My First Trip to Africa
- 2 years ago
- 35
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She was daydreaming as she looked out of the office window overlooking the high street in Canterbury. All those people bustling about yet few of them looked happy she thought. She had thought she had the dream job too as Personal Assistant to a busy advertising executive but the financial collapse had dramatically reduced advertising business and for the last few weeks she had not been busy and had begun wondering just how long her boss, Mark Hughes, would be able to keep her on.
If she lost her job she might have to join the miserable crowds commuting into London.
That was a terrible thought.
In the next room she heard her boss slam down the phone then whoop loudly. Startled she turned to his room just as the buzzer on her desk alerted her that she was needed. Grabbing pen and paper she rushed into his room.
"Petra! Petra get your ass in here."
She ignored his language as she stood in the doorway.
Her boss was about to say something but then stopped. She thought he was gathering his thoughts but instead he was drinking in the sight of her. He still had not quite recovered from Petra changing from a brunette to a blonde overnight. The change had been quite remarkable.
Petra was a shapely woman with a full bust, pretty face and long blond hair and he appreciated her looks. He pulled his thoughts together.
"Petra I want you to buy two tickets to Harare as soon as possible."
Petra looked at her boss, and he must have noticed her bemusement.
"Work! Petra we have a new commission! What's more there is real potential for a big long term commission."
"Ok, OK," she smiled. "That's good news. Two tickets coming up. For you and Mrs Hughes?"
Mark brought his hand up to his head and scratched his head.
"Hell no," he said. "Martha won't be able to come she had her charity fundraiser coming up next week and he knew she would blow a gasket if he told her to cancel it."
"Hmm ... Ok Petra pack your bags your coming with me!"
"Yes, those Africans are really hot on the social niceties I will need you with me, on my arm, we can't risk anything that might lose us this commission. Find a decent hotel and book a room."
"Two rooms," Petra quipped back.
Mark laughed.
"Ok. Two rooms. You can't blame a man for trying."
Three days later Petra was sitting on a flight to Harare alone. Mark was travelling business class and at short notice Petra had to take a seat in economy. She had not thought too much about it when she booked the seats, but she sat between two leering black men. Economy seemed nearly full of black men with only a few white people on the flight.
Her full bust and blonde hair seemed to fascinate the two men and the short denim skirt she had worn without thinking a great deal about it had been a mistake. She had barely sat down before the black men on either side of her had casually dropped their hands onto her bare thighs.
The wrestling match had been going on for an hour as she sought to keep their hands off her. They had been polite and chatty and cheerful, with big wide grins full of white teeth that seemed that much more marked in their black faces.
No matter what she said, no matter what they promised her, their hands just kept creeping back. She was tempted to stop resisting but suspected that having won the battle of her legs these men would move on to touching other parts of her body.
She was not sure she wanted to resist. One part of her was tempted to just let them fondle her but the plane was full of people and what might happen if she let her guard down. If only the plane was not so crowded!
Across the aisle a white woman stood up and made her way to the back of the plane. At least she got the chance to sit with her husband. The Africans had restrained themselves to lewd suggestions that had soon died away as people settled down for the flight.
As a lone white woman sitting alone on a flight to Africa the men seemed to think she was some sort of female sex tourist and were badgering her non-stop for the details of where she was staying in Harare.
They were booked into the Rainbow Hotel, which she understood was a former Sheraton. She was not sure what to expect as she had heard some bizarre tales about Zimbabwe following its economic collapse.
She again brushed the men's hand aside and rose to her feet. Perhaps she could get the stewardess to find her another seat but the plane seemed rather crowded.
She headed up the plane towards where she thought the stewardesses were hanging out, looking around as she did for a possible spare seat. There were not many and most would involve sitting next to other black men. What would those men think if she moved to sit beside them?
She pushed aside a curtain and came face to face with a black air stewardess.
"Do you think you could find me a seat next to another woman?"
The stewardess looked harassed as she struggled loading a tray with meals. She looked up at Petra.
"Why do you want to sit next to a woman? Are you a lesbian?"
Petra reeled back in shock.
The stewardess laughed good-naturedly.
"Sorry lady but this flight is full. I can find you another seat but your new seat partners are not likely to be different to the ones you have at the moment."
She looked up sympathetically for a moment and then continued loading the meals, before glancing up again at Petra.
"Look lady we will be serving the meals shortly which will distract them, things usually settle down then. If you need a break you can sit for a while in the stewardess area where there are some beds, but we will need them ourselves later."
She nodded further up the plane. Petra made her way forward, pushing aside a curtain she was confronted by four feet, two white, and two black. It took her only seconds to realise they belonged to two fiercely coupling people. Their frantic grunts and vigorous movement defied the small space of the stewardess' bunk.
Petra stepped back closing the curtain.
Was everyone on this plane sex mad?
She headed back down the plane and decided to make a visit to the toilets to freshen up before the meal arrived. At the back of the plane she found a queue of black men waiting. All their eyes turned to her. She was not used to being around so many black people.
One of the doors opened and an African came out and ambled up the plane. She waited but no one made to enter the cubicle. Then to her surprise the men waved to her and indicated she should enter the cubicle. She looked from man to man and all seemed quite happy to let her 'jump the queue.
Slightly surprised she nodded her appreciation and darted into the cubicle. A hand grasped and squeezed her bottom as she passed the, making her jump. The men just laughed. She turned in the cubicle to shut the door to find that one of the Africans was following her in. She raised her hand up against his chest and firmly pushed him out of the cubicle. To her surprise the African man backed out grinning and shrugging but making no protest as she ushered him out of the small space.
She locked the door and turned and sat. For a brief moment she some space of her own and sighed. She could hardly spend the whole flight sitting in the toilet cubicle! It was surprisingly clean.
She noticed the wall to her right seemed to shift and move and felt a moment of alarm and stood up quickly and looked at the wall. She heard a grunt and a moan and her eyes widened for a moment. More grunts and moans followed.
'Oh god', she thought and raised a hand to her mouth. She leaned forward a moment and listened.
"Please, no, please, my husband."
"Shush lady you know you want this."
More grunts and moans followed.
Petra sat back down again, she pulled her skirt and pushed down her knickers and her hand crept between her legs stroking her private parts.
The next few minutes seem to last forever.
Eventually there was only silence. She heard the flush from the next cubicle and then the cubicle door opened. She sat back for a moment then she heard a different male voice from the next cubicle again.
"But I have to get back to my husband."
"Your husband is not going anywhere before the plane lands, besides he is asleep."
"Shush woman, just hold yourself like that."
Petra heard a long male sigh from the adjacent cubicle, followed by a subdued feminine moan.
It was with a certain relief that Petra stepped out of the plane. Then the hot African air swept over her, and the hot sun seemed to strike her a physical blow and she stepped back a moment. The crowds behind her pressed forward and she saw her boss waiting by the terminal and stepped forward into the blistering heat of an African noon.
Mark waved her into the terminal but the heat hardly dropped. It was another hour before they emerged into the teeming bustle of the airport entrance with both of them being harassed by taxi drivers and porters. It was a struggle to get past them, but her boss assured her they were to be met and was looking for his contact.
It was only on the sunlit steps of the terminal that Mark was approached by the booming voice of a hearty well-built middle aged African.
"Mr Hughes is that you. Good to meet you, good of you to come all this way at such short notice. Is this your wife, she's very pretty! You lucky man! Joshua Faria here."
The African man stepped forward offering his hand, which Mark took and shook vigorously.
Mark coughed turning to Petra and smiling.
"This is my PA Petra Johnson."
The African stepped forward and Petra reached forward to shake his hands. To her surprise he took her hand and raised it his lips French style. Surprised Petra looked him in the eye and saw the sparkling humour in his eyes.
She smiled.
"Charming. Hah, here comes the Junior Minister for Tourism but don't ever refer to him as the Junior Minister, or you will have no chance at winning the commission."
Mark blanched for a moment then gathered his thoughts. He had not prepared for meeting the Minister so soon.
"Mr Kafuso. This is Mr Hughes from England to come to help revive our country's safari industry."
"Minister." Mark nodded offering his hand. The African gripped his hand firmly and shook it. The man's eyes however had moved past Mark and were focussed on Petra.
"This must be your wife, she is lovely! I'm glad you had the foresight to bring her out for me!"
Mark raised his eyebrows at Joshua and turned to Petra.
"Your excellency," he wondered if that was the appropriate way to address an African government minister, but the man was still smiling. "May I introduce you to my Personal Assistant Petra Johnson, unfortunately my wife could not travel at short notice."
The African grinned and nudged Joshua and chuckled.
He took her hand but then pulled her close and looked her in the eye. Petra stared back, then blushed and lowered her gaze. The African chuckled.
"She will do just fine."
Petra looked back and saw his intent in his eyes and felt a tingle in her spine.
"Mr Hughes. We have some cars to take us into the city, if you will come with me."
Mark turned to Petra.
"Come along Petra we will soon be out of this heat."
Joshua glanced at the Minister and stepped forward.
"I'm afraid there is only room for you in my car. I am sure the Minister will be happy to take Petra into the city.
Mark looked between the two men then back to Petra concerned for a moment, but Mr Faria was ushering him forward and men who seemed to be the Minister's bodyguard were encircling the Minister and Petra forming a shield as the Minister led Petra to his car.
Inside Joshua's smart air conditioned limousine was refreshingly cool. He looked behind to see Petra slipping into the Minister's car then glanced across the limousine and back to Joshua.
"There would have been room for Petra." Mark commented.
His African contact smiled at him.
Inside the Minister's car Petra relaxed in the luxury of cool air, cream coloured leather seats and leaned back in the soft seat. Her bags had been taken from her and were being bundled into the boot of the car. The door across from her opened and the Minister slipped into the car beside her.
He grinned and relaxed in the back of the car as a security guard slipped into the front seat next to the driver.
"I understand you are staying at the Rainbow Hotel."
Petra nodded to him.
"We will soon have you there it is not far. Has Mr Hughes made arrangements for dinner tonight?"
Petra was not sure and that must have shown on her face.
The Minister leaned over and his hand squeezed her bare thigh.
"Well we must make sure you and Mark are booked into a quality restaurant so you can see the best of this country while you are here."
As he sat back his hand slid higher on her thigh.
Petra stared at the hand. It squeezed her thigh higher up now. If she had not had the experience on the plane she might have instinctively slapped his face, but she knew the company needed the new commission. She did nothing.
Beside her the African grinned.
He watched the pretty lady's face as his fingers started to softly stroke, and smiled as her lips parted and eyes widened.
Mark was relieved when he arrived at the hotel to find the Minister's car coming to rest behind Joshua's limousine. Petra looked flustered and pulled her skirt as far as she could down her thighs as she left the Minister's car.
"We will join you with a coffee after you register and make arrangements for the meeting tomorrow."
Mark nodded at Joshua, acknowledging his words.
The Minister was hovering behind Petra as her luggage was removed from his boot, and Mark watched with alarm as the Minister's large black hand descended on Petra's behind and give a little squeeze. He watched Petra edge away but the African hand remained on her bottom caressing.
He looked at Joshua who just grinned back to him.
"She's nice. The Minister will like her."
"Well I'm not sure how much she will stand for being touched like that. There could be trouble back home if she claims harassment."
"You had better make sure she is co-operative and if she does not 'put out' as you say then I doubt any amount of bargaining will win you the commission."
Mark looked alarmed but Joshua just laughed.
"Don't look so alarmed she has probably already wet her knickers from his touching her."
Mark would have been shocked if he had known how accurate Joshua's words were. He stepped forward taking Petra's arm.
"The Minister and Mr Faria are going to join me for coffee Petra. Can you check us in and get the luggage up to our rooms. Then come and join us."
Petra looked at him, and leaned over to whisper in his ear.
"I won't be coming down until they have left! Mark you must promise not to leave me alone with him. He's older than my father for goodness sake."
Mark nodded reassuringly while his mind wrestled with Joshua's words that the Minister would be expecting to bed Petra and winning the job might depend on it.
"It'll all work out Ok we are only here for a few days."
The next day they headed for the Ministry of Tourism. Petra was more relaxed. The hotel had been remarkably comfortable and the staff attentive. The restaurant had been of high quality and the hotel had many white guests, and the hotel bar had been lively and buzzing with cheerful conversation. The Africans in the hotel had been well dressed and appeared wealthy, and she had been flattered at the number of complimentary cocktails presented to her. She had stayed close to her boss, hoping that the Africans present would assume he was her husband but that did not seem to deter them at all.
She had seen a few attractive white women on the arms of African men. All had seemed cheerful and happy in the company of the Africans, and it had made her wonder about the stories she had heard of black men. She found herself wondering if she could take a big cock since her own private parts did not seem designed to take large cocks, as she had found out back in England.
She shook her head to clear it off such thoughts. The watching Africans liked the way her long blond hair flowed around her head, and seemed to edge forward. The long flight had taken its toll and Mark and Petra had made an early night of it.
Petra took in the streets of Harare as they drove by. The hotel was near the city centre and the traffic was busy but not particularly heavy. The streets were bustling and it really stood out to her that nearly everyone walking the streets were black, which was something quite new for her.
She also noticed the number of uniformed men on the street, often equipped with helmets and batons who looked very fierce, while at some junctions there were men with what looked like machine pistols. She wondered just how safe this country would be without such a high level of security in the city.
The taxi they had booked soon pulled up at a relatively nondescript building four stories high, with brown plastered walls. Only the armed guards outside indicated the building housed anything of importance.
Going inside they found it was a subsidiary office of the Ministry of Tourism and led up to the meeting room. The next few hours kept Petra busy as she made notes of the discussions, occasionally researched something on the internet and passed notes to her boss on items she had looked up.
Mainly the Africans talked and her boss listened, and Petra made notes.
Then it was the turn of her boss and with the use of computerised links he gave them a demonstration of his technical wizardry and then an exposition how he believed his firm could aid the Ministry.
It was all pretty routine to Petra, though she realised the importance of winning the contract she had little direct involvement in the presentation and discussions.
The meeting was brought to an abrupt close when the Junior Minister strode into the room. He asked if all was going well and Petra was surprised at the deferential and eager way the Africans responded to his presence.
"Right, enough of that! I am going to take Petra to lunch at the Harare Women's Club. We mustn't be late. Joshua, take Mr Hughes out to Lake Chivero and show him around the park. I have arranged for a barbecue to be laid on for you all."
Petra was a bit put out by this and looked urgently at her boss. She had told him she did not want to be left alone with this man. To her consternation Mark just shrugged and nodded. She edged closer to him and whispered quietly to him her concerns at being alone with Mr Kafuso.
"Oh I am sure it will be all right Petra. It sounds safe enough ... the Harare Women's Club not the sort of place he would take you to if he was up to no good. For goodness sake Petra remember we need this contract and be nice to him!"
The big African grinned as he watched the white businessman urge his lovely assistant to join him for lunch.
Petra hung on for a moment to her boss's arm before releasing it and stepping across to take the offered arm of the African Minister. His large black hand reached over to clap hers in his hand as he escorted her through the office. Many of the African staff turned to look and grinned that their notorious Minister led a new pretty white woman through their office.
Petra was feeling slightly intimidated by this large African man who was clearly used to getting his own way. She was disappointed her boss had not taken more effort to keep her away from him as she had asked, but now she had no alternative but to smile and look happy. The Harare Women's Club sounded harmless enough after all.
The Minister urged her out into the street where his car was waiting. She noticed there were a couple of armed motorcycle outriders and could not help herself from being impressed as the small cavalcade pulled off with sirens wailing.
She sat back in the cool interior of the limousine was relieved when the Minister sat beside her and kept his hands to himself, though an inner tickling of her emotions felt disappointed.
The car with the outrider's sirens wailing swept through the inner city streets then out into a wider tree lined avenue. She noticed how the Africans in the street stopped and stared as they passed, and how they breezed through red lights with no complaining honks of horns from other drivers.
She could get used to travelling like this she decided.
She turned to glance at the Minister and with a start realising he was staring at her, or at least ogling her large full breasts. She blushed and glanced quickly away and out of the vehicle window and stirred in her seat. She found her emotions confusing. She liked men looking at her but was not sure if she was in control of this situation.
She suspected if the Minister tried anything his driver and security guard would look on but do nothing to stop him doing whatever he wanted. She felt herself dampen between her thighs and large nipples tingled. She cursed her wicked body and looked again at the Minister and found his eyes looking into hers.
"I see you have no ring on your finger. Are you not married?"
Petra shook her head she noticed his eyes were deep and dark.
"Will your boyfriend be missing you? I would have thought few men would be willing to part with your company for a few days. You do have a boyfriends don't you?"
"Sort of."
She was discomforted by the Minister's knowing smile at her response.
He reached forward and patted her knee, giving it a light squeeze, before withdrawing his hand.
"Don't worry dear we will make sure you will not be short of masculine company while you are visiting. You will find black men in Africa are real men who know how to look after lovely creatures like yourself."
Petra blushed again and looked away not trusting herself to speak. 'Who did he think he was? Or she was? To assume she needed masculine company indeed!' She found however that her senses seemed to have heightened and the strong musky scent of the Minister was strangely disturbing.
The vehicle made another turn and she was passing a long high yellow painted wall, which merged into a building with high casement windows.
"It used to be a nunnery."
The Minister's words broke through her thoughts, and she turned to see him nodding to the building she had been looking at.
"But now it is home to the Harare Women's Club."
Petra looked at it more closely, a former nunnery, perhaps she nothing to worry about at all.
The car came to a halt and the security guard rushed to open the door for her, while the driver opened the Minister's door. They were outside a recessed secluded entrance that was tucked back into the wall. She had not noticed it as they had approached down the street.
As she watched another car drew up and out jumped a white woman, while two teenage girls tumbled out of the back of the car chattering excitedly. The two girls looked about fourteen and sixteen years old. They all headed into the Club and Petra felt some of her anxiety slip away at this perfectly normal sight, concluding that there was no reason to be suspicious of the Minister's invitation to lunch after all.
The Minister took her arm.
"I will need to have you signed in as a guest. Visitors can only visit twice before joining the Club. Friday lunchtimes are special as that is when members go through a ritual that all new members have to go through."
Petra looked at him.
"It sounds like a type of 'hazing.'"
She looked up at the Minister and saw him grin back.
"A bit like that but everyone enjoys themselves."
They reached the door. Petra was surprised when they stepped through and closed behind them with a whispering seal, and she realised the door was of heavy steel and had closed with an airtight gasp.
Her eyes widened.
"The Club is sound proof within the main building as well."
Petra looked at him with some alarm. What sort of club had steel doors and was sound proofed?
"Just stay close to me and you will be perfectly OK, best not to go wandering off exploring though. Now shall we go and have lunch I have a table reserved for us."
The Minister led Petra down a long wood panelled corridor in which a number of dark leather sofas were placed. Sitting on the sofa's chatting were a number of couples. Petra realised that all the couples were black men with white women. She was surprised at that. There were no white women sitting without male companions attentive on them. This was quite different than anything she had seen in her quiet town just South of London. There did not seem to be any white men in the place, though many of the women had rings on their wedding finger.
The Minister led her into a large restaurant room, which seemed like an old school hall. There was even a raised stage at one of the hall which was curtained off. Around the hall were alcoves with leather covered benches in a U-shaped table set for lunch, while in the centre of the room were circular tables that houses up to eight places. There were no small tables for smaller groups of people.
The Minister led her to a table near the front that had apparently been reserved for him. As Petra sat she saw that they had dining companions and looked around the table.
"Petra allow me to introduce you to our dining companions." For a moment Petra felt as though everything was normal, or almost normal as she looked across the table. Every African sitting at the table was accompanied by a white woman, then she corrected herself some of where just girls such as the young girl sitting to her left.
She was radiant and pretty with long flowing blond hair with an animated excited air about her. She looked quite young but seemed quite confident and comfortable in her surroundings.
"Petra, that's Hayley on your left. Her father works for Ngorro who sits on her other side."
The African on the far side was large. Petra corrected herself, the man was grossly overweight with pig like eyes set in a bullet like bald head. The man extended his hand, it was large and podgy. Petra took his hand intending a brief shake but he grasped her hand firmly and grinned at her.
"Are those real?" He asked, nodding to her breasts, Petra flushed in embarrassment and sought to pull her hand away but the pudgy hand was deceptively strong and he held her in place as he looked her over in a way that made her skin crawl but also sent strange tingling through her body. His eyes hungrily looked at her breasts with no attempt at circumspection. He released her hand and turned to the girl.
"Normally I prefer ripe young apple breasts like Hayley here."
Then in front of everyone he reached down and grasped one of the girl's breasts. Petra was shocked to see the older, overweight African squeeze and fondle the girl's pert breast. He looked back at Petra, curious to see if he had shocked her.
"But a man needs a change now and then and you seem to have a pair that will make a nice handful!" He chuckled, a sound that sent a shiver through her.
"And this is Jacky. Hayley's older sister."
Petra looked at the older girl, who looked about seventeen years old. She did not seem at all disturbed at the way Ngorro was fondling her younger sister's breast.
"Besides Jacky is Oba Abere. He is Vice President of African Conglomerate Trading, and on his left is the very pretty Vicky. She is one of Joseph's favourite whores."
Petra wondered if he was teasing but as she looked into the Jacky'e eyes she realised it was true. Instead of being shocked she found the idea both wicked and exciting.
"That's Joseph next to Vicky, looks harmless enough but a real terror of a man."
Petra looked at Joseph who was the youngest man at the table and the only man not overweight. Indeed he looked quite fit. She looked into his eyes then quickly looked away from the hardness she saw in them.
"Joseph here is our whoremaster. If you ever get tired of working for Mr Hughes Joseph here can give you a job. A pretty white woman like you can make a lot of money in Harare and get as much cock as want."
Petra flushed at such crude words. The thought however of being a whore was darkly erotic, and she found the idea incredibly arousing.
At that point the first course arrived and everyone set to with gusto.
Beer was served rather than coffee, though the women were allowed wine, and attention seemed to have switched to the stage.
Petra looked up as the curtain switched aside and cheers erupted across the room.
An African strode forward in his hand he held a leash which was attached to a leather band around a pretty white woman's neck. More cheers erupted as the African men realised that this lunchtime's show featured a particularly pretty white woman.
"Ladies and Gentleman, Rogues and Scoundrels, Whores and Rakehells I bid you all welcome and it is my privilege to introduce you all to the latest lady to seek membership of our illustrious Club," he raised his arm..."I give you Mrs..." more cheers erupted as the audience realised the white woman was a married white woman. "Mrs Kristina Higgins."
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I was in the kitchen preparing dinner when my husband called me from his office and said he would be coming home early as he had something important to tell me.Worried that it might be bad news, I asked him to tell me right away whatever it was but he calmed me down and said, "Don't worry, it's not bad news," and with that he hung up.By the time he came back from the office, I, along with my 18-year-old son and 19-year-old daughter, were nervously waiting for him in the living room.As soon as...
Hi, I am david from London.. I am a great fan of traveling and more so of wild life. So I planned to have a trip to south Africa. I didn’t want to go alone so i wandered whom should I pick up for this. In our family all were ready then my sister told me she wants to go. We all then agreed that my sister will go with we started our packing and then after 2 days we boarded our flight to south arica. 2 family room were booked for for my sister and the other for me which incuded a...
AID IN AFRICAPART ONE: EMILYThe girls were excited. Their NGO had just tied up with an aid organization working in Africa for victims of human trafficking and drug addiction, and they had been selected by their head Mr Samuels for going there. It would be the first time Mandy, Emily and Trish went out of their country. They weren’t sure what exactly they were supposed to do, but nevertheless the idea itself was exciting, plus they could always show it on their extra curricular activities. Two...
The world has changed since Evie and I were first thrown together back in the summer of 1954.Father was in the diplomatic service and served the hon Charles Bainbridge as administrator to the District Commissioner in the Kumbala district in the disputed territories of Eastern Africa, disputed in the sense of impending independence.But I knew little of this, my life revolved around school, where I boarded from the age of seven, initially near Sevenoaks and later near Windsor in England and Aunt...
I was in kitchen preparing dinner when Graham called from office and said he would be coming home early as he had something important to tell us. Worried that it might be bad news, I asked him to tell it right away but he calmed me down saying, "Don't worry, it's not bad news," and hung up. By the time he came back from office, I, along with our sixteen-year-old son and fifteen-year-old daughter, were nervously waiting for him in living room. As soon as he entered the house, gave a big...
“I thought of a remark ... that the United States is like a ‘gigantic boiler. Once the fire is lighted under it there is no limit to the power it can generate.’ Being saturated and satiated with emotion and sensation, I went to bed and slept the sleep of the saved and thankful.” ― Winston S. Churchill All of a sudden, the Yanks were everywhere. They were all over North Africa. They were driving up and down the British country roads in their jeeps and tanks and even training on the beaches...
Hi, I am david from London.. I am a great fan of traveling and more so of wild life. So I planned to have a trip to south Africa. I didn’t want to go alone so i wandered whom should I pick up for this. In our family all were ready then my sister told me she wants to go. We all then agreed that my sister will go with me. so we started our packing and then after 2 days we boarded our flight to south arica. 2 family room were booked for for my sister and the other for me which incuded a...
InterracialThe world has changed since Evie and I were first thrown together back in the summer of 1954. My Father was in the diplomatic service and served the hon Charles Bainbridge as administrator to the District Commissioner in the Kumbala district in the disputed territories of Africa. Disputed in the sense of impending independence. But I knew little of this. My life revolved around school, where I boarded from the age of seven, initially near Sevenoaks and later near Windsor in England....
South Africa. Present day. 10 pm. The band of drug traffickers...numbering 40 strong had made camp for the night in the jungle. They gleefully counted the gold, diamonds and other trinkets they had bribed out of some of the unsuspecting exchange for the powerful narcotic they were peddling. The traffickers were a band of roughnecks..hired by a wealthy kingpin who lived in a palatial mansion in Cape Town..built on the profits from his nefarious trade. His reach was long. He had...
This is a true story which, unfortunately, may have come to an end.About five years ago I began helping lead a program in East Africa. When on safari we were staying in a tented camp where the drivers and clients eat dinner in the same area. After dinner I went over to my lead driver to discuss the next day.After the other drivers had finished and gone, I asked him how he became such a good wildlife guide. He told me a little. I asked him if he had a wife and k**s. He did back in his home...
Almost Out of AfricaThe beat-up Jeep bounced along the deeply rutted dirt road, raising a cloud of dust behind it. After miles of empty country, passing only the occasional isolated village or solitary hut, the vehicle was entering the ramshackle outskirts of Kemo City, capitol of Mabuto. Passing a crowded roadside market, the truck drew stares from many of the locals, who rarely saw Westerners pass through the streets of their backwards nation. Mabuto was an African country in decline; its'...
I took another look at the business card in my hand and looked back up at the metal door I stood in front of. I checked to see if anyone could see me, then gave the door four hard knocks. The little window slid open and I heard a voice ask: "Who sent you?"I looked at the card again to make sure and then said with a shaking voice: "Emperor Caligula."The window slid shut again and I could hear the door being opened. A hulking figure greeted me into the surprisingly well-lit hallway."First time?"I...
David Burton gripped the steering wheel hard as he drove downtown. A slight sweat beaded his brow. He glanced in the rear view mirror. His beautiful daughter sat there quietly. Her sapphire blue eyes watching the passing scenery as the light faded and another magnificent sunset broke over the African city of Harare. His thoughts were far from the sunset, just one of many hundred panoramic and beautiful sunsets he had seen over the last 21 months. As she turned her head and looked through the...
It was in 1993 that I first happened to meet and talk with Susanne and Klaus Beidermeir. I was working on my first assignment as a trade representative in the American Embassy, but of course, as you now know, that was only my cover story. I was just out of my primary intensive training course with the Company. I had been 'lent' to the American Embassy, and I was tasked to gather as much information as I could about several different areas of life in Uganda. In particular, since I was more...
I was so happy to finally go on holiday again. It was already a few years ago. My husband, John, was always so busy that he only took one week off a year and he travelled so much professionally that he preferred to spend his free time at home. I understood that of course, but the other way around I was mostly at home taking care of our daughter Sarah and I craved a holiday that pulled me out of the daily grind. However, this time John had to go to Bulagandra for a week for his work and we had...
We travelled to Port Elizabeth and rented a bungalow , it was beautiful. We relaxed and probably were less aware of our surroundings. We visited an Elephant Park which was great and went out to a lighthouse at Cape Recife. We went to eat in Port Elizabeth and while walking met a man who seemed very friendly and said he was called Sipho. He sort of hung around all day chatting and said he wanted to get to know people from Europe. My wife thought he was funny and when he naked if we wanted a...
Michelle was the queen bee of the social scene for the rich middle class in the capital. Her husband had a finger in every pie and could make or break people financially. She was not a person to say no to. Rosemary was married to a fellow doctor and she was serious in her commitment to helping others. She had come out to Africa to work in a small hospital and had little time for the other three. They could only talk about their swimming pools or their clothes. They were so shallow. What...
Introduction: Four beautiful white women are summoned to a restaurant by a powerful rich woman. all four of them have a secret to hide but what does their host want from them? Conspicuous by their beauty but more noticeably their colour the four white women sat in the expensive bar of the best hotel in the capital city. All four of them were in their early twenties, three of them trophy brides for their high-flying husbands. They barely knew each other. The invite had been from Michelle. ...
The moment I go down the stairs of the plane, it feels like coming home. The warm sun, the smell, the atmosphere. It's my first time in Africa, but it feels like I'm returning to familiar ground. At the small airport of Bamako it is crowded, very crowded. Taxi drivers come to us as soon as we pass customs. One with an even better price than the other. My travel companion has been to Mali before, he worked here for a couple of years. He decides that we choose one at the taxi rank. We take the...
The 4-door, double-cab green Land Rover Defender pick-up bounded down the bumpy dirt road at a high speed. It had the words ‘NATIONAL GENDARMERIE’ emblazoned in bright red on either side. The vehicle was being driven at a high speed by Senior Corporal (Sr Crpl) Essa Kinte. Beside the driver was platoon supervisor, Staff Sergeant (Stf Sgt) Boto Sowe. In the modified truck bed the recent Academy graduate, Corporal (Crpl) Gibril Ndaw, was manning the mounted DShK heavy machine gun. He was the...
This is NOT my work, but another great read that lead to a few nights of hot African roleplay sex!All credit is due to Shooter3704.-------------------------------------------------------This work is copyrighted to the author © 2014. Pleasedon't remove the author information or make any changesto this story. All rights reserved. Thank you for your consideration.--------------------------------------------------------Great Horn of Africaby shooter3704 (address defunct)***A man's wife expresses...
The beat-up Jeep bounced along the deeply rutted dirt road, raising a cloud of dust behind it. After miles of empty country, passing only the occasional isolated village or solitary hut, the vehicle was entering the ramshackle outskirts of Kemo City, capitol of Mabuto. Passing a crowded roadside market, the truck drew stares from many of the locals, who rarely saw Westerners pass through the streets of their backwards nation. Mabuto was an African country in decline; its' traditional poverty...
David Burton gripped the steering wheel hard as he drove downtown. A slight sweat beaded his brow. He glanced in the rear view mirror. His beautiful daughter sat there quietly. Her sapphire blue eyes watching the passing scenery as the light faded and another magnificent sunset broke over the African city of Harare. His thoughts were far from the sunset, just one of many hundred panoramic and beautiful sunsets he had seen over the last 21 months. As she turned her head and looked through the...
Maggie’s customers included the Christians of Faith (COF) organization in Omaha. She audited their books every three months, a job of 3 or 4 days for which they paid her one thousand dollars plus the cost of a modest hotel room. By the standards of the small town in Kansas where she lived with her husband, an evangelical preacher, that was good money. She was working her way through the accounts one afternoon when her phone rang. It was John Bright, the President of COF in Washington,...
Kirstie stepped tentatively into the bar. She had arrived that evening from New York, but was too excited to catch up on her sleep. At last, she was here! In Africa, on a safari holiday! She had flown in with a group of Americans and had been met at the airport by the safari firm, where she had met the other people who would be on the tour with her. Some of them were in the bar, but they did not seem to have noticed her. They were a mixed bag. Two couples, two families with their kids, and...
Anniversary Trip (II) - Sex Slave StripperThis is the second installment of our trip to Las Vegas on the occasion of our 10th wedding anniversary. See the story "Tenth Wedding Anniversary" for the first part of the story. By the time we arrived in Vegas, it was very late, almost midnight. We were both too tired to do anything but check into our hotel, get a late snack in one of the open restaurants in the hotel and go to bed.At 8:00 AM, I awoke with my usual morning hard-on. Paula is usually...
Mera naam v.Singh hai ye baat hai 27dec 2012 ki mere yaha ek ladki hai jiska naam tripti singh(priti) uski height 5feet3inch hai kamar28 aur gaand32aur chuchi26 hai mere hi khandan ki ladki hai wo dekhne me bahut hi sundar aur sexy hai usko jo ek baar dekh le uska use chodne ka hi mann kare main bhi usko chodne ke liye bahut dine pichhe padda tha jaisa ki main bata du main gaon me mobile me koi dikkat aa jaye to usko main thik kar deta aur usne naya mobile kharida usko mobile chalana nahi aata...
I would like to share and tell you all about my trip tonight to a stripclub. It all started when I left the local bar after having a few drinks and hanging out with some co-workers. I then decided to go to the nearest stripclub, lucky for me I had a free-pass for the place in question :). I went in bought a beer and checked out the "dancers" I am ass and titty type of girl. After like a half hour of looking around and listening to the music I was approached by a "dancer" who called herself...
Back in the fifties and sixties, my father worked in Tanganyika or Tanzania as it’s now called. I was then twenty, I was in the British army, based in the UK and I had saved up two months leave having been given permission to take an extended leave to visit my parents. They lived at the time in a very remote area with only a small handful of European engineers and a number of Indians, mostly Sikhs who occupies mainly admin roles. I quickly realised how boring those two months were going to...
As you will all know well, it’s an extremely common fantasy amongst white women to have sex with black men, and that many white men (including myself) love watching our wives or girlfriends be fucked by African men.The reason why I’m writing is that my wife and I returned to the States in 2017 after four years of living in Lagos (we had a villa off of Bishop Olunole Street on Victoria island, not far from the Villa Angelia hotel there). I worked for an oil industry logistics company.For...
Interracial[Once again---dedicated to A and T, and their incredible decision to thwart, at the most fundamental level, the sad racist legacy of their fellow Caucasian ancestors. No crazy, and totally unnecessary, wall will ever defeat this plan, either!]Mara stood naked in front of the full-length mirror, and turned sideways, and as she did, and seeing her ever-expanding belly, she couldn't help but smile with the fact that she was not just pregnant, but pregnant by Omar, an older, but no less sexually...
[For A, and T. May that African fertilized baby be well loved and cherished always!]I'm watching my sleeping wife's peaceful face, and as I do, I cannot help but think back to early that summer when she and I were in Kenya on our 'vacation.' We did our share of sightseeing (the wildlife parks there were truly amazing), but our main objective for being there was to meet up with Omar, an older Zambian African male who was working in Kenya for the season, in order for my wife and he to make a baby...
"Honey, we should go out tonight! We never do anything," my beautiful wife Gina said to me. We never go out, and always stay home. She is finally able to convince me to step out to a club on this Saturday night.A few things about my loviely wife. Her name is Gina; She is a beautiful tall Bolivian blonde; she has the prettiest face you will ever see, and has a body that would make any man want to bow down to her. She keeps in shape all the time, and even though she is not old (early 30's), she...
OK, it exists but nothing near the scope seen in USA. My Ken is a generous fellow but he has lost his mind completely and maybe his wife too.It was American Mothers Day in Ghana. Ken had a wonderful European caterer do all the work at Ozzie and Kristen's place. Heck, it's the only place big enough for 16. Extravagant dining for sure. I recognized the Champagne as $200 a bottle Grand Dame from France. Pregnant or not, I had some, not much, 2 glasses. Yup, can't wait to see the bill from...
Colleagues have invited me to this incredible safari lodge in Kenya for Christmas. It sits on top of a hill overlooking the plane below. The cottages have no doors, no windows, while the place has no fence. Maasai, the local tribe keeps guard to protect the place,from wild a****ls. A bit of a kick in itself. I owe my ex-GF a big favor so I pay her to fly in and join me. We pick her up from the airstrip and drive back in the jeep. She's wearing a sleeveless shirt with a nice cleavage and I can...
I could hear the water run, so I got up and made my way across to the window and peeled back the curtain, just enough to be able to see out, and not attract attention to my action.I could feel my heart thump in my chest, I had anticipated this moment since I had arrived here, and now it had.I looked down onto the area where the water ran, bathed in the hot afternoon sun, reflecting from the wet stony floor, and onto the bodies of four young black men, of varying heights and body sculpture.My...
Part 1 - prologueZoe always dreamed of black cocks, not just any black cock but long African Zulu cock, she could think of nothing better than letting one of those smelly cocks slide down her throat as far as it could go and hold it there until her eyes started to water, and then doing it again and again. She would go to her local supermarket and find the biggest cucumber in the shop, pay for it quickly and run back to the car, first she would put a black condom on it, then ram it in her mouth,...
Karen Tanner and her friend Linda had been on a shopping trip to the bazaar in the small town near where they worked. They were both nurses working on a one year contract in a small west African country. Both women were very experienced and had been offered nearly double their pay at home to spend a year working with sick and extremely poor people.Both women were married although Karen and her husband were separated months before she left for this job. Karen had found this position, applied and...
All of Them are part of one of the most rich family in the world (TheDel Monte, a family coming by Argentina were They have some relativeswith the same taste) and by the high of Theirs status They think Theirsword is low and to have power of life and death over the niggers whowork in Their estate and are here not for their want.1. The pickingThe white Limousine drove on very slowly in the middle of the poorquarters of the city. Four security guards escorted the car. The blacktinted window-panes...
4:32 pm Anja sat in the office of a forgotten police post on the outskirts of Bamako as part of European training assistance for local police, filling out checklists documenting her work with Malian police officers today. When the lists were filled, she leaned back in her office chair and enjoyed the wind from the fan. Forty-seven-year-old German Inspector Anja Krause was divorced and had an eighteen-year-old son. She had shoulder-length, copper-colored hair, large, full breasts and freckles on...
Having spent a large chunk of the money he had inherited from his grandfather on a Cape Town mansion, Joe Parkinson discovered that he now had a rich person’s problem; keeping a mansion clean and tidy was a lot more work than doing so in a one-bedroom bachelor pad.His friends were imperfectly sympathetic, pointing out he could employ someone since he earned a decent salary at the power station and unlike them, he did not have a mortgage to pay...
SpankingThe old man stood on the foothills of Kilimanjaro, looking out across the Serengeti. He could smell it in the air, the yellow. The aka. He saw it as a haze to the north. And he knew that it was time. "And I am saying to you, Old Man, that this is superstitious nonsense. It is like the tales your women tell around the water hole. Laughable except to children." The old man shook his head, slowly. "Listen to you speak! 'Superstitious nonsense'. 'Your women'. You have been away too...
Sorry for taking so long to publish another article about mom or my wife Veronika but decided to go with mom on this one. During the winter it was hard to watch mom getting fucke d because of food and snow, the party's mom, dad and John had continued regularly, some times at some black guys home but mostly in our rec room. One spring evening when I was 16, John came over to talk to mom and dad, asked where I was and when told I was upstairs doing homework, he started telling them about a black...
by Oediplex 8==3~ Based on an il-lust-ration by Pandora's Box, If sauce for the gander is sauce for the goose, what does a good gosling get? Lena was furious, Lena was horny. Lena was hurt, Lena was frustrated. Lena was unhappy, Lena was in heat. Lena had a husband, she hadn't had sex in two weeks. Lena hadn't seen her husband in that time because of a business trip, now he had called to say he had to stay a few extra days, unexpectedly. They had a good boy, Jeff; they...
by Oediplex With an il-lust-ration by Pandora’s Box, used with permission both text and picture are copyrighted material (Incest, F/m mother & son) If sauce for the gander is sauce for the goose, what does a good gosling get? Lena was furious, Lena was horny. Lena was hurt, Lena was frustrated. Lena was unhappy, Lena was in heat. Lena had a husband, she hadn’t had sex in two weeks. Lena hadn’t seen her husband in that time because of a business trip, now he had called to say...
Petra Home Petra sat on the settee in the lovely sitting room of his Aunt Anne's large old house. She was feeling tried after flying from the States and the bother she had just had with her father. Petra was 18 just under 5 foot 8 inches a size 14 with a very feminine shapely body. Also she had a feminine styled blond bobbed hairstyle that framed a lovely sweet young girl's face. The thing most people men especially were drawn to was her large blue beautiful eye's, which at that moment...
PETRA APPLIES ALL SEXY SECRETS OF ATTRACTIVE ALEX: FINE FINALE FIRST 3-SOMEPetra is in total control of awesome Alex, seduced & subjugated, a tremendously tasty tiny tit teenPetra is also in total control of her great granddad - own fault of open erotic educating his hot teenPetra is as well very generous and a great intriguer of interesting intimacies she fancies for comingPetra is aware nothing gets her gorgeous granddad more hot and horny than a fresh vintage virgin!Petra keeps Alex...
[This is the first part of a much larger work. It is not a sex story, although there is sex in it and more as it goes along. This part has oral sex, fondling, woman-with-woman, and coitus. This part has the characters looking at the nature of their beliefs, what drives their actions and the possibility that life doesn’t need to be the way it has been. I would appreciate feedback on what works for you, the reader, as well as what doesn’t.] * She was tiny. When the other kids hit puberty they...