That Uneasy Feeling free porn video

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Up in the mountains of Northern California lies an old Spanish mission turned hacienda. It was carved out of the live rock by Indian slave labor well before the name 'California' was thought of. A bit east of Big Bar a winding road leads north, into the rough country. Where Big French Creek Road abruptly turns back on itself a rough trail continues deeper, deeper into the mountains.

Eventually the trail stops before a wall of hand-fitted dark stone blocks, five stories tall. It reeks of age and--something else. The glass windows in the openings shout of anachronism. A broad stone arch leads into the gloom from the bright June sunshine. Once inside the air seems cooler. What appears to be an old stable has been refitted into a large open garage. Heavy stone pillars stand in rows, shouldering the immense weight of the stories above.

At one side a short hallway leads to a modern framed door, replete with latch, lock and brass knocker. I sat in the silence listening to my truck's engine tick and cool. Home. I was finally home. I unlocked and opened the door, feeling the cooler air from within the building surround me. A short hallway opened up into a coat room. Four coat trees and a bench seat made it feel busy. Another door led on. A whitewashed (or at least white painted) vaulted ceiling gave an airy feeling to the huge room even though the lighting was dim. The polished stone floor was dotted with rugs that were dwarfed by the proportions of the floor. Heavy, dark mission tables stood at the walls. I looked carefully for a light switch and found nothing. Instead, several of the tables bore molded glass kerosene lamps, replete with match boxes. The reservoirs were dry. The room had four entrances, excluding the one which I had entered through. It was dominated by a huge, broad dining table that could easily seat twenty, perhaps twenty four. The ends of the room were bordered by serving tables and a large butler's pantry. Four huge chandeliers hung up out of the way, near the ceiling. A fireplace large enough to be called an inglenook gave the room a focus. It lay directly across from the entryway. Four high windows lit the room. It was deathly silent.

The place seemed to breathe. I could feel air currents surge back and forth in a slow, stately dance. I continued on to the left, which according to the rudimentary set of plans that I had been given should take me to the kitchens. The echoes of my footsteps that followed me seemed to shift in tone as I walked down the hallway. Shortly it opened into another chamber, this one tall, long and well-lit by high clestory windows and two more tall, broad windows on either side of another door at the far end of the room. The beams of light illuminated dust motes slowly drifting in the still air. It would certainly need an electric fan or two to make the kitchen comfortable while cooking. A mid-sized gas range, a clothes washer, a dryer, an upright refrigerator and a freezer sat in niches the far end of the room. The near end boasted a long elevated fireplace replete with swing arms and cast iron furniture. Two deep stone ovens had been built into the flue over the firebox. The electrical appliances all appeared to be from the seventies. A huge work table had space for six people to comfortably work around it. A deep soapstone double sink was built into the counter and had a hot 'n cold water tap above it. At the far end sat a square table with four chairs, all next to a broad, high window with a deep counter covered in wood. It was the most comfortable place I'd seen so far.

The papers I'd been given along with the deed stated that a propane generator shed sat outside the back door of the kitchen. I had trucked in four big hundred-pound propane torpedoes which still waited in the trailer parked in the garage. Once I wrapped my head around the place I'd have to get them moved and hooked up, then get the generator running. Otherwise I'd not have any running water or refrigeration for the fresh food patiently waiting for me in my truck.

I'd bought the place because I wanted to get away from people. Writing is a solitary vocation, or at least it is for me. The price had been insanely cheap. The property had been on and off the market for almost forty years and the bank was damned tired of carrying the place on their books. Nobody seemed willing or able to keep it over three months at a time. I wasn't much of a betting fellow but I thought that I could do better than that. It was sold 'as-is', furnished. A full set of plans for the place simply didn't exist anymore. All I had was a rough sketch to go by. Supposedly behind the structure lay a large garden or field that had grown wild. The deed said twelve acres of tillable land with natural irrigation. I somehow doubted that 'twelve acres' claim. It was probably overgrown with woody brush and trees after all that time.

I walked through the garden door, taking in the broad expanse of paved patio and the tumultuous garden that had flourished on its own through the decades of neglect. I could tell that it was early June from the stages of growth. I saw corn, tomatoes, green beans and what appeared to be melon vines. To one side I saw the little purple and yellow flowers of several potato vines. Closer to the patio an herb garden lay in the sun. I heard the pleasant sounds of water flowing over rock coming from the right side rock wall. I began walking in that direction but found my access blocked by a small wetlands. Whatever natural supply of water that was there seemed to have backed up over a small area. Returning to the patio I spotted a small stand-alone stone building some sixty feet from the rear wall of the hacienda. Upon investigating I found my generator and propane tank cache. There were two green painted five-gallon kerosene carriers there as well. The fuel within was so old that I'd never try to use any of it in a lamp. It would make a good starter for the fireplaces though. Two of the four propane tanks were full. Using the wrench I found on a nearby shelf I proceeded to do the bottle exchange thing. Then I cracked open the master feed valve and, after several attempts, managed to get the engine working. After it came up to speed and was running smoothly I cut in the generator. It had a good muffler as all I heard was a subdued purr. Now I had to find the water heater.

It was back to the kitchen for me. I began opening every door I could find. Near the outer wall I found the water heater. I got down on my hands and knees to light the thing. I struggled to my feet then made sure all the proper valves were either open or closed. The kitchen sink faucet was sputtering out water so I closed those valves as well. Then I let my ears guide me around the first floor to find the bathroom. The doorway furthest from the kitchen led to a hallway. Several doors guarded who knew what. The sound of running water came from the first door on the left. It was a full-sized facility with a big cast iron claw-footed tub. Someone had mounted a hand shower to the wall above the tub and wrapped it in a shower curtain hung by a suspended oval rod. The toilet reservoir was filling properly and the valves of the sink were closed. That was enough for me. I headed back to the kitchen to sit down for a while. I had a bad hip and needed to coddle it occasionally. I'd been T-boned in a traffic accident in north Los Angeles a few years before. It had left me with permanent joint damage and no family. I opened the cold water tap until it ran clear then rinsed out a glass and took it to the table. I took three Advil then sat patiently waiting for them to take effect.

Soon enough the ache faded into the background. I slowly made my way back to the truck to begin unpacking. First came my cart I'd packed to move everything, then the perishables. The refrigerator and the freezer were humming away nicely while chilling off their enclosures. I emptied my cooler into the 'fridge then set up the ice trays in the freezer and washed out a pitcher to hold cold water. That fit nicely into the 'fridge door. I rinsed out my cooler and took it back to the truck. I'd need it the next time I wanted to purchase meat or frozen goods in town. The cleaning supplies came in as well as a box of white goods, to be distributed between the bathroom, kitchen and bedroom. I next searched for a bedroom on the first floor. I was in luck! It was next to the bathroom. I used a hand truck which I'd brought to move the propane cylinders to get the old musty mattress and box spring out to the garage. The found rugs and linens went into the washing machine while I wiped down the room and its closet. Then I muscled in my new mattress and box spring. I topped it with a sheet and blanket from my stores then finished it off with my pillow. There. I had a place to sleep.

A bit deeper into the structure from the main hall lay the living room, or library. It had a big diamond-leaded glass window that looked out over the rear garden. It was comfortably furnished in heavy, dark pieces with minimal padding. One wall was filled with glass-faced bookshelves. Across from there was a small fireplace with a Franklin stove mounted in the firebox. Beside it was a four-wheeled cart half full of firewood. A metal box sat on the floor next to the Franklin. I guessed that it held newspaper and kindling. Things were getting complicated. I needed to write down my shopping list.

I fished my briefcase out of the truck and retreated to the kitchen. I made some canned chicken soup and a toasted cheese sandwich for lunch. After cleaning up I set up my sat-phone on the broad bottom sill of the window next to the garden door. There were power outlets here and there about the room. I also set up my laptop, plugged it in and got it booted up. Then I attached the data cable leading between the sat-phone and my computer. There. While everything was shaking down I opened up a spiral bound notebook and started taking notes.

I needed a cleaning crew to come out and give the whole place a good working over. All the linens and rugs had to be cleaned. All the J-traps in any un-used bathrooms had to be filled with mineral oil. The first floor also needed a thorough cleaning that required more effort than I was willing to expend. I wanted four face cords of firewood to be stacked in the garage, a couple of electric fans delivered, some gardening tools and a half dozen big five gallon containers of kerosene. I still had my books in storage with the rest of my clothing. The kitchen larder had to be filled as well. I wasn't going to accept living anywhere without access to a barbecue grill either. I ordered a middle-of-the-road Weber kettle along with a two hundred pounds of charcoal. I had the desire for and the money to pay for a broad pergola over part of the back patio. Some sturdy outdoor furniture would make me happy. I'd probably live more outside than inside during nice weather. Looking ahead I'd need more bedding, more propane and plenty of toilet paper. The mountains of northern California definitely were known for snow during the winter.

I copied off a Google map of the area, then drew in the trail to the place. I sent off my requests for service and PDFs of the map to the various companies which I'd contacted before locating the place. I put my invasion plans in place. The troop commanders were put on notice, the construction battalion notified and the logistics requests were activated. The deliveries would start rolling in the next day starting with my Pea Pod grocery order. A cleaning team would pay me a visit the next three days after that. Then my books and small furnishings were scheduled to appear. Next the contractor would show up with a load of wood to build the pergola. Then the outdoor furniture, barbecue grill and charcoal would be delivered. I'd made arrangements with the contractor to deliver four more propane torpedoes and haul away the empties, as well as to haul away the old bedding.

I had a filling dinner made out of a small can of corned beef hash, a fried egg and two pieces of buttered toast. I washed up and went to bed. The silence of the place disturbed me at first but eventually I got to sleep.

In the morning I stretched while in bed, feeling as if I had settled in like a piece in a jigsaw puzzle. After showering I put on a pair of sweat pants and headed over to the kitchen barefooted for a cup of tea. The stones felt comfortable beneath my feet. I took it outside along with a kitchen chair to sit and watch the wildlife. It was still a bit cool out but the morning mist had evaporated. The sound of the water cascading over the rocks made a wonderful background. The place was so quiet that it was getting to me. I was starting at the least sound. I decided to get an eight day mantle clock with chimes for the living room and a little radio for the kitchen. Hopefully I could bring in a station or two with all the mountains around me.

Next I tested how well the oven thermostat tracked. I made a couple loaves of wheat bread. I'd pretty well know what the oven temperature was by how long the loaves took to bake. It was as close to its stated temperature as was practical considering my elevation was over five thousand feet. Somehow I felt that the house felt happy with my blending in.

I was happy to hear their horn's beep when the peapod truck drove up. For an extra twenty they were nice enough to stack everything on the kitchen table. I spent that afternoon finding places for all the food, after I got the refrigerator and freezer stocked. I stacked their plastic boxes in the garage to be picked up on their next delivery.

The cleaning crew found the place. The stairwell lay at the furthest end away from the kitchen, behind another innocuous door across from the bathroom. I'd specified that they'd have to bring brooms, dust mops, oil and dust cloths because only the kitchen had electricity. There were so many rugs to clean that they agreed to take them all back to the city and have a professional service take care of them. When they left I slowly made my way up to the top floor to inspect the place. It was the first time I'd seen anything other than the ground floor.

It was empty. There were low heavy side boards along the hallway with lamps on them, but that was all. I walked up to the closest table. It had three drawers five fingers deep and roughly a foot square. I pulled open the rightmost drawer. It glided out as if the runners had been freshly waxed. Within I found a one quart glass bottle with a ground glass top and a box of matches. I pulled the top off the bottle and took a cautious sniff, confirming my guess. I smelled kerosene. I carefully capped it again and put it away. I found it curious that there were large open rooms with huge windows yet no toilet or bathing facilities on that level.

One floor down presented me with an identical room pattern and similar tables punctuating the walls between the doors. This left me with two more floors to explore.

The next floor was quite different. The hallway ceiling was hung with four simple hoop-shaped chandeliers each bearing eight candles. I found that each side table bore a box of candles and a box of matches. A pole-mounted candle snuffer rested near each windlass which led up to the pulleys supporting the ironwork. I was surprised that the ropes had not given way over time. I'd have to get them all replaced by good sash cord. A common dry toilet was built into each end of the hallway and the rooms were smaller. Still, they were unheated and would no doubt be uncomfortably cold in the depths of winter. Each door had a single letter of the alphabet carved into its surface and painted black.

The floor below was designed in a more modern fashion. Each room had a four-poster bed. The bed hangings had been taken away to be cleaned, but I could see the rings from which they had hung. A table and comfortable chair sat in each room giving a person a place to read, write and possibly eat. A clothes press, a chest of drawers and a blanket chest stood against the walls. A small bathroom was attached to each bedroom as well. Kerosene lamps were in evidence. I counted twelve bedrooms on the second floor. Perhaps the third floor was designed as it was for live-in help? Who knew as the last time any masonry work was done to the place was over a hundred and fifty years before. Supposedly the structure had been standing nearly five hundred years.

Once back down to the kitchen I had a sandwich for a late lunch and started a small pork roast for dinner. I sat thinking about the hacienda as a whole. Some things were missing. Where was the canning larder? the smoke house? Where were the garden tools kept? There had to be a bunker somewhere for firewood. Where was it? Colonial Spaniards were notorious wine drinkers. Where was the wine cellar? Was there a brewery?

The old kerosene lanterns weren't very bright and produced a lot of smoke. I'd been exposed to Aladdin lanterns with ring burners and mantles. I wanted a few for the place. They required an ultra-pure fuel but there was no other way I knew of to get the equivalent of a sixty-five watt bulb out of a kerosene lamp. I ordered a mantle clock, six footed-style Aladdin lamps with shades, sixty gallons of fuel for them, a couple of electric desk lamps for the kitchen and a desktop radio. Arranging for their delivery was harder than placing the order. I'd make a request with my contractor to get a delivery box installed at the foot of the trail, at the main road.

My books and clothing arrived! The rest of my day was taken up by shelving books and hanging what needed to be hung. I binned what needed washing and called it a day. I ate dinner to the sound of the washing machine chewing its cud.

Friday arrived, bringing with it a brief shower followed by a cloudy day. The contractor showed up with his team, driving a surplus military 4x4 and towing a heavy covered trailer. They got to work framing up the pergola and getting the footings in place. They had to drill between the stones to drive in lead anchors. I was happy to take delivery of my grill, the charcoal, a few garden tools, the patio furniture and the propane torpedoes. As per our agreement he hauled away my accumulated trash, the old bedding and the empty propane tanks. He suggested that I invest in a snowmobile before the end of October and that I stock at least a thousand pounds of propane for the winter as I didn't know the demand the old pile of rocks would place on my supply. After looking the place over he agreed to plumb and install small propane heaters in the bedroom, the bathroom, the library and the kitchen.

I spent the weekend exploring the fields and garden. I found an orchard! There were apples and pears. However, the trees were in desperate need of a good trimming. It was too late in the year to do a proper job. The trees were quite old yet they were covered in buds from the blossoms. I needed to find the larder and perhaps buy some cases of Mason jars. I did some preliminary trimming of broken, rubbing and diseased branches, crossing branches and vertical suckers.

I found what must have been an ancient set of strip fields bordered in rock. I found some volunteer crops in wheat, millet, barley and oats. The discovery of a bed of wild strawberries made me smile. I didn't know if the bushes I found were hazelnut or not--I'd have to watch them as the seasons progressed.

I spent some time with a hoe weeding the garden. I attempted to train the tomato, potato and melon vines away from each other. I spotted some cucumber vines in there too. What a mess!

I took my time carefully tending the herb garden. I was happy to find some of my favorites, such as dill, chives, basil, parsely and a straggly rosemary bush that probably needed replacing. I even found a very sorry-looking bay laurel tree. I'd have to get some geraniums and sage growing next spring. Maybe even a couple more bay laurel bushes. I gave the vegetables and herbs a good watering as the ground appeared powdery.

I grilled a burger for dinner and started a small batch of vinegar slaw in the refrigerator. I needed a shower so I binned my dirty clothes and used a few gallons of water getting clean.

I got a call from my agent. He wondered how the move was going. He'd voiced a few objections to my moving out of the city but I considered it a blessing rather than an inconvenience. I promised to take a few digital pictures of the place and send them along once I dug out my camera.

I found the larder! The door was surrounded by water as the wetlands had encroached on the far end of the patio. I called my contractor and described the problem. He said that he'd get someone out in chest waders right away to clear the water flow and check for structural damage. I was turning into quite the profit center for him.

Within a week the crack in the rock which drained the stream had been cleared and the murky water slowly began to recede. Temporary rock was laid around the larder door. We used flashlights to explore what was within. A long low chamber had been cut out of the living rock leaving stone shelves cut into the walls like some bizarre vegetarian sepulchre. It appeared as if nobody had entered the place in ages. The glass jars were all sealed with wax caps, as had been done before the invention of the screw top lid. Everything was rancid, gone black or dried up. I asked the man that came out to help me get rid of all the old jars. I'd buy new canning stock to work with.

A wooden door closed off the end of the larder. I lifted the latch and found myself deep within the house in some sort of blocked off or hidden hallway. It came to an abrupt end. On the left side was another hallway cut into the stone. On the right was a wood wall with what appeared to be a sliding door in it, much like a pocket door but with no facing to hide the workings. I opened the door to find myself looking at the first floor bathroom door. The door I had just opened was hidden in the wainscoting beneath the stairway. This was getting more interesting day by day.

I closed the hidden door and we backtracked our way out to the garden entrance. It took him the rest of the day to haul everything out with a wheelbarrow. Once he swept and shoveled out the debris I propped open the outer door to let the sun and breeze do their job. I spent the next few days shovelling mud and debris off of that end of the patio. Then I scrubbed it clean with a heavy push broom and buckets full of warm water. My shipments arrived of the electric lamps, the radio, the Aladdin lamps and fuel, and the mantle clock. Lehman's also sent me a calendar. I tacked it to the refrigerator with a magnet.

Finally I yielded to temptation. Early one morning I went back to investigate what lay deep within the mountain, carved out centuries before. There was no latch holding the hidden door. It was held closed by the angle of the track so as to allow gravity to do the work. After a certain point the track leveled off so the door remained open once pushed aside. I lit one of my new lanterns and began exploring. To the left I found the firewood bunker that I'd been searching for. It was close to twenty feet by twenty feet by twelve feet high. I made a note to myself to purchase a balloon-tired cart to move my firewood out of the garage and inside, once it arrived. The room currently held nearly five short cords of wood that were totally desiccated--dry and hard as hell. It should burn furiously. I wondered if there was another concealed door to the rear of the building to allow the room to be filled without parading through the main dining room.

To the right lay another room. It was closed with a heavy door. It featured a low ceiling and was quite cool, being carved from the solid rock of the mountain. An entire wall was covered in huge barrels raised up on stands. Six long racks held hundreds of bottles. Thick sheets of dust and cobwebs covered everything. Another note to self--purchase a battery-operated vacuum cleaner with a soft brush head and a good dust filter. No, scratch that. Find an auction house that employed a wine conservator and get someone out here. Fast. Let THEM deal with the filth. Just for the hell of it, I picked a bottle that felt as if it still had liquid within it. I brushed away the clinging mat of debris and took it out with me.

I dusted it off outside and attempted to make out the faint brown label in the light of the sun. It apparently was an estate bottle port bottled in seventeen twenty something. The exterior of the cork was dry and brittle so my expectations quickly went down. I used a two-tined corkscrew that had been specifically designed for brittle corks to ease out the offending bit of oak bark. I wiped down the mouth of the bottle and poured a bit into a wetted juice glass. It smelled fruity. Success! I took a sip and was blasted by the taste of fruit put up over two hundred and fifty years ago. I smiled. My agent was the biggest wine snob I knew. I was going to blow his little mind.

I called Jeremy. "Dude, you've got to get up here, as fast as you can."

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Nothing's really wrong ... it's just that I've discovered something so incredible that I thought of you first."

"Can it wait until the weekend?"

"No. I've already opened the bottle. It might go off by then."

"Bottle? What kind of bottle?"

"It's a wine bottle. Listen closely, Jeremy. Estate bottled in seventeen twenty something. I can't make out the last number."

"I'll be there as soon as I can pack a suitcase."

"Jeremy! Bring king sized sheets and a pillow. my linens are not dependable." .

I grinned my evil little grin. That put the fox among the hens. I supposed that I'd best dig out my camera and try to bring up the image. I also wanted to photograph the labels on the casks and get a few shots of the cellar as a whole. The heat from a few lanterns for a few minutes shouldn't destabilize anything if I kept them away from the containers. I didn't want to jostle any of the bottles though. One bad shock could crack or perforate cork that old. Now, I wondered. Were there any brandies down there?

With all that wine available undoubtedly they owned the serving ware to treat it with respect. I examined the serving tables at that end of the dining room one by one. I found two that opened up into stemware pantries and another that held the house silver. The linen tablecloths were in shreds. Ah, well. I made a note to buy a couple red-and-white check tablecloths for the kitchen. I found a large beef steak in the freezer that would serve well as a roast. I browned it, covered it with a can of consomme and set it in the oven with a lid over it to braise. It would be ready by the time Jeremy found the place. In the mean time I filled a couple kerosene lamps. The Pea Pod shopping service people ran a 24x7 operation so I called in an order including my tablecloths, a dozen cases of quart-sized Ball canning jars, the lids, rings and canning kit to get prepared for the fruit trees to come ripe. I also ordered a pound of cinnamon and a handful of nutmegs. All my business was taken care of for the time being.

Jeremy took a bite of the beef, then a sip of the wine. I grinned as I watched his eyes roll back in his head. What was humorous was HE WASN'T FAKING A THING. The man was overcome with joy. I fed him a couple of soda crackers and a fresh cold glass of water, then gave him a room temperature glass of the wine. I had a small glass poured over ice, Philistine that I am. I always thought that Porto tasted vaguely of raisins. That day completely turned my head around. I tasted apples, black cherries and hints of tobacco. I closed my eyes and savored it.

We finished off the bottle and the steak, then cleaned up our mess. I set the pot to soak while we played about with some simple image enhancement software analyzing the photographs I'd taken of the cask labels, the label from the bottle of port and the photos taken of the cellar in toto. The bottle that we had consumed was bottled in 1722 after twenty years in the cask, according to the label. The labels from the barrels were impossible to make out--they'd been written in some sort of vintner's shorthand that probably went to the grave with the cellar master. I didn't find a desk down there so locating his ledger promised a dismal chance of success.

Jeremy knew a wine conservator that had a reputation for bringing along the best percentage of bottles from long neglected wineries and cellars. I loaned him my sat-phone to contact him as there wasn't a cell phone made that could contact the outside world from the hacienda. He made arrangements to fly into Redding and take a helicopter to Big Bar with his two partners for the weekend. We set up Jeremy with a room for the night on the second floor and I left him a flashlight. While setting up his room and the toilet I was reminded that the place didn't cater to visitors very well. I resolved to do a few things to ameliorate that. I made a note in my journal to investigate long-burning candles and LED night lights that were driven by 9-volt batteries.

I'd inherited some notes about the place written in the form of a spiral notebook. It had been written by the last fellow to do any major improvements to the place. Jeff Sanders wrote that for some unknown reason AC light bulbs blew out without fail within four hours of installation anywhere outside the kitchen. My flashlight worked well for me during the hours I'd explored with it, and my little battery powered clock seemed to survive nicely beside my bed. I had an idea to try some 12-volt DC lights, be they incandescent or LEDs and see how they fared. I wanted that damned garage lit up as well.

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Hmm, Name That Pornstar? Who is this pornstar? If you watch porn, then you must have found yourself in a situation where you were unable to know a porn star’s name from a random video. We all have at one point. Picture this; you are stroking your meat rod to a hardcore gangbang scene with a slut who has insane cock riding skills, but you are unable to identify her. What to do when next time you want to beat meat to more of her vids? That’s where a porn star database, one of the most underrated...

Porn Search Engines
2 years ago
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That Sitcom Show! Have you ever heard someone claim that we are currently living in a golden age of television? Douchebags that want to sound smart at parties like to point this out. “Oh, did you just binge the entirety of How I Met Your Mother on Hulu last month, Cindy? Interesting … We live in such a golden age of television.” The worst part? Cindy completely ate that bullshit up and that douchebag is probably getting laid after the party.What that douchebag is likely referring to, though,...

Premium Porn Parody Sites
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That Pervert! You know that feeling when you’re just up for a quick wank and nothing else. You just don’t want to have a care in the world and you just want to let it all out in one fell swoop. If only there was a site that offers easy and fast to consume porn content that you can jack off to in a jiffy and get it done with. Well, there actually is a site exactly like that and it’s called This site specializes in presenting bite-sized porn pieces that you can use in whichever...

Funny Porn Sites
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Thats a Deal

Frances was 16 and an only c***d from a typical middle class family with both her parents doing 9-5 jobs to keep the family in a stable condition,her mother Karen was a manager at the local leisure centre and her father Robert was a construction worker who travelled the country from job to job mostly coming home for long weekends at a time.Frances was of small build with large tits and mousey brown shoulder length hair which acompanied her outgoing personality and she had just started an art...

5 years ago
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Thats Never Forget Me

I am.change my real name am i Sarasi(its not my real name).i leaving with my mum & dad get after thats my mum get 2nd marriage.mum age 38 his age is 34 so my age is 16 steady at OKI inter:girls school .ok Thats story is tow month mum get lion club award its function held at Hotel Hilton.thats day my 2nd dad dint go with us .he go to the funeral at Kandy.tits day night at 10.30 mum told me baby u well go home with Driver becoz.tomorrow yore exeam.i came home...

2 years ago
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Thats My Wife

Introduction: What would you do if you saw pictures of your wife nude on the Internet? Fbailey story number 504 Thats My Wife I stumbled upon a web site where pictures of girlfriends and wives get posted for the entire World to view. I looked through the previous weeks worth of postings and found one girlfriend that was the spitting image of my wife. I said to myself, Thats my wife. Then I wondered&hellip,if she is my wife, then who took the pictures and posted them. I decided to check back...

3 years ago
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Thatll Teach You

That'll teach you! - Halloween 1999 Story Competition. Written by Kathy Core. * Disclaimer: Permission is granted to Fictionmania to archive this story, but anyone else should know better than to publish muck like this around the internet. This story (c)1999 Kathy Core - Do not reproduce without consent. * (i.) Storm clouds brewed overhead, a typical October night. The yellow ochre and burnt umber of the season scattered far and wide, tinting the landscape in every...

2 years ago
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Thats very neighbourly of youpart two

For the first time he actually heard her speak, 'come up when you're ready theres beer and wine in the fridge. Daniel had to calm himself first making sure it wasn't a joke or a wind up. Steady his nerves steel himself for whatever was going to happen. Worst case scenario an unexpected cock up his ass and a smile on hubbys face, best case scenario anything but the latter.'Nah fuck it, I've been in worse situations no need to steady myself'. Dan the fucking man the legend in his own...

4 years ago
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Feelings We all have feelings. No matter who we are or what we do or how we live, we have feelings. I would like to explore some of my feelings and, possibly, some of your feelings as well. For example: When a GG enters a Beauty Salon, she may have feelings of entitlement, smugness, anticipation of happiness, adulation and relaxation. When a Cross Dresser enters the same Beauty Salon, he may have feelings of anxiety, uncertainness, and, surely, feelings of hopefulness and...

2 years ago
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Thatll Teach Her

That’ll Teach Her Judy and I had a date at eight o’clock on Saturday evening. When I got there I saw Richard walking in her front door. Apparently they didn’t see me. I looked in the side window and saw them sit on the couch and start kissing. I watched his hand slide in between her legs and I saw her spread them wider for him. I walked around to the front and rang the doorbell. Judy opened it up and Richard was standing right behind her. I said, “Hey Richard, she booked a...

4 years ago
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Old Feelings

Old Feelings Jack slowly woke up, sunlight filled the bedroom. He looked over to the other side of the bed and was temporarily confused because it was empty. "Library," he groaned. His wife Debbie had wanted to find something part time to occupy herself. She wasn't happy that she was going to work every other Saturday, but she liked the idea of working at the library so she bit the bullet and took the job. Three days each week from 7:30 until 4:30. Jack was sort of happy with the...

4 years ago
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Such Incredible Feelings

SUCH INCREDIBLE FEELINGS  SUCH INCREDIBLE FEELINGSI'm not sure how old I was when I began to have the thoughts- I always knew that I had desires that were a little bit different to normal, but I thought to myself that they must be natural because otherwise I wouldn't have them..? I knew that wanting to be hit was definitely not what most girls wanted, but the feelings I had were so strong within me I knew I could not resist them, even if they were a little weird.?? I remember the first...

4 years ago
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Intimate Inquiry 1 First Feelings

This INTIMATE INQUIRY interrogates into the first feelings and erotic experiences of female friendsIt will be the first of a few further intimate investigations into the development of dreams in real love lifeI will start to ask for first erotic experiences, looking back from where you are now, much more maturedI remember one answer in particular from an earlier Sexual Survey I conducted into my friends' love lifeI will give the details in my first comment to this erotic experiment, which is...

4 years ago
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That Feeling

I see her and she looks up to me as I look down at her. For a second it is as if motion slowed down and then she falls forward into my chest and gives me a long hug. We both know, or I know the passion I have for her. Still thinking how it cannot be possible that this amount of beauty can look at me, stare at me with words of how handsome I am. I don't believe it, but I know how beautiful, pretty, how hot she is. Her face is sexy. Her whole body and aura breaths sex, exhaling lust though I feel...

4 years ago
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Chapter 4 Mother and I share feelings

It was a lonely time for me once Linda left the city. As I said in my last letter, our relationship lasted longer then we both expected. That was due to our willingness to share with others. Keeping an open mind and socialising with other like minded ladies, had a lot to do with our lasting relationship. Now it was over, time to move on. I enjoyed and patronised the club more than ever, it was somewhere to go to for companionship any night I felt like it. I liked the card nights, and that was...

4 years ago
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Everyone has Sexual Feelings

Why does it happen? Everyone has been hit with that quick hard feeling of being turned on instantly from the unexpected. Some call it taboo others say fetish. As people we try to understand why and where does it come from. Once you learn of the feeling of strong sexual emotion as people we explore them. Here are a few new sexual feelings i've descovered While being with my fiance of eight years. It was our freshmen year of high school and my man and I where the...

2 years ago
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That Wheeling Feeling

I was sent down to Wheeling on a job that was to take two weeks, it took almost five but, I wasn’t upset. The first week I was down there I hooked up twice which made it very pleasant.The first guy was an older salesman who was two doors away at the cheap hotel I was staying at. The second night I was there I found that there was a small bar just past the motel. When I came from work I stopped in there for a drink or two. It had been a late day so it was past seven by the time I got there. The...

3 years ago
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Dormant Lesbian Feelings

At the time of experiences with Catherine I did not understand what was happening fully. Although as I mentioned I'd been a bully in school and thought I was very outspoken, in reality I was obviously very insecure, in fact perhaps a bit introverted. At least when I met new people, or was in a new environment I didn't say much and kept my thoughts to myself until I became more familiar with the people to start venturing my opinions. The following Wednesday afternoon I was off work from 2 PM...

3 years ago
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Thats What Friends are For

“It’s John Anderson! IT’S JOHN BLEEDING ANDERSON!” my mind crowed while my stomach turned cart wheels. The mad woman was running round inside my head again and I prayed that she’d keep her damned voice down before he heard. John’s arm was round my waist and his hand was resting lightly on my hip. I glanced round the table in the social club that my school friends and I were sitting at and and breathed easier. Nobody was staring aghast at me so I guessed that my internal-idiot hadn’t given the...

4 years ago
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Thats What Good Boys Do CH1

That's What Good Boys Do Ch. 01 by Grassmonkeym I came home early from my summer job at the landscaping company, feeling tired, dirty, and, as usual, more than a little depressed. I was eighteen years old and still coming home to my mother's house each night. Not that she minded—we had lived together, just me and her, for most of my life. My first year away at school had been tough on her, and I knew she liked having me around, at least for the summer.What bothered me more, I guess, was that...

3 years ago
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Susan was ... different. Of course everyone thinks they are different, but Susan really was ‘different’. Susan had feelings. Yes, yes, yes, I know everyone has feelings, but Susan had... ‘feelings’. And they really were different. Susan’s mother had a normal pregnancy as far as she could remember, nothing particularly memorable happened anyway, and after the usual period of time had elapsed Susan popped into the world. Red, wrinkly and squalling, all as normal. After a bit of a clean up the...

3 years ago
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Himura BattousaiChapter 60 Megumis Feelings Kaorus Feelings

I couldn't follow him. I don't know why. But when he said one word, "farewell," it was like I was chained from head to foot. I still am. Kenshin... ! (Tae is kneeling besides Kaoru, who refuses to look at her.) Tae: I understand your feelings, but Kaoru, brooding forever won't solve anything. Cheer up. Oh, I know! I'll give these to you. (holding up two nishiki-e) Mr. Tsunan's Ibahachi. And the real Nakajina Nobori's Hijikata Toshizou, my treasure! Kaoru: No thanks. (Tae turns to...

3 years ago
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Thats When I Knew I Had A Freak

From the first time we touched it was obvious that the spark between us was something special.The way we responded to each others touch was celestial,the passion was unlike any other either of us had ever experienced.So it was ovious we were campatible in many ways very early on.So it should of come to no surprise that I would discover she was a freak as well.I mean after all,my dream woman would be,right.So as soon as her freak flag became apparent,I ran it right up my flag pole so to speak. ...

4 years ago
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Thats not a goat thats a DONKEY

Sari: But father! That is a donkey! And a male! Your eyesight is getting worse every day! Ezekiel: Oh rats! Guess I should return it. Sari: Wait, don’t he’s kina cute. The donkey stands there, short and stout, however sporting a massive erection. Goofily disproportionate. Sari: Look at him, his hair is so fuzzy! Ezekiel: Ok, we can keep him as a pet if you like him so much. Sari: Looks like you are with us now. I will call you Eppi. Let’s see if I can teach you some new tricks. Sari...

2 years ago
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Thats a Good Slut

You look at yourself in the hotel mirror, hardly believing that you’ve been able to arrange a night in the big city sans your husband, but here you are, dressed in your slinkiest lingerie, wet to the extent that you’re about to leak. He’s going to be at the door any minute and you haven’t even laid eyes on him yet, the cop. Sure, you’ve seen a picture, but they never tell the whole story. You’ve talked on-line and on the phone, his voice is sexy as hell, so is what he said he was going to do....

4 years ago
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What a Wonderful Wintry Feeling

What a Wonderful, Wintry Feeling! When I'd asked him what he wanted for Christmas he had only one answer. "You," he’d said. So I decided that was what I'd do. I'd give him a part of me. As the snow fell outsideI had him get ready and when I entered the bedroom he was already prone on the bed,laying on the drawn back sheets, his uncut erection already drawing my attention. I went into the bathroom to get ready. I looked at my reflection in the bathroom as I brushed my teeth. Not too bad...

4 years ago
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Thats What Friends Are For

“I asked you two to come in because we need to talk. Al, what would you think of having sex with Mary?” Let me backtrack to give you a little history. My name is Albert but most of our friends call me Al. My wife of 23 years is Angie. We’re soccer parents in the summer and hockey parents all winter. Being associated with any rep team sports is a lot like joining a family. We see so much of each other that we all become a part of each other’s lives. We help each other out whenever we can no...

3 years ago
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Thats All For Now

I walk into his hotel room and an easy smile comes across my face as I see him sprawled on the bed, reading.  ‘Hey you,’ I say, walking over to wrap my arms around him. He grins and slowly winds his arms around me, pulling me right against him. ‘You ready to see the sights?’ He laughs a little and nods. ‘I can’t wait! I’ve wanted to see Scotland for so long. And it’s the biggest bonus ever to already know someone over here, to have my personal little tour guide.’ I laugh too, a warmth...

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Thats My Babysitter In That Porn Video

Following my divorce, my company transferred me across the country and the custody agreement with the ex allowed me to have my daughter for six months then she would go back to her mother’s place on the West Coast for another six. I had a deadline rapidly approaching and desperately needed some uninterrupted time in my home office to complete my reports. I called my usual babysitter and she apologized but had accepted another job for the evening. I explained my situation and asked if she had...

3 years ago
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That Old Feeling

Karen lay in bed propped on her pillows, head resting on one arm while her other hand kneaded the tender folds hidden in her slippery delta. Her mind raced through the events of the night before like a video on fast forward. She could neither pause nor slow it down. Scenes replayed again and again, dreamlike, the soundtrack badly out of sequence. Frenzied fingers kept up their futile work, desperately she tried to clear her mind and bring herself back to the present. The illuminated red digits...

4 years ago
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Thats What Friends are For

Denise wrapped her mouth around Cory’s firm cock with a sigh. She sucked lightly then licked around the head a few times as Scott moved to her rhythm. He moved closer to her with her head half in his lap and his back on the headboard. They were oddly straddled on the bed since Scott was underneath her while she road him in time with sucking Cory’s cock. Denise felt the cool lube as Richie pushed his dick in her butt hole seconds before it found it’s temporary home. “Oh yeah Baby let’s get...

3 years ago
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Thats My Girl

It was opening day for football and Steve had invited three friends over to his house to watch the games. The three men were all members of his softball team from work. Two of the men had been friends for years and one was visiting his house for the first time. Gary and Sean were the longtime friends and Bill had recently moved into the area and was a new hire by Steve’s company. The men had settled in for the games. The first game would be starting soon. The food and drinks were well supplied...

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Bright sunlight streaming in through the window brought me around from a long and deep sleep. The night before had been quite a late one for me, my husband Tim and I had been to visit friends, we chatted for so long it must have been nearly two am before we arrived home, but it had certainly been a fun evening. Tim of course had long been up and left for work before eight am, the coffee he brought me earlier was now stone cold by the side of the bed. I lay there thinking how well we had done in...

2 years ago
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What a Wonderful Wintry Feeling

When I'd asked him what he wanted for Christmas he had only one answer. "You," he'd said. So I decided that was what I'd do. I'd give him a part of me. As the snow fell outside I had him get ready and when I entered the bedroom he was already prone on the bed, laying on the drawn back sheets, his uncut erection already drawing my attention. I went into the bathroom to get ready. I looked at my reflection in the bathroom as I brushed my teeth. Not too bad looking for an 83 year old...

4 years ago
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A Beautiful Feeling

I have always believed that sex is a token of love, a feeling of completeness and oneness. Agree that it is also a need for the body, but when you have sex with some one you dearly love then it is a completely different experience as compared to any lust-full relations. At that time love overtakes lust and sex is just a way of expressing this love. When you are in the arms of your loved one, then there is no better feeling than that. Hi. I am raja from Mumbai. but my friends call me lovely name...

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Big Feeling

IIt was under a sky the colour of gunmetal that I’d arrived at the town of Grange Villa in the North East of England. Grange Villa was the last night of a tour I’d started eight weeks previously as support to a superb English blues singer-songwriter called Johnny Dickinson. We’d travelled the length and breadth of Britain playing in small to medium sized venues in some of the bleakest towns in the country and Grange Villa was no exception. As I manoeuvred my way through the streets of the town...

3 years ago
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Quarantine Feelings

"So," Melissa was fascinated, "you ARE going to become a woman at some point?" "No," Jordan explained as they drove in Melissa's ten year old Toyota Avalon. She'd explained that she'd bought it from her grandparents and, even though it was kind of an 'old lady' car, it had low mileage and was in very good shape. "I'm not going to ever become a woman," Jordan continued, "I would like to get breasts, though." "And why is that?" "Because..." he sighed. No one ever understood this,...

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New Feelings

Introduction: A teacher with new desires cannot resist New Feelings Entirely fiction! I watched the young middle school girls come in too my room, waiting for me too finish a little work so i could work with them in this after school session. Oh god, the thoughts, my dreaded thoughts. I could never do anything like that, im a 25 year old women! Im way too mature to be thinking about.. those things. But i liked thinking those thoughts, thats how they crept up on me. For the last week, every...

2 years ago
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An Ordinary College Sex Life 2Chapter 20 True Feelings

-- WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 2005, SUMMER BREAK -- I pulled the BMW into the long Atherton driveway and parked alone just in front of the house. After circling around the car, I helped Amber out of her seat. And as I closed the door, I gestured to the mansion and commented, "Sweet place, huh?" Amber's eyes just glittered as she smiled at me. "Mine's bigger." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, well real estate is probably cheaper than the Bay Area." "True." Amber and I then walked...

1 year ago
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What a feeling

All you males know what I'm talking about that as a boy, climbing ropes in the gym or poles on the jungle gyms provided the most wonderful feeling in the world. None of us know why and none of us really talked about it, but it was a feeling that provided quite that was quite unusual...but very enjoyable. This story is about the first time I ejaculated. I was 18 years old and home alone for the afternoon. I was snooping around my parents bedroom...not sure why, just something we do as kids, I...

3 years ago
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For the Love of LiciaChapter 5 Strange Feelings

Maybe it was because of how she grew up. Or maybe Alicia just had the talent all along — the talent to live her life on two levels. One she considered the upper level, and one she called lower. On the upper level she was a pretty woman in her thirties. She considered herself a respected businesswoman and up until her divorce a loyal wife. After she'd sworn off all men, she became a devoted soul mate to her girlfriend Rita. She also was a great cook, specializing in the Lebanese cuisine,...

2 years ago
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Dormant Lesbian Feelings

At the time of experiences with Catherine I did not understand what was happening fully. Although as I mentioned I’d been a bully in school and thought I was very outspoken, in reality I was obviously very insecure, in fact perhaps a bit introverted. At least when I met new people, or was in a new environment I didn’t say much and kept my thoughts to myself until I became more familiar with the people to start venturing my opinions. The following Wednesday afternoon I was off work from 2 PM...

3 years ago
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Hurt Feelings

This is my first story, so bear with me. Also, as a disclosure, I am not a writer. I have been a member of xHamster for almost 2 years. I am married, with k**s, and my wife has no idea that I am on this site every day. Now my disclosures are out of the way, here is my story.I met this woman, “L”, on Craigslist through her husband. One of my biggest fantasies is to be with a woman in a MFM situation or with her husband watching. I would love to watch my wife with another man, but she is...

4 years ago
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Memorial Day Memories 2 Fourth of July Feelings

Memorial Day Memories Part 2: Fourth of July Feelings End of Part 1: And harder I went. In and out, back and forth, harder and deeper. One of my hands roamed to her tits, the other to her clit. Pulling on her nipples and massaging her tiny button she began to moan loudly and thrash back and forth on my cock, nearing her orgasm. Nearing my own I started to lose my rhythm, and mercilessly pounded her. Jocelyn’s arm’s finally gave out and she rested on her chest and head as I came deep insider,...

4 years ago
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Pauls Inner Feelings

In that Salt Lake City, Utah. After Christmas ski trip, they stayed until the New Year. There were nights things were relaxed and casual, someone would just do blowjobs. Or just lounged around the chalet in it’s big private tub or the large downstairs living room. Other nights things really heated up and it seemed like everyone was fucking and sucking someone else. And by that time Erin and Leah were already in bed and asleep. This story came in those nights when it got heated up. Though...

2 years ago
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Hooked on a Feeling

Chapter 1 "I-I-I-I'm Hooked on a feeling... I'm high on believing... that I'm in love with you..." I sang along with the radio as I wheeled the old Volkswagen Transporter into the highway rest area. I turned off the headlights as I slowed, there was a full moon out and the area was street lighted, so I could see and my parking lights would allow others to see me. I didn't want to disturb anyone who might be trying to sleep. Sleep was on my agenda as well, but first I needed the men's...

1 year ago
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That all familiar feeling

My story starts where your own dreams begin in that old familiar place where you feel secure and ready for sex We could be in any park or cruising area of your choice, me personally its a park in my own City where I have always enjoyed casual encounters especially the one I am going to relive The day was in Spring it was a bright and warm and I was in jogging pants and a t-shirt (jogging pants were easier to pull down). I was near the lake where there was a secluded walk with a little wooden...

3 years ago
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Once More With Feeling

I doubt there many activities in our lives that haven't gone through some changes since the flowering of the computer age and in particular, the Internet. That is, for those of us who reached adulthood before it really took off in the early 90s. Those who grew up with computers can hardly conceive of life without them. I suppose I sort of resent being tied to that technology on some level but I certainly reap some nice benefits along with the frustrations. I now live in a remote area of West...

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Not really a story just random personal feelings

Like I said, not a story.Now I know this is a place where we all can just be ourselves and enjoy some good fucking but it seems to me there is a lot of interest in videos and stories of simulated and/or actual i****t and shit like that.Listen, I understand that everybody likes different shit but seriously. Why does having sex with your sister/brother/mother/father interest so many people? I'm a guy like any other and yeah I admit I had fantasy's about my mother a LOOOOOOOONG time ago and I...

3 years ago
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A Soft Feeling

I move up pushing into her soft wet woman hood as I came deeply in her. Grunting against the feeling as she rode me grinding her pubic bone into mine. Suddenly I felt it as she came with me her vagina muscles pulling all of my seed from me as they milked me. We held each other kissing softly as we trembled in each other’s arms until I grew soft and slipped out of her. She started to move off of me but I stopped her holding her to me. “Don’t. Stay with me for a while.” I could feel our mixed...

4 years ago
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Dysfunctional Lustful Incest 8211 Part 4 Guilt Feeling

After having an erotic and intense moment with my sister-in-law Raadha, I desired her more and more. I reached home. I wanted to share the erotic situation with my wife as she had always been my partner in crime. But I couldn’t because the situation was about her own elder sister. I shared with my wife the good news of purchasing a new shop for business. I even revealed the thought of inviting her sister into the business. Meena got really happy with both news – especially with the idea of...


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