Overwatch Mansion
- 3 years ago
- 41
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Kelly was depressed. The petite red-hed was sipping coffee at her kitchen table thinking about college and all that she had left behind, including her boyfriend. As she idly surfed the net in her old farmhouse outside of Sweetwater, Texas, she wondered what she would do for the next 40 years. The trusts and annuity took care of her physical needs, but what of the rest of her? Things were beginning to look bleak.
She needed a distraction. Hell, what she needed was a good fu--
My God! What IS that? There wasn't much to it, just a motor, controller, eccentric, piston, collar and -- what was that? a 14" x3" dildo. Hmmm... Electic boyfriend...
She dove into the site, checking out the equipment. The models didn't look too shabby, either. A couple of downloaded movies made her jealous. She fidgeted in her seat. "Damn. Gotta get me some... something!"
The onlide store showed a Sybian. She whipped out plastic and ordered, then kept browsing.
There. That one. No mistaking the mixer as the main component.
Kelly grinned a tight little grin, remembering the 5 gallon Hobart mixer in the equipment barn. THIS farmer's daughter with an engineering degree was about to get her some.
The old electric pipe threader still worked, and she had plenty of cutting oil. A trip to town brought iron and PVC pipe, pipeweld, some electronics and large pump replacement parts.
The old master bedroom became a workroom for a while, the delivered package was forgotten in her single-minded building spree. Another trip to an online "adult" store bought belts, harnesses, and--most importantly-- the final "interface", a selection of normal-to-heroic sized dongs. Two days later, Kelly was boring out the rubber to mount connecting rods within them, and fitting them one by one to the end of the driven arm. This had the added benefit of making them stiffer. looking it over, the mixer drove an axle where the mixing blade used to be, fastened to a horizontal disk modified with a slot to vary the stroke depth. Below that, a reciprocating arm was driven thru a sleeve bearing to keep it pointed at one place. Now, where to sit? Where to put the controls?
Her OB/GYN in town had retired two years ago, and nobody had replaced him.
What happened to the equipment? A couple of calls located the bench and gear in his old garage, gathering dust under a tarp. An even thousand dollars and it was hers for the hauling away, and haul she did. The leg supports were worth that to her alone.
After tying it all together she crawled inside the box frame and lay down on the bench, trying things on for size. Rise and angle were OK, now how to set the depth?
Kelly stripped, took a long dildo, lubed it up and squatted over it, slowly impaling herself. Deeper, deeper,... there! Now, push a little more... streeetch... Oooh.
OK, that's it! Marking with her thumbnail, she slowly pulled it out, to measure it. Wow. 13 inches. Who would have guessed? She clevised the rod in place and rotated the head, measuring and adjusting until she was happy.
Sitting on the floor in sweats, Kelly looked over her work. This thing was powerful. That was a twenty amp 3-phase motor! This thing could really hurt her in a place that... Lubrication. Damn. She forgot about lube!
The timer could go to 2 hours... what a rug-burn THAT would be. Back to the shop.
A small-bore aircraft drill bored out a small hole along the axis of each dong and a brass hose fitting glued in. Thin hose connected to a stroke pump, and then to a 5 gallon reservoir filled with mineral oil. An odd thought made her purchase a small air pump with tank and a piston pump in town when getting the oil. She fashioned a four-ounce "surge" oiler to the final tube, and arranged for the thing to automatically reset. She set the pressure to forty pounds in the air tank and promptly forgot about it. Next, an immersible heater was put into the oil and turned on to warm things up. Oh, damn. A check valve so the damned thing wouldn't suck her guts out. Next morning, a trial run.
Friday morning came all too soon. With a small case of the shakes, she stripped down and lay on the table with her legs in the spreaders. Too flat. She wanted to see this thing in action. So, she propped up the back until she felt comfortable.
Back in the "saddle" she strapped her hips down with a wide belt.
She didn't want to slide into the thing by mistake. pulling the controls over to be close to hand at her right on an articulated arm, she took a deep breath. Now to test it. reaching down below her legs she pulled up the head of the dong between her legs.
Kelly rubbed it between her labia until she was quite wet, and let the head pop into her vagina. "Uf!" Two inches of stiffened rubber was connecting her to the engine. She lay back. Time for a little dynamo hum!
Kelly settled back and wiggled around until everything felt right. she pulled the belt around her hips a little tighter. Inspecting the control panel, she set the speed control to low and hit ON.
Oh My. That felt nice. Ooh. The warm oil felt VERY nice. Faster.
The rheostat was edged up, thrusting faster and faster, thrusting and pulling back faster and jerkier. She felt her labia being pulled in and out of her vagina with the thrusts. Her breathing was getting irregular as the pumping was making her flip her hips in little involountary motions. Shuddering in a little orgasm, she pushed the speed controller up again. Up, and up again until she shuddered in a massive, belly-clamping orgasm. As she was coming down, she brushed the oil injector button.
Four ounces of 110 degree oil rocketed into her. Spasming and writhing, she clawed and howled as her orgasm doubled up on her. As her belly clamped down, her diaphragm spasmed and her breath left her. She felt her cervix trying to eat the dildo. Within moments she had exceeded her previous best orgasm, wildest hopes and air supply. She passed out only to be jarred into awareness by another orgasm, then another, and yet another.
Weakly, she slapped the off switch only to have the machine stop at full stroke, with the dildo buried fully into her belly. Her cervix spasmed open at the touch and swallowed the invading rubber cock. Shivering in an extended spasm, Kelly deliberately reached over and pressed the oil injector button once again. A jet of hot oil jetted into her womb, gushed out of her clamping cervix and flowed out of her vagina to cover her ass and thighs.
Kelly's belly spasmed hard. Her legs flailed over her head at the amazing sensations that drove her over the top of another electric climax. Her back arched and she screamed--then relaxed as she passed out again.
The room was silent except for the sound of her unconcious breathing and the quiet drips of the oil striking the puddle on the floor from between her thighs.
The sunlight slowly drew its long arc across the room as the day passed.
That afternoon, Kelly stirred and opened her gummy eyes. looking down, she groaned as she felt all her muscles and ligaments complained over the olympic- grade workout she had put herself thru. "Wuuuh. Talk about aerobics. Oooh."
Slowly, carefully Kelly unstrapped herself and carefully sliding the controls to slow, she pulsed the arm until it was withdrawn, and sliiiiid off the bench to the padded floor below.
"If I didn't have to piss so bad, I'd just lie here". She crawled to a frame riser and pulled herself up, to stagger off to the bathroom for a long soak, then off to bed.
"Aunt Kelly? You here?"
Kelly's neice Allie had her own key as she was spending the summer with her aunt.
Everything had been arranged-- she thought. This was the first day of her summer vacation and nobody was home. Allie shrugged, and hauled her pack to the back room she always used when visiting.
Looking around, she found a large, unopened packing box in the living room.
Opening it, she found to her delight, a sex shop catalog and... something big.
Looking thru the catalog, she found the Sybian section. Her eyes got bigger and bigger as they switched between the text, pictures and the contents of the box. The fourteen-year-old giggled and started singing to herself in a little sing-song every kid knows: "Kel-ly's-A-Per-vert! Kel-ly's-A-Per-Vert!"
She wondered where her aunt and best friend was. The car was in the garage...
Allie went thru the house looking for her aunt. The door to the master bedroom was unlocked.
"Holy Shit!"
The perfume of her aunt's "exercise" filled the room. The boxy frame of iron pipe surrounded a mixer and bench, with a control panel to one side. She slowly reached out to stroke the controls, seeing several un-labelled dials and switches.
"Don't touch that!" rang out. "The thing's not safe yet."
Allie spun around to see her wrung-out aunt leaning against the doorframe in a robe and fuzzy slippers.
"What... Who... what... Did you?... Is it... Gawd! Aunt Kelly! You look rode hard and put away wet!"
Well, dear, that's what happens when an engineering project damned near fucks you to death. Twice, I think."
Kelly slowly padded off to the kitchen, followed by a totally bemused Allie.
Kelly glanced over at the Sybian half out of its box.
"I see you found the little toy. Mine's better!" she smirked
"Oooh! " A grimace took her face as she sat in a kitchen chair.
"A little too good for the first time, I think. Be a dear and get me some water and start the coffee, would you?"
"Sure, Kel. No problem." Seven minutes later Allie slid into a chair across from her aunt and looked her in the eye.
"OK, Fessup!" Tell me about the train wreck and cattle fucker in there!"
After a long dring of water and a few careful sips of coffee-nectar, Kelly started talking...
"I was bored and surfing. This web site showed some interesting toys. I was really horny, and ordered the Sybian, then saw the others. I had to try it, as the mixer was in the toolshed. I'll tell you, it sure as hell beats a carnival ride."
After eying her neice a bit, she came to a decision.
"You ever had a guy? I mean, in you."
Allie stared at her like a three-headed cow, and flushed from her belly button to the top of her head.
"What, me? why? What's on your mind?" Allie's eyes narrowed. "You're not going to put ME on that thing, are you?"
"Umm, no, at least not until I make sure it's safe. I got lucky, and I feel like I just fucked the Rams, Colts and Oilers. Thank God I put in a lube system or I WOULD be smoking after sex."
Allie just loooked at her, the burst out laughing.
"OK, what's the record? I might beat it by the end of summer. I want to break in on the Sybian first, though. OK?"
"Deal." They both started giggling at the thought of seeing each other "in the saddle".
Kelly had a thought. "Hey, I put an hours counter on that thing. Let's see what it says."
They walked into the "toy room" and started cleaning up. The hours counter gave her the bad news. She only spent 95 minutes in the saddle. She looked aghast at the control panel with the two hour timer on it. Waaay over-engineered.
Allie looked on with interest as she explained how the systems worked, and demonstrated the lube and jet system against her hand. Allie was fascinated with the collection of dongs and what had been done to them.
"You can borrow them, just put them back clean, OK?"
Allie flushed, knowing that her aunt had read her mind. "OK, Kel. No problem."
Looking into her aunt's eyes she continued: "But if you get me addicted, I'll want a going-away present."
Kelly broke up at that, leaving a puzzled Allie until she was let into the secret that Kelly's college friend from England called an intense orgasm "going away".
As the weeks went by, the "CF" machine was automated and saftied by limit switches and pressure sensors. There were motors and servos added to vary the stroke depth and speed.
Computer interfaces gave the thing programmability. Allie asked about changing the size of the dildo by computer control. Kelly got a "far away" look and dissapeared into the computer room for a few days. Finally, she came out and gave her neice a nasty little grin.
"Come in here and look at this." Kelly started her CAD box up and sat Allie at it.
She saw a metal phallus in a mesh covering. The legend showed 1:1 and it was 18 inches long, and just 1 inch across.
"Now watch this as I adavance the views to different rheostat settings." slowly, the thing grew to two, three then four inches across. The mesh just streched.
"I could make it bigger, but why bother? I'm not a cow."
"OK, how to make it? Will it electrocute us?"
"Nope. I know a place that makes latex forms to order. Laurie works there. I took some classes with her. She's nuts enough to do it. She'll just want a copy for herself.
I'll send her a request and copy of the plans right now."
The phone rang later that day...
"Kelly? Jesus! You're actually MAKING this thing? What the hell are you putting it on? the six million dollar man needs a woody? Holy shit!"
"Hi, Laurie. Nice to hear from you, too. You want one too? "
"Sure! What the hell are you going to put it on, though?"
"Try a Sybian, for starters. Then, think of a motor, eccentric, sleeve piston..."
"Ohh shit. BOB. Your battery-operated-boyfriend needs an extension cord."
"How soon can you send me some samples?"
"Hey, little girl, want to come play in MY toyroom???" there was a pause.
"You Betcha, kiddo. Name the date and time."
"Damn, kid. OK. Bring the samples when you can spend a couple of days. It'll take a week or two to make the insides once I get a machine shop intown, and the monomel stock."
"Got it, Kelly. It's a date. Three weeks, OK?"
"Deal. Bye!"
Allie just looked on with admiration.
"You're really doing it, aren't you?"
"Yup. Let's go get re-tooled. I'll make an engineer out of you yet."
"Kelly? Are you going to market this thing? What are you going to call it? If you put tracks on it you could call it Sherman. It'll march to the sea and burn Atlanta on the way."
Only a week later saw the first prototype. It expanded evenly inside her fist and closed again.
Kelly called her friend and set up the date.
When Laurie arrived all the controls were in place and labelled, the oil tank was filled and warmed. Two chairs were dragged into the toy room where two fascinated witnesses watched-- one a thirteen-year-old blonde girl with a slim build and runner's legs from highschool track, the other a curvy italian-looking young woman with lusterous black wavy hair. Their entertainment for the day, Kelly, stripped down to her milky smooth skin, freckles peppering her face, shoulders and breasts. She fitted herself into the saddle and belted in. Grinning at her friends, she mounted the new dildo between her labia and lay back. Setting the panel to computer control, she activated the first program she had devised. Taking a deep breath, Kelly slapped the "ON" switch.
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LesbianUNDERCOVERJessica’s a five year veteran of the force. Still young, attractive, she’s been assigned to a task force investigating the suspicious disappearances of young women from the downtown riverfront night spots. The task force has been assigned teams, usually a couple or so undercover male officers in the background with a female officer, sometimes two, dressed as ‘Marks’ frequenting certain bars and clubs. A couple months in without any further disappearances and the rumors are the...
“This shouldn’t be happening” I kept telling myself as I hesitated. If I hesitated much longer then our psycho host would get pissed and probably kill us both ... just for the fun of it. He was impotent ... and he wanted a threesome involving me, his girlfriend and mine. He’d discovered that I was hung like a horse, and his perverted mind wanted to see me in action whilst he sat and watched. I had just fucked his equally psycho blonde bimbo girlfriend to a massive cum ... and there was an...
This story takes place in Boston, on a cold,rainy, October night.We just got to our layover hotel in Boston after a fairly long, bumpy flight from L.A. The Captain, First Officer and myself went down to the hotel bar for a bite ti eat and a night cap. The other 4 flight attendants decided to go to bed. It was about 9:00p. After a light dinner and a few drinks the pilots decided to call it a night.Across the dimmly lit bar, I noticed what appeard to be a customer who looked liked the handsome...
I'd like to thank Dennis for his editing of this story. I worked about 30 kilometers from my Scandinavian hometown and I t almost never happened to be home during the daytime, unless some work related matter brought me to the hometown during daytime. But that Wednesday morning was one of the very few exceptions. About ten o'clock my job related matters were completed and I decided to make a short stop at my home though I didn't expected anybody to be there. The kids Lisa and Elmer ought to...
Lizzie and I are partners. Not in the romantic sense, more like a business partnership. I’m a first-class introvert, living quite isolated out in the country and mostly interested in my projects and learning new technical stuff. It’s paid off pretty well. My royalties have been well into the six digits for the past few years and if I’d meet with business people more often it could be more. That’s where Lizzie helps out. She’s going to college for a business degree and is learning to interface...
Makeoverby Vickie TernIt really was the most amazing birthday my wife could ever have given me! Even now my eyes fill with tears just thinking about it. It seemed overwhelming two nights ago, when she first proposed it. But sincethen?She'd sat me down and told me the whole thing was arranged, never mindthanking her, there was nothing for me to do but enjoy myself. I wouldbe spending the whole of my birthday downtown, doing wonderful thingsall Saturday long dressed as Jenny. Being Jenny....
All comments welcome -- [email protected] Don't read this if you can't, or can't claim you can. Makeover by Vickie Tern It really was the most amazing birthday my wife could ever have given me! Even now my eyes fill with tears just thinking about it. It seemed overwhelming two nights ago, when she first proposed it. But since then? She'd sat me down and told me the whole thing was arranged, never mind thanking her, there...
Overslept by Erin Tyler Becca walked up to her roommate's bedroom door while adjusting the sleeves on her dress suit. She pushed her big round glasses up her nose and called out, through the door, "Kaylee! C'mon, we've got to go! We've only got fifteen minutes to get to work!" She heard a sudden shuffle in the room, then a bump. "Kaylee? Are you all right in there?" She carefully knocked on the door. She heard someone grunting and rapidly shuffling around the room, then more...
I had been at college for almost three weeks when the events I am writing about took place. My name is Karl. I’ve always considered myself a pretty normal guy. I played football in high school, dated a cheerleader, and usually got decent grades in my classes. Alright, enough about me… let me tell you how my freshman year started. I was sitting in one of the hang out areas on campus one evening, trying to figure out which of my new teachers would be least upset were I to turn in a...
This is my second attempt at writing a mystery thriller. The characters are a product of my imagination. The locations in Fort Lauderdale and in Coral Springs do exist. I do my own editing, but sometimes things get passed my spell check and proofreader programs, so please forgive any errors. Remember, it’s just a story with a happy ending. Undercover Cop By GatorRick September 2013 I awoke to an annoying beep…beep…beep. I couldn’t see a damn thing and when I tried to rub my eyes I realized...
I was asked to volunteer for an undercover assignment and I jumped at thechance. It involved an operation designed to break up a major pornoperation that was feeding stills and videos to several very successful web sites.So far, the agency had been unable to find anything i*****l about the group's operations. There was no chance of infiltrating anyone into theproduction side because it was too tightly controlled.The only way in would be to insert an agent posing as a bondage model.That's...
Undercover Angel Ch. 03 - Transvestite in hiding forced to fuck.Steve Marshall rolled into Wodonga and met with his contact; the manager of the Best Western Motel. The manager had spotted Michele's blue Ford and checked the guest register and discovered that the driver of the Ford, a 'Ms Mary Smith', was currently occupying room 113. The night clerk had described the woman to the manager; and then the manager had contacted Steve. By the time Steve Marshall arrived, things had taken an eventful...
Undercover Angel Ch. 01 - Mike goes undercover as a transvestite to escape crime boss.When Mike Harris stole two point seven million dollars in cash from his employer, he knew that his life had changed forever. It's one thing to steal that amount of money from your bosses' safe; it's quiet another to steal it from a ruthless gangster who is heavily involved in narcotics, prostitution, gambling and murder.Mike was Tony Leonardo's bookkeeper, accountant and financial adviser. Far removed from the...
Undercover Angel - Part III By Michele Nylons Steve Marshall rolled into Wodonga and met with his contact; the manager of the Best Western Motel. The manager had spotted Michele's blue Ford and checked the guest register and discovered that the driver of the Ford, a 'Ms Mary Smith', was currently occupying room 113. The night clerk had described the woman to the manager; and then the manager had contacted Steve. By the time Steve Marshall arrived, things had taken an eventful...
Undercover Operation Gone Awry I The powerful head of the city building department stared at the e-mail messagedisplayed on his flat-screen monitor. As usual, he was in his office more thanan hour before any of his staff, checking voice mail and e-mail. Better print a copy and delete this one, he thought. I wonder where elsethis message sits that I can't get to? He waited for the sheet of paper toemerge from the printer next to his keyboard, then with several clicks of themouse he deleted the...
Six months had passed since the end of the undercover operation involving myself and Tess. We spent the first two weeks fucking ourselves silly ... in every room of our safe house, and in every position that we could think of. When we emerged we had decided that we needed an extended break from law enforcement - the undercover operation had taken its toll on both of us mentally. Tess had lost her husband, and I was just mentally jaded. We hadn’t used the L word whilst together so far, but I...
The steamy water from the shower was really helping to wash away some of the tension of the last three months. Jamey expected when she took this undercover assignment that it would be the most challenging she had ever attempted. She also knew that it could be the piece that would jumpstart her career as a writer. She dared to dream of more money, better assignments, maybe even a book deal. Jamey wanted it all. But right now all she wanted was to enjoy the massaging power of the shower jet on...
EroticWe were now in our mid-thirties, most of us with families, so this was no longer such a normal occurrence, and we didn't process our alcohol as quickly as we used to. As I laid in bed in one of my buddy's guestrooms with my eyes closed, I was pretty sure I was still a little drunk. As I laid there perfectly still, I felt the bed shift. This wasn't particularly surprising to me. Over the years we all drank together, it was pretty common for any combination of us to share a bed together....
Hello everybody, this is my first story here and I hope that you like it. It was before lockdown and all had started and I had moved into my new 2BHK apartment that I was renting in Mumbai. Given that I was pretty much at work all day, I needed someone to look after the apartment for cooking and cleaning. I asked the building security guard to refer some maids who came to the colony but all of them asked for too much salary or were incompatible with the timings. One day while I was getting...
'What a sleepover it has been so far,' sixteen-year-old Megan Fremont said to herself as she slid into her sleeping bag.Not a few hours ago she was bustling around her room packing her backpack for the upcoming sleepover. It was the end of the school year and when it commenced in the Fall she and her friends would be seniors and that alone was cause for a celebration. She had not attended a sleepover since she was a little girl and was so looking forward to this one.Her biggest problem was...
LesbianSleepover By Harry Krytzer The Harvest Moon was shining so brightly as to make it seem like dawn, but the subdued quality of the light made it a comfortable brightness. The gurgling spa jets below him carried a backbeat to the whole scene. She floated up behind him, touching him on the hip and then kissing him on the shoulder. "What was in the package from France?", she asked. He responded slowly, "nylons". She moved her hand lower, cupping his balls in...