's actually true.First, quick background. I was a fairly young mom and my ex son in law was a few years older than my daughter so the age diff is only 15, I am now 59 he is 44. She left him for another and nothing other than some flirting ever happened when they were together.I always thought he was attractive and in...

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Luck of the Draw

Luck of the Draw by Janet L. Stickney As summer drew closer and my friends and I looked forward to a leisurely summer of fun and sun. Then Erin decided to throw one of her parties. This one is a costume party, with a twist. She had everyone that had been invited draw a paper out of a basket. Whatever was written on the paper is what you have to come to the party dressed as. People drew their slip of paper, some smiling, some frowning. When it was my turn, I grabbed a paper, opened...

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Theres Something in the Water

In a small house outside of a large city, a group of teenage witches perform a sexual ceremony over a cauldron. The cauldron sat on top of a drawn pentagram drawn out of chalk and let candles at each corner. Thinking they were going to summon a sexual nymph to satisfy their lust-filled desires, they follow the ritual and all four of them sit around the cauldron and masturbate to orgasm. As they all came, they collected their sexual fluids in a glass and then poured them in the cauldron while...

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Best Time With Anna In Mumbai

Hi, I am Rahul I live in Chennai now. This is my story when I went to Mumbai on a visit and was asked by my parents to stay with Nancy Aunty. Nancy aunty was a family friend of ours she was a widow and lived in Mumbai with her daughter. I reached her place in the evening and we got talking and soon it was dinner time, we had dinner and later aunt showed me to the guest room. She said that her daughter Anna was having an evening shift and would be home late, she also said that she would be gone...

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Katie Tells Tom What She Wants

Katie wanted me to bend over. Bend over, so my asshole was straight-up. She wanted me to suck my cock so that she could take pictures. Wow, Heart stopped. Briefly, but it stopped. I had thought that I was the glib one, the smooth-talking seducer, but I had no words. Katie filled in space: ''Tom, I'm happy to suck your dick, I want to. Do you have a problem with it? You don't have to fuck your mouth exactly, or cum all over yourself. I want to take a few pictures so that I can make a few...

1 year ago
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YoungerMommy Lacey London Free Use Stepmom

Lacey London and her stepson Tyler Cruise have been dancing around their mutual attraction for far too long. He thinks Lacey is too young to be married to his dad, especially since he’s super into her himself. Lacey tells Tyler that she’s free use for him, but he doesn’t act on it until later. Lacey is cleaning the bathroom and Tyler wants to take a shower. Recalling the free use statement, Tyler pops Lacey’s titties out and gives them a squeeze. When Lacey doesn’t...

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Welcome to the Hotel Evilena

Evilena :? Welcome to the Hotel, Evilena ? by ? Mistress Evilena's Servant?????? [email protected] ? Synopsis :? You?may check out anytime you want , but you can never leave.? A police woman falls under Evilena's erotic spell. ? FF? MC ? ? Evilena :? Welcome to the Hotel, Evilena ? Evilena slid onto the barstool and pointed?a long, delicate finger toward??the bar tender, and crooked it. ?He immediately hurried over to the stunning blond and asked what she wanted to drink.?...

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The Power and the Glory0

Cheryl remembered all about her sister Katie’s roasting, partly because she was there at the beginning and through the run-up and partly because, being close sisters, Katie had told her all the details involved in her tenderizing process. When Katie was thirteen years old, and Cheryl fourteen, the family attended together the spit-roasting of the daughter of family friends, a seventeen year old named Allanah, whom Katie and Cheryl knew but only slightly. There had been much discussion about...

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The Grass Is Never Greener

The following story is sadly lacking in sex, drugs, rock 'n roll, strong language, or even just an explicit transformation scene. It is also rather metaphysical, philosophic, and mildly depressing in an odd sort of way. If such things bother you then I advise you not to read it. You have been warned... The usual conditions apply. Free sites loopy enough to want it in their collection may archive it as-is with my blessing - Though I would appreciate being notified. Pay sites...

2 years ago
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Stepmom Godaughter from Portugal Pt 4

I woke up alone in bed as I heard the shower running with door closed. I walked into the bathroom to take a piss and brush my teeth. Maria heard me come in and said Good morning sweetie did I wake you? No, I need to get up and roll into office because I will have a busy day. I opened the shower door to tell her I need to run now because it’s already 7:45AM plus the dinner with the client tonight. Please text or call me when you find out if you can come tonight? I will text you after I take...

3 years ago
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My First Virgin

My son's friend, Josh, was going to be spending a week with us while his parents were out of town. The Saturday Josh was to come over my husband had to run up to his parents house out of town to tend to some emergency they were having with their plumbing, and he took my daughter and son with him. They would return on Monday. Josh showed up and after some chatting he went out to mow the lawn for me. Josh is a good k** and I have known him since he was little. He was excited about getting his...

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Let my husband have his job back

This is a story about cheating on your husband to prove how much you love your family.   Have you ever been so down on your luck that you thought you would do anything to make some money?   Well before you answer let me tell you of a story that proves the ultimate answer.   My name is John I own a small plumbing company in a little town in South Carolina.   I have a man named Simon working for me for the last five years.   He started out as an excellent employee over the last year his...

Wife Lovers
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Peters Advanced TrainingChapter 5

"It seems like it might work," Peter said, "but I'd feel better about actually trying to stage the scene instead of trusting to our paper layout." Meagan interrupted, "Hey Mom, I need to get on the computer to do some research." "Sure thing dear," came the absentminded reply from Debbie. "You two working out our next pose?" "Yeah," the two adults replied at more or less the same time. "What is it?" "It's a secret," Debbie said mysteriously. "We're not sure it will...

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More than a LodgerPart 9

More than a Lodger…Part 9 Laura found herself waking in a strange bed. It was not hers, and when she looked around the room, with half open eyes, she saw it was Tom’s. Laura felt a little sore between the legs and then she remembered the night before. The pleasure of what happened overwhelmed the soreness as she remembered her wild and unplanned night. They were always the best, she thought. Laura turned over gently and saw Tom beside her. He was flat out on the bed, arms sprawled in both...

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