New Kid Easy Like Sunday Morning
- 4 years ago
- 60
- 0
The contents of the suitcase overflowed onto the rumpled bed. Sport jackets and underwear mingled with battered paperback novels, bars of hand soap, and creased snapshots of a middle-aged couple embracing a gangling adolescent.
Ben could barely contain his excitement. He had arrived in Manhattan all of three hours ago, and already he felt he belonged. Even the luggage tag proclaimed him an official inhabitant of the city: "Benjamin Davis Carper, New York, NY."
He had plans. Big plans.
Just think of all the lonely women out there in the Big Town. Women who needed a man at their side. Women who needed a man to warm their bed. Women desperate enough to pay for sex. He was going to be an escort, a boyfriend for hire, a gigolo.
There were a couple of minor barriers between him and the realization of his dream. He didn't have enough money to establish himself. Not even enough to buy nice threads, the kind a classy woman had a right to expect of someone squiring her around.
The other little complication was that he was a virgin. He had no clue as to how to please a woman in bed. Well then, it took a lot of balls to charge women for on-the-job training. He had the balls, all right. He could figure out how to use them later.
Three hundred dollars left. That should cover two more nights in this fleabag hotel, with enough left over for mels. First objective: get some kind of job until the bucks started rolling in from all the lonely broads.
They had laughed at him. Just three short weeks ago he had still been walking the halls of Warren Harding High, enduring the taunts and snickers of his classmates. Supernerd, they called him. Well, anyone with more of an interest in reading than TV watching, anyone who preferred 60's folk rock to hip hop and heavy metal, anyone who actually studied and learned was bound to be labeled weird. But he had become an outcast. A pariah. A scapegoat. The butt of cruel pranks. The all-purpose victim.
No girlfriend, no affection, no affirmation of self-worth. He was starved for sex. He craved to be touched, just to be touched in a loving way by a woman. He had even, on a couple of occasions, worked up the courage to ask a classmate for a date. The girls had laughingly turned him down. Unwanted. Rejected. A reject, that's what he was.
Was. That was the past, but this was the present. He had done a lot of thinking while serving time in that damn prison of a school. He was going to change his life. Not only was he going to have a love life, but he'd make a damn fine living from it. He'd show them.
He had spent an entire day in the employment office sitting on a hard wooden bench with his thumb up his butt. Finally got to speak to a counselor. She hadn't been very encouraging.
"You just blew into town, did you? And you're expecting a job to be waiting? We're in the middle of a major recession here, or hadn't you noticed? Unfortunately, we can't refer you for any positions at this time, but you might want to come back next week. Maybe something will turn up by then."
Next week? If he waited that long, he'd be living in a shelter and eating out of a tin plate at a mission. A change in strategy was definitely in order.
Homesteading in Tompkin Square Park was hardly his idea of luxurious accommodations. Crawling out of the sleeping bag in the morning with the sun in his eyes and a stiff back truly bit the big one. At least it was warm at night this time of year.
Time to get some food and hot coffee into his belly before work. It was only a couple of blocks' walk to the nearest "All Things For All People" branch. It was similar to a mission, but you didn't have to listen to a sermon and sing hymns before eating. They fed the homeless and did assorted other good works.
It was convenient, "living" within walking distance of work. Didn't have to use precious funds for transportation. A hell of a strange workplace, though. It was actually a vacant lot amid tinned-up abandoned tenements.
"Where's Juan?"
"Juan no more. I new boss, Tony. Get'a you ass a working."
Ben grabbed the cutting torch and crawled under the nearest car. Funny, he had never thought he'd actually be using the rudimentary skills learned in metal shop for making money. Making money dismantling cars. He was a chop man in a chop shop. Fifty bucks a day take-home -- no deductions -- taking apart stolen cars for parts. Life was strange.
A long, hot day finally over. Nine hours straight. No lunch. "Hey bossman, you pay me now. Fifty. Remember me? Ben?"
There was a knife blade poking into his belly. A long, sharp knife blade.
"You go now, boy. Lucky I nice guy. Let you live. You go police, huh? Good joke. We pay money police."
Ben began slowly backing away, then turned and ran. He heard baying laughter somewhere behind him.
A change in strategy was definitely in order. Like looking for a different job.
Strangely enough, Ben's love life had begun to improve. It didn't take much, considering he was starting from dead zero.
Rolling up his sleeping bag the following morning, he saw a woman strolling by on the far side of the wrought iron fence bounding the south end of the park. She stopped. Why was she staring at him like that?
Quite an attractive woman, even if she was old and graying. Old enough to be his mother, in fact. He smiled at her (why not, it didn't cost extra). She smiled back and it illuminated her face and brightened his day. And so he met Helene.
"Young man, how long has it been since you had a hot shower? Or a hot meal under your belt?"
"Long. Way too long. And I thank you for your concern, ma'am. I'm new in town and I seem to have run into a streak of bad luck."
"Extremely bad luck, by the looks of it."
She invited him home for a hot meal and a hot shower.
He was soaping himself and singing out of tune in the deliciously steamy shower stall when something pinched his butt.
"Ow! Is that you, Helene?"
"Sorry. I came in to check if I had left you a fresh bar of soap. Saw your beautiful bare buns and I just couldn't help myself."
He turned away in embarrassment, trying to hide his erection.
She sat across from him at the dining room table, smiling as he shoveled in the hot food. He hadn't had a decent meal for weeks and he couldn't... stop... eating.
He was sick. He lurched from the table and barely made it into the bathroom. She was kneeling there beside him, supporting him and gently stroking his forehead as he puked his guts out into the toilet bowl.
He awoke and she was lying beside him under the covers.
"My dear child. Please forgive me. Of course you couldn't tolerate so much food on an empty stomach. I should have known."
She was stroking his forehead. His erection was back.
The moment she saw that pitiful bedraggled creature in the park, Helene felt an immense wash of compassion for the poor soul. Such a young man. Just a boy, really. Beaten down by life already. So much potential going to waste. And she was so lonely.
Taking him home had been a simple act of charity... and maybe a bit more. It was so nice to have a man around the house. Since her husband had died fifteen years ago she had slept in an empty bed and lived an empty life.
Helene was his first woman. The touch of her flesh was too much for him and he came immediately.
She cradled his face on her soft breasts and told him it was all right. Just his touch, his warmth, his presence was enough for her. He fell asleep in her arms and when he awoke he was hard again.
She welcomed him into her body, and he kissed her gently on the lips as he entered. She was so warm inside.
Monday, May 9, 2005 (Continued) I handed the books I'd borrowed last week back to Sensei, saying, "Unfortunately, they weren't very helpful to me. I'm trying to learn more about ki and kiatsu, but all the books are too vague about it." I wanted to know whether I could use kiatsu to cure Ava's parents. Unfortunately the books were pathetic. Some of them made wonderful claims about what kiatsu could achieve, even mentioning it helped against cancer, so that aspect of the books was good,...
Sunday, June 10, 2007 TV didn't show any progress being made until Washington DC started waking up. It was Sunday, so not much progress was made even then. Some important people were chased down by reporters - the DC media people being even less concerned about politeness than normal. The interviewees' most conservative comment was, "For goodness sake, let's pull back and consider the situation. We've got agencies tripping over each other with seemingly conflicting objectives and...
Thursday, April 21, 2005 (Continued) As soon as we walked into the dojo, Sensei spotted me and quickly came over, greeting, "Good to see you, Mark." "Thank you. Sensei Nigel, this is my girlfriend Julia. You met before, when you came around to her home to test my ki a week ago." "I remember. Nice to meet you again, Julia. I have a gi for you, Mark, so get dressed first." Sensei relieved me of the books I was returning, gave me a gi, and told me to ask other students in the dressing...
Monday, May 2, 2005 (Continued) Describing poor Donna's lesson caused me to skip over Aikido, so I'll go back and fill in that gap now. There were only a few noteworthy points. The first was my raising the Eaton Incident with Sensei, which I did almost immediately. Sensei had seen the article in the paper, and had intended to raise it himself. I briefly described the incident, especially each of the fight scenarios, and asked him what a good aikidoka would have done. [I should explain...
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New Life In A Small Coastal TownBy Sonya EsperantoIt was a very very busy day at the cafe. People were sat down on tables, both outdoors and inside the shop itself. Sofia Shevernadze was busy serving the customers, dressed up in her waitress uniform. Sometimes when she would pass by tables, some of the men would be rude enough to pat her on the ass or even saying to her face, ?Nice tits, love.? She did not like that one bit.Sofia was an attractive young Lithuanian woman, working at this...
It was just another police award ceremony at the front steps of City Hall. Bart Allen, Kid Flash, 14 year old heir of the Flash tradition of super speed crime fighting, sped across the the southwestern United States on his way back to Central City to attend it in place of the Flash, who had been expected to accept the award for work that both he and Kid Flash had done. Flash was off on some sort of Justice League matter. That was all Bart Allen knew. There was no way Kid Flash would...
New Kid, this is your tape. Side A. I saw you at a party. My first one post split of the hosts. Summer was busy and I missed a couple. I thought you were cute. Crush? Yes, ill be forward here. I immediately told my husband I wanted you. I don't usually play with new people first time I see them. No rule, just a me thing. I like to hang back. Get a feel for the vibe. Whole new crowd with a few old friends peppered in. Shot cups went Over well. We didn't bring enough. I wanted to...
The mighty 22 year old lad flies into space and soaks up cosmic rays. He can feel his powers grow stronger, replenishing his superhuman abilities. Soon he will be fully recharged and can once again standvigil against the ever present criminals of Earth.Cosmic Kid mysteriously appeared one year ago. He has been defending humanity from the hideous acts of the world’s master criminals ever since. Despite being placed in the most dire of predicaments, theCosmic Kid always emerges in triumph. Scores...
Monday, May 16, 2005 (Continued) Aikido was great, as usual. Every week I learn more techniques, which is great in itself, but its best consequence is not that I know more techniques, but that it's giving me a slowly increasing understanding of Aikido as a whole. Like someone giving me more and more pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, I'm starting to see more of the whole picture. I don't mean to imply that there's a hidden secret that was slowly becoming clear to me, or a final revelation that...
The Dead Kid Returns: Chapter 4: Phase Two Beth decided that it was time for Phase two of her plan to help the new kid. One Thursday, as they read together in the park, she asked, "Could we get together on Saturday? Maybe you could come over to my house?" "Or I could come to yours," she added. "I'll ask," the new kid said softly. The next morning, the new kid said to her, "You can come over Saturday, if you want to." "I do." The new kid gave her the address and a phone...
Thursday, April 7, 2005 (Continued) I had to wait for Mom and Donna to come get me, so I walked back to my seat with the books. As I was sitting down I remembered to think about whether I was centered: nope, I wasn't. So I centered myself again, shaking my head to myself over how slippery keeping center is. #1: #2:
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The Dead Kid Returns Part 2: The New Kid The new kid came into the class, and almost nobody noticed. When the new kid had first shown up, there had been the usual introductions, but almost immediately after, the new kid seemed to fade into the background, forgotten. Except one girl, who watched the new kid move, and wondered. Her name was Bethany Ann Cooper, and she was regarded as a bit odd, because she once said that she remembered a time when a dead kid had come to the...
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The Dead Kid Returns Part One: Beth's story The dead kid didn't show up for class again today, and nobody knew what that meant. When the dead kid first missed a day, the debate went up and down the schoolyard as to what might have happened to it. But as days went by, and still no sign of it, people started to forget that the dead kid had ever been there. Except one girl.. Her name was Bethany Ann Cooper, and she was there the day when the dead kid had first come to class....
HorrorThe Dead Kid Returns: Chapter 3: A Quiet Beginning Beth felt one thing for sure - Time was running out. She could feel the spirit of the new kid, the bright female spark hidden inside a male shell getting weaker. She knew she had to act fast, if she was going to help the new kid, so she steeled her courage, and waited until classes got out. This might be difficult enough without an audience. She followed the new kid for a block, and then said, "Hay. Wait up!" The new kid...
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HumorAll rights reserved by the author. May be posted on any site for Free distribution. Send comments to [email protected]. Billy the Kid By Waldo ([email protected]) Chapter 1 - The shootout "Billy! Billy Boney! It's Sheriff Pat Garrett. Don't shoot. My posse's got the cabin surrounded. You sure as hell can't escape from all of us now, especially because of the way that we've got your hideout completely surrounded. Throw your pistols out the window and surrender to me. You know...
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HorrorIt was a very very busy day at the cafe. People were sat down on tables, both outdoors and inside the shop itself. Sofia Shevernadze was busy serving the customers, dressed up in her waitress uniform. Sometimes when she would pass by tables, some of the men would be rude enough to pat her on the ass or even saying to her face, "Nice tits, love." She did not like that one bit. Sofia was an attractive young Lithuanian woman, working at this cafe in the heart of London. She was 22 years old,...
Kate woke up a long time later from an odd dream. Not like the haunting memories or dark huger of nights past, she couldn’t remember the happiness as the dream faded. She awoke to full consciousness and heat. The sun hadn’t risen, it was still early. A meaty arm was draped over her waist, no, more than that. Possessively she was being held, a still hand resting on the swell of one of her breasts. Kate gasped. The sound apparently woke Rafe. ‘Good morning.’ She froze. This was said too...
Hello friends, Myself Sam an I am back in Indian Sex Stories dot net with another unexpected sex story which happened with me just a couple of days before when I reached my hometown for Diwali holidays. I stay at Chennai and I often visit my hometown whenever I get leaves. And one more thing, hope you guys liked my stories which I shared before. If not, den finds then the link of my old stories below: 1) 2)...
The Dead Kid Returns; Chapter 6: Talking in your sleep For the next week, things slipped back into their former routine. Every day, they would find a quiet spot, and read beside each other. The new kid never mentioned the kiss, and Beth was too happy to have her friend back to push the issue. When Beth finished the book the new kid had given her, the new kid gave her another, and the days slipped by quietly. Beth was no closer to figuring out how to get the girl inside the new kid...
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Fresh from my hot shower. I walk into my bedroom, where I hear Tammie on her phone talking to her son Tommie. "Okay, you can go over to Alex's house, to finish your science project. But that's it! You go straight home when you're finished. Because you're still grounded." I look through my closet, trying to figure out what to wear for my trip to the park. I hear Billy and his friends returning from Chad's house. Billy walks into my bedroom. Where Tammie and I are still naked. He...
Chapter one Craig and Jenny. The bell rang for the last time in coxville High as the kids packed up their books to be put in their lockers or carried back home for homework. One kid was the first out of class, wanting to get home quickly. His name was Craig, and he had made history by being the only coloured kid to get into Coxville high. His grades had been good enough for it and he had gotten in with no problems. His grandfather had been proud. He had gone round the ghetto they...
Introduction: The adventures of a well hung black nerd in a town of hot white bimbos. Story is inspired by characters from John persons though story is way different than the comics. No racism is approved by the author. Chapter one Craig and Jenny. The bell rang for the last time in coxville High as the kids packed up their books to be put in their lockers or carried back home for homework. One kid was the first out of class, wanting to get home quickly. His name was Craig, and he had made...
New Girl in TownMargo sat next to me in the coffee shop late that Saturday afternoon.His real name was Mark, but he was one of the loveliest Drag Queens inNew York City. I had been dressing secretly at home in my mother's and sister's clothes for just over three years, but at 18 years old, I hadnever been in public as a woman. Margo lived now as a female, and couldpass anywhere. I complimented "her" on it, and "she" said, "You coulddo just as well, you know." I was flattered, but not as sure as...
When the war started I was to young to fight. They would not even accept me as a cadet. My father was not the loving type and understood me. He made a few calls and pulled me into his room. He pulled out an old Ghost bull pup assault riffle and a Killian pistol from his closet and handed them to me. He also pulled out a very old looking military style bag and handed it over, "you will need more than what is in here but it is a start. Go to the cargo area of the starport, hanger JL592. Find a...
I slept in late that Sunday morning. Almost 8:00 AM. Late for me anyway. Tim was still on top of me but at least he wasn’t ramming that cock of his into me anymore. Guess he was finally fucked out. At least for now. I hated to wake him up but didn’t have much choice. After all the little goober had put in a lot of hard work last night. I got him awake finally and told him he had to get off me because I had things to do. “On Sunday? Like what?” “Oh. I don’t know. Feed the animals. Get some...
"That shoulder holster rig sounds interesting. Why did ya bring it up?" The bartender grinned an' said, "'Cause I just happen ta have such a rig fer sale! A man came through here a month or so ago an' offered ta trade a spare rig he had fer a bottle of whiskey. I hate ta say it, but I cannot turn down what looks like a good deal. The holster rig ought ta be worth around $10, and he swapped it fer a $2.50 bottle of whiskey. I will sell it ta ya fer $3 an' call myself lucky. What do ya...
LETTER FROM EISENGRIM TOWNSHIPDear Shoeblossom:Sometimes Brearley lets me jerk off. Kneeling on the hardwood floor on my bare knees, rubbing my stiff and long denied cock, it’s so painful! Brearley is always gorgeous, fully clothed as a striking contrast to my nakedness, in tight jeans or a sexy miniskirt, sometimes a tube top. Often she will wear a sexy business office outfit, which really, really makes me feel even more naked, humiliated, and excited.?Keep that willy whacking, Fremont, but...
I won an all expenses trip to New York City for three days. My online friend Lynn, who runs a small gallery in a suburb of New York City, is excited, because we have not met yet. Her joining me in the city will be a great way to physically connect for the first time. Before now we have only talked on the phone and written each other. The prize trip includes airfare, hotel, an unnecessary shopping spree and a dinner at an expensive restaurant one night before I depart home. My hope is that she...
“Don’t scream or I’ll kill you.” the guy, who looked to be about 23 years old, said as they walked deeper into the woods. “What do you want with me?” she asked him fearfully. “You’ll find out the hard and painful way.” He said as she realized that this was pre-planned. After they walked for about ten more minutes; a fifteen minute walk from the road; they reached a small clearing and there was a mattress on the ground with trunks and a chair around it and a fire pit a few feet away,...
Introduction: A girl is kidnaaped and falls for the man who kidnapped her She walked along a roadway, her car had broken down and she was going to get help, she had forgotten her cell phone back at her house. She wore a black mini skirt, a light pink short sleeved blouse, and navy blue flip-flops. She had dark blonde hair that was so short that you couldnt do anything with it, she had hazel blue eyes and she looked to be about 18 years old. As she walked past the woods a man who was walking in...
The Kid Cut From Different Cloth – CHAPTER 2- “Hello kids, this your new classmate, Emily Banks. She just moved in our town from, huh, where did you say Emily?” said the teacher. “I come from Ludlow.” Said Emily in a low tone voice. “Very nice. Please, take a seat, and I’m sure the kids would love to tell you all the details of my class.” Emily scanned the class with her eyes, until she spotted the empty spot besides Bryan. She started walking to the seat, and sat down by...