Tution clases for cousin
- 3 years ago
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It had been a very long time since I'd seen many of my old high school friends and buddies. The last time had been at the ten year reunion, this would be the thirty year reunion, and I knew that most of us would have changed between now and then dramatically.
Although I was still in reasonably good shape, even without working out specifically, I had still put on a few pounds, but with the exception of a few perhaps, I figured everyone would be in the same boat as I was. I still had a full head of dark hair, though I had noticed just a sprinkle of gray had begun at the temples. The one thing about myself I had always considered my best feature however were my eyes, bright blue with just a hint of gray in them. There was a caption in the yearbook next to my photo, it read: "Bedroom eyes".
Though my wife Marsha hadn't attended the same school I had, nor would know any of my old friends, she was looking forward to going almost as much as I was. And I for one was looking forward to showing her off. Marsha had a great body, though a few years younger than I, and certainly my graduating class, giving her a bit of an edge perhaps in the looks department. Fairly large breasted, a tight waist and firm well rounded ass, I had no doubt she would be the envy of many women there. And though she knew I was secretly entertaining those very thoughts, she was looking forward to going for no other reason than to perhaps meet a few of my old high school girlfriends that I had shared erotic naughty stories about with her over the past few weeks.
And it was one in particular that came to mind, wondering if she would in fact be there, though she hadn't come to the ten year reunion, so it had been at least thirty years since I had even seen Stacy. I had shared the story of our dating experiences with my wife, which had excited Marsha tremendously. Mainly because of the somewhat unusual circumstances, and very erotic nature of my old girlfriend, which was far different than anyone, I had ever known, including now.
The thing about Stacy that was so unusual, was the fact she could climax simply by having her breasts played with. Maybe there were other women who could do this, but I'd never met anyone else, not like Stacy anyway. Even my own wife Marsha, who loved it when I played with her tits, as much as I wanted to in fact, she didn't climax simply from my playing with her the way Stacy did. And not that I minded, certainly not. The fact that Marsha enjoyed as much attention as I gave her in that regard was something I relished, enjoyed and was more than pleased with. Marsha has fairly large breasts with extremely sensitive nipples, though not too sensitive as to detract from the enjoyment of being able to play with them to my heart's content. I've actually known a couple of women who were exact opposites. One girl allowed my fondling of her with indifference. She had even forewarned me before hand that she felt virtually nothing when I, or anyone else for that matter played with her boobs. Basically, she got nothing out of it beyond seeing me becoming aroused myself. Unfortunately, part of my arousal and excitement has always come from seeing the woman become aroused or excited by whatever I was doing. So in this instance at least, it was a bit of a letdown, and thus took away from the pleasure I would normally have received.
On the other side of that same coin, I had also known a woman who's nipples were simply too sensitive. Once aroused, she could hardly stand to have anyone even touch them. Even just looking at them sent her into giggling fits, super sensitivity once again taking away from, rather than adding to the enjoyment and sensuality of that particular form of foreplay. Which was a crying shame too, as Gayle as I recall her name being, had a really nice looking set of tits too. But once she was truly aroused, it was always "hands off", after that.
Now the thing about Stacy was, she didn't have really large breasts either. She was the type of girl that a well-known saying was written for, "More than a (good-sized) handful is wasted!"
I guess if you were to classify her, her breasts would be considered on the small side. Certainly not flat chested, not by any means, and yes, when I held them within my hands, they filled them more than adequately with still a bit left over for good measure. But the thing was, Stacy literally could climax, and very often did, just by my playing with them.
We had started dating, had been going out for well over a month with nothing more than a few deep soulful kisses being shared between us. With her breasts being not quite so large, she very often didn't wear a bra, her pert nipples poking through and pressing against the material of whatever tee shirt or tank top she was wearing. But I always found it interesting that she only did that, going without a bra, whenever it was an activity or an event that virtually made it impossible for me to even think about trying anything. Both times we'd gone to the drive in theatre, she had worn a bra, making it obvious by her suddenly hidden and protected nipples that she was. (I later learned she even went so far as to wear a nipple cover beneath her bra, much like protective pasties, on those evenings when we'd gone out where the temptation might have been too much for either one of us to adhere too.)
Like I said, up until now, I hadn't even touched her, though I also hadn't made any real attempt in doing so either, not wanting her to feel like that was all I wanted from her ... sex. I mean I did, but not purely just for that either. I really liked her. Stacy was the first girl I felt like I could have real feelings for, and because of it, I was content to take my time and see how things went.
It was perhaps our seventh or eighth real date. We had gone to the drive-in movie, which was now becoming a weekly event for us, and something we both looked forward to. As was usually the case, it was a double feature with the movie we really wanted to see coming on second. Some twenty or thirty minutes before intermission, with each of us bored with the first movie already, we'd quite naturally gravitated to kissing and cuddling as we'd been doing every time we came to the drive in, waiting for the second feature to start. And not that I minded that either, Stacy was fun as hell to kiss, and it never failed to get either one of us all hot and bothered, though we very often had to force ourselves to take a break whenever that happened before things got too carried away. Intermission was always great for that it seemed, giving each of us an excuse, though I daresay, it was Stacy who used it as one. I'd have been content to continue on with what we were doing, even with the lights lit up on the blank screen in front of us. Needless to say, I was pretty much expecting that to happen as we sat there necking in the front seat of my car, wondering how much longer we had before the movie finally ended.
Now maybe this was typical of the times back then, perhaps many can relate to this. But there was a sort of a non-spoken game that I think was quite often played in the front seat of every car with a pair of young kids in it. Whether it be at a drive-in, or parked on some lover's lane some place, or even on the couch in the den at her parent's house. We all played it, and we all went home with smiles on our faces afterwards if we (in our minds) made any sort of progress since the last time we played it.
I think the unofficial name of the game was, "How close did you come?" And not meaning "cum" per say ... but how close did you get to actually touching her tits?" I know for a good many of my friends, it was very often the topic of conversation come Monday afternoon during gym class. "How far did you get? What happened? What did you do to get that far?" We all shared ... techniques that seemed to work, more importantly, the attempts that failed so that no one else would make the same mistakes.
I was in fact at that very moment running through my own mind the advice one of my closest buds had given me that past Monday afternoon. He was the first amongst us to actually succeed in the titty-department, now a God as far as the rest of us were concerned, and now armed with invaluable information, though I was scared to death to actually try it. As was most everyone else I could only guess.
"Just touch it!" He's said simply. Could it honestly be that easy? I mean you didn't just get in the car, reach over and grab her boob, certainly not. But ... once the real kissing had gotten started and had been going on for a while, and then it was time to try that. "No tentative, creeping up on it," he'd informed us. Which some few of us had tried, and had failed at. It gave the girls far too much advanced warning as we soon after learned. Allowing them too much time to think about it before it happened, most then chickening out, or deciding in that brief moment it was either far too soon for that, or they simply weren't ready for it even if it wasn't. According to Jim "The God" of booby fondling, you simply lifted your hand and placed it directly over your girlfriends boob, and then softly caressed it. With luck, she let you keep your hand there for a few seconds at the very least. And even if she eventually did decide to make you move it off her, you had still gotten to "cop a feel of her tit," as we called it. And that was better than running your fingers off to the side, never quite actually touching it, before being told "No ... don't," or feeling her hand moving yours away.
A little booby was better than no booby. And so far, I was still on the "no booby at all" side of things.
Our kissing had finally reached the tongue fencing stage, which never failed to arouse the two of us, but it was also the first sign that we'd be taking a much needed (not wanted)break soon, especially with the music informing the two of us that the first movie was coming to an end. It was now or never the way I saw it. And in the next instant, my hand was resting directly on her breast, through her tee shirt of course, but on her breast! I think that moment surprised both of us for a number of reasons. She wasn't expecting it for one, but she didn't haul off and deck me either. Only seconds had passed, but my hand remained as I kneaded the softness of her breast like a contented cat. For me at least, it felt like an eternity, and I was already rehearsing my speech for the guys come Monday when I felt Stacy's hand suddenly covering mine.
"Damn!" I thought to myself. "Here it comes, the gentle, but firm pull away. The unspoken "No," though the barrier had been crossed, even if the barriers were about to be put up again. Still ... I'd actually touched titty, real titty. So even if it was a two or perhaps three second fondling, I'd finally achieved the penultimate in front seat groping with one's girlfriend.
What I didn't expect, was when her hand remained on mine, and my hand remained on her tit, the sound of my name being sung ever so softly as I sat there. "Oh ... David!"
Even with her bra on, I now felt the sudden emergence of her hard extended little nipple. But even more surprisingly, her gasp, the audible sigh of pleasure that escaped her lips in a long drawn out pleasured sound, unlike any I had ever heard before. But that nipple! Oh my god, that nipple! I swear it had burned an impression within the palm of my hand, half tempted to check, though fearful of doing so, which would mean taking my hand away. Something I didn't dare do, as I was already well into the twenty or thirty second mark of booby fondling, which I felt had to be some sort of a new worlds record at the very least for first time tit fondlers.
The second the lights came on, on the screen just a few rows in front of us, Stacy suddenly took my hand and gently moved it off and away from her. Even though she did, I was floating on cloud nine, not even aware of the massive erection in my pants, the short-circuiting of my own arousal not as yet registering in my head as Stacy slid over a few inches, putting distance between us.
"I'll be right back," she said reaching for the door. "Get us some popcorn, and something to drink," she then added smiling at me. Which was a big relief in a way, I'd gotten to finally fondle her boob, and she wasn't mad at me for doing it either!
I sat for several long moment's willing my dick to go down, watching as several single girls all seemed to pile out of their cars one by one, heading back towards the restrooms. It was obvious I wasn't the only guy waiting patiently for his erection to go down before making their way inside the refreshment stand either. When it had gone down to sufficiently allow me to go inside, though wickedly smiling to myself that perhaps there would still be enough of a noticeable bulge showing without being obscene, and thus serving an entirely different purpose, I climbed out of the car and went inside to grab our drinks and the popcorn. In doing so, I also scanned the crowd to see if there were any of my buddies there. If there were, then sharing secret signals on how well we'd done. Unfortunately, there was no one there I hung out with, so my achievement would have to wait until the following Monday.
I was still relieving the experience second by second, running it over and over again inside my head when Stacy returned to the car. I handed her, her drink, and sat the bucket of popcorn on the seat between us. As I did so, I happened to glance over and saw that her nipples, both of them were still pressing even more firmly, more obviously than I ever remembered seeing them before against the material of her shirt. And then I knew why ... Stacy had removed her bra entirely!
Minutes later as the lights came down again, and the second feature started, Stacy and I came together like a pair of magnets. I remember the tub of popcorn being knocked over, spilling onto the floor of my freshly cleaned and vacuumed carpeting. I could have cared less. And like magnets, my hand, or rather both of them actually, found each of Stacy's breasts, (braless breasts mind you) simultaneously. Now I was touching both boobs (well sort of anyway) but the fact she was no longer wearing a bra, essentially giving me the so called "green light", once again a never-before reached level of achievement, (not even by John the God himself). I think every hair on my entire body was standing on end. Goose bumps galore racing up and down my entire body, along with my rock-hard prick, that was now almost painfully uncomfortable as I sat half twisted in my seat, both hands caressing Stacy's soft full breasts. But the best was yet to come.
I had within a short span of time, graduated from booby fondling, to nipple pinching. It was like graduating from high school early, and going on to college. The fact I was actually thumbing and exploring those hard little nubbins of flesh (even if it was still through her thin tee shirt) was well beyond my wildest imaginings. (Well ok ... maybe that's going a little too far), but ... it was certainly more than I'd expected to happen during the course of the evening.
Once again, she placed her hands over both of mine, and then I thought, "Ok, so now she's bringing things to a screeching halt," perfectly content with that if she had. Already I had blown the roof off anything any of the other guys had achieved, including John, who in my mind no longer warranted "God status", a title I couldn't claim myself either as it had to be given you by the others. But already I was imagining the official ceremony taking place come Monday.
With Stacy's hands now covering mine, I felt her lift them, still holding mine, almost pulling away, though she held each of mine in hers tighter still. In the next instant, I felt the touch of skin on skin, her hands now guiding each of mine beneath her tee shirt! I seriously couldn't believe this was happening. Within seconds, I now had twin impressions permanently burned within the palms of each hand as I now covered those extended nipples of hers directly, palming and again kneading them at first, before delicately locating each within my finger tips. Once again Stacy moaned, her cry of pleasure easily heard as the couple sitting in the car next to us suddenly looked over. I felt prouder than hell as I saw the guy suddenly smile giving me the thumbs up. I'd seen him around at school, though I didn't know him. But I also knew now that the story would spread, giving confirmation to my coronation come Monday.
I lost all sense of my surroundings along with my newfound status when I heard Stacy say, "suck them."
Everything else became a blur after that. As my mouth actually surrounded one of her hard little points, gathering it between my lips as I gently suckled her breast, three things seemed to happen at once. One, I came in my pants. It was quite unexpected and unplanned for. And though embarrassed that I had, I still had the secret advantage of her not knowing that. Secondly, it did at least alleviate the ever growing pressure I was feeling, and three, it made it a hell of a lot more comfortable to sit there, even if I could feel the sticky moisture of my climax bathing my rapidly deflating prick. Which surprisingly, didn't stay that way for as nearly long as I might have expected.
The only thing that really mattered now, was the fact I was going back and forth between each one of her breasts, sucking them, flicking them with my tongue, while my fingers played follow the leader on her other breast. It was only a few moments later when Stacy did the one thing I would never have expected her to do in a million, trillion years. She came.
My orgasm had been a silent, secret, though messy one. I think I may have grimaced with my lips surrounding her nipple, but that was about as much as I gave away. Stacy on the other hand, simply cried out, unabashedly, unashamedly, and uninhibitedly. I wish now I had looked over to our companions sitting on either side of us, I'd loved to have seen the expression on their faces then, but I was simply too busy still sucking and fondling Stacy's breasts to bother looking, tempted as I may have been.
Now, as stupid as this may sound, (and probably does) I still didn't know, or grasp the fact she'd just had an orgasm. I wasn't so naive as to believe girls didn't ... however, the mechanics I knew involved other things needing to take place before that could be achieved. And unless she'd been secretly fondling herself in some way that I wasn't aware of, her cry of pleasure simply signaled to me that she was enjoying whatever the hell it was I was doing. So imagine my surprise when Stacy finally pushed me away. Talk about confused. One second I'm thinking she's hotter than she's ever been, certainly hotter than any girl I've ever known or been with, and the next second, she's calling a sudden screeching halt to the proceedings.
"Maybe you'd better take me home," she says quietly, readjusting herself and sliding over closer to her own door, the crunch of popcorn beneath her feet as she does so. I knew better than to question her, or complain about the fact the movie we'd come to see wasn't even half over yet, though for the moment at least, I'd forgotten which one it was. I quickly, and carefully replaced the speaker back on the pole outside the window, started the car, much to the dismay of our neighbors, and then with lights off, backed out and exited the drive in theatre.
I don't know if the handful of honks from nearby cars were in tribute, or annoyance as we drove out, I didn't really think about it at the time. It was Stacy's sudden silence that worried me far more.
She lived less than twenty minutes away, but I purposely drove well below the posted speed-limit. What was worrying me now, was we were headed back to her place, a good hour or more earlier than normal. Something that would no doubt raise suspicious questions from her parents upon our arrival. And like I said earlier, I was still confused, very much so, and did the only thing I could think of to do under the circumstances. I apologized.
"I'm sorry."
She looked at me like I'd just turned inside out. "What the hell for?" She asked.
"I don't know," I said honestly, even more confused now than before. "I just am."
"You're sorry for making me cum?"
I know there were words in my mouth, they wanted to come out, but for some reason, I couldn't make any sense of them or arrange them in the proper order. "I didn't, you ah ... you, I mean, you ah..." Luckily for me, she kept talking, effectively shutting me up.
"I'm the one that should be sorry," she continued on before I could make any sense of what was happening here. "I should have warned you," she then added. "But I couldn't help myself."
I purposely turned down the wrong street, taking the long way around. By the expression on her face, she actually appreciated the fact that I had. I knew then we were both stalling for time, and I wasn't about to pull up in front of her house until I'd at least made some sense of whatever the hell it was we were talking about here.
"Warned me about what?" I asked honestly finally finding the correct words to say, though the look in her eyes told me she wasn't quite buying my naiveté.
"That I can climax simply by having my boobs played with, even when I do it," she told me. She looked up, "The lights green," she said..."Not red." I had stopped the car at the light, not even bothering to notice what color it was when I did. It was red when I started up again, going through the intersection. Luckily it was just late enough that there were few cars on the road, luckier still there weren't any cops around to witness my stupidity. But thankfully, Stacy laughed, snickering at my obvious confusion, breaking the tension in the air. "Does that ... shock you?" she then asked.
"Shock me? No. Surprise me? Yes." I answered her truthfully. Then asking, "So ... you really do? Cum I mean, just by playing with your breasts?"
"Yes," she said softly, obviously embarrassed by the revelation, though I found her courageous in her acknowledgement of that. And perhaps her courage, boldness, and openness gave me courage as I pursued this interesting conversation we were suddenly having.
"So ... do you, I mean, if you can ... ah, you know, do you still..."
"Masturbate?" she finished for me. So much for my own courage. "Yes I do that too, don't you?"
"Well yeah sure," I freely admitted, glad my voice didn't go up an octave or two when answering her. "Sure ... yeah ... of course." She smiled at that.
"Ditto," she said quickly. "But ... I don't have to always do that to have an orgasm either," she now confessed. "I can actually get off, just by playing with my tits."
I mean she had, or at least I had seen it first hand, even then I still asked. "Seriously ... you really do?"
"You saw it ... felt it, heard it," she exclaimed growing more and more agitated by the second. "Like I said, I can't help it ... it just happens. Maybe I shouldn't have let you do what you did, but ... I couldn't help myself David. It would have been no different if I'd been sitting there jacking you off, and then at the last moment taking my hand away, letting you just hang there. When I placed your hands directly on my tits, I knew damn good and well what was going to happen."
I thought briefly about telling her I'd come in my pants, perhaps by way of easing her personal discomfort, sharing something of an equally embarrassing nature with her. Quite naturally, I decided against it.
I'm glad you did," I told her, just as we turned onto her street. "I think that's hot as hell ... I then told her."
"You do? That doesn't freak or weird you out knowing that? Because the truth is David, I like doing it. I like the way I feel, the way my orgasms feel just by having my breasts played with. And to be perfectly honest ... it felt far more enjoyable when you did it than when I do it myself!" she now added.
We were approaching her house, I had slowed the car down to a crawl ... hoping.
"Pull over!" she suddenly exclaimed, and I did so, cutting the lights off as I did, basically coasting up next to the curb, engine off. We'd stopped two houses up the street from where she lived, the tall hedgerow next to her driveway effectively cutting off anyone's being able to see us parked there. Luckily, in addition to that, the lights were off in each of the two houses we were parked in front of. The house next to Stacy's currently vacant, and the other lived in by an older woman who retired early as she quickly informed me. In a flash, she had lifted her tee shirt once again, her beautiful bare breasts a feast for my eyes, nipples once again hard and extended. Even before I could reach for them, her hand was already fumbling with the belt on my jeans.
"Ah Stacy? There's something I should tell you," I began nervously.
"I already know," she giggled. "That sort of triggered it when I did," she then added laughing. "So the question is ... can you do it again?"
"Can you?" I answered back. And then we both proved to one another that we could.
That night was only the beginning of one of the wildest periods in my entire life. Something that lasted well on into the summer after we had graduated just a few short weeks later. The only downside to anything, was the following Monday when I had quite stupidly boasted of my miraculous success. Had I left it at actually touching bare tit, there would have been feasting and celebration ... for days perhaps. Instead, I was looked upon as being a liar, exaggerating and at best, trying to one up my status in trying to claim John's throne, by claiming something that was totally unheard of, exaggerated, and totally unbelievable. And even dumber now having shared it, it was a newfound status, or an attempted one rather, I no longer wanted. In hindsight, I was glad no one believed my story, though I was now fearful that my telling it would get back to Stacy, and thus end what was to become one of the wildest periods of my entire life. Thankfully ... it didn't. Not yet anyway. That wouldn't happen for some time yet, though when it did, my earlier stupidity came back to haunt me.
But until that actually happened...
Lying there in bed, the feel of my wife's mouth and tongue as she teasingly pleasured me was erotic enough. Marsha could suck cock like nobody's business, and she was driving me nuts just as she knew she could. But what I also enjoyed was the fact she got aroused, turned on whenever I shared any experiences, any stories with her, just as she was now. And just as she so often did for me too.
"So what happened after that night?" She then asked. I was having trouble concentrating, but then I drifted back in time ... remembering.
"It was that very next Monday, after school, and after I had taken a beating from my friends, though not in the literal sense. Stacy was on the prom committee, and they were meeting a short time later after school planning and preparing for our graduating dance. We'd previously agreed to meet at Johnson & Johnson's," I told her. I saw the confused look on my wife's face as I said that, knowing I'd have to explain, which I then did.
"As in the baby oil?" she asked questioningly, as I knew she would. I laughed, shaking my head no.
"No, we called it that because of two very popular teachers at the school a year back prior to all this. When the school was originally built, someone fucked up on the dimensions, when they built the wall between the auditorium and the gym, they didn't quite come together the way it had been planned for. What they ended up with was a little hall that led nowhere, a three and a half foot dead end. An alcove that later on they planted a tall fake tree in, though someone kept moving it. It became a running joke as to where the tree would end up, leaving that weird little alcove vacant. In the beginning, it was a place to go and steal a quick kiss with your girlfriend, it wasn't long before it became a status symbol for anyone who did."
"Ok," Marsha said following along, "But where does the Johnson and Johnson come in?" she then asked.
"Someone caught Mrs. Johnson, and Mr. Johnson kissing one another in that alcove.
"So? What's wrong with two obviously married teachers having a little fun, simply kissing one another?"
"Nothing ... except they were both married to different Johnson's at the time," I told her.
"Oh!" My wife laughed. "Now I see!"
"Over time, the story went from someone catching them kissing, to someone catching them touching, to finally ... someone catching them actually fucking. Eventually they were both called in. Denied any of that ever happened of course, but sadly ... they were both let go the following year. Ever since then, that alcove that then had a permanently chained tree sitting inside it, was known as Johnson and Johnson corner," which is where Stacy and I had agreed to meet after school. Now ... the other thing about that was, the school had quite stupidly created the perfect place, the perfect camouflage to hide what now really began to happen there. Bushy enough, and big enough to hide someone's presence, it was no obstacle to slip around the tree and hide in back of it without being seen. So ironically, the very rumor that had caused the expulsion of the two teachers, now became even more symbolic, and more of a challenge to become a rapidly growing member of a very secretive club. Stacy wanted us to meet there, become members before we graduated. So we decided to meet there quickly before her committee meeting.
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Night had fallen. After fucking me twice, He kept me on his dick, until we both fell asleep. Sunday began like the day before. I woke to warm cum filling my cunt. I cleaned him up without being told. We both peed before checking on Stace and Donald. She was still sleeping. He loosened her ropes. Donald looked terrible. He was shivering and sweating. I should have put a blanket over him for the night, but I was stuck on Terry’s prick the whole time. “Shit.” Terry swore. “Your man is a...
TAMMY'S NEW GIRLFRIEND By Tammy Richards "Danielle, I need your help!! It's Jim. I don't know what to do." It was Saturday morning and I was sitting at the kitchen table enjoying a second cup of coffee when the phone rang. On the other end was my friend and neighbor Linda Peterson. It was clear from her voice that she was distraught and had been crying. "Relax Linda. I'm sitting here having a cup of coffee. Why don't you join me?" "Oh, thank you...
Hello this is Kumar over here sharing with you my first sexual encounter that too with my Project Lead .Let me tell you a little bit about myself first I am currently living in Chennai and I’m about 5,9″and have an average body and about my project Lead Madhavi a Brahmin she’s about 5,6″ with long hair, she’s pretty . She’s 34 and married two kids and about her assets they are totally great too. I don’t know the exact size of her body but by my best guess it would be 36 37 34 something. So...
I'd never had sex with anyone before meeting Lou. I'd had girlfriends but we were just fumbling around. I'd had my hand up a few skirts and fingered a couple of girls but we weren't old enough to go further. One girl had taken my cock in her hand and was close - oh so close - to giving me an orgasm when her parents came home unexpectedly and we had to dive for opposite ends of their living-room couch. I just managed to pull up my jeans before the front door opened. Had to put a magazine in my...
"Ahhh ... Shoot!" I laughed as the clouds broke over us with a sudden downpour. I hadn't even noticed that the tropical squall had reached the island, we'd been so intent on listening to Wolfgang's story. "Hurry!" Eva was giggling as she pulled me to my feet and Wolfgang had already opened the passenger door of the Land Cruiser for us. There's no other rain like it, the deluge that comes almost without warning in the equatorial tropics. In the minute that it took for the three of us...
[Note: This is another story written long ago, and forwarded to my by my French friend Avaro. For those who remember, C.C. created the world of Clinton Crayle. He asked me to write a story in a Raymond Chandler hard- bitten detective style, and this is it. So enjoy. And for the details on the whole "She-Devil" thing, check the reviews. TOXIS.] Spellbound - Part Six by TOXIS What do you do when the woman you love says that she doesn't want to be your wife? I made her my...
Vanakam enathu peyar Arun vayathu 23, naan poriyiyal kalluriyil padithu varugiren anthu kadasi varudathai naan padikiren. Enathu veetil naan oruvan matume irukiren udan piranthavargal yavarum illai enathu appa amma veli uuril thangi irukiraargal. Naan raamanaathapurathil thanki padikiren athanaal ennai yavarum yethuvum ketka aal illai. Naan niraiya pengaludan kaamam sithu irukiren annaivaraium enathu vaadagai araiku kupitu vanthu avargalin pundaiyai oothu thaluven. Enathu sunni 7″ perithaaga...
This is the continuation please read the part I and II first: I grabbed the link and told her that ‘you tell me, what a young boy like me, could have done? How does it matter to him, whether she was married or not, when such a beautiful scene was in front of him?I had forgotten everything she again told me teasingly that ‘I know you were in heaven that time watching the beauty of the apsara, who was preparing bed for our even had forgotten about the other apsara, who was brooming for you’ and...
IncestAlex and Natalie were the perfect couple. They had met when Natalie was in her first year at the university and had fallen in love, hard and fast. They had gotten engaged the Christmas before she graduated and had gotten married the next summer. It was a beautiful wedding with many of her family members in attendance. Alex had a small family and it was like a scene out of ‘My Big Fat Greek Wedding’ since his family was quiet and reserved whereas her family was big, loud, and overbearing. They...
Jasper bounded straight between my open legs. His snout touched the lips of my pussy before his tongue attacked it. My hands instinctively went to either side of his head as I was at first concerned his teeth might want to take a nip of me. The sheer force of his rough tongue that sought and found my clitoris took me by surprise and it went further inside me more than any human one had. Jasper’s tongue was a sexual weapon in itself. I found myself quickly climaxing and I heard myself...
New Acolyte in the Church of Big Black Cockby OldCuck54I was doing oral practice when Bishop Washington walked into the room and said ?Come.? As I was the only acolyte in the training facility, I dropped to my knees and quickly began crawling toward him. My breasts were sore from the whipping they’d received earlier in the morning, but that had been my own fault. My large breasts had been designated ?cow? size the day I’d come to the mission. As such, I’d been instructed very clearly about the...
I had just taken six loads on my face and in my mouth, but these guys were not even close to being done with me. They alternated shoving their cocks in my mouth to clean them up and a few of them were already getting hard again. I felt one of them reach down and start to rub my pussy. One of them ripped my panties off and pulled my bra down to expose my tits. I was right on the brink of cumming, but I didn’t care; all I wanted to do was get these guys off again, and I wanted to swallow even...
She could hear the five men in the next room anteing up, raising and folding as the regular Thursday night poker game heated up. They had been meeting like this for over a year, most of the time at the Morley house because the other wives didn't seem to understand the importance of this male bonding thing. Lacy didn't mind, the guys were always nice, they never made too big a mess and they always were genuinely appreciative of the way she would bring them beer so they wouldn't have to...
It was Friday night and Roger was dropping off his date for the night. Jill Abrahms was the last woman Roger would ask out from the single parent groups. He had already asked out all the rest of the women that interested him. And one date with Jill was enough. Roger felt like he spent half the night just trying to get her to pay attention to him. With The Plan, or what was left of it, running out of steam, Roger wasn’t quite sure what to do next. Well, he still had a couple of women with...
That Tuesday everything had gone real bad for me.My loving husband was away for a full week; I had had a severe quarrel with my girlfriend Helena and my Boss had told me I was a useless bitch…To say it had been a perfect shit day, my car went dead in the middle of nowhere, just ten minutes after leaving the office.I called for a tow and sat down on a nearer coffee shop to wait.Two hours later a truck arrived and an old black man greeted me, and he started to check my car.The black man was not...
Lilly loves abusing her husband by fucking other men in front of him. He’s just a hustling well to do businessman who is always recruiting commission only sales men to sell his insulation product. They call it the “drill and fill”. Well that is exactly what his wife Lilly likes getting done to her. Right in the middle of his sales pitch she has the nerve to start hitting on all the hot men he has over. One thing leads to another and she is sucking their cocks right in front of...
xmoviesforyouWe were setting at a table in a topless bar in El Monty when Rob, my drinking buddy, asked me. "Would you be willing to help out with Pam's fantasy?" "What she want?" Even I have my limits. "She wants to get it on with two guys at the same time." "What's that do for you?" One of my limits is jealous husbands. "Oh I kind of like the idea. Besides, if I can ask for two ladies at once and have her give me that, I should be able to let her experience being fucked at both ends. Don't...
I invite you to come over to my house. Only when you get here I dont answer the door. Disappointed and ready to turn away, you push at it and it opens slowly. Did I know you would come? You can hear the shower running, so you come in and lock the door behind you. You enter the bathroom and you can smell my body wash, you like it. You can see my outline through the shower curtain. I am washing myself with the loofah and am rubbing it over my breasts. You feel a stirring in your groin, so you...
My Wonderful Obsession Part 11: My Junior Year Julia's brother Shane needed to go to Lexington for another baseball tournament early in August, and this time Julia was expected to go along so she wouldn't be home alone where she might 'get into trouble'. But once again she managed to wriggle out of it at the last minute - she convinced her parents that she wasn't feeling well enough to accompany them. Actually I thought they were kind of relieved that she wouldn't be moping around...
Kathleen and I are in our mid 30's married happily for over 8 years. Last year, we bought a 26ft camping trailer. We have enjoyed the peace of wooded campgrounds in the Pacific Northwest using the trailer only to sleep in. We always build a fire outside for cooking and sit around it until time for bed. Making love to the owls hooting at night or to the song birds in the morning has been wonderful. One trip though will be remembered forever. That was the weekend we were joined by our good...
Predictably, when word got out the public debate was energetic, to put it mildly. On Thursday of that week, one day after the news broke in the Manatee Bay Monitor, I sat in the audience of a special Town Council meeting. This special meeting was to vote on whether or not to support the School Board should it decide to accept my offer. The Mayor had asked me to make an appearance there. The audience seating was packed, and it was only with the assistance of Sheriff Fernandez that I managed to...
So i wanted to share a recent experience. I wont bore you with the backstory, but after a long time searching for a man that was interested in a meet, i finally ended up finding someone that was interested. He told me that he was experienced in the use of sissy males, and that he knew what he wanted. This was nice to hear as im submissive and i like a man that will take control. We decided on a hotel meet. I arrived early and checked in. I did my makeup, and my nails, got dressed in a tight red...
Now finished, I step back to admire my handiwork and your almost-naked body in the dim lighting, my eyes lingering on the hardening shape in the front of your panties telling me that you're enjoying this almost as much as I am. A few moments past as I'm lost in the curves of your body, your pert breasts and hard nipples, and I see you shiver in anticipation, the silence clearly not wasted on you. I step forward now, standing behind you, placing my hands lightly on your bare shoulders. It...
BlackMonsterTerror! I’ll start by stating the obvious; everyone loves big cocks. Every dude I’ve met wants to pack a monster meat rod in their pants while many girls want them in their pussies. Those of you with tiny dicks might not think bigger is better, but I’m yet to meet a bitch that is down for being fucked by a 3-inch prick. How are you going to give her pleasure with that dud anyway? In any case, it is easier to claim that bigger isn't necessarily always better when you are not gifted...
Interracial Porn Sites“The 32? What’ll you give?” “I asked you first,” I said. “It’s got a rod right through the side of the block,” he said. “That’s my problem,” I said. “This is the best side.” So ... I got out of the Van and hobbled my way over to the Ford. The off side had a dent in the fender ... I could lay the fender on the ground and bang it out with a sledge hammer. I was already planning the conversion when he suggested two hundred dollars. “Write me out a receipt.” I fished out the two bills. “I...
Four weeks later, the first Friday of the New Year saw Seaman Jayson Markus and Commander Mitch Ross leaving the base for the two hour drive south. Once on the highway, Jayson spared no time getting back to his mother's house. They arrived just in time for dinner. Once dinner was finished and cleaned up, the brothers went upstairs to play the video games Trent had up there. Mitch stayed downstairs with Tory and played some cards while they talked a bit more. When Tory noticed that it was...
Sophia captured the look perfectly. She was a raving beauty underneath the short knitted sweater, dull pink shirt and lime green pants. Black rimmed glasses sat on her face crookedly as she observed the passengers on the crowded subway. Her face was scrubbed clean of makeup and she wore her blond hair up. Celebrities couldn't have disguised themselves better.She looked around. There he was again. It was her study, but he seemed to be studying her. He was handsome, in his early thirties and he...
VoyeurProgramming Conflict by Trish "So what you're saying is I'm dammed if I do, or we're dammed poor if don't!" "Er, yeah," Sue said, trying not to press me. Sue knew that I was just as aware as she was that if I played along with the plan, we three, or rather our 'hobby' cum burgeoning computer games company would be very handsomely rewarded. We were talking real money as well, not the couple of hundred pounds or so we had occasionally made selling our games at computer fairs in...
Hi I am Vinoth from Coimbatore. The story I am gonna write is a fictional one. Now let me describe about my cousin sister. Her name is Swetha a hot girl of age 21. Her assets are 34 – 28 – 36 which I came to know later. She is a modern girl 5’5 in height and fleshes at right place. Every man who sees her wants to fuck her atleast once. Now about me I am 18 old tall athletic body 5.10” in height. Just completed my 12th standard and was enjoying the summer holidays. Now coming to the story, I and...
IncestIn this one, we will get way into the big-breasted women (or BBWs if you prefer) who jiggle their jugs on Cam Soda. I’m keeping this one short, but I have packed in as much detail to make it a quick and exciting read. By the end, all you chubby chasers will start feeling thick in the trousers when you start imagining the fun times you can have with the gals on this side of Cam Soda.Big Titties: Surprise, Surprise, They Feature A Lot Of Them“D- d- damn, look at the titties,” was what I audibly...
Live BBW Sex CamsTonight my girlfriend and I have plans to go to a nice restaurant for her birthday. I don't usually do the whole romance thing, but I thought that this would be surprising to her, and she means the world to me, so I'd do anything for her. I was getting ready in the bathroom and glanced down at my half opened drawer. I grabbed a couple condoms out of the unopened box, hoping that tonight would be the night. I knew it'd be her first time because we've definitely talked about it before, and she...
The meeting of Conway Street Masturbation Club was just about ready to come to order as President Teddi Graves called for order, "Okay ladies, let's quiet down and get ready for business!!!" The twelve naked females between the ages of 26 and 58 all sat down and waited for Teddi to start the meeting! "It looks like were all here," she began while surveying the crowd, "I guess everybody has the "itch" today!!!" A titter of laughter rolled across the room as the women looked sheepishly at one...
“Ver-Veronica?” Pierce asked in a weak voice. “Yes, sir” The eight-teen year-old girl said to Pierce in a condescending manner. “Wha-what are you doing? Wher-where is Haley?” In a panic Pierce looked around his cell to see Haley sleeping soundly on another plastic mattress carelessly thrown in the corner, his felt a sense of relief. “Why am I here?” Pierce asked. “Cause, Pierce. Just because” Pierce gulped. But looked at Haley, their first date obviously didn’t go as planned He couldn't...
When Jeanette Gordon arrived home just before four, she rushed into the house and headed straight for the shower in the ensuite. The stink of that place was on her and her clothes. She knew she would have to put them in the wash before Brent got home and got a sniff of them. It was a routine she had recently adopted, one made necessary by her new job. This wasn't something she dared share with Brent or the kids. It was so completely foreign to her nature that she couldn't believe she was...
Hello, I'd like to share my teenage naughty story with youIt started like this. I was a very young teenager who was only 18 years old and found that girls' clothes were arousing me. On the street I watched sexy girls and wanted me to be able to walk so naughty dressed around. Every day more and more I thought that I wanted to become sissy. I started buying a sexy girl closed, I started to depilate my legs, I started to lacerate my nails on my leg. Every day I started to dress like a naughty...
So the day has come. The biggest concert of the year and my boyfriend at the time and I had tickets to go. It was a punk/scream-o concert so I felt right at home. Me and my boyfriend got dressed for the night out. He was wearing a ripped tee and skinny jeans that showed his 2 inch soft cock and ball sac in his jeans. I was wearing a black bracelet and a red tube top with a black see through mesh skirt that you could see the my ass clearly with. On our way there my boyfriend got mad because he...
No girl has impacted me like my friend Jessie, and no sexual experience has affected my life more than the one I shared with her on December 26, 2013. Yes, we did slip up earlier that year when I took her in during a snow storm. It wasn't our intention, but we ended up having sex that night, the result of nearly 10 years of unresolved sexual tension. By then, Jessie had been married for a little while, so we both knew it was wrong and swore to never let it happen again. We meant it too, so I...
“So how do you feel about this?” Vaishali asked her patient from her comfortable psychologist’s chair. “I don’t know,” came the young woman’s reply seated across from her. “I mean if I really had the answer to that, why would I be here?” Vaishali smiled to herself. It was a classic answer she had heard countless times in her practice. It was often said by patients who weren’t in her office because they didn’t know what they felt, but by patients couldn’t deal with how they felt. “Ok, Anamika,...
We arrived a little before nine. The neighborhood was nicer than I remembered it being. When the club was built in an old warehouse it was a run down industrial neighborhood. There were still plenty of freight businesses but the sketchy used car lots were gone and convenience stores didn’t have iron bars over the windows anymore. We parked in a lot adjacent to the club. It had been gravel but was now asphalt with a fence around it. A long line of people dressed up stretched around the...
Was I trussed up like a Christmas goose? No. Like a Thanksgiving Turkey? No. Like a whipping boy from Hurt-Me Monthly? No. So, I was not trapped. Right? “Lover, where did you go?” “Huh?” “Where did you go? You just left me.” “I have to sing.” I got up and sang some song I have done a million times and didn’t even think about it as I was on stage. All I could think of was the word ‘trapped’. I was so lonely. I had been divorced from my first wife, Jean, for 9 years and hadn’t...
It has been six months since I discovered that mother is having and still is having a sexual relationship with our neighbors. Mother sees Ted and Alice separately, I do not think they are aware of one another’s intimacy with my mother.My blackmail attempt with Alice was unnecessary, she told me she wanted to be intimate with me for a while. About a month later, I seduced her husband Ted. I do not think they are aware of one another’s intimacy with me. As for my mother, she has no idea about my...
TabooI awoke the next morning with a raging hard-on. I had steamy dreams about my sex-capade with my uncle all night, and was aching to do it again. I sat up and admired his sleeping form. He lay spreadeagle on the bed, with his left arm behind his head and a look of pure innocence and contentment on his face. He was completely naked save for a pair of tube socks, his fuzzy body begging, urging me to touch it. I ran my hand along his hairy chest anf armpit, admiring his furry pelt and his...
Laurie wore a robe as she stepped out her back door. Underneath, she was naked. She stood there for a minute or two, checking out the view of her yard. She didn’t hear anyone outside so she dropped the robe from her shoulders and slid out of it. She laid it across the same chair that she had been fucked silly on yesterday by the two lawn guys. This morning, she discovered that neighbor Stan had seen the whole thing. He was now blackmailing her to keep it a secret. Laurie was a high school...
My name is Ana. I'm a 25 y/o college grad and now in the working world. I'm 5'7", with brown hair and brown eyes. Between working and school for the past seven years I've only had a handful of lovers, and I'm just recently realizing how sex starved I am. Here is my story.... After a long day at the office I came home, my roommate Tyler wasn't home yet, and wouldn't be until the bar closed. Tyler and I had met at a job a few years ago. I had just kicked my last boyfriend out of my apartment and...
Not until a week later did Laura run into Rhonda. It was at a meeting where Rhonda was giving a presentation, and thus had to be on her best behavior. She smiled graciously, with an undercurrent of catty hatred, at Laura, and otherwise treated her with aloof contempt. But Laura had the chance to watch her in action, and she was able to see what Rhonda had that won over girls like Barbara and Yvette. For one thing, she was stunning, a fact Laura had always tried to deny but no longer could....
Hi there, this is Raj (23) [[email protected]] from Chennai, a few things about me, I am a bit well built taller than average..... In short words above average in everything. Yah you guessed right “in everything”. Lets get into the story me and my two friends share a room in nungampakkam, around dec 2013 a couple occupied the ground floor, where as we stay in the first floor. One day returning home I found that the key was not in the secret place we use to keep it. Then I came to know that...
"You say you are a what?" The smartly attired young woman who had suddenly appeared in my apartment sighed. Then, shaking her head, she repeated what I had heard her say the first time. "I am a genie. I am here to grant you one wish." Okay, I thought to myself, assess the situation. I was cleaning the antique bottle I got from the swap mart today. I hear something ... a tinkling, bell-like sound ... and look up to see this very pretty woman in a nicely tailored business outfit standing...
I sighed and looked at my watch. I had to kill two more hours before I can pick up my hubby from his office and go home. I was in the movie theater and trying to enjoy watching a brainless action thriller. I took leave that day to meet my college friends. There were four of us, horny and lusty girls. We bunked classes, pulled pranks, and enjoyed unlimited fucking. Only Priya was shy, orthodox, and different from us. She was very tall, beautiful and had a fantastic figure. But she never allowed...
I lay back on my bed, staring at the porn on the tv screen. Two beautiful blondes are going at it. Wonderful. Listening to their moans had me getting wetter by the moment. I have to hold out. I think to myself. Pretty soon the blondes are getting louder and louder. I can't resist it anymore. My left hand wanders to my breast, gently massaging it. I sit up, take my light cotton tee off. Running my hands over my body, I unclip my black lacy bra and my breasts fall free. My hands go to my nipples....
MasturbationDebbie was restless with anticipation. She knew what was about to happen and was so excited that she could hardly contain herself. She was about to experience pleasure that she'd never known before. Her date had been kissing her very passionately. Her pants, blouse and bra were lying on the couch beside her. As he worked his way downward, kissing her neck and moving downwards toward her breasts, she could only hope that the downward trek would continue. She hoped beyond hope that the trek...