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I'd just got into the feed ... a head of state ineptly shafting someone, just for a change ... when the alert tone sounded ... we had a visitor in-coming, apparently, and there sure as hell wasn't anyone due. Oh fucking brilliant, I thought, why me? Worse, when I'd taken a few deep breaths and calmed myself down enough to get a data feed, our new arrival was one of Xav's Protected ones. Crissakes, then why isn't he dealing with this ... oh, right ... he's in Deep Immersion ... saving the planet, cannot be disturbed. Bastard.

So, OK, its up to me, again, I thought, as I pulled up a vid feed of Arrivals, the nondescript, mainly — actually, totally — black room we used for ... well, arrivals. Or where the poor sods we'd dragged over here got their first sight of their new home, in other words. This one looked interesting ... not throwing up, for a nice change, but then ... not actually breathing, either, from the look of it. An urgent flip through the vital signs told me the conjecture wasn't far off the mark ... dangerously low blood oxygen ... dangerously high levels of opiates and their metabolites ... minimal higher brain activity. Jesus ... there was actual necrosis starting in her left leg and right forearm ... and ... oh, great ... a range of micro aneurysms in the brain stem ... tubercular nodes in both lungs ... Xav sure had some interesting friends, I thought, simultaneously wondering why this Protected one had been allowed to get into this state in the first place ... weren't they supposed to be continuously monitored?

Ah well ... ponder that another time, I thought ... we'd never had an incomer die on us before and I didn't want to have to explain to Xav why I'd lost this one ... so I shoved in a stasis field — wondering why the AI, which had exactly the same data as me hadn't already done so ... but then maybe he/she/it wanted to give us humans choices or something. Or maybe the illusion of choices ... but lets not go there.

Anyway, the AI confirmed stasis — basically a suspension of time around the body, giving the technology time to work out what to do about this one. If it — she — was savable, I knew, they'd save it. And in the meantime, we could all wait for Xav to stop being a boy scout and pick up the bloody pieces...

OK, so Stasis() was invoked, eventually ... and I could file the calculated 34% probability that Zara would simply have forgotten the instructions, accidentally failed to react in time to the situation ... away for future reflection. Clearly, my human cargo were getting on better than they had been ... or perhaps their species solidarity outweighed their mutual antipathy ... and Zara's reluctance to have a potential ally of Xavier's around.

Which caused me to ponder, for a microsecond or two. Given that They — the AI network of which I was a contributing part — considered that we should respect Xav, trust his biological impetuses, I was now stuck with a very damaged human being ... if she'd been relying on the medical services on her home planet — even if anyone had thought to alert them — she'd be dead.

But she wasn't, and the initial projections showed a greater than 97% probability that we could repair — or, more accurately, rebuild — her to at least physical health. So now she was part of the family.

I love working with lesser species. No, really ... I do...

I came out of Immersion feeling like my brain had been rewired, which I guess to some extent it had been. I'd been plugged into the internet — and a variety of less public networks — for more than thirty hours, using what the Wisdom actually described as 'human intuition' to sift the packet streams — decoded and 'humanised' by my hosts — to guide the AIs to their goals ... which currently involved tracking the world's financial networks, finding out where the money was actually going, the reality behind the capitalist, free market bullshit. Yeah, I thought it was a ludicrous idea, too, when it was first put to me: There was simply too much data, I thought, too many codes, too many variables. But I'd underestimated the Wisdom, not for the first time, the sheer power of the filtering and analysis technologies ... and the usefulness of being able to observe the human side of things, undetectably, in real time. However secure those individuals believed their environments — or their meetings — to be.

So it was all interesting stuff ... but not exactly relaxing ... nor, I suspected, something my brain had actually evolved to do. Perhaps the Wisdom had made more changes than it had told me about? Well, maybe ... but then Zara appeared to be incapable of this stuff ... didn't seem to even understand its significance ... so maybe it was just me ... some quirk of nature. Put it to one side, for the moment, what I mainly needed was something to eat, something to drink — not necessarily for rehydration purposes — and then sleep. A lot of sleep...

I had the Wisdom tell me as soon as Xav emerged, so I got down to his Immersion suite — basically a couch surrounded by a mass of life support and monitoring equipment, housed in a completely shielded room — while he was still extracting himself from the umbilicals, drinking the nanobot recovery liquid the AI provided ... and before he'd got round to dressing. Which was a small perk, I felt ... he did still have a very nice body, even if he was a complete shit in a lot of ways.

Anyway, he was still pretty spaced out, like he always was after emerging, but that would carry on for a while and I had a problem I needed to pass on, to make his ... and I didn't see why that should wait. So I told him.

OK, I thought, so Yvonne was here and here was I, looking down at her, surrounded by machinery and intubated in every available orifice ... and then some. I realised that this was the first time I'd seen her in about ten years, probably the first time I'd thought about her in five. It was all very weird ... I remembered being told about Protecteds — people who the Wisdom thought were special to its guests, who would thus be observed — looked after — while they were here, possibly plucked out of life threatening situations if they happened to get into them. I hadn't really been all that interested, to be honest — I was married to my work, as they say, never really had time for close personal relationships, so I didn't even ask who was on the list. And I'd never have guessed that Yvonne would even have been a contender.

In fact, observing her now as the machines crawled all over — and, I knew, through — her, I did have a brief pang of nostalgia. We had been close once; me a permanently broke post doc, her a picturesque barmaid in my local, albeit a barmaid with a surprising facility for biophysics, or at least for listening to me talking about it. No, that was unfair ... she'd made some interesting observations, even contributed to solving some of the problems I was working on. Hell, I'd once tried to credit her on a paper I published, a gesture which had not gone down well with the Prof.

But then ... I'd moved to Germany, she'd stayed in the UK, and by the time I got back she was no longer working in bars, she was a full time junky doing whatever it took to get the next bag. I'd tried to help, for a while, but it was pointless ... she was too far gone, I thought, or maybe I was just too preoccupied with my work to care enough. But, whatever. Scanning the data the AI was providing it was clear that time — and life — had not been kind to her ... even without the overdose that had nearly killed her she was basically, well, fucked. And even with the sort of technology being applied to her now, it was still far from clear that she'd be physically completely OK — and real doubts whether the brain damage she'd accumulated over the years would contribute to an even greater mental instability. We — or rather I — would have to take some tough decisions as the 'repair' process went on.

Not for the first time, I wished that Zara wasn't quite such a selfish, self-obsessed bitch ... or that I trusted the AI more. I really felt I could do with someone to talk to.

The male's response was not what I expected and, again, I filed the anomalous response for future consideration. We had anticipated pleasure, perhaps relief, but what I had observed had been nearer to apathy ... perhaps even annoyance. Even now, my scans showed considerable activity in his cortex, indicating not a nostalgic review of memories ... as might have been expected ... but an active attempt to excise — or redefine — same. It was unexpected and that in itself was unexpected. Were there really things about these humans that could surprise us? This would prove most interesting to the Group, I was sure.

But that was for the future. My own review of Xav's history did not, of course, provide any new insight ... and neither did a similar scan through the vast quantity of data we had on our latest arrival. She was a woman of exceptional intelligence, whose potential had been crippled, in the context of her society and her time, by her low class status and a fatal self destructiveness ... inculcated by early trauma, sexual abuse by her father and others.

Well, no matter. She was here, and she had the potential to fulfil the role that Zara had never quite proved herself in. She was, in fact, potentially perfect for the job, life having left her with few scruples and no illusions, while her existential rage was definitely useful ... for the more 'hands on' side of the project.

Whether we had room for two people in that line, of course, remained an interesting question. But that, really, was more Zara's problem than mine.

Xav passed me in a corridor as he was heading back to his quarters, simply scowling at me and carrying on without a word. Well, fuck you, too, I thought. He was presumably going to catch up with some sleep, since even I knew that the Immersion involved a sustained period of enhanced cerebral activity, maintained by a combination of drugs and nanomachinery. I'd tried it a few times — or rather, it had been tried on me — so I knew what the after effects were like, but I'd never achieved any results, feeling myself to be merely immersed in an inchoate mass of data, sensations, none of which made sense. Presumably Xav could make more of it, what with him being a doctor and all, but that still didn't give him the right to treat me like dirt. He hadn't so much as looked at me — as a woman, I mean — since he'd first been brought here. And now some former flame of his had pitched up ... and was being patched up. So that even if she did look like a skeletal crone at the moment, she would emerge as a healthy thirty something. Or, given the caveats that even the Wisdom was applying to the process, a fairly healthy thirty something. I wondered what the AI had in mind for her, what she was actually doing here.

And in the interim, I had my voyeuristic image to maintain. So I had the technology summon up another illicit data feed ... a senior policeman, this time ... who was into nappies ... in a big way...

I slept for almost fifteen hours, woke feeling pretty human, for a change. A quick check revealed that Yvonne was still heavily dependent on life support as the machinery effectively built her a new set of lungs and a couple of limbs, as well as doing a lot more detailed work across much of her brain. Amazingly, there was no firm estimate for how long the process would ultimately take ... and the Wisdom always specified these things to the second, almost as a point of pride ... just a range from twenty more hours to above forty. God knows what was being done in detail, I thought, then turned my attention to more immediately relevant stuff ... such as the digested results of my latest Immersion. Which were very interesting.

In fact, it looked like we'd cracked it ... firm and clear evidence of money flows through most of sub Saharan Africa, "aid" coming in, channeling through corrupt elites and slowly but surely ending up in a variety of American and European banks ... oh, and the odd arms company and such like. More to the point, we had names, dates ... everything ... including links to a variety of covert agencies across the "developed" world. The Wisdom had even calculated how many lives a year were being lost as a result. It was a very big number.

So. It looked like we'd soon be in business, would be able to move from our — OK, the AI's — current tactics of gently nudging the political and other processes in a direction that would be a little less disastrous for the future of the planet and begin to personalise the process. Which is to say, take the argument to the bad guys directly ... bringing them out here when we could do so without causing too much of a fuss, dropping in to see them where we couldn't. And I didn't for a moment think that that would involve having a friendly chat. These people had far too much blood on their hands.

And that, apparently, was where Zara came in. Frankly, she appeared to think that she was here simply to watch pornography — if real time, real life pornography — but the Wisdom seemed to have other plans, could perceive other talents. It was a bit of a mystery to me — the stuff she was digging up at present couldn't even really be used for blackmail, given that it seemed just about everybody in a position of power on the planet was at it — but I wasn't about to argue with the technology. So I thought I'd better go and see her ... see what she had to offer.

Well, now, that was a surprise ... Dr Xavier McDonald himself wanted a quick chat with me, no indication what about, just a request to meet him in one of the meeting rooms down on the swimming pool / gym level. I had a check on the progress of the Yvonne woman, saw that things were still uncertain, thought that he probably wanted someone's shoulder to cry on. Even mine. Not that I felt particularly well disposed towards him, of course, but there are few situations that can't be turned to advantage if you try hard enough ... and I was a trier through and through.

So I signalled my assent — which is to say, gave the AI a time to pass on, then sat and thought a bit about tactics. And then I got changed ... as I thought appearances could be important in the circumstances.

Zara was late, of course, arriving in the seminar room a good twenty minutes after the agreed time. The AI informed me that she'd spent the time metaphorically filing her nails - rather than suddenly having been caught up in tasks of actual significance — so I knew this was probably a ruse to annoy me. Well — a bit of a waste of time in more ways than one, there, then ... god knows I was annoyed enough with her already. But I had asked for this meeting, so I thought I'd put a brave face on it ... remembering times I'd had to intervene with underachieving students ... the importance of staying in control — of myself as well as the situation — not rising to any provocation, being clear about my objectives and the limits to any compromises that might be offered. Problem was that here I was hardly in a position to reduce the conversation to the standard 'shape up or ship out' ultimatum. Or at least, I didn't think I was ... Frankly, I didn't have a clue what the AI was actually trying to achieve or why, which also meant that I couldn't reasonably speculate on what its intended outcome was to all this. And what was Yvonne doing here, anyway?

All such musings were abruptly curtailed by Zara's belated arrival. She was carrying a bottle of wine and a couple of glasses, I noted, disgustedly, and wearing ... well, not very much. Specifically, a sort of lace chemise ... white ... and a single glove, also lace ... covering the scars on her hand. She'd also tied some sort of chiffon ribbon in her hair. It was not, frankly, what I would consider appropriate for work ... in fact, if she had been a student, she'd have been out on her ear, there and then ... although, dressed like that, she'd probably have been arrested even before she got to my office. I probably sighed, or something, but then resigned myself to the situation. She might think this was a party opportunity but I, at least, had work to do. So I decided to get on with it. Its that sort of focus that made me a successful academic, after all ... ignoring the games and sticking to the question in hand.

Xav clearly clocked me as I came into the room, and a look of profound despondency came over his face as he noted the wine I was carrying, the clothes I was wearing and, I knew, the stuff that the clothes so artfully failed to conceal. He might be a prick, I thought, but he was male ... and, I thought, I knew his type. So I carefully put the alcohol down on a table in a corner of the room and arranged myself demurely — well, as demurely in possible, given that I was wearing about 50 square centimetres of transparent nylon — in a chair across the table from him. Then I looked interested, intelligent and concerned, making and holding eye contact as I asked him how he thought I could help, what he wanted to discuss.

Give the guy his due, he got straight to the point, gave me a fairly rapid precis of the results of his latest 'explorations' and some of the implications that the AI had mapped out ... including a probable change in emphasis in the activities that we'd be pursuing. I gave him about half an hour, maintaining eye contact throughout, arms folded carefully in front of my breasts, resisting the temptation to subtly squeeze them together for him, and generally acted the engaged and active participant. Actually, some of the stuff was quite interesting ... I'd never have dreamed that the Immersion process could deliver quite so much hard data ... and some of the names ... the agencies ... involved were startling, to say the least — even to a hardened cynic like me.

More to the point, his conclusion that we were going to get more active — that the watching and noting phase might be coming to an end, at last — was genuinely good news. I'd been here quite a lot longer than him, rescued from an all too imminent gang rape back on the home world, and I knew that we'd previously been a lot more active. My putative attackers, for instance, had been given a free ride over here just as soon as I'd recovered enough to be able to deal with the situation ... and had probably not been too happy with what they found when arrived. Well, at least not if the screams were anything to go by ... or the whimpering or the ... gurgling, come to think of it. I hadn't really watched all that much of it ... even I have my limits ... but I knew that it was long, exquisitely painful and ... finally ... very, very, fatal.

Well, the bastards deserved every moment of it, I thought, turning my attention back to Xavier. I didn't think he would be quite as impressed with that particular outcome.

So I said, "OK. We used to do a bit more of that in the old days — a couple of years or so ago — but it kind of got a bit tricky when people started to notice that numbers of their fellow significant human beings were simply disappearing — or dying in even highly convincing accidents — and started to join the dots. They didn't get very far, obviously — no one was seriously going to propose extra terrestrials as a likely cause and the clues they had didn't really make much sense otherwise — but the AI got a bit concerned that we were engendering a bit too much paranoia among some of the powers that be ... and that they might start to take it out on each other. You know, with nuclear bombs, that sort of thing. So we reined back ... cost us a couple of my previous colleagues, too — your predecessors — who couldn't accept the new party line. That's when we stopped recruiting gung-ho idealists ... started looking for tired old realists like us."

I did wonder how he'd take the 'us' — was that a bit premature, at this stage? - but he continued to look at me in silence, apparently surprised by my involvement with what he'd been telling me, my willingness to engage with him on all of this. Well, I thought ... under-rate me at your peril ... until I realised that I'd leant forward to emphasise something, at some point, and that my breasts were now lying on the table in front of him ... only too clearly visible through the thin material ... and that neither of us had noticed.

I wondered just how much I had been acting.

Well, that was a surprise ... not the petulant display I'd been expecting but rather a show of genuine interest ... with some useful questions and, now, some new information. It occurred to me that I knew next to nothing about Zara ... how she came to be here, what she'd done before ... and, in fact, had hardly talked to her since she'd done the meet'n'greet stuff when I first arrived. I remembered that meeting, now, how I'd got severely turned on by the sight of Zara in a one piece jump suit ... put it down to delayed shock or something ... and then got embarrassed. And had basically ignored her since then. Just another one of Dr McDonald's sub-optimal coping strategies, I realised, contemplating the woman sitting opposite me anew.

Unfortunately, this made me aware again of her state of dress — or, rather, undress — and that she was leaning over the table towards me ... with both breasts squeezed onto the table in front of her, nipples and wide areolae only too visible. I felt the sap began to rise, so to speak, and the mortifying embarrassment that always accompanied it. As I forced myself to look into her eyes, again, though, I think she picked up on my reaction, and sat back in her chair, breasts still only too visible but not quite so provocatively posed. I decided it was best to stick to the subject — keep control and all that — and began to share some ideas I'd been thinking about. She still looked interested, but a little more relaxed ... her body language a lot more... open...

"I had wondered about how anything we might do from here might impact on the folks back home, to be honest. I mean, some of the names on my list are simply dictators and removing them would at best get them replaced by someone equally as bad or, at worse, lead to outright civil war. Similarly the grey people in finance and the various government — I use the term widely — agencies. OK, we now have a lot of facts that in theory could be used to ... inconvenience ... them, but the fact is that the web is so wide it would be almost impossible to intervene directly without seriously fucking up the entire planet's operations. I mean, remove or even severely restrict all of these people and we'd need to construct an entirely new system of government ... which would be messy, to say the least."

She nodded at that, looked thoughtful and went and picked up the wine bottle, poured two glasses, handed me one, her left nipple just brushing my shoulder as she did so. Then she returned to her side of the table, sat down and looked at me. "Worse than that", she said, taking a sip. "We worked out that any such intervention would immediately be seen as coming from outside — no-one could plausibly do anything of the sort within current structures ... just look at what happens to the occasional well intentioned politician who does make it to the top — and ... well ... that would be a disaster. Take the history of all the peoples that we Brits colonised as an example, the psychic — and material — effect of the introduction of superior technology and an alien, dominant culture. And what the Wisdom has to offer makes steam ships and rifles look like cowry shells and glass beads. I mean, how do you think the human population would react if they knew that there was no longer any such thing as privacy, just for starters?" She grinned, continued, "That people like me can and do observe their most secret and depraved activities ... and laugh at them?" Another pause, "So, whatever we do will have to be subtle ... unless they do get to the stage of self annihilation, of course, when the gloves come off ... which is about five years, given their current degradation of the biosphere ... but if we want to avoid that, we do have to have to act covertly, but also quickly and effectively. Quite a nice poser, really. And just the two of us to do it, at least as far as we know. Oh, and a nearly omniscient AI and his/her chums."

I felt the rebuke, whether it was intended or not — she was right, it was a tall order, and it didn't help that we'd so far failed miserably to even communicate with each other. I raised my glass to her in tacit acknowledgement of the fact, then continued, thinking aloud, really.

"What I'm wondering is whether we could intervene more on an individual level, get people to gradually clean up their own acts by a combination of carrot and stick — at least the threat of exposure if they don't co-operate ... and at least the promise of protection from all the people they'll piss off if they do. Combined, I thought, with maybe a little in-house — umm — education for some of the more shadowy players ... that is, scaring the shit out of the sort of people who'd find it difficult to go public with the experience. I think we need to sit down and go through names and details ... work out the weak points ... maybe even pilot the process in one of the more obscure parts of the system. Obviously, we'll need to engage with the Wisdom but ... well, whatever it says about not routinely monitoring us ... I think it will already be very aware of this conversation."

As if I would do such a thing, I thought, intrigued by the turn the conversation had taken ... and the fact that Xavier had chosen to explore these ideas with Zara, initially, rather than with me. Not that it actually made a difference — I was, of course, constantly monitoring them down to the molecular level — but it was an additional factor to consider. Xavier had spent virtually all his life in laboratories, trusted machines far more than people, in many respects, but still could not bring himself to trust in me or my motives.

Wise man, I felt, turning my attention back to their conversation, even while I wondered whether introducing the Yvonne factor would prove to be a needless distraction ... though, I knew, she could always be used for something...

I suspected Xav was right about the monitoring — knew that at least one of my former colleagues had been ... dispensed with ... due to a rather naive faith in the Wisdom's all round niceness — but I'd grown used to the idea, able to cope with the pangs of paranoia it induced. Hell, that was part of the reason that I did all that voyeuristic stuff ... kind of a diversion from some of the things I really didn't want it to know about. Oh, that and the fact that it was fun, too, of course.

Nonetheless, back in the here and now, I appeared to have reached some sort of rapprochement with Xav without even trying, which was odd. Sitting watching him now, calmly setting out his ideas as if saving the world was just another scientific conundrum to be analysed and resolved, carefully, logically, I felt a strange surge of affection for the guy ... and a sudden rush of embarrassment at the way I was dressed. I took another sip of the wine, almost instinctively covering up the more exposed bits of my anatomy as I did so. Maybe the direct approach had not been the best way to go, in this case ... but, hell ... I could still do with a shag ... and there weren't a lot of other candidates, just at present.

I took a longer sip of wine, concentrated on what Xav was saying again.

I continued to expound on my theme, slowly becoming aware that I was descending into generalisations and probably statements of the blindingly bloody obvious, while Zara continued to listen quietly. I noticed that she'd closed in on herself ... her left arm was wrapped around her breasts, again ... but was still looking at me in a rather friendlier manner than I'd experienced before. I felt grateful for that ... aware of how much I'd missed human company since I'd been here ... and a slight regret that she was no longer flashing her physical assets quite so blatantly. I wondered what that had been about ... if she'd simply wanted to provoke me, well, it had been an initial success, but the follow through had been all wrong. Maybe she just liked dressing like that ... and why not, it wasn't like she had anything to be ashamed of — quite the opposite, I thought — but then whenever I'd come across her around the place she'd always been at least slightly more conventionally dressed ... kimonos seemed to be a big part of her wardrobe...

Ah, well, I thought ... another time. After I finally ground myself into silence, we sat companionably for a while and I realised that this was not a situation I wanted to end immediately. Instead, I suggested that we might get something to eat ... and invited her back to my living space, where the AI would provide whatever we wanted. She looked a little surprised at this but smiled, nodded, and accepted. Then she reddened slightly ... and wondered aloud if she should return to her own area to change before hand.

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Baby Girl laughed, as her friends chastised her on how controlling her Daddy was. Quietly seething inside at their judgement. They just don't understand how he loves me, she thought to herself.  One of her friends nudged her on her shoulder, and nodded towards a group of guys at the other end of the bar. "I bet he'd freak out if you even said hi to those guys," she teased. Another friend rolled her eyes and nodded in agreement. Baby Girl had reached her breaking point. She stood up smoothed out...

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Available Prison Ass Gay

Clayton Smithers sat in his jail cell wishing to God he had never tried the scam. At first it had worked fine; the diploma mill had sold him the diploma and arranged what looked like good references, even responding with glowing letters of praise if anybody ever asked about the qualifications of Doctor Clayton Smithers. It had been a sweet deal with money coming in and all kinds of sexy women patients to fuck but it had come to a sudden end. The FBI had busted the diploma mill and tracked down...

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Finally I Got First Time To Do Sex

Hii..I am mayank form nashik. Mian iss ka daily reader hu aur mughe humesha yaha say new new ideas milty rahty hai Thanks.Ye mere pahaly story hai jo.Last year hue mere sath aur ye true story hai.Agar aap logo ko mere story pasand aye tho mughe reply Jaur krna Ab main apne story par aata hu ye baat last year ki hai mere college me days chal rahy thy tabhi mughe ek ladki dekhi mughe wo bohot pasand aye Uska figure 34-24-36 tha main dekhta he rah gaya tabhi mere ek friend aye usne mughe bola...

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TeensLoveBlackCocks Athena Rayne Where Shopping Is A Pleasure

Look at this good, diligent teen, Athena Rayne, carrying in the groceries all by herself. We do not want her to trip while she is walking up all those stairs. Especially with that ginger complexion of hers. She might bruise! Luckily, our stud is a true gentleman. He sees this damsel in distress and offers to bring the bags up with her. She is so thankful, she asks him to stay for some Spaghetti Os. But before the pasta, she wants to try on an outfit she bought. Our stud walks by while Athena is...

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Massage To Love And Sex

Mera naam rohan hai aur meri hight 5’7′ hai main ek shadi shuda insan hoon age 28 meri shadi lagbhag 22 ke age me hui tab tak maine kisi ke sath sex nahi kiya tha shadi se pehle bibi se phone par baataine karne ke aadat si ho gai thi ham lagbahag roj ghanton baatain kiya karte shadi ke baad lagbhag roj hi 3 baar sex kiya karte din me .. Isi jiski wajha se wo jaldi pregnent ho gai aur jab ham chekup ke liye gaye to doc. Ne hame bataya ki usko kuch problem hai jiski wajaha se usko bed rest rahega...

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Beckys Marine part 8

It had been a long day, first the explosion at work and rescuing Mike, then telling Carl and Becky about how I got two of my medals. Carl was shocked to learn of the horrors I'd seen while Becky was heartbroken over everything. She had been a good sport though and not pushed for having sex. It took several hours but I had drifted to sleep and was awakened at 9:30 by Carl working in the kitchen. Becky rolled over to face me and gave me a kiss. "Good morning. How are you...

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Morning Fuck with Julia

One morning after we returned from all our trips to see the family, Ben and I woke up in the mood for some hot raunchy sex. It'd been too stressful in the last few weeks! As we lay in bed, our doorbell rang so Ben went to answer it, to find our neighbor Julia, an exotic dancer by night (I prefer the term stripper :D) at our door. "It's Julia!" Ben said, "She came to eat you!!" Julia bounced into our bedroom where I still was, sat next to me and we proceeded to catch up on the events in our...

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Sweet Melissa and Sour SarahChapter 31

In the limo, Melissa unzipped Sorry's tuxedo pants and pulled out his enormous penis, engulfing it in her mouth. "Ung," Sorry grunted. His long fingers slid under her dress and found heat and wetness between her thighs. With her mouth still busy, she slid off her panties. He moistened his finger with the oil slick he found around her pussy lips and slid it inside, finding her g-spot immediately. His thumb pressed and rubbed her clit. Her moans vibrated around his glans, bringing him more...

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Bittersweet Surrender Part 3

Day 4- 2:30PM Cameron had been tied to the chair by Josie for almost an hour, and his body felt like it was on fire. He wasn’t sure what hurt the most, his clamped nipples, his wrists that were tied together behind the chair, his ankles tied to the wooden legs, the rubber bands around his exposed cock, or his pride. He thought Josie was kidding when she told him to strip naked, but she clearly wasn’t. He figured that he would play her game to see if she would fold, but he soon found out that...

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GirlsOnlyPorn Agatha Vega Alexis Crystal Perfect Moment

Agatha Vega and Alexis Crystal are two hot girls who are ready for a night of girls only passion. Dressed in lingerie that highlights how slim and luscious they both are, they come together in an embrace that leaves nothing to the imagination. Hugging and caressing quickly leads to kissing, which is the preview of so much more. Leaning forward against the mantle, Agatha waits in anticipation as Alexa bumps her butt against Agatha’s and then gets on her knees. Caressing Agatha’s big...

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GirlsWay Maddy O8217Reilly Penny Pax Lexi Belle Wrong Room

Lexi Belle responded to an ad for a casual hook up. She instructed the girl to be in her bedroom waiting for her. When she finds Penny Pax blindfolded, in her bed playing with her pussy, she walks in and starts kissing her. Earlier that day, Maddy O’Reilly walks into her new house and wonders if anyone’s home. Penny comes down the stairs to greet her and gives her a big hug welcoming her new roommate. Penny tells her if she needs anything, she just has to come find her. She excuses...

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FilthyBlowjobs Remi Jones Remi Jonesing For Fat Cock And Big Loads

Blue-eyed teen cutie Remi Jones likes being told what to do. Especially when she has a cock in her face. Today she has one job – use her pretty mouth to blow, suck & lick the cum out of Tyler Steel’s cock & balls. Tyler stretches Remi’s face as he fucks her mouth, she can really only take half of it before her eyes start watering up. She jerks Tyler’s fatty, looking ever so cute. Tyler tosses her on to the floor to fuck her face some more before readying her to...

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Crystal PassionChapter 13

There’s a lot I simply can’t remember that happened in the following few days we were stranded in Rock Hill. My attention was almost entirely focused on my overwhelming sense of grief. I was completely disconnected from the many events swirling around me. I guess I was hoping that Crystal might still be alive and would magically appear from somewhere. And when it was established that Crystal had been murdered at almost exactly the time that Judy Dildo made her brief appearance at the...

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Power Relationship

The customer looked confused and unhappy. An elderly woman glancing nervously at all the technological gadgetry on display. ‘Can I help you, madam?’ It wasn’t easy in my present mood, but I forced out my widest grin. The one that seldom failed to reassure the less technical customers, and made me feel proud of my justified skill in putting them at their ease. Usually they relaxed instantly and poured out their shameful feelings about their lack of technical skills, knowing they had found a...

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Not Taken IV

I was just getting back to the condo after work on Friday when I saw my neighbor from the running group, as I now thought of him. I hadn’t thought about his invitation at all during the week, but he held the elevator for me and we talked as we went up. I felt like I had to agree to go, but really, I had nothing else planned, and wasn’t I supposed to be doing things differently?He looked different to me today, although that might have been my horniness talking. He was wearing no ring and he’d...

Gay Male
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MenagerieChapter 37

I opened my eyes and looked down to admire my sleeping pets for a moment before gently shaking Scarlett awake. Scarlett rarely slept alone because she had a hard time sleeping without a warm body pressed up against her. She also held on to whoever was in bed with her fairly tightly, so I had to wake her to get out of bed. She grumbled a bit as I kissed the top of her head and slipped out of bed, but me getting out of bed woke Shelly up. “It’s okay momma bear,” she mumbled sleepily as she...

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A Darker UniverseChapter 2 Monday School

She quickly got out of the car without telling her father goodbye, grabbed her bag and closed the door. So far, so good, everyone was in their classrooms. She knew she would have to check in. She walked over to the check-in desk and signed her name. Then, from behind the counter, she heard "So our first official NUDEP student has arrived." Jennifer once again felt the heat in her face rising, about matching the heat in her rear. "Not willingly." She made her way down the hall to her...

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A night of drinking cum sucking and fucking

Years ago my red head, hairy bushed, big tittied GF and I LOVED going to Tranny, Cross-dresser and gay swinging orgies. One of the big turn ons for both of us was when she would get a mouth full of cum she would lean over, join her lips with mine and feed me her mouthful. I was just sitting here prowling X-hamster, checking out cum videos when I had a flashback of one of these times. Deb and I were at a neighbor's orgy with probably 30 guests. Gay men, Cross-dressers and true Tannys....

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I patrol the city streets, alert and focused, sticking to the shadows. The night is cold and dark, my cape and tights not providing any warmth against the slicing wind. I sniff the air. There was evil out there, I could sense it. As I sneak down the shadowy road, I see a young couple walking along the path, towards my direction. I align myself flat against the wall, trying to make myself as invisible as possible. As they walk closer and closer to me, I hold my breath. They must have had...

Mind Control
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Super Bowl Bet

To start, let me say I am not a big sports fan. I have nothing against sports and do not mind going to an event every now and then but mostly I have no real grasp of the rules and no real interest to learn them. I rarely ever watch sports at home other than to watch a major event and that is really more so I can invite people to over for a little party. Super Bowl for me is just one of those times, drinks, food, funny commercials and friends. For a few weeks my boyfriend, who is a Giants fan,...

Straight Sex
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A Second ChanceChapter 29

I was immobile for two weeks. I'll tell you right now; being carried everywhere you go gets old in a hurry. If you've never used a jackhammer, they tell you to, 'Put your stomach into it.' It works fine ... the first day. The second? Not so much. I got a weeks worth of jackhammer in a fleeting second ... but it wasn't centered on my abdomen ... it was just enough lower ... hurts to tell it, and I've been healed up for almost a month. Grace and Sally worked on the boat for a week ......

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CadeChapter 38 The Restoration

Callie paced back and forth in the hospital waiting room. She was shaking and tears were pouring down her face. Angie tried to comfort her, but Callie refused to be comforted. Jessica, Harley, and Ashley watched their mother pace. Her behavior was upsetting to them. Lonnie sat next to the children, attempting to comfort them, but he didn't know what to say. Things did not look good for Cade. The hospital was located an hour from their house and Callie arrived just in time to see Cade being...

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Submission Xs 2

I am sitting out on the patio of the room I have taken at the beach. I told everyone I just needed to get away and sort things out. I don’t know who I answer to any longer sexually. I am only submissive sexually and now I am confused. Tammy and I had been friends for so long and I always thought it was strange as cute as she is that she did not have a boyfriend. Some women have been burned so badly by a man that they can’t be with one without the horrors resurfacing. I think that is...

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Albert Meets His New Mistress

Naked, hands tied firmly behind the back, feet pulled apart and tied to the legs of the chair he was sitting in, mouth gagged, Albert wondered what he had done to get into such a position. He remembered the seductive woman in the black dress, cut low in the back and revealing a hint of breast in the front. He remembered the clink of glasses, toasting the night and the quiet of a near empty bar filled only with smoke and hints of jazz riffs as the band struck down and packed away. And he...

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a story for HornyMahoney

this is just a story of what would happen the first time me and Hornymahoney would meet. this is just a story for now lol. i hope she and everyone else enjoys this. after weeks and then months of talking via xhamster we now got to meet. we had talked about alot of things for some time now and one was about what we would do the first time we would meet. today was the day so i took a nice long shower, shaved, and got ready to meet her. i was a 6'00 tall man dark skinned with long dark hair....

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The PresenceChapter 15

Kathy got out and held the boat as Beth tosses the ropes on the platform. With the boat secure they walked up to the house. “How about we have some soup and a sandwich for lunch? I think the kids would go for that.” “That sounds good for me.” When they walked into the house the girls were just coming into the room. “Wow mom, your suit. It looks a little ... small.” Kathy placed her hands on her hips. “Do you think anyone else would notice me?” “Mrs. Stevens, if I had your figure I...

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Chris I experiment true story

One day a friend and i went on a vacation to the beach to relax and have some fun. When we got to the Motel we were both tired and decided to relax for the night. we got tired of the shitty hotel channels and turned to the laptop for some porn to pass time. As we watch porn hours went by and our dicks got hard as they could be. I pulled out a joint and chris and I smoked it, but as i went to hit the joint i could feel chris' hand rubbing my hard cock through my pants. It felt good so i let him...

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The Beginning Of A Friendship

David was lost in thought as he walked home on his way back from college. Professor Jacob had given him an “F” in chemistry practicals again. David knew that the results of his experiment were accurate. But he couldn’t do anything about it. Professor Jacob has been intent on giving David a hard time ever since he caught David kissing his daughter. That bastard, David thought, how can he keep doing this? One more time and I am taking this to the principal! “Hey Mike, did you learn to count to...

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Taking That First Step A New Chapter Begins Part 2

September had arrived and Lance returned to high school for his final year. He still found himself attracted to and flirting with all the girls and not the guys. He surmised that it was only when he was dressed as Lana did his choices change. He couldn't see Cassandra during the week as he worked out after school and then went to his part-time job.He got home in time to join his family for dinner. Afterwards there was studying and homework that needed attending. They did, however, talk on the...

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Season Spring

1 Spring - Sprit Man She leaned over and looked at her reflection in the clear cold water. Her hair was in twin long black braids and shined of the bear grease she had used in it. They were held in place by the leather band that was around her head. She dipped the skins into the still cold stream. The water still had the icy feel of the melting snows from the mountains. The air in the early morning had the bite of the passing winter, yet it also carried the sweet smell of the coming...

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Time to Protect EarthChapter 2

Seeing Sandy (with a similar look of surprise on her face), I told her, “These government guys are all right. They must have worked through the night, to get this running.” “The new cluster is up and running, boss. They had their programmers alter our simulation software, to handle the new processing power.” “Really? I expected to spend most of today, doing that. Did they make any other changes?” “We can now do several simulations, at once,” said Captain Jones, interrupting. “That’s...

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Tumblr SisterChapter 5

Danni's eyes were red when they came out of the bathroom, but she was calm again. She didn't look at me. "I think that's probably enough for tonight," Phee said. "No fair!" chimed Beth. "I agree," said Denise. "Hasn't he caused enough trouble?" suggested Phee. "Only for you and Danni," said Frankie. "What's that supposed to mean?" asked Phee, darkly. "Nothing," said Frankie breezily. "But he's ready, and Denise and Beth want to try it." "Why are you so sunny...

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Dressed and ready for school, fourteen-year-old Jody entered the sunny kitchen one Tuesday morning to find her mother Gail seated at the table, a concerned expression on her face. "Honey ... we need to talk," Gail said softly. Jody froze as she glanced down at the table, confronted by the well-worn erotic piercing magazines she had filched from her mother's adult book and sex toy store, which Gail operated downstairs from their apartment. Jody was frozen to the spot as she felt the blood...

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Cruel Party Wife

We had only been at the biker party a few minutes when my wife and Bobby locked eyes. I saw the look he gave her and I knew he was going to fuck her. She knew it too. She gives off a certain vibe when in the presence of an alpha male, and I sensed it and could tell he felt it also.She was dressed very sexy, with seamed stockings and garters, no bra and a see-through top. Her skirt was barely long enough to cover the tops of her stockings, and when she sat a certain way one could see she wasn’t...

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ProfNigma Stories 7 Smoke Wrings

(Back to reality)Out at the edge of the Shepherd property, in a large field, Nate's truck sat silently rocking ever so slightly. Nate had been wanting to bring Tori out here and do this for a while. He had a large blanket in the bed of his truck where they could just lay together and watch the stars. The smog of LA made it difficult at times to really get a good view, but tonight, the conditions were truly perfect.Nate had his strong arms wrapped around the warm and soft Latina, smelling her...

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JulesJordan Canela Skin Latina Beauty Canela Skin Is Your Anal Sex Tour Guide Around Paris

Manuel flies to Paris for an Anal Adventure with Canela Skin! The scene opens with Manuel and Canela taking selfies in front on the Eiffel Tower before taking a stroll around the city. They stop to grab some food then head back to Manuel’s hotel to get more comfortable. Canela’s wearing sexy black lingerie with matching stockings and high heels as Manuel starts to examine every inch of her body. He helps her out of her bra first, then has her spin around to show off her perfect ass as he slides...

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Nature Sent Blessing

Nature Sent BlessingBy: Londebaaz Chohan It was so normal. Anzor Lithify had a curiosity about trying to have sex with another man of very young legal age only. Like majority of men, he always believed being heterosexual and never had the nerve to pursue or act on his fantasy. The fact was that whenever he was pussy fucking or fantasized about sex, it involved being with another young boy of not more than 20 at the most. Having had enough sex with women, he did not have to wonder, what it was...

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Runners MoonChapter 18

"You have a choice," Tiffany said afterward. "We can do that again, and then get some breakfast, or we can do it the other way around." "Everything being the same, I'd just as soon get some breakfast," Josh said, still aglow. It was better than he'd ever remembered it being with Amy. "I'm famished." "I've already eaten," she said, "But I could stand to eat again." "Did you plan on staying together all the time we're in Nome?" he asked. "We're going to have to," she...

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Sarah Carerra 316 Best Birthday Ever

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra Book 3 - Concerto in A- By Megan Campbell (Released: June 4, 2012) Chapter 16 - Best. Birthday. Ever. 'Where are you?!!' the text message said. A large smile spread across my face. Even though I knew I was going to miss most of Katy's birthday party, it...

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Family RaidersChapter 3

Cutter scanned the family group. Debbie a tall beautiful woman in fine attire, Dawn a vivacious teenager with a woman's body, and Bobby an overly tall young boy with that "All American" look. Walking directly in front of them, he looked each in the eye and slowly said in a voice that gave them all chills. "You people will have us as guest for a long time, you will treat us as guests at all times. We will treat you as we desire at all times. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" Debbie and her children...

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Intimacy With Neighbor

Hi, I am Rohan age 20 normal looking guy and the only son to my parents. We lived in the apartment on 2ndfloor. Besides our house there lived a couple Rekha(R) and sanjeev who had a baby girl of 4years old. They lived here since 3 years, her husband is CA in small firm. My parents were working in bank so I used to b lonely sometimes, which brought me and are to spend time together. Her child used to go to nursery nearby. After 2 years of stay we became very good friends and it became a routine...

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The Awakening Part 1

For the entire summer after her eighteenth birthday, Elizabeth was on edge. Everyone knew that something happened after you turned eighteen. They called it the awakening. After finishing primary school and before moving on to higher education pursuits, the adolescents were taken and educated by a special government task force.All Elizabeth knew was that the girls were decidedly different when they returned from the awakening. There was a secrecy, a maturity that wasn't there before. They were...

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The TreatmentChapter 12 The Doctor

I decided that we needed a doctor in my group. We were all extremely healthy but accidents could happen to anyone. I was also concerned about pregnancy. I didn't use any form of birth control with any of my wonderful girls except for the three in school. The others got hosed down regularly with unadulterated sperm. It's a wonder that they weren't all knocked up. We needed some discrete professional services. I began to frequent the two local teaching hospitals, on the lookout for a likely...

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Investigating Ravenwood

Investigating Ravenwood. By Pinkman100/madcow4321 Kurt was a young detective in his late twenties when the transfer forms were handed to him Kurt was one of the lead detectives at the Middletown PD but due to downsizing, departments were shifting people everywhere to try and hide numbers and bury peoples payrolls in a paperwork trails. Fortunately being a cop meant knowing the law and a surprising amount about paperwork and red tape. Kurt sighed when he realized that his transfer...

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Watching her boss fuck her silly

If there was one thing my wife, Jill, liked it was a good fucking. She was a wonderful shag as well. However our sex life was pretty ordinary and not always happening. Once I was going there was no stopping my rampant cock from performing. Unfortunately my business life was pretty stressful and my cock did not always co-operate. Jill was slim, very attractive, with small tits but an arse to salivate over. She was size 8 and in great shape, even after 2 kids. Guys were always looking at her with...

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My Naked Mother And Me Pt 6 Bedtime Story For A Scaredy cat

We finished our food and turned on the tv to watch some movie. It was already getting late, but we haven’t spoken to each other the whole day. So we decided to chit chat and watch some movie before we went to bed. And then I realised what a scaredy cat my mom was! There was a ghost hunting program on TV, where some teenager went to a haunted house to find a real ghost. I laughed and said: Me: Do you believe in this shit? It’s so fake! Mom: Are you not afraid of this? I can’t even sleep if I...

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Ravaged in Broad Daylight At 18 Ch 04

What a day! Mark was lying in his bed reliving all that had happened. During dinner with his parents, he could barley suppress laughing at the various wild, erotic images that danced through his head. Thank God my parent’s can’t read my mind, he’d thought more than once. He was also fascinated at what the two officer’s had told him while driving him home. ‘Mark, we’ve never done that before. Not to anybody, and nor to each other.’ ‘What?’ Mark had said. ‘You two aren’t lovers?’ Tom laughed....

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Family Feud an Alternate Reallity FanficChapter 3 Black Friday Part 2

It would take Cathy a couple of hours to calm down enough to think clearly. When she did, she realized that she had royally screwed up, she wanted to kick herself. She had broken every rule she had in controlling people. One, she had allowed herself to loose control. She was still trying to understand herself why she had reacted so strongly to finding out about the tattoo. It certainly wasn't that she had a problem with them, had one herself in fact. She also didn't mind having one of her...

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