Peanut Butter Jelly
- 3 years ago
- 30
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Based on the Story:
Abby's K9 Lust by Doggie2
To begin with, let me tell you something about myself. I'm a divorcee, recently out of yet another unsatisfactory relationship. Our last time together, "Ralph" tied me down to my bed, stuck all four of the pillows beneath my hips, gagged me with my own panties and bra, and then instructed his dog Rodney on how to make love to his girlfriend. I kicked the son of a bitch out of the house.
One afternoon a month or so after the assault, I was in the kitchen, making a pitcher of Lipton Iced Tea. I glanced out the back door, having seen something from the corner of my eye. It was Loopy, the next door neighbor's dog, a large Black Lab. He was chewing on a rawhide bone, his energetic tugging motion what I'd seen peripherally. I flinched, reminded of that night I'd been with another dog. My mouth pressed into a thin line as I walked to the back door and began to shut it. Loopy looked up.
"What do you want?" I mouthed at the foul beast. "To lick my pussy? To stick that disgusting piece of meat up my cunt? Well, dream on, asshole. It ain't gonna happen." I had just closed the door and turned away when I heard a scratching sound. It couldn't be, I thought. He wouldn't dare. Apparently, he would.
"You must be kidding me?" I accused.
The stupid dog sat on my back stoop, staring up at me. Of all the nerve.
"Get off of my property," I commanded. With my right hand, I shooed him away. He wouldn't go. He just sat there, staring up at me. I crossed to the kitchen phone, picked it up, and dialed the house next door. On the third ring, it picked up.
"Hi. This is the Dawsons. We're out right now, but if you'd leave a name and message, we'll get right back to you. Honest," Ron Dawson promised me.
Not knowing exactly what to say, I hung up. Then I called back and properly prepared, left a short message telling Ron that his dog was at my house, sitting on the back stoop. Only when I hung up the phone and turned around, Loopy was not sitting on the stoop, but standing inside the back door, panting happily.
"You must be kidding me," I said again. "Get out of here, Loopy. Shoo." But Loopy was going nowhere. He dropped onto his rear haunches and continued to look up at me and pant.
"This is bullshit," I grumbled. I returned to the phone, hit redial, and told Ron Dawson where his dog was now. "You really need to come and get him," I warned. "You know how I am about dogs. I hate them, Ron."
I feared them more, especially males who could threaten me with that thing between their legs. I put my hand to my mouth, momentarily reliving that night, flashing back to the horror. But I was not tied up. My behind was not elevated on pillows. I was not naked and spread with peanut butter in my genitals.
Angry, I sat down at the table and eyed the dog. I couldn't touch him. I wouldn't touch him. I hadn't touched a dog since that night, nor would I. I reminded myself that it was only a month ago, and that I'd not had the occasion to touch another dog. Only a month ago, I thought. Was that really possible? My labia itched, and I crossed my legs uncomfortably. Perhaps, I thought, I should get the dog some water.
I ran fresh water into a bowl, and then, in a act of compassion, cut up two Oscar Meyer all-beef franks and put them in a second bowl next to the first. Loopy wolfed them down with such dispatch that I took pity on him and cut up two more, and then two more after that. Disgusted with myself, I sacrificed the final two in the pack, which he wolfed down with equal dispatch. Then he looked up at me, expectantly. Shaking my head, my eyes happened to alight on the unopened bottle of peanut butter on the counter. I had meant to throw it away. I had no use for peanut butter. Then the most godawful idea I'd ever had in my life swam into my head. I stared at the bottle, as though mesmerized.
"Oh, please don't tell me you're thinking this," I whispered. Horror washed through me, head to toe. My hands were shaking and shivers like cubes of ice ran up and down my spine. I gulped, and followed my outstretched hand to the counter.
In the living room, I sat down on the couch, unzipped my slacks, and then zipped them up again. I was not doing this in slacks. Not when I had to remove them in order to prepare myself. No, this was a job for a dress.
Placing the unopened bottle on the end table, I turned and followed my breasts out of the living room. I climbed the stairs to my bedroom, went over to the closet and opened the door. Undressing to my underwear, I picked out an appropriately baggy sundress, and slipped it on over me head. On second thought, I removed my brassiere from beneath the dress and let it drop on the floor atop my discarded slacks. I wondered if I should remove my panties as well, decided I darned well should, and slid them down my thighs to my ankles, stepping out of them. I looked at myself in the full length mirror.
I'm not a bad-looking woman. I am 33 years old, have light brown hair and Hazel eyes. I have a nice smile, and generously full lips. My face is egg-shaped, tapering from a wide forehead to a dainty, dimpled chin. My cheekbones are high, but not prominent. My breasts are just the right size, my waist is slim, and I have nice hips and legs. I get plenty of looks, especially in something like this sundress, which accents my figure.
Smoothing the sides of my dress, I took my gently swaying and bouncing breasts back downstairs. Loopy waited for me in the living room.
"I have a treat for you," I said. Before saying anything else, or doing anything foolish, I returned to the kitchen and the back door, looked outside to assure myself the Dawsons had not returned home. They had not.
Why, oh why had I left a message?
I closed the door, locked it as an afterthought, and returned to the living room where Loopy waited for me, patiently sitting on his rear haunches and panting. I sat down on the couch, raised my dress, and exposed my baby-bare genitals. Loopy trotted over.
"Do you like peanut butter?" I asked. Removing the lid, and peeling back the safety barrier, I held out the jar for Loopy to sniff, which he did, energetically. I stole the bottle back before he slobbered all over the contents. Carefully, placing the lid and barrier aside, I fingered out a blob of JIF and applied it cautiously to my labia, filling the space between the lips and carefully covering my delicate clitoris. Loopy barked his approval, bounced his head up and down half a dozen times, and unbidden, began to lick me clean.
"Oh, my God," I moaned. Shivers like electrical charges ran up an down my spine. My thigh muscles spasmed, jerking my legs closed, or trying to. More muscles jumped in my legs, making me flinch and start pitifully. I looked down, only to discover that Loopy had ingested most of the peanut butter already; his sandpapery tongue was now rasping directly across my excitable clitoris. I shuddered and fought to keep my thighs from snapping shut. It was a loosing battle.
Then I did a second, supremely stupid thing: I invited him to jump onto my lap. He compromised by straddling my hips with his front paws. This left him close enough, however, that I could reach between his rear legs and find what I was after. I touched his sheath, fingered it gently, began to rub up and down its length until I could feel a swelling begin. I switched my fingertips to the slick wetness of his penis as it protruded from the sheath, kept massaging and stroking and fingering until the erection was the size of a man's cock. Wrapping it with my hand, I urged him closer, even as I slid my behind off the edge of the couch, offering myself. Loopy accepted my offer gratefully. His thick penis touched the cleft between my widespread legs, bumped it gently, bumped it hard, and then, with my encouragement, he shuffled forward on his hind legs and pushed gently into my aching vagina. It enveloped him fully, the entire length of his cock buried, right up to the frightening, and oh-so dangerous knot.
Mustn't let that get in me, I admonished myself. The last one had got in, and Rodney very nearly ripped out the throat of my vagina trying to get out. Besides, I didn't want to be locked to this monster for twenty minutes after he'd finished up with me. Oh no, no, no. I didn't want that.
Loopy did what dogs do, and I leaned back into the cushions, grasping his forelegs and closing my eyes, smiling happily. I'm afraid and embarrassed to admit I did everything I could with my body to make Loopy's time with me as satisfying for us both as possible. I know for a fact that dogs are predisposed toward human females, but only with proper encouragement, direction and training. Loopy needed very little encouragement and training.
I began to orgasm, though it was a slow and steady climb to the top. My muscles began to twitch and my heart-rate quickened and my breathing became labored. My head fell to the side and I bit my lower lip blissfully. I felt none of the panic and fear and self-disgust that I had tied down to my bed. Well, a little of the self-disgust, but I was in charge this time, not bound hand and foot and offered like a sacrificial lamb. In some ways, this was so much more satisfying than spreading my legs for a man. There was no demand for the use of my mouth, no worry about anal sex; I would not have a cock ripped out of me at the last moment to decorate my face or invade my open mouth. When Loopy came, it would be between my legs, right where I wanted it.
As his thrusting became more frenzied, my own reactions became more frenetic. I was panting through my open mouth and making sexually explicit noises now: moans, sharp intakes of breaths, gasping occasionally, moving my head back and forth on the cushions, thrusting my own pelvis forward to meet his, though my position on the couch limited my effectiveness. I began to moan his name and plead for him to finish me quickly, release me from this misery, to drive me completely over the top. I raised my head and watched as our organs thrashed and ground and came together, every muscle like overstretched steel bands, every tendon like over-stretched steel cables. My vagina spasmed uncontrollably and I could feel a deep ache settling in that would be with me for days afterward. Each thrust forward hit my cervix and stretched my vagina mercilessly, compressing my uterus and making me groan in pain. I could feel the watery semen flowing out of me and down my behind, soaking the seat cushions and puddling below me on the floor. It would be quite a mess I'd be faced with when done. A mess I hadn't expected, but would deal with contentedly, a smile on my face.
Finally, his attentions drove me over the top and my back arched high, leaving me supported by the back of my head and my feet on the floor. The rest of me was airborne, strung tight as a suspension bridge, my toes curled under, my fists clenched so tightly I left four crescents in each palm. I imagined myself as an electrocution victim, a thousand volts frying my insides. My vagina was the socket, Loopy's penis the plug, our combined juices the super conducting agent. I heard the words "Nuh-nuh-nuh!" choking out of my chest and throat. I collapsed suddenly, totally spent.
It was fortunate that Ron Dawson didn't ring my doorbell for another forty-five minutes. The first twenty minutes I spent hardwired to his dog, my new lover, wonderful Loopy. His knot, unbeknownst to me in my cognitive failure, had invaded my vagina and bound us together as tightly as any hip or shoulder joint. I held him and ruffed his fur and rubbed his head and stroked his sides, whispered things designed to both relax and please him. Eventually his knot receded and freed my aching vagina. Semen gushed out of me onto the floor, soaking and ruining the Persian rug. I didn't care; I hadn't a care in the world. I was just happy. So happy.
I cleaned myself as well as possible, using the front of my sundress to wipe between my legs. I'd have to remember next time, to bring towels with me--many, many towels. Leaving Loopy to clean himself the way dogs do, I tiptoed up the stairs to the 2nd floor, sundress bunched between my legs to absorb his leakage. I went directly to the bathroom and pealed the dress off over my head, facing away from the effusion as it passed my face. I dropped the sundress into the tub for further dealing later on.
Not looking at myself in the mirror (I was, yes, beginning to experience self-loathing and embarrassment), I grabbed a washcloth from the closet and cleaned between my legs, cleansed my thighs, wiped the squishy mess from between my cheeks. I sat down and urinated quickly, grabbed a Summer's Eve douche from beneath the sink and cleansed myself. Then I ran into the bedroom and redressed myself in my previous outfit. I took the requisite time to check my makeup, straighten my hair (without meeting my eyes in the reflection), and then rushed back downstairs with a handful of towels. I had just dumped the soiled towels in the washer and sprayed the affected areas of the couch and rug with Fabreze, when the doorbell rang.
"Sorry about this, Megan." Ron Dawson rubbed Loopy's head affectionately. "He knows better than to jump that fence, don't you boy? I don't know what got into him today. You like Miss Megan, buddy boy?" He grinned. "Miss Megan doesn't particularly like dogs. I'm surprised she even let you in her kitchen. You must have charmed the pants off her, right?" He grinned again, blushing brightly. "Excuse my off-hand remark, Megan. I don't think anymore before opening my mouth. A consequence of growing old, I guess," he said, sighing.
Ron was in his late 70's. He was rail thin, stoop shouldered, balding gracefully with a hawk-like nose and barely perceptible lips. Grizzled fuzz covered his cheeks and his hands were gnarly with the beginnings of rheumatoid arthritis. He must have been a good-looking man in his youth; he was still darned sexy for a man 11 years older than my father.
I grinned back at him, showing I took no offense. "I'll watch Loopy anytime, Ron. He and I formed sort of an attachment today, didn't we boy?"
Loopy thumped his tail happily on the floor and nodded his head happily, as though he understood. I smiled and winked at him, keeping my head turned so that only Loopy could see.
Two days later, I went to the pound and browsed through the population of large breed dogs awaiting adoption ... or euthanasia. There were Rottweilers and Alsatians, German Shepards and Labs, Retrievers and Doberman Pinschers. They were black and brown and tan and white and mixed colors in between. I especially liked a large Rottweiler, six years old and suffering from a deformed front paw. He'd been dumped because of the paw, I guessed, picked up wandering the county dump three months ago. Jake and I fell in love, first sight.
What a pain in the ass it is adopting a dog from the pound. It was almost impossible. Bureaucratic red tape was nearly as annoying as the intrusive, personal questions they asked--some only this side of offensive--including inquirers about my own personal hygiene, what kind of house I kept, did I have a yard the dog could play in, were their other dogs in the neighborhood or children accused of animal cruelty, and did I understand the responsibilities of keeping a large canine in the house.
"I understand very well," I said coldly, after my third round of questioning. Why didn't I simply go out and buy a dog?
Eventually, Jake was allowed to come home with me. In preparation, I had traded my Toyota Avalon for a Toyota Highlander, an SUV. I had the people at PetsMart install a barrier between the backseat and the cargo area. I had collars and leashes, a bed and flea collars, rawhide chews and enough Purina Dog Chow to feed the entire population of the pound for a week. Picking Jake up, I walked him around the Highlander and let him sniff the tires, inspect the front seats, nose around the back seat, then coaxed him into the cargo area with the help of a pound employee, a pimply-faced, greasy-haired 16-year-old with the smug expression of someone who knew another person's intimate intentions. I wondered how many unmarried woman adopted large dogs from the pound.
Jake's bed went at the foot of my bed. I tried nothing for a week, paranoid that Jake would be reclaimed by the pound—Sorry, Ma'am. Jake is the lost pet of State Senator William F. Burroughs and the senator's limo is waiting outside for him. Or that Jake would prove to be defective in some way other than his lame paw; maybe he was a trained fighter that would attack at the slightest indication of weakness. Could offering peanut butter between the legs be considered a sign of weakness? Mostly, I was terrified that Jake wouldn't like me, would scoff at my offering, would blow me off with the doggie version of disdain. Worse, I was terrified he'd run away at the first opportunity. I spent the first week petting him, stuffing him with food, brushing his thick, black wiry coat, and letting him lay on the couch with me when I watched movies. I was the perfect owner, that first week. Finally, my moment of truth arrived.
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(After some hiatus, I've returned to writing. In light of having a more busy job life of, well, writing, I've decided to focus on actually finishing some of these scenarios rather than having the originally intended 50-100 endings. I've always intended to have a focus on choice, but honestly, I just don't have time for that. So! Over the next couple months expect my stories to actually have some finished choices, and I can expand from there. Thanks!) Arianna has always loved butterflies, and...
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I’ve been really interested in sex, fantasies and romance since I was very young. I never understood the tingly feeling of butterflies in my stomach and groin area until I was older. I remember getting aroused before puberty looking at pictures, magazines and watching showcase tv at night. Then, 3 or 4 years later the internet and p2p sharing exploded. Kazaa, LimeWire allowed me to download all the porn I could want. Lesbians in the shower, my friends hot mom I was addicted. I was always in...
This story is fiction as are the characters. Caggetts Wood is fictional. Please do not confuse this tale with real life. The attitudes described should not be read as the norm for British standards or Government policy (whatever that is). Marion and Marianne are the same person. There is little graphic sex in this story. THE CHRYSALIS AND THE BUTTERFLY A French accommodation for an English marriage. CHAPTER ONE The customary faces of the High Street greeted Marion as she made her way from...
I sat alone in the lunchroom accompanied only by a cold grilled cheese on a dirty plastic tray. Swarms of college students marched in and out of the concession stand of a cafeteria. The food was never enjoyable, even when the grilled cheeses were hot. Everyone was black and white. They were bored, vacant, uninterested in anything going on around them. I’ve never looked in a mirror so I may have been just as bland and colorless as them. It was Valentine’s Day. If you haven’t noticed yet, being...
Love StoriesAuthor's note: So the last one didn't go down so well. I suspect the BDSM turned some people off. I've tried to move away from it in this one, but I can't change the story abruptly, so it begins in the same vein as the last one ended. But it does get better, so once again, please bear with me. The Butterfly by Hazel M The door slammed open. A tall brunette entered, looking like a storm cloud. Ordinarily, she would have turned any man or woman into a quivering ball of...
This is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters in this story and any actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story is copyright 2014 by Ayn Ryan. Permission is hereby given to share this story on the World Wide Web, provided that (a) no charge of any kind, including, but not limited to, subscription fees, is made in connection with access to the story, (b) the story is reprinted in its entirety, including this notice, and (c) proper credit is...
You pull into the back of the parking lot at Lake Johnson and park in a remote spot. Checking the clock on the dashboard, it's 10:51am. That gives you 9 minutes to find the spot to hide your new venus butterfly remote. You press the button on the remote to check and make sure it works and BAM! a jolt of electricity surges up through your clit, running up and down your spine. Just as quickly, you turn it off, you can still feel the chills and the front of your black lacy panties are already...
A pale blue tablecloth covered the small square café table between them, and Raymond saw one sharp stand up crease running neatly across it, from the corner by his left elbow to the one diagonally opposite. Only later did he notice that another opposite crease, less obvious, ran across the other diagonal. The obverse and the inverse he thought then, when it was too late, two sides of a whole, separated, as the table had separated him and Sally. Sally put her coffee cup down silently in its...
Her stomach is full of butterflies, clenched in a nervous knot. She paces back and forth, passing the other anxious people. They are all waiting. She is waiting for him, the one who fills her mind. ‘What insanity prompted me to do this?’ she thought. Yet she knew. Their connection had been instant, and lasting. For years, they had been arranging the clandestine meetings, as they were both unable to stop thinking of the other. Finally she sees him, walking out from the airport terminal. As...
Sexy looking Danni Hartley re-read the rejection slip in dismay: ‘Readers of hot romance today expect something connected with hot sex to occur on every few pages. Your MS is beautifully crafted but alas the hero only had sex on page 121.5 of the 313 pages and the poor heroine, from what we can make out, is going on her honeymoon a virgin. But hey, thanks for your submission.’ Danni didn’t dare show the response to her husband Tim. Her mom Alice read it and clucked, ‘There I said you weren’t...
Why does it take them so long, I wondered, sitting on the hard wooden bench. I had told them the truth, but they did not believe me. I could hardly believe it myself. And what a mess they made when they dug up the three young women we had so carefully dug into the flower bed behind the house. They had led me to their van through a crowd of curious onlookers. Then, sitting down in the police van with my hands handcuffed behind my back, was difficult and very uncomfortable. Lucy had promised to...
I sat alone in the lunchroom accompanied only by a cold grilled cheese on a dirty plastic tray. Swarms of college students marched in and out of the concession stand of a cafeteria. The food was never enjoyable, even when the grilled cheeses were hot. Everyone was black and white. They were bored, vacant, uninterested in anything going on around them. I’ve never looked in a mirror so I may have been just as bland and colorless as them. It was Valentine’s Day. If you haven’t noticed yet, being...
It is a real story. So there will be no added masalas, please bear with me. I am working in a MNC and hence have got plenty of girl company. The work culture inside an MNC is as you know unbelievably funny and there is no difference between the genders. So anything can be said without any censor and would be appreciated by all. In my section there are plenty of girls who were ready to have fun with any guy who is got a credit card. Being from a financially backward set up, I was advised by many...
Chapter 1 – The Caterpillar and the Hunter The clouds had broken and the snow had eased for the first time in two weeks.Kids who had spent weeks cooped up in their apartments surfing cable and playingNintendo were finally released from their urban prisons. Free to roam the neighbourhoodagain, to seek out their friends and stretch their legs. For Charlie the weeks had burdened her even further than for the locals.Her father had bought her here to the city on a business trip. While he lefteach...
She’d been someone else, once. Once upon a time she’d been a daughter, a granddaughter. A student, a friend, an effervescent teenager with girlish dreams and schoolgirl crushes, with plans of having a career one day, a family. Now, she was just his. In dreams, sometimes, she’d catch little flashes of the life she’d had before him. A pale green bedspread and soft cotton sheets, a closet of clothes and a drawer of tangled jewelry. A bathroom with the counter littered with makeup and...
I moved to my new place about 3yrs back. When I got the house I was a bit disappointment to know that the view from my window was blocked by other buildings. As I often like to spend my time in evenings sitting on the window. But the fact I had to watch someone else’s house when I sat on window in the evening was bugging me. About 2 weeks after I moved to my new place while I was sitting in the window on evening I saw a girl in her pajamas dancing in her bedroom. That day I just glanced at her...
IncestIn which our hero works some things out, and our heroine takes charge. In a symbyotic relationship, unlike a parasitical one, the host can gain as much as the vector. 19.14 Saturday 3rd July 2004 I've been doing some research, and I have to note this down. Photo albums. I've looked through the old photos of both of us, and it is NOT just that I am seeing her properly for the first time. I look at the picture and I look at her, asleep, and she has really changed. In the pictures, she used...
Amy and Phil had been married for a year and they ran into a huge hurtle. Phil can't get Amy pregnant, its not that she isn't able to become pregnant its that Phil is not able. It had been three months talking to a doctor. Thats when they found out that Phil's sperm count was low. If that wasn't bad enough the doctor discovered amy had a tight cervix and ask when whas the last time she had an orgasm. To Phil's horror she had never had one with Phil. The doctor was blunt. Phil was to wear a...
“Millie, would you be kind enough to return these books to the stacks for me,” asked Mr. Davis. Mr. Davis was wheelchair bound, he came in and read nearly every day and he often asked me to replace the books he’d chosen for the day. I’m the librarian at our city library, my name tag reads, “Millicent Prentiss, Head Librarian,” I’ve been with the library for twenty-one years, since I graduated with a degree in library science. I love books and I love my work, all I ever wanted was to write but,...
Erotic FictionThis was originally written for a short story writing contest. It failed to get any awards but I am confident that with minor tweaks, it can be successful next time. Since I intend to use the same story (with tweaks) in the same contest next time, I'd appreciate if readers only keep this story to yourselves. This means that you may read, copy or transfer the copied story anywhere you like, but you may not publish this story anywhere else. If I hear this story published anywhere else, I'll...
After their rout of the Kilim, it had been an almost trivial matter for Nemi's people, the Vangon, to pay their annual tithe to the King. He and his Treasury had been happy to receive their due, and thereby were the Vangon spared the slaughter that the King's armies would otherwise have visited upon them for failure to pay their respects ... in gold. With that obligation discharged, life had been quiet for Nemi and the Vangon. In the tavern most nights people could be heard wondering if...
V: Intentions and Detentions For the longest time, the door to Peter Sandberg's room was never locked for any reason. There was trust, after all, between Peter, his mother, and his brother. They never had reason to intrude upon each other's private spaces unless the situation was important enough. Even for the occasional moments of sibling rivalry between him and Dave growing up, they respected each other's spaces. They had also lived in Bullchester ever since Mildred Kastner and...
I live in the countryside in Scotland, the cottage I stay in is secluded and my nearest neighbour is a farm a couple of miles away further up the Glen. Between us the farm has a cottage that they rent out as a holiday cottage.A few weeks ago I noticed a car drive past packed with luggage and with two young women in it. I was outside pulling weeds out of what's supposed to be my garden, around here we wave at anybody driving past whether you know them or not. I'd only noticed it was two women at...
Heels: The Ultimatum 1 - A Change of Heart By Deane Christopher Copyrighted 2003 Prelude to Chapter 1: A Change Of Heart A few weeks before their upcoming marriage, Dennis' fianc?e, the future Mrs. Gale Mallory, informed Dennis that she was going to ask her girlfriend, Kelly, to stand as her maid of honor. That presented a real problem for Dennis, due to the fact that Gale's girlfriend, Kelly, was none other than his own feminine alter ego. Several years before meeting ...
They drove slowly. Plenty of trucks pipped their horns and she saw the drivers laughing.At one set of lights a truck pulled up alongside Jim’s open top car. Janey went to pull down her skirt but Jim growled “Don’t even think about it slut.”Janey sat giving the lorry driver a view of her nylon clad legs and her white cotton panties.Before the lights changed a piece of paper dropped in the car. Jim grabbed it. The note read follow me.He laughed and said, “we have time so why not.”The lorry moved...
"I just don't know." The words conveyed everything, and nothing. Charles was one of Diane's deputies, and had a qualification in forensic studies, as well as his police qualification, both from Earth. For him to be unsure was very unusual. Charles Addison had been appointed as head of the detection branch of Rehome's security services. At first, he had little to keep him occupied, and seemed bored with the job. He recognised that an initial period of his induction to the post was simply...
Hi, readers, I’m a slightly curvy, average height, dark-skinned bisexual teen. I currently reside in the US but have lived in a hostel in a school in the foothills of the Himalayas. This is one of the many sexual adventures I had during my ten-year-long stay in India. I have been reading ISS for about two years now and I have enjoyed many of its stories and felt like sharing my own experiences too. So, here I am. All the characters mentioned here are 18 and above. Have fun! It all began on a...
Gay MaleIn the discordant maelstrom of noise that was this particular club on a Friday night the first thing John noticed about the woman was the pervasive aura of stillness that surrounded her. Slouched against his section of wall, buried in the shadows, far across the dance floor from her personal realm he watched her. He enjoyed watching people, both women and men – mostly boys actually, try to engage her in conversation or encourage her into the anarchy that passed for dancing under the flashing...
May ISI per apni story likhnay key baad kaffi intezar kerta raha key koyee contact karay. After one week one message I received I am very happy. Ruby she is very nice women she is living in Gulshan. Or dosto jub uss ki email mili to may bohat khush hoha uss nay mujeh say mobile number manga jo may nay ussay day diya dosray din oss ki call ayeee aye or uss nay mujh say milnay ka kaha. Hum log Safari park may milay she is a very B U T full woman whata body jissay dekh ker meray hosh ur gayee or...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Five: Mother and Daughter's Naughty Session By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Group Session 1 with Jill and Mercedes Daniels “Mercedes, honey, please, strip naked,” Jill Daniels cajoled her daughter. The older woman, a sexy MILF with curly-brown hair and large breast, was already naked. She had her thighs pressed tight together like she was hiding her pussy, but she seemed open about the rest of her nudity....
Jake was an 18 year old college student who worked a few part-time jobs to give him pocket money to enjoy his weekends. One of those jobs was a delivery drive for the local pharmacy. He was almost finished on a Thursday night when his boss gave him an urgent delivery for a Mrs Ross who lived not far from his home. “She needs this urgently” the boss told him handling him a box which was labeled Breast Pump. Jake headed off quickly, knowing that the lady was probably in some pain and needed...