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Many thanks to Renee and Kent for their editing of this story

Some of my old childhood friends and I were gathered at the local pub for planning what to do at our annual "Men's Club Party." Ronald Larsson was late, rushed in and shouted, "Can you guess what I heard at the Golf Club only a few minutes ago?"

Nobody could, so he continued, "That super-asshole, Oliver Janzon was there, obviously a little boozed, sitting with two cohorts and bragging with a loud voice, 'I've hired a new secretary today, a very sexy married chick who accepted the fact that an extra raise in her new salary, higher than at her present job, means a monthly fuck with me. That extra is peanuts for me and saves me a lot of wasted time seducing a new bitch. Such a little salary agreement makes them easy to train to all kind of kinky sex at my demand," Oliver had bragged."

When one of the cohorts had objected that a quickie once month could hardly be any bargain to brag about. Oliver had continued his bragging, "They always thinks it will only be that quickie once a month, at least a newly hired married bitch will think so. Then she gets a rough first introduction to my real rules and learns to obey about when and how I want use her pussy. Both of you will get a good taste of that new pretty pussy when I have her ready for that."

Ronald continued, "We must decide that it is high time to give that asshole Janzon a lesson; that he is not any emperor with unlimited right to fuck married women, at least not here in our small Scandinavian town."

After some arguing, we all agreed to do that. Not only because Oliver's intentions of using a silly greedy bitch who wanted play with her pussy for some economic favors but because we even disliked Oliver Janzon for several other reasons. For one, we are local guys and he is not. He came to our town, seduced, overtook and married a very rich divorcee who at that time was engaged with a good local guy. But we couldn't deny that he is a skilled businessman, who by ruling his wife's enterprises with very rough methods, had gotten their business to grow fast and become very prosperous.

Today, Oliver Janzon and his wife are very rich and obviously living in some kind of open marriage because Oliver's affairs with married women are not any of our town's best-protected secrets. Neither is his wife keeping the real reason of her monthly trip to an "advanced art studying circle" in Paris as any real secret.

The men in our town got a good laugh when Oliver's wife had came back home from a Paris trip with a STD as a 'French souvenir'. She shared it with Oliver, who shared it with his married secretary, who shared it with her husband. The husband owned a shotgun and took action against Oliver as soon as he knew for sure who gave that STD to his wife. But Oliver saw him coming with the shotgun and run away. He was a good runner and the fear increased his speed, that's why he was a long distance away when the husband fired both barrels but only a few lead shots hit the running Oliver.

When that story was out in town, most of us men got a good laugh but a number of the local women felt sorry for 'poor Oliver' and even he was surprised of how many of them wanted to comfort him after the shooting. Several of them even wanted to see him as soon as his STD was cured.

Oliver's very successful womanizing with married women got him hated and then another matter that turned us local guys against Oliver is that his prosperous companies have never given any sponsor money to our local football club; but plenty to the club in his old hometown.

My name is Glen Nylander and I'm a 42 years old engineer working at the public owned central heating plant outside the town. It's where we burn all local garbage in huge burners for warming up the houses in town center.

I'm married to Lisa, 39 year old tall slim, very beautiful real blond. We have two great children, 11 years old Lucas and 9 ears old Amanda. We ought to have been a happy family, at least in my opinion, though nowadays Lisa and I can easily get involved in arguing about some usually very unimportant matters. Even our, one time very great, sex life has fallen down to almost a poor level. I've really tried, but without any success, to get it better. I've suggested romantic weekends and holidays to exotic places both with our children and without them, but she isn't interested of anything of that.

I regret to say that the simple main reason for our marriage problem is that Lisa's best friend and many of her old friends nowadays are divorced. So are even most of her co-workers. Their daily bragging about romantic dates and great one night sex with new men has brought Lisa to envy her friend's free lifestyle and to dream about greener grass beyond the fence.

Of course, Lisa's divorced friends always forget to tell her about all their lonely holidays and other events when they are missing a family. The truth may be that most of Lisa's 'free friends' may envy her good marriage much more than Lisa envies them. But those problems remain as a well kept secret during their bragging about how happy they are in their new life style.

I can in some way understand Lisa's admiration and envy for her 'free friends' and will give her some time to return to be a loving wife, but it can't be for an unlimited time.

Nothing says that she is cheating me because she is never away for much time of her own when it possibly could happen. No strange overtime; no strange late evening visits to old newfound friends and no late girl nights at single dances or single bars.

Coming home, I met a very happy Lisa standing in the kitchen making my and the children's favorite cake, "Why" I asked her, "are we celebrating something?"

She replied with bright smile, "Yes, we are indeed. Just wait till we are all together and I'll tell you the good news."

I waited, and when the whole family was together a happy Lisa told us, "I've got a new job with a fair increase of the salary. At last I will be paid for my qualifications."

She was working at a small local office of big bank and there were rumors that all small offices would be closed due to increasing risk for bank robbers.

I greeted her with, "Congratulations and where is that lucky company that was clever enough to hire a great well qualified employee as you?"

"The main office of Janzon Enterprises", she said.

I got piece of the cake in my windpipe and began an intensive coughing.

Lisa got a feared look and asked, "Something wrong?"

What could I say? I knew that it didn't matter, whatever I said, she wouldn't change her mind until I could show her any real evidence and for the time being I couldn't. I had only heard rumors and that would never be any valid reason for her to skip that new, better-paying job.

"Cake in the windpipe" I said but continued, "Do you know that this Oliver Janzon is acting as a real asshole against his employees, especially his female employees? Nobody who knows him doubts that his bragging about fucking almost all the best looking of them is the truth. Do you have any written and signed contract about the salary and against all kind sexual harassment, if not, your new salary will only be a dream in the sky until your pussy is his toy for his joy."

I continued, "You ought to know that bragging about his seductions is a great pleasure for this Oliver and it is not any disadvantage for him if he will let me know what he has done with you. Please understand that when it happens this marriage will be history."

"Of course I will have a contract, do you really regard me as a whore or an idiot?" she asked.

I was close to say, "yes, both an idiot and a whore" but said only, "May I see your contract?"

"Yes, of course as soon as I get my copy by mail."

Even Lisa got the right feeling that her telling me about Oliver Janzon had turned her happy celebration to a very chilly event. Hopefully she began thinking about the possibly bad consequences about her potential monthly fuck with Oliver Janzon.

The next day I called my closest friends and told them about Lisa's stupidity and they promised to help me to save her from Oliver Janzon. My first step was sneaking away from the job and going home to check the mail. A big package arrived the next day; it was a Friday. I opened it and found a correct contract, some high quality printed information about Companies involved in Janzon Enterprises. But then there was a page from a Ladies Magazine showing two models in sexy underwear together with a Janzon Enterprises requisition form to local Ladies Fashion Shop. Attached was a handwritten message reading, 'Dear Lisa, use the form and get one of each! OJ".

I had my evidence and my friends told me that there was a plan for destroying Oliver but it would be best that I didn't know anything. Of course, I could confront Lisa at this moment but confessing that I had opened her mail would cause serious problem for me.

The first action against Oliver Janzon happened already at the Saturday evening. He is the proud owner of the only Ferrari in our town. It's why he parked it well visible on his driveway for teasing everybody who envied him. Of course, it was protected by cameras with alarm sensors and connected direct to the leading security company.

About one o'clock at that night, a man dressed as an English Premier League football player (soccer in US) in a match dress with a famous star's name in bold letters on his back, had entered the driveway and poured several liters of some 'paint off ' liquid over the car. When the security company was there after six minutes, the 'player' was already far away. The first police patrol car was there about one hour later; the only thing they could do was try to calm down a furious Oliver Janzon.

On Sunday morning, Janzon rang all police chiefs he could find, to obtain a technician that would be forced to work overtime and take pictures of his car. Monday morning the Ferrari case was given to a Criminal Inspector by name Fredrick Jonsson. He was called 'Two Prick Jonsson' or 'TP' among his colleagues. He got that nickname while making a date with a handsome female English police officer during an international conference about football hooligans.

Jonsson spells his name with two dots over 'o' and the Swedish word for dot is 'prick'. What, to him, sounded very English, meant something quite different in England (a penis). That caused some amusement after he introduced himself to her by saying, 'My name is Jonsson, Jonsson with two pricks'.

She had replied, "Oh really? That's amazing, I don't want to miss that and have to see it" before both she and everybody around them got a good laugh.

However, TP Jonsson is a nice guy and had spent the night together with his pretty English female colleague. But the next morning at breakfast, she had jokingly complained to Jonsson's colleges that he was a bloody liar because he had only one prick. His demeanor wasn't the best the rest of the morning.

The main reason why TP had been placed in charge for the local football hooligan matters was that it was an almost non-existing problem in our town. Now the damaged Ferrari got him away from a bank robbery investigation where he had been a pain in the ass for his colleagues.

TP regarded it as a great luck that his English female colleague was working in the city where the club. The dress the Ferrari destroyer had been wearing hailed from her locale. He was a man of action and that's why he faxed some information and a picture to her.

The English cops got a good laugh at the picture and then one of them got a bright idea. They sold the whole story and picture to one of the tabloid newspapers.

The next day the picture was top news at the first page with a headline saying: PREMIER LEAGUE PLAYER IN POLICE INVESTIGATION ABOUT DAMAGED FERRARI.

It was a good story for the English newspaper and got even better when the player's wife told them that her husband hadn't been at home the night the Ferrari was damaged. Now the police jumped in and got the player to confess that he had spent the night together with his mistress. Even that information was sold to the newspaper.

Happy days for the English newspaper when their simple 'page filler' had turned to a real best selling, scandal story. Even the football player's mistress was laughing all the way to the bank after she had sold her story to the highest bidding tabloid newspaper.

The winners were obviously happy and the losers, unhappy. The Premier League star that was thrown out from his home and expecting a very expensive shameful public divorce, promised to strangle his damn Scandinavian look-alike who had brought him into this mess.

Oliver Janzon and his wife weren't happy having an expensive damage to their Ferrari and reading in our tabloid newspapers that had described him as a womanizer who preferred married prey. My wife, Lisa, wasn't happy about my demands to skip her new job, and she still refused listen to me. It was probably because she regarded a monthly fuck with her handsome boss as a big favor rather than a shameful duty.

I wasn't happy about the fact that she still would not listen to my warnings about Oliver Janzon and what would happen if she went too far with him, just as many others did before her.

My friends told me they didn't know any details about the Ferrari attack because they weren't involved in it. Now I understood that there must be some much more serious reasons for somebody to attack Oliver's car than my wannabe slut-wife's expected cheating. Something, which I didn't know, that had caused him or them to plan and organize that very professional attack. However, I had no reason to complain about that coincidence.

As the damaged Ferrari had no connection with my wife, my friends wanted go on in our vendetta against Oliver Janzon and I had no objections when they asked about a slight co-operation from me. I gave them some photos of Lisa. They told me that the next step would be to get some clever guy, unknown to me, make 150 folders to be mailed to important people in our town and to the Janzon Enterprise's most important customers.

Even I got a folder in my job mail. It was very well done with four pages in A5 size, with color print on high quality paper. The front page showed Janzon Enterprise logo and a smiling Oliver holding a sign that said 'Welcome'. A formal invitation to be an honorable guest at a dinner with information about a great new invention was on page 3. The back page contained information about Janzon Enterprises. But it was page 2 that was most interesting for the readers. It was the same ad for sexy underwear Lisa had got from Oliver. But the models' faces were replaced by Lisa's face and the text said, 'during the dinner my secretary will show you the latest fashion in underwear for a hot sexy secretary'.

At the bottom of the page was a framed box with a number and a text that said, 'The winner of this lottery wins a private strip and one hour prime time with the secretary in a room at Grand Hotel direct after the dinner'.

My friends had taken the expenses and efforts for giving Oliver Janzon a real push into a serious sex scandal. But they never told me who did what. Oliver would probably get some problems with his business relations but I don't think it would scare away any of his married fuck sluts, though now I would do my very best to get Lisa to skip her new job.

I expected it to be a real hullabaloo when I met Lisa later that day when the mail was out and took the day off after a couple of hours. At home, now with Lisa's new company underwear at the kitchen table together with a Janzon Enterprise folder, I began waiting in case that even Lisa's boss at the bank had got an folder.

Lisa's boss at the bank had gotten a folder in the mail and I'm sure that she would show it to Lisa. The only question was, if Lisa would go straight to see Oliver or, what I thought, she would come home first to get the underwear. It was serious evidence against her when she denied about her part in the folder.

Right I was. A few minutes after eleven o'clock, Lisa rushed into the house, run straight to the bedroom without noticing me sitting in the kitchen. I heard her screaming in despair as she searched for the new sexy underwear. At last she gave up her searching and came into the kitchen.

When she saw me she screamed, "Glen! Why are you at home?"

"For the same reason as you are. I was curious to see the working clothes for your new job as company whore at Janzon Enterprises." I said and gave her the bag with the underwear.

Then I continued with a loud voice, "How in the hell could that damn slimy asshole Olive Janzon get my shameless wife to begin whoring for him? Is he blackmailing you or something? Dammed, why in the hell are you in that crap? Didn't I warn you about that horny creep?"

Lisa cried loudly for a while before she began sobbing, "Please let me explain. Everything is a big mistake and it is not what you think."

"Don't make me sick with such crap talk. You know exactly what Oliver Janzon expects you to do because whoring must be included in your agreement with him. Otherwise your picture wouldn't have been in his damn dinner invitation. Who bought and paid those whore underwear?" I said and threw the bag to her.

Lisa replied, "It was a gift, nothing else. I think it was because Oliver owns some part of that underwear shop and I have never agreed to any stripping or meeting anybody at a hotel room during the dinner. In fact, I had never heard a word about any dinner. Please Glen, you must believe me."

"I don't and that's the reason why we are going to see Oliver right now. I'll give you a fair choice; skip that job or it will skip this marriage." I told her.

She didn't reply but came with me to the main office of Janzon Enterprises. But it was a useless effort because two security guards outside the main entrance told us Oliver Janzon was abroad and refused to let us in after they had checked my ID.

We did a new attempt at Oliver Janzon's home but even there two security guards were standing outside the door and gave us the same information as those at the office. Not much to do about Oliver at that day.

Back home I once again demanded her to quit that job. To my surprise, now she didn't say "Yes, of course" any longer. Only that she would think about it. My comment to that is not printable. After some further arguing, Lisa promised to do her best to get in connection with Oliver the next day.

The next day Janzon Enterprises had a big advertising campaign in both local and national newspapers telling that they had nothing to do with the scandal folders. The main results of that had seen that the advertising created an enormous interest for that folder that was now even available on the web.

But it was Oliver who had called Lisa at her job and booked a meeting with her the next Monday when he would be back in town. When I asked if she had quit the job, she said that she tried and Oliver had promised that it would be on the agenda on Monday.

Before going to my job at Monday morning, I told Lisa that very day would be one of the most important junctions in her life. She could choose to remain as a married woman with family or join her divorced friends by taking that job and end up as a fuck slut and company whore for Oliver Janzon.

I had warned her several times, told her the consequences of what would happen if she took thet job. Now the choice was hers and the only thing I could do was wait and see.

Back home after the job, I immediately noted that something was wrong, obviously wrong as hell, when I saw the expression in Lisa's face. My first comment could only be, "You didn't do what you ought to do. What the hell did you do?"

Lisa replied, "Yes, I kept the job but please let me explain before you start arguing and accusing me for something."

"There's nothing to explain. It is longer no doubt you want to fuck that damn pussy hound. Did you do that today?" Not any kind question to a wife who got a new, better paying job but, as I knew the background, what else could I say?

Now Lisa got angry and shouted, "What the hell do you think about me?"

I shouted back, "I don't think a damn shit but singing birds have whispered in my ear and I happen to know for sure that fucking is included in that damn secret agreement between Oliver and you. Seems to be just what you're looking for because you've envied your divorced slut friends so much and now you want to join them."

"You're mad, totally mad" she shouted and rushed up to the bedroom.

Lisa came back to the kitchen two hours later and asked if I had calmed down enough to be able to listen to what she had to tell me. As I had no way to avoid hearing that crap sooner or later, I said, "Go on."

She told me that Oliver had been very sorry for that faked folder that had given her so many problems and had promised her a month's extra salary as a compensation for her problems. He had even increased her new salary by ten percent because the secretary job he now offered her needed better qualifications than the job she was offered in first place. Oliver had told her that during the first month at the job, she had right to quit with a two-day notice and she would be paid for a full month plus a compensation month if she didn't like the job.

One of her first duties would to be Oliver's secretary during a twelve-day business trip to South Africa where Oliver would sign both a big export contract for special tools and a new import contract for quality wine. Of course, they would have time for a safari and to see several other famous tourist attractions.

Lisa continued, "only that South Africa trip with flights in business class and the best hotels is worth a fortune, much more than you and me could ever afford to spend. The extra compensation month and my new salary will be such a bargain for the whole family and I have heard so much about South Africa that I had had been stupid if I had said 'no thanks' to that great opportunity. I can promise you that Oliver won't hold me to any secret demands and it must be that shameful faked folder that has caused the fear for my suspected cheating in your mind."

"You'll find out that you are paying a damn high price for that South Africa trip, but it is not too late yet. Skip going there with that pervert pussy-hound and let's go there together, you and me. If we skip business class and skip five star hotels, we can afford it someway if South Africa is so important for you." I told her in a last attempt to save our marriage.

She replied, "Sorry but I can't do that because that trip is a part of my job. I'm sorry but I have to do some traveling if I want to keep that well paying job."

The game was over. Now I knew for sure that my wife was bought out from the marriage and family life. It both surprised and humiliated me to know how damn cheap she had been. The small amount Oliver Janzon had paid with company money could be regarded as peanuts in a company with the turnover of Janzon Enterprise.

To avoid further meaningless arguing, I took a walk that ended up at a pizzeria that had a pub in the basement. A jolly gang of seven guys, co-workers I guessed, was sitting there drinking beer and having good time when one of them got a call in his cell phone. He didn't look happy when the call ended and asked me if I had any plans for the evening.

He told me that they were going to our county capital to see the English actor John Cleese, totally cleaned by a divorce court in California, now on his 'Get money for my greedy ex-wife tour in Scandinavia. One in their party had serious reasons for not coming and that's why they had an extra ticket for the show. I bought it and joined that party for a pleasant evening.

Lisa was already sleeping when I was back home, so I slept in the spare room and went to my job early in the morning while she was still sleeping.

Back home after our jobs, Lisa tried to start arguing but I simply said I had told her the truth and that was all I had to say.

One week later, Lisa quit her job at the bank and her co-workers held a big party for her. No spouses were invited, that was okay with me.

Then, after only working a week at Janzon Enterprises main office, it was time for her Africa business trip with Oliver Janzon.

I knew for sure that Lisa's last night at home before the trip, would be the last night for Lisa and me as a couple, so I loaded with Viagra and fucked her rough in all her openings. No tender caressing or whispering about love. Just hard fucking, much harder than I ever done before. Though Lisa didn't like sucking my cock, she used to give me a tender sucking for a few minutes on my birthdays. But that holy night, and for the first time in her life, I had her to take a real deep throat, mouth fuck and had her to swallow the whole load, something she never done before. Anal sex had never before been our game; we had only done it as a light petting with only a few centimeters in her. But during that holy night, nothing was as before, and why I, in a one forceful thrust, pushed all I have in her. Oliver would get my wife, but without any virgin holes left for him. To my great surprise she got an intensive orgasm during a hard doggy style.

Afterwards she asked me, "Are you happy now?"

"No." Was my simple reply, because I felt myself as a shameful creep for treating her as a cheap whore and tried to convince myself that my male ego needed it.

The next morning she left early without waking me up. Her only goodbye was a note on the kitchen table what read, "I LOVE YOU."

Lisa's flight to South Africa was an 18-hour night flight so her second night from home was her first in South Africa. I knew they would stay a few days at Hilton Sandton in Johannesburg, so I, at three o'clock in the morning, rang the hotel and said I was a Doctor Harald Schnaiders at our county hospital and had an urgent call for their guest, Mr. Oliver Janzon I was switched to his room. When Oliver took the call after several signals, I told him that I was Doctor Harald Schnaiders from our county hospital and had an urgent call to Mrs. Lisa Nylander.

I could hear in the phone that even Lisa had awakened from the ringing phone and her surprised comment when Oliver told her to take the phone because it was to her. A few further seconds she took the phone and a worried voice said, "Lisa Nylander speaking."

"Shameless whore, why in the hell are you naked in that asshole Oliver Janzon's bed three o'clock at the night? You cheating bitch have already fucked him the first day there." I said to my very surprised wife with a low voice so Oliver couldn't hear me.

No doubt that my guess about Lisa to be naked had been correct, she sobbed, "No, Glen, it is not what you think. It is innocent. You must believe me and I can explain everything."

Oliver understood that something was wrong, took the phone and shouted, "Go to Hell."

Now I knew for sure that what I had expected to happen had already happened. Oliver wasted no time for enjoying those pleasures he had paid for.

A very regretful Lisa called me the next day and tried to explain that she slept in Oliver's room for safety reasons only because the crime level is very high in South Africa. She even suggested skipping her job and taking the next flight home.

I replied, "Please don't try to convince me that the safety at that five star Hilton is so poor that you have to share a bed with such a piss-ant as that Janzon. The damage is already done so there's no need for you to come home. Stay there forever if you want, I don't miss you."

Of course I had a very sad feeling when my, once in the time happy, marriage had turned to such crap. But shit happens and now was time to begin with positive thinking again.

Two days later I met a doctor. A very pretty female gynecologist and of all possible places, we met at a supermarket. In fact, it was my daughter, Amanda, who began talking with a girl of her own age and within short time they were giggling together. The girl's mother asked Amanda and her daughter, "Do you know each other?"

Both girls replied, "We are in the same class at school."

Then I introduced myself and Amanda to the mother, who introduced herself as "Carina Olson, Lina's mother and new in town."

Then she got a strange look in her face and asked me, "I don't know if I dare to ask you, but I'm single and don't know whom to ask about a slight problem in my new house. Maybe you could be the right man to adjust the thermal heater? You'll get a cup of coffee and home baked cookies."

I replied with my best smile, "Amanda's friends are my friends; we can make it directly after the shopping."

Carina's problem wasn't any big thing and I fixed it within few minutes. During the coffee break what followed, she told me that she was a newly divorced, 37 seven years old and doctor at our local hospital. She had chosen a job in our town because she had her roots in a village outside our town plus her old mother was at an old folk's home near here.

"You'll get me as a new member to the single club soon too, because I filed for divorce earlier today. My, soon to be ex thinks it will be a jolly good, exciting living." I explained.

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Sukanya And Me From My Perspective

It all started on the fateful evening 20 years ago. I was minding my own business and walking down the road at 7:30pm. I was a very quite, thin teenager of 16 years, just finished my 10th and looking forward to college. I was about 5’7” weighing around 58 kgs, brown eyes, black hair and a thin just sprouting mustache. I had never shaved my face before, so there was a thin beard also. I was always a very clean kid and made sure that I was always presentable. I did not have any friends as such,...

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Sukanya and Me

It all started on the fateful evening 20 years ago. I was minding my own business and walking down the road at 7:30pm. I was a very quite, thin teenager of 16 years, just finished my 10th and looking forward to college. I was about 5'7" weighing about 130 pounds (around 58 kgs), brown eyes, black hair and a thin just sprouting moustache. I had never shaved my face before, so there was a thin beard also. I was always a very clean kid and made sure that I was always presentable. I did...

2 years ago
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My Love Towards Our Maid Cum Cook Sukanya

Since Anita frequency dropped; the maid Sukanya continued coming to my house and had no bad intentions for her. Sukanya was 5’2” in height dark complexions with small A size boobs; though she was dark she had a cute and luscious black lips with white teeth making her look beautiful as she had a flawless skin on her face. When she started she was 20 years and married with a kid [girl]; then the next year it self she gave birth to baby boy. During her maternity period, too I had paid her money...

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Fate Of Lavanya From Rich To Bitch

Hi, this is south Indian fucker back with another story of a fantasy of my reader… I hope you all enjoy my stories… The names may have been changed in the story. … Kindly keep supporting me…. Please give your valuable comments and views on my stories My email… This story is about a young girl and her experiences I will be narrating as the third person…… The story begins…. Lavanya’s parents are quite rich and she is living with them in a posh apartment… This apartment was 5 floors with only...

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this isnt reality how many balls have i drained t

Hello im 38, single male. Ive been curious about swinger clubs for a few years now. I got the bright idea to plan a day of freakiness and i asked my gf if she was interested. She surprizingly agreed and was excited to go. So we prepared ourselves for something new and crazy. We got to the place and theres about 30 naked ppl in different groups either y men being serviced by a lonely housewife, or couples, a glory hole one lady was all decked out in dom gear. My gf and i just got a drink and...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 23 Spy and Kempoist Hanya

Hanya: A spy of Edo Castle's Oniwabanshuu, Hanya. As ordered by the Okashira, I will guard this place to the death! Kenshin: I would avoid an unnecessary fight if possible. Will you stand aside? Hanya (striking his fists together): The commands of the Okashira are absolute. Sanosuke: A metallic sound... the bastard's wearing metal guards under his gloves. So that's why Kenshin didn't hurt him last night... Kenshin: The guards will certainly take the shock of the blow, but the act of...

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Fucked Saranya And Her Mom Together

Hi all, Hope you guys are doing good.I thought to pen down my memorable experience I had with my darling Saranya and her mom, since a month ago. A quick intro about ourselves.. I’m 25 single, living in Coimbatore and she is 29, lost her husband, just 1 year after her marriage. She lives with her mom, in next street to my home. She has 6 months old kid and she works in a private concern. I was close with her family since 3 years so we used to have a casual talk whenever we have free time. One...

2 years ago
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Sex With Village Virgin Cousin Lavanya

Hi, I am Madhu, an engineering graduate and I am from Andhra Pradesh, residing in Hyderabad. I am 6 feet tall with fair complexion and an athletic body (being a sports player), with a perfect thick dick. I am a horny guy who started to masturbate since my high school. Coming to the story of , this incident happened during my intermediate summer vacation. As my second inter was about to start, we were given only 10 days holidays. I decided to go to my grandparents’ house in my village which was...

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When Sukanya And Me Enjoyed Part 8211 2

Hi, This is ansh and I stay in Delhi. I am reachable on Sorry to keep you waiting for so long but I promise the wait would be worth it. This is part 2 of previous experience with Sukanya (an Indian Sex Stories reader) whom I met and we were having an awesome time together where I was being the Dom and Sukanya was acting as a slave and I was enjoying teasing her and a=making her beg for all the erotic experience and pleasure. I had blindfolded her and was exciting her arousement by merely...

3 years ago
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Sexperience With Lavanya 8211 A Great Adventure

Hi dear ISS readers, this is again your raj from chennai. You might have read my previous story “Night halt with a lady dentist – a great experience”. I have got some good responses from you, hope my next experience continues will make you to stick on your eyes in my story. So my dear iss readers continue your support in reading my experiences and place your comments either in the iss portal or through to my mail id: I have changed all the names in this story for security reasons. Now have a...

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Gangbang Of Slutty Lavanya 8211 Part 1

Hi, everyone. I am Rohan, 20M, new here. This is my first story, and the first part. I will soon publish the remaining parts and write kinkier stories on different categories, including personal experiences. I usually write in detail, so let me know if you would want me to change my style. Mail me at for anything ;) Enjoy. Lavanya woke up early that morning. She could not sleep well, knowing well what a fantastic day it was going to be. She searched around for her alarm clock, and saw there...

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Consensual Bondage Group Sex With Lavanya 8211 Part 1

Hey this is Rohan with my second story on Lavanya. Hope you like it. Mail me at for feedback, reviews or anything you may want. Also read my other work. Lavanya had had a long day. In the morning, she had woken up extremely horny and craving for a cock. She had none, so she had to make do with a dildo whose battery had died down. Needless to say, it was not satisfying at all. So she was really frustrated and sex-starved when she reached college. The first lecture was by the really boring...

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Gangbang Of Slutty Lavanya 8211 Part 2

Hi, everyone. This is the second part of the story, The Gangbang of Slutty Lavanya. Do read the first part before this. Mail me at for anything. Thanks for the responses on the first part :) So to summarize the situation till now, Lavanya, a naughty 19 year old college girl, with a secret insatiable lust for sex, asked his friend Amit for a gangbang without any limits. Amit obliged, and brought along two of his friends, Rahul and Mohit with him to Lavanya’s apartment. They had a steamy...

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Playboy Diaries 8211 Busty Manya Fulfilled 8211 Part 1

Read the previous story to get the full flow. Feedbacks to I received the call late night from Divya that day. She had just returned from her office duty, which included satisfying her company’s rich bosses and much needed customers. Me: Exhausted Divya? Divya: Damn those bastards. Three grim old men fucked me throughout the day Me: Any chance for me tonight? Divya: You brat, not today. You are ready for Manya? I had a busy day and I almost forgot about the proposal Divya told me in the...

4 years ago
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Manya The Forbidden Lust IntensifiesChapter 4 Desh and Manya talk about the future

Later that night... A very exhausted and a very satisfied Manya lay in bed as her son went to sleep with his head on her boobs and one finger in her ass. The experience with Prem was more than satisfying, and she was certain Deen was watching the entire scene. Her saree was wet when she wore it and she couldn't help but suck his sperm out of it. It tasted wonderful, sweet even. She couldn't wait to read what he would write in his diary tonight. The events of the day bothered her less and...

3 years ago
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The Mages Guild Intercourse Clinic

I looked down at myself and saw that I was completely naked. I saw my well-built body and my seven inch cock. I stood up, leaning against the bedpost, nearly falling over. Then I felt something hanging around my neck, not tight enough to be uncomfortable or stop my breathing, but enough so that it fit snugly and I couldn't take it off. It felt like leather, with a piece of metal attached to it. I stumbled over to the mirror and looked at my reflection. I looked at my dark brown hair and blue...

2 years ago
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My First Sexual Intercourse

Hey everyone,yeh mera pehle sexual intercourse tha…Aur anchal ka bhi..Yeh story meri aur meri friend anchal ki hai.. Anchal aur main 6-7 years se friends hai maine kuch saal pehle usse indirect propose kia tha pr usne kuch saaf answer nhi kia… Pr tab bhi hum acha friends rahe..Woh mere ghar aati rehti thi books lene dene.. Jab bhi woh aati…Uff..Bahut mast bankar aati thi. Mujhe lagta tha ki woh bhi chahti thi mujhe. Hamesha sochta tha ki agar ghar pr kabhi koi na ho aur woh aaye toh maza hi aa...

1 year ago
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Steamy Intercourse With My Sultry School Teacher

Hey Friends. I’m Arun. I’m 19 years old. I’m here to share with you another encounter of mine with my school Teacher, Maya Iyer. She is 34 years old. She is super fair and looks so beautiful and charming. She has a regular body type with plump arms and no visible belly fat. She is the mother of a 7-year-old girl. We have been in an affair since August 2022. I also shared our first encounter with you through my story Since then, sex has been quite a regular affair between my teacher and...

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Saranya Aunty 8211 Part 1 My Tenant8217s Sexy Wife

Hello ISS readers. This is Arjun. This story is about how it all started with my hot neighbor aunty Saranya. You can read of my friend’s mom Shreya aunty, parts one and two, to understand why I am writing this story. It’s not a problem even if you don’t read that, you can enjoy this story to the fullest. I don’t like to exaggerate anything for the sake of my story. I am just telling whatever happened. It’s purely for my own satisfaction purpose. Just like a diary but on a public platform. So...

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Manya 1

The shrill morning alarm sent unruly bolts and waves into Manya’s body as she stirred, opened her deep eyes and cast a sleepy glance towards the place next to her. Her eyes met with the not so inspiring sight of her still snoring husband Desh, cuddled up like an insecure child, his breath carrying the odor of liquor and his chest heaving in monotonous regularity. The 36 year old housewife sighed and shifted her full frame slowly out of the bed to begin another day. Clad in a thin white blouse...

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Manya The Forbidden Lust IntensifiesChapter 10

The young girl lay on the bed, mashing her boobs as if they were grapes. For a girl of 18, she was very well built; was the envy of all her classmates and most of her teachers. The fact that this was an all girls college did not stop her from experiencing the joys of sex with boys. In fact, she was well known in the campus as a girl who would let just about anyone fuck her. This reputation was bolstered by the knowledge that just a few months ago she had given birth to a healthy bouncy baby...

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Manya The Forbidden Lust IntensifiesChapter 8

It did not take long for Tiger to recover, and his keen nose picked up the arousal of two bitches in the room. More than that, he picked up a delicious smell two feet from his nose on the floor where Manya had just been fucked just a short while ago. He reached over and start licking the ground to clean up any residual deposit and followed the smell to its source. Sana and Manya both stopped talking at this point and watched Tiger with their utmost attention and Sana, to her credit dropped...

1 year ago
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When Sukanya And Me Enjoyed Part 8211 3

Hi Friends, Sorry for bringing this part so late. Couldn’t pen down this experience. Whenever felt like writing this down, either some urgent work came up or couldn’t control my excitement. Please read the earlier parts before this one. I am Ansh, 26 living in Delhi. I am reachable at Feel free to ping me for suggestions, feedback and fun. Now coming back to the story. My friend Sukanya was lying on the floor and her hands and legs were tied. She was down to her panty and bra and was...

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Dhanya8217s Diary Chapter 8 Turning A School Trip Into A Blowbang

Dhanya looked at the room in the resort. It was of a decent size, with a couch, a table, and a queen-sized bed. “No wonder these guys chose this room,” she thought. She sat on the couch. Thomas and Ajit sat on either side of her, Sameer brought the plastic cups from Akhil’s bag. Rohit sat on the floor opposite the couch looking at his teacher. Dhanya was wearing a knee-length skirt, a jacket which was zipped up halfway through. Akhil poured everyone a glass, without adding water. Thomas, Akhil,...

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Virgin Lavanya Turned Into A Slut

Dear friends, this is Nalini (changed) with my new story of my college friend Lavanya, and thanks for your comments on my previous stories, and please don’t forget to comment on ISS too, and male readers stop asking about my personal details and don’t invite me on hangouts.Girls and Ladies can mail me at I am a newly married housewife aged 26 years with a 34B-26-36, enjoying and satisfied with my husband’s love making in bed, but still yearn for a feminine body touch which I am missing from...

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Manya The Forbidden Lust IntensifiesChapter 7

Binu woke up to the most heavenly sight in the world; his mother's tits a hair's breadth away from his lips. It took him not even a second to swing into action and he pulled his mother on the bed, rolling over on top of her. His hot and hard cock came into contact with her belly and the contact was electric, sending sensations she had been craving for days. The contact of her son's cock with her body was more electrifying than all the fuckings she had received. That did not mean that she...

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The Golden Shower Virgin Part 2 Anyas Bottom

By RayneDor When I Anya discovered she enjoyed peeing on me as much I enjoyed being peed on it didn’t exactly mean that the flood-gates were open for me (so to speak). In fact, Anya took pleasure in doling out that particular favor only at odd, seemingly random times. As with the rest of our sex-life, she is always the one who decides when, where and how we will play, and making me wait for something is clearly part of the excitement for her. When Anya wants sex she will frequently announce the...

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Cuckold Husband Introduced Milky Wife Ananya

Hi all Indian sex story readers, this is Madhan here with a story of a cuckold husband. First of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for . I am a story writer with many stories published. About Me: I am a Madhan of 28 years of age, 6″ tall, south Indian complexion, broad shoulder, and a normal body with skills of tasting a body erotically. I belong to one of the cleanest cities in India, Mysuru, but currently working in Bangalore (which has all...

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Dhanya8217s Diary Chapter 7 A Trip With Her Students

Dhanya lay in bed, wide awake, the digital clock on the table on the left side of her bed read 2:20 am. In a matter of hours, she would have to reach the school campus. It was the time of the year when the junior college students were to be taken for their final year school trip. She knew it would a headache, especially with the students who were repeating the junior year. But she knew it would be her responsibility and the principal trusted her. “I might as well get this done with,” she...

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Manya The Forbidden Lust IntensifiesChapter 12

If there was one person in the world who knew how to fuck Manya, it was Deen. Even though Deen had never fucked her, or any other woman for that matter, he knew perfectly well what his mother needed. Gone was the woman who loved romantic lovemaking. She was replaced by a perpetual bitch in heat. Gone was the woman who liked to have her body worshipped when being made love to. She was replaced by a whore who liked to be fucked hard and fast, treated like a ragdoll. Getting bolder by the...

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Manya The Forbidden Lust IntensifiesChapter 13

After getting her morning charge by getting fucked by the milkman and the paper-delivery boy, Manya sipped her cum-filled tea seated across the table from Deen. Deen had obliged to put the icing on the tea by masturbating in it and then watching her drink it. Of course Manya was naked, and she sat with her legs wide open giving Deen a clear unobstructed view of her shaved pussy. Sitting across from his mother, Deen sipped his morning milk wondering how he could establish more control over her...

1 year ago
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Ananya Made Me Forget Preeti Pranitha

Hey guys,I’m viraj here.First I need to thank all the readers for liking all my previous stories.But the number of feedbacks I’ve received are less in number.If you give your feedback to us it’ll be good for us to know and write in a better way.I hope I’ll receive a good number of feedbacks this time.Your privacy will always be safe.Mail me @ Hot girls and sexy aunties from andhra & telangana can mail me for a sexy chat or more.So now let’s head back to the story… As many people know that I...

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Dhanya8217s Diary Chapter 6 Extra Class For The Horny Student

“Ma’am, is this the paper you are looking for?” Kiran exclaimed holding up a letterhead. Dhanya was barely listening. She had Tony’s hands on her breasts, He held her right nipple between his thumb and index finger. The bliss she was experiencing was exhilarating as she slowly started losing a sense of her surroundings. “Ma’am, is this the paper?” Kiran repeated the question. Dhanya turned around disinterestedly and in a feeble voice, she replied, “Yes, Kiran, that is the document I was...

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Dhanya8217s Diary Chapter 5 Work Place Shenanigans

“Who is playing that song this early in the morning??”, Dhanya muttered to herself, trying to cover her ears with her pillow. The song kept playing away, battering her semi-conscious mind. “Oh crap!! That song is my alarm!”, she woke up startled, took the vibrating phone in her hand. It took her a moment to realize that it was the first day of her vacation. Ten gruelling months of rigorous teaching, correcting exam papers and internals and dealing with the lazy students had made her mind used...

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An Afternoon With The Angel Ananya

Staring with me, I am from Chennai. 21 years of age and with brown skin, 5’9’ in height and a 5.5 inch thick cock. I will narrate about how I met to girl how it lead to sex.Let me get into the story with a short intro. After completing my bachelors I had a few days off. I planned not to waste my time and thus decided to join an internship. I decided to move to Chennai and there I joined a company for the internship. I had a great time working in office. Days went by and 4th day of office got...

1 year ago
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Lavanya Blowjob Practice

Hello, sex story readers. This is the true sex story. As Lavanya changed out of her office clothes, she wondered if she would be able to go through with her plan. Outside her bedroom, in the living room, Ajay waited for her to return. He was as conflicted about what was about to happen as Lavanya. He couldn’t believe that he was here to get a blowjob from his best friend’s wife. He had known that Lavanya’s marriage to his friend wasn’t going well. From the heady days just after the marriage...

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Screwed My Cousin Lavanya After Her Engagement

Hi to all iss readers. This is my first story hope you all will forgive my mistakes. Being an iss reader since many years….  I always waited for an experience as i read in the stories. I am Madhu from Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh and now i am staying in Hyderabad. I am good-looking guy with athletic body. Coming to my cousin…. Her name is Lavanya, she is a prefect structured girl with 36-28-36. She is 3 years elder to me. This incident happened in august 2013. I went to my granny’s village after...

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Lustful Desires 8211 Part 2 Dhanya Prajwal8217s secret

Hi, I would like to share this story to tell the incidents with a pinch of erotism in some, sometimes more of it confined. In turn, this story will take some time to unfold, unlike other fiction stories. Where people get into action in the next minute, I have planned many parts of this series. Please don’t mind if the contents are less or sometimes more. The story A girl was sitting opposite me at the party, and I soon realised it was my ex-girlfriend Aarti. Priya came and sat next to her,...

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Saranya Aunty 8211 Part 2 Fucking The Tenant8217s Wife

Hello ISS readers.Welcome to the story. This is the continuation of a story named Saranya aunty. Read and enjoy. She dropped her robe on the floor and sat on the sofa with her sexy legs crossed. She is in her skimpy nightgown which covered till her thighs. It had thin straps and gave a good view of her big boobs cleavage. She was looking at me straight into my eyes. I felt nervous as it was my first time and was unable to look into her eyes. I was looking at her thick thighs and semi-naked...

4 years ago
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Rohan And ManyaTale Of Incest

Manya was standing near the mirror. From there, it looked quite young-looking, 30ish, although in real life she had lived for 38 years, is quite an attractive woman with a mane of jet-black hair, a little below the shoulders. At such a seductive body was wearing a semi-transparent nightgown, which is more emphasized than concealed charms figure. Heavy, 3 gauge chest so nice bit of cleavage bursting peignoir, and through the transparent fabric shone invitingly triangle black, curly hairs. Were...

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Manya The Forbidden Lust IntensifiesChapter 11

Tanya settled into the house just fine. She decided to be a little different from her "sister" in the way she acted around people. Where Manya was calm, confident and fully aware of her effect on others, Tanya acted as if naive, gullible and totally oblivious of her effect on others. The two had talked about it and decided it was a nice approach to take for Tanya, seeing as how no one knew her this would provide an opportunity for her to get the maximum fucking possible. If there were any...

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Dhanya8217s Diary Chapter 4 Mallu Girl8217s Train Sexcapade Gets Hotter

“Are you fuckers done?” Her soft sweet voice stunned both the men on either side. They felt a chill run down down their spine. The momentary silence made their heartbeats feel as if it was being played on loudspeakers. In what felt like an eternity, Rajesh and Arun stared at each other. They did not dare to look up. They sat there, between the seats, scared, worried, with sweat running down their face. Rajesh could feel his hands trembling, he took his hands off his sexy co-passenger’s exposed...

2 years ago
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PalimpsestChapter 5 Intercourses

While Joe spent his Sunday normally, jogging a couple miles, showering, working on law, Mary and Roger spent it getting to know each other intimately. After her roommate and his brother left, Mary finished the bloody Mary which proved a curative. Roger showered and Mary had one after. They cleaned themselves thoroughly, Roger removing the growing stubble on his face and detritus between his teeth. Swiping her hand across his towel covered groin as she passed him in the hallway, Mary said,...

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First Time With My Virgin Crush Ananya

Hi, this is Rahul (name changed) from Bangalore. I am 21 and doing my engineering. Let’s not waste time and get into the story straight away. As this is my first sex story, please spare me if there are any mistakes. We all have had crushes in school – the small ones and the huge ones (which stay for a long time). During 12th standard, I also had a crush on a girl named Ananya (name changed). She had fat at the right places and she was very hot! We were classmates and we used to talk sometimes...

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Ananya Gives Two Blowjobs For One Job

It was a night before the wedding of my friend’s daughter. That’s where I saw her. Ananya was wearing a golden yellow and green color mixed lehnga. Only a thin strap was going from the right to the left on her back and the remaining areas were left open for everybody to see. I loved her straight brown hairs, curled in the end and pulled out to the front so that people can see her almost naked back clearly. She was teasing every man in the wedding hall. She was beautiful but her lean body and...

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“Oh Amy, my love!! The show is begun!” I hurried to run a brush thru my hair, I hit a snag and cursed. I, like many others, love my long wavy hair, but maintenance is not its main asset. “You are going to miss out on all the fun!!” I picked up my favorite lipstick, but pictured having to go to a restaurant with a horrible red rush job and said screw it, leaving it on the counter. “Hurry, hurry, hurry, mascara on one eye, no rouge, hurry, hurry, hurry,” my satanic boyfriend, Dan, chanted. I...

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The Draftee Anyas Story

Kyle dug his feet into the soft earth, crested the hill and slid down the other side on his rear. At the bottom of the slope was a stream with maybe three inches of water, but it was enough. Kyle first jumped across and ran a few feet through the bushes. Then he turned around and quickly backtracked to the stream and jumped in with both feet. Uncaring of the noise he made, Kyle ran full boar down stream, hoping his scout master was right when he'd shown the troop how to make an animal...

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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 19 Real Problems

September 1980, Milford, Ohio At school on Monday, Erin came to find me at my locker. “You didn’t ask me out, Steve!” “I’m sorry,” I said, closing my locker. “I’ve been really busy. But we could go out for dinner and ice cream on Tuesday or Thursday?” “Thursday is fine! I do have to be home by 9:00pm.” “I’ll pick you up around 5:00pm.” In Miss Barkhurst’s class, we had our first dissection — earthworms. I got a kick out of who had problems with handling them and who didn’t. The funniest...

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