Cell free porn video

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Don Jackson woke up in a blank featureless cell. The walls, floor and even ceiling were constructed of Stainless steel. Only a single bed was bolted to the wall. No door into the cell could be seen. The last thing he remembered was walking down the street on his way back to his mother's house after helping some of his friends break windshields and window glass on cars. He pulled the cover back and realized he was naked. A small screen recessed into the wall started to blink, which caught his attention. It quit blinking and displayed text. "You are in an unmanned automated cell. Please notice that there are cuffs on your wrists and your penis and testicles are trapped in a sheath. Do not attempt to remove any of these articles, as you will be subjected to an increasing scale of punishment. You will not see another human until you have complied with our requests on rehabilitating you." The screen cleared and new text was displayed. "Below are the following words that have been deemed to be punishable if you say them. Cock, prick, piss, shit, fuck, tits, cunt, ass, bitch, slut, whore, dirt bag, asshole, scum, gay, fag, goddamn and loser. I stared at the screen and then tried to remove the metal sheath from my penis. As soon as I touched it, I felt a shock that wasn't too bad. I kept my hand on it and tried to pull it away and the shocks got worse and worse. A computerized voice said, "FORBIDDEN!" I tried to pull on it some more and the shocks were causing me to shake. I eventually gave up and collapsed to the floor from the pain. As I lay on the ground moaning, I saw my arm had four horizontal items buried beneath the skin. A quick glance to my other arm showed the same thing. The screens blinking caught my attention again. "Complying with requests will slowly decrease your time spent in this cell. Not complying with requests will increase your time in this cell. Clothing and Television is a privilege earned and not a right. "Fuck you." I was writhing in pain on the floor. It felt like my testicles were on fire. I realized that I had said a word that was on the list. After ten seconds, the pain shut off and I lay there on the floor with tears streaming down my eyes. I slowly recovered and stood up. "LET ME OUT! I WANT OUT!" The screen cleared and more text was displayed. "YOU will not exit this room until you comply. There is no human guard to hear you." The screen blanked out and the wall covered the screen. "FUCK YOU GODDAMN ASSHOLES!" I felt the pain again but this time the pain lasted three times as long because I said three words that were on the list. I fell to the floor and cried with the pain. Finally the pain let off and I crawled back into bed. Under the covers, I tried to remove the sheath on my penis and the shocks were worse than before. I couldn't touch the sheath and my favorite words were punishable. I didn't know who put me here, why I was here, or how long I would stay. After 30 minutes, a musical tone was heard and the room changed color to pink. I got out of bed, stood up and looked around. Two small panels opened in the ceiling and two chains with hooks on them dropped down. I saw that the hooks were the same size as the loops where on the cuffs. I sighed, connected the hooks to the loops and waited. A light bell sounded and I felt a few seconds of pleasure deep inside my brain. The chains pulled taut and slowly lifted me off the floor. More panels opened in the ceiling 6 feet above me and I saw the walls moving. I looked down, but the cell was still there. A door opened and I saw a pool of acrid smelling water ahead. I tried to climb the chain, but couldn't and was lowered down into it. My feet touched bottom and the chains lowered my arms enough to be completely immersed in the liquid. After a few minutes, I was raised up again and fine jets of water rinsed the material off me. I was moved forward and a fan blew warm air on me to dry me off. After I was dry, I was delivered back to the room and watched the walls move again. Finally, I was dropped down where I could stand again and removed the hooks from the loops in my cuff. The hooks raised up and disappeared in the ceiling and all the panels in the ceiling dropped back into place. The same light bell sounded again and I received another few seconds of pleasure in my mind. I looked at my body where I had been in contact with the liquid and saw that all my body hair was gone. The room changed back a dull gray that it had been before. My stomach growled and I realized that I hadn't eaten anything today. "I'm hungry!" Receiving no reply, I just paced around in my room. After a couple of what felt like hours, the room color changed to yellow and the same musical tone was heard. I jumped to my feet and saw the walls move like before. I saw a door open and saw a small table and chair come into the room through the open doorway. On the table was a salad, a small container of ranch dressing, one half of a turkey club sandwich and a large plastic cup filled with water. A small gray tray containing a small white pill was beside the cup of water. I devoured the sandwich and found I was still hungry. I ate the salad only because it filled me up. I drank about one half of the water and felt a small shock as a warning. I knew I had to take the pill or I would be punished. I took the pill and swallowed it with the remainder of the water. The screen appeared on the far wall. "You have complied with three of our requests. You will be rewarded." The screen disappeared and I felt the pleasure last three times as long as before. I needed to use the restroom and a portion of the wall moved down revealing a toilet and sink. I sat for a few seconds and was finally done. I washed my hands and walked back into the cell and watched the wall rise back into position. I got up from the table and watched it retract through the door and watched the wall move hiding the door again. The color changed back to the dull gray of stainless steel. I paced in the room again and saw the room color change to green. The bell sounded and the wall the screen was on moved out of site and a door slid into the room and slid up. In the room containing a few pieces of exercise equipment bolted to the floor. I climbed up onto a treadmill and walked for a while. After I had walked a couple of miles, it shut down. I saw an exercise bike and rode it for a while. After I clocked 5 miles on it per the odometer, it also shut down and refused to move. The final piece of equipment was a screen showing an outline of a person showing me the moves to make. I copied its moves and positions and saw that it repeated the same pattern of moves repeatedly. Finally it shut down and I knew it was time to exit. I walked back into my room and saw a pair of anklet socks lying beside my bed. I felt the scant second of pleasure in my brain as before and put them on. I continued to pace the room and noticed that the wall covering the screen slid up. "Training Lesson #1 - Session #1" I felt like someone was running fingers through my brain for the next few seconds. "Performing verification of successful training. - - -" I didn't know what was going on and so I just walked around. After a little bit, the screen cleared "Training Successful Training Lesson #1 - Session #2" The feeling returned and I could feel some things were different. I felt fine afterwords and then walked around some more. The screen was flashing and I walked up to it. "Performing verification of successful training - - - Please look at your fingernails." I stretched my fingers and looked at the fingernails on both hands. Both looked normal and weren't cracked. The way I held my fingers seemed wrong and I suddenly knew what was happening. My smooth hairless skin, the anklets, and now how I hold my hands all finally told me that they were trying to do. I yelled at the ceiling. "ARE YOU TRYING TO CHANGE ME INTO A GIRL?" The screen answered my question. "Yes." "WHY? I like being a male." "You will either participate in your transformation or we will take steps and force the transformation including all your mannerisms. Such forceful manipulation will cause you to become a nymphomaniac for the rest of your life." "I REFUSE!" The screen changed and showed a picture of the same sheath covering my cock and balls on a mannequin. The screen zoomed up and I saw an extreme close up of the back of the sheath. A small wire looped around the penis and retracted cutting through and severing the mannequin's penis and balls from the body. I knew without a doubt that if it could cut through hard plastic in seconds, it wouldn't even hesitate cutting my nuts and cock off which was soft tissue. The screen cleared again. "Last chance. Do you refuse?" The timer started counting down from 5 minutes. I tried again to wrench the item off and I felt the wire loop around the base of my penis and balls tightening enough to let me know it was there. I immediately stopped but didn't feel the wire move back to position. "Will I get to keep my penis and testicles if I participate?" "No. You will have you testicles and penis removed. Either now which will put you through endless pain and trauma or later which will be relatively painless. Time left to decision - 30 seconds." The wire tightened a little more and I thought I could feel it heating up a little. I hung my head. "I will participate." "Training session is over. Willingly helping with transformation will eventually cause the wire to return to starting position. Resisting will cause the wire to tighten and sever your penis from your body." The screen slid down. I lay on the cot and covered up with the blanket and cried. I didn't have any choice one way or the other. They literally had me by the balls. After a couple of hours of waiting, the wall changed to a pink and I got up and walked to the center under the chains and raised my arms. I felt a small amount of pleasure indicating I done the correct behavior. The chains came down and I hooked the ends onto the loops going through the cuffs. I was raised slightly and had a longer bath in the same acrid smelling bath. Afterward, I was rinsed off and smelled feminine smelling water sprayed on me as a rinse. I was dropped down in a shower and I felt lavender scented shampoo being sprayed on my head. I shampooed my hair and rinsed it out. I looked up and saw a tube come down over my head and thick blue syrup poured onto my head. I hung my head and worked it in. I felt a tingle of pleasure and waited for the warm water rinse. I didn't know what the blue stuff was supposed to do, but it was guaranteed to increase my femininity. After fifteen minutes, the now gelatinous goo was rinsed out of my hair. I had several rinses with the last one a rose scented rinse. The chains came down and I was carried across the room. When I arrived back in the room, I saw that there was a pair of pink tennis shoes sitting below my bed. I sighed and put them on. I just stood up and I felt a large wave of pleasure. My penis even became rigid for a couple of seconds and then contacted the protrusions inside the sheath and wilted. The opposite wall moved and I saw the door open that led to the exercise room. I walked in a saw a treadmill was moving a slow walk. The screen moved up and I saw an illustration of myself in pink shoes walking. The screen had text on top - Training Lesson #1 - Session #3 - Walking. I felt the strange feeling in my brain and knew they were teaching me something. I noticed that the illustrated me was standing on a treadmill. I nodded and stood on the treadmill. The treadmill started up and I matched stride for stride with the illustration. I knew when I was getting the right body movement when I started getting pings of pleasure with each step. The speed increased and I kept getting the little pleasure rewards. I was starting to get into it and enjoyed the activity. Eventually, the treadmill stopped and I walked back into my room and lay down, as I was tired. The lights dimmed and I lay in bed and fell asleep. All night long, I dreamed of myself as a woman being made love to by a man. Every day for the next two weeks was a repeat of the first one. I got so good at walking with the right kind of walk on the treadmill that I found I was doing it even when pacing my room. The only thing I noticed different is that one of the strips under my right arm had disappeared and the one under my left arm was starting to disappear. After a couple of days, the wire was loosened and eventually brought back to the starting point. I never did try to resist. When I came back from my acrid smelling bath and blue goo hair treatment, I noticed that there were a set of pink panties, a white bra and a long tan skirt. I pulled the panties and bra on and donned the long skirt. I resigned myself to becoming a girl and didn't even consider resisting. I hadn't heard a human voice for the last few weeks that I suddenly was lonely for someone to talk to. I noticed that my hair was at least four inches longer than before and that I was loosing weight. I continued with my instructions of becoming a girl but the feelings of loneliness only increased. Finally one night I broke down, started crying and collapsed on the floor. I couldn't stop crying and curled up into a little ball of misery. "Don. Please get up." I looked around and saw a teenage girl standing in my cell. She came over to me and helped me to my feet and walked with me to my bunk. She held me for a few minutes and I continued to cry. Finally I got calmed down "Thank you. I was getting lonely for another human to talk to and I couldn't stand it." "I know. The computer that monitors this cell told me that you broke down." "I hadn't seen anyone for weeks. Are you a prisoner here too?" "Prisoner? This isn't a prison! It's a learning cell. You are learning to become a beautiful woman. Have you looked at yourself lately? "No. There is no mirrors in this cell." "Sure there is. Mirror, please!" A section of the wall dropped down a mirrored panel was behind it. I walked up to the mirror and I looked at my reflection. My waist was decreasing while my hips were increasing in width. My breasts while still small showed my body was turning female quickly. My dirty blonde hair had grown down below my ears. I turned around saw my butt was becoming more rounded. I couldn't help it but smiled a little. "See. You are becoming a beautiful girl." "I guess so. I resisted at first, but now I like what is happening." I thought for a second or two. "If I can have a mirror, is there anything else I can have?" "It depends. How many participation points have you earned?" "What are participation points?" "If you willingly go along with the plan, you get participation points that can be used for TV time, magazines, books, and even for people to visit." "How do I find out how many points do I have?" "Just ask!" "How many participation points do I have?" A wall slowly slid down revealing a screen. The display cleared and I saw "Total Points Available - 342.1" The girl said, "You have a good start. Each hour of TV costs 15 points. A book is worth 5 points. A magazine is worth 15 points. If you truly want to go along with the treatment and participate, the first thing I suggest you spend points on is a bathroom which will include your shower, bath, toilet, sink and medicine cabinet." "How many points does it take to get a bathroom?" The screen cleared and a list of rooms was shown along with the points necessary to get the room. I saw that the bathroom would cost me 150 points. "I would like to have a bathroom, please." A section of the wall dropped into the floor and I saw a normal doorway that swung open. I saw inside a normal bathroom. My points total dropped to 192.1 points but I saw I earned 0.5 points back. She saw my puzzled look and laughed. "Manners make a difference. They don't earn much, but they do mount up after a while. What you get after this is up to you." "How do I earn more points?" "How quick do you want to earn them?" "I want the kitchen and then the clothes closet. After that, I would have to see." "There are ways. I don't want to ruin your fun at figuring them out. When you have completed your training and have enough, you can buy the exit door. You are free to leave at that point and rejoin society." I looked at her and wondered. I knew I had to ask. "Did you start out like I did?" "Yes. My mother put me here as I am guessing your mother did the same for you. Don't be mad. Look at what you were doing before you got here. I don't have any idea what you did, but I guessed you were looking at serious jail time if you were caught. I looked shocked and then thought. "Your right. You did the same?" "Yes. Now I am happy with how this is turning out and am looking forward to a new life and a new beginning. My time is nearly up, but I will come by once a day for a visit. If you start resisting, the visits will end until you earn them again. We need to come up with a girl's name for you. Have you thought of any names?" I looked down and said, "Yes." She lifted my chin up and said, "Don't be embarrassed! What are they?" "Deanna, Hannah, and maybe even Maria" "They are all good names. Which one do you prefer?" "Deanna." She hugged me and said, "Welcome to being a girl Deanna! It only gets better. Trust me." I hugged her back and held her for a few seconds. She broke the embrace and walked to the wall. "Well, Deanna. Part of the fun of the learning cell is figuring out some things." The door opened and I saw her walk through. As the wall was dropping down, I called after her. "What is your name?" "Cassie!" I walked into the bathroom and wanted to take a nice long hot bath. I ran the tub and got undressed. A slot opened marked dirty clothes and I put the skirt and underwear down the chute. It stayed open and I did the same for the shoes and socks. I was getting ready to climb into the tub and saw the cuffs on my wrists. I didn't want to soak in the tub and get them wet. It took forever to dry out after the short showers. A thought occurred to me. "Can I have the cuffs removed, please? I promise to participate with my treatment!" The mirror on the medicine cabinet changed to a screen. "By promising, you will agree to all known and unknown sections of your treatment. Changing your mind later will forfeit all points and items purchased with the points and will restore your cuffs back on your wrists and ankles. Do you agree to participate in the treatment?" I sighed and said, "Yes. I, Deanna promise to participate." The screen cleared. "Checking with Mentor. Please wait." A couple of seconds later, the screen erased the Please wait text and replaced it with "Approved." The cuffs dropped off and fell to the floor. A small panel opened and I dropped the cuffs in there. As I looked at the monitor, my point's total increased 100 to 293.1. In a couple of days, I could afford the kitchen! I rubbed my wrists enjoying the freedom. I sank down in the water and felt great. I no longer felt a prisoner but understood why the room was set up as it was. I soaked for a while in the tub and then got up and drained it. I needed to wash my hair and the shower was the best method. I entered the shower and saw three bottles sitting on the rack. The first bottle was marked depilatory cream. I opened the bottle and smelled the same acrid smell as before and smeared on a thin layer on my body. I waited the time stated on the bottle and then rinsed it off. The next bottle was filled with the blue goo that was increasing my hair length. I opened it up and squeezed a good portion on to my hair and smeared it on thick. I waited a few minutes and then rinsed the gelatinous stuff out of my hair. The final bottle was a combination shampoo and conditioner. I washed my hair and combed it out. I washed my body with a rose scented soap and rinsed off. I stepped out of the shower and saw a towel hanging on a rack waiting for me. I grabbed the towel and discovered it was quite warm. That was the first time I had ever dried my body off with a warm towel and it felt extremely good. I wrapped it around myself covering my budding breasts and combed my hair some more. I opened the medicine cabinet and saw three pill bottles. The first bottle I picked up was the "Female Hormones". I read the instructions and saw that I was supposed to take one pill a day. I took the pill and swallowed it with some water. The next bottle was marked "Breast Enhancement". I read the instructions and saw that I could take a maximum of two a day. After taking two pills out of that bottle and swallowing them, I saw that the next bottle was marked "Anti- Testosterone". I took a pill out of it and swallowed it with the last bit of water. I hung the towel back up and walked out into the room. I sat on the bed and felt more in control of my situation. I saw that clean clothes were put out on my bed and I redressed myself. I looked at the screen and said, "May I have a book, please?" The screen cleared and looked at the number of titles. I guessed by the titles that the books were romance novels, but I didn't care. I just wanted to do something besides pacing the floor. I picked a title at random and a bookshelf appeared beside my bed with the book I requested. I looked at the screen and saw that my point total was now 303.1. I realized that taking the pills was participating and smiled. I opened the book and soon lost myself in the pages. In the past, I would have burned the book if someone had given it to me, but now I actually liked the story since I was starting to see it from a different viewpoint. I worked my way through the book and stopped about halfway through. I sighed and wondered what it would feel like to be in the arms of a man with him sliding in and out of me. I looked up at the screen. "When will I have my penis removed so that I can have a vagina?" "Your request cannot be completed for the following reason: Your total earned points is not at 1500" The screen cleared and returned to the screen that showed the total points available. I sat on the bed and thought for a second or two. "What is my total earned points, please?" The screen added a new line to my point's screen "Total Points Available - 303.6. Total Points Earned - 1137.1" I looked at the points earned and knew I could get more stuff once those were released. "What do I need to do to get more points into the Total Points Earned?" The wall under the screen dropped lower and I saw there was another screen. "Complete feminine voice lesson - 150 points - 10% complete Complete feminine walking exercise - All heel heights - 200 points. - 15% complete Complete feminine mannerisms - 150 points - %65 complete Complete dressing lessons - 300 points - 0% complete" The list was long but I was only curious about the top three. "When is my next feminine mannerisms training session?" "2 hours, 14 minutes, 34 seconds." "Can I have all of it now please?" "Maximum 15% delivered every 12 hours." I felt the same strange feeling as before and closed my eyes to wait it out. The feeling quit and I saw that my feminine mannerisms was now at 80% complete. I walked back over to my bed, sat down and crossed my legs. I picked up my book and read a couple of words. I glanced at my crossed legs, smiled and continued to read. I read another four chapters and started to get restless. I stood up and said, "Can I go exercise now, please?" A wall rolled down exposing another door, which swung in to show an exercise room beyond. I looked at my point total and noted that the exercise room hadn't cost me any points. I walked in, used the treadmill. I walked three miles and saw that my movement was more natural and more fluid. I saw a mini escalator and started walking up. After a few steps, I had to hold my skirt up to climb the stairs. After fifteen minutes, the stairs stopped and I climbed to the top. The stairs reversed and I had to learn how to walk down. I was tired and walked back into my bedroom. I glanced at my points and saw I had enough for either a closet or the kitchen. My stomach made the decision for me and I said, "May I have a kitchen, please?" The wall next to the exercise room dropped down and the door to it opened inward. I glanced at my points and saw I had 14.7 points, but I didn't care. The kitchen was stocked with easily prepared food and I fixed some soup. I had enough of cold food for a while and wanted something warm in my stomach. I ate at the table and felt good. I cleaned up the kitchen and then walked to the bathroom and cleaned it. It was getting close to bedtime and I sat on the bed and looked at the cell. Slowly, the cell was transforming from a prison to an apartment. I smoothed the skirt and sat down on the bed. "I wished there was a way to have a window to see out of and maybe get some fresh air." The screen flashed drawing my attention. "Total Points Available - 37.1 Total Points Earned - 1203.1 Total Customization Points available for use - 5" The bottom screen cleared and said, "One window is available to be added - Cost 3 points." "May I please have a window?" A section of the wall by my bed slid down exposing the window. I saw a park filled with trees and saw that I could raise the window eight inches. The fresh air smelled wonderful and I knelt on my bed and looked out of the window for quite a while. I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. In the bathroom, hanging on a hook was a nightgown. I changed out of my clothes except for my panties and put on the nightgown and climbed into bed. I lay in bed for a while and finally fell to sleep. In the morning, I heard a knock on the door and said, "Come in!" Cassie walked in and looked around. "Wow! You've been busy. You got a bathroom and a kitchen on the same day! That takes lots of work! You even figured out how to get a window!" I walked over to her and hugged her. "Thank you! You are right that it is fun figuring out things about the room. I didn't know about the window, but I figured it out." "You have a pretty smart head on those shoulders. Do you want to come see my cell?" "Please, may I? I would like that a lot!" "Certainly. Please follow me. I need to show you what would have happened if you kept resisting." I walked out of my cell down a hallway and I saw other doors spaced every so often. I was led into a cell that had no comforts like I had for mine. A girl was naked and lying in a pool of sweat on the floor. She was masturbating so hard that I saw her clitoris was inflamed from the mistreatment she was causing herself. I felt sick and almost nauseated. Cassie said for me to wait a second. A machine rose out of the floor and the girl saw it and jumped up on it. She pulled each of the penises fully into her including her mouth and sat on the chair and moaned in lust. We turned and walked out of the room. "What is going to happen to her?" "I don't know. There is no hope for her at all. She resisted and was forcibly feminized. I shuddered and realized how close I came to have that happen to me. She walked down the hall and I walked into her cell. It wasn't a cell anymore but a furnished apartment. I glanced around and said, "How much longer will you stay here?" "At least for another month. It will take me that long to earn the points for the exit. I am trying to learn ballroom dancing but it is hard work." I heard a knock on the door and Cassie said, "Come in Harry." A tall well-built young man walked in and said, "I am sorry. I didn't know you had company, Cassie." "That's alright. I was just showing Deanna my cell." I shook his hand and he said, "You look very nice Deanna and the name fits you well." I blushed a little and Cassie said, "Harry, tell Deanna about yourself." "Sure. He sat on her couch and said, "I was born a girl who ran away from home and started hooking on the street. After a year of being a prostitute, I was a wreck. My parents paid for my time here and I was picked up and went through the same kind of training that you are going through. Instead of becoming more feminine, I became more masculine and taller. Now Cassie and I have been spending time together and are quite close. I have proposed to her twice, but she turned me down." "Why?" "I want to be out of here when I accept. He already has enough points to leave, but he is staying here for me. It's kind of sweet really." I nodded and felt I needed to get back to my room. I said my good byes and walked back to my cell. Having seen her cell, I knew I had a lot of work in store. I took another batch of feminine mannerisms training and worked out in the exercise room. I glanced at the board and saw that I now had over 1500 earned points. I closed my eyes and thought long and hard. I didn't feel any different from before and said, "I have over 1500 earned points and I would like to have my penis and testicles removed so I can have a vagina, please." I waited a couple of seconds and looked at the screen. "Checking with Mentor. Please wait." I paced nervously and watched the screen. Seconds and then minutes rolled by. I continued to pace in the cell. I don't know how long I waited, but I was nearly in tears when the screen flashed. "Surgery approved. Your mentor has given full 100% approval. Final verification is required. Do you want the surgery to remove your male genitals and replace them with female genitals?" "YES, PLEASE!" "Surgery is scheduled for tomorrow morning. Do not eat, drink or apply any lotions to your body after supper." "Thank you." I lay on my bed and took one last look at my male genitals. After today, I would be a girl for good. I took my medication and changed clothing. After exercising, I took a shower and washed my hair. Instead of my nightgown hanging in the bathroom, I saw a surgical gown. I put it on and climbed into bed and finally fell asleep. - * - * - * - I woke up and saw Cassie standing over me. "Congratulations, Deanna. I was so happy that you made the decision to join the fairer sex!" I felt shaky and sat up, closed my eyes and waited for the world to stabilize. "How long was I out for?" "Four days. The first day they removed your male genitals and gave you female genitals. The next two days was to keep you under while the pain was controlled. The last day was in the recovery room while they checked to make sure everything was working right." She hugged me and I hugged her back. "It is good to have you back!" I looked over my shoulder at the screen and rubbed my eyes. I stood up and painfully walked over to the screen. My total points earned was over 3000 points and my points available for use was over a 1000. I looked at Cassie who was standing beside me. "I don't understand!" "Having your male genitals removed and replaced with female genitals is a significant step." I pulled the surgical gown up and saw that my new genitals were hidden from view by surgical dressings. "When I have the unwrapping party and see the new me?" "In a week. In the mean time, what are you going to spend all your points on?" "Definitely the clothes closet and then the bedroom!" "Go for it!" "May I please have the clothes closet and the bedroom?" A section of the wall opposite my bed slowly lowered revealing a hallway with several doors. One door swung inward and I walked over to it. I looked inside and saw a bedroom with a four poster queen sized bed and canopy. I heard a noise and turned around to see a couch rise in place of my single bed. My one single act had brought me closer to the room that Cassie had. She had followed me and opened a door to show a large closet filled with clothes hanging on several different poles. There were racks of shoes from a simple tennis shoe to high heel shoes. I turned and hugged her and said, "Thanks for everything. I understand this place much better now. The first few weeks are to break your spirit and then your mentor shows up and helps you put the pieces together again." I paused for a few seconds and then said, "Your right. This isn't a prison, but a learning cell. Every day I spend in here teaches me something new. If I were offered the exit right now, I wouldn't take it. I have too much to learn yet." "Very good! You passed the next test without even taking the test. Just like college, you are getting the basics. Later on, you can pick and choose the courses you want." We walked back into the main room and I saw that I had 7 customization points I could use. "Can I have another type of wall rather than the stainless steel walls and floor?" All the walls slid down revealing a cream colored wall. The floor separated slightly and individual panels flipped over that were covered in carpet. The panel I was standing hadn't flipped over yet and so I stepped into the hallway. That panel flipped over and the sections squeezed together again. I had used one point each on the wall and the floor. Cassie walked to the door that was now plainly evident and said; "I have someone who wants to see you. I will leave so you two can have a little time." She opened the door and my mother walked in. She obviously looked like she was prepared for a fight, but I came over to her and said, "Thank you. Putting me in here was the best thing that ever happened to me." She looked shocked for a second and then shook her head. "I expected a torrent of filth out of your mouth for putting you here, but instead, you thank me. Why?" I hugged her and said, "I have been given a second chance. Second chances don't come around too often and I plan to make the most out of it!" The relief was obvious. "I thought that when they put you in here, it would look like a prison! Instead, it looks like a really nice apartment" "You missed it. The stainless steel walls shifted down and the floor flipped over to reveal carpet. I took her around and showed her my cell. We walked into the bedroom and I said, "May I have a window in my bedroom, please?" The wall shifted to either side and a window appeared. I opened the window a little to let some fresh air in. "Now I have seen everything. The walls obey your requests." "They do if I have earned enough points." "I am proud of you. You have worked hard to get to this point. Are you ready to come home?" "No. I still have lots to learn. When I earn the right, I will come home. Otherwise, I will remain here." We walked back through the cell and she said that she had to leave. As she stood in the door, she said, "You are developing into a nice looking and well behaved young girl! The only problem is that I don't know what to call you." "My name is Deanna." I hugged her and thanked her for stopping by. I walked into the bathroom and I saw a wall slide up to connect the bedroom with the bathroom. I opened the medicine cabinet hoping to find some pain pills. There were new bottles and I eventually found them. I popped a couple and then went to my new bedroom with my book in hand to recuperate. - * - * - * - I worked hard during the week and eventually passed the voice lessons and the feminine mannerisms training. I worked hard with the heels, but I had a little trouble in walking in any heels taller than 2 inches. Instead, I worked on building up my ankle muscles to make my training in heels better. I had my dressing removed by Cassie and she gave me my middle name. "Your name is Deanna Marie." I was tickled with the name and I liked the way it rolled off the tongue. After a couple of weeks, I didn't have any pain around in my stomach. She said that I could start training on sexual response. A couple of nights later, she stopped by unexpectedly. "Deanna. I have come to say goodbye. I have learned everything that I wanted to and I now have enough points to purchase an exit. My days of mentoring you are done. Harry and I are excited to get back out to world and start our lives. He really wants me to marry him and I want to do that too. Our wedding won't be for at least a year. Would you be a brides maid for me when you get out?" I broke into tears of happiness and readily agreed. A couple days after she left, I started on my sexual response training, which was a mandatory item. As I started it, one of the doorways opened and I saw a room filled with strange pieces of equipment. I decided that the first thing I would learn was anal sex. I quickly graduated up through various sizes of phalluses and finally completed that aspect. The next one I did was oral sex, but that one gave me many problems. I couldn't seem to allow the small phallus to touch my throat. A screen inside the room eventually coaxed me through that problem and I finally completed that. The last one was the vaginal sex and I knew I had saved the best for last. I thought that the top of my head exploded from the first orgasm I had and it didn't take me long to pass it also. By this time, my body was quickly becoming a girl. I had medium breasts, narrow tight waist and a just right width of hips. I didn't know if I should continue to take the breast enhancement pills or not. My fingernails had grown out and I learned to take care of them as well as styling my hair. Over time, my ankles built up strength and I was able to walk on higher and higher heel heights. I finally decided that I wouldn't be satisfied if I didn't have slight larger breasts and kept taking the pills. One day, the screen flashed and I saw received an invitation to attend a small party. At the party, there were 5 girls and 5 boys. A young man walked up to me in the party and introduced himself. "Hi. I'm Thomas! You must be Deanna. Harry was telling me that you were a very nice looking young woman. However, now that I see you, I can conclude that he definitely needed to have his eyes checked. You are quite beautiful." He took my hand and kissed it and I nearly melted on the spot. "Thank you Thomas for the nice complement. You really know how to charm a girl!" "You are entirely welcome. You wouldn't object if I kissed you, would you?" "Not at all." If I nearly melted when he kissed my hand, I experienced a nuclear melt down when he kissed my lips. The next thing I knew was that he broke the kiss and guided me over to a chair. We sat a talked for a while. He told me of his story that as a girl she was bounced from one foster home to the next until she finally got tired of it and ran away from the state system. After escaping from an attempted rape and considering suicide, her girl friend put her in here. I told him my story and we talked for a while. We walked outside for a little bit and looked at the trees and flowers. My jaw dropped and looked around. "Are we outside?" "Yes, in a way. There is a security fence surrounding this place. In order to get through the gate, you have to pay for your exit." We walked back inside and he showed me his cell and I showed him mine. After that day, we spent a lot of time together. A couple of dates later he kissed me and started working his hand up on my side. I moaned in pleasure and guided his hand to my breast and allowed him to caress it. My nipples were very prominent through the bra and I guided him to the bedroom. There we took turns undressing each other. As I pulled his underwear down from his straining penis, I knelt in front of him and started licking his penis. Just as I was about to start sucking on it, he knelt down and picked me up. He carried me to the bed and lay down beside me. I didn't waste any time and straddled his pelvis and guided his penis into me. We made love and I massively enjoyed the feeling of him filling my private space. After a couple of minutes, I climaxed and he was just a couple seconds behind me. The pleasure that shot through my head was incredible and I passed out on top of him. He pulled the covers up and he held me for a while. I must have slept a couple of hours on top of him with his penis deep inside. I finally woke up and he continued to hold me. "I love you Deanna. I loved you the moment I saw you." "I love you too, Thomas. That was spectacular for me. Was it for you?" He nodded emphatically. I finally rolled off him and lay with him. Every night there after was filled with lots of sex in either his cell or mine. I completed all my basic instructions and started on the optional classes. I learned about cooking and upgraded my kitchen and learned to cook quite good meals. Thomas was an excellent cook and his meals were great. He was talking about getting hired to a restaurant as a chef to cook meals. I started taking computer classes and found I learned the technology quite easily. I also took some art lessons and became a budding artist. One day, Thomas came into my cell and dropped to one knee. "Would you marry me, Deanna? I can't live my life if you're not with me!" I was tempted to say yes, but I now understood what Cassie meant when she said that she wanted Harry to propose outside of the cell. I told Thomas that I wanted to wait until I had purchased my freedom. I was nearly ? there. One day my screen flashed and said that I had been picked to mentor a new person. My mouth became dry but I knew I had to go through with it. I walked down the hall and found Steve's cell. His name was above the cell door. He was lying on the bed in a ball and was crying hysterically. "You are not alone, Steve." His red rimmed eyes looked up at me and he stopped crying for a few seconds. I walked over to him, sat down on his bed and hugged him. He quit crying and said, "Are you a prisoner here too?" "No Steve. I am not a prisoner here and this isn't a prison. It's a learning cell to help you learn how to become a beautiful woman." "I am not as beautiful as you are." He hugged me back and said, "I haven't seen anyone for weeks and got lonely. Thank you for stopping in. I feel better." "Good! I was notified that you had broken down and came in to let you know that I am your mentor. I will help you in getting you started and will stop by every day and see how you are doing. Regarding being beautiful, have you looked in a mirror lately?" "No. There are no mirrors here." "Sure there are. 'Mirror, please'" His mouth dropped open as he watched the wall move up out the way. He walked in front of the mirror and looked at his reflection. He turned around and finally said, "I guess I am further along than I thought." He looked at the other sections of walls and said, "If I can have a mirror, what else can I have?" "It depends on how many participation points do you have?" "What are participation points?" "Those are points you get for complying with your transformation. If you don't resist and willingly do the items you need to do, you can earn points." "How many participation points do I have?" He saw the wall move down and expose the main screen. The screen flashed once and I saw 415.7 points. "You can use these points to earn privileges. One hour of TV is 15 points as is a magazine. Books are worth 5 points, but don't waste your hard-earned points on those except every once in a while. Save the points to buy the bigger items." "What should I get first?" "If you were like me, the first item I got was a bathroom. I was sick of being hoisted about for showers. When you get the bathroom, you get a bath, shower, toilet, sink and medicine cabinet." He glanced at his cuffs and said, "How do I get one." "Just ask!" "May I please have a bathroom?" His eyes got wide when he saw the wall roll down and the door to his bathroom opened inward. He ran back to look at his points and saw that the 150 were deducted. I could see him mentally subtracting the points. "Why did I earn 0.5 points?" "Manners count and you said please. You don't get loads of points for using manners but they do count up." He brightened up and said, "I get it now. As long as I am working toward the goal that was set for me, I get points. If I refuse and don't work, I loose points." "Exactly!" He looked at the other walls and I almost could hear the gears turning inside. "Is there a way to get more points so I can get more stuff?" "Yes, but part of the fun is figuring out how the room works. I wouldn't take that away from you for any reason. We need to come up with a girl's first name for you. Steve just doesn't work as a girl. Have you thought of any names?" He blushed and said, "You are the first that I have ever told this to. I always wanted to be a woman and my dad put me in here as a punishment for catching the house on fire when I burned my room." He paused for a second and took a deep breath. "I thought of Elizabeth, Emily, Hope, and Carmen." "Which one do you like the best?" "I have always liked the name Hope. Is that alright?" "Definitely. Per tradition, I need to figure out your middle name. In the mean time, have fun figuring out the room!" I walked to the door, but he rushed up and hugged me. "Thank you for stopping by. What is your name?" "Deanne. See you tomorrow and good luck!" "I walked back to my cell and activated the monitor. This would tell me when he requested major events, which I would have to approve or disapprove. I knew he wanted the cuffs off as bad I wanted mine off. A half-hour later, the screen flashed and I saw that he requested his cuffs removed. I approved the decision and smiled at what he would discover. A couple of days later, I returned to see the screen flashing. I touched the screen and saw that Hope wanted to have his male genitals removed and have female genitals. I knew that Hope wouldn't ask unless he really wanted to be a woman. I approved his decision 100%. She was operated on and I helped take care of her in the infirmary. All the blood tests came back within norms and I stayed in her room until she finally woke up. She was groggy and got up and was shocked by her points total. "You took a big step to becoming a woman. Your points reflected that big step. She glanced at the screen and the called up the listing of room available. She asked for the bedroom and the clothes closet like I did! After a week, I removed the dressing and gave her middle name of Tiara and she had a chance to look at herself. She took a long look and finally collapsed on the floor crying. I knelt down beside her and hugged her. "What's wrong?" I was concerned that she was developing a post surgical infection or something else. "Nothing! My dream is now a reality and I am really incredibly happy." In many ways, she was quicker on figuring out things than I did. She took to being a girl like she was born to it and would always smile. One day, I just finished my computer class, passed the test and received my full IT certification. I looked at my points and was shocked. I had earned enough to pay for the exit. I ran to Thomas's cell and told him the news. He had already had enough for his exit and was waiting for me. We made love together after we walked back to my cell. "I would like to pay for my exit!" "Exit has been paid for. You are free to leave." I got sad at missing the cell and the books and started to cry. He held me and pointed at my screen. "Transportation has been arranged for the clothing, books, art supplies and computer." I felt better and just laid my head on his chest. Thomas took me out to the gate and stepped through and proposed to me. I accepted on the spot and had to go tell Hope. Hope was working out in her exercise room and I told her the news that I was leaving. "Thomas proposed to me and I accepted! When you get out of here, would you be one of my bridesmaids? "I would love to! I am so happy for you!" "You are doing wonderful. I was almost sick when I was assigned you, but it turned out to be lots of fun. Your turn will occur soon to become a Mentor." I hugged her for a couple of minutes and said that I had to go. We both had tears in our eyes and I said goodbye to the rest of the bunch. I looked in on Silvia but she was still a nymphomaniac. As I was walking out of the gate, I understood the purpose of Silvia. She was to show the new females what would have happened if they had resisted. I imagined that there was something similar for the new males. Thomas and I walked out of the gate to our lives together.

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Virgin Fan Meets Mature ISS Story Writer

Meri naam Alpana hai. Mai Asansol me rahti hoon. Baat 2014 ki hai, jab main ISS pe Debjanididi aur unki nand Sanjana ki story padi. Mera age 25 saal ka hai aur main itni sundar hoon ki mummy papa mujhe zyada bahar jaane nahi dete hai. Jab bhi mai bahar jati hoon to ladke mujhe ghur ghur ke dekhte hai. Aur pata nahi apne ap, mere andar itni sex ki bhuk kyun hai !! Sayed isiliye mujhe bhi apna jism flaunt karna bahot achha lagta hai. Par main darti bahot thi. Badnaami se aur Maa-Baap ki pitai se,...

4 years ago
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Proposed Special Pain and Humiliation Training

Please do not think of this as a script. You are now aware of his particular vulnerabilities. I realize how skilled and creative you are and will leave the details to you. I write only to suggest certain aspects, as I know him intimately and have spent a vast amount of time thinking about how to achieve the maximum impact upon him.My current work and school schedule still make it impossible for me to provide the necessary training to My slave (and I like him too much to provide this level of...

3 years ago
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Having a black baby

Life is strange to say the least. Take the situation that now exists between my wife and me. Linda and I have been married almost seven years now, but out relationship has changed more in the last six months than it did in the first six years. Let me explain how my present predicament began. I guess in a sense everything that has happened to me has been my fault. I should have left well enough alone. you see I'm married to a 25 year old fox of a wife. Her name is Linda and I've been with her...

2 years ago
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Moms Girl Redux Part 8

Mom's Girl Redux Part 8 by Elizabeth Joanne Chapter 23 The last 3 weeks have been an eye opener in many ways. Yes I have had fun working. It had been fun for a while being a lady of leisure but it felt good to have something to do and feel like I belonged. Most of the patrons knew fully well who and what I was yet they treated like just one of the girls. We joked around and in our own way looked out for each other. It was kind if a family, granted not built around blood...

1 year ago
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Cheer Raider SABRE Panther Episode 13

EPISODE 13: "Attack Through the Portal! It's the Final Battle!" "Land near the fountain and let me out," Jennifer said. Matt said, "Sure. But, uh, you do realize that you're…" "Naked?" she finished. "May as well be, I'm going to get wet." Matt set Panther down in front of the recently-built Bensonville city hall, then released the hoverwing and sat down close to the fountain out front. The fountain sat within a shallow circular pool, twenty feet in diameter and...

1 year ago
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GloryHole Zoe Sparx 08082020

Zoe saw a Crazy flyer at the bulletin board at College for a Glory Hole. It had those little bits with phone numbers you can tear off which she did every so secretly hoping no one saw her. She waited till back at her dorm room and called from the stairway asking if it was real. She is quickly talked into coming right over and ushered into the room and to her delight dicks just come out at her from the holes in the walls rock hard for her to enjoy. Zoe, not one to waste an opportunity, jumps on...

3 years ago
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Bedside Essays of Victory Delmar

Victory sat quietly on her bed and looked around at the small room. This was her first night in the dorm, her first night at college, her first night free. They told her she would be getting a roommate tomorrow, which was a little disconcerting. Victory lay back and thought about the new situation. She had never had any close friends and was used to being alone a lot other than her family. To comfort herself she decided to close her eyes and drift into her favorite fantasy. She...

2 years ago
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The young lady next door and I had been friends for quite some time. We often chatted about things... anything, silly stuff, serious stuff, interesting stuff. Because I was substantially older than she, I had many responsibilities, however... while she had few. And occasionally, she would come and sit and watch while I worked and chat with me. One day, I was cleaning the leaves out of the gutters... sticking my hand in that muck and tossing them down to one side of the ladder. The effort...

2 years ago
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The Trick

I believe life is all about having fun, chasing thrills, and doing things that get your heart pumping. You’re not supposed to sit back and wait for something to happen. You’re supposed to make things happen otherwise it won’t happen at all.Sometimes the things you chase lead to good things, sometimes they don’t. The important thing is that you do them, because if you don’t you’re just going to be asking yourself “What if?” for the rest of your life.Do you agree?This adventure started because of...

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Dyked Nicole Ray Tiffany Rain Resisting Temptation

Nicole woke up in the middle of the night super scared that someone was going to break into her home for no reason. Seeking security, she went to her stepmother‘s room and tried to cuddle with her, but Tiffany did not want it. Nicole wanted to understand why, and tiffany figured that she might as well spill it. All of her other marriages were ruined by similar situations. You see, just the warmth from another female drives Tiffany insane, and she cant hold back her lesbian desires. Nicole was...

4 years ago
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Daddy and His New Mistress Take My Ass

I had been quite the little whore lately. Ever since my Dad had taken my virginity, I was a raging bundle of hormones. I loved the feeling of a hard dick inside me, and I had learned to get a guy to lick my pussy if he wanted me to suck him. I had turned a bit manipulative. My Dad gave good lessons on fucking, and I used them to my advantage. High school Senior boys were a piece of cake for me. They just wanted to shoot cum in my mouth. They did whatever I wanted. Little did I know, that there...

4 years ago
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Meri Sexy And Hot Teacher

Hello friends ye meri pahli story hai ye bat us samay ki hai jab me 12th me padhta tha aur mr meri teacher ko passand karta tha kyuki wo utni sundar jo thi me unhe hamesha dekhta tha wo hame hindi padhati thi aor me class me kavel unko hi dekhata tha wo ye baat janti thi ab me apne bar me kuch Batata hu mera name vinod hai meri age 22 hai pyar se sab mujhe vini bulate hai aur ajj kal me jablpur me service kar raha hu jab ye baat hue meri age 18 saal thi aur teacher ki 24 saal wo marride thi...

4 years ago
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Accidental Intromission

Since Dad left us Mom and I had settled into an "It's us against the world" mode even though we knew it was not true. We had family and friends to support us including Dad's mom, however our attitude brought us closer together.Mom and I had an easy love. We kissed and hugged often for no particular reason other than to show how much we loved each other. I do not remember when our soft, lingering lip-to-lip kisses started but to me it seemed that I had enjoyed them my whole life. Partial nudity...

4 years ago
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Sometime after ten o'clock, following a late administrator's meeting about next year's school year, I pulled into a truck stop that I drove past every day but had never stopped at and went directly to the restroom...barely able to keep from pissing myself...still half an hour from home. I walked into the restroom and went directly to a stall, pulled out my cock and began pissing. From a stall directly behind me, I heard someone say, "Hey cocksucker, we have an audience." I looked behind me, to...

2 years ago
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A Completely Consensual Reluctant Gangbang

The #metoo movement is helping to right many wrongs in our society, but it is also making it much more difficult for men and women to interact, especially in flirting or casual pickup situations. But modern technology is always ready to offer a solution to any problem.This is a story of a reluctant-style gang bang. All characters are over eighteen and all actions are completely consensual.  * * * * Janet Bryce felt the pendant on her necklace vibrate slightly and she knew that they were...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Fools EnvyChapter 3B

"Good morning, sunshine," Karen cheerfully said, waking Steve from a deep sleep. "You were so out of it that I was able to go get coffee and bagels and you still haven't moved since I left. I was about to check to make sure you had a pulse." He slowly got out of bed and joined her for breakfast. He enjoyed the morning with her, although there was no repeat of the fireworks from the previous night. They talked cheerfully, being careful to stay away from any discussion about the possible...

2 years ago
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Five Hours Fuck Session With My Aunt Sunayana

Hi Friends, I am Sujit from Bangalore. Here I read hundred of stories. Finally I decided to share my experience with my aunt Sunayana staying in down floor in our apartment. First let me tell about me. I am working in some MNC in Bangalore. I am a average physic person. Morning to office then evening back from office this is my daily routine. After some days I saw vacancy in my apartment. The next day I saw one family was shifted to the empty 1BHK with 3 people in that flat. Husband, wife and...

2 years ago
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Cock Addiction1

Jabin and Khaniz were watching Saro wife of Samir having sex with Jabin's 30 year old husband. Khaniz had told Saro that she would be at Jabin's house working on a project. She had lied because she didn't believe Jabin when Jabin told her that her husband John was fucking Saro. The two girls hid out until John had arrived and Jabin was shocked when her friend greeted him wearing just a sheer gown. Khaniz watched as Saro immediately dropped to her knees and freed John's cock. She unbuckled his...

3 years ago
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Isis Adventure Ch 1

After having spent Christmas in Denmark with some distant relatives, who had contacted Isis some months earlier about a heritage from a grandmother’s unknown brother, Isis was ready to fly back to Goddessville, not very rich but still much of than when she arrived in Denmark. Finn had checked in on the same flight for a business trip to the US and they were seated together. Finn noticed immediately how attractive Isis was, her beautiful smile, her lovely face, her adorable mouth, and...

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Booth Chronicles Story of Desire Ch 03

‘Hello, Nick…you want more, don’t you?’ she asks as the lights turn on. Once again, I sit in the little booth, with my goddess on the other side of the glass. She sits on a chair connected to a small writing desk on her side of the booth, dressed in her school girls outfit. I had just watched her dance, she moved around the stage with silky steps, and when she saw me there, sitting in the crowd, she smiled at me. She swung around the pole in the middle of the stage, and looked at me while...

1 year ago
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Notes on the Early DaysPart 2 Canada refused to capitulate

The popular Canadian prime minister Mackenzie King had died in the bombing of Washington, D.C., and, after a series of riots and fires, Quebec had voted to join Vichy France and withdraw from the Canadian federation. It took almost half of the nation’s population with it and in the process swallowed up Labrador. The Governor General, not only the King’s representative but his kinsman, Alex Cambridge Earl of Athlone, decided that he and family would remain in Ottawa. But later, he, along with...

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mom ke sath garam sexpart I

MOM KE SATH GARAM SEX pART-I Dosto yeh ghatna mere jiwan ka ek bada hi shandar experience hai, yeh us samay ki bat hai jab meri umar 17 yrs kit hi, mujhme jawani kudne lagi thi aur mujhe aurto aur ladkiyo me interest aane laga tha. Meri maa bahut pyar se mera khayal rakhtee the aur mai humesha unke pas pas rahana pasand karta tha. Meri mom bahut hi sexy aur sundar thi, kya body shape tha, ekdam gori chitti lumbe lumbe kale bal kareeb 5’5″ aur figure 38-26-38 tha. Maine kai bar mom aur dad ko...

1 year ago
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The Teller Of Tales

Let me begin by introducing myself. My name is Thomas, and I’m just an ordinary guy; not bad looking, but no Mister America. I’m usually not the sort of lover to kiss and tell, but being a good judge of character, I can tell you’re a man who really appreciates the meaning of true passion; passion so intense you think your cock is going to explode. So for you I’ll make an exception. I have to warn you, talking about cock sucking and ass fucking really makes me horny. I’ve got a nice piece of...

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How I Got My Cherry Popped

I had decided that when I turned 16 I was going to have sex for the first time. Ray, my boyfriend of 6 months, was going to be the instrument of my deflowering. I know he had a very nice, hard cock because he got to fuck my mouth a few times. And I found that I loved to swallow his cum. He, of course loved when I sucked him off and since I swallowed his cum there was no mess. But like most males, he wanted and needed to slide his cock into my pussy and cum there. I needed him to do it too. His...

3 years ago
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Sharing Diane

I want to thank you for always printing an abundance of stories from couples where the husband likes to see his wife with other men. I too had long wanted to see my sweet Diane taken by another man. After much prodding, pleading and planning I got my wish, and a whole lot more. I know have a truly wanton wife, gourmet restaurant cook in the kitchen, and a complete slut in the bedroom. Diane and I married young. We were both 23 and fresh out of school. We met our senior year in a large Midwest...

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Confessions of a BoyToy Part 4 Sweet Melissa

As I pulled into her drive, there she stood in the doorway, wearing only panties. Gypsy practically bounced out the door and jumped into my arms, wrapping her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. We shared a deep hot kiss to celebrate our first day's success. Then we walked hand in hand back inside. She poured us a Tequila shooter as we settled in to talk about the appointments. "Howdy," Gypsy started, "where have you been all my life? We made nearly a thousand dollars today! We...


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