Following Orders free porn video

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I don't know exactly why this happened, but I'll try to explain the situation as best as I remember it.

First, I'd like to give you some background. My name is Jim, and I am currently about forty. I'm happily married, and have two wonderful daughters. I guess I'm fairly good looking, as I never had any problems finding dates during my younger years. However, I'm not a super-stud jock either.

This story occurs before I met my wife, while I was still dating. I was in my mid twenties, and a couple of days before, my roommate had gone off to the Bahamas for a long vacation. He had invited me, and I had wanted to go, but I didn't have enough vacation time accrued at work, and my boss told me that he needed me for a "particularly important project."

This meant, of course, that I'd have the apartment to myself. This was usually a great time for me, but I had recently broken up with my girlfriend (she left me after some stupid argument that I cannot remember anymore), so I was looking forward to lounging around the apartment, watching movies and a few games on TV.

It was a Friday, and I was at the supermarket, in the frozen food aisle, trying to decide which brand of pizza I should get. My cart had the other staple of my diet -- beer.

I heard a female voice ask me to move my cart so that she could pass, and when I turned, my eyes saw a vision of loveliness.

She was a stunning blonde, with a rich tan (unusual for the winter in the Northeast, where I lived), and rich brown eyes. She was wearing a sweater that revealed two lovely breasts.

I guess I must have been gawking at her for a minute or so, when she asked, "Hello? Anybody there?"

I shook my head out of my reverie, and remembered my cart. I moved it aside for her, and allowed her to pass.

She smiled her thanks to me, and moved down the aisle, stopping at the frozen vegetables. I continued to look at her, watching her beautiful ass wiggle just a bit in her dark skirt.

My mind screamed that I needed to get to know this person, but I hesitated. I kept looking at her, and noticed that she was occasionally sneaking peeks at me. Maybe she was interested! Couldn't hurt to try.

I moved my cart down to where she was, and then introduced myself.

"Hello, my name is Jim, and I want to apologize for gawking like an idiot back there before. It's just that you took me by surprise."

She turned and smiled at me, and I could see her perfect teeth flash at me. God, this woman could be a model!

"That's all right, Jim. It happens. My name is Kay."

I smiled back at her. "Thank you, Kay. You've made my day." Ugh, I thought to myself. I'm starting to rhyme!

She giggled at that, and it broke the ice. I took a quick glance at her hand, and noticed she wasn't wearing an engagement ring. Just an odd ring on her pinky. I figured her status might be "available" so I decided to make my next move.

"Kay, I know that this may sound corny, but I would love to take you out for a couple of drinks tonight."

She seemed a bit taken aback from my approach, and looked a bit confused. I decided to press the issue a bit.

"I mean, you are single, aren't you?"

"Y--yes," she answered.

"Are you dating anybody right now?"


"Do you have plans for tonight?"

"Not really..."

"Then have dinner with me tonight."

"All... all right," she answered, a bit flustered.

Now, I'd like to state for the record that this whole episode was a bit odd for me, since I'm not usually this forward, especially when in the presence of such a beautiful work of art as Key was. But here I was, acting like I was in charge, and I must admit that I was quite glib.

"Give me your phone number, and I'll call you later this afternoon," I said.

She looked in her cart for her purse, and rummaged through it to fetch her wallet. In it, she pulled out a business card, and turned it over and printed seven digits on it on the bottom. She then looked up at me and smiled, looked down, and then drew a fancy "K" in script underneath the phone number. She grinned and handed me the card.

"Thanks, Kay. Tell me when you'll be home so I will be sure to catch you."

"About... uh, three. Make that three thirty."

She then quickly turned, pulled a box of frozen corn into her cart, and went back down the aisle.

I was hoping that she wasn't just brushing me off. I looked at the card, and found that it was her business card. It had her full name on it, and the name "Anderson Modeling Agency" was the name of the company. She was a model!

I looked up from the card, and noticed that she was gone. I quickly went to the end of the aisle, and looked both ways, but didn't see where she had gone to.

Well, I'd know if she was for real at 3:30 that afternoon.

I got home, took a shower, and waited for 3:30 to arrive. When the second hand on my kitchen clock indicated it was exactly that time, I picked up the phone, and dialed the number that she gave me.

"Hello, this is Kay. I am unable to come to the phone right now..."

Damn. She had an answering machine.

Of course, she was a model.

When the beep came, I said, "Kay, this is Jim. If you are around, pick up!"

I waited a second or two, and then started to leave a message when I heard a click on the line.

"Jim, is that you?"

"Yeah. I said that I'd call..."

"I know. I forgot I had the machine on. One second." I heard another click, which I imagine was the sound of the answering machine being turned off.

"OK. I'm back," she announced.

"What time would be good for you to do dinner?" I asked. "You are free tonight, aren't you?"

"Uh... let's see..." She paused for a bit. "Yes, I'm free for the rest of the day, so I really just need to get changed. Any time would be fine."

"I'm free today, too." This was true. Despite being on a "particularly important project," my boss gave me Friday afternoon off. Go figure.

There was a pause on the line, so I decided once again to press the issue again.

"Why don't you stop by my apartment and we'll have a cozy dinner for two at my apartment?"

"O...OK" she answered, again with that pause in her voice just like in the supermarket.

I gave her my address, and then directions on how to get there. She said she'd be over as soon as she got ready.

I hung up the phone with a feeling of triumph. I was going to have a lovely model over my apartment for a "cozy dinner for two."

And then it hit me.

Who was going to cook that meal?

My talent in the kitchen is limited to microwave pizzas, pasta, and jars of spaghetti sauce.

From past experience, pasta and sauce was probably the best idea. I looked in my cabinets and found that I had enough of both. Even better, I had a bottle of my ex-girlfriend's favorite Chianti in the refrigerator (she always insisted on drinking it cold). I took the Chianti out of the refrigerator, and poured a jar of sauce into a sauce pan. I got out another pot for the pasta, and half filled it with water.

I entered the living room, and selected a radio station that played soft rock without too many commercials.

My roommate and I didn't have a dining room, but the kitchen table was nice. I set out some plates and silverware, and lit a candle in the middle.

Things were just about perfect.

I grabbed a brew from the fridge and went out into the living room to wait for Kay.

It was less than an hour later that I heard the intercom buzz. I got up from the couch and went to the wall where the intercom was and said, "Yes?"

"It's me... Kay," came the reply.

"Come on up. Apartment 3-C," I said as I buzzed her in.

A minute or so later, I was waiting at the front door, and saw her arrive from the elevator. She saw my head sticking out into the hallway, and walked toward me.

"Come right on in," I said, and she came into the room.

She was wearing a wrap-around sweater, and I said, "Let me take your wrap for you."

For some reason, she got a confused look on her face when I said that. It was as if she were trying to say something else, but wasn't able to make the words. She silently took off her sweater and handed it to me.

I knew that something wasn't right, but I had no idea what it was. I put her sweater in the living room closet, and decided to change the subject.

"Come sit down on the sofa there, and we'll talk."

Silently, she walked into the living room, still with that confused look on her face.

"Kay, is there anything wrong? You haven't said a word since you came in."

"Um... I don't think... I don't know," came her response, and she looked even more confused than before.

"C'mon, tell me what's bothering you."

Suddenly, her eyes opened wide. The look of confusion became a look of fear.

"I... um..." she stammered.

Now I was the one to be confused. What had I done to scare her?

She seemed to be fighting an internal battle, and she quieted down. Finally, she gave a look of resignation. "For some reason, I..." She looked sheepish. "I... don't seem to be able to do what I feel like doing."

"And what do you feel like doing?" I asked.

"Well, I wasn't too sure that I wanted to come to your apartment, for starters."

"You didn't?"

She shook her head no, and looked down at her lap.

"Then why did you come?" I asked.

"Something inside me felt... compelled... to come," she said, breathing a heavy sigh as if she had been holding her breath for a while.

"You felt compelled?"

She nodded her head.

"Why did you feel compelled?" I asked, completely confused myself.

She shrugged her shoulders. "I really don't know. And I think that scares me."

"Are you afraid of me?" I asked.

"I think so," she responded.

I was totally confused. Here was a girl I met in the store earlier, who I invited to my apartment. She comes over, and tells me that she's afraid of me.

"If you're afraid of me, then why did you come?"

"I don't know. I was going to cancel our date when you called, but when you told me to stop by your apartment, I couldn't do anything but agree."

"You came only because I told you to come?"

She nodded her head. "Uh, huh."

"Are you telling me that you feel compelled to do anything I ask you to do, just because I ask you to do something?" I was now intrigued.

"Y...yes," she said, looking down at her lap again.

"If I told you to get undressed right now..."

I paused, looking at her.

She was now looking at me with that scared look in her eyes. But there was something more. Her face was making some contortions as I saw a mental fight going on within her.

After about a minute of silence, she started to rise, and reached behind her waist. Her skirt suddenly came loose, and I saw that she was actually undressing before me.


I did, and she froze. I could see the top of her light pink panties where the top of her skirt started to drape down in front.

I thought about this situation. It was every man's dream. A girl that felt compelled to do anything you said. Anything.

"Re-fasten your skirt," I ordered her.

I saw a look of relief wash over her face, as she quickly complied.

When I saw her expression change from fear to relief, I knew in my heart that I didn't want her that way. This would be torture for her.

I tried to imagine myself, compelled to obey the orders of a complete stranger. It wasn't a pleasant thought, and I imagine Kay had the same feelings.

She had finished fastening her skirt, and was still standing in front of the sofa, looking at me. I guess she was trying to figure what I'd do next.

Well, I was trying to figure the same thing.

One thing I knew for sure, I didn't like it when she seemed afraid of me. I was wondering that if I could order her to do anything, what would she do if I ordered her to disobey me. I quickly threw out that line of reasoning, and came upon another idea.

"Kay, stop worrying about this."

Her look of fear vanished. She was once again beautiful.

"You trust me."

Her head nodded almost imperceptibly.

"Sit down and relax. Tell me about yourself."

The look of fear was gone completely, and she started to tell me about her modeling career, which she had been doing for about four months.

I smiled at her, listening to her talk about her friends from college (she dropped out as a junior), and her life in general.

After about fifteen minutes, it occurred to me that she wasn't going to stop. I told her to tell me about herself, and she would do that until ordered to stop.

I interrupted her. "Are you normally this chatty?"

She blushed a little, and shook her head no. "Not really," she admitted.

"Relax and let me get you some wine," I said.

In listening to her talk, I was still thinking about the situation. I knew that I wanted to take advantage of it, somehow.

I went into the kitchen and found the bottle of red wine that I had removed from the refrigerator earlier. I opened the cork, and pulled out a couple of wine glasses from the cabinet.

As I was pouring the wine, I figured that I could simply order her to drink so much that she would be drunk. Then I could take advantage of her.

I dismissed that idea immediately. I had had a few experiences with girls under the influence, and it was like making love to a dead fish. Not really my cup of tea.

Anyway, she did seem to relax when I told her to do so.

I finished pouring the drinks, and as I left the kitchen, I noticed that I had sauce on the stove.

I went back into the living room, and found her looking around at the decor. She was smiling at a picture of my roommate Rick holding up a large fish that he had caught at his parents' summer house.

I set the glass of wine on the table next to Key. "That's my roommate, Rick. He's on vacation now."

"He looks funny in that picture," she remarked.

I smiled at her, and went to my reclining chair.

"I have some sauce on the stove, and was planning on making some pasta. That's OK with you, right?"

The words had come out of my mouth before I had realized that I had worded that as a command, not as a question.

She just nodded her head.

"Want to help me in the kitchen? It will just be a few minutes."

She smiled at me, and got up.

That was more like it.

We went into the kitchen with our wine, and I brought the pasta pot into the sink to fill it with water. Kay stirred the sauce and gave it a sniff, and a smile that seemed to indicate that it met with her approval. Ragu to the rescue, I thought!

I put the pot onto the stove, and we waited for it to boil. We made some idle chit chat as we stood there, occasionally sipping our wine.

After a few minutes, the water was boiling, and Kay had already opened the pasta and poured it into the pot.

"This should only take about five minutes," she said to me, authoritatively.

I watched her stir the pasta, and occasionally stir the sauce in silence. I thought back to the scared little-girl look she had after I told her to undress, and to the more animated beauty that was cooking the pasta in the kitchen.

Was there a way to make her a wanton sex goddess without having her be in a constant state of worry?

I decided to try something.

"Do you like cooking, Kay?" I asked.

"Um, hmmm," she said, still watching the food.

Here it was. Go for broke.

"It doesn't worry you that you must obey me, Kay."

I saw her head nod in response, still keeping her attention on the food.

"In fact, when I give you an order, you'll follow it and forget that I even gave you the order, OK?"

Again a nod.

"When we sit down to eat, you will think that the dinner is incredibly romantic."

Another nod.

I smiled to myself, and hoped that this would work.

A few minutes later, the pasta was ready. I found a strainer and put it into the sink. Kay poured the pasta into the strainer.

I got a container of Parmesan cheese and a couple of plates, and we loaded the pasta and sauce onto them, sprinkling both with some cheese.

I took the two plates onto the kitchen table, and then took out a pack of matches and lit the candle in the middle of the table.

I pulled out a chair for Kay to sit in, and I sat on the opposite side.

Kay seemed to like the meal, and she kept marveling to me about how wonderful it was: "It's like eating in a fancy Italian restaurant in New York City," she told me.

I knew that only "chefs" involved in the preparation of the meal were the ones at Ragu and Ronzoni, but I took the complement. In fact, reading between the lines, I could see she was really talking about the atmosphere, which I had told her would be "romantic."

I smiled at her in response, however, and came up with a corny idea.

I got up from the table to where the wine bottle was, and took it over to the table. Putting a white dish towel over my arm, I made a big production of "pouring the wine for madam" using an ersatz French waiter accent.

She giggled at that, and as she did so, I whispered to her, "You are getting very aroused. You are finding yourself attracted to me."

Her giggle stopped, and she looked at me with hungry eyes. I smiled back at her, and went back to my seat.

The idle conversation that we had before at the table had mostly stopped. I noticed her shifting around in her chair, almost uncomfortably. When I asked her questions, I usually just got one or two word responses.

A minute or so later, she gave me a look that was pure seduction. She threw her shoulders back, which thrust her breasts out toward me in a very obvious gesture. My commands were working.

Near the end of the meal, I saw her sucking up the spaghetti in a very erotic fashion. It was apparent that she was trying to seduce me.

After I finished my meal, I took a last sip of wine from my glass. She did so, too, pouting her lips to wonderful fullness as the red liquid touched them. I reminded myself that this girl was a model, and she knows how to make herself look seductive.

That last thought set a new chain of ideas in my mind. I decided to play them out.

"Let's go back to the living room, shall we?"

She nodded, and followed me to the living room. I sat down on my recliner, and instead of retiring to the couch that she sat in before, scooted me over, and shared the recliner with me. Her breasts rubbed against my shoulder as we both tried to sit in the chair designed for a single person.

"You know, Kay, I'm fascinated by your modeling career. What's it like to be in front of the camera?"

She gave me a slight disappointed pout when she realized that I still wanted to make small talk.

"It's... fun," she said, continuing her two-word responses that she started in the kitchen.

"Come on, Kay. Tell me what it's like."

"Oh... it's like having people see you, you know... sexy like?"

"Hey. Why don't you show me? I have a camera in my room. I'll be right back."

I got up from my chair and went into my room. On my way, I looked back, and saw that she had a disappointed look still on her face.

My camera was where I expected it to be, but I didn't have any spare film, and the film in the camera only had three pictures left.

I remembered that Rick had a camera also, and went into his room to see if it was still there. It wasn't. He (obviously) took it on vacation with him. However, I saw that he had a couple of rolls of 36 exposures each. I took them, vowing to myself that I'd replace them, and stuffed them in my pocket.

In the living room, Kay had moved into the recliner, and had her two legs spread apart. Her hands were on her ribs. She was giving me every sign of a girl in heat except the drooling, which would probably be coming next.

"So, is that how you pose for your shoots?" I asked.

She giggled at the thought. "Oh, no. I don't do those kinds of shoots. The most risque' that I get is when I did a bathing suit shoot once."

"Sports Illustrated?" I asked.

"Oh, no. For a catalog. I'm not that successful, yet."

"I think you're sexy, Kay."

"You do? She gave me this coquettish look. I grinned and snapped a shot of her."

She gave a little cry when she saw my flash go off. "No fair! I wasn't modeling!" She gave me a little pout that showed me that she wasn't upset, but just playing around.

"Then come on. Show me how sexy you are. Do a strip tease for me."

She got up off the recliner, and looked around the room. There was a spot that I guess had the best background for her, and she moved there.

She gave me a coy look, and froze. I realized that this was my cue to snap another picture.

She moved her hands over her breasts, and again froze. Flash!

My camera's winder indicated that it was rewinding the current roll of film. This time, Kay had her hands at her waist, and her ass pushed out, away from me. She was bent over so that I could just see her cleavage under her blouse. She froze, waiting for me to snap my picture.

I fumbled with the camera, unloading the film, and took an eternity to finally get the new film canister loaded. I looked at Kay, who was still in her pose. Flash!

She turned herself so that she was in the same pose, but now I had a side view. Flash!

After a half dozen more shots, she started to unfasten her skirt. This sexy model was a far cry from the scared creature that had tried to do so earlier. The dress started to fall down, and when it got to just below the bottom of her panties, she somehow caused it to stop slipping down. She froze. Flash! Flash!

The skirt dropped to the floor, and Kay started to pull the arms off her blouse. Soon, she had both arms out, and her arms were above it, her blouse still hiding her breasts. She froze in that position. Flash!

I watched her move the blouse down over her breasts, and saw that she was bra-less. As soon as they were exposed, she froze again. Her nipples were red little points on her alabaster breasts. Flash! Flash!

She somehow managed to get her blouse pulled down over her hips, and it fell into a pile on the floor. She stood there with her hands on her hips in just her panties and froze again. Flash.

She moved her hands into the top of her panties, and started to pull them down. Just before her bush was revealed, she froze again. Flash!

Slowly, she pulled them down until they were bunched up at her knees. Flash! Flash!

She wiggled her legs, and the panties slid down the rest of the way. Flash!

"Is that sexy enough for you, mister?" she asked, coyly.

I could see little beads of moisture at the bottom of her neatly trimmed bush. Her nipples were still quite erect, and it was obvious that she was quite turned on.

I wondered how far I could go with that.

"Why? Do you think you could do something even more sexy?" I asked, teasingly.

"I've only just started," she said.

She walked over to the recliner, and sat down demurely. She waited about ten seconds until I noticed that she had froze again, wanting me to get her picture. Flash!

She relaxed, and leaned back on the chair. Her hands were just touching the outside of her breasts. Flash!

She moved her hands to her breasts, and I got a little closer to get a better view through the camera. She was twiddling her nipples between her thumbs and forefingers. I watched her, mesmerized. Again, it was a few seconds before I noticed that she was waiting for me to snap her picture. Flash!

She opened her hands, and enveloped her breasts in them, slowly kneading her breasts while her fingers were still twiddling her nipples. Flash! Flash!

Her right hand started its journey south. I noticed that her legs were apart now. I had been focusing on her breasts that I hadn't noticed this until now. Flash!

A contented smile was on her face, as her right hand reached the top of her public hair. She moved it in tiny circles. Flash!

Finally, her index finger hit pay dirt. It hit the edge of her mound, and started to curl down, still working in tight circles. Flash! Flash!

She let out a lovely sigh, as her whole body moved now. I was a bit unsure what she was up to when I noticed that both of her legs were now over the arms of the recliner. Her slit was totally exposed now, except where her fingers were still moving in circles. Flash! Flash!

Her middle finger joined her index finger, and then curled upwards, as her index finger sought the entrance to her womb. It sunk between the folds of her labia, and plunged into her depths. Flash! Flash!

I watched in awe as this beautiful model frigged herself. I totally forgot about the camera as I watched, frozen in disbelief. She started moaning softly, and her actions got faster. Her clit was revealed as a bright red swollen nubbin, and she teased it by moving around it, barely touching it.

She legs started to move, and I saw a shudder go through her body. She had reached her orgasm, and I was standing there, staring at her.

Stupidly, I looked down, and remembered the camera. I snapped a few pictures as her orgasm subsided.

Slowly, her eyes opened, and she saw me looking at her, my jaws agape.

"Hows that for sexy, mister?" she asked with a very husky voice.

"Quite sexy indeed," I admired.

This was the first time in my life that I ever saw a woman openly masturbate in front of me. I had seen pictures in men's magazines of woman touching themselves, but never had such an experience up close and personal.

She smiled at me, and gave me a hungry look. "Looks like your little fellow is straining at the bit," she said.

I looked down, and saw that I indeed had an erection that would split concrete.

"I think that is mine," she said, and started slowly moving toward me.

She got herself off the recliner, and knelt on the floor in front of me, reaching up to unzip my pants. I allowed her to undress me.

When she got my boxers down, my boner snapped up with a plop.

She stuck out her tongue, and licked it lightly. At the sensation, my dick miraculously got even harder. She kept on giving me quick licks, which shot light lightning through my body. I had gotten blow jobs before, but never had experienced something so light and so powerfully sexy until then.

I noticed that her licks started getting longer. She moved her head down, and licked the bottom of my balls, and then continued licking up the shaft back up the head.

She continued teasing my cock with her tongue, opening her mouth wider and wider as she got back to the tip, until she suddenly enveloped the entire head of my cock with her lips. I could feel her tongue still licking on the top while she kept it in her mouth.

I remembered the camera, and snapped a picture of her lips surrounding my cock, and the film went into auto-rewind. No more film!

Gradually, I became aware of a new sensation, and found that she had started sucking me. I wanted to force my cock down her throat, and started to push my hips toward her. She followed my action, keeping her lips exactly in the same place.

I was considering putting the camera down so I could use my hands to force her head to impale itself on my cock, when I felt one of her hands start to rub up and down on the shaft.

I wasn't able to take more than a few seconds of this, and I felt that I was going to have to release. She increased the pace of her hands, and moved her mouth off the head of my cock. At almost the exact same time, I started to spew, sending gobs of cum all over her face.

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 32 Just Following Orders

December 7, 1991, Mason, Ohio “Are you going to say anything? Or just sit there with your mouth hanging open?” I took a sip of my Jack Daniels and swallowed. “Sorry, that just kind of came out of left field!” “Your wives haven’t cracked down on you, have they?” “No, but there’s an issue.” “I have rubbers,” she smirked. “I didn’t expect you to bring any.” I chuckled, “Not that. I had a vasectomy a couple of months ago.” “Oh, hell yes! Sex without a rubber? Finally! Get your damned...

3 years ago
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Dun and Dusted Part I Book 7 of Poachers Progress Chapter 10 Orders are Orders

The Foreign Office. London. September 16th, 1832. “Sir Elijah, it is a pleasure to finally meet you.” Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston, rose from his chair, came around his desk and shook me warmly by the hand. I was quite surprised by his affability as he is known as ‘Lord Pumice Stone’ to the general public on account of his abrasive personality. “The pleasure is all mine, My Lord,” I said. He smiled, then pointed to a pair of plump-cushioned chairs positioned one each side of a...

2 years ago
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Come The Recorders

Ah, ha!—Come, some music! Come, the recorders!—Hamlet, Act III, Scene 2 * I used to work around the corner from that church, and I remembered the day the fire tore through the building. There was a lot of snow. It was in December, about ten days before Christmas. The fire trucks had a tough time getting through. It took years to rebuild the church, and by the time they were done I was long gone from that part of town. So when my wife suggested going there for a concert, my reaction was...

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A Doctor Follows Orders

I have had a life of hard work. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I was forced to do it that way, or that I didn't want it that way. I did. But, it seems that all my life, I've worked hard to achieve what I've done, then put it to good use. Being a doctor, that isn't an unusual story. Just to get into pre-med and stay in pre-med took hard work, especially the organic chemistry part. Ask most doctors, they'll agree. Then med school and long hours of classes, labs, study. You can't do it if...

Oral Sex
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Kathy had been married to Malcolm only three months when she got involved with a black stud named Hank. Soon she was not only sexing him, but several of his friends. She soon realized she revelled in black cocks and liked the idea of being a wanton white slut for strange black dicks.About this time, she also discovered herself becoming more dominant over her husband and yearning to subjugate him totally. She told her mom of this desire."Kathy dear, I should've known you were sneaking around and...

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Daffy Master Gs orders

This short fourth part of the story brings things nearly up to date for me and explains why the things in part five happened. You're reading this on xhamster and this part deals with things that happened because I'm here. Do not try this at home k**s! Try it in a hotel room or in public, or where your Master orders!I started really chatting with Master G yesterday morning. We'd swapped a few messages but I always had to run out. I have a few days off now so I decided to really find...

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Doctors orders

To put it bluntly, my 18 year old daughter Mary, has no breasts. The medical term is "hypoplastic". Neither my wife nor I know of any other female in our family tree with this condition. To say the least this has been a major issue with her social development.Of course there was no negative impact until after she turned 13. By the time Mary was 16 she had picked up the nick name "Flatsy". After the Flatsy Doll's slogan "Flatsy, Flatsy, their flat and that's that". She may have been able to...

2 years ago
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A Doctor Follows Orders

I have had a life of hard work. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I was forced to do it that way or that I didn't want it that way. I did. But, it seems that all my life, I've worked hard to achieve what I've done then put it to good use. Being a doctor, that isn't an unusual story. Just to get into pre-med and stay in pre-med took hard work, especially the organic chemistry part. Ask most doctors, they'll agree. Then med school and long hours of classes, labs, study. You can't...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 3 Chapter 1 The Simulacrums Orders

Book Three: Barbaric Splendor Chapter One: The Simulacrum's Orders By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Thrak – Red Eye Tribal Lands, Larg Federation The wind was cold. I barely felt it rippling across my scarred, red-brown skin. My greataxe lay across my lap, the twin, crescent blades glinting in the light. I stared at my wife's grave. A year and I could still hear her sweet laughter and see her lithe, human figure. Nine years she had been my...

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Passing the Baton 2 Lilas StoryChapter 1 Marching orders

Lila watched, on her knees, the limo taking her former master, Juggy, and his new slave away. Her eyes, clouded by tears, lost sight of the car long before it disappeared behind a curve on the road. Kneeling by the side of her new master, she tried to gather her strength to face the, hopefully, short weeks that remained in her young life. Al-Mansour's voice brought her back to reality. "Strip, slave, and kneel before me." Lila, obediently, removed her former master's livery and knelt...

4 years ago
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Serena Seduced on her fathers orders

Introduction: It is 1850 and Serenas father blackmails me into seducing her to save her from Lord Bunty Buntingthorpe Written hopefully in the style of the mid 19th Century. Long sentences. Commas where today we would use periods. A Country house in Devon in the 1850s Serena The sun was setting over the western horizon bathing the hill tops with a warm red glow and casting deep shadows across the valleys. I stood on the terrace outside the ballroom admiring the view. I heard someone behind...

1 year ago
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Doctors Orders

A white-faced clock ticked as the black hands jerked with the moments, the seemingly gray waiting room containing only three fidgeting people: one woman behind the desk with her red spectacles resting on the edge of her nose as she stared at the screen of her computer, a man in the corner wearing a brown suit flecked with spots of black thread, and a woman clad in a yellow tank top and acid-washed denim jeans. The woman in yellow was slumped in her shoulders as her chin rested in her palm, the...

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Masishen EvolutionChapter 49 Doctors Without Borders

Doctor Eberhardt Schmidt was a small man, past middle-aged, balding with a dark gray fringe of closely-clipped hair, who wore silver-rimmed glasses with small round lenses. His magnified eyes stared intently at Jon'a-ren and Michael sitting across from him at the Masi'shen Embassy conference room table. "I am aware that your forces have been providing air cover and ground support for several months now, assisting the United Nations aid mission in central Africa," Schmidt stated. "That...

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Following Up on Holly a Slut Wife

My name is Stanley Oliver Smith but everyone called me "Bubba." I got that name when my older sister by five years, Karen, had a problem saying brother and got a little tongue tied when she said it so Karen started calling me "Bubba." I was born in 1981 and Karen was born in 1976. You probably remembering reading about me and my Ex-family, which initially included an Ex-father named George and an Ex-mother named Barbara. There was also my now Ex-Loving Wife, Holly, who was also born in...

4 years ago
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Following Up on Holly the Slut Wife

Actually this started out as a burn the bitch story to a very well written story by BeerMaker, "Holly A Cheating Slut Wife." Damn I loved his writing. Well this started out a nasty story about hate and turned into a love story, but I used "Holly" as the plat form to launch my story from. I don't believe I changed any "facts" but I did expand on them. Ok, maybe I changed a few. Actually, this story, it goes off on a completely different angle and it is not Bubba that seeks excessive...

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Doctors Orders

The only good thing was the ship's doctor... You've always liked a man in uniform.....and he's quite the hunk!! You didn't really mind being bed bound and enjoyed flirting with Doctor Tom as you call him... telling him things like...'I love to see how big your thermometer is'... 'I wonder if I could fit it all in my mouth' he always replied 'it against medical ethics for a doctor to fraternise with his patients... I might have to resign to make you happy!!' On the fourth day the...

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Doctors Orders

I've never been very attractive to women. At 30 years old, I'm tall, yes, but I'm also overweight, prematurely losing my hair, and I need strong prescription glasses to see beyond the end of my nose (contact lenses just won't cut it). The few times I've tried to date, they leave as soon as possible, usually with a line about not feeling a "spark" even though I "seem very nice." Well, I'm sick of being the poster boy for "Nice guys finish last." Fortunately, my brain didn't fail me the way my...

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Secretary taking orders

"Do you feel pretty when you suck cock?" "I do" Sally text back. "Why do feel pretty with a big cock in your mouth?" Came the next question"I feel very pretty when I taste cum in my mouth?" Sally typed. "Does a cock taste better before or after it's been in your pussy?" "After "without a doubt she thought as she hit send. "Does size matter?" Her master asked."Yes. The bigger the better!" She remembered how she had gagged on his massive thick long prick. How he stretched her wide open. "Are you...

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Compound X131Chapter 29 New orders

The police station had not undergone as many changes despite its importance to the Vagran cause. The only obvious change to the building was the shiny new sign under the station motif it read: Dedicated to the servants of the people by its Corporate Sponsors Drexel Pharma. Inside the briefing room the session was just getting underway. Blakey called the role to each name there was an associated 'Yo' or whoop in reply; Anita, Greta, Julie, Merrill, Ada and Joelle "Permission requested for...

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Doctors Orders

Advisory: If you must read story codes, they are included at the end of this story. It is the author’s opinion that this story is more satisfying if read without expectations. * * * * * The steam hung in the bathroom, but the hot water from the shower had long since cooled to lukewarm. Steven’s thoughts were elsewhere, as he tightened the grip on his cock, bringing it to its full 6′ length. He had that sense of energy that follows the tiredness from hard work, and the sweat and dirt from...

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Her Masters Orders

Stood in the centre of the room waiting for her master to return and her punishment to begin she looked around and caught a glimpse of the toys set out on the table ready for use, thoughts were running through her head, the pain she would feel if she doesn’t satisfy him, the pleasure she would receive if she does.   At that moment she heard footsteps coming from just outside the door her heart started to race thinking of what he will do to her.   The door creaked open as he entered the room...

4 years ago
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A Doctor Follows Orders

I have had a life of hard work. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying I was forced to do it that way, or that I didn’t want it that way. I did. But, it seems that all my life, I’ve worked hard to achieve what I’ve done, then put it to good use. Being a doctor, that isn’t an unusual story. Just to get into pre-med and stay in pre-med took hard work, especially the organic chemistry part. Ask most doctors, they’ll agree. Then med school and long hours of classes, labs, study. You can’t do it...

2 years ago
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Fathers Orders

Detective Liu Chang ended his shift at the Southern City Police Station and was leaving for the day when his cell phone rang. “Hello?” he answered. “Liu, we need to speak, son,” said an older man on the other end. “Dad, we’ve been through this before,” Liu said as he walked to his car. “We go through this again. Please come to the house.” “Dad, it’s been a long day and I would like to get home.” “Please son, we need to talk, this cannot wait.” Liu let out frustrated sigh. “Ok, I am on my way...

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Disobeying Stepdads Orders

I heard my stepdad bitching at me from downstairs. "Becca I told you to do this dishes! I'm sick of your laziness!" What a dick I thought, I never even eat here, why should I clean up after some guy who's fucking my mom? "Do em' yourself!" I replied. He stomped up to my room, red in the face. "You leave me no choice but to deciplince you. This is my house and I make the rules." I laughed, "whatta ya gonna do Dave? I'm already grounded and you took away my computer." He made a slapping motion in...

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Last Orders

Jane didn’t really mind clearing up on her own.She had nothing better to do tonight and for all the help that her workmates were they might as well fuck off frankly.She’d emptied the dish washer and put glasses away and was giving the bar a last wipe down when the phone at the bar’s end made her jump out of her skin by ringing loudly.She wasn’t a particularly nervous type but this phone was the direct line to the mini cab office half a mile away down by the station and she had never known it to...

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Her Masters Orders

Stood in the centre of the room waiting for her master to return and her punishment to begin she looked around and caught a glimpse of the toys set out on the table ready for use, thoughts were running through her head, the pain she would feel if she doesn’t satisfy him, the pleasure she would receive if she does.   At that moment she heard footsteps coming from just outside the door her heart started to race thinking of what he will do to her.   The door creaked open as he entered the...

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Doctors Orders

"Imagine that we're on the same shift and run into each other at work. We're both in our scrubs and find an empty dictation room in the hospital. I have you bent over the table fucking you in the ass when someone walks in because we never locked the door. How would we explain ourselves?" This was the racy text that Sara sent her colleague that evening. She was standing in the med room smiling devilishly, heart racing as she hit send. Her tight navy blue scrubs hugged her curves and she played...

Office Sex
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Doctors Orders

The sullen schoolgirl and the short-tempered woman in my examination room were unmistakably mother and daughter. Although one was only thirteen years old and the other well into her thirties, the lustrous dark hair, the arrogant cheekbones, and the full pouty lips they shared paired them so clearly that I would have been certain of their relationship even if I hadn't already known them both for years. The Dormonds had been friends of my family for nearly a decade. We lived in the same...

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The Directors Orders

My name is Max Howard, and I used to be a stage hypnotist. You know, casual funny stuff like making people think they were animals or naked onstage, and for the more erotically inclined, I even had a few women experience the most intense orgasms they had ever had. That was a fun party. But, being a hypnotist doesn't exactly pay the bills. Especially in Hollywood where rent is ridiculous. So what exactly am I supposed to do? The answer, as it seems, is to join the entertainment industry. But in...

Mind Control
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Doctors orders

"How are you feeling this morning, dear," Valerie asked her eighteen year old , Jill as she sat down to eat her breakfast!?! "Uh, pretty good I suppose," Jill replied after taking a sip of freshly squeezed orange juice, "why do you ask!?!" "Now let's not get into that again," her mother said in a exasperated tone of voice, "you know what the doctor said, at least two hard orgasms a day!!!" "Oh, mom, I know what he said, but I'm already late for school," she whined!!! "Now you listen to me young...

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This is a highly modified story from several authors here put together for a better story of lost love and sex. No one wins when a spouse cheats, except the lawyers.My wife Sara and I John have been married for 30 years and have been happy until my wife got a new job the few years ago. That is when she became distant and cold toward me and she stopped having sex with me. We are in our early 50's, my wife 1 1/2 years my younger. I am 6' and she is 5' 4". My wife is beautiful working out most...

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Following Directions

This was the longest day of at least the last month. If something could be annoying, not necessarily wrong, it was. Always something that needed a little more attention or a tweak here or there. Let's just say I was glad to be heading home where I could relax with a drink and my comfy pajamas. I park my car in the driveway and enter the house. On my way upstairs I start to shed my work clothes. My jacket gets hung up on the hook as I walk by. Starting with the bottom button of my blouse I work...

Straight Sex
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Following you in the mall

I went to the mall and weas walking along when I saw you . Your were wearing a very short powder blue dress and shear black pantyhose with some very sexy high heels. You stopped and bent over and rubbed your legs very slowly your skirt was so short I could see your beautiful ass . Immediately my cock started to grow hard making a visable tent in my shorts you just looked back at it and grinned . You stood up and walked farther along as I followed you watching your sexy legs and ass .Every so...

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Following on from my first meet

Hi All,This follows on from my previous story called my first time.Unfortunately i never seen daddy again as not long after our first meet he sold up and moved to Blackpool, wish was a huge shame as our first meet was great.A few weeks after i ended up getting into a relationship with a woman, my bisexual urges actually went away for quite some time, it was until about 2-3 years later i started fantasizing about pleasing older men again, i joined a few hook up sites and started chatting to a...

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Following Natures Way

I just had to get this off my chest so someone will understand that loving sex does not make a girl a whore. Just because a person is a golf junkie or plays the lottery every day does not make them perverts of their passions. My passion from an early age was sex. Some call it an addiction, but I'm okay with that. When I first found out about sex, I loved it. I adored it. I love what sex has been doing to me. If it wasn't that people are frequently judgmental about these matters, I'm sure they...

Straight Sex
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Following Ella into the Barn

I swa her from across the field leading him into the barn. I know her well enough now to know what is going on. I run to the barn following them inside and head to the back ladder knowing they are already up in the loft. I sneak around the hay bales and peek out in time to see Ella, already between his legs. I can't see everything as Ella's long hair covers her face, but the look on his face tells me that her wet mouth is already wrapped around his hard cock, her hand is moving, stroking him....

4 years ago
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following you home

I paused a moment to pat him on the cheek after you introduced us, on your hurried way to the bedroom. You brushed right past him without looking, which didn't surprise me at all - we'd discussed how we'd treat him on the way back from the bar.Following you, I found you kneeling on the bed facing the door, already hiking that dress above your hips, pussy wet with the way I toyed with it on the ride over.I landed on my back beside you, unbuckling my belt. Shoved my jeans to my thighs to free my...

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Following the Plan

Following The Plan "No dear, it's not gay, not at all. Just don't stop." Billy was on his knees in front of me. I was on a chaise lounge, leaning back sipping a Bay Breeze, wearing my strappy heels over a pair of rather dark pantyhose. My toenails were neon red and showed through the hose. I had a pink/red bra on over my breast forms, my long brunette wig, full makeup and jewelry, and a thin straw stuck in my mouth. Billy was lavishing my pretty legs with his energetic tongue. He...

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Following DoryChapter 7 More Changes and Challenges

Mom and Dad came home on Saturday afternoon, a week after they had left. They didn't arrive together, though. Dad arrived first and Mom was a few minutes later. When I looked out into the driveway, I saw a late model Honda Accord. Then it registered on me. It was my Grandad's car. Nana didn't drive and so Mom had brought it back here with them. "Hi Dad, how's Nana." "She's pretty upset, Steve, but better now than earlier in the week. I don't think she's going to be able to make it...

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Following DoryChapter 13 Celebration

We had scheduled our trip for the Monday following commencement and Dory was ready and champing at the bit when I arrived to pick her up early that morning. Her mother and father were both there to see us off and she obviously had their blessing for this adventure. I had made a reservation for the 8:30 ferry and we made it in plenty of time. It was cloudy, but calm and fairly warm that morning, so it was an easy crossing to Nanaimo. I had checked the long range forecast before we left and it...

2 years ago
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Following DoryChapter 15 The Next Bright Idea

"Hi, Eddie. Hi Arnold. Good to see both of you again," I smiled in greeting as I walked into Eddie's office. "Steve ... good to see you too," Eddie said while I shook hands with him and Arnold. "I had a mini-vacation with Dory on Vancouver Island and we really enjoyed ourselves. I took her all the places I took my sister last summer and we saw most of the things she wanted to see." "Good," Eddie said, nodding. Arnold was sitting with a smile and nodding agreement. He was never one...

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Following DoryChapter 17 Dangerous Times

I was offered the Assistant Manager's job at Carlton Books almost by default. They had found an experienced book seller from Vancouver who had sold out and moved to the Comox Valley. He wanted something to keep him occupied and decided to take the Manager's position at the new Carlton store. I got the impression from him that both Carlton and the job were as much on trial as he was. They had no one else apply that had any retail management experience besides the two of us and I was hired...

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Following DoryChapter 20 Peace Order and Good Governance

It took two months before the insurance company cleared the way for our payment for losses due to the fire. Randolph Bentley had been arrested the next day on suspicion of arson, and there was enough evidence that he was the culprit in the opinion of the local Crown Prosecutor. He was held without bail since he was already up on charges for impaired driving and uttering threats. He was considered both a flight risk and a risk to re-offend. It would be some time before he would see the light...

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Three Square MealsChapter 104 An empire is only as strong as its borders

Sakura and Calara were both badly hurt the last time we fought the astral monsters, John said to Alyssa as he left the bedroom. I couldn’t drag them in there again, not so soon after Terra ... they need more time to recover. His blonde Matriarch was quiet for a moment, lost in thought. If I can prevent us from being drawn into that sub-plane, I can keep the link going and I’ll still be able to tap them for energy. I just need to figure out how to stop us from getting cut off. Have you...

2 years ago
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Legion of LightChapter 7 Distant Borders

With lunch over, and the cleanup accomplished, everyone turned to me expectantly. "Okay, we're going to get a look at what our sensor platforms have to tell us, but let's meet back here in fifteen minutes. That'll give everyone time to get washed up, brush their teeth, the usual. Meet us in the main dining room." We all got together in the dining room at the designated time. I had everyone take a seat. "Ava?" I asked out loud. "Yes Dave?" a silky smooth female voice said from...

1 year ago
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Following DoryChapter 6 The Crash

I didn't need to turn around to know it was Merilee's voice. I was caught, dead-to-rights. I turned around slowly to see if she had anyone with her. In fact, she was leaning out the window of the room I'd just passed, fully clothed as far as I could tell. I walked slowly back toward her, but said nothing. I hadn't any idea of what I could say anyway. "You interested in joining our group, or are you just a horny teenage pervert who gets off on watching other people have sex?" "What...

3 years ago
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Following Mom

Chapter 1 I really never gave it a lot of thought. I know, maybe I’m just stupid, but I never had a thought about it. Not until one night about two months ago. Well, let me start with who I am. I’m Melissa, um, I guess I shouldn’t mention my last name, and I’m eighteen and a senior in high school. I’m pretty, that comes from my mom, more about her in a minute. I stand five-four, weigh one-twelve, have long blond hair almost to my waist, nice figure (34-24-36), they’re B-cup, for you guys and...

2 years ago
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Following Dancing to the Wild Side

(This story involves a less married couple, where the past/future wife expands her enjoyment of some women. It builds on the recent previous story, “Dancing To The Wild Side.” Inspired by an idea in “Hot August Night” parts 1 and 2 by Ona-Edge.) Saturday when Katy showed me the selfie on her phone from Friday night she identified Jenni (tall blonde), Robin (cute, short dark hair with really nice roundish tits), and Gerta (their ride share driver and later voyeur, who looked older). Jenni lived...

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Following DoryChapter 4 The Party

My parents left for their party at nine o'clock on New Year's Eve. They dropped Pam off at one of her friends' house where she'd be staying overnight. My folks had booked a hotel room where their party was and didn't expect to be home until the afternoon. They had a brunch scheduled with old friends. The minute they were gone, I was in the car and on my way to Dory's house. Her parents hadn't left for their party yet, but looked like they wouldn't be far behind us. We got the usual...

1 year ago
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Following DoryChapter 16 A Change in Plans

I left Dory to her orientation day with Surgenor's staff. I had made an appointment to talk to the headmaster later that day about our marital status and see what compromises might be worked out. I really didn't want to be separated from Dory again, but I wasn't going to do anything that would jeopardize her new career. I called Arnold and asked him about any progress on the Valley Farm Market purchase. "I'm not sure this is going to work out, Steve. Mr. McVeigh has a pretty firm idea...

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