Ashleys dunkles Erwachen
- 4 years ago
- 59
- 0
Ashley was unhappy. Why is she unhappy, you ask? Because, for the last—well, since she could recall—she had been working in her parents' dog kennel. Today she had had just about enough. In fact, she had had enough for some time now, and yet still she was here working, cleaning unmentionables, and generally feeling bad for herself. She mused about how unfair it was she had to be here while most of her friends were hanging out. They didn't even bother asking her if she wanted to hang out after school anymore. They knew she couldn't come. Four hours, every single day, in this dump. Ashley sighed dramatically. Hell.
On the bright side her dad would be leaving soon. They 'closed' two hours early on Fridays. Of course just because they were closed didn't mean she could leave yet. She still had chores to do. But Ashley's dad usually locked up and headed home to do paperwork in those last two hours, meaning she could raid his alcohol stash.
As these thoughts unfolded, Ashley finished washing a small collie. She almost laughed to herself. How could she be so glum while washing a dog? She loved the dogs she took care of here. But she didn't love them so much she wanted to spend four hours a day cleaning up after them.
Just then Ashley heard her dad behind her. "Belle's lookin' good, Ash," he said.
She looked up at him from her crouched position beside the collie and gave him a half-smile. "She looked good before the wash, dad. You're leaving?" she asked. He was holding his worn leather briefcase and had his jacket slung over his shoulder.
"Sure am. You know the drill. I'll lock the doors. Make sure you relock them on you're way out and everything's off. And call before you leave for home," he reminded.
"Do I really have to call? What's going to happen?" They had argued about this before, but her parents were firm in their dedication to make her waste her time on stupid useless precautions.
He gave her a meaningful look, then turned around and began heading out the door, calling behind him, "See you around seven. Love ya."
"Bye", Ashley sighed.
Ashley rushed to return the collie to her cage. Soon as she was secure, she washed her hands and headed to her dad's desk in the front. She blew back a wisp of blonde hair which had been in the eye and plopped into his cushy chair. In the bottom drawer of the desk she found a half-full bottle of bourbon. Typically her dad went through a bottle once every two weeks. If she skimmed a few drinks out of it when it was around half he didn't seem to notice. She had been sneaking drinks since she was fourteen, but more frequently now that he let her end alone on Fridays, since she could drive home herself.
Smiling greedily she took a swing, enjoyed the warming sensation as it fell down her throat, and leaned back on the chair, relaxing. The first time she had tried it she had gagged, but not it was old hat. After a moment her thoughts wondered to her crush at school, Mike Vadolsky. She loved his short blonde hair and good-looking face. She shared a bunch of classes with him, but he had never said more than a few words to her, despite her efforts to make him notice her. 'Hey, I'm not bad looking. What am I doing wrong?' Ashley thought. She was right, she wasn't bad looking. Her strait blonde hair hung just to her shoulders. Her cute face was spotted with a few dozen freckles and set with grey-blue eyes. Her breasts, while not particularly large, were well formed and supple.
As she thought of him, Ashley took a few more sips for the bourbon and unbuttoned her pants. Slowly, she slipped a hand into her pants, under the panties, and started playing with herself—not in search of release, but out of boredom. She pictured herself with him and began to get herself a little worked up. Her face flushed and she became moist. She slowly slipped one finger, then two, into her slit, and gradually moved them in and out while massaging her clit with her thumb. It felt nice, but it wasn't building to anything.
After a while of enjoying herself idly she realized some time had past and she should get back to work or she'd be late. She took a few more small swigs and put away the bottle exactly where it had been. Going down the list of chores her dad had left her she inwardly sighed, disliking the tedious work. Slightly inebriated, she got up from the comfortable chair a bit off-balance. It didn't take much to make her tipsy. Despite her status, she fed and watered the two dozen dogs in the smaller cages without incident, then tended to the animals that require more particular care, all the while enjoying the vague numbness.
The last thing on the list was to scrub the mildew in the one large cage. Every few weeks some mildew would spring up on the cement floors behinds and around the water bowls in each of the large cages. It wasn't healthy for the dogs to be around it, so inevitably she was the one to clean it. By now the alcohol was beginning to wearing off, but nevertheless Ashley was still affect enough to not be too angry at the chore.
Ashley ran a bucket of hot soapy water and grabbed a brush and gloves, then went into the cage, latching the gate behind her. Three large dogs live together in this one. She knew each by name; they had cared for them a half dozen times in the past when their owners, the Marches, went on vacation. Every year they spent two months traveling out of country—the rich bastards—leaving their dogs in their care. The three were big dogs, but friendly. Two of them were Irish Wolfhounds, and the other a Mastiff. All of them male.
Soon as she entered, the three dogs got up and walked over to her tails wagging. She pet the three for a minute. "Sorry guys, I'll pet you more later," she smiled at them.
As Ashley turned away from them, the one stuck his nose into her crotch from behind and began sniffing. Goosed, she turned around, "Hey! Knock it off." She then turned back to her business. But every time she did, one of them stuck their muzzle into her again. At first she spun around a few more times, but then began to expect it, and swatted them away without turning. "What's up with you guys?" she said. They hadn't acted this way before.
One of the Wolfhounds whined in response and tilted his head at her curiously. Ashley shook her head and laughed, then got to her hand and knees and began scrubbing the mildewed area with the bristly brush. As she worked the dogs continues shoving their noses between her legs. A few times she stopped her work and pushed them away, but finally she sighed and let them go on sniffing. She was wearing sturdy jeans and it's not like they were doing any harm, but despite her rationalization, her face flushed bright red.
She continued scrubbing. When she was about half way done, she yelped as one of the dogs jumped onto her back, wrapping his paws around her waist. "Hey!" she shouted, angrily. She pushed him away, hard. He was dislodged, but not easily. "Max. Stop. Go away." She pointed to the corner of the pen, but he didn't move, he just licked her face. Her face felt so hot. And this simple task was taking forever. She returned to her work hastily.
Then it happened again. Another of the dogs, Benjie, the other wolfhound, mounted her, his claws scratching her soft skin through her shirt. This time she rolled to her side and pushed him off, then got to her feet. "Geeze, you guys are frisky tonight," she said. Having worked in the Kennel most of her life she was not ignorant of canine mating practices. She was still flushed and she felt a little sweaty. Adrenaline was rushing through her veins. She looked down at the mildew spot. About of quarter of it remained to be cleaned. She daringly decided to just get it done quick, and if they jumped on her again to just ignore them and get it done. She'd be here all night if she kept stopping.
And so again she got to her hands and knees and started scrubbing a little faster than before. It wasn't long before Jonsie, the big mastiff, leaped onto her. He was the heaviest of the three and his sudden weight almost made pushed her forward onto her face. Ashley grunted but kept scrubbing, determined to be done as quickly as she could. Then he started humping. Ashley froze, face blushing bright red. She looked back at him over her shoulder and said, "Hey, who do you think I am? I'm no bitch." She felt his prick poking her in the seat of her pants every second stroke. She looked down between her legs and watched as every other stroke his red, swollen penis pushed between her legs just below her crotch.
"Oh my god..." she said, mostly to herself, in disbelief. Her heart was thumping in her chest. Hoping furiously that no one would walk in just this moment, she returned to her work. She could only scrub in between humps because when he did she had to use both hands to keep her steady.
After what seemed like forever to Ashley, she finished scrubbing. She looked down below herself, between her legs again. Jonsie was humping at a pretty frantic pace now and she watched his prick, mesmerized. She lowered her front half more to get a better view. Just as she did he started to cum. The first blast hit her full in the face, making a line from her chin down to her hair resting on the floor. Before she could right herself, the next surge came, only making it to her eye, forehead, and hair. She barely closed her eyes in time.
"Eew!" she shrieked. Frantically she tried to buck him off, but he almost weighed more than she did and was holding on in doggy-bliss. By the time she got him off and onto her feet he had finished. "Omigodd omigodd omigodd" she squealed, wiping once at the canine cum on her face. Some got on her hand and she stopped, looking around for a towel.
Of course none were in the cage, so she quickly let herself out and ran to get some. Dabbing at it she remove the seed, careful not to smear any into her eyes. She tasted something salty, and realized she had some on her lips and was probably tasting it a little! She wiped a small amount of the remaining splooge with her finger, and then put it in her mouth, tasting it more thoroughly. Suddenly she realized just what she was doing, and spit repeatedly on the floor. Her curiosity had gotten the best of her she decided.
Once Ashley had cleaned up, she went back into the cage to retrieve her cleaning supplies. She didn't make eye contact with any of the dogs, though she petted them while she moved, as if trying to appease them. On the floor where it had happened a small pool of whitish fluid remained, a testament to the encounter she had just undergone. Goosebumps went down her back when she saw it. As she crouched to pick up the brush and bucket she felt a dampness on her ass. She took the supplies out of the cage, not wanting to fall prey to them again, then felt the seat of her pants with her hand and felt wetness.
"Oh, not there too." Ashley sigh to herself. She took off her jeans and cleaned them with a damp washrag, then put them back on.
After making sure everything was in place, she called home, making it as brief as possible, then left and drove home. On the way she decided not to tell her parents about what had happened. It was too embarrassing. Besides, what would they do? They couldn't turn back time. How could she have let that happen? She should've stopped them at their first advances, or leashed them to the side of the far side of the cage. What had she been thinking?
That night, as Ashley lay under the covers in just her bra and panties, she began to masturbate as she did most nights. As usual she thought of Mike, the dreamy hunk who wouldn't fucking notice her. She thought of him kissing her and feeling up her breasts, and her fantasy slowly escalated to full-on screwing as her passion rose. She kept trying to picture him trusting into her with powerful, confident strokes, but her fantasy kept being interrupted. Instead of Mike screwing her it was Jonsie, the dog. Each time it happened she pushed it out of her mind and switched back to Mike. But doing so kept breaking her concentration and diminishing her excitement. After half an hour she gave up, frustrated. Rolling onto her side she fell into a fitful sleep.
The morning sun started to rise as Nika yawned to realise how tired she was, her ink black coffee still lukewarm even after an hour. The memory of day she had spent at Ashley’s house was still in her mind, but she was most happy of all that she had all her work done, everything accomplished. She got up in triumph having finished the company project assigned to her. Her new job was immense, but it paid well. She could have been doing modelling work with that lean sexy body, that sexy bubble...
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As the sun shone brightly outside, Nika and her best friend Ashley were inside shopping at the local mall. The place was bustling with people at every corner, everyone swarming like bees in their hive. Nika and Ashley had just found themselves a place to sit in the centre of the food court after a tiring morning of shopping. They licked their ice cream treats as they talked, the cold chill feeling great on their teasing tongues. “I’m thinking of dying my hair Ashley, do you think it’s a good...
My Life as a Dog The Doggygirl By: Arnold Puttwyn Synopsis: A story of innocent young collage girl changes her status from human to canine an experiment.This is a rewrite of the original story My Life As A Dog....
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I was just hanging out at my friend Julies' house when out of the blue she asked me what kind of plans I had for Halloween. I told her I didn't have any plans, and then added why do you ask? "Well" she said, "I was thinking we could enter that big Halloween costume contest at the Clarion Hotel." I said, "Hmm that sounds fun, what are you thinking about dressing up as?" "Well," she said, "I was thinking we could go as hookers." "Hookers, we?" I said. "What do you mean we?"...
With the tinniest of squeaks, the door to the storage space under the stairs opened. Washu surveyed the living area unnecessarily as she was exiting, already knowing who was there. The two hundred-twenty four inch Somy Quadragon, with its full stereo surround, filled the living room, both with sound and actual hardware. Displayed currently upon its screen, garish chromatic canines were impossibly addressing each other. "I am the red dog!" The crimson quadruped was announcing as if this...
I kissed Ashley on the cheek and headed out the door on my way to the office. She grabbed my crotch and said, “Oh no you don’t, mister, you give me a proper kiss.” “Sorry, sweetie,” I said as I turned to pull her into me. I put one hand on her ass and the other on the back of her head as I kissed her deeply. I squeezed her ass and felt her let out a soft moan into my mouth as we kissed. I pulled my face away from hers just enough to stare into her beautiful blue eyes. I swear she had the...
Debbie was a girl that didn’t try to hide the fact that she enjoyed a good hard dick up her bum more than anything else in the whole wide world unless it was a really good looking man eating her fanny like she was a delicious fruit tart just out of the oven. Her best friend Maggie with her almost orange hair had eaten Debbie’s pretty snatch a few times as well and she knew from experience that the petite and juicy young girl had no control over her squirting urges when a nice long wet tongue...
Chapter Summary - Claire works at her side job. And later, her new friends visit her at the kennels. Previous Chapter Summary - Claire spent some fun quality time with her new friend Brenda (and Duke, of course). Note - This is a work of fiction, make-believe and fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity involving animals or sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. It is...
Summary - Claire spends some fun quality time with her new friend Brenda (and Duke, of course). Previous Chapter Summary - Claire dog-sat Sultan for the evening and Darlene, Candice and Duke stopped by for a visit. Hope you enjoy! If so, let me (and all the authors) know! UU. Note - This is a work of fiction, make-believe and fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity involving...
Summary – Claire successfully trains another dog and teaches Duke a new trick. Previous Chapter Summary - Claire had an incident at the park and then spent some time with her new friends Brenda and Stephanie at the kennels. Note - This is a work of fiction, make-believe and fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity involving animals or sexual activity among persons under 18 in real...
I did not write this story this is a true first time story I was only in sixth grade when it happened! I was over at a friend’s house for a sl**pover (no one else was there except her parents) and it was getting pretty late. My friend’s parents told us we had to get ready for bed, so we went into my friend’s room. She had a TV with a VCR in her room, and since we wanted to stay up even later, we decided to watch a movie. We both got on her bed to watch it, and sooner or later I fell asl**p....
I couldn’t believe what was happening! I had just helped Emma get my wife off. It was incredible. I had fantasized about this scenario so many times before and here I was, a part of it. I could smell Ashley’s pussy and it smelled absolutely delicious. She still had my rock hard cock in her hand as she came down from one of the most powerful orgasms I have ever seen her have. “Does Daddy wanna see me eat Ashley’s pussy?” said Emma as she affectionately rubbed Ashley’s pussy. “Oh fuck yes!” I...
I did not write this story this is a true first time storyI was only in sixth grade when it happened! I was over at a friend's house for a sleepover (no one else was there except her parents) and it was getting pretty late. My friend's parents told us we had to get ready for bed, so we went into my friend's room. She had a TV with a VCR in her room, and since we wanted to stay up even later, we decided to watch a movie. We both got on her bed to watch it, and sooner or later I fell asleep. For...
The next morning the Ryan family rose early and Linda set out a quick breakfast of cold cereal. Greg did the dishes while his parents prepared the motor home for travel. Everything had to be put away and all doors and drawers checked to make sure nothing would come open on the road. Dog sat back under the dinette table out of the way. Finally they were on the freeway headed north. Greg sat in his usual seat and looked out the window. His mind wandered loose, flitting from one thought to...
In part one of this story, I described how my name is Craig, and my wife, Faye, and I were forty-one years old and had just moved to Gulfport, Mississippi from Baltimore, for my consulting job at the Naval Construction Battalion Center. Faye is an RN and got a job in a hospital here, but our daughter had just graduated from high school and stayed in Maryland to attend college.Faye is beautiful and looks a lot like the singer, Jessica Simpson, and at five-feet-and-three-inches tall, and now...
OutdoorIf you have not read my other “Dogging” stories here is some back round info. I am a ex stripper and exhibitionist who loves to suck cock and fuck outside where there is a chance to be seen by others. Dogging combines technology with swinging, cruising, exhibitionist and voyeurism. To wit: Couples, single men, women and strangers watch exhibitionist couples who've met on the Web have sex in cars or outdoors in parks, hiking trails, forest, country roads and sometimes they join in. We have...
First time dogging - stud’s.Continuation story from “First time stallion” and “first time stallion - Black stallion”It’s the dead of night, Jess (a crossdressing hotel whore) had been lifted out of a camper van by her black stallion, that not more than 20 minutes ago had been having his way with her in her hotel room. Her arms reached up around his neck while he carried her soft body. Her body curled into an elongated V shape held at his front, as if a hero would carry a damsel in distress away...
After a late night at work I decided to check out the layby I'd had success at recently. I'd been back a couple of times since then, but I had not had the same joy, so I wasn't arriving with any expectation of success. However, what I found couldn't have proved me more wrong.I pulled into the layby and found the usual parked up lorrys, but no cars apart from one lone vehicle parked at the far end near the exit. I parked up behind, but the distance was too great to see if there were any...
Recently there have been a few TV shows that have mentioned Dogging. My wife is quite a prude and even though she knew it had something to do with sex she asked me if I knew anymore about it. I explained that it was where people met in public and either performed with an audience or allowed strangers to join in, often at car parks or in open spaces. She found the whole idea disgusting and wasn’t amused when I said that if she really wanted to know what happened at dogging sites I should drive...
This is a story about a guy I met while I was dogging in Clophill on the old A6 the main road from Barton to Bedford. The area is a well known dogging spot and is in a long off road lay-by next to some woods. During the daytime it is a rest area from the busy main road and trucks and cars can pull in for a while. There’s even a catering van and picnic area but after dark it is a great dogging spot. Cars are parked up in a long line and sometimes big trucks and vans are there as well, with...
My wife and I have been married for 10 years. When I grew up, my family always had cats and dogs so I was very used animals. She, on the other hand, never had pets, so she wasn’t very comfortable around them. So we never had a dog or a cat in the house. She didn’t get too comfortable with dogs up until couple of months ago. My friend and his wife decided that they were going to take an impromptu vacation to Hawaii. It was like a second honeymoon for them. Unfortunately they forgot...
It had been a long time fantasy for my wife, Anna and I. I love watching her getting fucked, and she loves having some stranger use her for his personal gratification, especially outdoors. So dogging was something we were bound to experience.For months we had read dogging stories and watched several internet movies of dirty wives and girlfriends turning up at local car parks to get fucked and covered in hot cum. We knew of several alleged dogging sites within a five mile radius of own home, but...
It had been a long time fantasy for my wife, Anna and I. I love watching her getting fucked, and she loves having some stranger use her for his personal gratification, especially outdoors. So dogging was something we were bound to experience.For months we had read dogging stories and watched several internet movies of dirty wives and girlfriends turning up at local car parks to get fucked and covered in hot cum. We knew of several alleged dogging sites within a five mile radius of own home, but...
My wife, Loni, and I have been married for about twenty years. We have been swingers, done swapping, and most recently we have taken up dogging. We both love it! It started out when some swinger friends of ours suggested we try it with them. First my wife just jacked off some guys, then she let some guys cum on her chest. Then she went to blowjobs and swallowed. Then Loni fucked a guy and made him pull out and spew on her bush. Then she went for one guy fucking her and cumming inside. Then she...
During these weeks I saw less and less of Ryan. He'd show up from time to time to run another ad or to spend the night with me, but it wasn't like it used to be. I was tied up a lot of the time in our bed; usually dressed in lingerie and sometimes simply naked. He'd bind my arms over my head on the bed and do cocaine from different parts of my body. Then he'd lift my legs, exposing my cunt and fuck me. Often after he was done using me he'd leave. I stopped asking where he was going...
Because I had been with Alan so long I thought that was it, so discovering he had got a girlfriend was initially devastating and it all turned a bit nasty. Anyway he did do the slightly honourable thing and moved out, allowing me time to buy him out of the house. I have a good job but I’m not prepared to share what it is that I actually do for a living. Soon after Alan moved out I happened to have a particularly bad evening with some alcohol fuelled self pity. The TV was crap and I ended up on...
Some of the Dogging adventures that we have participated in we did not tell anyone who my husband was, he was anonymous just one of the guys that showed up. Those are some of the most exciting dogging adventures we have because the guys do not know my husband is watching and participating. My husband say’s the guys treat me different, nastier and sexually erotic when they don’t know he is my husband. Now my husband wants to take it to the next step. He wants to hide and watch me with 2 guys...
Another true experienceMy name is Diane I am 46 years old 36c boobs and a nice bum, see my picsWith the COVID-19 keeping us all home I started to get bored sitting online talking to my sexy friends on xhamster and looking for something interesting to do I looked on the swinger site i use.I noticed a few of the men had dogging as their main interest, so I had a look to see what that was all about and boy was I pleased with what I saw.I put my webcam on and logged in to a Scottish dogging room...
So me and Hayley have been together for a good couple year now. Still happy and still her taking plenty of cock. One day she come back in from work with a big smile on her face. She comes out that she has finally found a place where a dogging spot is and that we are going this Saturday. I ask how she found that out and her reply is just from the delivery guy at work. My next question is why and how were you talking to the delivery guy about dogging? She looks at me with her slutty smile and...
I'd just pulled my cock out of my wife's sloppy cunt, this was her third load she'd taken so far and it was still early. As I stood back another man quickly took my place, rammed his cock in and began to fuck her. I looked at my sexy slut of a wife laid on the park bench table, naked except for some stockings and suspenders. This was how she liked to get fucked, with her legs wide open and her big tits wobbling as she was taken by one guy after another. Stood around the table were more men with...
At 5 foot 4inches and weighing 12 stone, with floppy tits, fat thighs, a really hairy cunt and silky fat belly, Hazel had not had sex for 10 years. At 59 she thought her days of getting a cock up her cunt were over. But they weren’t. The internet and a growing audience for granny sex came along.Trawling the porn sites, she found a swingers page that listed dogging sites and found four in her area. Clicking through to dogging porn, she was delighted to find that many women there were large...
The beautiful young teenager sprawled wantonly on her bed, her entire body completely naked. She ran two fingers in and out of her dripping pussy, moaning with pleasure. Her lust-glazed eyes were fixed on the handsome German Shepherd who was sitting at the foot of his mistress' bed, his own eyes riveted on her wet cunt. "Oooh, you're really turning on now, aren't you, boy?" Babs Nichols groaned, laughing with delight at the sight of the huge hard-on visibly throbbing beneath the dog's...
Bangkok Dog Show SlaveBy Shabbadew2002Contact me @ [email protected] When she graduated from University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia in late spring 2009, Cassandra Ackerman, known by her friends as Cassie, promised herself a sabbatical. She booked a flight and left in late May for Thailand. After a few days in the north, she ended up in Bangkok. There, she swam at the beaches of Pattaya and Naklua, shopped, flirted with boys, hung out with kids from the United States and...
Isabella and Ingrid followed their tour guide through the Dog House facility. The two had booked a week to relax after exams. Isabella’s friend Madeleine had arranged the contact. How she knew about the place, neither girl would ever know. Maddy hadn’t mentioned anything beyond saying cryptically she went for a true vacation every so often. The pair now found themselves in a secret location walking naked through their modern open space lobby led by a nearly naked concierge. Her only...
I liked Paul and Rachel just fine, don’t get me wrong, but I longed to fuck their dog-- the big, beautiful male German Shepherd named Bowser. As I left their house with the sexy vision of Rachel knotted to the beast imprinted on my mind, my pussy throbbed with the excitement of fucking their dog. My thoughts became consumed by the desire of fucking it. I had to tell my husband Tom of my true feelings as well as the invite from our sexy neighbors’ to spend the weekend with them. Not...
Introduction: Ambers First Time With Her Dog written by MorethAntwOlesstHanwHole Amber is 18 now as of this writing. She has been my slave and she loves it. I torture and train her to my liking. The night is right, Amber gets her tight little bald slit licked by dog tongue, her dogs tongue, she goes wild for it, feeling it tonguing her so deep with her ass high in the air wiggling non-stop, her sweat glistens, its such a sight for me to witness, to be a part of. Her chest flat on the floor,...
She has been my slave and she loves it. I torture and train her to my liking. The night is right, Amber gets her tight little bald slit licked by dog tongue, her dog’s tongue, she goes wild for it, feeling it tonguing her so deep with her ass high in the air wiggling non-stop, her sweat glistens, it’s such a sight for me to witness, to be a part of. Her chest flat on the floor, only a black dog collar with dog tags on it around her neck to show all, but mostly myself she’s mine...
My name is Craig, and I was forty-one years old at the time the main events in this story occurred. My wife, Faye, who is my age, and I had recently moved to Gulfport, Mississippi from Baltimore. I was transferred there by my company to work as a consultant at the Naval Construction Battalion Center, and Faye, who is a Registered Nurse, found a good job in the hospital here.We met and were married in college and were fortunate enough to start a family immediately after graduation. At the time...
OutdoorI got into the dogging thing in my mid teens thanks to an older neighbor guy who was into everything sexual big time. He had all kinds of videos and pictures, he and his wife were swingers. He took me out the first few times to show me the ropes. He even let me watch his hot wife dog a time or two. This guy always knew who would be where. My favorite woman was one older lady who would only fuck one guy but afterward would let all of us masterbate and blow our wads on her bush then she would...
Introduction: Wife and husband find dog out while hiking My wife loves her doggie (m/f..f/bigdog) My wife and I had been hiking in the mountains East of Modesto when nothing seemed familiar to us. We had gone about three hours on the trail and were headed back. I couldnt see even one point of recognition. After looking for the right trail for an hour or so We had to admit that we were lost. It wouldnt have been so bad just being lost but the sun was getting lower and lower. Even though it was...
Shhhh! My mother may be asleep, wait out here while I check. “Whispered Shelly to her two male companions. “Okay.” Carl whispered. Carl Fields grinned knowingly at Greg Sullivan, as the two of them sat down in the darkened hallway outside the Burnside’s front door. They started talking about the exhibition she had just put on. What they had seen in the movie was nothing like what Shelly had just accomplished. They talked about getting a camcorder next time she was over...
My wife and I had been hiking in the mountains East of Modesto when nothing seemed familiar to us. We had gone about three hours on the trail and were headed back. I couldn't see even one point of recognition. After looking for the right trail for an hour or so We had to admit that we were lost. It wouldn't have been so bad just being lost but the sun was getting lower and lower. Even though it was summer the temperature still got pretty cool at the heights we were. All Lisa and I...
Me on the other hand am in my last year of college. I am getting my teaching degree. I have allways loved teaching. I allways knew what I wanted to do with my life. I am not very out going, not really shy just sort of blends in. I dress plain, I have the body, I just dont show it off, except to Tom. One evening Tom and I were having dinner, one of his hunting dogs was laying by the fire place licking himself. Tom, I said, Why dont you let that dog out, I dont want to watch him doing...
Introduction: addicted to nasty sex (pt 1) Tom and I have been married for about three years. He is a handsome man about 6 foot tall, and 180lbs. His hair is blond and eyes are blue. For a white man he is hung really well. His cock is thick and 10 inches long. I really love long thick cocks. At this time he was 42 and I was 23 years old. Tom is a mans kind of man. He is a professional hunter, he guides hunts in Missouri and Arkansas. Tom is a very out going person who has many male friends. All...
Her parents were sexually active even without the dog. She'd seen them fucking in the kitchen, her mom up on the counter while Daddy pounded into her. Twice they were fucking on top of the kitchen table where the family ate meals. Many times they fucked in the living room right in front of their daughter. Once Joy saw her dad fucking her mom while she was spread wide on top of the clothes dryer. Her parents were very comfortable with their sexuality, and encouraged their young daughter...
I have always loved sex with strangers. It's a well known fact that I am a total slut and proud to be a whore. This story tells of a recent exploit of mine in the woods at a well known 'dogging spot'. It was a summers evening and I had been seeing a sex client in London during the afternoon and I was driving back to the coast through Surrey. I had been to the spot a few times and knew the geography of the place, including where to park etc. I was dressed like a slut as the married guy I had...
Some of the Dogging adventures that we have participated in we did not tell anyone who my husband was, he was anonymous just one of the guys that showed up. Those are some of the most exciting dogging adventures we have because the guys do not know my husband is watching and participating. My husband say’s the guys treat me different, nastier and sexually erotic when they don’t know he is my husband. Now my husband wants to take it to the next step. He wants to hide and watch me with 2 guys...
I had already noticed she at the entrance to the nightclub. She was not tall, but she had a great figure. All rounded off nicely how I liked it. She had a golden disco dress. Her hair was dark and she wore shoulder length. I came up with her this week and so I learned after a short time that it was Franziska and she was seventeen. After a few drinks I did not notice that my first impression me had deceived - She was sharp as a pepperoni. When it came around eleven, she said she had no...
Do you remember Love Story with Ryan O’Neil and Ali MacGraw? Well, this is a love story of sorts, this is Dog Story. No, Lassie, Rin Tin Tin, and Old Yella are not the dogs in the story, but it is a dog story, just the same. Think of this dog story as you would remember Dino on the Flintstones or Astro on the Jetsons. (Boy, I’m showing my age.) Where has all the love in the world gone? I’ll tell you where it has gone. It has gone to the dogs and to the cats. Why? Because pets are...
My names Niki. It was the summer of 73 I was twenty two, size ten and a good figure, in my second year teaching. My husband still a student was working all hours that god sent in the summer holidays. We ran a beat up convertible, which he was slowly restoring, to pristine glory. I was free all day having great fun racing round with the hood down all over the town. At weekends he made regular visits to a car breakers yards in search of prized components and I often went with him. They seemed to...
My story begins right after my sister was rewarded a scholarship to go abroad and study under a famous Master Chef. She was having second thoughts about accepting it because she couldn't afford to have her Bullmastiff Bigboy boarded. She couldn't stand the thought of having to give him up. He had been our mother's dog and Bigboy was at her side when she had passed away, true to the last. Mom had asked Cheryl to take good care of him and she had. Cheryl had lived on the farm with mom and had the...
My life changed on a Friday, just after I'd turned eighteen and recently moved into a new life. That's how I liked to think of it. After leaving the modest village where I'd grown up, I'd moved to the modest town where I'd be attending community college. I wanted to be a graphic artist or something, I wasn't really sure, but I liked art and I was kind of good at it anyway. So those were the kind of classes I took while I worked part-time at Sears, dressing mannequins and putting up...
Wednesdays were always hard at work because it was the day new stock arrived. Everything had to be counted, received and put away. We could barely get it done in 8 hours. I was always beat when I came home so the wife took this as her shopping day so I could get a nap. Our routine was we would talk a little, I'd play with our dog then I'd lay on the floor and take a nap with the dog curled up with me. The wife would be gone shopping for an hour or two then would come back with supper for...
As a young girl, I frequently fantasized about fucking a dog. And now, to this day, I still rub my hot pussy until I cum hard while thinking about being filled with dog cock. As a child, our neighbors had a couple of medium sized dogs, some kind of Pitbull mixes, and I first caught a glimpse of dog sex while watching the male fuck the female out in their backyard while I stared from my bedroom window, fingers slick with juices while I rubbed my tingling pre-teen pussy, loving the new...
My friend Lane seems to always have terrible breath in the morning. I wonder why... Three or four times a year Lane and I would go camping in the mountains for a couple of weeks and have a good time fishing, hiking, telling stories and drinking beer. Sometimes we would go with a group of friends but most times just him and I would go. When Lane would fall asleep for the night he would be out cold. I never saw anyone so deep asleep. When we were in our teens we used to do all kinds of...
Mark and Debbie had been married for two years when the local office of the company for which he worked was closed as a cost-saving measure. Mark was lucky. Instead of being terminated, he had been given the opportunity to become a roving troubleshooter. The position paid slightly more than his old one, but he would have to spend almost three weeks of every month traveling. He tried contacting other companies in the area, in hope of finding something that would allow him to stay near home,...