An Itsy Bitsy Favor
- 2 years ago
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My previous posting, Riding The Rambone, was a somewhat exaggerated autobiographical account of my emo twink existence since age fourteen. The following story is a fictionalized account of my attempted revenge on my cousin Ricky's father, an event that wasn't detailed in Riding The Rambone. Even so, one of SOL's guidelines is a minimum age of fourteen for any character engaging in sex, or any other type of erotic activity, including nudity or masturbation. (From their guidelines page.) That in mind, every character in this story is fourteen or older.
No worry about me. I'm nineteen in the story (21 in real life), and Ricky is fourteen. His sister is sixteen, but she has no role, significant or otherwise. He is my cousin in the story, though I have no cousin named Ricky in real life. I've sucked one of my cousins, but he is not Ricky's role model. I modeled Ricky on myself, so I could be auto-fellating myself in the story, LOL. Follows, the story.
I was nineteen. Ricky was five years younger. I was queer, queer as you get. I'm what gays call an emo twink. Ricky was straight, and almost fifteen. He had sucked me, experimentally, just a little bit.
"I thought you'd be bigger," he said thoughtlessly.
"I'm bigger than you are, dude."
"Not by much," he pointed out.
That was true. "Big enough, though."
"For what?" he asked, appearing honestly puzzled. I put him on his hands and knees on the bed, and fucked his ass.
"Does this mean I'm gay?" he asked.
I patted his rear end and told him no. This was after I came in his ass and he was face down now, my hand on his bottom. "It only means you had sex with your cousin."
"I feel kinda gay," he said. "You came in my ass."
"I coulda come in your mouth," I pointed out.
"Ewwwww!" He shuddered squeamishly. "Do you really do that?"
"It's not as unhygienic as you think," I said. "They're your bugs--" I patted his bottom again. "--so they aren't really harmful to you. That's what I read, anyway."
He still looked revolted. "You do that?"
"Does that bother you?"
He grimaced. "Eww ... yuck." Then he looked thoughtful. "You just fucked my butt, and I sucked your dick."
"Just a little bit," I reminded him.
"I still did it. I can't believe you came in my ass. I won't get pregnant, will I?"
I turned him over and fondled his testicles. He got a real hard-on. He liked being touched.
"Wanna kiss me?" I asked.
He shivered and broke out in gooseflesh all over. "No."
I kissed him anyway, without much resistance, and showed him how to french kiss. It got really intense for a time.
"Will you fuck me again?" he whispered.
I fucked him again, this time on his back at the edge of the mattress, holding his ankles. I put my 5-1/2" to work. He got off on it, breathing laboriously and fingering his penis. I had him count as I slowly fucked him. He liked that too.
"Shouldn't you use a condom?"
"Do you have one?" I asked.
"Maybe Mom does. We could look in her room?"
"Ricky ... I already came in your ass. Horse is kinda out of the barn, kid."
He looked puzzled again.
"Never mind."
I was tickled by his slender, 5" long cock. I really liked sucking it. A boy's cock is the best.
I was babysitting tonight. Well, staying over with Ricky, as a houseguest. It was after eleven, so phone calls were done with. I had him to myself all weekend, until Sunday night. What a sweet deal.
"How many times?" I asked.
"Oh. I stopped counting. Was I supposed to keep counting?"
"One hundred and fifty-six," I recited. "One hundred and fifty-seven. One hundred and fifty-eight..." He started counting again.
"I like your cock up my ass," he confessed. "I liked it when you came in me too. I want to suck your cock some more. Later!" he amended quickly, reddening. "I'm getting sore though. Could you lube me some, Matthew?"
I grinned at him, and kept sliding my cock slowly in and out of his ass. He was counting the insertions and deletions on his fingers, one at a time, keeping track.
"Two hundred," I said, pressing into him deeply as I could. I needed a bigger cock. He shivered like I had one. He reached two hundred, and I stopped.
"You don't want to pull out?" he guessed.
"Fuck no. I love your tight ass. Actually, I love your super tight asshole and the incredible feel of your fourteen-year-olds rectum. I wish I was long enough to fill it up," I apologized. "I would really like to see you moan when I bottomed out."
I held still in his ass. He tightened various muscle groups to squeeze my penis, which I liked. I wanted to suck him, but couldn't get to it without pulling out. And just like that, I exploded in orgasm and spurted hot jism into his bottom. He moaned, tightened all over, arched his back and enjoyed the onrush of hot semen. My cock is small, but I make up for it with massive ejaculations. I just came and came and came. Finally, it ended.
"Wow," he sighed. "That was so effing crazy. How much did you put inside me that time?"
"About a quart," I guessed. "It felt like--"
"A gallon!" he enthused. "You came and you came and you came!" He sighed so contentedly; I had to grin.
"Sorry for making you raw. That's how it goes, you know. Boys always get raw, even with lubricant."
That wasn't true, but I didn't want him thinking badly of me, because I didn't want to leave his ass, even to lube it. My cock loved it in there. I wished I hadn't come.
Sighing, I eased out and helped him sit up. He looked at me wild-eyed as I guided his mouth to my softening penis and put it in. He shivered violently but closed his lips around it and began to suck. Good boy ... your first A2M.
My first A2M came at the cock of another boy, named Michael. I was--crap, fourteen years old--and he was house sitting with me, over the weekend while my parents were away. He fucked my ass, and then introduced me to A2M. David though, Ricky's father, taught me to like and look forwarded to it. I wondered if he suspected what I'd do to his son tonight, what I had planned for the weekend. I loved Ricky, but planned to turn him utterly queer. Like his dad did to me.
"This is gross," he complained, shivering. "I can taste myself, yuck, and you too, I think," he said, shamefaced. "It's pretty yucky, too. Do you swallow cum?" he asked.
"All the time. It's pretty yucky, but swallowing is part of the job. You get used to it," I assured him. I released his head and waited expectantly.
"You want me to suck it more?" Without waiting, he leaned in and reconnected his mouth to my cock, looking up as he sucked. I was beginning to harden again, pretty impressively too. His age, I imagine.
He was close to his fifteenth birthday, but I had caught him at fourteen, just how I'd wanted. I'd never expected to catch him at all. It was a dream, come true. His father must be a crack-head, I thought. He had to know I'd do this. Maybe, he wanted me to.
"Hands on your knees," I said, "and close your eyes."
"Because I'm fucking your mouth. You'll like it better being totally submissive while I do it. You're a twink now, like me. Twinks love being submissive and having their mouths fucked. I'll be gentle with you; don't worry. I'm a twink too."
He smiled uncertainly, and closed his eyes. I began to slow-fuck his mouth, gentle, as promised, in and out. He began to moan and make guttural noises almost immediately. My fourteen-year-old liked having his mouth fucked.
Ricky was 5'5" tall and said he weighed 128 lbs. He was blue-eyed and blonde, and looked like his sister Jackie. She was sixteen, away with mom and dad for the weekend. I was so fortunate in that. She being home would ruin everything. I love Jackie, but not girls.
"What?" I said distractedly.
"Did my father do this to you?"
I blinked, startled. "How do you know that?"
"You were fourteen too, right?"
How did he know this shit?
"Yes," I confirmed. "The minimum I could be and still write this story."
He wrinkled his brow, and looked at me questioningly. I explained the guidelines SOL had about age. "Oh," he said, confused. "What's SOL?"
"Never mind about that. Tell me about you and your dad. Did you... ?"
His eyes popped open. "No!" he exclaimed, appalled. "No way! Why would you ... no way!" he repeated. "That is so gross."
I was so effing relieved. He'd corrupted me, his young cousin; I'd die, knowing he corrupted his own son. Especially at the age he corrupted me: fourteen.
"How do you know about me and him?" I asked.
He became red faced with embarrassment. "My dad accidentally copied me on one of your emails. He never noticed, and I guess you didn't either, because I never saw a reply."
"I never hit Reply All," I muttered. "What did you read?"
"About you and him when you first did it."
I tried to think back. That exchange had to be back in January, on the anniversary of my first suck. David always writes to remind me. He's a shit that way, the bastard.
How much detail was in the email, I wondered. David is pretty obtuse, usually. You have to be with email. The providers read everything you send or receive for ad-targeting purposes. It can be dangerous, being too clear, or saying too much.
"You figured it out, huh?"
"I didn't know what he was saying at first. He was ... I don't know the word... ?"
"Alluding?" I suggested
"I guess so," he said. I noted he had lost his adorable hard-on. I was effing losing mine too. Effing David.
"So you know about him and me. So what?" I didn't ask this unkindly or gruffly.
"I don't know. Just wondering if this a payback, or something like that."
Mother-fucking crap.
"I can't deny it is," I admitted grumpily. "Why didn't you say something? You knew what I was doing."
"I like what we're doing." He leaned forward and kissed the tip of my cock. "I wanted to do it ever since the email. Before that even, only since then, you know, with you. I knew you'd like to do me too. Who wouldn't, you know... ?"
Who indeed, I thought disjointedly. Son of a gun.
"Do you know what else I've done?"
He shook his head and I filled in my life's story, short a couple of details. Like Griff. Only, Cory didn't have Griff then, did he? The other ones then. I also held back on the Rambone too, only shit, Cory hadn't bought that either. I'm messing up my story here. (Read Riding the Rambone if you want to know what I'm talking about.) Still, Ricky was stunned.
"In the road?" he exclaimed. It took a moment to register what he was freaking about.
"Twice," I reminded him. "One night after the other. I did it four times in all, and never got caught."
This is from Riding the Rambone too.
When I was sixteen, I went for a joyride in my mother's car. They were gone for the weekend and it was Friday night. I knew this road, way out in the country (White Ground Road), which might have been in West Virginia. It was miles long, twisty and turny, and totally deserted. I stopped where power lines go overhead. I had Mom's vibrator (of course, I did), and her tube of KY lubricant. I wanted myself well lubed for the expected dash out in front of the car.
I waited a moment for my heart to slow and to catch my breath, lights off to check for oncoming cars. There were none: it was eleven-thirty at night.
Go, Matthew, go, I extolled myself!
I jumped out, vibrator and tube of KY in hand, raced to the front of the car and skidded to a halt. The lights! I had forgotten the lights! I raced back and turned them on, then glanced around frantically for oncoming cars. I still had the road to myself.
I yanked off my shirt on the way, unbuttoned my shorts and worked them down as I hop scotched in front of the car. I dropped my shirt on the road and wiggled down my jockeys, hopping out one-footed, naked expert for shoes and socks. I kicked off my Sketchers, and awkwardly yanked off my socks, and then I was nude. I had a perfectly, frustratingly flaccid penis. I had worried about that. You can't beat off a flaccid penis.
I checked both ways again, listened for telltale sounds--what if someone had their lights turned off like a crazy person?--and dropped to my knees.
Ow! That fucking hurts!
I quickly spread KY up and down the shaft and tossed it away. I wasn't worried about replaceable tubes of KY. I bent over and not so carefully inserted Mom's vibrator inside me. I forgot to turn it on. Fuck! Too late.
After Judy in her Itsy Bitsy Bikini caught him spying the nubile bodies frolicking in the their condo complexes pool area, bachelor Steve Roberts was offered a dinner companion. Judy. Steve had been reading a recently purchased book and with just about each turn of the page he slyly searched out the best of the best, savoring them in his imagination. Or so he thought. Young, precocious girl that she was, Judy was just as actively searching for stud material as much as Steve was searching...
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It wasn't more than 15 minutes after Steve got up to his apartment when the just under 5' mid-teen nymphet bounded into his apartment. Steve hadn't locked the downstairs door anticipating her 6 pm arrival. "Hi!" she said. He looked over at her surprised a little at how early Judy was. She had that broad smile on her face again and his heart melted. Doing that little dance kids do, she announced, "I have to pee." Without taking a breath, she asked if he would mind if she used the...
June 5, 1994, Chicago, Illinois I parked the car in the reserved spot at the loft building and helped Mitsuko from the car. I took her hand and we walked to the door of the building. I let us in, then led her upstairs to the apartment. I’d stopped in on Thursday at lunch to ensure there were snacks and drinks, as well as to double-check that the cleaning service had left things as I wanted them, which they had. When we entered, I shut the door behind us, and we slipped off our shoes. “This...
Dinner was fulfilling in many ways. First, Judy's stomach was sated from the spaghetti dinner. Then Steve's repeated sensual attention also satisfied her body's needs. In addition Sam urged him to deflower her. When the girls asked for more, Steve suggested, almost pleaded, "Girls, it's time for bed." Running over to the couch, the nude girls couldn't figure out how to open it. Each manufacturer has its own unique way for opening their couches and this convertible was no different....
Steve had relaxed when he feigned a snore and that gave the girls just the edge they needed. They jumped up and pounced right on him. Sam landed straddling his chest and Judy astride his knees. As Steve lifted his arms up, Sam grabbed his wrists and pushed them over Steve's head with all of her might. Now, Sam was no match for Steve in an arm wrestling match, her being a tiny thing and him being, well, a guy. But as he playfully struggled with Sam and her efforts, Judy broke his...
When the nude trio landed in the downstairs private access hallway, Judy stopped in her tracks. Sam, second in line, bounced into Judy almost toppling both of them over. Steve seeing the collision, swerved to barely avoid smashing into the blockage ahead of him. Judy made an abrupt 'U' turn and went to the common access end of the hallway and opened the door. Peeking outside she saw that the lights were off and the pool was quiet. Turning to Steve and Sam she whispered, "Hey ... Look the...
As a change of pace, Judy suggested, "Lets play Marco ... Polo." The rules, Judy explained, were just a little different from the regular Marco-Polo water-sport game. "When the person who's it says, 'Marco', you have to at least have something in the water; a foot, a hand, a finger. Something. Anything. Anyone who's out of the pool at that second is automatically it. "But," she continued, "The person who is 'Marco' has to count out loud to 15 before they can say it again. You...
As Sam was counting, Steve did his underwater swim trick down to the other end of the pool. While he was swimming, he felt a cannonball vibrate through the pool and heard the muffled report. Just as he surfaced, Sam said "Marco!" He answered "Polo!" and heard Judy reply "Polo" a half-second behind him. Sam and Judy were down at the other end of the pool but he was sure that someone else was just surfacing at his end. Strange, he thought to himself. But, wanting to confuse the girls,...
Judy and Sam, keeping hold of Steve's arms, dragged him down to the shallow end and pinned him to the pool ledge. They told him to lie back and lifted his legs. Becky got between his legs and kissed the tip of his glans and swirled her tongue around it. Then she moved lower and licked his scrotum, lifting his left ball first and then his right with her tongue. Then she sucked a little after lifting his left ball and drew it into her mouth. Capturing his testicle with her lips then pulling...
Steve opened one eye part way determining it was morning from the light streaming in through the double sliding door to the balcony. Then he closed it tightly. It was just too early he thought to get out of bed or wake his two nicely nude companions. During the night they had all taken the liberty of leaning all over each other and of course, settling hands where they would do the most good. It was nice to be able to rub a pussy or a supple breast while in the half-sleep mode during the...
After Sam left the apartment, Judy took Steve's hand and had him stand up. She grabbed the bottom of his t-shirt, stripped it off him and then moved on to his shorts and underwear. Then she did the same to herself and pushed Steve back onto the chair. "I love being naked with you," she told him. "Me too. I love being naked with you," was his reply. As Judy settled onto Steve, straddling his legs and hugging him, she told him that they had to get a few things straight between them....
Looking straight into his eyes Judy said to Steve, "Anyway," paused and then continued, "Yeah. I know that I am still very tight down there and that's only because my dad has a needle dick." Laughing a little she added, "It's not larger than the 12 year old boys peckers I've grabbed at and played with." Seeing the eyebrow go up again, Judy kept on talking without so much as a pause. "Don't look at me that way. No, I haven't fucked them. I've goosed lots them though as part of...
"Jeezz, I'm rattling on aren't I," and without a pause, Judy continued, "Anyway, back to Sam. Except for me popping her cherry and my fingers being inside of her as we played 'Lezzies', which I am sure neither of us are because we both drool and drip over boys." That last bit she giggled over and gave Steve a sly look at the slip. Then she continued. With a short laugh, "Yeah, I even have gotten my share of 'wet' watching you go Ga-Ga over me and the others in the pool just hoping...
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This was written by my wife and she assures me it is based – loosely on a genuine experience she had with the headmaster at her school when she was only 16. “Come in” “Ah … hello, headmaster, Miss Price told me to come and see you.” “Yes, I know. Come in Monica and sit down. You’re in trouble again aren’t you? What was it this time?” “Ah … well, I don’t really .. I mean ….” “Perhaps if you have forgotten I can remind you, as Miss Price has already informed me. She caught you performing...
This was written by my wife and she assures me it is based - loosely on a genuine experience she had with the headmaster at her school when she was only 16.“Come in”“Ah … hello, headmaster, Miss Price told me to come and see you.”“Yes, I know. Come in Monica and sit down. You’re in trouble again aren’t you? What was it this time?”“Ah … well, I don’t really .. I mean ….”“Perhaps if you have forgotten I can remind you, as Miss Price has already informed me. She caught you performing fellatio...
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Somewhere between the universes there is Aaron's Share Store where you can buy a skisuit that will turn you into whatever character it represents. You will get to the store through some other store, or strange gates placed in a place where they should not be. Story making rules: Your character is of legal age. You must briefly describe from what world or universe it comes from. In the case of something commonly known, a description like: from the eighteenth century Earth, or from the Mass...
FantasyBook Three: Naughty Fantasies Unleashed Chapter Twelve: Wife's Naughty Edits By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Becky Davies “Oh, I can't wait to have sex with Marissa,” moaned Sam. My younger sister squirmed on my bed. She'd just slipped in with me. She was spending the night in my room. She had a lot of options. We couldn't stay with our parents tonight. For one, they were at the airport waiting for Marissa's plane to land. For another,...
I think we all know that one strange nerdy girl that's a little twisted, maybe even a little too insecure and bordering on scary-desperate. Like Michelle, the flute playing, band camp character from American Pie, or maybe more like Osgood, the scarf wearing, inhaler sucking character from Doctor Who. She typically mumbles sarcastic comments under her breath, dresses like she doesn't much care, almost always looks a little unhappy, and occasionally blurts out an inappropriate comment that lets...
MasturbationYou are a 22 years old white male who just finished his education and now is going to his new job as headmaster at the local school. The reasons you were able to become the new headmaster was that your mom owns the school and that the last headmaster was forced to quit because of burnout. But you are not going to the school to become a good headmaster you are going to destroy the bitches there with your 15-inch-monster BWC. You enter the principal’s office for the first time and meet your new...
FetishTo say that Mr. Lavender and I didn’t hit it off would be something of an understatement. In this strict all-male environment us boys were referred to by surname and teachers as “Sir”; we stood when they entered the room and sat when we were given permission. Having just turned sixteen I’d frankly had enough and while I still attended classes a paid no heed to the maths lesson or the homework; I had better things to do which mainly revolved around music, idly doodling and sexual fantasies. The...
TabooFinally feeling clean, or as clean as possible without soap, I leaned back and relaxed. Water flowed pleasantly around me. Cold water. The river was barely above freezing, and would be fatally cold to anyone else, but the strong current felt wonderful to me, especially flowing against the most intimate of places. With a contented sigh I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply, the scents from the forest carried a thousand little stories to my nose. A nearby fox’s den hid a mother and her kits....
The apology-in-advance email from Ben, when it came, as you and I both knew it would, made its appearance in my in-box just before lunch the next day. Standing me up seemed to be a male line trait in their f****y. I just had a feeling that if it wasn’t going to be Richard letting me down for the dinner date tomorrow night, then it would be Ben coming up with an excuse for why we couldn’t do it. And I hadn’t forgotten that Ben still owed me a proper apology for standing me up in the bar –...
Forfeits By Peg Thebois I was anxious as I arrived at Gwen's house, she had asked me to come by early to help her set up, I guess that was part of my forfeit from losing a wrestling match to her at our party last month. Gwen was one heck of a sexy lady, I had enjoyed grappling with her, grinding our bodies together, it was when I pushed her down into the mount position and I sat on top of her trying to pin her arms down that I got distracted. It would be very easy to have sex in...
The apology-in-advance email from Ben, when it came, as you and I both knew it would, made its appearance in my in-box just before lunch the next day. Standing me up seemed to be a male line trait in their family. I just had a feeling that if it wasn’t going to be Richard letting me down for the dinner date tomorrow night, then it would be Ben coming up with an excuse for why we couldn’t do it. And I hadn’t forgotten that Ben still owed me a proper apology for standing me up in the bar –...
It began back when I was in Central Grammar School. I had dressed as a maid in a black skirted leotard, fishnet tights, and ballet flats and a white apron and cap. I found that I liked the feel of hosiery on my legs and the swish of a skirt. In that costume, I could not avoid showing my bottom that got pinched by way too many boys and adult men that those who did it were suspended if a student, made to do Community Service if an adult. That introduced me to the dark side of being a girl,...
Hey there. My name is- You know what? Let's just call me Narrator. I am a little reluctant to give up my real name nowadays. I was asked - well, ordered really - to retell how I became what I am today. It all started out when I acquired my newest trait called "apprentice warlock". In case you live in a universe without magic let me tell you this. Warlocks are those who summon demons. That had been my goal. To be more specific, I wanted to summon a Succubus. One of those female lust...
This Fictional Story is written by Jennifer and contains explicit sexual material and situations involving consenting Adults No reference to u******e persons is intended or implied. No reference to real Persons dead or alive is intended or implied. It had been a couple of years since I graduated from that Private Girls School when I ran into my old Headmaster, Mr Weatherby, at the shopping mall. We stood there for a while chatting about the past when he made an odd comment saying that in all...
Comments appreciated. Where should this story go next? Sorry, but this story was not proofread by an editor. Enjoy - Rachel You Here For A Header? By Rachel M. Moore I shook my head for the thousandth time as the images on the screen lit the room in all their glory. I was having a hard time with the realization that the person in the video was actually me, my hands began to shake again. I swallowed hard, trying to keep from throwing up like I had the first time I watched a man I...
The School and University system in Nigeria is a strange, anomaly-ridden thing. It has grown up haphazardly over centuries, subject to the caprices of tradition and political whim, baffling to the outsider. One of the anomalies is that the great medieval universities of Nsukka and Lagos select part of their student intake on the basis of special exams which take place half a year after when most pupils leave school. And, of course, most of the schools which can, practically speaking, afford to...
Miss Hargreaves realised it had been one of her silliest decisions ever. She was forty-five-years-old and the headmistress at the local sixth form college for girls where discipline was strict, and she regularly had to cane the students. She saw caning girls, both for earning double detentions and for individual acts of misbehaviour, as very much part of her responsibility, and knew that the regime led to the girls being better behaved than in other colleges where the cane was not...
SpankingSitting in my car daydreaming, listening to the music and waiting for my Daughter to come out of school, there is a tap at the window. It startles me and I jump, looking out I see the Headmaster, Mike Johnson so I put down the window and he apologizes for surprising me. He informs me that Sarah will be a little late because she has some project she wants to finish up and then asks if I would like to join him in his office for tea while we wait. I accept his invitation and he opens the door to...
I’d always liked girls, but for some reason, within the past year, I began to feel a little bi-curious. I had started to look at two guy-one girl pornos on the Internet, trying to find those in which the guys were doing each other. Oddly enough, that intrigued me. So from there, I started looking up gay porn, and I ended up getting hooked on it. There was just something about the expression on a man’s face while getting a nice, big dick in his ass that held my attention. The ones I liked in...
My daughter Skye went to a small, parochial elementary school in downtown Chicago. I had the honor of taking my little firebrand to her first day of kindergarten because mom had a full roster of patients to see that day. I didn’t mind. I love spending time with my girl and keen to see how she would react to being left alone in the company of her classmates for the first time. “You have to walk me in,” Skye said, as I pulled into one of the few remaining spaces of the school’s parking lot. ...
Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Steve Davies The beeping of my phone drew me out of sleep. I blinked my eyes as I sat up in bed, two figures on either side of me. My daughter Sam clung to my right side, her lithe body pressed against me, small breasts rising and falling against my flesh. Linda lay with her supple back facing me, the soft curve of her rump pressing against my hip. I blinked my eyes and glanced at the clock. Midnight. I shook my head. That must be my editing...