A New Doll, Pt. 2 free porn video

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Introduction ------------ Hi, it's me again: Barbie. I was a boy once, but on my 16th birthday, my Mom decided to turn me into a girl. That was 4 years ago. Now I'm 20, but I still look like a 5 year old girl. My little sister isn't that little any more, but she still likes to play with me. I haven't cum since, even though I still have my testicles. They are just completely useless hidden away inside my crotch, but they're still pumping hormones into my system. So I'm constantly horny now, with no way to get relief. They are aching all the time now, giving me a very severe case of blue balls. Also, precum is constantly oozing out of my little peehole. About every 6 month I have a wet dream, but that's far from enough to get me off my hormone trip. Only once I woke up when that happened. I felt some tingling down there, a far cry from actually jerking off! I miss my cock very much. The only part of my body which could give me relief is gone forever! As I said, I'm still 5 years old. Mom won't allow me to grow up. For a while I hoped that she'd eventually get tired of humiliating me, but that hasn't happened yet, quite the opposite! After a year or so she came up with a new way to humiliate and embarrass me. Then she decided that simply wetting and pooping my diapers uncontrollably wasn't enough. Nobody would notice if I'd just wet myself, so she bought several fancy dresses with very short skirts. They were so short that I'd expose my diaper when I bent just slightly. To make it even more difficult to hide my diaper, she only used very thick, bulky diapers which crackled very loud when I moved. Same with the plastic pants. She had them hand-crafted by a tailor. They were very thick and made out of robust rubber with frills at the legs. The upper waistband could be locked, so even if I wanted to, I couldn't get out of them. Unfortunately she didn't stop there. She also ordered me to push my hands into the crotch and to fidget about when I had to pee. Then I had to tell her. Loud enough that everybody could hear it. Unfortunately, she also expected me to do that when I had to do my poo-poos. At first I resisted, especially when I had to do number two, but she eventually beat it into me. She spanked me hard when I forgot to do the dance, so after a while it became second nature to me. Don't get me wrong: It's still utterly embarrassing, but the spankings were much worse. After about half a year, she took me to a hypnotist. He planted a mental block in my brain, so I can't tell anyone any more what she had done to me. When I try, I won't get a word out. I just start to cry uncontrollably. Right now I am in my crib and waiting for Mom. My diaper is quite loaded and I stink badly. I'll never get used to that! You can't imagine how disgusting it is to sit in your own shit, or how it feels when the mess pushes out. It's horrible! Unfortunately, or fortunately, when I'm asleep, I don't even wake up for that. It just happens. So my diaper is full every morning, just like now. There hasn't been a single day I woke up dry and clean! I try to as still as possible, because it's disgusting when the gooey mess shifts and spreads into every single crevice. There's another thing that is totally embarrassing: Since my asshole is pretty much useless, I can't control passing wind any more. I don't even feel it coming! I'm as surprised as everyone else when I fart. Of course it always happens at the most inappropriate times, and Mom still loves it, because it always reminds me how pathetic I am. Thank god, I can hear Mommy in the hallway! I really need a diaper change! I always relished the short time being clean after getting a fresh diaper! Getting up ---------- "Good morning, Barbie!" Mom cheered when she entered the room. "Hewwo, Mommy!" (Hello, Mommy!), I bleeped with my girlish voice. "My, my! Wet and messy as always?" she asked. "Yeth, Mommy! I weawwy need a thange!" (Yes, Mommy! I really need a change!), I wailed. Then she opened the top bar of my crib and easily lifted me out. "That's obvious! Then let's get you changed!" she chuckled and brought me into the bathroom. My diaper was sagging heavily, but the thick plastic pants kept it all contained. With every step I could feel the mess shift. It was disgusting! Then she lifted me onto the changing table and wiped my bottom. Next, she put me into the bathtub and lathered me with a strongly perfumed soap. It was absolutely sickening, but once I got used to it, she sure as hell changed it. Today was one of those days. This time it was olive shampoo and coconut soap. I especially hated coconut. I couldn't stand that smell! As always, she took great care to clean my tight vagina. To prevent an infection, as she keeps telling me, but I'm pretty sure she only does it to make me uncomfortable. When she does that, she never fails to touch my little clit. It was a tiny part of my penis, with my foreskin as the hood, so touching it makes me very, very horny. When she does that, it gets me on a hormone roller coaster. It brings me to the brink of a giant orgasm, an orgasm that never, ever comes. I can't feel any muscles tensing up, let alone getting hard. It's very, very frustrating! Since I can't get relief any more, I'm horny all day long. Unfortunately for me, she loves it. As I said, every six months or so I have wet dreams, but those doesn't really help. After that I'm just a little less horny, not very, very horny. That happened about 5 months ago. So you can imagine how desperate I am right now. My balls are hurting badly, and precum is constantly oozing out of my little vagina. Well, she's done now and toweling me down. Before I get a fresh diaper, I have to brush my teeth. She even found a way to humiliate me with that. She intentionally had the sink installed higher than usual, so I could barely reach the tap. The shelf with the tooth brush was completely out of reach. "Pweathe hand me the bwuth and the tooth pathte, Mommy!" (Please hand me the brush and the tooth paste, Mommy!), I begged every morning. That always made her smile. She loved it even more when I struggled to open the tap. I had to get onto my tiptoes, just like a real, little girl. Always the same, every morning. I had to brush my teeth for three minutes. After that, she handed me a cup with cold water to rinse my mouth. Then I went to the changing table, waiting for her to lift me up. I was too weak to get up there myself. My scrawny, little arms can't take the weight of my body. So she lifted me up and put me back into a thick, crackling diaper and frilly plastic pants. "Snug and safe again!" she chuckled when she was done. Snug and safe my ass! Even after all this time it was still embarrassing to wear diapers. I really would like to use the bathroom again! They weren't snug at all! Once they were wet, or even worse, messy, they were really uncomfortable! Then she took me back into my room. When she was going through my extensive wardrobe, I suddenly had to pee very badly. So I did the dance she had beaten into me. I pushed both hands into my crotch and started to fidget. "Pweathe, Mommy, I have to wee-wee!" (Please, Mommy, I have to wee-wee!), I howled. "Just a moment, darling, I'll be with you in a minute! Try to hold it!" she said while putting the dress for the day onto the bed. Then she took my hand and walked me to the bathroom, but after the second step it was already too late. I lost control and peed into my diaper. "Too wate!" (Too late!), I whined. I started to cry out of sheer frustration. I still couldn't believe it that I wasn't able to hold it for more than 30 seconds! "Oh my, don't cry, Barbie! That happens to little girls like you. We both know that you're not the brightest one! Maybe next time!" she chuckled. "But, but thith ain't faiw! I hate diapewth! I want to go to the bathwoom again, wike weaw gwown-upth!" (But, but this is not fair! I hate diapers! I want to go to the bathroom again, like real grown-ups!), I wailed. "Well, it's not my fault that you can't make it to the bathroom! You just have to try harder," she giggled, knowing full well that I'd never make it. Then she called for my little sister. She was 12 now, while I was still stuck at 5. I always dreaded that moment. Since she was in charge, it was her job to dress me with the fanciest and frilliest dresses money could buy. "Hi Barbie, and Mom!" she cheered when she stormed into the room. "Good morning, darling! Did you sleep well?" Mom asked her. "Yes, thank you!" she replied. "Barbie would love to wear that dress today. What do you think?" she said pointing at the dress on the bed. I instantly hated it, like always. It was a pink pageant dress with a short poly-chiffon skirt, a high back collar and a Queen-Ann neckline. It had a heart shaped cut out in the back and had colorful bodice on the front. It was as frilly and fancy as little girl's dresses got. "I love it!" my sister cheered immediately. Then she turned to me. "It's your favorite, isn't it?" she giggled. "Yeth..." (Yes...), I muttered, not knowing what else to say. It was a rhetorical question, anyway. I didn't have any say in how I was dressed. I'd love nothing more than blue jeans and an ordinary boy's t- shirt, but those days were long gone. "Okidoki!" she cheered. She fetched a pink undershirt from the wardrobe and pulled it over my head. Next came the dress. "Sit down, Barbie!" she ordered and nudged me back so I fell onto the bed. Then she pulled sheer, almost transparent pantyhose up my legs and over the bulky diaper. After that came the latest addition to my daily torments: She forced my feet into 3" high sandals and locked them in place with tiny padlocks. Next, she dragged me to the vanity table. She combed my hair and plaited it. Finally, she dragged me in front of the mirror and fiddled with my dress until she was satisfied. When she was done, my feet were already hurting severely from the high heels. It felt so unnatural. How did women stand that? "You're so cute!" my sister exclaimed. "Yes, adorable! The high heels fit perfectly!" Mom agreed. I didn't think so. The dress was ridiculous, but that's what happened every single morning, and there was nothing I could do! For 4 years now they forced me to wear pageant dresses. Not once they allowed me to wear regular clothes! But that wasn't my main concern right now. "My feet huwt!" (My feet hurt!), I wailed. "Oh? Why is that?" Mom asked. "The high heewth! Pweathe take them off!" (The high heels! Please take them off!), I begged, but that was a big mistake. "I see... Well, tell you what: I'm gonna call Cathryn. Let's see what she can do. She's so imaginative!" Mom said to my utter horror. "No! It ain't that bad!" I howled immediately. "I'll call her anyway. I want you to be comfortable in high heels!" Mom cheered. Cathryn was bad, very, very bad. Once she was in the game, everything was possible, including surgery. "No! Pweathe don't caww Cathwyn! I'm weawwy fine! I wove my thoeth!" (No! Please don't call Cathryn! I'm really fine! I love my shoes!), I sobbed desperately. I was so terrified that I involuntarily wet myself again. Unfortunately, all my begging was futile. She shooed my sister and me into the kitchen and picked up the phone. While my little sister cut my breakfast sandwich into little chunks, I heard Mom talking to Cathryn. "Hi, Cathryn... Yeah, sure... Listen, I have a little problem with Barbie..." was the last thing I overheard before she went into the hallway and closed the door. About 5 minutes later she was back. "Good news, Barbie! Cathryn had a great idea to fix your little problem. She'll come over in an hour and do it!" she cheered when she was back. "No! Pweathe caww it off! There'th nothing to be fikthed! I'm pewfectwy fine in my thoeth! They awe gweat!" (No! Please call it off! There's nothing to be fixed! I'm perfectly fine in my shoes! They are great!), I cried desperately. "I don't believe you, sweetheart! But rest assured: You will be perfectly fine, as you say, once Cathryn is done," Mom cheered. "What... what do you mean?" I asked with tears in my eyes. "Nothing to worry about, darling. It's just a minor procedure. She's going to shorten some tendons in your feet to make you more comfortable in high heels. After that you don't want anything else but high heels. Isn't that wonderful?" Mom explained with a huge grin on her face. "Wow, that's great! Can Cathryn fix me up, too? I love high heels, but they become uncomfortable very fast!" my little sister asked. My sister was in the middle of puberty now. She had budding breasts and was already wearing a training bra. 3 weeks ago she had her first period. I knew that because they talked about it right in front of me. For them I was just a little girl who didn't know anything about those things. I couldn't help myself and listened in when my sister told Mom about it. Since then I know things I never needed nor wanted to know! She told Mom how she woke up in the middle of the night feeling crampy. And how she had blood in her underwear when she went to the bathroom. But she wasn't scared, because she knew what to expect. I had to listen to the preparatory talk, too. Thank god I'd never have to go through that. Not even if Mom let me grow up. Fortunately I didn't have the appropriate plumbing. I just had a vagina, not a real womb. When I heard them talk about periods and such, I was actually glad to be just a little girl! Long story short, when my sister dressed up for special occasions, she also wore high heels, and she loved them. But of course, after a while her feet started to hurt just like mine, hence her question. "Oh no, darling! After the procedure Barbie has to wear high heels all the time, even when she isn't dressed up. She won't be able to wear normal shoes any more. You don't want that, do you?" Mom explained. "Oh... no, I don't think so. Would be very awkward in gym classes!" she said after thinking about it. "Right! You'll get used to them eventually," Mom concluded. Shit! That sounded very, very bad. She was going to cripple me! "Pweathe don't do that to me, pweathe don't..." (Please don't do that to me, please don't...), I begged, but of course I couldn't change her mind. "Don't worry, darling. Cathryn said that she can do it with local anesthesia. It's only a minor procedure," she replied as if it were nothing. The Surgery ----------- I jumped in my high chair and involuntarily wet myself when the doorbell rang about half an hour later. Mom lifted me out, grabbed my hand and dragged me to the front door. When I saw Cathryn at the doorstep, I froze. First, she gave a warm welcome to Mom. Then she turned to me. "Hello, Barbie. Long time, no see! How are you?" she cheered. I was so terrified that I suddenly had to pee and poop very badly. As always, I started my dance. I put both hands into my crotch, pressed my knees together and minced on the spot. "I need to go to the bathwoom, fatht!" (I need to go to the bathroom, fast!), I wailed desperately. "In a second, Barbie. Just try to hold it!" Mom said while Cathryn grinned broadly. Then she turned to Cathryn. "Go ahead into the kitchen and help yourself to a coffee. I'll be right with you once I've taken care of Barbie," she told her. Then she took my hand and took me to the bathroom. We didn't get far, though. After 3 steps I completely lost control. First, some pee rushed into my diaper. Then I farted loud and pushed a huge load into it. I blushed and started to cry instantly. This was still so utterly humiliating. I'd never get used to that! "Too wate!" (Too late!), I sobbed. "That's obvious!" Mom giggled. "Oh my, Barbie. So you still haven't learned?" Cathryn added to my humiliation. I didn't know what to say and cried harder. When Mom dragged me into the kitchen, some pee rushed out with every step. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't control it! Whatever Cathryn did, it was very effective. I squealed a little when Mom put me back into the high chair, because the mess oozed into every crack and crinkle. It was disgusting! Then Cathryn turned to me. "So, you love high heels so much that you don't want to go without them?" she asked. "No, abthowutewy not!" (No, absolutely not!), I howled with my high voice. "Don't be scared, Barbie. It's just a minor procedure! I promise it won't hurt!" she said totally ignoring my desperate begging. "Didn't you heaw me? I don't want that! I'm totawwy fine! Pweathe don't cwippwe me!" (Didn't you hear me? I don't want that! I'm totally fine! Please don't cripple me!), I sobbed desperately. "I'm not going to cripple you, darling! Who told you that nonsense? I'm just gonna make you feel more comfortable in high heels!" she replied. Of course that meant crippling me, but there was nothing I could do. Both, Cathryn and Mom were very determined to have it done. "So, let's get started! Where do you want to do it?" Mom asked Cathryn cheerfully. "Her changing table will do," Cathryn replied. So we went upstairs where Mom lifted me onto the table. "Do you want me to change her first?" she asked. "No need for that," Cathryn said while she prepared herself for surgery. She laid out a scalpel, sutures, a syringe, a bottle with disinfectant, some surgical adhesive and some patches. Then she scrubbed her hands thoroughly and put on some rubber gloves. Next, she took the disinfectant and turned to me. "Now, Barbie: I need you to stay totally still. Relax! I promise it won't hurt. Just a little sting from the syringe," she told me. Easier said than done! I was so nervous that I wet myself some more when she put my left foot onto the table. Of course I flinched when she injected the local anesthetic. "Stay still, Barbie!" she warned. While we waited for the pain-killer to take effect, she turned me to the side. After 2 minutes the areas around my Achilles tendons were completely numb. Then she picked up the scalpel. I couldn't see what she was doing, so I turned my head. "No, Barbie! Stay down and hold still!" she said angrily. I didn't feel anything while she worked on my foot. "What's the minimum heel size you want her to wear?" she asked after a while. "3 inches," Mom replied instantly. "Very well," she said and bent my foot down. "I need your help now. Keep her foot in this position exactly," she told Mom. Mom took over while Cathryn did something to my Achilles tendon. From the corner of my eyes I saw her grabbing the sutures and the surgical adhesive. "It's very simple, actually. I'm gonna shorten the tendon by knotting it it into a bow and fix it with a suture, like this. Next, I put the bow back in and apply some surgical adhesive. Now we can close the wound up with another suture, apply some cream to speed up the healing process and finally a patch," she explained. "Wonderful! Such a simple procedure, and yet very effective!" Mom marveled. "Yes, in about 2 weeks the loop will be fused to the remainder of the Achilles tendon, and the scar will be barely visible," Cathryn explained. Then Cathryn turned me around and worked repeated the procedure on the left foot. "Nice, but she can walk while it's healing?" Mom wanted to know. "Yes, of course. Those are very strong nylon sutures. They can keep the strain," Cathryn replied while she applied the adhesive and a patch to the other heel. "Good!" Mom cheered. "I'm finished! It wasn't that bad, was it, Barbie?" Cathryn asked me while she turned me onto the back. Indeed I didn't feel a thing. It was surprisingly painless, but I was very afraid of the outcome. "No, it didn't huwt at aww." (No, it didn't hurt at all.), I answered honestly. "See, as I promised. I know what a sissy you are and how much you hate pain," Cathryn chuckled while stroking my head. Then Mom lifted me off the changing table. Fortunately she supported me. If she hadn't I would have fallen instantly! No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get my heels onto the floor any more! When I forced it, I felt a stinging pain and cried out in pain. "What... what have you done? I can't thtand pwopewwy any mowe!" (What... what have you done` I can't stand properly any more!), I howled. "Easy, Barbie! Don't rush it. I guess it takes some time to get used to. Let's get her some proper footwear," Cathryn chuckled. Then Mom picked me up, carried me into my room and sat me down onto the bed. Next, she fetched pink shoes with 3 inch heels and pink, silk socks from the wardrobe, put them onto my feet and pulled me up. With those shoes I was able to stand at least. It felt kinda strange, but that was at least something! It wasn't easy to keep my balance when Mom let me go, but the pain was gone. Actually, it felt quite natural, like I was wearing sneakers. After Cathryn's little procedure I needed high heels! This couldn't be real! I started to cry, but they didn't care. "Do me a favor and take some steps!" Cathryn ordered. With shaking legs I stepped forward. After three steps I barely noticed them any more. The only thing strange was the position of my toes. They were bent bent, but I quickly got used to that, too. Unfortunately, that feeling didn't last long. After 5 rounds my feet started to hurt again. "How does it feel, Barbie?" Cathryn asked curiously. "Not tho good. It huwtth! I want to weaw weaw thoeth again!" (Not so good. It hurts! I want to wear real shoes again!), I whined. "No, Barbie. That'll hurt even more. In time you'll get used to it!" Cathryn snickered. Craptastic. This was diapers all over again! Even after 4 years I still wasn't used to wetting and messing myself, and most likely it was the same with these fucking high heels! I couldn't help myself and started crying again. "Why are you crying, darling? High heels suit you very well! They are a perfect fit for your fancy dresses! You look so pretty in them!" Mom giggled knowing full well that I hated those dresses. I was a boy, for god's sake! I didn't want to be pretty! I just wanted to be myself again! Unfortunately that wasn't possible. Cathryn had taken great care to turn me into a little girl permanently. So I played her evil game and pretended to be the little girl I looked like. "Yeth, Mommy. I wike to be pwetty." (Yes, Mommy. I like to be pretty.), I muttered dejectedly. "See? I thought you'd like it! Now you can wear such nice shoes every day!" Mom replied. Then she turned to Cathryn. "Come, lets go into the kitchen and have a coffee. Care to join us, Barbie?" Mom said next. At the stairs I had to take each step one by one with one hand at the rail to keep my balance. It was very cumbersome, annoying and most of all, slow! I wouldn't do any running with my feet in that condition! The women didn't wait for me and went ahead into the kitchen. It took me a while to get downstairs. Once there I released the rail and slowly walked into the kitchen taking tiny steps putting one foot right in front of the other. That wasn't as easy as it sounded with the thick, bulky diaper between my legs. When I eventually arrived there, Cathryn and Mom were already sipping at their coffees. I sat down at the head of the table and listened to them chit-chatting. "Thank you for doing this. Barbie really turned out nicely. I still regret that I didn't come to you sooner. That would have spared me so much grief. It's amazing how docile and well-behaved she has become!" Mom cheered. "I told you so, but you wouldn't listen at first, remember?" Cathryn chuckled. "Yes, you did, and I'll always be grateful for that," Mom replied. "You're welcome. To be honest, I like working with Barbie. She's perfect for that project!" Cathryn cheered. "Yeah. Now, let's have some fun. Any idea?" Mom asked. "Let's go shopping and have a decent lunch!" Cathryn suggested. "I'd love to, but I don't have a babysitter. Her sister is at school, so we have to take her," Mom said a little disappointed. "No problem. Let me call my niece Roberta. She can watch her!" Cathryn replied. "Great!" Mom cheered. Then Cathryn took her phone out of the bag and speed-dialed Roberta. She answered almost immediately. "Hello Roberta! Get over here. You have to babysit Barbie. I'll text you the address. I want you here in 20 minutes, understood?" she barked into the phone and hung up. Wow, that was quite harsh! Roberta certainly was under Cathryn's thumb! "Who... who'th Wobewta?" (Who... who's Roberta?), I dared to ask. "She's my useless, 17 year old niece. She attracts trouble like a magnet, so I have to keep a tight rein on her," Cathryn explained. That much was obvious. I guessed that Roberta didn't have much fun. Be it as it may, exactly 18 minutes later the doorbell rang. "Would you please answer the door, Barbie?" Mom said. As always, that wasn't a request, but an order, so I got up and went to the front door. Before I opened it, I pulled my short skirt down to hide my diaper, but it didn't really help. It was too short, and my diaper was loaded. I was stinking. Roberta ------- When I finally opened the door, I was totally stunned. I gasped audibly and blatantly stared at her. She was a real hottie. I got horny instantly! She had long, slender, never ending legs, a very small waist and beautiful, big breasts! Her hard, big nipples were clearly visible and poked a dent into her bra and flimsy tank top. As I said, she was a real hottie! She had alluring, pink lips that screamed to be kissed, a tiny nose and big hazelnut eyes which made her look slightly Asian. She wore decent make-up which accentuated her beautiful face. "Hi, you must be Barbie. May I come in?" she purred. Her voice was a little higher than I expected, but it was still very sexy. It took me a while to get my composure back. "Yeth, yeth, of courthe! Pweathe entew!" (Yes, yes, of course! Please enter!), I lisped. When I heard my own voice I instantly felt very embarrassed and blushed. As a boy I, or rather the man I should be by now, I would have hit on her immediately. But unfortunately I was a little girl in a fancy dress and high heels. I was so ridiculous that I couldn't help myself and started to cry. "Come into the kitchen, Roberta! And bring Barbie!" Cathryn shouted. "Yes, of course, Cathryn!" Roberta shouted back. Then she took my hand and brought me back into the kitchen. "There you are! What took you so long?" Cathryn asked impatiently. "What do you want from me? I'm right on time!" she snapped. That earned her a hard slap in the face. "Don't be so cheeky, Roberta. Behave yourself!" Cathryn shouted. "I'm sorry, Miss Cathryn!" she apologized and stared at the floor. She was fighting with tears. I was surprised once again. Miss Cathryn? What the hell was going on? Who was she? "Now, listen closely, Roberta! You are going to babysit Barbie while her mother and I go shopping, understood?" Cathryn ordered. "Yes, Miss Cathryn," Roberta replied instantly. "And behave yourself, Missy. No alcohol, no cigarettes! Oh, and you have to change Barbie," Cathryn went on. "What? Change her? That's disgusting. She stinks! Never going to happen!" Roberta said instantly. For that she got another slap in the face. "Let's try this again: You are going to change Barbie's diaper, aren't you?" Cathryn snapped. "Yes, whatever you say, Miss Cathryn!" Roberta said with tears in her eyes. Then Cathryn turned to my Mom. "I told you: she's always looking for trouble, but don't worry. She'll do fine. She just needs the right incentive," Cathryn chuckled. "Okay then, bye! We're off to the mall. Be good!" Mom cheered. Then they went into the garage and drove off. When we were alone, Roberta looked down at me contemptuously. "Craptastic. Then let's get it over with. Where's your changing table?" she asked. "In the bathwoom upthtaiwth." (In the bathroom upstairs.), I sobbed. This was utterly humiliating and embarrassing! I should be fucking her brains out, but instead she was going to change my wet and messy diaper. This couldn't be happening! "Show me!" she ordered. So I scuttled upstairs, step by step, tightly holding the handrail. That was too slow for her. "Oh, come on, Barbie! Hurry up!" she snapped. "But, but I'm going ath fatht ath I can!" (But, but I'm going as fast as I can!), I wailed. She sighed heavily. Then she picked me up and carried me upstairs. "Which room?" she asked impatiently. "The thecond doow on the weft." (The second door on the left.), I replied trying to hold my tears back. It was so embarrassing when I heard myself talk with this ridiculous high voice and the heavy lisp that I almost started to cry again, and it got worse when she lifted me onto the changing table. Then she removed my fancy dress, pushed me down and removed the plastic pants. When she saw and smelled my dirty diaper, she gagged. "Wow! This is so disgusting! How old are you? 6? Aren't you way too old for diapers? Ridiculous! Try using the bathroom like every girl your age!" she shouted. That made me cry uncontrollably. This was ridiculous, indeed. I was a grown man by now! I shouldn't be wearing diapers, let alone use them! But worst of all was being changed by a hot, sexy girl like her! "I hate diapewth! I twy aww the time, but it'th tho hawd! I nevew make it in time..." (I hate diapers! I try all the time, but it's so hard! I never make it in time...), I howled. "Then try harder! This is the first and last time I'm going to change you today! Oh, and one more thing: Get rid of that ridiculous lisp! It's pathetic! No wonder your Mom dresses you up like a doll!" she spat at me. I cried harder, because it was so utterly humiliating. That fueled her anger even more. "Stop crying, for god's sake!" she snapped while she opened the diaper. "Shit. This is gross!" she shouted when she saw the mess. "It... it'th not my fauwt! Cath..." (It... it's not my fault! Cath...), I managed to say before the posthypnotic suggestion kicked in. I desperately wanted to tell her that Cathryn did this to me, but instead I cried even harder. This was utterly frustrating. She had to know, but the harder I tried to tell her, the more I cried, sobbed and whined. I couldn't get it over my lips! Eventually I gave up and calmed down. "Finally! And stay quiet, Barbie!" she sighed when she wiped my messy bottom. It was really hard not to start crying again, but somehow I managed it. She was quite annoyed and angry already. No need to upset her more. Once my butt was clean, she put some lotion and powder on. Then she put 4 inserts into a diaper and wrapped it around my behind. Next, she pulled the plastic pants back up and put me back onto my feet. Then she put me back into the fancy dress. "Now you can piss and shit yourself all you want! But don't expect me to change you again," she sneered. "Yeth..." (Yes...), I sniveled quietly. "Now go, play with your dolls or something. I'm in the living room watching TV, if you need me," she said before she disappeared. So I scuttled into my room and played with my dollhouse, but it quickly became boring. This was so mindbogglingly stupid and ridiculous! I wanted to play computer games or, even better, fuck Roberta's brains out! Unfortunately, fucking her was out of question. And Mom didn't even let me near a computer any more. Her study room was always locked. Once, she forgot to lock it, so I slipped inside, but it didn't do me any good, because I didn't know her password. Her smartphone could only be unlocked with her fingerprint, so it was totally useless for me, too. All the interesting TV channels were locked, of course. I was stuck with Nickelodeon and 4 other channels suitable for 5 year old girls, and utter crap like shopping channels and Fashion TV. Mom had cut me off from anything even remotely interesting. She didn't let me do anything appropriate for a boy, or rather young man I should be right now. No computer games, no TV, no internet. All I could do was to play with this stupid dollhouse. God, how I hated that! Another thing I hated with passion was my room. It made me sick. Everything in there was in a different shade of pink, and pink was one of my least favorite colors. The carpet was pink and fluffy, the wallpaper was pink with red flowers, and even my bedsheets were pink, just like almost everything I wore. But there was nothing I could do! I was trapped in this pink hell until Mom decided otherwise. When I couldn't stand playing with the stupid dolls any more, I scurried downstairs and joined Roberta in the living room. "Can I watth TV, pweathe? Pwaying with dowwth ith tho bowing and thtupid! I weawwy hate it!" (Can I watch TV, please? Playing with dolls is so boring and stupid! I really hate it!), I begged. "How comes, Barbie? You fit in perfectly, looking like a fancy doll yourself. Don't you want to have a nice teatime with all the other dolls?" she teased me. That almost made me cry again, because it was so embarrassing and humiliating! "Well, suit yourself. But if you cry again, you can go right back to your room, understood? And don't you dare to shit into your diapers anywhere near me, is that clear?" she said sharply. Fortunately my diaper was still dry and clean. "Yeth, cwythtaw cwear, Wobewta!" (Yes, crystal clear, Roberta!), I lisped. So I sat down in the easy chair and stared at the TV, but that became boring pretty soon, too. She was watching Fashion TV. Some very gay sounding guy was commenting on the latest fashion trends from Paris. "Can you thwitth the thannew, pweathe? Thith ith bowing!" (Can you switch the channel, please? This is boring!), I dared to say. "Yes, I know it's stupid, but I have to watch it," she replied much to my surprise. Something didn't add up. What was wrong with her? Why did she watch Fashion TV if she thought that it was stupid? "Why ith that? Why do you have to watth thith cwap?" (Why is that? Why do you have to watch this crap?), I asked curiously. "Because Cathryn wants me to stay in touch with the latest fashion trends. She'll punish me if I watch anything else," she explained. So that was it. Cathryn had her totally under her thumb! "But the ain't hewe! The won't know!" (But she ain't here! She won't know!), I begged her. "Believe me, she will know! I don't know how she does it, but somehow she knows everything I do. Now, shut up or go back to your your dollies!" she snapped. So I sat back and watched the skinny models on the catwalk. After a while I realized that it wasn't a very good idea. They were so hot and sexy that I got horny in no time. I tried to get some release by rubbing my favorite doll against my crotch, but that made my package crackle treacherously, so I stopped immediately. It wouldn't have helped, anyways. I could barely feel anything through the bulky diaper. And even if I had, it would only have made me hornier and more frustrated. When I looked over to her, she was playing with her hard nipples! So she was turned on by the models, too? This was getting stranger and stranger! When she realized that I was staring at her, she blushed and stopped instantly. After 5 more minutes she became restless. "I have to take a piss," she announced eventually. I was quite surprised hearing her talk like this. She sounded much more like a boy than a hot, sexy, young girl! When she wasn't back after 10 minutes, I went into the hallway to investigate. I heard a soft, quiet groaning from the bathroom. Fuck, she was playing with herself! What else could it be? I couldn't help myself and carefully opened the door to the bathroom. I had to see this! But when I peeked inside, I saw something I absolutely did not expect. She was desperately rubbing at something that suspiciously looked like a dick! I couldn't believe it. She was a boy, too, just like me! I gasped with shock and wet myself. When I dropped my favorite dolly, she finally realized that I was watching. She jumped and tried to pull her panties up, but they got all tangled up, so I got a good glance at her crotch. "What are you doing, Barbie? Get lost!" she screamed while desperately fighting with her panties. But I couldn't move. I was frozen in shock. Now I knew why her dick looked so strange. A big, shiny steel ring was coming right out of her urethra! It bent her quite sizable penis down against her scrotum, with one testicle at each side. Then the ring disappeared inside her body between the anus and the testicles. No wonder she was groaning. No way she'd get hard with that cruel thing in her dick! "I said: Get lost, Barbie! Scram!" she shouted nervously, but I was still too stunned to move. Eventually she managed to pull her frilly panties back up. "Who... who awe you?" (Who... who are you?), I asked when I got my voice back. "Shit! You weren't supposed to see that! Do not talk about this to anybody! Not your mother, and especially not Cathryn. If you do, I'm gonna beat the crap out of you, understood?" she threatened. I was so scared that some more pee squirted into my diaper. Then I completely lost control and felt some poop oozing out of my useless hole. After that I started to cry. "Thop it! You'we thcawing me! I won't teww anyone, pwomithe!" (Stop it! You're scaring me! I won't tell anyone, promise!), I tried to calm her down, but it didn't work. "Hell, you better not, else I will come and find you, wherever you are!" she threatened. "No need to be tho mean! I can keep my mouth thut." (No need to be mean! I can keep my mouth shut!), I whined. "Good! Now stop crying, for god's sake! Get your act together!" she snapped. "Who... who awe you weawwy, Woberta?" (Who... who are you really, Roberta?), I asked while she dressed herself. I didn't hear Cathryn and Mom coming back, so I was quite startled when I suddenly heard Cathryn's voice. I was so surprised that I involuntarily wet myself again. "Well, she's actually Robert, my 17 year old nephew," Cathryn said from behind my back. That explained a lot. She, or rather he, was another of Cathryn's victims, just like me! Then Cathryn grabbed my shoulders, turned me around and looked me in the eyes. I was so terrified that some more pee rushed into my diaper. "Now tell me, Barbie: What did my useless nice do?" she asked. I couldn't resist her gaze and looked at the floor, but she wouldn't let me. She grabbed my chin and lifted my head. "What did she do?" she asked sternly. I panicked and lost control over my rear end again. Before I could say anything, I farted loud and pushed some more poop into my thick diaper. Of course I caved in immediately and told her what she wanted to know. "The... the pwayed with herthewf down thewe! The twied... twied to jewk off!" (She... she played with herself down there! She tried... tried to jerk off!), I sobbed. Roberta could threaten me all she wanted, but Cathryn was much worse, so I didn't hesitate for a second. "I see. Did she actually jerk off?" Cathryn asked me. "No, I don't think tho..." (No, I don't think so...), I muttered. "Good. She's such a slut! Maybe it's time to introduce her to real cocks!" Cathryn said. "Well, she's quite a looker. She won't have a problem to get laid. Barbie wanted to fuck her from the first time she laid eyes on her, isn't that right?" Mom asked me. "Yeth..." (Yes...), I muttered. Of course only before I knew that she was actually a guy! Roberta stared at me in disbelief shortly, but she had other problems. Then she turned to Cathryn. "Please don't punish me! I am not a slut. I can behave myself! It won't happen again, I promise!" she begged her with tears in her eyes. "You said that on many occasions, but you never kept that promise! What shall I do with you?" Cathryn asked. "This time I will! Please give me another chance!" she begged, but Cathryn had enough. "No! We need a more permanent solution! Since you want to be a slut so much, I'm gonna turn you into one! With the proper equipment! Say good bye to your penis! I'm gonna give you with a tight, moist pussy so you can enjoy dicks like a real slut! But don't expect an orgasm when you're getting it. Proper sluts are horny all the time!" she said without mercy. "But... but I don't want a pussy! I'll be good, really! I promise!" Roberta begged desperately. "Your promises are worthless, so deal with the consequences!" Cathryn replied mercilessly. Then she took Roberta's hand and dragged her to the front door. Before she left, she turned to my Mom. "Sorry I have to leave early, but as you can see I have my hands full!" she excused herself. "No problem! Please visit again when you're done with her! And thanks for fixing Barbie's feet!" Mom cheered. "Sure! See you later!" Cathryn said. I still couldn't really grok what I just heard and saw. So I wasn't Cathryn's only victim. I racked my brains if that little piece of knowledge did actually help me, but I came up empty. Mom knew immediately that I was mulling over something. "What's up, Barbie? What are you thinking about?" she asked grinning slightly. "What... what happened to Wobewta?" (What... what happened to Roberta?), I asked hesitantly. "Well, Roberta was born Robert. He was even worse than you!" Mom replied. "How tho?" (How so?), I wanted to know. "With 15 he already had 2 convictions. One for shoplifting, the other one for dealing drugs. When he got his 3rd strike, the judge agreed to try something different than incarcerating him for the rest of his life. She declared his mother unfit for being a parent and put him in Cathryn's care instead," she explained. "How did the end up being Wobewta?" (How did she end up being Roberta?), I asked, even though I could guess the answer. "At first Cathryn tried everything an ordinary parent would do, but she got nowhere. So she used a rather unique method of punishment," Mom went on. "And that wouwd be?" (And that would be?), I asked. "She injected him with female hormones and testosterone blockers every time she heard that he was involved in something. At first he didn't care, because the hormones take some time to take effect. But when his breasts eventually started to bud, he knew she was serious," Mom told me. "And what did he do then?" I inquired. "Unfortunately, the influence of his friends was too strong, so Cathryn had to use more drastic methods," she replied. "And that wouwd be?" (And that would be?), I wanted to know. "She told him that she'd do something permanent to his body every time he did something illegal. She started with permanent hair removal, but that didn't discourage him. So she removed his lower ribs and reduced his waist to an hourglass figure, but he still didn't get it. Maybe because he could still hide it under a wide t-shirt, I don't know," Mom went on. "I thee... but that doethn't ekthpwain hew thekthy body!" (I see... but that doesn't explain her sexy body!), I gasped. "Oh my, that's so cute! So you're into her?" Mom chuckled. I just blushed and stared at the floor. Of course I was into her, but I couldn't tell her. As I said, Roberta was a real hottie! Nevertheless, Mom knew exactly what I was thinking. "I see... Anyway, after the next incident Cathryn got really serious. She put him under for 3 months. During that time she shrunk his muscles and gave him breast implants. She also flooded his body with very strong female hormones and inserted the ring into his cock. Then she altered his face to make it more feminine. When he woke up again, he couldn't hide his femininity any more!" Mom chuckled. "Oh cwap..." (Oh crap...), I gasped. "That's one way to say it. That eventually got his, or rather her attention. Looking like a hot girl she couldn't meet with her former friends any more. They would have laughed him out of court, I guess, or worse," Mom replied. "Worthe?" (Worse?), I asked. "Imagine him showing up like that! I guess his so called friends would have gang raped his, or rather her ass!" Mom chuckled. "Oh yeth!" (Oh yes!), I gasped again. "You would have done it if you still could, wouldn't you?" she asked. Once again I blushed and stared at my feet, because she was right! Knowing what I knew now, I most certainly would have made her at least suck me off! "Thought so. Why am I not surprised?" she said disappointed. I didn't hear Roberta's name for at least 6 months. Roberta's fate -------------- Then, on a weekend, Mom mentioned her name again. "Today we'll go to the beach. Cathryn and Roberta will be joining us!" she announced. "Cool! What about Barbie? Can she come?" my now 13 year old sister asked. "Of course!" Mom cheered. Then several things happened almost simultaneously. When Mom mentioned Cathryn's name I involuntarily messed and wet myself, because I was still very afraid of her, even after such a long time! Also, because I didn't want to go to the beach in diapers. But I also got very, very horny when I pictured Roberta in my mind. I hadn't forgotten her, even though I knew that I'd never even get to 1st base! I jumped in the high chair and yelped quietly. "When?" my sister asked eagerly. "Right after breakfast! Please get her ready. Pack her diaper bag, and don't forget her bathing diaper!" Mom said much to my horror. "Sure!" my sister replied eagerly. After Mom got me out of the chair, my sister brought me upstairs and changed me. Then we went into my room and dressed me. She chose a ruffled, pink bikini top and pink plastic pants with white dots and a very short, frilly skirt. Of course it didn't hide my diaper. Next came pink sandals with 3 inch high heels. She locked them in place with tiny, golden padlocks. After wearing high heels permanently for 6 months, the locks weren't really necessary. I could barely stand without their support any more, but she locked them anyway, because it was cute. Lastly, she put a pink sun hat with a 4 inch brim sun onto my head. Then she pulled me up, dragged me in front of the mirror and adjusted my bikini top. Once again I was shocked how girlish I looked. I was the spitting image of a little girl! Next, my sister packed my pink diaper bag with 3 ordinary diapers, 6 inserts, 2 plastic pants and the swimming diapers. After that she gave me my favorite dolly and brought me back into the kitchen. "Very good choice. She's so cute! I love it!" Mom cheered when she saw me. Seconds later the doorbell rang. "That must be Cathryn and Roberta. Would you please open the door, Barbie?" Mom ordered. So I scurried to the front door and opened it. I gasped when I saw Roberta. I barely recognized her! Her tits were much bigger than I remembered, and she wore very slutty make-up! I couldn't help myself and blatantly stared at her huge breasts. "Hello, Barbie. May we come in?" Cathryn asked. "Yeth, yeth, of courthe! Mom'th in the kitthen." (Yes, yes, of course! Mom's in the kitchen.), I said still totally stunned by Roberta's appearance. "Wow! Is that really Roberta?" Mom gasped when she saw her. "Yes. Now she's the slut she always wanted to be," Cathryn laughed. "I'm not a slut!" Roberta said defiantly, but both ignored her. "That's obvious! Tell me what you've done!" Mom said eagerly. "Well, after the last incident she got permanent make-up," Cathryn chuckled. "So this slutty look won't come off?" Mom exclaimed. Slutty pretty much hit it! She had delicate, thin, black eyebrows. Of course they were tattooed, but it was almost impossible to tell. She also had incredibly long, black eyelashes and a light blue eye shadow. Her lips were much fuller now, and she had this glossy, bright pink lipstick. Her cheeks had a slight red blush and were framed by long, sandy curls. "No, it's the same as Barbie's," Cathryn giggled. "Oh my!" Mom exclaimed. I immediately felt sympathy for Roberta. My own make-up hadn't faded a bit since I got it. It was still as bright and shiny as when I went out of the beauty salon. Only hers was worse. She looked like a sexy hooker! "I also worked her breasts, as you can see. They were too small for a proper slut. So I enlarged them a little. And her nipples, too. I made sure that they're permanently hard now," Cathryn went on. A little was quite an understatement! Her tits were huge now, at least an E-cup! They almost jumped out of her flimsy bra, and her big nipples made a clearly visible dent! She had a very deep cleavage, just as I liked it! I couldn't help myself an got horny instantly. "Really nice boob job! They're perfect!" Mom cheered. "Thank you. I also reduced her wait to 17 inches permanently. Show her, Roberta!" Cathryn ordered. Reluctantly she lifted her t-shirt. Beneath that she had a perfect hourglass figure! I couldn't believe my eyes. Her incredibly small waist fanned out into a wide, round, utterly feminine butt! It was so sexy that my I became even hornier. "Wow! That's... impossible! How did you do that?" Mom gasped. "It wasn't easy. I made her wear a corset day and night to shift her guts around. I tightened it a little more every week, until she was down to 17 inches. Then I made it permanent by a little procedure I invented," Cathryn explained. "Oh my! That must have been very uncomfortable!" Mom exclaimed. "Yes, she cried a lot during that time, didn't you, Roberta?" Cathryn asked her. "It was horrible!" she cried. "How did you make it permanent?" Mom wanted to know. "I broke the her lower ribs and shortened them a little. Then I removed some fat and tightened the remaining tissue," Cathryn said. "Nice! Where are the scars?" Mom wanted to know. "There are none. I did it internally when she got the breast implants," Cathryn told her. "Wow, that's quite a feat!" Mom said appreciatively. "Thank you. It wasn't easy. It took me almost 5 hours," Cathryn replied. "Incredible!" Mom gasped. "I was very intrigued by your idea, so I did that to her, too," Cathryn went on. "What do you mean?" Mom asked. "I fixed her feet the same way like Barbie's, but I went for 5 inches minimum," Cathryn explained. I immediately looked at her feet. Indeed she wore red sandals with very high, wide heels. Her toes were bent to the maximum, almost right-angled! "Very nice! Can she still walk without heels?" Mom inquired. "No, not a single step!" Cathryn admitted. "Incredible!" Mom gasped once again. "There's one more thing I changed.," Cathryn said next. "No, you didn't, did you?" Mom shouted. "Yes, I did. Show her, Roberta!" Cathryn ordered. "No! Don't make me do this!" she begged, but Cathryn was relentless. "Don't make a fuss, Roberta! Sluts like you don't have no sense of shame," she laughed. Only when she reluctantly pulled down her panties, I knew what they were talking about. Instead of her ringed penis she had a bald pussy down there! Her clit was pierced with a shiny, curved barbell with big bullets at both ends. Above it she had a big, hard penis with huge balls tattooed, pointing right at her tight slit. Mom and I gasped almost simultaneously. "That is so hot!" Mom exclaimed. "But that's not all. Turn around, Roberta!" Cathryn ordered. On the back she had the same hard dick pointing at her asshole, and a deep red, glossy heart adorned with roses on each cheek! "Very nice!" Mom shouted. "Appropriate for a slut!" Cathryn giggled. "Definitely! I like it!" Mom said. "What exactly did you do?" she wanted to know. "Well, she has a very special pussy. At first glance it looks ordinary, right?" Cathryn asked. "Yes, looks quite natural!" Mom agreed. "But it isn't. It's very tight. Too small for an average sized penis, so it hurts a lot when she gets laid, but men gonna love it. They like it tight, isn't that right, Barbie?" she asked me. "How thouwd I know? I never had thekth!" (How should I know? I never had sex!), I howled. "Yeah, right," she muttered. "Nice! Can she still get off?" Mom wanted to know. "Of course not! I cut almost all the nerves, including those leading to her prostate and implanted her testicles into her crotch to keep her constantly horny," Cathryn went on. "Thought so," Mom grunted. "But I went a little bit further with her," she added. "What do you mean?" Mom asked. "Well, she went through a training program I invented just for her," Cathryn replied. "What training program?" Mom asked curiously. "Basically she experiences a very brief, pleasurable feeling when semen is being squirted into any of her holes. It doesn't make her cum, of course, but it makes her long for more. Sex only makes her hornier. It's most intense when she has anal intercourse, but a blow job or vaginal sex triggers it, too. I guess you could say that's she addicted to cum now, isn't that right, Roberta?" Cathryn explained. "Yes, no! I hate cocks! I don't want to get fucked!" she spluttered confused. "Oh my, that's totally awesome! So appropriate for a slut!" Mom shouted excitedly. "I am not a slut!" Roberta insisted, but Mom and Cathryn ignored her. "Thank you. Took me a while to figure it out, but it worked perfectly!" Cathryn said flattered. "How did you do it?" Mom asked. "With drugs to make her suggestible, hypnosis and bodily stimulation. While she still had her dick, I fucked her 4 times a day with a lifelike dildo. Once she came, I squirted a cum-like substance into her ass until she was able to cum from fucking her ass alone, without working her penis. Same with her mouth. She's a perfect cock sucker now," Cathryn explained. "Ingenious! But what about vaginal intercourse?" Mom wanted to know. "Well, that was difficult. I obviously couldn't use her penis for stimulation any more, so I used the triggers I already had. I used a dildo on her ass and made her give head while penetrating her vagina, but unfortunately that wasn't nearly as effective," Cathryn told her. "Why?" Mom asked. "Because it was only secondary. Think of it like the telephone game. The signal gets weaker and more garbled the further it goes," Cathryn explained. "I see..." Mom muttered. "In the end it turned out that it's a good thing!" Cathryn cheered. "How so?" Mom inquired. "That effectively turned her into an anal slut. She loves anal sex, right, Roberta?" Cathryn chuckled. "No! I hate anal sex! It's disgusting!" she sobbed. "Hehe, that's still Robert speaking. Of course he can't admit that he enjoys being fucked in the ass!" Cathryn laughed. "Wow! I'm very impressed. Until now I thought that Barbie was your masterpiece, but with Roberta you outdid yourself!" Mom said totally overwhelmed. "Thank you!" Cathryn said flattered while Roberta stared at me in disbelief. It took a while until she grokked it, but finally she realized that I was another of Cathryn's victims. "What? My aunt worked on you, too?" she gasped. I tried to tell her what she had done, but the posthypnotic suggestion kicked in and turned me into a sobbing, crying wreck. Mom answered for me. "Yes, Barbie is actually my 20 year old son. He caused me so much grief that I eventually turned to your aunt for help. She suggested to turn him into a little girl. Since then he, or rather she, is very obedient and docile!" Mom chuckled. "What? He... she's actually a boy? 20 years old? No way!" she gasped with her alluring voice. "But she is!" Cathryn chuckled. "Now, let's have some fun at the beach!" Mom cheered. Both Roberta and me cringed, but we had no choice. My sister grabbed my hand and dragged me into the garage. She opened the back door of the SUV and told me to get inside. After I settled in the child seat, she buckled me in. Then she sat down beside me while Roberta hopped in on the other side. On the way to the beach Roberta stared at me all the time. She obviously had a hard time to believe that I was a 20 year old boy. At the beach ------------ After Mom parked the car, my sister unbuckled me, hung the diaper bag over my shoulder and pushed my dolly to my chest. Both Roberta and me had difficulties following them, because we could only make short, tiny steps with our high heels. When we eventually arrived at the beach, I lost my balance after only 3 steps. My high heels sunk deep into the sand, so I tripped and fell onto my bottom. Mom picked me up and carried me to the water.Roberta wasn't so lucky. She struggled with her high heels and arrived at least 5 minutes later, when the blankets were already laid out. She panted and sweated heavily when she sat down. To our right was a family with two young children. A boy and a girl. The boy was about 14 years old, and the girl about 7. To the left were 3 muscular studs, and right in front of us 3 pretty, 18 year old, pretty girls. The little girl to the left eyed me sceptically when Mom put me down.She immediately spotted my thick, bulky diaper. "Mom, look, the girl is wearing diapers!" she giggled. Her mother looked at me briefly and came to the same conclusion. Then she whispered something into her daughter's ear and turned to my Mom. "I'm sorry. She didn't mean to say that. You know how children are..." she said. "No need to apologize. She is right. Barbie is wearing a diaper," Mom replied much to my horror. "I can see that. Why?" the other woman asked. "I wish I knew! I have no idea," Mom replied. Then she looked at me. "Why are you still wearing diapers, darling?" she asked. "I... I don't know! It'th jutht tho hawd!" (I... I don't know! It's just so hard!), I sobbed. It was totally embarrassing and humiliating, but I didn't even try to tell her the truth. I'd end up as a crying, sobbing wreck. Then they talked about me like I wasn't there. "Is it a medical problem?" the other woman asked. "No, unfortunately not. I'd love so, but all the doctors said that there's nothing wrong with her," Mom lied. Then she turned to me. "How old are you?" she asked. "Awmotht thikth." (Almost six.), I replied. Both she and her daughter gasped. "6? That's way too old for diapers!" the mother exclaimed while her young daughter outright laughed at me. "Do you poop into them, too?" she asked before her mother could say anything. "Yeth!" (Yes!), I replied truthfully. Much to my horror I had to go right that moment! When I felt it coming, I pressed my butt together with both hands and started to fidget. "I need to go to the bathwoom, Mom!" (I need to go to the bathroom, Mom!), I howled desperately. "In a second, darling!" she said to me. Then she turned to the little girl's mother. "Sorry, I have to go!" she said and grabbed my diaper bag. "Yeah, no problem. Go!" the other woman said. When Mom pulled me up, I completely lost control. First, I wet myself. Then I farted loud and pushed a huge load into my seat. It was so embarrassing that I started to cry uncontrollably. "That's gross!" the little girl shouted instantly. "Oh my, Barbie. Another accident? Will you ever learn?" Mom scolded me. I tried to explain, but thanks to the posthypnotic suggestions I only cried harder. "But... but..." I sobbed. Then Mom took the diaper bag and carried me to the lady's room. They didn't have a changing table in there, so she changed me in one of the stalls. "Why awe you doing thith to me? It mutht be dithguthting fow you, too!" (Why are you doing this to me? It must be disgusting for you, too!), I howled. "No, Barbie. For all the grief you've caused me, changing your dirty diapers is just a minor nuisance," she chuckled. "But, but I hate being Bawbie! I'm twenty yeawth owd by now!" (But, but I hate being Barbie! I'm twenty years old by now!), I sobbed. "Yes, you should. But I still doubt that you're ready to grow up, let alone being an adult," Mom said while she wiped my ass. "But, but I am weady! What do I have to do to pwove it?" (But, but I am ready! What do I have to do to prove it?), I asked hopefully. "Well, you could start by using the bathroom!" she teased me. Shit! Mom did that sometimes to torment me. First getting my hopes up and then crushing them with a single blow. She knew exactly that I'd never, ever make it to the bathroom in time. Not after what Cathryn did to me. There were no signs of improvement, quite the opposite. It only got worse! "You know that I can't! It'th impoththibwe!" (You know I can't! It's impossible!), I howled. "Which brings me back to my original point: You're not ready to grow up! I do have one regret, though," Mom told me. "And that wouwd be?" (And that would be?), I asked nevertheless. "That I didn't go to Cathryn earlier. It would have spared me so much grief! But enough of this. Be a good, little girl, will you?" she whispered into my ear. After diapering and dressing me, we went back to the beach. I sat down on the blanket, took my stupid doll and cradled her in my arms while watching the people. After a short while I was horny like hell again. I blatantly stared at the girls and women, especially their tits. Small and big, I didn't care, but I liked the big ones more. I easily got away with that, because nobody expected anything indecent from a 5 year old girl. It didn't do me any good, though. My sex drive was off the charts, because my balls were pumping hormones into my system like crazy. It didn't take long until they started to hurt, so I spread my legs to ease the pain. Once again I easily got away with that, because I was just a little girl. For an older girl or young woman that would be indecent behavior or something, but not for me. It only showed my thick, bulky diaper. After a while precum started to ooze out of my peehole. That always happened when I became horny. It was the only way for my body to get rid of the fluids. That, and wet dreams, but those only happen once every 6 months or so. Sometimes I had big globs of sperm in my diaper, but that didn't help at all to get sexual relief. Blood still rushed into my testicles when getting horny, but I couldn't reach orgasm any more, so it was trapped in there until my arousal wore off, hence the constant blue balls. I didn't have a single muscle left down there any more. Cathryn removed everything, except my little clit. That little knob had once been the head of my penis. It got very sensitive when I became aroused, because my body pumped blood into it. But that didn't help, either. It was safely hidden beneath my labia and the clitoral hood, which actually was my foreskin. When it was engorged like now, I could feel it every time I moved my legs. That made me only hornier. Basically it boiled down to this: Once I was aroused, there was very little I could do to get off this hormonal roller coaster but close my eyes and get some sleep. Unfortunately that also didn't help when I had erotic dreams. Sometimes it was even worse when I woke up. That happened more frequently the longer ago my last wet dream was, since it only took off the edge a little. So I was pretty much trapped in a doom loop. When I eventually snapped out of it, I realized that I wasn't the only one in sexual agony. As it seemed, Roberta was quite horny, too. She was playing with her left nipple and tried to hide it by folding the other arm over her huge chest, but that looked pretty awkward. All the studs passing by stared at her, even those with a girlfriend. That was no surprise. She was quite a looker with her tiny waist and her huge tits! "Watch yourself, Roberta! You don't want to be arrested for indecent behavior, do you?" I heard Cathryn whisper into her ear when she slowly lowered one hand into her crotch. Roberta blushed and instantly pulled back. "But the... the itch drives me crazy. I have to do something," she hissed back. "Yeah, sure, the itch..." Cathryn laughed. Then one of the studs from our left got up and introduced himself to her. He wore a tight thong, so the bulge was quite obvious. "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" he said. That was the stupidest pick-up line I ever heard, but she fell for it. "Hi, I'm Roberta. And you are?" she replied instantly. "I'm Ben," he said. He didn't have to make much of an effort to

Same as A New Doll, Pt. 2 Videos

2 years ago
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SRU The Doll

SRU: The Doll By Morpheus ([email protected]) Sandy Morris tried to keep up with her mom walking in the mall, but her 9 year old legs were no match for her mother's greater stride. Gail Morris looked back impatiently at her daughter, "Hurry up honey, or I'll leave you behind." Running and catching up with her mom Sandy noticed a store that looked interesting. She begged her mom to let her go in and look around, and Gail reluctantly agreed, knowing that if she didn't Sandy...

1 year ago
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My New Fuck Doll

Mom loved her half-sister, Doreen, very much. She hadn't seen her in ages. That didn't stop mom from calling her and keeping tabs on her. Aunt Doreen was a lot older than mom. One day, mom went to a garage sale. She saw a beautiful big baby doll that she thought Aunt Doreen would love. She bought it, and brought it back to the house. She showed it to me, and said she was going to send it to Doreen. Mom didn't know that i had a sexual fetish with dolls. That doll was calling me, to take...

4 years ago
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Dream Doll

(Due to the large amount of copyright notices in this story, I have listed them in Author's Note's in order to not give away any details.) Dream Doll Story by Garath Xion Editing by Cedric Hasten "Can we go now?" James asked for the third time since entering the store. "Hold your damn horses alright? Geez, we're in a sex shop for crying out loud. You should be excited at the possibilities. What are you gay or something?" Ben shot back at him. James mentally sighed. He hated...

1 year ago
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Therapy Doll

Therapy Doll A young man finds himself in the middle of two personalities. It's in the middle of that discovery that he finds himself about to become homeless. There is a plan, albeit an odd plan but he and he alone might be able to bring those two together and in doing so find a home. All he's got to do is become a Therapy Doll. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to locations, persons living or dead is purely coincidental. There is also sex between consenting partners...

2 years ago
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The Doll

Sitting in front of his computer Henry was browsing on a website that sold realistic life-size sex dolls. He was amazed at how life-like these dolls were. As Henry continued browsing the website, the urge to place an order was growing inside him.He liked the ones that were already preconfigured, but he wanted to customize a doll to his liking. He continued to search for the option to customize a doll, but could not find it. Henry picked up his phone and called the company."Thank you for...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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Annabelles Doll

Annabelle's Doll by The sheep of the China Shepherdess. The flyer read, "Mary Anne's Antique Doll show, County Fairgrounds, Early admission 25 dollars." Most of the attendees were older women, with gray hair. Many had been rather pretty when young. Some still had a semblance of figure. Others were obviously mammalian and female. Behind the counters more often than not were young men in their mid 20s. Dressed in the...

2 years ago
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Holly The Sex Doll

Robert Wallace was a timid man.  He had very low self-esteem and was very shy around women.  He didn’t date at all and spent most of his time watching porn.  He had sex with escorts, but would lose his nerve around regular women.  He was an average looking guy.  He had a good job and lived in a nice house.   He was getting tired of his routine.  One night, while he was surfing on the internet, he saw an ad for a sex “robot” doll.  He clicked on the ad and was amazed by the video that they had...

2 years ago
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Living Doll

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you...

2 years ago
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Living Doll

A few years ago I was watching a news show on television when they did a segment with the title, “Does Your Name Shape Your Destiny?”“Damned straight!” I yelled at the television even before the announcer began his bit. The answer, by the way, was “Yes,” but I already knew that because my name is... Barbie.My full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts, but growing up, my parents, Margaret and George Roberts insisted that everyone call me Barbie. Mom called me “Barbie Doll” until I was a teenager...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
1 year ago
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Real Doll

Realdoll! What would happen if the producers of Black Mirror made a porno? Well, I think I may have just found the site that would start it all.Real Doll made by Abyss Creations makes the most lifelike, realistic, customizable male sex toys on the market today. They have a whole roster of sexy inanimate fuck toys for you to browse and (if you’re lonely and rich enough) purchase. If you thought blowup dolls were bizarre, just wait until you see the shit that Real Doll has to offer. Holy....

Sex Doll Shops
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Living Doll

When I was a little girl, I had loved playing with dolls. I would dress them up, brush their hair and create lives for them. I had Barbies and Sindy’s that lived alongside the fake ones who didn’t look quite right that my mum had bought cheaply, but nonetheless they had all served their own purpose. They lived in my dollhouse in my bedroom and I built an entire world for them, admittedly with the Barbies at the top of the social ladder very shallowly because they were prettier with better...

4 years ago
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SRU The Retrun fo the Love Doll

SRU: The Return of the Love Doll By Ran Dandel The Riding Club of the University was one of its most exclusive organizations. It was like a non-resident fraternity. The members gathered there to meet and socialize, and to build their skills at networking. The exclusivity was guaranteed because only the wealthiest students in good standing in their respective cities' Society could become members. Members who graduated were destined to wield great power in whatever ...

3 years ago
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Im Your Doll

I'm Your Doll By Sissy Cindy The Personal Ad It read: Dress Me Up. I'm a SWM crossdresser seeking a woman for a long term relationship. Most of my wardrobe is casual everyday dresses (I don't wear anything provocative). I'm shy, gentle, financially secure and loyal. I'm 5 feet 4 inches, have a slim build (size 10), and don't smoke. Taller woman are okay. Kevin Smith placed this ad on an Internet dating site that had thousands of ads from around the country. He was...

3 years ago
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Home for Horny Monsters Book OneChapter 7 What About the Creepy Doll

“Actually, there is something.” Mike carefully walked around the furniture in the room, pulling the doll from the mantle of the fireplace. He came back, handing it to her. The docile porcelain features of the doll gazed imploringly into Beth’s eyes, as if it was sad to be leaving. “I don’t care how, just get rid of it.” Beth realized that even she thought the doll was spooky. Staring into its painted eyes, she couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m on it. Have a good night, Mike.” She left him, a...

4 years ago
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The virgin and the sex doll

Matt's over protective Tim father buys him a top of the range sex doll for his birthday in a bid to "keep him out of trouble" with girls. Up to this point Matt had been concentrating on his studies at school to the exclusion of everything else including girls and sex but things were about to change, all thanks to his father’s gift . . . .Oh my God!, Dad, No!, No!, No! . . . Matt gazed down stunned at the rubber doll laying in the large wooden box on the sitting room floor.Tim knew there would...

1 year ago
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Sexy Sex Doll

Sexy Sex Doll! It’s hard to get tired of porno, but I know sometimes people want to ramp it up a little. That’s one of the reasons hookers are so popular, but even those lays come with some strings attached. Well, we’re living in the goddamn future, so you’ve got a growing number of options. For example, SexySexDoll.com offers stunningly realistic sex dolls for your pleasure.These aren’t the inflatable bitches you can buy at the dank and dirty local porn shop. You know, like the one your...

Sex Doll Shops
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Night of the Living Doll

WARNING!!The following story contains words/phrases that some people will find very offensive. Please note that any depiction of casual racism and prejudice found in the following story is done entirely as a means of parody, parodying the times/setting that the following story is based in (1950's suburban America).This does NOT reflect my own personal views and beliefs on race, race-relations, prejudice, socio-gender-politics, body-shaming, etc.You can call me any name under the sun that you...

4 years ago
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Karla 3 Anonymous Doll

Please, read the prequels if you like this Story: Karla’s first step to be a Fuck Sow www.sexstories.com/story/105721/ Karla’s Brainwashing Room 1 – Lesbian Stitches www.sexstories.com/story/104312/ Karla's Brainwashing Room 2 - Weird lesbian punishment www.sexstories.com/story/105234/ ============================== Karla's Brainwashing Room 3 - Anonymous Doll I almost can’t remember my name is Karla, or is it not? I’m bombarded 24/7 in this brainwashing room with images of...

4 years ago
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It was summer recess and I was bored. Stretching and yawning I dragged myself out of bed and padded naked to the john. After a long and rather satisfying pee I brushed my teeth before padding back to the bedroom and drawing the curtains wide open. Standing at the panoramic window I smiled at the warm summer scene. Sure I was naked but I have a gorgeous body and don't care who sees it, even Mr Badass across the road, I giggle as his curtains twitch. I pull on my tee shirt, pleated short skirt,...

3 years ago
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A New Doll

A New Doll By adhi I was in a constant struggle with my mother about my 8-year-old sister. She wanted me to look after her so she could do her work. She teleworked for a start-up dotcom-company and was in fact really successful in what she was doing. But she couldn't do her work properly when she had to interrupt her work every 15 minutes to watch my little sister. So she wanted me to do this job. As you can imagine, I refused to do so. It was really boring to occupy my...

2 years ago
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Holly the Sex Doll

Robert Wallace was a timid man. He had very low self-esteem and was very shy around women. He didn’t date at all and spent most of his time watching porn. He had sex with escorts, but would lose his nerve around regular women. He was an average looking guy. He had a good job and lived in a nice house. He was getting tired of his routine. One night, while he was surfing on the internet, he saw an ad for a sex “robot” doll. He clicked on the ad and was amazed by the video that they had shown....

3 years ago
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Using The Sex Doll

He sat the petite woman up; her head rolled limply to one side. He held her chin and turned her face to his; he brushed her waist length blonde hair to one side with his fingers and saw she was even more beautiful when in a trance than he'd hoped. She had a natural beauty with gorgeous features that needed little enhancement from makeup. He recalled the awesome color of her eyes that had first captivated him was a beautiful deep blue. Her face, eyes, and body had so intrigued him he’d secretly...

2 years ago
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Baby Doll

Baby-Doll By Erica Wright 7/8/14, 7/11/14, 8/11/14, 9/15/14, 9/25/14 I've toyed with the idea of a scat story, but never got farther than the first few drafts. This one came to me one night as I was drifting off to sleep and I just had to flesh it out. It's taken some time to get it where I was comfortable sharing it. The sex is hardcore, but from what I've seen out there the scat is softcore. I hope you like it. Let me know what you think. Prologue: Though we had both enjoyed it,...

3 years ago
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Liliths Toy The Real Doll

Lilith's Toy - The Real Doll By Maximillian Excaliber Chapter One "The Freak Show" About two years ago, my ex-wife Judith took me to the cleaners in a divorce settlement. I was forced to sell our house so she could take her half of what I had worked hard for in the last twenty years. While I was busy working, she occupied her time screwing every thing that had genitalia. I have to say this, slut she may have been but discriminating she was not. Man or woman, she didn't care as long as they got...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Making of a super slut doll

Warning this story has themes of rape, mind control and dollification, I know this is first new story in a while and its not connected to my others muse has been silent recently, if anyone has a character concept for a hero they'd like to see turned into a doll by all means give me a description!! Force stood atop a warehouse staring at the doors to another one. He was eager to prove himself as a newly trained hero and many hookers, and homeless had been disappearing from the area. ...

2 years ago
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Inside the Doll

Inside the Doll By Scrambler J Copyright 2000 Neil tried to open his eyes, but for some reason he couldn't. Everything was dark, and he felt cold. So very cold, like he had jumped into the icy waters of the deep ocean. He had a funny taste in his mouth and he could hear someone singing. No, not someone, Kim. It was his Kim singing to him. But why was she singing so funny, and why was he so cold? Finally Neil managed to open his eyes and the first thing he felt was raw...

4 years ago
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Dead Doll

The phone rings in another universe, but I don't wake up until Lucy climbs over me to answer. I feel her young, firm breasts on my chest before I hear her voice.“Jim Barlowe P.I.” she says, and the phrase doesn't sound as nifty as it did fifteen years ago. “This is his secretary.”The person on the other end of the line says something, and then Lucy says; “Alright, I'll tell him,” and hangs up.She moves herself around until she's laying on top of me under the covers, with her knees on the bed on...

2 years ago
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Shemale turned in to a living bondage sex doll

I had connected with Master X on a BDSM Fetish contact site. He was the owner of a fetish store and he said that he had been on the BDSM for several years. He had carefully studied my own profile and had seen that I had an immense interest in being used like a slut, being covered head to toe in latex – to look like a human doll - and a desire to be kept in inescapable bondage.He told me he had the same interests but as a Mater/Keeper, naturally.He sent me his picture in which he was dressed...

4 years ago
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I have such a weakness for the throat, just the sight of someone, simply lifting their chin. Oh, I can feel myself melt inside. So soft and vulnerable, picturing my teeth held there. I like to lay my whole mouth over that little place where your pulse beats, give you a million kisses from the jaw line down to the base of your throat. Mmmmm, all warm and fuzzy just thinking 'bout it!So anyways, I'm sitting in my room which is still decorated from when I was in high school. PINK!! Excessively...

3 years ago
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Pleasure Doll

Thank you to blackrandl1958 for creating this gothic horror event. When I heard about the theme, I just about cried because I love the genre very much. So much, in fact, that I had to write two stories. Thank you to Pixel the Cat for editing, Bebop3 for the excellent feedback and D for the help and support. Lola had platinum blonde hair that rested just below her breasts and crystal blue eyes that appeared to follow me when I moved through the room. There was a glint in their expression that...

3 years ago
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‘Oh dear. This has been one of those long, exhausting days, hasn’t it? I can tell. You look like you’ve been really pushing yourself, staying focused through all the distractions and concentrating so hard on everything you’ve had to do that you just don’t want to think at all anymore. Your brain is so tired you’re probably envying those dolls on my shelf, aren’t you? ‘I know, it sounds a little silly to suggest that a living person might want to trade places with one of my dollies, but look at...

2 years ago
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A Living Doll

"A living Doll" I walked out of the racetrack towards my car in a cold sweat. Another afternoon betting on the horses was gone, along with 30 grand! I usually managed to break even, but even when I lost big I somehow always managed to make it back. But not today. I found my car and started driving back to my one room apartment then began thinking of how I got myself into this colossal jam! My cold sweat migrated into a knot in my stomach, "How could I have been so stupid?" I thought...

3 years ago
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Jane Becomes a Latex Sex Doll

Jane the Model.IntroductionJane had just turned 18 and had left 6th form and was starting her new life in London at university studying modern art. She had led a sheltered life with everything she every wanted provided for her by her parents. She never wanted for anything, unfortunately both her parents had died in a car crash 2 weeks after her finishing 6th form. She struggled to cope with her lose but after help from her friends she was convinced that going on to uni and doing well in life...

3 years ago
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The Ultimate Sissy Doll

Note and warning! This story was a mental exercise on my part. I simply wanted to see if I could write the most sadistic, twisted and purely evil TG story ever written. This story contains scenes of torture that even the dungeon masters of the Spanish Inquisition would fall faint from. This story has references to the worst and most depraved form of mental torment ever used by man. Yes, Barney the purple Dinosaur! Not for the faint of heart. The Ultimate Sissy Doll By Barbi...

2 years ago
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Magical Doll

A doll has the ability to rewrite other people's beliefs. This doll can only control one person at a time. This doll is activated by attaching the victim's object to the doll No one knows who made the doll. Rumor has it that the devil made it to confuse mankind. Others say this doll is an illegal experiment belonging to an organization. who knows, after all it's just a rumor ____________________________________ One day someone found the magical doll. He will use it for certain purposes. Who...

Mind Control
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Liliths Toy The Real Doll

Chapter One "The Freak Show" About two years ago, I was taken to the cleaners in a divorce settlement by my ex-wife Judith. I was forced to sell our house so she could take her half of what I had worked hard for the last twenty years. While I was busy working, she occupied her time screwing every thing that had genitalia. I have to say this, slut she may have been but discriminating she was not. Man or woman, she didn't care as long as they got her off. Try to imagine my surprise when I...

3 years ago
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Rubber Doll

"How long is it since you came slave?" Mistress Michele whispers in your ear. "Three weeks," you answer meekly. You feel her body press against yours. You long to know what she is wearing but you are blind. You have been for the last thirty minutes although you don't know that. Time has no meaning when you are blind and at the mercy of your Mistress. You followed Mistresses orders and prepared yourself for her arrival. You stripped naked but for the cock cage and the blindfold and...

1 year ago
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Baby Doll

Baby Doll ? by: Mary Beth Sanford Synopsis: Stan was a loner by choice having spent a lot of his years learning to ignore the teasing he got for his small size. It was one of the reasons he liked hiking when he had the time. It would also become one of the reasons he liked being called Baby Doll. Facts From Fiction: Carol was the name of a girl I met over the phone one night standing duty in the service. She had that kind of voice that would make her rich on a 900 call and I...

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Making of a Sissy Fuck Pig semi sequel to sissy fuck doll

This is the sequel to Sissy fuck doll. I want to thank everyone for the reviews. On the mechanical issues I have a very hard time with punctuation, because to me most punctuation just breaks up the flow of ideas unnecessarily. I'll try to do better. I do hope people enjoy, if anyone would like a cameo in a story, or wants to discuss story ideas send an email to [email protected]. Warning this story contains rape, forced feminization, female domination, and bestiality....

3 years ago
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My Sex Doll

I met with Ezinne on Thursday morning after her husband Chike has gone to work. We both took permission of our working place citing ill health. I told her to wait for me at her home and dress like a slut. She did as I told her, heavy makeup; tight white shirt with a slutty black push up bra underneath it; tiny pleated black skirt; lace panties; knee high socks and heels. She stood, back against the wall and waiting for me to come and inspect her. Her arms are loosely at her sides and her gaze...

4 years ago
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Blow Up Doll

Blow Up Doll By BlowMuP As she went down the street, Tiffany got several shocked looks from people around her. As far as she remembered, crowded sidewalks never used to be like that. Normally, on her way to work, the sidewalks were crowded but people still managed to go about without actually having to hustle their way through the crowd. These days, she seemed like a magnet to all those people, there was plenty of space on the sidewalk but people looked like they were all...

1 year ago
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Her Little Doll

Her Little Doll, someone who was once known to a few as "Robin Masted" apply. The will to live. The will to change. Free will, to choose. Here are three examples: Watergate spook G. Gordon Liddy performed stunts like climbing a tree in a lightening storm and holding his hand over an open flame to demonstrate the power of his will over fear and instinct. Will can be thought of as one's essence, one's defining life force; of my own grandmother's last wishes, at age 90,...

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Samanthas Breezy Shorts The Fart Doll

All credit to a certain Mr. Bryan for giving me the wonderful idea and inspiration to write this story.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"You are so precious!"A sweet girl gushes as she squeezes me tight in her arms.It's a good job I don't need to breathe as such a tight bear-hug would have been the end of me!"I'm going to call you Samantha, and you're all mine!"She continues to cheer...

2 years ago
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Billy only watched as two couriers carried a large package from their car into his small room. He does not know who sent the package measuring almost 2 meters long but the recipient's name is his full name along with the details of his residential address. After signing the receipt Billy looked at the cramped room and could only sigh with mixed feelings and confusion. He decided to put aside who had sent this package to him and tried to open it first as he was very curious about its...

2 years ago
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My First doll

   Ever since the first burst of hormones in my life, the one that turn an innocent boy into a horny teen, I've always had an affiliation with dolls, I don't remember what started it but I do remember stealing dolls from my sister's room every so often. I never did anything too bad with them, I would get them undressed them and then panic and run them back to their room as I imagined the things I would do with the dolls.   I remember when I bought my first doll. When I first laid my eyes on...

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sisters dress up doll

kimmy was your reasonably normal 16 year old girl, maybe a little odd at times, but it was normal to her. her family was comfortable, not wealthy but not poor. she lived in a fairly large house with a decent sized yard with both her mom, who was not home very often as she spent a lot of time travelling on the job, but was home enough to be a fixture and dad who was worked a lot of hours at the school she attended. her little brother, johnny, on the other hand was 14, and went to the middle...

1 year ago
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The Blowup Doll

A couple enters the bedroom, holding hands. Their bodies are closely touching as their lips meet every few seconds in brief kissing. Smiles are plastered to their faces, and they occasionally laugh as their hands fumble underneath clothing, hoping to touch flesh. When the door finally closes, the girl breaks away from him and walks over to the bed, clumsily slipping out of her clothes. She bites her lip contemplatively when staring over the bed and, then, smiles as a strange idea pops in her...

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CEO to Doll

Jack watched the Doll. She was one of their latest high end models and had been imprinted in him. He was her master. Her designation was Kat. She was all but indistinguishable from a regular human except for a few tweaked genomes. She was dressed as a secretary, she was utterly gorgeous, though not overly bright due to her mental formatting, and she was ignored by everyone. That was the beauty of dolls. They were invisible. And by their programming everything they saw and did was confidential....

2 years ago
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Anniversary Gift Barbie Doll

Anniversary Gift: Barbie Doll By Greg Iacovelli "Hi honey," said my wife as I walked in the door. "Hi Barbie," I said. (I called her Barbie because Barbara was her name and she was obsessed with collecting Barbie dolls.) I thought how lucky I was, she looked perfect, a living Barbie doll in her own right. She had a perfectly shaped face with big green seductive eyes, small little up turned nose, and full pouting lush lips. Under that she had a rack so big and so perfectly...

3 years ago
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New Years Dolls

New Year's Dolls By Paul G. Jutras The music was going hard from the base officer?s club. George couldn?t find a costume in his size and chose to wear his uniform while he thought his wife looked sweet in a ballet?s tutu and toe shoes. A man dressed as a scarecrow came over to George and patted him on the back. ?Hey Charlie. How is it going in the research department?? The scarecrow asked. ?You know my work is top secret.? George replied. ?We had to can Dr. Clark. The wacko...

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Danas Little Doll

Dana's Little Doll By Apathy Lush His pitiful high-pitched whimpers fed an inescapable loop. The more he heard his own squealing little noises, the more he continued. And the more ridiculous he felt. The cries of a pubescent Barbie doll spluttered from his throat, the tone completely alien to him. He felt his penis stirring again. Seconds later, coming to a feeble, quivering, half-hearted insult of an erection. "Oh, it's still trying!" Dana stroked Ryan's member with a long...

4 years ago
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Doubled Doll

Doubled Doll Geoff had been enjoying Jackie's online gallery for several months. He had a fetish for older women, and was mesmerised be the images of Jackie in her tight girdles and shiny pantyhose. He could not believe he had such a fetishistic attraction to a woman twice his age. At nearly sixty, Jackie still had a very active sex life, in contrast to his own celibate life. They had begun to exchange emails and finally agreed to meet at her large house in the suburbs. Answering the...

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My Little Doll

My Little Doll By Semiater ([email protected])Chapter One        I just couldn't sit still, I couldn’t sit in my office anymore, not today, I was too anxious, excited, yearning, it was like being a kid on Christmas eve.  It was Friday morning, the day had just started, but I couldn’t wait for it to be over with, for the evening to be here, when work was done and I was home.        I stood on the sky-bridge in the atrium which connected the two towers of the building.  I looked down over the...

1 year ago
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Fine Love Dolls

Have you ever wished that you had a beautiful woman who would fuck you every time you snapped your fingers? Dude, you’re not the only one. But to obtain that kind of perk, you need to have the skills required to talk to a woman. And well, that means bathing, having something to talk about beyond fucking hentai, and dressing in something other than your fedora and that stained Minions t-shirt you think is funny to wear ironically.Sure, depending on where you live, you could bypass all of that...

Sex Doll Shops
2 years ago
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Living Dolls

Living Dolls Characters in order of appearance: Brandon as Betsi Wetsi number one; Agatha as Witch #1; Mark as the Fairy Princess; John as the white Teddy Bear; Tom as the Teddy Bear in the pink tutu; Rick as Chatty Cathy; Alan as Saucy Walker; Carl as Betsi Wetsi #2; Hazel as Witch #2; Missy Ann as Witch #3; Joey as Maria. Synopsis: She collects dolls. Ever since she was a little girl she's collected and played with dolls. Back then she only talked to her dolls and imagined...

2 years ago
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The visit to my mom and dad's small home town in Ohio was one we used to make fairly regularly. We would visit their parents and all my aunts, uncles, and cousins. I really enjoyed it because it meant visiting old houses, big farms in the country, and playing games with my cousins. But the last time we had been there was when I was ten; we went to the funeral of my mom's dad. He had been my last remaining grandparent. So this return was a special trip. They had planned on spending a day...

2 years ago
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Living Doll

It all started out just as a bit of crazy fun, a one-night thing, but we both got so excited that we carried on. I had been going out with Frank for a month and we had just started having sex when he invited me to stay for the weekend. Of course I said yes straight away, two days and nights of rampant sex was something to look forward to. We had dined out and returned to his flat for a nightcap and then it was off to bed. In the corner besides his wardrobes was one of those blow up...

1 year ago
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Sex Dolls

With a name like SexDolls, you have to wonder whether there’s even a point in reviewing this website. The title does a great enough job on its own. There’s really no need for a second pair of eyes on this bad boy. It’s a website where you can purchase sex dolls. That much is obvious. But I guess you need me to do a second pass around the whole thing to see just how good of a job they’re doing at staying relevant and at providing you with quality sex dolls.From the get-go, it should be clear...

Sex Doll Shops

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