- 4 years ago
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Eva Everett was dropping out of college because she thought the systems sucked and she’d stupidly chosen to study biology instead of drama only to find her interest waning faster than her staccato sexual interest in any guy. Now her interest in drama was returning.
What a fucking mess, she’d fumed, coming to the ‘I’m quitting’ decision.
Her counselor had summed it up neatly. ‘Eva dear, consider pulling the plug before you become dead in the water’. Clichés for sure but in Eva’s position they motivated her. At twenty-one who wants to be dead in the water?
The natural impulse of the scrawny natural blonde with big boobs was to run, ignoring Harry her father’s warning if she pulled out she’d be on her own with no financial support from the family and he’d pounce if her mother ferreted money to her. He’d always been an asshole over money but dad was dad and she had to admit he remained okay despite being so hard-assed over this.
But she chose to delay her exit because that would let the cast down. Eva had a role in the Student Theater Club’s production of ‘Bang, Bang & You’re Pregnant’, written collectively by the third-year drama class and designed to draw the attention of young women to the perils of unprotected sex. Because it was a serious attempt to draw attention to a real social issue it had attracted funding from the city’s Arts Society and that had been used to upgrade costumes and engage a professional director.
Eva was Phoebe, a pregnant eighteen-year old who raised money for an abortion by using her body, intercepting men emerging from bars.
On opening night the pathos generated by Eva and the standard of her untutored acting compared with the bulk of the troupe who mainly were drama students was apparent to the audience. She received a standing ovation when she was called to the line-up at first curtain call, overshadowing the enthusiastic clapping and whistles received by the principals.
A parent in the audience with his family to see the performance of his daughter, the second lead female actress, had returned the final night purely to once again see Eva play Phoebe. Darren Bryce gate-crashed the production party and was immediately recognized by Kate Smith, the director.
‘You’re out of your league here,’ she laughed, kissing Darren. ‘I saw you here last night with some of your family. Are you here to take Sylvia home?’
‘No, James is looking after her. I want to know about the chick who played Phoebe.’
‘God you noticed her. She’s a freak. She’s never been taught drama at school or college and filed in for an understudy who became ill and then the original Phoebe fell off her mountain bike and severely lacerated her leg. So I pulled in Eva and almost wet my pants. She just flowed into the part and had already committed her lines to memory. She required only light direction.’
‘Take me to her please Kate.’
‘Oooh, lucky Eva. Find something for her Darren. She’s a biology student and has become bored and is dropping out. She’ll need work.’
‘We don’t run a benefit for penniless drop-outs.’
‘Ah yes, but you haven’t a mean bone in your body Darren and you already see something in our Eva.’
‘You can never tell.’
‘You mimic your profession Darren. You’re acting a reluctant stooge.’
He grinned and followed Kate. Eva was drinking beer from a bottle.
‘Eva, it is my pleasure to introduce you to Darren Bryce who…’
‘Oh the director of Skipjack TV Productions. My mom has big bucks invested in your outfit.’
‘Oh really? Who is she?’
‘Mrs Harry Everett but she appears on your stockholder’s list as Amelia Casey.’
‘Christ, you’re Amelia’s daughter?’
‘One of three actually. I’m the baby of the family — mom’s mistake. She ended her illustrious career because I gave her a diabolical pregnancy.’
‘I remember that — she just disappeared. I was just starting out and she was something of a legend.’
‘Well if you are sucking up for an introduction I’ll take you to her.’
‘No, not. It’s you I want.’
‘Oh really? In college life I don’t have the reputation of being a babe big into debauchery.’
‘No good heavens. I want you screen tested for ‘Boston Babes’.
Conversations around them ceased. Eva found it difficult to breathe. She squeaked, ‘Me?’
‘Ohmigod,’ Kate said, clutching her bosom.
‘Claire Brampton is not available for the new season because she’s won a contract for a Hollywood film. Our search for just the right replacement has not been going well. All the tests have been of make-me-a-star young women who wouldn’t know how to drag a lame leg or spell humility or wouldn’t have a hope of acting unfeminine or under-act the feeling of pain or rejection.’
‘And you think I do?’
‘Now that you’ve mentioned it yes.’
‘All right, I finish here at college tonight. So take me off on one condition.’
‘What’s that?’
‘I’m not made to play a sweet girl. My older sisters bullied me so playing the under-dog comes naturally to me.’
‘No problem. If you screen test successfully we start you on a clean sheet as a newcomer to the group of four, taking Claire’s place. We can’t use the words under-dog or downtrodden in pre-launch promos but we’ll come up with something.’
‘Well if you are that interested come and see us tomorrow. Here’s mom’s card. She’s not going to believe this. She tried first with Robyn and then with Dinah to get them into TV but they bombed. I’m virtually an outcast within my family so you’d best go carefully with mom. She doesn’t have red hair just to be nice to people.’
‘God who’s been auditioned?’ Darren muttered and caught Eva’s stunning smile he’d not seen before.
When Kate took Darren off some of the cast gathered around Eva.
‘Oooh you’re so incredibly lucky.’
‘Nah, someone else will come up who captures everyone’s heart.’
‘But Darren has decided he doesn’t want another bimbo.’
‘Yeah, well you know how guys change their minds. Anyway I’ve gone off the show, it’s become rather predictable.’
‘Well you should give it your support Eva. It’s the most popular drama of women aged eighteen to twenty-four. Those four young women are big stars.’
‘Well I’d rather become an aging great actress than a star. The lights go out for stars. My mom was one of the finest female drama actresses of her generation and could have gone on forever had I not come along and fucked her up by giving her a difficult pregnancy.’
‘Oh Eva, come on. It wasn’t your fault.’
* * *
Eva had no idea what was involved. The tickets arrived and they were for New York, not Boston. Her mom said, ‘Darling they shoot most of the show in New York because that’s where heaps of facilities are located. You’ll only go to Boston occasionally for shooting live locations to convince viewers it’s all shot in Boston.’
‘And for authenticity.’
‘Yes dear. And that too.’
To Eva’s surprise her mom was treating her royally. Amelia had been knocked sideways when Darren had explained the reason for his visit. Eva had simply said a Mr Bryce was coming to see her about Eva’s future direction. Amelia assumed Mr Bryce was a job placement guy coming to check out Eva’s background to bolster her lackluster formal credentials.
After Darren had left Amelia had taken Eva into her arms and cried and rocked her and finally said what she’d be thinking. ‘I’d always thought one of you would have inherited my theatrical genes.’
‘But you never thought it would be me?’
‘No and you have a right to think unkindly of me for that.’
‘No, it’s okay mother. I’ll try to make you proud of me but it will be tough, I believe I’ve convinced Darren I need to play the anti-heroine but others working making the tapes might want to dispute that, even the writer.’
‘Few people can play that convinci
ngly without appearing all bitch.’
‘If that so? Well mom, start talking. I need to know everything about playing such a role.’
For the next three days Amelia lectured and rehearsed Eva.
‘You are a near-natural darling. God I can’t believe I didn’t see it in you. I have been very careful not to steer you away from acting your natural self. What we have done is to give you technique and our hard work especially on facial expresses and posing has been most successful, I believe. Your posture is unbelievably good. I think I should come to New York with you.’
‘No mom. I’ll be fine. I’ll handle the cast and the directors and coaching staff my way.’
‘I’m pleased you insisted on going to that expensive college, winning me over and then getting me to work on your father. This great opportunity would not have risen had you not gone to that college.’
‘Whatever mom. Let’s see what I can make of it.’
Manhattan was only 150 miles away by train so since her late teens Eva had been a frequent traveler to Manhattan. The hotel she was booked into was marginal but she decided to stay otherwise she’d have to pay for her three night’s accommodation. At least it was near the production house.
Eva met her contact, Mrs Sims, at 2:00.
‘Oh my you may have set a new record for arriving ahead of time.’
‘It’s polite to be on time.’
‘Most of the young women we deal with are ego-driven.’
‘What’s that?’
Mrs Sims smiled and said, ‘I’m going to like you Eva. Please call me Betty.
They toured the four former warehouses.
‘Is it what you expected?’
‘I had no preconceived ideas and knew it wouldn’t be like Hollywood.’
‘No dear. That’s where dreams are made. Here we deal in reality.’
‘Will I meet the scriptwriters and lead actors?’
‘No dear. The scriptwriters rarely come here and the cast is all on leave. You’ll not meet them, um unless you test successfully. What is it about you? You don’t look glamorous if I may say so. All we have been given is your name and our instructions.’
‘You think I’m Mr Bryce’s toy girl don’t you.’
Betty colored. ‘The thought has been discussed. We don’t like mysteries.’
‘It’s nothing like that. He saw me in a college play and invited me to screen test.’
‘What as the lead out of a college play?’
‘Oh no. I only had a bit part, well third female lead.’
‘Ohmigod, was Mr Bryce drunk?’
‘I don’t think so. He said I appeared to be a natural. When we were talking he asked were any actors in the family and I said only my mother.’
‘Who is she dear?’
‘Amelia Everett.’
‘Sorry, don’t recall her.’
‘Well try her maiden and stage name. I held back hoping to surprise you. Mr Bryce thought it was significant. Mom was Amelia Casey.’
‘Ohmigod, Ohmigod. That’s it. Darren believes you have your mother’s acting genes.’
Eva giggled and said, ‘Please don’t say anything about this Betty. Just let it run as Mr Bryce apparently wants it to run with no one doing anything special or saying anything special. Allow the mystery to prevail.’
‘Very well dear. He’d kick my ass anyway if I messed up his mission.’
‘Which is?’
‘To have you play a bit part in one of our productions.’
‘Which one?’
‘I have no idea but perhaps a walk on in ‘5th Avenue’.’
Eva offered no comment. Betty passed her on to Sheryl, a hair stylist.
‘I have no instructions for you Mystery Girl.’
‘Then I’ll tell you how I want my hair for the test.’
‘Then go ahead.’
‘I need to see the script first. I was told it would be written for me.’
‘Well that’s fine. Just allow me to examine your hair and get the feel of it. This afternoon is for you to get the feel of our establishment.’
Sheryl passed Eva on to Leslie in wardrobe.
‘Ah the Mystery Woman. I have no instructions on how to dress you, just to dress you.’
‘Then I’ll decide tomorrow when I’ve read my script.’
‘Very well. Make sure you give me plenty of time to do it. We’ll be dressing other people — we have five productions going at the moment. Let my take your measurements now. God you have great boobs for someone so thin.’
‘It’s me. Please don’t flatten me out tomorrow.’
A guy Daniel took Eva to a small studio. ‘I’m to run tapes of film tests and the making of film tests to give you understanding of what’s involved.’
‘Okay, could I have a drink?’
‘What kind of drink?’
‘A beer would be great.’
‘Oh good. You don’t sound like a stuck up bitch. Do you mind if I sit with you once everything is running. Some of it will be tedious so we can talk.’
‘Yeah that’s fine.’
Betty asked Eva to arrive at 9:30 in the morning when the script would be ready.
She dined alone, went back to her room and watched TV and went to bed early.
Next morning Betty rushed out of her office to greet Eva. ‘Hi, did you have a good night on the town?’
‘I ate alone, I watched TV alone and went to bed alone and had breakfast alone.’
‘Well this is New York baby. It’s a city of lonely people. Come and I’ll introduced you to Charles Drake. He’d a bit actor and is being paid to read with you. He’ll be off camera so you’ll need to rehearse until you two are in tune and get it right. You’ll have no direction. When you are satisfied Charles will take you out to lunch. On your return get your hair styled and go to costume to be dressed.’
Charles was a thin, shifty-eyed guy who said he played an assistant professor at a show called ‘College Girls Live it Up’.
Charles opened:
‘Good afternoon Miss Mayo. I understand you are new to our unit?’
‘Yes, there was a vacancy and I grabbed it. Wow this is so exciting.’
‘It can be very tedious.’
‘You’re kidding.’
‘You’ll find out Miss Mayo.’
‘Call me Darlene.’
‘That’s a horrible name.’
‘Thank you Mr Slimeball. You can fuck off.’
Eva was horrified. ‘Charles is this all I have to read?’
‘Yes, and you’ll be asked to read it deadpan, no acting or showing emotions but use voice inflections of course. That’s for the audio test. And then you will be filmed responding to me. It’s dialogue. You have to deliver without any prompt or looking as if you are searching your memory for the next line. You will be test for credibility involving naturalness, smoothness and telling the story of those words by what you say, how you say it and how you react. Your images on film will be carefully assessed.’
‘But the dialogue is drivel.’
‘Is that so? Let me explain. It allows you to first express excitement to unleash any vitality you can display and then as I talk about the reality you can perhaps show hesitation and then doubt and concern and then you show anger and convey it visually as well as by foul language.’
‘Oh god, I see it now. I’ve memorized my lines. Let it rip. First the straight dialogue and then packing in the emotions.’
‘Are you sure you’ve memorized the scrip word perfect?’
‘Of course. I can do two A-4 pages doubled spaced from memory after one read if its simplified dialogue plus instructions. Two or perhaps three reads if it’s really complicated.’
They went to early lunch after the impressed Charles had said, ‘I can see why you are been screen tested. You have it in a big way.’
‘What’s that?’
‘On screen charisma.’
‘Oooh Charles. You make me feel sexy.’
Charles frowned and said he was gay and in a relationship.
‘But I still feel what I feel from those words. I wasn’t coming on to you Charles.’
‘Oh, that’s okay then.’
* * *
At 5:00 Betty walked Eva to a studio.
‘I still cannot believe you chose to look like a social misfit rather than a glamorous stage queen.’
the part I’ll have involves a powerful and long transition.’
‘What part?’
‘I’m not at liberty to tell you.’
‘Oh god, you are Darren’s pick as Claire’s replacement.’
Eva told Betty to keep her mouth shut or she’d have more than her ass kicked by the boss.
‘You’re right. Thank you darling. Would you come for dinner this evening? I don’t want you being lonely in New York.’
‘Oh Betty, you darling. Thank you. I accept.’
‘Well here we are. Gawd looked at everyone who’s turned up to watch. Your reputation as the Mystery Woman has spread. Everyone could be excused for thinking we are filming a nude scene.’
‘We’re not are we?’
‘No, and that’s gospel. Just be yourself and keep relaxed and remember you are here to become a real actress.’
‘You are so comforting Betty.’
Eva appeared in front of a single camera against a textured blue background. Betty introduced her to the director Muriel Shanks. ‘Just relax and be as expressive as you wish. Try to avoid over-acting darling. I’ll instruct you through the sound system.’
Eva was shown exactly where to stand and was told at no time to move from that spot. She looked across and smiled at Charles who was seated just to the right of the camera. He smiled and gave the thumbs up.
‘Right Eva and Charles, here we go. When you are ready Charles.’
Eva remembered to remain dead-panned and remain still and that was the audio test over and then followed the full-on audition.
She frowned and presented side profiles left and right and repeated them and snarled the final lines, hands on hips.
‘Cut,’ Muriel called. ‘That’s good enough for our purpose. Lower the big screen Jerry.’
There was a wait while the test was assessed and then Darren Bryce entered.
‘Hi everyone and a special hi for you Eva. Okay Muriel, let’s see what we’ve got.’
Charles held his hands on Eva’s shoulders. ‘Don’t panic, it was good. Perhaps great. But very few people look good both live and on screen. My pick is you’ve made it.’
‘Thanks for that Charles. I’m only a little shaky.’
The reading was fine, Eva being word perfect, clear and her timing was excellent. She was amazed how good she looked on tape.
‘You have met my expectations Eva,’ Darren said as the enthusiastic applause died.
‘Everyone, tomorrow Eva will be offered a contract to replace Claire in ‘Boston Babes’. As you all know Claire has gone to Hollywood.’
There was a moment of silence and then applause.
Darren held up a hand. ‘For those of you longer in the tooth this will be self explanatory. Eva is not a trained actress. Eva has acted in only one dramatic stage production that by chance I saw because my daughter was also in that college play. Eva as the third female lead stood out for me like a beacon. This is a miracle I thought. And so it was because acting for her appears hereditary if you can believe in such a thing. Eve is the youngest daughter of the great Amelia Casey.’
There were gasps from people in the know and younger people were asking who was Amelia Casey.
‘Let’s have a brief look at Amelia Casey in ‘The President’s Passionate Daughter’ released in 1989, Amelia’s final film. No film is everyone’s film but the scene of Amelia as Lydia trying desperately to induce a CIA bodyguard into seducing her ought to be compelling to anyone capable of appreciating highly dramatic and full-on acting.’
The clip ended to applause and Darren said, ‘When I first saw that scene as a young guy steam practically blew out of my ears. We hope we haven’t embarrassed you Eva?’
‘No it’s fine, it’s one of mom’s favorite clips. She has a film room at home and copies of everything she ever filmed once she began gaining a reputation as a good actress. I began watching them with her from a very early age. Within a couple of years I suppose it was she had me repeating her lines. Se pushed me into saying her lines with the sound volume turned right down. I guess in a way she was making me the young Amelia Casey.’
People listened spellbound as Darren coaxed Eva along to reveal Eva had never been formally coached in acting or acted in anything until her recent college play.
‘I guess until I turned fourteen and became unruly I was simply my mother’s plaything — she using me in a charade to regain her youth. She was fifteen in her first film.’
Darren smiled hugely. ‘Everyone you have been introduced to Claire’s replacement. Eva will be left as her natural self and this will cut across the grain of everything viewers and all of us have become accustomed to in ‘Boston Babes’. It’s time our babes began to show a bit of maturity in their growing up and to stop living out life like clones. Eva will have a role that will rip them apart so our existing babes will be a fiery little coven until they adjust. With that happening and if we manage to capture it on tape, ratings for this third series are likely to soar.’
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My workouts became more intense each day as the big night approached. I am not talking about the big night, which most high school seniors look forward to, High School Prom, but my first defense of my amateur division championship in Thai kickboxing. After winning the championship, I had taken a little time off and began training casually but in three weeks, three days after Prom, I would fight again and I needed to be in peak physical shape. Sweat drips from my chin as I kick harder and...
Roommates Damon Dice, Eliza Ibarra, and Savannah Sixx see things get super sexy when the trio decides to play some games. Damon and Eliza start with pool as Damon tries to ignore his impulse to check Eliza out long enough to teach her how to play. It’s hard, because their attraction is definitely mutual. Soon enough, they’re spending more time with their eyes and hands on each other than on the game. They are interrupted by Savannah, who has been fantasizing about having sex with...
xmoviesforyouSorry if the title is misleading, but young sex and i****tuous sex are the turn-ons for girls like myself and horny guys wanting a dirty female for fun.Of course as a girl on the legal limit, getting a man inside you is just a nod or a wink away.Drinking from a beer bottle and noticing a guy eyeing you, is fun when you give the bottle an extra push into your mouth and withdraw it with a lip sucking extraction, slow and deliberate, to get the message across that this could be your cock and what...
So wondering if it was true, you know what they say, I decided to post an ad online. I asked to chat with bbc men and being from LA I got lots of replies. Finally a male replied with his girlfriend. He set a photo of the two of them both body builders. Like I'm think what was the catch. Well he was attracted to mature tall blond cds and his wife liked to watch him have fun. A joke right, well they seems legitimate so we talked on the phone. They were in town for a few days and wanted to play...
I awoke on Tuesday morning and I ached. I rubbed my eyes and the sting of the belting I got the night before sent pain through the whole of that side of my face, not to mention a fresh bout of stars before the eyes. It all came flooding back and I started to feel the shakes coming on again. I went into the bathroom and sat on the loo while I peed. I very gently touched the area around my eye and could feel it smart from the bridge of my nose almost round to my ear. Wiping and flushing, I...
Monday Two days since the party, and I couldn’t even recognize my world. I’d already had a semi-date with Connie. I’d had more sex in the last 2 days than the nearly 20 years leading up to it. Here I lay, 6am, wide awake thinking about the last 2 days, not to mention what today would have in store. What was my appointment a Nelly’s house going to lead to. I promised myself to make no assumptions, but to be ready for anything. Nancy talked about the people she could introduce me to, nothing...
Hey baby, I want you so bad. I am dripping wet for you. I want to come into your room in the middle of the night, seeing you lying asl**p on your back with your arms raised, your naked body vulnerable and open for me to consume. I quickly take off my clothes and naked, i snuggle up to your warm body. It’s been so long that my skin is on fire just hugging your warm chest, feeling the rise and fall of your belly, rubbing my hands all over your muscular back. At 6’3′ you are quite taller than my...
Hi all another friday in the life of a glasgow taxi driver. I was sitting in the city centre when 2 thirty something females said to me how much to coatbridge the other guys all wanted £40 it was a quiet nite so i said how about £25 and they got in. So off we set a bit of banter on the way its always good to have a bit of a laugh with the punters. So one of them was bantering back and forward with me the other was talking but not as much as the other. The one that was doing all the talkings...
Sorry for the long delay. Writing can be a chore sometimes. While many parts of this chapter have been complete since the beginning it's taken a while to fill in the blanks and quite a bit had to be reworked. A story never really ends, and I could polish forever, but I'm going to call this the conclusion for Morgan's adventures for now, so I can work on some other stories. Thank you all for you're encouragement. Hope you enjoy. Filling in for Beth - part 10 "What have you...
Kyle's Misfortune - Part 1 By Mister Double U Kyle Belmont walked out of the dorm and hopped into his Porsche. Starting the engine, he pulled out of the parking lot and sped off down the street. He smiled, until a police car pulled up behind him with its lights on. The officer got out of the car and walked up to the Porsche. Kyle made sure he took his FOP card out. "Do you have any idea what you just did?" the officer asked, taking off his sunglasses. "Uh, no officer." He...
It wasn't long before we arrived there, I noticed my ex boyfriend had been with our group but I was too drunk to care, I was just letting loose and having a good time. After a few minutes of talking everybody eventually found somewhere to sleep. I ended up next to my ex, and because he was quite tall he sort of blocked me off from the rest of the group. We didn't even say any words, we just began kissing. I really hate him, but with all the drinks I was just so horny. Soon enough the...
I love a party drinks all kinds mango peach sangaria , watermelon margarita , vampire kiss martini , they are so pretty in a pretty glass so devine to look at so great to taste, fun little party drinks , strawberry margarita put a slice of lime or fruit its a party in a glass , so fun to drink so pretty to look at its a party in a glass. Your very own private party make a pretty drink slice of apple or a lemon wedge or an olive and you have a party in a glass . pretty party drinks sitting on a...
Erotic PoetryMy mom then gave a small kiss on my dick and just touched it a little. Me: Oh, thanks a lot, mom, for that. Mom: Haha your welcome maybe next time your dick will get something more than just a kiss. Me: What? (Shockingly) Saying this my mom left the room. For over one hour I was just thinking what the hell just happened. I was jerking off with my mom beside me while she was fingering her pink pussy. I felt like the luckiest dude in the world. So later on it in the evening. My mom was in the...
IncestSandy was twenty-eight and single. She was slim with medium sized perky breasts that revealed wonderfully pert nipples whenever she went without a bra, which was most of the time. Her long, wavy, honey blonde hair fell naturally around her lightly freckled face. Tanned and always in shorts and sandals, she was the quintessential beach girl and she was my wife’s best friend. I have to admit that I have always had an affinity for blondes so I had more than a platonic friendship attraction to...
Chapter 5: In the Pub and What Happened Next Em got to the pub before me, but was waiting for me in the car park. As tempted as I was to start asking questions, I kept my counsel, the evening had already taken so many different and unexpected turns, I didn’t want it to take a wrong one. I slipped my arm around Em’s shoulder and gave her a quick squeeze and again she turn to me and gave me a quick peck on the cheek. We went into the pub together, and it struck me that this was the first time...
Hello friends mera name raaj(changed) 23 years old from haryana average body and normally lund like as always of all Indians. Am living with my mama and mami from last 8 years because mama is always out of home due to his job profile and mami is alone in home and my nana is old they have only one kid, main iss pe story paad paad ke self controlled ho gya tha or sab pta chal gya ki kaise kya krna hai. Her name is sunita and we are living in jind.Ek baar mama two years ke liye dubai chale gye us...
It’s not my fault, it really isn’t. I know that it’s not my fault but there is a wide chasm between knowing something and feeling something. It’s something that people who’ve never experienced that gap between reality and realization can never truly relate to but that doesn’t make it any less true. Saying that it’s not my fault, looking at the facts none of it helps because I should have been better. I guess now would be when I tell you what’s not my fault and what a horrible human being I am....
As a basically straight married man who has had a curiousity for man to man action for years, I would look at pictures on the net and read stories of other guys experimenting with other men. I would jerk off to the thoughts of being with another guy in the same room or sitting next to me. Sometimes fingering myself as I would J/O and I loved the sensation that it gave me when I finally came. I began to have all kinds of fantasies about this and what it would be like to have a another guy fuck...
BisexualDavid and Grace Anderson saw very little of Hineahuone Te Wherowhero over the next few months ... breakfast, dinner and the back of her head. Breakfast was generally, "I only have time for coffee." Slurp Guzzle Gulp "Ahhh bye." Dinner was a little more mannerly, "Good evening, Grace, David. Ooo that looks good." Gnash Rip Tear Clatter Scrape "Thanks." Burp "I'm in the study." or, "I'm at the library," was followed by the slam of her books on her desk or the slam of the door...
It was a year after the attack on the Dentian queen that I finally left. Captain McCartney was headed out to take over a Marauder company and top sergeant Ambrosia was going with her. I was headed for the fleet academy after accepting a transfer into fleet for a six month ship handling course and then out to take over the carrier Honor. I brushed the cuff rings on my dress uniform and nodded to my aid. Lieutenant Jenks grinned before heading for the hatch. He stopped to let me go out first...
“Chris!” I yelled as he was walking up to me. His next class was in the class room I had just left. He looked over and saw me, and lit up with a huge smile. Then he spread his big wingspan and we moved toward each other. We embraced each other tightly, almost squeezing the air out of each other. But this time was different. As we started to move apart, he left a soft kiss on my cheek. Now this was very peculiar for three reasons. First, he had a girl friend whom I had met on various occasions....
Gay"Then don't suck, just deep throat!" I said and laughed. "Also I've swallowed too much cum! There is too much in my stomach, I think I'm gonna..." she said and hurled, and thus puked semen onto the floor. I estimated it was about half of what was in her. Thank god the floor was marble, carpet would have absorbed it and it would have been lost. I walked up to her and grabbed her by the hair, dropped her to the ground, and pinned her face on the cum-filled floor. "You just puked...
Slut: New to the scene. Part 1After 8 long weeks working on a construction site in the middle of the desert, I needed some time to relax and recharge my batteries. With four whole weeks to recuperate, I decided I would meet my wife in Tenerife as opposed to flying back to the UK. My rota would have me arrive in Tenerife on the Tuesday where as my wife would not arrive until the Saturday. Some of you will be aware that Tenerife is a haven for swingers from all over Europe, due to the year long...
I'm Jeff and this is how I got cuckolded for the first time. At the time I was a sophomore in college and lived in three bedroom house with two other guys. Nick who was an easy going nice guy and Dwayne, an arrogant black guy who thought he was the greatest thing on earth, especially when it came to women.I had dated my girlfriend Jen since our senior year of high school. After graduation we both went to local schools, me the local state university and Jen went to the local two year school to...
Hi, this is Saheb again. I am 39. My wife had left for her mother’s place as my m-i-l was ill and my son had gone with her too, so I was left alone. But my wife had asked our teenage maid Bobita (Bobby) to take care of me and I had taken full advantage of this and started a great sexual relationship with her. Sex with Bobby had become a regular affair and both of us were enjoying it. She was only 18. As usual after returning from office I found Bobita waiting for me. I went to my room and took...
Hello ISS readers, this is Selena here. This is the continuation of the second part. I really want to thank the ISS community for the overwhelming response to my stories. So let us continue from where I left. I stripped my jeans in front of them near the dining table and stood there, only wearing my red panty. I now had a sinking feeling in my stomach. These 4 lecherous men are going to use me as per their will for the next 48 hours in my house. I regained my senses when I felt Vikram trying to...
For as long as I can remember my favourite sexual activity has been solo or mutual masturbation. It started at school with the thrill of ‘fiddling’ with a class mate under the desk during lessons and progressed from there. As a gay man in my twenties I was somewhat promiscuous and, although I indulged in the usual sucking and fucking, I much preferred to wrap my fist round a stiff cock and slowly bring my partner to a shattering climax. I got (and still get) a particular kick giving ‘straight’...
Introduction: Further dreams of Gregs Family Beach Party Turned X Rated Part 11 xnxx is now being re-issued as Part 11-Revised. by gregorthegrant True Story, Anal, Ass to mouth, Authoritarian, Bi-sexual, Black, Blowjob, Cheating, Consensual Sex, Cuckold, Cum Swallowing, Domination/submission, Extreme, Gay, Group Sex, Humiliation, Interracial, Male Domination, Males / Female, massage, Oral Sex, Prostitution, Wife Authors infos Gender: male Age: N/A Location: N/A Report: Now Family Beach...
Time: November 25, 8235 3:56 PM After helping to unpack the survival gear, the pilots returned to the helicopter. They quickly went through their preflight checklist, started their rotors, and then waited for me to give them clearance to depart. I waited until precisely 4 PM, the official start of the test, and gave them the expected hand signal. They saluted smartly, I saluted back, and then there was a blasting rush of wind as the craft lifted. It cleared the trees after a few seconds and...
My hubby flew out midday on the Wednesday. We took my daughter out of crèche for the day so she could see her dad off at the airport. After my husband went through the check in, my daughter and I left for home, stopping at the shops on our way to get some groceries. Once home i packed the groceries away. I was feeling rather cold as the weather was ugly outside, windy cloudy and looked like it was going to snow. I decided to have a hot bath, my daughter was still full of energy and playing...
Indoctrination School for Sissies ? by: latexslut Chapter 1 "Mr. Phillips, as we will call you," she paused, looked at him disconcertingly and continued, "for now." She paused again and returned her deep green eyes back to the file before her. "Your file is most distressing. Most! Do you have any thing to say in your defense?" John Phillips was gagged and handcuffed, and roped to the small wooden chair, with two extremely well toned attractive women on either side of him. But...
Okay, a word of warning from the off — if you’re going to be offended by a white cuck husband whose wife gives herself to a group of black men, don’t read this piece. If a scene that features black men impregnating white women turns you into a seething ball of outrage, don’t read this piece. If you’re going to get all snarled up with hate at descriptions of a white man cleaning a black man’s semen from a white woman’s pussy … don’t read this piece. I wonder how many vitriolic public comments...
You were supposed to come over, but at the last minute you had to work- so I am left at home with nothing to do. Well, not exactly nothing… I put on some soft music, light a few candles, pour myself a glass of Merlot, slip into your favorite black silk teddy, and lay back on the sofa with one of my favorite erotic novels. After a few pages, my hand wanders down to my breasts. I move the soft fabric aside and gently stroke my pale pink nipples, moving my hand slowly from one breast to the...
The twins told them good night and both couples went their separate ways. Alex and Allie couldn’t wait to get back to their room. When they got in the elevator, Allie pulled Alex to her and kissed him hard. Between kisses she began undoing her shorts. “Fuck me, Alex, right here in the elevator. I don’t think I can wait another minute to have your cock inside my pussy.” Alex said, “Not now, babe. I’d love to but the elevator has a camera and we won’t be on here for much longer.” Allie...