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I didn’t quite understood why my mother didn’t like the fact that I had become a photographer. At first it was just a hobby, but then one day a few miles from where we lived, there was an RTC: a Road Traffic Collision. And not a small one at that. I had been cycling home at the time and when the actual collision took place, I was about thirty meters away. I dumped my cycle, grabbed my camera for I always had it with me, and began shooting as fast as I could.

“Er, excuse me young man,” I felt a hand clamp my shoulders. Turning, I saw a traffic cop. You can always tell a traffic cop, their caps are white rather than black.

“What?” I asked, vaguely, wanting to get back to my shooting.

“You cannot be photographing this.”

“Oh. Sorry, erm, hang on,” I dropped my camera, it was on a strap around my neck so it didn’t fall, and grabbed my wallet. From it I pulled a business card and handed it over.

“Colin Pearce. Photographer,” read the policeman. “You’re not the press though, are you?” Then he frowned. “And you look a little young for that anyway.”

I was seventeen, and though I could probably pretend to be nineteen, any more was pushing it. I decided to ignore the second part of the policeman’s question, and concentrate on the first, it was easier. “I’m not employed by anyone, I’m freelance. I sell to the press, I do photographs for books, and I’ll let you have all the originals, and I’ll even sell them to the insurance companies as well if they want them.” Most of this was wishful thinking on my part, of course.

“You think we’ll pay for them?” asked the policeman angrily. He reached out to take my camera but I moved slightly away from him.

“I didn’t say I’d charge you,” I said, very annoyed and not hiding it. “I said I’d give them to you. Now. You get on with your job, and I’ll get on with mine.”

The copper stared at me hard. “Make sure I get all those photo’s before you leave,” he snapped.

Luckily I had my notebook in my bag as well, and before I gave my memory card to the police, I copied all the images off onto my notebook. Reluctantly, the traffic cop gave me a receipt for the card, though it took months, and many phone calls from both me and my father to eventually get the card returned. Sadly no one else would pay me for those photo’s, but I was called into court to give evidence about them.

That episode led to me taking up photography in a far more professional way. Mostly I did specific assignments. I’d have loved to be doing sports photography. Football was particularly hard to get into, but rugby and cricket were almost as difficult. I started out with, of all things, women’s hockey. As an eighteen year old, this wasn’t easy, but by the time I was twenty I had become known locally as a good photographer.

Sadly, I wasn’t to stay in sport, I was too interested in photographing the people, rather than the action, and this meant I took photo’s that the sports editors couldn’t use. They could however, be used by any number of other people, including both gossip and fashion, as well as just what became known as ‘life’ shots. Photographs of people doing ordinary things. While this ‘carelessness’ on my part lost me one job, it did teach me a valuable lesson about separating what I wanted to photograph, from what I was being paid to photograph.

Ultimately this meant I started doing local fashion shows, and similar, and soon catalogues. This was the ultimate in boredom. I hated doing these, but I had learned well, and they paid my bills. And truth be told I was good at them, and got regular contracts. It was these in particular Mum hated me doing, but she wouldn’t say why.

“Urgh,” I grunted, as the ringing phone pulled me from my sleep. I grabbed the handset. “Ugh?” I grunted into the mouthpiece.

“Colin,” came the voice of my agent. “You’re needed in an hour at the Tower Studio. They’re prepared to pay you one point two times your normal rate.”

“I’m in bed,” I muttered. “I only finished work at midnight.”

“It’s ten am,” came the brusque reply.

My eyes opened in surprise, and I stared blearily at the clock on my bedside table. The digital read-out said 9:58.

“Oh fuck. Can’t get there for eleven. Make it twelve.”

“Soon as you can after eleven,” came the reply.

I just grunted my assent. I wasn’t a morning person. Not voluntarily.

“Thank you my love,” said my agent cheerily.

“Sod off Sharon,” I muttered, but she just laughed and hung up.

Sharon Acorn was my agent. She was sixty five, not even slightly attractive, and a cougar. Fortunately I’d been warned about her predatory nature, and so far hadn’t been caught. However by stringing her along just enough, without ever promising anything, she got me lots of work. Luckily she also had a good sense of humour, so when I told her to sod off, or bugger off, or I called her a bastard or a bitch to her face, she just laughed it off. She was a bitch, but she was also extremely good at her job, and found me more than enough work to enable me to pay to do the photography I wanted to do, that no one would pay me to do. For that I put up with her occasional early morning calls, and her slightly more frequent wandering hands. I did wonder why, when a woman does it to a man it’s called teasing, or fun, or a come-on but when a man does it to a woman it’s called sexual harassment.

I got there at twenty past eleven, only to be told the shoot wasn’t expected to start until twelve, so I was about on time. It always took me about thirty minutes to get set up, so I liked to arrive forty minutes early so that I wasn’t rushing, and had a chance for a coffee or a loo break.

“Ahhhh! Bitch,” I said angrily. Luckily the woman I was talking to knew I wasn’t referring to her.

“But you love me none-the less,” came Sharon’s voice behind me. I turned and glared at her, but her permanently cheerful, over made-up, face always made me smile anyway. As per normal she was dressed as if she was a glamorous forty-year old. I just shook my head resignedly. She had done this to me before, but not often, and it had got me here on time, even if I had been rushing.

“What is it today?”

“Catalogue work. Lingerie.”

“Oh fuck.” I didn’t like catalogue work, and particularly hated lingerie. Strange as it may sound, it was boring. I was a twenty-four year old male with a healthy libido. But I still found it boring. I worked out, so was fit, and not to be blunt about it, I was good looking. I had my fair share of girls, more than that maybe. The models were attractive, even sexy, but taking half a dozen photographs of a girl wearing a pair of knickers or a bra, then having her go off and change while a second, then third came out in different pairs, sometimes identical just in a different colour, for exactly the same shots was mind numbingly boring. Now I knew why they were paying over the normal rate. It wasn’t. It was the standard rate for the job.

I glared at Sharon again. She just smiled beatifically at me, and left me to setup my camera.

“Bollocks, bollocks, bollocks, bollocks,” I muttered.

“I know what you mean,” said another voice.

I turned, startled. “Oh, hi Ade.” Adrian, or Ade, was my regular gopher, and sometime backup. He wasn’t as good as me at this sort of work, but neither of us cared. His photographic interests were different. He liked photographing insects and other creepy crawlies, and close-ups of flowers and webs covered in dew, and other such crap that just left me cold. And he was damn good at it and made money on it. As such, I didn’t consider him a worse photographer than me, just different. We got on very well together, and when we weren’t working, were either talking cameras and accessories, or talking about the next projects we wanted to do. Even if I wasn’t interested in what he was photographing, the techniques and equipment were interesting.

The first model came out, and started to pose in front of me, but then her hands went in front of her crotch. “Colin?” she said, shock in her voice.

I looked up. “Mum?” I gasped. I had found out why my mother hated the fact that I was a photographer.

My mum was forty-five. I knew she had a nice figure, but I never really thought about it. She was pretty in an understated way. She also couldn’t swim, so I had never seen her in a bikini or swim suit.

My jaw dropped. Her body, from toe to neck could have been that of a twenty-year-old. Only her face suggested older. The clever makeup she was now wearing, made her look ten years younger than she really was.

“Oh shit,” I gasped.

The director stormed up,

“What the fuck’s going on here?” He demanded.

“I can’t work in front of this photographer,” Mum sighed. She didn’t say it in a nasty way, for which I was slightly relieved.

“Why not?” he demanded.

“Because she’s my mother,” I said grumpily.

There was a long pause.


There was another long pause as the director mulled things over. He turned to Ade. “Can you do Stephie’s shots?”

“Haven’t got my kit with me.”

“Use Colin’s,” he snapped, then saw the look on both our faces. “What?”

“We don’t loan,” I said. “I use Canon, he uses Nikon. They’re just as good as each other, but they’re very different. It would take Ade an hour to learn how to use my camera even close to properly. Plus, I’ll have mine set up differently to how he likes his set up.”

“Surely they’ll be set up the same for the same shoot?”

Ade shook his head. “Nope. Even on an identical camera, two photographers will set up their cameras different for the same shot.”

“Well, work something out between you. We haven’t got time.” He glared at my mother. “This is a professional shoot. You’re a professional model,” that I had never known, just that she worked in fashion, “he’s a professional photographer. You’re both professionals, deal with it.”

“Sorry, Mum,” I said, sighing deeply. “I didn’t know.”

She shook her head, also sighing. “Very well,” she muttered, though she was unhappy about the situation.

She went back to her position and started her poses again. I think we were both rattled because it took me nearly a dozen shots to get the first, frontal shot, correct. I pulled myself together so that it now took the more usual half dozen or so shots to get the rear view. And it was a gorgeous rear view.

Normally by the end of these sessions I was tired and irritable. This time I was also horny. All three models quickly knew Stephie and I were mother and son, and at first very kindly they did two sets each to my mother’s one set. But that was tiring for them too, so by the end my mother just gritted her teeth and did her share of the work.

Looking at my mother’s gorgeous figure wearing just knickers and bra was getting me aroused. So much so that for once I found even the other girls were getting me horny as well. I was going to have to do something about that as soon as I got home. Sadly I was between girlfriends, and I happened to know that one of the two other models on the shoot had a big burly husband, the other a similarly built boyfriend. I had picked up a model or two in the past, not this time. I was going to have to use Rosy Palm and her five daughters.

I got home, and all I could think about was my mother’s figure. I could just imagine her pussy in those sexy knickers. Her boobs in those bra’s. Fuck me. For the first time ever I was going to masturbate thinking about my mother.

The buzzer went just as I had grasped my huge boner.

“Shit, fuck, shit.” I banged the button. “What?”

“It’s your mother, dear. Let me in please.”

“Mum,” I cried, frustrated. “Fuck,” I thought. I jabbed the release button, and grabbed my boxers and my dressing gown while I waited for her to come up the three flights of stairs to my flat.

“I was just about to get in the shower,” I grumbled when I let her in.

“A cold shower,” she laughed.

I just glared at her and closed the door.

“Look,” she said, “I know you were horny. I couldn’t help but see it. The other girls noticed it too.”

“Shit, Mum, I’m sorry.”

“That’s all right babe. It happens.”

“Not on that sort of shoot, not to me.”

“I know love.”

I gave a big sigh, my erection now mostly history. “I’m sorry,” I said. “I didn’t know you would be there. Hell, I didn’t know you modelled.”

She gave a huffing laugh, and nodded. “I usually don’t show my face. It doesn’t really fit my bod.”

I laughed, marginally more relaxed now. “No. Sharon never told me you would be there.”

“She doesn’t know we’re related, and in any case I use a modelling name. I’m Stephie Wilks. Wilks is my maternal grandmother’s maiden name.”

“Ah. That makes sense then.” I shrugged. “Sorry though, but I’ve still never heard of you.”

“That’s all right. But we’d better check in future who we’ll be working with.”

“Yeah. What type of work do you do?”

“Almost entirely lingerie. But mostly those photo’s where my head isn’t showing.”

“Okay. Um. Sit. Coffee?”

She shook her head. Thanks. I’m not gonna stay long. Your Dad’s away for two nights so I was planning on having an early tea with Joanne, then an early night.” Joanne was my ‘baby’ sister.

“She doesn’t model as well does she?” I asked suddenly feeling a touch of panic. Joanne had Mum’s figure, she did wear bikini’s, but she also had the face to go with the body.

Mum smiled slightly, and shook her head. “No. I tried to persuade her a couple of years ago, but only until you started doing fashion photography. She just wasn’t interested. To be honest I think she’s too shy for that sort of work.”

I just nodded. Joanne wasn’t shy at all, but if that’s what Mum wanted to believe, that was okay by me. Barely three months later, Joanne joined the Royal Navy. That relieved me slightly, as modelling while being a member of the armed forces was strictly prohibited. Those caught, and there were usually a few a year, were almost always summarily dismissed. I knew Joanne wouldn’t want that.

“So apart from lingerie, what else do you do?”

Mum blushed hard. “Er. Nothing. Just lingerie.”

I frowned at mum’s sudden nervous reaction. “Oh. You said mostly just lingerie.”

“Oh. Er. Er. Er.” Her shoulders slumped.

“Mum?” I asked, puzzled.

“I do some work for Ann Summers,” she whispered.

I laughed. “Ah. Sexier lingerie. Very sexy lingerie.”

Her shoulders drooped even more.

“Oh,” I said.

She nodded. “I also do sex toys and things like that,” she whispered.

My boner was back harder than ever. “Does Dad know?”

She just nodded. “He has no problem with any of it.”

“Even the...”

“Even those.”


She looked up at me. “You’re horny again.” She said simply.

I could only nod.

“So am I.”

She stood and opened her long coat. I hadn’t thought about the fact that she was wearing a long coat: it was a very cold November day and it made sense. I gasped. Under it she was wearing high heels, stockings and suspenders, knickers and bra, and nothing else. And they were a very sexy, erotic, set. Not one of the sets I had photographed earlier, some of which had been sexy in their own way, but were, for the most part, just ‘ordinary’ knicker and bra sets.

“Holy fuck, Mum,” I gasped.

She smiled and slowly let her coat drop to the floor. I stood and let my dressing gown drop also. Mum could now see my boner tenting my boxers.

“Good,” she whispered. “I’ve been wanting to see that properly for the last four hours.”

I could only stare at her. Her smile widened and she stepped closer to me. Instinctively I wrapped my arms around her. Suddenly we were kissing frantically. In her high heels, Mum was as tall as I was, and I was six foot.

I pressed my hard on against her flat belly, one hand going onto a tight bum cheek. Her arms went around me. Moments later she was pushing my boxers down below my hips. I gave a little shimmy and let them fall to the floor, stepping out of them and kicking them across the room. Now my hard cock was pressing directly onto her skin. I slid my hand into her backside, only twigging then that she was wearing thong knickers. I already knew she had pubic hair, some of the knickers I had photographed her in earlier, had been at least partly transparent, and I’d seen the dark outline. Now, as I laid her down onto my bed, I could see that she had a small, circular, patch of pubes just above her slit.

I twitched her bra off, to reveal two gorgeous little boobies, probably no more than a C cup, and very firm. For ten minutes I just played with her body, kissing, licking, sucking, stroking, caressing. Starting at her mouth, and moving slowly down her neck to her boobs, and then to her navel.

Eventually I moved lower, and Mum’s gasps and moans got loader and more intense. Her pussy looked gorgeous. It tasted just as good and for ages, I’ve no idea how long, I just kissed and licked her pussy; teasing her clit, then pushing my tongue deep inside her, then kissing her labia.

After I had brought her to two gasping climaxes, I loved watching her tummy bounce as I licked and nuzzled her clit while she orgasmed, she grabbed my head and pulled me up. “I want you inside me,” she gasped.

I wanted exactly the same, and stroked my rock hard bell end against her sodden labia, finding the correct angle. Mum wasn’t interested in slow. She reached around me, grabbed my arse checks, and pulled. It took two moves, but then I was as deep inside her as I could get. We both gasped.

“Oh fuck,” I whispered. I was inside my own mother. My cock was inside my own mother’s cunt. I was having sex with my own mother. My brain just went into meltdown.

“Oh baby,” replied Mum.

I stared into her face, and then began the small thrusting motions.

“Harder, faster,” gasped Mum.

“Oh god, oh god,” I gasped as my climax quickly worked its way up my body. “I’m gonna come.”

“Come for Momma,” whispered Mum, her hips banging against mine as she frantically strove to both bring me off and to come herself.

I gasped, froze and felt my cock expand and spit out three, four, five huge globs of spunk deep into her body. I collapsed onto her, our hips still slowly thrusting back and forth. Mum grinned at me. “Good?”

“Very,” I gasped back. “Amazing. You?”

She nodded. “Happy. Very happy.” She paused. “Again?”

Well I couldn’t be that bad if she wanted me a second time. I nodded.

“Good. Take me from behind.”

I pulled free of her and helped her over onto her hands and knees. Entering her from behind was very different, yet just as amazing. I reached over her and grabbed her boobs as I thrust into her. She had one hand on her crotch, stroking herself and me as I thrust hard and fast. I swept her long dark hair aside and kissed the back of her neck. She shuddered, moaning in delight. “Yes,” she whispered. “Do that again.”

We fucked, hard and fast, and though by the end I hadn’t come for a while, and wasn’t going to come again any time soon, Mum did, regularly and repeatedly. “I love what you are doing to me,” she told me. “Your Dad is an amazing lover, but he likes it slow and gentle. He still manages to surprise me and keep me aroused, and that’s good, but I love it hard and fast, and he’s not very good at that. That’s why I wouldn’t let you just make slow love to me. Your Dad does that perfectly. I want hard fast shags off you.”

I giggled. Hey, I was exhausted. “But I like it slow as well,” I said.

“Get that off your girlfriends,” she laughed.

“Between girlfriends at the moment,” I said with a wry smile.

“Aww, poor baby.”

She rolled onto her back, pulled me on top of her, slid me inside. The feeling as my belly pressed and moved against hers as we slowly began to make love was amazing. It was slow and gentle and loving and tender. And it was wonderful. When we finally both came to a soft but intense orgasm, some while later, we both just collapsed, completely exhausted.

I managed a glance at the clock. We had now been doing this almost ninety minutes. Eventually Mum stirred and pushed me away. “I really must go,” she whispered. “Joanne will be wondering where I am.”

I nodded, and even though I was exhausted, helped her up and pushed her gently into my shower. I left her to it while I went and made a coffee.

“Oh thank you love,” she said as she came out, fully dressed. Her jeans and tee-shirt must have been in her bag. Even her high heels had been replaced by more comfortable trainers.

I caressed her thigh softly. “Aww,” I said with a laugh. “No stockings and suspenders.”

Mum smiled and shook her head. “Same knickers and bra though.”

My cock twitched at that, and as I was still naked, Mum spotted it and smiled. She stroked it gently. “Next time,” she said softly. “I want to suck it.”

I smiled. Next time? That made my cock twitch again, and Mum’s smile grew wider.

After she had left, I showered, then collapsed onto the sofa in the livingroom.

“Holy fuck,” I whispered. “What a body.” I wondered at the fact that I had never realised my mother still had the body of someone over twenty years her junior. Hell, in my work I’d seen models more than twenty years her junior with bodies there weren’t as good as hers. That was amazing, but what was mind blowing, was what we had then done. What she had let me do. What we had both wanted to do. “Why on Earth did...” I muttered to myself. “How ... Oh fuck but she’s horny.”

I still had the photographs I had taken, I still had to work on them for the client. When I loaded them all onto the computer, I fired up GIMP and began to work. I knew the first few photo’s were of Mum, and at least the next four sets weren’t, but after that I started to get lost. When all you could see was from mid calf to below the ribs, it was very hard to tell the models apart. It had never bothered or interested me in the past. This time I was curious. Eventually I worked out which was Mum by comparing navel’s. Since I knew the first one was Mum’s I soon knew which were the photo’s of Mum. I could tell the other two apart as well, but was unable to put a face to a body until I suddenly realised that only one model had allowed her face to be shown when wearing a bra. After that I just matched bra to knickers, face to bra, and navel to knickers, and soon had separated the three out. I’d never done this before, but this time, for some reason, it felt important.

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Once in the bedroom, all inhibitions were left at the door. We all stripped and got into bed, I with my wife, and Ivan with Nichelle. We continued the activity from the living room, with everybody getting a full view of all the activity going on, from my fucking Jean, to our watching Nichelle suck Ivan's cock. Eventually, though, the images from the porn flick got to me, and I reached over and kissed Nichelle. She was lying on her back at the time, with her long legs wrapped around Ivan's...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Fiddlers GreenChapter 5

Finishing up at the dry goods store, Clive, carrying his purchases, headed back to the livery stable. Arriving, he wondered what he was going to do with his new clothes. He couldn’t very well put them up in the hayloft. Part of the deal he had with Chet. Was, as part of his pay, he could bunk in the barn for free. Chet usually charged a dollar for saddle tramps down on their luck and needing a space out of the weather. But anything left up there was likely to disappear before sundown. It was...

1 year ago
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MonstersOfCock Summer Day A Big Black Dick For Summer

Let this story be a lesson to you. If you keep accusing your girlfriend of cheating, you’re just putting the idea in her head at a time when she’s not happy with you. That’s what happened to Summer Day. Summer Day is a lot like her unique name. She’s hot, she’s fun, and she’ll make things wet and sticky. Summer has been having issues with her boyfriend not trusting her. So when her emotional friend lent her his ear, she ended up getting a lot more. You can tell she was in need of a nice huge...

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The Pickup

The Pick Up Erotic fiction by [email protected] The following contains descriptions of men having sex with transgender women (genetic men). If you find this offensive, or it's illegal in your locality or you're too young to be reading such fiction, stop now. For those of you, like me, who find the word "shemale" offensive. I'm sorry, but I need to use it for the beginning of the story because it is heavily in use by the porn industry. I promise, that after a few paragraphs,...

1 year ago
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My slut of a sister

So some would say that this doesn’t in fact make my sister a slut but when added to all of her other experiences I think you will agree that she is indeed a slut. The Washer Machine: The next experience is when were helping our mother with the laundry. At the time we were five and seven. My sister was still humping the carpet but only at home. As we were helping my mother with the laundry my mother pick my sister up and sat her on top of the washer machine so she could fold the towels....

3 years ago
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Chrissys New Life part 9

Chrissy's New Life Part 9 I woke the next morning with Aunt Mary's nipple in my mouth and under her nightgown and sucked on it again. Aunt Mary stirred and said, "Ahh, my baby you are awake, I have been holding for a while now but I must go to the toilet. I extracted myself from under her nightgown and let Aunt Mary go to the toilet. As I waited for Aunt Mary to return I thought about the day ahead. I would be leaving the mansion and dressed in boy clothes. I was glad to be going...

1 year ago
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Fuck Me Daddy

My daughter was just out of school when I got married last summer. I was courting my wife, who was then 36, for almost one-two years. Then she told me about her teenage pregnancy and introduced me to her love child, Lipi. 5 foot 6, with a cheerleader’s figure (33-25-36), pale olive skin, brown eyes, and waist-length dark raven hair (from her Indian mother), Lipi is pure eye candy. I’m Romil, turned 34 this year, 5 foot 9, with flat abs and a lean body due to playing indoor soccer every evening....

2 years ago
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Today started like any other week-day. I got up, showered, got dressed and went into the kitchen to prepare mine and my wife’s breakfast. At six-thirty I went back to the bedroom and woke her.We had breakfast, I took her lunch and dinner down to her car, (she has a class tonight and won’t be home for dinner) wished a good day.It was like any other day until finally it dawned on me that it wasn’t like any other day. She wouldn’t be home until 8:30; this would be a party day. Party day after I...

4 years ago
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first time interracial party mmmmmmmm

This is a 100% true story about my girl friends first gangbang. The events of this evening are still fresh and accurate. I don’t clam to be a skilled writer or master of the pen. Bear with me on this encounter, and enjoy the events of the evening. Last Friday evening we attended an IR party in our town. We arrived a little after 9:00 and were making small talk at the bar area. I was chatting with some people and after about ten minutes, noticed my girl friend, Miss M, wasn’t with me anymore. I...

2 years ago
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Daddy and I part2

OK let me continue : Dad and I were locked in a deep passionate kiss, I had an very warm feeling come over me as we kissed. It was strange as I had kissed many of boys before but never had I got this feeling before , it was like I was heating up from the inside out. I swear I could hear and feel my heart pounding as dad broke our kiss and just cuddled me tightly against his chest. I nibbled and ran my tongue on his ear as he embraced me, having those big arms around me just felt so good most...

1 year ago
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AnalMom Christie Stevens Use The Holy Hole

When busty bible thumpin’ milf Christie discovers her stepson Spikey watching porn on his phone, she seeks counsel from the man upstairs. God gives Christie the revelation she needs, and she immediately calls Spikey up to her room. Christie realizes he’s just curious and needs to experience a woman’s body. When she sees how turned on her stepson gets, she takes things a step further and lets Spikey enter her backdoor. Spikey is a fast learner and pleases his stepmom in a way his father simply...

2 years ago
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Breaking in Bicuckold husbands and boyfriends

**The following is all a thought out-system for treating and handling bi cuckold husbands and boyfriends-it is Not Reality**How we work bisexual cuckold husbands and boyfriends: Their wives and girlfriends bring them in because they messed up somehow and need to be feminized and fucked. After they sign a consent form we have them take off all their clothes and put a condom containing 1% lidocaine (to make them numb) on their penis and fit them with a chastity device and give the wife or...

3 years ago
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I Seduced My Innocent Classmate

Hey guys, this is my first story here. I’m from Chennai. 20 years old. I’m a tall guy and people give a strange look for my height. I’m 6.4 feet tall and I have a 6-inch dick. I look lean and I look a little cute, some girls say so. This is a real story and a little dry as I’m going to narrate exactly what happened. Into the story, This happened one year ago, the girl is my classmate, let her name be Sonia. She looks cute and her stats are 30-32-36. She has the best ass. As we study in a...

2 years ago
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Power ladies destiny

"Man it was warm!" She knocked again. There were sounds inside and Jezebel looked up and down the dirty run down street, the row of homes sprouting washing balconies and loud rap music. She'd been working her way along the houses for maybe an hour. The street was experiencing power problems and it had not taken long to decide someone was messing with the power companies fuse boxes. Someone was probably tying to over ride the meters. That always seemed to be the case. A stunted...

3 years ago
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Damage Control

I am your damage control. Do you know what it is like? To get that phone call in the middle of the night from a woman who is falling into her own personal pit of hell? To hear the anguish in her voice and know you cannot help? To get in the car and drive as fast as you can with disregard for speed limits or personal safety? Just to get to her side and all the while knowing you aren’t the one she really wants there? I am your damage control. The night was cold and so was she. In every...

3 years ago
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Isabelle and mr Bte ch 02

‘He can’t do this!’ said Avery, head sales at Anderson Trading, while pacing back and forth through the main office. ‘How could you agree to this!?’ ‘Because if I didn’t you and everyone else would be standing in line at the unemployment office right now.’ said Isabelle, dividing her duties for Liu and Jack. Avery didn’t like it, but she was right. And he didn’t want to give up on his newly bought Mercedes coupé. ‘Listen,’ he said, putting his hand on top of hers. ‘If anything happens, I’m...

1 year ago
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Sorcerer the Inner CircleChapter 36

STEVEN (Saturday afternoon, about 5:30 12/10) Lucia's nectar direct from the source was better than when she'd tasted it! Of course, with my extensive studies in statistics, I had to take quite a large sample to determine if the results were valid. The Wild Bunch gave us a wonderful show then the ladies shooed us away and checked each other out. After all, when you're in a group, you need to know the other members' strengths and weaknesses! Henry and I checked each other out. Heads?...

3 years ago
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Numerous DelightsChapter 1 Induction

Derek Pullman always knew exactly when and where he first meet Helen Adams; it was at half past eleven on the morning of Tuesday, 1st August, 2028 in the main lecture theatre at the head office of Thomas Hunt Management Associates on the Embankment in London. They were both working their way through what each hoped would be the first day of paid employment either had ever had. They met on the induction course for new Graduate Trainees, and the organisers of this intensive two week session of...

2 years ago
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Perhaps LoveChapter 12

"What do you see?" His daughter, who'd been standing between his knees and staring out at the ocean with him, looked down at her surf watch. "Wave sets of six, with the wave period about twelve seconds or so." "What else?" "It's a long lull between sets – almost nine minutes." "Which means?" "I'll probably only get two –maybe three – big waves out there before time's up. So, I'll need to attack a couple inside waves after each of those, just in case." "You all...

3 years ago
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Taking Command

We all understand the impact of leadership on organizational dynamics and effectiveness. In a military unit in a war zone the impact can be more pronounced and more rapid. When I arrived in the RVN in the summer of 1969 I was assigned to an Assault Helicopter company commanded by a Major. A commander served for six months, in my one-year tour of duty I experienced three commanders. The first one was ‘short’, that is, scheduled to leave the unit in short order, when I arrived in the unit. He...

2 years ago
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Sex Slave To My Neighbours Part 2

Sex Slave to the Neighbours Part 2This is Part 2 of 5 in which I go back to the house where I had been humiliated and excited, not to mention, got sucked off by an attractive older woman.The next morning with the sun just clearing the horizon, I jumped on my bike for a ride by that woman's house. The previous day had been a dream and a nightmare. It was all so sudden and I was rushed out of the woman's house so quickly that I didn't know what had happened to me. So, I'd ride by the house...

2 years ago
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Profane Rituals Satanic Slaves Surrender

PROFANE RITUALS - SATANIC SLAVE'S SURRENDER This is the tale of how one of my favorite slave s, the masochistic slut,harlotta, surrendered her sexual innocence. At the time slave harlotta wasthe newest slave to have submitted to me. H arlotta, a devout catholic nun,and her brother, a recently ordained priest, fell into my clutches at the sametime. Slave harlotta submitted to life as a slave in only a few days. H erbrother clung to his former existence, and resisted my relentless persuasionfor...

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The Operation 68

Author's Note: Ladies, thanks for the encouraging words, I'm taking your comments to heart. If you have any constructive comments about writing style or the story flow, I eagerly await them. The second part is getting a little more detailed on Jim's new anatomy. Still, for those looking for a quick fix, you're better off waiting for the next submissions. I hope you enjoy. Hugs and kisses, Ellyssa. Chapter Six I awoke with a start, the nightmare was too real. I was...

3 years ago
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The Card Dare Game Part I

Chapter One I have been dating Sophie for almost five years – ever since she arrived from Latvia and worked as an au-pair to my neighbour. At first, it was mere lustful attraction, and used to enjoy watching her sunbath topless in the garden from my first floor flat, but when I finally plucked up the courage to ask her on a date, it was the person who attracted me more. Three years ago, she got a job as a Housing Officer, helping to accommodate other Eastern Europeans in Britain and my several...

3 years ago
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You ever fuck a cantaloupe I did

Immediately, I remembered the incest with my sisters; jacking off with a variety of things wrapped around my shaft; a couple of goats, which fit my cock about the same as my tight cunt sister-in-law; and…. The cantaloupe. Leo already knew about the incest with Mae and Jody... he was the one who started it all. We took turns with Mae many times, but I don’t she ever let Leo get into her panties. I got there… but that's not what this story is about. As we grew up, Leo and I often compared...

3 years ago
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Gunsmoke Girl

Tim was stepping out of his favorite Irish pub, he was a bit drunk and frustrated. He was glaring at his cellphone, he put it in his back pocket. He had a message from his girlfriend asking him where he was, he responded that he'd be home soon. His girlfriend was denying him his preferred sexual outlet, but it was alright he could masturbate. He had no right to be angry, a relationship isn't entirely about sex. Except that without the sex, it's really just a friendship. Someday she'd...

1 year ago
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Corey and I Number One

A few nights ago I went to a show with some of my girl friends. We're all really close, close enough that we feel comfortable holding hands and giving each other little pecks every now and then. But that is all completely irrelevant to this story. In the beginning of the night, my girlie friends and I were sitting at home debating on what we should do that night. We decided we would go to the local hot spot to see some of our area local bands play. We all take about an hour before leaving to...

2 years ago
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Padosan Ko Range Hath Pakda Aur Fir Choda

Namaskar adab mai akshit ludhiane ka rehne wala ek sidha sadha insaan. Vaise to meri girlfriend hai but usse kabhi chudai nhi ki. Kiss karna fingering krdeni ue sab am thi bt wo kabhi sex ke liye nhi mani. To bina time gvaye mai apni apne bare mein bta doo fair 5.9 height aur lund ka size 7.5 inch. Meri padosan ka naam seema hai vaise meri padosan ka ek bacha hai jo ki 12th class mein padta hai. Seema ka figure aisa hai ki koi bhi usse dekh ke ba chodne ke liye tadap uthe uske motte motte boobs...

1 year ago
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Work Slut Afternoon

The work slut had enjoyed our encounter and although initially embarrassed about letting me fuck her up the arse in the heat of the moment soon realised there was no need to be embarrassed at all. It was now clear to me she was an absolute slut but nobody but the two of us knew that and neither of us regretted what we'd done. Things progressed over the following weeks and we began spending lunches parked in secluded locations in her car. Some days she simply suck me off, other days we'd do the...

2 years ago
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Ana goes dogging at the beach

Anita convinced me to escape from the New York cold winter and spend some days at the Canary Islands, where we could enjoy very nice and warm weather, sunny days and sandy beaches.I accepted gladly; but then my sensual wife said she had chosen this destiny for us, because her girlfriend Helena had told her a secret.We could find for sure some dogging type action near the resort beach where we would stay in. Some other friends had told Ana it was true; mostly could be gay, but we could find also...

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Mom doing anything for kids has a new meaning 4

As we walked I told him what happened with his father. He was surprised to hear that is father was ok with me having a lover and he wanted to somehow be involved. Brian explained to me he had read something about cuckolding. Where a wife goes around having sex with others and the husband enjoys hearing about it and even watching. He said his father must enjoy being a cuckold. Brian said let’s tell him it’s me and just throw him out of your bed. I liked the idea but knew we could not be sure...

1 year ago
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After the Reunion Ch 16d

Saturday night, Sept 30, 2028“Anyone want to watch a home movie? I just happened to bring a good one with us,” Tanner said as the six of us stepped into our living room.He went straight to his laptop case and dug it out, hooking his HDMI up to our eighty-inch TV. Addie asked who would like something to drink and got the diet cokes and ice tea we asked for, except Michelle; apparently, she likes wine. We keep a couple of bottles in the house, hoping that they won’t go stale. They could as far as...

Wife Lovers
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The Good The Bad and the Molly Chapter Four1

"I didn't realize I needed a purpose." I answered her. "Don't you ever hang out with your friends after school or something?" "What friends?" she asked me with a sarcastic smile. "Nope. My best friends are my computer, my books, Khan Academy, Project Gutenberg and Duolingo." I chuckled to myself. "You know, my friends call me a stiff for working too hard." I told her, as if that fact in itself was a hilarious joke. "I need to introduce them to you sometime." "Try it...

2 years ago
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Our weekend

Our Weekend Part 1 – The Greeting It’s a beautiful warm Saturday morning and neither of us have our children, so it’s special time for both of us. You plan to be at my home around 10:00 am for a ‘fun filled’ weekend. I lay out our toys and place them where they are more easily reached. I also rig the straps for securing you to the bed …just incase. You arrive shortly before 10 and surprise me by wearing one of your spring dresses. I help you bring your travel bag in and then wrap my arms around...

2 years ago
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Mere Favorite Jiju Ne Choda 8211 Part 3

Hi friends, thanks for all your reply and comment. Mujhe ye jankar bohut khushi hui ki aap logo ko meri ye story itni achhi lagi. Please ek request hai. Main kisi se number share nahi karti. Main Nafeesa, aur aap yaha padh sakte hai. Main 23 saal ki hu. Mera figure 34-28-34 hai. Main fair hu aur slim bhi. Koi bhi ladka agar ek baar dekh le to tabhi hi uska lund khada ho jayega. Mujhe ladko ko tease karne mein bohut maza aata hai. Main bisexual hu mujhe ladke aur ladkiyo dono ke sath maza aata...

2 years ago
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To Reign in Hell Book 2 Hollywood Be DamnedChapter 11

Orlando certainly knew how to suck my dick, which made me wonder how he knew that, but I didn’t ultimately care. I enjoyed his oral skills for sure and also liked watching him take a strap-on dildo from Emma Watson right up his arse. It was even more entertaining when I made her grow a cock temporarily herself and bugger him with that instead. Orlando completely yielded to the pleasure of being sodomized by Emma that way, just as he did when I entered his bum from behind myself. He was busy...

4 years ago
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Trapped Trained and Twisted Pt 02

He forced me to repeat my rules over and over again for an incomprehensible amount of time as a mix of fear and anger continued to burn inside my exposed little body. I heard the words escape my parched lips "I am The Cunt" and "you are my Master" over and over again until the phrases lost all meaning. Despite the mantras flowing robotically from my mouth, the only thoughts in my head were of my friends and family. Surely someone was looking for me. Certainly the police must be on the case...

3 years ago
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 41 The Presentation

When Albert found himself alone with Monte Cristo, "My dear count," said he, "allow me to commence my services as cicerone by showing you a specimen of a bachelor's apartment. You, who are accustomed to the palaces of Italy, can amuse yourself by calculating in how many square feet a young man who is not the worst lodged in Paris can live. As we pass from one room to another, I will open the windows to let you breathe." Monte Cristo had already seen the breakfast-room and the salon on...

2 years ago
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The TutorChapter 7

The Hatchett clearly was looking for a confrontation, but in this I felt I had the advantage in that I knew what the school rules were with regards to punishments and the Hatchett had clearly overstepped the bounds. Still, best to let het dig her own grave. “And just what is this?” she demanded. “A word in private, Miss Hatchett ... please,” I demanded in freezing tones. “I’m sorry, but this girl is under discipline. I will have this resolved here and now!” she stated. “Not unless you...

1 year ago
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Whet Appetites Of Virtual Strangers

After luxuriously sleeping in one Saturday morning, I ate my usual breakfast of cold cereal and milk. Little did I know how hot my day would become. Logging on to my computer, I decided to check what's happening at Lavalife's Intimate Encounters section, the sexual portion of their site. Almost immediately, an online member whose nickname wasn't familiar, sent me a message and a backstage pass. Clicking on the pass revealed two pics, one clothed and one of what lay beneath. A handsome 40ish 6ft...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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On the farm

Joe and I have been friends for as long as I could remember. After all, his family was the closest humans to us for miles around. They were a large family, Joe being the third child out of five, and so he sometimes came over to help me, an only child, on the farm when my dad was away. One day, a few years back, my dad was away again for two whole days. I promised to do all of the farms chores, and waving goodbye to my dad, saw him drive away. 15 minutes later, Joe came. ‘Saw your dad driving...

3 years ago
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Glen WisemanChapter 10

Glen was surprised by the change of seasons. September seemed to come so fast and now it was almost over. Every afternoon was spent in the outbuilding that he had turned into a woodshop. He was now producing very nice quality furniture. He laughed as he recalled his early attempts. He kept the first one in a corner of the workshop. A number had ended up in the fireplace. He went over to his wood pile to see how he was holding up on his supply of wood. The supply had significantly dwindled...

3 years ago
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Star Trek the next penetration

Captain Jean-Luc Picard tossed restlessly about in his sleep. Dreams of attacks on the Federation by it's adversaries such as the Dominion, The Romulans and the Borg filled his head and made his slumbering form wince. His teeth u*********sly gnashed together as he dreamt of Federation ships being destroyed by his enemies photon torpedos and phasers and his fellows dying screams echoed in his ears. With a bloodcurdling yell he sat upright as fast as a shot, beads of sweat dripping from his...

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