Wrong Number - Right Woman free porn video

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I'd only been home from the hospital for a couple of weeks. Divorced for over two years now, I lived alone ... in a home that was far bigger than what I needed. I knew, especially now ... that in time I'd probably need to sell it, find a different place to live. But I had enough on my plate already, there'd be time enough for that when I got used to everything. If I ever did. You see ... I'd been in a car accident, and had lost my right leg just below the knee because of it.

I'd of course been given some help from friends and neighbors shortly after I came home. I guess it was pride perhaps, and hating to depend on anyone else aside for myself in doing things. But as I was still trying to manage my way around on crutches, I'd eventually given in and allowed a few people to help me out, in small ways at least. It would be a while yet before I could be fitted for a prosthesis, in the meantime, in was hobble, jump, or crutch myself along in order to do anything. Because of that, I'd become a virtual prisoner in my own house. That or lazy, however you want to look at it. I know that part of it was feeling sorry for myself. That and being angry at the dumb fuck that T-boned my car, severing my leg. The fact he died in the accident seemed unfair in a way, the way I looked at it. I found myself wishing I'd been the one who'd been killed, as opposed to trying to make my way through life at almost fifty, without the use of my leg. I know ... but that's how I felt at the time. And still did as I took in my surroundings and realized I needed to do something about my situation before the board of health came in and condemned my home. Ok, it wasn't that bad ... but it was getting there.

With the bedrooms on the second floor, along with the only full bath/shower room, it had become too difficult for me to try and hobble up and down the stairs all by myself. As such, I'd managed to convince a friend or two, to help me make things a bit more comfortable for myself on the main floor. At least here I had access to most of what I needed ... or wanted, and thus began making the best of it where I was. The couch became my bed of course, I hardly ever left it. Luckily, there was a small bathroom on this floor, though my bathing consisted of standing (or rather balancing) on one leg in front of the sink while I washed myself. I can't even remember the last time I had washed my hair, I guess when it started standing up all on its own, I'd do something about it. Until then...

And though the kitchen was on the same level, even hobbling around in there posed problems for me. Cooking anything that needed attention being paid to was out of the question. For now, I didn't have the stamina or the patience for that. Needless to say, my cell phone, the phone book, and various "take out" food joints became my primary staple as far as meals went. And with that of course, the ever-growing mess of discarded cartons, pizza boxes, empty sacks and the like that had begun to clutter up my world. I couldn't even take the fucking garbage out. Funny how the small things become monumental when you're still trying to learn how to pee while standing there on one leg. Sure, you can tell yourself it's not that hard, or that I should just sit down to pee. Which I did. But day in and day out of jumping on one foot down the hallway (no it was too big of a bother to try and negotiate my slick floors with the fucking crutches) sort of takes it out of you after a while. So then I started peeing in a large mason jar instead. Hell of a lot easier. Until I had stacked ten of them behind the couch full of piss. Now what?

It was time to get a maid. Someone who would come in and clean up after my filthy self. Someone who wouldn't mind emptying out mason jars full of piss hopefully. At least until I got a better handle on this missing leg thing. But at the moment, I was holding onto my anger, my "woe is me" attitude, and hating everyone around me that was still walking around on two good legs.

Life wasn't fucking fair. And since it wasn't, then whoever was unfortunate enough to come in and clean up after me, was just going to have to deal with it. At least I had plenty of money ... the accident, insurance policies, and one hell of a good attorney had seen to that. So whoever came in to pick up my messes would at least get paid well for doing so. I figured in doing that, they could keep their mouths shut and just do what needed to be done.

I searched through the ads looking for someone that was willing to come in once or twice a week. Oh yeah, and the last thing I wanted or needed, was someone who'd remind me of my mother. Or worse ... act like one. No, I wanted someone younger, willing to put up with my nasty old filthy self. Yeah I know, it was a lot to ask. But I was willing to pay for it too. Hopefully they'd even be good looking or attractive. Not that it really mattered, since the accident, the last thing I had on my mind was anything to do with sex. It was almost like I had lost my dick, and not my leg. Not that it really mattered. In a way ... I had.

After ruling out several possibilities, I ended up with only two possible choices that even sounded remotely close to what I was looking for. The first one ... no one answered, though I left a message. I then dialed the second number. On the third ring, someone finally answered.


"May I speak with Karen? Karen Martial?" I asked.

"Sorry ... you must have the wrong number."

"Ok, thanks," I said hanging up, suddenly irritated. I could have sworn I had dialed the number correctly. I looked at the ad in the paper again, making sure of the number, and then redialed.

"Hello?" Came the same voice I'd heard only moments ago. I considered just simply hanging up, and almost did, until she spoke again. "Is this about the ad in the paper for the cleaning lady?"

I was surprised when she said that. That, and a little confused, especially if I did indeed have the wrong number. "Yes ... yes it is, but you said..."

"Yeah, the number listed was listed incorrectly so it seems. This is the third call I've received today from someone looking for a cleaning lady."

"Oh, well that makes sense ... sort of," I responded back. "I'm sorry to have bothered..."

"Funny though," she continued on interrupting me. "I've been looking for a part time job here myself ... maybe I should look into something like that. What're you paying anyway? And what all's involved?"

She sounded young, and interesting. I could almost see the smile on her face. I gave her a number, higher than I'd actually intended, but then gave her the bad news.

"Ok, that's doable. And as far as everything else goes you told me, we'll discuss that in detail after I get there. I'm sure we can come to some agreements," she informed me. "Is three o'clock this afternoon good for you then?" She asked. It was a little after noon now. I figured I could at least clean up a little. Not the room ... me.

"Yeah, three's good," I told her, and then gave her the address. Surprisingly, as it turned out, she only lived two miles away from where I did. "Oh yeah, I've been by there many times," she informed me. "There's that really nice bakery there on the corner of the street, just a few houses down from you."

There was, and I confirmed that with her, wondering then if perhaps I hadn't in fact run into her there before as I'd very often frequented the place myself. Up until the accident that is ... since then, the furthest I'd been was out on my porch a few times to pick up the paper. After hanging up with her, I managed to hop down the hallway to the bathroom where I proceeded to take a bath in the sink. At least I wouldn't smell bad, even if my hair was in fact starting to stand on end all by itself.

Tracy, as she introduced herself to me was a young, and rather attractive looking woman. I guessed her to be in her late twenties at the most. She worked part time as it was, doing some book editing, made decent enough money whenever she did that, but unfortunately, it didn't promise or guarantee her a steady income. Doing something in addition to this, on the side, would help her make ends meet a little easier. And it was something that she could manage to work both jobs around time-wise. Even though she rolled her eyes and almost covered her nose when she saw the conditions I was living in. I almost felt bad for the way things looked, especially as cute as she was. She wore her dark hair short, almost too short, but in a sassy, almost devilish sort of way, with the bangs far longer, and constantly falling over into her eyes where she almost continuously brushed them away. It was almost annoying, in a cute sort of way. She had nice tits too, or from what little I could tell anyway. But then again, I hadn't really been thinking along those lines recently, so even thinking the word "tits" was almost enough. Not like she was big busted, nor small. Probably average in proportion to her five and a half foot frame. I think her most striking feature to be honest about it ... besides her tits, were her almost gray colored eyes, that seemed striking, along with her delicate features, small nose, full sensual lips, and a dimple in the middle of her chin that became even more pronounced whenever she smiled. Though looking around the room at the moment, she wasn't doing much of that.

I had introduced myself to her as Jack, trying to make light of it. "Call me Jack," I had told her. "Not so nimble ... or quick," I had added. She ignored my comment however, along with my attempt at humor.

"First things first," she informed me. "I'll be back first thing in the morning to get this place back in shape again ... and then back the day after tomorrow to finish things up, and then begin working with you."

"With me? Regarding what?" I questioned.

"Getting you up and off your ass again for one thing," she announced taking me by surprise. Hell, I hadn't even officially hired her yet, and I was already thinking about firing her just for her attitude, tits or no tits. Though that's probably what saved her. She was cute, and she reminded me of me ... when I was about her age. Had the same kind of temperament I used to have, before the accident. Now ... not so much.

"You have any rubber gloves I can use?" She then asked.

"Maybe. If I do, they're under the kitchen sink," I informed her. She soon left, finding them, and then came back in, retrieving my collection of piss-filled mason jars. She then carried them two by two into the bathroom and emptied them into the toilet. When she was done, she carried them all outside to the trash, tossing them out.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, questioning. She just looked at me for a moment.

"You won't be using those anymore," she informed me. "You may look like a slob at the moment, and even act a little like one. But I know you're not. You're going to start using the bathroom again, just like everyone else does. And ... I'm going to help you in showing you how to do that, and make it easier on yourself."

Like I said ... if it hadn't been for her looks, and thinking about her tits, and that maybe I might actually get a peek down her blouse on occasion while she cleaned up the place, I might have sent her packing. But I didn't feel much like digging out the mason jars she'd just tossed either, so my choices were few and far between at the moment.

"And how are you planning on doing that?" I then asked sounding a bit gruff and put out with her.

"Well for one thing, my brother works for a hardware store nearby. Does a few odd jobs here and there on the side. I think you can afford to have some railings put up in the hallway here. Something to hold onto while you make your way down to the bathroom. So that's the first thing we're going to do, that ... and get some additional railings in your bathroom too."

"What's the second thing?" I now asked, surprised at her idea, but admitting it had some merit, and would make things a lot safer and easier for me.

"Getting you upstairs and into a bath, and then into a nice comfy bed for a good night's sleep for another," she then stated. "You stink."

"But ... but I took a bath, just before you got here," I told her.

"Washing your junk while standing in front of the sink, even if you did stand and do that, doesn't constitute a bath. You can't get to everything even doing that," she then added, though actually smiling again. Her dimple suddenly defusing my embarrassment, and irritation at being called a scum-bucket, even if I was one. "So, let me make a quick phone call to my brother, get things rolling there. After that, I'm going to help you upstairs to the bathroom and bedroom, and get you taken care of for the night. I'll be back first thing in the morning to get started on everything else. After that's done ... we'll see if my coming by two or three times a week will be sufficient. For a while I'm afraid, it'll have to be every day. At least until we've cleaned things up around here sufficiently for you to actually live here, and not in a pig-sty, and secondly, to see you start fending more for yourself than you obviously have been."

I had to glance at her tits once again to keep from saying anything. Funny what a combination of embarrassment, truth, and pride can do in getting in the way of things. Damn fucking confusing for one thing. But I had to admit, there was something about this girl I actually did like ... besides her tits.

"Ok, let's get you upstairs and into the bath. While you're doing that ... I'll get some fresh sheets on your bed. I'm sure you could use them. That ... and a change of clothes too no less."

Ok, she had me there. At the moment, all I was wearing was my old ratty bathrobe, and a pair of boxer shorts. And even then, I wasn't sure if I'd already turned them inside out or not. Don't laugh ... but it gave me an extra days worth of laundry. Yeah, I'd been doing those in the sink too. After all, the laundry room was down stairs. Go figure.

I stood there looking up the stairs. All twenty-two steps. It was like taking on Mount Everest. At least for me anyway.

"Just lean on me, I'll help you up," she informed me. Hell, I was twice her size, and weight. Well ... I used to be anyway. Amazing how much one leg actually does weigh when I later thought about it. But ... surprisingly, we managed. And she was a hell of a lot stronger than she looked too. And ok ... I sort of liked it when she put her arm around my waist to support me, and when I put my arm around her shoulder for support. I didn't mind the trip, or taking my time making my way upstairs and into the bathroom. Actually looking forward to taking a bath, though again, that fear came rushing back. Getting in and out of the tub wasn't going to be easy. She saw the look.

"I'll make sure my brother does something about this room too," she told me. "Now ... give me your clothes," she said as she began running me a bath.

"I'm sorry ... what?"

"You're clothes. You can't very well take a bath with your clothes on now can you? And you're going to need some help getting in and out of the tub. No room for modesty, or inhibitions now either. I've seen it before ... nothing is going to offend or shock me."

"No ... but I'll embarrass myself," I thought quietly. Talk about piss poor timing. I hadn't thought about sex in month's ... maybe even years, especially since my divorce. So here I am, not actually fully erect or anything ... but I was getting there. And here she was, waiting for me to take off my clothes. And me, still not remembering if I'd already worn my shorts more than two or three times already.

"Well?" She asked almost impatiently, folding her arms beneath her breasts waiting on me. "I haven't got all day you know," she then added making it even worse. She actually looked sexy standing there, even with a frown on her face, especially with her breasts suddenly jutting out, with her arms folded beneath them the way they were. And me ... sitting on the edge of the tub starting to get a "Willy". I took off the robe. And sure enough, my Johnson was sticking up through the opening of my shorts, well ... sort of anyway. I think it was as nervous as I was, but curious too. And of course ... she saw it. Her frown not quite so much a frown as it once was. Just a hint of an upturn to her lips, not so much as to call it a smile or anything ... more like a quirk. "And what the hell did that mean anyway?" I wondered.

"Make sure you wash that ... and your balls too," she informed me pointedly, once again taking me by surprise. "I can only imagine," she then said adding insult to injury as she bent over reaching for my shorts, pulling them suddenly down my legs. Thank god they were still reasonably clean.

I of course was speechless. Now sitting there naked in front of her, and yeah ... Willy was now one ... with a capital "W". And now she did smile, helping me to ease down into the tub. That deliciously hot tub full of water.

"You can relax ... after you wash up," she told me. "I'll be back in to get you, and finish washing you up, after I've changed the sheets on your bed." And with that ... she left.

"And finish ... washing me up?" I once again said aloud this time. "Jesus H!" I exclaimed looking down at myself. "You'd better be fucking gone by the time she gets back then," I added. And somehow knew ... it wouldn't be.

I had washed what I could ... what I could reach, though now sitting there annoyed and angry with myself. If you can only imagine ... I had actually reached down to wash what wasn't there anymore. How soon we forget. Though I know it had something to do with that phantom leg thing. I'd already reached down a number of times to scratch an itch on my foot that wasn't there anymore. Funny that. Not so much. But ... I was leaning back, relaxing now, even starting to doze off a little when she knocked on the door, and then walked in without my saying it was ok. Like I had a choice in the matter.

"Feel better now?" She asked waking me from my snooze. At least Willy was willy now, though she actually looked down directly at it. "And you did wash everything yes?" She asked.

"Yes," I said a bit harshly, not liking the assumption that I might not have.

"Good ... now sit up, and I'll do your back for you," she said coming over to sit on the side of the tub, taking up the wash cloth and soap as she began scrubbing me down. Surprisingly, that felt good too. Maybe it had to do with someone else's hands touching me ... even doing that. It had been after all, quite a while since anyone had. Far longer than I even cared to remember.

"That feels nice, thank you," I actually said, surprising us both perhaps, though she smiled at me upon hearing that.

"You're welcome. But tell me ... when's the last time you masturbated?"

I was sure I had soap in my ears and hadn't heard her right. There was no fucking way she had just asked me that, not right out of the blue, and not with me hardly knowing anything about her.

"I'm sorry ... what?"

"You heard me. When was the last time you even jerked off?" She asked again still washing my back, almost peering over my shoulder, though by now, I sort of had my hands in my crotch, as though attempting to keep little willy from hearing what it was she'd just asked me.

"Now listen here," I began, like I was suddenly going to stand up, get out of the tub and rush off.

She just shook her head. "That's what I thought," she said interrupting me. "No wonder you're acting like a grumpy old man. When was the last time you even did anything?" She asked once more. I think I swallowed my tongue though, no words would come, though my mind was actually trying to think far enough back the last time I had gone out and done anything.

"Maybe ... a year ago?" I actually stated.

"Holy shit!" She exclaimed. "No wonder you're feeling sorry for yourself then," she said hitting me between the eyes. "Tell me you at least were jerking off once in a while though ... until this anyway," she now said reaching down to actually place her hand on my knee, just above where the rest of my leg was missing. I flinched, splashing water on her, though she didn't really react to that, even though the white blouse she had on was now partially clinging to her ... to her breasts which I now realized, weren't encased in any kind of a bra either. I could now see the darker coloring of her nipples.

"Fuck!" I said, not even realizing I'd spoken aloud as she looked down at herself, saw what I was, and laughed.

"Well at least your still human ... but you didn't answer my question yet either. So ... when was it? A week ago? A month ago? What?"

And then I did something I hadn't done, not even since losing my leg. I started to cry.

When I felt her slide over along the bathtub I figured the bath was done, expecting her to reach out in order to help me stand up. She reached out ... but not in the way I was expecting. Suddenly, I sat watching as her delicate hand dipped between my legs beneath the water. I felt it as she wrapped her hand around my now very limp, very flaccid cock and began fondling it, very intimately, very softly. I looked up into her eyes, questioning, still unable to speak.

"Just relax, enjoy it ... it will make you feel a whole lot better," she said softly, reassuringly. Although startled, surprised at this unexpected show of compassion, I remained at a loss for words, now closing my eyes, sinking into the almost dreamlike eroticism I was now experiencing at the touch of her caressing hand. "By the way ... you really do have a nice looking cock."

The sound of her voice, her words once again surprising me. There was an edge to them I hadn't heard before, an excitement that was coming through as she spoke. I opened my eyes once again ... looking, even smiling a little as I glanced down at myself. I was hard ... very hard, and sat watching, feeling ... as her hand cupped, fondled, stroked and then teased my large swollen head. I was literally in heaven sitting here.

"God that feels..."

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Discovering BanyaCh 3Boris Hero Of Brighton Beach Meets Eve Banya Girl

The day after the hurricane the waves were huge at Brighton Beach.  The Russian part of the population had defied the emergency evacuation order and now crossed the yellow police tape to have a look.One person stepped out of the crowd, let his robe drop, and strode proudly naked to take the plunge.  Boris rode the breakers up and down, past the jetty, accompanied by roaring applause from the appreciative group remaining on shore.Several hours later, Eve, who had witnessed the fantastic event...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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On The London to Brighton Line

It’s early. Far to early to be up on New Years Day, but we are up anyway. We are on our way to Brighton from London. My girlfriend Jess is asleep with her head in my lap, as the train passes through Gatwick and our carriage empties out. It looks like not a lot of people are on their way to Brighton this rather chilly early New Years morning. Jess wakes up as we stop at the next station. She looks up and me and smiles sleepily. She has a great smile. Her long brown hair is tousled and partly...

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A Night in Brighton

Friday 28 November 1952 Our one night together in Brighton began by us meeting as arranged in the concourse of London Bridge railway station, at five in the afternoon to catch the 17.15 train. I had already picked up the first class tickets from the office. There was a freezing pea-souper in London that Friday afternoon in late November and you could barely see a hand in front of your face. As the weather was so bad I left my rented house in Croydon half an hour early so I was waiting for her...

3 years ago
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Wrong Number Right Partner

Hi friends this is Raj with a new story actually it’s a real incident happened to me approximately 7 years ago.for my new readers let me describe myself, I’m Raj from Bhubaneswar the capital of Orissa and known as temple city.I am an average looking guy with 5’7″ height and average body to be honest, but don’t know why girls even ladies feel cozy with me and this story is about a girl whose no I got from a friend and how I talked from a simple conversation to dirty latter, and after few months...

3 years ago
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Miss Cartwright 2

Miss Cartwright Part 2 Part 1 ended where I had suffered a Spanking and caning at the hand of Miss Cartwright the Art teacher for submitting a picture of her in a class project. The following week I handed in my Art homework as usual it had been a landscape and I knew that I could do that okay so I had no worries, school went on and I sat my exams and on the last day of term I once again saw Miss Cartwright. ‘Are Peter, your last day at school have you learnt your lesson in how to behave and...

2 years ago
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Miss Cartwright 2

Miss Cartwright Part 2 Part 1 ended where I had suffered a Spanking and caning at the hand of Miss Cartwright the Art teacher for submitting a picture of her in a class project. The following week I handed in my Art homework as usual it had been a landscape and I knew that I could do that okay so I had no worries, school went on and I sat my exams and on the last day of term I once again saw Miss Cartwright. "Are Peter, your last day at school have you learnt your lesson in how to behave and...

4 years ago
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The Wrong Number1

I was ready to give up when my cell phone rang. I answered and was caught off guard by the deep young voice on the other end. "Is Annie there he asked. "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you have the wrong number." I said in my sexiest voice, hoping it would get his attention. "This isn't Annie's number? 619-555-6969?" he asked. That was the number he had dialed, but it didn't belong to Annie. I explained to him that I had just recently gotten the number. He apologized,...

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There's something extremely satisfying about the slow pull of a zipper.That's what I'd instructed her to wear. Something that zipped. With nothing underneath.cristina is a stereotypical Tex-Mex beauty. Long dark hair. Hour glass figures. Nice round ass and big perfect tits.She walked into the hotel bar in a belted burgundy satin romper with a zipper down the front. She had on high heels. She was trying to walk slow, but she couldn't keep those big tits from jostling.Her husband came in behind...

2 years ago
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Wrong Number Wali Bhabhi Ko Maa Banaya

Hi, dosto mai raj kumar fir se aap sab ke samne ek aur story pesh karne aaya hu jo ki 02 saal pehle ka hai. aur mujhe 4-5 mails bi aaye aur mere story unko pasand bhi aaye. dosto maine last story mei apne bare me kuch be expose nahi kiya tha. mera naam raj kumar hai. 6 fit lamba hu, sawla hun, mera age 24 hai aur mere body thoda medium hai. ab story me aatha hun………. Dosto eh story un dino ka hai mai jab hyderabad mein job kartha tha. Baath kuch aisa tha ki mujhe ek wrong number se ek ladki se...

3 years ago
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Wrong NumberChapter 10

That fateful wrong number John dialed. That horrible night with Peter. John’s caring and love when I needed it most. The phone sex. All culminating in last night’s mutual masturbation. A night I will never forget, and no matter how hard I tried, I could not bring myself to find fault. It was 9:00 pm when I took his hand, and we walked up the stairs. When we got to the top of the stairs, I stopped, put my hand on his cheek, and kissed him. “Give me ten minutes, Honey. Then call me.” John...

2 years ago
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SRU The Womanizer

Yeah, it's a predictable little story from me. So sue me :-) Spells R' Us: The Womanizer by Stephanie Josh saw the slap coming, but could do nothing to avoid it. "You're scum!" said the girl he had been talking to. She turned on her heel and stormed out of the bar. Josh shrugged and turned back to his drink. It had been a long shot, but it had been worth a try. He checked his watch. It was nearly quarter past five. He had left work early so he and his wife could go...

2 years ago
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Yes, my dream would have been more satisfying if it had gone along the lines of…a voluptuous red-headed noblewoman who lusted after one of her servants. She frequently sent him subtle hints of her desire, brushing up against him as she passed by, bending forward to show off her cleavage, and complimenting him on his strong build (when what she meant was his powerful legs and tight ass). She was sure that he felt the same way about her, as evidenced by his obvious erection during her latest...

3 years ago
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The twin sisters of the cross dresser policewoman

(This post is a fictional story on a bondage forum in China, and I am the prototype of the story. I just translated it into English. The copyright belongs to the original author, and the portrait right of the photos in the original link belongs to the original author and me)In the middle of a gloomy and horrible room stood a woman with a shawl. She was wearing a sexy red cheongsam, a pair of sparkling flesh-colored stockings like cicada wings wrapped around the beautiful woman's slender legs....

4 years ago
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Brighton Manor Ch 01

Chapter 1 An exploration of a love-hate relationship That old manor was no place for a city girl like Stella. Perhaps if she’d been born in this country and her parents hadn’t decided to move to America when they tuned 18, she might feel more comfortable running this big mansion. She would have been living here all along if her mother hadn’t passed this house on to her younger sister when their parents died. Now that Stella’s aunt had died a lonely, some say crazy, maid at 45, her mother was...

3 years ago
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Brighton Nude Beach story

Four years ago my wife (my girlfriend back then) and I moved down to Brighton and had a wonderful flat just off the seafront, only 100 yards from the beach. When the summer came around it was great to go and sit on the beach and relax in the sun with a good book, magazine or just our thoughts. My girlfriend was then a petite size 14 (UK) with lovely 36D tits and curvy hips that blend into a lovely pert bottom. She has long red hair that she often wears in bunches and the prettiest little face...

4 years ago
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London to Brighton

I sit in Dylan Rey’s hair salon on Tunbridge Wells High Street and stare at my new little black bob.I worried it wouldn’t suit my face, that I wouldn’t be able to manage the upkeep, and that at thirty-six I was too old. Scariest of all, if I didn’t have long hair would I look blokey – the perennial risk for a transgender woman?But it is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.A chunky, straight fringe hangs from a small white parting. Neat curtains either side of my face ease into dagger points...

2 years ago
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The Preparation of Helena VoutrakisChapter 15 Brighton Peer

The Prince Regent's Pavilion at Brighton is an extravagant architectural confection of English Gothic, Indian Palatial and, as a result of the Prince's predecessor, European Brutalism. The concrete and steel wing added ten years ago in an attempt to provide more comfortable living space was generally judged to have ruined the façade as seen from Old Steine but still the Pavilion presented a pleasing and mildly eccentric profile when viewed from most other directions. Miss Voutrakis and I...

4 years ago
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The Saleswoman

The Saleswoman Belladonna [Author's Note: Based on a cap by Commentator] The sound of a phone ringing turned Portia Dawn's head. She reached for the phone and picked it up as she saw her secretary's name appear on the caller identification panel. "Yes, Maria," Portia answered. The woman on the other end hesitated before she replied, "Jeff just stepped into his office." "Thank you, Maria," Portia replied while she felt a sinking feeling in her stomach as she hung up...

2 years ago
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Nacht in Gotham City. Doch friedlich ist es nicht. Während in den Straßen Gangs randalieren und die Polizei alle Hände voll zu tun hat, die Ausschreitungen in Grenzen zu halten. Im riesigen Büroturm des MyersElectronics war es ebenfalls nicht ruhig, auch wenn es von außen den Anschein hatte. Im Treppenhaus des Wolkenkratzers rannte Catwoman so schnell sie konnte die Stufen hoch. Schweiß lief unter ihrer Maske herunter und tropfte auf ihren schwarzen, hautengen Catsuit, der ihren kurvenreichen...

2 years ago
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Miss Cartwright

My Story begins 40 years ago when I was a pupil at school, as this story is true I will not name the school and the name of the teacher involved has been altered as well. I was not that good at Art but I really fancied the Art Teacher Miss Cartwright who I think was about 24 years old I was at the time 18 and in the 6th form. I had been given a project to complete a pencil drawing of a life model and I had made a real hash of it, I had however been working for weeks on a pencil drawing of...

3 years ago
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Miss Cartwright

My Story begins 40 years ago when I was a pupil at school, as this story is true I will not name the school and the name of the teacher involved has been altered as well. I was not that good at Art but I really fancied the Art Teacher Miss Cartwright who I think was about 24 years old I was at the time 18 and in the 6th form. I had been given a project to complete a pencil drawing of a life model and I had made a real hash of it, I had however been working for weeks on a pencil drawing of Miss...

4 years ago
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Wrong NumberChapter 2

Ring Ring Ring Hello? Hello... is this Mrs Bazel? Yes this is Mrs Bazel. Can I help you? Hmmmm, with this little tape, I just know you can. Who is thi... Oh my GOSH... its YOU! I'm so glad you remember. Did you miss me? No! I HATE YOU! How could you have lied about my daughter like that? Nobody ever said you had to get all horny because of it. You horrible girl. You humiliated me and worse you humiliated my Jessica. I hate you! How has she taken the news that her mother is an...

2 years ago
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Wrong NumberChapter 9

Thursday and Friday night, we had phone sex again. Our fantasies grew more vivid and graphic. I conjured up a fantasy lover being careful not to use any of John’s physical attributes as I described this apparition to my son. I told him how I wanted my lover to fuck me on the beach. John got me off when he said he would like to jerk off while watching me have sex. Friday night I told John how I liked oral sex, and if I had my fantasy lover in my bed, I would suck his cock. He told me he wanted...

2 years ago
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The road to womanness

When I left the surgeon's office, I had the feeling my happiness had finally reached its completion. When he diagnosed I could successfully undergo orchiectomy without losing material for my future vaginoplasty, I burst into womanly tears of spiritual elevation. Ever since starting my transition six months earlier as a sissy, I had been obsessed with ridding myself of the unsightly presence between my legs. My male organs grossly disgusted me. Wearing hard gaffs to flatten my pubic...

2 years ago
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My Wife the Womanizer

Please do not read if under 18 years of age or offended by sexually explicit stories and situations. My Wife the Womanizer By Couture (c) 2002 Couture email: [email protected] "Come down to the basement honey, I have a surprise waiting for you," my wife said. She looked stunning, dressed in a black merry widow, with stockings and heels to match. I loved it when she wore sexy lingerie, which unfortunately wasn't very often. I followed her through our very expensive...

3 years ago
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Wright SistersChapter 6

The following morning June was awakened by what she thought was the ringing of her old alarm clock at home. God, she felt awful! Her head ached, her mouth was dry and her body felt feverish all over. She must have come down with the flu. She would have to call in sick to the office, and old Mr. Chisolm wouldn't like that one bit. He hadn't been at all pleased when she told him she had to go to New York for a few days... New York! All the events of the preceding day and night flashed...

3 years ago
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Wrong Number Wali Ko Choda

Hi, may Amiya aap sabko iss per swagat kartahu. I am 25m from  Delhi. Ye mera iss per first story he. Kuch galat hojay to maf karna. Ab jyada time na lete hue sidha sachi story pe atahun.bat kuch dino pehle ki he,mujhe ek unknow number se cl aya,wo bhi raat ko 2.15 ke karib. Tab me nind me tha. Subhe dekha to mene turant call kiya. Kuch der me awaz ai hello. Me- hello, who is this? Udhar se ek sweaty voice sunai di. Can I talk to ashima? Me- who is ashima? I dont know who r u and ashima is...

2 years ago
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Wrong NumberChapter 6

It was a busy morning at work, and it kept my mind focused except for a quick peek at Peter when he walked by. I was in the break room sipping a coffee and reviewing a file I had brought with me. Someone sat at my table. I looked up and it was Peter. “Hi, Sara. Do you mind if I join you?” “No, no, it’s fine.” I thought I could hear genuine concern in his voice, “You look awfully busy this morning.” “Yes, we landed the Gladden project.” “I thought maybe you could use a little break. How...

3 years ago
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House of Frightful Delights

This thrill is not for the faint of heart, but for those with darker desires. She checked the ad on her phone again. The light from the screen illuminated her whiskered cheeks and painted nose. Ellen confirmed the house number on the mailbox as Ava rolled her eyes. “It's pretty obvious that this is it, El. Come on, let's go already.” Ava's impatience was clear with her arms crossed and a finger tapping her elbow just beyond her long white gloves. Her short hair was tied back in a ponytail...

3 years ago
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The House of Frightful Delights original

This thrill is not for the faint of heart, but for those with darker desires. She checked the ad on her phone again. The light from the screen illuminated her whiskered cheeks and painted nose. Ellen confirmed the house number on the mailbox as Ava rolled her eyes. “It's pretty obvious that this is it, El. Come on, let's go already.” Ava's impatience was clear with her arms crossed and a finger tapping her elbow just beyond her long white gloves. Her short hair was tied back in a ponytail...

4 years ago
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On The London to Brighton Line

It’s early. Far to early to be up on New Years Day, but we are up anyway. We are on our way to Brighton from London. My girlfriend Jess is asleep with her head in my lap, as the train passes through Gatwick and our carriage empties out. It looks like not a lot of people are on their way to Brighton this rather chilly early New Years morning. Jess wakes up as we stop at the next station. She looks up and me and smiles sleepily. She has a great smile. Her long brown hair is tousled and partly...

2 years ago
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English Girl Goes to Brighton

Why hadn’t she put her little purse back in her handbag?  Hayley was so angry with herself, so angry with everything, she wanted to scream.  He’d planned the perfect weekend, she was so looking forward to it, and she was screwing it up.  She had taken her little clutch out of her handbag to pay for the lunch delivery, and why had she not put it back?  To make matters so much worse, she hadn’t realized it until she’d gotten all the way to London Bridge and was standing in line for the train...

4 years ago
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Bred in Brighton

Author’s note: If you’ve got any ideas or requests, make sure to pop them in the comments. I’d also appreciate your feedback regarding styling and including pictures as links. Hope you like it! The story is meant to be played as a game so make sure to click on “Start Game” at the beginning or the chapters won’t make much sense. Thanks! If you enjoy the story, please make sure to leave a like, favourite it and drop a comment! It really helps me stay motivated, plus it lets me know what you like...

4 years ago
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Wrong NumberChapter 18

I dreaded this night, but I was resigned to trying to be upbeat for John’s sake. He seemed to be looking forward to tonight and kept telling me everything was going to be fine and I would have a good time. How could I have a good time when I would have to sit and watch Laura and John being lovey-dovey, dancing close and knowing they were going to have great sex at the end of the night while I was going to have to endure some fifty-year-old codger they dug up to keep me company? He’d better...

4 years ago
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Oliver and Emilie Wright

"For godssakes stop the silly crying, Oliver, and be a man. So Billy screwed me. So what? It isn't like it means a damn thing," said Emilie. "It made me feel good and didn't hurt you or us one little bit." "I'm not crying. I've just got something in my eye. But, as for the rest of it, it means plenty to me, and in case you actually give a damn it did hurt me. And also in case you actually give a damn there is the indisputable fact that this marriage is over," I said. "Oh, pooh,"...

2 years ago
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Metamorphosis of Number 50 Part 2

Metamorphosis of Number 50 - Part 2 Chapter 3 - The Vault Elsa was not as tall as Miss Penny, but she was certainly taller than Jeffrey. She had long brown hair that was put up neatly in a bun. For a woman in her mid-30's, Elsa was aging gracefully due to her natural beauty and solid Austrian stock. She was also very serious about the need to exercise daily and, as such, she took good care of herself. Jeffrey noticed that her skin was slightly tanned, but flawless. Not one mark,...

3 years ago
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Number One Pony

Number One Pony PlowingEvery day at the farm begins the same way. I was wakened as usual at seven o’clock and had fifteen minutes to brush my teeth and go to the bathroom. Then I waited at the gate until my mistress arrived. My team assembled behind me and we waited silently until Mistress Eve showed up. She unlocked the gate and we walked to the wash room. I positioned myself between two posts, spread my feet and raised my arms. Mistress Eve tied my wrists to the posts then did the same to my...

4 years ago
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Number 6

She hides behind a tree; her heart is pumping so loudly that she's scared it will give her hiding place away. She can hear him, searching for her, he's so very close she feels, a branch snaps and she holds her breath, wishing her heart wasn't so loud. Why had she gotten into his car so easily? After everything her mother had told her! WHY had she been so trusting? A noise - just by her! She turns to see him looking at her! She squeals in shock and runs away as his hands reach out to grab...

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