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Chapter 1

The fact that I am a nymph is not my fault; the blame should be laid squarely at the feet on my father, my three brothers and my grandfather. I grew up in a house with my father, my grandpa and my three brothers, who were all white. My mother or that black bitch as my father would always call her, had run out on us when I was just four months old. My three older brother came from my father's first marriage.

Growing up I had always assumed the duties of a wife, I learned how to cook and clean by the time I was seven years old. By the time I was ten I was running our house better than any woman ever could. However, on the night of my sixteenth birthday I assumed the full duties of my father's wife and more.

It was a beautiful December morning despite the fact that it was one of the coldest days of the year. I had come down to the kitchen expecting to go about my normal day, when I got to the end of the stairs I heard voices coming from the kitchen, when I walked in much to my surprise the boys had gotten up and made me a surprise birthday breakfast. My father and brothers usually forgot my birthday until it was almost over, and then they would go buy me some cheap ass present at the local five and dime. However, this time they seemed quite please with themselves as I walked to the table.

"Wow what's going on?"

"Happy birthday sugar. My dad yelled out.

I must say that I wad pretty blown away by all the attention that I was getting. My dad, my three brothers Jason, Jack and Jake, along with my Grandpa Al and I sat around the table that morning talking about the good times that we've had. Despite the fact that my mom had abandoned our family, my father worked very hard to keep his family together. After my mom left him, dad tried seeing other women, but for some reason none of them ever worked out. As far back as I can remember it has always been just the six of us trying to get through life.

My dad was close to all us kids, but I think that my dad and I have always had a special bound between is; I think that it was more than just that daddy/daughter thing. Because I assumed so muck responsibility at an early age, dad had always looked to me for comfort and support.

After breakfast when we were all about to our separated ways for the day, dad said that he would like us all to be home tonight, that he had a special surprise planned for us all. After the boys and grandpa left, dad told me that he wanted me home by six o'clock, and that he did not want me hanging out with my friends and lose track of time.

After daddy left for work, I cleaned up the kitchen and ran up stairs to get ready for school. It was after all my sixteenth birthday and I really wanted to look my best. After a quick shower I stood nude looking into my full-length mirror, as I stood there I began to explore my body

I am sixteen I thought to myself. It seemed like it was only yesterday that I was playing with my dolls, but now it seem like that I had become a woman overnight. However, my womanhood was only apparent to me, because in the eyes of my family I was still their little girl, or their baby sister. I had not been allowed to date, my father was adamant on the subject.

However, my mirror told a different story. At five foot six and one hundred-five pounds my brown eyes and long brown hair came from my mom's side, along with my soft brown honey tone skin. My soft thirty-six inch tits with their hard firm nipples was something that I was always proud of. My little kitty was covered with thick dark hair. To top it all off I have a nice heart shaped ass that I would catch Grandpa staring at every now and then. Before I finish getting dressed, I treated myself to a routine that began when I was thirteen.

There was no doubt that I love to masturbate, the feelings of my fingers inside my pussy was always a delight. The feelings of watching my nipples grow hard with every single stroke. I love the taste and smell of my own love juice. I love the feelings of arousal when I was about to reach climaxes. When I was done, I got dressed and it was off to school.

It was a normal day, school until tree o'clock, and then I went to my best friend Mary's house for a while. Mary and I got to talking about school and boys, and this and that when I notice the time it was five fifteen. I told Mary that I had to be home by six. It was a good twenty-minute bus ride from Mary's house to mine; I was able to catch the bus in time to make it home by six.

When I walked into the house it was completely dark, I thought no one was home until I saw the light on in my bedroom. Walking down the hall, I called out to see of anyone was home, as I got closer I heard dad call ont my name.

When I walked into my room I found my father sitting on my bed, I saw a vase of red roses sitting on the nightstand, beside the roses sat a bottle of wine with two wineglasses. My dad stood up and poured two glass of wine, walking towards me he was dressed in a dark velvet robe. Handing me a glass of wine he said that he wanted to make a toast.

"Her is to a night that our family will never forget." Dad took a sip of wine, he noticed that I had not taken a sip of the wine.

"Go ahead baby, it's alright." I took a sip of the wine. As dad took me by my hand and led me over to my bed.

We sat on the bed and I knew that there was something different about dad, the was he looked at me as if he were seeing me for the very first time. Daddy could see that I was confused, as he began to explain why I had found him in my bedroom, and why this would be a night that our family would never forget.

"Christy your brothers, grandfather and I have been looking forward to this day for quite some time." Dad said as he moved in on me.

"Dad I don't understand, why have you been looking forward to today?"

"Well today you turn sixteen and this is the day that you will become a woman, a real woman. Dad said as he began to unbutton my blouse.

"Christy you are ready sweetie, I know you are. I have been watching you and I know that you are ready to be with a man. Now it's up to you, but I sure would love to be you first teacher." Daddy said as he nearly had my blouse undone.

I could not believe my ears, could it be true, my father wanted to be my first lover. It had been something that I had fantasized about, however I would have never dared say.

"Oh daddy yes I do so want to please."

Before I could finish, dad griped me pulling me close. Our eyes locked in a passionate embrace. The look in my dad's eyes said it all. He wanted me now, and it did not matter if I was willing to give it up freely or not.

Our lips met while daddy removed my white blouse. Our tongues rolled around in each other's mouth, while daddy worked his hands slowly down my neck and letting rest on my breast. Reaching around and undoing my black bra daddy watched as my breast came tumbling out.

Taking them in his large hands, he began to play with my hard erect black nipples, kissing the, taking each one of them in his mouth one at a time. The sensation of my daddy's hands running all over my body was such a turn on as I felt my pussy grow wetter and wetter.

Breaking our kiss, daddy stood me up beside the bed, he unzipped my jeans slipping his hand inside my panties, and he froze as he felt my pussy for the first time. Daddy ordered me to completely get undressed, I did as I was told however, I noticed that daddy' mood had suddenly changed; he seemed to be upset about something.

When I removed my panties I could see the disgust on his face as he gripped me by my hand and lead my down the hall into the bathroom, daddy order me to lie down on the floor while he grabbed his shaven cream and razor.

Dad knelt down spreading my legs open; he spread cold shaving cream all over my cunt, shaving every inch of hair from my virgin pussy.

"I have never gone down on a woman with hair all over her pussy, that's just nasty." Daddy explained.

Once dad finished shaving me, he continued to explore my young body. Lying there on the bathroom floor, I was completely exposed to my father's wishes. Daddy knelt in front of my open gate, he began by kissing my inter thighs, first one and then the other.

Kissing his way down my flat tummy daddy soon found the top of my cunt, kissing my freshly shaved kitty daddy worked his way down to the opening of my love hole. Daddy's fingers began to fondle my pussy lips spreading them apart, my passion was aroused as his tongue gets its first taste of my sweet love juice. I lay in the bathroom floor while my father's tongue began to manipulate my clit, the sensation of my daddy being the first to eat my pussy was so delightful that I lost sense of all time.

Daddy pulled out of my pussy long enough to remove his robe. The sight of my daddy standing nude in front of me was the greatest thing that I had ever seen. Daddy was about six foot tell with broad shoulders and rippling muscles. A man in his early fifties daddy had deep pearl blue eyes, with slightly graying blond hair. His god like body was more then I could have hoped for as I got my first look at his six inch pleasure tool.

"I want to take you sweet cherry, I'm going to break your hymen, is that ok with you sweetheart?' Daddy said

With out a word I shook my head to let him know that I was indeed ready. Daddy got on top of me while taking one of my tits in his mouth, as he guides the head of fully erect cock inside my young pussy. The minute daddy's dick was inside me he did not hold back. He started plowing all sin inches of his manhood into my tiny little fuck hole.

I screamed not so much out of pain, but out of the object pleasure that I was feeling, as daddy pumped my pussy with all the pinned up rage that he felt every since my mother left. Daddy fucked me for nearly an hour as the first wave of pure joy hit my body, sending me close to the edge ecstasy. When dad had finished he pulled his bloody penis out of me and told me to take a shower and to meet him in his room when I finished.

Standing under the warm water, I tried to gather my thoughts about what had just happened. I had just had sex with my father. I knew that I could never tell anyone about dad and me, no one would understand about our special relationship. Not even my brothers could know, they would just say dad had raped me, they would never understand how much I had yearned for daddy's love. When I finished my shower I did as I was told, I wrapped myself in a towel and headed straight for daddy's room.

I knocked softly and I heard my dad's voice "come in sweetheart." I opened the door and walked in, dad was already in bed when he told me to come closer. I walked to the foot of the king sized bed that daddy had not shared with anyone in years. Standing in front of him with only a bedside table lamp for light, I knew that he no longer saw as his little girl, but he now saw me as a woman, because that is what had happened on the bathroom floor, he had made me his woman.

"How do you feel?" Dad asked me as he sat up in bed,

"I feel, I feel, I feel wonderful dad, I could not have imagined a better birthday present."

"That's great Christy, you see I told you that you were ready, but you know your birthday isn't over." dad said with a smile.

"You mean there's more?"

"Why don't you come over here?" Dad said as he pulled back the covers inviting me into his bed.

I walked over to my father as my towel tumbled to the floor. Daddy took my hand and warmly welcomed me into his bed. Daddy and I made love again, only this time the rage was gone. My father was a wonderful lover, he was very gently with me the second time we were together.

After dad took me a third time, he said that he had another surprise for me. He got up an walked over to the door, he opened it, he whispered to someone; however I could not see whom dad was talking to, until he stepped back and my older brother Jason walked into the room.

The look on Jason's face when he walked in and saw me in our dad's bed was not what I had expected. Jason walked over to my side of the bed, while dad hung out by the door and watched between my brother and myself. Leaning over Jason engaged me in a long slow very sensual kiss. I was shocked but at the same time very turned on.

"I understand that you give dad some of that sweet pussy you been saving, how about giving me some of your sweetness?"

Before I could answer, Jason pulled down the sheet that was covering me, I was lying flat on my back and I could only see dad in the dark shadows of the room.

"My god look at that, damn dad is that as good as it looks?" Jason asked as he held the sheet that once covered my nude body.

"Son I have had some good pussy in my time, but your sister has got the sweetest piece of black pussy I have ever had." I heard daddy say as he took a seat in his old easy chair.

I saw Jason lick his lips as he began to undress, taking off his shirt and undoing his pants, but not removing them. Jason joins me in our father's bed. Jason gets on top of me and starts kissing me, his hand was between my legs slowly massaging my pussy. I could feel my brother's hard on through his pants.

"Son before you stick your hard prick into your sister, let's see how well our girl can suck cock." Daddy said

Jason complied with my dad's request by getting on his knees and unzipping pants and letting his nine inch cock break free. When I first saw it I was somewhat afraid, it was not due to the fact that Jason was bigger then dad, but it was that I had never done anything like this is I was a bit nervous. However, dad and Jason assured me that I had nothing to fear.

I opened my mouth as my brother traced the outer edges of my mouth with his huge cock. It was not only long but it was round and meaty. At first, I only took a small portion a little bit past the head ; I could feel Jason's growing excitement as he slowly guided his hard prick in and out of my mouth.

"Yes that's it sis, oh you dirty little slut, that's it suck my dick." I heard Jason say as he held the back of my head in place.

It did not take long for me to have al nine inches in my mouth; before I realized that I was actually enjoying the feeling of my brother's long delicious cock on my mouth; the feel of Jason fucking my face was as delightful as it comes. Jason had to struggle hard not to cum in my mouth, but somehow he managed to hold himself back.

"It's time." Dad told Jason as he pulled out of my mouth, pushing back down on the bed Jason spreads my legs and mounted me, he shoved his white meaty cock into my juicy black pussy.

" Oh yes Jason fuck me, that's it big brother fuck me hard, oh yes harder, harder, harder." I yelled.

Jason for filed my request; fucking me it a state of erotica joy. First daddy and Jason, never in my wildest dreams could I ever have imaged my sixteenth birthday going like this.

Once Jason left the room daddy sat on the side of the bed, I felt him watching me as I lay there basking in the memory of my father and brother's love. About fifteen minutes had passed when I heard another knock on the door.

""Come in." Dad said as the door swung open, standing there was my twenty-year old brother Jack.

Jack walked into the room with his entire swagger intact. Jack was a tall lanky red head kid who was always so cock sure of himself. Of all three of my brothers it seemed that Jack and I never really seemed to hit it off. I think it because our father left his mom for my mom. Jack was completely naked as he walked towards me, while jacking off.

Jack walked over to me and pulled me up to my feet Jack turned me around, his hands roamed up and down my back until they came to rest on my tight firm ass.

"We'll I hear you are beginning to earn your keep around here." He said as he pushed his hard cock up against my ass.

"I know what you're thinking son and the answer is no." My dad said firmly

"Dad come on just this one time?" Jack pleaded.

"I said no boy, now we agreed, so if you want some pussy you had better get it right now.""

Jack pulled me over to a chair sitting down he planted me on top of his erect penis. Jack began to bounce me up and down on his rock hard rod, going deeper and deeper onto my pussy with every stroke. Daddy watched for a while and then he walked over to us

"Oh baby your so beautiful, ye baby ride that big dick." Dad said as he leaned over and licked my hard brown nipples, while I continued to ride Jack's rock hard cock.

Jack reached around my waist to stroke my clit, making me howl with pleasure. Between dad and Jack I felt my body was about erupt as I reached climaxes. Daddy pulled me off of Jack and shoved me back on the bed, spreading my legs dad entered my body again while Jack forced his hard throbbing cock into my mouth.

While daddy fucked the shit out of me for the fourth time that night; Jack pumped his six inch dick in and out of my mouth. Thee feel of having both my mouth and my pussy fucked at the same time was nothing short of fantastic. Both dad and Jack came almost at the same time, daddy shot the first load into my hungry pussy while Jack shot his sweet creamy stuff into my mouth.

After Jack left I went to clean up, the thought of having my father and two of my brothers was so unbelievable. It was as if I were outside of my body looking down on a family that I didn't know but at the same time this was my family and I was so glad to be a part of them.

When I walked back I to dad's room I found my eighteen-year old brother Jake waiting. I looked around for dad but he was nowhere to be found.

"Come on in sis I'm not going to bite you."

I walked over too my youngest brother knowing that I would have to give him the same amount of pleasure that I have giving to my father and two brothers. Jake reached out taking my hand and pulling me close, he took me in his arms and begins to caress my brown skin.

"Oh baby you feel so good." He said as his hands began to explore soft caramel body.

Jake started kissing me while his hand found my smooth bare pussy so inviting. Jake backed me up against the wall and started finger fucking my pussy, while at the same time his tongue found its way to my golden brown nipples.

Jake and I crawl into our father's bed where Jake gave me every inch of his divine sexy body. Jake seven inch dick seemed to be perfect for me, as he glides his cock in and out of my sweet young pussy.

"Oh my fucking god Jake fuck me, fuck me harder, harder!" I yelled.

Jake comply with my every wish as we rocked my dad's bed, Jake was fucking me so good that we did not notice when dad and Grandpa Al had come into the room. The two were standing at the end of the bed enjoying the show that my brother and I were putting on for them, when Jake saw dad and grandpa he stopped before either one us came.

"No please don't stop, my god the way that you two were going at, it was amazing." Dad said as he and grandpa stood looking down and smiling.

The fact that I am a nymph is not my fault; the blame should be laid squarely at the feet on my father, my three brothers and my grandfather. I grew up in a house with my father, my grandpa and my three brothers, who were all white. My mother or that black bitch as my father would always call her, had run out on us when I was just four months old. My three older brother came from my father's first marriage.

Growing up I had always assumed the duties of a wife, I learned how to cook and clean by the time I was seven years old. By the time I was ten I was running our house better than any woman ever could. However, on the night of my sixteenth birthday I assumed the full duties of my father's wife and more.

It was a beautiful December morning despite the fact that it was one of the coldest days of the year. I had come down to the kitchen expecting to go about my normal day, when I got to the end of the stairs I heard voices coming from the kitchen, when I walked in much to my surprise the boys had gotten up and made me a surprise birthday breakfast. My father and brothers usually forgot my birthday until it was almost over, and then they would go buy me some cheap ass present at the local five and dime. However, this time they seemed quite please with themselves as I walked to the table.

"Wow what's going on?"

"Happy birthday sugar. My dad yelled out.

I must say that I wad pretty blown away by all the attention that I was getting. My dad, my three brothers Jason, Jack and Jake, along with my Grandpa Al and I sat around the table that morning talking about the good times that we've had. Despite the fact that my mom had abandoned our family, my father worked very hard to keep his family together. After my mom left him, dad tried seeing other women, but for some reason none of them ever worked out. As far back as I can remember it has always been just the six of us trying to get through life.

My dad was close to all us kids, but I think that my dad and I have always had a special bound between is; I think that it was more than just that daddy/daughter thing. Because I assumed so muck responsibility at an early age, dad had always looked to me for comfort and support.

After breakfast when we were all about to our separated ways for the day, dad said that he would like us all to be home tonight, that he had a special surprise planned for us all. After the boys and grandpa left, dad told me that he wanted me home by six o'clock, and that he did not want me hanging out with my friends and lose track of time.

After daddy left for work, I cleaned up the kitchen and ran up stairs to get ready for school. It was after all my sixteenth birthday and I really wanted to look my best. After a quick shower I stood nude looking into my full-length mirror, as I stood there I began to explore my body

I am sixteen I thought to myself. It seemed like it was only yesterday that I was playing with my dolls, but now it seem like that I had become a woman overnight. However, my womanhood was only apparent to me, because in the eyes of my family I was still their little girl, or their baby sister. I had not been allowed to date, my father was adamant on the subject.

However, my mirror told a different story. At five foot six and one hundred-five pounds my brown eyes and long brown hair came from my mom's side, along with my soft brown honey tone skin. My soft thirty-six inch tits with their hard firm nipples was something that I was always proud of. My little kitty was covered with thick dark hair. To top it all off I have a nice heart shaped ass that I would catch Grandpa staring at every now and then. Before I finish getting dressed, I treated myself to a routine that began when I was thirteen.

There was no doubt that I love to masturbate, the feelings of my fingers inside my pussy was always a delight. The feelings of watching my nipples grow hard with every single stroke. I love the taste and smell of my own love juice. I love the feelings of arousal when I was about to reach climaxes. When I was done, I got dressed and it was off to school.

It was a normal day, school until tree o'clock, and then I went to my best friend Mary's house for a while. Mary and I got to talking about school and boys, and this and that when I notice the time it was five fifteen. I told Mary that I had to be home by six. It was a good twenty-minute bus ride from Mary's house to mine; I was able to catch the bus in time to make it home by six.

When I walked into the house it was completely dark, I thought no one was home until I saw the light on in my bedroom. Walking down the hall, I called out to see of anyone was home, as I got closer I heard dad call ont my name.

When I walked into my room I found my father sitting on my bed, I saw a vase of red roses sitting on the nightstand, beside the roses sat a bottle of wine with two wineglasses. My dad stood up and poured two glass of wine, walking towards me he was dressed in a dark velvet robe. Handing me a glass of wine he said that he wanted to make a toast.

"Her is to a night that our family will never forget." Dad took a sip of wine, he noticed that I had not taken a sip of the wine.

"Go ahead baby, it's alright." I took a sip of the wine. As dad took me by my hand and led me over to my bed.

We sat on the bed and I knew that there was something different about dad, the was he looked at me as if he were seeing me for the very first time. Daddy could see that I was confused, as he began to explain why I had found him in my bedroom, and why this would be a night that our family would never forget.

"Christy your brothers, grandfather and I have been looking forward to this day for quite some time." Dad said as he moved in on me.

"Dad I don't understand, why have you been looking forward to today?"

"Well today you turn sixteen and this is the day that you will become a woman, a real woman. Dad said as he began to unbutton my blouse.

"Christy you are ready sweetie, I know you are. I have been watching you and I know that you are ready to be with a man. Now it's up to you, but I sure would love to be you first teacher." Daddy said as he nearly had my blouse undone.

I could not believe my ears, could it be true, my father wanted to be my first lover. It had been something that I had fantasized about, however I would have never dared say.

"Oh daddy yes I do so want to please."

Before I could finish, dad griped me pulling me close. Our eyes locked in a passionate embrace. The look in my dad's eyes said it all. He wanted me now, and it did not matter if I was willing to give it up freely or not.

Our lips met while daddy removed my white blouse. Our tongues rolled around in each other's mouth, while daddy worked his hands slowly down my neck and letting rest on my breast. Reaching around and undoing my black bra daddy watched as my breast came tumbling out.

Taking them in his large hands, he began to play with my hard erect black nipples, kissing the, taking each one of them in his mouth one at a time. The sensation of my daddy's hands running all over my body was such a turn on as I felt my pussy grow wetter and wetter.

Breaking our kiss, daddy stood me up beside the bed, he unzipped my jeans slipping his hand inside my panties, and he froze as he felt my pussy for the first time. Daddy ordered me to completely get undressed, I did as I was told however, I noticed that daddy' mood had suddenly changed; he seemed to be upset about something.

When I removed my panties I could see the disgust on his face as he gripped me by my hand and lead my down the hall into the bathroom, daddy order me to lie down on the floor while he grabbed his shaven cream and razor.

Dad knelt down spreading my legs open; he spread cold shaving cream all over my cunt, shaving every inch of hair from my virgin pussy.

"I have never gone down on a woman with hair all over her pussy, that's just nasty." Daddy explained.

Once dad finished shaving me, he continued to explore my young body. Lying there on the bathroom floor, I was completely exposed to my father's wishes. Daddy knelt in front of my open gate, he began by kissing my inter thighs, first one and then the other.

Kissing his way down my flat tummy daddy soon found the top of my cunt, kissing my freshly shaved kitty daddy worked his way down to the opening of my love hole. Daddy's fingers began to fondle my pussy lips spreading them apart, my passion was aroused as his tongue gets its first taste of my sweet love juice. I lay in the bathroom floor while my father's tongue began to manipulate my clit, the sensation of my daddy being the first to eat my pussy was so delightful that I lost sense of all time.

Daddy pulled out of my pussy long enough to remove his robe. The sight of my daddy standing nude in front of me was the greatest thing that I had ever seen. Daddy was about six foot tell with broad shoulders and rippling muscles. A man in his early fifties daddy had deep pearl blue eyes, with slightly graying blond hair. His god like body was more then I could have hoped for as I got my first look at his six inch pleasure tool.

"I want to take you sweet cherry, I'm going to break your hymen, is that ok with you sweetheart?' Daddy said

With out a word I shook my head to let him know that I was indeed ready. Daddy got on top of me while taking one of my tits in his mouth, as he guides the head of fully erect cock inside my young pussy. The minute daddy's dick was inside me he did not hold back. He started plowing all sin inches of his manhood into my tiny little fuck hole.

I screamed not so much out of pain, but out of the object pleasure that I was feeling, as daddy pumped my pussy with all the pinned up rage that he felt every since my mother left. Daddy fucked me for nearly an hour as the first wave of pure joy hit my body, sending me close to the edge ecstasy. When dad had finished he pulled his bloody penis out of me and told me to take a shower and to meet him in his room when I finished.

Standing under the warm water, I tried to gather my thoughts about what had just happened. I had just had sex with my father. I knew that I could never tell anyone about dad and me, no one would understand about our special relationship. Not even my brothers could know, they would just say dad had raped me, they would never understand how much I had yearned for daddy's love. When I finished my shower I did as I was told, I wrapped myself in a towel and headed straight for daddy's room.

I knocked softly and I heard my dad's voice "come in sweetheart." I opened the door and walked in, dad was already in bed when he told me to come closer. I walked to the foot of the king sized bed that daddy had not shared with anyone in years. Standing in front of him with only a bedside table lamp for light, I knew that he no longer saw as his little girl, but he now saw me as a woman, because that is what had happened on the bathroom floor, he had made me his woman.

"How do you feel?" Dad asked me as he sat up in bed,

"I feel, I feel, I feel wonderful dad, I could not have imagined a better birthday present."

"That's great Christy, you see I told you that you were ready, but you know your birthday isn't over." dad said with a smile.

"You mean there's more?"

"Why don't you come over here?" Dad said as he pulled back the covers inviting me into his bed.

I walked over to my father as my towel tumbled to the floor. Daddy took my hand and warmly welcomed me into his bed. Daddy and I made love again, only this time the rage was gone. My father was a wonderful lover, he was very gently with me the second time we were together.

After dad took me a third time, he said that he had another surprise for me. He got up an walked over to the door, he opened it, he whispered to someone; however I could not see whom dad was talking to, until he stepped back and my older brother Jason walked into the room.

The look on Jason's face when he walked in and saw me in our dad's bed was not what I had expected. Jason walked over to my side of the bed, while dad hung out by the door and watched between my brother and myself. Leaning over Jason engaged me in a long slow very sensual kiss. I was shocked but at the same time very turned on.

"I understand that you give dad some of that sweet pussy you been saving, how about giving me some of your sweetness?"

Before I could answer, Jason pulled down the sheet that was covering me, I was lying flat on my back and I could only see dad in the dark shadows of the room.

"My god look at that, damn dad is that as good as it looks?" Jason asked as he held the sheet that once covered my nude body.

"Son I have had some good pussy in my time, but your sister has got the sweetest piece of black pussy I have ever had." I heard daddy say as he took a seat in his old easy chair.

I saw Jason lick his lips as he began to undress, taking off his shirt and undoing his pants, but not removing them. Jason joins me in our father's bed. Jason gets on top of me and starts kissing me, his hand was between my legs slowly massaging my pussy. I could feel my brother's hard on through his pants.

"Son before you stick your hard prick into your sister, let's see how well our girl can suck cock." Daddy said

Jason complied with my dad's request by getting on his knees and unzipping pants and letting his nine inch cock break free. When I first saw it I was somewhat afraid, it was not due to the fact that Jason was bigger then dad, but it was that I had never done anything like this is I was a bit nervous. However, dad and Jason assured me that I had nothing to fear.

I opened my mouth as my brother traced the outer edges of my mouth with his huge cock. It was not only long but it was round and meaty. At first, I only took a small portion a little bit past the head ; I could feel Jason's growing excitement as he slowly guided his hard prick in and out of my mouth.

"Yes that's it sis, oh you dirty little slut, that's it suck my dick." I heard Jason say as he held the back of my head in place.

It did not take long for me to have al nine inches in my mouth; before I realized that I was actually enjoying the feeling of my brother's long delicious cock on my mouth; the feel of Jason fucking my face was as delightful as it comes. Jason had to struggle hard not to cum in my mouth, but somehow he managed to hold himself back.

"It's time." Dad told Jason as he pulled out of my mouth, pushing back down on the bed Jason spreads my legs and mounted me, he shoved his white meaty cock into my juicy black pussy.

" Oh yes Jason fuck me, that's it big brother fuck me hard, oh yes harder, harder, harder." I yelled.

Jason for filed my request; fucking me it a state of erotica joy. First daddy and Jason, never in my wildest dreams could I ever have imaged my sixteenth birthday going like this.

Once Jason left the room daddy sat on the side of the bed, I felt him watching me as I lay there basking in the memory of my father and brother's love. About fifteen minutes had passed when I heard another knock on the door.

""Come in." Dad said as the door swung open, standing there was my twenty-year old brother Jack.

Jack walked into the room with his entire swagger intact. Jack was a tall lanky red head kid who was always so cock sure of himself. Of all three of my brothers it seemed that Jack and I never really seemed to hit it off. I think it because our father left his mom for my mom. Jack was completely naked as he walked towards me, while jacking off.

Jack walked over to me and pulled me up to my feet Jack turned me around, his hands roamed up and down my back until they came to rest on my tight firm ass.

"We'll I hear you are beginning to earn your keep around here." He said as he pushed his hard cock up against my ass.

"I know what you're thinking son and the answer is no." My dad said firmly

"Dad come on just this one time?" Jack pleaded.

"I said no boy, now we agreed, so if you want some pussy you had better get it right now.""

Jack pulled me over to a chair sitting down he planted me on top of his erect penis. Jack began to bounce me up and down on his rock hard rod, going deeper and deeper onto my pussy with every stroke. Daddy watched for a while and then he walked over to us

"Oh baby your so beautiful, ye baby ride that big dick." Dad said as he leaned over and licked my hard brown nipples, while I continued to ride Jack's rock hard cock.

Jack reached around my waist to stroke my clit, making me howl with pleasure. Between dad and Jack I felt my body was about erupt as I reached climaxes. Daddy pulled me off of Jack and shoved me back on the bed, spreading my legs dad entered my body again while Jack forced his hard throbbing cock into my mouth.

While daddy fucked the shit out of me for the fourth time that night; Jack pumped his six inch dick in and out of my mouth. Thee feel of having both my mouth and my pussy fucked at the same time was nothing short of fantastic. Both dad and Jack came almost at the same time, daddy shot the first load into my hungry pussy while Jack shot his sweet creamy stuff into my mouth.

After Jack left I went to clean up, the thought of having my father and two of my brothers was so unbelievable. It was as if I were outside of my body looking down on a family that I didn't know but at the same time this was my family and I was so glad to be a part of them.

When I walked back I to dad's room I found my eighteen-year old brother Jake waiting. I looked around for dad but he was nowhere to be found.

"Come on in sis I'm not going to bite you."

I walked over too my youngest brother knowing that I would have to give him the same amount of pleasure that I have giving to my father and two brothers. Jake reached out taking my hand and pulling me close, he took me in his arms and begins to caress my brown skin.

"Oh baby you feel so good." He said as his hands began to explore soft caramel body.

Jake started kissing me while his hand found my smooth bare pussy so inviting. Jake backed me up against the wall and started finger fucking my pussy, while at the same time his tongue found its way to my golden brown nipples.

Jake and I crawl into our father's bed where Jake gave me every inch of his divine sexy body. Jake seven inch dick seemed to be perfect for me, as he glides his cock in and out of my sweet young pussy.

"Oh my fucking god Jake fuck me, fuck me harder, harder!" I yelled.

Jake comply with my every wish as we rocked my dad's bed, Jake was fucking me so good that we did not notice when dad and Grandpa Al had come into the room. The two were standing at the end of the bed enjoying the show that my brother and I were putting on for them, when Jake saw dad and grandpa he stopped before either one us came.

"No please don't stop, my god the way that you two were going at, it was amazing." Dad said as he and grandpa stood looking down and smiling.


Same as A Matter of Family Fun Videos

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Freddys Family Fun1

"Huh? What!" Freddy was deep in sleep. Oh shit! Was the place on fire? It was his cousin, Nina. "Move over. I'm going to sleep with you." Freddy knew he wasn't hearing right. My brain must not be in gear yet he thought. It sounded like Nina was going to get in bed with him. How was that possible? The bed was barely large enough for one. "Why? How?" Freddy just wanted Nina to go away so he could get back to sleep. The fact that she was a cousin whom he'd lusted over for years...

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The Little Fat Fairy and the Fucking Fungus

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen."Oh, Mr. Wankles! You just don't understand." The little fat fairy plonked herself down onto the dandelion pouffe, causing her skirt to fly up and reveal her rather substantial knickers."Ooo, purple lace today, Daisy," leered Mr. Wankles."Certainly is, young-fella-me-lad," she sighed."And what sort of a problem cannot be solved by purple lace knickers?" The gnome sat back in his cumbersome velour...

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DoortoDoor Fundraising

DISCLAIMED        -        READThis is a work of fiction. None of the events depicted in this story should ever be attempted or recreated in real life, in any degree, for any reason. The legal council stated in this document may not be accurate, and should not be taken for fact. Replication of any of these events may result in fines and/or imprisonment. This work is copywrited by the author, Samsara. Any similarities to any person, place, organization and/or event are purely...

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Mormon Family Fun

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Family Therapy A Healthy Dose Of Family Fun

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The Fundraiser

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Group Sex
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One Shoe GumshoeChapter 26 Two Funerals

WE attended two funeral services together, Mary and I, one low key in terms of attendance but deeply emotional, on one morning and followed that by another higher profile one the following afternoon, that was more for public show than anything else. Mary insisted I attend by her side for both funerals. How could I deny her my full support at them both? To be honest, I wanted to spend every moment of our shrinking allotment of time we had together. Mary wore the same black outfit for both...

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Living With Erectile Dysfunction

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4 years ago
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Impregnation game using a funnel

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The Fundraiser

”Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to our marathon charity show for the victims of the dreadful earthquakes in Nepal.”Paul Sumner, late night talk show host, newspaper columnist and stinking rich philanthropist, was hosting a huge televised charity event being beamed to millions of homes worldwide."Everyone has seen the shocking images and heard the heartbreaking reports, and tonight we,” — and he pointed directly at the camera — “that is you at home and those of us here in the studio, are going...

3 years ago
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Fundraiser A drabble by Karen Hansen The gavel fell, then clapping... Lance, now Lynnette, stepped carefully down the stairs. Cuffed, he couldn't catch himself... led past the people... "How wonderful 'she' looked enfemme..." "What a 'nice' gesture..." Lance couldn't see the last bidder. Mistress whispered, "See you in 48 hours." Winking. It couldn't be too bad... different Mistress... new chores... it's what Mistress wanted... to help out the...

2 years ago
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Family Fun

I don't usually have trouble sleeping but for some reason I found myself wide awake at 4AM. "What the hell is wrong with you Mike?" I said to myself. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't get back to sleep, so I did the one thing that I knew that might put me to sleep;I turned on my computer, opened up Photoshop and began working on reparing some old family photos. The first picture was that of my sister Cathy who happened to be wearing a very nice dress but something wasn't right with the...

3 years ago
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Bi Family Fun

Finally! My stepdad, Bill, headed out to the driveway with his golf clubs for his Saturday morning ritual with his friends. My Mom, Peggy, had already left to start her Saturday ritual of shopping for hours and hours. Now I, Johnny, could start my Saturday morning ritual.Looking out the bedroom window as Bill loaded his clubs into his car and drove off, I untied my pajama bottoms and let them fall to the floor. Nude, I headed right into their bedroom and opened the door to their closet. Months...

3 years ago
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More Family Fun

You may recall in my previous story that I had a gf Linda who eventually joined in on the family nudity and even advanced as far as jacking me off in front of my dad. I was 16 at the time but by the time I was 18 Linda and I had split up. I had a few other girlfriends but had never been comfortable enough with them to introduce them into public nudity at my house much less any sex stuff. So any time a gf was at my house, the whole family had to put on clothes. It was kind of a drag but not...

2 years ago
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More Family Fun

Introduction: My sister goes crazy over my big cock. I wrote earlier about growing up in a household where nudity and even open masturbation were considered ok. I had a brother and a younger sister. It was ok for me and my brother to masturbate in front of my sister…or our parents….but there was no touching allowed. Nobody ever said anything about it being taboo for my brother and I to touch each other but we were always afraid to try it in front of our parents. You may recall in my previous...

2 years ago
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Family Fun

Dear ISS readers, my name is Akhil, from a Tamil Brahmin family, and I am a diehard fan of incest sex. I used to read many incest stories and watch many incest movies as well. I used to always dream of fucking my mother, and masturbate knowing that it could never happen in reality. But things that I thought could never happen, turned out happening. This is a true life story that happened to me when I had just turned 18 during summer vacation in Kerala. Now am in an engineering college. Before...

3 years ago
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The Devils DiscipleChapter 9 Saturday February 5 Welcoming Anne To The Family

My eyes were closed but I was awake. I sensed Anne look from me to my father, felt her disengage herself from the hands we had on her breasts and sit up. Suddenly a vision came into my mind and that could only mean one thing, my brother was back. It was just after six-o-clock on Saturday morning, she was resting against the soft backboard. 'She's considering what to do next little brother, and she's thinking about what happened. About how you changed your mind on Thursday night and...

3 years ago
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Masculine Funk

One Wednesday evening, as I was sitting at the bar in a coastal city that renowned for its humidity, I was enjoying the balmy atmosphere as I sipped on a beer. I was very happy that a colleague had recommended this ‘arty’ area to me.The guest lodge I was staying in was charming, and all the shops and restaurants in Roper Road, as the area was referred to, had a lovely vibe. Of course, of special interest to me was the gay flag that I had observed hanging from the first floor of one of buildings...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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The Futas Mindcontrolling PantiesChapter 2 Futarsquos MindControlled Family Fun

Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Mildred Dean I stared at the woman who entered the Quick household like she belonged. She took two steps before she saw the debauchery before her. The debauchery my new abilities had unleashed. A shiver ran through me as I stared at the shock rippling across the woman’s face. The features were so similar to Dianne Quick, the married mother cooing on the couch as she kneaded her fourteen-year-old daughter’s small tits. Said daughter was the one...

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The day our familys Rottweiler took me

Well moving on, I'm nicknamed vampirTara back when I was in high school, because I had "Porphyria" nicknamed The Vampire disease and could not go out in the sunlight and I required blood, along with I had abnormally long incisors. Now, you could call me naive and stupid, because the only thing, I had ever heard of was the occasional joke about dogs screwing women. I always thought they were just jokes that were gross and disgusting, but never believed that stuff really happened. Yeah,...

2 years ago
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Malfunction The 3 laws of Robotics: 1. A robot cannot harm a human being, or through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm 2. A robot must obey the commands of a human being, except where such commands would counter Law 1 3. A robot must protect its own existence, except where such protection would counter Law 1 or Law 2. Matt, the engineer assigned to fix me calls me Abe. That's when he isn't using profanity. My official designation is ABEVE - 2110...

1 year ago
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Memorable Experiences During A Family Function

Hi! My name is Sathwik Reddy and I’m from Hyderabad. I’m a regular reader of this site and for the first time I’m sharing my experience. Coming to myself, I’m 5 feet 11 inches tall, medium complexion and heavy built. I’m working in a private company company. I’m mad about boobs. I have touched boobs of not less than 15 girls/aunties. Few of them are my friends, relatives and rest are while travelling. Now coming to the story… This happened 4 yrs back. I was travelling to my home town from...

3 years ago
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Family Fun

You wake up, it's 10 o'clock. Light pours in through your window. You've live alone in a student apartment for the last year and haven't seen your family in months. But now you're going to see all of them. Why? 'Cos your uncle is having a family reunion down at his ranch. You can't wait but at the same time you're a little bit annoyed. This means no sex for a week. You get up, swinging your legs over the bed. In the full length mirror you see your most prominent feature.

4 years ago
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Family Fun

© 2002 -2003 Annie and her husband, Roger, have two children. Their son Roger Jr, was eighteen and a high school student, at the time. Their daughter Roslyn was a twenty-year-old college student. All in all she thought they were a normal family. At least she thought they were until, she came home from a meeting, early one night. She crept upstairs hoping to find her husband in their bedroom or waiting in the lounge room, with his normal, raging hard-on, instead she saw her husband, Roger,...

3 years ago
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Futa Family Fun

*Character ages: Mom/Hellen, 40; Janet/Jan, 22; Sasha/POV character, 19; Jade, 19; Peter, 18; and Diana, 18* “Morning hon” mom says as I walk down stairs “school’s cancelled.” “Ok I’ll be in my room if you need me” I said. When I got to my room I got out my laptop and started jacking off before my sister, Jan, walks in. “Hey sis” Jan said “want to have some fun.” I got undressed as Jan shut my door and started to get undressed as well. Once we were full nude someone knocked at the door. I...

2 years ago
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Die Stckelschuhe Episode 1 Gesucht und gefunden

Die St?ckelschuhe Episode 1 - Gesucht und gefunden! © 2003 / 2017 Lydia Lighthouse Es geschah an einem Fr?hlingstag, so wie man ihn sich am meisten w?nscht. Die Sonne schien und es war angenehm warm. Zwar lie? eine k?hle Briese hin und wieder sp?ren, dass es bis zum Sommer noch ein wenig hin war, aber dennoch wurde es zu einem der sch?nsten Tage seit Monaten. Einen Tag, auf den die sonnenausgehungerten Menschen nur gewartet hatten - und das an einem Wochenende. Folglich lie? sich ...

2 years ago
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All Systems Functioning

 Earth date 1st April, 2121. Time 12h03m56s GMT. Space Station Alpha 69. Geostationary above Mars. Unmanned. Nothing to report. All systems functioning.*Earth date 2nd April, 2121. Time 15h05m23s GMT. Space Station Alpha 69. Geostationary above Mars. Unmanned. Nothing to report. All systems functioning.*Earth date 3rd April, 2121. Time 10h23m19s GMT. Space Station Alpha 69. Geostationary above Mars. Unmanned. Nothing to report. All systems functioning.*Earth date 4th April, 2121. Time 16h02m45s...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
1 year ago
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Seduced Sexy Cousin At Family Function

Hi, I am Kiran from Bangalore. This is my story which happened to me with my cousin. My uncle was living in another city. It was his second daughter’s engagement function and I reached their place one day before, so that I could help my uncle. I was moving around here and there saw my elder cousin Priya, who was already there. She is married and was looking hot. We enjoyed spending time together, talking with each other. We talked and got to know each other better, her ass was the focus of my...

4 years ago
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The Fundraiser

I had to raise money for my school track team by selling candy bars. I was crafty and had the perfect sales pitch for every crowd to would show it to. The parks for the sugar hungry k**s after school, and other places i had up my sleeve that other team mates wouldnt think to try. My sales were going excellent and i had almost sold all of my chocolate bars, however, 23 boxes remained. I went to the police station and the fire house, gave a sweet lil sales pitch and sold 8 of the 23 boxes. I had...

2 years ago
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Four Funerals

(This story isn’t true, but it’s based on some real events. I just put them together.) Tottenham Court Road on a busy Friday lunchtime is not the tine to start playing Frogger for real but the young woman in front of me obviously didn’t realise that. I was moving before my conscious brain kicked into gear, my hand shooting out and yanking her back by her shoulder as the taxi swerved to avoid a bike courier weaving in and out of traffic. It happened in slow motion, the taxi screeching into the...

1 year ago
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Weddings and Funerals

Weddings and funerals are the only time our whole family gets together. It is like a reunion. I mean they come from all over, the extended family from both sides. So this story takes place at a wedding, I can't remember who got married but I remember the important parts. My family arrived several days early as did most everyone. The first day we all went to the golf course and drank. Uncle Carl and Aunt Beth were ready to go and made me the designated driver. I loved being around Uncle Carl and...

2 years ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 141 Funerals

After that, I left the podium and exited out a side door. There wasn’t going to be any schmoozing in the aisles tonight. Once outside the chamber, I sent somebody in to find the Commandant of the Marine Corps and ask him to see me for a minute or two. I smiled as I considered that. Once upon a time if a senior officer ‘asked’ me to do something, it was really an order. Now I was the one doing the asking. My, how Second Lieutenant Buckman had grown up. Marilyn and the kids showed up about a...

3 years ago
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My summer of family fun

My parents had split a couple of years ago now and I seemed to be in the way of my mum and her new fella. So with my exams done and school over I was being shipped over to my dads and his new family in America for the summer. Even though he was a bit of a wanker, four months in the California sun sounded good to me. Not only that his new wife was a milf, fuck she was hot long blonde hair dark tanned skin legs to die for and shit them tits, ok they were paid for but her 34DD were worth every...

1 year ago
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Family Fun

Choose an adventure. Whether it be mother/son, father/daughter, brother/sister or extended family you will probably find it in one scenario.

4 years ago
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Family Fun

Linc Walker parked his hog in front of the run the down mobile home, flipped away his half burned cigarette, and entered the cluttered kitchen-living room area of the twenty five year old trailer!!! "Anybody here," he shouted into the silence, "hey, Linda, you home yet!?!" "Dumb cunt," he muttered to himself while opening up the refrigerator to grab beer, "if she was ever on time it'd be a fucking miracle," before taking a long drag from the long necked bottle!!! He was just about ready to...

3 years ago
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family fun

Chapter 1“Anybody home?” I called as I walked through the back door into the kitchen. I put my backpack down and grabbed a soda out of the fridge. No answer. “Hellooo?” Still nothing. I was seldom the first one home after school. Usually my sister, Carrie, got in first since she had her own car. I didn’t have a job yet, so no money, no license, no car. That was the rules of the house. It sucked but that’s the way it was. I gulped down the soda, grabbed my backpack, then headed upstairs to my...

1 year ago
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Family fun

Rod knocked on the front door of the large split level suburban home, and after several moments the door swung open and a fortyish blonde woman ushered him inside and asked, "I hope you didn't have any trouble finding us, we're kinda out in the boonies!!!" "No problem," Rod answered while giving the place a quick once over and removing his coat, "you're directions were perfect!!!" As she led him down a long hall to a door that led to the basement she said softly, "I want you to really give it...

3 years ago
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Probability Dysfunction

Probability Dysfunction AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a little story I wrote for the Machine Malfunction Contest in the TF-TG-Contests group on deviantart. I didn't win, but it was a lot of fun to write and I'm happy with how it came out. *** I grip the vertical and lateral function knobs as I work to keep the indicator in the green zone. I haven't operated the plasma input on this early prototype in years, so I'm glad that I'm still a ninja at this. I just hope the directors at...

2 years ago
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Family Rituals

She had thought it was good news, not even sure how she ended up in this position Family RitualsCopyright 2006Co-Written by Powerone and SummerElizabeth8 M+/F, incest, oral, anal, mast    Chapter 1The Marriage Proposal  She had thought it was good news, and wasn?t even sure how she ended up in this position.?? Her parents had always been strict, not strict in the same sense that others used it, but strict in the sense of corporal punishment.? And it wasn?t just her, but also her mother,...

3 years ago
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True Friends and Family

True Family and Friends A Winnisimmet Tales Story By Efin Copyright 2015 Looking In Publications All rights reserved This book is a complete work of fiction. Any possible similarity to another work is completely coincidental and unintentional. Situations are made up based on the author's own feelings and are in no way based on reality. This book...

3 years ago
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Christmas With The Family

Christmas With The Family   An Original Work by Donato, Copyright 2007       Harry and Todd had been friends since grade school and now were freshmen at the same college, State University. It was almost Christmas and Todd had invited Harry to stay with he and his family as Harry's folks had been called out of town on a family emergency. It was the first time Harry was not to see his folks over Christmas and he was really down in the...


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