Up In Michigan free porn video

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Okay – I admit it. I have my fantasies. In each, I’m tall, athletic, and devilishly handsome. Of course, I’m none of that in real life. I’m normal height, average weight, I have never been good at any sport and I was always the wingman for my more socially adept friends. So, my dating amounted to me getting nothing but leftovers, after the alpha dogs ate.

That describes my first serious attempt at dumping the curse of virginity. I was at a sorority mixer when I saw this brown-haired mutt. She was standing on the other side of the room and looking as ill at ease as I felt. Neither of us were coupled up. So, I gravitated toward her; misery loves company.

She was ordinary height, brown shoulder-length hair, brown eyes, olive complexion. There was nothing distinguishing about her face or figure. She was just “brown.” I said, “Hi “and leaned my back against the wall next to her. She said, “Hi.” And we just stood there for an uncomfortable period, staring at the people dancing.

My brain was yelling, “Say something you idiot!!! But I couldn’t think of anything to say.” In the meantime, she was looking creeped-out. Inspiration hit and I said, “My name’s Peter, like the Saint, not the bunny rabbit.” My lame attempt at witty. The fact that she didn’t flee the scene screaming, indicated how desperate she was. She looked at me and said, “Suzie.” She DID have pretty eyes. We stood there for another uncomfortable length of time. I finally said, “Would you like to dance.”

I’m spastic on the dance floor, but it was all I had. She said, “I’m sorry but I don’t dance.” A woman who didn’t dance? Unheard of!! What was she doing here? We stood for another painful period.

She said, “Would you like to get some fresh air? I can’t hear myself think.” Wow!! That was a breakthrough.

I said, “Sure.” Okay, it wasn’t suave. We walked out onto the porch. It was summer and hot outside. But it was unbearable inside the party. So, the night air felt cool and refreshing. She had on the classic Bermuda shorts and spaghetti strap top that was popular with girls back then. I was wearing an old pair of cut off blue jeans and a ratty t-shirt. My standard uniform.

I was desperately trying to think of something to say. So, I tried the usual gambit, “What are you studying?”

She said, “Nothing. I’m a townie. Bill Wirt brought me. But he took off with his buddies and left me by myself.”

Wirt was one of the overentitled douchebags who made us peasants miserable. I thought, “Wirt brought her???!! She must have some hidden talent?” I blurted, “Well I would never leave you at a party. You are way too pretty.” I didn’t exactly mean that but she was starting to grow on me.

What I got was puppy-dog eyes. She said, “Do you really think so?”

I lied, “Of course I do. I wouldn’t leave a hot chick like you standing around.”

She said rather defensively, “How do you know I’m hot? Who have you been talking to?!!” Okay, that was a little unexpected.

I dithered a bit and said, “Nobody – you’re just hot looking – that’s all.” I was starting to synch with her.

She must have felt the same vibe because she melted a bit and said, “I work at the Loft. You should drop in some time.”

I felt like I might be edging up on my first real score. She was not a movie star. But neither was I. And she radiated the total lack of sophistication that was my stock in trade. But she also gave off a distinct hint of sexuality.

It was the classic Catch-22. I hadn’t had grown-up sex yet. But I was very eager to try. I just needed to hook-up with a girl who was experienced enough to know how to do it. But not so experienced that a twenty-year-old virgin wouldn’t interest her. This girl looked like she might meet both criteria. I was mulling that over when she began to lean toward me with those bedroom eyes and we kissed.

It was electric. She moaned, her mouth opened and we swapped tongues for several seconds. This was getting hot. We broke for a second just staring at each other. Both of us panting like bloodhounds on a hot Georgia porch. I was certain that I was about to score.

That was when Bill Wirt reappeared.

He said with scorn in his voice, “Suzie – what the heck are you doing out here?” and pulled her to him by the waist. He didn’t even notice her breathlessness. Which was probably fortunate for both of us since he was a starting linebacker on the football team. He was huge!!!

He added looking angrily down at her, “I spend a little time with my friends and you just wander off with some weenie. If you want to be with ME you had better watch your behavior, bitch.”

Now, the person I wished I was would have wrestled the guy to his knees, just for being such an asshole. Instead I stood there looking blank. I am not aggressive and I have no instincts that way. I thought that Suzie looked humiliated. But she immediately turned and said to Wirt, “What was I supposed to do when you left me standing there for an hour?”

He said, “I had some business to attend to. And I expect you to wait for me while I’m doing it.” I had a pretty good idea what that business WAS. Because a bit earlier I had seen him go past me toward the parking lot with a thoroughly wasted Becky Almendinger.

Maybe he planned to rush her to the hospital to have her checked for alcohol poisoning. Or maybe he spent an hour fucking her in somebody’s back seat. Who knew? At any rate, Suzie turned to Frodo Douchbaggins and said, “I was just talking to Peter while you were gone. It was no big deal.” It was heartening to discover that I was, “No big deal.”

He looked at me and sneered, “Stay away from my woman, or you and I will have something to talk about.” He was a half foot taller. I didn’t think it was world politics. So, I just stared.

Then he turned and jammed his hand down the back of Suzie’s shorts, and more-or-less hoisted her back into the party by her left butt-cheek. She went along uncomplainingly. My alter-ego would have had the asshat in a hammerlock pleading for mercy at that point. But I just stood there looking disapproving.

A disapproving stare was the best I could come up with.

I was pretty sure what her hidden talent was, as I watched them disappear. That suspicion was confirmed while I was upstairs taking a piss. Suzi’s discarded top was lying on the hall floor and there were moans, shrieks and wild cries of “FUCK ME!!!” emanating from the bedroom. The object lesson was well-learned and I didn’t see Suzie again.

Meanwhile, I had finally taken care of my little virginity problem. It was almost the same situation. I was at one of those outdoor bashes in a local park. It was an event that the Greeks sometimes threw in the late summer. I was dateless as usual.

The party itself was being conducted from the back of a keg loaded F150. Which was parked in a lot next to a field. The whole area was surrounded by very thick woods. I was wandering-around drunkenly amongst those trees. That was mainly because I was fed up watching the men and women of Phi Alpha and Lambda Tau getting hammered.

Becoming totally shitfaced was such a weekly ritual with our student body that it made me wonder how the university had gotten its sterling academic reputation. I thought that it might be interesting to see what was back in the woods. Boredom loneliness and the foamy substance that they were handing out off the back of the pickup contributed to my curiosity.

I was stumbling aimlessly around in the woods when I encountered a female form. It looked like a sorority chick had crawled off into the underbrush to die. She was sprawled on her back underneath one of the trees, lying on a soft bed of pine needles and leafy debris. The vision was eerily reminiscent of the dead soldier scene from the Red Badge of Courage.

She was wearing a classic sun dress. And in her passing-out she had managed to ruck the hem of the dress so far up that it was like she had nothing on from the waist down, except a thong. I walked over and looked closer to see if she was dead. It was curiosity plain and simple. You don’t see a sight like that every day. I had no intention of doing anything more depraved than scoping out her bare legs and panty clad mound. And; yes, I know I’m a pervert. I’m a guy.

At that point, the body moaned drunkenly. And I squatted down to check her condition – not exactly Galahad but at least I was concerned. As I did, she opened her eyes, gazed blearily at me and muttered, “Who’re you???” I was about to answer when she said in a decisive voice, “Oh well!! You’ll do!!!” And she grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me down on top of her. I was flabbergasted. Like I said, I am not a man of action.

She put her feet behind my knees and started violently humping her very hot pussy against my rapidly growing package which was only clad in a bathing suit. She obviously could feel it because she let out a loud groan of sheer lust and in one motion yanked my cock out of the side of my speedos, pulled her thong aside and in probably five seconds I was buried to the hilt in a very hot and slippery slice of heaven.

The feeling of sliding up into her was exquisite to say the least. That was the reason why I almost instantly came. She, in the meantime, had thrown both arms around my shoulders and her legs around my waist pinning me to her. That all happened as I was still frenziedly cumming. She bucked violently for another couple of seconds. Both of us uttering loud groans. Then she moaned and started to quiver and shake underneath me while her legs drummed frantically on the ground.

By the time I had reassured myself that this was a normal, if slightly over-the-top, reaction for a female, she was back to her state of out cold. I honestly tried to wake her up but she was totally passed out now, with her legs spread wide. I didn’t need to ask what the white sticky stuff oozing out of her was. I didn’t know who she was and I was frankly a little dazed from my first sexual experience. Of course, I was also pretty-much wasted.

My noble alter-ego would have stayed and gotten her some help. But she looked peaceful lying there. So instead I stood up, closing her legs, and pulled her dress down. I’m a gentleman after all. Then I stumbled back to the party for a refill.

I never saw her again. I can’t even remember what she looked like. And for all I know there is a little Peter Ostrovski running around out there somewhere. But that first pathetic instance of questionable sexual ethics, and I am not exactly sure who was at fault, opened the floodgates. Before I graduated, I must have banged half the ugly girls on campus.

I was not interested in building my social-cred. I was just interested in duplicating the experience. And frankly all cats are grey in the dark. So, homely pussy and gorgeous pussy felt the same; except the homely ones might have been a little less “well used”. In fact, I have always thought that the less popular girls gave a much more inspired and grateful performance. And you can really perfect your technique with that much practice. At least I got no complaints.

I graduated without distinction from the Ross School of Business in Ann Arbor. And I took my MBA down the road and put it to work at Ford. I then proceeded to spend five long years in the godforsaken wasteland of cubicle-land. It was a prairie dog town of perhaps 500 souls, all running in our own little six by eight foot wheels. All of us were packed into one massive room. But at least I had worked my way up to an “office” hers. It was eight by ten, instead. It was a sign of favor and advancement in our anonymous universe.

I also drove a cobalt blue Mustang GT. The “A” Plan was one of the perks of working at Ford. That car made me feel a little less faceless and more like hot shit. Hence, one fine Friday I was sitting around after work with some of my fellow galley slaves. We were on the outdoor patio at Andiamos. I lived in a condo down Garrison Street. It was an easy jaunt back to my place. So, I could drink as much as I wanted without worrying about a long drive home.

There were some new people in the group. That always happens because Ford is a big place and people come and go. As I was seating myself I glanced across the table at a girl I hadn’t seen before. She had a thick mane of red hair. And she had the milky complexion and upturned nose of the definitive Irish Colleen, freckles and all.

Her laughing emerald cat’s eyes were regarding me with both humor and intelligence. She was not big or little, somewhere in the five-six range. And beside the fact that she looked so distinctively Irish, there was nothing else exceptional about her. Nevertheless, I was riveted by those bright green eyes.

My buddy Mary, who worked with me on our unit’s tiger-team, was sitting next to her. She said, “Peter, meet Janet McCarthy. She is over in customer management and she and I have been working together on the new interface.”

Mary then turned and went back to chatting with Jason Jones who was sitting next to her, duty done. I didn’t get the impression that this meeting was a consequence of pure chance. So, I said something debonair, like “Hi” and lapsed back into my usual shy silence, just looking at her. Several seconds passed and finally she said sarcastically, “Like what you see?”

I said, “I’m sorry. You are so beautiful that you make me tongue tied.” That statement evoked a smile that was pure Connemara on a bright and sunny spring day. She said flirtatiously, “So I’ll take that as a yes.”

I said with conviction in my voice, “That is most definitely a yes.”

The room was a buzz of conversation so I said, “I want to talk but I can’t hear with all of this noise. Have you eaten? I know a place that makes the world’s best hamburgers if you want me to show you.”

That got another delightful smile. She really had a wide sensual mouth. And she said, “I would love to get something to eat with you. I hate situations like this. I only came because Mary told me that she had a hot guy that she wanted me to meet. Since I don’t see him, I guess I’ll go with you.” Ouch!!!

The sardonic tilt to her mouth told me that she was kidding. I hoped.

I took her to Millers Bar, which was near my place and, indeed, serves the world’s best hamburgers. We talked for hours and drank several pitchers. To say the least we were compatible. And I knew in my heart right then-and-there that I was going to marry her. I have no idea why I was so sure. But I was certain of it. It was something in the way we connected. It just felt right.

Neither of us was in any shape to drive so we left the Mustang parked in Miller’s parking lot and lurched the four blocks back to my place. I would like to say we shared a night of passion but we both more-or-less passed out. I woke up in the dawn’s-early-light, lying in a puddle of drool.

I had slept on the couch. Janet had managed to stagger into my bedroom and was lying face first on the bed fully clothed. I covered her with a duvet while scoping out her body. She was slim with fragile looking shoulders tiny waist, narrow hips, beautiful ass and long gorgeous slim muscular legs. The legs were revealed up to her panties. That was because her short, work-skirt had migrated up to the swell of her big round butt cheeks.

Her thick copper hair ended right between her shoulder blades. And even after a night of wretched excess it looked as lovely as it was the minute I laid eyes on her. I figured that kind of perfect hair must be something that God gave the Irish to make up for the fact that they can’t take their pale hide out into the sun.

I was frying up some bacon when she made her appearance. She was wearing one of my shirts and apparently nothing else. One copper strand was draped over her eye and she looked the worse for wear.

She said two words, “Coffee – STAT!!”

I handed her a big steaming mug and she slumped in a kitchen chair. She said, “You look as bad as I feel.”

I said, “I think we were run over by a beer truck last night. Thank God it’s Saturday.”

I added, “After tying one on like that, it’s a good idea to get some nourishing grease in your stomach. If you drink some orange juice and eat this you will feel better.” And I placed a plate of bacon and eggs in front of her.

She fell on it with the gusto of a starving grizzly bear. When she finished, she peered suspiciously out past her hair and said, “Did we fuck last night? It doesn’t feel like it. But I don’t remember much after we left Millers.”

I said, “I don’t think so. You were on the bed and I was on the couch and I would think I would remember something as memorable as my first time making love to you.”

She looked amused and said, “What makes you think that there will BE a first time.”

I said, “Because I am going to get that little impediment out of the way right now.” And I walked over took her hand and gently brought her to her feet. She looked at me, tilted her head impishly, threw the shirt up-and-over her head, stepped back and posed.

What was revealed was a slim little body with broad b-cup breasts and cute little pink nipples. Her waist was tiny and her hips were fruitful. She had one thigh crossed over the front of the other the way that women do. So, her pussy was neatly covered. But from what I COULD see there was no hair down there.

She said, using the mocking tone of voice that she had the night before, “You like?”

At that, I swept her up in my arms, with lust in my eyes. I toted her into the bedroom and tossed her on the bed. She was laughing merrily as she said, “Apparently you like!!”

I was out of my robe and undies and positioned next to her in a couple of seconds. She was starting to pant as I kissed her. We dueled tongues for a second as I reached down to roll a suddenly very significant nipple between two fingers of my left hand. It looked like a little red rosebud now.

When I did that she moaned and arched her back, urgently forcing the breast against my hand. She hissed, “You have to fuck me NOW!!! I can’t wait any longer.”

I moved between her widely spread legs. She was humping the air in her eagerness as I lined myself up and slid into her. It was the hottest and wettest joining I have ever experienced. She shrieked with sheer sensation. And wrapped her arms around my neck to drag my lips down to one nipple. They were huge when she was aroused. And obviously very sensitive.

I took it in my mouth. It was red hot. She shrieked again and her heels started beating on the back of my legs as she began to quiver like a tuning fork. This was perhaps 15 seconds into the mission. It was uncanny. I looked into her face but her bright green eyes had rolled up somewhere in the top of her head. All I could see was white.

We were fucking into each other so hard that I was afraid I was going to hurt her. But she was just moaning over-and-over, “Harder!!! Fuck me harder!!! MORE!!! MORE!!!” The liquid sound of slapping flesh and her abandoned cries of passion were counterpointed by all the effort noises that I was making.

We fucked wildly for perhaps fifteen minutes and then I couldn’t take it any longer. I wasn’t worried about her satisfaction since she had already, loudly cum about four times. I stopped fighting it. Orgasms have sometimes been referred to as a “sneeze in the loins” If that is the case then what happened to me was more like double pneumonia. I could swear the sun blinked off and on several times as I came.

She in the meantime had spread her legs wider than I thought possible, toes pointed like a ballet dancer. And she was just yelling, “YES!!! YESS!!! Give it ALL to me!!!” and then we collapsed together - me trying not to crush her and she spread eagled apparently deceased. She finally popped one eye open and said, “That was the most amazing fuck I have ever had. When can we do THAT again?”

I said, “Whenever you want my dear because I am never letting you go.” And that was the way it was. She moved in that week. And we were married in a civil ceremony at the end of the following month. Neither of us had much in the way of family, or even friends. So, it was just a hurried legal event, with witnesses that we scared up from the courthouse.

The honeymoon in Cabo was for two weeks; and she tried to kill me. Surprisingly, when we got back the sex never slacked off. We just began our newly married life together like we had been leading it for all the prior months.

Three years passed. By that point we had moved up the ladder again; me to chief architect and Janet to head of the customer management service for one of the product lines. Our combined income was sufficient to buy a very nice house in Dearborn and we were living the life of the typical upper middle-class DINK. Then we had Irish twins. First there was Sarah; and then ten months later there was Dean.

Janet took a full maternity leave both times and I tried to help where I could. Life returned to normal except for one major change. Janet and I had now had our requisite two-and-half kids. She counted me as at least half a kid, and she said that she didn’t want any more.

We were still fucking like mad so I volunteered to get the snip since she had made all the sacrifices prior to that. It sounds like a simple operation, and it is. But it hurts nonetheless and the sight of your marriage tackle black, blue and horribly swollen is a little disconcerting.

But I got over it and the days blended into years. And the kids grew to teens. It was eighteen years after the marriage. I was 42. And I was still run-of-the-mill me. I looked like I did in college, just better dressed. I still couldn’t do anything athletic. And my attempts at being the life of the party were embarrassing; even to me.

Janet, on the other hand, had blossomed into a stunningly beautiful 41-year-old woman. The cute little Collen face had evolved into full-fledged Celtic beauty. Her translucent skin might keep her out of the sun, but it also ensured that there wasn’t a line on her face. And her high cheek bones and perfect Irish features glowed with an inner womanly confidence.

Now when Janet walked into the room every man stared and every one of them wanted her. Still, except for her striking good looks, we were very similar people. She had no interest in sports, she didn’t work out. That slim body of hers had gained a few extra pounds from the kids. But it was all in the right places. And unlike any other woman I ever knew she hated dancing, or even socializing.

Her entire life revolved around her family. She was a wonderful mother and an even better best friend. She was always adventurous. So, we explored together. First trundling the babies along. Then as they grew up; we were accompanied by a pair of proto-adults. And the sex was like a post-grad course in the Kama-Sutra. The bond that created was a special gift to our marriage.

In public, we were two effective professionals raising a pair of wonderful children. But the sexual intimacy that passed between us underwrote our faith in our life together. We all know that we are fundamentally alone. But Janet and I drew so much comfort from our shared intimacy that it merged our individual psyches into a single spirit.

In essence, we felt like we were moving through life as one entity because we were so attuned to each other. There are long-time marriages where one spouse dies and the other immediately follows. I can understand that. I know that this will sound melodramatic. But I really could not imagine life without Janet. She was my necessary other half.

By the time we reached our eighteenth anniversary I had finally made my way into a corner office. That was not as much fun as it might sound, since a lot of responsibility came with having walls and a door.

Part of what I did was manage the equipment and services for our division and that was why I was sitting at my desk when my old nemesis William Wirt strode in to shake my hand. I hadn’t seen him since that fateful night on the porch in Ann Arbor. But I recognized him right away. Of course, he didn’t know who I was. But then again, he had NEVER known who I was

He had gained a lot of weight, about ten pounds of which was now residing in the fat under his several chins. He had also come down with a serious case of male pattern baldness. As a result, he had shaved his head.

As he sat down across from me the vista of all that pink skin sticking out above his necktie made him look like a 290-pound penis. Of course, he had not lost any of his sense of entitlement. And the company that he now owned might have caused him to be even more conceited than he was, back in the day. He RADIATED arrogance, aggression and supreme self-confidence.

I didn’t show the slightest reaction as he reached across the table to energetically pump my hand. It had been 20 years since we had any contact and I was nobody back then. But right that second, I had him by the balls and he knew it. His company provided services to Ford. The contract wasn’t major by our standards. But it was the entire kettle of fish for him, and he needed our business.

We had been using Wirt’s company’s services for the past twenty years. His dad had made Wirt President and CEO when he retired three years ago and since the change-over we had been getting constant complaints about shoddy workmanship. I was meeting with Wirt to sort it out.

He led with the “hail-fellow-well-met” gambit that had always been his standard approach. I knew that he considered me nothing more than a pencil-necked corporate geek. But, since the shoe was temporarily on the other foot he was going to treat me like his best pal.

We haggled our way through the list of problems until 5:30 rolled around. He made a point of checking his gold Rolex Yachtmaster and said, “Hey buddy, I’m getting hungry. How about we continue to talk over dinner at The Henry.”

I said, “My wife is waiting for me at home. We always eat dinner together.”

I could see that he thought I was thoroughly pussy-whipped. But he kept up the jovial facade, “Well let’s just bring the little lady along with us. Call her up. It’ll be my treat.”

The last thing I wanted to do was subject Janet to the guy. She hates blowhards and Wirt was one of the worst in captivity. But I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. I had the momentum in our negotiations and I didn’t want to lose it.

Nevertheless, I also didn’t want to leave Janet sitting at home. So, I called her and asked her if she wanted to meet us at TRIAs. She said, “Wow – to whom do I owe the honor? You’d never take me to a place that expensive.”

I said, “A vendor is paying for it and we are going to be talking business. But I didn’t want to leave you out if you want to go.”

She said, “I’d love to go, especially if we aren’t paying. I assume you want me to dress up.”

I said, “It’s just a vendor but let’s see if you can blow his mind.” I was going to give the asshole a little payback for the porch incident.

She said, “I’ll be in full mind-blowing mode. Love you.” and hung up.

She made her appearance an hour later. She was firing for effect and every salvo hit. We had a table on the other side of the restaurant. It was as far away as possible from the entrance. So, she had to walk entirely across the room in her 4 inch stilettos. That marvelous ass was twitching suggestively as she proceeded toward us.

She was a beautiful self-assured woman in a figure hugging little black dress. The dress worked ideally with her best feature, that thick mane of copper hair. And the scoop front put her big round tits superlatively on display. The little gold chain with the single perfect diamond dangling in the canyon between those two impressive hills was the finishing touch.

Her huge emerald cat eyes were hypnotic. And her wide sensual mouth was flawlessly made up. It highlighted a knowing smile. Her freckles and turned up nose made her look like the world’s hottest and most sophisticated girl-next-door.

She came over to us never taking her eyes off me. And I couldn’t stop looking into those two deep pools of love. I thought to myself, “How could I have ever been so lucky?”

I looked over at Wirt to see his reaction. He appeared to have swallowed his tongue. His jaw was almost resting on the table like a cartoon wolf, game, set and match to Janet Ostrovski.

We both rose when she got to the table. She gracefully extended her hand to Wirt and said, “I’m Janet, Peter’s wife.” Wirt looked at her with pure lust. Then he put the mask back on and became “good old Bill.”

He laughed heartily and said, “Well – he certainly knows how to pick ‘em. Were you an actress, or a model before you got married?”

Janet colored and said, “No, I’m Director of Customer Relations for this Region’s dealerships. I have been in CRM since before I met Peter.”

He laughed again and said, “Well I’D like to be your customer!!!”

It might have been harmless banter but there was another meaning to that. We both chose to ignore him and we all sat down. Throughout the meal Wirt dominated the conversation. He was paying for it. So, I just let him talk. He was clearly vamping on Janet and I didn’t blame him. She was especially hot looking tonight.

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Introduction: Twins come back from a camping trip start to get a little intimate. It was Monday morning and and we had got home from our camping trip. I woke up from my deep sleep and hopped out the crammed car. It was still dark and it was about 5 in the morning. We all helped and got the things out the car and put it inside our house. After we had finished unpacking the car mum and dad went bed to their room and fell sleep quite quickly. I slowly walked up the stairs and followed by my...

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Bicurious Not any more

Bi-Curious? Not anymore.   Okay, so you have read the title and it has caused you to see what the story is about I guess. So, without further ado, I will relate the details as follows: Let’s say I’m in my later forties. It is an out an out lie, but for the sake of my ego, please bare with me. I have been married to the same woman since I turned 19. You do the math, but it equates to very many years. During this time, we have managed to produce a couple of kids, bring them up and got shot...

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Being a part-time night shift security guard for an upscale women clothing store has a few perks over working at the local 24 hours Wal-Mart -- you get paid a few dollars more per hour and that you don't have to deal with all the stupid customers, especially the drunk ones. You often spend your shift from 9pm to 6am in the security office studying, doing your homework or watching late night TV (often infomercials). It's not a bad gig for a college student. You drive as fast as you can in your...

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Wanting What I Cant Have Chapter 2

I slipped the covers off of me and got out of bed. I wore myrobe and I opened the door slowly, without making any sounds. Taking two steps to my right, I was standing outside of Nick and Lisa’s room. I put my ear to the door and tried to hear. No sound was coming. Good, I thought, they’re sleeping.   I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. What a kitchen. Showstoppers are the high-gloss metallic-finish cabinets and an aviation-inspired workspace made from recycled aircraft aluminium...

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Deb my horny coworker

A friend of mine wrote a story on here about a sales conference he had gone to and his experience. He encouraged me to share it with all of you. I had not thought about Deb for a long time, but his story got me thinking about her. Sorry for the long story the end is worth itA fw years ago, I was involved with a direct marketing company, where we sold items at home demonstrations. The sales force was comprised of 98% women. I know, sounds sort of feminine. I can assure you, I am not feminine at...

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Mall Maul

Francine is inadvertently caught up in a crazed teeny bopper mall appearance. Luckily maybe: several hired events crowd control officers come to her assistance. However, in the ensuing mayhem: she is public sex mauled....I had to pick up a new altered evening dress for a big night out. My bestie was receiving an award at the business woman of the year dinner. As I was currently man free I was happy to partner her. I might get lucky with a wealthy guy. Truth was: I was well overdue for a full...

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A Cuckold to My Slut Wife from the Start

My wife Liesel and I are now in our fifties and living an active cuckold lifestyle in the Indianapolis suburbs where I grew up. This might seem unusual to many people since I am a doctor and she is a nurse and we live in a very conservative small town. But the real story here is how this way of life came about.My name is Ed, and I graduated from high school in 1972. I had some interest in medical science but wasn't sure what I specifically wanted to do. So, I went to a community college in the...

1 year ago
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Chained in the Basement Please HelpChapter 3

So he's been gone for a week now. He's not coming back. A week ago he was sitting across the room, in his easy chair (which I can't get to), and he had his dick out and he was watching me, and masturbating. And I was sitting hunched up in a ball on the bed, and I grabbed the pillow and held it in front of me. He'd told me not to do that, that he'd take it away if I used it to cover myself. Or that he'd hit me. But I did it anyway, because I couldn't stand just sitting there and...

4 years ago
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Little Sissy Of Mistress 5

He was being ravaged and violated as rough as it could be and then suddenly he felt a dick knocking on his ass hole. He panicked as it forced his ass hole open. It was very big to say the least which felt as if it had torn his ass hole apart. He wanted to protest but his mouth was full of another monster dick. And then that dick forced his way inside his hole and started thrusting very wildly. He was being violated from both the sides now and they seemed to move in rhythm, one more vigorous and...

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Julie Does It

Julie Miller, a lovely 15-year-old, was eager to mount her father's huge, erect prick again but somebody was pounding on the door. Jimmy, her skinny brother came running up the stairs and said it was old Jeb Jones and his son, Bobby, and that they were mad as hell and wanted to see Daddy. "Dad, you just rest there. Probably about that spring you diverted or them heifers you kinda borrowed. Be back and take care of that big, stiff thing soon as I can." Julie strapped on her old Navy Colt,...

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Piano Blues Part 3

I’m a piano player, not a pianist. I started as a pianist when I was eight or nine, but then I heard Honky Tonk Train Blues, or something. I heard James Booker and Professor Longhair, all the New Orleans guys, and it struck me. I had to sound like that. I never will, but I keep on trying. They’re the greatest piano players ever. The rhythm, the music. Spiritual music. A sound like that can heal a broken heart. And Ragtime. I love that too. Still piano players. All the styles are linked. You...

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Mystery at Brackenwood Part 1

It was now May 2002. The incident with Tom was still in my thoughts, and whilst I knew that the outcome had been the right one, I found myself slipping down into a depressive state of mind. I had begun to recognise the signs a few days after seeing Tom that evening. The constant sexual hunger I had grown to accept as normal for me seemed to fade. And with it, the need to masturbate several times a day was no longer there. My energy levels dropped, and everything became an effort. Life had...

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My Best Mates Dad and his mate Davo

Best Mates Dad and his mate DavoThe previous 2 weeks had been a blur as I’d been over to my mate Tom’s house every time that he wasn’t there! Ofcourse this was planned, so that I could feast on Tom’s Dad’s healthy pendulous man meat and stimulate it to attention and let him plunder my sole with his cock and tongue. Ofcourse it hadn’t all been one way and my body had adapted to this flood of sexual endorphins that flooded my body and any and every touch that he made on my body. I was addicted...

4 years ago
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Letter to Fiesta Magazine written by my wife

Dear Sir, I have been reading Fiesta for about six months now and what has just happened is all your fault! I work as a legal secretary for a small family firm, and up until recently I had been happy, but oh so bored with the daily regime. About the only thing that was keeping me sane was reading Fiesta with my fiancé and imagining that some of the things that happened to your readers happened to me! I love my fiancé very much, but he does tend to treat me as an ivory goddess, rather than the...

1 year ago
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Dato Porn! If you are a porn lover worth your salt and pepper avocado toast, you must know your way around Google and are probably familiar with the ‘porn’ rule on the internet. If you have ever thought about it, someone has already made porn of it. No wonder you fucks are camping at sites offering incest smut because y’all have fantasized about screwing your own fucking sisters at some point.  The thing is, in this digital era, you can polish your cocks to whatever the fuck your lust...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Fuck Me Chapter I

I was watching a porn movie, my legs were open, my hand was inside my panties, and I was rubbing at my swollen clit. As the man on screen continued to pound into his girlfriend, I inserted a finger into my wet pussy, moaning at the coldness. He pounded harder and I inserted more fingers, pushing them deeper. I was surrounded by my moans, mixed with the couple’s own, and as I reached an orgasm, he came in her. “Oh, Nate!” I screamed, and my back bucked and I slid onto the floor, unable to stop...

2 years ago
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The Spanking Of The Submissive 2

It's Saturday night, the week after the wrestling and pies at the Smash club where Liz took pies to the face for a hundred dollars each and wrestled in a match for a thousand dollars.  She took home over two grand in her pocket.I'm waiting for Elizabeth to arrive after saying she got this sexy new outfit from the money she won and how I'm going to really like it.I hear the bell at the door. I open the door and  I see my submissive Liz standing there breathtakingly sexy in the new outfit she...

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The Man From Eagle CreekChapter 24

The two friends sat and talked over this new side of the job as range riders for the cattlemen’s association, then walked out to get their horses down to the livery stable. After making sure they were fed and taken care of, Tom and Cal walked back up to the sheriff’s office to wait. Tom and Cal were sitting out front with Sheriff Wade, when Gale Fortenberry rode up on a big buckskin mare. “Gale these two young men rode up here from Dodge to see you,” Sheriff Wade said as Gale walked up on...

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First time touching another boys cock part 4

Once my cock erupted deep in my friend's ass I knew we had to go and see the black neighbour. I needed to suck that cock and be fucked by it. I was shocked as David turned around and dropped to his knees and sucked my cock as it flopped out of his sweet little ass.I whispered to David I needed to go and fuck his black neighbour, he said he would watch me fuck him first, then if he didn't split my bum in half and make it bleed he would think about letting something that big get into his tight...

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Sam and AmyChapter 18

Sam reached up above her head in the driver's seat to the console there and pressed the button next to the intercom speaker. "Amy, we are here," she said. In a few moments Amy's voice returned from the speaker, "Be right there Sam. A few minutes later Amy slid into the passenger seat beside Sam. Before they had left home, Sam and Amy had planned out their route and the places they would go. Sam had printed them out from her computer and so they proceeded to the first stop on their...

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Typical South Dakota early June weather as on the Saturday we launched the boat the day was sunny and hot a good day for fishing and though the fish were slow to cooperate we were fairly successful, but by late afternoon the weather was breaking up with wicked looking storm clouds building and one mighty storm on its way. We stayed overnight at a motel cum casino with lightning, thunder and torrential rain and a tornado doing some structural damage in nearby Chamberlain. Sunday morning was...

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hot texas summer

I lay in bed on a hot and sultry night. the air conditioner blows full blast, but it can't seem to take the the edge off the heat in the station. sleep is denied me because, as always you are on my mind. The thought of taking you in my arms, and kissing you deeply, seems to bring desire with the already warm humidity of the room. I fantasize about holding you're sumptuous body close to me, breathing in you're very essence, The thought of you're full pouty lips against mine, making me slightly...

2 years ago
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Living in Cockington part 20

I awoke late in the morning and everyone else seem to be already down stairs having breakfast.As I stood in the bathroom having a morning wash, I heard the door open and Zoe my hot blonde cousin stepped inside.She was wearing a T-shirt and short shorts that showed off her long tanned legs and with a smile she proceeded to use the toilet right next to me."I need a pee" she said quickly pulling her shorts down revealing her bald shaved pussy before sitting down on the toilet.I heard the flow of...

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Doctor of Desire Ch 03

Chapter 3: Guardian Devil She wasn’t Sister Mary Aloysius when he met her. Hadn’t been for several years. Actually, her real name was Gerta. But even though she had left orders because she had ‘impure thoughts’ that grew and grew until they erased her ability to spend quality time in prayer, she was unable to develop a real intimate relationship with anyone. Casey spoke with her ‘ex’ Mother Superior, confessing that his role was to help her develop her normal sexuality. He did not detail...

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May I

You've always known that you weren't quite normal. It's not hard to figure out; you masturbate to fictional characters getting raped, you enjoy watching movies where the hero finds himself in trouble, and before you go to sleep every night you pretend you're in some horrible situation, where only your true love can find you. Not only that, but you have erotic dreams featuring your brother. You have tried to hide it for a long time. Granted, it's not something that you want to tell people, but...

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Diamonds in the RoughChapter 3

'What's going on; and why am I beginning to feel happy again?' Sam asked herself, watching Lynn play with Major. It didn't make any sense to the young woman. Major would have normally had a stranger on the ground by now with his playfulness. Not so with Lynn. Major behaved just as he would with Sam. While his improved behavior made her happy, it also perplexed her. Major, was a one-woman dog — her dog. Why would he relate to Lynn like he did to her? Sam was also mystified by how...

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LenaChapter 22

Jay’s turn: So Lena called her circle of friends from church and elsewhere. That meant that by nightfall, the appropriate husbands had been informed as well, subjecting me, the next day, to Bill pumping my hand in congratulations. I know some guys who would’ve received news of a pregnant spouse with thoughts of their world ending. I knew better. Bill knew that I knew better. He and his wife were frequent visitors to our little place and both of them knew we built the house with a family in...

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Depth of FieldChapter 5 Price I Pay

I was aware of an engine rumbling near my head, but I ignored it, half-asleep. A car door opened and closed, punctuating the ever-present sounds of nature. My mom’s voice floated through the morning air, finally triggering a return to consciousness. “Matt, Lara? Don’t tell me you’re still sleeping?” Melissa called out. I peeled apart my desiccated lips, finding it hard to croak out an acknowledgement. “Hgghh...” “Oh, no! Are you sick?” I cleared my throat and spoke more normally. “No....

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Swap Night Carolyns SidePart 2cs Everything or Nothing

Swap Night, Carolyn's Side Part 2cs, Everything or Nothing By: Zylux It was going to be a long time before I would have the pleasure of Dan's company once again. He was going to be working on a contract for a company on the other side of the country. I would definitely miss our nights together, the stimulating conversations over a home cooked meal that had been prepared and served with style and flair, followed by dancing, dessert, and sex. Through Dan, I had been able to...

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They say the best things in life come to you when you least expect them. Kabir had always believed that that was actually what made them the best things in your life – not having expected them. When he first saw her, Kabir had just joined this organisation after a 3-month hiatus from his last job. He had quit that job in bad taste. His wife had been having too many headaches lately – and so had he, from all the drinking he’d been doing. And his mom all but dumped dinner on him. Kabir was...

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Whoa Jason and the Dean Make a Deal X

Jason and Dean Malcomb Make a Deal The next morning Jason received a call from Dean Malcomb. “Jason, would you come to my office as soon as you can get free?” “Yes Sir. I can come over right away.” Jason dropped what he was doing and hurried over to the administration offices. After all, when the Dean calls he expects a quick response. Fifteen minutes later, Jason was admitted to Dean Malcomb's office by a cute young receptionist. Dean Malcomb rose and stuck out his hand to...

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Silent VigilChapter 7 Blood From a Stone

“Morning, Mister Lewis,” West said as Ethan entered through one of the revolving doors. Ethan was momentarily taken aback, but he reminded himself that this was what the gargoyle had promised, that nobody would even remember that Spencer had existed. It seemed a cruel fate, but it was not undeserved after what he had done. “Good morning, Mister West,” Ethan replied. He hesitated for a moment, wondering if he should risk pushing his luck, but he couldn’t relax until he was certain. “I see...

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BurningAngel Jada Stevens Big Booty POV

Deliciously curvy and natural stunner Jada Stevens has a craving for cock. She sways her big booty accented by a thong and cutout stockings – Jada wants it so bad! She can hardly wait to slobber on his knob making it nice and ready to mount, not bothering to remove her nylons at all and just fucking him through the hole! Jada works her thick ass as she takes a ride, and truly, Jada’s bottom is a thing of great beauty and I want to oil it up and rub my hands all over that thang just...

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Store Clerk

Store Clerk By SG [email protected]        Let me tell you about a fun little session I had the other day. Hi my name is Jessica. I am a twenty year old five foot eleven blonde with a pair of D cup breasts. I work at the mall in a small store which is where my fun took place. The shop sells Goth clothing and other stuff related to Goth. Last week two of our workers quit which left us very under manned. And since I was the one who had worked there the longest I got stuck picking up the extra...

4 years ago
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Learning Curve Part I

May had been sitting on the balcony for the better part of an hour, alone with her first drink. She once again folded up her notebook and slipped the pen safely inside the wire binder. There hadn't been a single minute in that hour that she hadn't opened up the notebook and jotted down something. Even something so innocuous as a single word seemed important. She had trained her mind to drown out the music so she could hear the hustle and bustle of the people themselves.The floor was full of...

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Sarah Carerra 231 Golden Friendships

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By Megan Campbell (Released: April 11, 2011) Chapter 31 - Golden Friendships I had hoped to sleep in on Tuesday morning, since it was the only day I had off. But Emily wasn't going to let that happen. It was the first day that we both had off in several...

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Roberts Story Chapter 12

Introduction: The morning after After The Dance (((Ringing))) (((Ringing))) A loud obtrusive ringing set upon me, I reached for the phone, tangled in naked little girls. Hello? Good morning Robert Marcus said brightly, Wake up Eriks girls and send them on to their Grandfather they have a day of preparing to do, and join me on the balcony for some coffee. We have some logistics to cover. I kindly nudged and kissed the little angels awake pulling them up from the bed. They gathered their...

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Her father watched her lick my pussy

Most girls growing up get exposed to men's cocks, we get to see our brothers, and fathers, and occasionally our uncles, although they are off limits, especially as we start developing tits, our hormones make cocks more interesting to us, they are no longer a piece of dangling skin we used to giggle at, no our hormones are a warning to our parents to keep men away from us.But what about girl who have never set eyes on the real thing, now that can be a daunting experience, 'I have kissed more...

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December holidays at my parents part 1

After a good long year it eventually reach December holiday time and like usual my husband, myself and our daughter would go visit my parents at there house in Jeffery's Bay. Once arriving down at the coast and staying with my parents for 3 weeks, my husband and i normally have very little time for any sexual fun while in the house together.We arrived on the Saturday evening and after a lovely dinner with my parents, we all made our way to bed. Sunday morning arrived and I got dressed into my...

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how my wifes sister became mine

hi im going to use a another name for this because its all true but the female name are real i was married for 17 yrs before i got divorced from my wife she has no idea what im about to write and most likely will never find out since she doesnt come into porn sdites the reason i wont use my name is because betty will and will not waste any time telling my ex about this and claim its not true but it is all very true not my ex irma is on the hufty side while betty is more on the thinner side and...

2 years ago
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Speeding Ch 10

‘So what did I miss?’ Chris asked the minute Reid and Jason walked through the station door. ‘Big Ben wasn’t her pimp,’ Reid answered at the same time Jason said, ‘A lot of nothing.’ ‘You two were up there for hours and you got nothing?’ ‘Well, Jason here thinks Beverly Shaw knows something she’s not telling us,’ Reid elaborated with an elbow to Jason’s middle. ‘Why?’ Chris asked before saying, ‘I’m with Chloe. I think this was an accident and somebody freaked out and dumped her to cover it...

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The Start of an Affair

Sally was school teacher who had led a fairly uneventful life sexually. She was happily married but sexually she was not fulfilled and needed to experiment and know more about her own sexuality. She had many fantasies and knew that she needed to fulfil them one by one, this was of course without her husband knowing. She was now 53 years old, she was well built in that she was a size 16/18, 5’8” tall but she knew she was attractive and was constantly having men coming on to her. Her own husband...

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The Player Plays OnChapter 4

Chrissie was a little late to serve dinner that evening and looked a little flushed, but she seemed alright. It wasn't until I was stroking HL's expanding bump that the story came out. I was quite right, she did know more about Annabelle than she let on. She was well aware that she could be a problem, but with her usual weakness for wounded animals, had taken her on, reckoning that I would probably sort it out. Although how she had supposed I was going to do that was beyond me. All the...

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Passing the Baton 2 Lilas StoryChapter 5

Later he would not be proud of what he did; later he would be sorry. Bellowing his rage he grabbed Lila's hands jerking her to her feet; he dragged her behind him to the torture room, his roars of anger waking up everyone within earshot. She tried to follow him but wasn't given a chance. He tied her wrists to the suspension beam and raised her on tiptoe. She did not plead, nor cry. She knew why and what was to happen. She struggled on her tiptoes to balance herself awaiting her punishment....

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A Fresh Start0

Rolling up the sleeves to his elbows and putting on a pair of white Nikes, he couldn’t wait for the first day of classes to begin. Orientation had shown him that this school would be something worth remembering, he just knew it. The girls were extremely attractive, and he had met a couple of dudes that seemed pretty cool too. He walked into the kitchen of his apartment, grabbed an apple and headed downstairs to his pride and joy, his 95 Z28. Most people didn’t understand why he loved...

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Slippery Susie My XXX MILF part three

Slippery Susie - Part 3 - Back at Work (Susie, Kerry & Jake) MFMOnly 15 minutes had passed for Susie before her sister walked in thefront door. Shane had spent the time away from the living room. Susiewas not sure if it was guilt or he did not think he could stop himselffrom having another quickie with his sister-in-law. Either way, it leftthe two sisters alone when Liz finally arrived. Liz was surprised buthappy to see her sister. She immediately asked if something was wrongand Susie...

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Night at the Casino

“Hit me.” The suspense is killing me. A lot is riding on what happens now. I hold my breath as the anticipation builds. I start to doubt myself. It was an impulsive decision, one I may seriously regret. I start to have doubts as I look at the 7 and 3 on the table in front of me. “Ace – that makes 21 and black jack. Congratulations” I start at the chips the dealer is placing in front of me. I do a mental calculation in my head. Wow! That’s $5,000! I release the breath I was holding in. I...

Straight Sex
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Window of Opportunity

I didn't mean to stop and watch, but simply couldn't resist her lithe silhouette framed in the saffron rectangle of light that clicked on ahead of me. Like a glowing beacon in the cold evening gloom, the warmth of the bedroom spilled into the residential street, moments before her mesmerising beauty paused within it. With curves that would inspire a Formula One track designer, I had little choice but to drink in her profile, barely breathing for fear she might notice me and draw the...

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Barbras Reawakeningchapter 1

By Frodov This is a story that is based entirely on a true story from my past. Names and a few details have been changed to provide anonymity for those involved. Discretion is a precious commodity and is becoming rarer and rarer every day. I reached a way back to relive this story for everyone, I was the ripe old age of twenty eight years old at the time. Bear in mind that Cell phones were barely a novel idea at that time. The internet was taking its first baby steps and people were...

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SpiralsChapter 37

Monday rolled around again and it was time to buy Prom tickets. Missy smiled when I dutifully asked, and I ponied up the money for our ticket. Unlike a previous dance I'd tried hard to forget, there was no issue whatever with Missy and I getting tickets this time around. A lot had changed in five or six months. Prom was the topic of choice all week at lunch and even between classes. Everyone asked me to once again set up dinner the night of the Prom, but Missy spoke up quickly. "I'd...

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