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On October 25, 2003, I was left at the altar. Not literally, of course. My fiancé, Brad, was kind enough to telephone me the evening before and inform me that the wedding we'd been planning for over a year was not going to happen.

"I'm sorry, Casey. I just can't do it," he whined.

I was shocked, of course, and speechless. Since I said nothing, Brad continued.

"I'm so, so sorry. I think you're a wonderful girl, and I only want the best for you in life. I hope you know that."

Still, I said nothing, and he kept going.

"I know you're probably mad at me now, but I hope with time we can become friends again."

"What?" I finally gasped. "What are you talking about, Brad?"

"Uh. Look, I know this is hard for you. I know you have a lot invested in this thing."

"This THING? Are you out of your fucking mind?" Here's where I turned into Bridezilla. "This THING is our wedding, you asshole! I have spent the last year planning and making arrangements. I've spent hours and hours of my time and every dime I had—oh my God! Do you realize how much money we're going to lose?"

"W-well, um, I was actually hoping I could get some of that back..."

"WHAT?" I screamed. "Are you kidding me?"

My voice echoed in my head, and from somewhere another voice, another calmer, more rational Casey was telling me to stop screaming and think.

"No. I ... I think I deserve some of it back. It's my money."

"No, Brad. Fuck you." He was only worried about the money? "It's too late.'

"Well, what about from the gifts? Won't you return the gifts?"

I hung up on him then, shaking with rage, but didn't cry until five minutes later, when I called my mom. I opened my mouth to tell her what happened, but the words wouldn't come. She and my sister came over right away. Mom made coffee, and we all made phone calls. I didn't allow sympathy from anyone, saying I had a million calls to make and that I'd be in touch later. Three hundred guests and a few hours later, we all sat on my couch exhausted.

The florist, caterer, reception hall, and minister had been contacted, but I wasn't able to reach anyone at the travel agency where we'd booked the honeymoon. It was after 10 p.m. by then, and I announced I'd have to call them in the morning.

"Wait a minute, Case," said my sister, Amber. "I think you should go anyway."

"To New Orleans? Oh, I couldn't do that."

"You should go, honey," Mom agreed. "You've already got the time off from work, and what will you do here anyway? People will be calling. That little twit will be hounding you for money. You should get away and try to enjoy yourself. It might turn out to be a good thing."

So I did.

Two days later, I found myself in a room at the Place D'Armes Hotel. We'd specifically chosen the hotel for its charming and casual atmosphere, not to mention its location in the French Quarter. I was at a loss as I stood on the balcony overlooking a lovely courtyard. The excitement was over, and I was finally alone. All alone. I leaned on the ivy-covered wrought-iron railing, unsure of what to do next. I had nearly a week in this amazing city to get my head together and figure out what to do with the rest of my life. Tears stung my eyes, but I was tired of crying. I decided to take a walk and find someplace to eat.

Having never been to New Orleans before, I'd researched this trip for months, poring over maps and pictures on the Internet and guidebooks. I figured I'd be able to find my way around. Actually being there was different though, so, armed with a small map and guidebook in my purse, I set off.

Strolling down Decatur Street, I let the sights and sounds of the Big Easy envelope me. The very air there was so different from home. It was heavier, more sensuous, pregnant with foreign sounds and scents of humanity and food and the sea. I stopped outside the Café Maspero and peered through the open French doors at the diners inside. The guidebook said the café was known for its homemade soups and overstuffed sandwiches, both of which sounded wonderful to me, so I stepped inside.

The tantalizing scent of food nearly caused me to faint. I hadn't realized how hungry I was; could not remember when I had last eaten. In spite of a long line, I was surprised to be seated rather quickly. I am one of those people who is exceedingly uncomfortable dining alone in a restaurant and pretended to immerse myself in my guidebook while I waited for my food. When it arrived, my face must have shown my astonishment at the size of the portions, because the waitress laughed and patted me on the shoulder and then refilled my iced tea glass.

I was just tearing in into the second half of my enormous sandwich and licking my fingers, when I noticed a man watching me. He sat back in his chair, legs crossed, and held a pale gray fedora with one hand over his knee. His dark eyes squinted at me through the haze of smoke from his thin cigar, and when he saw me returning his stare, he inclined his head slightly and winked. The light shown on his slicked-back dark hair, and his eyes seemed to twinkle and dance with amusement. A pencil-thin mustache sat atop full sensuous lips that curled up at one side into a sardonic grin. He was wearing a gray pinstripe suit, which seemed rather formal for the casual eatery, but appeared, nonetheless, timeless in this place.

Having been entirely engrossed in my food, I felt sure my table manners had flown out into the sultry night. My cheeks flamed, and I lowered my head, returned the sandwich to my plate, and wiped my hands and mouth carefully on my napkin. I tried looking everywhere except at the man for a few moments, but I needn't have bothered, because when I looked back in his direction, he was gone. A young couple were seating themselves at his table, and no trace of the man remained. Scanning the crowd for him, I realized I felt a bit disappointed. Though horrified that he'd caught me gobbling my food with abandon, I felt he hadn't been put off by my lack of grace. On the contrary, he had seemed interested¬¬? ¬Odd. Had I imagined it? I'd always fancied myself ordinary and plain, with my mousy brown hair and nondescript features. In an odd way, Brad had endorsed my opinion of myself or, at least, never refuted it. So, this unexpected attention from such a handsome man induced a giddiness in me that I hadn't felt in a long, long time.

Laughing at my own silliness, I finished my food and drained my glass. Feeling a whole lot better than before my meal, I paid my check and returned to the voluptuous New Orleans evening. I felt revived and almost buoyant as I sauntered along Toulouse Street and turned on to Chartres. To my delight, horse-drawn carriages clopped along the street, and I imagined people walking along that same street a hundred years ago. In fact, time seemed to pause and mix and weave itself together in such a way that I seemed to be walking in the past, as well as the present. More silliness, I thought.

The low roar of people and music beckoned to me from Bourbon Street, but I wasn't in the mood for crowds. As I reached Jackson Square, the lonely, soulful singing of a saxophone wrapped itself around me like smoky silk, pulling me toward it. Mesmerized, I walked into the park and found the source of the music. A man with dreadlocks stood weaving and gyrating as he played, his silver saxophone glinting in the streetlights. The case from his instrument stood open before him, and a small crowd had gathered round. The mellow notes seemed to tell a story of life—love and sex, people, friends, happiness, grief, more love, and more sex. A young woman danced and swayed to the music, her diaphanous skirt floating and swirling about her long legs. She seemed the embodiment of the melody itself. I envied her the freedom of movement and lack of inhibition and almost wished I could join her.

The song ended on a long, tremulous note, and the little crowd applauded and tossed money into the musician's case. I fished a few bills from my purse, adding them to the take, and was rewarded with a warm smile.

"Thank you," I murmured, smiling myself.

"My pleasure, chère. And thank you."

Happiness and light accompanied me like unseen friends on the walk back to the hotel. This was new, this feeling of contentment in my own company. I didn't feel alone at all. A nearly tangible presence wrapped me in its arms and held me up. It made me feel protected and almost, well, loved. It made me feel like I'd be alright. It made me feel peace for the first time in a long while.

I sat in the wicker chair on my little balcony and listened to the night sounds of the city. Brad intruded on my thoughts. He never had explained why he called off the wedding. The wedding. The huge loss crushed my heart with its weight. I'd been dreaming of my wedding ever since I was a little girl. My mother had been in the dressing room as I tried on wedding gowns all those months ago. She'd cried as she fastened scores of tiny pearl buttons down the back of the dress. I'd been planning on something more plain, but my mother's tears had convinced me this was the one. I'd never get to wear it now. It still hung, still covered in plastic, from a plant hook in the corner of my living room.

The creamy satin shoes, the dainty veil, the wedding bands, the special wedding night lingerie—all wasted. Hot tears coursed down my face at the loss. I was thirty-four years old and truly felt like an old maid. I thought about the "belonging" wearing my engagement ring had always afforded me. I thought about the babies I might have had and the beautiful home I might have kept, and their loss hurt most of all.

Then I realized something. I didn't miss Brad at all. Not a bit. He'd been cranky and petulant for the past few weeks, refusing to help me with anything. I wasn't sure at that point if I even liked him. But I had loved him, right? We'd had fun together, certainly, in the beginning. After a while, we became habit, I supposed. I remembered reading a magazine article that said a woman's chances of marrying after reaching the age of thirty decreased considerably. Had I been afraid I'd never find anyone else? I wiped my tears away with my hands and considered the possibility. I wanted babies, and time was running out. It seemed important to have them before I turned forty. Was Brad simply a means to an end for me? The thought was startling and not altogether flattering.

As I turned to go back into my room and get ready for bed, a tiny orange glow from the courtyard below caught my eye. Someone smoking, I thought. It was dark, and I couldn't make out a person there. I shivered and closed the door, locked it, and pulled the shades.

That night I had the most incredibly erotic dream. I don't think I remember all of it, and what I do remember are just impressions—what I felt, what I heard. It started with kissing, my lips tingling and parting, a warm, wet tongue probing my mouth, tasting and smelling of the sea, the clean sea air. The mouth, an extension of my own mouth, a part of me, recognized, cherished, ravaged me, took my soul and made it soar. It licked and kissed and sucked my neck, while large, warm hands stroked my body to a fevered pitch. I tried to open my eyes to see this dream lover, but they were stuck closed tight. Hands cupped my breasts, pinching the titillated nipples, rolling them between fingers and thumb, squeezing and kneading, as all the while, that hot mouth consumed my neck and lips.

Those lips traveled down my neck to my chest, the tongue swirling the skin along the way, leaving a wet trail, then closing around a nipple. I tried to touch the face, hold the head against me, but my arms wouldn't move, were, in fact, leaden. The hands had stroked their way down to my hips, and I heard myself moan when fingers grazed along my wet slit, sliding up and down, spreading my juices over my lips, again and again. The hands pushed my thighs wide apart, and long fingers slid into me, stroking into my channel, the whole hand seeming to slip inside me, heating a path to my womb. I was gasping by then, and a sudden violent orgasm overtook me. As my body shuddered and jerked, the hands and lips never ceased their movement.

As I climaxed, the mouth suddenly covered my pussy, drinking my essence, while the fingers continued to move inside me, pressing upward, finding my sweet spot. While the mouth closed around my clit and sucked it inside, the tongue rubbed it, the fingers fucked me, and I came again and again, panting and moaning, and possibly even screaming at some point.

I awakened briefly, my naked body drenched with sweat, my limbs still leaden and exhausted, the damp sheet twisted around my legs. I fell asleep again almost immediately, and the mouth found my lips once more with a deep, lingering kiss and then was gone.

When I woke next, pale gray light filtered into the room. I was lying sprawled on my stomach, my skin cold to the touch. Reaching to pull the covers over me, I winced as dozens of little aches assaulted my body. I felt as if I'd spent the entire night having wild sex. It was just a dream, Casey, I thought. Just a dream. I reached a hand down between my legs to touch my sex. It was still very wet and slightly sore. I swallowed, and my dry throat felt sore, as well.

I lay there for a long time, trying to go back to sleep, but sleep wouldn't come. A warm shower eased the aches from my body and refreshed me. I dressed and walked to the Café du Monde for some of their famous beignets and a cup of café au lait. The powdered-sugar-covered pastry was delightfully fragrant of cinnamon and seemed to melt on my tongue, and the creamy coffee was a perfect complement. I opened my guidebook on the bar and tentatively planned my day.

That's when I saw him again. The man from the restaurant the night before. Only this time he was wearing a cream-colored double-breasted suit. He was sitting at the bar drinking a cup of coffee, which he raised toward me, as if toasting, and he smiled and inclined his head, just as he had before. I smiled back and watched his smile grow wider and two dimples crease his cheeks. Lord, he was handsome. The way he looked at me brought to mind a line from Gone With the Wind, when Scarlett, referring to Rhett, says, "He looks as if he knows what I look like without my shimmy!" Goodness, being in this city certainly was bringing out the fanciful thoughts. Scarlett O'Hara, indeed.

But wait. Hadn't Scarlett and Rhett gone to New Orleans for their honeymoon? I giggled at the thought and then realized the man was gone again. I caught a glimpse of his back as he headed for the door. Then he disappeared. With a sigh, I gathered my belongings and headed out as well.

I spent my day meandering through the French Market, buying small souvenirs and t-shirts for my nieces and nephews. The heat and humidity seemed oppressive as I walked along the Moon Walk beside the Mississippi River. It seemed there were happy couples everywhere, sitting on benches, sauntering along hand in hand, standing close together gazing out at the sparkling water. They were everywhere, mocking me. I was supposed to be on my honeymoon. Again, I realized it wasn't Brad I was missing, but the companionship, a sense of belonging.

This trip was beginning to seem like a bad idea. I wasn't enjoying wandering around by myself, and I certainly didn't relish the idea of barhopping on Bourbon Street alone. New Orleans had been Brad's idea anyway. He'd wanted to be there over Halloween, saying it would be almost like Mardi Gras. This was his trip. I wondered if I should just go home. Home. It suddenly sounded wonderful. Back to the cooler air and familiar faces. People who cared.

I returned to the hotel early, having completely given up on enjoying my trip, with homesickness close on my heels. After a long shower and a good cry, I watched TV for a while, and then lay in bed listening to the faint night sounds of the French Quarter.

My dream lover returned to my bed that night, this time holding me in his arms, and I could actually feel the warmth of his body, hear the beating of his heart. I felt the faint, whiskery burn on my chin and lips and cheeks as he kissed me. Warm, plump lips kissed my cheek and then pressed lightly against my ear, his hot breath bathing me in goose bumps.

"Don't go," he whispered. "Please don't go."

Wrapping my arms and legs around his body, I surrendered completely to him, opening myself, pulling him in, reveling in him, returning his kisses, matching his ardor. It seemed to go on forever. He was not a creature of mists and dreams, but a being of substance and life. The mattress shifted when he moved, and his weight crushed me into it. His breath warmed me as he held me against his chest afterward.

When I awoke a seemingly short time later, it was light, and he was gone. I sat up and looked around, feeling bereft. The t-shirt and panties I had worn to bed were laying on the floor. Again, the delicious ache of lust, of being used and fucked and loved, assaulted my body. I rose and padded into the bathroom to examine myself in the large mirror. My lips were puffy and red, my skin flushed, and there appeared to be a faint love bite over my left breast. My fingers chafed over it, as if to erase it, but the vague purplish shadow remained.

"You're losing it kid," I said to my reflection.

I returned to the Café du Monde that morning, my craving for beignets overruling my desire to experience different restaurants. I even lingered over a second cup of café au lait, mulling over the night before. My dream lover's plea had convinced me to stay in New Orleans, at least for a day or two longer. I knew it was crazy, but somehow I had the feeling he wouldn't come to me at home. Somehow, I knew he was of this place. I wished he would let me see him. Maybe tonight.

Having decided it would be good for me to spend more time with people, not to mention wanting to escape the oppressive heat, I spent the morning touring the Aquarium of the Americas. It was, indeed, cool inside, and there is something therapeutic and cooling about watching fish and other sea creatures, as well. The children there delighted me with their wonder and enchantment with the strange ocean beings.

As I exited the building, there he was again. The man, sitting on a bench, reading a newspaper. Goosebumps sprang out on my arms. This was getting creepy. Strange, how welcome attention can become menacing in the blink of an eye. How did he always seem to be where I was? It was getting to be too much of a coincidence. I needed to confront him. Just as I moved toward him, a crowd of schoolchildren, obviously on a field trip, crossed in front of me, the adults with their group herding and calling to them to stay together and keep their hands to themselves. I couldn't get through, and by the time I reached the bench, the man had vanished. Again.

Troubling thoughts filled my mind. I couldn't imagine why anyone would be following me or what this guy could want. Nevertheless, I pressed on, filling my day with activity by exploring a couple of museums, followed by dinner at my hotel restaurant. I was tired after being on my feet all day, and after a shower, retired early and fell asleep almost instantly.

A sweet, acrid odor ticked my nose and awakened me some time later. Cigar smoke. I'd been sleeping so soundly, it took me a minute to orient myself and realize the smell was out of place. Sitting up, I pushed my hair out of my face, turned on the bedside lamp, and looked around. The door to my little balcony was open. I was sure I'd closed it. The smoke was wafting in through the doorway, curlicues circling and lifting on the light breeze. Annoyed, I marched over to the door to close it and realized with a start that someone was sitting there in the wicker chair right outside my room. I shrieked and clapped both hands over my mouth, as the person stood and turned to look at me.

It was him! The man. This time in shirtsleeves, his collar open. He turned and pitched the cigar over the railing and stepped into the room. His lips curled into that same cynical grin as his eyes raked over my naked legs, t-shirt, and untethered breasts.

"¬Bonsoir, chère," he murmured.

"My God. Who are you?" I asked, voice shaking.

"Remy Delacroix."

His smile grew wider, the dimples I remembered deepening, as he extended his hand to me.

I ignored the hand, keeping my arms folded across my breasts, my hands tucked into my armpits.

"How did you get in here?"

Remy threw his head back and laughed, a deep rich laugh, and waved his hand back toward the door.

"You brought me here."

"N-no, I didn't," I stammered.

"You did, chère," he explained. "You called to me across time and space to come to you."

As Remy took a step toward me, I took a step backward and snapped, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Holding up both hands, as if to surrender, to show me he meant no harm, Remy stepped back and then simply stood there with his head cocked to one side, staring into my eyes. He let his hands fall back to his sides.

My shaking had become unbearable, my entire body quaking with the effort to control it and to breathe. I watched his expression change from amusement to concern as tears filled my eyes and spilled over onto my cheeks. I didn't know why I was crying.

Remy's eyes seemed to take on a liquid quality of their own, and he reached out a hand to me once more, his mouth moving as if to offer me comfort.

"No!" I spouted, holding my own hands up to ward him off before he could speak. "You have to get out. Please, just go."

His eyebrows lifted, and the cocky smile curved his lips once more.

"Comme tu veux, " he said, and turning on his heel, strode quickly back across the room and out the balcony door.

"Wait," I called. "You have to go out the other door."


I ran to the balcony. He was gone. Thinking he might have fallen or jumped over the railing, I leaned way over and peered through the darkness. Nothing. No movement and no sound. Perplexed, I looked around the balcony for a place he could hide. Nothing.

Feeling slightly sick, I darted over to the phone and dialed the front desk. I explained there'd been a man in my room, and he'd apparently gone over the balcony railing. A hotel security guard came up and examined my room and balcony, while another checked the courtyard below and the outside of the building with a flashlight. He tested the locks on the doors and pronounced them secure.

"Is it possible you might've dreamed this, ma'am?" he asked.

"N-no. Of course not. I talked to him. I smelled cigar smoke."

"There's no sign of forced entry, no sign outside of anyone having fallen." He shrugged. "I don't know what else we can do."

"Oh, so, you think I imagined it."

He shrugged and smiled.

"It's possible, but sometimes strange things happen here that can't be explained. Either way, I think you're safe. Call us if anything else happens."

It took me a long time to fall back into a fitful sleep. My dream lover did not come.

The gray light of dawn was seeping into the room when I awoke, headachy and thirsty. Sitting up, I rubbed my hands around and over my face. That man, Remy, had been in my room. Then he'd disappeared over the balcony railing. What the hell was going on? He must be nuts. Delusional. He said I'd called to him. What did that mean? He hadn't seemed to want to harm me, and when I'd asked him to leave, he'd gone. Still. It was creepy. I wondered if I should go to the police.

Throwing back the covers, I shivered in the air conditioning. I turned it down and stepped out onto the balcony. My neck tingled as I looked over the edge. The walkway was clean, the grass still manicured, the bushes still perfect, and the trees still hung with moss, just as they'd all been before. A fat calico cat meandered across the walkway toward the aquamarine glow of the pool. There was no fire escape ladder and no way a person could reach another balcony from mine. No trees were close enough either.

Maybe I was the delusional one. Maybe I was going nuts. Maybe all the stress had finally caught up with me.

"Oh, no," I gasped and plopped down in the wicker chair.

As if things weren't eerie enough, I remembered just then that I'd arranged to participate in a Halloween Voodoo tour of the French Quarter the day before. Yesterday it had sounded like fun, especially being part of a group. Today, however, I wished I could cancel. I'd already paid though. Great.

"God, Casey," I whispered, thinking I'd better find someone else to talk to before talking to myself became habit.

Beignets and café au lait. I grinned. That's what I needed. It was a good thing I'd be leaving in a couple days. If I stayed there, I'd end up big as a house. A big, fat lunatic who wandered around talking to herself, I thought, giggling.

After breakfast, I went down to the Moon Walk, where the tour bus was boarding. The group of tourists chattered excitedly amongst themselves in the late morning sunshine. My longish, flowing sundress and sandals and wide-brimmed straw hat seemed out of place with their t-shirts and shorts and sun visors. Donning my sunglasses, I sighed and stared out the window as the French Quarter whizzed by.

St. Louis Cemetery #1 was our first stop. As we disembarked the bus, our tour guide stressed the importance of everyone staying with the group. To illustrate his point, he read aloud the warning posted at the entrance.


Shivering despite the heat, I wondered if we were being warned against the living or the dead. The spooky feeling had remained with me and seemed to shadow the hazy sunshine.

As we entered the cemetery, the tour guide explained that New Orleans cemeteries were often referred to as "Cities of the Dead," as below-ground burial was not possible there due to the water table. The dead are interred in crypts that do, indeed, resemble miniature houses, their architecture mimicking the style of New Orleans at large. The crypts are arranged in lanes, and some are even surrounded by ironwork fences.

The group meandered along, twittering and occasionally elbowing each other, as the guide spoke in his spooky Vincent Price voice of the ghosts that supposedly walked the alleys of St. Louis #1. They all seemed enchanted with him, but, frankly, he was beginning to annoy me.

We came to a stop in front of a rather nondescript, small white building that the guide touted as the tomb of Marie Laveau, New Orleans' most famous Voodoo queen. Her crypt was marked all over with X's and crosses, which, the guide explained, people carved into the stone walls for luck. The doorway was littered with "gifts" for the queen; candles, bottles of water, beads, dried beans, herbs, flowers, and bricks wrapped in tin foil. All supposedly brought believers good fortune.

"There is a legend, we're told," the guide deadpanned with arched brows, "that if you make a wish in front of Queen Marie's tomb, turn around three times, and then knock on her door three times, your wish will come true." The last few words were drawn out for emphasis.

The ladies in front of me twittered and giggled, their plastic skeleton and pumpkin and black cat earrings dancing, then blessed themselves and performed the ritual. Then they all burst out laughing and moved on with the rest of the group.

I sighed and dragged along behind, wishing I'd skipped this tour entirely. Just as I passed by the corner of Marie Laveau's tomb, I noticed an old woman crouched there, placing a flower on the little stoop. She hadn't been there before and startled me, the creepy feeling shivering down my back again, in spite of the warm, humid air. She looked up at me with a sweet smile, her eyes pale blue and milky in her ancient face.

"Have I frightened you?" she asked, pulling herself up with her cane and straightening her back.

I smiled back.

"Oh, no. Not really. I'm just a little spooked because of Halloween and being in a cemetery, and our tour guide..." I trailed off, not sure, really, what else to say.

A bead of sweat ran down my back and into the cleft of my buttocks.

"You seek the assistance of Queen Marie?" the old woman asked in her soft, melodic voice—not the voice of an old woman at all.

"Well, no. I just came on this bus tour," I stammered, pointing vaguely in the direction of my group, which was getting further away.

The woman shuffled forward and laid a hand on my arm. Her fingers felt cold, her skin papery, against my own overheated and clammy skin.

"I really need to stay with my group," I said, pulling away.

She seemed harmless, but the words on the sign at the cemetery entrance rang in my head, and the tour group seemed very far away. My mouth had become cotton dry, and I felt somewhat dizzy. I also felt silly, being spooked by an old lady.

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I had been in the Army for a few months at my first post. I headed out to my first tech school in the South along with six or seven other people from the post. We all lived in the same barracks that were basically apartments except for Steve. He had a wife and kid so they put him in a full suite. His wife could only stand about a week of living in the South when she took the kid and split.Four of us started hanging out a lot and going out, Steve, Jim, Scott and me. They were all pretty good...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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USA sex story

Hello,Whats up!!I am Taylor.I'm looking for a man that can make me fun and sex.I love hard sex!!My pussy needs a good eating out... Please let me know and you can fuck me too because I’m in need of astress relief right now.Contact Me: when it gets warm in the uk the woman get hornier so on one of these hot days I was in the back garden sunbathing with just my tight shorts on and having a nice cold beer when I looked up I saw the young girl from next door looking...

2 years ago
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For Miss Mandie

You walk in and see me bent over the bed. His cock, steadily sliding in and out of my ass. You can see a string of precum dripping from me steadily and you walk over."Enjoying yourselves?"I moan and you wipe your finger across the tip of my dick, making more ooze out."Does his cock feel good in your ass?"As I open my mouth to say yes, you stick your finger in, rubbing my juices on my tongue. Tou turn to him and ask if he's planning on cumming in my ass. "No. I want to get fucked too" is the...

1 year ago
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Theos LIfe as a Weresquirrel

Theo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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Blackmail Part2

"Yeah," I replied. "I'm not done with you yet, but you know that, don't you?" "Yeah" "First, drink this." He handed me a cup and I drank some more Jack Daniel's. "That good?" "Mm-hm." "Good, now drink this." He handed me another cup and I swallowed a load of cum. "That came out of your pussy. You seemed to be enjoying swallowing all that cum, so I thought I would make sure you got everything you could. Go ahead and finish it up." There was about a...

2 years ago
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Only my husband is allowed to fuck my ass

My husband had to leave for a trip to the UK so he called Bret and Fred and changed our cabin adventure for the day after the Labor Day weekend. Bret is leaving the next weekend to go home, his training at the Navy base is completed. Fred will be here 2 more weeks before going home to Australia . My husband had it all planned out the guys were supposed to show up at the cabin at 10:00 AM. 15 minutes before they were supposed to show up my husband texted to both of their cell phones that he was...

3 years ago
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Fallout 4 A Brave New WorldChapter 8

Juan finished adjusting his clothes as he exited the small bedroom. From the sounds of it, Ellie wouldn’t be moving for at least a few minutes more. She was still breathing like she just finished a marathon and hadn’t moved a muscle since Juan got off the bed. Walking into the office area, Nick was standing back beside one of the filing cabinets, a file open on top. He seemed to be writing something on a page inside it. Juan stopped at the desk and just watched. It was only a minute more and...

2 years ago
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Perfect Fit

Jimmy was washing his supper dishes and his thoughts wandered to the new tenants next door. He knew they were newlyweds when they moved in about a month ago. About his age too. Other than a few chats in the hall, he hadn’t spent any time with them. Brian was an engineer and seemed to work a lot. Ginny was there most of the time, from what he could tell. The thin walls let him keep a close ear on their sex life. When Brian was home it seemed like he got a lot of Ginny’s attention, or should he...

2 years ago
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I Hate It When That HappensChapter 16

All the way off, as I dragged the dead dumbass, I wondered if I'd gone too far by just blowing him away. Of course behavior like that would have had me in jail before quick could get ready if I'd still been anywhere near where I'd come from. I wasn't there though. In fact I wasn't sure just where I was. I did know that the concept of laws to bring order to one's life hadn't reared its ugly head here yet. Laws were not a concern here. Hell, what I'd call decent behavior wasn't even a...

3 years ago
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Francis to Frances

Dad always referred to them as Aunt Matilda and Aunt May but actually Matilda is my dad's aunt and May is just her special friend, and they are at least fifty years old and dedicated to each other and dedicated to their local church and it's pastor Pastor Taylour. Dad made all the arrangements and the first time I really met them as a grown up was when I rolled up on their doorstep off the Greyhound bus one late summer afternoon with all my worldly goods in a couple of suitcases. I...

2 years ago
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Amma8217s coconuts 3

This is the last part of my story. But you can expect more stories from me. The old man stopped moving. Totally drenched in sweat, and very tired, he gazed towards the door and listened. For a moment I thought that it was all my mother’s imagination. But then I heard it too. A light rapping on the door. It was probably Parvathiamma. Had she come to see about how things were going? My mother looked at Vasu. He had already disengaged himself from her and had plopped down upon the cot. He seemed...

3 years ago
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Winter Neighbor Pt 1

The Previous Winter: 8 Months Ago A loud knocking sound was heard as my mother thumped her fist against my door. My eyes opened slowly, early morning light leaking in from between my curtains and temporarily dazing me. A heavy sigh escaped my mouth as I became more coherent and realized the unfortunate truth, it was morning. “Tyler, if I have to knock on your door one more time, I swear I will throw your ass out in the snow to wake you up!” My eyes rolled at my...

3 years ago
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My first time with a man

Although we were happy, recently married life hadn’t been very sexually satisfying and it wasn't going all that well especially as my wife didn’t like experimenting very much, although she didn’t mind any new things I tried. I was and have always considered myself straight, not fancying other blokes but recently having come across some bisexual movie clips on the internet I found myself becoming curious and began looking more and more at the different cocks on show. I became fascinated at all...

2 years ago
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Pastors Wife

I got a call from my friend, Sandra, inviting me down for a visit. It so happened that my husband was leaving for a hunting trip with friends and I'd already decided to let the kids go to their grandparents so I said, "sure, love to!" We live in Oklahoma and I left early on that Saturday morning, eager to begin the five hour trip to Sandi's house in a small, country town south of Austin, Texas. "I've got something special and delightfully nasty planned for us," my friend had said into...

3 years ago
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BlackOut Love

The moment I woke up, my head was pounding. I could feel my heartbeat in my temples, and I had the worst migraine of my life. Trying to open my eyes was a mistake, but I didn’t realize until the stinging light caused my headache to flare up even worse. It was a pointless attempt anyway, in the brief second they were open I couldn’t see anything besides an indistinct blur. I brought my arms up to my head to massage it tenderly. It was in that moment I felt the presence of someone beside me on...

4 years ago
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Helping the Homeless on Thanksgiving by Phoebe

I hate Thanksgiving. I live all alone and every year on Thanksgiving Day I work at a homeless shelter until I'm about ready to drop from exhaustion, then as I'm leaving the facility I pick one of the men, usually a younger type and invite him home. I hate Thanksgiving so much that fucking the brains out of some strange grubby homeless guy just seems right to me. My psychologist says that I have a "self loathing" issue and that may be so, but I don't really care what he says. It fills a...

3 years ago
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My hot wife

My hot wifeSo me and my wife are married for 12 years with 3 k**s we still have a awesome sex life and enjoy sharing fantasies in bed but its always just been fantasies we have lots of toys that i please her with and she comes at least 3to 5 times when we play.Let me describe my wife damn she is a firecracker 5 ft 4 beautiful boobs and a tight ass that u just want to kiss pull her panties down and smack it and then lick it ,she has a small tight pussy that she waxes it is Devine and she does...

1 year ago
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A Different Surfin SafariChapter 14

The ground jumped around and we could hear the rumble. We were in the open and quickly dropped to the ground and stayed down. Our Humvee was actually jumping with the shaking of the earth. This was a big one though I had no idea of the epicenter nor its strength. After what felt like hours of shaking, it stopped and we slowly got on our feet. Jennifer said, "That was a big one, Sal." "I agree. We need to get in the Humvee and head for high ground. There may be a tidal wave if the...

2 years ago
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“I would love you to watch another man giving you a blow job, he would need to be much younger than us and very pretty.” “I would love to have two bisexual men while you watch. I have a fetish about seducing a bisex man. Also two women while you watch.” “I would love to watch you fucking another woman. No kissing though.” “Can I have the same two women while you watch?” “Right now I will settle for a golden shower,” Jon smiles. “After this some mutual masturbation honey,” he moans lying on...

2 years ago
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Sucked Into Incest 8211 Part VIII

Dear readers , you may recall that I had terminated the last episode , post elaborate fuck session my Mom had with her brother, my Mama .After having seen it for about three hours , I had retired to the terrace , with that images still in my eyes. Next morning , when I came down to house inside, there was no speck of any evidence of the fuck session the previous night , with my Mama gone and with my Mom fresh as morning dew, since she had just bathed. Her face was at peace , after having got...

3 years ago
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Airport Meeting

blow job cock>, lick Meeting that special someone at the airport where a hug and kiss justwon't do ....../It's Friday, and the excitement of her upcoming trip is all around her.She packs up the last of her things, tidies up her house and drives tothe airport. Going over everything in her head, she hopes she hasn'tforgotten anything. A smile tugs at the corners of her mouth, and hermind wanders to the fact that for the next week and a half she won't beneeding much other than her body.She...

3 years ago
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Vet School Part 9 MF

Melissa had just endured a very humiliating public spanking, and her poor bottom was very sore and burning like it was on fire. She also realized that she would have to endure three more of these spankings because she didn't have the money to pay for the fines. Finally, the crowd left and she was still secured to the wooden spanking bench and totally exposed and sore. Then she heard two women's voices. "Melissa, my name is Jane and I am the wife of the Sheriff," Jane told her. "My friend Sue...

3 years ago
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ThoughtsChapter 2 I Tried to do better

I decided to change jobs and went into insurance sales. It seemed like a great opportunity. I was a pretty good talker and passed all the state tests. I put in a lot of hours but made a lot more money. Needless to say, Carol loved that part. When the kids were all in school, she got a full time job doing vending work in factories. Our life was very busy. Between the jobs and the kids, we hardly made time for ourselves. I would work all hours of the day and night, seeing I made my own...

1 year ago
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First time at a black club

I was invited to a dance by a friend. She told me that I would have a wonderful time. I was just divorced and really needed to get laid so i agreed to go. I didn’t know that it was a club where mostly black men hung out. I wore a mini skirt with a satin blouse with no bra I had a black thong on with high heels. My skirt was very short and had a slit down one side. When we got to the club Ann told me that the men there were really hung and if I was lucky I would find one for tonight. I had never...

2 years ago
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Airtight Night

 Some time shortly after the night with the two girls wearing nothing but oil we were invited over to Sue and Jake's place for a barbecue on a Friday night in a late Indian summer. Melanie donned a pretty summer dress with a button-through front and white, stiletto-heeled, strapped sandals and we went over around seven o'clock. Jake greeted us at the front door and led us through the house to the back yard, apologizing en route for the fact that Sue had been delayed at work but would be joining...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Tricking Dad

Brian was watching TV with his dad when a group of girls in bikinis came up on the screen. Tom glanced over at his 18 year old son with a smile. "There's some hotties for you son," he said."Nah, I kinda like bigger boobs on girls," Brian muttered."You don't say. Well, nothing wrong with that.""I guess that makes two of us, huh dad?" Brian asked."Oh, you think so?" Tom said with a chuckle."Well, Mom has big boobs...REALLY big, so you must like 'em too," Brian said."Yeah, uh...your mom's are...

3 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IChapter 8 Nurse Sydney

I awoke with a start. It only took me a moment to realize where I was. The only light coming from the built-in nightlight near the head of the bed. "I wonder what time it is?" I thought as I made the slow transition to wakefulness. Out of years of habit, I started to lift my left wrist to check my watch before I remembered the cast. As I lay there thinking about my new life and my new abilities, I remembered something that had occurred to me while talking with Penny yesterday. I realized...

1 year ago
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Hi everyone!!! I m Vicky. I m now in 10th. It was the incident I was in 9th. My cousin sis mradula came to my house for meeting us as she lived in a hostel. It was Sunday. Mom & dad gone home 2 buy some vegetables and fruits. I was alone ‘th ma sis. We started talking to each other. Then after 15 mins, I proposed her for a cold drink. I had sum sex pills at that time. I took a tab n mixed it into her drink! We were watching’ songs as were drinking cold drink. Suddenly, n also slowly…she started...

1 year ago
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Another Night With Linda

Linda and I had been seeing each other for at least 7 or 8 months with a little time out while she dated someone else semi-seriously for a while. That didn't last, though. We usually saw each other on Saturday nights. I had tried to take her to dinner or to a show or something, but she really didn't want to go anywhere. As she once said, sitting on my couch sipping her Pinsch and water, "I'm right where I want to be." So it went. I cooked for her. Usually a steak, shrooms, potato or...

3 years ago
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Black Maled

Ronald Waterman had the perfect life. He was an annuities manager at an investment firm on Wall Street making more money than most people could ever dream of making. He’d made a few sound investments and done some trading that wasn’t really above board but he didn’t get caught and he made a bundle in the process so debt wasn’t a huge issue. He and his wife were empty nesters; their two boys were in college and staying relatively out of trouble, at least not the sort of trouble that would get...

2 years ago
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Celebrity Cravings

Watching so many hours of television and movies, it is only natural that people would have secret desires and fantasies about the stars they see every day. These fantasies are often anything from heated sexual escapades, to steamy romps in the sack, to lustful desires and longing from afar. Those desires are fulfilled here. Now, you only have to choose where you wish to start....a favorite show?film?actress? It is your call.

3 years ago
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The Bully Stole My Mom

Please leaver your comments and also please write your feedback on this sex story to En peru raja age 19, en appa foreign la vela seiraru, Ipo chennai la nanum enga amma vum matum than irukom, En amma peru Devi pakurathuku actress Swathi Varma mari irupanga, age is 39. // Ena oru payan collge la romba kindal pani asinga paduthite irupan. Oru naal avan ena kindal panapa na avana thitune athuku avan ena palaru palaru adichitan na aluthuten. Ithu na enga amma kita sona pa avanga college la...

4 years ago
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Innocent Eva

At 21, Eva had only had one boyfriend her whole life, whom she was still with after a year and a half. She had never been good with guys despite her beautiful features.She was stood about five foot eight, weighed about 135 pounds, with a round, firm ass, and breasts that were the perfect handful. Her religious upbringing was what made her so prude. She was the rich, quiet, soft-spoken girl who wore a gold cross around her neck, got god grades in her college classes, and only had sex with her...

1 year ago
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Brother Samuel Its Not My Time

A lot of people have accused me of being ruthless over the years. It’s not my fault that I seem to attract some of the most evil people on the planet. From sociopaths ( men and women without conscience ) to racist white men and racist white women along with nutcases, man-haters, losers and stalkers. You name them, I’ve met them. All before I was twenty-four years old. My name is Samuel Xavier. Brother Samuel to my friends. I’m a big and tall bisexual black male writer living in the Boston area....

2 years ago
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True story couldn't make this shit up if I wanted to. I have a real MILF of a MIL. She's 50 mix, long hair, fit, round fake tits and loves to show them off. All her clothes accentuate her ample bust. I've always fantasied about what it would be like to have her full lips wrapped around my cock or what it would be like to walk in on her which I've close to doing multiple times. She's answered the door in her towel before and I know she was Masturbating. When she answers the door like that she...

4 years ago
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My Second Greatest Challenge

Copyright© 2001-2003 A pathetic old maid of Bordeaux Fell in love with a dashing young beau. To arrest his regard She would squat in his yard And longingly pee in the sneaux. I've had three primary sexual relationships in my life, up to this wild juncture. The first, Erika, was a girl whom had come from a nasty household. Drunk mother, physically and sexually abusive father. Her claim to fame to me was that she was the first girl to spread her legs. She was also the first girl...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 621

This is compliments of mark b A farmer named Gerry Drover had a car accident. He was hit by a PEI potato truck owned by the MacLean Company. In court, the Maclean Company’s hot-shot solicitor was questioning Gerry. “Didn’t you say to the police at the scene of the accident, ‘I’m fine?’” asked the solicitor. Gerry responded: “Well, I’ll tell you what happened. I’d just loaded my fav’rit cow, Bessie, into da...” “I didn’t ask for any details,” the solicitor interrupted. “Just answer the...

4 years ago
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Sheriff PorterChapter 100

The college girls went right to work. After a short meeting with the professor and his teaching assistant, of course. While they learned how to handle any findings they made my team scouted the area. Four of them stayed at the dig while Gator and I did a walk about. With the aid of a satellite picture of the area we were able to tell a few things. For one thing we learned that the bandits would most likely come over the same hill that the conquistadors used to suppress the native Indians. If...

1 year ago
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StepSiblings Melissa Moore Riley Reid Extreme Makeover Stepbro Edition

Melissa Moore and Riley Reid were super excited for an upcoming event, until their poor stepbrother Jake showed up at home looking like he had been through a firing squad. All the kids at school are mean to him because he is smart and nerdy. If only the took some time to know the Jake that they knew. The girls then had a wild idea. Why not give their stepbro a makeover so he could be cooler and more approachable? Let’s get this started. Melissa and Riley redid Jake’s hair, got him in some new...

2 years ago
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Mistis Adventures Part 97

The big day was here for Sue, and the rest of her family and friends. She had anticipated this day for the last 13 years, and it had finally arrived.She had not had to go to school, and spent the day in a Beauty Shop, getting herself ready for tonight. She had been given a permanent, a facial, manicure, and pedicure, and had had her hair styled. She looked in the mirror at each stage, to see what progress had been made. She had gone to buy a dress, and, unknown to her, Pete had taken money from...

2 years ago
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My sister is a cum dumpster

This isn't some incestuous love affair. It's not blackmail or coercion. My sister is just a slut and loves to fuck. Lucky for her, her teenage brother is also a pubescent hormone factory that is down to fuck 24/7. I also happen to have a nice 8" cock and an appreciation for sexy, athletic, blonde teens with flat stomachs and perky tits. Truth be told I was 7 and she was almost 6 when we first fooled around - but we were so young, we had no idea what we were doing. We were bathing together -...

3 years ago
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Strange DatesChapter 5

It was Friday morning when Sam called Gina; he had deliberately avoid any contact with her all day Thursday; he coyly suggested she may like to spend the weekend as his place getting to know one another again after all these years; he even hinted he would give the servants the weekend off so they would not be disturbed. She jumped at the chance; but secretly hoped to get her hands on the brooch he had given her and then needed to get repaired; for that would go a long way to clearing her debt...

1 year ago
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I Love Valentina

In my youth I dated many girls and women. They all had interesting facets to their lives which attracted me. They were all fun to be with and I had sex with all of them. I am not the most handsome man nor do I have the best body but women find that I am pleasant to be with and I treat them with respect and make them the center of my world. One woman I dated was born in Russia and was raised in Argentina. Her family moved to Argentina because their father worked for a Russian company there. The...

First Time
1 year ago
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Choices Someone To Watch Over MeChapter 2

Time passed as it inevitably does. At the end of that year of college, I gave up on the idea of becoming an architect. The reason I gave everyone was that my building work had really taken off in a really big way, as in truth, it had. I'm not sure where my reputation for quality workmanship actually came from, but apparently I had built one. In truth, Dee had signed up for a design course that I needed to take; I saw her name on the list when I went to register for that next year. Don't...

1 year ago
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The Ex Returns

Several months ago my wife got an instant message from a long lost boyfriend, Mike. This was not a problem, we were very happy together and even though she admitted this guy was really good in bed, there were too many character flaws for her to go back to him. Besides, he was happily married too. I let them continue chatting, I even talked a bit to him and he seemed really cool. Eventually the topic turned sexual and got pretty graphic. Pretty soon they were having cyber-sex and swapping...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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The Yellow Dress Exploration of the Femme Psyche

I have spent countless hours pondering just what caused my attraction to female clothes. My confession is not to being transgendered, but I am a product of my environment. That is to say "I am" whatever I feed myself. Shall I continue in shame? Never may that be! But I am accountable. Shall I feel bad upon my guilt? And I say not! For I have fed myself in ignorance... Age 5... exploration of the femme Psyche. In Kindergarten at playtime I would quickly assume the dominant female role while...

1 year ago
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Your New Life

I laugh through my drunken burps and my slurred speech. "Man, you are a lot of fwun to hang around!" currently, I'm sitting in a family diner that I just love and have loved for most of my life. Across from me, is my date. She's a white woman with very long black hair, at least I'm Prrreeeeetty sure she's here. I'm so drunk that if someone told me she was a figment of my imagination, I would not doubt them for a second. "I get that a lot" she says. I roll my eyes, yeah right. "Haley, listen, I...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Mechanical Issues

Mechanical issues...Susan didn’t move a muscle, nor did she make a sound. Her eyes were locked on mine, the look of confusion and shock on her face as one of the men carried her slowly to a table in the middle of the room. As he laid her down, the others bound her feet and hands. She was now grasping the magnitude of the situation. I had told her countless times if she was going to act like a whore I would personally make sure she was treated like one. It was obvious this was not what she...

3 years ago
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New Kids tape side B

I wanted a Kim bassinger moment in Angie everharts outfit/hair. So I found sky high,thigh high red boots, sexy red lingerie, and a smoking hot curly red head wig that dropped down to mid back. It was a hell of an outfit. It was definitely empowering towering around in those tall shoes. I started early on the Jack. I was supposed to bring my Johnnie, but I've had a houseguest this week and have been distracted. I poured some into my cup and then took a shot straight out of the bottle...

2 years ago
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Chloes Frustration

'Talk soon xx', and with that he signed off and was gone. Chloe felt the same way she always did when Jack disappeared, slightly giddy and wanting more. It was late. She should really go to bed – if only she could be going with him. They'd been chatting online for a few weeks now and had some amazing conversations. Once, he'd turned her on so much that she’d stripped off from the waist down as her clothes were rubbing her closer to orgasm, only to find that without clothes was worse, much...

3 years ago
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My Dearest Darling VirginiaChapter 7

I was drinking a glass of orange juice and watching The Three Stooges when the phone rang at six on Monday morning. I grabbed the receiver in mid-ring, hoping that it had not disturbed Mom and Dad. Mom didn't have to be up for another hour. She was a home- health care nurse and didn't have to check in at the office until eight-thirty. "Where were you yesterday?" Joyie asked me without even saying good morning. "I went with Brad to see his grandmother at the nursing home and then we...

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