DanicaPart 4C free porn video

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Danica heard a knock on her door not long after she had risen from her bed the next morning. She answered it and saw it was Celes. She opened the door wide and let the woman in.

Danica grabbed her up in a hug once the door closed. "I was worried. I haven't heard from you in so long."

"I'm fine dearie," Celes said, breaking the hug after a few moments. "I was jus' about business an' away."

"I'm so glad you're back," Danica said with a smile. "I want to show you something," she declared, thinking about her two new outfits and the dress Damian had given her, which Celes had not seen.

"Dearie, I... Yer... Danica..." Celes sputtered, trying to get something out. When she said Danica's name, the cackling accent vanished from her voice. Her eyes misted over and she covered her mouth — sobs shaking her body.

Danica wrapped her arms around Celes again, "Celes, what's wrong? What happened to you?"

The old woman choked off her sobs and stepped back. She held up her hand and took a minute to catch her breath before she spoke. "Danica, your gift... I... It's been so long... I never thought — ever again... I-I don't know how to thank you," Celes finally managed to force out, with none of her customary accent.

Danica's eyes welled up. They fell into each other's arms and both cried for a few minutes.

"You like it?" Danica asked and sniffled.

"Dear gods, Danica," Celes said with a little shiver running through her. "I've seen that girl Andrea at the baths so many times when Zoraster was torturing me with it. I wanted her so bad. I almost left your present in the box. I was afraid it wouldn't be... I don't know. But, I broke down and put it on. I spoke the command word and she was there. Dear gods — I had half a dozen people with rooms near mine scowling at me as I was walking here. I can't imagine how much noise I must have been making." Celes' face turned bright red as she finished.

Danica laughed, and then gathered the old woman up in her arms again. They were both still sniffling.

Celes pulled away and said, "Now enough of this silly bawlin'," her accent coming back, in full force. "What were ye goin' on about showin' me, Dearie?"

Danica sniffled one more time and went to the closet, retrieving her new clothes to show to Celes.

Danica showed off the clothes, but didn't put them on. She feared that doing so would be too much of a tease for the tormented woman. They then sat down and spoke of the task Zoraster had ordered Celes to undertake. The door opening interrupted them.

Zoraster walked in and approached Celes. He pulled out his amulet and touched it to hers while she scowled at him. He then said, "Return to your quarters. I have a task for you. You will await my instructions."

Celes left, glancing back inside with a look of worry on her face as she shut the door.

Zoraster's hand curled about the amulet — his eyes closed in concentration. His eyes opened after a few moments and he moved in to touch the amulet to the one around Danica's neck.

He didn't slip into the pseudo-trance this time, but instead sat down heavily in his accustomed chair and scowled at Danica. "I would suggest you do not ever — ever — seek to circumnavigate my torments again," Zoraster spat.

He then composed himself somewhat and relaxed in his chair more. "I can still feel her torment," he said, tapping the amulet. "So, I shall not punish you. Perhaps the little false moments of release she receives from your toy will make her a little less bitchy. I will allow her to keep it. Remember my warning, little rose."

"Gods, you are an arrogant fuck," Danica muttered beneath her breath.

Zoraster crossed the room and the back of his hand connected with Danica, before she even had time to react. The force of the blow sent her spinning off the bed to the floor. She felt — and tasted — blood in her mouth.

"You little bitch, I..." Zoraster bit off whatever he was about to say and Danica heard his footsteps crossing the room, followed by him sitting down hard in the chair.

Danica groggily managed to get up to her knees. She glanced over and saw Zoraster gesturing impatiently for her to get up.

Danica slowly climbed back up on the bed. Once she was seated, she felt the amulet around her neck grow cold, quickly followed by the chill permeating her lip where it was busted. The wound closed.

"Though it is nearly time for you to return to the Castle to complete your task there, I have another for you," Zoraster said — his normal, calm, somewhat amused demeanor returning. "You shall go down into the city and seek out this man, known only as Telanor." He gestured and an illusion of a man appeared near Danica.

She looked carefully at the image. He was short, wiry, and had a cunning look on his face. He was neither handsome, nor ugly. She noticed he had a dark tattoo of a spider on his right forearm — a black widow.

"Remember him well — especially the spider on his arm. That if nothing else will guarantee you have found the correct man. Bring him here. I care not how. Then keep him here until I come for him. You shall receive the freedom to go into the city, but only with permission granted beforehand. Leave whenever you are ready, but do so quickly. I want this man within these walls before the sun rises tomorrow morning."

Danica nodded her understanding.

"Very well. Good day, little rose, and good hunting," he said with a laugh. He tossed a purse to her, which jingled heavily when it hit the bed next to her. Zoraster was already reaching for the door when the purse landed.

Danica remembered the first time he had struck her with such violence, as she watched the door shut. I take it that you don't like being called a 'fuck', Danica thought.

The man had weaknesses after all.

Danica considered how to go about her task. She slid on all her magical rings and then pulled a gown from the closet that showed off her curves. It was not too fancy to be wandering around town in, but not plain garb. The dress was in earthy tones, so it would be her and not the gown that would stand out.

Her hand brushed against her new corset and panties as she put the hanger from the gown back in. On impulse — really just wanting to wear them — she pulled them from the closet as well.

She changed her clothes, and found that the way the corset cinched her waist and lifted her breasts made the dress look even more alluring on her. She smiled and spun, letting the hem of the gown twirl around her.

Danica decided she was as prepared as she could be on such short notice. She knew she could return here for anything she might decide she needed, and so set off for the city.

She left the main building and crossed the grounds, striding confidently toward the main gate. The guards glanced at her, but made no move to impede her. She passed through the gates and stepped onto the road that led down the hill to the city.

Danica smiled and breathed deeply. Somehow, the air seemed fresher here outside the walls of her prison. She was a prisoner still — but for the moment, she allowed herself to feel free as she walked away from the complex.

Danica started looking for the man as soon as she stepped onto the city streets. She wandered around the town, stopping at various shops to browse their wares. She purchased a few small items to avoid arousing suspicion about why she was wandering around alone.

Late afternoon crept up on Danica, and she still had not seen the man she sought. How am I supposed to find one man in a city this size in one day? Danica thought to herself in frustration, adding a little mental curse.

She thought about the man's appearance, and decided that he might not be in the better part of the city. Acting on that thought, Danica made her way into the poorer quarter of town.

She was more out of place here the way she was dressed, but apparently not enough to arouse too much suspicion. The shady shopkeepers here appeared quite glad to see her, and she played the naive girl in order to reinforce their notion. She paid far more than she should have for the few trinkets she purchased here and there.

Acting on another flash of inspiration, she visited the taverns in the poor quarter. In each, she purchased wine and sat down just long enough to scan the entire room. She drank only a little of the poor wine each time she ordered, carefully disposing of the rest when nobody was looking. Still, she was becoming a little tipsy by the time she stepped outside of one tavern into the last light of the setting sun.

She cursed silently, This is impossible. She was nearly ready to give up when she noticed a large crowd lining up and waiting to enter the largest tavern in the area. It bordered on the better part of the city, and was one of the largest taverns she had ever seen.

Danica could hear an incredible amount of noise in the place, and the people just kept coming. Thinking that a large crowd might draw the sort of man she was looking for, Danica joined the queue in front of the establishment.

She noticed that every man tossed a gold coin into a glass bowl as he entered. The men at the door greeted women warmly, asking for no coin. They admitted Danica with a warm smile and an animated greeting. She heard one of the men at the doors say, "I hope she'll be tryin' for the gold this evening."

The common room was huge. There were a lot of tables within, and even more sat on balconies above the main floor. Elegant staircases led up to the balconies. The bar was a square in the center of the common room, and it was busy. Waitresses in tight blouses, unbuttoned low, swept through the crowds delivering drinks and food.

Danica noticed there were not very many women inside. The ratio was approximately twenty to one by her best guess. Some women sat alone in groups, while others sat with large groups of men who were busy ogling the women.

Danica felt eyes on her as well. She ascended one of the staircases to get a better view of the whole room. When she reached the top, she leaned against the rail and looked over the crowd. Her eyes went wide with surprise and delight when she saw a man who looked like the one she sought sitting in a corner of the tavern.

Danica quickly descended the opposite stairs and managed to find a seat nearby. She talked briefly with the two men and the woman who sat at the table. When it became obvious that Danica wasn't much interested in talking, the men turned their full attention back to the flirty blonde woman.

Glancing over at her potential target, Danica noticed the spider on the man's arm and knew she had the right one. She ordered a glass of wine, and she was pleasantly surprised to find it very good.

She drank her wine, glancing in the man's direction flirtatiously, hoping to catch his attention. He was looking right at her, but he seemed to be looking through her, lost in thought.

Danica pouted, thinking she was going to have to get up and go join him at the table to get the man to notice her. A loud cheer erupted, shaking Danica out of her thoughts. Following the eyes of the other patrons, Danica saw a big man with a long mustache standing up on the bar.

"Hoy men — and ladies!" he shouted, winking when he said ladies. "It's time to start this evening's show!"

Another loud cheer erupted from the crowd. Danica noticed the man with the tattoo turn toward the bar, and that he was watching with interest now.

The man picked up the large glass bowl used to collect the coins at the door and poured half of its contents into another bowl. This he sat on top of a barrel in the dead center of the bar's square.

"A fine prize tonight — who wants to try for it? C'mon now, don't be shy, ladies!" the big man shouted, beckoning to the room with sweeping gestures of his hands.

Danica guessed that there had to be a hundred gold coins in the bowl. A fine prize indeed, Danica thought. It was likely more money than anyone in this room saw in a month or more.

Large, muscled men cleared out the patrons nearest the bar. A few reached into their pockets, handing over coin, and they kept their seats. Others approached from around the common room and paid coin to sit in the few seats that were vacant there.

The big men — twenty or more — then surrounded the bar as the crowd pushed in closer.

"What Ho!" Danica heard the big man on the bar shout. "We have our first! Our own little Dainsey wants to try her luck tonight! She's hoping to turn the trick Gabrielle did last month, and get herself out of my employ I guess," he said with a mighty laugh.

Another cheer went up from the crowd as the man clapped and called for music. Music sprang up from the minstrels who now stood near the bar. It was a light, flighty tune — likely a drinking song — and Danica saw one of the waitresses climb up on the bar. A roaring cheer accompanied her ascension.

The woman danced atop the bar, moving around it as she danced. Another loud cheer erupted from the crowd when she unbuttoned her blouse the rest of the way and bared her breasts. She tossed the blouse behind the bar and hopped down to the floor to spin and twirl around the men seated at the bar. No man there made any move to touch her, instead clapping and staring as she danced her way around them with her bared breasts only inches away from the onlookers.

After she completed a circuit of the bar, she whirled in a tight circle and whipped off her skirt. Remarkably, the cheer from the crowd was even louder than those that preceded it.

She took a few more twirling steps and then hopped gracefully up onto the bar. She spun down to a seated position facing a well-dressed man. The dancer pulled her panties down, and then pulled her legs up high to remove the undergarment. A quick snap of her leg sent her panties sailing back behind the bar, and she then stood to dance again.

She made one more circuit of the bar completely nude. Then as the music came to an end, she slid down the bar on her side with one leg kicked up high. Again, she was directly in front of the well-dressed man — her sex scant inches from him.

The big man hopped atop the bar again to shout over the crowd. "Ho Ho! What a start for a fine evening! Now, get back to work Dainsey — you're not rich yet!" He let out another booming laugh and gestured to the room, calling, "Who will be the next?"

The blonde woman who sat at Danica's table got up and made her way toward the bar. Danica noticed the man with the tattoo watching with rapt attention.

The blonde woman had large breasts, which she revealed immediately upon hopping up on the bar by ripping open her blouse. Her dance was similar to the first dancer's, although she actually allowed her breasts to brush the patrons. The woman completed her dance and returned to the table breathing hard.

The next to accept the challenge was a dark-haired woman with small breasts. She was very graceful and flexible, which she took great advantage of as she danced.

Danica watched as two more women hopped up on the bar to dance. She saw the eyes of the man with the tattoo never strayed from the bar.

The next time the big man called for another dancer, Danica stood and headed toward the bar.

"What Ho," the big man laughed when he saw Danica walking between two of the bouncers who kept the crowd at bay. Gesturing to welcome Danica up onto the bar, he shouted, "A fresh face!"

Danica whispered into the man's ear, telling him she wished to speak with the minstrels before she danced. He nodded his approval with a wide smile, and gestured grandly toward the musicians.

Danica spoke with the minstrels and found they knew the songs she wished them to play. She told them what cues they should use to switch between the songs, and then climbed back up on the bar.

The apparent master of the show offered Danica his hand as she ascended the steps up to the bar. He then jumped down when Danica stepped onto the polished wood.

The music Danica had requested was a slow, gentle tune, such as might accompany a couple's dance. Danica spun about slowly, gliding around the bar. She ran her hands along her waist and hips, and then to her breasts as she danced.

When her hands reached her breasts, the minstrels increased the tempo of the music slightly. Danica's hands went around behind her to unbutton her gown with quick, deft movements of her fingers. She popped off one of the buttons, but ignored it without missing a beat. The tempo of the music picked up again when she reached the middle button of her dress. Her feet moved more quickly now, and cheers from the crowd grew louder as flashes of Danica's skin were revealed by her spins.

When she reached the last button, the minstrels took their cue and transitioned perfectly from the first song into another — a faster paced dancer's song. Danica's feet moved faster in response to the music. When a lilting trill of the flute sounded, Danica spun rapidly. The hem of her gown rose up and went out high, revealing her legs very well and drawing whistles from the crowd.

She pulled at the sleeves of her gown one after the other when she finished the fast spin. She pulled her arms from the short sleeves of the dress, holding it up with her arms and then releasing it.

A shout of approval erupted from the crowd when she shrugged the gown off her upper body, revealing the corset and her bare breasts. Danica slid the gown past her hips and let it pool on the bar.

The volume of the shouting rose again as she revealed more of her body. From the people closest to the bar, Danica could hear comments about her barely-there panties. The experience proved very arousing to Danica, and she knew there would soon be a wet spot on those panties.

Danica spun down to a seated position on the bar, and then slid off it. She whirled and twirled her way through the crowd, leaning over the men who had paid for their seats to put her breasts right into their faces. She brushed her panties against their arms and legs with devilish purpose. The breathless look of arousal on her face as she danced was quite real.

She made a circuit of the bar, and then — taking a cue from the previous dancers — she paid special attention to the well dressed man who sat in a place of prominence.

When she leaned over him in her dance, she let her nipples brush his shirt. When she stood back up to whirl her way around him, she let the crotch of her panties slide over his leg in a long sensual stroke. Danica let her hands caress him lightly as she moved around him, and then turned away to sway her hips back and forth in front of him.

Bending over the bar, Danica pulled her upper body up on it, looking back at the man as she did so. He was smiling wide, looking directly at the wet spot that had indeed formed on her panties. He smiled wider when she pulled them down right in front of his face and let them fall at his feet.

The crowd erupted in a roar as she popped up to her knees back atop the bar, and then rose to her feet. She spun quickly, causing her pendulous breasts to swing and bounce hypnotically. Sweat glistened over her skin, now covered only by the corset, as she continued to dance with wild abandon.

She dropped down low, and then bent over backwards. She threw her legs upward one after the other and flipped over. When both her feet came back down, she leaned low and moved her body in a wave over the bar. The crowd went wild.

Danica arched her back, jutting out her breasts as she rose from her knees, and then to her feet. She ran a finger between her labia, brought it to her lips, and sucked it as she continued to undulate and dance across the bar.

The music built to a crescendo and Danica whirled with it, spinning down to her knees, and then her back. She arched her back, opened her mouth wide, and snapped her legs wide apart when the music came to a sudden halt.

The crowd screamed and whistled at deafening volume as she got up. Beads of sweat traced down her flushed skin as she strutted with swaying hips across the bar toward the well-dressed man, and eased down off the bar.

"Excuse me," she said with a smile as she squatted down in front of him. She let her breasts slide along his leg as she retrieved her panties and stepped into them.

The man got a good look at the glistening wetness on her folds as she slowly pulled her panties up.

"Ho HO!" exclaimed the master of ceremonies as he hopped back atop the bar. "Now here's a lass who came dressed to dance! This gown certainly hid quite a surprise," he shouted as he picked it up and held it out to Danica.

She smiled and licked her lips as she retrieved her dress.

"Ha! Now there's a lass after my own heart," he commented with a wink to her, and then laughed loudly. "Now, who's next? Don't be shy ladies!"

Danica pulled on her gown and walked back toward her table as another woman ascended the bar to dance. As Danica walked, she noticed the man with the tattoo had his eyes on her. Instead of returning to her table, she walked over to his.

"You dance very well," he said as she approached him, smiling and raising his eyebrows.

"Thank you. Perhaps I might take the prize," Danica said and sat down. "I was beginning to think I looked terrible. I've been trying to draw your attention for quite some time, before the dancing began."

He raised his eyebrows in surprise. "I'm sorry. I have a lot on my mind. Surely I would not have ignored one so beautiful as you."

Danica turned to look at the woman dancing on the bar, seeing she was already nude and drawing loud cheers from the crowd. "She's pretty, and dances very well," Danica said to see how her target would respond.

Telanor glanced toward the bar for only a moment, responded, "Oh yes," and then looked back immediately at Danica.

Danica smiled when she saw this, but continued to look as if she was paying attention to the dancer, though she was paying much more attention to the man seated at the table with her. The dancer finished, and the big man climbed back atop the bar to try to entice another dancer to come up.

"I think you will win," Telanor declared.

Danica smiled and blushed prettily. "Do you really think so?"

"Oh yes. The crowd was quite enthusiastic — those at the bar most of all. I believe their vote will weigh heavily in the decision. The barkeep was also most enamored of you," he said looking into her eyes.

"We can only wait," Danica responded, letting her eyelids slip over her eyes in a demure gesture.

"No more takers?" The big man on the bar shouted. "Very well! We shall have those here at the bar who could see best cast their votes, and determine our lucky lass!"

"It appears we will not have to wait long," Telanor remarked.

The barkeep went from person to person, receiving their votes. He then stood up and scanned the crowd from atop the bar as he spoke. "A decision has been reached. It was a close thing, but we have a winner!"

His eyes fell on Danica and he said, "Come on up here, Lass, and claim your prize — for you are tonight's winner!" He waved both arms over his head in an exaggerated gesture for Danica to approach.

Danica made a little, 'Me?' gesture, which prompted the man atop the bar to laugh, nod his head, and gesture for her to come again. She stood up and made her way to the bar through the crowd, which parted for her to pass.

The showmaster dumped the gold coins from the bowl into a leather pouch as Danica approached, and then handed the pouch to her amidst loud cheers. He indicated for her to follow him to the gate of the bar. He spoke quietly to her as the bouncers moved, allowing the patrons to move freely to the bar once more.

"Lass, this is a lot of coin. It will surely make a target of you for some of the more seedy people about. I can keep the coin here for you to be picked up in daylight. You can rest assured that I will not cheat you. Or, I can send a couple of my men to escort you if you would like?"

Same as Danica
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Slowing Down

Slowing Down by Paul1954 (c) "Here you are Mr Grant - the report you were asking for". "Thank you Mary. I'll have a chance to update myself with this before this afternoons meeting". "Oh, and Mr Jamieson called a few minutes ago. He asked me to tell you...". "Thank you I said, Mary. That'll be enough for now. I need some time to go through this report to see whether I'll have to change my presentation to accommodate its conclusions. I'm cutting it fine as it is and if I don't...

3 years ago
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Punishing Lily Part Three

I completely forgot about the principal standing next to me. I forgot that I was in my university, surrounded by a thousand giggling, gossiping students. My mind was focussed entirely on the gorgeous, dripping slit in front of me I so needed to bury my cock into. I leaned forward, guiding my throbbing manhood to the Lily’s tight, quivering opening. She gasped in the daze of her climax, her head tipping back and she gave a long, deep groan to feel my head pressing against her entrance. As I...

2 years ago
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Asha Hui Mohsin Ki Deewani

Asha aur meri mulaqat aaj se 5 saal pehle hamare office mein hui. Wo ekdum meri dreamgirl jaisi thi, dekhte hi pyar ho gaya (aur aaj bhi humara pyar waisa hi hai), takreeban 5’6” height, gora rang, lagbhag 34-28-36 ka figure ( jo aaj 36-28-36 ka ho gaya hai), na slim na fat, par uske figure aur rang se kahi jyada mai uski smile ka deewana tha. Saath kaam karte hue mein uski intelligence ka fan ho gaya tha. Hum dost bane fir pyar ho gaya. Wo wahin kaam karti rahi aur main dusre sahar naukri ke...

3 years ago
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What a Relief

They say that roughly fifty-percent of all marriages fail. Well, I've only been married once but my percentage is a hundred. Hardly anything not heard a million times before, she had an affair with her boss and he was leaving his wife and she was going with him. You've heard it before, I'm sure. Well, I suppose there are some good sides to what happened, first, we didn't have children. We'd talked about it, now married about five years, I was thirty, she was twenty-eight, we thought it was...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Orgasm torment at Kays hand part 1

I laughed as I got out of bed and headed for the shower. My sister Kay, was swearing at me between gasps for air. Two hours earlier I had stopped by to check on her since her husband was out of state for work and she had basically demanded I take care of her or she was going to go crazy. Being the wonderful older brother that I am… I made her cum orally a few times before I finally gave her the cock she wanted! By then, the bed was soaked because I had her so horny she had squirted on my face...

2 years ago
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culotteculotte mouilleculotte porteacut

Je m’appelle isabelle, 40ans, parisienne, et j’adore porter des petites culottes tendances, strings, bas, collants, chaussettes en pensant que je vais pouvoir les envoyer à des hommes. Rien que d’y penser, et hop, cela inonde ma culotte d’un délicieux nectar … C’est un moyen pour moi d’avoir un rapport aux hommes basé sur le fantasme, l’érotisme : de votre côté je vous imagine déjà en train d’ouvrir l’enveloppe avec ma petite culotte, de la regarder, de la toucher, de la renifler, de la...

3 years ago
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A chance at a new sex life Part 13

“Morning” I whispered to Jessica. “Good, you’re awake” she grinned as she lifted her head up. “It’s still early but I got horny and saw you hard. Hope you don’t mind?” She asked as she slowly jerked me with her hand. “Not at all” I replied as I cupped the side of her face and edged her back onto my cock. She all too happily got back to work as she began working her mouth up and down my shaft. It’s exactly how any man would want to start their day with a good morning blow job. I used...

1 year ago
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AssParade Romi Rain Bangbros Fucking Cares

In this exclusive and fun BangBros satire Romi Rain plays a sultry, sexy, huge tits, huge ass college student is so hot outside that thanks God she is wearing super short Daisy Dukes shorts, otherwise, she would have been sweating so much, she wants a bottle of water from the fridge but they are all the way on the back, so she really has to bend over to reach them, showing her huge ass, then she goes to the pool to cool down but the pool is also hot, so she decides to spill the water from the...

3 years ago
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Another Love

I never meant to get into a new relationship after so long not least with a girl, and girl is the right word who could have been my daughter. In fact, she was my daughters’ best friend which is how we came to meet in the first place.I should explain that I am just shy of 50, a widower, my wife Louise died of cancer ten years ago and along with the grief of losing not just my lover but my best friend and confidant meant that for the years since I had thrown all my energy into bringing up our two...

4 years ago
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Boarding School initiation

I was sent to a boarding school in Yorkshire when I was 13. I was sexually innocent and although I got regular erections I had never ejaculated and knew very little about it. The school house I was in had a dormitory with four corridors radiating from a central hallway with washrooms. Each corridor was separated into cubicles by wooden partitions, which gave some privacy although there was an opening in the top half of the door so that prefects and masters could check on us during the night....

3 years ago
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The Maid Part 4 Simon says Take One Giant Step

Cee was still grasping my penis.  I was hard as glass and precum was drizzling onto the head of my cock.  With a little playfulness in my voice, I smiled and said, “What did you have in mind, my dear?”  My mind was racing to keep track of all the possibilities in this moment.  They all ended up in first place.  “I know you want to focus on my pleasure and that’s fine.  I am so lucky to have a husband like you who wants me to have every good experience I can.  But look at how hard you are.”  She...

2 years ago
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Cat and Mouse A Cresswell Industries Story Pt 17

XVII: Entrapment Sweetie remembers her girly-posture. Day and night. Lowly sweetie, eyes aflutter. Waldo's eyes slowly opened, and adjusted to the lights from the nearby windows, none of which prohibited the winter sun from shining down upon the weary young man's face as his eyes fluttered rapidly. It was then that he realized, in the very next moment, that the skies were too bright for this to be the early morning, which was when he was supposed to rise to get his bus. Ooh!...

2 years ago
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Acts of Infidelity Mary Brian Part 1

Thursday 26 October 2017 - 1.33pm.My wife’s lover Richie arrived nearly an hour ago. I opened the door to let him in. Mary was pleased to see him. So was I.I joined the two of them in the kitchen for the usual coffee and chat. For quite a while, all seemed as it might in any house when a welcome friend came to call until fifteen minutes ago when Mary asked him directly if he wanted to join her in bed.It was a redundant question and we all knew it; bed with my wife was the reason he had come. It...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Anna Chambers G355

The big moment is here for Anna Chamber’s best first gangbang! Kris strips her down so they can have a look at the smoking hot body of this eager to please babe before laying her down on the table to start the real show. Surrounded by five cocks means Anna has a variety to choose from and her mouth and hands get straight to work taking them all in as Kris warms her tight little pussy up with his mouth. Solo takes the show in the air, ligting her off the ground as he pounds her with his...

3 years ago
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Sex With Cousin For The First Time

Hi readers, I am new to writing here but I have been reading many stories which keep me very hot. A little about me, I am now 28 and married. At the time of this I was 21 years old and not married. Even thinking about it now turns me on. Im 5’7″, brown eyes, 36c. My names Anju and I am from UK. My cousin is 3 years elder to me. Hes 5’11”, brown eyes, fair skin and 8-9inch cock. He is from India. His name is Sanjay I first met him when I was 15 and he was 18 at a wedding. We began talking and...

3 years ago
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Do You Think Theyll Stop Here

"What?" he roared. He looked across the room at her. "Calm down Kyle." She replied indignantly. "I will not calm down! And what's more Susan, I will not be told to calm down in my own house!" She rocked back in the sofa, his outburst obviously startling her. He paced the floor in front of the gas fire, his brows deep in a combination of anger and worry. Susan, his sister-in-law, had been living with them for three months, and the first time his wife is out of town, something like...

3 years ago
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Wish Lists

WISH LISTS T.S. FESSELN?Disclaimer: This is a work of amatory fantasy. Any resemblance to people living or dead is purely coincidental. If you are under the age of 18,  please stop reading here. If you are a bit squeamish about graphic depictions of sex and bondage, please stop reading here. The author takes no responsibility for those who wish to reenact anything written below.Permission is granted for private use. The author wishes any agencies that wish to publish this work, to please...

4 years ago
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Pt 2 Angel gangbanged at Joes the LAST time

Saturday morning & afternoon adventures for Angel_________________________________________Saturday morning while Joes 2 roommates were again cooking breakfast Joe kind of explained some of what he was planning for the next few days with Angel. He also explained that this was going to be his last week in the Reno area. He was leaving for Vegas the following Monday to begin his new job after he got into his new home there. What Joe had planned for today was rather tame. He just wanted to take...

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Fathers Only Child

As I got out of the shower I looked at myself in the full length mirror. At the age of 30 I was nice and fit. I had nice and muscular arms and I was thin with some hair on my chest. My cock was at least 6 inches long and 3 inches around when it was hard and it was now. I wasn’t too surprised because it usually is in the morning. All my past lovers said I have the stamina of a teenager. I was thinking about masturbating until I heard a knock at the door and a cute...

3 years ago
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Breathing by Dawna Tompson I I was aware of my breathing before anything else. It was slow and deep, as if I was still in a deep sleep. I stayed perfectly still, listening to the natural rhythm. I wasn't ready to get up yet, but I didn't feel like going back to sleep. I tried to recall the dream I had just had. I had a feeling it was important but couldn't remember anything of it. Still, the feeling wouldn't go away. I tried to keep my mind blank, to think of...

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My First Penis

I was in my early 20s when I first put one in my mouth. My teens were spent watching straight porn, and I loved it, but I always fantasized about cock. Big cocks, small cocks, hairy, smooth, cut and uncut cocks--I found them all fascinating and sexy and I wanted one in my mouth. It was after a long relationship with a woman who was homophobic that I started exploring my sexuality. I became more open-minded with porn and started watching videos with transwomen, crossdressers, and eventually an...

3 years ago
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Flattering Best Friends Mom

Our culture has developed into one with such devotion to MILFs that is almost impossible for a teen not to fall for an older actress, a teacher, or a friend's mom. That's where this story begins. The story is based off of many real events with each participant being at or above the legal age. Since the 3rd grade, Ben and Matt were inseparable. They shared every hobby, always had a class together, and hung out with each other religiously. Both of them were part of the other's families to the...

4 years ago
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Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 61

Agent Wilkes fbi Master J janets new boyfriend and MMA instructor. E. M Hawks Auto Repair Service. Waking up with Thia in my bed was like being twenty five years old again. She looked like her mother, and god help me, she reminded me of her and those days. Of course I knew she wasn’t her mother, and when I tried to roll out of bed after only three hours of sleep, I knew I wasn’t twenty five again. I was just selfish and I knew it. I went through a few minutes of intense mental anguish...

2 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IIChapter 19 Adriana

I found my way to Catherine's office. While I didn't run into Jeannie, I met several other suits. All were polite and greeted me warmly, directing me to the other corner of the floor. Wagner Industries took up the entire thirty-fourth floor, but didn't seem too crowded. I later learned that accounting took up most of another floor. When I entered, Catherine was sitting at a conference table with Wally, Uncle Harry, two men in shirts and ties that I didn't know, and a young lady, who was...

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Greek Goddess

I was a young man in my early thirties and had recently travelled over to Sivota, Greece and bought my own Greek villa as my late father had left me all his money in his will before he died.So, here I am in glorious, hot Greece. I opened the balcony doors and stepped out onto the balcony sighing happily, raising my head to the hot morning sunshine. I was about to return back inside when I caught sight of the most beautiful woman I had ever seen before walk down the road below."Morning," I said...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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The Internet Acquaintance

After being gone for more than six months, I was looking forward to being able to relax and lounge around the house, naked as always. The wife and k**s had all left and I was finally alone. I quickly stripped off my pajamas and enjoyed the wonderful feeling of being naked. I walked into the computer room and sat down, anxiously looking forward to playing online and stroking with privacy once again.I logged onto the computer and quickly went to my favorite websites, including this one. I was...

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The Passionate Family 8211 Part 6 Darkness Or Light

The end of the Sai and Saundarya saga is here! Let’s embark one last time in Sai and Soundarya’s life. How did the family’s life change in just 7 days! What do light (life, happiness, prosperity) and dark (chaos, death, and the underworld ) actually pertain to? Did you enjoy this lovable dark tale of the passionate family? Feedback and comments? reach out to me at So, we were in the bedroom. A scream just changed the environment, mood and settings in the room. Scared, they all turned their...

3 years ago
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Mei Ling Part 5

Mei Ling - part 5 by B Pink Her voice and giggly laughter echoed in my brain as I left the kitchen and walked into the hallway. I removed the jacket and hung it in the cupboard under the stairs. This was not normally where I would have placed a coat, but I had noticed that my cleaning lady had always used this space to store her things and my brain said that I must do likewise. I spent the morning making the bed that was once mine, but had last been slept in by my new...

2 years ago
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A Girl Only Dreams Make UpChapter 5

Golden rays of sunlight slip effortlessly between the gaps in the curtain to give the room a faded yellow glow. With his eyes barely open, Alan lightly grazes his fingertips up her arm until the light groan indicated that she too is awake. “Good morning,” he says pulling her in closer to him. “How did you sleep?” “I always sleep better after one of our sessions,” she replies. A sly grin playfully crosses his lips before he places them delicately against her skin. Doctor Kennedy Francis has...

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The Hurricane of 2020Chapter 17

We woke together and pulled on enough clothing to be decent and went into the kitchen. It was early and the morning mist was visible out the window as the coffee dripped. I fixed her coffee and poured mine. We continued to look out the window with our arms around each other just enjoying the quiet. After a few minutes, Joan wandered in sniffing loudly. "Coffee, I smell coffee." She fixed her cup and joined us looking out the window. She said, "It is so quiet and beautiful here. It's...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Chloe Temple Step Bro Gets A Hole In One

Chloe Temple has scored tickets to a high profile golf tournament, so she has decided she wants to masquerade as a pro golfer. To achieve that, she knows she’ll have to look the part. She dresses in slutty golf clothes, complete with a short miniskirt and no panties. With the look down, all Chloe needs to do is learn how to golf. Grabbing a club, she wanders into the kitchen to practice her swing. That’s where Codey Steele finds her. Chloe asks Codey for help, and he tries to...

3 years ago
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Cherry BombChapter 7

I woke up feeling very warm and I snuggled up to Reggie's back. Draping an arm over her, I held onto a handful of breast only it didn't feel right. I heard the shower running, also. My eyes opened wide in surprise when I saw Shelly's white blonde hair and realized the breast I had in my hand didn't belong to Reggie. I slowly moved my hand off and rolled over, hoping nothing would be noticed. I had just gotten situated when I felt Shelly spoon against my back and I listened to her...

4 years ago
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How a woman turned me gay Part 2

So just a bit of background. I'm a 36 year old guy, married, no children. Just to make it clear I consider myself straight (or did). I have never felt a sexual attraction to guys and wasn't something that I'd even consider! Its worth noting as well that this is a 100% truthful and accurate account of what happened to me. Its not a fantasy or any work of fiction, my imagination inst that great (neither is my writing skills) I'm just a guy wanting to share my experience with other people...

2 years ago
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Debs Superbowl Surprise Part 1

No hot drunken sex for me tonight. That thought just kept rolling stupidly through my brain, broken finally by a deep rumble of a voice across the bar top.“What’ll it be Ryan? The regular?”“Yeah, a JD and make it another double.”Barry the bartender, yeah, really that was his name and he took shit for it all the time. Well, good natured shit cause you don’t want to piss off a 6’6”, 300 pound black man with a cudgel stored beneath the bar top.He grunted, poured, slowly chewed his inner cheek and...

1 year ago
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A Sexy After Dinner Treat Part II

I quickly grabbed the blanket and rolled us up in it, sex toys & all. Colleeen was just getting her key out of the door, thankfully she was having a bit if trouble doing so) and as she turned towards the opening to the room we were in we were pretty well wrapped up in the blanket. I noticed though that the bottle of lube was layin out there on the floor all by itself, very noticable. Colleen came into the room and Jill asked, "I thought you were going to the movies". Colleen just laughed and...

3 years ago
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TRAVELS WITH MY AUNT (LESBIAN) PART II always thought my aunt Melissa was so cool. Since I was little, she always brought me gifts, nothing expensive but always something thoughtful, whenever she visited me and my mother. My mother always called her a “spinster” with a short nervous laugh whenever I asked her if aunt Melissa had once been married. She rarely mentioned her. When it was time for me to go to college, I chose a college which was located a short drive from my aunt. She had told me:...

1 year ago
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The Village Whore

100% fiction! Harold lived in an english, pagan village approximately two millennia ago. Today was his town's Fertility Ritual, where one woman is impregnated by the entire town. Every man in the village is called upon to cum in her pussy. It was his duty to do the same, no matter who it was. Dionysus demanded it. He went into the ritual hut nervously, and there she was. She had a tiny waste and thick hips and a round ass and glowing skin and a beautiful ritual mask to hide her identity. The...

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Double Delight ndash Pt 2 Threesome With Mom And Aunt

On our way, mom said, “I want you to call me ‘mom’, ‘maa’ or ‘mummy’ from now on.”I asked, “Why so? I like to call you Neetu.”Mom said, “Well, we had sex today. I want to feel that it was i****t. If you call me ‘mom’ or ‘mummy’ or ‘maa’, I will have that i****tuous feeling and that will make me hornier. Any problem?”I laughed and said, “No, mom. I will call you mom.”Neetu pinched my cheek and said, “That’s like a good boy. That’s my Sonny”.I said, “Mom, the moment you touch me, I have an...

1 year ago
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Path of the Blue SpiritChapter 14

Kara grunted in the rhythm of the mating, her mind drifting in the intense pleasure of the sex act. She was kneeling on soft mats, her arms crossed on the ground to provide a pillow for her head, her hips were raised high in the air, and her legs were flaired out wide to provide Mark easy access to her vagina. Mark had dropped into a very vigorous thrusting rhythm, slapping Kara's butt with his groin or each downstroke, and then pulling out so fast that Kara could feel her vaginal muscles...

3 years ago
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Long Road to UnderstandingChapter 6 Understanding Begins

Over the next several weeks I began to observe a pattern in the movements of Marsha and Leon at the club. It didn't mater if we happened to go on a Friday night or a Saturday night, we would find Leon and Chilly already at the bar. The evenings always started out the same, Marsha and I would would go talk to Leon and Chilly for a few minutes and then I would begin wondering around the bar trying to decide which of the women in attendance I would invite upstairs that evening. Now you would...

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A Robin Hoe Hero 1

It all started when Robin posted this picture in his faceb**k status, one night: As we all know, the famous social media platform is used for people of all kinds to connect and share content; Robin was just one of the millions of them. But what made him decide to share this photo and its story on faceb**k was going to launch something of a magnitude that he never could have forseen coming. He was the kind of guy that othe rmen considered lucky; somehow, his timing very often allowed him to be...

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Our first MMF threesome

My wife and I have been together for at least 8 years and have an exceptional sex life and we felt like we were ready for a little more. At times, we would introduce little ideas during four-play or things we would like to bring to the bedroom to do to our significant other. So my wife, Daisy, would whisper in my ear of something that she would be doing to me and she would mention another female's name. She wanted to sit me down on the couch and unbuckle my belt, unzip my pants and have this...

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