Eva rekindles her dislike of clothes Part 03
- 2 years ago
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"Sup Eva Grrrl?" Amy asked me. I heard her before I saw her, and I turned away from my locker to greet her.
"Sup Amy Grrrl", I replied. We liked to add "grrrl" to each other's names whenever we saw each other. I don't know why we started doing that, but it was fun. It was like a ritual to us, and only our group of friends could do it.
Amy leaned against the locker next to mine. I could tell she had something juicy to say.
"So, I was talkin to Brad at second period, and he told me that there was a boy who liked you." Her eyes lit up, "Guess".
I had no idea who liked me, but the thought intrigued me. "Connor?" I said.
Amy shook her head. "Nope". She wanted me to keep the game going.
"Ew, not Danny Buchowski."
"Ew, no" Amy said, disgustingly. There was a small pause, which was more than Amy could take.
"Tom Browning" she blurted out. She was waiting for a dramatic expression or response from me, but the idea of Tom Browning liking me was not something I wanted to hear.
"Oh" I said. Amy picked up on my lack of interest, and gave me a light backhanded smack to the shoulder.
"C'mon Eva, he's a really good-looking. You should go out with him. Plus, he's like a major player on the football squad." I could tell from her wording that Amy didn't really watch football.
But he was also a major player in his social life too, I mused. "I don't know", I replied.
"Well if you won't do him, put in a good word for me, will ya?" She smiled, then bounced away.
"Yeah, sure. C'ya later grrrl" I managed to say.
"Later grrrl. Think about it" she replied, before disappearing in the crowded hallway.
The bell for fifth period rang, so I quickly finished up at my locker and walked to my next class. It got me thinking... Tom and me? That would never last. Yeah, he's cute and all. He's popular. But he's also too cute and too popular. Girls are always asking about his relationships, wanting to be his next fling. Those types of girls didn't understand why they were inevitably left broken-hearted, but that's what happens when you go looking for the wrong thing.
I'd like to think that I'm better than that, but who am I kidding? My previous relationships only lasted a few weeks, at most, and the endings were always awkward. I tried to let the boys down easy by explaining- hey, it's not your fault, I'm just not that into you. If they were really sensitive, I would give the cliché line- it's not you, it's me. Yeah, I don't wanna go through that again.
Finding love in high school is just about the hardest time to do it in life. I mean, we're all running around with crazy hormones, and we have no experience handling other people's emotions. Older people definitely have it easier. I mean, how many high school sweethearts do you see actually getting married? Not very many.
Why can't there be any real men in high school? Like, emotionally mature men. They wouldn't have to be super attractive, just easy on the eyes. Give me one good man in this place, someone who is confident, funny, and attentive. That's all I'm asking for.
It's not that hard, boys, I thought, shaking my head. And someone loyal, too. Can't find that much around here either.
After fifth period class, I had lunch period, where I hung out with my girlfriends- Jessie, Emily, Patty, and Tonya (Amy was in 7th period lunch period). We weren't the most popular girls, with their over-the-top makeup, but we definitely weren't like the other kids. You know- goths, nerds, geeks, and the loners. We liked to talk about boys (I told everyone about Tom, with mixed reactions), makeup, and celebrities. We usually had a different magazine to comb over every day. It was fun to make fun of some of the fashion, or the ridiculous things reality stars were doing. But we also liked to imagine wearing those dresses or making ourselves look beautiful. When hanging out, we would often talk about how ugly we looked, and be happy when our girlfriends told us how pretty we were. This kind of stuff happened every day, and I always looked forward to chatting with my girls. It was like the only time I felt social at school.
Just before sixth period ended, I went to the ladies room with Emily and Patty. Patty was more into sports than any of my other friends, and Emily's interests were usually in reading- she was definitely the brains of our group.
I stood in front of the bathroom mirror, examining myself like I always do. First it was my face, cuz the worst thing in the world is having acne pop up on you during school. That shit grossed me out. Next, I looked for facial hair, cuz I sometimes missed them in the morning. I had experimented with eyebrow pencil like a month ago, but it didn't really make a difference since I was good at plucking and shaping my eyebrows.
In fact, I really didn't use much makeup at all. Just a little eyeliner- a copper color, for my blue eyes, and some mascara for my lashes. That was like, the minimum that any self-respecting girl in her senior year would wear. Anything less and you look like garbage rolled out of bed. And there were girls that always looked tired, cuz, they wore no makeup at all. Bianca Besterman. Ugh. She would so much better if she put some effort into it. But there were girls that also used a ton of foundation and blush, too. Like, why? You're going to school, not a fashion runway. They probably spend an hour on makeup every morning.
After checking my face out, I pull some lip gloss out and apply it to my upper lip, then my lower lip. I smack my lips, and I like how the light red color looks on me. I lean back from the mirror, checking on my outfit. Today it's a comfy cream-colored ¾ sweater over my skinny jeans. With my beach-blond hair, it's actually a nice look.
But look at my small boobs, I thought. I squeezed my boobs together with my arms, imagining how great it would be to be bigger. I was only a size 34BB. More than half of my friends were bigger in that department.
I could be in the itty-bitty-titty-committee. I sighed. And another weird thing- my areolas were too big, too. It didn't make sense that God would give me such small tits and saucers around my nipples.
Maybe if I had bigger boobs, I could attract a real man. I started to absent-mindedly play with my beach-blonde hair. It had subtle highlights in it from the summer, which I really liked cuz it gave it more shades of color. After smoothing the hair down with my hand, it was a little longer than shoulder length.
I turned myself around to look at my butt. The jeans were tight enough that it gave my butt some shape, but I wish I had more in that area, too. Maybe it made sense for my butt and boobs to stay small on my lithe 5'8'' frame, but it just wasn't sexy enough. One of my biggest fears was that the man of my dreams would pass by me because I wasn't busty enough or curvy enough to hold his attention.
I was looking myself over again when Becky and Melissa walked up to the bathroom mirror. They were some of the more popular girls in our grade, and both these girls were dating football players. I caught Becky's glance in the mirror.
"Hey" I said. No response from her. Whatever.
"So I heard you have a crush on Tom Browning from the football team" Becky said to the mirror.
"Where'd you hear that?" I replied.
"Just a rumor going around. Is it true?"
"I mean, he's nice looking and all, but I don't think he's my type". It was the truth.
Melissa gave a little laugh, "yeah, you got that right". What a bitch, I thought.
I heard the toilet flush, and a few seconds later I hear a loud bang coming from the stall, which made all of us jump. Patty strode out of the stall and made a beeline for Becky and Melissa, with that same mean face she puts on when she plays volleyball. She walked right up to Becky and me.
"You girls done washing up?" she asked them. You could tell from her expression that she wanted some trouble. Patty had almost thrown down with Melissa before, so they knew this wasn't a bluff.
"Chill, Patty. We're just talking" Becky said. Boy, it was a good thing Melissa hadn't opened her mouth. Patty really hated her.
"Actually" Becky continued, "we were about to tell Eva about a party at Jason's house tonight. His parents are out of town for the weekend, but they're leaving early today." She paused. "Tom should be there" she added to me.
"Cool" I said, "thanks for letting me know. I'll think about it."
Becky glanced over to Melissa, and the two of them left the bathroom together.
"Fuckin' skank bitches" Patty muttered. Emily was joining us now.
"What do ya think, should we go?" I asked.
"Not with them hoes there" Patty said. I looked over to Emily for some unbiased advice.
"I've heard about those parties" she said, "They're good if you want to get wasted and laid. You can bet those football players like to get rowdy too. If you're into that kind of thing." I could tell from Emily's expression that she was not.
"Girl, we need to use those fake I.D.'s we got from Oscar and hit the clubs" said Patty. She was always bringing up the clubs, cuz that girl loved to dance.
I thought about it for a moment, "Well, it is a Friday night. Maybe we can go tonight, but only if we all go" I was looking at Emily.
"You know that's not my thing" she pleaded. This was going to take some peer pressure, and Patty wasn't about to disappoint.
"What else you doin' tonight? Masturbating at home?" Patty could be a little crude. "I bet you'll find plenty of dudes at the club willin' to take you home with them." Patty was smiling, enjoying how uncomfortable this kind of talk made Emily feel. "They be buyin' you drinks all night, tryin' to get at your cooch." Emily was blushing.
She was looking at me next, "How about you Eva? You ready to get back in the saddle?"
"I know, it's been awhile" I admitted. And it had, almost 3 months now since that break up with John. It was a bad experience all around, and we definitely rushed things, physically. I punched my V-card with John, then broke up with him a week later because of it. The sex was that bad.
"Let's do it" I said with some confidence.
"Yeah, ladies night at the club. C'mon Emily, let's try to get a guy rub up on you." Emily didn't seem interested, and looked back at me. I nodded at her, as if to say, don't worry, I won't force you to do anything.
"Alright", she said.
After school was over, I was at my house, thinking about the club we were going to. It was a new place downtown called Club Soho, right by the downtown bars. Not a lot of high schoolers had been there, since it was 18 and over. Luckily for us, Oscar had gotten us some authentic-looking fake I.D.'s, which cost me $100. This was the first time I was gonna use it, which made me pretty nervous. I looked at my fake I.D. again.
What if we get caught? I had asked Patty. It was her idea, after all. Girl, they just take your I.D. away and you go home. Nobody cares about some high school girl hanging out at a club, she told me. Police have better things to do.
They better. The last thing I wanted was to go to jail and have my parents bail me out. I would never be allowed to go out again. They probably wouldn't let me go to college, either. They were always talking about frat hazing's and women getting raped on campus.
I wonder what they would think if I went to Jason's party tonight.Ha ha, they would kill me.
I put my fake I.D. back in my purse and thought about the club again. Maybe I would find a nice college student, one who was mature and interesting. Someone who was studying to become something rich and successful, like a businessman or a lawyer. Then we could get married and afford a nice house to live in. We would start a family, and have our own beautiful, successful children. A man who was tall, and handsome, someone physically fit who could easily sweep me off my feet. Oh, and someone with a big penis, who could really go to town on me. I'd give anything to find that man.
I closed my eyes. Mmmmm. I could imagine someone like Chris Hemsworth making love to me, holding me down with his big, strong arms. I reached down with my hand to my outer lips, and slowly bucked against it. I wanted it so bad.
Obviously my parents weren't going to let me go out to the club, so Patty and I devised a plan. First I would tell them I was going over to Emily's to hang out before going to the movies, since my parents liked Emily. Once at Emily's, Emily and I would tell her folks we were going to the movies with Patty, but instead would go over to Patty's house. Her parents didn't care too much what Patty did, and if anything, we were seen as a good influence on her. There I would get dressed up and put on my makeup. Then Patty would drive us downtown, to be at Club Soho by 10:30. They were open 'til 3 in the morning, but we would be back well before then.
The plan worked perfectly, and we were at Patty's house with none of our parents the wiser. Now we had plenty of time to get dolled up for the night.
"How much money did you girls bring?" I asked them. The three of us were all in front of the bathroom mirror, fixing our makeup.
"I'm only spending $20" Emily said. Out of all of us, she had the least amount of makeup on. She still looked cute, though. Patty gave her a look.
"You know it's a $10 cover, right?"
"Yeah, but I don't wanna get drunk. Just listen to the music, ya know?" Emily replied. "Besides, I hear girls can get drinks for free in these places. You just have to show a little interest in the boys. I'm sure you could get free drinks, Patty". She was giving Patty a coy smile. No way was Patty going to walk away from a potential challenge.
"Girl, I'll be gettin' so many drinks y'all gonna have to carry me home", Patty laughed. "In fact, let's make that a bet- girl who gets the most free drinks tonight, wins. You in Eva grrrl?"
"Sure, I'll play" I said. It didn't really seem fair to tease the boys like that, but it might be fun to go out of my comfort zone and flirt a bit for once. There was no harm in flirting, especially at a club where everyone was doing it.
I decided to wear the hottest outfit I had, since this was my first night at a real nightclub. It was early October, which meant the nights were getting cold, but Patty told me that girls still dress slutty (lots of skin) when going out. The clubs were always warm, she said. So I decided on the more revealing diagonally-striped black and shimmering gold dress I had. It had a Sweetheart neckline and short (just below the armpit) sleeve to it, and it extended down to my mid-thigh. With the push-up bra I had on, I had more cleavage showing than I was comfortable with, but Patty said all the girls were doing it. Besides, tonight was all about doing something new.
She also said that clubs were dark, so you had to make your makeup count. For my beach blonde hair, this meant a beige foundation for my face and a light smoky brown eyeshadow. I went with a slightly darker pink lipstick, and a volumizing mascara to make my blue eyes pop.
I looked over at Patty, who was using a glittered purple eye shadow that went well with her dark complexion. She had some bright red lipstick on that was almost too distracting, but that fit her personality perfectly. She was wearing a super tight black and silver body suit and bare midriff that showed off her impressive ass.
And lastly, Emily was wearing a modest floral dress and stockings.
"Look at us sexy bitches", Patty said, "Those boys better watch out!"
By the time we drove downtown at quarter to 11, there weren't a lot of available spots for street parking. Patty had to park a couple blocks away from the club, so it was a long walk in the cold. Compared to my girlfriends, I was showing a lot more skin, which made me more miserable. Fortunately for me I had wedges on, so I could walk at a fast pace. It took all of Patty's effort to keep up with her high heels.
Even if we hadn't known where we were, the sounds of the club pumping its bass told us which direction to go. It was like a beacon for horny adults looking to make bad decisions, and that's where we wanted to be. To be honest, I was feeling nervous about the whole thing.
We saw the club's neon light on the other side of the street, but there was a line of about a dozen people waiting outside. We crossed the street and made our way towards the club entrance, on the opposite side of the line to get in. Patty slowed up near the entrance, where a large bouncer in a coat was partially blocking the door. She was peering inside the doorway, when the bouncer noticed her. She walked up to him and started talking to him, and he looked at Emily and me. The look he gave us made me feel uncomfortable, like I was in some pageant competition being judged on my appearance. He was looking back at Patty, but didn't say anything.
I heard Patty mention the word "cold", so I rubbed my hands on the opposite arms for effect. I couldn't see what the bouncer said, but Patty looked back at us and told us to come in.
Patty handed her I.D. over, then he looked at it, passed a light over it, and nodded for her to go in. I forgot to take my I.D. out, so I ushered Emily to go next. I was still pulling out my I.D. when it was my turn. He nodded at me with some impatience.
I was shaking as I gave him the I.D. Whether it was the cold, or my nervousness, I couldn't tell. He was definitely taking a longer time with this one than Patty or Emily. Oh no, did I give him the wrong one?
"Are you 21?" he asked.
"Yup" I answered quickly, trying to hide the nervousness in my voice.
He looked over the card again, and passed the black light over it. "Enjoy", he said, passing the card back to me. I took the card and stepped inside, letting go of the breath I only now realized I was holding in. My heart was pounding in my chest as I walked into the foyer and met up with Emily and Patty, who were waiting for me. Emily arched her eyebrows up, as if to say, that was close.
The next door was also manned by a large man, who was wearing a tight black shirt with white lettering spelling "SECURITY" on the front. After paying the cover charge, he put bracelets on our wrists and moved to the side, letting us in.
The club was definitely dark inside, but constantly-moving multi-colored lights were coming from the stage straight ahead. Between the flashing lights and booming sound system, it was very disorienting. I looked around, adjusting to the atmosphere, and trying to get the club's layout. The bar was ahead and to the right, and it was easy to make out with its lighted counter and premium liquors stacked high together on the wall. There seemed to be a lot of people at the bar, which had three counters to it since it was built against the wall. A mirrored wall. Cool, I thought.
Straight ahead there were a lot of people dancing to the music, which at this point was a techno beat mixed with a loud bass. The dancers were all in a square depression in front of the DJ station, and I could see a couple railings going down the two steps into the dance floor. To the left of the dance floor I saw some smaller, circular tables set up. There were a lot of empty bottles and half-finished drinks on the waist-height tables, with only a few people standing there.
I was tapped on the shoulder, and I turned towards my right, almost smacking my face into Patty's. "Let's get a drink" she yelled in my ear. The music was so loud that it took me a moment to understand what she said. I looked over at Emily, and craned my head in the direction of the bar.
It took a minute for us to get drinks at the bar, and I noticed both the guys and girls making their furtive looks at us. It made me feel self-conscious, and I subconsciously pulled my dress up at the neckline because of it. I also noticed that a lot of the girls were dressed more like Patty and me- deeper necklines, sparkling dresses, lots of eye shadow, and bare legs. At least I was dressed for the part, like I belonged here.
Poor Emily, I thought. She does stick out. But then again, she does seem pretty happy here. Emily was the type of girlfriend who always had your back, and was always willing to try something new, even if she complained about it.
As for the men, almost all of them wore some sort of button down shirt that was tight against their bodies. Most of them wore jeans, too. So jealous. I also noticed that the majority of them had short hair, like they had just gotten a haircut. You could smell their cologne if you got close enough to them. And they were tall, too. This is more like what I want, I thought, as Patty handed me my drink. I started drinking it immediately, but couldn't taste the alcohol.
Patty yelled something into Emily's ear, and they were now having a back and forth yelling conversation, which I couldn't hear. The music, which felt deafening at first, was now pleasant to listen to. I watched the people dance while I continued nursing my Long Island Iced Tea. I could feel the nerves dissipating.
There were a lot of chaotic movements going on down there, but that fit house music. Both guys and girls were jumping or moving their heads up and down with the beat, not really paying attention to each other.
"Did you want to dance? Emily and I are going down" Patty said. I nodded my head, and downed my drink while Patty and Emily left theirs on a nearby table.
There was still some room near one of the corners of the dance floor, so the three of us walked down there and bopped around to the music. At first I was self-conscious about dancing in public, but I became more comfortable once I started imitating what other people were doing.
The songs seemed to go on for a long time, with repeating rhythms and random sounds mixed in. Some people had glow sticks on them, which were fun to watch.
I was starting to get warm after all the frenetic movement, so I made a motion to my girls that I was going to the bar, and signaled them to stay there. Once I made it up the steps, I realized that I was feeling that drink I had, and had to take a second to steady myself. Next one I'll just sip, I told myself.
I found a spot at the bar and leaned over the counter, trying to get the attention of the bartender. He glanced at my direction, and came over when he was finished ringing out another patron.
He gave a quick nod up at me. "Another Long Island" I yelled. He seemed to be looking at me for another second, then went to make the drink. Maybe he likes me, I thought. While waiting for the drink, I decided to look bored and scan the bar. Right away I noticed a good-looking man from the opposite side of the bar looking at me, and we locked eyes. Wow, he's cute. I looked back at the Long Island Iced Tea in front of me, and paid the bartender. I brushed my hair back with my hand while trying not to look in the same direction as the man. I was continuing to look elsewhere when I heard someone say,
"Mind if I stand over here for a bit?"
I looked and saw it was the same man as before. He had a gorgeous smile on, but all I could do was stare at his deep brown eyes. They matched his dark eyebrows and his tanned, spotless face.
"Yeah" I said. Wait, what did I say?
"Yeah, you can stand here" I corrected myself. He had longer hair on top that was blown up, with a buzz cut on the sides. His hair looked so natural, though, no gel. And it wasn't too long on top, because it didn't move when he bobbed his head.
"Cool. I'm Rob. What's your name?"
"Eva." I couldn't help staring into those eyes again.
"Nice to meet you, Eva. Have you been here before?" he asked.
"No, is it obvious?" I smiled back at him, feeling embarrassed.
He seemed apologetic. "No, not at all. This is my first time too." Oh, good. "How do you like it?"
I felt relieved. This felt natural, like a totally normal thing to do. Talking to strangers felt pretty good.
"I really like it" I said. "It's got a lot of energy, you know?"
Rob broke eye contact with me and scanned the club. This gave me a chance to glance at his body, which looked big. He was probably around 6' compared to my 5'8'', but leaning against the counter brought him closer to my height. I noticed he was wearing a black suit jacket over a white shirt that showed some chest, when he started bringing his head back towards me. I quickly brought my eyes back to his eyes, maybe a bit too late.
He smiled again, "Yeah, I feel it too. Do you like dancing?"
Oh no, don't let him see me dancing. "Sometimes. I usually like to get loosened up first", I said while grabbing my drink. Oh fuck, that sounded so dumb. Think of something cool to say. He was first to talk, though,
"Alright. Do you want to dance later?" he said. I would dance with you anywhere, anytime.
"Sure. I'd like that." I took a sip of my drink.
"Cool, I'll see you later then." As he left, I watched him from behind to get another good look at him- although he looked muscular in the chest and shoulders, the cut of the jacket also gave him a slim waist. Damn, he's got to be built like a truck. I sipped my drink for half a minute, thinking about Rob before I realized that I was going back to the dance floor. I hurried over to them, and excitedly waved them to come follow me to the bathroom. Once inside I told them what Rob looked like, what he said, and what I said.
"I knew them boys weren't ready for us" Patty said. "Grrrrl, I'm so proud of you!"
"Didn't get a free drink, though" Emily said smartly.
Patty brushed Emily's comment aside. "Girl, don't worry about that. All you got to do now is keep him interested. Keep flirtin' with him, and grind the hell out of him." Patty was grinding next to Emily, and both of them laughed.
I wasn't great at dancing, but grinding was pretty easy- just move your ass to the beat and let him follow you with his crotch. It was all about moving as one unit, kind of like sex. I mean, you could make it passionate, like in Dirty Dancing, but it didn't have to be that way.
I reapplied my lipstick in the mirror and checked myself out again. You can do this, Eva. He's just a guy. A really, really, hot guy.
Patty, Emily and I walked back to our drinks, but I didn't see Rob. In fact, it was starting to get crowded, so we brought our drinks with us to the dance floor before there wasn't any more room. When we got there though, the DJ was saying something on the mic about changing it up.
That's when I heard a deep voice on the speaker, "It was all a dream..." and people in the crowd cheered, including Patty. In an instant, the mood of the entire club changed from techno to R&B. I saw some excited girls rushing down to the floor to get loose on Notorious B.I.G's "Juicy", rotating their shoulders and swaying from side to side. There was a small exodus of clubbers from the floor, too. I looked over and saw Patty rapping the lyrics, occasionally yelling, " ... and if you don't know, now you know". 90's rap wasn't really my thing, but the alcohol was making me feel loose inside, so it was easy to follow along with the beat. There were a couple more vintage hip hop songs played, like Snoop Dogg's "Gin and Juice" and Dr. Dre's "Nuthin' But A G Thang".
The DJ switched up the track with a more modern hit- Lil Wayne's "Lollipop". As soon as Patty heard the opening synthesizer line, she went nuts. Since she was yelling, I was yelling too. This was more like my music.
I was rocking my body out to the music and feeling totally buzzed when I felt something on my hips. I looked behind and saw Rob standing there, flashing his smile again. He looked even sexier with only his white dress shirt and black pants on, and I wanted to dance.
Facing towards him, I was rolling my shoulders and stepping side to side with the beat, inviting him to dance too. Rob responded by putting his hands behind his head, bending his knees, and thrusting his hips forward with the beat in a ridiculous fashion, which made me laugh. He's funny, too.
That's when he started popping and locking and I thought, Oh my gosh, he can dance!
He was a way better dancer than me, so I did my best to look sexy by slowly rotating my hips and my chest. I was running out of dance moves and didn't want to keep doing the same thing- Patty's keep him interested, popped in my head- so I slowly slid over to him while gyrating.
He was waiting to see what I would do next, so I surprised him by quickly turning around as soon as I got close. Mmmm, he smells good.
Eva awoke at her normal hour for a weekday. It was 4 am and as she did every morning, Eva lightly kissed her husband, Mike, as she rolled out of bed to change into her running gear. She was proud of her body, at 36 and after 2 c***dren, running had helped her maintain her shape. She was tall, 5 feet, 10 inches, but only weighed 125 pounds. As she stood in front of the mirror, she admired her large, 38C breast.The c***dren had not taken any of the firmness from them; her waist was still very...
by Vanessa Evans Part 04 There was what could well be a nice restaurant there but it was all shut up for the winter and they wandered around and found a bar that was open. They went in and saw about 8 or 9 men who all turned and looked at the strangers who had walked in. “Hi everyone, we’re not disturbing anything are we?” Eva said. “Fucking hell lady, no, come on in, park your cute little ass over here.” One of the customers said. Jason was starting to thing that going there was a...
by Vanessa Evans Part 02 After a restful night’s sleep Eva was more settled with the changes that happened to her since she got to university, and when she went to the kitchen she didn’t even think about putting any clothes on and wasn’t really surprised to see a naked Jade there as well. Lewis was also there eating some cornflakes and wondering what the hell was going on. He hadn’t been at the party so hadn’t known that Jade had ‘come out’, and hadn’t really been expecting Eva to wander...
It was on the Thursday evening that Jade and Eva went to the keep fit class in the gym. Neither of them expected to have anywhere near as much fun as at the swimming pool but the both realised that they did need the exercise. Jade selected a pink leotard and Eva a yellow one and they walked to the gym wearing dresses that were so short that their butts were only just covered and their slits weren’t. It was a male instructor, Don Little, that greeted them and he gave no indications that he’d...
by Vanessa Evans Part 05 As Eva was coming out of her room to get some coffee on the Friday morning she saw Jade coming out of Jason’s room. “You did say that it was okay didn’t you?” Jade asked Eva. “Of course it is Jade, was it good?” “And how.” They talked as they got the coffee and decided that they were going to a strip club that night. During the day they both did some research and when they got back they compared notes and decided to go to one that was advertising ‘amateur...
There was what could well be a nice restaurant there but it was all shut up for the winter and they wandered around and found a bar that was open. They went in and saw about 8 or 9 men who all turned and looked at the strangers who had walked in. “Hi everyone, we’re not disturbing anything are we?” Eva said. “Fucking hell lady, no, come on in, park your cute little ass over here.” One of the customers said. Jason was starting to thing that going there was a mistake but a friendly sounding...
Eva was a mother of two, happily married, and still in great shape. Then one day she went jogging in the park and everything changed.***Eva awoke at her normal hour for a weekday. It was 4 am and as she did every morning, Eva lightly kissed her husband, Mike, as she rolled out of bed to change into her running gear. She was proud of her body, at 36 and after 2 c***dren, running had helped her maintain her shape. She was tall, 5 feet, 10 inches, but only weighed 125 pounds. As she stood in front...
I told Eva,” I don’t have the nail clippers, I left them in the kitchen”. “ Don’t worry, get close enough to where you can use your teeth”, responded Eva. I leaned over Eva’s wet pussy, I could smell the sweet aroma her pussy nectar was giving off. “Get in close so you can bite off the small strings by my pussy, just be careful”, said Eva. As my nose touched her pussy mount, Eva gave a slight moan. Her clit must have been fully engorged and sensitive, I kept digging into her pussy with my...
After a restful night’s sleep Eva was more settled with the changes that happened to her since she got to university, and when she went to the kitchen she didn’t even think about putting any clothes on and wasn’t really surprised to see a naked Jade there as well. Lewis was also there eating some cornflakes and wondering what the hell was going on. He hadn’t been at the party so hadn’t known that Jade had ‘come out’, and hadn’t really been expecting Eva to wander around the flat...
CHAPTER 1 Eva Everett was dropping out of college because she thought the systems sucked and she’d stupidly chosen to study biology instead of drama only to find her interest waning faster than her staccato sexual interest in any guy. Now her interest in drama was returning. What a fucking mess, she’d fumed, coming to the ‘I’m quitting’ decision. Her counselor had summed it up neatly. ‘Eva dear, consider pulling the plug before you become dead in the water’. Clichés for sure but in Eva’s...
With no warning a strong breeze blew and caught Mrs. G by surprise. Her robe opened up and for a half a second, seemed like an hour to me, she stood with her big awe inspiring tits and her hard gum drop nipples exposed. Mrs. G looked up towards me, we made eye contact, I couldn't break eye contact. She grabbed both sides of her opened robe and slowly shut my view into paradise. I tried to move my hands to close the curtains, but my right hand couldn't let go of my hard cock. My left hand...
Two babies are born on the same day in the same hospital, and for the first few hours of their lives, they belong to the same fraternity, recuperating side-by-side from their sudden existence. They are interchangeable brothers or sisters; their lives can be swapped as easy as switching nametags. These babies are very special to their parents, but really, either one will do. If you believe in million-to-one odds, then you believe one of these babies will grow to be a household...
As Eva was coming out of her room to get some coffee on the Friday morning she saw Jade coming out of Jason’s room. “You did say that it was okay didn’t you?” Jade asked Eva. “Of course it is Jade, was it good?” “And how.” They talked as they got the coffee and decided that they were going to a strip club that night. During the day they both did some research and when they got back they compared notes and decided to go to one that was advertising ‘amateur nights’ on Fridays. Both girls...
Alex felt the hustle and bustle of the downtown lunch traffic all the way in the bathroom where he stood washing his hands at the sink. Looking himself over in the mirror he fixed his tousled hair. He was very nervous and did not know what to expect of his first encounter with Eva today. Just saying her name in his head gave him a hard on so he composed himself and went to sit to wait for her in the café.This was their first time that they would meet in person although they felt like they...
Straight Sex“This was fun, I haven’t had sex like this. My husband only like to have sex in the missionary position, and I don’t know why, he only wants to have sex with a condom on”, said Eva as she took off what remain of her shirt. She started to wipe her pussy with the ragged shirt, Eva continued talking, ”He says he doesn’t want to have any more kids at his age, he is 56 yrs. old and has 3 kids with his ex-wife. So, he always insists on wearing a condom even though I’m on the pill”. As Eva was...
My new friend Eva and I were out swimming in my pool. It was a hot afternoon and the cool water felt fantastic. There was also the fact that Eva’s tanned skin looked amazing in bright contrast against her white bathing suit. Her suit was high cut at her hips exposing her long legs. The back was cut almost to her bodacious ass. There was a hint of ass crack showing. Her breasts were barely contained by the thin material that was tied between her deep brown breasts on a two inch gold ring. Almost...
Group SexAs they walked into the hotel Alex goes to the front desk to get the key to the room and Eva makes a quick call to her boss and lets him know she will not be in and will call him later. Her boss seemed so upset but Eva had no room in her mind for anything else but Alex at the moment, to the point where she did not even realize that she hung up on him again. Alex approached her and said, “Shall we go?” Eva flirtingly replied “sure!” They enter the elevator alone and Alex kept looking at...
As they walked into the hotel Alex goes to the front desk to get the key to the room and Eva makes a quick call to her boss and lets him know she will not be in and will call him later. Her boss seemed so upset but Eva had no room in her mind for anything else but Alex at the moment, to the point where she did not even realize that she hung up on him again. Alex approached her and said, “Shall we go?” Eva flirtingly replied “sure!” They enter the elevator alone and Alex...
Our relationship grew slowly to the point where we were both comfortable being around each other in just our underwear even. Eva would walk into the bathroom to find me taking a piss and would continue to the basin to brush her teeth or even undress if she was gona take a shower at the time. As i said it was not sexual at the time. We were just very comfortable with each other. One morning I was in the bathroom shaving, when Eva walked in needing to pee. She casually walked over to...
Eva made herself a cup of coffee and settled down next to me, wanting to read the paper as well. She was bending over trying to get a glimpse of the paper, after which she sighed heavily, realising that she would have to wait until I was done reading. Atleast that's what I thought! Eva, however had different ideas. She wasn't the patient type you see. Eva then got off her chair and mounted my lap, sitting directly on top of my crotch. I moaned and wriggled trying to get her off me,...
It was the beginning of the summer holiday and I had a surprise in store for my beautiful little girl. I had booked a 2 week long stay at a resort in the bahamas and decided to present her with the air tickets this morning. Her eyes lit up with excitement when I whipped out the tickets and she immediately hugged me with the enthusiasm of a five year old. Our holiday was due to resume tomorrow, so we had to get packing right away. Fast forward to the resort, we booked in around noon and...
Eva Elfie’s Twitter profile is topped with a header image that implores visitors, “Let’s get naughty!” I feel like maybe I’m in a good position to really appreciate the hell out of the thing, because well, I’m always naughty. Then again, I bet this chick can turn the most wholesome, strait-laced dweebs into absolute perverts. I pity the no-fap nerds who stumble onto this growing archive of the pornstar’s posts, because I didn’t last more than a couple minutes before I had to whip my dick out...
Twitter Porn AccountsGrumpy had just completed a gruelling trip in the roadtrain, going from Kalgoorlie, to Lienster, to Norseman, to Port Augusta, and then up through the Stuart Highway, to Alice Springs, where he decided he needed to stop and relax a bit. He owned his own roadtrain, so where and when he pulled up, was entirely up to him. He booked a room at the Gap hotel, showered and dried off. As he dried himself, he studied himself in the mirror. He saw a man, who stood four inches above six feet,...
Damn, those knockers are bomb - the absolute first thing that popped into my head upon loading twitter.com/evanotty! Eva Notty is a MILF, and a busty one. Her ass is equally big, and the slut's fucking talent has turned her into a pornstar. I watched this notty hoe in a Reality Kings release some time ago, where she sucked and fucked a living hell out of a stiff dong, so I decided to review her Twitter account and blow more stardust towards the thicc mama.Stunners of this caliber can't get...
Twitter Porn AccountsThe next morning, I was up early. I started taking my Christmas decorations down quietly so I wouldn't disturb the hungover sleeping beauty in my bed. It was around noon when I was done. I was trying to find anything to do, anything to distract me from going into my room and joining Eva in my bed. So I decided to take a shower. I reeked of alcohol and sweat from last night's party.I was so accustomed to living alone that I didn't think to lock the bathroom door. I had the shower on, letting the...
LesbianA cold gust of night air blew into the house as Eva opened the door. Her long, red-brown hair whipped across her face as she stepped over the threshold and closed the door behind her. Basking in the warmth of her home, the eighteen-year-old shrugged off her coat and hung it in the closet by the door. With a sigh of relief, she dropped her heavy bag full of books onto the floor. --- He watched as she padded through the living room in her socks. He gazed over her slender body, from...
Plötzliches Bewusstsein. Ein nicht genau beschreibbares Gefühl für ICH EXISTIERE. Das Wissen einen Körper zu besitzen. Die Wahrnehmung für oben und unten, Wärme, Stille und Dunkelheit. Und das Wissen weiblich zu sein und auf den Namen "Eva" zu hören. Mehr war da nicht. Plötzlich wusste Eva das sie nackt aufrecht in einem kleinen finsteren Raum stand. Sie war aus einem Schlaf erwacht und hatte keine Erinnerungen wo und wer sie war. Sie fühlte wärme und konnte ihren Körper bewegen, wenn sie auch...
Her sexy thin lips were moving, but her words never reached my ears. I couldn't stop imagining what her lips would taste like-- strawberries, vanilla... The way she was positioned on the other end of the sofa could easily be mistaken for unspoken permission to satisfy her. With her legs tucked beneath her bottom, her posture caused her shiny metallic dress to rise higher up her sexy thighs, ever so close to exposing her underwear. Her head rested against the back of the sofa; her body on the...
LesbianEva mit Baby-Banane im BüroKleiner Chat mit Eva und FrankEva:Ich habe heute Baby Bananen mitgenommen. Sie liegen in der Obstschale auf meinem Schreibtisch und lachen mich an.Frischobst in der Muschi, aber wie kommt das dahin und warum?Mach was draus mein großer Rammler und reis dich am Riemen das es eine Heise Story wird.Deine angefeuchtete Eva.Eva:Frank, mache mich feucht, habe heute Nachmittag etwas ZeitFrank:Hast du ein Höschen an?Eva:Ja, warum?Frank:Ziehe es aus und ruppel ein wenig deine...
It all started when we exchanged smiles. Something in her look just made me smile that afternoon. It's not that she fits the "model look", but everything in her was fitting and in proportion. And she definitely knows how to dress for her face and body. I must smile when I see her. And really, why not? It's our human way to say, "I really like how you look." It also makes it easier for me to tell from her look back whether she is into me or not.Luckily for me, her answer came before I started...
Chapter 1 - Cap d'Agde, June 1980My name is Eva and I'm going to talk a lot about my butt. Don't think that I am extremely hung up on this part of my body, it is men who are especially interested in it. My breasts are smaller in comparison, and I would have preferred a little bit more balanced between my buttocks and my breasts, because I am only a size 85 B. A friend once told me "You could play volleyball with Brazilian girls on the beach of Ipanema, it's your ass that everybody would be...
A few years ago I was traveling around Europe and ended up staying the night in a little village just outside of Madrid. The guy who owned the "Hotel" was a little cranky but spoke good English so I was happy to stay and chat with him for a while in the little room they had set aside that they called a bar. I mean this room was little, you could not swing a cat in the place or you would break something. I asked Carlos about this and he told me that his wife did not allow smoking in the...
Two customers leave giving me nice tips, it's cool.The boss says to me:— You know it’s customary for waiters and waitresses to share the tips.— Yes, of course.A beautiful naked girl enters the room. This is Aicha.The boss tells her:— This is Eva, she will replace Odette.We kiss.— Happy to meet you, Eva.— Me too...She is taller than me with bigger breasts, naturally, and her pubis is as smooth as a wet bar of soap.She takes a very good look at me and says:— You're cute, but...She stares at my...
Continued from here: https://xhamster.com/stories/eva-702388She gasped suddenly as my fingers worked there way down her shorts, slowly I worked my fingers over the top of her panties.They felt like lace or maybe satin, but my fingers felt the undeniable heat beneath them more than anything else. Her body wriggled against my hand, pushing herself against me as teaser her slowly through the soft material. All the time her neck and head extended upwards so that I could plant soft kisses there...
Restaurant customers start arriving. Aicha says to me: — You should go back behind the bar. She adds: — Don’t let customers and their wandering hands annoy you. — No, of course. She lowers her voice and adds; — Unless they give you a big tip. A hand on the buttocks for a big tip is what I already practice. I am still troubled by the fact that I am naked but surrounded by dressed people. Especially since my pussy is incredibly sensitive, I must be careful not to graze...
Disclaimer: Die folgende Geschichte enth?lt erotischen Inhalt mit SM-Hintergrund. Sie ist f?r Leser unterhalb von 18 Jahren nicht geeignet. Ich bitte euch: Legt die Geschichte weg, wartet bis ihr 18 seid, dann k?nnt ihr sie lesen. So gut ist sie auch wieder nicht, dass man sie gerade jetzt lesen m?sste;o)Dieses Werk ist Ergebnis einer Fiktion, die dargestellten Personen sind frei Erfunden jede ?hnlichkeit mit real existierenden Personen ist rein zuf?llig.Herkunftsnachweise: *Das Zungeschnalzen kommt ...
Eva is a fictional character living in a fictional world. She is aware of that fact and that she was brought to life by her creator instead of being born like a real human. Eva doesn’t care about that. Everything she cares about, just like any fictional character would, is a good story. Each main branch (story) is governed by its own set of rules.
My new friend Eva and I were out swimming in my pool. It was a hot afternoon and the cool water felt fantastic. There was also the fact that Eva’s tanned skin looked amazing in bright contrast against her white bathing suit. Her suit was high cut at her hips exposing her long legs. The back was cut almost to her bodacious ass. There was a hint of ass crack showing. Her breasts were barely contained by the thin material that was tied between her deep brown breasts on a two inch gold ring. Almost...
The next morning, I was up early. I started taking my Christmas decorations down quietly so I wouldn’t disturb the hungover sleeping beauty in my bed. It was around noon when I was done. I was trying to find anything to do, anything to distract me from going into my room and joining Eva in my bed. So I decided to take a shower. I reeked of alcohol and sweat from last night’s party. I was so accustomed to living alone that I didn’t think to lock the bathroom door. I had the shower on, letting...
Alex felt the hustle and bustle of the downtown lunch traffic all the way in the bathroom where he stood washing his hands at the sink. Looking himself over in the mirror he fixed his tousled hair. He was very nervous and did not know what to expect of his first encounter with Eva today. Just saying her name in his head gave him a hard on so he composed himself and went to sit to wait for her in the café. This was their first time that they would meet in person although they felt like they...
Het is de dag voor Nieuwjaar, oudjaar. Ik ben bij een hele goede vriendin van mij thuis samen met een vriendin en twee vrienden van haar, waarvan ik er ook een ken. We zijn bij haar thuis om samen een borrel te doen en het nieuwe jaar in te luiden met oliebollen en champagne.Mijn naam is Eva en de naam van mijn vriendin is Stephanie. De twee jongens heten Maurice en Gerwin. Mijn vriendin en ik zijn 18 en 17 jaar, Maurice is 18 en Gerwin 20.Eenmaal bij het huis van Stephanie aangekomen zijn de...
Eva Diary 10: Masturbating to home videoI continue to court my hot mom, Cathy. She and her husband and son came over this past weekend and our k**s get along great. We all did. Her husband is very handsome, GQ looks, (though I get a feel that he has a small penis) and it took all my strength to behave! But I am being the good girl… for now. This morning, Cathy and I walked to the coffee shop a few blocks from the school and chatted about k**s, husbands, typical mom stuff. I flirted a little...
Eva ran down the stairs tugging her hastily packed luggage. After a long winter semester at boarding school in Switzerland, she was excited to be returning to Jamaica. She anticipated in earnest the summer, the parties and laying on the beach. She was turning 18 in a few weeks and hoped her doting dad would provide her with a big party. The product of a Swiss mom and Jamaican dad, she was an attractive girl. Her slim hips, small upturned tits and bronzed skin gave her an exotic island look....
I dont know exact measurements of her but I think she may be 35-30-36 with fair complexion & round boobs. She is living in a joint family with her husband,Aunty, Uncle etc on our 2nd floor and we are in 1st floor.I'm a normal guy with good looking though not very fair but muscular body and 6 feet height. One day after buying some books in the evening i've arrived home at 7:30PM I had just parked my bike and entered into the first room I saw a lady coming infront of me she is none other...
By : Raj Wanna B Cuckold Hi this is Raj please give your feedback at my id A snapshot into the fucking of my wife by Deva (more to come) I was naked by the side of the bed slowly playing with my cock. My wife was on the bed with Deva between her legs. Her cute feet were resting on Deva’s shoulders with her toenails painted a light pastel blue. She was nicely tanned from a recent trip to the beach and that contrasted perfectly against her painted toes. Her heels sat upon his bulging traps,...
My name is Eva and I am twenty-five years old. I have long brown hair, hazel eyes and I weigh about one-hundred twenty pounds. Standing at about five-foot-tall, I have a very ample ass and perky C cup breasts. My biggest passion in life is dancing. I have done it since the age of five. My mother observed me dancing like a ballerina in the mirror one day, and decided to sign me up for ballet, I thank her for that decision everyday. My life has not been perfect since then, nor could I have ever...
It was her first time meeting me. We had been speaking online for some time and i had spent most of it psycologically preparing her and encouraging her. This was what we both wanted.. but more than anything, it is what she NEEDED. It had been a long time coming, and after some very some very carefully worded emails, i finally convinced her to make the long journey to my place.She arrived 2 hours later. The entire journey she was texting me nervously, asking for reassurance that she was doing...
Introduction: If you havent read Evangeline, you may want to read it first . Until the night I met Henri Dauterive, I lived in a world devoid of light. My own choice, of course. I preferred the night and stayed in the shadows during the day. I hid from anything that might reveal what I was. Henri stumbled into me as I crossed Canal Street on my way uptown. Already inebriated, he was on his way down to the Quarter. I dont know why I turned to follow him. Maybe it was nothing more than easy...
Henri stumbled into me as I crossed Canal Street on my way uptown. Already inebriated, he was on his way down to the Quarter. I don’t know why I turned to follow him. Maybe it was nothing more than easy prey. Maybe it was fate. It wasn’t hard to over power him. He wasn’t a large man and he was soft. As I leaned in to take him I caught the scent of a woman on his breath. I kissed him to taste her. He was so shocked at being kissed by another man that he didn’t even struggle. ...
Her sexy thin lips were moving, but her words never reached my ears. I couldn’t stop imagining what her lips would taste like– strawberries, vanilla… The way she was positioned on the other end of the sofa could easily be mistaken for unspoken permission to satisfy her. With her legs tucked beneath her bottom, her posture caused her shiny metallic dress to rise higher up her sexy thighs, ever so close to exposing her underwear. Her head rested against the back of the sofa, her body on the arm,...
I had always kept my little secrets, well, secret. I didn’t share my past or current fantasies with my husband. I never told him about my past experiences. Finally one night about two years ago, a young guy began flirting with me and I just went for it! I didn’t even warn Todd or talk about what I was thinking, I just did what my body was aching to do.Todd and I were at a little Italian place. As we waited near the bar, I noticed a hot, young college guy checking me out. I flirted with him and...
Along with Jennifer’s series, I now present you with Evan’ Life! Here is the first story, from the erotic series, that got the ball rolling. Enjoy! ******** Moving was always tough. Evan knew it, but he steeled himself for it. The movers packed what little stuff he had, and had just left. His home was now an empty shell, and he looked into it one last time. ‘Later, house,’ he said to it. ‘We had some good times!’ Evan got into his car and left. His lanky frame fit well in his car, having...
Mera naam pinky h aur main delhi ki rahne wali hu main ek acche jism ki malkin hu main pahle chudwane se bahut darti thi kyuki meri saheliya mujhe batayi thi ki chudwane me bahut dard hota h lekin chudwane ke bad to mujhe lund ki adat lag gayi aur ab to main bahut sare logo se chudwa chuki hu. Meri chudai ke bare me mere husband ko bhi nahi pata h aur nahi mere sasural me koi janta h ki main itni badi chuddakad hu lekin meri saheliya meri chudai ke bare me sab kuch janti h kyu ki main apni...
I held back and watched my lover stalk his prey. There was no mistaking Gabriel for anything other than a predator. Tall and lean with a catlike grace, he moved silently through the darkness waiting patiently for the furtive young man he followed to wander far enough into the shadows to be taken. We followed him silently for several blocks before he paused at the edge of a circle of light cast by a street lamp. He was only several feet from the entrance to an alley. and He withdrew something...
It was a dark and rainy evening. Samson had stoked the fire in the hearth to provide some greater warmth in the cottage, though the thunder drowned out the crackling of the fire. Dalila stood with her dress clinging to her from the rain soaking it as she rushed to gather her clothes from the wash line. She watched Samson as he bent over the fire poking the dying embers and igniting the kindling. She felt a lust for his body as she marveled at his muscles tensed in his hips and thighs, crouched...
Fantasy & Sci-FiEva ran down the stairs tugging her hastily packed luggage. After a long winter semester at boarding school in Switzerland, she was excited to be returning to Jamaica. She anticipated in earnest the summer, the parties and laying on the beach. She was turning 18 in a few weeks and hoped her doting dad would provide her with a big party. The product of a Swiss mom and Jamaican dad, she was an attractive girl. Her slim hips, small upturned tits and bronzed skin gave her an exotic island look....
First TimeHello ISS readers. I m regular reader of ISS. Mera name Swati hai aur mera marrieage hokar abhi 3 sal ho kar gaye hai,muje ak dedh sal ki bachhi bhi hai ,humara parivar me sas,sasur,bade devar,unki patni,mai aur mere pati eksath hi rahate hai.bade devar company me manager hai, aur unki patni Bombay ki hai aur dono bhi swbhav se bade pyare hai.meri devrani to dikhane me bahoot sundar hai,aur devarji ka to kya kahana, who to har roj subhav 5.30 ko uthkar maidan par exercise karne ko jate...