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Luke was kneeling naked in a dark room, staring at the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in his life.

"You can't take your eyes off it, can you?" said the low, velvety voice behind his ear. Luke mumbled something in reply.

"I'm going to tell you some things now. Things you will not remember hearing. But when the time comes, you will obey them anyway; automatically, instinctively. Are you ready to hear these things?"

Luke mumbled something else.

"The first thing is, meoooooowwwww. Meooow? Prrrrrrrrrrr..."

Luke blinked awake to find his cat Grendel perched on his chest, purring loudly and nuzzling his chin. Groggily he reached up and scritched her. "Have you been hypnotizing me in my sleep, Grendel? Bad kitty."


While his coffee brewed, Luke tried to retrieve the threads of the dream, but they seemed to unravel as he pulled on them, leaving nothing but an impression of a sultry voice murmuring commands in his ear. He'd had very similar dreams several times that week, and twice had built sexy morning fantasies around them. His hand brushed against the front of his pants as he imagined a curvy dominatrix in black silk robes that revealed as much as they hid, standing with her legs apart as he knelt at her feet. His cock pushed insistently behind the zipper as he imagined her pulling her robe aside and telling him to lick her, and he quickly unbuckled his belt and fly and slid a hand inside. The front of his underwear was already a little bit wet, and he slowly squeezed up the length of his shaft to get a little bit more out, to get his palm slippery so that when he wrapped his hand around the shaft it would slide smoothly through his fingers. The feel of precome on his skin, and the smell of it, mingled in his head with the imagined feel of her soft folds parting around his tongue, the smell and taste of her. All he could remember of her voice from his dream was a vague sense of something sultry and low and breathy that vibrated through his body like an irresistable force; he wasn't imagining words now, but just the feel of her voice washing over him, carrying him away. She ordered him to lie back now and straddled him, sliding his cock deep inside her and riding him hard until he came...

The other thing that kept happening was it kept making him late to work, he thought ruefully as he cleaned himself up, splashed his coffee into a thermos, and hustled out the door. Taking the stairs so he wouldn't have to wait for the elevator, he noticed as he ran by a stack of boxes piled by the next door down from his. He'd heard someone new was moving in there; Luke briefly wondered when he'd meet them. He remembered seeing a sign in the lobby about recent breakins in the building (more than one!) and wondered if the boxes would be safe there, but even as he wondered this he saw the door of the apartment start to open and so, relieved and being late already, ducked back into the stairwell and took the steps two at a time.

"You've been building up to this for a long time, haven't you? Trying to stay away, but still drawn irresistibly closer and closer..."

Luke mumbled something in reply.

"I bet it's such a relief to finally give in, isn't it? To know that you can't fight it. To finally be able to stop trying..."


"It's such a joy to submit completely. To know that you're going to obey. Isn't it?"


"Here is what you are going to do now. You don't need to remember this, because it will happen automatically; you are no longer in control. What you are going to do is mrrrrrrreowwwww? Prrrrrrrrrrr..."

Grendel was licking his face. Waking up so turned on with a cat licking him was getting just a little embarassing. Luke hastily got out of bed.

In the shower, Luke quickly gave up any pretense that he wasn't going to jack off thinking about it every morning that he had this inexplicably sexy dream. He was rock-hard before he even turned the water on. Stepping back so the warm spray fell straight on his crotch, he closed his eyes and wrapped his hand around his cock and mentally fleshed out his image of the sultry dominatrix a bit more. Curly dark hair that flowed in little ringlets over the tops of her breasts, as she looked down at him ... he wasn't very far into the fantasy before he was kneeling on the floor of the shower, all the water passing over his head as he needed to be kneeling even imagining her voice commanding him, coming so hard for her...

And shivering as he realized he was kneeling on the cold floor of the shower with a handful of come. Awkwardly he stood up, and finished washing.

Late again, he took the stairs again and this time actually caught a glimpse of his new neighbor on the way out. She was a short, cheerful-looking woman in a light green business-casual shirt and dark slacks, with square-framed glasses and reddish hair in a short bob. She caught him looking at her as she bent down to pick up yet more boxes, and smiled and waved. He waved back, then hurried down the stairs.

On the way out of the building he noticed a wallet lying on the ground next to the bushes. Assuming it belonged to one of his neighbors, he picked it up; but the address on the ID inside was all the way across town. He tucked it into his pocket and planned to call the owner from work.


"Hi, I'm looking for a Sandra Bloom?"


"Hi. I seem to have found your wallet."

"Oh! Well, thank you for calling! I was wondering what happened to it; it must have fallen out of my pocket somewhere. Can I come pick it up or something?"

"Sure, if that's convenient for you; or I could drop it off tonight if the address on the driver's license is still current. My name's Luke Harriston and I work at 128 Fifth Street downtown; I'll be here 'till 5."

"Thanks, I think I'll come by; I don't have any classes this afternoon. Where did you find it? Oh, shoot, I have to go -- you can tell me when I get there. Bye!"

"Okay, just call this number when you get to my build--" click

Despite his fears, the attractive young brunette from the drivers' license photo did manage to find his office and call up from the lobby. He offered her coffee from the little coffee kiosk by the front desk, in recompense for having to come all the way downtown to get her wallet back.

"Well, as long as you're not buying it with my money," she said, grinning and making a show of counting the two bills that had been in the wallet when he found it. "Where did I drop it, anyway?"

He told her his address. "It was right by the side of the building, as I was leaving by the side staircase."

She stopped with a confused look.

"What's wrong? Do you know somebody in my building that you might have been visiting?"

"Yeah, actually I do. One of my teachers lives there; I just helped her move in last week. But I haven't been there since then. I know I wasn't there any time yesterday. But I also know I had my wallet yesterday morning."

"Did you have one of her classes yesterday? Maybe ... oh, I don't know, maybe you left it in her classroom and she took it home intending to get it back to you and also dropped it and ... okay, I'm just making shit up. I have no idea. But that's where I found it, anyhow."

"I did have her class yesterday," Sandra said. "It was on..." she furrowed her brow for a moment as if trying to remember. Luke waited. Sandra's brow very slowly unfurrowed, but she remained otherwise motionless, staring blankly into space.

Luke waited a bit longer.

"Um... ?" he said, finally.

"Huh?" she replied, immediately becoming animated again. She blinked a few times.

"You were talking about your class?"


"Right, the class you had yesterday with the teacher who lives in my building?"

"Teacher who lives ... where do you ... oh! Oh. Right, you ... right." She stared at him for a few moments, eyes going in and out of focus as she apparently tried to remember her train of thought. "Right, my Sumerian History teacher. She ... she just moved into your building. I helped her move last week."

"Well, it sounds like maybe you dropped your wallet in her class," Luke said, smiling. If you were that out of it in class, I bet you did! he thought to himself.

"Yes ... um, I have to go. It was nice meeting you!" Sandra flashed him a smile, then hurried away, leaving her half-finished coffee behind.

Bemused, Luke headed back upstairs to work.

Coming home from work, as he was stepping out of the elevator onto his floor, he once again ran into his new neighbor. "Hi! You must be just moving in. My name's Luke Harriston; I have the apartment next-door to yours." He held out his hand.

"Oh hi! I'm Selene Lindsey. Pleased to meet you! Sorry, I still have a few boxes to run up from my car before it gets dark" she replied, shaking his hand with a bright smile and then ducking apologetically past him to the elevator.

Luke wandered forward blindly in a daze.

That was the voice from his dreams.

Somehow he managed to open his apartment door and stumble inside, not really seeing anything.

After sitting on the couch for a while, Luke started to pull himself together. "Okay, I have a huge crush on my next-door neighbor's voice, and have been masturbating to the memory of it all week. I must have heard her talking some time when she was moving in. It's hugely embarassing, but not really a problem, is it? No, it isn't."

"Now what? Should I go see if she needs more help moving those boxes? I might get to hear her talk more..." He was instantly hard. "Ok, only a little problem..."

He got up and headed down the hall towards the elevator. As he reached it, the doors opened. "Oh, hi again!" said his neighbor.

"Hi," said Luke, trying to calm his fluttering stomach. "Do you need any help with those boxes?"

"Oh, sure, thanks!" she replied, brushing a lock of hair behind one ear. She held the elevator door open with her foot while sliding a box out into the hall. "Can you help me get these boxes out of the elevator? Then we can move them into my apartment next."

Luke helped her shuffle boxes into the hallway and then, once they'd let the elevator go, into her apartment. Her apartment was similar in layout to his, but stacks of cardboard, crumpled newspaper, and foam showed she was clearly still unpacking.

"Thanks so much, Luke-- Luke, right?" she asked. He nodded. "Can I offer you..." she glanced inside her refrigerator, "a beer or diet soda?"

He smiled nervously. "Beer's great, thanks."

As she bent down to pull two beers from the refrigerator door, a necklace slipped out from her shirt, a gold pendant on a long chain. "Nice necklace," heremarked.

"Thanks," she said, handing him one of the beers. "I got it on a dig." She chuckled. "I like saying that because it makes it sound like I unearthed it out of some mysterious ancient temple or something. Actually a local sold it to me in a bazaar. It's fake, of course." She held it up for him to get a closer look.

The pendant was a thick cylinder covered with cuneiform, attractive chicken-scratchings he couldn't read. It swiveled a little as it dangled between her fingers.

"First, the metal's wrong-- ironically for a fake, it's a bit too pure for the period that ... well, for any period that used cuneiform. Second, that isn't really cuneiform. It isn't quite like any of the real writing systems, and if you look closely it has features that just didn't occur in cuneiform writing-- like curved lines."

Luke stared at the pretty pendant dangling between her fingers. Between the lines of writing, there was also some sort of symbol or picture that he couldn't make out. "So why did you buy it?"

"I just thought it was pretty." She laughed. "And kind of silly. An ironic memento of my work. Nowadays I think it has some mysteries of its own-- like why someone would make an obvious fake out of gold! So I still get a kick out of it." She tucked it back into her shirt.

"Anyway, thanks for helping me with my boxes, Luke," she said, and raised her beer bottle in toast. They clinked bottles, and drank. "It was kind of you to come over and give me a hand." After a moment her eyebrows shot up suddenly, then her eyes narrowed, then her face smoothed out again, and she smiled. "Why don't we go sit in the living room?"

"Ok, sure," said Luke. He wasn't sure what was suddenly going through her head, but he was sure he wanted to keep hearing her speak. As long as he could keep his untucked shirt hanging loosely over his lap, so it wasn't obvious how painfully hard her voice was making him.

The conversation that followed was an odd one. Luke found her voice so affecting that he had to concentrate very hard just to interact normally instead of closing his eyes and getting lost in the luscious tones of her words. As it was, he would occasionally take a moment to realize she'd asked him a question. But he thought he was for the most part hiding his reaction well ... which was good, because she seemed to be watching him very closely for something. She told him about her work; he mentioned his own job, but mostly wanted to hear her talk more, and she obliged-- still watching him closely. After a while, she stood up suddenly.

"Would you like to see some of the things I work on?"

"Um, sure!"

She opened a door into a small office. Despite some unpacked boxes, the room was fairly neat; and dominating the space was a cloth-covered object on a pedestal on top of a desk against one wall. She walked over to it.

As near as he could figure, the adjacent wall was next to his apartment. He tried to visualize his apartment layout and mentally compare it to hers.

"And this is the piece that-- what on earth are you looking at?"

Startled out of his architectural ruminations, Luke turned from the wall he was speculating about, to see his neighbor and the object of his recent intense nighttime sexual fantasies standing in a dramatic pose, holding the cover she'd apparently just taken from a strangely-shaped black statue sitting on the desk. She'd obviously meant for him to admire it, and he'd dropped the ball. "Sorry! I'm sorry, I was just-- my apartment's on the other side of that wall, I was wondering which room. Ah, that's a very interesting statue, um, what is it?"

Selene burst out laughing.

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Lisa Gets Hers Finally

The big day had finally come. After months of barren social activity, Lisa’s dinner/pool party was all set. Her husband Derek, an on-call surgeon at the City Hospital’s Emergency Center, had finally managed to secure a Saturday off. They happily set the patio with tables and decorations, exchanging lighthearted kisses and caresses like when they were newlyweds. This was all going to be so perfect, her friends would all be there, hopefully seething with jealousy at her beautiful home and her...

3 years ago
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Kenshiro HidoriChapter 6

Kenshiro finds himself in China and comes to call himself by the name of Le Shen. Training in the ways of Wushu and other martial arts of the Shaolin temples he learned the ways of the Chinese fighting men, becoming adept in them. He learned to use the Pudao a Chinese weapon with a much larger blade than the naginata of Japan. Using his skill as smith he crafted the weapon so it was lighter but just as strong using the metals he made himself. Le Shen was interested in perfecting himself as a...

1 year ago
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YT boob! There are a million sites you could go to when you want to beat off to sexualized content. I mean, look at ThePornDude; your options are limitless. But the thing is, sometimes you just want content that feels like it’s breaking the rules. Porn on a site where it ultimately shouldn’t be, say on a mainstream platform like TikTok or YouTube.Well, finding pornography in the wild where it could be taken down at any given moment can be hard as fuck. Seriously, have you ever found a porn link...

Big Tits Porn Sites
3 years ago
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A Very Good Morning0

I groan and push my face deeper into the warmth of the pillow. Hands run up and down my arms slowly bringing me out of my dreamy trance. "Maddie." Kayla says in a sing song voice. I sigh and finally roll over and see my beautiful black goddess with her head propped up on her elbow and smiling at me. Her curly black hair was cascading around her shoulders and her brown eyes looking at me lovingly. I smile back and cover my eyes with my hand. "Oh god. I don't think I'll ever get...

1 year ago
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A special delivery part 2

Weeks had gone by, no word from the woman who delivered my air conditioning unit, now many people might think that’s normal, but this woman for what ever reason had stayed and enjoyed a glass of lemonade while I had set up the unit, she had even helped fit the hose, it seemed fair to let her enjoy the fruits of our labour, and it had ended with both of us naked and in a 69 position, she told me she was married and left, I figured it was little more than some fun for her and major wankbank...

2 years ago
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Princess for a Weekend

As Friday came, Jennifer had a very long and stressful week. So I decided to plan a weekend of relaxation and pampering for her, so as we we leaving for work I told her I would take the kids to her mom and drop them off. So as Jennifer left for work, I gathered the kids and their things together to take to her mom’s house. When I arrived at her mom’s, I told her mom I had a favor to ask of her. I explained to her that Jennifer had a very tough week and ask if she would keep the kids this...

1 year ago
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Country Boy City GirlChapter 39

The week after the convention we had the Senior Prom. Jack and I went half and half in renting a limo for the night. Which he got a discount on because of his parent’s connections, and a room at the Sheraton Universal Hotel. The room we reserved was a two room suite, not unlike the one we got for conventions. Thankfully neither his parents, the girl’s parents, nor my dad had an issue. Rosie simply told us to not do any drinking outside of the hotel room, and I told her I had only planned on...

4 years ago
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PupsRUsChapter 5

The only dog without a fuck that day was Attila, so they decided to fix that with a pairing of Attila and Joe. To Grace's surprise, she was feeling so horny that she was about to scream. She announced that she wanted to be Attila's partner, and Sue and Liz could decide between themselves who would fuck Joe. Liz wanted that job, and Sue gave in without the thought of an argument. Sue brought in Attila, and Liz brought in Joe. They went through the same routine as with Bruno, and Grace...

3 years ago
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Kinky lesbian love on the rails

Once travelling in an international train, I was seated next two lovely looking young ladies. They sat at the window and eyed each other. Sometimes by that window - it was already dark outside - and a few times they looked for each others eyes directly.The one next to me was dressed formally, like a British business bitch.A beauty of a bitch, in my humble opinion. But I had a better sight at the beauties of the elegantly dressed lady across my seat. A cute petite brunette. Short hair. Green...

1 year ago
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RealityJunkies Jaclyn Taylor Joseline Kelly Naughty New Neighbor

Jaclyn Taylor and Toni Ribas are excited to welcome their new neighbors and decide to bring an apple pie and greet them. When they come to the house the parents are not home but their teen daughter Joseline Kelly answers the door and invites them in. Joseline is a wild teen so she gives the couple a seductive strip dance. She turns the couple on so much that they both want to fuck her hot body! This is exactly what she wants a wild threesome with this naughty couple. When Joseline’s dad...

3 years ago
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My wife myself and a friend

My wife came home from work the other day and started telling me about a story her friend at work was telling her about her weekend experience. It was about this girl and her boyfriend and his buddy, and it involved dp. Up till now she had never her about that and the story shocked her a little. So I had to ask what she thought of it and she couldn't believe any one would do that. So I left it alone for awhile until later on after we had a few drinks and I brought the subject back up. After I...

2 years ago
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A Drabble The Devil Make Hair

A few weeks ago, there was exchange which appeared on the Hyperboard which resulted in someone making the suggestion that a rather well known story reviewer try her hand at writing a drabble. Having never attempted one myself, my interest was piqued. The next day I had five. What follows is one of them. The Devil Make Hair A Drabble by Deane Christopher "Jennie!" Tony demanded. "Why in the world did you just turn me into a Playboy Bunny? And, why do you have a tail, and horns? And,...

1 year ago
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Busted Wearing Panties Ch 05

tranny – bisexual – bdsm – strapon – anal – couples – transformation – lesbian – double sided dildoThis time Emily and I got up and left Jessica and Chrissy. We went to our room, as I stripped out of my pretty outfit as Emily jumped into the shower. We showered and went to bed. I don't remember anything until I heard Jacob and Lana in the kitchen the next morning.I woke up and Emily rolled into my arms and kissed me on my cheek, "Morning my love."I kissed the top of her head, "This couldn't be...

2 years ago
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Queen Yavara Chapter 56

YAVARA I was in the midst of a great silence. It was deafening. The world around me seemed to pulse with it, fading in and out like the cadence of waves. Blood ran from my sister’s nose and mouth, and pooled onto the hollow of her throat. Her eyes were bloodshot and dull, staring at the ceiling. She was dead, and I didn’t feel anything. There was no catharsis, nor release, nor even a settling of peace. There was just emptiness. It was then that I realized how much of me was actually her. The...

3 years ago
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Enjoying some lingerie puchase

That afternoon I was home alone and then I decided I could go on shopping. I just needed sexy lingerie to receive the next night my loving Victor back home after his boring and stressing business trip.Then I went to the local mall and when I entered the lingerie store, a seductive and impressive business woman approached me. That lady greeted me with a warm welcome to her shop and enquired how she could help me. I was very impressed with the way that woman looked.She introduced herself as...

1 year ago
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Lovers Wish

Lover's Wish Chapter 1 It all started when I was driving home from college on a Friday night. There was nothing special about that night. I just got paid from work, so I was pretty happy. I stopped in front of my girlfriend's house. I grabbed the flowers I had bought for her, and walked towards her front door. She must have heard my car door shut, because she was waiting for me at the door. Alyssa was gorgeous! 5'6", blonde hair down to the middle of her back, green eyes, and...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Lexi Lore Second Appearance

The power of Twitter is pretty impressive. Within a week of Lexi Lore responding to Dogfart’s tweet about who should be the next gangbang girl and nominating herself, she was getting DP’d on the stairs by four well-hung studs. Lexi is a hot 20 year old who wants nothing more than to be used up by her big dark daddies. They drag her around, fill all her holes and make her big bobbing ass red and welting. And because she’s such a good little slut on a leash, they double stuck it...

4 years ago
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Finding HomeChapter 25

December looks to be bright and beautiful, nothing worth reporting as changing. The state play-offs final is the first weekend of December, and my school is in it for the first time, ever. This is very good for the school. The Board of Governors is very pleased with Mr Hills, because they see the change in school morale, the big reduction in parent complaints about bullying, and the improvement in the important sports activities all happening due to the new approach he brings to the...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Reagan Foxx Eliza Jane The Pact One Year Later

Eliza Jane is worried. Tomorrow is the first day her mother will meet her new girlfriend. The problem is that her new girlfriend used to be married to her dad. She’s with her stepmom and they’re going to meet up with her parents tomorrow. Eliza has no idea how to deal with all this. Reagan Foxx reassures Eliza that it’s going to be ok. She tells her that when they see them together they’ll realize everything worked out for the best. Eliza isn’t so sure: this will...

2 years ago
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Fire And Air

 I’ve always harboured a fantasy to be with a guy who does what you do, someone that has a certain occupation, it’s like rock star groupies who want more from the male lead singer than his voice. I admire men for how they earn their crust, I want the blue-yellow uniformed tradesman with monogrammed name, one particular class, electricians, are my preferred choice. You use your muscles to lay cables, fix wiring and circuit boards as a daytime activity and then you come home to me in the evening,...

Straight Sex
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Dosti main chudai

Hi im Sonu from hyderabad im 23 years old this story took place 6 months ago. I have a friend name veda her figure was 32-28-34 she was 25 years old,very day she came 2 my home and asked 4 a book named how 2 smart .i gave her the book and asked her 2 have tea she accepted my offer i made tea and gave 2 her and asked why she want that book she replied i wanna become a most beautiful girl I reply u r so beautiful so sexy ,very attractive she reply no one look at her so she want 2 look...

3 years ago
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 148

We arrived back on the island in time for a barbeque and beer. On the way back I thought about Iran’s troop movements and drills. It was the biggest yet, involving the most troops. Their people were in deep poverty and had been for a while after the decades of embargoes and sanctions. Gas and food were rationed as was electricity. We called them rolling blackouts. For the Iranians it had become a way of life - electricity for four hours a day - except for Teheran. Nuclear accidents had been...

1 year ago
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The Jaylynn Chronicles The Neighbors Naughty Secret

My father was the type of guy who loved having cookouts, and inviting the entire neighborhood. While the adults played dominoes and drank beer, us kids would swim in the pool. It was a nice neighborhood and there wasent any fear of being harmed there. Everyone was so nice, it was like we were all one big family. Our neighbor Mr. Eddison, was in his mid to late fifties. Wore glasses and was balding on top of his cherry colored head, which was from sitting out in the sun to long. He was a very...

2 years ago
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The Night I Found Out For Sure I Was Gay

I just figured out I’m gay. I’ve been dating a lot of women, but I just don’t feel it with them. I mean sometimes I feel I might even be bisexual, but lately I’m feeling I really want to be with man. When I look at guys I get very excited. I love when a man has a muscular frame. I find it really sexy and exciting if a guy has defined abs. I haven’t told any of my family or even my friends that I think I’m gay. But, I’m pretty sure I am. I decided to check things out and actually go to a gay...

Gay Male

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