HomecomingChapter 4 free porn video

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The next morning, the turnover to duty section three went a lot smoother then our turnover the previous morning. Muster was over at 0740 and liberty call for duty section two sounded promptly five minutes later.

Today was Saturday. Usually on a day like to today, I would go back to berthing and sleep until lunch, but since I hit my rack around 2100 last night, I was wide-awake after nine hours of shuteye. I might have been able to force myself back to sleep, but I wanted to find out how Jones was doing. Unfortunately, I had of no way to get to the Portsmouth Naval Hospital on my own. Without many options, I walked down to the pier and found an empty phone booth. I sighed and dialed, praying that Kerri wouldn't answer.


"Hey, Jennifer, it's Kevin," Whew!

"Good morning you big stud you!" Jennifer giggled into the phone. I winced and ground my teeth.

"Is Bailey awake?" I asked.

"Sort of, but not really, what's up? You need a ride, Kerri is up, she could come get you!"

"No, I need Bailey. Something happened and they transported Jones to the Portsmouth Naval Hospital last night. I need a ride to go see him."

"Oh my god, Is he okay? What happened?"

"He's okay. I'll fill you in later. Just kick Bailey out of bed, tell him Jones is in the hospital and he needs to come pick me up. I'm on the pier now."

"Alright, he'll be there."

Not wanting to be social, I abruptly hung up the phone and found a place to sit. About thirty minutes later Blue Betty rumbled up to Pier 11. I got in and closed the door without saying a word. Bailey looked like he just rolled out of bed with his hair hastily combed and shoes untied. I buckled my seatbelt and waited for us to pull away. We didn't move.

"So are you going to tell me what the hell happened?"

"Just drive."

Bailey grunted at me and forcefully put the car into gear. The tires chirped as we abruptly pulled away. I could tell he wasn't happy to be back on the base for the second early morning in a row.

"I leave you two alone for one day and Jones lands in the hospital. What the fuck?"

"It's a long story."

We exited the base and turned onto Hampton Boulevard, heading south towards downtown Norfolk. As we drove, I brought Bailey up to speed on yesterday's events. By the time I finished recapping the highlights, we were passing through the downtown Norfolk tunnel on our way to Portsmouth. The exhaust noise of Betty's V-8 engine reverberated off the confined concrete walls as we sped through at an uncomfortably illegal speed.

"I can't believe Jones went postal!"

"You would have done the same thing if you were in his shoes."

"Nah, I wouldn't have hesitated. I would have laid out Brandon on the deck. I'd be in the brig, not the Portsmouth mental ward," Bailey chuckled, "Man, I wish I was there to see Jones storm up that quarterdeck."

"No you don't, trust me, it was not cool. If Brandon didn't tackle him from behind, Jones would probably be dead."

"Well that would have sucked for Jones but it would have been cool for me to watch."

A little shocked, I turned to face Bailey, "You know, sometimes you can be a real insensitive fuck."

"What's your problem?" Bailey said, taken aback.

"Jones almost got killed and you're upset that you weren't there to see it? You're a real asshole sometimes, you know that?"

"Fuck you Meadows, it's not my fault Jones tried to kill himself. I tried to warn him about Edith."

"When did that happen? You didn't warn him about shit. All you did was get him to go with a prostitute. He felt so guilty afterwards that it destroyed his marriage only hours after his return home! You didn't warn him, you fast tracked his divorce!"

"You're as blind as Jones. His marriage was over before he left on the cruise. He just didn't see it coming. So what if Edith and Jones get divorced? I did him a favor. I opened his eyes so he could see he was married to a slut."

"What do you mean it was over before he left?"

"Edith was cheating on him long before we left."

"What? How the hell do you know that?"

"How, because I was fucking her! I was over at Jones' place every night you guys had duty. Shit, his kid saw me there so much; he started calling me 'Daddy'! Yeah, you all thought it was cute when Jones' kid called me 'Daddy.' Little did you fucking know."

" You son of a bitch!"

"Get over it Meadows. If Edith had picked you instead of me, you would have fucked her to."

"I would never do that to Jones!"

"Yeah right, maybe you can lie to me but you can't lie to yourself. I see the way you always gush over Edith. You think she's hot. You'd tap that ass all night long and never tell Jones a peep. You think you're a better friend than I am? Fuck you. I helped Jones. I freed him. He'll get divorced and he'll eventually move on with his life. What did you ever do for him besides eye hump his wife?"

"Fantasizing about fucking and actually doing it are two totally different things. You can try to justify yourself, but what you did is totally fucked. Why didn't you tell me the truth about you and Edith before?"

"Are you fucking kidding me? You would have blabbed to Jones and I really didn't need him freaking out on me during the cruise."

"I can't believe that I trusted you."

"You've got a lot to learn."

"From you, I don't fucking think so."

The remainder of the ride to the hospital went in total silence. We pulled through the hospital security gate and into the parking lot. Bailey drove around the side of the first building and pulled up to the curb.

"He's probably in building one, ward four. That's where they keep the psycho patients."

I was a little surprised that Bailey knew this, "How do you know that? Were you here before?"

"There is a shuttle that runs back to NEX (Naval Exchange) every hour. Catch a ride with them when you're ready to get back."

I took the hint and got out of the car. Before I had the door fully closed, Bailey gunned the engine and drove away.

I went inside building one, of the Naval Hospital, and found a reception desk. There was an older nurse sitting there by herself with no one else in sight.

I guess things are slow on the weekends.

She paid no attention to my presence at the counter.

"Hi, my name is Kevin Meadows. A friend of mine was brought here last night and I was wondering if you could tell me what room he's in?"

The nurse looked up then quickly returned her focus to the chart in her hands.

"What is his name?"

"Terry Jones, HT2 Terry Jones, he's from the USS Yellowstone."

The nurse never acknowledged me. She spun around in her chair and typed in the name on a computer.

"Petty Officer Jones is a patient in ward four. Family members only are allowed to visit that floor. Are you related to the patient?"

"No ma'am."

"Then I'm sorry, I can't help you."

I pleaded with the nurse for about five minutes, but her stone-cold attitude towards my plight never wavered. Dejected, I felt like an idiot for coming here without first checking to see if I would actually be able to visit Jones. Giving up, I finally asked the receptionist where I could find the shuttle back to the NEX.

I walked outside and found the sign for the shuttle in the parking lot. The schedule for Saturdays didn't start until ten hundred hours. My watch said 0857.

That's just great.

Alone with my thoughts, I sat down on the uncomfortable bench and took in the scenery around me. With the revelation that Bailey had just dumped on me, I was actually glad for some quiet time to think.

How could I be so blind?

I stared at nothing and listened to the traffic from the Interstate in the distance. About thirty minutes passed when I a familiar voice startled me from behind.


I turned my neck, "Edith?"

I jumped to my feet and faced her on the sidewalk. An awkward moment passed as we both searched for something to say. She couldn't look me in the eye. Her face was puffy and I could tell that she'd been crying. Still, she looked as beautiful as ever. I cursed myself for feeling a physical attraction toward her. In that moment, I willed myself to prove Bailey wrong.

I should be mad at Edith, not eye humping her!

"So, uh when did you get here?" I asked.

"Last night. They called me to tell me what happened ... that Terry ... tried to kill himself. I've been here ever since."

"How are you holding up?"

"I'm tired," She sighed, "I've been here talking with a counselor for most of the night."

"A counselor, for you?"

"Yes, they've been asking me questions about Terry and our marriage all night," She searched her purse and pulled out a used crumpled tissue.

"Did you get to see him?" I asked.

"No, they won't let me. The counselor said that Terry didn't want to see me. They told me to go home, get some rest, and wait for them to call."

Edith's eyes filled with fresh tears, "Why doesn't Terry want to see me?" Her face crumpled and she started to cry openly.

I wanted to hug her. I wanted to take her pain away and be her savior. I started to walk towards her with my arms ready to embrace her. I could be her friend and then maybe we could go home...

NO! Your friend is in the hospital behind you because of this woman, stop thinking with your dick!

"Terry sort of had a rough day yesterday. I'm sure they just want to take things slow to ensure he isn't going to try anything stupid again."

Edith strained to hold back the damned up flood of tears. She wiped her eyes, "Kevin, that's the same bullshit they told me upstairs. They think I'm the cause of Terry's condition so they want to keep us separated so he doesn't try to..." She paused, unable to finish that thought, "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see how Terry was doing, but I'm not family so they won't let me."

"Oh ... well I'm sure if Terry knew you were here, he'd probably want to see you. You're a good friend Kevin."

I couldn't help saying, "A better friend than Bailey?"

Edith froze.

"Yeah, I know about you and Bailey. I know you were with him on the nights Terry had duty."

Edith's face went pale, "Did ... did you tell Terry?"


"Terry doesn't know I was cheating with Bailey. He knows I had an affair but not with him. Oh my god, you probably hate me."

"I don't hate you, but I'm very angry. I don't understand why you would cheat on Terry. You had everything you could ever want. A loving, devoted husband, a beautiful healthy child, a safe home, and a steady income. Everything was perfect but you threw it all away for Bailey, why? I would love to have your life!"

"Things were not as perfect as you assume."

"Terry thought things were."

"Kevin, you don't know what you're talking about." Edith's voice suddenly found a strength and determination that wasn't there a moment ago. "This perfect life that Terry and I are supposed to have is a sham. Things used to be about us, but now everything is about him and his career. You have no idea how lonely I get sitting around waiting for Terry to come home all the time. With all the deployments and the duty days, he's never there. You guys get to gallivant all over the world while I'm stuck in this stupid town away from my friends and family. My life is going nowhere. Nothing between Terry and me is right anymore. If you can't understand that, then you're as naive at Terry."

"You're jealous of us? Being away from home and putting up with all the bullshit of the Navy is no picnic. Yeah, I've been halfway around the world, but I was too tired and too burned out actually to enjoy it. You have no idea the stress we have to deal with on a daily basis."

"Stress, I can deal with stress! At least you're out of the house living a life!"

"Edith, Terry's life for the last six months was spent hopelessly worrying about you and Greg. It ate him alive on the inside; the only thing that kept him going was the fact that he trusted you."

"That's a lie! Terry fucked that prostitute because he wanted to. He's just as board with our marriage as I am."

"You're wrong Edith."

"I don't believe you."

"I was there, that night in Turkey. You have no idea the fear I saw in Terry's eyes when he couldn't get a hold of you on the phone. He was in shock because he didn't know if you were hurt, in trouble, or worse. He felt helpless because there was nothing he could do from halfway around the world. Bailey used that fear to get him drunk. Bailey played us both and I think he did it because he wanted to break you guys up."

"Bailey didn't do this, Terry did!"

"Edith, you can tell yourself that but we both know it isn't true. Bailey took advantage of your loneliness. He came over to your house and he pretended to care. He gave you the excitement and attention that you craved and poisoned your love for Terry in the process. He did it because he was jealous."

Edith's tears started to flow in rivers down her cheeks. "I ... I don't know. Bailey said ... Oh god. I never wanted to hurt Terry." A flood of uncontrollable sobs took over and Edith collapsed to her knees on the sidewalk. I rushed to help her.

"Edith! Edith, look at me!" Her head lifted up and she watched me as I squatted in front of her. "You can save the man upstairs. If you still love Terry, there is hope."

The tears continued to run down Edith's face and dripped from her cheeks. Her lips were trembling, "Yes, I still love him, but how, after all that's happened?" She muttered through her tears.

"Terry will forgive you. I know this. His love for you has never faltered in all the time that I've known him. He will take you back if you ask for forgiveness."

"What about the things he said? Should I just ignore that? I can't Kevin. It hurts too much."

"Terry already tried to ask for your forgiveness. That's why he told you about what happened in Turkey. He could have kept it a secret from you but he didn't. Show Terry how strong you are by forgiving him. I know he will return the favor."

"And ... if he doesn't?"

"Then I will personally beat some sense into him."

Edith flashed a smile, but it quickly disappeared as she blew her nose into the sopping wet tissue.

"I don't know. I feel so lost right now. Before Terry came back, I convinced myself that everything was over. I didn't want to be a Navy wife anymore. I wanted a divorce. I even got a lawyer. Then when I saw him on the pier and he kissed me the way he used to, I got so confused."

"You knew when he kissed you that he still loved you."

"Yes. I felt so guilty for cheating on him. Then he told me about the prostitute and the guilt I felt turned to anger. I felt vindicated. Now this happened and I don't know what I want anymore."

"Well only your heart can answer that question, but I can tell you for certain that Terry doesn't want to lose you."

"How can you be so sure?"

"I talked to him yesterday before he ... well, you know. He told me that his life was over now that he lost you."


"He didn't care that you cheated. He only cared that he lost you. His world was over because you didn't want to be with him."

She looked up at me as she pondered what I had said.

"Edith, I know you are having a rough time right now but I honestly think that you and Terry have something worth saving.


"But nothing," I interrupted, "If you still love Terry then nothing else matters."

"I know ... I ... I guess I have a lot to think about. My head is spinning right now."

I extended my hand and helped lift her to her feet. Edith stood shakily on the sidewalk.

"Are you going home?" I asked.

She nodded, "What about you?"

"I've got a ride back to the base. The shuttle bus will be here any minute. Are you going to be okay?"

Edith pulled out another tissue and blew her nose, "I'll make it."

"You can do this. I know you can."

Edith winced and nodded her head, "I'll try."

She reached out and tried to hug me. I raised my hand to stop her.

"I'm still angry with you. Let's shake."

Edith snorted as she tried not to laugh. She shook my hand. With nothing else to say, she turned and walked alone towards the parking lot.

I wasn't sure if I had made anything better for Terry and Edith, but I felt good inside for trying. I turned to face the hospital and looked at the windows on the fourth floor.

"Hang in there buddy."

A few minutes later, the shuttle arrived. I boarded the bus and started my journey back to the Naval Station.

The shuttle ride back to the Norfolk Naval Station took forever because of all the stops we made downtown, but I really didn't mind. I had nothing on my agenda for the next couple of days, so I wasn't in much of a hurry to be anywhere in particular. During the ride, I thought a lot about what Edith had told me. I had never given any thought to what a woman in Edith's position had to endure being a Navy wife. To be honest, before today I was often a little jealous that Edith got to stay home, and do what she wanted all day. It wasn't until after the revelation of what her home life was like, that I started to understand how Bailey could have seduced her.

I also wondered why Bailey told me about having sex with Edith. Edith didn't tell Terry whom she was cheating with because she knew that Terry would want to kill Bailey. Bailey had to know this as well, so why tell me? Bailey is not that stupid, unless he thought that Edith had already told Terry. I filed this little epiphany away for later use.

About an hour later, I arrived at the Navy Exchange. I decided to do a little shopping and grab a bite to eat. I found a couple of new polo shirts in the commissary and afterwards I inhaled a slice of greasy pizza from the food court.

With my stomach appeased for the time being, I decided to do what every single sailor, who lives on the ship and who doesn't have a car does; Go see a movie.

"Bram Stroker's Dracula," opened this weekend but for some reason, seeing Keanu Reeves in a role other than a "Bill and Ted," movie seemed like a bad idea, Dude, that blood-sucking guy is totally bogus!

"Reservoir Dogs" was playing but for the life of me, I could not figure out what the plot was about by looking at the movie poster. The Clive Barker horror "Candyman," looked interesting, but in the end, I decided to see a comedy.

"Under Siege," with Steven Segal, The movie poster read, "It's not a job-It's an adventure!" The plot looked ridiculous with Steven Segal playing a retired Navy Seal working as a cook who single handily stops a terrorist plot. Ha! This I gotta see!

I walked into the theater with pretty, low expectations. I walked out of the theater two hours later scratching my head. Why do they keep letting Steven Segal make movies? I would gladly give Segal five bucks a year if he would just stop acting. Just tell me where to mail it.

After the movie, I decided to take the long way home and walk back to the Yellowstone. I wanted to drop off my new shirts, clean up and figure out what to do on a Saturday night since there was no way in hell I was going over to Jennifer and Kerri's place. The thought of seeing Bailey or Kerri anytime soon made me want to hide in a dumpster.

I walked onboard the ship during the middle of evening chow. I figured if there were anyone around looking for something to do, I would find them on the mess deck. I grabbed a serving tray and went to the main serving line, tonight's menu? "Yankee, Pot Roast."

Now what makes a pot roast a 'Yankee' pot roast? I haven't a clue. I think the cooks just invent new names for whatever the meat looks like when it's done cooking.

Gee, that looks like a dead Yankee. Let's call it Yankee pot roast!

Besides the infamous, Yankee pot roast, there's also Beef pot roast, Ginger pot roast, and the ever popular Spicy pot roast ranchero. The cooks must think that we're idiots because it all tastes like ... pot roast! I sat down alone with my 'dead Yankee' and started pondering a trip to McDonalds.

Looking around, I noticed that I was one of only a few shipmates hanging around in civilian clothes. Most people were here because they have duty and they don't have a choice. I was about to give up looking for someone to hang out with when PM3 Click showed up. Click was an odd fellow that worked in the wood shop. He was sort of a misfit and I often wondered how desperate his recruiter must have been when he enlisted a guy like Jim Click.

A funny thing about Click is that he only wore clothing bought from thrift stores. He also never wore anything that matched. Tonight he had on a pair of dark brown corduroy pants, a collared button down shirt that had an odd blue-green paisley design, and a grey hooded sweatshirt that had several holes in it. I thought, Give the guy a skateboard and he would fit right in standing on a half-pipe. About the only thing I had in common with Click was the fact that we were both about the same age.

I waved to Click. He saw me and joined me for dinner.

"I guess I'm not the only one who stuck around for pot roast night," I joked.

Click started cutting the dried meat and shoveling it in his mouth, "I didn't plan on being here. I kinda overslept. This is breakfast."

"Damn man, it's almost dark outside. What have you been doing?"

"Stupid midnight to 0400 parking lot watch last night kicked my ass."

"Oh, that'll do it. So what are you up to tonight?"

He swallowed a large spoonful of mashed potatoes. "Probably head over to the enlisted club and see what's going on over there. I heard the USS Grapple pulled in today. It should be a good party tonight."

"What's so special about the Grapple?"

"You never heard about the Grapple? Dude! That tug is all female. There's like ninety women on there. When they pull in, they are horny as hell, and they party hard."

"No shit? That sounds cool. You mind if I tag along?"

"Not at all, Dude."

"What time are you heading over?" I asked.

"Around nine, where are you going to be?"

"I'll probably be in 11-Alpha watching TV."

"Cool, I'll pick you up on my way out."

My watch said 2130 before Click showed up to collect me. I thought about giving him a hard time for being thirty minutes late but figured I'd be wasting my breath. Click isn't the type that cares about being on time. He was carrying his cue stick case, so I knew we were destined for a long night on the pool tables. We made our way ashore and walked to the enlisted club.

From the outside the Pier 26 club, it didn't look like there was very much happening. The parking lot was only half-full with nobody lingering outside. We walked up the steps and entered the lobby. A five-dollar cover charge, which seemed somewhat high since there was no band playing tonight, was required for admittance. Without much choice in the matter, we paid the man.

Click got a blue wristband; I got a yellow one since I'm under twenty-one. If any of the shore patrol sees me consuming any alcohol, I'll be on the fast track to Captains Mast on Monday morning.

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During my second year at university I shared a house with three other girls. First there was Virginia, known by all as Ginny, a slim tall girl, brunette and very outward going. There was Anne, she was the sensible one of the group, very homely; she was quite short but well proportioned and with jet black hair. Lucy was the shy one, but she was the one all the boys fancied; at just under 6 feet tall, with long blonde hair and ample breasts, she could easily have been a model. And then there was...

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TOWERING PAS ION by Rumple Foreskin Late afternoon sunlight reflected off nearby treetops as we climbed the scuffed wooden stairs of the old forestry service fire tower. Once above the nearby pines and oaks, the horizon opened up. Green forest stretched for miles in all directions. It had always been one of my favorite sights. But not today—not with the incomparable, denim clad bottom of Polly Wright swaying just inches above my face as she moved ahead of me up the stairs. Last night I’d...

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Mousi ko chodne mai Maa ne saath diya

E mera pehli publish hai aap sab ko zaru pasand aayega.Mai suvam 19 saal ka bengoli ladka hu,kolkata mai rehta hu. Story begins………… Mai humesa se he mature aurato ko pasand karta hu ku ke mai mature auroto mai he bada hua hu.Meri ghar mai hum teen log rehte ha mai,maa(43),mousi(39).Baba humesa he bahar rehte the kaam ke wajese.Jawan hote he maa mujhme physically&mentally change dekh liya tha.Chote umar se he mai mousi ko man he man mai chata tha aur unhe apna banana chata tha.Mousi ka figure...

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Kingdom of LoveChapter 2

When Joan arrived at Amanda Westmore's house it was nearly dark. A thin grey light hung in the air as she stepped from her Sprite. The car gleamed whitely from a new waxing. Already bored after only two days of the summer, Joan had spent the early morning hours lavishly grooming her car. A graduation present from her parents for which she vowed to be responsible, her car was her pride and the job Amanda promised meant far more than the older woman knew. She sounded the door chimes with a...

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Eden RescueChapter 38

With Meiersdottir still comatose it fell to Heisinger to relate the momentous events of the past few hours to the Edenites. Hoping to preoccupy the collective, she planned to begin by noting that the need for the increased gravity they'd been enduring for the past few weeks had passed, and wouldn't return. When she first arrived in the Edenform bay, though, it was immediately apparent that most of her thought-out commentary on the gravity would be redundant. Not only the Edenites...

1 year ago
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ShesNew Cara May Ancient Alien Pussy Probe

Cara May has been in the cam game for a while, but now she is interested in moving into the most exciting industry in the world. PORN! First thing Cara does is peels down her dress to expose her luscious titties and beautiful, porcelain skin. What a sexy treat. Then she turns around and twerks her fat ass for the fans. Did we mention this girl is small? She is like five foot nothing. And she is also down for almost anything. One time, a cam fan asked her to fuck herself with the handle of a...

1 year ago
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injection appointment doctor mf thermometer i

I entered the doctors office with anticipation. The doctor was very handsome and smiled as I came in. "So, Katie, you're here for your immunizations and it says here you're frightened of injections?" "Yes doctor, I'm terrified""Well, no need to worry, I'll be very gentle. Why don't you put down your bag and sit on the table while I prepare your shots."I nervously headed towards the examining table, my heart was racing at the thought of him sticking needles in me and I was very tense.I watched...

2 years ago
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Hot Night With Sexy Chithi 8211 Part 3

Hi ISS readers, sex animal is back with another arousing incident with my sexy chithi. Waiting to hear all your feedbacks and suggestions, mail me at After our steamy sessions, myself and chithi had a great appetite for sex. We almost have sex everyday. Chithappa comes home only after 7pm. Chithi if she takes office cab she’ll reach by 6. Since i’m here I’ll pick her up at 4:30 and will reach home around 5:15. We had almost 1 and half hours of sex time a day. We made love in every part of the...

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Sandy and RandyChapter 14 Mary and John First Time

At 15, John felt a bit different from the other guys at school. Now well into his sophomore year in high school, he expected to graduate at 17 and head off to college, but then something changed. Not really changing his graduation date or college, exactly, but something that would merely change his entire life. He met a girl. Not just any girl, but a 15-year-old 5 foot, 95-pound blond, blue-eyed girl. Cheerleader, of course, and entirely out of his league, at least he thought so. He was 5’...

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Unexpected Encounter With My SonInLaw

I am about to narrate to you something that happened between me and my Son-In-Law one night which was completely unexpected but very thrilling. Just to introduce myself I am a widow aged 43 years with one daughter who is married to a very handsome Punjabi Jat. I will not say that I have an hourglass figure but I am definitely on the plump side with quite huge breasts and ass. I lost my husband about a year after marriage and I got busy with my life just bringing up my daughter who was just...

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Marathi story

Hi ghost majya lagna purvichi aahe, tya weli me punya madhe nokari karat hoto. Mi bahini jawal rahat hoto, tyanchya shejari ek kutumb rahat hote, te doghe nawara bayko wa tyanachi teen mule, don muli wa ek mulaga. Mothi mulagi ticha naw hota meena ti barawi madhe shikat hoti. Tihche way tya weli 18 asel. Maje bhauji wa bhain gavi gele tya welechi hi ghosta aahe. Mi kamawar 9 wajata jaun 6 wajata parat yet ase, asach mi tya weli 6 wajata ghari aalo tya weli meena ekatich ghari hoti. Mi fresh...

2 years ago
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Joan the thieving little cunt gets punished

Joan sat uneasily in the seat looking across the big office desk at the company investigator an ex senior police officer. "Joan I'm here to find out who stole the missing money. " my poker face on. Strict and firm. "Did you take it" Joan breaks down in tears. "I... It... "Joan was young, married, mortgaged, and entitled. She wore a blouse unbuttoned to reveal cleavage, her skirt short showed off her long stocking encased legs, high heels. Her long strawberry blonde hair coiffed in to a bun. The...

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A Fantasy Comes True A Greek Tale

“Good morning, Beautiful.” John comes in with a tray and all I see is two glasses of orange juice standing tall. I smell bacon, pancake syrup and eggs. A smile forms on my face as I sit up. My tank top askew on my body and my long, auburn hair resting on my slightly tanned shoulders. “Breakfast in bed? This is much better than hotel room service.” John sets the tray of food on my legs and crawls into bed next to me. His hand gently touches my cheek and he pulls me in for a soft but...

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Cheerleader Flash

Don't you just love it when fate takes a crap on someone, then turns around and cleans it up nicely? You be the judge! Jo Ann was your typical wannabe in high school: Not quite head cheerleader type but willing to do whatever it took to fit in with the crowd. She put up with the incessant insults about her Italian "mustache", and despite that being somewhat true, she owned a perfectly rounded face, a sweet smile, slightly meaty but creamy rich thighs, dark thick hair, a wonderful olive...

1 year ago
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Memories of Suburban Sex

How it Started: In the 1980’s when we were in our early thirties – my wife and I moved into a new house, a bungalow on a nice estate in a town south of Manchester. The neighbours were very friendly including – across the road – C. C was in her late forties – a lively attractive bubbly chatty character – who was always well presented – normally dressed in bright casual clothes that suited her and always gave a friendly hello. She was a slightly larger lady – but her figure went in and...

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Chubby Freshman Chapter 4

Chapter 4On Monday when Francis returned to school he entered the History class and saw a seat near Harris the tall slim awkward boy who wore glasses and seemed shy. Francis said hello and smiled to himself wondering if Harris was inquisitive as to what he had seen at the gallery. As for Harris there was no question as to what he had seen at the gallery and was exited by the event. That night he masturbated his long thick cock and at one point he held it in two hands as he stroked it. He could...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 31 Itrsquos All New and Different

When we got back home from Alberts studio, I backed the car and trailer into the garage, and rolled out my equipment crates. When Garry and Chris arrived home, I would get them to help me carry them up to the studio. I unhitched the trailer, and joined the others back inside. Rose was still pretty pumped up from the excitement of the photo shoot and the recording session in general, she, Lisa and Fiona were sitting down in the living room. I poured myself a glass of Jack Daniels, added plenty...

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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the Motherless.com homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Faith Hope and DestinyChapter 7

BETTY LEANED FORWARD AND poured herself a cup of tea from the pot. She added a drop of milk, picked up the small teaspoon, and stirred, all absentmindedly, her mind lost and worried. The sound of the front door bell drew her attention. She rose slowly and, out of habit more than concern, checked herself in the hall mirror before opening the door. She wondered who was calling. She wasn’t expecting anyone. Opening the door, she studied the gentleman standing before her. He was older than her,...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 107 The beginning of the beginning

The meeting ended with Marty's promise that Mike would be calling me to arrange the camera work. I presumed that Mike would also be occupying the last of my apartments. Jen worked out an arrangement so that the rent payment and the release fee went directly to my bank account. I trusted her to take care of those kinds of details. Since all my tenants had moved into their apartments, activity around Casa Del Aster was minimal at best. I could have returned home and just slept all day, but I...

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The Change By Margaret Jeanette Toni Weber was very happy. She was just promoted to vice-president of human resources. She moved into her large well-appointed office and sat there thinking about how lucky she was. She was a strong motivator and was known for a no-nonsense approach. She used whatever tools were available. Now she reported directly to the president of the corporation. That night at supper she told Fred her husband of seven years about her promotion. She was...

4 years ago
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We will it

It was one of those Spring days that can almost make you think Summer has arrived. The blossom on the trees and the occasional breath of cool breeze betrayed the fact that the year was still young. But as the sun bathed us in an unfamiliar warmth, the clear blue sky above seemed to stretch on forever. Heather lay beside me on a picnic blanket. Sunglasses hiding her eyes as she relaxed and drank in the beauty of the day. I sat beside her, reading a book. Occasionally glancing at where her...

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She Controlled Me More Than I Thought 6

A Mountain HikeI was told to be at her house at five thirty in the morning. I was also told to wear sneakers which made me nervous because usually I had to be completely naked. I had a bad feeling we weren’t going to stay home today. I pulled into the driveway and the outside light was on. It was still fairly dark out, the sun was just starting to come up. I stepped out of my truck wearing only my sneakers and started to walk towards her front door, then the door opened and she came out. I...

2 years ago
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Private Island Vacation

I surprised Marina when I called telling her pack a bag and be ready in a half hour. We arrived at Executive Airport where my private jet waited to take us to my private island. Marina is stunned to see a private jet and find out I had a private island. She is surprised everyday with new discoveries about my life and the way I lavish her with gifts. We landed on the island and I took her hand, leading her out of the trees towards the house. Slowly we passed the immense grounds of the estate...

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My Favorite Chair

“Pass it and turn it up!” She had that infectious grin on her face and reached for my pipe with her small nimble fingers.I handed it to her and without hesitation, she brought it to her beautiful full lips, lit the lighter and took a deep hit. I was mesmerized by her. I always had been. Her small frame squirmed, dancing in the overstuffed armchair and took another hit.  Music. It was always music with her. Whenever she was around there was an endless supply of music she could dance to. I looked...

Oral Sex
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CrunchChapter 2

Deb planned to leave me in the hands of Ronni for the evening, admonishing Ronni that if she needed help to call her, or if needed, 9-1-1. I requested to be helped to my recliner. I figured that it was as comfortable as the bed, and at least I would be in the middle of the house instead of stuck in a room off to the side. The three of us managed this task without much more than the expected trouble and I kicked the chair back to elevate my feet. Ronni passed me the remote control or the TV...

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MUM 1 pt3

MUM 1 pt3The following 3 weeks pasted quickly I made sure mum had her passport in order and arranged with Tony in Italy to have food and other items listed delivered to the house before arrival he was the farmer that looked after the olive groves and the arrangement was a share of the profits on the harvest which suited all, I now had the same deal 20% which gave Tony a very good return as he did all the work. His wife arrange the food side stocking the kitchen and making sure the house was...

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Black List II Russian WinterChapter 5

“Reporting live from Boulder, Colorado this is Sarah Brickett,” the lithe, blonde reporter says into the camera. “As you can see behind me, the Boulder Hydro Dam has been destroyed. The National Guard has been called in to help find victims in the town below. At approximately four-thirty this morning, just after shift change, the dam suffered an explosion. One Hundred and thirty-three workers are confirmed dead, several are still missing. The death toll for the town below is still uncertain....

4 years ago
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Highest Bidder

As people settled, waiters began to travel the aisles and pass out champagne. The seats were specifically spaced farther apart than usual, allowing room for one to kneel on the floor while another patron sits. A few women were already crawling down the aisles, their breasts skimming the ground, prowling in search of their prey. Several of the men were swapping training secrets, wondering when the bidding would start and what the surprise for the evening would be. These meetings happened...

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ExploitedCollegeGirls Miranda 03022017

UNM English major Miranda is quite something. One of the rare college girls to grace our beds, she nevertheless believes the Porn industry is where she needs to be. With her gapped teeth and about 30 pounds too much on her small frame, 20 year old Miranda is probably not quite the pornstar material she hopes to be. But then again, BBW is a thing so if she adds a few pounds, she’s sure to find some niche to make sucking and fucking on camera a long term income strategy. The best part about...

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new life for Ruth part one

Ruth Anderson sat at in her new office, she had been promoted six months earlier and it still excited her being on the tenth floor. Ruth was a quiet lady just past her forty-fourth birthday, she had been brought up in a strict catholic family, an only c***d with a dominant father who because of his wrath she had obeyed to the letter. She had spent the last twenty four years in a marriage with little or no sexual adventure, the biggest surprise was that her and husband Donald had produced a...

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Plains of TexasChapter 7

Emer came in the door followed by three men. Emer was not surprised to see Elsie naked nor were the three men. They were a little surprised to see Martha and me sitting on the couch. I noticed one guy got a gleam in his eye as he looked at Martha. I gave him a stare which let him know she was not "fresh meat" of the type that was Emer and Elsie. Emer said, "This is my friend, Alain and his mate, Martha. They are headed to Fortwo and stopped to see Elsie and me on their way. This is Georg,...

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A special watch

You're John and you've decided to jump into an old antique store. You'd normally never visit these types of shops but you got a feeling that you should really go in this time. After walking through the store for a few minutes you notice a really cool old watch. The owner stops by to come tell you about this. "I've had so much fun with this watch" he says "This allows your wildest fantasies to come through, and it can be yours for only 50 bucks" You don't really know how to respond but you are...

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Daughters Mothers FriendsChapter 8

For the next two weeks, approximately, me and my friends spent our days in class with my mother learning how be great at sex. I said approximately, because time seemed fluid. We never had a clock, and some days seemed shorter than others. Some mornings we would wake up dead tired, and other times we’d all be awake for hours waiting for the lights to come on. I learned later, that this was done deliberately. Throwing off a person’s circadian rhythms is an excellent way to weaken ones...

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Catching the Wife Vol 3

*******************************************************************************DISCLAIMER: Another one of my favourites.I DID NOT WRITE THIS STORY...ALL CREDIT GOES TO CHASSEUR11 or www.liteerotica.com/storiesciao********************************************************************************Catching the Wife Vol. 03bychasseur11©As the evening rolled around I got ready for my date with Marisa. Dressing nicely I was going to leave early to make sure I was there on time. Checking myself one last...

1 year ago
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First Orientation to the Gay world

I was hitchhiking one hot summer day when a nice Man in a pick up truck stopped to pick me up. he was a Man of around 35 , average build. As we drove off, the talk came to sex as I caught him eyeing my smooth legs. Since I was young , I had not had much experience with Men and at my age, my Hormones were running wild!. He told me to sit closer to him, I hesitated and he told me he would not stop the truck until I did as he asked!!. I moved closer to him and he began to rub my Leg, then he...

2 years ago
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Rumors of HavenChapter 3

If Bill Reiner was having a great time, Bethany wasn't doing so badly, either. In fact, while Justine rode Bill to their mutual gratification, Mike Hawkins and Charles Tremaine both pounded Bethany and gave her pregnant body a serious good time. Mike's dick was deep up her ass, while Charles buried his cock in her pussy. Bethany could certainly see what Justine raved about so much with her two husbands. Maybe they should merge households, she wondered ... she wanted to experience this more...

3 years ago
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My Aunt Seduced Me

Hi, all, I am Karthik and this is an incident that happened 6 years ago and how I started to ramp my aunt. This is my first sex story and all girls/aunties/grannies anyone is free to write to me at Let me first tell you about me, I am a 23-year-old software engineer now staying in Bangalore. I am 5ft 8” with an athletic physic with a 6.5” big but fat cock matching my skin color. The heroine of my life my pinni (my mom’s SIL ) as I call her was 41 when this first incident took place. She is...

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AIChapter 9

I'd forgotten how really sore pedaling a bicycle can make your legs when you're not used to it. Being in shape isn't enough; it's the unaccustomed repetitive motion that gets you. As the afternoon went on I'd started feeling a little of it, enough that several times I'd stopped for breaks. There weren't many people on the trail during a workday, and none of those I met gave me more than a glance. I exchanged casual greetings with a few but nothing to draw attention to myself, and I...

4 years ago
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Work Experience for Toby

Hi my name is Toby, and I am 17 years old and in my last year of high school. The story that I’m about to tell you happened during a work experience placement. I was away from school on the day that the placements were allocated, so that’s why I finished up being allocated to a Thai massage service. I copped a heap of ribbing about my allocation. I was used to be ribbed because of my build - I am only 5ft 5ins tall with a slender build. I’m no sports hero, being towered over by the 6ft plus...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 37 Holiday Season

December 23, 1986 Chicago, Illinois “I was wondering how we were going to manage this!” Jessica said with a smirk upon seeing the tree in our bedroom. “Honestly, nobody would really care,” I chuckled. “But I thought a bit of privacy was probably appropriate. I bought this tree on Monday. It has our previous ‘year’ ornaments. The one in the great room is the ‘family’ tree, if you will.” “Who all is going to be here?” “The three of us, my sister, Nick, Bethany, Jennifer, Josie, Jesse,...

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Rediscovery and Recovery Ch 06

Confessions and Giving in After the best part of eighteen years, I’ve been reunited with my childhood best friend, Emily, a school friend and swimming partner. It came about because after a failed marriage, I moved back to my home town, it came about also because my mother encouraged me to rediscover the swimming pool, a place where I’d been happy and comfortable as a growing child and teenager. Em was at the pool, and we swam together and raced again. Then, somehow, we were suddenly very...

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