Fidelity Ch 03 free porn video

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I woke early after a restless night and I ran. Sunday runs are usually 5k, more if I need to process something, like a problem at work or the smoking ruin of my marriage. I ran close to 10k that day. As my feet pounded the pavement mindlessly, I mentally played conversations I would have with Matthew. My imagined version of Matthew agreed with every one of my explanations. In the end it was just mental masturbation. I returned home to confront him, and myself.

I found him on the couch reading, wearing jeans and no shirt. He looked mighty fine to me and it took my breath away for a moment. Matthew has a commanding presence I find inexplicably alluring. Nine times out of ten I’m horny after a run. This time was no exception, after all I’d been thinking about sex and my husband and adultery. Finding him half naked buried in a book on a lazy Sunday morning.... Yum!

Matthew is always polite. If I walk into a room he acknowledges me. That morning he kept his face turned down at the book, ignoring me, reminding me just how fucked our relationship was. I wanted to rip his pants off badly, but that would have to wait. I needed to fix this first.

“Matthew, we need to talk.”

He sat up and put his book down on the coffee table and held out a hand to me wordlessly, a look of concern on his face. I put my hand in his, and for a second I let myself feel relief at his gentle touch.

He pulled me carefully down and reached out for my face with his other hand. I wanted to cry. Maybe he would finally talk. Instead, he grabbed a handful of scruff, roughly forcing me onto my knees and pulling my head back and up, forcing me to look up into his eyes which were glaring with sudden rage.

“l checked his phone. You called him twice.”  For a second his words confused me. Whose phone? Then I remembered, he’d taken Jimmy’s phone before running him off.

“I told you that’s what happened,” I said. After catching me and Jimmy, there was no point asking why he wouldn't trust me. All I could do was underline my honesty.

“No pictures of you, though,” he said.

“I’m no idiot,” I said. Matthew didn't look so sure about that.

“That girl down the street is. Seth’s daughter, I mean. I found some of her and him.”

“Ruth?” She was college aged, but innocent and sheltered, the child of strict religious upbringing.

“Yeah. Quite the slut, too. Seems to have a thing for sleazy slackers.” Matthew’s grip on my hair tightened even as he made his dig at me. He continued, “Pictures of other women, too. Including her mom.”

I gasped, “that shrew?”

“Yeah. Seth’s got some real problems on the home front. And you’ve got some real competition with that one. She’s had at least four of them together and she definitely likes posing with cocks all around her face. Does that make you jealous?”

“No,” I laughed. I couldn’t help it. “Who knew Jimmy would turn out so industrious.”

I could tell immediately by Matthew’s expression that I’d made a mistake taking this lightly.

“Yeah, he’s got a regular harem of whores. Probably wanted to add you to his photo album, but didn’t get the chance.” Yanking my head back further, he smiled down at me cruelly, seeing my pain, then pushed my head down to his belt buckle.

I tried to resist and pull up, outraged as he pushed my face into his crotch, but implacably he pushed my head down until he crushed my lips against the hard bulge of his cock. His jeans felt rough against my skin, and they smelled fragrently like detergent and musk. I suddenly remember how much I wanted to rip his pants off just a few minutes ago.

“‘Whore’ might be the wrong word. A whore is an honest about her line of work. ‘Slut’ isn’t right either. I dated a couple of sluts between Karen and you. Nice girls, forthright about their desires. They had some self-respect, too. Not you, though. I'm not sure what to call you.”  

He lifted my head back so we could look into each other's eyes. I’d like to say I resisted. That I somehow pulled away and struck back. Or that I showed him how I had self respect. Instead, after a momentary staring contest, I reached up to unzip him. His cock jumped out like a jack in the box, hitting my cheek.

He laughed at me and pushed me toward his spear. I swallowed the tip of his wonderful cock and suppressed a sigh of perverse delight. I spent a minute like that, sucking the head of his cock, rubbing the underside lovingly with my tongue, the whole time in a state of disbelief at my own passivity. I couldn't deny how at easy I felt, either. My mouth felt at home over the head of his cock, and I liked his rough treatment.

What the fuck was wrong with me?

“You’re something completely different. Whatever that is, you don’t get to decided if we talk. I do. And I have better uses for your mouth,” he said, pushing my head down, forcing more of himself into me, physically gagging me. He didn’t stop, either. Or talk.

I barely got a breath in once he began fucking my face, careless of my pain or pleasure. Finally, he let go of me and I sprawled back onto the floor between the couch and the coffee table, panting for breath, unable to speak. Matthew stood over me and came, in my hair, on my face, and all over my sports bra.

When he finished he pushed the head of his cock against my lips. I sucked him in, tasting the last of his orgasm. After a minute, it was clear he wasn’t softening. He pulled his cock out of my mouth and slapped it against my forehead. I fell onto my back more from shock than from the impact. Matthew laughed. I suppressed a giggle, not wanting let him know I thought it was funny, too. He grabbed my legs and casually flipped me over onto my stomach. I tried to rise up so he could yank down my shorts enter me from behind. He helped by yanking my shorts up hard. I heard them tear and felt the burning sensation of the band against my waist line, but I was on my knees now. He yanked again, this time hard enough to rip the shorts completely off me. I arched my back and lowered my face to the floor. He tossed the rags away, grabbed my hips, and entered me from behind.

“You’re soaking.”

He had a point. I’d come to talk, but now, even without a cock in my mouth, I said nothing waiting to be fucked, accommodatingly wet and silent. He fucked me like an animal and I came like a bitch in heat, moaning and biting my lips so I wouldn’t beg him to fuck me deeper. He came inside me and got up to leave, but not before getting in a last word.

“Slut and whore are too good for you. You’re just a warm wet hole to me and you don’t get to say any different, not after... that night. If you don’t like it, leave.”

I lay on the floor wracked with post-orgasmic cramps and panicky with feelings of loss.


Work occupied the rest of Sunday. I avoided Matthew in my office but kept tabs on his whereabouts, too. I would panic that he had left me if I didn't hear him walking around downstairs, or clinking dishes in the kitchen every once in a while. My dread of abandonment didn't fade, either. Matthew remained grounded that Monday but I had to work. I accomplished nothing. I could only think how unmoored Matthew and I were and how he had all day to pack, to call his lawyer, to leave. Worse than loosing him would be knowing I deserved to.

By the afternoon guilt, humiliation, and fear of abandonment turned to anger. Mostly with myself, but also at Matthew for the way he’d treated me. Rough sex or even his course, objectifying words, I could handle. His refusal to talk about us, grated. I left at three, unable to work and unwilling to spend a minute more torturing myself, imagining him packing his bags. My unease only grew as I got closer to home. Pent up breath burst from my lungs when I spotted his old Porsche on our street. I didn’t let my relief deter me, though.

“We need to talk,” I said. “Even if you don’t think so.”

I’d found him in the kitchen doorway, heading to the living area. At my words, he turned toward me with his hands out low, as if he wanted to pull me in for a hug. For a moment, I felt a connection of warmth that totally disarmed me. He crushed those positive feelings by spinning me around and pinning me against the wall with one hand.

I heard a zip and then my skirt was up, my thong down, and his cock in me. He felt even larger than normal and somehow better. I bit back a moan but pushed back, trying to get more of him in me. Without preamble or foreplay, somehow I'd gotten wet again. He stopped abruptly after only a few thrusts.

“Talk?” he laughed. “Looks like you've been wanting something else entirely. Haven't you?”

I looked at him over my shoulder, wanting to see humor or some shared sarcasm on his face, but there was only a glacial stare. I nodded. He resumed fucking me into the wall as I pushed back against him, I came before he did. Twice.

What was wrong with me?

I let him fuck me roughly again the next night and the night after that. Anytime I tried to have a serious conversation with Matthew he would either walk out without a word or to bend me over a convenient piece of furniture and use me hard. He took me against the wall, on the stairs, over the sink, over the couch, on the kitchen table, and on the back patio. The one piece of furniture he wouldn’t fuck me on was our bed. He refused all my advances anywhere near it. We simply didn’t make love anymore.

I loved it. I hated it. There was an honesty to his use of me. I didn’t feel any need to statisfy him or to perform for him, either. He used me. I let him. I enjoyed it too: participating passively in my own humiliating use. Matthew seemed to get off on being particularly careless of my pleasure or ego. There was some tortured emotional satisfaction for him, I could see. The kind of smug satisfaction you get seeing your high school bully brought low. I hoped he would work through whatever it was so we could repair our lives instead of rutting like wild animals.

“We can’t go on like this,” I said one night over another silent dinner. He looked at me incredulously. “We have to…”

I jumped as his hand slammed down on the table. When the silverware stopped ringing, he said, “I already said what I want to say. Leave if you want. If you want to talk, talk about anything but that.”

“I miss you,” I said, choking back tears.

He laughed sarcastically. “Talk about anything but us.”

We talked about small things. We even went out for date nights, pantomiming a happy marriage. A kind of professional affability replaced intimacy. We conversed like two old acquaintances catching up after a chance meeting at a favorite restaurant.

His rampant domination of me continued and deepened, as did my humiliating enjoyment of it. I missed my loving husband as much as I seemed to love being mistreated by the angry doppelganger I now realized I’d replaced him with. My actions with Jimmy changed everything between Matthew and me, and I hated myself for it. I got used to it, though. I came to expect the mistreatment, even to like it. Sometimes, I would ask to talk about 'us' just so he would mercilessly fuck me.


How much our marriage had changed hit home for me late one fog-shrouded evening as we walked home from our local Sushi bar. Matthew stopped mid stride. I looked up to see Jimmy standing in a pool of lamplight directly in front of us wearing a wide-eyed, fearful expression. After a moment of clear panic, the wuss lurched into the street and ran across to the opposite sidewalk. I suppressed a laugh.

Matthew stood stiff, tracking Jimmy as he scurried quick as a cockroach from the dim light into the dark mist, out of sight. I could feel the tension in Matthew winding up. With Jimmy out of sight, my husband’s attention jerked back to me. I quailed in fear of the anger behind those blue eyes.

“You want to follow him?”

“No,” I said.

Matthew resumed walking as abruptly as he’d stopped. I followed, waiting for the storm to pass or batter me. I could feel wetness between my legs, in anticipation of what would surely be a brutal fucking when we got home. I almost smiled, despite myself.

About a block from home, Matthew pulled me into the walled off yard of a house under extensive construction. Passively, I let him push me into the shadows behind a port-a-potty and a palette of cinderblocks. He pinned me against rough concrete wall.

My pussy gushed in Pavlovian response. Being pushed against a wall usually preceded having his thick cock pushed into me with urgency. I didn’t know what was happening, but it was already interesting. We'd never done anything outside before.

“Wear skirts when we go out,” he said softly.

The nonsequitur took me off guard. I’d worn a T-shirt, blue jeans, and sneakers with a fleece for warmth. He pushed the fleece over my shoulders and down my arms, removing it. Cold air cut through my thin T-shirt giving me an icy thrill.

Matthew pushed me down on my knees and unzipped his fly. If the jeans got in the way of fucking me, my mouth was always available. I smiled, if we couldn’t be intimate and loving, at least we could have sexy fun. Feeling naughty, I opened my mouth to swallow his flaccid cock. But Matthew pushed my head back.

“Don't you... ggg.” Hot liquid in my mouth cut off my question. I sputtered in shock, closing my mouth and putting up my hands against his hips defensively.

“Hold still, Laura.” Matthew said, batting away my hands. “I need to make sure everyone knows you're mine.”

“I can’t…guh...” He gagged me again with another rush of hot liquid. I tried standing, but Matthew held me down with one hand on my head. I stopped struggling as he soaked me with his piss. He moved the stream down to my chest, wetting my T-shirt then moving all around and ending on my face, in my mouth again.

I couldn’t believe he would do something so demeaning to me. Again. In public. And… I couldn’t believe how much it turned me on or how little I struggled against him.

Matthew zipped up, grabbed my fleece, and walked away without a word. I gathered my wits and followed. I caught up, begging him for the fleece. He refused, then deliberately slowed his pace just to spite me. Justifiably paranoid, I wanted to walk home quickly before anyone I knew caught me out soaked in urine. He had the house keys, so I couldn't run ahead. I wanted to scream at him, or at myself, but it would draw unwanted attention. I remained quiet and walked slowly, shamefully, homeward next to my husband.

The whole time, I fumed as loudly as I dared, hissing and breathing hard, furious with him. The facts were: I was soaked, freezing, humiliated, furious, impotent, and perversely turned on by it all.

“Thank god for thick fog and deserted streets,” I whispered snidely as he unlocked our door.

Matthew didn’t apologize and he wouldn’t engage me in any argument I tried to start. After a shower, I crawled into bed and stared up at the ceiling, still horny while Matthew snored softly next to me. I masturbated thinking about what he'd done, then passed out. He was gone when I woke up.

Everything seemed different at work the following day. The inherent submissiveness of my behavior the previous night wasn’t lost on me, especially in the office setting where I wielded real power. Did anyone else in the meeting have a double life like me? I stared around at my colleagues during a staff meeting. Could they tell what had happened to me? What would they think if they knew? As my gaze wandered over each of them, my spine straightened and chin lifted. I felt perverse pride and a swelling of hope. Matthew still cared enough that he wanted me to know I was his and he would fight for me. He nearly did fight Jimmy that first night and again last night. It felt primitive, but satisfying and incandescently hot.

Matthew got home after I did. He found me waiting for him, uncharacteristically contrite. I apologized sincerely for my infidelity. I didn’t ask for forgiveness, or make excuses, or explain. I simply acknowledged my mistake and admitted my shame and deep sorrow for hurting him. I got stoic silence from him. He didn’t even nod or grunt. He barely blinked. But he did let me speak my mind without gagging me with his cock.

That night in bed as Matthew once again lay sleeping blissfully beside me. I felt lonely, but strangely content.


“I like your outfit,” he said as the bill arrived. Without really thinking about it, I wore a skirt and a nice silk blouse on our next sushi night. I smiled, trying to hide my smug delight. A compliment! “But you’re wearing a bra.”

“Yeah?” I said.

“Take it off.”

“Matthew!” I looked around. No one seemed to be listening to us.

“Do it,” he said. He looked pointedly toward the bathrooms. At least he didn't expect me to disrobe in the restaurant.

My pussy spasmed as a cold splash of fear washed down my spine. I floundered for an excuse.

“But I didn’t bring my purse. I can’t just carry it around with me.”

“So throw it away, or carry the bra out with you,” he said. “Go, now. No panties either.”

Halfway to the bathroom, it occurred to me to refuse him. I stumbled half a step, thinking of turning around, but the moment of resistance passed. The bra and panties were expensive, but not favorites or matched. I put them on the sink and smirked as I left the bathroom. Someone would find them and wonder.

Matthew was signing the check when I came back. I felt exposed but no one seemed to notice my nipples poking a mile through the silk. He walked us home the long way through the busy section of Copeland with my jacket over his arm, ensuring everyone could see my bouncing breasts and jutting nipples. To my great disappointment, he didn’t push me into the construction site for an outdoor adventure, but he did pull up my skirt and fuck me against the inside of our door the moment it closed. I had a screaming orgasm right from the start.

I wore nothing under my clothes the next night when we went out for dinner and a movie. I spent the whole night on edge, paranoid someone would notice, or be offended. Matthew opened up to me more. We talked almost like a real husband and wife. That got me wetter than being naughty.

“You’re talking to me more,” I said, when we got back to the car. “Is it some kind of reward for…” I flipped my skirt up and back down, briefly exposing my bald pussy to the empty parking garage.

Matthew smiled, pleasantly for once, then shrugged.

“I’d parade around naked if you really talked to me,” I said. He laughed at that. There was an edge to it I shouldn’t have missed.


Two weeks later, things took another turn.

“Be ready, we’re going to Slanted Door tonight,” he texted.

I dressed to kill in a little black dress and heels. Nothing else but makeup. Matthew got home at nine.

“On the bed. Hands and knees,” he said.

“What? No hello?” I’d grown accustomed enough to being pushed around to have fun with it.

“Do it!” he said, his anger flaring. Quivering inside, but not afraid, I did what he commanded. He produced a curious black cardboard box. From it he pulled out this weird bulbous pink rubber thing.

“What is that?” I squeaked.

“You’ll see.” Ominously, he pulled out some KY and spread it on the alien thing. When he pulled up my skirt, I got worried and nudged away from him, not sure I wanted him down there. But he pulled me back, saying, “hold still. And relax.”

“Relax? I thought...”

Matthew’s stern look shut me up. I felt cool, slick rubber pressed against my ass, then my pussy. Pressure on my sphincter increased...

“Oh!” I exclaimed. With a pop, it slid in, the prongs filling my ass and pussy while a flap of latex covered my clit. Obviously, it was some sort of dildo. This was new. We never used toys before. We would also be later to the restaurant if he spent much time playing with me.

“Perfect,” said Matthew, pulling down my dress. “Try walking around.”


He slapped my ass, not gently either. I jumped more from surprise than pain. Matthew actually spanked me!

“Do it,” he said, raising his hand for another swat.

Humiliated, angry, and overwhelmed with new sensations, I caved, doing as he asked. Again.

The little alien invader got me wetter by the second. Having my ass and pussy full intensified all my other sensations. I stepped gingerly to prevent the flap covering my clit from over stimulating me too much.

“Okay, looks like you can walk. Let’s go,” he said.

“What? No way!”

"Come on, Laura, no need to act shy now."

“Matthew, please. I’m sorry, I really am. But... this?” It was too much.

“Okay, then.” Matthew pulled up short and shrugged. He walked to the closet. “I’ll pack some things for you. You can come back later for the rest.”

“No, wait, Matthew, please.” He stopped, looking at me expectantly. “Okay.”

“Okay, what?”

“Okay, I’ll go… like this. Like you want. Anything you want.” God, what a pushover I was.

Matthew smiled coldly, but it thawed my fear frozen heart just a bit. We made no attempts at small talk on the way there, I don’t know why he kept quiet, but a tempest of emotions rolled through me. Shame and need warred in me as the Pink Thing - that’s the name I gave it - worked it’s horrible nether magic.

The hostess sat us against the west window, right in view of everyone. As the waitress took our menus away, Matthew pulled his phone out. I rolled my eyes, no believing that he would use a screen at a time like this.

“There is an app for everything,” he said. I saw he’d opened an app that was just a pink and brown circle in a black field.

“New game?” I asked, completely uninterested but not wanting to seem like an asshole about it.

“You could say that,” Matthew said. He dragged the brown dial just a tiny bit. I felt a jolt in my ass.

“Oh, no,” I whispered. Pink Thing was alive and… “it has Bluetooth?”

“WiFi, actually,” corrected Matthew. He nudged the pink dial and I felt a corresponding jolt in my pussy. “The SSID is ‘Laura’s holes’. Anyone with a phone can see the name if they look for hotspots.”

“Eep.” A moment later I jerked a bit as the thing in my ass jolted again.

“Don’t worry, though. It’s encrypted so every guy in here can’t use you.”

Matthew smiled benignly at me, but I didn’t miss the dig he’d made. “Matthew, I…”

“The speeds are really granular,” he said, ignoring me. My pussy jolted once. “Right now, it’s at the lowest setting, designed for situations just like this.”

“There are no situations like this,” I hissed.

“There are now. They’re a disruptive company.” I winced at his joke, ‘disruptive’ was one of my favorite buzzwords.

“This is too slow,” he said. “I think every ten seconds would be better.”

I shook my head pleadingly, but he turned each dial a bit more. The jolts in my ass and pussy alternated like slow heartbeats, regular and strong. Bah, bump. I looked around at the crowd of happy, oblivious eaters, paranoid someone in the bright and open room would notice. No one looked our way.

“Please, Matthew,” I said.

He put the phone back in his pocket. Before I could protest more, the waitress arrived with our cocktails. I downed my Moscow Mule in three gulps while she handed Matthew his drink.

“I’ll have another,” I said. The waitress didn’t show any judgement, but nodded her head and left.

“Now she’s a professional,” said Matthew, watching her leave. I wasn’t so sure, she had a buzz cut and a mohawk.

“Matthew, please,” I repeated.

“Shh,” he said, taking a sip of his martini. “Just enjoy the night.”

“Mother. Fucker,” I whispered.

Matthew smugly watched me disintegrate into a wet ruin, like a train wreck in slow motion, one drink and one throb of the Thing at a time. I managed to order a chocolate mousse for dessert. As I took the first bite, Matthew turned up the dials. I let out a soft moan as the flavor spread out over my palate and, below, I spasmed in heat. He turned me up a bit more on the next bite. I tried not to moan out loud. It was a small dessert, on the last bite, Matthew threw the switches all the way to eleven.

It was everything I could do to keep our neighboring tables ignorant of my predicament. I grappled the table with white-knuckled ferocity. As I came I pushed my tongue against the roof of my mouth crushing the last bite with a burst of chocolate flavor.

A chocolate orgasm... in public. So good, so delicious, and so very humiliating.

He switched me off. I stumbled as we stood to leave, my legs weren’t responding well to either the erotic torture or the four stiff drinks.

“Here,” said Matthew loud enough for everyone around us to hear. Helping me stand, he added, “You should really pace yourself, dear.”

“You son-of-a-bitch,” I whispered in his ear.




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‘Jim, I’ve got a problem. Do you have time now to talk with me about it quickly? I’m on my break and this isn’t life or death, but it’s close.’ ‘Hold on Gail Marie, let me run into the spare conference room for a bit of privacy.’ It took me about a minute to find the room and thankfully it’s empty. ‘Ok, what’s up?’ ‘You know that I’m in the ER this week because they were short staffed, right?’ ‘Go ahead.’ ‘They brought in a hit and rum victim from the highway. Unconscious. No ID on him....

2 years ago
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Our walk by the river

We arrived at the car park and as we drove in B noticed a car with three young lads in and around it. “That looks a bit strange.” She said and I agreed. Still we parked up and made our way to the path that leads along by the river amongst the trees. I noticed that the young lads, all around the middle to late twenties, had left their car and had followed us down the path. We didn’t think much of it and carried on with our walk watching the Swans and Ducks on the river.We walked for about ten...

4 years ago
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Stay At Home 3

Chapter 4I woke up with Kim spooned against my chest.  I watched her for a moment before getting out of bed and heading to the bathroom.  As I came out, Kim scurried past me and closed the door.  I went back to the room and sat on the bed to wait for her.When she came back, Kim sat on the bed next to me.  She took my hand in hers, kissed the back of it, and said, “Thank you for the best night I’ve had in a long time.”Smiling, I said, “I think Bill and Carol had a lot to do with it, Kim.”“They...

1 year ago
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My Sexy Summer Visitors part two

After Jennifer came for her visit I was missing the loving we had made. I was still at home from college after my junior year. Being twenty-one I was always horny. Jen had really given me something to dream about and think of while I jerked my boner in the guest room. I found myself thinking more and more of Marge sleeping downstairs in the master bedroom. It's hard to say what might have happened if Pauline, or Polly, hadn't decided to come and visit us too. She was also a younger sister to...

3 years ago
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Office Texting 8 The shower

I never turned back to see if you were following. Whether you threw your clothes on and ran or followed me to the bathroom, either way I was going to need a shower. As I turn the water on to heat up though I happily feel your hands sliding over my skin and wrapping around me. Your strength pulls me back against you as you cup my breasts and slide your hand between my legs. I can feel one hand smearing your sticky cum all over my tits, while the other sends shivers through my body as it touches...

Office Sex
2 years ago
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Rendezvous IIChapter 23

Hairy Good lord, back in class again. Although I’d never stopped learning now I was getting educated. There is a difference. Learning usually happens because I survived. Survival is generally accompanied by sweat, blood and tears ... sometimes feces and urine feature prominently. “I Told you so,” is frequently heard. I hate that part. Educated has instructors and books. Books seldom cause blood ... except a paper cut or two. I never was very good at math and flying has math. At least...

1 year ago
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A Night With Avril Lavigne

Disclaimer: This is an adult story that should not be read by minors under the age of 18. It involves adult over the age of 18 in scenes of bj, pussy eating, m/f, anal play, and anal. Check out my bio for more information on myself and my stories. Just so you know, I don’t really know Avril as a person, so I had to guess about her attitude and sex drive, though I did do a bit of research. If Avril Lavigne herself ever happens to read this story, and likes it, she can let me know and I’ll send...

4 years ago
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2 It Is Not Cheating if You WatchChapter 4

“Ha-ha, well I think an hour is a good way to get my feet wet,” I answered their joke in my non-sexy mom voice. It helped my nervousness to add a little levity to the situation. I had seen these girls on Webcam for hours, but now here they were larger than life in their element, and it was intimidating to join them. “Chicken,” Hayden dared me to actually do it. Waverly squawked and flapped her elbows like they were wings. I noticed now that Hayden was squatting over a toilet plunger and...

2 years ago
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Bitchs Slutty Genes Ch 041

I prepared some coffee and smoked a cigarette then I text Mariana. I didn’t call her just text her on what’s up. “Good morning, sweetheart,” I send Instantly she replied, “Good morning Vally, wow you waked up early. I thought you would wake up afternoon as usual.” I texted, “Just for you lovely lady.” “You are so charming Vally,” she replied. I send, “So, are you home or at work?" I texted with a smiley face. “Lolzzzz, of course at home, I told you I’ll take today off as you...

2 years ago
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My Assignment 8211 Part 2

Hello guys this is your writer Twinkle Asher back with the second part of her story. You can read the first part of the story by clicking on the link given on top. I would like to start the story from the point I had left. So as I entered the back seat of the car, the doors were auto locked. I had the feeling of being smuggled from a place to another. But I pretty much had no other choice. Suresh Sir and Ramesh Sir occupied the front two seats. I was accompanied by Anil Sir at the back seat. ...

3 years ago
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Shadow on the EdgeChapter 25

When I woke up the next morning I somehow felt like a large weight had been removed from my chest. I felt very good from a night of restful sleep and from something else. I just couldn't put my finger on it. At least until I went in to take a shower. On my shoulder was a bite mark. I put my robe on and went back into my room and checked the bed. As a kid I had experienced 'wet' dreams or nocturnal emissions as they were also called and knew what to look for. There was nothing of that sort...

1 year ago
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Megans Summer Part 1

As she got about a half mile down the trail, she heard a sound. It sounded like something running through the bushes on the side of the trail. Megan looked behind her and couldn't see anything and just chalked it up to it being just her imagination. So, she continued to run. Soon, she heard it again and when she looked back, she saw the bushes on the left side of the trail shaking. This spooked her and she started to run really fast. The sound could be heard again but this time it was more...

4 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 90 Girls Just Want to Have Fun

Saturday morning after breakfast, Katherine sat at her desk, got her diary from its very secret hiding place, and unlocked it. Dear Diary, Brother's gone and I'm so bummed! But I'll write about that later. First, I want to get caught up on what Amy told me last night, a few hours after he left. Turns out that he and Christine have kissed! And not just some innocent little peck either - it was full-on, serious smooching! Aims said he even fondled her big boobs. Damn those boobs!!! I was...

3 years ago
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Across Eternity Book 1 Chapter 7

Forging Strength . . . Pained gasps. A feminine whimper. “Oh God!” Beth collapsed, fighting for every breath with Noah standing over her, the two of them drenched in sweat. “Come on, get up,” he said. “I can’t do anymore!” “You know what comes next.” She looked at him with eyes full of hate. “You’re a monster,” she hissed. A clear, steady stream was produced, arching onto the ground with a splash. “Oh, she broke her record!” said Oath. “I wish my mana would grow that fast!” Mira...

1 year ago
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The Ya Ya DildohoodChapter 2

When I awoke the next morning I knew I'd slept like a baby. I'd even beaten the alarm, something I hadn't done in several months. The clock said it was 6:45, so I rolled over, turned it off, jumping out of bed. Normally I hit the snooze and fought for the precious ten extra minutes it allowed me. Today however, even though it was Saturday, I felt refreshed and more alive than I had felt since my divorce. And I owed a lot of that to Maggie. As I passed by my bedroom window I took a moment...

1 year ago
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FILF Kali Roses 8220Don8217t tell on me I8217ll do anything8221 8211 Stepsister Kali Roses Blackmailed

Featuring Tony and the amazing Kali Roses; Kali Roses is an angel to her parents. A studious girl whose future is brighter than a thousand suns. Kali is also a soon-to-be school dropout. Her grades are falling off uncontrollably. The reason is, she’s been skipping classes to go hang out with her friends and let’s be honest; she’s probably not doing it to volunteer at a shelter. She skipped school on a Monday so she could grab her report card right off the mailman’s hand...

3 years ago
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After Midnight chapter 19

Strung up in that room; hanging, alone with her own thoughts, Candice knew nothing about Andy strolling around the venue handing out flyers. They were easy to read, her statement and an invitation to watch. When anyone showed any interest, he encouraged them to come.“She wants an audience,” Andy said to anyone who asked. “Being watched is important for her, but she’ll be wearing a blindfold. You can see everything, but she won’t see you.”Over the next half hour, Candice heard the door open and...

1 year ago
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Emancipation 09 Anal Lesson

"Amazing isn't it? I hope to build on your present hypersensitivity to another sensual peak. I'll let you open the anti-bacterial soap and shampoo I got in your honor." I watched Lois soak her long hair and face me, her eyes closed. "Your arm movements are making your tits dance irresistibly. Wet nipples taste so good for some reason. Here, feel my tongue rest under your puckering nipples and lap up the water spilling off them. The water tastes as sweet as I expected." Lois must have...

3 years ago
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Cherry Hill Ch 06

Manuel looked at the time, cursed, then called up Lupi on her cell phone. ‘Sorry Honey, I’m running late.’ ‘Do you want me to cancel?’ she asked her voice scratchy over the line. ‘No… I’ll be home shortly, and then we’ll all go out for lunch. Love you,’ Manuel told her, then hung up the phone. He pushed through his thick black hair and picked up the picture of his wife. Her pretty Mexican heritage showed off her beautiful eyes and dark skin. The white tux he had worn just showed everyone...

4 years ago
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What Is Rabies of a MarriageChapter 3

Need waits with longing for the familiar entrance of dear ones who pad barefoot through the soul on ordinary days. Desperately, the man pressed on the breastbone of the prostrate body of the pretty young girl: One – two – three – four, breath; one – two – three – four, breath ... He repeated the cycle of cardio pulmonary resuscitation, that life restoring action that so few actually know how to do. The sixteen year old girl threw up, straight into the air, just as the man was about to put...

2 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 131

Skye and Jill scattered like cockroaches when the light comes on as soon as my face appeared in the doorway. Liz looked up from her desk while I stood sheepishly in front of her. “If you want Brea gone, she’s gone,” I said. “No,” Liz said almost at once. “I was being silly.” “It’s not worth arguing with you over,” I told her. “If she’s going to be a problem then you’re right. We should let her go. But I still think we do it in a way that it doesn’t come back on her at the hospital.” “She...

1 year ago
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Silver KnightsChapter 2

John called his lawyer when they got home. “John, I can see your problem, but there is not much that you can do about it. You have three choices: let the kids go to school and fight their own battles, sue the school and the Board of Education to try to force them to do a better job of controlling the bullies, or pull Jack and Nelly from school and go through home schooling. Frankly, home schooling is so early in its infancy in this day and age of 1983 that it still does not have a strong...

4 years ago
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4 New York Secret Lesbian Circle ndash The Party

The author kindly advises that this story and its characters are entirely fictitious. It contains descriptions of exhibitionism, voyeurism, lesbian group sex and graphic language and is only suitable for persons over 18 years old. Readers are advised to read the previous episodes first.4. New York Secret Lesbian Circle – The Party(Maxine Santos becomes part of the Circle and goes to her first lesbian orgy.) It was a mild Tuesday morning in New York City. The early sun, breaking through the...

4 years ago
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A Taste of Honey

Executive Decision A Taste of HoneyBy Jeremy Binder  She thinks about last night. The tender touch of his tongue swirling delicately around her swollen clit forced her little organ?s sensitized nerves to arouse her brain and circle back to further engorge her clit.? She had no way to stop her brain from sending these deafening signals.? She was his captive. You would think that someone who understands how to train young minds could control her own, but she was sadly mistaken.? He had...

3 years ago
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The Overlords GambitChapter 9

The guardsman Roquan had hired to keep watch at the Manor gate opened it just enough to allow Amanda and Sirinna to pass. He smiled at them, allowing his gaze to roam over their naked bodies in a manner that bespoke more of appreciation rather than lasciviousness. Amanda even smiled back at him as she passed. As the two of them soon turned from the main road, they passed into the encroaching darkness of deep twilight. It lasted for only a few moments. Magical torches lined the sandy path...

2 years ago
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Kelli Blonde Married HottieChapter 6

After waking from her nap, Kelli showered and then began selecting her outfit for that night. Kelli knew she was hot and lusty, and she knew she was going to have fun starting right then as she decided what to wear to titillate and seduce her horny lover and admirer, Tom. He was obsessed with her and she was with him, too. They had never been romantically attracted to each other but their mutual sexual attraction and serious fuck-buddy relationship was all Kelli had ever dreamed possible....

3 years ago
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Call Girl Ne Invite Kiya

Hi friends, main hu apka dost Neel Patil from Pune,age 28. With slim body and normal looks aur cock size 6 inch long 2 inch wide. Mujhe bahut saare mail aate hai. Kai ladies ko mil bhi chuka hu. But kai ladies puchti hai kya sach main tum ye sab karte ho aur kya sab stories real hai. To main batana chahta hu ki main 18 saal ki umar se sex karta aara hu. Aaj tak jitne bhi ladies mili har ek ki wish puri ki aur satisfy kiya. Jinhe vishvas tha woh fauran mili aur maze liye. Jihne trust ho please...

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A Story of Jane in the First Person SingularChapter 6

MONDAY, the 21st of SEPTEMBER — THE AUTMNAL EQUINOX As I write this final chapter, I am sitting in one of my favorite places in the whole world: Mama's library, at the big table in front of the window overlooking Lake Michigan. As little girls, Jean and I would come in here and try to imagine what marvelous spells were contained in the old volumes that line these walls. Women in centuries past have been burned for possessing such books. Today, with freedom from persecution and the freedom...

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My First Adventure

It was about one o’clock in the afternoon when the lead man came around telling us we were going home two hours early. At that moment, I happened to be standing by my work bench talking to one of my co-workers who made a comment that I could come over to his place for two hours and nobody would know. He was one of several guys I had fun flirting with during the day, and remarks like that weren’t at all uncommon. Nobody took it too seriously and any other time, I probably would have laughed him...

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Graduation Day

It was the last day of High School. Twelve years of hard work finally complete! The Senior Class' morning would be nothing more than outprocessing everything (turning in books, emptying lockers, last minute paperwork, class standings finalized, and last report cards issued), and the afternoon would be a chance for the students to say goodbye to favorite Teachers and share a few moments with friends. (Of course, the lower class members were stuck in class. Ha Ha Ha.) Graduation would be that...

3 years ago
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New Found Home Pt1

Having just moved to New Jersey, I am considerably lost with all of the streets and how to find my way around. I left California just under a week ago due to my job. They promoted me and demanded I relocate to their corporate HQ branch in New Jersey. Of course, I took it in the hope of meeting the woman I had been with for almost two years.Joanne... the woman who I had loved and submitted to for almost three years lived somewhere around here. After She had told me no, She wouldn't meet me...

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Jack and DeniseChapter 4

Jack staggered out the door of Jill and Staci's apartment late that evening. After Staci had gotten her turn, the threesome had taken a break to order some pizza and guzzle some water down. Jill had turned on the air conditioner to cool the apartment down and help with the stuffy smell of sex that permeated the small apartment. Once their pizza arrived, Jill dared Staci to answer the door naked. Never one to turn down a dare, Staci waltzed up to the door and threw it open, revealing not only...

1 year ago
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My Brother BradChapter 3

Camp Eden As Linda drove through Devon in the warm sunshine towards Camp Eden, she casually stroked her daughter’s bare inner thigh protruding from her short skirt. “This feels so good to be getting away together, doesn’t it darling.” “Mm, this sure is quality time.” Rachel’s thighs parted slightly as Linda’s touch caused a tingle in her cunny! A few barriers had faded between them at home recently; they’d become more like sisters at times. Rachel, placing her hand on Linda’s asked, “Do...

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A Dream Fuck In Kitchen With Girlfriend

Hi, guys. This is Ravi. A software engineer from Bangalore. Well built and with a handsome salary. I am in a relationship since last 6 years and it’s amazing. The girl of my life is named Riya and she is extremely beautiful and sexy as well with the right amount of flesh at right places. She is figured by 34-28-32. She has the best breasts in the world. Believe me when I say that. Great size great softness. She has an ass to die for. Her back side look is a killer. Every boy of our class used...

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Ryan lay in bed once again. This was the third day in the last 4 weeks that he was not feeling well enough to go to school. He didn't mind missing school. What kid does? The relentless fever he felt however was disconcerting. His pajamas were drenched as was his hair. To say Ryan was stressed is the understatement of the year. He was downright petrified. Looking at his mom and dad, he could see the sheer concern on their faces as well. Even his little brother and sister knew something...

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The Only Cock Ive had Twice hot naval offic

This was maybe only my second or third experience with a guy, but it was my first really great one. It gave me the confidence I needed and really made me feel good about the scenario. I was in my early twenties. I never felt i was gay, and still don’t now…i wasn’t attracted to men in any emotional way, but physically i was curious and had started experimenting. I had been browsing the CL ads out of curiosity, Just to see if maybe some ideal situation would jump out at me. i knew this was not...

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Sandra shook her head and sighed as she listened to her daughter talking to her boyfriend in the next room. "You have got to be kidding me, right?" "C'mon Jen, it'll be fun. Ron and Angela and Wendy and Greg will be there." "A stupid protest? Please." "We could end up on T.V." She cut him off. "You know what? I'm done. I am so sick of your stupid causes and ... Just forget it. We're through." "Wait, Jen." Sandra winced at the sound of the front door slamming, immediately...

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Then There Was Magic complete

Chapter 1 Even as a babe in a crib I was aware... I might not have undestood everything but I was aware. What I was the most aware about was the soft sweet smelling creature that held me and comfored be and fed me from the soft containers on her chest. Dangling from her neck was a gold chain with a medalion whose image was that of a gold greeneyed dragon Two years later I came to know the soft creature that held and cared for me was my Mother. I still liked to play with the medalion...

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The Bar

The BarSharon walked through the door and went straight to her kitchen. She grabbed the half empty bottle of wine out of the cabinet and poured herself a big glass. She had a feeling that she might need it to watch this. While she occasionally enjoyed the thought of an audience when she had sex this time it felt so embarrassing.It had been weeks since that night at the bar and finally, she had been given a DVD of the shoot and was feeling pretty nervous to watch it. It had been pretty intense...

2 years ago
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The Geman Sheperds

I was at my uncle's house waiting for the girlfriend to get home so we can fuck. My uncle was at work and I was at home alone and I was playing video games butt ass naked. I was all alone with the dogs in my uncle's house waiting for the girlfriend to get home so I could fuck her. Instead I get a doggy dick in my ass and a doggy ass to fuck it really sucked that day until the girlfriend got there. We start out with me playing madden at my uncle's house naked. Then I heard the dogs Bosco...

2 years ago
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Theres Something About Mason and Krystal

Whatever 'it' is. Mason was an interesting guy though – he was about 26 years old and after graduating from some university with an MBA, he was through his second year of a "Graduate Scheme" for a large multi-billion pound, worldwide organisation. He wasn't senior within the business at all, but he was certainly rubbing with shoulders he felt would get him places, eventually. The funny thing about Mason is that despite his "high flying" career (and perhaps his misplaced sense of...

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Speedos are for Real Men

In three weeks they would be headed to Hawaii. Tim was excited. He was in love with his wife, Jane. Who wouldn't be? She was the kind of woman to die for. Dark auburn hair, long lashes, deep blue eyes that you could swim in. Her body was amazing. Although she was slim and fit, she had plump full breasts. They were heavy and full of milk. Ready for their c***dren, he thought. If pregnant, she could easily breast feed a small village. And her ass was round, firm, forming a perfect "W" from...

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His Sisters Eyes

She shuffled out of the ward like an old woman, the nurse supporting her and whispering words of encouragement."He's here Michelle, waiting for you like he said he would be."I held out a hand and immediately felt stupid. "Mickey, I'm here darling," I said and hoped the emotion in my voice didn't show.She took my hand after groping for a moment and I hugged her tightly."Come on home baby," I whispered. "Doctor Dave at your service."She managed a grin in spite of herself and allowed me to guide...

1 year ago
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Jasons Story Away from home

As told to the author by Jason himself... When I was fifteen, I had to go live with my aunt, my mother's sister, for a few months because my parents were splitting up, and things were getting ugly around the house. My sister Emily was also going. Even our temporary relocation became an issue between my parents. I overheard my father say, "I don't want my kids living with that bunch of perverts." Eventually, my sister and I were on short plane ride to Aunt Maureen's house in South Carolina. Aunt...


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