Cocky boy Scott pt 2
- 2 years ago
- 52
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The next morning, the turnover to duty section three went a lot smoother then our turnover the previous morning. Muster was over at 0740 and liberty call for duty section two sounded promptly five minutes later.
Today was Saturday. Usually on a day like to today, I would go back to berthing and sleep until lunch, but since I hit my rack around 2100 last night, I was wide-awake after nine hours of shuteye. I might have been able to force myself back to sleep, but I wanted to find out how Jones was doing. Unfortunately, I had of no way to get to the Portsmouth Naval Hospital on my own. Without many options, I walked down to the pier and found an empty phone booth. I sighed and dialed, praying that Kerri wouldn't answer.
"Hey, Jennifer, it's Kevin," Whew!
"Good morning you big stud you!" Jennifer giggled into the phone. I winced and ground my teeth.
"Is Bailey awake?" I asked.
"Sort of, but not really, what's up? You need a ride, Kerri is up, she could come get you!"
"No, I need Bailey. Something happened and they transported Jones to the Portsmouth Naval Hospital last night. I need a ride to go see him."
"Oh my god, Is he okay? What happened?"
"He's okay. I'll fill you in later. Just kick Bailey out of bed, tell him Jones is in the hospital and he needs to come pick me up. I'm on the pier now."
"Alright, he'll be there."
Not wanting to be social, I abruptly hung up the phone and found a place to sit. About thirty minutes later Blue Betty rumbled up to Pier 11. I got in and closed the door without saying a word. Bailey looked like he just rolled out of bed with his hair hastily combed and shoes untied. I buckled my seatbelt and waited for us to pull away. We didn't move.
"So are you going to tell me what the hell happened?"
"Just drive."
Bailey grunted at me and forcefully put the car into gear. The tires chirped as we abruptly pulled away. I could tell he wasn't happy to be back on the base for the second early morning in a row.
"I leave you two alone for one day and Jones lands in the hospital. What the fuck?"
"It's a long story."
We exited the base and turned onto Hampton Boulevard, heading south towards downtown Norfolk. As we drove, I brought Bailey up to speed on yesterday's events. By the time I finished recapping the highlights, we were passing through the downtown Norfolk tunnel on our way to Portsmouth. The exhaust noise of Betty's V-8 engine reverberated off the confined concrete walls as we sped through at an uncomfortably illegal speed.
"I can't believe Jones went postal!"
"You would have done the same thing if you were in his shoes."
"Nah, I wouldn't have hesitated. I would have laid out Brandon on the deck. I'd be in the brig, not the Portsmouth mental ward," Bailey chuckled, "Man, I wish I was there to see Jones storm up that quarterdeck."
"No you don't, trust me, it was not cool. If Brandon didn't tackle him from behind, Jones would probably be dead."
"Well that would have sucked for Jones but it would have been cool for me to watch."
A little shocked, I turned to face Bailey, "You know, sometimes you can be a real insensitive fuck."
"What's your problem?" Bailey said, taken aback.
"Jones almost got killed and you're upset that you weren't there to see it? You're a real asshole sometimes, you know that?"
"Fuck you Meadows, it's not my fault Jones tried to kill himself. I tried to warn him about Edith."
"When did that happen? You didn't warn him about shit. All you did was get him to go with a prostitute. He felt so guilty afterwards that it destroyed his marriage only hours after his return home! You didn't warn him, you fast tracked his divorce!"
"You're as blind as Jones. His marriage was over before he left on the cruise. He just didn't see it coming. So what if Edith and Jones get divorced? I did him a favor. I opened his eyes so he could see he was married to a slut."
"What do you mean it was over before he left?"
"Edith was cheating on him long before we left."
"What? How the hell do you know that?"
"How, because I was fucking her! I was over at Jones' place every night you guys had duty. Shit, his kid saw me there so much; he started calling me 'Daddy'! Yeah, you all thought it was cute when Jones' kid called me 'Daddy.' Little did you fucking know."
" You son of a bitch!"
"Get over it Meadows. If Edith had picked you instead of me, you would have fucked her to."
"I would never do that to Jones!"
"Yeah right, maybe you can lie to me but you can't lie to yourself. I see the way you always gush over Edith. You think she's hot. You'd tap that ass all night long and never tell Jones a peep. You think you're a better friend than I am? Fuck you. I helped Jones. I freed him. He'll get divorced and he'll eventually move on with his life. What did you ever do for him besides eye hump his wife?"
"Fantasizing about fucking and actually doing it are two totally different things. You can try to justify yourself, but what you did is totally fucked. Why didn't you tell me the truth about you and Edith before?"
"Are you fucking kidding me? You would have blabbed to Jones and I really didn't need him freaking out on me during the cruise."
"I can't believe that I trusted you."
"You've got a lot to learn."
"From you, I don't fucking think so."
The remainder of the ride to the hospital went in total silence. We pulled through the hospital security gate and into the parking lot. Bailey drove around the side of the first building and pulled up to the curb.
"He's probably in building one, ward four. That's where they keep the psycho patients."
I was a little surprised that Bailey knew this, "How do you know that? Were you here before?"
"There is a shuttle that runs back to NEX (Naval Exchange) every hour. Catch a ride with them when you're ready to get back."
I took the hint and got out of the car. Before I had the door fully closed, Bailey gunned the engine and drove away.
I went inside building one, of the Naval Hospital, and found a reception desk. There was an older nurse sitting there by herself with no one else in sight.
I guess things are slow on the weekends.
She paid no attention to my presence at the counter.
"Hi, my name is Kevin Meadows. A friend of mine was brought here last night and I was wondering if you could tell me what room he's in?"
The nurse looked up then quickly returned her focus to the chart in her hands.
"What is his name?"
"Terry Jones, HT2 Terry Jones, he's from the USS Yellowstone."
The nurse never acknowledged me. She spun around in her chair and typed in the name on a computer.
"Petty Officer Jones is a patient in ward four. Family members only are allowed to visit that floor. Are you related to the patient?"
"No ma'am."
"Then I'm sorry, I can't help you."
I pleaded with the nurse for about five minutes, but her stone-cold attitude towards my plight never wavered. Dejected, I felt like an idiot for coming here without first checking to see if I would actually be able to visit Jones. Giving up, I finally asked the receptionist where I could find the shuttle back to the NEX.
I walked outside and found the sign for the shuttle in the parking lot. The schedule for Saturdays didn't start until ten hundred hours. My watch said 0857.
That's just great.
Alone with my thoughts, I sat down on the uncomfortable bench and took in the scenery around me. With the revelation that Bailey had just dumped on me, I was actually glad for some quiet time to think.
How could I be so blind?
I stared at nothing and listened to the traffic from the Interstate in the distance. About thirty minutes passed when I a familiar voice startled me from behind.
I turned my neck, "Edith?"
I jumped to my feet and faced her on the sidewalk. An awkward moment passed as we both searched for something to say. She couldn't look me in the eye. Her face was puffy and I could tell that she'd been crying. Still, she looked as beautiful as ever. I cursed myself for feeling a physical attraction toward her. In that moment, I willed myself to prove Bailey wrong.
I should be mad at Edith, not eye humping her!
"So, uh when did you get here?" I asked.
"Last night. They called me to tell me what happened ... that Terry ... tried to kill himself. I've been here ever since."
"How are you holding up?"
"I'm tired," She sighed, "I've been here talking with a counselor for most of the night."
"A counselor, for you?"
"Yes, they've been asking me questions about Terry and our marriage all night," She searched her purse and pulled out a used crumpled tissue.
"Did you get to see him?" I asked.
"No, they won't let me. The counselor said that Terry didn't want to see me. They told me to go home, get some rest, and wait for them to call."
Edith's eyes filled with fresh tears, "Why doesn't Terry want to see me?" Her face crumpled and she started to cry openly.
I wanted to hug her. I wanted to take her pain away and be her savior. I started to walk towards her with my arms ready to embrace her. I could be her friend and then maybe we could go home...
NO! Your friend is in the hospital behind you because of this woman, stop thinking with your dick!
"Terry sort of had a rough day yesterday. I'm sure they just want to take things slow to ensure he isn't going to try anything stupid again."
Edith strained to hold back the damned up flood of tears. She wiped her eyes, "Kevin, that's the same bullshit they told me upstairs. They think I'm the cause of Terry's condition so they want to keep us separated so he doesn't try to..." She paused, unable to finish that thought, "What are you doing here?"
"I came to see how Terry was doing, but I'm not family so they won't let me."
"Oh ... well I'm sure if Terry knew you were here, he'd probably want to see you. You're a good friend Kevin."
I couldn't help saying, "A better friend than Bailey?"
Edith froze.
"Yeah, I know about you and Bailey. I know you were with him on the nights Terry had duty."
Edith's face went pale, "Did ... did you tell Terry?"
"Terry doesn't know I was cheating with Bailey. He knows I had an affair but not with him. Oh my god, you probably hate me."
"I don't hate you, but I'm very angry. I don't understand why you would cheat on Terry. You had everything you could ever want. A loving, devoted husband, a beautiful healthy child, a safe home, and a steady income. Everything was perfect but you threw it all away for Bailey, why? I would love to have your life!"
"Things were not as perfect as you assume."
"Terry thought things were."
"Kevin, you don't know what you're talking about." Edith's voice suddenly found a strength and determination that wasn't there a moment ago. "This perfect life that Terry and I are supposed to have is a sham. Things used to be about us, but now everything is about him and his career. You have no idea how lonely I get sitting around waiting for Terry to come home all the time. With all the deployments and the duty days, he's never there. You guys get to gallivant all over the world while I'm stuck in this stupid town away from my friends and family. My life is going nowhere. Nothing between Terry and me is right anymore. If you can't understand that, then you're as naive at Terry."
"You're jealous of us? Being away from home and putting up with all the bullshit of the Navy is no picnic. Yeah, I've been halfway around the world, but I was too tired and too burned out actually to enjoy it. You have no idea the stress we have to deal with on a daily basis."
"Stress, I can deal with stress! At least you're out of the house living a life!"
"Edith, Terry's life for the last six months was spent hopelessly worrying about you and Greg. It ate him alive on the inside; the only thing that kept him going was the fact that he trusted you."
"That's a lie! Terry fucked that prostitute because he wanted to. He's just as board with our marriage as I am."
"You're wrong Edith."
"I don't believe you."
"I was there, that night in Turkey. You have no idea the fear I saw in Terry's eyes when he couldn't get a hold of you on the phone. He was in shock because he didn't know if you were hurt, in trouble, or worse. He felt helpless because there was nothing he could do from halfway around the world. Bailey used that fear to get him drunk. Bailey played us both and I think he did it because he wanted to break you guys up."
"Bailey didn't do this, Terry did!"
"Edith, you can tell yourself that but we both know it isn't true. Bailey took advantage of your loneliness. He came over to your house and he pretended to care. He gave you the excitement and attention that you craved and poisoned your love for Terry in the process. He did it because he was jealous."
Edith's tears started to flow in rivers down her cheeks. "I ... I don't know. Bailey said ... Oh god. I never wanted to hurt Terry." A flood of uncontrollable sobs took over and Edith collapsed to her knees on the sidewalk. I rushed to help her.
"Edith! Edith, look at me!" Her head lifted up and she watched me as I squatted in front of her. "You can save the man upstairs. If you still love Terry, there is hope."
The tears continued to run down Edith's face and dripped from her cheeks. Her lips were trembling, "Yes, I still love him, but how, after all that's happened?" She muttered through her tears.
"Terry will forgive you. I know this. His love for you has never faltered in all the time that I've known him. He will take you back if you ask for forgiveness."
"What about the things he said? Should I just ignore that? I can't Kevin. It hurts too much."
"Terry already tried to ask for your forgiveness. That's why he told you about what happened in Turkey. He could have kept it a secret from you but he didn't. Show Terry how strong you are by forgiving him. I know he will return the favor."
"And ... if he doesn't?"
"Then I will personally beat some sense into him."
Edith flashed a smile, but it quickly disappeared as she blew her nose into the sopping wet tissue.
"I don't know. I feel so lost right now. Before Terry came back, I convinced myself that everything was over. I didn't want to be a Navy wife anymore. I wanted a divorce. I even got a lawyer. Then when I saw him on the pier and he kissed me the way he used to, I got so confused."
"You knew when he kissed you that he still loved you."
"Yes. I felt so guilty for cheating on him. Then he told me about the prostitute and the guilt I felt turned to anger. I felt vindicated. Now this happened and I don't know what I want anymore."
"Well only your heart can answer that question, but I can tell you for certain that Terry doesn't want to lose you."
"How can you be so sure?"
"I talked to him yesterday before he ... well, you know. He told me that his life was over now that he lost you."
"He didn't care that you cheated. He only cared that he lost you. His world was over because you didn't want to be with him."
She looked up at me as she pondered what I had said.
"Edith, I know you are having a rough time right now but I honestly think that you and Terry have something worth saving.
"But nothing," I interrupted, "If you still love Terry then nothing else matters."
"I know ... I ... I guess I have a lot to think about. My head is spinning right now."
I extended my hand and helped lift her to her feet. Edith stood shakily on the sidewalk.
"Are you going home?" I asked.
She nodded, "What about you?"
"I've got a ride back to the base. The shuttle bus will be here any minute. Are you going to be okay?"
Edith pulled out another tissue and blew her nose, "I'll make it."
"You can do this. I know you can."
Edith winced and nodded her head, "I'll try."
She reached out and tried to hug me. I raised my hand to stop her.
"I'm still angry with you. Let's shake."
Edith snorted as she tried not to laugh. She shook my hand. With nothing else to say, she turned and walked alone towards the parking lot.
I wasn't sure if I had made anything better for Terry and Edith, but I felt good inside for trying. I turned to face the hospital and looked at the windows on the fourth floor.
"Hang in there buddy."
A few minutes later, the shuttle arrived. I boarded the bus and started my journey back to the Naval Station.
The shuttle ride back to the Norfolk Naval Station took forever because of all the stops we made downtown, but I really didn't mind. I had nothing on my agenda for the next couple of days, so I wasn't in much of a hurry to be anywhere in particular. During the ride, I thought a lot about what Edith had told me. I had never given any thought to what a woman in Edith's position had to endure being a Navy wife. To be honest, before today I was often a little jealous that Edith got to stay home, and do what she wanted all day. It wasn't until after the revelation of what her home life was like, that I started to understand how Bailey could have seduced her.
I also wondered why Bailey told me about having sex with Edith. Edith didn't tell Terry whom she was cheating with because she knew that Terry would want to kill Bailey. Bailey had to know this as well, so why tell me? Bailey is not that stupid, unless he thought that Edith had already told Terry. I filed this little epiphany away for later use.
About an hour later, I arrived at the Navy Exchange. I decided to do a little shopping and grab a bite to eat. I found a couple of new polo shirts in the commissary and afterwards I inhaled a slice of greasy pizza from the food court.
With my stomach appeased for the time being, I decided to do what every single sailor, who lives on the ship and who doesn't have a car does; Go see a movie.
"Bram Stroker's Dracula," opened this weekend but for some reason, seeing Keanu Reeves in a role other than a "Bill and Ted," movie seemed like a bad idea, Dude, that blood-sucking guy is totally bogus!
"Reservoir Dogs" was playing but for the life of me, I could not figure out what the plot was about by looking at the movie poster. The Clive Barker horror "Candyman," looked interesting, but in the end, I decided to see a comedy.
"Under Siege," with Steven Segal, The movie poster read, "It's not a job-It's an adventure!" The plot looked ridiculous with Steven Segal playing a retired Navy Seal working as a cook who single handily stops a terrorist plot. Ha! This I gotta see!
I walked into the theater with pretty, low expectations. I walked out of the theater two hours later scratching my head. Why do they keep letting Steven Segal make movies? I would gladly give Segal five bucks a year if he would just stop acting. Just tell me where to mail it.
After the movie, I decided to take the long way home and walk back to the Yellowstone. I wanted to drop off my new shirts, clean up and figure out what to do on a Saturday night since there was no way in hell I was going over to Jennifer and Kerri's place. The thought of seeing Bailey or Kerri anytime soon made me want to hide in a dumpster.
I walked onboard the ship during the middle of evening chow. I figured if there were anyone around looking for something to do, I would find them on the mess deck. I grabbed a serving tray and went to the main serving line, tonight's menu? "Yankee, Pot Roast."
Now what makes a pot roast a 'Yankee' pot roast? I haven't a clue. I think the cooks just invent new names for whatever the meat looks like when it's done cooking.
Gee, that looks like a dead Yankee. Let's call it Yankee pot roast!
Besides the infamous, Yankee pot roast, there's also Beef pot roast, Ginger pot roast, and the ever popular Spicy pot roast ranchero. The cooks must think that we're idiots because it all tastes like ... pot roast! I sat down alone with my 'dead Yankee' and started pondering a trip to McDonalds.
Looking around, I noticed that I was one of only a few shipmates hanging around in civilian clothes. Most people were here because they have duty and they don't have a choice. I was about to give up looking for someone to hang out with when PM3 Click showed up. Click was an odd fellow that worked in the wood shop. He was sort of a misfit and I often wondered how desperate his recruiter must have been when he enlisted a guy like Jim Click.
A funny thing about Click is that he only wore clothing bought from thrift stores. He also never wore anything that matched. Tonight he had on a pair of dark brown corduroy pants, a collared button down shirt that had an odd blue-green paisley design, and a grey hooded sweatshirt that had several holes in it. I thought, Give the guy a skateboard and he would fit right in standing on a half-pipe. About the only thing I had in common with Click was the fact that we were both about the same age.
I waved to Click. He saw me and joined me for dinner.
"I guess I'm not the only one who stuck around for pot roast night," I joked.
Click started cutting the dried meat and shoveling it in his mouth, "I didn't plan on being here. I kinda overslept. This is breakfast."
"Damn man, it's almost dark outside. What have you been doing?"
"Stupid midnight to 0400 parking lot watch last night kicked my ass."
"Oh, that'll do it. So what are you up to tonight?"
He swallowed a large spoonful of mashed potatoes. "Probably head over to the enlisted club and see what's going on over there. I heard the USS Grapple pulled in today. It should be a good party tonight."
"What's so special about the Grapple?"
"You never heard about the Grapple? Dude! That tug is all female. There's like ninety women on there. When they pull in, they are horny as hell, and they party hard."
"No shit? That sounds cool. You mind if I tag along?"
"Not at all, Dude."
"What time are you heading over?" I asked.
"Around nine, where are you going to be?"
"I'll probably be in 11-Alpha watching TV."
"Cool, I'll pick you up on my way out."
My watch said 2130 before Click showed up to collect me. I thought about giving him a hard time for being thirty minutes late but figured I'd be wasting my breath. Click isn't the type that cares about being on time. He was carrying his cue stick case, so I knew we were destined for a long night on the pool tables. We made our way ashore and walked to the enlisted club.
From the outside the Pier 26 club, it didn't look like there was very much happening. The parking lot was only half-full with nobody lingering outside. We walked up the steps and entered the lobby. A five-dollar cover charge, which seemed somewhat high since there was no band playing tonight, was required for admittance. Without much choice in the matter, we paid the man.
Click got a blue wristband; I got a yellow one since I'm under twenty-one. If any of the shore patrol sees me consuming any alcohol, I'll be on the fast track to Captains Mast on Monday morning.
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My interest in sex really started when I was about teens. One Saturday morning in the 1950s I was at home whilst my parents had gone out to visit my gran. The only other person in the house was my brother, Joe, who was just over a year older than me. I was doing my homework downstairs when I hit a snag. I needed a ruler and I’d left mine at school. I knew my brother probably had one and popped up to his bedroom to borrow one. He mustn’t have heard me coming up the stairs and opening his...
Chapter One They bought the cottage for family reasons, many years ago, and they all loved the place, not ever dreaming of the purposes it should serve years later. In those days they were the typical family: Husband busy, wife wifely, kids unruly and very active. The huge, old cottage was very primitive, but it was situated on the shore of a mountain lake with a breathtaking view of snowy mountains across the water. Built out of enormous logs joined the old-fashioned way, it had neither...
I and my girlfriend Bhawna have been living together in a rented flat in Gurgaon. Our life was going great and our love sessions were awesome as always. Staying together helped us to know each other better. It was a 1BHK and we had our romantic sessions in each room and corner of our flat. Bhawna has a younger sister, Maya. She is 25 and her stats are 34 30 34. I had lust for her since the day I saw her around 6 years back. She was beautiful, cute, hot and sexy. She is walking epitome of beauty...
It was a glorious day to be hitch hiking home. The early morning sun was in the high seventies, warming Kate’s skin as she walked backwards along the edge of the two-lane road. The birds were singing their sweet songs from the trees and hedges, and the roads were quiet.Still, she didn’t have to wait long for a car to pick her up. Who could resist those long slim beautifully tanned legs after all? The topless Ford Mustang slowed to walking speed beside her and the driver lowered his sunglasses...
TabooCopyright 2009 by PostScriptor * It was around 6:00 PM when I walked into the house to the smell of dinner cooking. Nothing fancy, I suspected, but tasty — one of those 5-bone pot roasts, cooked for hours in the slow-cooker with potatoes, onions and carrots. Wouldn’t be surprised if Audrey had picked up one of those salads from the store with all of the fixings including pieces of cheese, corn, taco pieces — the little add-ons that make a salad unique — as well as the dressing. Not that...
Hi all, my name is Geeta and am a wanna be hijra from mumbai, this is a work of fiction you can write to me at Today am a complete hijra, let me tell you my story. This all began when I was very young, I had fantasy to wear female clothes and it was not my fault, I was growing up between 4 woman in my house, one day when was about 18 years and no one was home I had this fantasy to wear female clothes, so I started to look for bra panty and other clothes in my sisters room, I took them one by...
Gay MaleI have been watching Trisha Hershberger for a long time. She has a naked vlog show called "The Naked Truth". I'm just going to be honest from the begining, I want this woman to breastfeed me.I fantasize about sucking on her boob. I fantasize about sucking on her big boob like a baby. Trisha's bra size is a 34DDD. Her tits are massive! SInce she has been on the youtube show Sourcefed, I have masturbated to her big boobsIn a video on youtube, Trisha showed a close up of her cleavage in a purple...
The following is a work of fiction. Any similarities of characters in this story with any persons living or dead is totally coincidental and unintentional. Permission is also hereby granted to archive or distribute this work provided that the recipient is of legal age in his/her municipality, the author's name remains intact, and no fee is charged. If Only He Had Known ... --gennie TV -- October 1997 Justine had just finished cleaning the bathroom and since Miss. Gennie...
True Story, Anal, Authoritarian, Blowjob, Cheating, Consensual Sex, Cum Swallowing, Erotica, Group Sex, Male Domination, Oral Sex, Wife, Written by women Author's infos Gender: female Age: N/A Location: N/A Originally Posted Sun 30th of June 2013 No persons involved in sexual acts or even witnessing the same are included in this series under the age of consent. A person under the age of consent may be mentioned in passing but he or she as the case may be is only casually...
"Remember the sixties? Well, I do. Great fun back then and my main stoner buddy was John Brockton or Johnny B. as we called him. Horniest guy I knew back then but he couldn't get laid in a whorehouse. Just his luck I guess. anyway, he graduated college and became a Phd which resulted in three marriages...if you have money you can get laid! He finally stuck with a woman he met in New England and they settled down.But he had a daughter with one of his wives and she took after her old man. Married...
When Ashley put her mind to it time seemed to stand still. At 4:20 she had completed her sixth bathroom of the day. Putting her tool belt in her work bag she washed her face, put on lipstick, and brushed her hair. In the elevator lobby, she ran into Nick DiAngeli. On the way down in the elevator, she told him that she was going to interview the hotel manager for a paper she was doing at school. He knew that she had been an outstanding student in high school and heard she was doing quite well...
ODE TO THE SPELL CHECKER Eye have a spelling checker It came with my pea sea It plainly marques four my revue Miss steak eye kin not sea Eye strike a key and type a word And weight 4 it 2 say Weather eye am wrong ore write It shows me strait a weigh As soon as a mist ache is maid It nose bee fore two long And eye can put the error rite Its rare lea ever wrong, Eye have run this poem threw it I am shore your pleased two no Its letter perfect awl the weigh My chequer tolled me...
Our folks kept us busy with trips out, Eve and I didn’t get a chance to enjoy each other’s ‘company’ for a long time. Every morning we looked at each other over breakfast. We could each see the desire burning in each other’s eyes, and could feel it as we stroked each other’s thighs and sex with our feet under the table every morning. But, unfortunately, this only ever lasted a few seconds as our folks would walk into the room and we stopped for fear of being caught. This quick and secret...
Truda - Fighting woman Varick - Protecting Ruler Harman - Man of the army The man moved through the shadows as if he were a part of them. Through many years of practice it was now mere child's play. Looking around the compound the man's chiseled features searched for the container that held the doctor. After all these years they finally had a location on the man. Moving to the container the man broke the lock with practiced ease, only to find a note and a recording device inside....
If asked for the most simplistic explanation of that evening with Leta, I would have pointed to the skirt. Her black skirt. Her short, form-fitting, black skirt. The skirt she wore to formal occasions that were more social than formal, like the author’s reading we had attended at our west branch bookstore earlier in the evening. The sexuality she expresses in that skirt simply cannot be ignored, especially by me. I am baited by the curve of her, by the way she moves within those curves....
Chapter 8: I WOKE UP in Caireen's arms as she picked me up out of my crib. "Oh, so those eyes do open?" She said sweetly. "It was a long day," I told her. "I know," she said and cuddled me tightly in her arms, "I was so worried things were not going to work out." "I knew they would," I told her with a smile. "Why?" "Because I had you and my family, duh!" "Well, I know you fed before bedtime, but I think you need breakfast," she told me with a smirk. She nursed me and...
An almost satisfied smile, came to her lips as she watched her brother's ship go dark. "Open a channel Trigon." Wren said. "Channel open Master Wren." Trigon responded. "Hey idiot! What's wrong? Can't take it when someone is far better than you? Plus, they have far superior equipment, power and need I say looks? Oh yeah, that's right that's why you have so many followers, you're so damn ugly." Wren taunted her brother. 'You little bitch! You'll pay for that! I want all...
Dave finally became a Company director in his early thirties at the company he had worked for since leaving school. Dave had worked his way up from the bottom and was now at the top of the tree.Dave now had his own large office on the top floor whereas before he had shared an office with other staff members of similar rank. Dave was now in charge off the daily running of the business and ensuring profits continued to increase.Dave had a great team round him and had gained the respect of all...
Office SexDon Juan was pleased with Belinda and vowed to reward her. She had been allowed to sleep with him in his chamber, a place he normally kept exclusively to himself. Now she woke with the morning sunshine streaming in through the vast windows warming her. She pushed back the black silk sheets covering her nakedness and brushed strands of her shining blonde hair from her face. Don Juan was nowhere to be seen. Belinda yawned and smiled sleepily. Her performance at “The Tea Parlour” had been...
BDSMAnd Dismay Day twenty-six, 4:49 pm I ran to Vala, and picked her up. Carrying her into the living area, I set her on one of the couches and checked her over. She seemed ok, and I took the cloth that Charlene brought me and I wiped her head and let Jane check her over. Jane set the medkit down and opened it after she gave her a checkup. "I don't know what set her off, but she's healthy. She just needs this," Jane said as she pulled out an ammonia capsule and broke it under Vala's...
Gianna spent the night hopping from bar to bar. She came to a little dive called “The Hole In the Wall”. Unfortunately she got there after last call. Seemed like her night was about to end without any cock. She certainly dressed to get laid, but guess her luck had run out. Or did it. She asked to use the bathroom, which the bartender replied “Enjoy”. What the fuck? Was her luck about to change? In the bathroom? Of course it did…it’s a fucking Gloryhole!! Just...
xmoviesforyouLucilla "Aaarrghhh niiiicht bitte niiiiiicht!!!" Verzweifelt winselte Lucilla auf. Die Schergen, die ihre Fesseln gel?st hatten, stiessen sie vor das leicht schr?g stehende klobige X-Kreuz. Sie drehten sie vor die dunklen Balken und durch den d?nnen, kurzen Fetzen, den sie trug, sp?rte sie das harte, warme Holz. Wie Schraubst?cke waren die F?uste der M?nner, die ihre Arme hochrissen und ausstreckten, nachdem man sie auf...
Teacher ne di punishment The prologue (part I) Adult 18+ content [Yeh ghatna/Kahaani puri tarah se kalpaniya hai . Kisi bhi tarah ki jeewan kaal ke haadse se koi sambandh nahi, aur yadi hai bhi toh, wo kewal sah ghatna ka parinaam hai The following content is an art of imaginaton/fictional … any kind of resemblence with real life is just a fact of co-incidence] Hello everyone…main ek college mein M.Sc. (psychology) ka student hu. Ek baar ki baath hai jb humaare teacher ne hum sabko assignment...
It was the usual story for a Friday afternoon, still too much work left undone. The humdrum noise of the open plan office echoed slightly against the high ceilings and wooden flooring. A photocopier purred away in the corner, cascading a perfect pile of documents against the collection point. I looked down at my cluttered desk and decided to check a few more things before I called it a day. Then I’d head off home to freshen up and change into my costume for the Halloween party. God, I was so...
This is Raj, from andhra pradesh I m 28 years self employed. This is real incident happened between me and my sil when she visited us. Her name is jyoti (name not changed) and she is married too recently. Though I never had any bad intention towards her but was not sure if she had something cooking inside her panties for me ;) After my engagement I used to visit my in-laws, there I have seen this sex bomb jyoti as usual she was more closer to me when I visited her place with all formalities of...
Doston mai Sahil aaj phir aapke liye apni ek sacchi sex kahani lekar hazir hu. Mai aaj apko apni zindagi ki pahli chudai ke bare me batane jaa raha hu jab maine pados ki ek bhabhi ko choda. Jo log mere bare me nahi jante hai unko mai apne bare me bata dena chahta hu ki mera name Sahil hai aur meri umra 25 yrs hai. Main 5”4 hight ka hu. Dekhne me to mai average looking hun par sex pure man se karta hun aur bachpan se hi muge sex ka bahut shaukh hai. Main jis ladki ya aurat ko ek baar chodta hun...
Sultry brunette Vanessa Lane makes it a point to take her car to buff mechanic Jack Venice in the hopes that he will check out and lube up her parts instead. Well, how can the stud resist when he sees the naughty MILF licking her lips and masturbating in front of him. He’s ready with a rock hard rod in seconds and the busty nympho is sucking on his cock for a blowjob he won’t soon forget, not to mention her tasty shaved pussy that he licks and fucks until a facial cumshot Penthouse...
xmoviesforyou***** My story starts... After coming out of airport without any hitch in US she felt proud of herself and her confidence increased immensely as this was her first time out of country. I received her and took her to our new home where I shifted recently. The neighborhood was very nice and calm place; I had a garage a small backyard and back lawn with a swimming pool. She saw the house and the location and was awestruck. She was wearing here sari and was object of lots of...
It was now about 4 months into our freshman year, the middle of winter, and it had just snowed heavily. The twins had late cheerleading practice at school, and I had to stay late for band practice, I played drums, was the best drummer in the county and had started a band. I invited the twins to a few of our concerts and they had been to them all. I felt so appreciated. At first I didn't see a strong relationship building, but we wound up becoming really close, closer than I could ever...
By : Rajgupta1987 Hi I’m back. Meri pehle story bohut jano ko pasand aai ye padh kar acha laga. Jo mujhe nahi jante mai bata tu mera naam Raj Gupta hai. Meri cousin sister ka naam Payal hai aur wo 22 years ki hai. Maine apne pehle story mai bataya tha kaise maine apni cousin sister ko jorjabarjasti choda aur blackmail karne ke liye uska video banaya. Kher mai apko uske baad ka story batata hu ek bar Payal ko chod ke mera maan nahi lag raha tha to use phone lagaya to usne bola bohut dard ho...
Emily was in a light robe open in the front. Junie was wearing only the panties. They sat at the breakfast bar in the kitchen eating the steak and green salad with the garlic bread Emily had prepared. Usually Emily only ate about half of a meal like this but fucking had made her ravenous and she quickly downed her dinner and two glasses of wine along with it. “That was really good Mrs. Lee. Best steak I can remember.” “Why thank you Everett Fielding the cook is always happy to hear that....
"Oh, sweetie, it has been too long," Warren said as Sophia sank into his arms on his bed in the dorm room at Wisconsin. "Don't I know it," agreed Sophia. She snuggled into his arms. "Things have been so hectic." The Olympics had ended two weeks earlier. There had been parades in both their hometowns, Oceanview and Madison. Sophia had gone to the doctor for a full checkup. They had to catch up on their schoolwork. There was a meeting with their advisors about taking a sabbatical next...
It was summertime. I was visiting my native place which is a very small town in Uttar Pradesh. Our ancestral home is a typical rural large house with a large central courtyard and surrounded with large verandahs. There was a marriage in the relations and several relatives had gathered there. Cots were lined up in the courtyard for everyone to spend the night. With clean fresh air and a clear starry sky, it was a really pleasant night. I took a corner cot and settled myself over it. Since I was...
IncestJay Romero has brought Octavia Red back to his place for some dessert. Octavia knows exactly what that’s about to be. She barely lets Jay get into the door before she takes control, pressing him against the wall and devouring his mouth. Lifting one knee to pin Jay into place with her body, Octavia makes it clear that she is ready to party. Octavia has relieved herself of her dress before they ever leave the foyer. Gradually amidst their playful talk, they make their way towards a place to...
xmoviesforyouAldren had Mirgan sit next to him at the table. As soon as the others had taken their places, he got their attention. "Friends, we were trying to decide what to do about the siege against the dwarf kingdom. One of my younger captains brought to my attention a plan of action that I find might suit our purpose. Mirgan, will you give us your thoughts." He then motioned for Mirgan to stand and speak. Mirgan started to speak. While he had been present for the entire conference, he had spent...
Hi all, myself Farhan I am from Hyderabad my age is 24 I ‘m working in a mnc company I ‘m new to ISS and I like the stories of ISS very much if you like my story please mail me on Coming to the story… I was working in a mnc company in Hyderabad from last one year with me there are 15 members are working in my team after six months of my job one new person jonied in my team her name is lakshmi she is a married woman…. But she was too hot in looks and body shapes… She is...
This encounter happened in July 2014, around two years after a spontaneous gangbang in Bristol that began Shelley’s journey to becoming a true slut-wife. Since that gangbang, I’d also shared her with some of my friends, so Shelley was gaining more and more confidence sexually, and although we never really went deliberately looking for sexual experiences with other people, she certainly didn’t shy away from them anymore. So, this story took place at a wedding when Shelley was twenty-seven, and I...
TrueOnly in Hollywood By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter Three Danny smirked, shaking his head and then dashed from the curb up the driveway towards the back of the house. Thankfully the spare key was there and he scurried inside, closing the door. It was much too risky to try to hurry past his father to run up the stairs, even snoozing as he was on the couch, so instead Danny tiptoed down to the basement out of sight. Into the laundry room he went, quickly stripping off...
When she finally emerged from the bedroom, clad in a long robe, her hair was still wet from her second shower.She had resisted the urge to fuck herself again, by force of will alone. She'd picked up the dildo, which had lint adhering to it from the carpet, announcing it was past time for her to vacuum the floors. She washed it off in the sink and put it back in the drawer. She didn't cover it up this time.She felt tired. John was still in the chair, but the dishes he'd eaten out of were now on...
Buli pisir maya titli amar somo boyosi dekhte sundor farsa misti dekhte maegulo top er opor thekepingpong boler moto mone hato, amra eksange khela dhula kortam amader khela chilo andhakarHale light chale gale lukochuri khela kheltam parar ananano chele mayeder sathe,a r ekta khela Chilo, amra ekta chadorer modhe lukia portam anaader guss korte hato konta k, andhokare jokhon lukochuri kheltam ami r Titli eki jaegae lokatam titli amar samne thakto choto jaiga tae dujoner sarir dujoner sathe lage...