The Busty Blonde Wives Of TitshurtChapter 2
- 3 years ago
- 22
- 0
I didn’t quite understood why my mother didn’t like the fact that I had become a photographer. At first it was just a hobby, but then one day a few miles from where we lived, there was an RTC: a Road Traffic Collision. And not a small one at that. I had been cycling home at the time and when the actual collision took place, I was about thirty meters away. I dumped my cycle, grabbed my camera for I always had it with me, and began shooting as fast as I could.
“Er, excuse me young man,” I felt a hand clamp my shoulders. Turning, I saw a traffic cop. You can always tell a traffic cop, their caps are white rather than black.
“What?” I asked, vaguely, wanting to get back to my shooting.
“You cannot be photographing this.”
“Oh. Sorry, erm, hang on,” I dropped my camera, it was on a strap around my neck so it didn’t fall, and grabbed my wallet. From it I pulled a business card and handed it over.
“Colin Pearce. Photographer,” read the policeman. “You’re not the press though, are you?” Then he frowned. “And you look a little young for that anyway.”
I was seventeen, and though I could probably pretend to be nineteen, any more was pushing it. I decided to ignore the second part of the policeman’s question, and concentrate on the first, it was easier. “I’m not employed by anyone, I’m freelance. I sell to the press, I do photographs for books, and I’ll let you have all the originals, and I’ll even sell them to the insurance companies as well if they want them.” Most of this was wishful thinking on my part, of course.
“You think we’ll pay for them?” asked the policeman angrily. He reached out to take my camera but I moved slightly away from him.
“I didn’t say I’d charge you,” I said, very annoyed and not hiding it. “I said I’d give them to you. Now. You get on with your job, and I’ll get on with mine.”
The copper stared at me hard. “Make sure I get all those photo’s before you leave,” he snapped.
Luckily I had my notebook in my bag as well, and before I gave my memory card to the police, I copied all the images off onto my notebook. Reluctantly, the traffic cop gave me a receipt for the card, though it took months, and many phone calls from both me and my father to eventually get the card returned. Sadly no one else would pay me for those photo’s, but I was called into court to give evidence about them.
That episode led to me taking up photography in a far more professional way. Mostly I did specific assignments. I’d have loved to be doing sports photography. Football was particularly hard to get into, but rugby and cricket were almost as difficult. I started out with, of all things, women’s hockey. As an eighteen year old, this wasn’t easy, but by the time I was twenty I had become known locally as a good photographer.
Sadly, I wasn’t to stay in sport, I was too interested in photographing the people, rather than the action, and this meant I took photo’s that the sports editors couldn’t use. They could however, be used by any number of other people, including both gossip and fashion, as well as just what became known as ‘life’ shots. Photographs of people doing ordinary things. While this ‘carelessness’ on my part lost me one job, it did teach me a valuable lesson about separating what I wanted to photograph, from what I was being paid to photograph.
Ultimately this meant I started doing local fashion shows, and similar, and soon catalogues. This was the ultimate in boredom. I hated doing these, but I had learned well, and they paid my bills. And truth be told I was good at them, and got regular contracts. It was these in particular Mum hated me doing, but she wouldn’t say why.
“Urgh,” I grunted, as the ringing phone pulled me from my sleep. I grabbed the handset. “Ugh?” I grunted into the mouthpiece.
“Colin,” came the voice of my agent. “You’re needed in an hour at the Tower Studio. They’re prepared to pay you one point two times your normal rate.”
“I’m in bed,” I muttered. “I only finished work at midnight.”
“It’s ten am,” came the brusque reply.
My eyes opened in surprise, and I stared blearily at the clock on my bedside table. The digital read-out said 9:58.
“Oh fuck. Can’t get there for eleven. Make it twelve.”
“Soon as you can after eleven,” came the reply.
I just grunted my assent. I wasn’t a morning person. Not voluntarily.
“Thank you my love,” said my agent cheerily.
“Sod off Sharon,” I muttered, but she just laughed and hung up.
Sharon Acorn was my agent. She was sixty five, not even slightly attractive, and a cougar. Fortunately I’d been warned about her predatory nature, and so far hadn’t been caught. However by stringing her along just enough, without ever promising anything, she got me lots of work. Luckily she also had a good sense of humour, so when I told her to sod off, or bugger off, or I called her a bastard or a bitch to her face, she just laughed it off. She was a bitch, but she was also extremely good at her job, and found me more than enough work to enable me to pay to do the photography I wanted to do, that no one would pay me to do. For that I put up with her occasional early morning calls, and her slightly more frequent wandering hands. I did wonder why, when a woman does it to a man it’s called teasing, or fun, or a come-on but when a man does it to a woman it’s called sexual harassment.
I got there at twenty past eleven, only to be told the shoot wasn’t expected to start until twelve, so I was about on time. It always took me about thirty minutes to get set up, so I liked to arrive forty minutes early so that I wasn’t rushing, and had a chance for a coffee or a loo break.
“Ahhhh! Bitch,” I said angrily. Luckily the woman I was talking to knew I wasn’t referring to her.
“But you love me none-the less,” came Sharon’s voice behind me. I turned and glared at her, but her permanently cheerful, over made-up, face always made me smile anyway. As per normal she was dressed as if she was a glamorous forty-year old. I just shook my head resignedly. She had done this to me before, but not often, and it had got me here on time, even if I had been rushing.
“What is it today?”
“Catalogue work. Lingerie.”
“Oh fuck.” I didn’t like catalogue work, and particularly hated lingerie. Strange as it may sound, it was boring. I was a twenty-four year old male with a healthy libido. But I still found it boring. I worked out, so was fit, and not to be blunt about it, I was good looking. I had my fair share of girls, more than that maybe. The models were attractive, even sexy, but taking half a dozen photographs of a girl wearing a pair of knickers or a bra, then having her go off and change while a second, then third came out in different pairs, sometimes identical just in a different colour, for exactly the same shots was mind numbingly boring. Now I knew why they were paying over the normal rate. It wasn’t. It was the standard rate for the job.
I glared at Sharon again. She just smiled beatifically at me, and left me to setup my camera.
“Bollocks, bollocks, bollocks, bollocks,” I muttered.
“I know what you mean,” said another voice.
I turned, startled. “Oh, hi Ade.” Adrian, or Ade, was my regular gopher, and sometime backup. He wasn’t as good as me at this sort of work, but neither of us cared. His photographic interests were different. He liked photographing insects and other creepy crawlies, and close-ups of flowers and webs covered in dew, and other such crap that just left me cold. And he was damn good at it and made money on it. As such, I didn’t consider him a worse photographer than me, just different. We got on very well together, and when we weren’t working, were either talking cameras and accessories, or talking about the next projects we wanted to do. Even if I wasn’t interested in what he was photographing, the techniques and equipment were interesting.
The first model came out, and started to pose in front of me, but then her hands went in front of her crotch. “Colin?” she said, shock in her voice.
I looked up. “Mum?” I gasped. I had found out why my mother hated the fact that I was a photographer.
My mum was forty-five. I knew she had a nice figure, but I never really thought about it. She was pretty in an understated way. She also couldn’t swim, so I had never seen her in a bikini or swim suit.
My jaw dropped. Her body, from toe to neck could have been that of a twenty-year-old. Only her face suggested older. The clever makeup she was now wearing, made her look ten years younger than she really was.
“Oh shit,” I gasped.
The director stormed up,
“What the fuck’s going on here?” He demanded.
“I can’t work in front of this photographer,” Mum sighed. She didn’t say it in a nasty way, for which I was slightly relieved.
“Why not?” he demanded.
“Because she’s my mother,” I said grumpily.
There was a long pause.
There was another long pause as the director mulled things over. He turned to Ade. “Can you do Stephie’s shots?”
“Haven’t got my kit with me.”
“Use Colin’s,” he snapped, then saw the look on both our faces. “What?”
“We don’t loan,” I said. “I use Canon, he uses Nikon. They’re just as good as each other, but they’re very different. It would take Ade an hour to learn how to use my camera even close to properly. Plus, I’ll have mine set up differently to how he likes his set up.”
“Surely they’ll be set up the same for the same shoot?”
Ade shook his head. “Nope. Even on an identical camera, two photographers will set up their cameras different for the same shot.”
“Well, work something out between you. We haven’t got time.” He glared at my mother. “This is a professional shoot. You’re a professional model,” that I had never known, just that she worked in fashion, “he’s a professional photographer. You’re both professionals, deal with it.”
“Sorry, Mum,” I said, sighing deeply. “I didn’t know.”
She shook her head, also sighing. “Very well,” she muttered, though she was unhappy about the situation.
She went back to her position and started her poses again. I think we were both rattled because it took me nearly a dozen shots to get the first, frontal shot, correct. I pulled myself together so that it now took the more usual half dozen or so shots to get the rear view. And it was a gorgeous rear view.
Normally by the end of these sessions I was tired and irritable. This time I was also horny. All three models quickly knew Stephie and I were mother and son, and at first very kindly they did two sets each to my mother’s one set. But that was tiring for them too, so by the end my mother just gritted her teeth and did her share of the work.
Looking at my mother’s gorgeous figure wearing just knickers and bra was getting me aroused. So much so that for once I found even the other girls were getting me horny as well. I was going to have to do something about that as soon as I got home. Sadly I was between girlfriends, and I happened to know that one of the two other models on the shoot had a big burly husband, the other a similarly built boyfriend. I had picked up a model or two in the past, not this time. I was going to have to use Rosy Palm and her five daughters.
I got home, and all I could think about was my mother’s figure. I could just imagine her pussy in those sexy knickers. Her boobs in those bra’s. Fuck me. For the first time ever I was going to masturbate thinking about my mother.
The buzzer went just as I had grasped my huge boner.
“Shit, fuck, shit.” I banged the button. “What?”
“It’s your mother, dear. Let me in please.”
“Mum,” I cried, frustrated. “Fuck,” I thought. I jabbed the release button, and grabbed my boxers and my dressing gown while I waited for her to come up the three flights of stairs to my flat.
“I was just about to get in the shower,” I grumbled when I let her in.
“A cold shower,” she laughed.
I just glared at her and closed the door.
“Look,” she said, “I know you were horny. I couldn’t help but see it. The other girls noticed it too.”
“Shit, Mum, I’m sorry.”
“That’s all right babe. It happens.”
“Not on that sort of shoot, not to me.”
“I know love.”
I gave a big sigh, my erection now mostly history. “I’m sorry,” I said. “I didn’t know you would be there. Hell, I didn’t know you modelled.”
She gave a huffing laugh, and nodded. “I usually don’t show my face. It doesn’t really fit my bod.”
I laughed, marginally more relaxed now. “No. Sharon never told me you would be there.”
“She doesn’t know we’re related, and in any case I use a modelling name. I’m Stephie Wilks. Wilks is my maternal grandmother’s maiden name.”
“Ah. That makes sense then.” I shrugged. “Sorry though, but I’ve still never heard of you.”
“That’s all right. But we’d better check in future who we’ll be working with.”
“Yeah. What type of work do you do?”
“Almost entirely lingerie. But mostly those photo’s where my head isn’t showing.”
“Okay. Um. Sit. Coffee?”
She shook her head. Thanks. I’m not gonna stay long. Your Dad’s away for two nights so I was planning on having an early tea with Joanne, then an early night.” Joanne was my ‘baby’ sister.
“She doesn’t model as well does she?” I asked suddenly feeling a touch of panic. Joanne had Mum’s figure, she did wear bikini’s, but she also had the face to go with the body.
Mum smiled slightly, and shook her head. “No. I tried to persuade her a couple of years ago, but only until you started doing fashion photography. She just wasn’t interested. To be honest I think she’s too shy for that sort of work.”
I just nodded. Joanne wasn’t shy at all, but if that’s what Mum wanted to believe, that was okay by me. Barely three months later, Joanne joined the Royal Navy. That relieved me slightly, as modelling while being a member of the armed forces was strictly prohibited. Those caught, and there were usually a few a year, were almost always summarily dismissed. I knew Joanne wouldn’t want that.
“So apart from lingerie, what else do you do?”
Mum blushed hard. “Er. Nothing. Just lingerie.”
I frowned at mum’s sudden nervous reaction. “Oh. You said mostly just lingerie.”
“Oh. Er. Er. Er.” Her shoulders slumped.
“Mum?” I asked, puzzled.
“I do some work for Ann Summers,” she whispered.
I laughed. “Ah. Sexier lingerie. Very sexy lingerie.”
Her shoulders drooped even more.
“Oh,” I said.
She nodded. “I also do sex toys and things like that,” she whispered.
My boner was back harder than ever. “Does Dad know?”
She just nodded. “He has no problem with any of it.”
“Even the...”
“Even those.”
She looked up at me. “You’re horny again.” She said simply.
I could only nod.
“So am I.”
She stood and opened her long coat. I hadn’t thought about the fact that she was wearing a long coat: it was a very cold November day and it made sense. I gasped. Under it she was wearing high heels, stockings and suspenders, knickers and bra, and nothing else. And they were a very sexy, erotic, set. Not one of the sets I had photographed earlier, some of which had been sexy in their own way, but were, for the most part, just ‘ordinary’ knicker and bra sets.
“Holy fuck, Mum,” I gasped.
She smiled and slowly let her coat drop to the floor. I stood and let my dressing gown drop also. Mum could now see my boner tenting my boxers.
“Good,” she whispered. “I’ve been wanting to see that properly for the last four hours.”
I could only stare at her. Her smile widened and she stepped closer to me. Instinctively I wrapped my arms around her. Suddenly we were kissing frantically. In her high heels, Mum was as tall as I was, and I was six foot.
I pressed my hard on against her flat belly, one hand going onto a tight bum cheek. Her arms went around me. Moments later she was pushing my boxers down below my hips. I gave a little shimmy and let them fall to the floor, stepping out of them and kicking them across the room. Now my hard cock was pressing directly onto her skin. I slid my hand into her backside, only twigging then that she was wearing thong knickers. I already knew she had pubic hair, some of the knickers I had photographed her in earlier, had been at least partly transparent, and I’d seen the dark outline. Now, as I laid her down onto my bed, I could see that she had a small, circular, patch of pubes just above her slit.
I twitched her bra off, to reveal two gorgeous little boobies, probably no more than a C cup, and very firm. For ten minutes I just played with her body, kissing, licking, sucking, stroking, caressing. Starting at her mouth, and moving slowly down her neck to her boobs, and then to her navel.
Eventually I moved lower, and Mum’s gasps and moans got loader and more intense. Her pussy looked gorgeous. It tasted just as good and for ages, I’ve no idea how long, I just kissed and licked her pussy; teasing her clit, then pushing my tongue deep inside her, then kissing her labia.
After I had brought her to two gasping climaxes, I loved watching her tummy bounce as I licked and nuzzled her clit while she orgasmed, she grabbed my head and pulled me up. “I want you inside me,” she gasped.
I wanted exactly the same, and stroked my rock hard bell end against her sodden labia, finding the correct angle. Mum wasn’t interested in slow. She reached around me, grabbed my arse checks, and pulled. It took two moves, but then I was as deep inside her as I could get. We both gasped.
“Oh fuck,” I whispered. I was inside my own mother. My cock was inside my own mother’s cunt. I was having sex with my own mother. My brain just went into meltdown.
“Oh baby,” replied Mum.
I stared into her face, and then began the small thrusting motions.
“Harder, faster,” gasped Mum.
“Oh god, oh god,” I gasped as my climax quickly worked its way up my body. “I’m gonna come.”
“Come for Momma,” whispered Mum, her hips banging against mine as she frantically strove to both bring me off and to come herself.
I gasped, froze and felt my cock expand and spit out three, four, five huge globs of spunk deep into her body. I collapsed onto her, our hips still slowly thrusting back and forth. Mum grinned at me. “Good?”
“Very,” I gasped back. “Amazing. You?”
She nodded. “Happy. Very happy.” She paused. “Again?”
Well I couldn’t be that bad if she wanted me a second time. I nodded.
“Good. Take me from behind.”
I pulled free of her and helped her over onto her hands and knees. Entering her from behind was very different, yet just as amazing. I reached over her and grabbed her boobs as I thrust into her. She had one hand on her crotch, stroking herself and me as I thrust hard and fast. I swept her long dark hair aside and kissed the back of her neck. She shuddered, moaning in delight. “Yes,” she whispered. “Do that again.”
We fucked, hard and fast, and though by the end I hadn’t come for a while, and wasn’t going to come again any time soon, Mum did, regularly and repeatedly. “I love what you are doing to me,” she told me. “Your Dad is an amazing lover, but he likes it slow and gentle. He still manages to surprise me and keep me aroused, and that’s good, but I love it hard and fast, and he’s not very good at that. That’s why I wouldn’t let you just make slow love to me. Your Dad does that perfectly. I want hard fast shags off you.”
I giggled. Hey, I was exhausted. “But I like it slow as well,” I said.
“Get that off your girlfriends,” she laughed.
“Between girlfriends at the moment,” I said with a wry smile.
“Aww, poor baby.”
She rolled onto her back, pulled me on top of her, slid me inside. The feeling as my belly pressed and moved against hers as we slowly began to make love was amazing. It was slow and gentle and loving and tender. And it was wonderful. When we finally both came to a soft but intense orgasm, some while later, we both just collapsed, completely exhausted.
I managed a glance at the clock. We had now been doing this almost ninety minutes. Eventually Mum stirred and pushed me away. “I really must go,” she whispered. “Joanne will be wondering where I am.”
I nodded, and even though I was exhausted, helped her up and pushed her gently into my shower. I left her to it while I went and made a coffee.
“Oh thank you love,” she said as she came out, fully dressed. Her jeans and tee-shirt must have been in her bag. Even her high heels had been replaced by more comfortable trainers.
I caressed her thigh softly. “Aww,” I said with a laugh. “No stockings and suspenders.”
Mum smiled and shook her head. “Same knickers and bra though.”
My cock twitched at that, and as I was still naked, Mum spotted it and smiled. She stroked it gently. “Next time,” she said softly. “I want to suck it.”
I smiled. Next time? That made my cock twitch again, and Mum’s smile grew wider.
After she had left, I showered, then collapsed onto the sofa in the livingroom.
“Holy fuck,” I whispered. “What a body.” I wondered at the fact that I had never realised my mother still had the body of someone over twenty years her junior. Hell, in my work I’d seen models more than twenty years her junior with bodies there weren’t as good as hers. That was amazing, but what was mind blowing, was what we had then done. What she had let me do. What we had both wanted to do. “Why on Earth did...” I muttered to myself. “How ... Oh fuck but she’s horny.”
I still had the photographs I had taken, I still had to work on them for the client. When I loaded them all onto the computer, I fired up GIMP and began to work. I knew the first few photo’s were of Mum, and at least the next four sets weren’t, but after that I started to get lost. When all you could see was from mid calf to below the ribs, it was very hard to tell the models apart. It had never bothered or interested me in the past. This time I was curious. Eventually I worked out which was Mum by comparing navel’s. Since I knew the first one was Mum’s I soon knew which were the photo’s of Mum. I could tell the other two apart as well, but was unable to put a face to a body until I suddenly realised that only one model had allowed her face to be shown when wearing a bra. After that I just matched bra to knickers, face to bra, and navel to knickers, and soon had separated the three out. I’d never done this before, but this time, for some reason, it felt important.
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"Sit here... yes that's right. Now let me place my thigh on your shoulder." Her father stood in front of her. Encased in mesh sheath, his huge erect manhood was pointing towards her face, the knob clearly visible. When he placed his left thigh on her shoulder, Angel just sank downwards because his thick solid thigh was too heavy for the young girl. "Oh Angel, I'm sorry." "Your thigh is too heavy for my shoulder, daddy... and for this exercise." Angel thought she could avoid doing...
You are invited to my birthday party on my private yacht, celebrating my 26th birthday. I hope to see you the 28th of this month at Paradise Haven. We depart at 23.00 and will go back to shore when the sun comes up. I hope to see you then! Sincerely, Carlos The music was loud, but by now the ship was so far off shore it was impossible for anyone to hear you. You were standing on the main deck with a glass of wine you weren't going to finish when Carlos decided to give a toast. He got up onto...
December 27, 1984, Rutherford and McKinley, Ohio “Marie, this is my friend Dale Melrose. Dale, this is my friend Marie De Santis.” I could tell by the look on Dale’s face he was VERY attracted to Marie, and knowing Marie, she’d be more than happy to entertain him, if that’s what he wanted. “Dale,” Jocelyn said, “this is my boyfriend, Bill Ebersole. Bill, Dale.” They shook hands and I suppressed a chuckle at the thought that Dale didn’t look at Bill the same way he had at Marie. We walked...
So my pregnant girlfriend is always telling me how unspontanus I am and how we need to do something worth wild. So I was thinking to myself wats more worth wild than a THREESOME. So I took her to a hotel room and we had fun and went to sl**p little did she know I had something waiting for her the next morning. The next more she woke up with me and another guy licking on her lucious brown nipples. So she starts to moan and and move around. The guy went down and started to lick her pussy and...
Author's note: Katrina is still in medical school. The significance of herpsychiatric training and practice will reveal itself in subsequent episodes.This is Katrina's 1 st episode (obviously), and myfirst story. Feedback is very welcome. I will consider it carefully. Feel freeto email me directly with suggestions. If you prefer f/f only content (my personalfavorite), you can skip this episode and head straight to Episode II – HerTrue Nature. The first two episodes are, for the most part,...
Sherry wasn't listening to her father's sermon. She'd never listen to his sermons ever again. Not after what she'd seen. He was a hypocrite. This morning she had gone to her father's office looking for some reference material for the Sunday School class she was to teach after the sermon was done. She hadn't been prying but, in a desk drawer, she noticed the corner of a photo peeking out from a file folder and, idly curious, she had looked in the folder. At first Sherry thought she'd...
Cindy’s turn: “Weren’t you here, like, a couple of weeks ago?” That was Barry Rotkopf, the FAA designated flight examiner at the big airport in Mobile. “Feels like it,” I smiled. “Yet here I am again.” “Wally warned me. He says if I pass you for your commercial, he’s coming gunning for me. Show me your driver’s license.” I whipped it out and put it on the desk in front of him. ““Good, Lord, Cindy, you’re eighteen years and ONE DAY old.” “I didn’t want to dawdle,” I said. “You’re gonna...
BethAnn stood in shock, unable to understand how something so beautiful as this albino stag she was staring at could ever kill anything, let alone a man. Colin saw that confusion in her eyes through the gray light of early morning and was about to explain. But he remembered why they'd come in the first place, and if the two didn't get to the prone figure laying in the middle of the meadow, their trip would be for nothing. Now having a confirmed direction in their search, Colin crept over...
I. Introduction I stood in the kitchen watching the water slowly drip from the faucet. The girls were in the living room, cuddled on the couch, whispering, waiting. Pet was doing what she could to soothe Kasey. Pet knew what was coming, Kasey on the other hand, did not have the slightest idea. On top of the dresser in my room I kept a wooden box about 10 inches wide by 12 inches long, it was a simple box with a simple hasp. No locks, no complicated mechanism to open it and free it of its...
Tracey had small pert breasts and although she was not tall, slim shapely legs. She had a neatly trimmed bush. (I now had proof she was a real blonde).Tracey walked to me and kissed me slowly. Her tongue darted in and out of my mouth and I responded passionately. My cock was again becoming hard and my hands began to explore her lovely body. As we kissed I felt hands undo my trousers and begin to lower them. Dave’s hands ran up and down my legs and stoke my thighs. I loved the feel of his rough...
You sit at home on an early Monday morning, exhausted from not having any sleep. Your room rests underneath your single mother's, which was occupied by her and a random fuck buddy. They were at it all night, and neither you nor your sister could get a wink of sleep. "Mom.. I should kill you." You say, hiding your head under your pillow to keep the light from the window to get in your face. You've had this thing since you were a child, that you couldn't go to sleep if there was a bit of...
IncestI felt terribly guilty for what I'd done... not only because I'd cheated on Val but also because I thought I'd taken unfair advantage of my innocent secretary. Or was she? Right then she was lying limply under me like she was unconscious except that she was sort of sobbing and her cunt gave an occasional squeezing twitch on my deflating cock. "Joe... hanh... Joe... hanh... you know you were first, don't you? I... hanh... never did it... hanh... before." Irene blubbered as tears...
This is a story about an ex-girlfriend of mine, she was 5'4 with an athletic body due to her spending all her free time dancing as she belonged to a dance company. We were in highschool at the time and were in abosolute lust with eachother. We never had a date where our hands were inside eachothers pants. She loved to slide her hand down my jeans and grab my dick, she would work her hand down to the tip and check for precum and if she found some she would lick it off her fingers, that was...
THE ARABIAN NIGHTS VIRTUAL WORLD In the not too distant future holiday trips to virtual worlds will become a reality. This story is based on a trip to one such created world. To work the worlds would of course have there own rules and the very good ones would feel just as real as reality itself. Whilst the worlds would all have some emergency escape option, it is probable for realism that these would be difficult to access. The visitor would most likely exit via a certain portal...
It was approaching five o’clock at night on Friday 17th May. There was the normal crowd of drivers hanging around the duty clerk, pushing and shoving and I was just another one, hoping that I wouldn’t be called upon for a last minute weekend duty. We were stationed just outside Londonderry, we were just over halfway through a two-year tour of duty and we were all dog-tired. The hours were long, and there was an intense amount of boredom that only got broken by sheer terror if things went wrong,...
Jacob answered, "We are really sorry if we have done something wrong. We are new to this sector of the galaxy, so we do not know the proper procedures. Please advise us what to do." "OK, now I understand. The first thing we have to do is to get you out of that emergency lane you are blocking. Can you navigate in close quarters?" "Yes, I am sure that we can do what is needed. Just give me the coordinates of where you want us relative to our current position. We will move as soon as you...
Despite her therapist urging her to stay away from dangerous men, Moka cannot. She’s got a thing for her Dad’s married friend, Ryan and no amount of warning is going to stop her. She shows up at his office, closes the door, and after a weak attempt at resistance, Moka reaches for Ryan’s belt buckle and immediately yanks out his thick cock. Ryan’s wife isn’t even an afterthought as he plunges into Moka’s sweet, tight pussy. With her sneakered feet wrapped...
xmoviesforyouWhen my girl friend Debbie broke up with me I was devastated. She said she wanted a real man not an eighteen year old wimp like me. She admitted she had been fucking my best friend Jason soon after I met her and he was much better than me. Debbie also told me that I had to get out immediately so that Jason could move in with her. Finally she said that she still wanted to be friends, and to show me there was no hard feelings she arranged for me to stay with our friends Brad and Tammy. Instantly...
When I was in college many years ago I unwittingly seduced a lesbian one cold night. That experience changed my life forever and made me the woman that I am today. How did I manage that? Well, it all started my freshman year in 1984. It was required for all first-year students to live on-campus and fate gave me Karen for a roommate.It was a long time before the internet, cell phones, and iPads that made our world a little bit smaller. It was the lack of those devices that helped to keep me in...
LesbianShe lay passively beneath him as he continued to screw her. She smiled up at him periodically as he slowly drove his eight inch cock into her. She couldn’t help but think about her other man, her David—and yes he was still that on some level—about how he had been raped and beaten to give pleasure to other men, evil men. She felt guilty about the pleasure she felt being with Ronald, her Ronald. He was wonderful as a bed partner, far better than her David. But, David had been good too, in other...
By Sunday morning I was almost glad to be getting rid of my niece. I guess "rid of" isn't the right thing to say but I didn't want to get in trouble and I really didn't think it was my place to take her virginity, even though I almost had a few times over the past two days.But she was such a doll! Who wouldn't be driven to distraction by her curly red hair, tight little tits and, now, hairless pussy! What a treat it had been to enjoy her youthful body, especially her tight little asshole! Yes,...
I was a little anxious this was the last day of my training with the company, it was the very first call that I was doing on my own. If I passed I would get the uniform, and the company van. I had been given an identity pass just in case I had any problems. My Supervisor stayed in the car talking to his wife on his mobile. I knocked on the door o number 22, and a very attractive blonde young lady answered the door. “Hello…. I am here ………….” “Yes honey I know why you are here!” She said with a...
EroticHi….a continuation from the last story encounter….Tanya took my hand and leads me to the bathroom. She went to the cupboard and got a towel and placed it on the rack. I must admit for a lady of her age she has a fantastic body and a nice thick ass which I do love. She got the shower ready and told me to get in. ’Oh I forgot something Ben I’ll be right back’. While waiting I casually washed myself with a sponge and liquid body wash. I looked down @ my cock and it was semi hard again and getting...
Everyone began to disentangle themselves from their lovers, bodies sliding against each other, as the various couples tried to sit up. The four older couples glanced at the younger ones, and then averting their eyes in embarrassment, collected themselves and quickly made for the door. The three younger couples watched them leave, bemused. “Aahhh, that was so incredible,” signed Ayame. “My pussy still tingles. Ooohh! I’m leaking! Roger, bad boy! Oohh, get wipes!” Denise had already scurried...
Introduction: sorry its really short please ignor typos Im on my phone!!!! I had liked my friend tiana since we were 14, we always hung out and she was the only person who understood me. Soon, whenever I masturbated I would think of her. She has huge tits and a nice figure I always imagined fucking her. one day when we were 16, I couldnt take it any longer!!! She came to my house and nobody was home. I took my chance. we went up to my room and as soon as we got there I tackled her onto my bed....
In the summer of 1974, there were no cell phones, porn movies were rare and boys learned about sex from d**g store magazines and their families. In my case, there was a weekend with Grammy……------------------------------------------------Grammy was 39 when I was born, so this happened when I she was about 50 (you do the math). I was spending the weekend with her as Mom and Dad were going on a business / vacation trip and my sister was spending the weekend at our cousin’s home (they were all...
STORY EDITED BY ALESSANDRO_ALEX I lay in bed all night long trying to figure out this feeling that I had in my stomach. Something was bothering me, but I could not for the life of me make out what it was. Had I done something wrong? Normally when I do something wrong and I feel guilty about it, I get sick to my stomach. Could it be that I secretly went to a party that I was not allowed to be at and slept with some strange man? My mind then wandered to the masked man who had taken my innocence....
IncestMaura watched as the white flakes swirled in the air, never seeming to settle. The scene before her was not serene; it was not the cold and still New Years Eve scene with which she had grown up. The curtain in her hand was thick--synthetic and cheap. And that was truly what brought her back from those lonely c***dhood days where her world inside was just as lonely and still as the snow covered gardens behind her home."It's getting worse," she said quietly before turning back to room, to Jane...
This morning was not much different from yesterday morning, except that I had another body snuggled to my other side. Mildred had her head on my shoulder and a leg thrown across my other leg. She, too, had an arm thrown across my waist, pulling her as close as possible. The dogs weren't moving around, so they didn't need out yet. I listened intently to hear if Ben was doing the chores yet. This was comfortable. I had never thought about waking up in the morning with a woman lying next to...
One of the most frequent questions I get asked is to do with timescales and training steps / goals / milestones etcIn my experience there are no hard and fast rules and so much depends on your target and how heterosexual and macho they think they are, the greater their alpha quotient the longer it will likely take, unless you can accelerate by fair means or foul. (Photo 'blackmail' can accelerate things nicely)From an entirely personal space my big thing is control and domination, can't explain...
Sitting in the garden reading my book enjoying the beautiful day. Elise bringing the phone “Excuse me Mistress but Master Agnar is need of you.” , wondering why he is calling me so soon before our fall conclave which is never like him. Listening to Agnar tell me about one of his clients who is in need of a slave for the weekend, “Agnar you know I don’t have any in my clique” I told but he said he might have one for me this weekend for a particular client that shares the same interests as...
Beautiful soul Drabbles,Poetry - Sentimental - Autobiographical - In Hiding - Rating G - Complete yes - Age N/A Not quite poetry but cryptic prose describing self discovery. A bit morbid at first but is quite a nice read with a good message. Waiting... What am I waiting for? My whole life I've been waiting. I just want to sleep I'm so tired I can't sleep, I lay in bed, my mind writhing over everything, and yet nothing. I hug my panda teddy tighter and try to ignore the...
i begged for joe's huge throbbing penis as he teased me by rubbing his cock on my tight strechty hole he entered me and i let out a yell of pleasure as his juicy, throbbing cock continued to penetrate further up my ass hole i backed into his cock until all of his cock was inside of me we yelled in pleasure and in harmony as he thrusted his cock in and out of me i felt my cock begin to stiffen as he thrusted harder and harder into me until my cock could not get any harder and was throbbing in...
The next day after school Mom heard me coming and shouted from the back of the house, "Take your clothes off and meet me in the living room?" After getting undressed I carefully folded my clothes and set them by the couch. It felt weird to be sitting there naked ... OK I knew Mom was right and I was suppose to act this way but I still wasn't used to it. Mom came in holding something at her side. She looked at me and smiled while gently pushing me back so that I was sitting a corner of...
My Wife Erica And Our Friend JackThis is the most basic story you can get. A guy decides to give in to his wife's fantasy of seeing him with another guy, and soon learns that its his fantasy too. As with other stories posted in here, it can get extremely racy at times. If issues of sexuality bother or disturb you, then don't read this.I guess like a lot of guys my college years were marked by chance occasions with other men. Awkward glances in the lavatory turned to smiles, which then turned to...
Sonja insisted on going for the marriage license the very nest day. Her parents arrived at the town hall and signed her away. She held on to that piece of paper like it was made of gold. The wedding was set for the Saturday after next. Her parents would arrange for a hall next to the church for the reception. It was a difficult time for me, despite the fact that Sonja had known all along what was going on in our house, I felt uneasy about Paul's sexual behavior. Strangely, Sonja didn't seem to...
EroticFLASHBACK “You are being consigned to the Stables, Belle.” It was Madame Vesta who spoke ... and Belle shuddered at the hideous impact of the words. This was the fate most dreaded by all the slave-girls of Quireme. But it was never escaped by those who were fit and strong, tall and well-built. As Belle was. Very much so. She had an almost irrepressible urge to fling herself at Madame Vesta’s booted feet and beg and plead for escape. But, not only was she aware that it would be quite useless,...
This is the story of the glorious night when my panty fetish first started. I am 18 and at my high school there is a teacher that i have had a crush on for a very long time. She is tall, medium length brown hair, beautiful legs, an amazing ass and the perfect (and i mean perfect) tits. Now this is where it really gets good, she is my best friends Mum. One night I went over to his house, she took us from the school back to the house where she immediately started downing a few beers. My friend...
Fetish?Not Guilty, Mr. Smith you are found innocent of the charges against you and are free to go?. He breathed a sigh of relief, he knew it was coming but was still relieved by the verdict. Now he knew it was time to rectify the situation, caused by little Ashley. Ashley had worked at Jackie Smith’s restaurant and had caught his attention, 5’5? 130 with nice, youthful, but nice curves. She always wore tight black pants, and whenever Jackie was around she would bend and move as provocatively...
MyHentaiPorn! Sometimes you need to pay for quality content. Oh, don’t get all pissed off. You shill out money each month to your favorite titty streamers, so it only makes sense that you’d have to pony up some dosh for a quality hentai experience. A lot of work goes into that shit. Realistic titty physics and fuck scenes don’t just draw themselves. So, if you’ve got some cash burning a hole in your pocket and want to get the best, uncensored hentai porn experience that you can then you should...
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