- 3 years ago
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Jenny Marie Stephenson was tense. She could sense that her daughter, Dakota was too as the plane's wheels grabbed the pavement of the LaGuardia runway. Her heart fell into her stomach as the flaps behind the engines closed; reversing the thrust and thrusting them forward in their seats. It wasn't so much that she wasn't used to it or expecting it as much as it seemed to summarize the events of her life in the past few days.
Jenny had given up her own dreams of becoming a ballet dancer when she had found herself pregnant seventeen years ago. She had been on the brink of a promising career, only to have her dreams bashed with this surprise. She and her then boyfriend and now husband Joe decided to get married. They had been having marginal success as dancers in different ballet groups.
With her pregnancy, they had decided to go home to live with her parents in Kansas City. Joe was lucky to get a job with the local ballet company. It didn't pay much, but dreams die hard. Over the years, she and Joe had started their own ballet classes, teaching ballet, modern dance and jazz.
From the beginning, their daughter, Dakota seemed to have caught on quickly. With free classes from her parents, she showed plenty of promise. She and Joe had tried to channel her into music rather than dance. They paid for lessons in piano and violin, hoping she would take a different path. Dakota dutifully worked hard on her lessons, practicing several hours a day on each. But whenever she had spare time, she would go with her parents to the studio to mimic the other dancers.
By the time she had graduated from high school, she was only seventeen, and had managed to do it in three years. Each summer she had taken a full load of college classes too.
Jenny and her husband were disappointed to hear her say what they knew was coming; that she wanted to go to New York and try her hand at dancing. They knew she had promise, but just didn't want to see her go through all the rejection they had experienced. Dakota was expecting to go alone, but Jenny knew what life in New York could be like. She decided to go with her for a while; to see how things went. That left Joe at home alone to run the dance studio.
Jenny and her husband had agreed; he would run the dance studio for as long as it took Dakota to either make some inroads with this career, or give up and go back to college. Jenny had found a room. They had found a flat with two other girls; making the rent fairly cheap for New York standards.
Dakota was going to enroll in dance lessons during the evening. During the day she could go around the city for auditions. Jenny was going to go with her, to make sure she was safe. At night, they might both get a job, or she could continue with more classes. In the end, the plan was for her to perform with some ballet company in the evenings.
The first month went about as expected. Auditions were always hopeful; full of promise. The next job was right around the corner. Eventually, Jenny could envision them running out of money before Dakota found work. She had been confronted with this problem before; when she was young.
She had tried to ignore the problem; ignore the solutions. Now the problems were different. She needed desperately to make enough money to keep the two of them in New York.
Jenny had found a job as a waitress; at Guinevere's. It was a high end restaurant near the stadium. Lots of athletes came in during the off-season. She had plenty of propositions for all kinds of requests. Tips weren't coming in that well. The rent was due. Knowing what other girls her age had done when she was dancing, she decided there was little choice. Go in and look; see what it was like.
She had to go past it every day when she got off of the subway. It was an almost unseen store. It had a number on the door. That was it. The bouncer was huge. He stood by the door and didn't say anything. He just let her by. He knew the look; some fear; some trepidation; some curiosity.
He pulled out his cell phone and let the manager know. He was ready when she got to the top of the stairs. The hall widened. The floors were honed limestone. There was a large atrium with wooden pew seating in a rectangle for a waiting area. She sat. He watched her from the security camera. He watched her nervousness.
"Hello, I'm Rene; Rene Morel. How can I help you?" he asked as he extended both hands. His right hand grabbed hers. His left curled enthusiastically around her wrist.
"Older than any of the others," he thought to himself. Still, there was a grace and desperation that intrigued him. She was obviously a woman of taste, manners, possibly comfort. Why she would be here, he wondered.
"My name is Jenny; Jenny Marie Stephenson. I am here to see what kind of work you might have. She tried not to blink. It might signal desperation. I'm working for tips, and I am curious to see if there are places where I could get just a little more," she said as she tried to pull her hand from his without insulting him.
"Well, we are always open to the possibility of adding another person. You certainly seem to have the looks." He replied. Rene tried not to tip his hand; to appear too desperate.
He looked at this unique woman. Most of the girls who apply are half her age; dyed blond hair, surgically enhanced breasts; ridiculously short dresses; some tattoos, chewing gum and wearing gaudy jewelry.
This woman was easily forty. Her long reddish brown hair was woven into a French braid that stopped just above her waist. She had a gray, silk dress that stopped just above the floor. It buttoned down the front. The top two buttons or so were open; tastefully but not provocatively. The bottom buttons from the hem to just above the knee were also open. It was just enough to confuse him. Normal redheads did not tan. They freckle. This woman had a decent tan and the faintest of freckles. Does that mean her hair is dyed? Everything else about her suggested she was some freak of nature; real red hair, real boobs, what you see is what you get. He was pretty sure she had some lipstick; but other than that, no sign of makeup.
"Have a seat," he said as he gestured to the wooden pews. Jenn sat. Rene pulled an oak captain's chair around to face her. "Tell me about yourself and what you really want."
"I ... I ... I would like to make a little more money. Our rent is more than I am comfortable with. What kind of jobs do you have here?" she asked, almost innocently. Down deep, she knew.
It was a strip joint. It had been there since she was her daughter's age. Other dancers had supplemented their income here. She had been opposed to it when she was young. As a young girl, she was prepared to sacrifice her safety, her comfort for her principles. Now it was a little different.
Jenny did not want her daughter to be in the position of having to go home, in defeat, because they could not afford to live there. She wanted her daughter to have every chance to succeed.
Jenny sat there waiting for his response. She realized that her dress was riding up. She realized that her naked, tanned legs, when crossed, pushed the open part of her dress to the sides. As she gestured with her hands or shifted in her seat, each motion would cause the dress to ride up. "What to do?" she wondered. Normally, she would scoot up; pull her dress down and continue the conversation.
On the other hand, she was old enough to know that whenever she really wanted something enough, her looks usually got her through it. She sat there. She tried to ignore Renee's discreet glances. "Just this once," she told herself." It won't hurt.
"Well, Mrs. Stephenson, we never have enough dancers. " Jenn's heart almost stopped. That, deep down, was what she expected the offer to be. Now here it was. She gulped, trying to decide what to say.
"We have a waitress / hostess who I think is pregnant and beginning to show. We have an understanding with the girls that work here, that they are out when that happens."
"Oh, I think I would like to try that; could I?" she asked almost jumping at the chance to not be a dancer. Deep down, she knew how the dancers had to dress and what they had to do. She was relieved to find there would be an opportunity to be around the big tippers and not be almost naked.
"Well, Mrs. Stephenson, the job is almost the same. You won't be on stage; stripping, but your costume will be close. We are here to sell drinks. You are here to sell drinks. We expect you to be friendly and courteous. How are you with strangers?" he asked, trying not to stare at the sudden rise of her dress.
"I ... I ... I have taught ballet and modern dance for almost twenty years. I deal with all kinds of students; of all ages, and their parents. I feel I can be pretty diplomatic if I have too." How degrading, she thought; to have to justify herself to this man named after a fungi.
"It's one thing to tell a ten-year old to jump higher," he said. "It's one thing to tell a parent his child is too fat." It's another thing to try to get a half inebriated man to buy another drink when he is trying to get his hand up your dress. How are you with that, Mrs. Stephenson?" It was almost a snarl.
"I ... I ... I can ... can ... get used to the idea; if ... if ... if I have a chance. I really would like to have a chance at this job; if I can."
"Well, Mrs. Stephenson; let's see what you've got." The snarl was back; subtle, but still almost contemptuous.
"What ... what ... what do you want me to do?"...
"Take off those fucking clothes."
"Take off the fucking clothes; convince me."
"I ... I ... I thought you wanted me to serve drinks. I ... I ... thought a hostess seats people who are new guests."
"You are still in the sales business. You are the first person besides the bouncer to greet them. He tries to scare off anybody who might be trouble. You on the other hand are the first friendly face. When they see you, I want them to say: "Oh, fuck; if this is what the hostess looks like, what do the dancers look like?" It wasn't so much of a snarl now. He knew she was reluctant. He had to test her.
"What ... what ... what..."
"Take of the fucking clothes. Convince me I need to buy a drink," he said calmly.
Jenn thought for a while. She thought how she had missed her chance at fame. She thought about having to go home because of lack of money. She thought how being forced to go home would crush her daughter. She was forty. She had had her chance; whatever that might have been. She wasn't going to let her daughter miss what might come her way.
She parted the hands that had been folded on her lap. Hesitatingly she pushed her fingers to the edge of her dress; just above her knees. She grabbed the first button above her knee; trying to get the courage to push it through the eyelet. Her stomach was roiling. Her fingers were trembling.
"Stand up, Miss Stephenson."
It was like being called to the front of the class to give a speech. Actually it was worse. It was like going to the front of the class and giving the speech; naked.
Jenn put the back of her knees against the cold wooden pew and straightened her legs; levering her body up. She stood; with her hands crossed in front of her crotch; waiting for the command to be repeated; like maybe she hadn't really heard it. Somehow she had misunderstood. But she hadn't.
His eyes locked with hers. They said: "You heard what I said. Don't make me repeat." Jenny swallowed. She took a deep breath; then another, trying to summon the courage in her mind to make this helpless wife do what it had been told. "Do it if you know what's good for you." She told the woman who surely was not her.
Jenn's hands trembled. Her lip quivered, trying to decide where to start; top or bottom? Somehow, it was easier to start at the top. She looked at the floor as she pushed the first button through the first eyelet. She tried not to think about what she was doing. It will stop before my mind explodes; she told herself.
"Is ... is ... is this how I am expected to work? Surely you aren't going to make me work like this are you?" she stuttered.
"Probably not. Some amount of clothes are going to be more sensual than total nudity." He said. "On the other hand, I need to know how committed you are to this job. If I say strip; you need to strip. We have very wealthy customers here. If I ask you to do something, I expect an enthusiastic attitude."
He watched the expanse of skin appear between the buttons of her top.
"I'll do this once," she thought. "Once he sees I am open, he won't make me do this again." Her mind tried to convince her. Her hands moved to the lower buttons; preferring now to work up from the lower end to her waist.
When she had opened all of the buttons, she defensively clutched the front against her with her hands crossed; waiting. She needed to hear it. She couldn't do it on her own without some threat.
Rene was a man who could be both cold and warm. He looked at her with eyes as cold as an Alaskan night. "I'm not telling you again; they seemed to say. Jenny was willing to accept this humiliation; but not with the thought that it was her own idea; that it was being done willingly.
He was playing with her now; capitalizing on her desperation. He would not give her the command again; to strip. He would wait in silence; forcing her to continue. Jenny had no choice. She knew what she was here for. Slowly she lowered her hands; pulling the sides of the dress with it. She arched her back and let the top slide down her shoulders; catching at the crook of her elbows.
Their eyes met; defiantly as she swung the dress around her and hung in her right forearm. She dared not telegraph anger. She dared not telegraph defiance. No sooner than their eyes met, she looked down as she began folding the silk garment.
Rene extended his arm towards her; palm up. She dropped the dress over it. He tossed it to the pew beside her. Jenny crossed her arms in front of her. It was a ridiculous exercise. Her folded arms cradled the bottom of her breasts; hiding nothing. Her bra was something of the past. Now, most women wore heavily padded bras to make them look bigger. Jenny was still using undergarments like when she was growing up. The bra and panties were made of the thin, transparent stretch material that hose used to be made of.
Her coral pink Bai Ling nipples were like ridiculously long pink pearl erasers on a number two pencil; only longer. They stuck out further and stiffer in humiliation and embarrassment. This only added to her humiliation. They were not big; they were not small. They were melon shaped; cantilevering almost beyond belief, with no sag to them.
Her panties were of the same almost transparent material. They were not the bikini thong type worn by the younger girls. They were cut very high on the sides; making her legs look even longer than they truly were. The top band of her panties were just below her navel; the back panel completely covering her butt.
"Okay..." Rene remarked; implying that she continue.
Jenny took a couple of deep breaths again, trying to summon the courage to continue. She thought about her husband; back home, wondering whether he would ever find out. She tried not to look at Renee. She turned her head away from him as she arched her back and reached behind her for the snaps. How long had it been since she had taken off her own bra in front of a man other than her husband? It had been so long she couldn't remember.
She had been a gangly teenager; fourteen years or younger. It was so different then. Awkward, unsure of herself; desperate for acceptance, she had been coerced by some older boys into things she had been too embarrassed to remember. They had been wiped from her mind as she got older. Now those memories were slowly coming back.
She held the bra; uncertainly in front of her. When Rene extended his hand again, she passed it to him. Her embarrassment of being exposed made her hands shake. She crossed them, again under her breasts; not really hiding anything as much as signaling her embarrassment.
She waited. She waited for the order to continue; thinking ridiculously in her subconscious mind that this man named after a fungi would have some moral revelation and stop the outrageous request of her. "So far, so good," he said in an almost reverent whisper.
Jenny brought her hands up to her face. One hand grabbed and removed her wire-rimmed glasses. With the other, she wiped the start of some tears from her face. She put her glasses back on. The effort was more of an attempt of procrastination. She looked over at him for a millisecond. Their eyes met; hers looking for mercy. Again, his expression was the same; like a serpent ready to strike.
Jenny closed her eyes as she reached for her waistband. Her mind was dark. She was shutting down as she pushed her thumbs between her skin and the thin fabric and pushed down. Once the fabric cleared her hips, they slid until they hit the tops of her grey high heel boots. They caught on the tops. With her two hands trying to cover her crotch, she tried to raise one foot; hoping she could free the panty and let it fall without bending over. Didn't work.
Her face reddened as she bent over to free the panty. She felt her breasts start to dangle as she bent over. She felt the cold air conditioning waft between her legs; reminding her what had been bared to view. Just a touch cleared the garment from the zippers on the side of her boots. They flitted to the floor. She stepped out of them.
Again, Rene held out his hand. She wanted to just kick them over to him; let him pick the fucking things up. Instead, she was forced to bend over again to retrieve them. She put one hand over her breasts; holding them against her; so she wouldn't get that dangling feeling as she picked up the garment. In a way, it was helpful; bending over, because it shielded her from his gaze at her cleft.
Rising back up, she placed the garment in his hands. He tossed them over on top of her dress. She stood there; waiting for the next command. What could he possibly do to make this worse?
Rene sat there looking at her; admiring her. He didn't want to let her know how beautiful he thought she was. Women tend to take power away from men if they know how much they are admired or wanted. "Put your hands down to your sides, Miss Jenny," he said, trying to sound casual.
It took everything Jenny had to lower her hands to her sides, letting everything show. Her body shivered in humiliation. The only indication of this was that her delicious red nipples seemed to jiggle from her nervousness, and the double strand of pearls rattled. She started to raise her hands to grab her pearl necklace; mostly out of embarrassment. The necklace dangled almost to her navel. Her grey, high heel boots seemed to frame her body, accenting her beautiful long legs.
Rene couldn't help but stare at her breasts. They were an alabaster white; obviously she did not tan herself in a tanning booth. Her coral pink nipples were double-framed magnificently; first by the white cones holding them, then by the Coppertone finished abdomen.
He continued his stare down past her navel. He couldn't help be captivated by the next picture. It belonged in a museum; next to the Mona Lisa or the Hope Diamond. He struggled not to give himself away. Her pink cleft was bare; shaved from the top of the slit all the way down. Above that, there was a patch. It was a runway configuration; red a dark red, brownish patch of curls that were somewhat thick at the center. From there they almost looked like manicured threads that thinned progressively in number and color towards the edges of the runway. The last strands seemed feathered down to the downy blond texture like a newborn baby. Was this natural or an exotic presentation?
"You're not fucking done yet," he said. "I'm a customer. Come here and convince me to buy a fucking drink."
"I ... I ... I ... Can I order you a drink?" she asked; struggling not to tear up.
"That's no fucking good." He almost spit at her. "How would you do this with your husband?"
"Come over here and sit on my lap. Sit on my lap, or get down on your knees in front of me. You are old enough. You have been married long enough to know how to convince men to do anything. Quit being coy with me. Show me how you get things done at home."
It was coming back to her now; not scenes with her husband, but her time in the guest house, when she was the gangly teenager. On her knees in front of those eighteen year old boys; naked, looking for acceptance.
Jenny took the two steps over to her tormenter. She slid one leg over onto his lap. She put her right hand around the back of his neck to hold herself on; then bringing the other leg over to position herself like a little girl on Santa's lap.
"Can ... can ... can I get ... get ... get you something to drink?" She stammered; embarrassed that her right breast was within a millimeter of his body. She nervously used her left hand to push her wire rimmed glasses up her nose.
Her face turned red and her heart almost stopped as she felt his right hand slide between her knees. The pressure was slight; subtle, but deliberate. Instinctively, she raised her left hand and put it over his to stop him. Her eyes met his. Hers telegraphed desperation and humiliation. His looked like a cobra; waiting for the slightest excuse to strike.
She kept her hand over his; neither resisting nor helping. She squeezed his hand; hoping through telepathy to beg him to stop. She knew the score; of course. She did not resist as his hand crept up the space between her legs. He had won. She was not going to fight him.
"Please..." She whispered as his fingers nibbled at her entrance.
"Is this how you're going to behave in my restaurant?" he said coolly. "I need a waitress; a hostess who is polite and beguiling; not some cold fish." She gulped. She thought about her and Dakota having to go home because they were out of money. She softened her grip on his hand.
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This story includes all sorts of sexual combinations between two men and two woman. If that's not your thing, move on. The characters don't use condoms but you should.Day TwoSometime during the early morning hours, I felt someone nursing my dick. Was I in dreamland. When I felt my cock get hard, I knew it was no dream. But maybe it was a dream, I don't know. When I next had the sensation of an erection, it was merely my morning wood. When I cracked my eyes open, Melissa was dressed and Silvio...
Group SexHow much are you willing to risk to have a good time? That’s what college lecturer Sheena Ryder’s asking herself when the student she fooled around with, Robby, phones her at home asking for another fuck session. She’s married and has a good job, he’s on a football scholarship as the star quarterback – there’s a lot to consider. But then again, she isn’t getting fucked at home, and Robby tells her that the little campus groupies on his tip are young and bore the hell out of him. He needs a...
xmoviesforyouMelissa's Lovely Mommy: New Introductions Miss Samantha Love Styles entered the mall with her daughter hand in hand. The vision of loveliness drew breaths and gasps from those who passed by them enchanted by her beauty. Johnny, now Melissa was dressed in his full feminine regalia. The lovely floral perfume he was wearing intoxicated those who passed by him. The high stiletto heels he was wearing made the same staccato click his mother's shoes did. An electric thrill ran through him...
It was past midday and the sea-front restaurants and bars were filling up fast. Everyone was seeking the shade. The flags on the war memorial hung limp against the flagpoles. Past the war memorial the less fashionable part of the seafront promenade began. Here were the fast food places, burgers and French fries and the cheaper bars where those working on the seafront went to drink and escape from the tourists. It also marked the start of a long line of beach huts. Wooden huts that had only...
Lesbian‘Howard, maybe I need to go stay with Aunt Jean. It would take a little pressure off both of us.’ ‘Baby, oh my beautiful Baby, don’t think that. I just need to know that I can hold you and I’m okay. I’ve been thinking about this all week and I didn’t know what else to do. Pete told me what happened to those people in the pasture when your cell phone was used to call in the report about the buzzards. It was all I could think about when Santos said if he ever got the chance he’d leave you in the...
Hello ISS readers! This is my second story. Thank you everyone for the overwhelming response to my first story. Here, this is JD, back again with my second story. This is a real story but with certain nuances added to make it a good fun. I was studying in a reputed medical college in Chennai. The heroine of this story is my classmate Sanjana. She is a slim, tall girl with a busty figure. Right from the day I entered this college, I had an eye on her figure. Though not so fair, she looks...
My work requires me to travel to clients for meeting and sometimes the journey can be long. I like to dress smartly for meetings as I love the admiring looks I get from men AND women and I always feel very sexy in a tight fitting suit.This particular day, I put on my favourite light grey two-piece suit with a white cotton blouse as I knew that I was seeing a lady who, I believe, is either bi or bi-curious and I love to flirt with her. The skirt is very figure hugging so I elected a skimpy thong...
Rash DecisionsGawaine Caldwater RossWords 2463 My name is Walker. I play the keyboards, bass guitar and sing for our world music band, No More Hate. We have two percussionists, three guitarists and a female lead singer. Our debut album went platinum, and after that we were all rich. We've been together about 8 years now. We all bought adjacent property on the Oregon coast; this made it very easy to jam. I'm 35, and I love having fresh groupies every night. However, I was finding it less...
This is a rewrite of ‘Vegas’, combining both Books. While maintaining the theme, it offers a completely different and fresh take for the main characters. Grateful thanks go to the best editor in the world — thesoundandfury – not only for his editing, but also for the constant encouragement, suggestions, and for helping me to become a better writer. Chapter 11: The Party. Sending a limo for Grace and Lauren made the sisters feel special. They nudged one another as it pulled down the Agency...
With only two days left in her trip, to the US, although tryst is more to the point, and one of those days gang-banging in Jo and Dave’s RV, Rosalind divined another of her scathingly lurid ideas. As she and Jo had gotten on so well, Rosalind suggested that she and Jo go clubbing in a pick-up bar and that Dave and I were to watch them, unseen from a distance and then hook up with us later. This woman was going to make me crazy! Before answering Rosalind, I mentally considered a pro and con...
Wife LoversAt the age of 37, Jennifer Carson still had it. Her face was unlined and she was fitter than she had ever been in her life. Appraising her naked body in the mirror, she allowed herself a small smile of satisfaction. Her breasts were still pert and her bottom was round and smooth. On this sunny Monday morning, she would be visiting her old secondary school to appraise its current standards and decide if she was going to send her own daughter there. 20 years ago it had been a great place and...
Sweat was dripping from my forehead. It was like a salty bitter rain that I loved so dearly. The pace was frantic and the work was arduous. My breasts were fluttering across my chest as my heart beat at a wild pace. My legs felt like rubber but I had to keep going, I enjoyed this way too much. Finally, I heard it, the most pleasurable sound in the world. It was my timing device and my workout was finally done. I loved my cardio routines and my upcoming competition was just a week away. I had...
He was pouring two glasses of wine when she called to him. His mother, spending the weekend with himnear the fifth anniversary of his father's death. They were leaving soon for an evening at one of the fewremaining jazz clubs in the city, and he was thinking that a quick bit of Pinot Grigio might get them feelingmellow sooner."Could you help me with this zipper, Dave. It's on the back of my blouse and seems stuck."He was recorking the wine, and didn't turn for a moment. When he did she was just...
Brad was like any average college age guy. He wasn’t too muscular but was tone enough to have a define shape. He wasn’t mr universe type looks but wasn’t a one out of ten either. If anything he was like what most guys would’ve probably looked liked in the early 2000s. One night, Brad decided to go out for a bit of fun at the local pub near the campus. It wasn’t anything special but after a pretty long week of work and school he felt like a need to release some steam. However his self made...
TranssexualSally Hi I am Sally. While Tag and Sushi are back on Earth I have been given the job to fill you in on what is happening on Bangalore. Waush Shaua and I are in school and are working on the farm. Our farm is growing all the food needed for Bangalore. After Sushi and Tag left for Earth it was time for our first harvest. The corn was a real hit. I got all of the students at school to volunteer to help with harvest. Of course we had a corn feed when the harvest was finished. Waush Shaua and I...
Time passed quickly for Karen Heller and her class. Before she knew it, the lovely red-head had been teaching at the experimental school for a full month. She found that she had a rather amusing way of marking the days as they passed. Each day, after school, she would suck or fuck one of her students, taking them in alphabetical order. When it came to be Alan's and Billy's turn, the two boys were glad enough to give up their turns, since they had already sampled their teacher's sexual...
I was at my favorite Sports Bar watching Monday Night Football when the most beautiful waitress I had ever seen came up to my table and said “Hi I am Angelica what do you want to drink”? I was dumb struck by this Scandinavian petite blond with an absolutely perfect body and the most beautiful face I had ever seen. Well, Angelica was coming onto me like no women had ever done before. She unbuttoned her referee’s jersey and bent over to display her luscious tits to me whenever she came to my...
Ok it seems the real stories are the sexiest,maybe not the most graphic but very hot because they are real, this is a true story, ill try not to embellish it in any way,hope you enjoy. I was younger,almost 17 and like most girls ,had a crush on an older guy, he was my brothers hockey coach, Im guessing around 35, handsome,dark hair, always had a 5 oclock shadow, just the typical rugged stud, he never really semed to notice me, the casual hi and that was about it, dont get me wrong I wasnt an...
I've never really had any problems getting laid. Sure, there were girls I really wanted to fuck that wouldn't give me the time of day, but generally I've always gotten a decent amount of pussy. The thing was though, even though I'd had lots of intense, beautiful sex with some pretty hot girls, I have always secretly wanted to suck a guys cock, especially a black guy.I've jerked off while thinking about this for a long, long time. I wanted so badly to kiss a soft dick, feeling it grow hard, and...
I partied well into the night, relishing the end of high school. All night I couldn’t get Will’s note out of my mind. I had put it in my purse, not wanting to lose it. I had decided to phone him when I got home. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but if it was anything that made me feel as good as his fingers on my nipples had earlier, I was game. There was a party at one of my classmate’s houses after prom, but I didn’t want to go, I had something waiting for me at home. my date went with me,...
We first meet at the main reception of the gym and notice each other. Short, quick glances and blush slightly as I flirt with you asking you how long have you been a member? You say not long and head off to the changing room. I enter the men's changing room and we both think about whether or not we will see each other in the gym.You get changed and interestingly the room is empty. You strip off your Jeans and t shirt to reveal a sheer white bra and skimpy panties. You take out your revealing...
*I thought it would be fun to write a take on the well known story of Beauty and the Beast, with some light BDSM thrown in for the kinks :-). Don’t expect a lot of hanky-panky though, at least I don’t think it’ll happen soon and the focus is on romance. When all chapters are done I plan to rework the whole thing once more and release it as an ebook. The story, Isabelle is blackmailed into working for Jean-Marie Bête after he finds out how good of an assistant she is. She has to, to get her...
Karen Carmack always thought that femininity and womanhood were more than the sums of their parts to her. She found out that assumption was wrong. Femininity and womanhood were the product of the factors to her. This self-truth was devastating to her when she decided to get a double mastectomy. Getting rid of those two mounds of flesh meant now she saw herself kicked out of the sisterhood. One of the product was gone, so multiply that with the rest of what she saw that made her a woman,...
For some time now, I have had it in mind to put together a sort of smorgasbord of my work to titillate readers into delving into the actual stories at their leisure. To my knowledge this has not been done by any other writers of erotica thus far. Each Chapter is self-sustaining allowing one to start and/or stop wherever one chooses. I wish happy reading to one and all. And please, I’d love to hear from you. Table of Contents Chapter 1 Annie Bradford & Mal Content Chapter 2 The Birthday Girl ...
Title: More Stable SocietyAuthor: cubedLawnRating: R, 18+Warnings: bdsm, dub/noncon, body mod, M/f, M/M/M/f, incest, impregnation, M/f/fDISCLAIMER: OBVIOUSLY everything in this document is a work of fiction and any similarities to any people in real life is purely coincidental. Also, sexual-play is fun to do, but remember that the ideas in this story are purely fictional. Some women are naturally tops and some men are naturally tops, and some are naturally switches. Racism, sexism and other...
This is a fictional story about fictional people, it's a perverted story (I hope) so should not be read by anyone under 18. ALL CHARACTERS ARE 18 AND OVER Pairings: Draco/Hermione Codes: M/F, MC, magic. Harry Potter: The Orb of Kanuu Chapter 1. by [email protected] Draco was fuming, Potter, Weasley and that filthy Mud Blood embarrassed him again. He snuck into the dressing room as the teams were playing Quidditch he was going to get revenge. As soon as he entered the room, he say a brown...
Mind ControlAfter her second photoshoot with Pete, Hayley had completely changed her long-standing opinions on nude models. For so long, she had thought of any girl that was prepared to get naked for someone to photograph was nothing more than a bimbo who had no respect for her body. However, now she could see the fascination, and had felt the rush for herself.Luckily for her, Dan was not just supportive of her new hobby, but was actively encouraging her to do more sets with Pete. Following her admission...
ExhibitionismIt took only one week for Adeline to research the proper ingredients, perfect her technique, and craft the potion to her satisfaction. Pleased with her cunning, she ventured out of her laboratory, situated in one of the lesser keeps of the castle, just long enough to find one of the common maids of the castle and send a message to His Grace, inviting him to come see her work for herself. To the untrained eye, the laboratory appeared muhc like a kitchen, with dried herbs and jars of strange...
A quiet mumble of voices splashed through the crowd as the bridesmaids took their places and were quickly recognized as the staff who had served the guests. Some of the guests were already regretting comments they had made; others were thankful they had treated as equals these people they thought were just hired workers. Still, most were uncertain who the bridesmaids and the matron of honor actually were, but it was obvious they were more than just workers who were brought in for the...
Catherina gathered her purse and wrap from the table where her friend Gabriella sat. Catherina had been dancing with Antonio at the Hotel Panama disco. The night was going well and she was leaving with him for his apartment in Punta Paitilla. Gabriella gave her friend a ‘thumbs-up’ and smile. Catherina scooted over to Antonio and hugged his arm as they left. Later, in his bed, Antonio was lying in a sweaty heap having just been nearly fucked to death by this ravenous beauty. He was feeling...
Chapter 10: The Return I stared into the mirror for a while, contemplating what I had done... I looked every bit the part of a naughty school girl, with my cute sucker punch skirt still on, my heels, and my bra and breasts -- now covered in cum. I just continued to stare, entranced by the image... Alex was no longer protesting. I wasn't arguing. I was just in shock, staring at the image, and hating myself for finding it so hot... On that note, I slowly raised a finger, with shiny...
Main bachpan se UP ke ek chote se gaav mein padha tha, isliye jab mera Delhi University mein admission hua mujhe bahut khushi hui. Par thore dino baad main bahut khush bhi tha aur dukhi bhi, 1 saal se main DU mein padh rha tha aur mere collg mein bahut hi hot ladkiya thi par dukh is baat ka tha ki kisi ko bhi patta na saka. College mein jaha dekho vha ek se bhad kr ek ladkiya thi, chutiye chutiye launde bhi gf bana ke maze le rahe the aur main abhi tak haath hi hila rha tha. Acha khasa hone ke...
Beep! Beep! Beep! I jumped as the sound of my alarm woke me from a deep sleep. As my eyes began to focus on the room around me and my body moved gently from the position it had been stationary in for the last eight hours, my stomach suddenly began to spin, it was like the ocean crashing into the rocks in my stomach. It couldn't be possible the day had arrived, it had always been in the future and now suddenly it was upon me, my stomach gave another larch. I am usually a fairly confident...
GayI married Lisa about a year ago. She is about 5'-9" with long wavy blonde hair and a beautiful smile. The one feature that really attracted me to her was her full, firm 36D tits. They are all natural and cause most men to do a double take. She is pretty and also has a well toned body and a heart-shaped ass. Since she is only twenty-two years old you would expect her to be somewhat well maintained because she works out regularly. She pays a lot of attention to her figure because as a young...
Steven was giddy with happiness. He found himself sitting in his car grinning like a fool. He smacked his cheek to bring himself down to earth again but that just made him laugh. Some ten minutes later he had himself under control again. He had about an hour and a half to kill. Half an hour would be spent cleaning himself up. It was a twenty minute drive home so he still had a spare twenty minutes or so. He would tell the Damsels the good news in that time. He drove home, made himself some...
Chapter 1 "It is easy to see the truth in hindsight but we are often blind during the journey." *** No one was home and Steve found himself sitting at his mom's dressing table. He'd thought about doing this many times and he had to try it. The table was literally begging him to sit down in front of the mirror. "Why am I here?" He tried not to give it much thought as he grabbed a tube of mascara and loosened the cap. After a deep breath, he brushed the applicator over his...