Family Feud an Alternate Reallity FanficPrologue
- 2 years ago
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It would take Cathy a couple of hours to calm down enough to think clearly. When she did, she realized that she had royally screwed up, she wanted to kick herself. She had broken every rule she had in controlling people. One, she had allowed herself to loose control. She was still trying to understand herself why she had reacted so strongly to finding out about the tattoo. It certainly wasn't that she had a problem with them, had one herself in fact. She also didn't mind having one of her girls having them, actually most of them did, several at her direction as far as location and content. Even her brothers had tattoos that she had them get. She knew tattoos were pretty widespread nowadays, but for some reason the thought of the one now adorning sweet little Jamie made her want to hurt people, and hurt them badly.
Well, she had certainly accomplished that goal today. But why did she feel that way? Cathy was brutally honest with herself at all times, Lets face it, when you have as many little schemes going as Cathy did at any one time, she sometimes was honest only to herself. She knew that a lot of the appeal of Jamie for her was her innocence and purity. Something about taking that innocence and shaping it into anything she wanted just set Cathy aflame. That is why she had went off, she saw it now quite clearly without the red haze of fury that had surrounded her from the instant her brother had confirmed it was a tattoo and not body art.
Oh, how she had prayed it was just drawn on as a prank by those two rejects, Bill and Chris Taylor, she certainly had made them pay, a good bit too much actually, and that was her second and biggest mistake of the morning. She was gonna have to scramble and move fast if she was going to fix this clusterfuck. She knew that she had one shot, if it didn't work all would be lost and she would have to start all over again. Tattoo research was gonna have to wait for later. She had some calls to make.
Bill let out a major breath that he had been holding in for the short ride to the hospital. Everything had seemed to be conspiring against him getting to the girls, and he had half expected the cabby to get lost or into an accident or something. Just seemed that with his luck lately that the worst would happen. Later, Bill would have a chuckle at the truth of his pessimism.
Approaching the reception area in the ER he asked where he could find Jamie Taylor.
"Who" came from the disinterested old lady working the counter.
"Jamie Taylor. I am her father. She was brought in by ambulance last evening." Bill pronounced each word slowly like he was talking to someone with a mental impairment.
"Is she still in the ER or has she been admitted?" only slightly higher on the interest level from the old woman.
"You tell me lady, I just arrived." Bill tried to sound polite but was quickly getting irritated.
"Guess I'll have to look her up. What was the name again?" her tone indicated that she was feeling put upon by having to look up the info.
"Jamie Taylor." Bill was practically snarling by this point.
"How you spell it?" same disinterested tone from her.
"J-A-M-I-E T-A-Y-L-O-R" Bill was imagining giving her one of Waxerman's enema's by this point.
"Hold on I'll see what the computer has to say." not even a hint of a rise out of her from Bill's barely contained hostility."
"OK, found her, she's still in the ER. You say you were her father? We still need her insurance info, says here that the lady with her had no ID and no insurance info."
"Can we worry about that later? I would really like to find out if she is ok." Bill was beyond irritated and well on the way to pissed by now.
"I'm sorry sir, but it is vital has the hospital has the information for billing purposes." The talk of billing finally seemed to perk up the old broad. As Bill now was calling her in his head. Sighing Bill reached for his wallet.
"Alright, here is our insurance card. Forgot my wife didn't have her purse with her at the fair. Can we hurry this up? I would really like to find out how Jamie is."
"Your daughter the 'fair girl'?" The old bat suddenly looked at Bill with interest for the first time.
"Excuse Me? What are you talking about." Bill was seriously sick of this old broad already.
"Nevermind" quickly came from the old lady but now instead of disinterest Bill felt the hostility radiating off the old broad.
Twenty minutes later Bill felt as if he had been through the Spanish Inquisition. The level of stupidity and ability to ask irrelevant questions was a serious irritant for Bill. Wendy had always been the one too handle this type of stuff, and Bill quickly decided that this was one area that he would gladly return control to Wendy now that the game was gonna be over, that is if Wendy didn't kick him out again. Ending up at the police station, even if was just for questioning, and not officially under arrest, as the detective told Bill a couple times last night. Along with Jamie being in the hospital had certainly spoiled the fun for Bill. "Just something else I'm a fuckup at." Bill thought disgustedly.
At least the old broad had finally gotten all she needed and he now knew where Jamie was at. If only he could find the right curtained area in this maze they called an ER. He briefly wondered about the reception that he would find when he got there.
Wendy felt like she had been ran over by a truck. The past weeks torments had taken a toll on Wendy, combine them with the events of the past many hours, Wendy wasn't sure how long they had been there, and Wendy felt like she had about found the end of her endurance. Wendy hadn't quit at anything she had ever done, and she wasn't about to quit now, but she could certainly use a good nights sleep. The fact that it was now approaching nine o'clock in the morning assured her that sleep wouldn't be coming any time soon.
She had borrowed a phone at the nurses station to let her employer know that she wouldn't be in today, due to Jamie's being in the hospital. Truth was Jamie was pretty well fine now, they just hadn't gotten around to letting her go yet. She had also tried to contact Bill or Chris, but neither had answered their phones all night and she had no idea where they had gotten too or why they weren't here. The billing bitch for the hospital had just showed up again about 7:30, looking for someone with Jamie's insurance info. She had not been allowed a purse or anyway to carry anything at the fair so she didn't have her wallet with her ID and insurance info. when they had been brought in.
At the time she had told the bitch that her husband should be there any minute, she had assumed he would follow the ambulance there, but when he didn't show the bitch had begun pestering her about billing information. Wendy knew she didn't believe her when she told her that yes she had insurance. Wendy figured she thought they were tramps or worse and didn't have a pot to piss in, let alone insurance and that Wendy was just stalling them.
That attitude pretty much summed up the interactions that she had had with the staff in the ER. Wendy could tell the ones that had heard the tale of the girl brought in with the tattoo on her ass. Their was no way in hell they could have missed it when they brought Jamie in and cleaned her up and assessed her condition. Her "condition" had only further heaped the scorn and ridicule into the looks that she received.
Jamie came in dehydrated and running a fever. Turns out the fever was from what the doctor had nicely put as 'improper hygiene.' Wendy strongly suspected it was from drinking water from enema bottles that had been reused to feed the girls water. Wendy knew that some effort had been made by the guys to keep them clean. Apparently they hadn't been successful. When Wendy quietly asked to be checked for infection as well and that they both be tested for STD's, the staff's opinion of her and her daughter had hit the floor.
If Bill and Chris were trying too humiliate her by leaving her here alone they were certainly successful. She knew asking for the STD tests only cemented the nurses and staff's low opinion of her, but frankly she really didn't care anymore. Her greatest fear of her night as a prostitute was that she would catch something. She was surprised Bill wasn't worried about it, but he didn't seem to care. He sure hadn't let it him slow him down in bed. She hadn't gotten any results yet, and she was anxious to learn them.
Jamie she guessed had a much better night, she had been given fluids, medication, and something to help her rest and she had gotten a pretty good rest, considering how uncomfortable the exam bed in the ER was. They had also had some time to discuss things and both assured the other that they had no intention of giving up until they earned their freedom by getting their 100 stars. Taylor women were not quitters, and this wouldn't cause them to start. They were gonna have to insist on a couple things, no more drinking out of used enema bottles for one, but quitting, not a chance.
My Chapter 17 Wendy was awakened by her husband telling her it was time to get moving to start the day. She was really wanting to stay in bed all day and just do nothing, but she knew that wasn't a possibility. Last night had been an interesting one in many ways, and the ending of the night with the ceremony for stars and her sister being there were only part of it. She had went to bed with her husband. That wasn't so unusual in itself. She had been doing so all week, but this time it...
My Chapter 16 The Taylor's were in the parking lot after leaving the movie theater. They were all still a little off from the intensity of the final part of the movie. Normal discipline was lacking as they all just quietly made their way to the truck. Bill knew he should do a little something to remind the girls that they were still in the game, and he had a idea that would make his life much more difficult in a few minutes. If he knew what was coming he would have just loaded everyone into...
As they were loading everyone into Bill's little Ford Ranger, Bill realized that they were going to need a larger vehicle to haul everyone around in now that Cathy was gonna be around for a while. They had gotten Wendy's car back yesterday, but it was a small car and wouldn't seat five with any level of comfort. He decided that he and Wendy would have to do some car shopping Monday while the kids were in school. The girls were also finding things a bit crowded in the back of the truck....
Chris Taylor was having a very mixed kind of day. He should be feeling great about now, but for some reason he did not. His sister was 'the' topic of conversation at Cherry Lawn High this morning. The chatter wasn't positive in nature either. What Chris had always wanted was now here. His sister was now a social outcast just like him, hell even worse than him, he was pretty much ignored for the most part. Jamie would not be having that problem anytime soon. Why was it not as much fun as he...
Jamie Taylor was exhausted. She knew that she should be sleeping. Her mind was running in circles though, and she couldn't sleep. She looked over at the clock and saw that it was nearing midnight. She had been thinking about the fact that she had missed school today and the pep rally. Jamie hadn't missed a day of school since she was little and got Chicken pox. She had also missed cheering at the game, that had never happened before either. She was a captain of the squad. Next year she...
Cathy Griffin stepped from her house bright and early Friday morning and smiled a grand smile on the way to her car. Today was the day that she would move on her goal of making Jamie hers forever. Everything was set, and all, while not complete, would be set in motion. Cathy grinned when thinking of that fateful Saturday that Jamie had handed her brother over too her. She would someday tell her what she had done that day, but that would be a ways down the road. Step one of todays plan...
"Well Chris, I'm sure you have a really good story to explain where the hell you have been since last night, and how you ended up looking like a punching bag. Lets get you set up to have that head of yours looked at, and anyplace else that needs it, then we can all find some place quiet and talk." Bill led Chris up to the check in and his best friend at the check in desk. "Veronica, how did you end up bringing Chris here? I thought that you didn't care about him at all." Jamie asked...
Sometimes our lives seem to be a series of random accidents. This part of our tail centers on what happens when the inevitable happens and life decides to mark due the bill for our mistakes and misdeeds. As the Taylor family finished up at the tattoo booth, a range of emotions could be found amongst the four of them. Wendy was feeling astounded that things had gone so far so fast. She had readily agreed to this penance as a way to make up for the sins that she knew that her and Jamie were...
My Chapter 18 Wendy sat in the back of the limo wondering just what she had gotten herself into. The thought that she would be completely at the mercy of two men that she didn't know outside of the workplace was not exactly a pleasant thought for her. She wanted to believe in her husband and think that he wouldn't have allowed this if he wasn't sure that she would be safe, but to be honest, her gut told her that she was on her own in this whole thing. Wendy was also made more uneasy by...
The Family Feud IV Chapter OneSlut GamesSTAR COUNT:WENDY: 43Get out of jail cards: 1WHORE: 1,3,0,0,0JAMIE: 51Get out of jail cards: 1WHORE: 4,3,0,0,0?Yes Sir, actually I?d prefer to clean your house in the nude.? Jamie smiled at the old man as he ate up her playful fibs. She had just finished mowing, trimming and edging his yard in the skimpy bikini her mother wore to the pool party last night. She stepped completely out of it and thought she might give him a heart attack as he looked her naked...
The family feud universe is such a wonderful place. There’s cum drenched sex for all but not only that, some of the main characters are either people I’d love to meet or emulate myself in real life. Any character capable, willing or not, to bare themselves before total strangers, masturbate to orgasm, take a cock in their ass or swap cum with another woman is my sort of girl! But wait, there’s more. All this and bondage too. Tightly bound tits, gags and other assorted toys abound but hey, why...
The Family Feud IIThe story is not about being perfect people. It is about imperfect people. Perfect people would have never tied up their husband and son, wife or daughter in the first place.This story is a journey. Along the way, mistakes will be made. Mistakes are not the end of the journey.Mistakes are nature’s way of providing you consequences, so that you will learn to adapt. This story is an evolution.An evolution of an imperfect family of four people, who don't yet know how perfectly...
The light at the end of the tunnel isn't ALWAYS an oncoming train "Since when do you decide if we're going to have a family conference, whore?" Bill began to rant, before seeing the look in her eyes and changing tack. "I mean we still have to get food for the fridge and you have to make us breakfast..." he tapered off lamely. "I know honey," Wendy began, using an endearment instead of master or sir before continuing, "and we will, this worthless shit-eating, cock sucking dime-whore...
If it hurts then it must be good for you Wendy and Jamie knew better than to enter the hotel room dressed in their firemen's' jackets so they shrugged out of them at the door before they went inside. Chris was still naked in the chair texting with Delilah and Bill was napping, fully dressed on the bed. The girls carefully hung the jackets next to the door and carried the breakfast bags to the coffee table. With the money they'd made at the fire station firmly clutched in her hand, Wendy...
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The Family Feud Blu-Ray Edition – Now with extended bonus content!The story is not about being perfect people. It is about imperfect people. Perfect people would have never tied up their husband and son, wife or daughter in the first place.This story is a journey. Along the way, mistakes will be made. Mistakes are not the end of the journey.Mistakes are nature’s way of providing you consequences, so that you will learn to adapt. This story is an...
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The two of them had just “finished” shopping on Black Friday and headed out to the car. Beth Ann, the slightly pudgy younger sister who was Tiffany Rae’s best friend located her SUV. She unlocked the doors and the two of the early 30 year olds climbed into the automobile and promptly buckled their seatbelts. Beth Ann started the SUV and pulled out and got drove on to the main road and located the expressway. Within minutes they were speeding along at somewhere around 70 to 75 mph. Beth Ann was...
The two of them had just “finished” shopping on Black Friday and headed out to the car. Beth Ann, the slightly pudgy younger sister who was Tiffany Rae’s best friend located her SUV. She unlocked the doors and the two of the early 30 year olds climbed into the automobile and promptly buckled their seatbelts. Beth Ann started the SUV and pulled out and got drove on to the main road and located the expressway. Within minutes they were speeding along at somewhere around 70 to 75 mph. Beth Ann was...
The two of them had just “finished” shopping on Black Friday and headed out to the car. Beth Ann, the slightly pudgy younger sister who was Tiffany Rae’s best friend located her SUV. She unlocked the doors and the two of the early 30 year olds climbed into the automobile and promptly buckled their seatbelts. Beth Ann started the SUV and pulled out and got drove on to the main road and located the expressway. Within minutes they were speeding along at somewhere around 70 to 75 mph. Beth Ann was...
MatureThe two of them had just “finished” shopping on Black Friday and headed out to the car. Beth Ann, the slightly pudgy younger sister who was Tiffany Rae’s best friend located her SUV. She unlocked the doors and the two of the early 30 year olds climbed into the automobile and promptly buckled their seatbelts. Beth Ann started the SUV and pulled out and got drove on to the main road and located the expressway. Within minutes they were speeding along at somewhere around 70 to 75 mph. Beth Ann was...
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Black Friday By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 1 "You guys have fun today," Lisa said as she kissed her husband. "And don't get hurt." "It'll be fine," said Marc. "I've played before." "Yeah, but it's been years," said Lisa. "Just be careful, and take good care of him Derek. See you Sunday night." "Shall do. Enjoy your shopping, and good luck seeing your mother," said Derek. Marc peeked out the window, watching his wife drive away as Derek sat sipping some...
As they lie in bed, his arm was around her as they snuggled closely. She told herself God, he’s good. I could do this all night with him. Then she smiled. Once that idea came to her she felt the sensations in her body. Her heart warmed and her loins did too. Something from somewhere told her she was ready to do it all over again with him. She could easily have sex with her brother in law as good as he was. He was a good lover and he had a style she couldn’t get over. No, he is a great lover she...
Straight SexDevious Majik: Black Friday by SifoDyasJr As Jeremy walked out of the food court, sucking the last thick remnants of chocolate shake through the narrow straw, he shook his head as he maneuvered his way around the snaking line that was partially blocking the front of the Chick-fil-a. He whistled in disbelief as he investigated where the line was heading to. The starting point for the queue was to the side of the new Devious Majik store that had opened up recently--although currently...
In the United States, Thanksgiving Day is always a Thursday and is part of a four-day weekend. 78% of all workers were given both Thanksgiving and the day after as paid holidays in 2007. The day after is known as the unofficial holiday of Black Friday, the beginning of the traditional Christmas shopping season and it’s busiest single day. Many retailers open very early, typically at five o’clock in the morning and they offer door buster deals and even loss leaders to draw people to their...
I’m proud of being a pretty sophisticated little bitch. So why does one episode make me feel like I’m a fresh-faced farmgirl in the city for the first time? It makes me realize just how culturally isolated Seattle really is. Except in music. Just coffee I got up at eight this morning and it still felt like five. I checked my hair and makeup and dressed carefully. Nothing was amiss. Mrs. Teasley had breakfast ready when I went downstairs. Southern hospitality is delicious—strips of crisply...
Since Ultimate Fanfiction is getting a bit crowded......... For every decision made the alternative outcomes are played out in any number of infinite alternate universes. So in some other universe certain key events in Buffy’s history played out differently and the following takes place in one such universe. Season 1 Buffy and her family arrive in Sunnydale. Buffy meets Willow, Xander, Giles and Cordellia battles the Master blah blah blah and the events unfold in the same way. Season 2 After...
Mary Walsh's Own Story By Constance Grant An alternate outcome of "Forced To Be A Girl ? parts I & II" By Christine posted 5/9/1999 (Note: I gave the main character in the original story the name of "Bob" as I don't think it was mentioned as the original was written in the first person. I have been justly accused of inattentiveness in the past, and if I missed the name given by the Christine I apologize. I also apologize for changing the thrust of her story, but I like ...
Not knowing where Veronique was taking her, peaked her curiosity. At first, Sandra had tried to figure out where she was taken, but rather quickly, she had given up on it. Veronique was driving away from the city, into a neighborhood Sandra had almost never been. So, she was sure they were going to a place she didn't know, which made it extra exciting for her. Abandoning her attempts to figure out where they were going, she just looked out of the window and watched the people going about...
Effin crazy Black Friday fo sho! Started at 8pm Thanksgiving when me an hubby tried to hook up an iPad air at Target. Of course I had to wear the sexy open toe 5" sandal heels. I was an Amazon woman with sexy black booty shorts towering over 6' tall. My boobs were popping with a sexy tight white see thru top. Wholly fuck...all the men were checking me out! One black guy had the balls to say how pretty my feet looked in front of my husband. That's all it took for hubby to give me signal of...