- 2 years ago
- 26
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I was alone for the evening. Left to my own devices, as my mother termed it. They were going out for dinner with friends, and a late showing at the cinema, and then maybe drinks. I knew what that meant: midnight at the earliest. My little sister Fran was a few blocks away having a sleepover at a friend's.
There was one of those small cheapo pizzas in the freezer, so I shoved it in the oven and declared it dinner.
I was thinking about eating another slice, though maybe taking it into the den to see what was on t.v. I had no other plans for the night than stupid old t.v. But then the phone rang.
It was Mrs. Allen. "Hi, Donny! It's me, Marcy. Is your Mom around?"
"No, she's gone out."
"Then can I speak to your father?"
"No, they went out to dinner and a late movie."
"So you're babysitting for Franny?"
"No, she's old enough they don't pay me anymore. Besides, she's having a slumber party over at a friend's"
"Ohh, you poo-oor boy," she cooed over the phone, "left all alone. Would you like some company?"
"Oh Marcy," I moaned, "please."
I was just 17, and just about splitting out of my pants just hearing her voice. It wasn't my girlfriend talking about coming over. I didn't have a girlfriend. Not a real girlfriend; not one you can talk about and walk around with. What I had, sometimes, was Marcy.
I'd known her as Mrs. Allen for the number of years before the day she told me to call her Marcy, her pretty name. She was just one of Mom's friends until I started getting girl boners, and then she became a goddess. I had the biggest crush in the world, but I kept it a perfect secret. She may have been pushing 40, but the way she dressed, and her breasts and behind ... I thought she was the sexiest girl in the universe. But I kept that all very quiet, except some late nights alone in my bed.
I'd been scheduled for months to take the PSAT at this auditorium of some city college way across town. Dad would drop me off on his way to work, and then Mom would pick me up at the end, around noon. She got a schedule conflict early enough it was a full week when I knew that she'd arranged for Mrs. Allen to pick me up.
Which gave me a full week to be nervous, and jack-off into the night. I probably should've been studying harder, but my mind was preoccupied.
The test itself, I knew I'd aced. I'd never hit perfection, but I was betting I'd beaten out everyone else in my class.
I came out of the building into the bold sunlight and started looking around for Mrs. Allen's spiffy little car. I couldn't find it, but then suddenly there she stood. I truly didn't recognize her at first. She was in a short skirt and a tight top, blending in with the girls coming out from the testing.
"How'd it go?" she asked with a wide smile.
"Pretty good," I nodded my head.
"Good boy," she said, advancing, surprising me with a tight hug. I was immediately embarrassed. I'd never before felt breasts pressed against my chest. Not to mention they were Mrs. Allen's breasts.
She moved away. "Come on." She was parked in a far lot. I followed her, watching her sway. I didn't understand why girl butts were so pretty to me, just that Mrs. Allen's was the best ever.
I was so glad to be in her car and going home. I kept looking at her legs because I couldn't help it. Then she'd say something, and I'd look up with guilt. To the lips I wanted to kiss, and the eyes that sparkled and bored straight into mine. Even that enchanted, I couldn't help the way my look drifted from her pretty face down to her even lovelier bosom. Towards the vortex of the last done up button on her blouse, and the straining fabric directly below.
At one point in the drive, after I'd given a banal answer to one of her chit-chat questions, and was trying hard not to peek anymore, Mrs. Allen looked at me with a grin. "So, you like looking at my legs, do you? Almost as much as you like staring at my boobs. And this is hardly the first time, you naughty boy, you."
I was busted, totally busted. I'd started getting uncomfortable in my underwear, but that went away real fast. She'd tell my parents, and I had no idea what would happen then. I hadn't really done anything, so maybe they'd just look at me with disgust from now on. Our son, the pervert.
"Please don't tell Mom and Dad," I gushed. God, I was starting to cry.
And there we were, stopped at a red light.
Mrs. Allen got a pained expression, which I thought spelled even worse things. But then her whole face lit up in one big smile. She reached a hand out to my cheek and brushed a tear away. "Baby, you didn't do anything wrong. It's just nature talking. Donny, you're always a perfect young gentleman. So what would I tell your parents anyway? That there's something wrong with their son because he likes to look at old ladies?"
"You're not an old lady," I blurted out before I could stop my lips and tongue. "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."
Mrs. Allen gave a little laugh. "A perfect young gentleman, shy, but possessed of a silver tongue, I'd say."
The light turned green. As we drove off, she reached over and gave my thigh a squeeze. She returned the hand to the wheel. "There's only one thing wrong with you, Donny. Wanna know what it is?"
"What?" I fairly croaked.
Mrs. Allen reached over blindly to give me a quick pat exactly where I was getting uncomfortable again in my underwear. "You need a girlfriend," she giggled. "Girlfriends are great for lots of things."
We drove in silence for a few minutes. I broke it, slightly surly. "It's not like I don't want a girlfriend." I added, "I mean, I think it's up to them in the first place."
She tilted her head. "Sort of. But girls aren't mind-readers either."
We'd hit another red light. "I'm surprised you don't have girls flocking around you. You're a gorgeous boy, Donny. I'm surprised you don't have girls tucking their phone numbers wrapped in their panties into your pants pockets as you stand at your locker between classes. Actually, I'm not surprised. I remember high school. You're that rare treasure, the shy cute boy who has no idea how really cute he is. Trust me, soon some lovely girl will find you and sweep you away to her nest, where she'll want to love on you for the rest of your life."
That seemed poetic but unlikely, or at least years away. I said as such.
The light went green, and Mrs. Allen seemed to be concentrating on her driving. We came to another light, and it was green, but she braked instead and turned into the parking for a connected series of strip malls.
She drove back between a pair of them, turning left on the T to the long wide lane spanning them all. Where all the trucks came down to make their backdoor deliveries. Back behind that, behind the original strip mall of that stretch, there was an overly ambitious overflow parking lot. The paving was still mostly intact, but the surrounding undergrowth had recovered to make the lot a very quiet spot.
I knew the place from the voices in school. It was called, simply, The Lot. It was ancient history. It'd been a notorious drive-in make-out spot. But then kids had trashed into party with beer and stuff, and the cops'd kept it locked down ever since. Although apparently not lunchtime on a Saturday.
Mrs. Allen pulled in close to the shelter of a feral bush, put it in park, and then quietly turned off the car. The quiet ensued for a minute until she broke it. "So? What are you thinking about?" she quietly asked.
"How weird it is. How it seems so secluded here, and how strange that is since we're just in a parking lot."
"It is deceptively like a Lover's Lane out in the country, not a crappy lot behind a strip mall. But my sons are a lot older than you, so I'm well aware of this place's original reputation."
I was born when my Mom was in her early thirties. Mrs. Allen had obviously started a lot earlier. I started thinking about her as a teen, in a car with a boy, parked in a place a lot like this. Except out in the country and not in the middle of the day. Just the thought of her as a girl made me want so much to be that boy so much it showed even more.
"Donny. I'm flattered by your words, and your stares. You make me feel like a girl again. You make me want to show you something a girlfriend is good for. So why don't you just settle down, unbuckle, unbutton and unzip? Tug all that denim out of the way. If you show me your erection, I'll show you my breasts."
I ... I ... I could not believe my good luck. It didn't seem possible. It couldn't really be real. I kept having to rethink what Mrs. Allen had just said, in case maybe I'd heard it wrong. I was taking a long time. It just seemed like I could get in so much trouble if during the drive home of her favor I suddenly yanked down my pants in the car of one of Mom's best friends.
Mrs. Allen undid her seatbelt and turned, leaning over and in, not stopping until the tip of her nose was the tip of my nose.
"Shy boy," she whispered her eyes a lock on mine, bare inches away. She leaned up a little to kiss the tip of my nose. "Guess I'll get this party started myself." Her hands roamed across my midsection, and then they had my belt undone faster than I could've managed myself.
"I've always been the kind of girl ready to get things going, especially in this department." She had me out in the open in seconds. I had small soft girl hands gripping me for the first time ever. I was dying, but being instantly reborn. Over and over.
She gave a little laugh. "Nothing hotter than shy boys, except ones with great big dicks!" Mrs. Allen leaned down and took my quaking into her mouth, encouraging me with the pull of her lips. She knew it was my first blow-job. I tried to stick around to enjoy it, but her lips and tongue let me last about twenty seconds.
I thought that was it, that the car would start up and I'd be dumped home soon way confused. Instead, Mrs. Allen kept lying there, her face in my lap. She shifted in her seat to get more comfortable. "Thanks so much for the nice mouthful of yum-yum!"
I would've started thinking about how as part of the bargain I was supposed to get to see her tits, but then she never let her hands leave me. She was kissing my cock again, but then she dipped down where I'd never even considered the idea. That a girl would take my balls in her mouth, and tease them with her tongue, well, that hadn't been broached in the Sex-Ed section of Health class.
I learned that that would make me almost instantaneously hard again.
I ... I responded. She made me quit thinking about her tits. Mrs. Allen took me on a long slow lazy ride up into her nice wet warm mouth. She made me suffer, knowing how I'd last. I thought we were supposed to be doing things fast; instead time slowed down, and my release remained always on the horizon.
Until she jiggled my balls and pressed the trigger.
There was no doubt in my mind that I'd died and gone to heaven. I'd obviously died of a heart attack from the first blow-job of my life. In heaven, it was great!--you get hard again right away, ready for your next blow-job!
Mrs. Allen dried my happy self with her tongue, tucking me back in my underwear, dragging my pants back up enough I could finish the job. She was fast back driving me home. I finally regained speech. I joked, "I thought you were going to show me your boobs."
She concentrated on the road in silence, with a glowing smile. Then she glanced at me. "Maybe next time."
I started getting hard again, thinking about the possibility of a next time.
Another mile of awkward silence passed before she spoke her footnote. "Donny, I'd love to teach you about love--be your first girlfriend--but it'd have to be our secret."
"I'll do anything you want," I said.
"Good!" she grinned.
It was more silence until she pulled in front of my house. I moved to get out of the car, but she put a hand on my shoulder to hold me. With me thus transfixed, both her hands dug in her purse for a small weekly planner calendar. She studied it for a moment, then declared, "Why don't you cut school Tuesday?"
I had so many objections ready, which she brushed aside. "No, I mean, go to school, ride the bus with your sister, check in with homeroom, and then dodge out past the tree line. I'll be waiting on the next street over. I promise we'll get you back in time to slip back in and ride the bus home with your sister."
Mrs. Allen undid her seatbelt and leaned over to kiss me lightly on the lips. She remained hovering, smiling, her nose nudging mine. "Please say yes." She kissed me again, but this time her lips stayed on mine. I finally let my lips part, and her tongue took advantage. I was kissing like I didn't know what kissing involved. Her kissing was showing me. I was having my first kiss. Kissing the mouth that fifteen minutes earlier had given me my first blow-job. Her hand went roaming around until it found one of mine, which she then gently lifted and pressed against one of the breasts that'd been killing me for several years.
And then she pulled completely away. We were, after all, parked in front of my parents' house in full daylight. Despite the tinted windows. My sister could be riding her bike up and down the street.
I got out of the car 'cause I was getting another hard-on. "It's up to you, sweet Donny. I'll be there Tuesday morning, but I won't wait long. This is really about what you want. And that's okay. It's all just between the two of us."
I didn't know what it was all about. Except that I wanted it all. It was like I was walking down the long drab hall of my life, and this door I didn't even know was a door suddenly opened. A door to a very exciting room.
"I'll be there," I nodded shyly.
"I knew you would--I know you will," she smiled back.
"The thing is, could I get back for last period? I have a big test."
Mrs. Allen gave her lips a lick. "We'll see. We need to get you back for the bus home anyway, so maybe we can manage to get you back a little earlier. But that'll be up to you."
That was that, I figured, as she hit the button, rolling up the passenger-side window. She gave a sexy little wave, and then shifted into drive. She'd barely gone twenty feet when her brake lights came on. She reversed back to me, then buzzed the window back down. "Come here, come close--put your head in the window." I did as told. Mrs. Allen gave me a devilish look. She slipped her hands up inside the sides of her skirt. "In case you were wondering, what we did back there got me really excited." She lifted her hips and then bent down, finally pulling the tiny rolled up pair of panties past her shoes.
"I'm sure you can smell the evidence," she passed the bouquet into my hands. She tucked the panties into my hands, and then pressed my hands up to my nose. She relented, but I continued unaided. Her hands went back to the steering wheel. "Next time I see those panties, I want to see them stained and stiff with your stuff. Pardon me now. I need to get home: hubby's gonna get real lucky tonight, whether he wants it or not. My eyes will be closed in splendor, while I pretend it's you."
The window went up and I barely got my arms out of the way before Mrs. Allen roared away.
It took me a couple seconds to regroup and realize I was standing at the edge of our yard in my neighborhood, in broad daylight, holding a pair of panties to my face. I shoved them deep down my pants pocket.
And then, Franny did indeed come tearing up on her bike. "Was that Mrs. Allen's car I just saw? I was just riding and then this car honked and I saw a hand waving..."
"Yea, she picked me up from the test."
"So how do you think you did?" she asked.
"Better than I ever expected, I think."
"That's great!" Franny was always a great cheerleader. "What's that smell?"
"What smell?"
"Don't you smell that smell?"
I shrugged. We were outside. The only thing I could distinctly smell was jammed in my pocket. I thought fast. "Oh, that smell. Yea, now that you're here. It's like a tomcat got in our garage and sprayed on your bike."
"Oh thanks! Yuck," she shoved off, stomping down on the high pedal. Fran rode away and the smell stayed with me, as my secret. I carried the secret into the house and up into my bedroom. I closed and locked the door before I dared pull the panties out of my pocket.
Slowly I unfurled them. The panties proved dainty and indeed quite damp. I was racking my brain about where I could hide the garment. I settled on shoving it in the bottom side of my pillow case. I wasn't thinking of anything further right then. The hard-on that she'd started by giving me the panties had simmered down. Maybe in an hour or two or more like tonight, I'd truly be ready to, as she asked, jack off in her panties.
I brought the delicate piece of fabric to my nose for one last sniff. I instantly became raging hard again. I left a little last dollop in the crotch. I buried the panties as planned, extra moist against my pillow. I did a quick clean-up, going back down to the garage and getting on my bike.
I went out and found Franny. We wound up riding bikes together forever. My sister seemed so happy that I felt delighted. Fran was a very cool sister, despite when she was annoying.
Fran led us on a long ride, calling back behind, "Come on! Let's go have some fun!" She took us a long distance, to another part of town, through a beautiful big parkland. I knew it by car, but didn't know how best it was by bike.
I did have a disturbance. With Fran leading the way, I had impure thoughts. I hadn't noticed how she'd developed. Or I had, but I'd done my best to ignore it. Now there was no ignoring it. Up on that saddle, powering the pedals, I saw how my sister had developed a really cute bottom. I thought of boyfriends looking at that, and was slightly jealous.
We reached the turn-around point, parked atop our steeds and panting. I was so thirsty I was ready to drink from a hose. We'd emerged from the park to a commercial strip. We rested off to the side of an old gasmart. I wished I had the coins to go in and buy something to drink.
Fran pointed at the burger franchise half a block away. "Let's go get a late lunch."
I pointed at my pockets with a shrug. "I didn't think to bring money."
"I did!" she brightened. "My treat!"
With my sister paying, who was I to resist? Nevertheless, I didn't want to appear like a jerk. In line, I started studying the crappy Value Meals menuette. Fran shoved at my shoulder, "Shut up! Get what you want. I said it's my treat. And I don't want my treat to be a Crappy Meal!"
She paid, we waited, and then we took our plastic trays to a plastic table, a plastic booth. We dug in, chatting about this and that. For a brother and a sister, we'd always been pretty friendly. I made a funny remark about a neighbor and Franny slapped my hand while trying to not laugh soda out her nose.
We started plotting our route home. It started out friendly but then suddenly Fran started getting irritated and bossy, insisting that we ride back home the same park way, even though it was longer and had more hills. But it was the park. I would've chosen the straight flat streets home, but I knew how to pick my battles.
I put my index finger perpendicular to my lips, without making a sound. "Of course we're going home through the park." Fran could've suggested getting on the Interstate home, and I would've followed her for the guilty view.
Fran got preoccupied with something on her side under her arm.
"What happened? What's wrong?" I asked, genuinely concerned.
She blushed. "It's this stupid bra. I broke a sweat on the ride and now this stupid old bra is all itchy. I don't know why I wore it anyway. It's not like I even need a bra."
Franny stated that looking up to my face, and it about broke my heart. This'd all come right out of left field, but it certainly explained my sister's sudden crankiness. She obviously didn't have any bust, except why was the old bra so uncomfortable?
I looked right back at my sister. "You don't know what you're talking about. You're still growing. And you poke out your shirts fine enough to give any boy naughty thoughts. So cross that off your list of worries."
Fran grabbed my hand and squeezed it painfully tight. "Thanks." Then she relaxed, smiling and patting my hand. "Ready for the park?"
I agreed, standing, my hand still lightly in hers helping milady to her feet. Fran curtsied. "Ready to roll?" I indicated the door.
"First I need to go pee. I'll be right back."
I'd done that before we'd ordered, first thing after locking my bike and going through the door, so I was good. I tapped her shoulder as she turned. She paused and I plucked at her bra strap. "As long as you're in there, why don't you lose your irritation. Flush it down the toilet. It doesn't fit you anymore. Despite what you think, you've outgrown it."
She was gone long enough I went out to the bikes. It was my padlock that kept us chained together around a little planted tree. I twirled the numbers, releasing us, winding the steel cord and locking it back under my seat. I was up on my bike when Franny finally returned.
It was kind of obvious that she'd ditched the bra. Moreso than I would've guessed. It was hardly chilly, but that's the way her nipples looked. She came swaggering towards me, a big smile on her face.
"I know I'm just your brother, but trust me, you fill out a shirt quite nicely. You should have no worries in that department."
She had the sway down perfect.
"But, please, tell me you didn't really flush it down the toilet."
Fran squinted her eyes and pursed her lips. "I was ready to shove it deep down in the trashcan in the Women's Room. But then I had a funny idea. I went back out into the little back hall and waited a minute. Then I opened the door into the Men's, and left it draped atop the silo of used paper towels in that trashcan."
"You did not!"
"I did so!"
My sister was a genius.
"Let's get going," I laughed, mounting my steed for the ride home.
Once home, Mom was immediately loud about where we'd been, because she didn't know whether to get dinner started or what!
Fran explained how we'd gone for a long bike ride together, stopping for the burgers and stuff..."
Mom interrupted, "What? So you two went on like a date? Aww, that's kinda sweet." She'd been kind of nudging us both, individually, about how neither of us had started dating. It wasn't really my fault that, before this Mrs. Allen thing, no one had expressed interest in being my girlfriend.
Franny and I looked at one another in a panic. I wasn't the only one blushing. That's not what we'd meant, right? I recovered before my sister, saying the words. "It wasn't a date, jeez! Mrs. Allen dropped me off from the test and Fran was riding her bike. So I grabbed mine and we wound up going for a ride. We stopped for burgers, and then we rode home."
"Sounds like a date to me," Mom trilled, laughing at us, her spawn.
We did have a later dinner, once Dad started grumbling about it. We all stayed up late watching movies. I kind of got the feeling that the parents wanted their kids to go to bed, so I was the first off the sofa, voyaging off to bed. Suddenly Franny was yipping at my heels. She beat me to the bathroom, to pee and brush her teeth first. She was pretending to be coming down the hall when I exited from my round. She brushed swiftly past me, turning to stand in the doorway to her room. She had a crushed look to her face. "It was too sort of like a date ... I thought," she turned away into her room.
I grabbed at her wrist but she slipped, "Franny, I had a great time riding bikes with you... " There was no point in saying any more words. She slammed her door shut, and instantly cranked her stereo. Some dumb guy was going on singing like a girl about wanting to know what love is.
I went into my room mystified. Mystified by my sister, which happened now and then. You wake up and just live your life, and then someone gets mad at you. Leave it to my sister to get stewed by semantics. A guy can't really date his sister. I thought Fran was very date-able, saying so in a very proud big brother sort of way, to bolster her self-esteem; not that I really wanted her to be dating some guy, some dumb young horny kid.
You can't date your own sister because dating implies maybe wanting something more, like stuff that's against the law. Not to mention that the whole thing didn't make any sense.
Besides, I had more important things to think about. I went into my room wondering all these weird thoughts, but then I gathered them all and shunted them all back out into the hall, clicking my door shut.
I got ready for bed. I had no idea how Sunday would dawn with my crazy family. I didn't really care. It would be the first of some time that I needed to just get through.
I went into my room, counting the hours until I skipped school on Tuesday. I got into bed and turned out the lights, and though I was tired, I was also sort of agitated. More in my mind, than in my cock, all comes considered.
I lay there tossing and turning, processing the day. If I'd been able to get hard, I could've just jacked off, letting me doze off to sleep in that glow. It didn't help that my room was not at all dark. I'd forgotten to pull my window shade, which usually didn't matter so I usually left the shade up. My window looked out on the garage roof and some trees. And by a sliver of our old neighbors' driveway light. It was high up a pole back by the basketball backboard, leftover from when their boys weren't all grown up and gone away. They'd sometimes turn it on when taking out the trash. If they forgot and left it on all night, my room glowed like the full moon.
But I was too tired and lazy to get up and pull the shade. Instead, I pulled my pillow over my head.
I'd totally forgotten, until the smell about knocked me out. I pulled the pillow tighter down, reveling in the scent of the panties trapped in my pillowcase. I suddenly felt a lot less lonely. And a lot more excited. I had Mrs. Allen's damp panties tucked away like a secret. They came out of hiding long enough for me to soil them again.
And then no telling where they wound up. I didn't so much settle into sleep as simply pass out. The neighbor's light bedamned! I fell asleep nestled between my lover's thighs.
My future lover's thighs, if all went well.
I was first out of homeroom, ditching any tails. Instead of going down the hall to my first period class, I dodged outside. It was a nice day, so lots of kids were avoiding the halls. I wasn't expecting that, so I slowly moved over to hide around the corner of the building, avoiding any windows.
When the hubbub died down I started taking a leisurely stroll away from the building. But that was taking too long. I didn't want anyone noticing me, and I certainly didn't want to be late to the road. I broke and ran like a cat for the tree line. I got to the designated road, and it was open and empty. I stood there at the edge of the asphalt for what seemed like a dangerous amount of time. After awhile a car did approach, but it wasn't Mrs. Allen's. The guy at the wheel turned and looked at me long and hard as he drove by. Then there was a woman in a mommy-van coming the other way, and she glared at me even harder.
I retreated back to the trees, and stood there, lightly camouflaged and totally confused. I stood there for ages, and with each passing minute I felt stupider and stupider. I didn't know what to do, so I decided to count, slowly, to 100, and then I'd go back to first period and take a tardy. I started counting backwards and got to 85 when the whole idea seemed so retarded. As though by counting I could summon something that just wasn't coming.
With my head fully hung, I heard a roar and spray of gravel. It was her car! And she was honking the horn like mad in the morning silence. I was still moving from the trees to the road when she kicked the passenger door open.
"Come on, baby, get in here. I'm so sorry I'm so late. God, I'm so glad you're still here."
I got in the car and she continued, "I was so worried. I was afraid I'd lost you." The tips of her fingers squeezed the tips of my fingers. I got bold and squeezed back. "The only way you can lose me is by tossing me in the trash."
We were driving by then, but then we hit a stop sign. "I'd never do that to you, Donny. Something like this involves a lot of trust. You trusted that I would show up, and I trusted that you'd wait for me. Despite the unfortunate delay."
The car was rolling again, and I kept staring out the passenger window. I'd glanced at the car clock. I'd blended in with the trees for well over an hour. She kept rubbing her hand on my knee, trying to get me to look her way. "Why were you so late?" I sort of whispered.
It’s a Spring Saturday Night in Chicago. April means a renewal of many facets of life. Baseball season starts and so the Bundy men decided to go with Jefferson and some of the other guys in the neighborhood to see the North Siders play. Peggy was visiting her relatives in Wisconsin this weekend, leaving Kelly home. Normally, this would not be a problem as Kelly was always very popular… and she did have a date. However, the guy backed out with a call a few minutes before taking her out. Some...
A few weeks back I met a girl through my office, her name is Marcy. She is divorced, age 30, 5'6" honey frosted blond that weighs about 100 lbs. Marcy has a smile and bubbly personality that you just take a liking to the first time you talk to her. Well, Marcy came in everyday to talk to me and we became the best of pals. She would tell me all her problems and I would help her by listening and offering advise. As it turned out, Marcy was looking for a better job. The one she was in now...
Bang. The sound of my apartment door closing behind me made my head throb. It had been a long night with lots of booze and my hangover was in full force. Thankfully, today was a Sunday, so I didn't have to work or go anywhere. I could just go to bed and try to make the rockets exploding in my head stop their constant battle. As I stumbled my way through the apartment, I noticed the message light was blinking on my machine. I crept over to it, knowing full well that the beep before the message...
Supernatural26-year-old Navy Lieutenant Pete Reynolds woke as the sun was rising. He smiled to himself as he heard the birds beginning to sing with the coming morning. He was snug inside a sleeping bag in a small two-man tent. The delicious warmth against his back was his beautiful 23-year-old wife Marcy. He was on an extended leave after serving two tours in Afghanistan and Iraq. Pete was a Navy Seal, he ran a Seal team that had seen quite a bit of action in both theaters and they were getting three...
She couldn't quite figure out what it was, but then she heard it again. It sounded like a faint slapping noise, followed by a muffled yell. Puzzled, she lay quietly for a moment, and the noise was repeated. She sat up in bed and turned to her older sister's bed across the room to ask her if she'd heard the noise also, when she saw that her sister's bed was empty.Her mind still foggy from sleep, Marcy got up out of bed and walked to the door. She stepped quietly into the hallway, her short...
Am n?chsten Tag machte Marcy weiter gute Fortschritte. Jetzt konnte sie bereits allein gehen, nat?rlich unter Aufsicht. "Alles klar", meinte Birgit l?chelnd zu Petra, als sie aus dem Zimmer von Frau Dr. Bodkowicz kam, "alles verl?uft bestens. In zehn Tagen k?nnen wir nach Hause. Der Hormonspiegel wurde auf weitgehend weibliche Werte eingestellt. Dr. Bodkowicz wird ihn aber noch etwas h?her halten, um eine gewisse Depotwirkung zu erzielen. Dann k?nnte man auch auf Beruhigungsmittel verzi...
"I can't do this. I already miss you too much. Please come get me. Sammy, are you there?" Marcy froze, looked in the direction of the answering machine and then at me. She wiped her tear-streaked eyes, showing concern. "Aren't you going to talk to her?" she asked. I was too stunned to move. Hearing Shirley's voice was not something I had anticipated when I formed the plan to invite Marcy to Pontiac and fulfill my promise to tell her my 'I got into a little trouble when I was...
The two women debated whether to bring rape charges against Jamal and Kamon, but decided against it. After all, both had had sex willingly with the men on numerous other occasions, making it hard to convince a jury that this time it had been non consentual. They also had no witnesses as the two teens did not enter until after Jamal and Kamon had abused them and it would be highly doubtful the two girls could have been persuaded to testify anyway. So, both women called in to the set, claiming...
When my parents broke up my mom was six months pregnant. I was sent to live with my father by a quick judge’s ruling because of my mother’s addiction problems. It was ruled that she was not the best choice of a parent for me to live with. Once I left her house and Danville, Pennsylvania, I never looked back. I didn’t even find out that she gave birth to a baby girl until years later. I had a sister I never knew and really had no interest in getting to know. I seriously tried to erase...
Marcy concluded early on that Kamon was a lot like his brother. She and Nikki were playthings to him. Oh, he didn't use denigrations like Jamal, in fact he was constantly complimenting her on her face and figure, but he was into her pants daily and there had been several foursomes. Marcy had asked Jamal about finding a place of their own but he seemed content, at least for the moment, especially with both Marcy and Nikki available to him any time he wanted. It was several days later that...
That weekend, for the first time in their marriage, neither Marcy nor Kirk was able to achieve orgasm when they made love. After the initial euphoria and excitement of the introduction of Coleen into their love life and its initial positive influence upon them, Kirk had been slowly realizing how much more satisfying Coleen was than Marcy. It had gradually become harder and harder to reach climax with his wife while, unbeknown to him, Marcy was finding Kirk inadequate in satisfying her...
The following weeks were like something out of a medieval comedy. Marcy, continuing to secretly pleasure both Lamar and Jamal when Coleen and Kirk were together; Coleen in addition to her conjugal duties to her husband, bedding both Kirk and Lamar and believing those relationships were being kept from Jamal who was aware of both and, in fact, had planned Coleen's seduction by Lamar; Kirk, still enjoying his biweekly trysts with Coleen, unaware that anyone but Marcy was aware; Lamar, who had...
Marcy - Priscilla's Wedding By Sissie Maid Cuckold When Pansy finally came around after his faint, he wondered what had happened. Ms. Leslie explained he had fainted right after hearing that his wife was inviting all of his family and friends to her wedding to Marcus. Pansy rubbed his eyes and shook his head in disbelief. "Yes, I remember now, is she really going to do that?" "Yes my dear, but don't worry it will be good for you, everyone will know what a pathetic looser...
Marcy had been afraid that Lamar would punish her for her distortion of his wishes at the reunion, but by the following Tuesday he was smiling and obviously pleased that, at the very least, Marcy was being praised by those who had partaken of her, with terms like "vixen" and "wildcat" being bandied about. "One hundred and thirty-two! Damn, bitch, that must be some kind of record! Who woulda ever thought a White chick could fuck that many Black men in one evening!" He looked into her...
My memories of my early childhood were not pleasant. While some people wish they could go back to their carefree childhood days, I look at childhood as something I survived and lived to tell about. I recall my first few years on the planet as being in the middle of two parents who spent most of their awake moments arguing and fighting. The fights often became physical, no doubt fueled by my fathers alcohol abuse and my mother’s addiction problems. They finally broke up when I was four years of...
IncestMarcy - The Seminar and a Birthday Weekend By Sissie Maid Cuckold Pansy was told to get ready to go home. He went to the restroom and took a tampon out of his purse and inserted it knowing if he did not, cum would be running down his leg for the next half hour. Besides he knew all to well it was a crime to waste a Black Man's cum and letting it run out, down and on to the ground would certainly constitute a crime. It was 2:00 AM when Pansy left the party. Mr. Marcus gave him bus...
The next day, after Kirk had left for work, Marcy and Jamal went to her house, gathered her clothes and other personal effects and took them to Jamal's. Even though he felt there was little probability of it, Jamal did not want to take a chance that the young husband would somehow find it in his heart to forgive her and the two to reconcile, so he had insisted that her only good bye be in a letter. She left it on the kitchen table as she and Jamal were leaving. That evening, the young...
Marcy is 5ft3 and had a big butt and nice tit’s with blonde hair since I've met her a couple of years ago. Holly on the other hand was an average girl with great tit’s and a nice ass as well as black hair. One day I was at the mall browsing and I came across the two girls but holly seemed pre occupied on following marcy around, Marcy was wearing a plaid miniskirt and white dress shirt and her big ass looked so inviting as she bent over exposing her black french lace thong. Holly could not...
The girls spent the next two weeks planning for Marcy’s visit. Sylvia and I had sex every other day; Jay and I had none. Well, none if you don’t count a little fellatio as part of three- and four-ways. I was getting downright masterful at self-deception. Nate and Seth advanced to some kissing and petting but nothing more. Nate left the room when Seth and Charlene had sex. Mike and Sylvia, with some guidance from Carl, often talked casually with Nate about whatever he wanted to discuss. I’m sure...
BisexualOn Friday, Kirk had left only minutes ago to met Coleen at a motel out near the interstate highway when the doorbell rang. Marcy, who had once jumped to the door with enthusiasm to greet Jamal now rose slowly from the couch and proceeded slowly to the door. Dressed only in a pair of black stockings, she opened the door a crack to look out. She was shocked to see Lamar and two other young Black men about his age standing on the front stoop. "Open up bitch, we've come for some pussy," he...
Over the next few weeks Marcy, Kirk and Coleen settled into their arrangement. Tuesdays and Fridays were reserved for Coleen"s and Kirk's trysts. At Coleen's suggestion, Marcy had joined them for a threesome, but both the young housewife and her husband felt uncomfortable and so Kirk and Coleen then continued to see each other alone. It was decided that on Tuesdays, Coleen would come to the young couple's house, after leaving Jamal and driving a block or two away, parking the car, then...
Two weeks later Larmar informed Marcy that his high school was having a reunion. The school being rather small, reunions were not held for individual classes, but rather every five years an all Trudeau High School reunion was held, inviting all past classes to attend. The private school, despite attempts to the contrary, remained exclusively Black, Jamal's Black Nationalist organization having a great deal to do with that. Marcy was told she would come as Lamar's date. She tried to talk him...
Marcy sucked her boyfriend's prick and swallowed his cum because she thought he would marry her. "You're getting better at it" said Terry."Practice makes perfect" she giggled.Terry stuffed his prick back in his pants and started the car. "I better take you home"Lois was waiting for her . She didn't like Terry. He was too old to be dating an eighteen year old."I told you not to go out with him" she scolded."I love him mom" she replied."My god honey, he is thirty years old and divorced" "I don't...
InterracialFour days later Slezak called Marcy, his voice full of enthusiasm. "Marcy, we finished the film and I want you to know you look terrific. A gorgeous body and your sex scenes are fantastic, some of the best I've seen! Sweetheart, I'm starting a new picture day after tomorrow and I'd like you to star in it!" "Star? Me?" "Absolutely. But first we got two things to take care of. I want you under an exclusive contract to make films for me and... we need a name for you." "You mean...
"This okay?" Jean-Luc asked.I nodded.We went in, and one of the doormen directed us to the restaurant. It was definitely the nicest restaurant I'd ever been in.Dinner was really nice. Turns out Jean-Luc was an advocate for the little guy, often helping k**s get medical treatments their health insurance companies didn't want to pay for."You don't defend r****ts and murders?" I asked jokingly."Not unless they're personal friends of mine," he joked back.Of course when he started asking me...
Marcy got a call from Slezak a few days later indicating he could use her in two scenes of the film on which he was working and asking if she would be interested. One was a lesbian sex scene in which Marcy would be seduced by an older married woman and the other, a straight sex scene in which the woman's husband breaks into her apartment and thinking it was Marcy who had seduced his wife, reaps revenge by raping Marcy. "He won't really hurt me, will he?" she asked hesitantly. "Oh, of...
It had now been a week and a half since Marcy and Kirk had made love. Until recently never more than a day or two had elapsed between their love making sessions, so Marcy was now more anxious than ever. She began to question whether Kirk would remain with her if she could no longer bring him physical pleasure. She realized she had no real reason to question his faithfulness since he had never been anything but a model husband and had reassured her on countless occasions that he would never...
Marcy had certainly been right about the reception her idea would get from Kirk. He, at first, was appalled at such a plan, but over several days she kept reminding him how much she loved him, how much she wanted to see him satisfied. He, of course, insisted he was satisfied, but she knew better and told him so. Without mentioning anyone specifically, she described the requirements she thought necessary and by assuring him that the woman would provide physical satisfaction only a couple of...
"Marcy?" The voice at the end of the alley was faintly familiar. Marcy lay sprawled amid some garbage in the dark alley, her skirt torn away, her blouse in tatters... When she had wanted the five dollars up front the heavy set man had beaten her, then taken what he wanted. The combination of drugs and abuse was fogging her mind. "Who..." "Marcy, it's me," he said coming closer. "Ki... Kirk?" "Good God, what's happened to you?" "How... how did you find me?" "A lot of...
Over the weekend, Marcy debated with herself as to whether to tell Kirk and/or Coleen what had happened while they were at the motel, but no matter what arguments she generated for informing them, there were always two compelling reasons why she didn't and wouldn't. First, was the threat of real danger she felt that Jamal posed for her husband and close friend. Marcy wasn't totally convinced that Jamal would actually shoot them, but there had been times as he was ravaging her body that she...
I remember Mr. J. saying discretion was essential. Well, not like I had much to tell.Except about Evan. But who would I tell, Bevvie? No way. She didn't even know the name of this place, and I was sure going to keep it that way.Besides, if I mentioned his name I would probably blush red from my neckline to the roots of my hair. I would never tell anybody this, but he was entering my thoughts pretty often at random times. And they weren't PG thoughts either. Not that I would have any idea what...
Phil Slezak''s office was a small, hole-in-the-wall walk up and definitely not in the better part of town. "Let's just go. I'd be happy to stay with the web site," commented Marcy as they approached the door with "P.Slezak - Producer" stenciled on in black paint that was beginning to peel. "No! Jerry said the guy's office didn't look like much but he's really a big time producer," said Jamal, giving Marcy a push. They entered the office where a young blonde, gum chewing...
Three days later Marcy and Nikki gathered up their belongings while Jamal and Kamon were out of the house and moved into their new apartment, a modest two bedroom on the other side of town, in a nice neighborhood. Both left notes, each telling her husband or lover the reasons for her decision and indicating the decision was final. Nikki also indicated she would be seeking a divorce. Jamal and Kamon were incensed, especially at the loss of Marcy's paycheck, but also with the audacity of the...
I cried out, not because it hurt, but because it was so good.I never wanted it to end.It was my first time, and it was perfect.I wanted to yell, 'don't stop, don't stop,' but I couldn't speak.He slowed down, sped up, then changed the angle a little bit. He pressed his arms down into the mattress, so he was doing sort of a half push-up on top of me and started rocking into me, different, harder, even better."Lick," he said. He had his thumb near my mouth.I licked it. He reached in between us and...
Even in my wildest fantasies, I never dreamed something like this could ever happen to me. Not that my fantasies were ever all that wild to begin with—but still—me, little, quiet, shy Marcy, in the midst of...Well, I should back up.It all started the week after high school graduation....I hugged the box I was carrying to my chest. It contained a small plant, a framed picture of the Dallas Cowboys (with signatures, thank you), a toiletry case, and two books.Fired, after one week as a secretary...
This story is true and about my beautiful wife Marcy and how she became a com slut/lover. We had been married for 5 years it was my 3rd marriage and her third. Marcy is a brunette with shoulder length hair, 5"6',135, greenish eyes and nice 38c tits and beautiful shapely legs and 40 years old. When we married Marcy said she had never sucked a cock and I believe her as she knew nothing about how to suck.But wasn't long before I had her sucking my cock and told her she had to...
Marcy was excited to be acting in her first film, despite the type of production it was. Unlike a major film, the crew consisted of Slezak who also directed, his secretary and a young guy with acute acne who was a lighting and cameraman and general go-for during breaks. The cast, at least those working that day consisted of a lovely redhead named Teresa and a ruggedly handsome man, Ted, somewhat older but possessed of an athletic build and, as Marcy was to learn later, an anatomy which had...
SU’s cook was fired last night for violating the “no means no” rule. It’s good that he is gone. It’s also a problem. SU no longer has a cook. After breakfast, everybody at SU knew what happened. Kimi was shaken. She needed a few days doing only what she wanted. By the third day, she had recovered enough to entertain married couples. After another two days, she requested to join the pre-lunch selection. Marcy filled in as cook. The companions who spent a lot of time in the kitchen helped...
"Hey," she said. "I'm Heather."She came over and gave me a quick hug."Marcy," I said."I made stir-fry beef and veggies for dinner," Heather said."Great.""So you're the new receptionist at Melody's.""Yup. But I've never been inside."They both looked at me with their eyes popped out a little.I shrugged and raised my hands up in a 'what can I tell you' gesture. "I peeked into the front room once, but it was empty.""You ever been there?" I asked Heather."Twice, but it's not my scene.""Oh."That was...
Marcy's next film about castaways on a tropical island garnered her a great deal of attention as her beautifully tanned body was almost constantly undressed and she made love with abandon to the men and women on the island, eventually being crowned queen. It was within a few days of the time the film was released that Marcy got a call from Sean Davies. Marcy had been learning not only her craft, but her profession as well. She knew Davies as one of the most influential and successful adult...
Marcy Takes a Lover byFurryDevil©Disclaimer: This story is about a white married couple finding a black man for the wife to have sex with. It is completely consensual on both of their parts, and therefore is just good, clean, fun. If you don't like this kind of thing, you should probably find something else to read. *My name is Marcy and I have something I need to get off my chest. I live just outside of Detroit, but I was on a "weekend getaway". I still can't believe what I had gotten myself...
I said good-bye again. Except then he was distracted by a phone call and when his back was turned I walked through the double doors with the other girls.I hadn't even really meant to do it. I just sort of...went with the flow. Which in this case was following the person in front of me.Into a sex club.Oh shit.The front room was hopping. There was a pulsing burgundy-red light strobing from the ceiling. The music was loud, the lyrics, 'marry her anyway', blasted over me, coming out slightly...
I crossed my arms over my chest. But hey, the funny choices did break up the tension."Here we go," he said.I also didn't know who sang this one, but her voice was soulful. "At last, my love has come along." Jean-Luc hugged me, and we swayed back and forth to the music. He hummed along to the melody. "My lonely days are over and life is like a song."He spun me around and dipped me, totally out of time with the music. I laughed."This music is pretty," I said."It's a classic.""Never heard it," I...
Marc h?rte in seinem Kellergef?ngnis durch einen ge?ffneten Entl?ftungsstein, wie sich von drau?en ein Auto n?herte. Mehrere Personen stiegen aus, wie er meinte, jetzt mindestens drei, denn zum vertrauten Klicken der Abs?tze von Petra und Birgit war jetzt noch etwas hinzugekommen. Seltsam, dachte er, dass Petra seit einigen Tagen nicht mehr arbeitete. Hatte sie sich Urlaub genommen? Nach einigen Minuten wurde seine Zellent?r ge?ffnet und Marc sah seine Vermutung best?tigt: eine dritte Frau, g...
Jamal sat on the front porch drinking a beer as he contemplated his revenge. When he had discovered that Coleen was bedding a White man twice a week, his first impulse had been to beat her to within an inch of her life, but he had resisted, determined to find something more fitting more degrading and more long lasting than a simple beating. He wanted to hurt Coleen and he wanted to hurt her badly. When she had first suggested an open marriage, he had been resistant, but had finally consented...
My name is Marcy and I have something I need to get off my chest. I live just outside of Detroit, but I was on a "weekend getaway". I still can't believe what I had gotten myself into this time. I was standing in a hotel room in Boston, getting ready to go meet a black man that my husband had found for me online, a black man that I had already agreed to have sex with.I'm 34 years old, and I've been married to Jason for 11 years now. Jason is 2 years older than me, 5'11" tall, and is in pretty...
Evan. "Off with your shirt!" He whips my shirt off.Jean-Luc. "Off with your panties."Evan has to steady me. I'm wobbly. Jean-Luc pulls my underwear down very slowly. I step out of them. I'm still wearing my skirt. It's still tucked up in the waistband. I feel the cool breeze on my ass. I'm sweating, there's a breeze; I'm exposed. I shiver; it's not from the air.Evan comes around from in front of me. There's a moment's pause.Evan. "Niiiiiice."Slap."Whoa!" I jump.The slap wasn't hard. In fact, it...
"Commanding, powerful," he said. It sounded like he was having difficulty talking.How could he get any bigger inside me? But he did. I was sure of it. In perfect shade the heat increased, the leaves bending in toward us, drawn by his pull. "Primal."Everything became more vivid. The forest was on fire.He fisted one hand in my hair gently pulled my head back."Beautiful," he said, pressing every spot, inside and out, mentally and physically just right. I exploded.I convulsed around him. He kissed...
"Not yet?" he asked when I didn't answer immediately."Maybe in a minute," I said, when I got my breath back.Evan slowly ran his hands down Heather's sides, and back up to her breasts. The two of them together were lovely to watch. Breathtaking. Enchanting. In love, and lovely. I wanted that.Jean-Luc put his chin on the top of my head. "Beautiful aren't they?""Absolutely," I said.A thought occurred to me. "Is this why people like porn?""Hell no," Jean-Luc said. "This is nothing like...
These stories about Marcy are all true and there are so many more about her and the things we did. Part two starts with us starting to now find strangers in parks, rest areas, adult movie houses and just about any place you can think of where men might hang out. This adventure takes place...
Als Petra und Birgit fr?h am n?chsten Morgen den Keller betraten, schlief Marc noch fest. Er bemerkte weder das helle Licht noch ihre Unterhaltung. "Lassen wir ihn schlafen?", fragte Petra. "K?nnte man, aber wir m?ssen doch nachher weg. Das Mittel in der Spritze wirkt zwar noch, aber Wasser lassen muss er in den n?chsten Stunden. Notfalls macht er sich in die Hose", dozierte Birgit fachkundig. "Und was jetzt?", krauste Petra die Stirn. "Ganz einfach, im Krankenhaus setzt man einen Ka...
Keith Boyd- Fred Boyd his brother. Alice Boyd his sister in law. Nephew John 15 Niece Gabby 13 Jo Anne Wall old girl friend Windy Wall her ex husband. Lewis and Ellie Keith’s in laws. Sarah Marsh retro hippie General Briggs rd Doris owner of the consignment shop. Jo Anne Joyner Wall : Keith’s first girlfriend. Three girls 16 13 10 oldest daughter ginger Mr Jessup buyer of Keith’s scooter. Rebecca Avondale deacon and keith’s client. Marsha stylist to Rebecca Gulfcrest hotel/casino Elanor, Mark...
We laughed."I need to make a list, so I can check things off," I said. "Don't say Jesus Christ again.""Okay," Evan said."Vanilla sex," I said holding up a finger."Oral sex," Jean-Luc said."We did that," I said.He stared at me. They all stared at me."What?"They continued to stare."Oh," I said."All six of the basic positions," Jean-Luc said."What?""Girl on girl sex," Evan said."What!?"I looked from Jean-Luc, to Evan, to Heather. She shrugged. "I'm not sure she needs that.""She needs that," both...
Marc wollte Widerstand leisten, aber ein kleiner Ruck von Petra am Halsband gen?gte, und schon musste Marc weiterstolpern, um nicht das Gleichgewicht zu verlieren. Die Zwangsjacke erlaubte nicht die geringste Gegenwehr; sie war ?hnlich wie ein Body, sa? aber durch die spezielle Konstruktion so gut, dass er den beiden Frauen v?llig ausgeliefert war. Oben in der K?che sah er auf dem K?chentisch einen Katalog. Marc sah genauer hin: das Titelbild zeigte einen offenbar gemalten Tr...
I felt like I was dying. Like I had the biggest ice cream brain-freeze headache, times 1,000, except better. Like the whole world was riding on our pleasure, our feelings, our joy.Then it exploded. A bar of peanut brittle shattered into a million, sharp, flying pieces.Then I could breathe better than ever before, although I'd never had a problem with that. The world was a safe, amazing, happy place.Thanks to Jean-Luc.I cuddled into him, my head on his chest. I chuckled."What?" he asked."I'm...
Several years ago I worked as a salesman for a large electronics company. As one of the five highest grossing producers I was invited to attend a company cocktail party being held at a local Ramada Inn for several of our biggest customers. It was attended by the president of the company, several of our VPs and general managers and of course their wives and girl friends. Since I was unmarried and between girl friends and Mark, another salesman, was in the same boat I was, we went to the party...
I wished I had casual clothes with me, but I didn't. We got dressed in record time. I took one last look around the hotel room."Jean-Luc, this was a really sweet thing to do for me," I said."Entirely self-serving," he said. "Come on."He drove fast. When we got to my neighborhood I was about to give him directions to my house when I realized he was driving me to Heather and Evan's. I had left my car there.He gave me a good-bye kiss."I'd like to go out with you again," he said. "I'll get your...
The first thing I noticed about Marcie when she came out to greet me was the way her breasts strained the soft fabric of her T-shirt. "I didn't think you were going to get here in time for lunch," she said as we hugged. It was obvious to me that she wasn't wearing a bra. "Where's the moat?" I asked as I looked around. The house reminded me of a castle. It was placed high on a knoll and we were able to see the town, looking miniature in the distance. "This was my grandparent's...