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A tale of Asgard Space

It had been a long and interesting six weeks since the Catamount had left Keeler space. They were proceeding with caution, having stolen a fortune out from under the noses of Ayna's 'grandfather', the current President-for-life of the Keeler system. Some of the gems had been easy to sell, and for full price, but the rest were far too large and too closely associated with Keeler royalty to be able to sell on the open market. The Gamma Imperiax was too famous as a part of the Keeler crown jewels, and too famous. Their only option was to ransom it back to the Keeler government, but that was more safely done after tempers there had cooled down a bit first. Perhaps in a couple of years.

Smaller they may have been, but the lesser BloodCrys and Gamma Stones sold so far had the Catamount's bank balances swollen beyond healthy to prosperous. Perhaps even a little beyond prosperous. The immediate future only required a decision on the disposition of the Bugaboo. The crew was torn between keeping her or selling her. The yacht was capable of landing on a planet, and as opulent as it was, doing so far less conspicuously than the Catamount.

While they struggled with the decision, they continued to go over the ship with a fine toothed comb. A phrase that had tickled Dar, the fur-covered Sondag, tremendously. Kat had been tickled herself to see just how deviously the former Keeler ruler had been when it came to protecting his data, and had spend endless hours ferreting it out in the myriad of places he'd hidden it. Dar, using a half dozen of the Catamount's utility bots had been scouring every physical nook and cranny while Kat explored the electronic ones.

While Kat and Dar pored over the Bugaboo, Pete, Ross and Anya did the same with the Catamount. They were all learning everything Kat could teach them. Additionally, they continued to work out daily with the battle armor and, when possible, with the Sondag pulse rifles.

This had become the settled routine, until today, when Kat had asked them all to gather in the galley as soon as possible.

"You may be wondering why I called you all here today," Kat began, which drew groans from Pete, Ross and Anya.

"Well, you did say you had something important to tell us," Dar said, a bit nonplussed by the reaction from the humans. Kat in the meantime had part of herself begin a furious search of the comm nets for references that would explain the groan.

"I'm here to tell you," she told the gathered crew. "That the Bugaboo is less valuable to us than the data I've found."

"What? Another treasure hunt?" Pete laughed.

"No, something better than treasure. Ask yourselves, once Anya's great grandfather got out of the system in the Bugaboo, where would he go? Who would he be when he got there?"

"We have a bunch of grandfather's fake IDs stored in the Bugaboo's computer?"

"No. Better. Federation ship registrations. Six of them."Kat announced, unable to hold the information back any longer.

"Yes!" Ross crowed.

"How can he have six of them?" Pete asked. "I thought their assignment was rigidly controlled by the federation?"

"Of course it is," Anya snorted. "The Federation may be a political bureaucracy of the highest order, but politicians are politicians and bureaucrats are bureaucrats, the entire universe over. Everything has a price, and the higher up the ladder you are, the easier it is to find someone willing to accept your fortune for a favor – or six."

"I see," Kat said. "The Sondag military operated in a similar fashion."

"It's true, they did," Dar confirmed. "I always knew that politics was what kept me piloting assault shuttles. I liked the duty, and enjoyed socializing so closely with the marines, so I was content."

"How much of that contentment was a matter of being resigned to your fate though?" Pete asked.

"Some, to be sure," Dar sighed. "But I won't try to reinvent myself completely in the retelling. I was really, really good at the kind of flying needed for making planetary landings and pickups under fire. The Space Marines assigned to the Kadamon loved me, because I brought them back safely time and time again. I still regret deeply that I was not able to bring them back that last time. Their loss haunts me."

"Such loss is always difficult," Ross said. "Pete and I lost good friends and comrades when we were young. After all these years the questions still haunt us. Could we have done something different? What if we hadn't done this? What if we had done that? The questions never die, but the day comes when you make your peace with them and with the ghosts of those you've lost."

There was a long moment then of silent reflection as each of them thought to those they had lost in years past. For her part, Anya was reminded of those family members, closer to the throne, who had not been offered exile when the change of power happened. Few of them would have been called friend, but enough.

"So," Anya broke the reverie. "Six registrations. All assigned to the Bugaboo?"

"Six unassigned registrations," Kat clarified. "There's something unusual about that, wouldn't you say?"

"I wonder if grandpa Keeler paid a little extra for these somehow."

"I could see it," Pete mused. "He might have paid to have these registrations automatically reset to unassigned after a set period of time."

"More likely he paid a separate fee now and then to wipe the registration data." Ross suggested. "It would require someone with full access to the Federation secure data net to be able to program in an automatic reset. It would only take bribing an upper level bureaucrat in the registry section to get them reset it when requested."

"So we can assign these six as we want, but once we use them, they're permanent?" Dar asked.

"Unless the less likely scenario proves true, but even so, we have a registration for the Catamount," Pete refocused them. "We can now go anywhere in Asgard space we want, or even into Federation space itself."

"So at last we can plan for something more concrete than the charter contracts we've been settling for?" Dar asked.

"We didn't settle for those," Pete reminded him. "We could have been mining in the rift or even in Keeler's outer belt if we'd wanted to. The charters were more lucrative, and gave us other opportunities."

"Speaking of the rift," Kat said.

"The rift? I know the story, that Pete and Ross were mining there and that you survived transition through it from Sondag space. Is there more to it?"

"Yes and no, Anya. I would like to propose we return there."

"The rift is not a safe place, even in something as formidable as the Catamount," Pete reminded them. "We were there only because we couldn't afford to go anywhere else at the time."

"Are you anticipating more debris?" Dar asked.

"I am. Anything else that drifted into the Volmon rift at the same speed and approach we did may have arrived here as well. I would expect that whatever we find will be terribly broken up, and certainly not immediately usable, but even the salvage value would be tremendous."

"You would recommend doing that now?" Anya asked.

"It is a logical next effort," Kat argued. "We've sold everything we can for the moment from the Keeler haul. We've got these registrations, which solves that pressing problem at no cost to us. Anything else we do would require spending more time finding clients. Also, if anything did come through the rift after us, the longer we leave it, the more likely it is to be found by someone else."

"Anyone have an objection?" Pete asked. No one spoke up.

"Al right then, lets top off our stores with fresh fruits, vegetables and the like, and we'll plan on breaking orbit after breakfast tomorrow; destination Tenerif station."

Tenerif station is a misnomer, as it is not a station so much as it is a navigational aid, designed to warn ships away from the nearby rift. As the rift moves, so does the station. Since it's precise location was variable, it had powerful broadcasting features and a small crew of three Asgardian Naval ratings whose job it was to keep the station functioning and its broadcasts updated.

Ted Riggins was the man on watch when the Catamount arrived. Ted was typical of those who found themselves assigned to Tenerif Station. He was a screw up and an underachiever of the first order whose only true interest was in counting the time until his exile to this dust speck on the underside of nowhere ended and he could return to the comfort of a ground-side station somewhere civilized.

"Tenerif Station, this is Catamount, inbound towards the rift," came the call.

"Ahh, affirmative Catamount," he returned a moment later after managing to clear his head well enough to trigger the transmitter. "Ahh, be advised of the current conditions. Broadcast is on the secondary nave frequency."

"Confirmed, Tenerif Station," came the reply.

"Are they always so matter-of-fact here?" Anya asked aboard the Catamount.

"This was a relatively verbose exhcange," Ross laughed. "Usually we get a grunted reply: 'turn to nav 2', and nothing else.

"Well, if there's nothing else to worry about from that end, lets keep our eyes focused on the rift," Dar reminded everyone. "Kat has the best eyes, but the more sets we have peeled, the safer we are."

The rift was a shifting, unpredictable region of gravitic tides and surges. Light was known to do strange things here, and the normal assumptions regarding mass, momentum, and speed could not be expected to match the usual norms a good bit of the time. It was this, along with the isolation that made mining the rift dangerous.

"The station crew may be the dregs, but the automated data broadcasts are top notch," Kat observed after a while.

"Here," Ross said, sitting down at one of the nav station behind Dar's pod to key in some input. "Tune in here, its an open data frequency and you can access the archived data."

"Oh very good!" Kat explclaimed after a few minutes, this goes back a long ways."

"It does, and you can use it to plot the recent trends in the gravitic shifts and local variances."

"I thought you couldn't predict these shifts, Pete."

"You can't, Anya. But you can plot trends in the recent activity, and those trends let you get a more accurate reading on where the rift debris is likely to be collecting."

"Pete's right," Ross agreed. "If you read the data plots well enough, you cut the search time down considerably."

"And you have to go take up close looks to find anything close to the rift," Pete added. "The gravitic variances make long range scans pretty useless. The scanner will tell you there's a fifty megaton mass at a particular set of coordinates, and when you get there you find nothing."

"Mining the rift is an up close and personal business. That's why almost nobody does it," Ross told them. "Kat, if you access the Tenerif sections of that old navcomm of mine, it has all our routines in it. They should prove useful."

"Accessing," Kat said in her distracted, I'm-deep-in-the-data voice.

"We've got company," Kat called a few minutes later.

"What kind of company?" Dar asked.

"Small, low-powered," Kat replied. "I'm detecting fusion thrusters. Maneuvering thrusters, I'd say."

"Another miner then," Pete nodded. "Where are they?"

"They are 20 degrees north of us, about 20 minutes away at normal thrust."

"They're almost as far away from where we want to go as they can be," Ross said, still reading the nav data that Kat was examining. "Are we running in stealth mode?"

"We are now," Kat confirmed. "However, local gravitic conditions make it slightly less reliable than normal."

"Then lets not waste any time here," Anya said. "We need to start moving."

"Agreed," Dar said as he laid back in his pod. "Kat, give me the plot."

"Done. Gravitic thrusters online."

"Gravitic thrusters?" Ross asked.

"Correct," Kat replied. "We're rerouting some of our gravitic controls to use as thrust for the ship, rather than use our own fusion thrusters."

"Ahh, I get it," Pete crowed. "Any gravitic surge the other ship detects will be assumed to be just another rift phenomenon."

"That's correct," Kat confirmed. "We will alter the line of our travel to make our course more difficult to plot. We don't want anyone able to plot a smooth line out of the data if they are detecting our thrust."

"you make it sound like you've had lots of practice at this stealth stuff," Anya observed.

"That's absolutely right," Dar said from the pod. "A great many of our Space Marine's missions were covert. Landing undetected, within a planetary defense net was tricky business."

"You guys are natural born smugglers!" Anya laughed.

"No, don't laugh," Pete said semi-seriously. "Between Dar, Kat and the ship itself, that has always been our primary fallback position since we found each other. So far we've mostly been lucky, all we've smuggled so far is people."

"We're getting close to a large mass of some kind," Kat called. "low-grade, rocky detritus, but it will let us run on normal thrust for a while. Hang on, as we're going to do a brief bump on full thrust and a hard rotate at the same time."

The warning was just in time, as suddenly the three humans found themselves swaying to one side while feeling the deck drop out from under them for just a second. Ross was sitting at the nav station, but Pete and Anya were standing, and Anya swayed into Pete, who grabbed her around the waist to steady her.

"I think the ship did that for you on purpose," she teased him as he continued to hold onto her as the ship steadied again.

"If only I could talk Kat into doing anything like that for me," he teased back. Neither of them were quick to move apart.

"This seems so strange, compared to the life I've been living," Anya said quietly as they watched the ship's display show them the twisting, convoluted path they took through the inner debris of the rift.

"Your life on Keeler?" Pete asked.

"No, this is different than that too," Anya laughed softly, "But I meant different than what I've been doing since the exile. I was an office drone, working as a purchasing specialist. I got up every day and walked to work from a one bedroom apartment. I clocked in at 8 every morning and clocked out every evening at six. I packed a lunch, or I ate vendor food. A particularly exciting week would include a weekend concert or a trip to the ocean."

"Oh, that doesn't sound too bad," Pete said.

"It was dull and comfortable." Anya shuddered, then more softly. "And lonely."

Pete squeezer her a little more tightly, but they pulled apart then, both of them still not sure if this was right. Kat chose that moment to break their reverie with an excited announcement. "I've got something on sceeen, and it's big!"

"Where," Dar asked. "Zoom in."

"Here," Kat called, circling a section of the display in red and zooming in until it filled the screen.

"What the hell is that?" Ross asked. The three humans were staring at a twisted mass larger than anything they'd seen before. Far larger than the Catamount.

"Unable to determine at this time," Kat answered.

"I'm going to swing around it," Dar sent. The far side of the object appeared to be in better shape, with far smoother lines that more closely resembled the Catamount's sleek features.

"It's too small and too complete to be the Kuros," Kat observed.

"I agree, too big to be a fast cruiser or a cruiser/destroyer," Dar added.

"It could be a heavy cruiser, but if it is, its lost a third of its mass," Kat said after a while. "We need a closer look at the other end."

"Agreed," Dar said, and the ship spun as he turned it, matching words with action. A quick burst of power sent them towards the far end of the wreck.

"The Sondag really built big, didn't they?" Anya breathed.

"They do," Pete said, reminding her that the Sondag were still a present tense civilization, if unimaginably distant. "That thing is at last twice the size of the biggest Federation Battleship ever built, and they say a third of it appears to be missing."

"Its not even the biggest class of ship in their fleet," Ross said from where he sat. "It's a good thing they're so distant, and rifts are so unreliable. I'd hate to see what they would do to human space if they had access to it,"

"Confirm, the drive and power sections of that ship appear to have been vaporized," Kat said.

"But it looks like a solid bulkhead survived," Dar said after twisting the Catamount around the jagged end of the hulk. The hydroponics section is probably a disaster, but it might have maintained atmospheric integrity."

"Doing a broad spectrum scan," Kat replied.

"What kind of scan?" Ross asked.

"She's looking for air," Dar answered. "And signs of life"

"Is that possible?" Anya asked.

"Possible, yes," Dar replied. After a long pause he added, "Likely? No. Not very likely at all."

"I"m sorry," Kat said after a while. "We do have some pockets of air in the remains, but there's nothing alive aboard."

"I'm sorry," Anya echoed, Pete and Ross muttering their own sympathy.

"No, it wasn't why we were here in the first place," Dar said. "It would have been a happy surprise, perhaps, but we're here for salvage, not a rescue.

"True enough, my friend," Pete sighed. "True enough. That doesn't mean we can't be wishing it were so, for your sake."

"Thank you," Dar said as Ross and Anya expressed their agreement. "It is good to have friends willing to look after you, but we're delaying our purpose here."

"That too is true," Pete said, shaking off the sense of melancholy that had surrounded them all. "We need to tag that hulk, to stake our claim, since we've got competition in-system. Kat? Can you do it with a drone, or should I suit up?"

"The drone is on its way, Pete," Kat announced. "We do have quite a few more smaller pieces of debris here we need to check on as well."

All right," Pete said. "How shall we proceed? Biggest to smallest?"

"The sensors are still too unreliable to make that meaningful," Kat reminded them. We should move to the largest nearby piece and rescan from there, moving to the next piece."

"Are we worried about finding every piece that is identifiably of non-human origin?" Pete asked.

"I think we should be, unless it proves too formidable a task," Dar said.

"All right, then the three of us are going to suit up," Pete announced, looking to the other two for support. "We need to be ready to go at a moment's notice if you do run across something we can't fetch with drones."

An hour, and twenty three pieces of debris later, Ross yelled. "What is that?"

"Oh my," Dar said when he saw the highlighted object.

"Indeed," Kat added.

"Well?" Pete and Anya added, watching from the galley's remote display.

"That," Dar laughed. "Is an orbital missile platform. What the hell is it doing here?"

"It must have expended all its missiles early in the action," Kat speculated. "It would have pulled out of orbit once it had expended all its ordnance and headed for the rendezvous point."

"These things don't have long range drives. It would have had to wait to be pulled aboard one of the bulk transports."

"Perhaps it piggy-backed on one of the damaged ships like the Kuros," Kat speculated. "A lot of those ships had no fighters to pick up for the retreat."

"I suppose, but how did it get away from the sneak attack as we approached the rift?"

"Would they have had to jettison it to make transition?" Pete asked. "I know our own transition calculations require pretty accurate calculations on mass and volume."

"That is a distinct possibility," Dar growled. "I hope they got the crew off first."

"Probably," Kat said hesitantly.

"What?" all four of the flesh and blood crew asked at once.

"There is no atmosphere on board that I can detect, but there is minimal power."

"What are you holding back Kat," Dar growled even louder.

"Sir, there may be active stasis units on board. In an emergency, that is where crew would be directed to go."

"Ahh, fangs and blood!" Dar cursed. "Get us over there, and see if it still has working airlocks. If so, we need one as close to the med bay as we can get. Where's my EV suit?"

Kat moved the ship quickly to the med bay airlock, as Dar got his extravehicular suit over his shipsuit. He asked Pete and Anya to accompany him. Ross remained on the bridge in case Kat needed him.

"These corridors are smaller than the ones on the Caramount," Anya observed soon after they'd entered the wreck.

"This platform didn't have to worry about accomodating space marines," Dar answered. "I am slightly taller than the average Sondag, except for the space marines and some of the other combat specialists. Most places on Sondag worlds are designed for people my size."

"doesn't that make it awkward for the space marines when they are off duty planetside?" Pete asked.

"Space Marines have their own enclaves," Dar told them. "They seldom ventured into normal Sondag towns and cities.

"And yet they were the Sondag ideal?" Anya asked.

"I never claimed we Sondag were perfect," Dar said. "We have our foibles, just as humans do."

"I suppose," Pete agreed. "Is that it?" He shined a light on a door with visible lights further down the corridor.

"That it is," Dar said, moving faster. By the time Pete and Anya caught up to him he was poring over the readouts on the door.

"What's it look like?" Pete asked.

"There's no atmosphere in the med bay, but it appears to be airtight. We should be able to pump an atmosphere in there if we have to."

"Are we going to have to?"

"I hope not. If there's anyone in there, it would be better to take the entire stasis pod to the Catamount and process it there. If the pod has enough stored power to make the trip."

"We can't find out standing here," Anya urged them. Dar nodded, something impossible to do in a human engineered space suit.

There may not have been air in the med bay, but there were lights. A half dozen stasis pods sat resting at an angle along one wall and Dar rushed over to them immediately. Pete and Anya stayed by the entrance, waiting for word from Dar.

"We do have someone in this pod!" Dar called out excitedly. "It looks like its intact and has power!"

"All right, can we get air in here?" Pete asked.

"We need an EV suit for whoever's in there first," Dar said. "I didn't think to bring one."

"Shouldn't there be suits here?" Anya asked.

"Sure, emergency suits at least," Dar agreed. He quickly began rummaging through the med bay's storage units. "Here we go," he said in triumph. "We'd have to carry the survivor across to the Catamount, but at least they'd survive the trip in this."

"Okay, then lets try and cycle the lock and see if we get an atmosphere in here."

"Right," Dar agreed, waving Pete towards the lock. "Its just like the med bay lock on the Catamount. Go ahead."

Pete turned towards the airlock and realized other than the markings, which here were all still in Sondag, it was identical to what he was used to on the Catamount. "Cycling," he called.

Several minutes later it was obvious that nothing was happening. The airlock's readouts continued to signal that they were attempting to pressurize the area, but the indicator was cycling indefinitely with no sign of change. Pete looked at his own suit's display.

"I don't read any change in atmospheric pressure at all," he said at last.

"Same here," Anya confirmed.

"I'm guessing that wherever the system gets its air from, that it is no longer functioning." Pete said.

"It looks like you're right," Dar said, his shoulders visibly drooping. "Looks like we'll have to move the stasis pod and all."

It took Dar only a few minutes to determine that the pod itself didn't have sufficient power to keep the stasis unit functioning during a transfer to the Catamount.

"What can we do?" Anya asked.

"I don't know," Pete told her. "I don't know if its safe to try to make the med bay airtight."

"What about moving the platform?"

"Where to? This thing is too big to fit in any of the Catamount's holds, even if we took the Bugaboo out first."

"We need to look more closely at the wreckage of that heavy cruiser," Dar announced at once. "That's the only thing with a chance of having an airtight chamber large enough to hold the platform."

"That's nuts," Pete spat. "Dar, you're not thinking straight here. Show me what parts of this room you need to be airtight, and lets think about making it that way first, before we go off on any hair-brained scheme like moving this huge wreck into another huge wreck while hovering near an interstellar rift!"

"All right, all right," Dar stammered. "Lets see ... we need the pod of course and enough room around it to stand, plus enough room for two people to get whoever is in the the pod into an envirosuit, or an evac bubble. Suit would be better given the damage we'd have to pass through on the way back out of here."

"All right then," Pete crowed. We can do that! "Ross, you listening in?"

"Yes, Kat and I both, of course. What do you need?"

"I need you to bring over two rolls of the heavy duty construction sheeting, a case of the sealant foam and three or four rolls of Jeffries tape. We're going to need air bottles too, enough to fill this room to at least a survivable pressure. Oh! and don't forget the fogger and a bunch of patch seals."

"Got it!"

"Ross can gather these things," Kat chimed in."but I will have drones bring the air bottles over. There would be too much to manage otherwise, even if you came back to assist."

"Good," Pete said. "Get moving. We don't know how much time we have. Do we Dar?"

"No, the power seems steady, but it is not a self-contained system. It could fail at any time."

"Okay, lets get busy. What am I forgetting. Anyone?"

"Heat," Anya said after a while. "We're in our suits so we don't feel it, but this area is going to be as cold as space, and releasing all that compressed air into it won't make it feel warmer. We'll need to heat it."

the three humans already worked well together, even after so few weeks had passed. It didn't surprise them at all that Dar, once out of his pilot's pod, joined seamlessly into the mix. The work, and the frantic pace of it kept him from the frenetic loss of focus he'd suffered from earlier. Everyone understood. This pod represented the chance that he would not have to live out his days without the companionship of one of his own race. Three hours later they were as done as they had any hope of being.

"We filled the room to partial pressure, and then began heating the air," Ross explained. "Heating it also improves the pressure some. If we filled it to full pressure and then heated it, we could wind up over-pressurizing it, and our jury rigged seals could blow out."

Anya nodded at the explanation. After all this time, it wouldn't do to make a silly mistake now and ruin everything. As it was, there was nothing left for anyone to do but wait for the temperature to rise enough to risk opening the pod.

"You will all have to remain in your suits for now," Dar cautioned them again. "Our rescue will seem confusing enough in these conditions without a new and unknown race brought into the mix. Enough time for that once we're back on the Catamount."

There was still a leak somewhere they couldn't find, but it was a slow one. They kept one of the air bottles cracked open slightly to compensate. Once the room was warmed enough to make the surfaces of everything merely cold to the touch rather than dangerous to bare skin, Dar cycled the stasis unit. The four of them watched as the recovery sequence went through its routine, until finally, there was a hiss, and the pod's hatch popped open, slowly opening like a clamshell. Dar stepped forward.

"You're all right," he said in Sondag. Pete and Ross knew enough of it by now to understand slowly spoken sentences, but Anya was clueless in the language yet.

"Where am I?"

"On the other side of the Volmon Rift. Beyond the transit point."

"Who are you?"

"My name is Dar. I was the pilot of the assault shuttle Kadamon."

"We survived the attack?"

"We must wait for more questions. The wreck of the orbital platform is not stable, and we need to get you into an envirosuit and over to the med bay in our ship."

"The stasis units are amazing, and do what they were designed to," Dar told them later in the galley. "But our guest needs a little time in the med bay to deal with issues resulting from the planetary battle and the sneak attack we suffered during our retreat. She should be out of the unit in a day or two – she was suffering mostly from dehydration and a lot of small scratches and scrapes."

"We've been busy while you were attending to our guest," Kat told him. "We've collected 63 pieces of debris large enough to be recognizable as of non-human origin, aside from the orbital platform and the heavy cruiser remnant."

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BurrChapter 20 Alice

At lunchtime on Monday, January 20th a near-riot broke out around the main bulletin board. Second quarter rankings were posted and all one hundred fifty-eight cadets were trying to check their class standing at the same time. A trampled hat caused a fight to erupt between two cadets and others to soon join in the fray. Two senior cadets attempted to restore order, only to find themselves drawn into the skirmish. Colonel Travis finally dispersed the mob by setting off the fire alarm. We...

1 year ago
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MyBabysittersClub Victoria Vargaz Getting Fucked Over Spilt Milk

Victoria Vargaz was a new babysitter on the scene sent to one of the clubs well established clients. She better not fuck up! He gave her the standard tour of the house and was sure to put extra emphasis on the master bedroom being off limits. Sure enough that was the first room that Victoria went in to, and she noticed a super cute pair of heels that must have been her clients wifes. She decided to try them on and quickly remembered that she sucked at walking in heels. She kept them on to go...

3 years ago
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Mazhar ka sex

Hello Its MAZHAR once again with another good experience. I received a lot of e-mails in response that cause me to tell another incident that happens in late. Lets tell u about my friend Summera first she is 20 years of age with very sex figures, fair color, medium breast (34),& amazingly heavy butts(38). She is 7 years younger to me. One day I went her home to convey some message. She was wearing very tight blue shalwar kamiz in which uske jism ke nisheeb -o- faraz prominent the. Main kitchen...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 10

Bedtime seemed to come early out in the valley. I was very tired, having ditched the wheelchair and attempted to keep up with Breaker all day. It seemed like I was barely asleep when he was shaking me awake, with a finger to my lips to keep me from speaking. “Shhhhhh ... we have a little company and I need to get you out of here in case their intentions are less than honorable...” I dressed in a heartbeat and he lifted me out a side window facing away from the valley entrance. Just as I...

4 years ago
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New beginnings

I stood in front of our new house, in my new town. It was your classic detached house in the suburbs white picket fence and all. "Hey I know it's our new house but help me move some of this," Jessie yelled stood by the car. I had the house a week and we already had the movers set up the house. We just had to move what we brought up in the car. Jessie was stood by the car, her long blond hair tied in a ponytail. dressed some casual jeans and white T-shirt showing off her tattoos going down her...

Mind Control
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The Passenger Seat Chapter 1 Wood

WOOD THE MOVING TRUCK was a welcome surprise.For months, Tara watched prospective buyers come and go from the house next door. Couples, singles and families. Some older than her. Some younger. And for months, she hoped for new neighbors.It wasn’t that she didn’t enjoy the privacy of their remote home. In fact, part of the appeal when they bought the house was its secluded lot, and the fact that it was entirely wooded on one side.It was simply that Tara sometimes felt alone.Her husband’s job...

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T. was a sexually frustrated 17-year-old boy and M. was an equally frustrated 38-year-old mother. The attraction was instant!For months the pussy footed around each other, socially imposed inhibitions and the demands their different lives imposed on them. But they both wanted and in a way they both knew the other party wanted it. So when T. got a text on his phone from M. saying she was feeling quite poorly could he please help, his heart started pounding in his chest.Apparently, M. had called...

1 year ago
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What Happens in Vegas Part 1

The Explanation The computer mouse danced over multiple LCD monitors as Brian listened with lax enthusiasm to the various voices talking through the speakers. CNBC played on a large television near the window, the volume only barely discernible. Two German Shepherds were strewn along the two couches near the window, lying lazily as if waiting for Brian to finally find a tennis ball to throw. The various Directors from Finance, Sales and Operations recited their monthly reports: sales, profits,...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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At Her Fuck Call

"Oh fuck yeah!" she cried, Kyle fucking her even harder. "Oh yeah, take that dick you fucking slut!" He picked up speed and began ramming his dick into her tight ass and Victoria rubbed herself to a powerful orgasm before Kyle grunted and dumped his massive load into her. "Shit..." he groaned, pulling his still solid cock from her asshole. "Fuck that was good," Victoria chuckled as she stood, signaling for Melanie to come in and take her turn. "Having your interview today?" Kyle...

4 years ago
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Britney Fucked In The Penthouse

Britney Fucked In The Penthouse A few weeks ago my little sister Kate, won first prize in a radio station's phone in competition. She was delighted as the prize was two tickets to meet her idol Britney Spears and she had to interview the pop princess for the radio station. My Mum wasn't going to let Kate go as neither Mum or Dad could get time off work to take Kate to the gig, and they would not let their 12 year old daughter to go on her own with out some one to take care of her. I said...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Emily Willis DP Threesome Squirt

Award-winning sex star Emily Willis flaunts her hot legs and delicious body, eagerly teasing. The brazen babe talks dirty and stuffs a glass toy into her holes, soon joining Rob Piper and Jax Slayher for a raunchy fuck and more — they’re all hot for intense, pounding double penetration! Sweet Emily whimpers as two big black cocks fill her up, and she slobbers while giving a nasty, ass-to-mouth blowjob. This hardcore anal-and-DP threesome serves up rude gaping, Emily’s orgasmic...

4 years ago
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My Stepfather 5

I had mixed emotions. On one hand, though I had heard of them since I first met Daddy I had never met them. The only thing I really knew about them was that they both played high school football. As Daddy had played football that meant a lot to him. I didn’t know what, if anything Daddy had said about me, especially since when he had married my late mother I hadn’t made my transformation. At the least I figured I would have a couple of weeks where Daddy wouldn’t make a lot of demands on...

2 years ago
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turning poing ch 3

Life went on as usual for the next two and a half weeks. I would do my chores spend as much time as I could at the lake. The fishing was so good Dad was giving some of the fish to his buddies at work. I was trying everything I could think of sexually. Some time I would pump my cock and finger my ass until I was about to cum. Then I would stop pumping, roll myself over until my cock was over my mouth then I would push my fingers up my ass until I touched that little spot. Then I would...

2 years ago
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Banner YearChapter 26

The night of Beth Hall's visit, Cal slept no better than his former basketball coach. The remarks of both Coach Hall and his wife obviously referred to Chad Clark. But why would Chad be Hall's presumed starting point guard? Everyone had known that Cal was destined for that spot. Chad was not even a capable reserve. As Cal lay awake for an unprecedented hour, random memories from the last eight months cycled through his mind. Every once in a while, one of them stood out. Principal...

3 years ago
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Marys Bet

Part 1 – The Game ‘Who ever wins, the other one has to be a sex slave for a day.’ Those words had rattled around in my mind all day. Mary loved to bet on things, and we loved competing – from silly things like online games, to racing to get somewhere, anything. The bets were frequently trivial – taking out the trash, doing the dishes, cooking dinner. Every now and then we’d bet something sexual, but this one was a biggie. Not that I was worried about losing (or course, neither was she). As...

1 year ago
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Incident at Cafe Orlin a Hartstein Story

The next few days flew by as far as Paul was concerned. On the one hand, he wanted to arrange another get together with Nadine, but was stuck on just who to bring into their little game playing. On the other hand, that morning Carol had called to tell him that Regal Publishing was ready to market his novel--that he would be expected to appear on the Today Show that Friday and Oprah on Tuesday and that he needed to come in to Regal’s offices that afternoon to cram for both shows--meaning the...

1 year ago
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A sissy maid finally caught

What does a crossdresser do when they have just got home from yet another boring day, packing boxes at a factory for minimum wage, dressed in boring man's clothes? It's a rhetorical question, because we all know what comes next. I shaved myself and went to my bedroom to put on a full face of makeup, following an online tutorial. It looked great, more convincing than ever, with dashing crimson lipstick and matching fake nails, and a stunning blonde wig. And then, to the wardrobe, containing all...

3 years ago
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K4 Niece Katy is a Team Player

K4 Niece Katy is a Team PlayerBy billy69boyAfter dropping my wife off at the airport, I was downright giddy with excitement. My darling niece Katy lived only a few minutes away and I had arranged to stop by and visit with her. As I waited for her to answer the door, I wondered if she would be in a playful mood. I knew her boyfriend Jimmy was out of state on a training session, and wouldn’t be back for a few more days. Katy’s daughter was down South staying with her father for the month, so...

4 years ago
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Breeding an Arab Baby

***This is NOT my story, but the work of another. I am requesting to share it here, for the spicy and erotic nature of the content. Any and all credit is due to the magnificent author, who enticed me to a spicy evening at home!***-------------------------------------------------------This work is copyrighted to the author © 2014. Pleasedo not remove the author information nor make any changes to this story. All rights reserved. Thank you for your...

3 years ago
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Ants at BEESChapter 5

I was back at the Museum on Monday. It had been a very strange weekend. No. More than just very strange. I had had Jenny drop me off on campus. "Did I come on too strong?" "Not at all. It's just that tonight's already taken. Give me your number. I'll call." She gave it to me. "Not too early. My flatmates like to sleep in." "Eleven?" "Should be fine." She gave me another kiss, I got my portfolio from the rear seat and I watched her drive off. I walked home and went upstairs...

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How to Say Good Morning

I look over and see you lying there, your eyes closed and your chest moving up and down with every breath. It’s dark and quiet and I can feel the heat from your body against my bare skin. I glide my fingers down your cheek and graze your jaw with my nails. You turn your head towards me, but your eyes are still closed, heavy with sleep. I lean up on my elbows and stare at your peaceful face as you sleep. But the growing wetness between my thighs tells me that I don’t want this to be a peaceful...

2 years ago
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Betli Must Be PlayedChapter 2 The Robber Ulti

Paul: Pablo and I became very excited about John's invitation and when my girlfriend worked in the mall Saturdays or Sundays, we organized the Robber Ulti training. John's wife Heather was a dyed blond haired, blue eyed and tall woman with D cup breasts. They had a three-year old son, and a two-year old daughter. Pablo took his new wife, Gina to John's house. Gina came from an Italian origin family and she was of an average height, black haired, brown-eyed, young woman with C cup breasts,...

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The Guy Next Door Chapter 8

The Guy Next Door – Chapter 8 Jane and Matt arrived home at the same time. Matt had actually parked down the street a little. He decided it would be safer if he kept all the toys, just to save Jane’s blushes. Jane rang the doorbell and looked at Matt, he winked at her and smiled then disappeared inside his own house. Jane rang the doorbell again. There was no answer, she eventually rummaged around in her bag for the keys and opened it herself, she struggled in with her bags. She sighed and...

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BestGirlfriendEver II

*************************************** After fucking my girlfriend's little sister for the first on the living room floor the night before, the three of us made our way to their parents bedroom to enjoy the larger bed. There, on her parents bed, I fucked Jackie two more times. I got behind her and held on to her narrow hip as I pounded her hard, shoving my cock hard into her tight little cunt over and over. The third time, she rode me cowgirl style. This was my favorite position. On...

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Candice Summer Sucking

I was as high as the weed smoke that lingered above our heads. We’d been hiding underneath some hanging trees for at least a few hours, trying to escape the heat.I half shut my eyes at the sting of the blinding sunset; silhouettes danced against a backdrop of orange and pink hues. I smiled at an inflatable starfish that bounced off into the horizon; the tentacles swayed in sync with the distant sound of house music playing off someone’s phone.Something poked my shoulder; it was a pretty pink...

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Angel S1 E7 Event Horizon

Angel S:1E:7 "Event Horizon" By G.M. Shephard Copyright 2012 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Megan was glad to finally be home after such a long journey. She sat bundled up in a blanket at her kitchen table with a bottle of wine, going through her mail. She was able to deduce roughly at which point Brad started screwing around on her by the neatness of the mail piles. The first few months, Brad had meticulously sorted each envelope into...

1 year ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 1

Infant, toddler, child, adolescent, adult, and geriatric reflect the changes in the physical body over the course of a full lifetime. More important than changes in the body, are the different roles a person plays in the theater of life. A small sample of roles a person can hold include friend, employee, boss, lover, spouse, leader, follower, parent, grandparent, consumer, producer, and provider. A life isn’t being lived, unless a huge number of roles are being played. As the number of roles...

2 years ago
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Sexy SMS

This is the story tonightYou opened ... It looks ... Big smile ... Absolute class.It can not be explained ... Maturity, experience, class and elegance of the vocabulary ... Any jurisdiction within youAnd that makes me smart with my texting, I am what, you impress me so much ...Beautiful shoes, feet to fall, your legs with stockings, it's ...This cleavage, I imagine your chest ... But in truth, it is waouuuhIn short, we parley, we eat ...It rises in the chamber, shyness settles ... This timidity...

3 years ago
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Ravager Scourges of the Eastern Fringe Epilogue

Elise knew it had not always been this way. Once, she had been a proud marine in the small but skilled planetary defense force of the fledgling colony of Priivar V. She vaguely remembered being there for several years - but recent events had clouded all of this away. Her old life was gone - This was her new life. She did not know how long she had been here, only that she had been in pain since the stun blast hit her. Yes, she thought, gathering her muddled thoughts - the stun blast. She...

4 years ago
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Living Erotically

[This story is being written and published in a mix of mobile and laptop work, please be patient.] An announcement sounds over the PA system. It generic, and doesn’t seem to catch anyone's attention but your own. "Welcome, you have arrived in Little Whesk. Please enjoy your stay!" Little Whesk is not a small city by any means, despite the name. With a population of 65,000, this place is known as the 'great city of voyeurs'. Public decency laws are practically non-existent, and you can see...

2 years ago
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In Vino Veritas

We’re on our first date, first real date. Not that staying in the apartment with Amy is a drag (you’ve read the stories…), but we live in a college town, and it’s Friday night. Aside from all the sex (again… you read the stories), it has been a busy week. I spent as much time leaning over the kitchen table writing as I did lying under Amy, fucking. Once in a while, you want to look at four walls other than your own, drink out of someone else’s glasses, piss in someone else’s toilet,...

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My Wife My Hooker

Even though Amiee is an absolute slut in bed, we have never brought anyone else in. She has always said "I am your slut and your slut only. You can do with me as you please and I will never say no." I always took this as noone else can fuck her. One night (while fucking her in the ass) I decided to bring up the possibility of having her fuck some other people. Aimee was on her hands and knees on the floor with me behind her ripping her ass the pieces. I grabbed a hand full of hair and...

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surprise at the park

Finishing up our work shift, my buddy Jim asked "You wanna go to the park and smoke some herb? I just got some great stuff." "You bet", I replied. Our wives worked together as nurses and wouldn't be home for several hours. I knew my wife would be mad if I was buzzed, but what the hell, it was Friday. We stopped on the way to buy a six-pack of beer and a pint of Jack Daniels. I was slightly leery of this because of a possible DUI getting home, but also because I get a little crazy on the...

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Nisha Sex

Main Iss ka regular reader hun aur bahut si kahanian maine phari hain net par . Un stories ko phar kar mere ko laga ki main bhi 1 kahani likh dun jo ki meri asli kahani hai . Pahile main aap logon ko apne bare main batata hun . Main 35 saal ka male hun . Main jhansi ka rahne wala hun hun .meri height 5’9 inches hai sharir se kuch mota hun par merapet bahar nahi hai .mere lund ka size 6 inches hai aur yeh kafi sakth aur mota hai . Ab main asli stori sunata hun . Main un dino 11 class main pharta...

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Shilpa Ki Seal Todi

Hello friends, this is vishal, mai aapko apne life ka ek real incident batane ja raha hu, Shilpa mere chote mama ki ladki hai, mujhse umar me 12 sal choti hai, mai 28 ka hu or vo 16 sal ki. Vo class 10 me padhti hai or mere ghar k kareeb hi school me aati hai. ek din vo school k bad ghar aayi or mujhse kaha, “bhaiya, facebook me account banana galat Bat hai kya? Mere sare friends ka account to hai facebook me…” Maine jawaab diya “nahi”, fir vo boli, “to papa or ma mujhe mana kyu karte...

3 years ago
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My Life is better as a girl

I could seem to keep a GF for very long and again had to pay for everything alone , end of month was a source of stress i couldn't shove off my headI was alone watching Netflix and getting drunk on a friday night I got horny and decided i would cum in her panty she left behind when she quit melooking for the bag she never came to pickupi took her little panty in my hand, the smooth cloth making me feel good around my cock as i strokeshe left 3 pir and i dont know why nut i felt the need of...

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Hi Im Tracy Tanner

Hi! I'm Tracy - Tracy Tanner ? and this is my story! I won't start at the beginning because I know you haven't got all day. The first thing you need to know is that my mother is a witch. Well, kind of. I've never seen her boiling eye of newt or heard her casting spells in Latin, but things just seem to happen around her. Especially to anyone who gets on her wrong side. I'll tell you what I mean. At our old house, our next door neighbour had a big German shepherd that always used to get...

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The 3 Megans Reposted and updated

My first story begins with Val, the story of how he lost his virginity. Believe it or not, but this is what he said... There were three Megans: Megan M., Megan H., and Megan W., Each a different personality, clique and look. Megan M. was a tall, slender, attractive girl; she had a light brown hair that went to just below her shoulders and light brown eyes. She was very athletic, Varsity Soccer and Volleyball. She was a shy girl who had the kindest of voices. She was the kind of girl...

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The GeneralChapter 6

Mark made an appointment to meet Holly Saunders at the same motel at which he had first met her mother, Claire. While there was some facial resemblance to Claire, Holly must have inherited most of her father's genes. Save for her smile, which was identical to her mom's, Holly charm was limited to her bouncy personality. She would never be one to make all heads turn when she entered a room. "Hi, Mr. Wilcox. I'm Holly Saunders. My mom has told me many nice things about you. I am very glad...

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my best friend me new lover part 1

I am a 28 yr old recently divorced woman, Who happens tto like both men and women and has always enjoyed sex ore with women than men and about 6 in a half months ago i started sleeping with my best male friend and have since decided that i love sex with a man. Ok so maybe not any man this man,But whatever enough let me tell you how we started this wonderful feeling love affair ladies get out your toys and men get oyur ladies mouth ready your gonna need it.. So he and I were both married to...

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Reverse Pickup

REVERSE PICK UP K. Moore We were sitting alone in the apartment of the beautiful, but mysterious lady who had picked me up in the bar. I had just drunk a strange drink that she laughingly said was the best potion she knew how to make. As she came back from the kitchen, she seductively opened up the top of her low-necked blouse. I immediately rose to the occasion (so to speak), and moved forward on the couch, preparing to reach for her. It was then that I knew something was...

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For The Money by loyalsock

"Hey, everybody," Gene shouted, "watch this," just before in did a wild somersault off the diving board into his back yard pool!!! The rest of the crowd gave him a mock standing ovation and Tom called out, "I'd give that one a three and a half," and everyone roared with laughter and then went back to making conversation and nursing their drinks! It was the usual crowd, the four couples who had been fast friends since they moved into the subdivision twenty odd years ago. In the summer it was...

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Demi home from the Navy

Hi im J, for full details read my previous posts , So this was Demis first weekend leave after her first 8 weeks in the Navy and i had booked a really nice hotel in town as both our own homes had other people home that weekend, So Demi came to my home to pick me up as arranged and as i came down my path she got out of the car to greet me with a really nice hug and a very sexy kiss, wow lady you have been hitting the weights i said as she almost lifted me off the floor, i stepped back to look at...

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A Change of Mind

A Change Of Mind By lrscymru This is my first ever story, I hope you enjoy it. ************************************** Richard had always known that there was something different about himself. He was twenty eight years old and still living at home with his widowed mother. An only child, he remembered clearly his mother saying to his father "I wish we had a daughter instead of a son". Little did she know that after the death of his father, five years previously, he had secretly...

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Jasmine Learns The Ropes

“Good morning daddy,” chirped Jasmine walking down the stairway in her nightie.Caffeine was not required to tune into the fact my daughter’s supple 15 year old frame was filling in nicely these days.“What’s for breakfast?”Wish it were your nipples soaked in maple syrup so I could swirl my tongue around them for a while, I thought. “Pancakes,” I answered.Plumping her petite five foot nothing frame on the sofa and resting her feet up on a table caused my boner to press up hard against my jeans,...

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First Encounter With Aunty

I am narrating my first story. I am regular reader of ISS. This happened 12 years back when I was 20 years of age. Now I am 32 years old. This is the true incident which happened in my life a memorable and sweet experience. My name is Abhi from Bangalore. (Name changed). I am here submitted story about the encounter with my aunty who is far relative of mine. First I like to tell you about my aunty her name is Megha (Name Changed). She also from Bangalore only. When this encounter has happened...

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Taking Morna

Thanks to the Hip and Knee doctor of editing assistance. * The mist completely covered the whole valley in front of the cabin. According to Monica, it was the most beautiful sight in the world. It was easy to see why she had requested that her ashes be scatter there. It was just the three of us, my son Robert and daughter Logan stood by my side as the wind picked up bits of ash from my hand and carried them off. The cabin was on 120 acres of land that was a little bit North of Hytop and...

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Shirley Gets A Fucking From Steve

Things had been going well in the three weeks since Gaby Harrington, Mandy Batchelor and Steve Prentice had had their first threesome. They had had one more threesome but there had also been a lot of one-to-one sex with Steve fucking both of the mature women on separate occasions and the two women, again, having lesbian sex.Mandy was a barmaid in a local hotel and when she did evenings, she normally worked with Shirley Morrison. The women were of similar age with Shirley being fifty-five to...

1 year ago
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Janu Flix! I won't stop clicking until you let me see that goddamn video! I am determined to see the MILF banging in a chair, even if it cost me five more minutes and an endless amount of Shit, Fuck and Fuck You! The ads are fucking killing me, and I am being nice! It is literally impossible to start a video on januflix.com from ads, ads on top of ads, then new ads, pop-up and pop-under ads, boring ads, ads that can't be closed, random pages, fucking adddddsssss!Click to watch onlOne is another...

Indian Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Out of Body Experince

Out of Body Experience by Paul1954 Well I never thought that I would ever get to experience what I am going through right now. There was never even the remotest possibility that I could ever be in the situation that you see me in today as I grew up with all the dreams of a typically healthy young man. My junior years consisted almost entirely of me wanting to be the best footballer on the planet and my teenage years of wanting to be the worlds hottest rock star. I wanted to be...

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