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David Cross laughed, shaking his head as he watched the computer monitor. "Imagine that! The first major success of our business is dropping its largest and most expensive asset into a hole and burying it. Good thing we didn't put that in the business plan!"

Elaine Norman, the sole woman of the trio, joined with her two partners in laughing. She turned serious a millisecond later. "The regolith looks like it has the consistency of cat litter. Works for cats."

"There's bound to be gold there someplace," the third person in the room quipped. "Although my daughter would probably prefer a pony." Sean Ferris tapped his finger on the screen, as he too got serious. "Elaine's right. Friable, but coarse grains. It supports the weight of the vehicle adequately, with only slight deformation."

"When I was a girl I watched the movie The Music Man." Elaine said, bending to look at another screen showing yet another view from the surface of an asteroid millions of miles distant in space; seconds away by radio. "I watched it twice, because I thought it was cool. I had to wait three years for someone to explain the scam to me.

"I never dreamed you could cheat people by making their dreams come true."

"We should be so lucky," Sean told the others. "I keep hoping this is practice at camouflage." He waved at the main screen. "Politicians are even more obsessive about covering up than cats. With luck, they will dig, find the surprise and quit, thinking 'Who needs this?'"

David Cross nodded. "That's the plan. Like Russian Matryoshka dolls, with another, smaller, doll inside. And then smaller and smaller ... Of course, being geeks, we put the larger ones inside the smaller ones."

"We're getting pretty far afield with metaphors," Elaine reminded them pragmatically. "We need to buckle down and get on with the program. Deploy the two rovers, and get them going."

The three were relatively young, David Cross the oldest at thirty-seven years and three months, ranging down to Elaine's far younger thirty-six years and ten months. The three had been friends since they were freshman together on their first day at Caltech, nearly twenty years before.

"Who'd have thought after all these years, we'd be back to computer games? Playing Bolo over the internet?" Sean asked, pushing controls, making things happen a hundred million miles away. After a few minutes his rover crawled out of its travel container, started up the slope of the crater the vehicle had landed in.

"The feed is still going out," Elaine reported, checking a small TV monitor. "No one is carrying this live, although NASA channel is thinking about it. I expect that some of the networks are taping the feed; we won't know for sure until we see them roll some of the tape later."

"I never thought we'd get this far," Sean mused while playing with the rover, running it towards a significant boulder about sixty meters from the crater rim. "I mean, this is like the biggest scam in the history of the exploration of space -- maybe the biggest scam of all time. No one is even curious; no one cares. I think we could tell people and they'd yawn and tune us out."

"Not if we told them the truth," David said bitterly. "Oh no, they would have ten million reasons why it won't work; they know it couldn't possibly work. They'd force us to stop, or failing that, won't let us send additional resources -- even if we have those resources bought and paid for, and the launches covered as well."

They were silent after that. In fact, that had been the first plan and hadn't worked for just that reason. "Sometime, someone is going to run the math," Sean had observed critically. "Just remember I picked the year 2023 for our pool of when the morons finally figure out what's going on."

Elaine giggled. "And you got pissed as hell when I insisted they'd never figure it out -- I wanted a 'never' option."

"Too many ways to get there; not to get there," David told them. "We could tell someone; we have to have people working with us. Someone will blab; I'm sure of it. The question will be if they are going to believed. I think I agree with Elaine. Likely no one will figure it out on their own, but someone we tap for help will spill the beans. Then again if someone does figure it out, odds are the discoverer will be someone with an above average curiosity and drive. Might work for them; it did for us."

They watched Sean's rover start a series of close ups of the large boulder. David sat down at his own console and began a second series of check offs; a few moments later a third rover "landed" on the asteroid.


General Andrew Kostias picked up the radio mike, looked at the tech who nodded that everything was ready. "This is General Kostias," he told the man on the other end.

"General, this is David Cross. I'm not sure how well you follow things down here, or up there before your tenure on the ISS began, but my company ran a deep space probe through the station a few months before you assumed command. I wanted to talk to you about that."

"It's your dime, Doctor Cross," the general told him. "What can we do for you?"

"We proposed an extension of our mission to NASA several months ago. They don't seem responsive; I thought I'd lobby you."

The general laughed easily. "Of course, Doctor Cross. What is it you need?"

David wasn't fooled at all. The man was a major roadblock to half the projects going on in Earth orbit. The stupid ones. The partners' project was something else again.

"Well, we'd like to resupply our asteroid base. We have two hundred kilos of this and that we'd like to send out to Eros -- basically some minor adjustments to our original payload specs. NASA doesn't even want to listen. I was thinking, perhaps I could bribe you."

The general looked at David carefully. "Bribe me?"

"So to speak, of course. In the beginning the ISS was going to electrolyze water to get hydrogen and oxygen; the powers that be decided not to do that, so you run an H2O surplus which you tank. You also have to import O2 from Earth. That's expensive as hell; a kilo per person, per day. Bringing that up from Earth ... well, $11,000 a kilo was the last number I saw of how much it cost to lift to orbit.

"I'd like to trade you water, which you have, for liquid O2, which we have. We'll offer to trade at a ten to one ratio initially."

The general laughed and shook his head. "You think I'm a fool? Ten kilos of water for a kilo of oxygen? Crummy bargain!"

"Oh no, General. Ten kilos of O2 for a kilo of water. I understand you have about 4 metric tons of surplus-to-needs water; we would deliver 40 tons of liquefied O2 to the station, in exchange. Metric tons -- 40 thousand kilos -- and we'll provide the shipping and packaging."

The general blinked.

That was, for the six people currently aloft, more than thirty years supply. And the cost of shipping that much oxygen to orbit was just a shade less than half a billion dollars.

David pretended that the general's pause to think about it was more significant than it was. "We would be willing to throw in the packaging with our part of the deal -- that's about ten kilos of chrome steel for each 100 kilos of oxygen. Oh, about ten percent of the tanks are titanium; you can have that too, but the titanium tanks only run about four kilos per 100 kilos of gas.

"Further, we'd also be willing to process your CO2 scrubbers, in situ. We can regenerate them; you could save on recycling those, too."

"And NASA turned this down?" the general asked, not very surprised.

"Yes, sir. They said that returning our probe to the vicinity of the ISS was too risky -- even though we told them we'd give op-con of the trajectory to you there on ISS. They said that they didn't see a need for four tons of high quality steel and titanium on the ISS; that they didn't see a need for processing the scrubbers in orbit; they can bring them down and send them back up, almost forever we were told."

Aside of course, from the fact that shuttling the scrubbers was about 5% of the cargo capacity of the lift to orbit. The oxygen was another 10%.

"How would you process the scrubbers?" the general asked, curiously.

"A two step process where we run potassium through the cells, then take the resulting carbonate and use process heat to break down the carbonate. Our probe has a solar mirror, the process heat comes from that." David's thoughts strayed -- and of course, if then had a solar mirror, they wouldn't need the partner ... but they don't.

"This won't do the plastic boxes the scrubbers are in much good," the general said drily.

"Well, we would exchange the plastic boxes for ones made of titanium. Not much heavier, but significantly stronger and immune to the heat involved. It's a pretty simple box and the temperature only gets up to about 175 degrees Celsius."

"Potassium, oxygen, iron, titanium. You have a little something out there on Eros, Doctor Cross?"

David looked at the man steadily. "As stated in our mission objectives, we are experimenting with industrial mineral extraction processes in solar orbit. We've had some success, yes, sir."

"And the cargo you want to haul out to Eros?" the general asked David.

"Well, the water of course is the major item, plus about a 70 kilos of calcium chloride; we've hardly found any halogens on the asteroid. Twenty kilograms of sodium nitrite, a kilo of platinum, a kilo of miscellaneous other catalytic metals; a raft of computer hard drives, CPUs and the like. Those are the bulk of the cargo -- about a hundred kilos. There is another fifty kilos or so of miscellaneous computer equipment."

"What percentage packing?" the general inquired, knowing what they went through.

"Well, into orbit, about 20%. We were going to donate that stuff to you. With the estimated payload mass our puller would crank about a hundredth of g heading out to Eros. That's not exactly pushing anything's structural limits; we won't need much in the way of packaging for the last, long leg of the journey."

"And fuel for your, ah, puller?"

"Well, the first time we used water from the station. That was an awful waste of the stuff. We've switched to regolith; we sifted about sixty tons of very fine powder; we took out the free metals and what's left is mainly olivine and pyroxene dust. We zap it with a strong electric charge and then shoot the resulting ions into a rhenium combustion chamber that has the solar reflector aimed at it. That heats the ions to about 10,000 degrees C -- we get an impulse around 300 when we kick the ions out the back. Nothing to write home about."

"Three hundred," the general whistled. "And this is the same vehicle that left here two years ago?"

"Well, more or less. It consists of a propulsion module on one end of a boom, a control and sensor module on the other end. We lengthened the boom, increased the area of the solar panels and added the solar reflector. A very simple design that we've made just a few small changes to."

"And for all of this largesse you simply want me to lobby NASA on your behalf?" the general questioned, turning brisk.

"Yes, that and of course, we really would like to make this deal."

"And if you don't make the deal?"

"Halogens are rare on Eros; it would add a year or so to our timetable without them. The water, well, we could parallel that a bit, run a few different branches of the production chain. Call it eight or ten months lost. We can parallel some of that.

"The big thing is the calcium chloride; that allows us to do electrolysis on a number of Iron Group metals. The sodium nitrite is used in electrochemistry of stainless steel; after waiting two years to get this far, it is -- painful -- to contemplate another two years before we can go to the next stage. This resupply cuts 75% of the process time from the plan over the next several years."

"I'll take a look at your proposal," the general responded. "I'll be back to you shortly -- perhaps a day, most likely, less."

The next day David took a call from the general. "NASA says, more or less, it's not going to happen," General Kostias told him. "They absolutely refuse to give you the lift." He shook his head. "I dunno what they've got against you, but it goes pretty deep."

"That's too bad, General. I'm sure you'll be able to get as much use out of the next several hundred kilos of high school science fair projects."

The general shrugged. "I don't know about that. I might have made things worse for you. I told them for that much O2, I'd sell my soul, not to mention let two years worth of science fair projects come up without further comment. Now they are unhappy with me too."

The general grinned. "I don't suppose you'd like to make a side arrangement? You send me a list of what you need; I assemble it here, one way or the other. We make the swap, as planned. Screw the ground."

"That would be acceptable. I'll email the list to you in the next few minutes."

"And when would we be looking at accomplishing this?" The general asked, obviously interested in finding out how long he had to get what he needed.

"I'm afraid we were a little previous with this, General. I mean, the probe was there on Eros, the stuff was there and ready; we launched about six weeks ago. Of course, the orbit is 192 days; so there's some time left -- about five months."

"Agreed," the general said quickly and positively. "I'll just show them the damn O2 in my inventory, and let them piss and moan." The general paused. "It is going to be another couple of years before we get that much water back."

David grinned; the man's statement was exactly what they'd been looking for. Sean and Elaine had already been trading high-fives. This was going to make them all dance the happy dance.

"Probably," David said mildly, certain now the bass would strike at the fly, "they'll decide that since you have so much oxygen, they'll send up some extra hands instead of supply, so that you can actually catch up on the experiment backlog. That way it won't take as much time to fill the water tanks."

"That would be nice," the general agreed. "Of course, downside of that, they might pooch the resupply. I don't suppose you have any more spare O2 in your process cycle?"

"Well, a lot of the processes we use entail oxides that we reduce to metal plus O2. We're pretty much surplus to needs on about 95% of what oxygen we produce. Since we don't have anyone up there to breathe it, we thought about just venting it. But that would screw up the local region. Heh, it might even be a fire risk releasing so much oxidizer near all that powdered rock. So we decided that tanking it was a lesser nuisance. We figured that at some point someone out here could use it.

"We have begun work on another puller; but we'd need another fifty or sixty kilos of materials not on the current wish list to complete it. Sensors, CPUs, that sort of thing. Process control really sucks up the cycles; we never seem to have enough process heat either."

"I think we could do something like that. How soon could we get another dollop of O2?"

"Well, to be honest General, there's a window about seven months from now for a quick return to Eros, if we were willing to wait a bit. The puller would mass considerably less on the return trip. We could probably sustain about a tenth of a g on the outbound orbit. We figure, perhaps two or three weeks on the return.

"We could turn the current puller around fairly quickly. Call it eighteen months from now we until could deliver another load to you. Perhaps double the first batch. Obviously, we'll be using Moore's law; probably we won't need nearly as much water next time either. Maybe a hundred to one swap; maybe even a better ratio than that for you."

There were a few technical details, but afterwards the three partners were sitting in the darkened meeting room, just themselves. "He's going to buy into it," Elaine whispered in disbelief. "Gosh, you were right, David."

"Simple Economics 101. We can make the stuff for practically nothing. We do have a long pipeline, and in truth we're still about two years away from the time we can reliably deliver a few tons a couple of times a year. But the technical hurdles are out of the way," David reassured the others.

Sean leaned back. Even here, even now, no names -- they all knew it. "Marduk and Dagon say they can get the special stuff loaded in lieu of a couple of science fair projects." With the unspoken knowledge amongst them that Dagon would also be in position to get those materials actually out to the puller at the ISS. Another hundred kilos; this time top grade machine tools, if a little small.

David knew what the others were thinking about. "NASA has done so many stupid things over the years. They kill experiments because they don't want to store the data. They could have kept the NEAR probe -- instead they landed it. Or rather they crashed it so they could get a couple of really close pictures of the asteroid. So many experiments that they've shut down!"

Sean smiled. "And if it was still in orbit? We'd never be able to hide what we're doing. As it is, there's a risk someone will try to bounce some radar beams off Eros. If they do it at the wrong time of the year, and they are going to be a little surprised."

"But they won't," Elaine said, shaking her head in sorrow. "They aren't interested."


General Kostias turned to Fran Saunders. "Well, Saunders, you're the fuckin' genius. What have they got? Are they bull-shitting me?"

Fran was short, a little heavy; with long straight hair that had to be kept in a damn plastic bag all of the time. She met the general's eye. "The numbers they quote -- that provides a baseline on what they've done, and that tells us what they can do. The single most revealing number is that the stuff is already going uphill. I checked the orbit; Earth was uphill from Eros at the stated launch date -- but it was at a very low value -- about four a half kilometers per second.

"The tonnages involved, the time frame..." Fran stared at the general. "They are understating what they can do. They practically have to be."

"How can they afford so much metal? They aren't stupid -- they have to know that that stuff is like gold up here."

She shook her head. "I looked up the composition of Eros, from the NEAR data. All they are doing is refining regolith; odds are they are using magnets to sift iron from the dust..."

"They said they did that," the general said, interrupting her.

"Yes, sir. You have to wonder, General, just what it is they are hiding, when they told us so much about what they are doing."

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My name is Sylvia, a widow now for 15 years and my daughter in law is Maria, Divorced for 10 yrs and her son is Albert I am 68 tall slim build tall and have average looks Maria is medium high about 5’6 and a size 14-16 Albert is 20, a strapping young man 6’ average build with good looks. This is my story...... It all started just as we were closing our newly purchased alfresco dinner in the city, the day had been slow, impressed we were not, When a gentleman came in and enquired about the...

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covid sissy hunting

Mike woke up feeling good he moved and stretch his cock feeling hard and great, warm and wet waking up remembering last light he look down up under the drapthe little eyes looking at him , mouth open his collar locked to mike legs , mouth full of cock, this thing is fantastic he thought having a very good night his cock inside his new pet mouth , the scarred lil white boy he had hunted when the crysis happen had finaly been tamed''oh hello again''''i slept so well inside your mouth, hpw many...

2 years ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart XVIII 6 Her First Day Out

"Good morning. You look like you're happy to be going back to school." I said as she got in my car Tuesday morning. "You must have read my mind," she joked before kissing me on the lips. "How did it feel to sleep in your own bed last night?" I said as I waved to Lee and pulled out of her driveway. "Actually," she yawned, "I didn't get much sleep. Lee kept me up until two... " I waited patiently as she yawned again and then stretched, enjoying the glowing happiness she was...

3 years ago
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Office Visit

Inside a steel and glass tower in midtown Manhattan , a young executive named Mark Ynares is riding down on the elevator. He is a tall, Italian man with good looks and a muscular physique. His immaculate blue Brioni suit complements his body well. Mark’s black smartphone starts ringing. He notices his girlfriend, Andrea, is calling him. “Hey, baby.” He answers. “Hi, handsome, do you have any plans tonight?” she asks. “Oh, babe, I’m so sorry I just left my last meeting a few minutes ago. How...

4 years ago
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Angel Eyes

Jill closed the door behind her carefully, not wanting to disturb the unexpected stillness of the house. ‘Miles?’ she called out softly, her voice breaking the silence almost reluctantly. ‘Miles, where are you?’ ‘I’m in the bedroom, honey,’ she heard from down the hall. ‘I’ve got a surprise for you…’ Jill rolled her eyes. He’d called her home from work for that? Not that it hadn’t been easy to wrap things up a little early, and not that it wasn’t kind of romantic, but that was probably a...

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Rich Guy 1Chapter 5

The idea that Cassie had been masturbating to Candace and me fucking had my blood on fire. Cassie’s constant flirting glances didn’t help either. The summer was beginning to wind to a close and with everything that had happened, I’d neglected my workouts. I hoped that some motivation from Lindsay would help clear my mind a bit so I called her the next day to come over. Sometimes I was really stupid. “Come on pretty boy, get to it! You’ve gone soft this summer!” Lindsay teased. “Bend over...

3 years ago
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Fall Harvest Dance

Fall Harvest Dance By Bill Hart Harry Trelayne wondered which of the girls he knew would be the most disappointed that he decided to go stag to the school's Fall Harvest dance tonight. He knew the exact girl he would like to take - her name was Lisa Stevens - but there were complications with asking her. Lisa was a babe, a fox, or any one of a hundred other synonymous names. But she also had a boyfriend - one really big and very jealous boyfriend - Hank "Big Moose" Williams the...

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I Masochist

1I Masochist - Chapter One - Performance ArtBy The TechnicianBDSM, Public Bondage, Electro-sex, Public Orgasm = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = A college professor presents a performance art production of "I, Masochist" with a little technical help from W.  Afterwards, the professor who referred the masochistic models to her asks her and W's help in recording the six young women's stories of how and why they are masochists.The eight chapters of this story each stand on their own, but...

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A day in the life of Miko

Miko Jordan considers herself average. Not an outstanding beauty but certainly not some drab girl either. Many would disagree with her self opinion, others  would say she is spot on. This is the story of young Miko and her many adventures on a rather peculiar day. We start our story early on a sunny Monday morning right at the end of Summer.

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Nathan and IrisChapter 2

Nathan stepped off the streetcar at the corner of Exchange and Elderberry. On the corner he noticed a small grocery with a rack on the sidewalk containing bunches of gladiolus blooms. He grabbed one, carried it inside and had it wrapped in some butcher's paper. Paying for his purchase, he proceeded down Elderberry looking at the house numbers. He stopped at number 213. It was a 1920's vintage bungalow in white stucco and with a detached garage in back. A maroon Dodge Caravan was parked in...

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Taking her V card

*** 100% fiction! It was a hot summer day, and i was out to meet my girlfriend at the time. 100% Mexican, name was Vanessa. She is small and petite with nice c cups and a perfect ass. Well we meet up at the local bowling alley and she is looking great her hair in a French braid, in a tank top revealing her breast, and the tightest pair of yoga pants i had ever seen just hugging her legs and ass. We go into the arcade to play a game of "air hockey" when she starts to reach her hand down my pants...

First Time
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The Devils PactChapter 14 Karens Decision

"Hi, Alice," Mrs. Martin greeted me. The Martins were my eleven o'clock appointment. I was showing the couple a house in Spanaway; a cute, light gray rambler with mauve trim. After I showed them the house, for the third fricking time, I would be free for my afternoon date with Mary at the Blue Spruce Motel. I was so excited that I masturbated three times this morning while sexting with Mary. She sent me several naughty photos including one with a young woman eating out her cunt. "just a...

2 years ago
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The ConventionChapter 4

After the weekend encounter, Phred decided to buy her a thank you gift: a gold chain. It came in a small black box. It was big enough to hold a small card, and on it he wrote; "Thanks for a wonderful time again last weekend! Hugs P--." Tuesday morning, he tucked this into his pocket and left for work. When he arrived, he purposely went past her workstation, made sure no one was looking and placed it discreetly on the desk. He then went about his business. Deana arrived at her desk,...

1 year ago
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How John became a Guardette part 1

John arrives at Allison's place. The two knew each other from Facebook. Turns out they live very close to each other. One day Allison sends a Facebook-message to John and asks that he'd come over to talk about a "serious matter." After some chitchatting Allison excuses herself and goes to another room. When she comes back, she carries a large suitcase and a computer case. She sits down on the couch and opens up her laptop. "Take a look at this," says Allison as she hands John the...

4 years ago
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My first time using sex toys on a woman

When I was a little younger - about 22 - I had a 19 year old girlfriend that I will call Stacy. She was petite, about 5 feet and 3 inches tall, and must have only weighed about 90 pounds. She had short curly brown hair and usually wore a bandana. Her lower lip had a stud through it, and she also had a piercing in her left nipple. The thing about her that I liked the best is that she had a nice hairy pussy, hairy legs, and hairy armpits.One day we were hanging out in her dorm room and she...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 54 Honeymoon Breakfast

Friday, April 15, 2005 I woke at my usual time, to the sound of my two wives quietly talking. Julia was describing how she was learning to drive a car, which reminded me that I was allowed to try for my license when my cast was off, which would hopefully happen this evening. They were both pressed against my body, which was a nice way to wake up. I said, "Good morning, my beautiful wives." They declared the same back at me, with one important variation, then started raining kisses on me....

2 years ago
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Unexpected bang at NYE party

This happened on the new year eve just past, I spent the new year eve with my girlfriend and her high school friends at one of the girl house. there were three couples plus two single girls at this party. Now let me tell you about the girl I had fun with that night, she is one of my girlfriend good friend from high school and she always has been the wild one (from the stories i have had heard). Well she is Cambodian and her name is Zoe, she is about 155cm and a very tone body. I had always...

1 year ago
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How I see a sub From her prespective

This story is the a representation of how sub should be like - looking for the next Gina :)I was on my way to his office in Chicago. The plane ride had made me listless and being cooped up in an area that confined usually makes me horny. There’s nothing else to think about! So here I was walking in a very tight sexy, somewhat office appropriate outfit, very wet and ready to be taken to bed. I could feel my stockings clinging to my thighs trying to stay warm, the garter getting stuck in the...

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Romancing Your Aunt

You are John. You're 18, still in high school. Your sexual drive is currently like a Mack Truck, barreling over everything in its path. But you're a virgin. Sucks, huh? What do you look like? Well, you're YOU. Figure it out. Your Aunt is named Doe. You should know, you picked the name. For the sake of storytelling, she will not have a vague, undefined appearance. She is about 5'9", red hair, and D Cup breasts. She's not all that attractive, but you find yourself drawn to her anyway. She's rude,...

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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 29 Am I Safe Now

Dec .18th, 2018 Have you ever done full contact sparring without the pads? That’s how me and my buddies trained. We pulled our punches a bit. Head shots, Neck shots, Joint breaks, and the ever famous groin shots had to be pulled completely and stop just close enough so you both knew the defender could not have prevented them. Even with those areas protected you would wake up the next day so sore sometimes. Or imagine that you’re a piece of paper that someone has crumpled up in a tight ball...

3 years ago
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"Come in. Come in, Susan. Come sit with us on the couch." Susan was strikingly beautiful. Black hair, cascading over her shoulders, framed a perfectly symmetrical hispanic face. She carried her petite, slender, frame with dignity as she joined the forty-year-old couple on the couch. The couple, both gifted in the looks department, shifted slightly to create a narrow space between them. "Have you met Roy, the owner of our company?" "No, Miss Russell," Susan responded shyly, "I know who...

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Irenes Story Chapter 11 Weekend Getaway With Alfredo

After my wonderful lunch and afternoon with Alfredo, we could not get enough of each other. Part of the appeal was the newness of the affair; part of it was the risk of being caught by our friends or by Alfredo's wife, Sonya; and part of the appeal was that Alfredo and I had such limited opportunities to be together we cherished each moment we did steal. When we could, we'd sneak off to Oscar's and my flat over lunch time and I would let Alfredo fuck me in our bed. I always tried to make sure...

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A Great Night With Rhoda

I was staying at a cheap motel that my secretary booked for my business trip and was really pissed about it, until I took a walk around the place and met Rhoda. While taking a walk in search of cigarettes I looked into a room and here is an older women - maybe in her late 50s - sitting on the bed wearing nylons, heels, push-up bra, a garter belt, the skimpiest of black lace panties and heavy makeup. She was smoking and invited me in. At first I said "no" but it only took a few steps beyond her...

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A Delightful Opening

Jack Brewster was not in a good mood. He came home from work in a good mood. He was in a good mood through most of his dinner. That all changed when his wife reminded him of their after-dinner engagement."Don't forget, honey," Paige Brewster's voice rang out. "We have that gallery opening to go to tonight." A sodden lump grew in Jack's stomach as he finished his dinner mechanically. He had begun to dread this evening when Paige first told him of it. It wasn't that he didn't like art, he did....

Straight Sex
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Mami ka gyan

Mami ka gyan by ronak. Hi friends mera naam ronak patel hai or me 19salka hu aur me iss ka bhot hi bada fan hu. Aaj me aap ke saath apani ek sachi kahani share karna chata hu jo aaj se 5sal pahele mere sath ghati thi. Baat un dino ki hai jab mai apane mama ke ghar me rahata tha mere mama ahmedabad me rahate hai unke ghar me mama aur mami do hi log rahate hai unki shadi ko 8sal ho chuke the magar unke yehan koi bacha nahi tha aur mai apne parivar ke sath ahmedabad ke karib ek gaon me rahate the...

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JulesJordan Alex Blake Sexy Spinner Alex Blake Takes A Huge Cock In Her Tiny Pussy

Alex Blake is Ripe for the picking in this sexy session with Manuel. Alex is a sexy spinner with long luscious legs and perky little titties. She’s wearing pink lingerie with matching leg warmers and high heels as she shows off her perfect body and slowly removes her lingerie. Alex makes her way to the bathroom where there’s a bath ready for her, so she jumps in to wash herself and play with her pussy. She meets up with Manuel in the living room and they start making out right away. Manuel gets...

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Angels and Guardians Pt 05

Author’s note: This is part 5 of a multi-part series. Best if read after parts 1-4. Thanks for reading, and please remember to vote! *** Chapter 18 Love Regained Jon talked with Ashley for a bit backstage, introducing her to his agent. To his manager’s somewhat annoyance, Jon offered Ashley a job with the band as female lead vocalist. Ashley was dumbfounded at the invitation, but denied the offer when she recovered her words. The band was surprised at her answer. They were doing very...

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Aria Aka Megan

“I’m sending Megan across to your hotel. She will hand you the property deeds once confirmation of funds transfer has been obtained” explained my lawyer. I was purchasing a new condo, and looking forward to moving out of this hotel room. About 10 minutes later there was a knock on the door. Opening the door I was very surprised. Standing there was Aria, or at least the young lady that I knew by that name - the young lady that I had encountered at the Red Door massage parlor about two years...

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Sandrines Bet Part Two

I asked Sandrine if she’d school me in the finer points of hockey as the game progressed. I put it that way, but really I didn’t even know the rougher points. So, between hurling partisan abuse and having it hurled at her, she obliged. “Not too much to it,” she’d started. “Two teams of six guys each. They get on the ice, skate, and try to beat the shit out of each other. If they happen to think of it they also try to put the puck in the other team’s net.” We were definitely the outsiders...

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Danny Delivers

The blare of the alarm clock woke her from her sleep, yet failed to elicit any movement from under the mass of sheets and blankets. That was accomplished a few minutes later by the soft yet persistent urgings of her bladder that slowly caused the figure to rise from the tangled bedding and stretch. Danny Parker yawned as her back popped with the strain of supporting her front that seemed to almost hold her down. After a moment, she rocked herself to her feet and crossed to the full length...

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The Captains wife the Preachers daughter

I have had other husbands wife's a few times before, but this last one was unique. Some time ago I was online viewing some nude photos. After making comments of photos towards this one lady , I received site mail from her thanking me for my comments. She was 70 years old and very pretty. After some chit chat I found that she was married. The couple was new to the site and the husband, a retired naval Captain, wanted more spice in his sex life. His wife was welcome to meet another man if she...

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1 Stormy MondayChapter 13

Later that week, Patty was making her way from the bus to her first class of the day. Almost without looking, she knew who stepped away from the side of the school entry way and fell into step with her. "Hey, beautiful," said Van Daddock. "Hi, Van," she said cheerfully. Van was a senior at the high school. He was a handsome upper classman that had been vying for Patty's attention, almost from the moment the pretty young freshman had appeared on campus. Unbeknownst to Patty, Van had...

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When i was 16, my friend and I went to a party, drank a lot as usual. At the end of the night, we came back to his parents house, nobody were home. We were used to sleep in the same bed because we didn’t have to make another bed. That night we went to bed and start talking shit cause we were wasted, we talked about a lot of things, talked about girls and then he asked me if I’ve ever sucked a cock. I said : nah bro, have you? He was negative too. We talked about gay things and whatever, so he...

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Thumbing for a Ride

I was driving home from a night out with my mates and I decided to take a longer way round than normal. As I drove on the dual carriageway I noticed a lad thumbing for a lift, I understood that as we’ve all done it at one time or another, so I thought I’d give him a ride. As I stopped he came over to the car, “Need a lift?” “Thanks” he said as he got in.He told we where he was going, only a few miles out of my way, as we drove he said he was Adam, 21, and at University. I asked him if he’d had...

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